18th International Myeloma Workshop - PROGRAM GUIDE SEPTEMBER 8-11, 2021 VIENNA, AUSTRIA - SPARGO, Inc.
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18th International Myeloma Workshop Principal Organizers Heinz Ludwig, MD | Chair Hermann Einsele, MD, FRCP | Co-Chair Hartmut Goldschmidt, MD, PhD | Co-Chair Roman Hajek, MD, PhD | Co-Chair Under the Auspices of the International Myeloma Society and its Board of Directors O FFIC ERS Nikhil C. Munshi, MD | President Philippe Moreau, MD | Vice-President María-Victoria Mateos, MD, PhD | Secretary Shaji Kumar, MD | Treasurer Jesús San Miguel, MD, PhD | Immediate Past President BO ARD O F DIRE CTORS Wee Joo Chng, MD Vánia Hungria, MD P. Joy Ho, MBBS Amrita Krishnan, MD Giampaolo Merlini, MD Noopur Raje, MD Sonja Zweegman, MD, PhD HO NO RARY BOA RD ME MB E RS Robert A. Kyle, MD Kenneth Anderson, MD
Welcome Message On behalf of the International Myeloma Society, it is our distinct pleasure and honor to welcome you to Vienna for the 18th International Myeloma Workshop. Over the past 18 months under extraordinary circumstances, the members of our Scientific Program Committee have collaborated to create an exceptional program with a wide range of educational opportunities. Over the next four days, you will have exclusive access to: 140+ expert invited faculty who will present the latest genomic advances, new drug targets and agents, immunotherapeutic approaches including Car T-cell therapies, COVID-19 in multiple myeloma, and more in plenary sessions Nearly 300 oral and poster abstracts to keep you in the forefront of cutting-edge research globally 24 early morning educational sessions held virtually surrounding the management of an aspect of myeloma and related plasma cell disorders in a small group setting A host of industry exhibits to provide you with resources and solutions to address your toughest cases 5th Nursing Symposium held virtually targeted for those that provide supportive care for the patient with multiple myeloma, featuring plenary sessions, oral abstracts, and poster abstract presentations during this day-long program on Wednesday, September 8 Online access through September 18 to educational content so you can view sessions you may have missed during the core Workshop dates 3 early morning Career Development Workshops held virtually for fellows and other early-career hematologists with a focus and interest in multiple myeloma on Thursday, September 9 through Saturday, September 11 Extended virtual access through December 31 (if purchased during registration) to educational content so you can view sessions you may have missed during the core Workshop dates Additionally, recipients of the Society’s top honors will be lauded during the IMS Awards Presentation on Wednesday, September 8. Further, over 40 IMS Exemplary Abstract Award recipients selected from submitted abstracts will be honored at the IMS Cultural Celebration and Awards Presentation on Friday, September 10. Despite our current circumstances, we believe this year’s Workshop will afford you the opportunity to hear the latest science and innovation, virtually network with colleagues, and learn about practice changing updates that are ultimately improving the quality of care for our patients around the globe. Respectfully, The 18th IMW Principal Organizing Committee, Heinz Ludwig, MD Hermann Einsele, MD, FRCP 18th IMW Chair 18th IMW Co-Chair Wilhelminen Cancer Research Institute University Hospital of Würzburg Vienna, Austria Würzburg, Germany Hartmut Goldschmidt, MD, PhD Roman Hajek, MD, PhD 18th IMW Co-Chair 18th IMW Co-Chair University Hospital Heidelberg University Hospital Ostrava Heidelberg, Germany Ostrava, Czech Republic 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 1
Schedule-at-a-Glance WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 (V) Meet the Expert Sessions (V) Career Development Workshop 08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00 Welcome to the 18th IMW Opening Session 09:00-09:30 09:00-09:30 09:00-10:00 IMS President Address Newly Diagnosed Multiple 09:30-10:00 Myeloma: Current Treatment Precursor Conditions Approaches 10:00-11:15 09:30-10:30 10:00-11:00 Oral Abstract Sessions (B1 and C1) Molecular dissection of myeloma 11:00-12:00 10:30-11:45 11:15-12:30 10:30-16:50 | (V) 5th Nursing Symposium Management of Relapsed/ 09:00 -19:00 | Poster Session Viewing Hours Lunch in Exhibit Hall Refractory MM Patients 12:00-13:00 12:30-13:30 11:45-12:45 Lunch in Exhibit Hall 12:00-17:00 | Exhibition Hall Open Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis 12:45-13:45 13:00-14:00 13:30-14:30 Industry Sponsored Symposium 12:00-19:15 | Exhibition Hall Open IMS Awards 13:45-15:15 14:00-15:00 14:30-15:15 15:00-16:00 Break in the Exhibition Hall 15:15- Oral Abstract Sessions 15:45 (B2 and C2) 15:15-16:30 Industry Sponsored Symposium 15:45-16:45 Break in the Exhibition Hall 16:00-17:00 16:30-17:00 Hot Topics Industry Sponsored Symposium 16:45-17:45 17:00-18:00 17:00-18:00 Welcome Reception in the Poster Session Presentations and Exhibition Hall Reception 18:00-19:00 17:45-19:15 18:00-19:00 (V) = virtual-only session | (B) = Biology abstract session | (C) = Clinical abstract session 2 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
All times listed and events, including virtual-only sessions, are being held in Central European Standard Time. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 (V) Meet the Expert Sessions (V) Meet the Expert Sessions (V) Career Development Workshop (V) Career Development Workshop 08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00 Opening Session Industry Sponsored Symposium 09:00-09:30 09:00-10:00 09:00-10:00 IMS/EHA Symposium 09:30-10:30 Oral Abstract Sessions (B5 and C5) 10:00-11:00 10:00-11:15 Oral Abstract Sessions (B3 and C3) 10:30-11:45 11:00-12:00 Great Debates in Myeloma 11:15-13:15 Other Plasma Cell Disorders 09:00 -19:00 | Poster Session Viewing Hours 11:45-12:45 12:00-13:00 Lunch in Exhibit Hall 12:45-13:45 Lunch in Foyer 13:15-13:45 13:00-14:00 Industry Sponsored Symposium Supportive Care Management 12:00-19:15 | Exhibition Hall Open 13:45-15:15 13:45-14:45 14:00-15:00 Immune Therapies Oral Abstract Sessions 14:45-15:45 (B4 and C4) 15:00-16:00 15:15-16:30 Clinical Trials in Progress 15:45-16:45 Break in the Exhibition Hall 16:00-17:00 16:30-17:00 Welcome to the 19th IMW 16:45-16:55 Industry Sponsored Symposium Closing Comments 17:00-18:00 16:55-17:00 17:00-18:00 Hot Topics in Myeloma: COVID-19 in Multiple Myeloma: 18:00-19:00 What Have We Learnt? 18:00-19:00 (V) = virtual-only session | (B) = Biology abstract session | (C) = Clinical abstract session 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 3
