2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Page created by Lisa Steele
2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Table of Contents

Section 1: Illinois Competitive Summary
Illinois Competitive Summary ……………………………………………... 4

Section 2: Illinois State Committee and Board Members
State Committee Members …………………………………………………. 5
Illinois NAWGJ Board ……………………………………………………... 6

Section 3: Election Procedures, Meetings, Hotline, Newletters
Election Procedures …………………………………………………………. 7
Committee Meeting Dates …………………………………………………..10
Illinois State Hotline ………………………………………………………..10
Illinois Committee Newsletters …………………………………………….11

Section 4: State Congress, Training Camps, Banquet
State Congress ……………………………………………………………...11
State Training Camps ………………………………………………………11
Senior Recognition Dinner & Awards Banquet ……………………………12

Section 5: Safety Certification, Petition Outside USAG System,
           Special Olympics, Mandate Scores, Event Specialists
Safety Certification ………………………………………………………...12
Special Olympics …………………………………………………………..12
Petition for Gymnast Outside USAG System ……………………………...13
Mandate Scores …………………………………………………………….13
Event Specialists ……………………………………………………………13

Section 6: Meet Scheduling, Request for Judges, Judging Panels
Illinois Meet Scheduling …………………………………………………...14
Request for Judge’s ………………………………………………………...15

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Meet Directors Information Letter from Judges …………………………...15
Judging Panels ……………………………………………………………..16
Illinois Competition Information Entry Requirements …………………….17
Illinois Injury Petition Procedures ………………………………………….18

Section 7: Judges Selection Procedures
Judges Selection Procedures: Nationals, Regional & State ………………..19

Section 8: Xcel State Rules & Policies
Illinois State Xcel Rules & Policies ………………………………………..20

Section 9: Region 5
Region 5 Elected Committee Members …………………………………….21
Region 5 Appointed Committee Members ………………………………….22
Region 5 Website ……………………………………………………………23
Region 5 States Websites ……………………………………………………23

Section 10: Parents Guide to Competition
General Guide to Competition For Parents …………………………………24

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
                  Qualifying Score US-     Last Day to Qualify
                                                                                               Entry Deadline
     Level        AG Sanctioned Meet         & Out of State             State Meet
                                                                                             (Submitted Online)
                   with 2 Judge Panel      Scores Submitted
                                                                                           $75.00 Discount Fee on
                                                                                             or before 2/17/2014,
                                                                     March 7-9, 2014
    Level 3              33.00 AA           February 16, 2014                                $100.00 on or before
                                                                                            2/19/2014, $125 After
                                                                                           $75.00 Discount Fee on
                                                                                             or before 2/24/2014,
                                                                    March 14-16, 2014
    4 State              33.00 AA           February 23, 2014                                $100.00 on or before
                                                                        Gym Etc.
                                                                                            2/26/2014, $125 After

                                                                                          Level 5 $75.00 Discount
                                                                                              Fee on or before
                                                                                           3/17/2014, $100.00 on
                                                                                            or before 3/19/2014,
                                                                                            $125 After 3/19/2014
                    33.00 AA Level 5
  5 State &                                                                               Xcel $65.00 (silver, gold)
                      32.00AA Xcel            March 16, 2014          April 4-6, 2014
  X-cel State                                                                             on or before 3/17. 2014
                   8.25 Specialist Xcel
                                                                                           After 3/17/2014 $90.00
                                                                                             (Platium Diamond)
                                                                                             $75.00 on or before
                                                                                          3/17/2014 $100.00 after

                                                                                           $75.00 Discount Fee on
                                                                                             or before 3/10/2014,
                     34.50 AA Level 6                               March 28-30, 2014
   6-7 State                                   March 9, 2014                                 $100.00 on or before
                     34.50 AA Level 7                                   Energym
                                                                                            3/12/2014, $125 After

                                                                                        $75.00 Discount Fee on
                    33.00 AA Level 8                                                      or before 3/3/2014,
                                                                    March 21-23, 2014
  8-9-10 State     32.00 AA Level 9-10         March 2, 2014                             $100.00 on or before
                                                                   Gymnastics X-Calibur
                        8.75 IES                                                         3/5/2014, $125 After

                                                                    April 25-27, 2014       Due at the State Meet
  8 Regional        34.00 AA at State
                                                                   Gymnastics X-Calibur      Bring a Club Check

                                                                                            Due at the State Meet
9-10 Regional       34.00 AA at State                                April 11-13, 2014
                                                                                             Bring a Club Check

                                                                                            Due at Regional Bring
   9 Eastern                                                          May 1-4, 2014
                                                                                                Club Check

                                                                                            Due at Regional Bring
10 JO National                                                        May 8-11, 2014
                                                                                                Club Check

* The last qualifying date for each level is also the last date to submit out of state scores. Scores must be faxed
or emailed to the Level Chair, JO Chair,and State Chair. The Club is financially responsible for all gymnasts on the
state entry form.
2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
                                    ELECTED (VOTING) POSITIONS
 STATE CHAIRMAN                  J.O. CHAIRMAN                           ELITE /TOPS CHAIRMAN
                                 Cyndi Zimmerman                         Todd Gardiner
 Norbert Bendixen
                                 1167 Milburn Ct.                        145 Plaza Drive
 426 Midway
                                 Naperville, IL 60540                    Westmont, IL 60559
 Mundelein, IL 60060
                                 (630) 355-1779                          (630) 325-3333
 (847) 334-7768
                                 (630) 544-6378 Fax                      (630) 325-1992 Fax
 (847) 949-6241 Fax
                                 E-mail: gymmom4@aol.com                 E-mail: ToddIGI@aol.com
 E-mail: NorbertIL@aol.com
                                Term Expires 6/2015                      Term Expires 6/2014
 Term Expires 6/2014
 LEVEL 9-10 CHAIRMAN             LEVEL 8 CHAIRMAN                        LEVEL 6/7 CHAIRMAN / XCEL

 Shane Sanders                   Sari Engle                              Steve Cacchione
 1018 Tri State Parkway          Bull Lane                               1880 Circuit Dr.
 Gurnee, IL 60031                Gardner IL 60424                        Round Lake Beach, IL 60073

