2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland

Page created by Dave Diaz
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
2001 East Street
Woodland, CA 95776
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
2                   Introduction
  Table of Contents
   Events........................................................ 3
   Aquatics..................................................... 5
   Youth.......................................................... 8
   Teens........................................................ 14
   Adults....................................................... 15
   Seniors..................................................... 18
   Facilities & Parks...................................... 22
   Drop-In Activities......................... Back Cover

  Registration Information
   Register Online               Register for classes at cityofwoodland.gov/CSD
   Walk-In Registration          Woodland Community Services Department, 2001 East Street
                                 Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                 Cash, credit card, contactless pay, or check (payable to “City of Woodland”)
                                                                                     ($25 charge for returned checks)
   Refund Policy                 Refunds may be requested either before the first class or after the first class meeting. No refunds
                                 will be processed after the second class. All refunds are subject to a $15 administrative fee.
                                 Refunds must be approved by City staff.

   Residents                     Rates are set for Woodland residents living within the city limits.
   Non-Residents*                Rates for those living outside the city limits, PO boxes, or those who can’t provide proof of
                                 residency are subject to an additional 20% or more for classes. Look out for classes marked with
                                 an asterisk (*) for additional rates.

Measure R                                                                                     Non-Profit Partners
Measure R was passed in 2022. It helps fund many
of the Community Services’ programs including                                  Woodland Recreation Foundation
free public swim, After School Teen Pack, Rec2Go,                              The primary focus of the non-profit
Camperships for qualified families, and supports local                         Woodland Recreation Foundation is to
youth sports with the fee waiver of the per-player fees. Thank                 assist, augment, and supplement the
you, Woodland, for supporting youth recreation programming!                    Community Services Department and
                                                                               other recreational programs in the community. To donate
                                                                               to the foundation or to learn about the services offered,
                                                                               visit woodlandrecreationfoundation.org.
                   HIRING FOR
                SUMMER POSITIONS                                               Senior Center Inc.
                                                                               Senior Center Inc. is a
The Community Services Department is now hiring part-time                      non-profit organization
workers to help support the recreation programs offered                        dedicated to the betterment of the lives of Woodland
by the City of Woodland. Become a youth activity leader,                       seniors. Senior Center Inc. supports events and programs
lifeguard, scorekeeper, or park and facility maintenance                       within the Senior Center. Additionally, Senior Center Inc.
worker. Visit cityofwoodland.gov/CSD for a listing of open                     purchases supplies for senior programs that occur within
positions and to apply online.                                                 the Senior Center.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
Events                                     3
ReXpo: Woodland’s Spring and                          You’ve Been Egged
Summer Recreation Exhibition                          By Appointment; March 22-24, 29-30
Friday, March 15; 4:00-7:00 pm                        Let us take the stress out of the egg hunt by bringing the hunt to your family. Swanson the
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.              Bunny will deliver colorful plastic eggs filled with goodies. Fifty eggs will be delivered and
All ages; Free event                                  hidden in a residential front yard of your choice within the Woodland city limits. Swanson
ReXpo is the Community Services                       the Bunny can also make an appearance for an additional fee. This activity is
Department’s Spring and Summer                        sponsored by Measure R and has limited availability.
recreation exhibition. There will be
                                                      Eggs delivered and hidden – $25 (up to 50 eggs)
representatives from the upcoming
                                                      Eggs delivered and hidden – $45 (up to 100 eggs)
recreation classes, including Summer
camps. Select classes and camps are eligible          Special appearance of Swanson the Bunny – additional $50 (15-20 min visit)
for a 10% discount if the participant is              César Chávez Day Celebration
registered at the ReXpo event. There will             Thursday, March 28; 5:00 pm | Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St. | All ages; FREE
also be a Senior Art Show, featuring work             A celebration on March 28 will be held to commemorate and celebrate the life and
from artists in senior center classes. There          work of labor and civil rights leader César E. Chávez. The event will feature dance
will be food and beverages available.                 performances, poetry readings, and a speaker.

Woodland’s Annual 4th of July Celebration
8:00-11:00 am         Pancake Breakfast at Fire Station 3; 1550 Springlake Ct.
                      Sponsored by Woodland Professional Firefighter’s Association
10:00 am-12:00 pm     Bike Parade & Celebration, 701 Main St. (Downtown Woodland)
                      Decorating at 9:00 am, Parade begins at 10:00 am
1:00-3:00 pm          Ice Cream Social; Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
                      Sponsored by Woodland Senior Center Inc.
1:00-4:00 pm          Swim Fest at Charles Brooks Swim Center; 155 N. West St.
6:00-9:00 pm          Stadium Activities at Woodland High School; 21 N. West St.
                      Woodland High School Stadium
9:15-9:45 pm          Fireworks Show at Woodland High School; 21 N. West St.
                      Woodland High School Stadium

         Movie Series
         This movie series has three different movie venues, presented by
         Measure R. Movies are family friendly and admission is always free.
                                                                                                   COMING SOON
         Enjoy the show, no matter which location you view the movie in.

         Dive-In Movie – The Super Mario Bros. Movie
         Friday, August 23; 6:00 pm | Community Swim Center, 155 N. West St | All Ages; FREE
         End summer with a SPLASH as you enjoy watching “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” under the stars in the
         swimming pool! The pool opens at 6:00 pm and the movie will start shortly after sundown. The obstacle course
         will be up until the movie time, the pool will remain open for the duration of the movie.

         Movie in the Park – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
         Friday, September 13; 6:00 pm | Rick Gonzales Sr. Park, 2109 Miekle Ave. | All Ages; FREE
         Enjoy a fun movie under the stars at Rick Gonzales Sr. Park as “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem”
         is played. Prior to the movie have fun in the video game trailer. The movie will begin shortly after sundown.

         Movies on Main Street – Encanto
         Friday, October 11; 5:30 pm | Heritage Plaza, 701 Main St. | All Ages; FREE
         Come to Movies on Main Street for a block party for all ages. Event kicks off at 5:30 pm with activities, games
         and tons of fun for all. Enjoy watching a movie under the stars in Historic Downtown Woodland on Main Street.
         “Encanto” will begin shortly after sundown.

                                                        Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                                Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
4                   Events
Teen Pack Throwdown
Friday, October 4; 5:00-9:30 pm
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Grades 6th-8th
Pre-registration only: $5/team, $1/individual
Pre-teens have the opportunity to participate in a one-night Dodgeball tournament. Sign-
up as a team, or an individual, and join the fun. Teams will play 2 leveling matches before
heading into a single elimination bracket. Snacks and beverages will be provided. This
event is sponsored by Measure R.

                                           Trilogy Challenge Disc Golf Tournament
                                           Saturday, October 5; Tee-off at 10:00 am
                                           Ferns Park, 750 W. Southwood Dr.
                                            Ages 10/up; $40 per player (includes 3 discs and a player pack)
                                            The Trilogy Challenge is a combined effort of Latitude 64 Discs, Westside Discs, and Dynamic
                                            Discs. Players use only the three discs provided, so all players have the same tools to play.
                                             Competition is offered in four divisions: Open, Amateur, Women, and Youth. Open division
                                             receives the grand prize, other divisions receive consolation prizes.
                                             Register before September 20.

Floating Pumpkin Patch
October 25, 4:00-7:00 pm
Charles Brooks Community Swim Center, 155 N. West St.
$5*/person, Ages 4-12
Kids ages 4-12 are invited to the Floating Pumpkin Patch at the pool. Children can choose their perfect
pumpkin that is floating in the pool. The pool will be loaded with pumpkins of all shapes and sizes.
Admission includes a pumpkin and refreshments for $5 per child. Pre-registration is required. Sign up for
any of the session times: 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 and 6:30 pm. Registration deadline is October 23.