Invited Faculty Virginia Abello, MD Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud Bogotá, Colombia Rafat Abonour, Professor Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, IN United States Sikander Ailawadhi, MD Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL United States Melissa Alsina, MD Moffitt Cancer Center Tampa, FL United States Kenneth C. Anderson, MD Harvard Medical School and Boston, MA Dana-Farber Cancer Institute United States Daniel Auclair, PhD Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Norwalk, CN United States Herve Avet-Loiseau, MD, PhD IUC-Oncopole Toulouse, France David Avigan, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, MA United States Nizar Bahlis, MD University of Calgary Calgary, AB, Canada Meral Beksac, MD Ankara University Ankara, Turkey William Bensinger, MD Swedish Cancer Institute Seattle, WA United States Leif Bergsagel, MD Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ United States Manoj Bhasin, PhD Emory University Atlanta, GA United States Joan Blade Creixentí, MD, PhD Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (ICMHO) Barcelona, Spain Mario Boccadoro, MD European Myeloma Network Italy Lawrence Boise, PhD Emory University Atlanta, GA United States Niccolo Bolli, MD, PhD University of Milan Milan, Italy Ivan Borrello, MD Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD United States Annemeik Broyl, MD, PhD Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands Mark Bustoros, MD Meyer Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY Cornell University United States Natalie S. Callander, MD University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center Madison, WI United States 4 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
Ruben Carrasco, MD, PhD Harvard Medical School Boston, MA United States Michele Cavo, MD, PhD “Seràgnoli” Institute of Haematology - Bologna Bologna, Emilia- University School of Medicine - IRCCS S.Orsola- Romagna, Italy Malpighi Ajai Chari, MD Mount Sinai New York, NY United States Dharminder Chauhan, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Wenming Chen, MD, PhD Multiple Myeloma Research Center of Beijing Beijing, China Marta Chesi, PhD Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ United States Wee Joo Chng, MB ChB, PhD National University Cancer Institute, Singapore Singapore Hearn J. Cho, MD, PhD Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine New York, NY at Mt. Sinai United States Adam D. Cohen, MD University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA United States Craig Emmitt Cole, MD Michigan State University College of Human East Lansing, MI Medicine United States Raymond Comenzo, MD Tufts Medical Center Boston, MA United States Gordon Cook, Professor University of Leeds and National Institute of Leeds, United Kingdom Health Research Jill Corre, Medical Biologist IUCT-O Toulouse, France Luciano J. Costa, MD, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Vestavia, AL United States Faith Davies, MD, MBBCh, MRCP, NYU Langone Health Perlmutter Cancer Center New York, NY FRCPath United States Javier de la Rubia, PhD, MD University Hospital La Fe. School of Medicine Valencia, Spain and Dentistry, Catholic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain Ruth De Tute, PhD Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds, United Kingdom Michel Delforge, MD, PhD University of Leuven Leuven, Belgium Madhav Dhodapkar, MBBS Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA United States Meletios-Athanassios National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece Dimopoulos, MD Alexandra Hospital, School of Medicine Angela Dispenzieri, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Matthew Drake, MD, PhD Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, MN United States 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 5
Invited Faculty (cont.) Juan Du, PhD, MD Shanghai Changzheng hospital Shanghai, Republic of China Brian GM Durie, MD International Myeloma Foundation North Hollywood, CA United States Hermann Einsele, MD, FRCP University Hospital Würzburg Würzburg, Germany Thierry Facon, MD Lille University Hospital Lille, France Dorotea Fantl, MD Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina Jean-Paul Fermand, MD Paris VII University Paris, France Rafael Fonseca, MD Mayo Clinic Arizona Paradise Valley, AZ United States Mariateresa Fulciniti, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Gösta Gahrton, MD, PhD Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medicine Stockholm, Sweden Ramon Garcia-Sanz, MD, PhD University Hospital of Salamanca Salamanca, Spain Laurent Garderet, MD Sorbonne Université, APHP Paris, France Moshe Gatt, MD Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center Jerusalem, Israel Morie A. Gertz, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Irene Ghobrial, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical Boston, MA School United States Sergio Giralt, MD. FACP, FASTCT Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY United States Harmut Goldschmidt, MD Medical Department V, Heidelberg University Heidelberg, Germany Clinic and National Center of Tumor Diseases (NCT) in Heidelberg. Wilson I. Gonsalves, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Roman Hajek, MD, PhD University Hospital Ostrava nad University of Ostrava, Czech Ostrava Republic Parameswaran Hari, MD Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI United States Jean-Luc Harousseau, MD INSTITUT DE CANCEROLOGIE DE L’OUEST Saint Herblain, France FRANCE Simon J. Harrison, MBBS, MRCP, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne, Victoria, FRCPath, FRACP, PhD Australia Matthias Hellberg-Naegele, MSc Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich Haigerloch, Germany Jens Hillengass, MD, PhD Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Buffalo, NY United States P. Joy Ho, MBBS, DPhil, FRACP, Institute of Haematology, Royal Prince Alfred Camperdown, New FRCPA Hospital South Wales, Australia 6 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
Sarah A. Holstein, MD, PhD University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE United States Jeffrey SY Huang, PhD National Taiwan University and Hospital Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China) Michael Hudecek, MD Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Department of Würzburg, Germany Internal Medicine II Vania Hungria, MD, PhD Clinic Sao Germano Sao Paulo, Brazil Graham Jackson, MD, PhD Northern Centre for Cancer Care Newcastle, United Kingdom Sundar Jagannath, MBBS Mount Sinai Hospital Long Island City, NY United States Andrzej Jakubowiak, MD, PhD University of Chicago Chicago, IL United States Diane F. Jelinek, PhD Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ United States Tomas Jelinek, MD University Hospital Ostrava Ostrava, Czech Republic Douglas E. Joshua, Professor University of Sydney Sydney, Australia Artur Jurczyszyn, MD, PhD Plasma Cell Dyscrasia Center Jagiellonian Kraków, Poland University Department of Hematology Kraków Poland Martin Kaiser, MD Royal Marsden Hospital London, United Kingdom Prashant Kapoor, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Efstathios Kastritis, MD, PhD National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece School of Medicine Jonathan Kaufman, MD Winship Cancer Institute Atlanta, GA United States Jonathan J. Keats, PhD TGen - City of Hope Phoenix, AZ United States Taxiarchis Kourelis, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Maria-Theresa Krauth, MD Medical University of Vienna Vienna, Austria Sigurdur Y. Kristinson, MD, PhD University of Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland Shaji K. Kumar, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Ola Landgren, MD, PhD Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami, FL University of Miami United States Alessandra Larocca, MD, PhD Division of Hematology, University of Torino, Torino, Italy Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 7
