Zimbabwe - 2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe - Scaling Up Nutrition
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2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Participants Did the following stakeholder groups feed into the Joint-Assessment (in writing or verbally)? Group Yes/ No Goverment Yes Civil society Yes Donors Yes United Nations Yes 1. Business Yes Academia and science Yes Youth N/A Other No If other, please specify: Youth Champions How many participated in the Joint-Assessment process? Total 32 2. How many participants were female and how many were male? Female Male 14 18 2
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Process Was the Joint-Assessment data gathered and/or reviewed during a face-to-face meeting or via email? Step Format 3. Meeting Collection Email Review and validation Meeting If an information gathering or validation meeting took place, you can attach one or more 4. photos here in JPG or PNG format. 3
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Usefulness If an information gathering or validation meeting took place, would you say that the meeting was seen as useful by participants, beyond the usual work of the multi-stakeholder platform (MSP)? 5. Yes Why? 6. Yes given the Covid-19 restrictions, the validation meeting ensured sharing of programme or activity updates. For some of the new country members it was interesting to meet with various stakeholders from government, UN, academia, business and donor, in one place which was expressed as a unique experience. 4
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Participants Add to Stakeholder SUN First Name Last Name Organisation Job title Email Phone Group mailing list Marondera University of Agricultural Lesley Macheka Academia Director lesleymacheka@gmail.com Yes Sciences and Technology University of Tonderayi Matsungo Academia Lecturer tmatsungo@gmail.com Yes Zimbabwe Nutrition Themba Nduna Donor USAID tnduna@usaid.og Yes Advisor Mukudoka Nutrition Kudzai UN UNICEF kcmukudoka@unicef.org Yes Mudukuti Specialist Policy Safinaz Ahmed UN WFP safinaz.ahmed@wfp.org No Officer National Raymond Chikomba UN REACH REACH No Facilitator Knowledge Food and Nutrition Perpetual Nyadenga Government Management No Council Manager Ministry of Local Principal Lameck Betera Government Government and Officer-Civil No Public Works Protection Zimbabwe Civil Society National Kudakwashe Zombe Civil Society Organisations for Yes Coordinator Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance(ZCSOSUNA) 5
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Participants Add to First Stakeholder SUN Last Name Organisation Job title Email Phone Name Group mailing list National Foods Safety, Health, Mercy Chatyoka Business Private Limited Environment and mercy.chatyoka@natfood.co.zw Yes Company Quality Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Miriam Banda Government Coordination No Council Unit Manager Chief Ministry of Lands, Agriculture Nester Gumbo Government Agriculture and Rural No Extension Resettlement Specialist(CAES) Food and Nutrition Director-SUN George Kembo Government georgekembo@gmail.com Yes Council Focal Point Food and Nutrition Yvonne Mavhunga Government Deputy Director No Council Ministry of Labour, Social Mary Takangovada Government Public Service and Development No Social Welfare Officer Patience Hoto UN FAO Nutrition Officer No Communications Joel Chipfuwamuti Civil Society zcsosuna No Officer Zimbabwe Civil Society Advocacy Kudzai Chavhunduka Civil Society Organisations for No Officer Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance(ZCSOSUNA) 6
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Participants Add to Last Stakeholder SUN First Name Organisation Job title Email Phone Name Group mailing list Food and Nutrition Nutrition Siboniso Chigova Government chigova.sibo@gmail.com Yes Council Officer Food and Nutrition Programme Alfa Ndlovu Government No Council Assistant Regional Programme Bulisani Ncube Donor SDC Officer – No Food Security Zimbabwe Civil Society Emmanuel Hwata Civil Society Organisations for No Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance(ZCSOSUNA) Cuthbert Mukora Civil Society Rural Enterprize Programme No Advocacy Francis Mukora Civil Society Rural Enterprize No Officer Promise Magumise Civil Society No Zimbabwe Civil Society Bernadette Tuso Civil Society Organisations for No Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance(ZCSOSUNA) SUN Youth Webster Makombe Civil Society No Champion 7
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.1: Select/develop coordinating mechanisms at the country level Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The Food and Nutrition Security Committees from national to subnational(ward and villages) have been active MSP this also includes the executives in the Cabinet committee as well as the working party of permanent secretaries on food security and nutrition. The MSP at various levels have been operational with the stakeholder chairs and secretariat undertaking their roles in the processes. The momentum of the multi-stakeholder platform is sustained . 8
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.2: Coordinate internally and expand membership/engage with other actors for broader influence Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year There has been engagement to all levels including the executive in issues to do with food and nutrition security. The institutionalisation of the processes makes the engagement easier. Inclusion of the youth was one key addition where there was a launch of a youth led campaign dubbed, “Lets Kick out stunting Campaign,” appointing 14 nutrition champions. Last year the UNN expanded by 2 additional members. The aim is to have an additional 2 members with dedicated members who participate in all UNN processes. A SUN business members engagement meeting was done where a coordinating committee for SBN Zimbabwe was nominated. New membership was added to the overall MSP. SDN increased from 3 to 7 members. 9
