CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020

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CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference
15 September 2020
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
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CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
Table of Contents
• 1H 2020 Overview
• Financial Highlights
• Operational Highlights by Business Units
   • Development
       • CapitaLand Singapore and International
       • CapitaLand China
       • CapitaLand India
   • Fund Management
       • CapitaLand Financial
   • Lodging
       • CapitaLand Lodging

CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020

           Singapore Science Park
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020 Overview

 Put To The Test
 Ensuring resilience through a strong balance sheet  Focus on recurring
 income & operating cash flow  Strategic entry into new economy asset                                                                                                                          ~S$300m
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Net cash
 classes.                           MARCH                                                                                                                                                       generated from
                      FEBRUARY                    APRIL         MAY                                                                                                                 JUNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  activities in
    large and                                                                                                                                                                                       1H 2020
                                                                                               China lifted
                                                      Social distancing                                                   Singapore’s Circuit
   diversified                                        restrictions progressively
                                                      tighten in other parts of
                                                                                                                          commenced; only
                                                                                                                                                                                    India and
                                                      China. 15 CapitaLand
 portfolio is key
                                                                                                                                                        platforms eCapitaMall
                                                      malls closed.                            Encouraging signs of       essential services allowed    and Capita3Eats
                                                                                                                                                                                    reopened in phases.
                                                                                               recovery emerges across    to open across the            launched in Singapore to
to our resilience                                     Singapore lifted
                                                                                               all asset classes.         country.                      drive sales for retailers
                                                                                                                                                        and F&B operators.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Singapore shopper
                                                                                                                                                                                    traffic returned to
                                                      DORSCON1 Alert to
   and agility                                        Orange. Government
                                                                                               India entered
                                                                                               lockdown; all business
                                                                                                                          CapitaLand’s announced                                    approximately 50% of
                                                                                                                                                                                    pre-COVID levels in the
                                                      recommends       WFH2.                   and logistics parks        support                                                   first week of phase 2 re-
                                                                                               remained operational,      measures for                 CapitaLand                   opening.
                                                                                               rendering essential
               JANUARY                                Singapore shopper traffic                services, as with all
                                                                                                                          stakeholders                 reported upticks             CapitaLand’s committed
                                                      declined. CapitaLand                     workspace assets           cross S$100m3.                                            support measures for
   Various cities in Hubei, including
                                                      announced support
                                                                                                                                                       in residential               stakeholders exceeded
   Wuhan, enter                                       measures for eligible
                                                                                               across CapitaLand’s
                                                                                                                                                       and retail                   S$300m3.
   lockdown. CapitaLand                               Singapore retailers.
                                                                                                                                                       numbers since
   closed 4 malls in Wuhan.                                                                    Malaysia started                                                                     Achieved S$154.0m
                                                                                               Nationwide Movement         Secured S$500m              re-opening.                  of cost savings in 1H
                                                     CapitaLand cut board fees
   CapitaLand set up RMB10m                          as well as salaries for senior
                                                                                               Control.                    sustainability-                                          20204.
   fund in China to support relief                   management in solidarity
                                                                                               COVID pandemic
                                                                                                                           linked bilateral            CapitaLand secured 2         CapitaLand inked
   efforts in China.                                 with impacted patrons.                                                loan with UOB.              bilateral green loans
                                                                                               intensified globally and                                                             Singapore’s first SORA-
                                                     Wage freeze for all staff at                                                                      totaling S$400m with
                                                                                               international travel                                                                 based Loan of S$150m
                                                     managerial level and                                                                              HSBC and DBS.
                                                                                               came to a halt.                                                                      with OCBC Bank.
 1.   Disease Outbreak Response System Condition
 2.   Work from home
 3.   On 100% basis rental support to our commercial tenants, excluding government subsidies                                                                                                                      5
 4.   Versus 2H 2019
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020 Overview

                          Diversified Businesses Remain A Key Strength
                           Risks spread out across geographies, asset classes and income streams
                                              Other Emerging                                                                                                                                 Residential, Commercial

                                                                                                      Asia’s Leading
                                                                        Other Developed                                                                           Business Park,
                                                 Markets5                                                                                                                                         Strata & Urban
                                                                            Markets3                                                                               Industrial &
                                                                11% 15%                                                                                                                            Development
                                                                                                                                                                    Logistics7            8%
                                                                                                      Diversified Real                                                                By
                                                                                                                                                                                     Asset        28%

                                                          42%               32%
                                                                                                       Estate Group                                               Lodging6
                                                                                                                                                                             28%     Class              Retail

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         S$91.8m of
                                                                                                         $134.7Bn RE AUM8                                                                21%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Embedded Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Management Fee
                                         Derived S$1.13 Billion in 1H 2020 Total Operating EBIT1 From Five Asset Classes                                                                                                                  Income
                             Residential, Commercial                    Business Park,                           Commercial2                                      Retail2                                   Lodging2                      Fund Management
                                  Strata & Urban                     Industrial & Logistics2
                                            28.4%                                                                          8.6%                                           25.3%                                      82.5%                         74.2%
                                                    182.3                                  165.3                                                             595.2                                  171.8                                              91.8
Figures in S$ million

                                 142.0                                                                                                                                          444.7



                               1H 2019             1H 2020          1H 2019            1H 2020                1H 2019             1H 2020                  1H 2019            1H 2020              1H 2019               1H 2020         1H 2019     1H 2020
                        1.   Include Corporate Operating EBIT of S$17.5mn (1H 2020)   4.    Includes Hong Kong              7.   Includes data centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Scale       Balance    Agility    Focus
                        2.   Include Fund Management Operating EBIT                   5.
                                                                                            Excludes China
                                                                                            Includes multifamily and hotels
                                                                                                                            8.   Refers to the total value of real estate managed by CapitaLand
                                                                                                                                 Group entities stated at 100% of property carrying value
                        3.   Excludes Singapore and Hong Kong
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020 Overview

1H 2020 Financials Overview

                                Revenue        EBIT           PATMI
                          S$2,027.4M         S$596.8M       S$96.6M

                                 Operating    Total Cost   Cash & Available
                                 Cashflow      Savings1    Undrawn Facilities

          1.   Versus 2H 2019                                                   7
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020 Overview

1H 2020 YoY PATMI Composition Comparison
Fair value losses key attributor to lower 1H 2020 PATMI

                             Operating                        Portfolio gains/            Revaluations/           PATMI     •   Operating PATMI lower due to
900                                                          Realised FV gains             Impairments
                              PATMI                                                                                             rental rebates given to tenants
800                                                                                                                             and impact to operating
700                                                                                                                             performance primarily for our
600                        Trading                                                                                              retail and lodging businesses.
                           IP                                                                                                   Residential handovers mostly
                                                                                                            875                 scheduled for 2H 2020

300                                                                                                                         •   Portfolio/realised FV gains
                       308                                                                                                      decreased due to slow down in
                     (85%)           209
                                                                                          379                                   transactions amidst COVID-19
100                                (80%)
                       53                                       135           9                                       97
  0                                  52                                                                                     •   Unrealised revaluation losses
                     (15%)         (20%)                                                         (173)
-100                                                                                                                            were mainly from CCT and CMT
                                                                                                                                portfolio in Singapore as both
                                                                                                                                REITs commissioned independent
                    1H 2019 1H 2020                          1H 2019 1H 2020            1H 2019 1H 2020   1H 2019 1H 2020
                                                                                                                                property valuations due to the
                                                                                                                                proposed merger

   1.    Cash PATMI = Operating PATMI + portfolio gains + realised FV gains                                                                                       8
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020 Overview

    Overall Fee Income Remained Resilient
    Well-supported by recurring fee income even as SR management and one-time
    transaction fees were impacted by COVID-19

                                                        1H 2020                                                                                   1H 2019
                                             Others2                                                                                    Others2
                                              12%                                                                                        11%
                                                                                                                                                                 REIT Management3
                                                                                           REIT Management3
               Serviced Residence                                                                34%               Serviced Residence
                  Management                                                                                          Management
                      15%                                                                                                 30%
                                                 Total Fee Income1:                                                                       Total Fee Income1:             Private Fund
                                                   S$307.0 Million                                                                          S$275.1 Million             Management3

                                                                                          Private Fund                                                              Project Management
                                  Property                                                                                                                                   3%
                                                         Project Management
                                                                  2%                                                                       Property Management

1.   Includes fee-based revenue earned from consolidated REITs before elimination at Group Level
2.   Mainly include general management fees, leasing commission, HR services, MIS, accounting and marketing fees
3.   Includes acquisition/divestment fees
CAPITALAND LIMITED Bank of America Global Real Estate Virtual Conference 15 September 2020
1H 2020 Overview

