10 MARCH - Via Carducci, 9

Page created by Carmen Oconnor
10 MARCH - Via Carducci, 9

COMO - March 10th - Music - INCONTRO MUSICALE - Aula Magna at Liceo Teresa Ciceri high
school - Via Carducci, 9 - 3:00 PM - Free - Concert dedicated to Chick Corea’s Children’s Songs,
performed by pianists who are learning to play the piano as their second musical instrument at
school. This event will take place in the Lecture Theatre (Aula Magna) of the Liceo Teresa Ciceri
high school as part of the “Per ascoltare” festival. - Reservation required:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Incontro (+39) 031 266207

COMO - March 10th - Cinema - BELFAST - Spazio Gloria - Via Varesina, 72 - 3:30 PM - Paid -
Belfast is a moving tale of love, laughter and loss in a boy’s childhood between music and the
social uprisings of the late 1960s. The film tells the story of Buddy, a 9-year-old boy living in North
Belfast with his parents and grandparents, a sprightly elderly couple. His is a working-class family,
but back where he lives, everyone knows each other and this means that Buddy’s family is a bit all
over Belfast. - Reservation recommended: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Belfast (+39)

COMO - March 10th - Cultural Event - FRANCESCO DE CARLO LIVE - Spazio Gloria - Via Varesina,
72 - 9:15 PM - Paid - A monologue written during years of isolation, only partly due to the
pandemic, which gave international comedian Francesco De Carlo time to think about the human
condition, of us being torn between major philosophical issues and overly long audio messages,
traditional marriages and touchy friends with benefits, critical thinking and a politically correct
attitude. And then planks, squats and other dangerous words. A text on solitude, written in
solitude. Which sometimes even makes us laugh. - Reservation recommended:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Francesco-De-Carlo-live (+39) 031 449 1080

LECCO - March 10th - Conference - LEZIONI DI GUIDA - Civico Istituto Musicale G. Zelioli - Via
Gomes, 10 - 8:45 PM - Free - A meeting in preparation of the concert that will be held on March
12th 2022. - Reservation required: www.comune.lecco.it (+39) 0341 422782

UBERTO PASOLINI - Cinelario - Via Lusardi, 53 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Screening of Uberto Pasolini’s film
Nowhere Special, part of local “Cine d'Autore” film festival. - Without reservation -
www.cinelario.com (+39) 3314010990

MERATE (LC) - March 10th - Theatre - MONTAGNE RUSSE - Cineteatro Manzoni - Via Papa
Giovanni XXIII - 9:00 PM - Paid - Theatre play with Corrado Tedeschi and Martina Colombari. -
Reservation required: www.facebook.com/cineteatromanzonimerate (+39) 351 5890142
(WhatsApp only)
10 MARCH - Via Carducci, 9
VIAGGIATORE ESOTICO - Villa Carlotta - Località Tremezzo, Via Regina, 2 - 6:30 PM - Paid - “I diari
della Villa. Viaggiare intorno al mondo” (“The Villa’s Diaries: Travelling around the World”): a
series of three online meetings to learn more about rare and exotic plants. - Reservation required:
www.villacarlotta.it (+39) 0344 40405
10 MARCH - Via Carducci, 9

CANTÙ (CO) - March 11th - Theatre - CON LA LUNA SULLE SPALLE - Teatro San Teodoro - Via
Corbetta, 7 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Con la luna sulle spalle (With the moon on my shoulders) is an
exciting show that takes its cue from the history of smuggling remembered as "romantic", which
goes from the period of salt to that of rice. - Reservation required: www.teatrosanteodoro.it (+39)
338 2170275

COMO - March 11th - Guided Tour - VISITA GUIDATA AL TEMPIO VOLTIANO - Meeting point in
front of Tempio Voltiano - Viale Marconi - 3:00 PM - Paid - The Tempio Voltiano can be considered
a museum within a museum, first of all because it holds precious evidence of Alessandro Volta's
scientific and private life, and secondly because it is an interesting example of a museum building
from almost one hundred years ago, set in a highly evocative scenic context. - Reservation
required: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Visita-guidata-al-Tempio-Voltiano-00001/ (+39) 347

COMO - March 11th - Cultural Event - SANREMO - IL FESTIVAL - Ostello Bello Lake Como - Viale
Rosselli, 9 - 7:00 PM - Free - For many, the Festival is that television event that catalyzes us in front
of the screen for a week each year, a colorful spectacle, a collective tragicomic psychodrama, a
flowery bandwagon overflowing with singers, presenters, and showgirls. The truth is that Sanremo
is a true phenomenon of custom, the most beautiful musical fable ever, the singing mirror of our
country. - Reservation recommended: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Sanremo-Il-Festival/

COMO - March 11th - Cultural Event - LE METEORE E L’AMORE - Municipal Civic Centre - Via
Grandi, 21 - 9:00 PM - Free - Le meteore e l’amore (Meteors and love). Meeting with the poetry of
Cesare Puppi and Alfredo Merlini. - Without reservation - www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Le-

COMO - March 11th - Cinema - THE MILKY WAY - Waldensian Church - Via Rusconi, 21 - 9:00 PM
- Free - Between Val di Susa and Valle della Clarée, between ski slopes and tourism, the migrants
travel from Africa to the heart of Europe, through the streets of a country that seems to have lost
its memory. The Milky Way is the story of a territory crossed, for thousands of years, by migration
and immigration routes. Place of osmosis, a deceptive natural frontier dividing a single mountain
population. - Without reservation - www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Proiezione-del-film-The-
Milky-Way/ (+39) 031 375 5109

COMO - March 11th - Theatre - CASA DEL VENTO IN TRIO ACUSTICO IN CONCERTO - Joshua Blues
Pub - Via Cantoniga, 11 - 9:30 PM - Free - As part of the project Il futuro è oggi (The future is
today), Arci Como organises, in collaboration with Arci Joshua Blues Pub of Albate, an acoustic
concert by the combat-folk group Casa del Vento. The trio with Luca Lanzi, Francesco Moneti
(violinist of the Modena City Ramblers) and Andreas Petermann will perform on March 11th. -
Without reservation - www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Casa-del-vento-in-trio-acustico-in-

