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Page created by Eduardo Gibbs
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Monaco Water Rescue Centre
These institutions that operate sustainably

Grimaldi Forum
Meeting with Nathalie Paccino
Exhibition : Layovers at the other end of the world
Prince Albert II Foundation
Madagascar, Brazil, Ethiopia :
Projects for preserving water
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 3 These institutions that operate sustainably
13 Meeting with... Nathalie Paccino
   Environmental Manager at Grimaldi Forum
15 Stop water loss!
16 An exhibition about layovers at the other
   end of the world
18 Madagascar recognizes its protected marine areas
19 Permanent access to water in Ethiopia
   Release of two bearded vultures
20 Olhos d’Agua : protecting sources in Brazil
   A prize for technological innovation
  ZOOM ON...
21 CSAM : Fighting against the risk of drowning
22 Fondation Princesse Charlène de Monaco :
   la natation en partage
25 Monacology : 11 years that the recipe works!
26 Alain and Nathalie Antognelli
   probed « the soul of the ice »
28 Estelle Antognelli, New « Miss Environment »
   at the Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority
   In search of meaning? The movie
29 Short news
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These institutions                                               complex mechanisms for which scientific knowledge is not
                                                                 always available, thus robbing us of the ability to minimize

that operate
                                                                 their impacts. As such, research and monitoring efforts must
                                                                 be strengthened.


Sustainable development or, in other words, the way
of meeting present needs without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs, is
a concept that is at the heart of both political and social
current events. The COP21, an international meeting
scheduled to take place next December in Paris, will be
the opportunity to react to the alarm signal issued by the
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). This
organization presents a rather pessimistic picture for man
and the environment, with the conclusion of its last report
stating that “human influence on the climate system is clear
and increasing, with effects observed on every continent.

If we do not control it, climate change will increase the
risk of serious, widespread and irreversible consequences        The COP21 will take place in Paris this coming December,
for human beings and ecosystems.” These issues are not           do you think that the meeting will lead to other projects for
foreign to the Principality which has long been proactive        the protection of cetaceans?
in its policies for sustainable development. As a part of this
issue, we would like to present the main organizations that     Climate change, through the warming of our seas and
are mobilizing to make Monaco an example in sustainable         oceans, represents a real threat to cetaceans, particularly
development.                                                    those of the Mediterranean and Black Sea, according
                                                                to the findings of the international expert meeting of
ACCOBAMS                                                        ACCOBAMS, which was held in June in Monaco on this
                                                                issue. Any progress in the commitments made by States
Signed in 1996, the Agreement on the Conservation of to mitigate the impact of human activities on the climate
Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and can therefore only be positive for the conservation of
contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS) entered into force cetaceans.
in 2001. This intergovernmental agreement embodies the
will of the State Parties to preserve all species of cetaceans Your organization is characterized by international
and their habitats in the geographic area of the Agreement. cooperation and contributions by the 23 countries that
The Permanent Secretariat of the Agreement is hosted make up the ACCOBAMS, each of which has a different
by the Principality of Monaco as part of a headquarters legislation and operating structure. Does this not imply a
agreement. Supported by the scientific community, the certain difficulty in carrying projects forward?
Secretariat coordinates the activities of 23 State Parties
to ACCOBAMS and works in cooperation with the various The answer is no, because ACCOBAMS is a legal tool of
entities of the Agreement (Party Meetings, Offices, Sub- biodiversity conservation that is based on cooperation.
regional Coordination Units, Scientific Committees, ACCOBAMS also provides that all of its State Parties will
and Partners). ACCOBAMS also collaborates with other implement a comprehensive conservation plan that
international organizations involved in the conservation of will allow them to reach and maintain a favourable
biodiversity, the fight against pollution, fishing, or maritime conservation status for cetaceans. By ratifying the
transport.                                                      Agreement, the States have pledged to reduce threats to
                                                                cetaceans, including by improving the state of knowledge
What cetaceans can be found in the Mediterranean and on these animals and, as such, support the implementation
the Black Sea? What threats do they face?                       of activities and projects.

From the equator to the poles, cetaceans have adapted            What are your priority projects and activities for the current
to almost all aquatic environments (rivers, estuaries, and       year?
the open sea). Today, there are 82 species of cetaceans
worldwide. In the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 21            Today, there are at least five priority projects and activities,
species have been seen at least once, and eleven of              not just for the current year, but especially for coming years.
these are considered as resident species. Cetaceans are          The “ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative,” identified as a very
important for many reasons – ecological, scientific, cultural,   high priority to achieve the objectives of the Agreement,
and even purely aesthetic – this is why particular attention     is an ambitious program that aims to gather data on the
should be paid to their conservation. Cetaceans are faced        cetacean populations in the Mediterranean and the Black
with many threats that damage them. They are among the           Sea. Significant seaborne resources will be mobilized as
main causes of the decline observed in certain populations.      part of this program, whose implementation is scheduled
                                                                 for 2016-2019. Crucial data on the abundance and the
The majority of these threats are created by human               distribution of cetaceans at the regional level will be
activities, such as chemical and noise pollution, marine         collected with the aim of improving the conservation of
debris, risks of collision with ships, entanglement in           these species. The “ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative” will also
fishing gear, and cetacean watching activities. Climate          promote synergies among State Parties to ACCOBAMS in
change is an additional pressure on the balance of their         terms of knowledge and constant monitoring of cetaceans.
environment. Some cetaceans are threatened through