  Sustained Recovery In China Since Reopening
  Significant progress in China in 2Q 2020 gives hope to other geographies’
  eventual recovery
                    Residential                        Retail                                     Commercial                      Business Park, Industrial
                                                                                                                                       and Logistics
Residential units sold in 2Q 2020          All China malls are opened
were 3x that of 1Q 2020
Sales value increased over 5-fold
                                           with 90.5% of retail tenants
                                           in operation1
                                                                                         95%1 of tenants’
                                                                                         workforce back at work
in 2Q 2020
                                                                                         Committed occupancy
          1Q 2020
                                                                      Shopper Traffic    remains high at       84%1
          2Q 2020                                                     Tenant Sales
                                                                                         as at 30 June 2020
                                                                                                                                 Tenants returning to work at Dalian
                                                                                                                                     Ascendas IT Park, China
                                           Jan   Feb   Mar      Apr     May     Jun      Positive rental reversions
                                                                                                                                 Committed occupancy at

                                           Since May, retail sales and                                                           88%1 and 89%1 of
              1361                                                                                                               tenants’ workforce have
                                           shopper traffic rebounded
                             869           significantly, recovering to                                                          returned to the properties.
                                           around 75% and 66% in                                                                 Domestic tenants and
                                           May and June versus same                                                              R&D industries less
                                           period in FY 2019                                                                     impacted by COVID-19,
                                                                                        Night activities resumed in CapitaMall
                                                                                             Westgate, Wuhan in China
                                                                                                                                 and those temporarily
Residential Units          Sales Value                                                                                           impacted show resilience
     Sold                 (RMB' million)
1.   As at 30 June 2020
1H 2020 Overview

Varying Progress Across Core Residential Markets
COVID-19 impacted performance, China leads recovery
                                                     China                                                                                           Singapore

   •     High sell-through rate since sales offices reopened.                                                           •      All sales offices closed from 7 April to 18 June 2020.

   •     Average selling prices remained at pre-COVID levels.                                                           •      Notwithstanding, 35 units totaling S$60 million were sold.
                                                                                                                        •      In total, more than 80% of existing launches have been
   •     On track to launch over 4,000 units for the rest of 2020.
   •     Most of FY 2020 handovers expected to be delivered                                                             •      Approximately 1,800 units remain in the pipeline,
         in the second half of the year.                                                                                       including approximately 700 units from the
                                                                                                                               redevelopment of Liang Court site1.

                                                                                                                        •      No new residential launches in 1H 2020 as landbank
         Crowd at launch of La Botanica,                           Crowd at launch of Parc
                                                                                                                               remains limited.
                      Xi’an                                          Botanica, Chengdu
                                                                                                                        •      Handovers in 2Q 2020 were more than three times
        •   Launched 528 units in May                        •   Launched 194 units in May                                     higher than that of 1Q 2020 as domestic travel
            2020                                                 2020
                                                                                                                               restrictions were lifted.
        •   100% sold with ASP                               •   100% sold with ASP
            ~RMB11.3k psm                                        ~RMB10.3k psm

        •   Sales value ~RMB678 million                      •   Sales value ~RMB197 million

   1.   The redevelopment proposal has obtained its Provisional Permission in May 2020. The transaction was completed on 15 Jul 2020

1H 2020 Overview

Retail – Hard Hit But Recovering
Encouraging recovery in CapitaLand’s retail markets since re-opening
        1H 2020 Performance Across Core Retail Markets                                                                                              Riding through current challenges with our tenants
                                      Shopper traffic                Tenant sales

                 China                                                                    Singapore                                               • More than half of                         S$300m1
                                                                                                                                                                                          committed to
                                                                                                                                                    COVID-19 related support are allocated to Singapore
                                                        40,000                                                                 5.0%                 retail tenants
                                                                                                                                                  • 1H 2020 portfolio occupancy remains >90% on average
                                                         3 YoY)

                                                        25,000                                                                 -5.0%
                                                                                                                                                  • Most retail tenants are back in operation as at July 2020
                                                  (-45% 20,000
                                                        YoY)                                                                   -10.0%
                                                        15,000                                                          (-42.4%  YoY)
                                                                                                                             -15.0%               •   Relief for Singapore retail tenants include:
                                                        10,000                                                                                    ➢   Rental waivers, property tax rebates and cash grants
                                                                                                                        (-19.1%  3 YoY)
                                                         5,000                                                                                    ➢   Waiver of variable turnover rent
                                                             0                                                                 -25.0%
                                                                                                                                                  ➢   Release of one-month security deposits to offset rents
  Jan      Feb       Mar       Apr       May        Jun                Jan      Feb      Mar       Apr      May       Jun                         ➢   Rental relief for qualifying small and medium enterprises
                                                                                                                                                      tenants in accordance with the COVID-19 (Temporary
                  Japan                                                                 Malaysia                                                      Measures) (Amendment) Act 2020 and other legislations2

                                                  (-25.8%3 YoY)
                                                                                                                                                  • Relief for China retail tenants include:
                                                                                                                                                  ➢ 100% rental relief for tenants at Wuhan malls and 50% for
                                                      (-24.7% YoY)                                                                                  tenants in all other malls in 1Q 2020
                                                                                                                        (-19.0%3 YoY)
                                                                                                                                                  ➢ Targeted rental assistance to be extended to tenants on
                                                                                                                         (-45.4% YoY)
                                                                                                                                                    a case-by-case basis
                                                                                                                                                  ➢ Any rental arrears could be offset by rental waiver and
                                                                                                                                                    security deposits

   Jan      Feb       Mar       Apr      May       Jun                 Jan       Feb      Mar       Apr      May       Jun
 1.   On 100% basis YTD on rental support to our commercial tenants, excluding government subsidies
 2.   In accordance with the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Amendment) Act 2020 (the “Act”) and subject to notification by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore as to the eligibility of such tenants, as well as fulfillment of such other criteria as
      may be prescribed under the Act                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12
 3.   Change in tenants’ sales per sqm (for China) and sq ft (for Singapore, Malaysia and Japan)
1H 2020 Overview

Digitalising Our Business
Building on CapitaLand’s first mover advantage to
accelerate omnichannel solutions and future proof
our businesses                                      • Introduced e-commerce
                                                      platforms for retailers and
                                                      F&B operators in
                                                      Singapore and China to
                                                      boost shopping mall sales
• Sizeable member base
  crossing 12 million                               • Enhanced features on
  people, enables                                     CapitaStar App e.g. that
  CapitaStar to convert                               enable house hunters to
  offline customer at a                               view CapitaLand’s China
  lower cost compared to                              residential offerings
  pure e-commerce                                     virtually
• Site conversion rate is also higher than            • More than 110
  e-commerce players                                    livestream sales in
                                                        partnership with over
• Over 1,200 retailers were onboarded                   312 retailers have taken
  onto China’s CapitaStar platform YTD                  place in China
• More than 400 merchants onboarded                   • In Singapore, more than
  our twin platforms in Singapore                       50 brands participated
  (eCapitaMall and Capita3Eats) since its               in CapitaLand’s first
  launch on 1 June 2020                                 “shoppertainment” LIVE
                                                        show in July
1H 2020 Overview

Early Signs Of Recovery In Lodging Portfolio
Resilient business model, gradual recovery with resumption of domestic travel
    1H 2020 Key Highlights
                                                                                                                                       • 6 properties in Japan and
                                                                                                                                         South Korea remain closed
                                                                                                                                       • Pace of recovery may be
                                                                                                                                         affected by resurgence of
•     Portfolio well-diversified
                                                                                                                                         virus in Tokyo and Seoul
      across geographies
      reducing concentration                                                                                 Europe
                                                                                                                                                     North Asia
•     90% of 488 properties are                                            • 24 properties closed in 1H
      opened as at 15 July 2020                                              2020; all properties either
                                                                             reopened or planned for
•     Overall occupancy at                                                   reopening in the coming
                                   • Provide accommodation                   months                                                 China
      approximately 50% for 1H       to healthcare workers
      2020                           and COVID-19                                                                                                  • Achieved ~50%
                                     responders                                                            Gulf Region & India                       occupancy in 2Q
•     Asset light model –          • Focus on driving bookings                                                                                       2020
      maintained positive            from domestic leisure and                                                                                     • All previously-
      operating cashflow in 1H       alternative market                                                                             Singapore        closed properties
                                     segments                                                                                                        reopened
      2020                                                       • Middle East and India
                                                                   supported by long stays
•     Opened six properties - in                                 • India economy
      Singapore; Changsha                                          gradually re-opening        • 5 properties as self-                        SE Asia & Australasia
      and Tianjin in China; Gold                                                                 isolation or quarantine
      Coast in Australia; Osaka                                                                  facilities
                                                                                               • 3 properties approved
      in Japan; and Tours in                                                                     for staycation bookings         • 28 properties in SE Asia closed
      France                                                                                                                       in 1H 2020 - 13 reopened; 7
                                                                                                                                   scheduled to reopen
                                                                                                                                 • Scaled down operations at
Note:                                                                                                                              Australia
1.   As at 15 July 2020                                                                                                                                                  14
1H 2020 Overview