                                       Cocoa with Santa Paws
                                       Date TBD
                                       Woodland Dog Park, 2001 East St.
                                       Pre-registration: $1*/family
                                       At the event: $3/family
                                       Come to the Woodland Dog Park to get a jump on holiday cheer this season with your dog for Cocoa
                                       with Santa Paws! This dog and people-friendly event spreads holiday cheer with photos with Santa,
                                       Christmas crafting with the pups, and snacks. All activities and snacks are dog and human-friendly.
                                       Dress up the pooches and enter the Festive Fido contest. Links to photos will be shared with all
                                       registered participants.

Parent’s Night Out
Friday, December 13; 6:00-10:00 pm
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Grades K-6th
Pre-registration: $15*, additional siblings +$10*/each
At the door: $20/child
Parents can enjoy a night out while the kids are entertained! The night will include a pizza dinner,
crafts, games and a movie.
See page 18 for Senior Events

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
Aquatics                                                    5
                   Swim Lessons
                   Classes are available for infants, children, teens, and adults. Swim lessons are designed for all levels. Classes
                   allow swimmers to develop good habits in the water. The lessons help swimmers to become more comfortable
                   in the water, learn and refine new strokes, and become stronger, safer swimmers.
                    Session         Dates                      Group Lesson Fees*                        Private Lesson Fees*
                    Session 1       June 17-27         $80* morning         $95* evening         $160* morning         $190* evening
                    Session 2       July 1-11          $70* morning         $83* evening         $140* morning         $170* evening
                    Session 3       July 15-25         $80* morning         $95* evening         $160* morning         $190* evening
                    Session 4       July 29-Aug 8      $80* morning         $95* evening         $160* morning         $190* evening
                   Swim lessons meet for eight-30-minute sessions, Monday through Thursday for two weeks. The week of July
                   1-4, lessons meet July 1-3 only. This program has scholarships available for qualified applicants.
Choosing your child’s swim lesson level
To determine your child’s swim lesson level, review the skills associated with their current level. Ask if your child can perform each skill listed.
If your child can do all of these skills, it is time to consider moving on to the next level, as the skills listed are critical to advancing their swim
abilities. Remember, each level builds on the previous one, so it is essential to master the necessary skills before progressing further.

Tadpole - Ages 6 months to 3 years old                                               Dolphin - Ages 7-14 years old
The Tadpole level is specifically designed to provide parents and children           Dolphin level 5 focuses on stroke improvement and introduces
with essential swimming skills while emphasizing water orientation and               combined arms and leg action for breaststroke, sidestroke, and
safety. In this class, parents are taught how to feel more confident in the          butterfly.
water with their infants. Infants are required to be able to hold their head         Skills practiced: swimming front crawl 25 yards (with rotary
up and must be accompanied by an adult in the water for every class. Swim            breathing), swimming back crawl 25 yards, swimming elementary
attire: waterproof swim diapers with tight fitting elastic legs and a swimsuit.      backstroke 10 yards, demonstrating combined arm and leg action
Skills practiced: blowing bubbles, floating on front and back with help, and         of sidestroke, breaststroke, and butterfly, treading water for 1
jumping into the pool from the side to adult.                                        minute, and performing a standing dive.
Goldfish - Ages 2-5 years old
Goldfish level 1 is an orientation to an aquatic environment. Participants           Orca - Ages 7-14 years old
must be comfortable in the water without a parent or guardian, and no prior          Orca level 6 focuses on swimmer endurance and the refinement
swim lessons are required to enroll.                                                 of the strokes learned during the Dolphin level.
Skills practiced: blowing bubbles, bobbing, floating on front and back with          Skills practiced: swimming front & back crawl 50 yards,
help, kicking on front and back with assistance, performing monkey arms,             swimming sidestroke, breaststroke, and butterfly 10 yards,
and rolling over.                                                                    performing turns at the wall, performing a feet first surface dive,
                                                                                     treading water for 3 minutes, and performing a front dive from a
Seahorse - Ages 3-6 years old                                                        block or diving board.
Seahorse level 2 introduces front and back glides along with the basic arm
action of the front crawl. Participants should be comfortable in the water
                                                                                     Adult Swim Lessons - Ages 14 years old/up
and should also be experienced in getting their face wet, blowing bubbles,
                                                                                     The Adult level focuses on the development of basic water safety,
and floating.
                                                                                     treading, breathing, and basic strokes such as freestyle. This
Skills practiced: bobbing to chin depth, submerging face, floating on front
                                                                                     course is designed for individuals at a beginner level. This course
and back unassisted, gliding and kicking on front and back with help, rolling
                                                                                     is offered during Session 4 at 7:00 pm.
onto the front and back, jumping into shallow water, and performing
backward monkey arms.
                                                                                     Private Lessons - Ages 3 years old and up
Stingray - Ages 5-8 years old                                                        This is a one-on-one class for any level of swimmer.
Stingray level 3 practices the combined arm and leg swimming action
of both front and back crawl strokes. This level also emphasizes proper
breathing techniques, maintaining body alignment in the water without
assistance, and swimming longer distances.
Skills practiced: bobbing fully submerged, flutter kicking on front and back
without help, performing combined arm and leg action for front and back
crawl, rotary breathing, and jumping into 5 feet of water.
Swordfish - Ages 5-10 years old
Swordfish level 4 focuses on the development of the freestyle and back
strokes, introduces the kicks for elementary back stroke, breaststroke,
butterfly, and treading water.
Skills practiced: swimming front crawl 10 yards (with breath), swimming
back crawl 10 yards, demonstrating elementary backstroke kick, breaststroke
kick, dolphin kick, scissor kick, eggbeater kick, performing a kneeling dive,
and jumping into 6 feet of water.

                                                         Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                                 Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
6                     Aquatics
All Aquatics programs are held at the Charles Brooks Community Swim Center located at 155 N. West St.
Passes for Lap Swim and Water Exercise are available for sale (credit card only) at the pool during program times.

Lap Swim & Water Exercise
Participants may swim laps, water walk, or exercise at their own
pace. The following equipment is available for use: kick boards, pull
buoys, and noodles. Take advantage of the water’s natural resistance
by using your own body weight in a low impact environment that is
suitable for all fitness levels.