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Anthropogenic underwater noise has a strong negative             What do you hope for in the coming years to be able to
impact on marine mammals. ACCOBAMS State Parties                 say that a major step has been made in preserving the
were made aware of this by the scientific community very         environment?
early on. Reducing this threat has been seen as a priority in
ACCOBAMS’ activities for several years. Currently, we are       The preservation of the marine environment is first of all the
implementing a monitoring strategy for noisy activities in the  preservation of its biodiversity. A greater public awareness
Mediterranean in collaboration with another international       of the fact that marine biodiversity and, more globally,

organization: the Barcelona Convention.                         marine ecosystems bring essential benefits to us humans
                                                                and to our societies by guaranteeing the continuity of life
This work should also be accompanied by a map of noise- and generating economic activities would already be a
generating activities in the sea in order to identify the big step.
highest risk areas for cetaceans in the region. We also plan
to propose a partnership with the Guidelines Countries to In addition, the creation of tools to assess the quality of the
better supervise the training of Marine Mammal Observers marine environment and the benefits which it gives us, as
(MMOs) during seismic surveys in the Mediterranean.             well as the promotion of activities and technologies aimed
                                                                at partnering economic and conservationist actors would
The water borne observation of marine mammals, be another big step.
commonly known as “whale watching,” is increasing in the
Mediterranean. Whale watching is an important vehicle for The time has come to adopt some virtuous behaviours for
communication and public awareness. Our goal is not to a responsible management of marine resources in order to
ban it, but rather to frame it in a sustainable way in order to ensure the conservation of biodiversity in our seas and the
reconcile the socio-economic value of this activity with the preservation of our environment.
protection of marine mammals and their habitat.
This is why the “High Quality Whale Watching” label was
created in 2014. This label is aimed at whale watching
operators who wish to promote an approach that values
good practices and responsible know-how when observing Monegasque Association for
cetaceans in the sea.                                           Ocean Acidification (AMAO)
The collaboration between all of the experts working on
the conservation of cetaceans is one of the foundations          The creation of the AMAO was publicly announced by HSH
of ACCOBAMS. We are also working, in collaboration               the Sovereign Prince in his speech of December 3rd, 2013
with two of our partners (GIS3M and WWF France) on               on the occasion of the meeting of the International Ocean
the implementation of a “Network for the Conservation            Acidification Reference User Group.
of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and
contiguous Atlantic Area”: NETCCOBAMS. This network              The AMAO includes the following organizations: the Prince
will facilitate and enhance exchanges and cooperation            Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Government
between all stakeholders involved in the conservation            of Monaco, the UICN, the CNRS, the IAEA marine
of cetaceans, not only between experts from Northern             laboratory, the Monaco Scientific Centre, and the Monaco
countries and from the Southern countries of the                 Oceanographic Institute. The objectives of the AMAO are
Mediterranean, but also between experts in the same sub-         to communicate, promote and facilitate international
region.                                                          actions on ocean acidification and other global stresses on
                                                                 the marine environment.
At the bilateral level, ACCOBAMS supports two projects
in Morocco and Tunisia which aim to strengthen national          Thus, AMAO is committed to standardizing communications
cetacean stranding networks. Indeed, beyond the health           between different institutions working in Monaco against
issues involved during the stranding of an animal on the         ocean acidification. It is also a tool to gather private donors
coast, the establishment of functional and operational           to fund projects related to ocean acidification.
stranding monitoring networks is essential for scientists who
collect data and take samples from the animals, in order         What is ocean acidification?
to improve our knowledge of these large mammals that
inhabit our seas.                                             Growing CO2 emissions, particularly anthropogenic
                                                              emissions, are creating a new type of global environmental
How would you describe the Principality’s role in favour of problem that is still little-known: ocean acidification. Ocean
the environment?                                              acidification is, together with climate change, one of the
                                                              major consequences of the increase in atmospheric CO2
Within the overall framework of the actions of the Principal- of human origin. Ocean acidification affects the marine
ity of Monaco for the environment, its commitment to the environment in various ways:
conservation of cetaceans as migratory species is remark-
able. Indeed, Monaco hosts the Permanent Secretariat of • Impairment in the skeletal growth of corals and the shells
ACCOBAMS through a headquarters agreement, provides of mollusks,
the Executive Secretary and one assistant for the Organi-
zation, and supports the implementation of conservation • Changes in the food chain,
actions. The quality and continuity of this commitment in
the Principality have also been officially internationally • Slower growth of these organisms,
recognized by the award of an exceptional prize entitled
“Extraordinary Champion of the Convention for Migratory • Physiological disorders in fishes and invertebrates
Species” (CMS, ACCOBAMS’ parent convention), which
was given to the representative of the Principality during The oceans play a vital role in regulating climate. Oceans
the United Nations Conference on Migratory Species, held absorb large amounts of heat and carbon dioxide (CO2)
in Quito in November 2015.                                 from the atmosphere, which increases their acidity.

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The theme of ocean acidification will be discussed during the COP21 next December in Paris. What are your expectations?

We hope that, following this international conference, ocean acidification will be looked at, both by decision makers
and citizens. There is ever greater urgency on this issue, as on many others, and states must, without delay, strengthen
their commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Who is affected by ocean acidification?

We are all concerned by ocean acidification. All regions of the world are affected by this problem. However, the most
affected populations are the communities that rely exclusively on fisheries as resources for their livelihoods.

How can everyone participate in preventing this phenomenon?

First of all, it is important to reduce emissions, both at the industry level and in everyday life. Then, it is necessary to
promote the development of projects aimed at reducing ocean acidification. The protection of forests, mangroves,
marshes, coastal areas, as well as the creation of marine protected areas can all be beneficial. These natural spaces
act as the lungs of the Earth by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in our atmosphere.

What are your priority projects and actions for the current year?

The “Oceans 2015 Initiative” project together with the AMAO has as its goal to strengthen the dialogue between the
scientific community and policy negotiations, with the goal of arriving at possible solutions for the COP21.

Monegasque Association for Nature Protection
In September 1975, Prince Rainier III commissioned Professor    planning, pollution, coastal development, human
Vaissière, director of the Scientific Centre of Monaco,         activities) which impacts on the diversity and habitats of
to create a protected area in Monegasque territorial            species. The protection and management of the coastal
waters. This task was entrusted to a Monegasque team, all       environment are widely recognized tools used to limit and
volunteers, who presented to the Government of Monaco           fight against these impacts.
on October 22nd, 1975 the statutes of the Monegasque
Association for the Protection of Nature.                       Since the territory of the Principality of Monaco is highly
                                                                urbanized, the creation of two submarine reserves (that
The coastal area is particularly rich and is a “concentrate”    of Larvotto and that of pointe Focignana) in full seaside
                                                                urbanized area was a challenge. However, today,
of plant and animal life. Unfortunately, the coastal
                                                                their maintenance and success are the pride of the
environment is subjected to strong human pressure (town

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To obtain such results, numerous actions were implemented
by the Association: the protection and monitoring
of the Posidonia meadow (major ecosystem of the
Mediterranean); the immersion of artificial reefs and the
study of their colonization, the re-introduction of species

(which have since spread to neighboring unprotected
areas) the experience of in situ coral culture, the tagging
and counting of oysters, and the annual or biannual
cleaning of ocean floors. The AMPN is a model for the
protection of marine areas in an urban environment. It
is not only a marine laboratory, but also a pedagogical
tool for children and adults. In short, it is a concept for the
future that helps effectively manage and protect coastal
ecosystems impacted by human activities.