Invited Faculty (cont.) Jacob Laubach, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Merav Leiba, MD Assuta University Hospital Ashdod, Israel Xavier Leleu, MD CHU la Miletrie Poitiers, France Suzanne Lentzsch, MD, PhD Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY United States Nelson Leung, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Yi Lin, MD, PhD Mayo Clinic Rochester Rochester, MN United States Jens Lohr, MD, PhD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Sagar Lonial, MD Emory University Atlanta, GA United States Heinz Ludwig, MD Wilhelminen Cancer Research Institute Vienna, Austria Sham Mailankody, MBBS Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY United States Angelo Maiolino, MD, PhD Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Pankaj Malhotra, MD Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Chandigarh, India Research Elisabet Manasanch, MD, MHSc MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX United States Saloman Manier, MD, PhD Lille University Hospital Lille, France Tom Martin, MD UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer San Francisco, CA Center United States Joaquin Martinez, MD, PhD Universitario 12 de Octubre Madrid, Spain María-Victoria Mateos, MD, PhD University Hospital of Salamanca Salamanca, Spain Philip l. McCarthy, MD Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Williamsville, NY United States Giampaolo Merlini, MD IRCCS Polkiclinico San Matteo, Pavia Pavia, Italy Constantine Mitsiades, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Mohamad Mohty, MD, PhD Saint-Antoine Hospital and Sorbonne University Paris, France Philippe Moreau, MD CHU de Nantes, University Hospital Hôtel-Dieu- Nantes, France HME Gareth Morgan, MBBCh, PhD, NYU Langone Health Perlmutter Cancer Center New York, NY FRCP, FRCPath United States Eli Muchtar, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Nikhil Munshi, MD Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical Boston, MA School United States 8 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
David Murray, MD, PhD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Hareth Nahi, Professor Karolinska Institutet Solna, Sweden Paola Neri, MD, PhD University of Calgary Calgary, AB, Canada Ruben Niesvizky, MD Weill Cornell Medicine/New York-Presbyterian New York, NY Hospital United States Ajay K. Nooka, MD, MPH Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University Atlanta, GA United States Enrique M. Ocio, MD, PhD University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla Santander, Spain (IDIVAL). University of Cantabria Elizabeth O'Donnell, MD Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA United States Michael O'Dwyer, MD National University of Ireland, Galway Galway, Ireland Bob Orlowski, MD, PhD The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Houston , TX Center United States Bruno Paiva, PhD Clinica Universidad de Navarra Pamplona, Spain Giovanni Palladini, MD, PhD University of Pavia Pavia, Italy Krina Patel, MD UT MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston , Texas United States Charlotte Pawlyn, MB BChir, The Institute of Cancer Research / The Royal Sutton, England PhD, MRCP, FRCPath Marsden Hospital Aurore Perrot, MD, PhD University of Toulouse, IUCT Oncopole Toulouse, France Rashek Popat, MD, PhD University College Hospital London, United Kingdom Noemi Puig, MD, PhD University Hospital of Salamanca Salamanca, Spain Lugui Qiu, MD Institute of Hematology and Blood Diseases Tianjin, China Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (People's Republic) Hang Quach, MD St.Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Fitzroy, Australia Marc-Steffen Raab, MD University Hospital Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany Jakub Radocha, MD, PhD University Hospital Hradec Kralove Hradec Kralove, Kralovehradecky kraj, Czech Republic Noopur Raje, MD Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA United States S. Vincent Rajkumar, MD Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN United States Karthik Ramasamy, PhD Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Oxford, United Trust Kingdom Donna Reece, MD University Health Network, Princess Margaret Toronto, ON, Canada Cancer Centre 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 9
Invited Faculty (cont.) Paul Richardson, MD Dana Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Paula Rodriguez, MD University of Navarra Pamplona, Spain Laura Rosiñol, MD, PhD Hospital Clinic of Barcelona Barcelona, Spain Mehmet Samur, PhD Dana Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Vaishali Sanchorawala, MD Boston University School of Medicine & Boston Boston, MA Medical Center United States Jesus San-Miguel, PhD, MD Universidad de Navarra/Clínica Universidad de Pamplona, Spain Navarra Fredrik Schjesvold, MD Oslo Myeloma Center Olso, Norway Nina Shah, MD University of California San Francisco San Francisco, CA United States Masood A. Shammas, PhD Harvard (Dana Farber) Cancer Institute Boston, MA United States Malathy Shanmugam, MS, PhD Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University Atlanta, GA United States Pieter Sonneveld, MD, PhD Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Netherlands Adam S. Sperling, MD, PhD Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA United States Edward Stadtmauer, MD University of Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr, PA United States Keith Stewart, MD Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Toronto, ON, Canada Evangelos Terpos, MD, PhD National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece School of Medicine, Athens, Greece Rodger Tiedeman, PhD Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Toronto, ON, Canada Cyrille Touzeau, MD, PhD University Hospital Nantes Nantes, France Steve Treon, MD, PhD, FACP, Dana Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA FRCP United States Suzanne Trudel, MD, MSc Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Toronto, ON, Canada Saad Z. Usmani, MD, MBA, FACP Levine Cancer Institute Charlotte, NC United States Neils van de Donk, MD, PhD VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Netherlands Karin Vanderkerken, PhD Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Brussels, Belgium Ravi Vij, MD, MBA Washington University School of Medicine Ballwin, MO United States Peter Voorhees, MD Levine Cancer Institute, Atrium Health Charlotte, NC United States 10 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
