12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 20th June 2021 - Catholic ...

Page created by Rhonda Page
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 20th June 2021 - Catholic ...
20th June 2021
                   12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
 Catholic Parish of Napier – Administration and Mission Centre
An application for Building Consent for the new Administration and Mission
Centre was lodged this week with the Napier City Council. This represents a
significant milestone.
We first met with Tony Murphy, (the recently retired Manager of the Palmerston
North Diocese) in late 2018 to discuss this project . The Diocese were very
encouraging and were delighted with the proposed new building for our Parish
Administration and Mission Centre on the St Patrick’s site. It was made very
clear to us that this was not to be just an office building but also to be a Mission
outreach to the city.
During 2019 and 2020 three meetings were held with parishioners to discuss the
Concept Design plans and to gauge support for the project. Some modifications
were suggested to the roof line of the planned building, however, parishioners
overwhelmingly supported the project. Resource Consent was received from the
Napier City Council on 8 April 2020, just as COVID19 began to impact our
normal way of life.
After receiving Resource Consent we commissioned our architect to progress to
the detailed design drawings. This meant engaging our preferred consultants to
obtain the best outcome. Two building construction companies were invited to
submit a preliminary quotation so that we had some idea of construction costs.
When detailed design drawings were received they were reviewed by our
consultants and one construction company was asked to submit a quotation to
carry out the work. Our independent Quantity Surveyor has carefully examined
(line by line) this quotation.
The lodgment of the Building Consent application represents a great deal of
work both by ourselves and our consultants. I sincerely thank Jonathan Bissell
who has been a great help to me during this process. He brings a wealth of
knowledge and experience from his many years in the Parish to this new project.
If the Building Consent stage proceeds as expected we would hope to have our
building contractors on site in August or September. Please keep this project in
your prayers. We will be undertaking a fundraising campaign in due course.

                     St Thomas More Feast Day Mass
There will be a Mass at St Thomas More on Tuesday 22 June at 9:15am for their
Feast Day. There will be no 9:15am Mass on Wednesday.

Father Barry Scannell sm
Parish Priest
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 20th June 2021 - Catholic ...
Sacred Heart College, Napier                                      St John’s College, Hastings
        Our school community this week will mark Matariki                Last weekend our students participated in the HB
        with a Celebration of Cultures on Thursday at                    Cooking Competition. The students came away with
extended Tutor Time. We recognised our many outstanding         numerous first-in-class awards and medals, and the College
achievements at assembly this past week including those         won the Competition overall which was an added bonus.
students who have been chosen to represent Hawke’s Bay in       We held our “Taste of St John’s Day” on Wednesday when
Netball, Basketball, Canoe Polo, Futsal and those who raced     students from primary schools in Hastings and Napier spent
and placed recently at the East Coast North Island Cross        the day at St John’s. We had 115 young men attend the day
Country Champs. We also congratulated our students who          and they appeared to have a great time.
took part in The Big Sing. Two of those students were           On Saturday, senior students from Sacred Heart and St John’s
awarded prizes by The New Zealand Choral Federation -           Colleges held their annual senior ball. The Colleges were
School Student Conductor award and the NZCF East Coast          unable to have a ball last year because of Covid, so this ball
Secondary School Student Instrumentalist award.                 was welcomed with enthusiasm and excitement.
                                                                Our next promotional event will be our Open Day which will be held on
                St Joseph’s Maori Girls’ College                Sunday 8 August at 2:00pm.
        Kia ora tatou. School has been a very busy place over   Enrolments are now open for Year 8 students for 2022. Please phone the
       the past few weeks. We were saddened by the death of     office to make an enrolment interview.
Sr. Maureen and were privileged to welcome Sister back to
our school Chapel the night before her funeral. Many past              St John’s College, Hastings - part time position
pupils came from far and wide to pay their respects to their         Gateway / Star Coordinator / Pasifika Liaison Permanent
beloved “Doc”. Stories were shared and prayers prayed. Kia      part-time position. Term time only. 25 hours per week
okioki e te Whaea Tapu a Sister Maureen I roto I te aroha me    negotiable.   Email     CV     to  dsmith@stjohns.school.nz
te rangimarie. Moe mai e tou moengaroa.                         Applications close 25 June 2021.
Our senior netball and hockey teams enjoyed their Mission
Cup and Te Toa involvement in Cambridge last weekend.                                   Reuse & Recycle Tables
Although we didn’t bring home any cups, we had some very               This Sunday 20 June at the 9:00am Mass at St Mary's
good games that ended in a draw. We’ll try again next year.            we have the Reuse and Recycle Tables set up again.
This week we have been focussing on our Mid-Year Exams        Thank you for your wonderful response to these tables so far.
for all levels. We now look forward to our reports! We        Remember what you can bring for recycling (all clean please):
continue to remember the Year of St. Joseph and pray for his  plastics marked with the 5 triangle, oral care products,
loving care for all our school whanau. Arohanui.              breadtags, foil, etc. etc. Pick up a leaflet next time if you are
                                                              not sure, check on the Parish website under Care of Creation,
                                                              or ask those behind the Tables.
       We have welcomed another two students to our For reuse: items to be sold by the SVDP shop.
       School. Our role continues to grow. It’s that time Surplus garden produce for fellow parishioners is also very
again; in Week 9 we have Learning Conferences on Monday welcome.
28 June 3:00pm-8:30pm and Tuesday 29 June 3:00pm-5:30pm.
We will also be having a Book Fair 29 - 31 June. The theme is
“It’s Raining Books.” We will have 3 days of great books,
stationery and much more on sale!