 (847) 201-7913                  (815) 634-8693
 (847) 856-1484 Fax                                                       (847)366-8841 (cell)
                                 (815) 237-2898 Fax                       (847)201-1564 Fax
 E-mail: shane@ultigym.com       Email: sari@krausonline.com
 Term Expires 6/2015                                                     E-mail: USACUBS@aol.com
                                 Term Expires 6/14                       Term Expires 6/2015
 LEVEL 5 CHAIRMAN                LEVEL 4 CHAIRMAN                        LEVEL 3 CHAIRMAN

 Andrew Morreale                  Judy Redmond                           Cindy Morano
 1715 Dekalb Ave                  810 White Oak Lane.                    6511 W. 59th St
 Sycamore, Il 60178               University Park, IL 60484              Chicago, IL 60638
                                 (708) 755-2261
 (815) 899-6424                  (708) 756-7950 Fax
 (815) 899-6429 Fax                                                       (773) 586-1384
                                 E-mail: gainers.1_1@netzero.net         E-mail: cindymorano@hotmail.com
 E-mail: MRENERGYM@aol.com       Term Expires 6/ 2015
 Term Expires 6/2014                                                     Term Expires 6/2014
 SECRETARY                       SAFETY CHAIRMAN

 Kathie Gebhardt                 Don McPherson
 1213 Hillside                   1516 Brook Dr.
 McHenry, IL 60051               Downers Grove, IL 60515

 (815) 814-0855                  (630) 495-0150 Gym
                                 (630) 495-8710 Fax

Email: gymjudge59@aol.com        E-Mail: DonaldMc@msn.com
Term Expires 6/2014              Term Expires 6/2015

                                ADVISORY (NON-VOTING) POSITIONS

 Linda McDonald                  Terry Theobald
 2752 Shelly Lane                250 Wood Street
 Aurora IL 60504                 Palatine, IL 60067-5358

 (630) 773-562-9667              (847) 705-5123 ext.253 Gym
 (630) 236-6157 Fax              (847) 699-1187 Home & Fax, Call first

 E-mail: lindasjd@ilnawgj.com    E Mail: TTheobald@aol.com
                                 Term Expires 6/2014

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

                          Illinois NAWGJ Board Members

   State Judging Director/AAU Assigner          Treasurer
   Linda McDonald                               Sue Woloszyk
   (630) 236-6157                               (630) 301-1108
   lindailsjd@gmail.com                         wolo415@att.net

   Administrative Assistant                     Education
   Kathy Krebs                                  Deb Tritt
   (708) 624-6590                               (630) 717- 9616
   kmkrebs@comcast.net                          DebTritt@comcast.net

   North Assigner                               South Assigner
   Mary Lou Ackman                              Christi Kearns
   (630) 487-0586                               (618) 203-0789
   mlouackman@yahoo.com                         sigachristi@yahoo.com

   Judges Cup                                   Webmaster
   Brooke Bennett                               Heather Forbes
   (309) 787-3779                               (224) 595-3455
   wannahavefun61201@sbcglobal.net              h_forbes@hotmail.com

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Election Procedures Illinois USA Gymnastics Committee
The election of the USA Gymnastics Illinois State Committee members is done on a staggered year system in
May of every year. Each elected member:

        A. Serves for a two-year term
        B. Has 1 vote
        C. Must be nominated (must first five permission to be nominated)

The election of the Committee will follow the format below:

        Even Years                        Odd Years

        2014, 2016, 2018                   2015, 2017, 2019
        State Chairman                    Junior Olympic Chairman
        Level 8 Chairman                  Level 9, 10 Chairman
        Level 5 Chairman                  Level 6, 7 Chairman
        Level 3 Chairman                  Level 4 Chairman
        Secretary                         Safety

Nomination requests will be posted online in March. Any nomination form not filed out completely will be dis-
qualified. Please make sure the EVERY piece of information is filled out so that the nomination will be valid. If
only one person is nominated for a particular position, the State Chairman will cast the deciding vote on the
person nominated.

Both the person doing the nominating and person that is nominated will receive communication from the Elec-
tion Chairman after receipt of Nomination.

Election will be held on line for all professional members that are registered with the USAG as of May 1st. The
election ballot will be removed from on line at 10:00 PM of the last day to vote. The only people who see the
ballots is the Election Commission Committee. The Election Commission Committee consists of the Chairman
(Non USA Gymnastics), The Election Commissioner (USA Gymnastics member) and the Election Commission
Member (knowledge of usa gymnastics) These are appointed positions

Appointed committee positions are non-voting. The serve the committee in an advisory capacity for a period of
one year, after which time they can be re-appointed on a yearly basis.

JO Chairman’s Requirements and Responsibilities

1) Complete knowledge of both Illinois and USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies.
2) Able to make decisions in the best interest of the entire USA Gymnastics program, regardless of their per-
   sonal interests and affiliations.
3) Over-see the Level Chairs, in the planning of their State Series meets.
4) Track the awards required at each level.
   A. Order awards
   B. Distribute awards to Meet Directors
   C. Keep track of Financials relating to the Awards
   D. Be present and able to assist as the State Series meets
   E. If Level has a regional meet
      i) Help in making sure the Regional personnel are up to date with all information needed
      Ii) Be at the meet if possible to help in the distribution of the State Gift
5) Gather Senior information and order plaques
6) Regional Leotard distribution

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
7) Responsible for Website and Scoretracker
8) Access to Pentium computer
    A. Must have Microsoft Office— since most of the communications that are sent between the state
       Committee are in that format
9) A secure email address
10) A Fax machine that is confidential
11) Able to attend all Committee meetings, of which there are usually 3 or 4 a year. Meetings typically occur at
    most major gymnastics events (State Meet, State Congress, Regional Congress) etc
12) To exercise the understanding that this position has many areas of confidentiality
13) Must have help a Prior committee Position
14) Be a member in good standing of USA Gymnastics