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.3: Engage within/contribute to the multi- stakeholder platform (MSP) Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The participation of sectors in joint review meetings, data collection analysis an advocacy activities enables the country to reach set priorities. Use of platforms such as the ZIMVAC and the Food and Nutrition Security Committees ensures stakeholder participation in crucial engagements . UNN contribution to MSP is highly evident in the country through the various MSP that all members of the UNN are represented in, including policy and enabling environment, governance platforms, information systems and advocacy platforms. The two members of parliament from two main political parties in the country champion nutrition agenda among politicians. The two champions have been instrumental in supporting parliamentary engagements organised by the network. 10
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.4: Track, report and reflect on own contributions and accomplishments Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Fully operational and progress is tracked through quarterly review meetings at subnational level. The UNN also provide regular updates through the UNN Report, quarterly ZUNDAF reports and quarterly UNN meetings. This also applies to the Donor network who scheduled for quarterly meetings and members have agreed to meet at closer intervals during emergency on when there an urgent matter for discussion. As part of initial coordination among Donor network members, a 4Ws matrix has been developed and agreed by members. The matrix details who is doing what where with who including nutrition investment in dollar terms. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, donors in the network have discussed and shared notes on how implementing partners were adapting and could possible adapt their activities in response to the pandemic and how the pandemic could possibly affect implementation. 11
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.5: Sustain the political impact of the multi- stakeholder platform Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The existence of the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy and the Implementation Matrix, has helped in institutionalisation of the MSP structures at various levels of administration. Under the current constrained environment in Zimbabwe and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, nutrition to some extent has not yet received the traditional support and commitment required. The mechanisms are in place but the focus had shifted towards emergency issues which side-lined nutrition to a certain extent. 12
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.6: Regional-level work Do you work at the regional/sub-regional level? Yes What bodies or organisations do you mainly work with? SADC, African Union(AU),IFPRI,FANAS,ESASUN(East and Southern Africa SUN) Have you seen major achievements in 2019-2020? Yes Please explain: SADC, African Union(AU),IFPRI,FANAS,ESASUN(East and Southern Africa SUN) 13
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action SUMMARY: Bringing people together in the same space Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. The country institutionalised the multisectoral structure from the executives(cabinet committee on food and nutrition security, working party of permanent secretariat on food and nutrition security) , national upto ward community level. There is a functional MSP that coordinates all other networks. The academia platform (SUNRAP) set up provincial structures in all provinces and recruited more members. Sixteen (16) new members joined the network. The UNN provided technical and financial support for coordinating multistakeholder platforms. The UNN also strengthened its collaboration and coordination through actions such as the Cohesion Series with a dedicated theme on Nutrition that identified 4 pathways for greater collaboration and coordination (Common results framework, Impact pathways, Joint Programming, Integrated programming). SDN also increased to 7 members from the previously reported 3. 14
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.1: Continuously analyse existing nutrition- relevant policies and legislation Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Strategy is still under development. It is the key document that will act as the Common results framework for SUN. It\'s completion will ensure effective alignment and integration of SUN actions. The National Agriculture Policy Framework and the Recovery Plan(NAPF ) were developed under the food systems. 15
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.2: Continuously engage in advocacy to influence the development, updating and dissemination of relevant policy and legal frameworks Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Multiple efforts have been up in place to conduct high level policy engagements. Use of Food and Nutrition Security Monitoring Information, the ZCSOSUNA champions are some of the tools/avenues used to ensure continuous advocacy to influence development of relevant policy and legal frameworks. The Covid-19 policy pronouncements were influenced by some of the findings from the regular FNS monitoring assessments (Statutory Instruments on food markets).Parliamentarian addressed ministry responsible for Finance (see citizen budget report attached), and also establishment of a parent friendly lactation room at the parliament. However these efforts where largely undermined by the Covid-19 related restrictions in gatherings and meetings. 16
