Specialized Services Action Plan 2018-2019
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Specialized Services Action Plan 2018-2019
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Enhanced IEPs Build further capacity of Develop a planning IEP Placemat developed and introduced September 2018 schools to leverage the IEP framework to guide in Consultant Council and SERT FOS as a gap closing document. program planning and IEP meetings development. Use planning PLCs and/or team planning sessions February 2018 framework to drive IEP facilitated by Consultants and Itinerant development focused on Teachers in cross section of elementary specific accommodations, schools April 2018 gap closing and monitoring Sample 2017-2018 IEPs alongside conversations in SERT FOS updated 2018-2019 IEPs per school and PLCs Enhance parent/guardian Develop video to support Video developed and shared on public December 2018 understanding of IEPs. shared understanding of site. IEPs. Build capacity of schools to Improve documentation of Success criteria developed and shared February 2019 leverage the Transition Plan effective transition planning Transition Plan screencastify created February 2019 as an effective planning tool actions in the IEP. and shared on Professional Learning to support student learning. site Sample one 2017-2018 Transition Plan June 2019 alongside newly developed 2018-2019 Transition Plan per school Assistive Technology Build teacher capacity for Develop class profiles to Class profiles developed October 2018 embedding assistive document student AT technology (AT) use in accommodation needs in Edwin classrooms elementary Edwin classrooms Improve documentation of Success criteria developed and shared January 2019 specific AT accommodations Sample 2017-2018 IEPs alongside in the IEP through teacher updated 2018-2019 IEPs learning Leverage leadership of Information shared in brochure or May 2019 Edwin classroom teachers video format. and students to promote effectiveness of specific and embedded AT accommodations on student learning. Effective and Review use of Lexia as a Review and update Lexia Lexia licence request process revised October 2018 Responsive supplemental reading licence request process and implemented Interventions intervention Lexia memo delivered 1
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Initiate process for schools Increase board-wide usage from 23% to October 2018 to select candidates to 75% participate in the program Increase board-wide "performance on and document learning target" from 3% to 50% journey Communicate and enact Consultant support provided through June 2019 strategies for successful FOS model Lexia implementation. Pilot Empower Reading as Conduct teacher training in Teacher training and mentoring June 2019 an intensive decoding 9 schools complete intervention Select 4-6 candidates to IEP documentation guidelines shared September 2018 participate in the program Pre/Post F&P assessment June 2019 in each school and document learning journey Identify effective strategies Conduct literature review Literature review findings shared with December 2018 to support math (psych eds and special Consultant Council fundamentals learning for education consultants) students with special education needs Revise and update Learning Updated resource shared with December 2018 Disabilities - Math resource Consultant Council Draft math resources to Resources shared in draft format with June 2019 support effective math Consultant Council instruction for students with intellectual disabilities Evaluate impact of explicit Continue implementation of Update shared at BIRT meeting June 2019 social skills instruction for Milo (Robots4Autism) students with autism curriculum. spectrum disorders. Pilot Model Me Kids Results shared at BIRT meeting June 2019 curriculum (Itinerant Teachers for ASD/Behaviour) Pilot Second Step Results shared at BIRT meeting June 2019 curriculum (Itinerant Teachers for ASD/Behaviour) ABA Teachers... 2
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Review use of adaptive Review and update process Adaptive equipment request process November 2018 equipment (e.g. sensory) to for requesting adaptive revised and implemented support student learning equipment for individuals or Adaptive equipment memo delivered groups of students Collaborate with school Resource developed March 2019 based rehabilitation services partners to develop a resource to support schools to implement effective core and supplemental OT programs and services Communicate and enact Consultant and itinerant teacher June 2019 strategies for successful support provided through FOS model adaptive equipment use Bridging/SSAC Enhancing Service Review and improve Special Revise referral forms Forms revised October 2018 Delivery Equipment Amount (SEA) request process Leverage Clevr as workflow Clevr workflow initiated and November 2018 solution for SEA requests communicated to schools Review and improve Review and revise process Form and process revised October 2018 external assessment review process Leverage Clevr as workflow Clevr workflow initiated and November 2018 solution for external communicated to schools assessment consultations and for documenting the outcome of these consultations Review and improve Revise referral forms Forms revised September 2018 Behaviour Intervention Resource Team (BIRT) referral process Leverage Clevr as workflow Clevr workflow initiated and December 2018 solution for BIRT referrals communicated to schools and for documenting BIRT case notes 3