Brian A. Walker, PhD Indiana University Indianapolis, IN United States Niels Weinhold, PhD University of Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany Katja Weisel, MD University Cancer Center Hamburg, University Hamburg, Germany Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Arun P. Wiita, MD, PhD University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA United States Jeffrey L. Wolf, MD University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) San Francisco, CA United States Qing Yi, MD, PhD Houston Methodist Cancer Center Houston, TX United States Kwee Yong, Professor University College London London, United Kingdom Elena Zamagni, MD Bologna University School of Medicine Bologna, Italy Niklas Zojer, Priv Doz Dr Klinik Ottakring, Vienna Vienna, Austria Photo/Audio Recording Policy The presentations, slides and handouts provided Workshop may be used in future IMS and IMW during the program are the property of the IMS materials. or used with permission. Delegates may not photograph, videotape, audiotape or otherwise VI DE O T A P I N G record or reproduce any of the presentations Videotaping or live streaming in any poster session without express written permission from the IMS, or session room is strictly prohibited. presenter, or copyright owner of such materials. A U DI O R E CO R DI N G D I S C LAIMER Audio recording or live audio in any poster session The IMW will have a professional photographer or session room is strictly prohibited, except by present at the Workshop. Therefore, please note registered members of the media. that any photographs and video taken at the 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 11
ABO UT THE The International Myeloma Society (IMS) is a professional, scientific, and medical society established to bring together clinical and experimental scientists involved in the study of myeloma. The IMS is a membership organization comprised of basic research scientists, and clinical investigators in the field along with physicians and other healthcare practitioners. The IMS is governed by a Board of Directors representing practices from around the world, encouraging and promoting the study of this expanding field. Thousands of the world’s key opinion leaders in the field of myeloma gather together at the International Myeloma Workshop which includes Scientific Programs, Oral Presentations (on Basic Biology, Preclinical Trials and Clinical Studies), Consensus Panels and Poster Presentations. IMS Educational Workshops, smaller and more intimate meetings, are designed to address more regional and local topics and needs. These workshops are held in cities throughout the world and virtually. Past programs have been held in Latin America, Europe and the US. Become an IMS member today by visiting myelomasociety.org or visiting the IMS Stand #111 during the dedicated exhibition hours. 12 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
Scientific Information Abstracts Accreditation Statement Abstracts are available electronically through the In support of improving patient care, this activity www.imw2021vienna.org website and through the has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC 18th IMW mobile app. All abstracts are numbered to and International Myeloma Society (IMS). Amedco correspond with presentations listed in this program LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council guide. for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), Conflict of Information Policy and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. The goals of the IMW are to facilitate improved knowledge and understanding of appropriate, P H Y S I CI A N S (A CCM E ) CR E DI T personalized therapeutic strategies for assessing DE S I G N A T I O N and caring for patients for multiple myeloma. The Amedco LLC designates this live activity / IMW has a fundamental interest in ensuring that its enduring material for a maximum of 27.75 educational content is consistent with these goals. live / 27.75 enduring AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the In accordance with the ACCME, all workshop co- credit commensurate with the extent of their chairs, session chairs, speakers and oral abstract participation in the activity. presenters are required to disclose any conflicts they may have in writing prior to the meeting. All IMW I N T E R N A T I O N A L CM E A CCR ED I T A T I ON presenters (including workshop co-chairs and session The American Medical Association has chairs) are asked to disclose to the audience any determined that physicians not licensed in the US relationships of the following nature: compensated who participate in this CME activity are eligible for employment, leadership position, consulting activity, AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. ACCME / AMA PRA speaking engagement, equity ownership, grant/ Category 1 Credits™ carry reciprocity with EACCME research support, patents or other intellectual member countries and most international property interests, and, in some instances, being licensing bodies for physicians, with some an official representative of another organization. exceptions. Physicians should check with their All poster presenters are required to disclose any country/board for eligibility. conflicts they may have in writing prior to the meeting N U R S E S (A N CC) CR E DI T DE S I G N A T I ON and display their disclosures on their poster. Amedco LLC designates this activity for a Any questions about this policy or concerns regarding maximum of 27.75 live / 27.75 enduring ANCC disclosures should be directed to the Registration contact hours. desk in Foyer A.
Scientific Information (cont.) How to Claim Credit/ Posters Certificate of Attendance Virtual posters can be accessed through the online virtual platform accessible through imw2021vienna.org. AMA PRA and ANCC contact hours must be claimed online. Visit imw2021vienna.org for access. Certificates of attendance can also be accessed through Virtual Access imw2021vienna.org. You will need the email address used to register for the Workshop and your six-digit Depending upon your registration package, two registration ID (located on your badge). virtual access options exist: You must claim credit by January 31, 2022. Online access through September 18, 2021 Extended online access through Language December 31, 2021 Livestreamed sessions will be available for on- The official language of the IMW is English, with no demand viewing in the platform typically within simultaneous translation into other languages. 24 hours of their original broadcast unless editing or redaction is required. Virtual-only sessions are Mobile App indicated in the daily program schedule. To access the virtual platform, visit imw2021vienna.org. Download the International Myeloma Society mobile To log in, you will need the email address used to app from the App Store or Google Play. The IMS register and your six-digit registration ID located on mobile app allows you to access complete 18th IMW your badge. information at your fingertips. Be sure to download the app on your phone or tablet for one-touch access to the following: Workshop Updates Poster and oral abstracts Parts of the program may be changed without prior Interactive schedule including the ability to create notice. Please refer to the Workshop mobile app for your own schedule and take notes during sessions the most current schedule and speaker information. Up-to-the-minute Workshop updates Messaging capabilities with other attendees who have downloaded the app and created a profile Faculty listing Sponsor and exhibitor listings Meeting venue map 14 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