Your association’s mission is to protect nature, both fauna
and flora. What are the priority zones to protect?

Maritime areas:

- The Larvotto marine protected area
- The point Focignana marine protected area
- The Mediterranean in general, and also cetaceans in
the framework of the recent partnership concluded with
ACCOBAMS (we are recognized to award Monegasque
operators with the “High Quality Whale Watching” label)

                                                           Constant monitoring by these entities not only effectively
Terrestrial areas :
                                                           protects the reserves, it also allows scientists to work optimally
- Reforestation operations for the surrounding communities
                                                           and leave, for example, fragile and expensive equipment
have been conducted for 40 years, with the participation
                                                           at sea during their work. These reserves can then fulfill
of children
                                                           their role as a natural laboratory to improve indispensable
To achieve your mission, are you developing partnerships knowledge for the understanding and management of this
with other entities?                                       fragile and threatened coastline.

Yes, of course. Here is the list of partnerships for the What advice would you give to the average citizen or young
management of the two protected maritime areas:                    person who would want to get involved in the preservation
                                                                   of nature? How can they become involved with you?
AMPN: Our association was responsible for creating the
marine protected areas in Monaco and oversees their Becoming involved in environmental protection is very
management with the help of volunteers and benefactors. easy. The most important step is becoming aware of this
Department of the Environment: One of its missions is need that is not always well-anchored in people’s minds.
to monitor and implement conservation activities for Many people become involved with us. Everyone can join
biological communities on the Principality’s coast. As such, and help us according to their skills. We have many divers
it finances scientific studies in the Monegasque marine who help us regularly clean marine protected areas. We
protected areas. Department of Maritime Affairs: It deals also solicit boat divers. However, we also need volunteers
with tagging and conducts prevention and information on the ground to help manage the logistics of very
activities among boaters.                                          important operations such as shell tagging or reforestation
                                                                   actions. To contact us, simply download the membership
Maritime Police Division: It is responsible for the supervision of form on our website. We send e-mails to all our members
the two marine protected areas and ensures compliance to keep them informed of our activities and offer them
with regulations (prohibition to sail in protected areas and opportunities to participate in actions that require a large
to engage in submarine fishing, and regulated diving number of volunteers.
activities). Prince’s Guard diving team: They provide us with
consisted support and are present in each of our actions. What are your projects and priority actions for the current
Scientists: They have been present with us since the creation
of the reserves: University of Nice, Marseille, etc.               We are currently preparing three big projects for 2015, in
                                                                   addition to all of the other work that we do throughout the year.
The Scubapro Company: It has provided us with 6 full sets
of diving equipment to facilitate our work on the reserves. Shell tagging: In 2007, the Department of the Environment
                                                                   initiated an inventory of pen shells (Pinna nobilis) present in
The “benefactors” who help us during large operations: the Larvotto marine protected area, because it is necessary
Yacht Club, Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel, Fairmont Hotel capital to accurately assess the state of the populations of these
stocks, etc.                                                       large bivalves.

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Pinna nobilis are interesting to study for three main reasons    entific advice of Monaco and the University of Nice in order
everywhere, along the Mediterranean coast, these large           to optimize their colonization. They will be subject to rigor-
bivalves are strongly impacted by anchoring or coastal           ous scientific monitoring.
development activities. As the largest invertebrates in the
Mediterranean, they have a heritage value. They live a           The anniversary evening: It will be held on October 20th at
long time (> 10 years) and are good indicators of changes        the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco in the presence

in coastal environment in the medium and long term. This         of His Most Serene Highness Prince Albert II. On this occa-
task has been entrusted since 2007 by the Department of          sion, we will present the film directed by Images Natures
the Environment to Dr. Jean de Vaugelas, from the ECOM-          Production, with as its theme the marine protected areas
ERS laboratory of the University of Nice. It offered to eval-    of Monaco.
uate the state of health of this population by establishing
a precise mapping of the oysters (abundance and spatial          How would you describe the role of the Principality for the
distribution) in the reserve, and by listing a number of “sen-   environment?
tinel” individuals that will be followed for a period of time
                                                                 The Principality of Monaco’s investment in environmental
(growth, mortality, etc.).
                                                                 protection is a true example of which we can be proud.
In 2008, some forty divers from associative circles and div-     In the maritime domain, Prince Albert I, Prince Rainier III
ing clubs lent a hand to the scientists to continue their in-    and now Prince Albert II of Monaco, through His Founda-
ventory of pen shells using tags, and to locate them accu-       tion, have allowed concrete actions to be taken in order
rately using angle and distance measurements, which are          to alert people’s consciences and raise awareness among
more precise than GPS positioning. This operation will con-      the population of the importance and fragility of the ma-
tinue this year through the joint action of the Association      rine environment. Their commitment, both internationally
Monégasque pour la Protection de la Nature, the Depart-          and locally, generates a real dynamic that leads not only
ment of the Environment, and scientists from the ECOMERS         decision makers, but also ordinary citizens, to take the nec-
laboratory of the University of Nice (Sunday, June 7th). The     essary measures and adopt the right attitudes to preserve
objective is to maintain the existing tags, continue biomet-     the environment. This is easily noticed in Monaco where,
ric measurements and check certain positions 6 years after       in addition to the governmental and non-governmental
the initial implantation, conducted in 207-2008.                 agencies in charge of the protection of the environment,
                                                                 many people are mobilized to work in this direction.
3D Reefs:
                                                                 What do you hope for in the coming years in order to be
It is an innovative experience that we are currently con-        able to say that a major step has been taken in preserving
ducting, thanks to the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foun-          the environment?
dation. It consists in artificial reefs realized by means of a
                                                                 We will have taken a major step when humans finally
3D printer. These will be the first 3D underwater reefs in the
                                                                 understand that we must not degrade nature, but rather
Mediterranean. Their design was developed upon the sci-          respect it and live in harmony with it...

