148th Ipswich Show 14 - 16 May 2021 - Schedule - Section 19 - Ipswich Show Society

Page created by Roy Grant
148th Ipswich Show 14 - 16 May 2021 - Schedule - Section 19 - Ipswich Show Society
      148 Ipswich Show
       14 – 16 May 2021
              Schedule – Section 19

Ipswich Show Society, 81 Warwick Road, Ipswich Qld 4305           (PO Box 812, Booval Qld 4304)
   T: 07 3281 1577                  E: admin@ipswichshow.com.au      www.ipswichshow.com.au
148th Ipswich Show 14 - 16 May 2021 - Schedule - Section 19 - Ipswich Show Society
Ipswich Annual Show will be held at the Ipswich Showgrounds from 14th 15th 16th MAY 2021.

    The Ipswich Show is one of the largest regional shows in Queensland and this year will be
                               celebrating our 148th Annual Show.

  The Members of the Ipswich Show Society thank all our many Corporate Partners, Sponsors,
Trophy Donors, and competitors for their valued support. Without your support, and the support
              from the local and wider community, this event could not continue.

 The President and Members of the Ipswich Show Society thank the Queensland Government for
               their financial support through the Show Societies Grant Program.
General Conditions
This Show is conducted subject to the rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies, the
constitution and rules of this Society and any regulation which appears within the Schedule for individual
sections of this Show. Should there be any conflict between the rules of the Queensland Chamber of
Agricultural Societies, the constitution and rules of this society and the regulations appearing in any
schedule, the constitution, rules and regulations appearing in the schedule of this Society shall prevail,

All persons upon entering any class in this Schedule agree to indemnify the IPSWICH SHOW SOCIETY against
liability for any accident, damage, loss or illness to any Exhibit, Exhibitor or Competitor and agree that all
Competitions are under the complete and total control of the IPSWICH SHOW SOCIETY whose decision in all
matters is final.

                                         THE IPSWICH SHOW SOCIETY
a)   Will appoint a Chief Steward to each section as its representative in all matters. Failure to comply with
     lawful directions from appointed Stewards, Committee or Staff or use of verbal or physical abuse will
     result in Disciplinary Action which may include exclusion from further Competitions and/or the Ipswich
b)   Will appoint Judges whose decisions are final and for which no verbal or written communication will be
     accepted or entered into.
c)   Reserves the right to make any decisions, inclusions or changes to this Schedule including Conditions of
     Entry as it may deem fitting without further notice.
d)   Entering of Competitions does not constitute free admission entry into the Ipswich Show.
e)   By way of entering for this Competition exhibitors acknowledge that they are compliant with these

                                      ANIMAL/s AND BIRD/S EXHIBITORS
•    All animal/s and bird/s exhibitors must sign an EXHIBIT HEALTH DECLARATION upon delivery of entry
     and must comply with the health requirements detailed in this document.
•    Exhibit Health Declarations are available at the Show Office or Website www.ipswichshow.com.au
•    All Veterinarian fees are the responsibility of the Owner of the animal. Ipswich Show will not take
     responsibility for any veterinarian fees.

                                    CONDITIONS OF ENTRY INTO GROUNDS
•    Terms & Conditions located at front Gate Entry.
•    No Glass is to be brought on the Grounds. (Other than entries into sections that require glass jars/bottles.)
•    All electrical leads must be tagged in accordance with the relevant industrial regulations.