Join the Bristol Myers Squibb Satellite Symposium at the 18th International Myeloma Workshop 2021 New Era of Immune Therapies in Multiple Myeloma Friday, 10 September 2021 | 13:45–15:15 CEST Add to my calendar MESSE WIEN Exhibition & Congress Center, Vienna, Austria | Hall A7–A8 13:45–13:50 Welcome and introduction Noopur Raje Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA 13:50–14:00 Cereblon E3 ligase as a therapeutic mediator for protein degradation Nizar J. Bahlis Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute, Calgary, AB, Canada 14:00–14:15 Early clinical data on cereblon E3 ligase modulators Sagar Lonial Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA 14:15–14:35 Clinical evidence for CAR T cell therapy in multiple myeloma Nina Shah University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA 14:35–14:50 The future of cellular and immune therapies in multiple myeloma Noopur Raje Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA 14:50–15:15 Discussion and Q&A All faculty This symposium is restricted to healthcare professionals only © 2021 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company This symposium is sponsored by Celgene, a Bristol-Myers Squibb Company NP-WWM-IDE-0163 08/21
Network with Friends, Colleagues, and Future Collaborators In addition to four days of exceptional education, the 18th IMW will offer plenty of opportunities for participants to come together and be inspired by friends, colleagues, and future collaborators. You will enjoy time to network between sessions and in the evening at the following events: Wednesday, September 8 Friday, September 10 WE L C O ME RECE PTION I M S CU L T U R A L CE L E B R A T I O N A N D A W A R DS P R E S E N T A T I O N 17:45-19:15 Exhibition Hall, Hall A 20:00-23:00 The Hofburg Join us in the exhibition hall for our welcome reception. Network with fellow attendees and Join us for an evening celebration featuring the visit with exhibitors to learn more about the latest culinary and cultural highlights of Vienna and Austria innovations in multiple myeloma. as well as the presentation of the Exemplary Abstract Awards to over 40 promising myeloma researchers whose abstracts were accepted for oral or poster presentation at the IMW. Shuttle service will be provided between all official IMW hotels and the Hofburg beginning at 19:45. 16 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
JOIN US ON HME-forum.com Please scan here to register for the Myeloma upcoming webinars Connect 2021 Myeloma Connect 2021 is a series of live, interactive broadcasts, each focusing on a specific topic relevant to hemaatologists treating patients with multiple myeloma. Register your interest at: www.HME-forum.com Registered participants will also be able to view archived versions of Myeloma Connect the broadcasts following the live events. Scientific Committee: SEPTEMBER 2021 18.00–18.45 CEST, 16 September 2021 How can we identify the most appropriate cellular therapy for each patient? Moderator: Mohamad Mohty, France Faculty: Paula Rodríguez-Otero, Spain 18.00–18.45 CEST, 23 September 2021 Michel Delforge Addressing the challenge of frail patients with MM BELGIUM Moderator: Mohamad Mohty, France Faculty: Salomon Manier, France OCTOBER 2021 18.00–18.45 CEST, 7 October 2021 What is the role of tandem transplantation in 2021? Moderator: Mohamad Mohty, France Faculty: Niels van de Donk, The Netherlands Mohamad Mohty FRANCE 18.00–18.45 CEST, 26 October 2021 Smoldering MM – to treat or not to treat? Moderator: Michel Delforge, Belgium REGISTER AT Faculty: María-Victoria Mateos, Spain www.HME-forum.com/register Please note that all events are open only to healthcare professionals. Registration prior to the live event is required in order to access both the live and archived broadcasts. Depending on your country, you may not have access to HME Forum. Organized and supported by Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson in EMEA EM-69389 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV Date of preparation: August 2021 Turnhoutseweg 30 Copyright © 2021 Janssen 2340 Beerse, Belgium Pharmaceutica NV
IMS Award Recipients THE INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA SOCIETY IS PLEASED TO RECOGNIZE THE FOLLOWING Join us on Wednesday, Waldenström Award September 8 at S. VI N CE N T R A JKU M A R , M D 14:30 for the formal Mayo Clinic recognition of all IMS Rochester, United States award recipients. The Waldenström Award has been given by the IMS at each International Myeloma Workshop since 1989. This award is given to outstanding researchers in recognition of their contributions to the myeloma field. The award is named for Professor Jan Waldenström, who was a pioneer in treating blood cancers. Bart Barlogie Young Investigator Award SA A D U S M A N I , M D Levine Cancer Institute/Carolinas Healthcare System Charlotte, United States In recognition to the outstanding research developed by Dr. Bart Barlogie in the field of multiple myeloma, the IMS established the Bart Barlogie Young Investigator Award. The Bart Barlogie Young Investigator Award is given to an investigator under the age of 45 years to both recognize and stimulate excellence in myeloma research. Ken Anderson Young Investigator Award E. P A O L A N E R I , P H D, M D University of Calgary, Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute Calgary, Canada Established by the IMS to honor the seminal contributions of Dr. Ken Anderson from bench to bedside translational research, the Ken Anderson Young Investigator Award is given to an investigator under the age of 45 to both recognize and stimulate excellence in myeloma research. 18 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
IMS Exemplary Abstract Award Recipients THE IMS IS PLEASED TO WELCOME THE FOLLOWING YOUNG INVESTIGATORS TO THE IMW TO PRESENT THEIR RESEARCH: Hasan Yalim Akin Kareem Midlig Erman Akkus Brittany Miles Silvia Armuzzi Eugenio Morelli Sarah Bird David Moreno Sotirios Bristogiannis Maria Moscvin Carlos Castillo-Girón Tyler Moser-Katz Wei Yee Chan Aina Oliver Caldés Zuzana Chyra Alexis Phillips Olga Czerwińska-Ledwig Andrea Poletti Mattia D’Agostino Afsaneh Shariatpanahi Sophia Danhof Romanos Sklavenitis-Pistofidis Madelon de Jong Antonio Solimando A. Cathelijne Fokkema Vincenza Solli Nico Gagelmann Virág Szita David Garrido Sabrin Tahri Lixin Gong Santiago Thibaud Annamaria Gulla Natthakan Thongon Lukas John Hideki Uryu Chengcheng Liao Oliver Van Oekelen Kenneth Lim Alissa Visram Angelica Macauda Xiaojing Wei Elias Mai Sinan Xiong Elena Maroto Martín Yuting Yan Marina Martello Wei Yan Gaia Mazzocchetti Nikita Mehra 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 19