Diversified Lodging Portfolio Focused In Extended Stay
Segment Offers Resilience During Unprecedented Times
Continued demand from lodging asset owners amidst uncertainty
                         Over 6,400 new units added YTD1                    Ongoing portfolio reconstitution, divesting above book value

           lyf Sukhumvit 8 Bangkok           Citadines Gaoxin Chengdu       Citadines Didot Montparnasse Paris          Ascott Guangzhou
 •     ‘Home away from home’ self-contained model resonates well
       with guests and partners                                             •   Divested at EUR 23.6m            •   Divested at RMB 780m
 •     Full-fledged digital platform for bookings and loyalty programme         (c.S$36.4m), 69% above               (c.S$155m), 52% above
                                                                                property book value through          property book value
 •     31 new properties signed YTD1, including 6 new properties under          Ascott Residence Trust (ART)         through ART
       ‘lyf’ - CapitaLand’s coliving brand
                                                                            •   Expected net gains of            •   Expected net gains of
       •     New signings allow the platform’s further expansion into           c.S$3.8m                             c.S$19.4m
             China, Indonesia, Australia and the Philippines in an asset-
                                                                                Estimated net cash proceeds      •   Completion of divestment
             light manner                                                   •
                                                                                of EUR 17.7m                         expected in 1Q 2021
       •     Includes first rental housing property in Shanghai to tap on
             the growing demand from young, mobile workers and              •   Completion of divestment
             returning students from abroad                                     expected in 4Q 2020
       •     Relevance and demand for coliving remains strong; new lyf
             contracts a testament to lyf’s unique positioning

 1. As at 30 July 2020                                                                                                                          15
1H 2020 Overview

      Seizing New Business Opportunities In Lodging
     Optimising space use and extending offerings in the new norm

                                                                                                                  ‘Work in Residence’ initiative –
                                                                                                                Riding the ‘Work-from-home’ trend
                                                                                               •   Guests, corporates and students seeking alternative locations to work-
                                                                                                   from-home or study across 60 properties in over 10 countries
                                                                                               •   Quick check-in and start work with minimal disruptions
                                                                                               •   Daily, weekly or monthly packages available
                                                                                               •   Essential facilities provided such as dedicated workstations, regular
                                                                                                   housekeeping with telecommuting essentials available on demand – e.g.
                                                                                                   high-speed Wi-Fi, wide-screen monitor, webcam etc
                                                                                               •   Other services include food delivery, grocery shopping, printing,
                      ‘Space-as-a-Service’ initiative –                                            concierge or book-a-chef for in-room dining
                          Optimising use of space

                                  • Conversion of apartments into fitness and yoga studios                                                     • Partnering with Nestlé to
                                                                                                                                                 set up Starbucks self-
                                  • Selected properties in China have been used for live                                                         service kiosks in Citadines-
                                    streaming events and photoshoots                                                                             branded properties
                                                                                                                                                 around the world –
An apartment-turned-yoga-studio                                                                                                                  a first in the serviced
 at Ascott Raffles City Chengdu                                                                                                                  residence industry

  • Exploring with MNCs, entrepreneurs and                                                                                                     • Currently in Singapore,
    SMEs to use the space at our properties to                                                                 Starbucks kiosk at Citadines      and to be introduced in
    host cloud kitchens or as parcel collection                                                                  Fusionopolis Singapore          China, Malaysia and
    hubs                                                                                                                                         Japan
                                                        lyf Funan Singapore's social kitchen                                                                                16
1H 2020 Overview

    Well-positioned Workspace Portfolio
    Sizeable and complementary office and business park1 footprint across core geographies;
    Poised to capture wide range of locational and space requirements
  Numbers in circles indicate NLA/GFA (mn sqft/sqm)               Office NLA/GFA         Business Park, Logistics and Industrial NLA/GFA

    Singapore                                                                                              China’s 5 Core City Clusters                                                                India’s 6 Key Cities
    117 Properties                                                                                         38 Properties                                                                               12 Properties2
    39.3 million sqft NLA                                                                                  3.6 million sqm GFA                                                                         17.9 million sqft completed
                                               North                                                                                                                                                   area3                    Gurgaon
                                                                                                                                                             0.4    Tianjin
                                                        100%                                                                                                       Beijing
                                                 5.5                                                                                                               Dalian

                   West                                                      East

                                              Central                                                                        0.4                                                                       Mumbai       0.9
                                                                                                                                                                       Ningbo                                             3.9
                                                            91%                                                                                   0.1           2.1  Hangzhou                          (Panvel)                       Pune
                  15.8                                                       12.1                                                Xian
                                                                                                                              Chengdu                                  Suzhou
                                                  5.9                                                                     Chongqing
          100%                                                             100%                                                                                                                               Bangalore                Hyderabad
                                                                                                                                                    0.6                                                                   4.5
Tenants with both office and                               9%                      Tenants with multiple workspace                               Guangzhou
business park1 presence                                                                                                                          Shenzhen
                                                                                   presence                                                                                   Tenants with multiple workspace presence
include:                                                                           Amazon, ByteDance, Metlife,                                                                Tata Consultancy Services, Optum Global,
Equinix, JP Morgan, Standard                                                       Transcosmos and Lion TCR                                                                   Synechron Technologies, Applied Materials,
                                                                                                                                                                              IBM, Scientific Games

      •      Wide workspace portfolio offerings consist Grade A offices and business parks1
      •      Ability to provide tenants with locational options, “right-sizing” solutions, as well as different types of workspace that can complement their
             company cultures
      •      This creates revenue synergies across office and business park1 portfolios, as well as geographies
   1.   Include Industrial and logistics
   2.   Operating business and logistics parks                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
   3.   India has additional 28mn sqft under various stages of construction and development potential across existing and newly acquired business and logistics park s. This excludes forward purchase agreements
1H 2020 Overview

       Well-positioned Workspace Portfolio (Cont’d)
       Office portfolio continues to be resilient and well-positioned for evolving office trends
        •    High committed office occupancy rate ranging from 84.0% to 95.2% across
             geographies as at 30 June 2020                                                                              South              Germany, 2
                                                                                                                        Korea, 3
        •    In China, 95%1 of office tenants’ workforce have returned to the properties
                                                                                                          Japan, 4
        •    Continue to register positive rent reversion for most leases signed in 2Q 2020
                                                                                                                                        No of
                                  Offering core-flex options within our assets                                                       Properties:
         •   Bridge+ is an extension of CapitaLand workspace portfolio, offering flexible
             workspace solutions                                                                          Singapore,

                        •   In 1H 2020, over 500 Bridge+ workstations in Raffles City                                                                  94.3        95.2
                            Chongqing and Ascendas Plaza in China were leased                                                 91.7
Ascendas Plaza Bridge+ in
       Shanghai                         •    A 56,000 square feet of fully furnished workspaces and
                                             collaborative spaces at 79 Robinson Road in Singapore               84.0
                                             will start operating in 4Q 2020

                             Bridge + Lounge at Raffles City   •   Currently, there are 9 Bridge+
                                   Chongqing, China                locations operating across China,
                                                                   Singapore and India.                China       Singapore2         Japan         South Korea              Germany

                                                               •   ~20 more Bridge+ locations in the                Committed Occupancy (%)1
                                                                   pipeline over the next 24 months            Notes:
                                                                                                               1.   As at 30 June 2020
                                                                                                               2.   For Singapore Grade A office buildings only, including
                                                                                                                    79 Robinson Road                                                   18
1H 2020 Overview

Well-positioned Workspace Portfolio (Cont’d)
Business parks1 portfolio across geographies remained robust throughout 1H 2020
•       High committed occupancy2 rate ranging from 88.0% to 98.4% across                                                                                          Active in building up our Business Park,
        business parks, logistics and industrial assets in all geographies                                                                                       Industrial and Logistics portfolio in 1H 2020
•       Positive rental reversions3 for business parks in China, Singapore and
        United States in 2Q 2020                                                                                                                                                    Arlington Business Park in United
•       Business Parks tenants mostly in new economy industries which are tech-                                                                                                     Kingdom for £129 million
        driven and/or R&D-focused and thus, less impacted