LECCO - March 11th - Theatre - DOVE SONO LE LUCCIOLE - Spazio Teatro Invito - Via Ugo Foscolo,
42 - 8:45 PM - Paid - Theatrical performance. - Reservation recommended: www.teatroinvito.it
(+39) 0341 1582439

ASTRONOMIA - Planetario di Lecco - Corso Matteotti, 32 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Astronomy evening in
which we will discuss the origin of the constellations in Greek and Latin literatures. - Reservation
required: www.deepspace.it (+39) 0341 367584

MENAGGIO (CO) - March 11th - Cinema - RASSEGNA CINE DA GIOVANE: EUROPA - Cinelario - Via
Lusardi, 53 - 8:30 PM - Paid - Screening of the film Europa by Haider Rashid. - Without reservation
- www.cinelario.com (+39) 3314010990

OLGINATE (LC) - March 11th - Special event - MOTOR STREET FOOD - Piazza del Mercato - 6:00
PM - Free - Motor Street Food is a new format, born from the union of the passion for motors and
good food. -Without reservation - www.facebook.com (+39) 333 5396957

BARZIO (LC) - March 12th - Conference - L'ALBERO PIÙ BELLO - Sala Ing. Pietro Pensa della
Comunità Montana Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d’Esino e Riviera - Via Fornace Merlo, 2 - 4:30 PM -
Free - Dino Ticli presents his new book with illustrations by Danilo Loizedda. - Without reservation
- www.coeweb.org/libro-albero-piu-bello-di-dino-ticli (+39) 333 8380307

CASSAGO BRIANZA (LC) - March 12th - Educational workshop - CREIAMO PERSONAGGI DI
FUMETTI E MANGA - Biblioteca Comunale "Rita Levi Montalcini" - Piazza Don Motta, 8 - 4:00 PM -
Free - As part of IterFestival2022. Livio Cazzulani, creative artistic workshop from 9 years old to 15
year old. - Reservation required: www.villagreppi.it (+39) 039 9207160

DOMANDE - Tempio Voltiano - Viale Marconi - 11:00 AM - Free - Alessandro Volta, one of the
"heroes" of modernity, is known throughout the world for the invention of the battery, but is
actually even more so, as a scientist, as an intellectual, as a citizen. The book, which will be
presented by the author Bruno Magatti and Luca Levrini, president of Fondazione Volta, with Livia
Cioffi councillor for culture of the Municipality of Como and with the participation of Gerardo
Monizza of NodoLibri. - Without reservation - www.visitcomo.eu

COMO - March 12th - Educational workshop - FANTANITE TAVOLE DEFINITIVE - Terzo Spazio
Como - Via S. Garovaglio, 2 - 2:00 PM - Paid - Pencils and tablets in hand! Make your comic in eight
meetings, experimenting with techniques and getting to know the cartoonists of the Mufant.
MUFANT, the Museolab of fantastic and science fiction will connect online from Turin to let us
enter an alien reality and set us on a journey into the world of science fiction! The path is curated
by Anna Buttarelli, Alice Marinoni and Marco Posa with the participation of Mufant! - Reservation
required: www.visitcomo.eu (+39) 338 7872193

COMO - March 12th - Educational workshop - PROGETTO ELISA - Comune di Como, Sala Stemmi -
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 97 (access from via Bertinelli) - 9:00 AM - Free - The Elisa Project for the
prevention of amblyopia comes back to Como with some visits reserved for children from Como
up to 22 months of age. The screening will take place at the headquarters of Como municipality, in
the Stemmi room, in collaboration with the Rotary Club Como, the Rotary Club Como Baradello,
the Rotaract Club Como and Unione Italiana Ciechi Sezione provinciale of Como. - Reservation
required: on the website www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Progetto-Elisa-00001/ (+39)

COMO - March 12th - Guided tour - CASTELLO BARADELLO - Via Castel Baradello - 9:30 AM - Paid
- The climb to Castello Baradello is the most beloved walk by locals and tourists because it is rich in
history, charm and is suitable for all ages, an unmissable experience for anyone visiting Como. It is
impossible not to notice its tower, the place where Emperor Frederick Barbarossa wrote heated
historical moments. - Reservation required: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Castello-
Baradello-00324/ (+39) 392 0279675
COMO - March 12th - Educational workshop - DISEGNIAMO LA NOSTRA MAGLIETTA - Castello
Baradello - Via Castel Baradello - 2:30 PM - Paid - In the magical setting of the castle, after listening
to the story of Barbarossa's adventures, children will be inspired to make a beautiful T-shirt with
the symbol of Como on it. Only if they’ll wear it Barbarossa will allow them to enter the tower! -
Reservation required: ://www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Disegniamo-la-nostra-maglietta-
00001/ (+39) 392 0279675

COMO - March 12th - Educational workshop - EARTH BOOK PRONTO DA PUBBLICARE - Villa
Olmo: Parco, Sala Duca e Casino Nord - Via Cantoni, 1 - 2:30 PM - Free - Presentation of the eARTh
bOOk project by Anna Buttarelli of Luminanda APS, Micol Dell'Oro of Ecofficine Social Cooperative
and Licia Viganò, Head of the Library, Culture and Villa Olmo. Attending: Livia Cioffi, Councillor for
Culture, Alessandra Bonduri, Councillor for Educational Policies. At the end of the presentation, a
special postcard with an invitation to a poetic-creative action will be given to all participants. -
Reservation recommended: ://www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/eARTh-bOOk (+39) 031 57616

COMO - March 12th - Guided tour - VISITA CON IL SETAIOLO - Museo della Seta - Via
Castelnuovo, 9 - 4:00 PM - Paid - Appointment with an immersive guided tour narrated by Giorgio
Mondelli, a great expert on silk and its relationship with the territory. Join him as he takes you on
a journey through dyes, skeins and unusual facts about the world's most precious thread. -
Reservation required: ://www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Visita-con-il-setaiolo-00002/ (+39)
031 303180