 Activity                     Days       Class Times     Season/
 Lap Swim & Water Exercise    Sat & Sun 10:00-11:30 am   Year Round
 Lap Swim & Water Exercise    Mon-Fri   11:00 am-1:00 pm Year Round
 Lap Swim & Water Exercise    Tue/Thu 7:00-8:00 pm       Sept-April
 Lap Swim & Water Exercise    Mon-Thu 7:30-9:00 pm       May-August

Passes are available for sale at the pool during program times
Pass Fees                                   Rate      Senior Rate (55+)
Monthly Pass                           Residents $50*   Residents FREE
(Unlimited visits in calendar month)   Non-Res. $75     Non-Res. $50
                                       Residents $40*   Residents FREE
10 Visit Pass
                                       Non-Res. $60     Non-Res. $45
                                       Residents $5*    Residents FREE
Per Visit
                                       Non-Res. $7      Non-Res. $6

Public Swim                                                               Woodland Wreckers – Youth
Free                                                                      Recreational Swim Team
The pool is open for free recreational swimming during the summer         May 6-July 27
months. The facility is equipped with diving boards, picnic areas,        Ages 5-18, $195*
showers, lockers, and changing rooms. Lanes are available for lap         Youth ages 5-18 are encouraged to sign up for the
swimming during most days. Children under the age of 10 are not           City’s recreation swim team, the Woodland Wreckers.
permitted to Public Swim without an adult. The inflatable obstacle        Practices begin on May 6 and swim meets start in June.
course will be available on Fridays. Pool schedule subject to change.     Swimmers must be able to swim one pool length (25
This program is sponsored by Measure R.                                   yards) without assistance to participate on the team.
                                                                          For more information including practice times, dates,
Sat & Sun       May 25-August 11       3:00-6:00 pm                       and meet information, refer to the swimmer’s handbook
                (Closed on June 29, 30, July 20, 21, 27)                  at cityofwoodland.gov/wreckers. Please register
Mon-Fri         June 10-August 9       1:00-3:45 pm                       child by their age as of June 1, 2024. This program has
                (Closed June 28)                                          scholarships available for qualified applicants.

                                                                          Introduction to Water Polo
                                                                          Monday/Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 pm
                                                                          April 1-May 29
                                                                          Ages 10-18, $95*
                                                                          This introduction to water polo course teaches basic
                                                                          individual and team skills and training techniques.
                                                                          Learn player positions and develop basic offensive and
                                                                          defensive strategies. Participants must be able to swim
                                                                          50 yards continuously and tread water for
                                                                          two minutes.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
Aquatics                                                               7
Lifeguard Training (Blended Learning)
Monday-Wednesday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm
Session 1: March 25-27
Session 2: April 1-3
Ages 15/older, $185*
This class trains participants to be a certified lifeguard. Participants must be
able to swim 300 yards continuously and retrieve a ten-pound brick from 7
feet deep water. Participants must complete the online course before the
in-person class sessions. The online course will be approximately 20-25
hours and will be available the week prior to the class. Participants should
be prepared to be in the water for every class meeting. Participants must
attend all class dates and times to receive certification. This class does not
provide the Title 22 advanced first aid certification. Upon completion of
this class, participants will hold an American Red Cross Lifeguard Training
certification. Scholarships are available for qualified applicants.

Junior Guard Program
Monday-Thursday; 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Session 1: June 17-27
Session 2: July 15-25
Ages 12-14, $100* per session
The Junior Guard Program provides opportunities to learn the basics of water safety and the
                      SPORTS PARK DRIVE
foundation of lifeguarding skills. Participants should be able to swim 50 yards continuously.
This program DOES NOT provide a lifeguarding certification.

New Pool Coming to Woodland
Adjacent to the Community & Senior Center, the City aims to break ground on Woodland’s new
Aquatic Center in 2024. The new facility will feature a ten-lane pool that meets competitive
standards, an accessible activity pool, locker rooms, showers, and more. Charles Brooks
Community Swim Center currently serves the entire community, preventing many Woodlanders
from accessing aquatic recreation and fitness opportunities. To learn more or get involved,
please email buildourpool@cityofwoodland.gov.


                             NEW POOL COMING SOON
                                                                                                                           FAMILY   FAMILY
                                                                         LIFEGUARD        ELEC. /                        RESTROOM RESTROOM          STORAGE
                                                                           OFFICE           IDF          CUSTODIAL           1        2

                                                                       MANAGER    MEN'S         MEN'S                          WOMEN'S       PUMP   STORAGE
                                                                        ALCOVE   LOCKER       RESTROOM                         LOCKER        ROOM

                                                 Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                                                                Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
8                   Youth
 Youth Camperships for Summer Programs
 Camperships are available for qualified families of youth participants of Swim Lessons, Summertime Fun Club, Summer
 Teen Pack, Youth Basketball League, Woodland Wreckers, and Lifeguard Training who meet a low-income requirement.
 “Camperships” are scholarships that result in a fee reduction for the program (programs are not offered for free) and are
 available on a first-come, first-served basis. Measure R provides funding for camperships. Qualified applicants may receive
 camperships for more than one program. Families must meet the following criteria to be eligible for a campership:
        • Must be a resident of Woodland (PO Boxes and County Road addresses are not accepted).
        • Must meet a low-income requirement based on HUD’s State Income Limits for Yolo County “Low Income
          (50%-80% of area median income).
        • For more information or to apply online, visit cityofwoodland.gov/CSD.

 Summertime Fun Club                                                         Summertime Fun Club –
 Monday-Friday; 8:00 am-4:00 pm                                              Extended Hours Camp
 Session 1 (5-weeks): June 10-July 12; $425*                                 Monday-Friday; 7:30 am-5:30 pm
 Session 2 (4-weeks): July 15-August 9; $375*                                Session 1 (5-weeks): June 10-July 12; $900*
 Sessions 1 & 2: June 10-August 9; $650*                                     Session 2 (4-weeks): July 15-August 9; $800*
 Grades entering 1st-6th                                                     Sessions 1 & 2: June 10-August 9; $1,600*
 3 Park Sites Available:                                                     Grades Entering 1st-6th
   • Ferns Park, 750 W. Southwood Dr.                                        Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
   • Pioneer Park, 1925 Branigan Ave.                                        This camp is similar to the classic program, but
   • Woodside Park, 1615 Cottonwood St.                                      for children needing care earlier and later in the
 The Summertime Fun Club provides school-aged children a place               day. This program has scholarships available for
 to be during the summer. Activities include games, sports, arts &           qualified applicants. No program on July 4.
 crafts, local field trips, and a once-a-week visit to the Charles Brooks
 Community Swim Center. This program has scholarships
 available for qualified applicants. No program on July 4.

 Baby & Me                                                        Woodland Boxing Club - Youth
 Tuesdays starting April 2                                        Monday-Friday; 4:30-5:30 pm or 5:30-6:30 pm
 English 9:00-10:00 am; Spanish 10:15-11:15 am                    Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
 Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.                         Ages 10/up, $15*/month
 Ages 0-9 months, Free                                            Instructor: Eddie Savala
 Baby & Me is returning to meet in person soon!                   The Woodland Boxing Club gym is equipped
 Send an email to BabyAndMeYolo@gmail.com                         with a standard 20’ boxing ring and a dozen
 for updates and for the return to in-person
                                                                  unique punching bags. Instruction and
 date. The City and Dignity Health partner to
 offer this weekly meet-up aimed to provide                       training provided by a trained professional
 encouragement and friendship to local parents                    boxing coach. Registration available at
 and caregivers during a time that can be both                    the Community & Senior Center. Hand
 rewarding and challenging. Moms, dads and                        wraps are required and can be purchased
 other primary caregivers of infants ages 0 to 9                  at the Community Services front desk.
 months are welcome to join in the conversation.                  Participants are encouraged to train a few
 No reservation is necessary and parents are                      days a week or every day. This program is
 encouraged to simply stop by and join in.                        sponsored by Measure R.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
Youth                               9
530 Cheer Academy – Youth
Thursdays; 5:30-8:30 pm (varies by age)
Session 1: March 7-April 25
Session 2: May 2-June 20
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages 5/up, $150*
Instructor: Lisa Munoz, 530cheeracademy@mail.com
Enhance your cheerleading game during the off-season
with 530 Cheer Academy. Participants from beginners
to advanced will learn motivation, jumps, stunts, and
routines. 4-year-olds can participate with coach approval.