       Napier Community Foodbank Trust AGM
Napier Community Foodbank Trust AGM is on Wednesday
23 June at 1:00pm in the Octagon Room, All Saints Church,
cnr Puketapu & Church Roads, Taradale.

          Napier Community Foodbank Trust
We are currently short of jam and breakfast cereal and
nappies and sanitary items. Thank you for your support. Your
donations are always gratefully
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 20th June 2021 - Catholic ...
NICC – Napier Inner City Covenant Churches                                      St Thomas More Feast Day
St Patrick’s together with Trinity Methodist, Waiapu Anglican       This coming Tuesday 22 June we plan to celebrate our Feast
and St Paul’s Presbyterian make up the NICC. On Sunday              Day starting with Mass at 9:15 am (note: this will be a swap
4 July 2021 we will hold our annual luncheon at the Napier          for our normal Wednesday Mass) and followed by morning
RSA at 12noon for 12:30pm lunch. The cost will be $18.50            tea in the Hall. A small plate (sandwiches /savouries / cakes)
with Gold Card, $19.50 without.                                     would be appreciated. This is a special day on our calendar
It would be wonderful if as many parishioners across our            that we missed due to lockdown last year!
Parish could attend, in a true spirit of ecumenism and
fellowship. Please contact the Sr Helen or Sandra in the Parish                            Holy Hour
office if you wish to attend. Payment would be appreciated at            ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10)
this time. Final numbers are needed by Friday 25 June 2021.
                                                                    You are invited to come and spend some time with Christ in
                                                                    Eucharistic adoration at St Patrick’s Church fortnightly on
Planned Giving, Donations, and Automatic Payments                   Friday evenings from 5:30pm-6:30pm. The next Holy Hour is
With cheques now due to be phased out, if you would like to         Friday 25 June.
change from envelope giving to an automatic payment, please
phone Carmel Jones at the Parish office 844 2224.                    Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women,
If you wish to make a donation by direct payment to the Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women invite all ladies to an
Parish via internet banking the bank account details are:   afternoon of prayer and reflection, Saturday 26 June, at St
                                                            Mary's Centre, Osier Road, from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Our guest
                                                            speaker will be Fr David Kennerley who will lead a reflection
                                                            on the topic "He will teach us of His ways".