COMO - March 12th - Music - PICCOLO…IN GRANDE! - Auditorium, Conservatorio - Via Cadorna, 4
- 5:00 PM - Free - Students from the classes of Maestro Laura Minguzzi and Maestro Silvia
d'Addona, together with external students who took part in Maestro Elisa Boschi's piccolo
masterclass, will present an original concert in which the "Piccolo" will be the "Grande"
protagonist. - Reservation recommended: ://www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Piccoloin-
grande/ (+39) 031279827

COMO - March 12th - Theater - ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Teatro Sociale - Piazza Verdi - 8:30 PM -
Paid - A unique show where a cast of professional acrobats and dancers will tell the tale of Alice in
Wonderland through the most innovative of circus arts. Three stages for a sophisticated and
elegant artistic project capable of recounting the oneiric by interweaving multiple disciplines:
acrobatic gymnastics, acting, dance. - Reservation recommended:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Alice-in-Wonderland-00005/ (+39) 031 270170

COMO - March 12th - Theater - MATRIMONIO CON IL MORTO - Teatro Nuovo di Rebbio - Via
Lissi, 9 - 9:00 PM - Paid - What could be more exciting and thrilling than preparing for a wedding?
But if the bride's family (enriched commoners full of money)and the groom's family (upper middle
class, in decline and full of debts) are so different from each other and their expectations are
different, if the wedding is fixed for the 17th of the month, if thieves prowl around the house, if
sudden clandestine passions arise... - Reservation required:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Matrimonio-con-il-morto/ (+39) 339 8442242.

COMO - March 12th - Guided tour - NOTTE AL CASTELLO - Meeting point: Piazza Camerlata - 9:30
PM - Paid - An evening you won't forget between entertainment, history, nature, breathtaking
landscapes and... mystery. The Baradello Castle dominates the city of Como and the first basin of
the lake. Its walls have witnessed important historical events but also mysterious episodes... and
disturbing guests. Imagine the evening: with batteries in your hand, you will cross the woods that
separate the city from the castle hill accompanied by our guide. - Reservation required:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Notte-al-Castello-00041 (+39) 392 0279675

ERBA (CO) - March 12th - Theater - TRADIMENTI DA ERODOTO A TOTÒ - Sala Polivalente, Centro
Polifunzionale San Maurizio - Via Alserio, 5 - 9:00 PM - Free - A show with a pressing dramaturgy,
with tones that are now tragic, comic, poetic and realistic to guide the audience on an unexpected
journey to discover betrayal in history, literature and life of each of us. - Reservation required:
www.comune.erba.co.it/it/events(+39) 031615527

LECCO - March 12th - Guided tour - IL “MATITONE” E IL PALAZZO DELLE PAURE - Palazzo delle
Paure - Piazza XX Settembre - 3:00 PM - Paid - A magnificent sacred and profane view of the city of
Lecco... and its lake. Guided tour of Palazzo delle Paure and of the Lecco "Matitone". - Reservation
required: www.villago.it(+39) 338 3090011

LECCO - March 12th - Theater - LE QUATTRO STAGIONI - Auditorium Casa Dell'Economia - Via
Tonale 28/30 - 8:30 PM - Paid - Performance with laVerdi Orchestra and laBarocca Ensemble. The
Four Seasons of Vivaldi. - Reservation recommended: www.comune.lecco.it (+39) 0341 481140

LECCO - March 12th - Theater - ARIA CONDIZIONATA - Teatro Cenacolo Francescano - Piazza
Cappuccini, 3 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Comedy in two acts. - Reservation required:
www.teatrocenacolofrancescano.it (+39) 0341 372329

MANDELLO DEL LARIO (LC) - March 12th - Theater - FIESTA DE TANGO Y POESIA - Teatro Fabrizio
De Andrè - Via Leonardo Da Vinci - 9:00 PM - Paid - Presale by Arco Iris Teatro, at the municipality
of Mandello del Lario, Manzoni street, 44 on March 7-8-9 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, or at the box
office on the evening of the show from 8:00 PM. - Reservation required:
www.facebook.com/ARCO-IRIS-Teatro-982769751759430 (+39) 347 7785670

MISSAGLIA (LC) - March 12th - Theater - TEATRO E MUSICA D'AUTORE IN VILLA. - Villa Marzorati
Uva - Piazza Sormani, 1 - 2:30 PM - Paid - Guests will be greeted by the host that will introduce
them upon the arrival of Maestro Giacomo Puccini. Departure by bus from Lecco (Centro
Commerciale Meridiane). - Reservation required: faiprenotazioni.fondoambiente.it/evento/teatro-

Teatro Artesfera - Via dell'Incoronata, 8 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Theatrical performance. - Reservation
recommended: teatro@artesfera.it (+39) 347 1467213

Villa Monastero (sala Fermi) - Via Polvani, 4 - 10:00 AM - Paid - The important painted panel,
belonging to Church of Nava from Colle Brianza's Parish, will be illustrated by Andrea Spiriti. -
Without reservation - www.villamonastero.eu (+39) 0341 295450

Cittadini, 5 - 10:15 AM - Paid - From the Innominato Castle to Adda banks. Difference in altitude:
400 m; length: 8 km; walking time: 3 and a half hours. - Reservation required:
www.associazione.giteinlombardia.it (+39) 371 3206816

CANTÙ (CO) - March 13th - Theater - COUNTING STARS - Teatro San Teodoro - Via Corbetta, 7 -
5:00 PM - Paid - Hope ... Rebirth ... Recovery ... Future ... These are some of the words that have
characterized our new way of life and that are accompanying us in the search for a way to start
over. - Reservation required: www.teatrosanteodoro.it (+39) 338 2170275

CANTÙ (CO) - March 13th - Festival - CARNEVALE CANTURINO 2022 - Centro città - Piazza
Volontari della Libertà - Via Damiani - Corso Unità d’Italia - Via Manara - Via Carcano - 2:00 PM -
Paid - Even today it is one of the most solid and involved in the province and Lombardy, for which
spectators come from Milan and Switzerland, as well as from neighboring municipalities. The
traditional mask is Truciolo and is the first wagon to open the parades. - Reservation
recommended: www.carnevalecanturino.it/ (+39) 335 527 4396