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.3: Develop or update coherent policies and legal frameworks through coordinated and harmonised in- country stakeholder efforts Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The Donor and other networks are currently providing technical support to the development of the National Food and Nutrition Security Strategy as part of the implementation of the Food and Nutrition Security Policy of Zimbabwe. The development of this strategy will entail an extensive review of all policy and strategy documents and other government white paper documents to ensure that the strategy is coherent, synchronized and relevant. The initial stages in the development of the national development strategy(NDS) was marked with wider stakeholder contribution to the strategy development process and policy . The business network was also involved in the development of the Agriculture Recovery Plan. Evolution of the COVID-19 regulations facilitated for the operationalisation of the food markets ,food business where they were granted essential services status. The coordinated efforts by stakeholders in the FNS created a strong advocacy message for the legal frameworks. 17
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.4: Operationalise/enforce legal frameworks Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The majority of the legislation is currently under review and will need to be completed. However activities to follow include capacity building of multi-sectoral taskforce for fortification; development of monitoring framework and widespread subnational sensitization. 18
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.5: Track and report for learning and sustaining the policy and legislative impact Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year There is existence of a high level MSP chaired by the office of the president and cabinet together with the resident coordinator. Also deliberations from such meetings influence the policy redirections and ensure sustainability of FNS within the country\'s vision of being an upper middle income economy(MIC) by 2030. Moreso, the lessons learnt from previous engagements are being used to inform the placement of Food and Nutrition in the context of the devolution agenda. For example,the commitment to support the placement of the Food and Nutrition coordinator at subnational level indicates the sustenance of policy impact even at subnational level across the MSP. 19
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework SUMMARY: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. Several landscape analyses were conducted around food systems and the food environment, adolescence and around emerging nutrition issues. The Agriculture recovery plan and the Agriculture Policy Framework are some of the key achievements especially on the food systems. The continual lobbying with the parliamentarians has influenced especially the budget allocation (see citizen budget report). The commissioning of the development of a new Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Strategy(2021-2025) is one of the key developments. This process is parallel to the National Development Plan and expected to influence the placement of food and nutrition issues in the national development agenda. 20
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.1: Continuously analyse existing nutrition- relevant policies and legislation Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year MSP investments are aligned to government of Zimbabwe policies, legal frameworks and strategies. Programme designs thoroughly informed by many government of Zimbabwe white paper documents to ensure they are in line with government policy framework and strategies around food and nutrition security. This layer is followed by comprehensive and robust consultations from national to district level to ensure interventions speak to the needs and aspirations of the communities they are meant for. The multisectoral community based model(MCBM) review meetings bring togethers all members in the MSP from national to subnational to take stock of the workplans. The subnational structures also worked on realigning actions, submitted last year, in line with Covid-19. 21
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.2: Translate policy and legal frameworks into an actionable Common Results Framework (CRF) for scaling up nutrition at the national and sub-national level Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year There is a decentralised food and nutrition coordination governance structures. These were formed in line with the national policy commitments. This has allowed for greater coordination of food and nutrition security interventions. The existence of UNN/REACH and the EU guidance on proposal writing also ensure joint programming around common results for food and nutrition. The Cyclone Idai Recovery Programme, as an example, saw a UN cohesion where there was a thematic package on food and nutrition. These joint planning, implementation and monitoring facilitates for a coordinated response to a shared improved outcomes. 22
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.3: Organise and implement annual priorities as per the Common Results Framework Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Planning was done, but implementation of activities was affected by the ongoing covid-19 crisis. The ongoing cluster coordination meetings helped in tracking the implementation by way of updates during the meetings. Also the coming in of technical assistance ensured continuous implementation of the set priorities. 23