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Review and improve Leverage Clevr as workflow Clevr workflows initiated and January 2019 process for referring for solution for all referrals (e.g. communicated to schools psych ed or speech consultations, SLP/CDA language services and streamed services and managing wait lists psych ed assessments) and for documenting the status of these referrals Review and improve system Review and revise Application updated February 2019 class application process applications Leverage Clevr as workflow Clevr workflow initiated and February 2019 solution for system class communicated to schools applications and for documenting the outcome of these applications Implement new referral Collaborate with Children's New referral process communicated December 2018 process to access School Treatment Centres to and implemented (Muskoka) Based Rehabilitation ensure an effective January 2019 Services transition of services from (KL/Haliburton) the LHIN to the CTCs. Refine participation in Continue to collaborate Monthly meetings attended August 2019 Coordinated Service with the Network Advisory Planning (CSP) process Council to ensure CSP process is implemented smoothly. Clarify and communicate Role clarified with SPOC Coordinators November 2018 the school's role as a Memo delivered November 2018 participant in the CSP SERT learning held in FOS June 2019 process. Special Education Plan Align TLDSB Special Review and update all All sections updated and posted online July 2019 Review Education Plan with sections of the TLDSB Consultation occurred with SEAC, Ministry standards and Special Education Plan in Special Education Council and current practices consultation with SEAC, Consultant Council Special Education Council Special Education Plan Checklist and Consultant Council submitted to the Ministry of Education. Psych -Ed Assessment - Complete all pending Senior Manager and Psych- Frequent review of continuous intake December 2018 Prioritizing students assessments for students eds met, reviewed and chart and discussions with Jennifer accessing section class currently enrolled in system allocated these assessments Johnston regarding potential additions. placements. classes who did not have an to ensure immediate Formal review to take place in assessment previously. completion. December to determine where we are Additionally prioritize those at. awaiting available spots. 4
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Coaching Class Inquiry Complete targeted O.S.R and Powerschool December 2018 assessment and data review, Observations and collection relating to assessment (BASC 2, academic achievement and Brief and Resilience social emotional wellbeing Scale) for current of coaching class students students. Administration (previous and current) and of questionnaires to school teams and parents link this information to (BASC, BRIEF and evidence based programs Resilience Scale). Review and best practices in of data from coaching teaching and learning. class graduates and interviews. Disseminate data and correlate with best practices and understanding in teaching and learning, self regulation and mental health. Reports to be provided and fed back to parents/staff. Identifying patterns, making links to curriculum and creating a resource (such as a handbook) to promote Kindergarten Screening Determine potential Each SLP to screen 100 Monthly review of screening process Ongoing SLP students for future CDA Kindergarten students in and outcomes support and SLP June 2019 to inform future assessment intervention. Students to be identified by classroom teachers (criteria to be identified by SLPs). SIT Meeting Reboot Reviewing and revising Google Meet sessions as Long term - do we have less numbers of June 2019 current practices in SIT needed as opposed to 1-2 students being re-referred to the SIT meetings to include check meetings every year? team for discussion? ins specific to previously Ensuring 1 meeting is assessed students to dedicated specifically to evaluate recommendations. checking in on previous Re-branding SIT meetings-- students and evaluating moving towards more of a recommendations. problem-solving model, Completion of a "SIT Kit" for rather than an "assessment Psych-eds to have at the approval meeting." ready if more or new recommendations are required. 5
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Collaborative Math Extend SERT, class teacher, Collaborate with IL's and Support development of specific Ongoing Focus student and parent curriculum consultants to learning expectations and associated knowledge around math LD plan and administer PD teaching strategies/interventions. and math wellbeing opportunities for SERTS, parents, classroom teachers focused on math achievement. support development of specific learning expectations and associated teaching strategies/interventions. SLP/CDA Programming Addition of four System wide development Data collection to compare number of June, 2018 Communicative Disorders of 3 streams of SLP Services students who access SLP supports with Assistants (CDAs). including direct CDA therapy the model as compared to previous (group and individual) for years. Charting regular supervision for non verbal students, oral CDA's by Speech paths. language intervention as well as comprehensive assessments. Development of a new referral process/assessment process as well as the development of a block system approach. Mental Health Capacity Teachers, administrators Training in MHFA will be Data reflecting location, role, and August 2019 Building and students who have a offered with support from numbers will be collected throughout leadership role, have the SSAC team; up to 6 the year opportunity to learn Mental sessions will be offered in Health First Aid the 18-19 school year MH Champions, Active Meet with each working A communication strategy and action Meeting with working Living Leads and working group to share resources sharing strategy will be encouraged groups to occur prior groups in Secondary and strategies aimed to through use of google drive; status of to January; resource Schools will have an action reinforce efforts in place Jack.org chapter at FFSS and BMLSS will folder to be built and plan that includes youth already and to build further be reviewed; status of Elephant in the developed in engagement and capacity capacity; this Room at FFSS, HHSS, and LCVI will be October/November; building in mental health action/strategy will be reviewed and at least one more HS will evidence of capacity and the reduction of stigma supported by the SSAC in decide to launch the Elephant in Room building will be each high school. Resources Campaign or a Jack.org chapter generated through the will be shared in a team use of an emoji type folder so that each working survey of the SS group has access to this students twice per information. school year 6