SISTEMA CULTURALE - Castello di Cernusco Lombardone - Via Giancarlo Puecher, 1 - 10:30 AM -
Paid - From medieval fortress to eighteenth-century farmhouse. Cultural walk in the "heart" of
Cernusco Lombardone, on the banks of the river Molgora, to discover its ancient castle and its
medieval village. - Reservation required: www.villago.it (+39) 338 3090011

COLICO (LC) - March 13th - Typical market - MERCATINO CREATIVITY & BROCANTAGE - Piazza
Garibaldi - 9:00 AM - Free - Every Sunday. - Without reservation - www.visitcolico.it
(+39) 0341 930930

COMO - March 13th - Music - RISVEGLIO IN QUARTETTO DI SAXOFONI - Teatro Sociale - Piazza
Verdi - 11:00 AM - Paid - Quartet, group of recent formation, born from the meeting of four
students belonging to the class of the Master Franco Brizzi and grown up within the walls of the
Conservatory of Como. The quartet’s repertoire ranges from classical music to modern music and
great jazz classics. An opportunity to appreciate the potential and different tonal nuances of a
versatile and fascinating instrument like the Saxophone. - Reservation recommended:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Risveglio-in-quartetto-di-saxofoni/ (+39) 031 270170

COMO - March 13th - Music - LA CASA DEL PANDA - Teatro Sociale - Piazza Verdi - 4:00 PM - Paid
- Dance steps, we follow a Panda... his house is in a forest the size of all China. In this imaginary
journey we will delve into the stories, tradition and culture of China. We will meet bamboo
forests, monsters, fireworks, kites. - Reservation recommended:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/La-casa-del-panda/ (+39) 031 270170

GARLATE (LC) - March 13th - Educational workshop - SCIENZIATI PER UN GIORNO - Civico Museo
della Seta Abegg - Via Statale, 490 - 3:00 PM - Paid - From 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM guided tour of the
Mill along the river. From 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM scientific laboratory for the whole family. -
Reservation required: www.museosetagarlate.it (+39) 331 9960890

LECCO (LC) - March 13th - Excursion - ESCURSIONE IN GRIGNA SETTENTRIONALE - Piazzale della
Stazione FS - 7:00 AM - Free - Excursion open to Cai members only, registrations by Friday 11th
March. Difference in altitude: 1050m; Travel time: 3 and a half hours; Difficulty: mountaineering
on snow; Clothing: technical (crampons, leggings, ice axe). - Reservation required:
www.caibellano.it (+39) 340 9023354

Basilica di San Nicolò - Piazza Sagrato, 2 - 2:30 PM - Paid - Guided tour - Reservation required:
www.campaniledilecco.it (+39) 371 1758132

LECCO - March 13th - Theater - ARIA CONDIZIONATA - Teatro Cenacolo Francescano - Piazza
Cappuccini, 3 - 3:30 PM - Paid - Comedy in two acts. - Reservation recommended
www.teatrocenacolofrancescano.it (+39) 0341 372329

LECCO - March 13th - Conference - PROIEZIONI IN CUPOLA - Planetary of the city of Lecco at
Palazzo Belgiojoso - Corso Matteotti, 32 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Astronomy afternoon. - Reservation
required: www.deepspace.it (+39) 0341 367584

VARENNA - Stazione ferroviaria di Lierna - 9:30 AM - Paid - An excursion from Lierna to Varenna
accompanied by the guides of Terre Alte Outdoor experience among the views of our mountains
and our lake and the historical-cultural points of interest of the villages that pass through. Packed
lunch. - Reservation required: www.ecommerce.montagnelagodicomo.it (+39) 0341 802040

OGGIONO (LC) - March 13th - Guided tour - CASA FORTE GHISOLFA - Cascina Ghisolfa             - Via
Ghisolfa, 4 - 11:00 AM - Paid - Guided tour of Villa Cascina Ghisolfa to discover a fortified
residence of fifteenth-century origins which has been able to change during the centuries by noble
Spanish residence to agricultural farmstead used by two local families. - Reservation required:
www.villago.it (+39) 338 3090011

VIGANÒ (LC) - March 13th - Excursion - ALLA SCOPERTA DELLE ERBE SPONTANEE - Azienda
agricola Teresa delle Fragole - Via Piave, 16 - 9:30 AM - Paid - Among the cultivated "flounces",
hidden between seasonal vegetables, we will discover weeds and flowers and to create their own
herbarium, with the samples of plants collected by everyone to be able to bring a tangible
souvenir of the tour at home. - Reservation required:
www.teresadellefragole.it/wordpress/corsi/alla-scoperta-delle-erbe-spontanee/ (+39) 039

COMO - March 14th - Cinema - ONE SECOND - Spazio Gloria - Via Varesina, 72 - 9:00 PM - Paid -
Over the years of the cultural revolution Zhang escapes from the forced labor camp and vague to
the desert to reach a village where in a cinema, together with the film Eroic Sons and Daughters,
the Cinegnal of Propaganda number 22 is combined in which it appears, even just for a Second,
the image of the daughter who no longer wants to see him after he was arrested. - Reservation
required: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/One-second/ (+39) 031 449 1080

LECCO - March 14th - Conference - PIÙ VELOCI DELLA LUCE? - Planetario Città di Lecco a Palazzo
Belgiojoso - Corso Matteotti, 32 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Evening dealing with astrology. - Reservation
required: www.deepspace.it (+39) 0341 367584

COMO - March 15th - Music - INCONTRO MUSICALE - Aula Magna, Liceo Teresa Ciceri - Via
Carducci, 9 - 3:00 PM - Free - At the Aula Magna of the Institute there is a musical meeting of the
exhibition to listen. During the meeting, you will be able to listen to soloists, duo, brass ensemble
and jazz quintet. - Reservation recommended: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Incontro-
musicale-00003/ (+39) 031 266207