National Academy of Athletics
Fields & Courts @ Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Youth sports are tons of fun and the more skills you have, the more
confident you become! These programs allow each camper the chance
to gain new skills, meet new friends, compete and have tons of fun!
Registration for National Academy of Athletics Classes at

     Spring Break                                            Session Times      Session Dates        Ages     Reg. Fees
                NAofA All Sports Camp:                       10:00 am-1:00 pm      April 1-5         7-11        $190
       baseball, basketball, dodgeball, soccer, flag
       football, capture the flag, ultimate frisbee,
                   relay & obstacle race                     10:00 am-4:00 pm      April 1-5         7-11        $260

         Jr. Academy NAofA All Sports Camp:
       baseball, basketball, dodgeball, soccer, flag          10:00 am-1:00 pm      April 1-5          4-6        $190
       football, capture the flag, ultimate frisbee,
                   relay & obstacle race

     Summer 1 Week Camps                                     Session Times      Session Dates        Ages     Reg. Fees
                                                             10:00 am-1:00 pm     June 10-14         7-11        $169
               NAofA Basketball Camp:                        10:00 am-4:00 pm     June 10-14         7-11        $210
       Our basketball camps are the perfect place to
      learn about the game and fitness while having          10:00 am-1:00 pm      July 8-12         7-11        $169
             a blast and making new friends.
                                                             10:00 am-4:00 pm      July 8-12         7-11        $210

                NAofA All Sports Camp:                       10:00 am-1:00 pm     June 24-28         7-11        $169
       baseball, basketball, dodgeball, soccer, flag
       football, capture the flag, ultimate frisbee,
                   relay & obstacle race                     10:00 am-4:00 pm     June 24-28         7-11        $210

                                                Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                               Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
2001 East Street Woodland, CA 95776 www.cityofwoodland.gov/csd - City of Woodland
10                 Youth
Socceroo Soccer – Youth Soccer Training
Session 1: Saturday, March 9-May 4 (no class April 6)
Session 2: Saturday, September 14-November 2
Jack Slaven Park, 1705 Miekle Ave.
Instructor: Carlos Schulze
The focus will be on all the basics of soccer, dribbling, passing, shooting and defending while
having great fun. Based on an age-appropriate curriculum where fun and learning are the
focus, not winning. Water, shin guards, cleats and sunscreen are required.

 Age: 4                    Age: 5-6                  Age: 7-8
 Time: 9:00-9:30 am        Time: 9:30-10:15 am       Time: 10:15-11:15 am
 Fee: $75*                 Fee: $135*                Fee: $75*

Socceroo Soccer – Youth Summer Camps
Monday-Friday; 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Session 1: June 10-14
Session 2: August 5-9
Jack Slaven Park, 1705 Miekle Ave.
Ages: 5-10, $249*
Instructor: Socceroo Soccer Staff
This camp will take place next to the water play area at Jack Slaven Park,
participants will keep cool during breaks. Water, shin guards, sunscreen,
snacks and a towel are required.

Woodland Youth Basketball League
League Dates: December 7-February 21
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages 9-14; Age cutoff date is 2/14/2025
$120* includes jersey; late fee of $50 after 10/27/2024
This is a developmental basketball league, meaning the aim is to have young
players get better through actual basketball contacts. Every team is guaranteed
at least eight games in a season. Score is kept and there is a playoff at the end
of the season. The teams are divided as fairly as possible in order to create balanced teams and better competition.
Ultimately, the focus is on the kids and their experience playing basketball. This program has scholarships available
for qualified applicants.
      • Boys and Girls divisions available. Age divisions are 10U, 12U, and 14U
      • Player evaluation process takes place in early November, information will be sent ahead of time
      • Games on Saturdays and practices are weeknights starting December 2
      • Any head coach will receive 1 FREE player registration when committed prior to 10/27/2024

Woodland Youth Volleyball League
Tuesday/Thursday, July 9-August 8
Grades 4th-6th 5:00-7:00 pm
Grades 7th-8th 7:00-9:00 pm
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
$30* (includes program shirt)
The Youth Volleyball League will teach the fundamentals of volleyball to youth with drills, practices, and game play
opportunities. Participants will receive coaching from collegiate volleyball athletes. This program is sponsored by Measure R.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
Youth                                11
Cello International Tennis Academy
City Park Tennis Courts, 629 Cleveland St.
Instructors: Mark Hansen & Sunny Mallinson, CITA Woodland
Contact citawoodlandtennis@gmail.com or call (530) 554-5042 for more information about tennis classes.
See table below for class breakouts.
See page 15 for adult lessons.                                                                                                   FEE /
                                                                                  CLASS DESCRIPTIONS                            DROPIN
                              QuickStart: Ages 6-10;              This class is for beginners and advanced beginners and
                              Monday; 4:00-5:00 pm                will cover basic strokes and strategies. Instructor: Sunny
  Youth Lessons

                              QuickStart: Ages 6-10;              This class is for beginners and advanced beginners and
                             Saturday; 10:00-11:00 am             will cover basic strokes and strategies. Instructor: Dani
                              QuickStart: Ages 11-16;             This class is for beginners and advanced beginners and
                           Saturday; 11:00 am-12:00 pm            will cover basic strokes and strategies. Instructor: Sunny
                                                                  This class is intended to be used as a daily drop-in rate
                          Drop-In for Youth Tennis Classes                                                                       $15*
                                                                  for Youth Tennis Classes. The fee is $15*/day.
                                                                  Academy students will refine their basic strokes
                            Junior Academy: Ages 8/Up;
                                                                  and work on more advanced strokes, footwork and              $132*/$20*
  Academy Lessons

                         Tuesday & Thursday; 4:00-5:30 pm
                                                                  strategies. Instructors: Sunny and Mark
                                                                  This is the highest-level class and is for junior
                          Academy: Tuesday & Thursday;            tournament players as well as High School Varsity and
                                 5:30-7:00 pm                     Junior Varsity players. Instructor permission is required
                                                                  for the Academy class. Instructors: Sunny and Mark
                                                                  This class is intended to be used as a daily drop-in rate
                    Drop-In for Jr. Academy and Academy Classes                                                                  $20*
                                                                  for Youth Academy Classes. The fee is $20*/day.
                                Private Lesson with               60-minute private lesson = $60*

                                 Sunny Mallinson                  30-minute private lesson = $30*
                               Private Lessons with               60-minute private lesson = $70*
                                   Mark Hansen                    30-minute private lesson = $40*

Yolo Stage Company – Theatre Workshop & Performance “ELF: THE MUSICAL JR.”
Monday-Friday, June 24-July 26; 9:00 am-12:30 pm (no workshop July 4)
Public Performances, July 25-28
Lee Middle School, 520 West St.
Ages 7-17, $450*/season (includes $100 non-refundable deposit, costume and cast t-shirt)
This is the 28th annual production for Yolo Stage Co., the local children’s musical theater workshop. Based on the beloved holiday
film, this hilarious fish-out-of water comedy follows Buddy the Elf in his quest to find his true identity. Celebrate “Holidays in July”
where every actor embraces his or her “inner elf”. Participation is limited to a maximum of 36 actors. Registration is open now!
For more information, follow Yolo Stage Company on Facebook, visit the website at www.yolostage.com, or contact Producer
Kathy Trott at kathyjtrott@gmail.com or (530) 312-0100.