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.4: Jointly monitor priority actions as per the Common Results Framework Final score Last year's data used 4 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Through the annual food and nutrition security(FNS) assessments by ZIMVAC, Agriculture information systems and the DHIS (II), the MSP has been able to track progress against agreed indicators. The multisectoral food and nutrition security committees (FNSCs) have also been capacitated as a key input into the integrated food and nutrition information system. Moreso quarterly FNS updates are produced at subnational level. A FNS monitoring update during Covid-19 was developed and this influenced policy pronouncements. 24
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.5: Evaluate the implementation of actions to understand, achieve and sustain nutrition impact Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Nutrition information derived from the ZIMVAC and other information systems has been used to influence the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), the budgeting process and to determine requirements for seasonal food and nutrition assistance. The inter-district learning exercises or trips also ensures that subnational cross fertilise on what works and improve on future programming learning from best practices in the provinces. The use of the functionality checklist helps in guiding the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the MSP. 25
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results SUMMARY: Aligning actions around common results Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. Despite the fact that the Food and Nutrition Strategy is currently being drafted, the previous version has remained in use as the Common results framework. The networks/MSP platforms has successfully used this to mobilize resources, influence policy and design programmes and interventions. Joint programmes have also been developed under the common results framework, which have seen greater collaboration and integration amongst the networks especially UNN,Donor and ZCSOSUNA. The consultations in developing the National Development Plan(NDP) ensure stakeholders participations and strategically place FNS within the broader development agenda. The humanitarian response plan (HRP 2020) is one key plan than shows the alignment of stakeholders to achieve common results. 26
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.1: Cost and assess the financial feasibility of the Common Results Framework (CRF) Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The common results framework is costed and tracking against targets has been conducted through the ZCSOSUNA. 27
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.2: Track and report on financing for nutrition Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The methodology and parameters for tracking investments into food and nutrition need to be reviewed and updated, as they often look at commitments but not actuals. There is also need to further breakdown between programmatic costs vs human resources/operational costs to get a truer picture of the investment into food and nutrition security 28
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.3: Scale up and align resources including addressing financial shortfalls Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Yes, some of the examples are as follows: LFSP programme supports nutrition education, diversified crop and livestock production, horticulture practice, and introduction of biofortified crops. . •SRHS health programme facilitating improved maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition services. Through SRHS, DFID contributes to the multi-donor HDF (together with EU and other donors) .UK ODA funding is supporting the Fleming Fund to assess capacity to address antimicrobial resistance in Zimbabwe. EU programmes: JOINT UNICEF/FAO Programme for nutrition specific intervention focused on improving nutrition governance, integration of nutrition into the agriculture agenda, support scientific evidence building for nutrition, National Food Dietary Guidelines USAID programmes: USAID invests in both nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive type interventions through their work in ENSURE and Amalima and the new Feed the Future fostering agribusiness for resilient markets (FARM USD19,8 M). Multi-donor initiatives: •ZRBF - Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund is a nutrition- sensitive programme which includes promotion of improved diet practices, diversified agricultural production (gardening, drought-resistant crops, etc.) and WASH. SDC nutrition sensitive Projects: -WFP R4 Rural Resilience Initiative project supports food security and resilience for rural households in Masvingo and Rushinga -Addressing Humanitarian Resilience Nexus by WFP -Newlands clinic comprehensive HIV treatment and management -Child Protection Fund- UNICEF -Future Life Now-Life skills social protection project Humanitarian Appeal 2019 29
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.4: Turn pledges into disbursements Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Actual disbursements has been a challenge given the fluid economic environment. 30
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.5: Ensure predictability of multi-year funding to sustain implementation results and nutrition impact Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Predictability of funding has been largely affected by the ongoing socio-economic crisis 31