COMO - March 15th - Cultural event - IL PARTO POSITIVO - Libreria del Ragionier Bianchi - Via
Carloni, 80 - 6:00 PM - Free - A practical manual to deal with pregnancy, childbirth and the first
months of life of the child. The positive birth is a birth approach that, through the knowledge and
techniques of the Anglo-Saxon hypnobirthing method - adapted to the Italian system and
completed by solid neuroscientific knowledge, prepares women to face calmly and relaxed in
every phase of labor Until the birth of their children. And much more. - Reservation
recommended: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Il-parto-positivo-00001/ (+39) 375 728 9075

COMO - March 15th - Sport event- COMO - TERNANA - Stadio G. Sinigaglia - Viale Sinigaglia, 2 -
6:30 PM - Paid - Como - Ternana is scheduled for the eleventh day of return of Serie B
Championship. - Reservation required: ://www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Como-Ternana/
(+39) 031574425

COMO - March 15th - Theater- IL DELITTO DI VIA DELL’ORSINA - Teatro Sociale - Piazza Verdi -
8:30 PM - Paid - A man wakes up and finds a stranger in his bed, both have a large thirst, dirty
hands and pockets full of coal but they don't know why, they don't remember anything of the
previous night. Slowly they try to reconstruct what happened, but the only thing they are certain is
to have been both at a party of former high school students. Of what happened when they left the
rally they know nothing. - Reservation recommended:
dellOrsina/ (+39) 031 270170

LECCO - March 15th - Cinema - SALO' O LE 120 GIORNATE DI SODOMA - Teatro Invito - Via Ugo
Foscolo, 42 - 9:00 PM - Paid - Movie. - Reservation required: www.teatroinvito.it (+39) 371

LECCO - March 16th - Theater - OBLIVION RHAPSODY - Cineteatro Palladium - Via Fiumicella, 12 -
9:00 PM - Paid - A show to celebrate the anniversary of the first ten years of tour together.-
Reservation required: www.comune.lecco.it (+39) 0341 481140

polifunzionale del Centro Civico di Germanedo - Via Eremo, 28 - 9:00 PM - Free - Film part of the
16th edition of the film event "Capire la storia del cinema". - Without reservation -

Civica di Palazzo Teodolinda - Piazzetta Teodolinda - 5:00 PM - Paid - Speaker: Tiziano Corti. -
Reservation required: www.villagreppi.it (+39) 039 9207160
Bernasconi - Largo Campanini, 2 - Paid - A new loan from Civic Art Gallery in Como brings to Villa
Bernasconi a selection of five 19th-century paintings depicting the lake and a sixth one named Il
racconto del naufrago (“The Castaway’s Tale”), attributed to Italian painter and patriot Gerolamo
Induno. - Reservation required: www.villabernasconi.eu (+39) 031 3347209

COMO - from November 28th 2021 to April 17th 2022 - MUOVERSI! - Museo della Seta - Via
Castelnuovo, 9 - Paid - A new temporary exhibition displaying the works of retired professor and
textile industry entrepreneur Gigi Graziano. Weaving has always been a part of Graziano’s life, so
once he retired, he found himself with a house full of threads and the desire to try out new
techniques. The outcome of his experiments are the works on display at the Silk Museum, created
together with his wife Nella and with the contribution of his lifelong friend Alberto Giudici. -
Without reservation - www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/Muoversi (+39) 031 303180

COMO - from February 10th to May 29th - LA SPINA DORSALE DI UN UOMO - Museo della Seta -
Via Castelnuovo, 9 - Paid - The year 2022 starts with a colourful display of the creativity of Como’s
traditional clothing production, showcasing men’s fashion’s coolest accessory: the tie. Its story
begins in the 17th century, as a characteristic element denoting soldiers of fortune, but during the
course of history it became a protagonist of tales and treatises explaining how to use it and its
meaning, and since the late 19th century it has been regarded as the epitome of male elegance. -
Reservation recommended: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/La-spina (+39) 031 303 180

COMO - from February 12th to April 12th - IN CORO - Banca Generali Private - Lungo Lario Trento,
9 - Exhibition displaying works made by Giuliano Collina in the early 2000s, coming from Collezione
Milly Pozzi Arte’s collection, which is also one of the organisers together with LarioIn and Banca
Generali Private. - Accessible by appointment: www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere segreteria@larioin.it

COMO - from March 5th 2022 to May 7th 2022 - LA LUNA E IL MEDIOEVO - Castello Baradello -
Via Castel Baradello - Paid - The Middle Ages, a historical period for a long time linked to negative
connotations of cultural stasis and obscurantism, is instead filled with colour and meaning in
Marcella Chirico's works. The moon becomes a constant element that illuminates the path of
ladies and knights, who like in fairy tales are in love and flee on a steed or fight a proud dragon.
The exhibition may be visited every Saturday and Sunday. - Reservation required:
www.visitcomo.eu/it/vivere/eventi/La-Luna-e-il-Medioevo (+39) 3920279675

VARENNA (LC) - from May 8th 2021 to December 30th 2022 - TRACCE NAPOLEONICHE NELLE
Monastero - Viale Polvani, 4 - Paid - On the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon's death,
which took place on May 5th 1821, the province of Lecco offers an itinerary curated by
conservator Anna Ranzi that witnesses and illustrates through paintings, prints, documents and
everyday objects, the diffusion in seven stages of Napoleon’s fame in the Lake Como area. -
Without reservation: www.villamonastero.eu (+39) 0341295450
ABBADIA LARIANA (LC) - Via Nazionale, 93
From the sixteenth century onwards, the Lombard territory saw an increase of activities related to
silk: silkworm rearing, cocoon spinning, twisting and weaving. In Abbadia Lariana there is a factory
for twisting silk thread, preserved as it was in the mid-nineteenth century and transformed into a
museum. Restored and enriched with contemporary materials from other spinning machines that
have now disappeared, in 1998 it became Civico Museo Setificio Monti.
From Wednesday to Friday 2:00 - 6:00 PM. Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM/2:00 - 6:00
Reservation required - Paid
www.museoabbadia.it (+39) 034 1731241; (+39) 034 1700381 info@museoabbadia.it       VILL
ALTA VALLE INTELVI (CO) - Località Scaria d’Intelvi, Via Carloni, 9                  AS
Refurbished in 2015, the Fossil Museum offers to the visitor educational panels describing the
main features, the lifestyle and look of fossil prehistoric animals. The collection hosts items dating
from 5000 million to 36 thousand years ago, as well as a small collection of minerals.
Open from June to September on Sundays 10:30 AM-12:00 PM; in July and August also on
Thursdays 4:30-5:30 PM.
For more information please contact the Lanzo Tourist Office (+39) 333 6337116 or check out the
Museum’s Facebook page.

