Bibliography Determinants of Gross Human Rights Violations by State and State sponsored Actors in Brazil, 1960-1990 - Brill
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Bibliography Determinants of Gross Human Rights Violations by State and State- sponsored Actors in Brazil, 1960-1990 Abreu, Hugo. 0 outro !ado do poder. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira, 1979. Abreu Dallari, Dalmo de. The For9a Publica of Sao Paulo in State and National Politics. In: H.H. Keith & R.A. Heyes (eds.) Perspectives on Armed Politics in Brazil. Tempe, 1976, pp. 79-112. Alfonso, Leonel Archanio. Policia Militar e Constituinte. Mensagem do Comandante Geral da Policia Militar de Minas Gerais aos participantes de V Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Administrativo, realizado em Belo Horizonte, no periodo de 17 a 21 de Agosto de 1986. Belo Horizonte [ 1986]. Agee, Philip. Inside the Company: CIA Diary. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1975. Alarcon, Rodrigo. Brazil: Represi6n y Tortura. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Orbe, 1971. Aleixo, Pedro. 0 Poder Legislativo e a seguran9a nacional. A defesa Nacional, 1969, 627, pp. 13-23. Alvarez, Sonia E. Politicizing Gender and Engendering Democracy. In: Alfred Stepan (ed.) Democratizing Brazil. Oxford, 1989, pp. 205-251. Alves, Marcia M., Conrad Detrez & Carlos Marighela. Zerschlagt die Wohlstandsinseln der Dritten Welt. Mit dem Handbuch der Guerrilleros von Silo Paulo. Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1971. Alves, Rubem, A. Protestantism and Repression: A Brazilian Case Study. (John Drury, Trans.) Maryknoll, B.Y.: Orbis Books, 1985. Americas Watch. Police Abuse in Brazil. Summary Executions and Torture in Silo Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. New York: Americas Watch, 1987. Americas Watch. Prison Conditions in Brazil. New York: Washington, D.C.: Americas Watch, 1989. Americas Watch. The Struggle for Land in Brazil. Rural Violence Continues. New York, 1992. Ames, Barry. Rhetoric and Reality in a Militarized Regime: Brazil since 1964. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1973. Amnesty International. Annual Reports 1966-91. London, 1967a-1992a. Amnesty International. A Report of the Trial of Father Aristides Camio and Father Francois Gouriou, Belem, 21-22 June 1982. London, 1982b. Amnesty International. Falter in Brasilien. Hamburg, 1972b. Amnesty International. Report on Allegations of Torture in Brazil. London 1974b. Amnesty International. Chile. London, 1974c. Amnesty International. Brasilien-Koordinationsgruppe. Kirche in Opposition. Koln, 1977. Amnesty International. Brasilien-Koordinationsgruppe. Zensur in Brasilien. Koln, 1976. Amnesty International. Wer der Fofter erlag ... Frankfurt: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1985b. Amnesty International. Police Violence against Peasants in Parana. London, 1987b. Amnesty International. Brazil: Killing with Impunity. London, 1988b Amnesty International. Cases of Killings and Ill-Treatment of Indigenous People. London, 1988c. Amnesty International. Torture and Extrajudicial Executions in Urban Brazil. London, 1990b. Amnesty International. Brasilien: Morde an Ticuna-Indianern. Koln, 199lb. Wolfgang S. Heinz and Hugo Frühling - 9789004481800 Downloaded from Brill.com11/19/2021 05:55:51PM via free access
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