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation SUMMARY: Financial tracking and Resource mobilisation Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. Financial tracking remains a challenge for the country and there is need for technical support on how to conduct this without under-estimating or overestimating budget contributions. Resource mobilization has also been a challenge given the current crisis in Zimbabwe in terms of the macroeconomic environment and the effects of the drought. There have been increased numbers of people in need of food and nutrition assistance, and the nature of food and nutrition vulnerability is evolving, with urban areas increasingly becoming hotspots. Much of the resource mobilization conducted by the UNN has been largely focused on rural areas, and there is need to increase funding for urban areas. 32
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Outcome marker Outcome marker summary: Scaling up nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions In recognition of the impact that convergence of efforts benefits communities, the Government of Zimbabwe and its partners introduced the \\\'Model Village\\\' concept in 6 districts .The Model village concept ensures collective impact from sectors spearheading both nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions.. Convergence of efforts in these districts assures the implementation of comprehensive package of interventions at community level. In order to demonstrate multi- sectoral coordination and collaboration, the Model Village Concept was proposed. Sectors implementing nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions were challenged to converge in one village. The ability of District Food and Nutrition Security Committees (DFNSCs) to respond to food and nutrition challenges will be measured by creation of enabling environment for child growth and survival at community level. The Model Village Concept is being piloted in 6 MCBM districts in Zimbabwe. It is intended that lessons drawn from the pilot districts will inform future establishment of model villages in the other districts. 2. The Multi sectoral Community Based Approach was scaled up to 19 more districts in the last 12 months and 3 more Food and Nutrition Security Committees were established in three districts. EU funding added to ZRBF to enhance nutrition programming The care group model for continued IYCF support for pregnant and lactating mothers and under 2 years children. The capacitation of communities to undertake the mother-led MUAC. This later on helped in undertaking nutrition assessments within the Covid-19 environments, as mothers/caregivers had received prior trainings. 33
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Pooled fund Has your country received SUN Pooled Fund support? N/A If yes, how have these projects contributed to overall progress in achieving the SUN Strategic Objectives (1. Expand and sustain an enabling political environment; 2. Prioritise and institutionalise effective actions that contribute to good nutrition; 3. Implement effective actions aligned with common results, and; 4. Effectively use, and significantly increase, financial resources for nutrition)? 34
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe SUN Business Network Does the country have a network, forum or platform where the private sector coordinates their nutrition actions? 1. Yes If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. SUN BUSINESS NETWORK If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? Name: Ms. MERCY CHATYOKA 3. Stakeholder group: Grain Milllers Association, Food Fortification Taskforce Organisation: National Foods Job title: Safety Health and Quality Manager Email: mercychat@natfoods.co.zw If yes, does it have a strategy developed and aligned with the national nutrition plan? 4. No If yes, does it have funding secured for at least the next 6 months? 5. No If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with the private sector/businesses, at large? 6. Not applicable as a Network has been established Explanation: N/A Is the role of the private sector defined or included in the national nutrition action plan? 7. In progress Key contributions of the private sector/businesses towards the SUN Movement strategic objectives in 2019-2020 8. -Continuous advocacy for fortification process. -Innovations on provision of nutritious foods for the population -Partnerships between government, development partners and the business in coming up with business models that are aimed at improving community livelihoods, markets, and access to food and nutrition services 35
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe SUN Civil Society Network Does the country have a network, forum or platform where the private sector coordinates their nutrition actions? 1. Yes If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. Zimbabwe Civil Society Organisations Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (ZCSOSUNA) If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? Name: Mr. Kudakwashe Zombe 3. Stakeholder group: Civil Society Network Organisation: Zimbabwe Civil Society Organisations Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance (ZCSOSUNA) Job title: National Coordinator Email: nutritionist.zombe@gmail.com If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with civil society, at large? 