•       Approximately 68% of tenants’ workforce in Singapore have returned to                                                                                                        A warehouse in Khurja, National
        their workplace; percentage is higher at industrial and logistics assets                                                                                                     Capital Region in India for INR951.5
                        China, Vietnam,                                                 98.4
                         12        1                                                                                                                                                 International Tech Park Chennai,
          India, 16                                                                                                                94.5                                              Radial Road Phase 2 in India
                                                                                                             92.1                                                                    (land) for INR2,559.8 million
    U.S., 28
                         No of                                                88.2                                                                                                   25% stake in Galaxis, Singapore
                                                            106                                                         88.0
                      Properties:                                                                                                                                                    for S$104.6 million5

                                                                                                                                                                                     Logistics property in Sydney,
                                                                         Singapore          Australia        UK      U.S.      China       India
               United Kingdom, 39                                                                                                                                                    Australia for A$23.5 million6
Notes:                                                                               Committed Occupancy (%)1
1.   Include Industrial and Logistics
2.   As at 30 June 2020
3.   Calculated based on average signing gross rent of the renewed leases divided by preceding average signing gross rent of curre nt leases. For the period Apr to Jun 2020, weighted by area renewed and for multi-tenant buildings only
4.   Through Ascendas India Trust. Signed Share Purchase Agreement for acquisition of the warehouse. Completion of acquisition is subject to fulfil ment of certain Conditions Precedent
5.   Through Ascendas Reit. Purchase consideration adjusted from estimated purchase consideration of $102.9m based on the final completion accounts                                                                                          19
6.   Through Ascendas Reit.
1H 2020 Overview

Proactive Fund Management
Sizeable and scalable fund management platform continues to exhibit resilience
                                                                                       1H 2020 Key Highlights
Total AUM through 7 REITs
                              Fee Income1 by Quarter       • Fund AUM as at 30 June 2020 stayed stable,
and Business Trusts as well
                              (S$ million)                   generating fee income of S$146.4 million (44% higher
as 25 Private Equity Funds
                               293.2                       • S$1.3 billion remains to be deployed
                                                           • Major transactions completed in 1H 2020
                                                4Q         ➢ Ascendas Reit: S$103 million acquisition of 25% of
  S$ billion        74.5        104.7
                                                             Galaxis in Singapore
                                                           ➢ CapitaLand Retail China Trust: S$151million
                                                             divestment of CapitaMall Erqi, ZhengZhou, China
                                               146.4       • Ascott Residence Trust (ART) admitted to FTSE EPRA
                                86.8                         Nareit Global Real Estate Index – an outcome of its
                                                             merger with Ascendas Hospitality Trust in 2019. The
                                                69.9         admission will further raise ART's profile as the proxy
                                                             hospitality trust in the Asia-Pacific
                                                           • CapitaLand Commercial Trust and CapitaLand Mall
                                                             Trust to work towards completing their proposed
                                49.6                         merger before the long stop date (30 September
     2019          1H 2020      2019          1H 2020   Notes:
                                                        1.     Includes fee based revenue earned from consolidated REITs before elimination at Group level
                                                        2.     Includes contribution from ASB for the period from 1 Jul to 31 Dec 2019
1H 2020 Overview

S$3B Annual Capital Recycling Target - Unchanged
Progress slowed down in 1H 2020 due to COVID-19  To focus on divesting
non-core assets opportunistically in 2H 2020
1H 2020 Divestments/Transfers1,2                                S$ million    Entity (Seller)

Wisma Gulab, Singapore                                               88.0    Ascendas Reit
No. 202 Kallang Bahru, Singapore                                     17.0    Ascendas Reit
25 Changi South Street 1, Singapore                                  20.3    Ascendas Reit
CapitaMall Erqi, Zhengzhou, China                                   150.8             CRCT

Citadines Xinghai Suzhou and Citadines Zhuankou Wuhan, China         97.0               ART

Undeveloped land parcel in Kazakhstan                                 1.5     CapitaLand
Seasons Avenue retail podium, Vietnam                                 1.3     CapitaLand
Subtotal (1H 2020)                                                  375.9
15% Equity interest in a JV in Chengdu, China3                       56.4     CapitaLand
Ascott Guangzhou, China3                                            155.0               ART
Citadines Didot Montparnasse Paris, France3                          36.4               ART     Notes:
                                                                                                1.     Announced transactions from 1 Jan to 5 Aug 2020
                                                                                                2.     The table includes assets divested/transferred by
40% stake in a mixed-use site in Huangpu District, Guangzhou3        78.6     CapitaLand        3.
                                                                                                       CapitaLand and CapitaLand REITs/business trusts/funds
                                                                                                       Announced post quarter end
                                                                                                4.     Divestment/transfer values based on agreed property
Total Gross Divestment Value4                                       702.3                       5.
                                                                                                       value (100% basis) or sales consideration
                                                                                                       Based on effective stake divested

Effective Divestment Value5                                         301.6

1H 2020 Overview

Proactive Capital Management
Strong balance sheet and liquidity position

  Healthy Debt Headroom for Contingencies
          Debt Headroom
        and Opportunistic Deployment                   • Positive free cash flow in 1H 2020
         0.70x                 0.70x
                                                       • Total funding S$4.8 billion raised YTD June 2020,
                    S$2.4 bn                S$3.6 bn
                      debt                    debt       including S$1.8 billion in sustainable financing
                   headroom                headroom
                                                       • Cash and available undrawn facilities2 totaled
                                                         ~S$14.0 billion3
                                                       • Lower overall implied interest rate of 3.0% achieved
                                                         with average loan tenure of 3.4 years
         0.64x                 0.56x
                                                       • Target to reduce 20% in operating costs and
                                                         discretionary capital expenditure - >S$200 million
                                                         savings for 2020
                                                       • Healthy take-up of Scrip Dividend Scheme for FY 2019
                                                         dividend, conserving approximately S$388 million of
  CL Group On B/S            On B/S
                           (excl. REITs)                 cash for CapitaLand

       Net D/E       Debt Headroom                     Notes:
                                                       1.   Proforma without SFRS (I)10 (excludes REITs Net Debt, includes CL’s share of REITs Equity)
                                                       2.   Total Group cash balances and available undrawn facilities of CapitaLand's treasury vehicles
                                                       3.   As at 30 June 2020
1H 2020 Overview

      We Place Sustainability At The Core Of What We Do
Recognition by Distinguished Awards                        Sustainability-linked Financing
          & Benchmarks
                                                       •   S$150 million three-year corporate loan from
 •    Remain listed in the Global 100 Most                 OCBC Bank is Singapore’s first Singapore
      Sustainable Corporations in the World 2020           Overnight Rate Average-based loan - part of
      and The Sustainability Yearbook 2020                 the S$300 million sustainability-linked loan

 •    Remain listed in the 2020 FTSE4Good Index        •   S$500 million four-year sustainability-linked loan
      Series following Jun 2020 review – constituent       from United Overseas Bank is the largest in
      since 2014                                           Singapore’s real estate sector

 •    Top winner at BCA Green Mark Awards              •   Ascendas Reit raised S$100 million maiden
      2020 with Green Mark Platinum Champion               green bond to finance green projects that
      recognition                                          mitigate climate change

 •    First to win top BCA SGBuilds Star Award for     •   Total of S$1 billion in green loans obtained to
      developers for expanding Singapore’s                 support greening of global portfolio
      foothold overseas

                                                            Helping our community
     New CapitaLand Sustainability                     • Close to S$6 million in donations and over 7,500
             Masterplan                                  volunteer hours in community support

 • Launching in 4Q 2020 with ambitious                 • Community projects in Singapore include
   targets and to galvanise the Group’s                  ‘CapitaLand #LoveOurSeniors’ and
   sustainability efforts to maximise impact             ‘CapitaLand #MealOnMe’ initiatives, as well as
                                                         meals and necessities deliveries to elderly homes
1H 2020 Overview

    •   The threat of COVID-19 remains prevalent and the economic outlook remains uncertain. Despite
        our expectations of continued pressure on our business for the remaining of the year, we are
        cautiously optimistic that the worst is over.
    •   We have been diligently adapting our business to the evolving needs of our stakeholders to ensure
        CapitaLand will pass the test and continue to build on our position as a leading diversified real
        estate group.
    •   Our long-term strategy remains intact and we will continue to build on our strengths to create a
        diversified and well-balanced portfolio for sustainable returns.
    •   Asset recycling is a key component that makes up CapitaLand’s return on equity. We will look to
        opportunistically divest non-core assets and businesses to achieve our S$3 billion annual target.
    •   Our strong balance sheet will allow us the agility to navigate through formidable current
        challenges. We will actively look for opportunities to reposition the Group within our three strategic
        growth businesses: Development, Lodging and Fund Management.
    •   Our digital capabilities, human capital and commitment to ESG excellence will continue to be the
        bedrock to our on-going success.