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Research other MH Champions will help inform the June 2019 agencies/boards for well nature of the workshop series and at being workshops least one workshop will be delivered /series/promotion and with the support of youth and SSAC in develop TLDSB series; plan each SS locale before June 2019 to deliver at at least one Incorporate opportunities to support workshoppsychologically in all locales healthy workplaces in TLDSB Suicide Response Practice approach (critical Family Connexions to be A final approved protocol with all January 2019 incident protocol) to be contacted for their updates will be in the system by updated to include policies information; final draft to January 2019 and resources from our be reviewed and presented community partners at Directors Council The # of suicide SSAC staff will enter into Powerschool numbers will be reviewed Nov, March, June interventions will be powerschool whenever they quarterly tracked through are called to intervene with Powerschool a student who is at risk of suicide; these numbers will be reviewed as needed with the SS admin team Internal Referral and Administrators will be clear An internal referral pathway Monitoring will be done through the CLEVR Documents to Service Process as to the process when they will be developed; reasons CLEVR system; consideration of the be in place by January refer to internal services for referrals will be following documents in CLEVR with 2019; Referral across the Specialized determined; a clear Specialized Team: Consultation Record, infographic to be Services Team and by the understanding of consent to BIRT referral, Closing of Service Record completed by March end of the school year, they services will be reflected on 2019 will have a clear picture of all internal referral our TLDSB MH data documents; administrators will know when staff can respond, what they can expect from staff, and when the service has been completed; 7
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Attendance An attendance campaign Review the data on An attendance campaign and strategy Data review by strategy will be developed attendance from 2014-15 will be in place by the end of the school November 2018; for TLDSB and supported by onwards; and mine year. Monitoring and measurement Consultation with the SSAC team; one that is breakdown by gender, age, will be through the data warehouse to students and reflective of the data trends and location. Consult with see if changes in trends; a champions will occur over the past five years mental health leads and measurement tool will also include between November http://www.heretoolkit. youth engagement details around where and how the 2018 and February com/wp- committees around the campaign will be supported by the SSAC 2019; Campaign content/uploads/2017/03/ reasons for absenteeism team and these details will be decision around "I'm HERE_Campaingn- and incorporate these ideas monitored. here" will be made by Guidebook_NOEL.pdf into the attendance Feb 2019; engagement example campaign. Work with ideas of drama/arts such as the "I'm here" departments will be campaign and adapt to considered by the TLDSB; budget to be SSAC working group determined. and decisions here will be made by March 2019 and communicated to these departments for consideration Resources for those Each locale will have an Review/research what is in All administrative staff and SSAC team SSAC working group who respond to Critical updated 'toolkit' that they place already; will have knowledge of these kits and will review in Nov and Incidents are able to access when review/research location of will know how to access them Jan and will identify responding to high level kits and accessibility of kits; what updates are crises and/or critical update kits with relevant needed; a plan to incidents. These toolkits material and build out obtain these resources will be accessible to communication plan that will be developed in administrators, SSAC staff includes SSAC Feb and full toolkit will and specialized services full be ready for review by team March and communicated to administrators by May Individual and Group SSAC and manager will Baseline currently reflects 14 schools ongoing monitoring services will be available ensure that individual and using Tree of Life, 1 school using SNAP, and data review in for students in all TLDSB group services are Roots of Empathy in 41 schools, Young January and June schools developmentally Warriors in 14 schools ; will monitor to Research will be appropriate and evidence ensure that this does not drop more completed by June linked; than 10%; baseline data will be 2019 and collected for individual services once recommendations CLEVR is fully operational. around differential services will be considered as they refer to the team; the SSAC team will build professiona Mapping of Tier 1, 2 and 3 services will help in building capacity for administrators 8
Specialized Services 2018-2019 Action Plan SUMMARY Initiative Goal / Objective Action / Strategy Monitoring/Measurement Timeline Evaluation / Results Safe and Accepting/ Classroom Culture to Devise the “look-fors” and Monitoring school measurement ongoing monitoring; Wellbeing Support Math Learning measurement tools with mid-year review; If we have a FA4 Classroom staff completed by June Community... 2019 then students will have.. enhanced mental and physical health positive sense of self and belonging the skills to make positive choices quality learning environment Design Google Classroom Professional learning Beta site established Feed All Four resource website under construction for February 2019; final website complete "Test" site established for February 2019; in final Junewebsite 2019 complete in June 2019 Assist schools with sharing Use of social media, board Ongoing measurement of school Completed by June their classroom culture website and newsletters monitoring; mid-year review 2019 stories and networking learning Update the TLDSB self- Review self-assessment tool Revised self-assessment tool created Revised equity walk assessment tool to and reflect on the 2017- with enhanced indicators tool established by determine equity strengths 2018 pilot to create a tool March 2019 and used and needs (poverty, Spec that is further streamlined in at least 10 schools Ed, ELL, etc) and includes enhanced indicators 9
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