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Department of the Environment                                            to which Monaco is a Party. Moreover, in the surveillance
                                                                         and environmental preservation missions that fall within the
The Department of the Environment was created in 2008 and is             purview of the state, whether it has to do with seawater quality,
responsible in assisting in the definition and implementation of         checked once a week during the holiday period, or air quality,
governmental policy in the areas of sustainable development.             which is constantly monitored, we are vigilant in respecting the
Monaco is an urban area of 2km2, between the sea and the                 qualitative standards imposed by the European directives.

mountains, in which the manifestations of nature are both rich
and fragile. Despite the narrowness of its territory, the Principality   What are your projects and priority actions for the current year?
of Monaco has always been attentive to the preservation of its
green spaces. The Department of the Environment develops         First, I would say that the approach in favour of “sustainable
programs by establishing crosscutting relationships with         business” in the Principality is one of the highlights of the year.
stakeholders in order to implement actions and measures to       Indeed, at the conference “Plastics in the Mediterranean:
protect and enhance natural areas and their biodiversity. We     beyond observations, what are the solutions?” last March, HSH
can take as an example the tree “CODE” developed in order to     the Sovereign Prince announced the elimination by 2016 from
strengthen policies promoting the “green heritage” of Monaco.    the territory of the Principality of the importation and distribution
Different sectors are involved in a more general manner: Energy  of plastic bags for single use. This ban will be preceded by
and the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; household         a transitional phase in order to sensitize the various local
waste treatment and recycling, meteorology and the climate;      stakeholders to ensure that everyone adheres to this objective.
air quality; water and integrated water management; the          To accompany them, the Government is launching a large
monitoring of the marine environment and the monitoring and      program for “sustainable business” which deals with the removal
protection of biodiversity. The missions of the Department of    of plastic bags for single use, waste prevention, and improved
the Environment are varied, and have as their goal to ensure     sorting. The aim is to promote a local economy that includes
the monitoring of biodiversity, environmental quality, pollution less packaging, less waste and less greenhouse gas emissions.
sources, and natural or technological risks, to educate and raiseThis “sustainable business” approach promotes environmentally
awareness among the public with regards to environmental         responsible practices by supporting behavioural changes in our
issues, as well as to preserve the Monegasque heritage and raise territory and is fully in tune with the Government’s environmental
awareness in this regard.                                        policy. The second highlight of this year will be the 21st Conference
                                                                 of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,
You have recently taken the step of achieving ISO 14001 which will be held in Paris in December 2015, and to which our
certification. How is this a boon for your Department?           country will participate. This convention is crucial, and must lead
                                                                 to the adoption of a first universal and binding climate deal in
Indeed, after more than a year of work, followed by the order to keep global temperature changes below 2°C.
auditor of the DNV certification company on the entirety of our
administrative, laboratory, and field activities, the Department How would you describe the role of the Principality for the
of the Environment has received the ISO 14001 certification. environment?
This process was supported by the Expression group. The strong
                                                                   As you know, HSH the Sovereign Prince has placed sustainable
points of this commitment to the environment include: the
                                                                   development at the heart of his commitments. In his accession
improvement of waste management; the optimization of waste
                                                                   speech, the Sovereign Prince emphasized: “This collective will
management; the optimization of travel; the preservation
                                                                   to preserve the environment will be one of the contributions of
of natural resources, and risk management. We should note
                                                                   our country to the international community. Of course, I hope
that this certification process reflects the will of the entirety of
                                                                   that our competence in this area will benefit everyone through
the staff at the Department of the Environment to implement
                                                                   various cooperation projects with other countries, including
a continuous process of improvement in order to reduce and
                                                                   those in the Mediterranean area. Monaco must be a model
prevent impacts from our activities on the environment.
                                                                   country, respectful of nature.” Not only the actions of our
What are the main difficulties that you meet in trying to make the government, but also those of our community must aspire to fully
Principality into a sustainable city?                              meet this goal.

For me, the Principality has already all of the elements of a            What do you hope for in the coming years in order to be able
sustainable city. Indeed, at the instigation of HSH the Sovereign        to say that a major step has been taken in preserving the
Prince, the Government is acting decisively in favor of a                environment?
sustainable development of our city-state in its actions regarding
                                                                         The major issues at the global level today are those that relate to
the conservation of biodiversity, the preservation of resources,
                                                                         the reduction in greenhouse gases. In 2006, Monaco ratified the
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and a policy in
                                                                         Kyoto Protocol which set targets for reducing greenhouse gas
favour of a rational management of water, energy, waste, and
                                                                         emissions (GHG). During the first commitment period from 2008
                                                                         to 2012, the Principality of Monaco was committed to reducing
You are responsible for monitoring biodiversity, environmental           by 8% its global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) compared
quality, pollution sources, and natural or technological risks:          with 1990. By 2012, the Principality had reduced its emissions by
what then is Monaco’s current health status?                             13.2%, thus respecting and exceeding this first goal. During the
                                                                         Doha Climate Conference in 2012, the Principality confirmed its
Along its shores, the Government is conducting a voluntary               commitment to the second period of the Kyoto Protocol from
action for the conservation of its biodiversity and resources.           2013 to 2020, with the dual objective of an average reduction
It is based primarily on the implementation of a surveillance            of 22% of greenhouse gases over that period, and a target
strategy based on the creation of inventories, maps, and the             reduction of 30% by 2020. This is an ambitious goal that puts the
monitoring of biological indicators. These studies, which have           Principality on target to meet the goal set by HSH the Sovereign
been conducted for many years in the Principality, are based on          Prince of an 80% reduction by 2050, accompanied by carbon
the recommendations of the various international conventions             neutrality.

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Ecopolis :                                                         What actions are you taking on the ground?