4. Not applicable as a Network has been established Please explain: 5. N/A Key contributions of civil society towards the SUN Movement strategic objectives in 2019-2020 In bringing people together in the same space for action, the network conducted multipronged activities which include launching a youth led campaigned dubbed, “Lets Kick out stunting Campaign,” appointing 14 nutrition champions and using the Social Analysis and Action model in understanding socio cultural influences on the adoption of optimal infant and young child feeding practices. The Kick out Stunting Campaign” used sports and outdoor recreational activities to bring together young people of school going age and teaching them the basic and essentials of nutrition. It was launched at national level in the high density suburb of Kuwadzana and was then rolled out to sub national levels in Mutasa and Chipinge districts by a local organization Nutrition Action in Zimbabwe. On expanding and sustaining an enabling environment the ZCSOSUNA appointed two members of parliament from two main political parties in the country to champion nutrition agenda among politicians. The two have been instrumental in supporting parliamentary engagements organised by the network. The network a held breakfast meeting with 28 parliamentarians who sit in the parliamentary portfolio committee on Health and Child Care. The meeting was aimed at disseminating findings of a Nutrition for Growth commitment tracking exercise which was conducted by ZCSOSUNA in collaboration with the SUN Research and Academia Platform. After sharing findings of the study, parliamentarians pledged to urge the ministers responsible to consider making ambitious financial and policy commitments for nutrition at the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit in line with the summit’s 5 thematic areas namely health, food systems, resilience, promoting data driven accountability and securing new investment for nutrition as well as driving innovation in nutrition financing. Prior to the parliamentary engagement the network held a press conference with several journalists from both the print and electronic media as a way of mobilizing support in lobbying the government to considering renewing its Nutrition for Growth commitment during the Japan summit. The press conference was beamed live on ZCSOSUNA Facebook page and it received wide coverage on various media houses including widely read newspapers and the national television 6. during the main news at prime time viewing. In line with the World Breastfeeding Week 36
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe SUN Donor Network Does the country have a network, forum or platform where donors coordinate their nutrition actions? 1. Yes If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. SUN Donor Network If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? Name: Themba Nduna 3. Stakeholder group: Donor Organisation: USAID Job title: Nutrition Advisor Email: tnduna@usaid.gov If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with donors, at large? 4. Not applicable as a Network has been established Please explain: 5. n/a Key contributions of donors towards the SUN Movement strategic objectives in 2019-2020 The membership has expanded from traditional three to now seven members. The network has has met two times before covid-19 pandemic and once virtually after the emergence of the pandemic. As part of initial coordination among network members, a 4Ws matrix has been developed and agreed by members. The matrix details who is doing what where with who including nutrition investiment in dollar terms. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, donors in the network have discussed and shared notes on how implementing partners were adapting and could possible adapt their activities in response to the pandemic and how the pandemic could possibly affect implementation. The SUN Donor Network is actively involved together with other networks in emergency nutrition through the Nutrition Cluster as well as development 6. and policy issues within the MSP. Donors are also individually supporting different importance pieces of work including generation of evidence that feeds into policies and strategies that will guide and inform nutrition practice in Zimbabwe. DFID, EU , SDC and USAID align to Government of Zimbabwe policies and legal frameworks as appropriate for each respective funding portfolio. For example, DFID and EU currently support ministries in policy or strategy formulation through Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (both) and Livelihoods, Food Security Programme (DFID) programmes. Through FAO under the LFSP programme, DFID is enabling coordination efforts across the food and agriculture sectors to operationalise the National Agriculture Policy Framework. The NAPF includes pillars on food and nutrition. SDC nutrition sensitive Projects includes the R4 Rural Resilience Initiative project supports food security and resilience for rural households , Addressing Humanitarian Resilience ,HIV programming and Future Life Now-Life skills social protection project. 37
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Academia, science and research institutes Does the country have a network, forum or platform where academia, science and research institutes coordinate their nutrition actions? 1. Yes If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. Scaling Up Nutrition Research and Academic Platform (SUNRAP) If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? 3. Name: Dr Lesley Macheka Email: lesleymacheka@gmail.com If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with academia, scientists and researchers, at large? 4. Not applicable as a Network has been established Please explain: 5. The country has a functional platform for academia, scientists and researchers SUNRAP) and SUNRAP is part of the multi-stakeholder platform. Key contributions of academia, science and research institutes towards the SUN Movement 6. strategic objectives in 2019-2020 38