ALTA VALLE INTELVI (CO) - Frazione di Verna, piazza Solari
Inaugurated in 2003, the museum hosts works donated to the municipality by Piero Gauli. Among
these artworks stand out the paintings of the King-Hunger series, inspired by Leonid N. Andreyev’s
tragedy of the same name. Other works represent “the life and story of second lieutenant alpine
gunner Piero Gauli”, an account of the battle he took part in on the Western Front by the river
Don. There is also some Umbrian-Roman pottery.
Opening times: August. Open at other times of the year upon request.
For more information contact Donata Volpi (+39) 339 4298692 or write to

BELLAGIO (CO) - Piazza della Chiesa, 14
Villa Serbelloni’s Park straddles a steep promontory, which separates the two branches of the
lake, where, according to tradition, Pliny the Younger owned a villa called Tragoedia. From the
park, a charming maze of paths surrounded by native and exotic vegetation embellished with
terraces and statues, you can enjoy a superb view of the branches of Lake Como and Lecco.
Admission only with guided tours, taking place every day twice a day from Tuesday to Sunday at
11:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Closed on Mondays.
Reservation recommended - Paid
www.bellagiolakecomo.com (+39) 031 951555 info@promobellagio.it
BELLAGIO (CO) - Lungo Lario Manzoni
The Gardens of Villa Melzi d’Eril are a harmonious example of the English-style garden, at the feet
of the Villa of the same name. Built in the early 1800s with the contribution of distinguished
artists, craftsmen, decorators and architects, it has always been a site of rare beauty, of inspiration
for writers, artists and poets, a place that people who come to admire the perfect balance
between plants, history and landscape fall in love with.
Monday to Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM. Closed from November to March.
Without reservation - Paid
www.giardinidivillamelzi.it (+39) 333 4877427 info@giardinidivillamelzi.it

BELLAGIO, San Giovanni (CO) - Piazza Don Miotti
Private collection with over 200 nautical items dating from the 18th century.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Without reservation - Paid
www.bellagiomuseo.com (+39) 031 950309 info@bellagiomuseo.com

BELLAGIO, San Giovanni (CO) - Via dei Pescatori
In the San Giovanni district in Bellagio, carpenter Ivan Gilardoni, passionate about vintage bicycles,
has transformed his house into a tourist attraction, hanging the so-called "flying bikes" on the
facade. Over the years, the collection has grown and there are almost a hundred bicycles.
Open every day.
Without reservation - Free

CAVARGNA (CO) - Via alla chiesa, 12/14
This museum has been designed as a way to explore history from the point of view of human
Open only on Saturdays and Sundays until 1st November, 2:00 - 7:00 PM. During the rest of the
year, the museum is open only upon request.
Without reservation - Free
www.amei.biz/musei/museo-della-valle-cavargna (+39) 344 63164

CENTRO VALLE INTELVI (CO), località Casasco d’Intelvi, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 1
The museum is a historical and social resource allowing the people of the Intelvi valley to discover
their origins. Inaugurated in 1995, it was opened with the idea of preserving and passing on the
cultural heritage of peasant civilisation, of mountain culture and craftsmanship.
Opening in August: Saturday 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM - 12:30 AM. During the rest of
the year the museum is open only upon request, emailing: museo.casascointelvi@gmail.com
CERANO D’INTELVI (CO) - Via Monte San Zeno, 3
The museum was built in the Cerano dairy with educational and exhibition purposes to enhance
the agricultural resources and the local heritage of typical products, traditions and culture of the
territory. The milk museum collects and preserves the technological and ethnographic traditions
of milk processing in Valle Intelvi. The tools on display are the same as those used by
cheesemakers of old in the Veglio and Cerano dairies.
For more information and reservations please call (+39) 031 817110 or email
Website: www.comune.ceranodintelvi.co.it

CERNOBBIO (CO) - Largo Campanini, 2
Villa Bernasconi is the new idea of a museum that emotionally involves the visitor, transforming
him into a "guest" and a "thief of stories", enjoying a modern, multisensory, innovative and
interactive cultural experience.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Reservation required - Paid
www.villabernasconi.eu (+39) 031 3347209 villa.bernasconi@comune.cernobbio.co.it

COLICO (LC) - Via alle Torri, 8
Best preserved First World War fortress in Europe.
Open upon request from October onwards
Without reservation - Paid
www.fortemontecchionord.it (+39) 0341 940322 info@fortemontecchionord.it

COMO - Via Castelnuovo, 9
The Como Silk Museum tells the story of the cultural and entrepreneurial silk-making tradition of
the city by displaying machines, looms and fabrics, each of them a protagonist of the life and
history of this area in its own right. The Museum boasts an exhibition surface of more than 1,000
m2 and frequently hosts exhibitions and cultural events connected with the textile industry, open
to the general public, to schools and universities. There is also a gift shop where visitors may
purchase high-quality silk clothing, thereby helping the Museum to research and preserve the
culture and history of silk in this territory, explaining it and making it accessible for future
Opening times: Tuesday to Sunday, 2:00 - 6:00 PM
Without reservation - Paid
www.museosetacomo.com/?lang_id=2 (+39) 031 303180 prenota@museosetacomo.com
COMO - Via Diaz, 84
‘Pinacoteca di Palazzo Volpi’ is the Como Art Gallery. It has an early-mediaeval, Romanesque and
Gothic sculpture section, with material from various religious buildings in the city. The section
dedicated to the twentieth century houses sculptures and paintings by the abstract artists of the
"Como Group" as well as drawings by the futurist architect Antonio Sant'Elia.
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Closed on Mondays.
Without reservation - Paid
www.visitcomo.eu/it/scoprire/musei/pinacoteca-civica (+39) 031 269869