Founded in 1998, the Ecopolis association has as its               Over the past year, our actions have mainly consisted in
primary purpose to support the Principality in the proper          encouraging the creation of receptacles for the recovery
management of waste. Through the years, Ecopolis has               of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste (EEEW) in the
strengthened its commitment to a sustainable city by               supermarkets of the Principality, the development of safe
establishing multiple goals without losing sight of its original   spaces for bicycles, and to encourage and participate in
spirit. One of these goals is to raise public awareness of the     the elimination of plastic bags in the Principality.
environmental issues which we face.
                                                                   We have also alerted the government to the need to
This covers many areas: energy, natural resources, raw             develop the electricity network at the marina for the large
materials, urban planning, pollution, the natural heritage of      recreational crafts in order to reduce air pollution. The poor
the city, the sorting of waste or transport. In this context,      storage conditions of the trees awaiting replanting have
the association is presenting a workshop during the public         prompted us to alert the public services and, finally, we are
evening of the Monegasque Awareness Week organized by              constantly striving to conserve the national heritage and
Monacology. Ecopolis would also like to be a link between          biodiversity of our city.
the various entities that wish to contribute to sustainable
                                                                   What are your projects and priority actions for the current
development in Monaco. To fulfill this role, the association
plays the role of spokesperson and mediator among the
different stakeholders. In order to enable the efficient and
                                                                  In addition to continuing our ongoing activities, we
smooth running of the actions implemented, twenty active
                                                                  are reflecting more specifically on the development of
members, accompanied by many experts, make up this
                                                                  a waterfront walkway at the Fairmont tunnel level to
team currently working for the future of Monaco.
                                                                  provide citizens and tourists with a walking path along
                                                                  the seafront. With regards to biodiversity, we would like
You organize monthly meetings to discuss, reflect and to continue the installation of bee hives in the Principality
propose solutions in order to build a sustainable city. Do and the implantation of pollenating species, particularly
you have any overriding guidelines or priority areas?             on abandoned spaces. The association remains open
                                                                  to all suggestions aimed at improving the quality of the
Our overall goal is to support sustainable development environment in the city.
and promote social, cultural, economic, and industrial
behaviours in support of this in our city. Our priority areas aim How would you describe the role of the Principality for the
to raise public awareness of the concept of development, environment?
to participate in improving the quality of life in urban areas,
                                                                  The     Government     is  developing     an    exemplary
to act to reduce the consumption of energy, raw materials,
                                                                  environmental policy in line with international guidelines.
and natural resources. Ecopolis aims to provide information
                                                                  However, solutions remain to be found with respect to daily
to the residents, consumers and users, all the way to the
                                                                  environmental challenges, such as the development of
policy makers in order for sustainable solutions to be
                                                                  motorized transport as well as improving the preservation
created through dialogue between the different actors in
                                                                  of natural spaces, air quality, and the protection of the
the city.
                                                                  marine environment.
Who participates in your meetings? Are they open to the
                                                          What do you hope for in the coming years in order to be
public, and how do they take place?
                                                          able to say that a major step has been taken in preserving
The members of the association and experts participate in the environment?
the meetings according to the themes addressed.
                                                              That road traffic will be reduced by half in favour of soft
                                                              transports, and that Monaco will become, in the same way
You work on many issues such as raising awareness in
                                                              as San Francisco, a zero waste city, where everything that
supermarkets about waste sorting or the fight against illegal is consumed is recycled or composted.
dumping of boat tanks. What results have you achieved?
Zoom on... Monaco Water Rescue Centre
cycle of plastic waste presented the result of their work,
                                                                   identified blocking areas and exchanged views on possible
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation                              solutions. HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco declared during
                                                                   His closing statement: “Tackling plastic pollution in the
Prince Albert II of Monaco foundation is a Monegasque              Mediterranean involves not only fighting against a specific,
foundation of international stature, create in June 2006           localized and detailed problem: above all, it is recognizing
by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. It is dedicated to              a collective responsibility that is embodied in the many

the protection of the environment and to sustainable               challenges recalled in your discussions. [...] This is why we
development with, as its priority objectives: climate change       in Monaco are taking important steps in this direction.
and the promotion of renewable energy, biodiversity,               Beginning next year, the distribution of single use plastic
water resources management, and the fight against                  bags will be prohibited.” These fruitful discussions also
desertification. All donations made to the Foundation              helped formulate the “Monaco Declaration to act against
are used exclusively in connection with such projects.             plastic pollution in the Mediterranean” which is launching
The Foundation supports the initiatives of public and              a new dynamic by announcing, among other things, the
private organizers in the areas of research, technological         creation of the “Beyond Plastic Med” Task Force, supported
innovation and socially-aware issues. It has 3 specific tasks:     by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.
the building of partnerships for projects in its priority action
areas; the raising of awareness among the public and the           What are your projects and priority actions for the current
administration with regards to the impact of human activities      year?
on natural areas in order to promote behaviours that are
more respectful of the environment, and the promotion of           Prince Albert II Foundation provides each year its value
extraordinary initiatives and innovative solutions, including      added to many projects which have positive impacts on
through the award of prizes and grants.                            the environment in many parts of the world. The highlight
                                                                   of this year being the COP 21, many projects and actions
You lead many international projects dealing with the              are being put forward in preparation for this United
preservation of the environment. How do you select them?           Nations Conference on Climate Change. This international
                                                                   conference will be held in Paris from November 30th
There are various selection criteria that come into play to        to December 11th, 2015. Prince Albert II Foundation is
receive financial support by the Prince Albert II of Monaco        committed to the protection of marine ecosystems.
Foundation. Projects emphasizing research, technological           This is why it is seeking to encourage the creation of
innovation and involving the local populations are                 marine protected areas. On April 21st, the government of
prioritized. 3 priority geographic zones have also been            Madagascar officially granted the status of permanent
identified; these are the countries of the Mediterranean           protection to 27 protected areas, including 3 Marine
Basin, the Polar Regions, and Least Developed Countries            Protected Areas (MPAs) managed by local communities.
(according to the United Nations).                                 The Marine Parks of Soariake, Ankarea and Ankivonjy, all
                                                                   recently created with the support of the Prince Albert II of
In addition, the proposed project must involve at                  Monaco Foundation, allowed for the doubling of the area
least one of the action areas of the Foundation:                   of the MPA network in the country, according to the Wildlife
-    Climate    Change   and     Renewable    Energy               Conservation Society (WCS). On land, the project on tiger
-    Knowledge    and   Protection   of   Biodiversity             conservation, supported by the WWF, was a great success,
-   Water Resources Management and the Fight Against               with the increase in the number of individuals in this region.
Desertification                                                    In China, the destruction and degradation of forests, along
                                                                   with population growth, have led to an unprecedented
The process is simple: the organization wishing to apply           decline in the population of Amur tigers in the north-east of
for support must first submit a pre-application form online        the country. The population of Amur tigers has now greatly
(more information of the fpa2.com website). Thereafter,            increased due to the reintroduction of prey in the Amur
for selected projects, a thorough application must be              Heilong ecoregion. WWF, supported by the Prince Albert II
sent to us. The application documents are reviewed by              of Monaco Foundation, is working with local people for the
our Scientific and Technical Committee and our Board of            restoration, maintenance and expansion of the habitats of
Directors, which will validate or not the requested support.       Asian big cats.