             CapitaGreen, Singapore
Financial Highlights

Diversified Across Geographies

                                                     Total Assets1                                                               Total EBIT2
                                    Other Emerging                               Other Developed                      Other Emerging              Other Developed
                                       Markets5                                     Markets3                             Markets5                    Markets3
                                                            6%               14%                                                  12%          14%
                                                               6%          14%                                                           3% 11%

                                                              FY 2019                                                              1H 2019
                                                            S$82.3 Billion                                                  44% S$2,061 Million
                                                                                          43%                                                2 May42%
                             China4                                                                   Singapore   China4


                                                 1H 2020: S$84.9 Billion                                                   1H 2020: S$596.8 Million

                           CapitaLand’s portfolio remains well-balanced between Developed Markets and Emerging Markets
 1.   FY 2019 Total assets as at 31 Dec 2019 and 1H 2020 total assets as at 30 Jun 2020
 2.   Figures YTD Jun of the respective years
 3.   Excludes Singapore and Hong Kong
 4.   Includes Hong Kong
 5.   Excludes China                                                                                                                                                     26
Financial Highlights

Diversified By Assets
                                              Total Assets1                                                                                   Total EBIT2
                                                        Corporate &
                                                        Others                            Residential,                                    Corporate & Others
                 Business Park,
                 Industrial & Logistics4                                                  Commercial Strata                                                               Residential,
                                                           4%                             & Urban Development                                       3%                    Commercial Strata
                                                                            16%                                                                                           & Urban Development
                                                            3%                                                                                           10%
                  Lodging3                                                                               Business Park,                       16%
                                                     8%                 16%
                                                                                                                                   28%                             31%
                                                                                                         Industrial & Logistics4
                                 15% 15%
                                                      FY 2019                                                                                   1H 2019
                                                    S$82.3 Billion                                                                      26%
                                                                                                                                            S$2,061 Million5

                                                                                 34%                                                                             48%
                                                                                          33%                                      4%
                                                                                                Retail                Lodging3
                Commercial                                                                                                                                 25%         Retail

                                       1H 2020: S$84.9 Billion                                                                     1H 2020: S$596.8 Million

                         Addition of “Business Park, Industrial & Logistics” segment in FY 2019 has further diversified the portfolio
 1.   FY 2019 Total assets as at 31 Dec 2019 and 1H 2020 total assets as at 30 Jun 2020
 2.   Figures YTD Jun of the respective years
 3.   Includes multifamily and hotels
 4.   Includes data centre
 5.   1H 2019 EBIT includes Corporate & others –S$18.3 million                                                                                                                                  27
Financial Highlights

Strong Balance Sheet & Liquidity Position

                               Leverage Ratios

                                                                                                                                 Coverage Ratio
                                                   Net Debt / Equity                             Net Debt / Total Assets1                         Interest Coverage Ratio2

                                                        0.64x                                           0.37x                                              4.9x
                                                       0.63x in FY 2019                              0.33x in FY 2019                                  7.6x in FY 2019

                   % of Fixed Rate Debt                                     Ave Debt Maturity3                      NTA Per Share                            NAV Per Share

                                                 67%                              3.4 Years                                S$4.53                                S$4.73
                             68% in FY 2019                                    3.7 years in FY 2019                     S$4.44 in FY 2019                    S$4.64 in FY 2019

1.   Total assets excludes cash
     Interest Coverage Ratio = EBITDA/ Net Interest Expenses; EBITDA includes revaluation gain
     Based on put dates of convertible bond holders
Financial Highlights

    Prudent Management Of Look-through Debt
     (As at 30 Jun 2020)

                                              On Balance Sheet                                                                                                                    Off Balance Sheet

Net Debt (1) /Equity

                   0.64                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.60
                                                              0.56                                       0.50
                                                                                                                                                          (4)                                 0.56

         CL Group On B/S                         On B/S (excl. REITs)                                   REITs (3)                         JVs/Associates (5) (6)                            Funds                                 Off B/S REITs        (7)

Net Debt (1) /Total Assets (8)

                    0.34                                                                                 0.32                                                                                 0.30                                       0.35
                                                              0.29                                                                                         (4)

                                                                                  (2)                            (3)                                                (5)                                                                                (7)
         CL Group On B/S                          On B/S (excl. REITs)                                   REITs                             JVs/Associates                                    Funds                                 Off B/S REITs

                                                                                        Well-managed balance sheet
 1.     Debt includes Lease Liabilities and Finance Lease under SFRS (I)16. (On B/S : S$824M , Off B/S : S$830M)
 2.     Proforma without SFRS (I)10 (excludes REITs Net Debt, includes CL’s share of REITs Equity)
 3.     The Group consolidated Ascott Residence Trust (ART), CapitaLand Commercial Trust (CCT), CapitaLand Mall Trust (CMT), CapitaLa nd Malaysia Mall Trust (CMMT), CapitaLand Retail China Trust (CRCT) and RCS Trust (Raffles City Singapore – directly held by
        CCT and CMT) under SFRS (I)10
 4.     63% of the debt in JVs/Associates is from ION Orchard, Jewel Changi Airport, Raffles City Changning (Shanghai, China) and Hongkou Plaza (Shanghai, China)
 5.     JVs/Associates exclude investments in Lai Fung Holdings Limited
 6.     JVs/Associates’ equity includes shareholders’ loans
 7.     Off B/S REITs refer to i) Ascendas Reit and ii) Ascendas India Trust
 8.     Total assets exclude cash                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    29
Financial Highlights

Well-managed Maturity Profile1 Of 3.4 Years
 Plans in place for refinancing / repayment of debt2 due in 2020
        16.0                                                                                                                                                                                         Total Group cash
                                                                                                                                                                                                  balances and available
                                                                                                                                                                                                    undrawn facilities of
        12.0                                                                                                                                                                                       CapitaLand's treasury

          8.0                                                                  6.6                      6.6                                                                                          ~S$14.0 billion
          6.0                                        5.0                                                                         5.2

          4.0                                                                                                                                              2.8
                            1.8                                                                                                                                                                                                        2.1
          2.0                                                                                                                                                                       1.1                       1.1
          0.0               0.7
                          2020                      2021                     2022                     2023                      2024                     2025                      2026                     2027                    2028+

             On balance sheet debt2 due in 2020                                                                S$’ billion                                                 Total
                                                                                                                                                                           Debt to be repaid or refinanced as planned
                To be refinanced                                                                                      1.4
                                                                                                                                                                           REIT level debt3
                To be repaid                                                                                          0.4
                Total                                                                                                 1.8
                As a % of total on balance sheet debt                                                                  6%

                                        Well-equipped with ~S$14.0 billion in cash and available undrawn facilities
  1.     Based on the put dates of the convertible bonds
  2.     Debt excludes S$824 million of Lease Liabilities and Finance Lease under SFRS(I)16
  3.     Ascott Residence Trust (ART), CapitaLand Commercial Trust (CCT), CapitaLand Mall Trust (CMT), CapitaLand Malaysia Mall Trust (CMMT), CapitaLand Retail China Trust (CRCT) and RCS Trust (Raffles City Singapore – directly held
         by CCT and CMT)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     30
Financial Highlights

Disciplined Interest Cost Management

                                                                                                    3.3                           3.2
                                                                                                                3.2      3.2
                                                                                                                                           Implied Interest Rate1


                      FY 2013 2                   FY 2014                     FY 2015              FY 2016   FY 2017   FY 2018   FY 2019      YTD Jun 2020   3


                                                                               Implied interest rate 1 kept low at 3.0%

1.   Implied interest rate for all currencies = Finance costs before capitalisation/Average debt
2.   Implied interest rate for all currencies before restatement was 4.2%
3.   Straight annualisation
Highlights by
Business Units

                 Ascendas Xinsu Square, Suzhou, China

              Ascent, Singapore Science Park
Singapore and

                One Pearl Bank, Singapore
Development: Singapore and International

Singapore And International Asset Portfolio
S$38.9 billion corresponding to 46% of Group’s total assets                                                                                                          Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia
By Geography