                                                       Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                       Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
12                   Youth
Art with Stephanie
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.; Instructor: Stephanie Carlstrom
The chart below represents a partial list of classes for 2024. Please check the website at cityofwoodland.gov/CSD for additional
classes. Materials fee due to the instructor at the first class.
           CLASS NAME                       DATE(S)             TIME         AGE         CLASS FEE (MATERIAL FEE)
 Acrylic Class                       2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 2/27   6:00-8:00 pm    12/Up     $102* ($25)
 Valentine’s Paint Night             2/15                    6:00-8:00 pm    12/Up     $49*
 Calligraphy and Cookies             2/22                    6:00-8:00 pm    14/Up     $49*
 Adult & Me Paint Night: Birdhouse   3/7                     5:00-6:15 pm    4/Up      $49* (fee is good for adult and child)
 Watercolor Class                    3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26   6:00-8:00 pm    12/Up     $102* ($25)
 Acrylic Class                       4/4, 4/11, 4/18, 4/25   6:00-8:00 pm    12/Up     $102* ($25)
 Adult & Me Paint Night: Seagull     4/5                     5:00-6:15 pm    4/Up      $49* (fee is good for adult and child)
 Watercolor Class                    5/2, 5/9, 5/16, 5/23    6:00-8:00 pm    12/Up     $102* ($25)
 Adult & Me Paint Night: Racecar     5/13                    5:00-6:15 pm    4/Up      $49* (fee is good for adult and child)

Play-Well TEKnologies
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Dream It. Build It. Wreck It. Repeat. Kids are already naturally gifted creators and
they will get added inspiration from specially trained instructors. While children
build elaborate objects, structures and vehicles with the massive collection of
LEGO®, they will explore fundamental principles of engineering and physics.

                 Adventures in STEM with LEGO® Materials
                 Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am-12:00 pm
                 Ages 5-7; $195*
                 Let your imagination run wild with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineer-designed projects and
                 use special pieces to create your own unique designs! Projects are rotated seasonally to ensure that both
                 new and returning students can explore the endless creative possibilities of the LEGO® building system.

                 STEM Explorations with LEGO® Materials
                 Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 1:00-4:00 pm
                 Ages 7-12; $195*
                 Master your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts!
                 Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed
                 projects. Projects are rotated seasonally to ensure that even returning students get a new experience.

                 Pokémon Engineering using LEGO® Materials
                 Monday-Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am-12:00 pm
                 Ages 5-9; $195*
                 Calling all Pokémon trainers! PlayWell Instructors lead participants to build and catch Pokémon,
                 rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket, take a ride on the S.S. Anne to uncover rare and mystic
                 Pokémon, and battle to see who will hold the title of Pokémon Master.

                 LEGO® Engineering Design Challenge
                 Monday-Friday, July 29-August 2; 1:00-4:00 pm
                 Ages 8-14; $195*
                 PlayWell instructors will introduce mechanisms to get your gears turning; then, it’s your job to
                 take it to the next level! Go head-to-head or work towards a new personal best as you get ready
                 to apply real-world concepts to LEGO® challenges.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
Youth                           13
                                 Mad Science
                                 Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
                                 Each class requires a $30 materials fee to be paid on 1st day of class
                                 Mad Science camps and vacation programs give kids the opportunity to learn about science
                                 through interactive and hands-on science activities. Children become junior scientists and
                                 embark on a series of adventures. There will be supervision between sessions provided by
                                 Mad Science if attending both morning and afternoon.

Mad Science: Eureka!
Monday-Friday, June 10-14; 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Ages 6-12; $157*
Be inspired by the most famous inventors in history – Ben Franklin, the Wright Brothers,
Leonardo da Vinci, Rube Goldberg – and create your OWN inventions! Use their techniques
to break through a series of modern-day challenges. You will learn how to invent solutions to
problems and make them come to life, just like these legendary innovators.

Mad Science: Castaway
Monday-Friday, June 10-14; 1:00-4:00 pm
Ages 6-12; $157*
Campers will find themselves stranded on island...now what?! Work together using the supplies
you have to learn to survive until you are rescued. Create shelters, use water filtration systems,
and study the island’s animals. Learn how to harness the sun’s energy to create solar cookers,
communicate with technology, and work as a team! Campers will build daily projects to survive
and escape the island. Don’t forget your new duct tape flip flops on your journey back home!

Mad Science: Science Rockstars
Monday-Friday, June 24-28; 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Ages 6-12; $157*
Get ready to rock with science and wow the crowd with cool potions and chemical
reactions. Grow your own crystals, and explore cool chromatography! Discover how simple
machines such as pulleys, wedges, screws and levers make our lives easier and then build a
catapult to keep.

Mad Science: Crazy Chemworks
Monday-Friday, June 24-28; 1:00-4:00 pm
Ages 6-12; $157*
This camp is full of reactions, observations, solutions,
suspensions, explosions, concoctions, perplexions,
digestions, reflections, and Dalmatians, just to
name a few! You will challenge your friends in the
labware game, combat evaporation, be amazed at
the awesome power of glue technology and trigger
some shocking chemical reactions. You’ll snoop
out counterfeit money, launch chemical explosions
(not TOO big) and learn how and why the chemical
world works. So dive into our fantastically fun pool of
chemical experimentation! Just don’t mix this one with
that one or you might blow up the universe!

                                             Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                              Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
14                 Teens
 Summertime Fun Club Volunteer Program
 Mandatory training dates Saturday & Sunday June 1 & 2; Time TBD
 June 10-August 9
 Entering 9th-12th Grades
 $25* for Summer (includes t-shirt)
 Be a volunteer to the Summertime Fun Club and gain valuable experience.
 Mandatory training occurs Saturday and Sunday June 1 and 2 and prepares
 volunteers to assist program staff with activities in the Summertime Fun Club
 during the Summer. Parks included Ferns, Pioneer, Woodside, and Woodland
 Community & Senior Center. All volunteers participating in this program will
 need to pass a background process.

 Teens Helping Seniors
 June 10-August 9
 Monday-Thursday; volunteer shifts are 9:00 am-12:00 pm or 1:00-4:00 pm
 Mandatory parent & participant meeting Tuesday, June 4; 5:00 pm
 Entering 7th-12th Grades
 $25* for Summer (includes t-shirt)
 Teens Helping Seniors is a program for middle and high-school-aged volunteers.
 Volunteer opportunities will consist of 3-hour shifts Monday through Thursday
 during Summer. Supervised by program staff, participants go to senior homes
 to perform light housework, yardwork, and other household projects. Eligible
 volunteers earn a day-trip to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. All volunteers
 participating in this program will need to pass our background process.

                                                              Summer Teen Pack
                                                              Monday-Friday; 8:00 am-4:00 pm
                                                              Session 1 (5-weeks): June 10-July 12; $425*
                                                              Session 2 (4-weeks): July 15-August 9; $375*
                                                              Sessions 1 & 2: June 10-August 9; $650*
                                                              Weekly Registration: $95*
                                                              Crawford Park, 1733 College St.
                                                              Summer Teen Pack is a daily program that keeps pre-teens busy
                                                              with activities and field trips during the Summer. Participants
                                                              explore Yolo and Sacramento Counties via public transportation,
                                                              and learn cool new things. This program is sponsored by Measure
                                                              R and has scholarships available for qualified applicants. New this
                                                              Summer is the weekly rate; sorry camperships are not available for
                                                              this rate. No program July 4.