During you activities, have you noticed a greater interest in How would you describe the role of the Principality for the
environmental issues?                                         environment?

Environmental issues are always relevant. Interest grows as Monaco acts as a laboratory of ideas that can be realized
scientists involved with climate change or marine and land in the territory, and that can also be replicated throughout
pollution issue increasingly frequent warnings.             the world. We can cite the example of the Larvotto
                                                            reserve, which this year, for its 40th anniversary, will host
In your projects, was there an event that particularly groundbreaking 3D artificial reefs.
impressed you in the last few months?
                                                            What do you hope for in the coming years in order to be
One of the most important events at the beginning of able to say that a major step has been taken in preserving
this year was the international conference “Plastics in the environment?
the Mediterranean: beyond observations, what are the
solutions?” During this event, which took place on March The environment is global and has no boundaries. COP 21,
10th and 11th, 2015, a panel of stakeholders concerned by the year’s end, will be a test to evaluate the ability of
by seaborne plastic pollution met in Monaco. More than states to engage in the preservation of the environment.
200 participants from 10 countries in the Mediterranean In the Principality, many initiatives are emerging, either
debated in the Monaco Yacht Club on the problem of through the Government of Monaco, the Foundation,
plastic pollution. After mapping out the current state or various Monegasque NGOs. This dynamic, which is
of plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea, concrete supported by all of the stakeholders in the Principality,
actions to fight against the problem emerged. The many is virtuous for the environment at the local level and
stakeholders concerned by this pollution and by the life exemplary for neighboring countries.
Monte-Carlo Sustainable Development                         we are attentive to what is happening internationally and
                                                            “globally,” but our initiatives are concentrated locally, with
Created in 2004, the MC2D association aims to bring international aspects being handled very effectively by
together the various Monegasque associations working for the Prince Albert II Foundation and several entities of the
the protection and improvement of environmental quality governmental administration.

in different areas, in order to work together to coordinate
their actions and increase their efficiency. MC2D’s actions What are your projects and priority actions for the current
deal with raising awareness among the public and the year?
administration with regards to environmental issues in the
context of sustainable development in the Principality.     Beyond EVER, we are mainly focused on food waste
                                                            this year. Actions related to local transport are also on
Every year you organize, among other things, the EVER the agenda, such as the TREM project. We also provide
Fair, which is dedicated to alternative energy. What is its expertise for certain development project, for example in
message, and who is its target audience?                    the Saint Martin Gardens.

EVER is an event that has several aspects which revolve         How would you describe the role of the Principality for the
around the themes of clean mobility, renewable energies,        environment?
and energy efficiency: scientific conferences, numerous
round tables, exhibitions, vehicle testing, Youth DD debates,   Being present in the international debate and making
electric challenges, the Metha contest, Jeunelec Prize          constructive proposals.
awards, etc. The term “fair” is thus no longer very accurate,
even if the “exhibition” part remains important for the         What do you hope for in the coming years in order to be
event’s visibility. EVER thus targets all audiences without     able to say that a major step has been taken in preserving
any reservation, but mainly brings together professional        the environment?
and community actors who value being able to meet on
                                                                What the Formula E Grand Prix supersede those of Formula
this occasion.
In 2012, you began a campaign against food waste (let
us remember that 25% of purchased food ends up in the
trash). What results have you achieved in 3 years?

WE have, with the support of the Mayor of Monaco,
issued relatively targeted messages, first to the general
population with several “Green Thursdays” conferences,
and especially the KLEBS booklets (comic book games, the
Charter, best practices guides), then to restaurant owners
via AIHM, as well as to children during Monacology. We
believe that awareness is increasing, but quantifying such
actions is almost impossible, especially since we have
great difficulty in quantifying the volumes of food that is
wasted, whether by individuals or professionals (stores or
restaurants). Measuring food waste is one of the major
points of the Charter mentioned above, and we would like
to be able to quickly launch an investigation.

Sustainable development has no borders, and while you
are fully involved with the Principality, you are also active
internationally with your fight against deforestation or your
support for schools in Morocco. Is it important for you to
expand your actions across the world?

Internationally, our main activities take place during EVER,
particularly in relation to its scientific conferences.

The activities for the Moroccan schools were transferred to
the Department of External Relations of the Government.

“Our involvement in the “Monaco Makes a Commitment
Against Deforestation” operation consists in encouraging
enterprises in Monaco to adhere to the Charter and to
participate in the procurement program for certified
products. Governmental services and the Prince Albert
II Foundation ensure the accurate monitoring and
development of this operation, and our involvement is
now limited to advising the Steering Committee. Of course,
In 1976, on the initiative of Prince Rainier III, France, Italy and Monaco united around the RAMOGE Agreement for a
common management and protection of maritime and coastal spaces. The agreement was originally named after
the first syllables of the three cities that limit its area of competence: Saint-RAphaël in the west, MOnaco and GEnoa in
the east. Since then, this area has expanded, from Marseille to La Spezia. The fields of activity of the agreement today

concern two main topics:

- the operational fight against pollution incidents,

- the integrated management of coastal zones, with scientific legitimacy.