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Status of past priorities # Status of past priorities Yes/ No/ In progress Development of a Multi-sectoral National Nutrition Strategy and include tools/guidelines for nutrition-sensitive programming across 1. In progress and within sectors(health, education, social protection, agriculture etc) Engage more the private sector in Nutrition and strengthen their 2. Yes participation in MSP (Business network) Increase and strengthen synergies across networks at national and 3. Yes subnational level including traditional leaders Capacitation of the MSP on budget tracking tools to track investment 4. In progress in Nutrition Improve documentation, knowledge management, sharing and 5. Yes learning on Nutrition related success in-country and globally Constant reviewing, monitoring of policies and strategies to check on 6. Yes progress and relevance in nutrition improvement 39
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Support given to meet priorities Who supported you to meet your priorities? 1. The Government,The UN,Civil society organisations,Donors,Private sector,Academia,International technical assistance providers,SUN global support system (Networks or SUN Secretariat) How did stakeholders (the Government, the UN, civil society organisations, donors, private sector, etc.) contribute to meeting these priorities? Please explain: The government created the coordination structures and is part of the core team that ensures a cohesive FNS environment. For example the ministries responsible for local government 2. carried out sensitisation of traditional leaders engagements, the FNC coordinated the meetings and the NFNSC undertook the meetings. The donor supported with funding under the EU Joint grant FAO/UNICEF/FNC for coordination. The Private sector availed themselves for engagement within the MSP. The UN had the technical experts participating in the engagements and also funding modalities. The technical expertise within the SUNRAP helped in further analysis of data . The media houses assisted by creating stories on documentation of success stories. The Global TA assisted in the budget analysis by the civil society. Do you need support to meet your priorities? 3. Yes If yes, whose support you will be seeking and for what? 4. Funding to conduct cases studies on the drivers of stunting in rural Zimbabwe TA on budget analysis Can you think of a key achievement or highlight seen in scaling up nutrition since your country joined the Movement? 1. Reduction in stunting levels 2. Formation of the Food and Nutrition Security Committees at 5. all level of local governance, i.e. from cabinet(executives), national to ward level 3. Food and Nutrition Security Policy with its implementation matrix in 2013 4. MSP including the SUN networks formation and participation in discussions 5. Enhanced and improved FNS advocacy and communications 6. Joint Planning, Review by MSPs in addition they have CRFs and joint workplans at subnational level 40
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe 2020-2021 priorities Please list the key priorities of the multi-stakeholder platform for 2020-2021 (max 6) # Priority 1. capacitation of the MSP on budget analysis to appreciate the processes entailed Advocacy on N4G Commitments by the Government to cover all thematic and for FNS to 2. remain central within the dvpt agenda Completion of the Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Strategy Development with 3. accompanying communication tools Document and disseminate success stories on how communities adapted to Covid-19, 4. drought at local, regional and global fora 5. Strengthen the SUN networks momentum ,especially SBN drive for improved FNS Enhancing the effectiveness FNSIS including generate scientific evidence and in-depth 6. insights into broader FNS issues (early warning, drivers of stunting among other issues) 41
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Scaling up nutrition at the sub-national level Does the MSP exist at the sub-national level? 1. Yes If so, in how many counties, districts or regions? 2. Counties Districts Regions 60 8 Who convenes the MSP at the sub-national level? Please explain, if applicable: 3. Ministry of Local Government represented by the coordinator /administrator is the coordinator and convener of food and nutrition security at sub national level. Is there regular communication between the national and sub-national MSPs? 4. Yes Does the MSP at the sub-national level meet regularly? 5. Yes Which Governmental sectors work with the MSP at the sub-national level? Please explain, if applicable 6. As part of the established food and nutrition security committee Ministry responsible for Agriculture- Chairperson Ministry responsible for social welfare- co-chairperson Ministry responsible for health- Secretariat local authorities Ministry responsible for women affairs,gender Ministry responsible for primary and secondary education statistical office ZIMSTAT District Development Fund Ministry responsible for Youth, Sports Arts and Culture Does the sub-national multi-stakeholder platform or platforms work with civil society, business, the UN and donors? 7. Yes, in areas they are operating. 42
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Key contributions of the sub-national MSP towards the SUN Movement Strategic Objectives in 2019-2020 Contributions to Process 1, Bringing people together in the same space for action Bringing people together in the same space for action Contributions to Process 2, Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Contributions to Process 3, Aligning actions around common results Aligning actions around common results Contributions to Process 4 Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Financial tracking and resource mobilisation 43