 Afterschool Teen Pack
 Monday-Thursday on school days
 Grades 7th-8th, Free
 Students who attend Douglass and Lee Middle Schools are invited to spend the afternoon participating in supervised activities
 with Teen Pack. This program is drop-in, and pre-registration is not necessary. Students must bring their current student ID
 cards and sign in and out each day. This program is sponsored by Measure R.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
Adults                       15
Adult Softball
Thursdays or Fridays; 6:00-10:00 pm
Woodland Sports Park, 2001 East St.; Ages 16/up
Teams play an 8-game season in the Spring/Summer and a 6-game season in the Fall, concluding with a
single elimination playoff tournament. Softball rules and team registration information available at

 Season                  Season Starts       Registration Due       Team Fee       Manager’s Meeting
 Spring (8 Games)        March 14            February 28               $600        March 6
 Summer (8 Games)        June 13             May 29                    $600        June 6
 Fall (6 Games)          September 5         August 14                 $540        August 21

Adult Basketball
Mondays or Wednesdays; 6:00-9:00 pm
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.; Ages 18/up
Teams play an 8-game season concluding with a single elimination playoff tournament. Basketball
rules and team registration information available at www.cityofwoodland.gov/AdultSports.

 Season      Season Starts       Registration Due        Team Fee      Manager’s Meeting
 Spring      March 11            February 21               $600        February 28
 Summer      June 5              May 15                    $600        May 29
 Fall        September 11        August 14                 $600        August 28

Adult Volleyball
Tuesdays; 6:00-9:00 pm
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.; Ages 16/up
Teams play an 8-game season concluding with a single elimination playoff tournament. Volleyball
rules and team registration information available at www.cityofwoodland.gov/AdultSports.

 Season      Season Starts       Registration Due        Team Fee      Manager’s Meeting
 Spring      February 27         February 7                $420        February 13
 Fall        August 27           August 6                  $420        August 20

Cello International Tennis Academy
City Park Tennis Courts, 629 Cleveland St.
Instructors: Mark Hansen & Sunny Mallinson, CITA Woodland
Contact citawoodlandtennis@gmail.com or
call (530) 554-5042 for more information about
tennis classes. See table below for class breakouts.                                                         FEE/
                                                         CLASS DESCRIPTIONS                                 DROP-IN
                                                         This class is intended to be used as a daily
              Drop-In for Adult Tennis Classes                                                                $17*

                                                         drop-in rate for adult tennis classes.

                                                         Great for the USTA 3.0 and above player
                  Intermediate: Wednesday;
                                                         looking to improve their strokes and strategies.     $55*
                        7:00-8:00 pm
                                                         Instructor: Sunny
                      Private Lesson with                60-minute private lesson = $60*

                       Sunny Mallinson                   30-minute private lesson = $30*
                      Private Lessons with               60-minute private lesson = $70*
                          Mark Hansen                    30-minute private lesson = $40*

                                                      Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                             Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
16                       Adults
Woodland Boxing Club – Adult                                                                  Rock Steady Boxing
Monday-Friday; 6:30-8:30 pm                                                                   Wednesdays/Fridays; 9:00-10:00 am
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.                                                      Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages 17/up, $25*/month                                                                        Ages 18/up, $20*/month
Instructor: Ricardo Carrillo                                                                  Instructor: Steve Bonnel
The Woodland Boxing Club gym is equipped with a standard                                      Rock Steady Boxing is a national organization
20’ boxing ring and a dozen different punching bags. Instruction                              which provides a boxing-style fitness
and training is provided by a trained professional boxing coach.                              curriculum to people living with Parkinson’s
Registration available at the Community & Senior Center. Participants                         disease. Participants need a physician’s
are encouraged to train a few days a week or every day.                                       release to participate.

Everyday Yoga
Sunrise Class: Mondays; 9:00-10:00 am
Sunset Class: Thursdays; 5:00-6:00 pm                                      Tai Chi & Qi Gong – Beginning
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.                                   Mondays, 8:50-9:50 am
Ages 18/up, $5*/class session (monthly or punch card only)                 Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Instructor: Minakhi Sarma                                                  Ages: 12/up, $10*-$12.50*/class
This course will combine yoga and strength training for overall health     Instructor: Tina Kejie Duan; (916) 579-2668,
and wellness. Yoga lessons will include basic yoga postures suitable for   duankejie68@gmail.com
everybody, and pranayama (breathing technique).                            This course is great for beginners. Warm-up involves Health
                                                                           Qigong, which uses Qigong-specific external movements to
                                                                           stimulate and enhance internal energy circulation, thereby
                                                                           strengthening the body’s defense system. Instruction and
                                                                           practice in the beginning forms of Tai Chi follow the warm-up.
                                                                           Regularly practicing Tai Chi helps alleviate pain and heal injuries,
                                                                           enhances balance and flexibility, reduces stress, and increases
                                                                           peacefulness, well-being, and cognition, especially in a group
                                                                           setting! All movements can be done standing or sitting in a chair.
                                                                           All ages and fitness levels are welcome.

Beginning Pilates                                                          Tai Chi & Qi Gong – Beginning/Intermediate
Mondays & Wednesdays; 6:00-7:00 pm                                         Fridays, 9:00-10:00 am
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.                                   Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages 18/up, $33*/month                                                     Ages: 12/up, $10*-$12.50*/class
Instructor: Bob Stephenson                                                 Instructor: Tina Kejie Duan; (916) 579-2668,
This class introduces concepts such as careful movement control,           duankejie68@gmail.com
relaxed concentration, body alignment, position flow, and breathing.       This class is suitable for both
Each class of standing and mat exercises has a theme and is unique.        beginners and experienced students.
Set to relaxing music, the peaceful flow of movements aims for steady      A Qigong warm-up is followed by
progress and to leave you feeling energized. Bring a yoga mat and wear     instruction and practice in a variety
comfortable clothes.                                                       of simplified Yang Style Tai Chi
                                                                           movements and routines. Tai Chi
                                                                           is a form of moving meditation in
Mindful Meditation
                                                                           which the breath is coordinated
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30 pm
                                                                           with a series of fluid movements
Session 2: March 7-May 2
                                                                           and postures. Regular practice
Session 3: September 5-October 24
                                                                           improves balance, flexibility, and
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
                                                                           strength while promoting relaxation
Ages 16/up; $56*/8 classes or $7*/drop-in
                                                                           and focus. Other benefits include
Instructor: Jennifer Kelley
                                                                           stress reduction, improved posture,
In this 8-week class, participants will be introduced to a variety of
                                                                           increased mindfulness, and
meditation and mindfulness techniques. Take the journey of self-
                                                                           enhanced energy levels. All ages
discovery with others and have a good time as your self-awareness and
                                                                           and fitness levels are welcome.
understanding of meditation grows. Bring a notebook to class. For more
information, email jenniferskelly123@gmail.com.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
Adults                            17
Country Western Line Dance Party
Tuesday & Friday; 6:00-8:30 pm
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages 18/up, $6*/class (pay on site)
Facilitator: Judy Bechthold
Each Tuesday from 6:00-6:30 pm is a beginner class, no experience is needed. 6:30-8:30 pm is the
regular dance and some experience is good but not required. Cost for each dance is $6 per person and
is payable at the dance. (Check with the facilitator for possible cancellations.)
Friday monthly dance parties will be held on the following dates: 1/12, 2/2, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10 and 6/14.
Previous line dance instruction is not required but will help you get the most out of the event.