FORGE AHEAD WITH A BOLD APPROACH FACHKURZINFORMATION BLENREP 100 mg Pulver für ein Konzentrat zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung; Qualitative und Quantitative Zusammensetzung: Eine Durchstechflasche Visit us on-site at Booth #603 mit Pulver enthält 100 mg Belantamab-Mafodotin. Nach der Rekonstitution enthält die Lösung 50 mg to learn more about BLENREP Belantamab-Mafodotin pro ml. Belantamab-Mafodotin ist ein Antikörper-Wirkstoff-Konjugat aus dem gegen das B-Zell-Reifungsantigen (B cell maturation antigen = BCMA) spezifischen, afucosylierten, humanisierten, BLENREP is the first anti-BCMA ADC that delivers direct cytotoxicity and induces monoklonalen IgG1k-Antikörper Belantamab, der immune responses for appropriate patients with RRMM.1 mittels rekombinanter DNA-Technologie in einer Säugerzelllinie (Ovarialzellen des chinesischen Hamsters) hergestellt wird und der mit Maleimidocaproyl- Monomethyl-Auristatin F (mcMMAF) konjugiert ist. Sonstige Bestandteile: Natriumcitrat, Zitronensäure, Trehalose-Dihydrat, Dinatriumedetat, Polysorbat 80; Pharmakotherapeutische Gruppe: Antineoplastika, monoklonale Antikörper, ATC-Code: L01XC39. Anwendungsgebiete: BLENREP ist indiziert als Monotherapie zur Behandlung des multiplen Myeloms bei erwachsenen Patienten, die bereits mindestens vier Therapien erhalten haben und deren Erkrankung refraktär gegenüber mindestens einem Proteasom-Inhibitor, einem Immunmodulator und einem monoklonalen Anti-CD38- Antikörper ist, und die während der letzten Therapie eine Krankheitsprogression zeigten. Gegenanzeigen: Überempfindlichkeit gegen den Wirkstoff oder einen der in der Fachinformation Abschnitt 6.1 genannten sonstigen Bestandteile. Inhaber der Zulassung: GlaxoSmithKline (Ireland) Limited 12 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Irland. Rezeptpflicht/Apothekenpflicht: Rezept-und apothekenpflichtig, wiederholte Abgabe verboten. INDICATION Zulassungsnummer: EU/1/20/1474/001. Dieses Arzneimittel unterliegt einer zusätzlichen Überwachung. BLENREP is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of multiple myeloma in adult Dies ermöglicht eine schnelle Identifizierung neuer patients, who have received at least four prior therapies and whose disease is refractory Erkenntnisse über die Sicherheit. Angehörige von to at least one proteasome inhibitor, one immunomodulatory agent, and an anti-CD38 Gesundheitsberufen sind aufgefordert, jeden monoclonal antibody, and who have demonstrated disease progression on the Verdachtsfall einer Nebenwirkung zu melden. Hinweise last therapy.1 zur Meldung von Nebenwirkungen, siehe Fachinformation Abschnitt 4.8. Weitere Angaben zu Warnhinweisen Dosage Information and Method of Administration: The recommended dose for und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Anwendung, BLENREP is 2.5 mg/kg body weight (bw) administered as an intravenous infusion Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln every 3 weeks. und sonstigen Wechselwirkungen, Fertilität, Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit und Nebenwirkungen Selection of clinically relevant safety information for BLENREP: entnehmen Sie bitte der veröffentlichten Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the other Fachinformation. ingredients listed in the SmPC Section 6.1. Ausführliche Informationen zu diesem Arzneimittel sind Warnings: Corneal adverse reactions, thrombocytopenia, infusion-related reactions, auf den Internetseiten der Europäischen Arzneimittel- sodium, traceability. Agentur http://www.ema.europa.eu/ verfügbar. Adverse Reactions: The most common adverse reactions were keratopathy and thrombocytopenia. The most commonly reported serious adverse reactions were pneumonia, pyrexia, and infusion-related reactions. Stand der Fachkurzinformation: 08.2020 For a complete listing of contraindications, warnings, and adverse reactions, see the SmPC. Any suspected adverse reactions that occur in patients must be reported to the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care/Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency in accordance with the national reporting system for spontaneous reports. You can also report this information by contacting our pharmacovigilance department by phone under +43(1)97075-0 or in writing at WW.GSKAEReportingEMEA@gsk.com ADC=antibody-drug conjugate; BCMA=B-cell maturation antigen; RRMM=relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Reference: 1. BLENREP (belantamab mafodotin) Summary of Product Characteristics. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. ©2021 GSK or licensor. Made for This Moment PM-GBL-BLM-ADVT-210001 August 2021
Program OAB = Oral Abstract Presentation P = Thursday and Friday Poster Abstract
Daily Program Schedule All times listed and events, including virtual-only sessions, are being held in Central European Standard Time. Wednesday, September 8th 09:00-10:00 OPENING SESSION Opening Ceremonies and Welcome to IMW18 Organizers of 18th IMW IMS President Address Nikhil Munshi PLENARY SESSIONS 10:00-11:15 Precursor Conditions Session Chairs: Mario Boccadoro/Sigurdur Kristinson Genomic evolution - germinal B cell to MGUS/SMM/MM Brian Walker Role of the immune Microenvironment in the Madhav Dhodapkar journey to MGUS/SMM/MM Molecular Timing of Initiation Niels Weinhold Risk factors for MGUS/SMM progression Vincent Rajkumar Management of Smoldering Myeloma Marivi Mateos Should we screen for precursor conditions? Irene Ghobrial 11:15-12:30 Molecular dissection of myeloma Session Chairs: Leif Bergsagel/Masood Shammas Clonal diversity in Myeloma Mehmet Samur Transcriptome Jill Corre Epigenomic Wee Joo Chng Microbiome Leif Bergsagel Proteomics Arun Wiita Metabolomics Rafael Fonseca 12:30-13:30 EXPOSITION AND LUNCH 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 23
Daily Program Schedule (cont.) PLENARY SESSION 13:30-14:30 Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis Session Chairs: Shaji Kumar/P. Joy Ho Diagnostic criteria and work-up in 2021 Shaji Kumar How should we define standard and high risk MM in 2022? Herve Avet-Loiseau Role of imaging in diagnosis and response assessment Elena Zamagni Circulating tumor cells and tumor DNA for response Bruno Paiva assessment Mass-spec to monitor the treatment response Dave Murray Assessment of patient frailty and functional status Alessandra Larocca 14:30-15:15 IMS AWARDS Bart Barlogie/Ken Anderson Young Investigator Award Presentation Waldenstrom Award Presentation and Lecture 15:15-15:45 EXPOSITION AND BREAK 16:45-17:45 HOT TOPICS IN MYELOMA In 2021, what is the unmet need in Myeloma? Regulatory considerations Session Moderators: Nikhil Munshi/Jesús San-Miguel FDA perspective Nicole Gormley EMA perspective I square effort updates and future directions Brian Durie 17:45-19:15 WELCOME RECEPTION IN EXPOSITION AREA Thursday, September 9th 08:00-09:00 MEET THE EXPERTS VI R T U A L O NL Y Extramedullary disease Cyrille Touzeau Plasma cell leukemia Artur Jurczyszyn/Ravi Vij Management of Monoclonal gammopathy Javier de la Rubia/ of renal significance Moshe Gatt Management of Monoclonal gammopathy Laura Rosiñol/ of clinical significance Ajay Nooka Special forms of MM: macrofocal, non-secretory MM Stathis Kastritis/ Jacob Laubach 24 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