                                          PRIVACY STATEMENT
The information provided by you in any application for membership or application to enter is used by the
Ipswich Show Society to offer member services or to organise and conduct competitions at the Ipswich
Show. By applying for membership or entering our competitions you consent to provide such details as
your name, address and exhibit details. Competition information may be made available to the media and
included in Ipswich Show publications. Your information will not be disclosed without your consent for any
other purpose unless required by law.
Schedule – Section 19
CHIEF STEWARD:                 Mrs Vanna McGreevy (07) 3424 5773 or 0408 185 948
STEWARDS:                      Mrs T Martin
                               Mr R McGreevy
                               Mrs J Grieve
ENTRY FEE:                     $0.50c per entry (all fees include GST)
                               $3.00 per display for Class 56 – Childcare/Day-care/Kindergarten
ENTRIES CLOSE:                 4.00pm – Friday, 7th May 2021
     All entry forms & payments must be received by the Show Office no later than 4pm on entry close date
                 Late entries will not be accepted – Chief Stewards will not be accepting payments
PRIZE MONEY:                   First = $5.00 / Second = $3.00
                               (unless otherwise stated)

                                         SEE WEBSITE FOR TICKETING

    Please be aware that you, upon entering the Showgrounds, must follow all directives supported by
    legislation. including the WHS ACT and Regulations, COVID 19 Emergency Response ACT 2020 and all
    QCAS Member Societies and Sub Chambers.
❖   All work must have been executed since previous Show, solely by the Exhibitor and prior to finishing
    School Course. No more than two (2) entries by any one Exhibitor in one Class. Entry form to be signed
    by teacher as being students own work. ***Please note*** Due to the cancellation of the 2020 Show,
    we will for this year only, accept work that had already been executed for the 2020 Show under the
    guidelines of the 2020 Schoolwork Schedule. These works need to be clearly labelled with the year
    2020. New works that are being executed for the 2021 Show need to follow the current guidelines
    noted in the 2021 Schedule.
❖   Paintings, drawings etc. to have no frames and to be presented flat (not rolled up).
❖   The Society reserves the right to display exhibits in accordance with the space available.
❖   The Society will not under any circumstances, hold itself responsible for any loss or mis-delivery of
    exhibits in this section or any damage thereto but will exercise all reasonable care.

All Exhibits must be labelled as below (e.g. – Class #10 is: Year 2, Brush Painting):

                       SCHOOLWORK ~ Section 19 / Class _____ (as per schedule)

          NAME: ____________________________________________________________________
        SCHOOL: ____________________________________________________________________
     YEAR LEVEL: ___________         TEACHER’S NAME: ___________________________________

❖ All exhibits must be delivered to the Ipswich Showgrounds on or before 7th May 2021 with entry forms
❖ Exhibits forwarded by post (Ipswich Show Society, PO Box 812, Booval Q 4304), must be securely
  packed and despatched in sufficient time to reach the Office no later than 7th May 2021.
❖ Exhibits and Prize Money to be paid upon presentation of entry receipt at the School Work Display
  between 2:00pm and 4:00pm on Monday 17th May, 2021.

❖ Exhibits in numerous instances automatically disqualify themselves by their failure to attach to their
  exhibit: exhibitor's name + school and class in which exhibit is entered. Also please note the maximum
  size of posters.
                                 ❖   PREP AND YEAR ONE
                                        (must be Individual entries)
  1 .......... DRAWING – Using Pencils, Crayons or Felt Pens (Max paper size: A4)
  2 .......... PAINTING – Using Fingers or Brushes (Max paper size: A3)
  3 .......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Using Materials of Own Choice
                          West Moreton Anglican College Trophy for Classes 1-3

                                            YEAR TWO
                                             (Individual entries)
  4 .......... DRAWING – Using Pencils, Crayons or Felt Pens (Max paper size: A4)
  5 .......... PAINTING – Brush (Max paper size: A3)
  6 .......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Using Materials of Own Choice

                                           YEAR THREE
                                             (Individual entries)
  7 .......... DRAWING – Using Pencils, Crayons or Felt Pens (Max paper size: A4)
  8 .......... PAINTING – Own Choice (Max paper size: A3)
  9 .......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Using Materials of Own Choice

                                            YEAR FOUR
                                             (Individual entries)
  10 ......... DRAWING – Using Pencils, Crayons or Felt Pens (Max paper size: A4)
  11 ......... PAINTING – Own Choice (Max paper size: A3)
  12 ......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Using Materials of Own Choice
                                      J Grieve Trophy for Classes 4-12