                               3%                                                                                                                                                                           Vietnam
                                                                                           Singapore,                                                                   Total EBIT1,3:
                                                  Total Assets1,2:                         Malaysia &
                                                   S$38.9 Billion                          Indonesia                                                                   S$89.6 Million

                                                      Others4         Commercial Strata &
                        Business Park,                  4%            Urban Development
                         Industrial &
                          Logistics5                                                                                                                                    Total EBIT1,3:
By Asset Class

                                                                                                                                                                       S$89.6 Million

                                                   Total Assets1,2:
                                                    S$38.9 Billion                          Retail
                                                                                             41%                                                                                        (24.6)

                        Commercial                                                                                                Residential,                 Retail              Commercial             Business Park,                Others 4
                           37%                                                                                                   Commercial                                                                Industrial &
 1.   Includes Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and International
                                                                                                                                Strata & Urban                                                               Logistics 5
 2.   Total assets as at 30 Jun 2020                                                                                            Development
 3.   Total EBIT YTD Jun 2020
 4.   Include serviced residence component in integrated development projects such as CapitaSpring in Singapore, The Stature in Jakarta, Indonesia, The Vista in Vietnam and multifamily assets in International as well as Corp orate & others
 5.   Include data centre                                                                                                                                                                                                                          35
Development: Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia

Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia Asset Portfolio
S$33.9 billion corresponding to 40% of Group’s total assets

                                 Others4                   Residential, Commercial
     Business Park, Industrial &   1%                           Strata & Urban
             Logistics 5
               13%                                                    5%

                                                                                                                               Total EBIT1,3:                              106.1
                                                                                                                               S$1.4 Million

                                  Total Assets1,2:
                                   S$33.9 Billion
                                                                                 Retail                                                                                                (14.2)
    Commercial                                                                    43%
       38%                                                                                                                         (54.3)
                                                                                                           Residential,            Retail         Commercial          Business Park,   Others 4
                                                                                                          Commercial                                                   Industrial &
                                                                                                         Strata & Urban                                                  Logistics 5

  1. Includes Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia
  2. Total assets as at 30 Jun 2020
  3. Total EBIT YTD Jun 2020
  4. Include serviced residence component in integrated development projects such as CapitaSpring in Singapore and The Stature in Jakarta, Indonesia as well as Corporate & others
  5. Include data centre
Development: Singapore - Residential

Singapore Residential Sales
 •                  Sold 35 units worth S$60 million1 in 1H 2020
 •                  More than 80% of launched units sold as at 30 June 2020
 •                  Completion of Liang Court transaction on 15 July 2020 will add approximately 700
                    residential units to the pipeline
                           1H 2020: ~4.4x YoY                                                                            1H 2020: ~2.6x YoY

                100                                                                                                100

                                                                                        Sales Value (S$ million)
Residential Units

                                                                                                                                                 Site of Liang Court
                                                                                                                           23                       development
                    0                                                                                                0
                         1H 2019                         1H 2020                                                         1H 2019       1H 2020
  1.   Units sold and sales value are based on options issued accounted for aborted units

Development: Singapore and Malaysia - Retail

Singapore & Malaysia Retail
                                                Portfolio1                                                                                       Singapore                                                          Malaysia
 No. of operating malls as at 30 Jun 2020                                                                                                                19                                                            7

                                                         1H 2020                                                  NPI6 (S$ million)                                                         1H 2020 vs 1H 2019

 Same-mall2,3                                                                                                                                                                                    Change in              Change in
                                  NPI yield on                   Committed                                                                                          Change in
                                                                                                         Curr             1H 2020              1H 2019                                            Shopper             Tenants’ sales
                                   valuation4                  occupancy rate5                                                                                      NPI6 (100%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   traffic              (per sqft)
 Singapore                               4.2%                             97.8%                          SGD                   334                 464                   -28.0%                      -42.4%                -19.1%
 Malaysia                                3.6%                             89.9%                          MYR                    92                 155                   -40.6%                      -45.4%                -19.0%

                                                     ION Orchard, Singapore                                                                                           Bugis+, Singapore
 1.   Portfolio includes properties that are operational as at 30 Jun 2020 and include properties managed by CapitaLand Group
 2.   Includes the retail components of integrated developments and properties owned by CapitaLand Group
 3.   Same-mall compares the performance of the same set of property components opened/acquired prior to 1 Jan 2019
 4.   NPI yield on valuation is based on valuations as at 30 Jun 2020 for Singapore and as at 31 Dec 2019 for Malaysia
 5.   Committed occupancy rates as at 30 Jun 2020 for retail components only
 6.   Figures are on 100% basis, with the NPI of each property taken in its entirety regardless of CapitaLand’s effective interest. This analysis compares the performance of the same set of property components
      opened/acquired prior to 1 Jan 2019. An integrated development is regarded as a single asset and NPI consists of all the components present in an integrated developm ent
Development: Singapore - Office

Singapore Office
                                                              Portfolio                                                                                        Singapore
 No. of operating Grade A office buildings as at 30 Jun 2020                                                                                                         5

                                                                                                                                                                                1H 2020 vs
                                                                             1H 2020                                                       NPI3 (S$ million)
                                                                                                                                                                                 1H 2019
  Grade A office
    buildings                                  NPI yield on                                 Committed
                                                                                                                                     1H 2020             1H 2019           Change in NPI (100%)
                                                valuation1                                occupancy rate2
 Singapore                                            3.7%                                           95.3%                              142.5             153.1                   -6.9%4

            Capital Tower                                          CapitaGreen                                    Asia Square Tower 2            One George Street             Six Battery Road

 1.   NPI yield on valuation is based on annualised 1H 2020 NPI and valuation as at 30 June 2020
 2.   Committed occupancy rate as at 30 June 2020
      Figures are on 100% basis, with the NPI of each property taken in its entirety regardless of CapitaLand’s effective interest
      Due to lower occupancies at CapitaGreen and Six Battery Road as well as upgrading works at Six Battery Road
Development: Singapore - Office

Development Projects Progressing Well
                                  79 Robinson Road                                      CapitaSpring

                          79 Robinson Road obtained TOP in Apr 2020.            CapitaSpring committed occupancy
                  Total NLA of ~518,000 sqft and committed occupancy ~70%        ~35%. On track to complete in 2021

                                                      Level 21 Sky Garden

                Night view

Development: Singapore – Business Park, Industrial & Logistics

Business Park, Industrial & Logistics
                                                                                                 As at 30 June 2020                                                                                    2Q 2020
                                                           Number of                                                                     Weighted average
Portfolio                                                                                       Committed                                                                                       Average rental
                                                           operating                                                                       lease expiry1
                                                           properties                         occupancy rate                                                                                      reversion2

Business Park                                                      33                                   84.7%                                                                                            14.6%

Industrial                                                         45                                   87.2%                                                                                            -17.3%
Logistics                                                          21                                   92.2%                                                                                             0.5%
                                                                    3                                   97.8%                                                                                            19.8%

  Ascent, Singapore Science Park, Singapore                                                      Aperia, Singapore                                                       20 Tuas Avenue 1, Singapore

1.   Calculated based on balance of lease term of every lease weighted by annual rental income
2.   Calculated based on average signing gross rent of the renewed leases divided by preceding average signing gross rent of curre nt leases. For the period Apr to Jun 2020, weighted by area renewed and for multi-tenant buildings only
3.   Comprises two or more types of space such as work space, retail and warehousing facility within one integrated development
Development: Singapore – Business Park, Industrial & Logistics

Asset Enhancement Initiatives (AEI)
Completed AEI of S$21.5 million as planned during COVID-19

1H 2020                                       Sub-segment          Total Cost (S$ million)              Completion Date
The Capricorn                           Business & Science Park             6.0                            20 Feb 2020
 Plaza 8                                Business & Science Park             8.5                            5 Mar 2020
The Galen                               Business & Science Park             7.0                            6 Apr 2020
Total                                                                       21.5

            The Galen, Singapore                                                  21 Changi South Ave 2, Singapore
           • Completed on 6 Apr 2020. AEI cost S$7.0 million
                                                                              • To complete in 1Q 2021. Estimated AEI cost S$4.7
           • Enhancements to the building entrance, lift lobbies                million
             and common corridors. Upgrades includes creation of
                                                                              • Construction of a new substation (power upgrade
             new collaborative spaces and meeting rooms at the
                                                                                from 1MVA to 3MVA), air-conditioning installation
             main lobby
                                                                                and sprinkler upgrade at the 3rd and 4th storey of
                                                                                warehouse and a new service lift

          Lift interior                     Main lobby                                                                               42
Development: Vietnam