Level Chairman’s Requirements and Responsibilities

1) Be a member in good standing of USA Gymnastics
2) Knowledge of both Illinois and USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
3) Able to make decisions in the best interest of the entire USA Gymnastics program, regardless of their per-
    sonal interests and affiliations
4) Be the State Chairperson for their particular level
5) Track athletes “in” and “out” of their specific level
6) Must be present and assist in the State Meet Series
7) A. Work with the Meet Director to ensure that the meet run according to all of the rules that apply
    B. Establish age groups for level
8) Level 8/9/10
    A. Keep the Regional and National personnel updated with all necessary information
    B. Be present at the Regional Meet, if possible, to distribute the state gift
9) Help with the State Banquet, State Congress and State Training Camps
10) Have access to a computer
    A. Must have Microsoft Office since most of the communications that are sent between the State
        Committee is sent in that format
11) Have a secure email address
12) Have a fax machine that is confidential
13) Able to attend all Committee meeting, of which there are usually 3 to 4 a year. These meeting generally
occur at most major gymnastics events (State Meet, State Congress, Regional Congress) etc
14) Understand that this position has the responsibility of confidentiality

Safety Chairman’s Responsibilities

1) Knowledge of both Illinois and USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
2) Able to make decisions for the good of the entire USAG program and to be able to differentiate between
   that and their own interests
3) Recognized by the National Office as person that understands, educated, represents the utmost in Safety
4) Has a working understanding of all levels of Safety implementation from knowledge of the court systems,
   meet safety, gym safety, etc.
5) Help with the State Banquet, State Congress and State Training Camps
6) Have access to computer
   A. Must have Microsoft Office—since most of the communications that are sent between the State
       Committee are in that format
7) A secure email address
8) A fax machine that is confidential
9) Ability to attend all Committee meetings usually 3-4 a year & at most major gymnastics event (State meet,

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
    State Congress, Regional Congress) etc
10) The understanding that this position has an area of confidentiality
11) Must have held a Prior Committee Position

Secretary’s Requirements and Responsibilities

1) Knowledge of both Illinois and USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
2) Able to make decisions in the best interest of the entire USA Gymnastics program, regardless of their per-
    sonal interests and affiliations
3) Keeper of the State Records, Agendas, Newsletter, Minutes of meetings
4) Designs & Prints State Certificates. Then sends to Level Chairs for distribution
5) Access to computer
    A. Must have Microsoft office since most of the communications that are sent between the State
        Committee are in that format
6) Help with the State Banquet, State Congress and State Training Camps
7) A Fax machine that is confidential
8) Able to attend all Committee meetings, of which there are usually 3-4 a year. Meetings typically occur at
    most major gymnastics events (State Meet, State Congress, Regional Congress) etc.
9) To exercise the understanding that this position has many areas of confidentiality
10) Prior Committee Position is strongly suggested
11) A member in good standing of USA Gymnastics

Elite Chairman’s Requirements and Responsibilities

1)  Be a member in good standing of USA Gymnastics
2)  Keep state up to date on the Elite & Tops Programs in Illinois
3)  Have a working knowledge of the overall Elite program
4)  Knowledge of both Illinois and USAG Rules & Policies
5)  Have access to computer with Microsoft Office since most communications are sent in this format
6)  Have a secure email address
7)  Help with the State Banquet, State Congress and State Training Camps
8)  Have a Fax machine that is confidential
9)  Be able to attend all Committee meetings usually 3-4 annually, held at most major gymnastics events
    (State meet, State Congress, Regional Congress) etc.
10) Understand that this position has the responsibility of confidentiality
11) Able to make decisions in the best interest of the entire USA Gymnastics program, regardless of their per-
    sonal interests and affiliations

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Committee Meeting Dates
The Illinois State Committee will meet 2 to 3 meetings per year. Please refer to the state calendar for more details and
                   Please get involved! State Committee meetings are open unless otherwise stated.

         W          e NEED your input.

Illinois State Hotline
Members are encouraged ton contact the appropriate Committee member to discuss any questions, concerns, or problems
that arise. Professional members are strongly advised against contacting Regional or national Officers with matters that
can be resolved within the State. Please refer to the “Communication flow chart” below.

Professional members may contact the appropriate Level Chairperson, Safety Chairman, Elite Chairman, NAWGJ Chair-
man, or Secretary. If the Level Chairman cannot answer your question, he or she will contact the JO Chairman, If the JO
Chairman cannot assist you, she/he will in turn contact the State Chairman.

                                              Professional Members

                                                                   Secretary                 Election Commissioner
    Level Chairs: 4, 5,
       6, 7, 8, 9/10
                                Elite Chair             NAWGJ                  Education Chair

        J.O Chair

                                                       State Chairman

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Illinois Committee Website/Newsletter (See website for the most up-to-date information.)
The Illinois Online Website/Newsletter is produced for your enlightenment. It contains very important information and is
the most expedient and effective way the State Committee can communicate with the professional member. Please read
and refer back to them easily and often.

The Electronic newsletter is published quarterly, however if there is essential , all-important news, we will post on the
website under News.

The Illinois State Committee Secretary is our Newsletter Editor. We encourage contributions to the Newsletter.

Please send your ideas to The Illinois USAG State Chairman (listed above in Committee) by email.

We do not accept classified ads or requests for coaches in the Illinois USAG Newsletter, as we believe this to be a conflict
of interest.

State Congress
At the State Congress we will offer according to interest:
Specific education for the following disciplines:
          Pre        -School
          Pre-co         mpetitive
          Beg         inning competitive
          Cheerleadi         ng
          Spo         rt Psychology
                  Round table discussion on various topics

State Training Camp (Illinois will not be offering a training camp 2013-14)
Purpose of Illinois USA Gymnastics Camps and Clinics

Level 3-5 (Compulsory) Training Camp
Level 6-7 (Optional) Training Camp

Training Camps Mission Statement: to use our Illinois resources and coaches to provide an inexpensive training environ-
ment for out Illinois gymnasts using all the latest training techniques.

Gyms are encouraged to bring as many gymnasts as they wish, space permitting.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Senior Recognition Dinner & Awards Banquet
Each year we host an Awards Banquet to honor our Seniors and the athletes from our state for their accomplishments that
year. Other disciplines of our sport are welcome and encouraged to participate, If they wish to join us.