Scottish Country Dance
Mondays; 6:00-7:30 pm (beginners), 7:00-9:00 pm (experienced)
Session 2: March 18-May 6
Session 3: May 13-July 1
Session 4: August 12-October 7
Session 5: October 14-December 16
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages 16/up; $32*/8 classes or $5*/drop-in
Instructor: Michael Gregg; (925) 215-1227, mgregg128@gmail.com
Scottish Country Dance is the traditional social dance of Scotland, similar to
American square or contra dance, and is danced to traditional and contemporary
Scottish reels, jigs, and strathspeys. This class will cover the basic steps and figures,
and some of the more popular dances. For beginners or experienced, ages 16 to 90+.

Cuban Salsa Dance
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages: 16/up, $35*/month
Level 1: 5:00-6:00 pm
This Level 1 beginner class will go over the basic footwork and rhythm for Cuban Salsa. We will learn
one or two patterns each week and then learn those moves as a Rueda, where we will dance in a
circle while exchanging partners. No partner, experience, or special dance shoes required.
Level 2: 6:00-7:00 pm
This Level 2 beginner class will expand upon the moves learned in Level 1 and dance to faster music. The ability to dance
the following moves is heavily suggested to join this class: guapea, dile que no, and enchufla, and all of these moves in
rueda. No partner or special dance shoes required.
Level 3: 7:00-8:00 pm
This Level 3 class will expand upon the moves learned in Levels 1 & 2 and increase the pattern complexity. The ability to
dance the following moves is heavily suggested to join this class: guapea, dile que no, enchufla, adios, vacilala, enchufla
doble, exhíbela, and all of these moves in rueda. No partner or special dance shoes required.

Dance Fitness
Mondays, 10:15-11:15 am
Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.
Ages: 12/up, $10*-$12.50*/class
Instructor: Tina Kejie Duan; (916) 579-2668, duankejie68@gmail.com
Dance Fitness is a low-to-moderate intensity, low-impact dance fitness class with a cheerful, accepting atmosphere for all ages
and fitness levels. No previous dance experience is necessary. Simple, fun choreography is designed to increase cardiovascular
fitness, flexibility and coordination, accelerate fat loss, and promote detoxification (via sweating). Dance movements can be
modified for individual needs.

                                                     Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                         Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
18                     Seniors

Woodland Senior Center                                                                          Senior Center Thrift Store
Open Monday-Friday; 8:00 am-3:00 pm; Community & Senior Center, 2001 East St.                   Mon-Fri, 9:30 am-12:00 pm
                                                                                                2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm
The Woodland Senior Center is a designated focal point of services for older adults,
                                                                                                Woodland Senior Center Inc., non-profit
including: nutrition, recreation, education, transportation, art, health, support
                                                                                                partner of the Woodland Senior Center,
groups, and information/assistance. Programs center on healthy aging, social                    operates a small thrift store.
services, and have plenty of socialization opportunities. Contact the Welcome Desk              All proceeds go to
at (530) 661-2001 for more information. A monthly newsletter, the “Senior Gram,”                benefit senior programs.
is available at the Senior Center or online at cityofwoodland.gov/seniors.                      The thrift store
                                                                                                accepts donations of
                                                                                                clothes, kitchenware,
                                                                                                decorations, and other
                                                                                                household items. No
                                                                                                furniture or electronics
                                                                                                are accepted.

                                                 Senior Art Show
                                                 Friday, March 15; 4:00-7:00 pm
                                                 The Senior Art Show highlights artists that are enrolled in senior center art classes.
                                                 View paintings, sculptures, ceramics, needlework, and more. Some work may be for
                                                 sale. There will be beer and wine tasting. This event is attached to the ReXpo event.

Hand & Foot Card Party
Saturday, March 23; 11:00 am-4:00 pm
$20 for SCI members, $25 for non-members.
Join friends at the annual Hand & Foot Card Party! Lunch will be served at 11:30 am. There
will be a raffle with opportunity to buy raffle tickets. Visit the Welcome Desk for your Hand
& Foot Card Party ticket, or call (530) 661-2001.

Senior Center Inc. Board Installation Dinner
Thursday, May 9; Doors at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 5:30 pm
SCI Members can RSVP to the Welcome Desk
Woodland Senior Center Inc. is comprised of a board of volunteers who work hard every year holding events and conducting
fundraising. This dinner is the annual membership meeting where new board members are installed or existing board members are
extended. RSVP to the Welcome Desk, (530) 661-2001. Not a member? Ask
how to become one!

Senior Resource Fair
Thursday, May 23; 9:00 am-12:00 pm
This free event highlights programs and services available to adults 50 and
older in Woodland. More than 70 organizations that serve Woodland will be
on site to answer questions and provide materials.

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
Seniors                                      19
4th of July Ice Cream Social
Thursday, July 4; 1:00-3:00 pm
Cost: $2; ALL AGES
Woodland Senior Center, Inc. hosts another annual tradition: ice cream and
cookies on the 4th of July. Raffle tickets available for sale with several raffle
prizes available. Be sure to stop by.

Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
Thursday, July 11; doors at 5:00 pm, dinner at 5:30 pm
$3 for SCI members, $4 for non-members, $5 at the door
RSVP and donate at the Welcome Desk
The Teens Helping Seniors program takes middle and high-school-aged volunteers to senior homes to perform housework and
yardwork free of charge. These volunteers are rewarded with a trip to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk at the end of the Summer. They
use the donations from their work and from the spaghetti feed to fund their entire trip, from unlimited rides to good food all day. The
spaghetti sauce is made using locally-sourced ingredients from Food Front community partners. RSVP and donate at the Welcome Desk
at (530) 661-2001.

Senior Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, November 14; Doors at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 5:30 pm
$1/ticket; RSVP at the Welcome Desk, limited space
There will be a full Thanksgiving meal provided at this event. Century Club
members and current annual SCI members can purchase tickets starting on
Tuesday, October 1 at 8:30 am. Tickets will be available to non-members on
October 14. You must be physically present at the Welcome Desk in order to
buy tickets, and every ticket must have a unique name assigned to it. This event
is limited to 300 tickets, and it will sell out. Spouses of members must also be
members in order to sign up early.

                                                                   Santa’s Holiday Social
                                                                   Thursday, December 12; Doors at 10:30 am, Brunch at 11:00 am
                                                                   $1/ticket; RSVP at the Welcome Desk, limited space
                                                                   There will be amazing brunch food served, and a large raffle furnished by
                                                                   SCI and Senior Center programs. Century Club members and current annual
                                                                   SCI members can purchase tickets starting on Tuesday, November 5 at 8:30
                                                                   am. Tickets will be available to non-members on November 18. You must be
                                                                   physically present at the Welcome Desk in order to buy tickets, and every
                                                                   ticket must have a unique name assigned to it. This event is limited to 300
                                                                   tickets, and it will sell out. Spouses of members must also be members in
                                                                   order to sign up early.