COMO - Viale Marconi
On the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of illustrious scientist Alessandro
Volta’s death, cotton entrepreneur Francesco Somaini donated to the city a Neoclassical building
by the lakeshore, with the aim of celebrating the scientist, who had been born in Como, and
stressing the importance of his studies. The ‘Volta Temple’ now hosts both the original scientific
equipment used by Volta and some reproductions, together with documents and material about
his life.
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Closed on Mondays.
Without reservation - Paid
(+39) 031 574705 musei.civici@comune.como.it

COMO - Via Simone Cantoni, 1
Villa Olmo is one of the main symbols of the city of Como, one of the most famous and sumptuous
historical residences in Como.
Park open every day from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Without reservation - Paid (free park access)
www.villaolmocomo.it, infocultura@comune.como.it

COMO - Via per Cernobbio, 19
It is the headquarters of Antonio Ratti’s Foundation. It has gone through various modifications and
changes of ownership since the first construction between the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. It hosts a library of texts and documents on silk and yarns.
From Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Without reservation - Free
www.fondazioneratti.org/it (+39) 313 384976 info@fondazioneratti.org

DERVIO (CO) - Piazza Garibaldi
The Castle of Corenno Plinio has centuries of history, and is one of the best-preserved castles in all
of Lombardy. The town of Corenno Plinio developed around the castle.
Please consult the website for opening times.
Reservation recommended - Paid
www.eccolecco.it/arte-cultura/castelli-lago-como/castello-di-corenno-plinio (+39) 341 804113

DONGO (CO) - Palazzo Manzi, Piazza Paracchini, 6
The Museum is equipped with modern multimedia technologies that tell the dramatic days of the
capture of Benito Mussolini, Claretta Petacci and the hierarchs of the Italian Social Republic in
April of 1945.
From Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 3:00 - 6:00 PM.
Reservation recommended - Paid
www.museofineguerradongo.it (+39) 0344 82572 info@museofineguerradongo.it

ERBA (CO) - Piazza Prepositurale
Public property annexed to the villa set in 1850 by Girolamo Majnoni of Intignano, currently seat
of the Erba Town Hall. The park was designed according to landscape garden design and still
preserves a variety of high tall trees and parterres. It is streamlined by an allèe made by Cypress
trees that provide an illusionistic effect from the entrance up to the villa facade, in eclectic style. In
the park, a neo baroque temple that was gifted from the king Umberto I to the architect Achille
Open to the public.
Without reservation - Paid
www.apgi.it/giardino/parco-majnoni (+39) 335 537818 info@apgi.it

ESINO LARIO (LC) - Via Montefiori, 19
This museum, which lies in the heart of the Northern Grigna Regional Park, tells the story of man
from the dawn of time to the present day from a local perspective.
Open only on Saturdays and Sundays, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. From July 15th also on Tuesdays and
Fridays, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Reservation required - Paid
www.museodellegrigne.it (+39) 348 2838438; (+39) 342 7533018; (+39) 034 1860111 io@pensa.it

LANZO INTELVI (CO) - Frazione Scaria
The museum was founded in 1966 with the aim of collecting and preserving evidence of the
artistic heritage of the parish of Scaria and other places in Valle Intelvi. Among the items on
display are noteworthy works by the masters of this area, who emigrated to Italian and Central
European cities throughout many centuries. The museum reopened in 2015 with a refurbished
exhibition venue that makes the most of the original collection. The visitor may admire works of
special value displayed within themed spaces, such as the Antelami cross, a jewel of Lombard
goldsmithery, and wooden statuettes by Ercole Ferrata. The collection is completed by drawings
and paintings by brothers Diego Francesco and Carlo Innocenzo Carloni, as well as some 16th-
century frescoes from Casa De Allio in Scaria and the Church of Santa Maria.
Opening times: from April to October on Fridays upon reservation, Saturday 3:00 - 6:00 PM,
Sunday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 3:00 - 6:00
For info and reservations please contact the Lanzo tourist office (+39) 333 6337116 or email
associazioneamicimuseo@gmail.com Sito web: www.museodiscaria.it
LECCO - Via Don Guanella, 1
The Manzoni Museum is located inside Villa Manzoni. It is a house-museum, the ground floor
preserves all the original furnishings of the family, hosted in nine rooms, through which, immersed
in the atmosphere of the past, objects related to Alessandro Manzoni can be seen.
Monday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Tuesday from 2:00 PM and Wednesday from 2:00 PM).
Reservation only for Saturday and Sunday - Paid
www.museilecco.org/museomanzoniano.htm (+39) 0341 481247 villa.manzoni@comune.lecco.it

LECCO - Corso Matteotti, 32
Palazzo Belgiojoso, in the district of Castello di Lecco, is a remarkable U-shaped building of the late
eighteenth century that opens onto an inner garden, the municipal park and a museum.
Monday to Friday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
Reservation required on Saturday and Sunday - Paid
www.eccolecco.it/arte-cultura/ville-palazzi/palazzo-belgiojoso-lecco (39) 335 5378189

LECCO - Piazza XX settembre, 22
The Villa was built in 1905 in the historic center of Lecco as the headquarters of the Tax Authority,
it now houses temporary exhibitions and the permanent collection of Contemporary Art of
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 2:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Other days 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
Saturday and Sunday reservation required - Paid
www.museilecco.org (+39) 0341 286729 palazzopaure@comune.lecco.it

MAGREGLIO (CO) - Via Gino Bartali, 4
A place known to cycling enthusiasts from all over the world. Inside the church, there are bikes, t-
shirts and memorabilia of the cyclists that made the sport famous. The cycling museum is located
at the side of the church.
Open the first Saturday of March until the first Sunday of November 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM.
Reservation recommended - Paid
www.museodelghisallo.it (+39) 031 965885 info@museodelghisallo.it