Our invited guests, for which there is no charge, include:
         All High School SENIORS Athletes from all levels
         Illinois Elite Athletes
         JO National Qualifiers
         Eastern Level 9 Qualifiers
         TOPS National A Team Members
         State and Regional All-Around Champions
         1 coach for the above honored athletes
         Life Time Achievement Award recipients for Coaches and/or Gym Administrators

Those also invited to attend, for which a banquet fee will be charged, include:
        Coaches of athletes
        Illinois Professional Members
        Life Time Achievement Award guest
        Family members & Guests

Safety Certification
All Pro-members, meet directors and Instructor Members, in the competitive area, must be Safety Certified and Back-
ground Check.

Please visit the National Website to verify information on the requirements, fees, and procedures relating
         to Safety Certification and Background Check

For those taking the Online Safety Course:
Sign up through USA Gymnastics to take this test online

For those taking a Face-to-face live Safety Course, These are offered at Regional and National Congress.

All Pro-members that are planning on coaching on the competitive gym floor MUST have taken the USA Gymnastics
Education U100 online course.

Special Olympics
There are a few clubs in this state that have in-house programs teaching gymnastics through special agencies. If you are
interested in possibly starting a program that works with these very special people, please call one of the clubs below, they
would be happy to help you. You can also call the Illinois Special Olympics in Bloomington.
Regional Meets are announced per Special Regions and the State meet is held the 3rd Friday and Saturday of June at Illi-
nois State University.
                                                                Gymnastics Spot

Chicago Park District                                             Palmers Gymnastics & Dance

EGGS                                                              Palatine Park District

GymNasti                                                          World Class Gymnastics

Oak Park Park District                                 Oak            Lawn Park District

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Petition for Gymnasts outside the USAG System
Please follow the procedures listed in the Nation R&P, including, sending, the information to the people listed below.

         Supporting Results and Materials

         Video/U-Tube Link ( should include gymnast performing the routine of the level she is petitioning to)

         Illinois form (found in this Il R&P)

Please make sure to send to the following:

         State Chairman

         Illinois Junior Olympic Chairman

         Appropriate Level Chair (for the level the gymnast is petitioning to)

Mandate Scores
In the State of Illinois, we do not have mandate scores. A gymnast is not required to move to another level when she has
reached a certain score. The National Office will not support mandate scores because a gymnast should not be forced to
compete at a Level for which she is not ready. There have been and will be times when the questions regarding the need
for Mandate Scores will arise, but this simply is not an option.

Event Specialists
A Event Specialist may use Event Component Score from an All Around score in any Qualifying meet.
Must be stated on the State Entry Form which events.

In Illinois an even specialist for level 8, 9, 10 must score an 8.75 at a sanctioned meet to qualify to the State meet.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Illinois Meet Scheduling
All clubs wishing to host competitions must submit a list of meets following the schedule below.

The following procedure will be followed. Until Phase Three only 1 meet per Club will be awarded.

Each meet must include the Date, Level (s), Number of Sessions, and Number of Judges requested. We will only schedule
enough meets that will book 80% of the available judges.

Phase 1
          Meets that have:
                  1st meets that where on last years calendar same weekend
                  Out and In of gym facility
                  These meets dates are due to the state office (check website for date)
                  A tentative calendar will be produced and posted on the Illinois Website .
                  Please keep your eye on the Website to see if there are changes to the calendar as to avoid
                  conflicts in meet date due to area and in sufficient number of judges available.
                  These meets are assigned in order of how long at the same weekend. Weekends are starting Saturday.

Phase 2
          Meets that have:
                  Clubs qualified for Phase one but are changing dates.
                  These meets are due to the state office TBA on website

Phase 3
          Any club that does not have a meet on the calendar:
                  These meets dates are due to the state office TBA on website
                  A tentative calendar will be produced and posted on the Illinois Website daily as we receive.
                  Please keep your eye on the Website to see if there are changes to the calendar as to avoid
                  conflicts in meet date due to area and in the sufficient number of judges available.

Phase 4
          All other meets.

All clubs, that had meets placed on the Official Calendar must then request judges (the form posted on the web        site

          The judging requests must then send check to judges assigner.

          Judges request is due 2 weeks following the Meet Scheduling Phase.

          All meets that have not been requested and paid for by 2 weeks after there Phase will be dropped from the
          “Official Calendar”

Why this procedure?

The last few years the Assignors have had great difficulty assigning meets that came in after the Scheduling Meeting.
Therefore, the meets on the Official Calendar will be assigned judges first. Then, all other meets may receive judges. We
are not excluding meets that may be added to the Schedule at a later date, but simply assuring that judges are available to
those that followed the new procedure.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Norbert and the Illinois State Committee

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Requests for Judge’s
1) Complete the Request for Judges Form onlinr. Send check for $3 per judge requested to
   IL-NAWGJ to the appropriate assignor.

     North Assignor
     Mary Lou Ackman 1939 Butler Drive, Bartlett, Il 60103, (630) 497-0586, mlouackman@yahoo.com

     South Assignor
     Christi Kearns 404 Bainbridge Marion IL 62959 (618) 203-0789, sigachristi@yahoo.com

2) Cancellations must be made at least 7 days prior to the meet. Late cancellations will result in the meet
   director paying each contracted official one session fee plus non-refundable expenses. Officials who fail to
   show up to a meet will be responsible for paying the meet director a one-session fee plus non-refundable

                           2013-2014 Meet Directors’ Information Letter

Welcome to the 2013-2014 Meet Season. Please read all instructions below for requesting judges for this season’s
meets. You will need to enter your meet(s) into the assigning system as soon as your meet is approved by the USAG
Board and part of the official calendar. Please make sure this process is completed along with any changes to your profile
two weeks from when you are notified by Cyndi Zimmerman that your meet is approved. If this process is not completed
you will lose your meet weekend and be dropped off the calendar. The assigners will start their assigning process in early
fall. If you are no longer the meet director, will you PLEASE contact your assigner and let them know or forward this
email to the new meet director! Thank you.