Vietnam Asset Portfolio
S$1.1 billion corresponding to 1% of Group’s total assets

                                                                                                                            Total EBIT2:
                                                                                                             19.0          S$20.6 Million

                                                 Total Assets1:
                   Retail                         S$1.1 Billion
                    5%                                                                                                                              2.8
                                                                                                                            0.7         (1.9)

                                                                                                          Residential,     Retail    Commercial   Lodging 3
                                                                                                       Commercial Strata
                                                                                     Residential,          & Urban
                                                                                 Commercial Strata &     Development
                                                                                 Urban Development

1.   Total assets as at 30 Jun 2020
2.   Total EBIT YTD Jun 2020
3.   Include serviced residence component in an integrated development project - The Vista

Development: Vietnam - Residential

Vietnam Residential Sales
•               No new launches scheduled in 1H 2020. Limited selections left for balance unsold launched units
•               Due to delays in securing permits for units sold previously, 120 units were returned by buyers,
                resulting in negative sales accounted in 1H 2020
•               This was offset by the subsequent sale of 14 returned units at higher prices

                         60                                         2Q 2020: ~(-2.4)x YoY
                                           48                                                                                                                                17                  2Q 2020: ~(-1.6)x YoY            1Q
                                                                    1H 2020: ~(-2.2)x YoY                                                                  20
                         40                                                                                                                                                                      1H 2020: ~(-1.9)x YoY            2Q
                         20                                                                                                                                10           11

                                                                                                                                Sales Value (S$ million)
    Residential Units

                          0                                                                                                                                              6

                         60                                                                                                                                20

                         80                                                            (58)2                                                                                                                        (17)2
                        120                                                                (106)                                                           40
                                         1H 2019                                       1H 2020                                                                           1H 2019                                      1H 2020

    1.   Above data is on 100% basis. Value excludes value added tax
    2.   There were no launches scheduled in 1H 2020, hence there were no material sales. Some units for a project in Ho Chi Minh City were returned by buyers due to delay in securing permits. The returned units will
         be progressively released for sale at a higher price. While the Group remains cautiously optimistic, COVID -19 may potentially cause further delays in securing permits and further sales
Development: Vietnam - Residential

Handover Volume And Value
Mainly contributed by Feliz En Vista

                                            2Q 2020: ~6.4x YoY                                                                                                       2Q 2020: ~5.1x YoY      1Q
                                            1H 2020: ~3.2x YoY                                                                                                       1H 2020: ~2.4x YoY
                     700                                                                                                                                120

                                                                                                                          Handover Value (S$ million)
 Residential Units

                     400                                                                                                                                       51
                                         195                                                                                                                    19
                     100                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                                                                32                    27
                                           118                                        137
                       0                                                                                                                                  0
                                       1H 2019                                    1H 2020                                                                     1H 2019              1H 2020

      1.   Above data is on 100% basis
      2.   Value excludes value added tax and impact due to significant financing component for certain payment schemes under accounting principles IFRS 15                                       45
Development: Vietnam - Residential

Future Revenue Recognition
•      ~ 1,472 units1 sold with total value of ~ S$584 million2 expected to hand over from 3Q
       2020 onwards
•      ~ 40% of value expected to be recognised in 2H 20203

                 Vista Verde, Ho Chi Minh City                                                        Feliz en Vista, Ho Chi Minh City                                  Seasons Avenue, Hanoi

 1.   Above data is on a 100% basis
 2.   Value excludes value added tax and impact due to significant financing component for certain payment schemes under accounting principles IFRS 15
 3.   Subject to construction progress of the projects. While the Group remains cautiously optimistic, COVID-19 may potentially cause delays in construction progress                           46
Development: International

           International Asset Portfolio
           S$3.9 billion1 corresponding to 5% of Group’s total assets                                                                                                                         On CapitaLand’s Balance Sheet

                                                                                                                                                                                                   33%                          Retail
                                                                                                                                                                                       Business Parks,        S$3.9 Billion
                                                                                                                                                                                         Logistics &
                                                                                                                                                                                          Industrial                           Commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                             6%                                   34%

                                                                                                                                                                                                U.S.             Total
                                                                                                                                                                                                33%             Assets1:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              S$3.9 Billion

   United States                                            United                                                                  South
    of America                                                                                   Germany                                             Australia
                                                           Kingdom                                                                  Korea                                   Japan                Lodging3
• 16 Multifamily properties • 38 Logistics properties  2 Office properties                                                          3 Office     • 3 Suburban office       • 4 Office              39%
• 28 Office properties        (Owned by Ascendas Reit) (Owned by CCT)                                                               properties      properties               properties                        Total EBIT2:         30%
  (Owned by Ascendas Reit) • 1 Business Park property                                                                                            • 32 Logistics properties • 5 Shopping malls                 S$67.6 Million
                                                                                                                                                   (Owned by Ascendas Reit)

                                                                                                                                                                                             Business Park,
1.   Total assets as at 30 Jun 2020. This relates mainly to 16 multifamily portfolio in U.S., and properties in Japan and South Korea
                                                                                                                                                                                              Industrial &
     Total EBIT YTD Jun 2020
     Include Multifamily
                                                                                                                                                                                                Logistics                                47
                                                                                                                                                                                                  5%                     26%
Development: International - Retail

Japan Retail Portfolio
                                                        Portfolio1                                                                                                                Japan
No of operating malls as at 30 June 2020                                                                                                                                               5

                                                   1H 2020                                    NPI4 (JPY million)                                                       1H 2020 vs 1H 2019
                              NPI yield on                  Committed                                                               Change in NPI4                      Change in                  Change in Tenants’
                                                                                             1H 2020             1H 2019
                               valuation3                 occupancy rate                                                               (100%)                         Shopper traffic5              sales (per sqft) 5

Japan6                               4.0%                           99.7%                      1,109               1,539                     -27.9%                           -24.7%                     -25.8%

                                                   Olinas Mall in Tokyo, Japan                                                           Vivit Minami-Funabashi in Chiba, Japan

 1.   Portfolio includes properties that are operational as at 30 Jun 2020
 2.   Same-mall compares the performance of the same set of property components opened/acquired prior to 1 Jan 2019
 3.   NPI yield on valuation is based on annualized 1H 2020 NPI and valuation as at 31 Dec 2019. It is calculated based on the number of operating malls as at 30 Jun 2020
 4.   Figures are on 100% basis, with the NPI of each property taken in its entirety regardless of CapitaLand’s effective interest
 5.   Excludes La Park Mizue and Seiyu-Sundrug due to no disclosure from tenants
 6.   Olinas Mall and Vivit Minami Funabashi were largely closed between 8 Apr to 31 May and 9 Apr to 31 May respectively due to the “State of Emergency” implemented by the Japanese Government
Development: International - Office

High Occupancy Registered By Office
                                            Portfolio1                                                                Japan                      South Korea                        Germany
 No of operating office buildings as at 30 Jun 2020                                                                        4                                3                                2

                                                                                                                                                                            1H 2020 vs 1H
                                            As at 30 Jun 2020                                                     NPI5 (in millions)
Office1,2                     NPI yield on                   Committed                                                                                                    Change in NPI5
                                                                                                      Curr              1H 2020                  1H 2019
                               valuation3                  occupancy rate4                                                                                                   (100%)                                Gallileo, Germany

Japan6                               4.1%                              89.9%                          JPY                   912                      894                            +2.0%
                                     4.4%                              94.3%                         KRW                 11,112                         -                            N.M.
Germany                              4.0%                              95.2%                          EUR                   12.7                    13.2                            -3.3%8

 1.   Portfolio includes properties that are operational as at 30 Jun 2020
      Same-Office compares the performance of the same set of property components opened/acquired prior to 1 Jan 2019
      NPI yield on valuation is based on annualised 1H 2020 NPI and valuations as at 31 Dec 2019 except for the German properties valued at 30 Jun 2020. It is is calculated based on the number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ICON Yeoksam, Seoul, Korea
      operating office buildings as at the valuation date
 4.   Committed occupancy rates as at 30 Jun 2020 for office components
 5.   Figures are on 100% basis, with the NPI of each property taken in its entirety regardless of CapitaLand’s effective interest. An integrated development is regarded as a single asset and NPI consists
      of all the components present in an integrated development
 6.   Excludes Shinjuku Front Tower
      Completion of ASB transaction announced on 30 Jun 2019
      Due to lower occupancy of Main Airport Center
Development: International – Business Park, Industrial & Logistics