MUSSO (CO) - Via Regina, 18
The Musso Civic Historical Museum is located in the former Opificio Salice factory. Here you shall
set out on a journey through time, based on the evidence of the events and main productive
activities in the past centuries. The permanent exhibition will take you to the quarries where the
renowned white Musso marble was mined, then you shall see the area where silkworms were
bred. At the end of the tour is a section dedicated to the end of WW2, more specifically to the
arrest of Mussolini and his officials. In May and June it is also possible to see a silkworm farming
Open from April to October
Closed on Mondays - Please check the website for opening times
Without reservation - Paid
mussomem.vanvincq.net (+39) 0344 82162 museocivico.musso@libero.it

PERLEDO (LC) - Via del Castellano
Vezio Castle has stood for more than a thousand years. Incomparable in its natural beauty, history,
art, nature and culture.
Open every day from the first Saturday in March to the first Sunday of November.
Please consult the website for opening times.
Without reservation - Paid
www.castellodivezio.it/EN/home-en.html (+39) 333 4485975 info@castellodivezio.it

PIANELLO DEL LARIO (CO) - Via Regina, 1268
The museum's collection includes over 400 historic hulls with rowing boats, gondolas, fishing
boats, hunting and smuggling boats, inboard and outboard motorboats, steamboats, competition
catamarans, sailing boats and ancient workboats. Also important is the number of engines, over
300 pieces, and the thousands of objects relating to the construction and use of boats.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (except on request) 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
Without reservation - Paid
www.museobarcalariana.it (+39) 0344 87235 info@museobarcalariana.it

SAN SIRO (CO), località Carcente
Small ethnographic museum Museo della Casa Rurale has been founded in the charming village of
Carcente on Lake Como. Set up in one of the historic stone houses, it collects work tools and
pieces of domestic furniture linked to local history. The locals preserve and renovate the Museum
as a treasure: the mission is to create a connection between past and future generations so that
the heritage of local traditions is not lost.
Open only on Sunday 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM and 3:00 - 6:00 PM.
Reservation required
www.facebook.com/carcentecasamuseo (+39) 340 932 9266 casaruralecarcente@gmail.com

SCHIGNANO (CO) - Via Giobbi, 46
Through their work the artists of the M.A.S.C.H.E.R.A. have given life to numerous sculptures with
a wide variety of features. Given the success achieved in 2014, the organisers have decided to
continue and each year choose a new theme to which the artists must refer. To reach the path
from Schignano, follow the signs to the village of Posa, where you may park your car and then
proceed on foot following the signs "Sentiero delle espressioni" towards Alpe Nava. Here begins
the real Sentiero delle espressioni with the first carved wood sculptures. Casa della maschera
instead hosts historical masks of the famous Schignano Carnival and is visible only from the
For more information and reservations contact the email: info@lamascheraschignano.it

TREMEZZINA, Tremezzo (CO) - Via Regina, 2
Over three hundred years of great collections underpin the history of Villa Carlotta, where art
walks side by side with nature in a breath-taking landscape scenario. Villa Carlotta promotes a
unique historical, artistic and botanical heritage on Lake Como, making it available for all to
experience. The botanical garden of Villa Carlotta is a kaleidoscope of colours in every season.
Open daily from 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM.
Without reservation - Paid
www.villacarlotta.it (+39) 0344 40405 segreteria@villacarlotta.it

TREMEZZINA, Tremezzo (CO) - Via Regina, 22
The “Museo del Paesaggio del Lago di Como” is located in the Villa Mainona, the former residence
of the Mainoni family, and it is focused on the presentation of the environmental and cultural
values of the Lake Como landscape with a special focus on the area of Tremezzina.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:30 - 6:00 PM.
Without reservation - Paid
www.facebook.com/Museo-del-Paesaggio-del-Lago-di-Como (+39) 0344 533023

TREMEZZINA, Lenno (CO) - Via Guido Monzino, 1
Villa del Balbianello offers a beautiful view of Lake Como. This elegant, romantic 18th century
mansion and its magnificent garden have hosted writers, scholars and travelers, including Count
Guido Monzino, the last owner of the Villa.
Access to the Villa is by foot, with a 25 minutes’ walk, or by Taxi-Boat from Lido di Lenno.
Open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Closed Mondays and Wednesdays.
Reservation recommended during the week - Reservation required on weekends - Paid
www.fondoambiente.it/luoghi/villa-del-balbianello (+39) 0344 56110

VALSOLDA (CO) - Via Antonio Fogazzaro, 14
Villa Fogazzaro Roi is located on the shores of Lake Lugano. It's a 19th century residence where
writer Antonio Fogazzaro spent a long time. The Villa that today bears his name inspired Fogazzaro
to write and set here The Little World of the Past, his most famous novel, published in 1896.
Please consult the website for opening times.
Reservation required - Paid
www.fondoambiente.it/luoghi/villa-fogazzaro-roi (+39) 0344 536602

VALSOLDA (CO) - Via C. Jamucci, 8/10
The museum houses works by Paolo Pagani and other artists from Valsolda.
Open only Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Reservation recommended - Free
www.museocasapagani.it (+39) 344 68121 direzione@museocasapagani.it

VARENNA (LC) - Viale Giovanni Polvani, 2
The villa houses a Botanical Garden that extends for almost 2 kilometers along the lakefront from
Varenna to Fiumelatte, a House Museum and Conference Center, an international conference
center overlooking Lake Como.
The garden is always open from 9:30 AM to 7:30 PM. Closed on Mondays.
Without reservation - Paid
www.villamonastero.eu (+39) 0341 295450 villa.monastero@provincia.lecco.it

VARENNA (LC) - Via 4 Novembre, 22
An experience between scents and magical sensations that transforms the path in the botanical
garden into a design project made with local plants that have accompanied the history of the park.
Please check the website for opening times.
Without reservation - Paid
www.hotelvillacipressi.it (+39)0341830113 info@hotelvillacipressi.it

VARENNA (LC) - Via al Castello
Castle of Vezio has stood for more than a thousand years. Incomparable in its natural beauty,
history, art, nature and culture.
Open every day from the first Saturday in March to the first Sunday of November.
Please consult the website for opening times.
Without reservation - Paid
www.castellodivezio.it/EN/home-en.html (+39) 333 4485975 info@castellodivezio.it
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