Christi Kearns, South                Mary Lou Ackman, North           Linda McDonald AAU
404 Brainbridge Rd                   1939 Butler Drive                         2752 Shelly Lane
Marion, IL 62959           Bartlett, IL 60103                         Aurora, IL 60504
618-203-0789 Hm                      630-497-0586 Hm                  6         30-236-6157 Hm
618-203-0789 cell                    630-606-1482 cell                7         73-562-9667 cell
sigachristi@yahoo.com      mlouackman@yahoo.com             lindailsjd@gmail.com


Go online and enter: http://contracts.meetcontrol.biz/

   Your login is your USAG#
   If you do not have a password from last year, please contact your assigner. Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE!!!!
   If your login and password do not work, please contact your assigner
   When you enter the assigning site, go to the “Member” Section
   Click on Edit Profile

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

 Enter/Change ALL your information. When you hit save, if you have entered anything wrong, it will prompt you to
fix it. Dates should be entered YYYY-MM-DD (USE “-“ not “/”)
 Hit Save
 You can change your password at any time under “Change your Password”!
 Go to the “Meet Director” Section
 Click on “New Meet”
Enter all the information for your meet, the location is very important!
 After your name, please use the pull down arrow and select your club. If your club is not listed, please contact me.
 The days and levels of your meet should be correct on the USAG Calendar. If they are not, please use the “NOTES”
section and list what levels are on what days.
 Do not change the “Mail” pull down, keep it “director”.
 Please use the “NOTES” section for any other information you would like us to know about your meet, including
judge’s report times, themes/attire, etc., judge’s request must be listed in writing in the notes section.
 You can go into this section throughout the year, to change anything about your meet so the assigners can see it.
This process is in place of the “judge’s request form”, so if you sent us one, please do this process as well. We are

 NOT using Judge’s Request forms.
 Each judge you request is $3. If you request 8 judges for the weekend, it is $24..
 All judge’s fees are due two weeks after approval from Cyndi Zimmerman to the appropriate assigner. We are not
able to assign judges until we have received your judge’s fee.
Checks are to be made out to IL-NAWGJ and sent to your assigner. Addresses are listed above.

What Happens Next:

Your meet will be assigned judges and a meet referee. We will assign meets from October to the first week in January the
end of September. We will assign meets from the first week of January to the end of the competitive season at the end of
October/early November. AAU meets will be assigned after USAG meets are assigned.

         Your meet will be assigned a meet referee by the assigner. The meet referee will be in contact with you concern-
            ing the specifics of your meet, including confirmed report times, event assignments, travel/hotel needs, etc.

         The assigners will send you a list of the judges as soon as your meet is completely assigned.

If you encounter any problems with this new system, please email your questions to your assigner.

Judging Panels
Level 3’s, 4’s, 5’s are allowed to use a one-judge panel but the scores that the gymnasts to attain mobility but they cannot
be used to qualify for State Meets. A club may use a one-judge panel by following the procedures listed below.

         1.   Meet must be advertised in advance that one judge panel will be used.
         2.   All clubs attending must agree.
         3.   The Level chair must be made aware that a one judge panel will be used prior to meet.
         4.   A level 4/5 judge must have at least one year’s experience if used as 1 judge panel.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Illinois Competition Information Entry Requirements
Gymnast who enter a State Meet have determined their Level for that competitive year and may not drop back or compete
at the next level unless they re-qualify for the next level.

All gymnasts must qualify to state using a 2 judge per panel score

Out of State Scores—for State Meet Qualification and Mobility

Coaches are responsible for submitting out of state scores that are to be used for both mobility and/or state meet qualifica-

If scores are coming from out of state meets, please acquire a copy from meet director or if you are unable you must sup-
ply the following people with a copy of the score from the meet website for them to officially entered into the State Series

We are tracking all gymnasts for mobility, therefore scores must be provided in order for us to properly track the athletes.
If this is not done the athletes cannot be entered in the State Series for the level that they may have advanced to.

The deadline date for each level, will also be the last date for out of State scores. Scores are to submitted, email, to the
State Chairman, JO Chairman, and the Level Chair. No out of State score will be accepted after this time. Club is
financially responsible for all gymnasts on there state entry form.
          Send out-of-state score to the appropriate person in each of the following categories:

      State Chairman             J.O Chairman                 Level 9/10              Level 8

      Norbert Bendixen           Cyndi Zimmerman          Shane Sanders           Sari Engle

      NorbertIL@aol.com          gymmom4@aol.com shane@ultigym.com                 sari@krausonline.com

           Level 6/7                 Level 5                  Level 4                     Level 3

      Steve Cacchione            Andy Morreale            Judy Redmond                  Cindy Morano

      usacubs@aol.com            mrenergym@aol.com Gainers.1_1@netzero.net             cindymorano@hotmail.com

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Illinois Injury Petition Procedure
Petitions must be submitted online on the completed State Injury Petition Form, including all required information.

This packet must include: the State entry form, doctor’s note, and 1 qualifying meet score and must be email.

Please check the Nation R&P for further instructions. The following instructions are in addition to those listed in the Na-
tion R&P.

The following email address must receive a email copy of this packet depending on the level:

Look online under forms for the online petition form.

                              2013-2014 State Championships Petitions Email Addresses

                                                       Level 9-10

                                                         Level 8

                                                       Level 6-7

                                                         Level 5

                                                         Level 4

                                                         Level 3

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Judge Selection Procedure: Nationals, Regional, & State Championships
The ultimate responsibility of selecting judges lies with the USAG Committee (State & Regional) as per National R&P.

Illinois Judges Selection Procedures
Judges Selection meeting is a closed meeting, following the format listed below:

         The following procedure will be followed during the State Series Judge Selection for State Series Meet
         General Discussion regarding all State Series meets. Discussion includes philosophy, general judge infor-
            mation. The NAWGJ SJD is part of this process.