                                                                         Catholic Parish of Napier Administration and
                                                                                        Mission Centre
              Care of Creation - Tip of the Month                The detailed design for the Catholic Parish of Napier
      Please wash with soapy water No. 5 plastics before you Administration and Mission Centre is well underway. We
drop them off at the Re-use and Recycling Tables (every third will shortly be launching a fundraising campaign to secure
Sunday, 9:00am Mass, at St Mary’s).                              the remaining funding for the project. A special fundraising
                                                                 account has been set up specifically for this purpose. Details
        Invite to Parish Care of Creation (CoC) group            of this account are as follows:
      Any parishioner interested in joining or attending Catholic Parish of Napier – Fundraising 02-0630-0288045-015
COC's next planning meeting is most welcome. COC's
meetings are held every 2 months. The next meeting is on We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great
Thursday 24 June, 4:30pm - 5:30pm, St Mary's Centre, Osier Road. love. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

                             Please note the names of our advertisers & remember to support them.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 20th June 2021 - Catholic ...
Mass Intentions and Anniversaries                          Stepping Stones-Passionist Family Group Quiz
Recently Deceased: David O’Sullivan, Sanele Penitito - died in Quiz afternoon today, Sunday 20 June, at 2:00pm in
Samoa (brother of Iosefo and Paulo)                            the St Mary’s Centre, Osier Road. Do come. All are

Anniversaries: Lawrence Wells (20/06), Bryan Jobbins (21/06),
Tim Sullivan (21/06), Sita Perera (23/06), Lawrence McKenna                  Baptism Preparation Course
(24/06), Maurice Dudding (28/06), Betty Crawford (29/06)       The next course will be held on Sunday 4 July at 11:30am in

Prayers for the Sick: Eddie Wilson, Marlene Chamberlain, the St Mary’s Centre.
Alan Gardiner, Sheile Bowbyes, Margaret Richardson, Joy Parents wishing to have their first child baptized are welcome
Lyons, Dan Keating, Arapera Riki, Stephanie Bearsley, Naomi to attend. Please advise the Parish Office if you wish to attend.
Tong, Terry O’Leary, Peter Israel, Paul Diamond,                   EL SHADDAI DWXI-PPFI NAPIER CHAPTER
John Zaloum, Colleen Parker, June Brodie, Rosealeen Bradley,
                                                             On Sunday 20 June 12:00noon to 2:30pm Praise and Worship.
Barbara Triska, Len Gavin, Ann Vaessen, Mandy Lane,
                                                             Bro. Chris Ramos EL SHADDAI Auckland Chapter Disciple
Marie Stanford, Leo Baltussen
                                                             will preach Saturday and Sunday.       Everyone is most
       Peter’s Pence Collection—Sunday 27 June               welcome.  Please join us.
Peter’s Pence Collection will be next Sunday 27 June.                            Taize Worship
Let’s help Pope Francis to help others! Your contribution,
                                                           These services of candlelight, song and silence are resuming
however small, is important.
                                                           on Sunday 27 June at 7:00pm at Paul's Presbyterian
                                  2021, Round 3            Church . They offer a lovely time of quiet and a restful end to
                                                           the week.
           Draw 4, No 3 - Pauline & Kevin Molloy
                                                                                   Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and
                    Church Donation Rebate                                              Evening Prayer (Holy Hour)
If you don’t want to claim your Church donation rebate Every Wednesday at 4:00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
personally you can have the claim paid to the Parish. Please at St Mary's.
contact the Parish Office 844 2224 if you would like to take up
this option and Carmel can organise this for you.                      Christian Love Link Napier Hastings Inc
                         Liturgy Readings                                                      “Churches Helping People”
This Week: Job 38:1, 8-11; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41                       AGM at St Mary’s Church Centre, Osier Road, on Friday 25
Next Week: Wis 1:13-15, 2:23-24; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43           June at 7:00pm. RSVP to christianlovelink@xtra.co.nz by
                                                                           Friday 11 June. Come and hear what Love Link is doing to
                                                                           support the needy in our community. The guest speaker will
                      Last Week’s Collection                               be Mark Cleary from Napier Pilot City Trust. The meeting
                           Total - $7,319                                  will be followed with fellowship and supper.
                                    Please note the names of our advertisers & remember to support them.
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