The operational aspect revolves around the RAMOGEPOL PLAN, which consists of an action plan and associated
training exercises for the fight against accidental marine pollution in the Mediterranean. The area of application of this
plan extends from the mouth of the great Rhône in the west, up to the Capo d’Anzio in the east, encompassing Sardinia
and Corsica. To optimize the use of the means of intervention of the countries taking part, exercises simulating the fight
against accidental marine pollution are regularly implemented. The next antipollution exercise, which will include means
deployment, will be organized in 2016 in Monegasque waters.

The section dedicated to the Integral Management of Coastal Zones is concerned particularly with the following topics:
The monitoring of the microalgae Ostreopsis ovata,the monitoring of marine litter and the preservation of biodiversity,

Ostreopsis ovata is a unicellular microscopic alga that normally lives in the warm water of tropical seas. Transport
through water in ship ballasts, as well as very favourable weather conditions have allowed this micro-alga to grow in our
latitudes. Thus, in recent years, algae bloom phenomena have been observed throughout the northwestern part of the
Mediterranean. The RAMOGE Agreement seeks to establish a common protocol to monitor Ostreopsis ovate throughout
the area.

The Ramoge Agreement also provides for the monitoring of marine waste through a harmonized European protocol.
Two campaigns have already been held on the Larvotto beach, one this fall and another last spring. These campaigns
showed the preponderance of plastic waste, which made up more than 80% of all of the waste collected, and which
constitutes a threat to the marine environment. We welcome the initiative of the Monaco Government to remove plastic
bags entirely by 2016. Increased awareness by the public could help avoid still too-common waste, such as cigarette
butts, straws, and food packaging. The continuation of these campaigns will be required after the conclusion of each
communication effort in order to check their efficiency.

This summer, the RAMOGE Agreement will inaugurate its first participatory science experience in collaboration with
all diving organizations. All divers in the RAMOGE area will be called upon to transmit their observations on heritage
species, such as the Brown meager, the Mediterranean limpet, and the Pinna nobilis. All of this data will be collected n a
database in order to enrich the knowledge on the state of conservation of these species. This information will help enact
appropriate protective measures.

Meeting with... Nathalie Paccino
Environmental Manager
at the Grimaldi Forum

                                                                                                                                    Grimaldi Forum Monaco
The Monaco Info channel has devoted the latest issue of
its “Ligne Verte” journal to the sustainable development
policy of the Grimaldi Forum Monaco. As a part of the
reports on the various actions carried out by our com-
pany, “Ligne Verte” met our Environmental Manager for
an in-depth look at the philosophy of commitment of the
Grimaldi Forum, which is characterized by a strong desire
to reduce the impact of its activities and events on the

Naturally, visitors to the Grimaldi Forum are aware of the       technical management, I would like to point out that
skylight and all of the rooms that make up this establishment,   two thirds of our building are underground, thus allowing
and I am particularly thinking of the Salle des Princes, but     us to benefit, as was our design, from a natural thermal
the room where we are now is much more unusual. It is            insulation that really helps us limit energy losses. Beyond this
not open to the public, and we would like to thank you for       favorable situation, the building was designed with a high-
welcoming us here. We hear and see heat pumps, could             tech internal Centralized Management Technology, which
you explain their function?                                      allows us to remotely and accurately control not only the
                                                                 entirety of our lights, but also the temperature for all of our
Here, we are in an amazing place, somewhat unusual in            public spaces based on our operating requirements. It is a
our building. Among ourselves, we call it the Cathedral,         system that is both efficient for our clients, because it allows
because of its size and the organ-like tubes around us. In       for a very personalized management, and also efficient
fact, we are at the heart of the thermo-frigorific production    from an environmental perspective, because we are truly
plant. The production of hot and cold water is the               managing our energy optimally. This is a very important
indispensable basis of temperature control in our building.      issue, because our annual electricity consumption is
These heat pumps come collect the calories and frigories         around 9.5 million kilowatts. We are a major electricity
present in sea water and, since 2010, also in the water of the   user. Thanks to the actions that have been taken by the
drainage gallery that is located in our building, as sources     CMT, the programming, and others, about whom we might
of renewable and clean energy. The sea water and the             talk soon, we have managed to reduce our electricity
water from the drainage gallery serve as thermal regulators      consumption by almost 20% since our opening. This CMT
for our cold production and our temperature control of the       system was highly praised during a thorough energy audit
site.                                                            that was conducted in 2011 in partnership with the SMEG
                                                                 and the technical expertise of GDF Suez.
This is a good illustration of the way in which environmental
protection and eco-friendly concepts are present daily in        You were just talking about lighting. We can see, when we
                                                                 walk around the establishment, an LED system. Does this
the GFM. Are there also other ways in which you limit your
                                                                 also contribute to environmental protection?
impact on the environment? I am thinking of a centralized
management system.                                   Before we get to these LEDs, you should know that our
                                                     building covers over 75,000 m2. It is a huge building with
Absolutely, and before talking about the centralized fixed lighting of 18,500 lamps, which is hard to imagine.

For these 18,500 lamps, we quickly set a goal to move              of the first convention and cultural centres to be certified
towards low consumption or latest generation LED lamps.            in Europe. You asked me if things had change, well, they
Today, about 72% of our lighting is equipped with such             evolve each year by definition, because the philosophy of
lamp, and gradual work has been undertaken since                   the ISO 14001 is one of continuous improvement. We have
2011 to equip our space with these great LED, or energy-           new goals every year, we invest in equipment, we put up