         State Discussion Level 9, 10 State Meet Recues those that are Eligible/Available
                  i. Vote using Blind Vote system
                       1. Judges and Spouses Eligible/Available will not be able to vote
                       2. Meet Referee and 2 alternate judges are determined along with 8 judges.
        c. State Discussion Level 8 State Meet Recues those that are Eligible/Available
                  i. Vote using Blind Vote system
                           1. Judges and Spouses Eligible/Available will not be able to vote
                           2. Meet Referee and 2 alternate judges are determined along with 8 judges.

        d. State Discussion Level 4 State Meet Recues those that are Eligible/Available
                 i. Vote using Blind Vote system
                          1. Judges and Spouses Eligible/Available will not be able to vote
                          2. Meet Referee and 2 alternate judges are determined along with 8 judges.

        e. State Discussion Level 5/Xcel State Meet Recues those that are Eligible/Available
                  i. Vote using Blind Vote system
                           1. Judges and Spouses Eligible/Available will not be able to vote
                           2. Meet Referee and 2 alternate judges are determined along with 8 judges.

        f. State Discussion Level 6,7 State Meet Recues those that are Eligible/Available
                  i. Vote using Blind Vote system
                           1. Judges and Spouses Eligible/Available will not be able to vote
                           2. Meet Referee and 2 alternate judges are determined along with 8 judges.

National / Regional Meet Judge
The Regional Committee determine our National and Regional Judges by reviewing the list submitted by our State Com-
mittee choices. Site of meet, experience, ratings, Regional Training Camp, Etc. as a basis for recommendations to both the
National and Regional Meets is used during the evaluation process. The top 2 from last year’s Regional list will be used
due to timetable.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Xcel Program

For the 2013 season only gymnasts may enter any level of xcel.

Rules and deductions are on the National website. Refer to the National site for information on
the excel program.

Xcel State Meet Procedures

   Must be judged by a two judge panel in order to scores to qualify to state..

   Judges must have a 7/8 rating in order to qualify to state.

   Qualifying score to go to state is 32 AA for all levels

   Enter fees for State: Silver and Gold levels $65.00 for Platinum and Diamond levels $75.00

   Xcel individual event specialist state qualifying event score is 8.25

   Individual and Team awards TBA

   May only enter one state meet.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Region 5 Elected Committee Members (Voting)

Regional Chairman (Non-Voting unless tie)        Regional Technical Chairman

David Stiles                                     Char Christensen, RTCC
105 Woodland Lane                                1260 Churchbell Way
Carmel, Indiana 46032                            Columbus, Ohio 43235

(317) 504-8281 cell                              (614) 668-8822 USAG
(317) 849-7744 gym                               (614) 486-7315 Fax

gymcoachdave1@gmail.com                          charchristensen@columbus.rr.com

Regional JO Chairman                             llinois State Chairman

Kittia Carpenter, JOCC                           Norbert Bendixen, SACC:IL
566 Mulberry Way N                               426 Midway
Westerville, Ohio 43082                          Mundelein, Illinois 60060

(614) 309-0858 Cell                              (847) 334-7768 Cell
(614) 895-1611 Work                              (847) 949-6241 Fax
(614) 895-7644 Fax

Indiana State Chairman                           Kentucky State Chairman

Linda Barclay, SACC:IN                           Vicki Smith, SACC: KY
7654 Fieldstone Court                            210 Price Creek Lane
Greenfield, IN 46140                             New Haven, Kentucky 40051

(317) 891-8260 Work                              (502) 460-0584
(317) 654-0845 Cell
(317) 891-8226 Fax                               Vicki.smith@bardstown.kyschools.us

                                                 Ohio State Chairman

Michigan State Chairman                          Nina Dent, SACC:OH
                                                 10808 Watkins Rd. S.W.
Tami Jacobs, MI: SACC                            Pataskala, Ohio 43062
2424 Van Ommen Dr
Holland, Michigan 49424                          (740) 927-8465   Home
                                                 (614) 292-1115   Work
(616) 318-6721 Cell                              (614) 316-6391   Cell
(616) 399-5608 Work                              (614) 688-4612   Fax
(616) 399-4614 Fax
tamijacobs@scglobal.net                          dent24@osu.edu

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Appointed Committee Members (Non-Voting)
Regional Secretary and Hall of Fame Coordinator

Augusta Lipsey

3705 Miller Rd.
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001

(269) 345-2456 Home
(269) 720-7937 Cell
(269) 381-4776 Fax


Regional Judging Director (Petitions)            Regional Xcel Coordinator

Hilary Carlson                                   Claudia Kretschmer

328 Briarwood Lane                               4611 Platt Road
Bloomingdale, Illinois 60108                     Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

(630) 351-9704 Home                              (734) 417-1451 Cell
(708) 707-7618 Cell                              (734) 971-1667 Gym
(224) 653-8673 Fax                               (734) 786-1401 Home

hilarycarlson@comcast.net                        claudiakretschmer@mac.com

Regional Training Camp Coordinator

Sandy Sabo

Youngstown Gymnastics Center LLC
5500 Market Street
Boardman, OH 44512

(330) 883-9695 Cell
(330) 782-5629 Gym
(330) 782-2617 Fax


2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Region 5 Website:

Go to the Region 5 website for the latest information on the following:

 Regional Training Camps

 All—Star Team Selection Criteria

 Regional Procedures for Injury / Illness Petitions for JO Meets

Website for Region 5 States





2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

A General Guide to Competition For Parents

Table of contents

         This booklet is a general guide for parents and gymnasts who are entering the USA Gymnastics
         Junior Olympic Program. The information contained here is meant to help make your competitive
         Experience a positive and rewarding one.

Meet Etiquette for gymnasts and Family

Before the Day of the Meet
Competitive Dress code
Stretch and Warm-up Sessions
Opening Ceremonies and Competitions
Competing is a Privilege
Receiving Awards in Public

Gymnastics Scoring guide for Spectators

A General Explanation

How does the Illinois State committee Arrive at the State Series Schedule

Other Useful Information

USAG Athlete Membership Number
Code Of Ethics
Rights and Obligations of Gymnasts
Explanation of the Junior Olympic Program
Mobility between Levels


Team Awards

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

So, You Made the Team

Meet Etiquette for gymnasts and Family Members

Before the Day of the Meet

Whether your meet is in your own facility of in another team’s gym, it is important that you and your athlete remember
that hosting a meet takes a great deal of work.