                                                     Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                                          Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
20                     Seniors
                                       Art Classes
                                       Art Workshop           Wednesdays 9:30 am                Drop-In
                                       Ceramics               Thursdays       9:30 am           Drop-In
                                       Needles & Friends Mondays              9:00 am-2:00 pm Drop-In
                                       Writing Life Stories   Thursdays       2:00-4:00 pm      Enroll with CSD

 Exercise Classes
 Aquatics Activities    Charles Brooks Swim Center, 155 N. West St. Call (530) 661-2000
 Beginning Pilates      Mon/Wed                     6:00-7:00 pm          $33*/month
 Dance Fitness          Mondays                     10:00-11:00 am        $50*/person for 4 sessions
 Drop-in Badminton      Mon/Wed/Fri                 8:30-11:30 am         Drop-In
 Everyday Yoga          Mondays                     9:00-10:00 am         $20*/month
 Everyday Yoga          Thursdays                   5:00-6:00 pm          $20*/month
 Low Impact Aerobics Mon/Wed/Fri                    8:00-8:30 am          Call (530) 661-2001
 Low Impact Aerobics Mon/Wed/Fri                    10:00-10:30 am        Call (530) 661-2001
 Drop-in Pickleball     Tue/Thu (Nov-Feb only) 9:30-11:30 am              Drop-in
 Rock Steady Boxing     Mon/Wed/Fri                 8:30-10:00 am         $20*/month (Monday online)
 T’ai Chi & Qi Gong     Mondays                     9:00-10:00 am         $50*/person for 4 sessions
 Woodland Stompers      Mondays                     1:30-3:00 pm          Call (530) 661-2001

                                               Social Games
                                               American Mahjongg Thursdays              9:00 am-12:00 pm Drop-in
                                               Billiards              Mon-Fri           8:15 am-2:45 pm    Drop-in
                                               Bingo                  Wed/Fri           11:00 am-2:30 pm Drop-in, 5¢/card
                                               Bridge for Fun         Wednesdays        12:00-3:00 pm      Drop-in
                                               Hand & Foot            Wednesdays        8:45-11:30 am      Coffee @ 8:30am
                                               Mah Jong               Thursdays         12:30 pm           Drop-in
                                               Open Game Days         Mon/Tue/Fri       12:30 pm           Drop-in
                                               Pedro                  Tuesdays          11:30-3:00 pm      Drop-in

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
Seniors                             21
Support Groups
Diabetes Support Eng 2nd Tuesdays            10:00-11:00 am     Drop-in
Diabetes Support Spn 4th Tuesdays            6:00-7:30 pm       Drop-in
Outa Sight (vision)       3rd Tuesdays       12:30-2:00 pm      Drop-in
Parkinson’s Support       1st Wednesdays     1:30-3:00 pm       Drop-in
Prostate Cancer           2nd Mondays        7:00-8:00 pm       Drop-in
Stroke Support***         3rd Mondays        1:00-2:00 pm       Drop-in
***Meets on the 4th Monday of January and February

Resources             Call (530) 661-2001 for more information!
Commission on
                       3rd Thursdays at 4:00 pm       2001 East St.
Community              Mon-Fri 8:00 am-3:00 pm        Call (530) 662-7800
Care Car               Call for ride appointment      $2 donation/ride
Legal Services of
                       Call (530) 662-1065
Northern California
                       By Appointment Only            Call (916) 376-8915
Yolo County 211        Info & Assistance for Seniors Call 211

Other Programs
                                                                                2024 SENIOR CENTER EVENTS
                  Short trips    Flyers available at Senior Center          The Woodland Senior Center, in conjunction with
                                                                            Woodland Senior Center Inc. and other community
                  Wed. by        Call Meals on Wheels,                        partners, host a number of special events for
Chit Chat Café
                  Reservation.   (530) 662-7035 x108                                  seniors throughout the year.
                  Full trip
Collette Travel                  Flyers available at Senior Center        February 8       Valentine’s Dinner and a Movie
Media Library Books, Audio Books, and DVDs available to rent              March 15         Senior Art Show & ReXpo
Senior Center                                2001 East St.                March 23         Hand & Foot Card Party
              1st Thursday       9:30 am
Inc.                                         (530) 661-2001               May 9            SCI Installation Dinner
Senior            2nd & 4th                                               May 23           Senior Resource Fair
                                 12:30 pm Free Snacks & Drinks
Movie Day         Mondays
                                                                          July 4           SCI Ice Cream Social
Thrift Store
                  Mon-Fri        9:30 am-12:00 pm                         July 11          THS Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
Thrift Store      2nd & 4th                                               September TBD Household Document Shredding
                                 4:00-6:00 pm
PM                Wednesdays                                              November 14      SCI Thanksgiving Dinner
YFB Food          2nd & 4th                                               December 12      Santa’s Holiday Social
                                 5:00 pm In back of building
Distribution      Wednesdays

                                              Register online at cityofwoodland.gov/signup

                                                                                            Se habla español • (530) 661-2000
22                                                                Facilities & Parks
     Woodland Community & Senior Center
     The Woodland Community & Senior Center provides a venue for business
     meetings or parties in its meeting rooms, banquet rooms, or the Kevin & Lorie
     Haarberg Gymnasium. Contact us to schedule a facility tour at (530) 661-2000.

     Park Permits
     Parks shade structures are available for exclusive use with a reservation.
     Reservations are available from 10:00 am-7:00 pm on a first-come, first-served
     basis. Park reservations are taken up to one year in advance. To find photos of
     specific parks and more information, please visit the website at cityofwoodland.gov/CSD.
     No reservations Nov. 1-Feb. 29. Fees are listed for local non-profit and private group use.
     Groups up to 75: $40/hour for residents, $80/hour for non-residents. Fees apply for any changes to permits.

     Athletic Field Reservation Procedures
     All groups or teams who want to play league or tournament games on the fields, or any groups who want to use the
     athletic fields should proceed with the reservation process. Requests must be made a minimum of seven days in advance
     and may not be made further out than twelve months in advance.

     Park Map

                        Gary                  Jeff
                        Traynham             Roddy
                        Park                  Park                                                                     KENTUCKY AVE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               N PIONEER AVE

                                                                  Joseph Schneider

                                              Park                      Park
                                                                                                         WOODLAND AVE
                                                                        Charles Brooks                                                                      Park
                                                                         Swim Center
                                                                                                         BEAMER ST

                                                                                                         Clark   Christiansen/
                                                                         CALIFORNIA ST

                                           Harris Park                                                   Field   Camarena
                                           & Field                                                               Park
                              ASHLEY AVE

                                                                                                                 COURT ST

                                                                                                                  MAIN ST                                  Freeman Park
       COUNTY ROAD 98

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 E MAIN ST

                                                                                                             LINCOLN AVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                TH O MA S ST
                                                                                                                                                                             EAST ST

                                                                                         CRO SS ST               City Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FA AV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RN E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |                                           Dick
                                                                                                                             COLLEGE ST

                                           John Ferns

                                                                                                                                                THIRD ST

                                           Park                                                                                                                                                                Campbell                                                      Klenhard
                                                  COTTONWOOD ST

                                                                                                                                                                  GUM                                          Park                                                            Park
                                                                                               WEST ST
                                                                              CALIFORNIA ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PIONEER AVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAT MO R RD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BOU RN DR

                                                                                                                                                              Park                                                                                                           BRANIGAN
                                                                                                                       Grace                                                                                                                                                                          Pioneer
                          Streng                                                                                   Hiddleson                                                                                                                                                    AVE                   Park
                           Pond                                                                                         Park
                           Park                                                                                  GIBSON RD
                                                                                                                                                C O LOM A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COUNTY ROAD 102
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LORENZO AVE
                                                                                                                                                                  SIXTH ST
                                                                                                                                                           W AY

                        Dave                                      Woodside

                        Douglass                                  Park
                                                                                                           EL DORADO DR
                                                                                                                                                              Tredway                          Park
                                                                                                                                          Crawford                                                                                                                             FARMERS
                                                                                                                                                                                        SPORTS PARK DR                            Spring Lake
                                                                                                                                          Park                                                                                                                                CENTRAL RD
                                                                                                                                                                                        Woodland Community
                                                                                                                                                                                        & Senior Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   M I E K LE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             HERITAGE                 PKWY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gonzales, Sr

Recreation Guide 2024

*Additional fees apply for non-residents
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