Management of LC Amyloidosis Vaishali Sanchorawala/ Eli Muchtar Management of Waldeström’s Macroglobulinemia Ramón García-Sanz/ Prashant Kapoor Management of POEMS Angela Dispenzieri Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantion in MM Charlotte Pawlyn 08:00-09:00 CAREER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP VI R T U A L O NL Y Writing successful grants Suzanne Lentzsch/ Diane Jelinek 09:00-09:30 OPENING SESSION Novel therapies for myeloma Kenneth Anderson 09:30-10:30 PLENARY SESSION Newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: Current Treatment Approaches Session Chair: María-Victoria Mateos Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Transplant Philippe Moreau Eligible: what is the optimal induction? ASCT in NDMM transplant eligible Michele Cavo Consolidation Strategies for MM Pieter Sonneveld Maintenance Strategies for MM Hartmut Goldschmidt Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Theirry Facon Non-Transplant Eligible 10:30-11:45 ORAL ABSTRACT SESSIONS Session Chairs: Lugui Qiu/Ed Stadtmauer OAB1: Overall Survival and Progression-free Survival by Philippe Moreau Treatment Duration With Daratumumab + Lenalidomide/ Dexamethasone in Transplant-ineligible Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma: Phase 3 MAIA Study OAB2: Daratumumab improves depth of response and Andrzej Jakubowiak progression free survival in transplant-ineligible, high-risk, newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) OAB3: CARDAMON:Carfilzomib (K) maintenance Rakesh Popat following Autologous Stem Cell Transplant (ASCT) or carfilzomib-cyclophosphamide-dexamethasone (KCd) consolidation for newly diagnosed (NDTE) multiple myeloma (MM) 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 25
Daily Program Schedule (cont.) OAB4: Carfilzomib-Based Induction/Consolidation With Roberto Mina or Without Autologous Transplant and Lenalidomide (R) or Carfilzomib-Lenalidomide (KR) Maintenance: Efficacy in High-Risk Patients of the FORTE study OAB5: Update of Safety and Efficacy of Isatuximab Enrique Ocio Short-Duration Fixed-Volume Infusion Plus Bortezomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone Combined Therapy for NDMM Ineligible/With No Immediate Intent for ASCT Session Chairs: Paola Neri/Dharminder Chauhan/Niklas Zojer OAB6: A novel algorithm to identify, characterize and Vincenza Solli define the prognostic impact of complex catastrophic events in Multiple Myeloma OAB7: Single-cell multiomic analysis identifies regulatory Alexandra Poos programs in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma OAB8: Identification of High-Risk Multiple Myeloma with Davine Hofste op a Plasma Cell Leukemia-Like Transcriptomic Profile Bruinink OAB9: Genome-Wide CRISPR interference Screen Eugenio Morelli Identifies RNA Regulator of Lipogenesis (RROL) as a Leading LncRNA Dependency in Multiple Myeloma OAB10: Gain(1q) promotes mitochondrial oxidative Rodger Tiedemann phosphorylation and suppresses interferon response and tumor immunity in multiple myeloma and other human cancers OAB11: Clonal phylogeny and evolution of critical Yuting Yan cytogenetic aberrations in multiple myeloma at single cell level PLENARY SESSION 11:45-12:45 Management of relapsed/refractory MM patients Session Chairs: Meral Beksac/Gösta Gahrton Approach to first relapse Meletios-Athanassios Dimopoulos Management of triple refractory patients Bob Orlowski Role of immunotherapies for relapsed MM, Saad Usmani when and which? Personalized treatment of relapsed MM: genomics? Marc Raab 12:45-13:45 EXPOSITION AND LUNCH 26 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
15:15-16:30 ORAL ABSTRACT SESSIONS Session Chairs: Natalie Callander/Merav Leiba OAB12: Depth of response and MRD in newly diagnosed Martin Kaiser ultra high-risk myeloma and plasma cell leukemia treated with Dara-CVRd and V-MEL ASCT: results of the molecularly stratified UK OPTIMUM/MUKnine trial OAB13: Iberdomide (IBER) in combination with Sagar Lonial dexamethasone (DEX) and daratumumab (DARA), bortezomib (BORT), or carfilzomib (CFZ) in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) OAB14: Newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma patients with A. Cathelijne Fokkema high levels of circulating tumor cells are distinguished by increased bone marrow plasma cell proliferation OAB15: Minimal residual disease following autologous Ruth De Tute stem cell transplant for myeloma patients in the Myeloma XI trial: prognostic significance and the impact of lenalidomide maintenance and molecular risk OAB16: Treatment pathways for patients with multiple Aurore Perrot myeloma: a real-life study based on the French National Claim database from 2014 to 2019 Session Chairs: Enrique Ocio/Annemeik Brojil OAB17: Attenuation of T cell cytotoxicity mediated by Pooja Shah CD200 expression on multiple myeloma cells OAB18: A BCL2L1 armoured BCMA-targeting CAR T cells Nizar Bahlis to overcome exhaustion and enhance persistence in multiple myeloma OAB19: CRISPR screens with single-cell transcriptome Sara Gandolfi readout reveal potential mechanisms of response to natural killer cell treatment in multiple myeloma OAB20: The Role of Checkpoint inhibitor PD-1H/VISTA Suzanne Lentzsch in Multiple Myeloma Bone Disease OAB21: BCMA-specific ADC MEDI2228 and Yu-Tzu Tai Daratumumab induce synergistic myeloma cytotoxicity via enhanced IFN-driven innate immune responses and expression of CD38 and NKG2D ligands OAB22: Monoallelic Deletion of BCMA Locus is a Mehmet Samur Frequent Feature in MM and is Associated with Increased Genomic Loss 16:30-17:00 EXPOSITION AND BREAK 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 27
Daily Program Schedule (cont.) 18:00-19:00 POSTER SESSION Friday, September 10th 08:00-09:00 MEET THE EXPERTS VI RTUAL ONLY Covid-19 and MM Wenming Chen/ Sarah Holstein Vaccination and prophylaxis in Myeloma Laurent Garderet Management of cellular therapy-related toxicities Krina Patel Bone disease control in Myeloma Matthew Drake Management of MM patients with renal impairment Ruben Niesvizky Which is the ideal patient to be refered for CAR-T Melissa Alsina/ vs bi-specific vs ADC? Sham Mailankody Racial disparity and monoclonal gammopathies Craig Cole 08:00-09:00 CAREER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP VI RTUA L ONLY Developing your first clinical trial Simon Harrison/ Jean-Luc Harousseau 09:00-09:30 OPENING SESSION Future of myeloma treatment Jesus San Miguel 09:30-10:30 IMS/EHA SYMPOSIUM Immune Therapies: A game changer for Hematological Malignancies Chairs: Kenneth Anderson/Pieter Sonneveld New immune therapies for lymphoma Gilles Salles New immune therapies for CLL John Gribben 10:30-11:45 ORAL ABSTRACT SESSIONS Session Chairs: Michael O’Dwyer OAB23: Efficacy and safety of ciltacabtagene autoleucel, Adam Cohen a BCMA-directed CAR-T cell therapy, in patients with progressive multiple myeloma after 1–3 prior lines of therapy: Initial results from CARTITUDE-2 OAB24: Updated results from CARTITUDE-1: Sundar Jagannath Ciltacabtagene autoleucel, a B-cell maturation antigen– directed chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy, in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) 28 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