The hosting gym receives a roster of athletes from each gym wishing to participate in the competition. To give everyone
an equal opportunity to take part in the meet, a deadline date is usually established. The deadline for entries can be six
weeks to ten days prior to the event.

When the hosting gym gets all of the rosters, they may then begin to establish sessions and times. This all takes time.
Please DO NOT call the hosting gym for information. The proper etiquette is to ask your own coach. It is his/her responsi-
bility to furnish you with this information. Sometimes there are unforeseen problems that might cause a delay in this infor-
mation being communicated, so be patient.

Each gym club has a set of rules and regulations that have been established for your comfort and safety. ALWAYS follow
the hosting gym’s rules. Here are a few rule that are common to ALL meets:

          NO                  FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY
                           NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE GYM PROPER
                           NO PARENTS ALLOWED TO QUESTION A JUDGE
          N                 O PROFANITY
          NO                  UNSPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR
          NO                  DESTRUCTION OF GYM PROPERTY

Competitive Dress Code

In gymnastics, women wear a long sleeved leotard (sleeveless tanks have been approved for competition) while men wear
a sleeveless unitard with stirrup pants or shorts. Many training schools have a coordinating warm-up suit as part of their
competitive apparel.

Stretch and Warm-Up Session

Stretch and warm-up sessions are usually held 1-2 hours before competition begins. Gymnasts should arrive 15 minutes
early to check in, obtain their competition number and become organized. Stretching and warm-up should be done as a

Opening Ceremonies and Competition

At the conclusion of warm-ups, a gymnast should report to his/her coach to prepare for Opening Ceremonies. Gymnasts
are usually queued up in ascending height order and march into the gym as a team.

Once all teams and officials have been introduced, it is customary to begin the contest with the National Anthem or the
Pledge of Allegiance. During this solemn period, please stand at attention and maintain silence, unless singing the anthem
or speaking the pledge.

Once the ceremonies are concluded the gymnast will be directed to his/her first event. Most gyms have a designated
“waiting area” for the contestants. Report to your coach immediately before and after an event. Many coaches prefer that
their athletes wear warm-ups suits between events, so listen to your coach.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Competing is a Privilege

You have earned the right to compete in the USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic program, through countless hours of hard
work and dedication to the sport. Please remember that competing is a privilege and as such, should not be taken for
granted. All gymnasts should conduct themselves with dignity, composure and good sportsmanship.

At each event gymnasts return the Head judge’s salute prior to beginning the exercise. If you should fall from a piece of
equipment, you have a certain amount of time to remount the apparatus. Take that time allotted to compose yourself
f\prior to commencing your routine.

At all meets, please keep in mind that you are a quest, whether you are competing at a “home” meet or at an “away” meet.
Treat the hosting facility, its equipment and all other gymnasts with respect and courtesy. Support your teammates by
cheering in a courteous manner and congratulating them. Be friendly and polite to all judges, coaches and other gymnasts
regardless of whose team they are on.

It is suggested that you remain in the competitive area until after the awards ceremony, however each gym has its own
rules regarding this issue.

Receiving Awards In Public

Most meets have a formal system for presenting awards. As an athlete, a demonstration of courtesy and gratitude is appro-
priate. It is customary to accept awards by thanking the presenter with a firm handshake. Congratulate the other athletes
receiving awards as sell. Stay on the awards podium for the brief time after all gymnasts have received their awards; this
will enable parents and relatives to take your photo on the platform.

Under no circumstances should you show disappointment in the awards that you are given.

Gymnastics Scoring guide for Spectators

The sport of gymnastics combines athletic strength, technical perfection and graceful presentation. There are two catego-
ries of competition, Compulsory and Optional.

There are four competitive events in women’s gymnastics; Vault, Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, and floor Exercise. The
scoring in gymnastics is a negative system, based upon a perfect routine of 10.00 points. Judges make specific deductions
for errors throughout the routine, total the deductions and subtract that amount from 10.00 points to arrive at the score.
Deductions are made for falls, bent arms and legs, flexed feet, poor rhythm, improper conduct of a gymnast or coach, for
improper dress and for coaches spotting the performer. There are normally two judges per event and each score must be
within specific ranges of each other; the scores are averaged and the final score flashed. If the scores are not within ac-
ceptable ranges the judges must confer and adjust each score until they are within the allotted margin and then average the

Gymnasts who perform in all events receive an All-Around score, which is that total of all events.

How does the Illinois State Committee arrive @ State Series Schedule

         National Office Sets National meets
         Region 5 Committee sets their Schedule accordingly
         State Committee sets it schedule according to National and Regional

Other Useful Information

Each year, prior to his/her first competition, every competitor in the J.O. Program will need to have a valid registration
number. The USA Gymnastics membership office assigns this Team member number. 100% of all Athletes appearing in
a USAG Sanctioned Event must be pro-registered and their number must be for the current year. The Team Member sea-
son begins each August 1st and runs through the following July 31st. All Team Member numbers are automatically null
and void each July 31st.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
Numbers are automatically null and void each July 31st, which means you must register each year.

Once you have sent in your Team membership registration form along with payment, your gym will receive a computer
printout from the USAG membership dept. ) or download it from their Website with your name and number.

Shortly after registration you will receive a Team member card from USAG. Please keep this card with you at all meet.
This Card entitles the gymnasts to enter any state meet as a spectator free of charge.