                                                                                                                                     Grimaldi Forum Monaco
saving lamps. They can be found in our corridors, in some          signs, we work internally on education, and we develop
exhibition spaces, and in all committee rooms. We have also        tools for outward use. Maybe, to move away from energy,
upgraded our health facilities by adding motion detectors          if we talk about selective sorting, over the past 5 years we
to them. As for the latest developments, in 2015, the team         had the opportunity to install an in situ sorting centre here.
is currently tackling our first 400-seat auditorium, the Camille   We installed specific channels for our job. For example,
Blanc hall, by replacing all of the 75 watt halogen lamps by       the wood channel, the carpet channel, as well as PVC
12 watt LEDs. This saves us almost 80% in terms of kilowatts       tarpaulins, for which all of the waste is then forwarded as
for the same light coverage and a lifespan for the lamps           raw materials for their related industries.
that is almost 10 times longer.
                                                                   Last question, you were talking earlier about the certification
Do you feel that this concept of the environment has               that you received for the first time in 2008, which was greatly
evolved over the years because we have brought it to               satisfying for you in a general sense. Is it also a daily asset
the fore, and we are talking about it on different reports         for your customers?
about Monaco, as the Grimaldi Forum is celebrating its 15th
anniversary this year?                                             Very much so. It is, first and foremost, a great satisfaction
                                                                   for all of our internal teams. It is true that all of the teams
15 years, already! Although it’s true that this concept of         are proud to be employed in a certified site. They
sustainable development has been going on for a long               contribute and make new proposals daily. There is also the
time with us, a major shift was made in 2007, when we              pleasure of being able, as a Monegasque enterprise, to
really decided to go further than the natural dispositions of      contribute to the environmental policy of the Principality
our design by developing an environmental management               and participate in the vision of the Sovereign Prince for
system around several energy management terms. This                sustainable development. This is certainly an advantage for
environmental management system aims to reduce the                 our customers and visitors, who have today become very
environmental impact of our events and of our building             sensitive to this issue and appreciate entering an centre in
management. We chose as our reference the ISO 14001                which many services are already offered, and which also
standard, which is an international standard, and which we         accompanies them, as they wish, in the ecodesign of their
received for the first time in 2008.                               events with complementary services.

A good year for you!

Yes, absolutely. It has already been 7 years (so that will
make two anniversaries, in addition to the 15 years’                                  Interview conducted by Sandrine Nègre
anniversary), and at the time it put us on the map as one                                                   for Monaco Info

Stop water loss!
As part of its aim to improve water management, the              Meeting with Pascal Souchoix,
Grimaldi Forum, which consumed 9,200 m3 in 2014,                 Soget employee and on-site manager
conducted a technical study to improve its system. Last
March, the CMT team and Soget, our partner in the ongoing        Is this water analyzing system often used?

                                                                                                                                   Grimaldi Forum Monaco
maintenance of the site, equipped the building with a
                                                                 Yes, this is a system that we find quite often on other sites,
new water analyzing system to fight against Legionella. It
                                                                 but in general it is more often used for swimming pools. It is
replaces a free chlorine control system, working with waste
                                                                 less common for hot water treatment because it is rarely
water, which allowed for the regulation of the quantity
                                                                 treated with chlorine.
of chlorine injected into distributed hot water. This old
measuring method worked by using a photo-colorimeter
                                                                 In terms of maintenance, what difference is there between
(photometer) which required injecting chemicals as well as
                                                                 the old and the new system?
permanent water circulation. The latter, being “polluted”
could not be fed back into the distribution channel and          There are many things that change: we now use
had to be evacuated. For their part, the new equipment           an amperometric probe, whereas before we used
does not require any chemical injection. It consists of an       photometric sensors. In order to work, the previous system
AZ PAN LDSCL regulator equipped with a current sensor            required us to inject products which colored and polluted
mounted on an analysis chamber, with no loss of water. This      the water, which thus became unsuitable for consumption
investment of nearly €16,000, whose amortization period          and had to be discarded. Today we use an amperometric
is evaluated at 2 years, fits within the scope of our priority   probe, that is to say an electric probe, which measures
audit area for the ISO 14001, which is focused on water          differently and, therefore, the water use dis no longer
savings. It offers many advantages:                              contaminated. It can then be reinjected into the water
                                                                 tanks. This is the first positive point, to which we can also
–Energy savings, since the water, which had been rejected,
                                                                 add energy gains, because before the water had to be
was “uselessly” heated.
                                                                 heated to be monitored, but, since it was then discarded, it
                                                                 was heated for nothing. In addition, in order to monitor the
–A lower environmental impact and budgetary savings,
                                                                 level of chlorine in the water, it had to be already treated,
since toxic analysis products are no longer necessary, and
                                                                 and so the discarded water had not only to be heated,
no more “polluted” water is treated.
                                                                 but also treated. The last important point is the fact that the
– A significant gain on water consumption, by eliminating        products that were used for the analysis were highly toxic;
the principle of lost water operation, estimated at between      since these are no longer necessary, this is a significant
1,500 m3 and 2,000 m3 of water per year.                         environmental benefit.

                                                                 What does not change is the monitoring of the hardware.
                                                                 The installation is sensitive and requires regular observation
                                                                 by our teams. In parallel to this analyzer, we conduct
                                                                 manual readings with a pellet system to test the water,
                                                                 and we also check that the probe does not go adrift, for
                                                                 example. There is also the whole visual side, we check that
                                                                 there are no leaks or anomalies. We are thus doing the
                                                                 same amount of work, maybe even more now, because
                                                                 the system is still new. We had to input many parameters in
                                                                 order for the system to work optimally, which required both
                                                                 more work and more attention on our part.

                                                                 Was the installation of the system complicated?

                                                                 Not so much. Before, we went to get the water from the
                                                                 tank, we analyzed it, and we threw it away, but now the
                                                                 water that is used in the analysis is fed back into the system,
                                                                 so we had to think about where to reinject it. So, we made
                                                                 some improvements. Before, the chlorine injected with the
                                                                 peristaltic pumps in the tank crystallized and formed a sort
                                                                 of cap. Thanks to a process of reflection, we created a loop
                                                                 in order to allow the reinjected water to rinse and improve
                                                                 the uniformity of the tank. We had to find the good flow
                                                                 rates. The initial operational work therefore required a lot of
                                                                 thought on our part. Apart from that though, for the work in
                                                                 itself, I would say that it was a normal job.

 The Order of February 1st, 2010 on the monitoring of Legionella in sanitary hot water production, storage and distri-
 bution installations mandates the conduct of this water analysis. Legionella is a bacteria which develops mainly in
 stagnant water at temperatures between 25 and 45°C. It is responsible for legionellosis, a respiratory disease. Conta-
 mination happens through simple inhalation of the contaminated aerosols (shower, steam, air conditioning, etc.)
You can also read