OAB25: Talquetamab, a G protein-coupled receptor Niels van de Donk family C group 5 member D (GPRC5D)×CD3 bispecific, antibody in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM): Updated results of a phase 1, first-in-human study OAB26: MagnetisMM-1 study of elranatamab Bhagirathbhai Dholaria (PF-06863135), a B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) targeted CD3-engaging bispecific molecule, for patients (pts) with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (MM) OAB27: Idecabtagene vicleucel (ide-cel, bb2121), a Larry Anderson BCMA-directed CAR T-cell therapy, for the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM): updated results from KarMMa Session Chairs: Ruth De Tute/Aurore Perrot/Tomas Jelinek OAB28: FAM46C-Dependent Tuning of Endoplasmic Enrico Milan Reticulum Capacity in Multiple Myeloma OAB29: Bone marrow adipocytes induce metabolic Cristina Panaroni reprogramming of multiple myeloma cells OAB30: Combined targeting of distinct c-Myc and Judith Lind JunB transcriptional programs induces synergistic anti-myeloma activity OAB31: Circular RNA protein tyrosine kinase 2 promotes Fan Zhou cell proliferation, migration and suppresses apoptosis via activating microRNA-638 mediated MEK/ERK, WNT/β-catenin signaling pathways in myeloma OAB32: Targeting GCK in RAS-mutant multiple myeloma Suzanne Lentzsch offer a promising therapeutic approach OAB33: Loss-of-function of GABARAP drives tumor Annamaria Gulla resistance to bortezomib-induced immunogenic cell death in multiple myeloma PLENARY SESSION 11:45-12:45 Other Plasma Cell Disorders Session Chairs: Giampolo Merlini/Jorge Castillo Current strategies for AL patients Giovanni Palladini What are the novel approaches in WM? Steve Treon Monoclonal gammopathy of clinical significance Joan Blade Monclonal gammopathy of renal significance Nelson Leung 12:45-13:45 EXPOSITION, POSTER SESSION AND LUNCH 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 29
Daily Program Schedule (cont.) 15:15-16:30 ORAL ABSTRACT SESSIONS Session Chairs: Jens Hillengass/Angelo Maiolino OAB34: Evaluating the Impact of Cytogenetic Abnormalities Shaji Kumar on Treatment Outcomes in Patients with AL Amyloidosis: Subanalyses From the ANDROMEDA Study OAB35: Minimally invasive profiling of tumor and immune Rosalinda Termini cells to stratify risk in smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM): the iMMunocell study OAB36: Graded Renal Response Criteria and Revised Eli Muchtar Renal Progression Criteria for Light chain (AL) Amyloidosis OAB37: Assessing the prognostic utility of the Mayo 2018 Alyssa Visram and IMWG 2020 smoldering multiple myeloma risk stratification scores applied post diagnosis OAB38: Graded Cardiac Response Criteria for AL: Eli Muchtar Amyloidosis The Impact of Depth of Cardiac Response on Survival Session Chairs: Constantine Mitsiades/Virgina Abello OAB39: Distinct immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable Yuting Yan gene repertoire and its clinical relevance in Waldenström macroglobulinemia/lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma OAB40: Clonal hematopoiesis is associated with Sabrin Tahri increased risk of progression of asymptomatic Waldenström Macroglobulinemia OAB41: Epithelial-mesenchymal-transition regulated by Antonio Solimando Junctional Adhesion Molecule-A (JAM-A) associates with aggressive extramedullary multiple myeloma disease. OAB42: Targeting Free Light Chain Secretion via Maria Moscvin Botulinum Neurotoxin is a Novel Therapeutic Strategy in AL amyloidosis by Inducing a Terminal Unfolded Protein Response OAB43: Progression and probability of progression Anil Aktas-Samur are driven by different genomic features in precursor conditions in myeloma OAB44: Anti-CD38 nanobodies as theranostic agents Jo Caers for multiple myeloma 16:30-17:00 EXPOSITION AND BREAK 30 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
18:00-19:15 HOT TOPICS IN MYELOMA Covid-19 in MM: what we have learnt? Session Moderators: Karthik Ramasamy/Douglas Joshua OAB45: COVID-19 Vaccine Responsiveness in Patients with Andrew Branagan Multiple Myeloma and Waldenström Macroglobulinemia OAB46: COVID-19 infection in multiple myeloma Jakub Radocha patients – retrospective analysis of 371 Czech patients OAB47: Plasma cell disorder patients are left vulnerable Wei Yee Chan after one dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA or the ChAdOx-nCOV-19 COVID-19 vaccines OAB48: Suboptimal humoral immune response to Oliver Van Oekelen SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in myeloma patients is associated with anti-CD38 mAb and BCMA-targeted treatment. OAB49: Poor Post-vaccination Anti-SARS-CoV-2-Antibody Susanne Ghandili Response in Patients with Multiple Myeloma correlates with low CD19+ B-lymphocyte count and Anti-CD38 Treatment What have we leaned? Evangelos Terpos Panelists: Joaquín Martinez, Pankaj Malhotra, Heinz Ludwig, Juan Du, Dorotea Fant’l, Jakub Radocha 20:00-23:00 IMS CULTURAL CELEBRATION AND AWARDS PRESENTATION Saturday, September 11, 2021 08:00-09:00 MEET THE EXPERTS VI RTUAL ONLY Animal models for myeloma Karin Vanderkerkin/ Marta Chesi Genomic techniques Mark Bustoros/ Ruben Carrasco Approaches to proteomic analysis Saloman Manier/ Naomi Puig Primary sample processing and enrichment techniques Jonathan Keats/ Daniel Auclair Single cell approaches Manoj Bhasin/Jens Lohr Assessing the immune system Hearn Cho/Tax Kourelis Metabolomics techniques in MM Malathy Shanmugam/ Wilson Gonsalves ChIP in Myeloma Adam Sperling 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP | 31
Daily Program Schedule (cont.) 08:00-09:00 CAREER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP VI R T U A L O NL Y Setting up your laboratory research program Rodger Tiedeman/ Larry Boise 10:00-11:15 ORAL ABSTRACT SESSIONS Session Chairs: Jae Hoon Lee/Elizabet Manasanach OAB50: OCEAN (OP-103): A Phase 3, Randomized, Global, Fredrik Schjesvold Head-to-Head Comparison Study of Melflufen and Dexamethasone (Dex) Versus Pomalidomide (Pom) and Dex in Relapsed Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) OAB51: Daratumumab, Carfilzomib, Lenalidomide and Luciano J. Costa Dexamethasone (Dara-KRd), Autologous Transplantation and MRD Response-Adapted Treatment Duration and Cessation in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma (NDMM) OAB52: Impact of chromosome 1 abnormalities on newly Prashant Kapoor diagnosed multiple myeloma treated with proteasome inhibitor, immunomodulatory drug, and dexamethasone: analysis from the ENDURANCE ECOG-ACRIN E1A11 trial OAB53: Clinical outcomes of relapsed/refractory multiple Oliver Van Oekelen myeloma patients after BCMA-targeted CAR T therapy. OAB54: Single-cell RNA-sequencing identifies immune Romanos biomarkers of response to immunotherapy in patients Sklavenitis-Pistofidis with high-risk Smoldering Myeloma Session Chairs: Mariateresa Fulciniti/Nicolo Bolli/Maria-Theresa Krauth OAB55: Gain and Amplification of 1q Induce Mattia D’Agostino Transcriptome Deregulation and Worsen the Outcome of Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients OAB56: A machine learning model based on tumor and Camila Guerrero immune biomarkers to predict undetectable measurable residual disease (MRD) in transplant-eligible multiple myeloma (MM) OAB57: Temporal-weight estimation of the copy number Andrea Poletti alterations of 1384 multiple myeloma patients defines an ancestrality index impacting patient survival OAB58: Predictive relevance of sustained MRD negativity Angelo Belotti and of early loss of MRD negativity during maintenance therapy after transplant in newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma patients OAB59: Towards a comprehensive multimodal minimal Marina Martello residual disease assessment in multiple myeloma: the role of circulating cell-free DNA to define the extent of disease spreading 32 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA WORKSHOP
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