Logistics And Suburban Offices/Business Parks
                                                                   As at 30 Jun 2020                                                         2Q 2020                                                  1H 2020
 Portfolio                              Number of                   Committed
                                                                                                  average lease                        Average rental                                                                NPI yield on
                                        operating                   occupancy                                                                                              NPI (S$ million)3
                                                                                                     expiry1                             reversion2                                                                   valuation3
                                        properties                     rate
 Logistics                                      32
                                                                          98.4%                              4.3                                16.6%                                  89.2                                 5.7%
 Suburban offices                                3
 United Kingdom
 Logistics                                      38                        97.5%                              9.2                                 N.A.                                  42.6                                 5.3%
 United States
 Business Park                                  28                        92.1%                              3.8                                16.2%                                  89.4                                 6.8%

               Units 1a, 1b, 2 & 3, Upwell Street, UK                                             7 Grevillea Street, Sydney, Australia                                       5005 & 5010 Wateridge Vista, San Diego, USA

 1.   Calculated based on balance of lease term of every lease weighted by annual rental income
 2.   Calculated based on average signing gross rent of the renewed leases divided by preceding average signing gross rent of current leases. For the period Apr to Jun 2020, weighted by area renewed and for multi-tenant buildings
 3.   NPI and NPI yield on valuation is based on annualised Jan – Jun 2020 NPI and valuation as at 31 Dec 2019                                                                                                                          50
Development: International – Business Park, Industrial & Logistics

Strengthening Presence In Australia
        Acquisition of Lot 7 Kiora Crescent, Yennora, Sydney                                   AEI on 484-490 & 494-500 Great Western Highway, Sydney

                                                         • Purchase consideration1                                         • AEI cost A$1.5m (S$1.4m)3
                                                           A$23.5m (S$21.1m)2                                              • Completed on 29 Apr 2020
                                                         • Initial NPI yield 6.2% (5.8% post                               • External redecoration of the
                                                           transaction cost)                                                 warehouses, internal refurbishment
                                                         • Property to be developed                                          and new LED lighting & translucent
                                                           expected to complete in 2Q           Redecoration to external     sheeting
    Land Parcel to be developed                                                                        facade

                 AEI on 100 & 108 Wickham Street, Brisbane                                         AEI on 197 – 201 Coward Street, Mascot, Sydney

                                                         • Estimate AEI cost A$11.0m                                       • Estimate AEI cost A$1.6m (S$1.5m)4
                                                           (S$10.1m)4                                                      • To complete in 3Q 2020
                                                         • To complete in 4Q 2020                                          • Improvement to amenities including
                                                         • Upgrade of lobby and creation                                     new end-of-trip facilities for cyclists,
                                                           of collaboration spaces. Seating                                  landscaping of external gardens
                                                           and architectural canopies will                                   and construction of an outdoor
                                                           be added to integrate and unify                                   seating area.
                                                           the identity of both buildings

1.   Includes 9.5 months of rental guarantee provided by the Vendor
2.   S$ amount based on exchange rate of A$1.00: S$0.89957 as at 31 May 2020
3.   S$ amount based on exchange rate of A$1.00: S$0.92791 as at 31 Dec 2019
4.   S$ amount based on exchange rate of A$1.00: S$0.9149 as at 30 Jun 2020
Development: International – Multifamily

Multifamily Portfolio
                                                                       As at Jun 2020                                            1H 2020

Portfolio                                      Number of               Committed        Weighted length of
                                                                                                                                           NPI yield on
                                               operating               occupancy               stay          NPI (US$ million)
                                               properties                 rate               (years)

United States
Multifamily                                            16                93.8%                     1               20.9                         4.8%

              Stoneridge at Cornell, Portland                                    Silverbrook, Aurora                Village at Union Mills, Lacey

1.   Based on annualized 1H 2020 NPI and valuation as at 31 Dec 2019

             China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, China
Development: China

China Asset Portfolio
S$30.7 billion corresponding to 36% of Group’s total assets

                                                                                                         Business Park,      Others3
                                                                                                      Industrial & Logistics               Residential,
                                                                                                               5%                      Commercial Strata &
                                                                                                                                       Urban Development
                                                    Beijing                                    Commercial
                                                                                                                                                         163.6         161.6       Total EBIT2:
                                                                                Suzhou                                                                                           S$391.1 Million
                                                              Wuhan                   Shanghai                        Total Assets1:
                       Chengdu                                                                                        S$30.7 Billion                                               44.4
                                                                                        Ningbo                                                                                                  23.7
                                         Chongqing                       Hangzhou

                                           Guangzhou                                                                                                    Residential,   Retail   Commercial Business Park,   Others 3
                                                                                                                                                       Commercial                           Industrial &
                                                                                                                                                      Strata & Urban                          Logistics
                                                                                                                      Retail                          Development

             The five core city clusters under CapitaLand’s China strategy are Beijing/Tianjin,
   Shanghai/Hangzhou/Suzhou/Ningbo, Guangzhou/Shenzhen, Chengdu/Chongqing/Xi’an, and Wuhan

1.   Total assets as at 30 Jun 2020. Include Corporate & others not reflected in the chart
2.   Total EBIT YTD Jun 2020
3.   Include serviced residence component in integrated development projects in China as well as Corporate & others
Development: China - Residential

China Residential Sales
 •                   Residential sales rebounded in 2Q 2020 as sales offices reopened
 •                   92% launched units sold as at 30 Jun 20201
                                           2Q 2020: ~0.8x YoY                                                                                                             2Q 2020: ~1.2x YoY                                       2Q
                                           1H 2020: ~0.6x YoY                                                                                                             1H 2020: ~0.9x YoY

                     4,000                                                                                                                          7,000

                                                                                                                        Sales Value (RMB million)
 Residential Units

                                                                                                                                                    6,000                                                        5,588
                                         1,807                                        1,769

                                                                                      1,361                                                         2,000
                                         1,218                                                                                                      1,000

                                                                                        408                                                                                                                       869
                        0                                                                                                                              0
                                       1H 2019                                      1H 2020                                                                     1H 2019                                        1H 2020

 1.   Units sold includes options issued as at 30 Jun 2020
 2.   Above data is on a 100% basis, including strata units in integrated development and considers only projects being managed. 1H 2020 include 179 units with a value of RMB 0.7b arising from the divestment of a residential
 3.   Value includes carpark, commercial and value added tax                                                                                                                                                                            55
Development China - Residential

Cautiously Optimistic On China Property
                                                    Over 4,000 units ready to be released in the next six months

                                    City                                                                                         Project   Total Units
  Beijing                                                                            Vermont Hills                                                         290
                                                                                     Parc Botanica                                                         774
                                                                                     Century Park (East)                                                   569
  Chongqing                                                                          Spring                                                                406
                                                                                     Citta Di Mare Phase 2                                                 366
                                                                                     Chromatic Garden                                                      498
  Xi’an                                                                              La Botanica                                                         1,537

  Grand Total                                                                                                                                            4,440

Note: Units will be released for sale in accordance with prevailing market conditions and is subjected to regulatory approv al
Development: China - Residential

China Residential Handover


                                             2Q 2020: ~0.2x YoY                                                                                                             2Q 2020: ~0.6x YoY
                                             1H 2020: ~0.3x YoY                                                                                                             1H 2020: ~0.5x YoY

                      3,000                                                                                                                      4,000
                                          2,599                                                                                                                    3,451

                                                                                                                           Value (RMB million)
  Residential Units

                                          2,271                                                                                                  2,000

                                                                                           652                                                   1,000                                                           1,255
                                                                                           520                                                                     1,196
                                            328                                                                                                                                                                    340
                         0                                                                 132                                                      0
                                        1H 2019                                        1H 2020                                                                  1H 2019                                        1H 2020
1.   Above data is on a 100% basis, including strata units in integrated developments and considers only projects being managed. 1H 2020 include 179 units with a value of RMB 0.7b arising from the divestment of a residential
2.   Value includes carpark and commercial                                                                                                                                                                                              57
Development: China - Residential

Future Revenue Recognition
•      ~7,800 units sold1 with a value of ~RMB18.2 billion2 expected to hand over from 3Q
       2020 onwards
•      ~70% of value expected to be recognised in 2H 20203

              Vermont Hills, Beijing                                      The Metropolis, Kunshan                                             La Botanica, Xi’an                       Raffles City Residences, Chongqing
1.   Units sold include options issued as at 30 Jun 2020. Above data is on a 100% basis, including strata units in integrated developments and considers only projects being managed
2.   Value refers to value of residential units sold including value added tax
3.   Subject to the construction progress of the projects. While the Group remains cautiously optimistic, COVID-19 may cause some delays in construction progress
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