Code of Ethics and Rights & Obligations of Gymnasts

The USA Gymnastics program has a “Code of Ethics” chapter in their rules and Policies manual. Ask your coach to cov-
er this important chapter with you. They also list the rights and Obligations of Gymnasts, which are included below:

1) Compete in the meet if she has met all the requirements for eligibility and is properly entered.
2) Enter into any of the USA Gymnastics sponsored competitions without being affiliated with any organization or team.
   However, a Women’s USA Gymnastics Professional member acting as a coach must accompany the gymnast.
3) Use any of the facilities provided by the meet organizing committee.
4) Use the services of any person connected officially with the meet (i.e. physician, trainer, music manager, etc.).
5) In the case of a tie, expect her award to be mailed to her club address, free of charge, not later than one (1) month
   after the completion of the meet, if the award is not available at the meet.
6) Expect courteous and respectful treatment from all participants and meet personnel.
7) Expect that the competition site provide a safe and adequate environment, allowing her to perform at the best of her

1) Obtain a Team member number from the USA Gymnastics office and be prepared to show her membership
card at any sanctioned event in which she participates.
2) Follow the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics
3) Perform in the meet to the best of her ability.
4) Be familiar with the rules of the meet and schedule of the meet events and lineup.
5) Be present at the site of the meet for sufficient warm-ups.
6) Remain in the area of competition, which is designated for gymnasts as competitors or as observers.
7) Obey warm-up regulations and rotation schedules.
8) Present herself in the proper attire 9no bare midriffs, backless leotards, T-shirts or boxer shorts). Leotard and/or warm
    -up suit should be worn for opening, closing and award ceremonies. Leg opening on competitive leotards must NOT
    be cut or rolled above the gymnast’s hipbone. A deduction will be applied for an infraction for competition, the gym-
    nast may wear a sleeveless leotard and may be barefooted or wear gymnastics footwear.
9) Be well groomed in her appearance:
     A. Clean attire.
     B. Hair secured away from the face.
     C. Free from any object, which may hinder or endanger her safety (jewelry, etc.).
10) Accept the received score without criticism or comment.
11) Conform to the regulations of the meet. Upon violating its rules, the Meet Referee my warn her once; the second time
    she shall be told that her right to continue competition is terminated for the remainder of the meet.
12) Be ready to go on from the moment she is in position of “waiting” (two or more gymnast ahead of her) with her com-
    petitor number card available or worn.
13) Remain seated at all times while not performing, with all of her belongings in her competition bag neatly placed out
    of sight.
14) Eat or drink outside of the competition area.
15) Perform in a most disciplined and elegant manner.
16) Be courteous, respectful and polite to all meet officials, coaches, hostesses, competitors and associated persons.
17) Exhibit self-control and calmness in the case of a fall or injury.
18) Be aware that infringement of obligations could lead to deduction and/or rxpulsion by the jury.
19) Flash her vault number, at state level and above optional meets.
20) Wear her competitive number at National level competitions, or at any other competition which supplies competitive
    numbers to be worn on the back.

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies

Junior Olympic Competitive Program

There are 8 competitive levels in the USAG program, levels 3, 4, and 5 are Compulsory levels that require all gymnast to
perform the same routine, and are judged according to a norm as well as to each other. Level 6-7 has elements that must
be performed but the coaches determine choreography of the routines. Levels 8, 9, and 10 are Optional levels in which
gymnasts perform routines based on difficulty, execution and composition.

Each level in the J.O. Program has its own rules regarding age and minimum standards for mobility. In addition to a mini-
mum entry age, there are also various age divisions within a level. For example, you must be 7 years old to compete at
level 5 and the age divisions are 7-8 year olds, 9-11 year olds, and 12 and over. These divisions are also referred to as
children, Juniors, and Seniors.

Mobility Between Levels

Each level in the J.O. Program has a minimum standard for mobility, or movement to the next level. Please refer to the
National R&P for these minimum standards. This can be found at www.usa-gymnastics.org.

It is important to remember that the scores required to move upward in a level are the MINIMUM STANDARD needed
for mobility. It is also important for parents and gymnasts to know that each coach and each club may have their own re-
quirements that EXCEED the minimum standard.

Achieving the minimum mobility score at one level does not mean that the gymnast will be capable of performing rou-
tines at the next level.


Every gymnastic club has its own agenda with regard to when, where and how many meets a gymnast will attend. There
are however, some common meets that most gyms try to attend and those are the State, regional, and national competi-

Not all levels go to all of the special meets mentioned above. The level that the gymnast is in determines the highest
Championship level in which she will compete. The chart below lists the highest Championship meet for each level:

              LEVEL             SECTIONAL             STATE               REGIONAL            NATIONAL

                  3-4          Determined by       Determined by               No                  No

                  5            Determined by       Determined by               No                  No

                  6            Determined by            Yes                    No                  No

                  7            Determined by            Yes                    No                  No

                  8           Determined by             Yes            Determined by               No
                              State committee                          the Regional

                  9            Determined               Yes                    Yes                 Yes

                  10           Determined by             Yes                   Yes                 Yes

2013-2014 Illinois USA Gymnastics Rules & Policies
The following chart is what the Illinois State and the Region 5 Committee have determined will be in effect in Illinois

                           Ribbon Color               Individual Scores       All-Around at State

                           Blue Ribbon                      9.00                       35.00

                           Red Ribbon                       8.00                       33.00

                           White Ribbon                     7.50                       31.00

                           Yellow Ribbon                    7.00                       29.00

Placement Awards

Gymnasts are ranked in the order that they finish on each event and/or in the all-around )the total of all four events). First,
second and third place, etc., awards are given out, with the number of places receiving awards determined by the number
of gymnasts entered in a given age group. These awards are typically given in the form of ribbons, medals and occasional-
ly, as trophies. Level 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 State Meet will also receive Placement for Events and all-Around.

Team Awards

The final type of award that may be earned at a competition falls under the category of Team Awards. Team awards can
be earned for an Age Group of gymnasts ( as covered in the USA Gymnastics rules & Policies), as well as for Combined
Age-Group Team. The age group score is usually determined by taking the top 3 scores per event or all-around, per age
group, while the combined Age Group Team score is determined by taking the top 5 (in some cases 6) scores per event or
all-around, despite age.

Regardless of the type of awards offered at a competition it is important to remember that it is not the winning that counts,
but the effort and sense of personal accomplishment that an athlete feels when doing her “personal best”.

A Final Note

             Please remember that the PROCESS of learning during competition is much
                                    More important than the OUTCOME

The communication is meant as a very general guideline to help you and your child with the most frequently asked ques-
tions about competition in the USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Program. Every gym/coach has rules that ate specific to
that agency or coach, so please take the time to ask and understand those rules. It is our sincere wish that your competitive
experience be a positive and rewarding one.

You can also read