                                             YEAR FIVE
                                             (Individual entries)
  13 ......... DRAWING – Using Pencils, Crayons or Felt Pens (Max paper size: A4)
  14 ......... PAINTING – Own Choice (Max paper size: A3)
  15 ......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Using Materials of Own Choice
                                             (Individual entries)
  16 ......... DRAWING – Using Pencils, Crayons or Felt Pens (Max paper size: A4)
  17 ......... PAINTING – Own Choice (Max paper size: A3)
                                   R McGreevy Trophy for Classes 13-18

                                   (Can be produced at school or home)
E.g., Students narrative typed onto a computer and illustrated using paint or publisher, etc.
  19 ......... YEAR ONE or YEAR TWO entries
  20 ......... YEAR THREE or YEAR FOUR entries
  21 ......... YEAR FIVE or YEAR SIX entries

                                          HIGH SCHOOL
                                             (Individual entries)
  22 ......... DRAWING – Using pencils, crayons or felt pens (Max paper size A3)
  23 ......... PAINTING – Own choice of medium (Max paper size A3)
  24 ......... COLLAGE, PAPER CRAFT (e.g., Origami or card making) – Own choice of subject
  25 ......... 3D Construction of own choice of medium – Pottery, Cardboard, Wood work, etc.
                                     V McGreevy Trophy Classes 19-25

                      SPECIAL SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY
  26 ......... ANY ARTICLE OF CRAFT OR POTTERY – 13 Years and Over
  27 ......... ANY ARTICLE OF CRAFT OR POTTERY – Under 13 Years
  28 ......... ANY ARTICLE OF STITCHERY OR TAPESTRY (Max size: 62cm x 91cm) – 13 Years and Over
  29 ......... ANY ARTICLE OF STITCHERY OR TAPESTRY (Max size: 62cm x 91cm) – Under 13 Years
  30 ......... ANY ARTICLE OF NEEDLEWORK – 13 years and over
  31 ......... ANY ARTICLE OF NEEDLEWORK – Under 13 years
  32 ......... DRAWING USING PENCILS, CRAYONS OR FELT PENS – Own subject– 13 years and over
  33 ......... DRAWING USING PENCILS, CRAYONS OR FELT PENS – Own subject– Under 13 Years
  34 ......... PAINTING – Own subject and choice of medium – 13 years and over
  35 ......... PAINTING – Own subject and choice of medium – Under 13 years
  36 ......... COLLAGE OR PAPERCRAFT (e.g., Origami, card making) – 13 years and over
  37 ......... COLLAGE OR PAPERCRAFT (e.g., Origami, card making) – Under 13 years
  38 ......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Own choice of medium and subject – Over 13 years
  39 ......... 3D CONSTRUCTION – Own choice of medium and subject – Under 13 years
                         West Moreton Anglican College Trophy for Classes 26-39

                             ENTRY FEE:        $3.00 per display (all fees include GST)
  40 ......... DISPLAY – Children’s Work (Max Size: 100cm x 100cm)
                            West Moreton Anglican College Trophy for Class 40
                                     BEST EXHIBIT OF SHOW – Trophy
                  Presented to the School/College gaining the most points in Section 19
                  The winning School/College will house the Shield for the ensuing year

                          SCARECROW COMPETITION
    Make a Scarecrow at your school or at home and enter it into the Schoolwork section at the show
                            ENTRY FEE:       $5.00 per Scarecrow
                         PIRZE MONEY:        $50.00 First/ $30.00 Second/ $20.00 Third
  41 ......... SCARECROW – Maximum height to be 160cm. Your own choice of materials for making the
               scarecrow. Same delivery date and pick-up date as per all other Schoolwork entries.

                  The Ipswich Show Society wish to thank
        the following Sponsors/Families for their generous support:
                                              Mrs J Grieve
                                         Mr & Mrs R. McGreevy
                                      West Moreton Anglican College
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