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action SUMMARY: Bringing people together in the same space Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. - April 2019). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. The country institutionalised the multisectoral structure from the executives(cabinet committee on food and nutrition security, working party of permanent secretariat on food and nutrition security) , national upto ward community level. There is a functional MSP that coordinates all other networks. The academia platform (SUNRAP) set up provincial structures in all provinces and recruited more members. Sixteen (16) new members joined the network. The UNN provided technical and financial support for coordinating multistakeholder platforms. The UNN also strengthened its collaboration and coordination through actions such as the Cohesion Series with a dedicated theme on Nutrition that identified 4 pathways for greater collaboration and coordination (Common results framework, Impact pathways, Joint Programming, Integrated programming). SDN also increased to 7 members from the previously reported 3. 44
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Emergency preparedness and response planning In the last 12 months, has the country faced or responded to a crisis requiring humanitarian assistance? 1. Yes If yes, what was the type of emergency: 2. Natural and climate-related disasters Other: COVID-19 pandemic And what was the duration of this emergency? Please explain: 3. still ongoing Does the multi-stakeholder platform include all relevant stakeholders to holistically protect and promote nutrition, including humanitarian, resilience, and disaster risk reduction actors? 4. Yes Does the SUN Focal Point, or another representative from the multi-stakeholder platform, participate in the national emergency coordination systems and structures, including for the COVID-19 response? 5. Yes At what levels – (please select an option below): Highest executive level Inter-ministerial political level 6. Inter-ministerial technical level Sub-national (provinces, districts) level Community level 45
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Emergency preparedness and response planning How has the functionality of the multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) been affected by the COVID-19 crisis? 7. Unchanged Explanation: The regular quarterly meetings were disrupted however ongoing data collection,analysis was resumed during the first quarter of 2019. Is the multi-stakeholder platform already planning for the recovery phase, post COVID-19, even taking into account the likely need to address the effects for some time yet? 8. No Explanation: MSP still working on containment efforts as cases are still on the rise. Response plan for management of cases in a resource strained environment was/is aimed at minimising morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 and associated socioeconomic impact. 46
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls Is gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls seen as a priority in the work of the multi-stakeholder platform? 1. Yes Does your country have a national gender equality policy or strategy in place? 2. Yes If yes, does this policy or strategy address nutrition, through actions and indicators? 3. Yes Would you like to receive more tools and resources on ensuring gender equality when scaling up nutrition? 4. Yes What actions, such as advocacy, have been implemented by the multi-stakeholder platform in 2019-2020 to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls? Please explain: 5. Inclusion of gender sensitive indicators in monitoring as well as policy recommendations that speaks to the plight of women and girls like the Minimum Acceptable Diets, Access to Productive Assets among other indicators. 47
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Nutrition-sensitive and sustainable food systems In addition to the multi-stakeholder platform for nutrition, does another multi-stakeholder platform or mechanism on food systems exist in the country? 1. Yes Do key food system stakeholders (including the private sector) participate in the multi- stakeholder platform for nutrition? 2. Yes Explanation: n/a Are efforts ongoing to put in place policies or legislation to enhance the contribution of food systems towards healthy diets and good nutrition? 3. Yes If yes, what types of policies or legislation? Regulations on food marketing and labelling 4. Food-based dietary guidelines Other: Food Fortification, National Agriculture Policy Framework Has your country put in place large-scale programmes or investments aiming to improve the productivity and sustainability of food systems? Yes 5. Explanation: 1. Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (ZRBF) Programme (2015-2022). 2. The Zimbabwe Livelihoods and Food Security Programme (LFSP) aimed at improving the food security and nutrition of smallholder farmers and rural communities in Zimbabwe. 3. Smallholder Irrigation Revitalization Programme (SIRP) (2016-2023) 4. Command Agriculture 5. Pfumvudza Conservative Agriculture Concept 48
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Advocacy and communication Does the multi-stakeholder platform have a communication and/or advocacy strategy or plan in place? 1. Yes If yes, does this strategy aim to: Mobilise resources Build political will 2. Influence policies Raise public awareness Other: Build capacity of Multi-Sectoral platforms at all levels in lobbying and advocating for resources, communicating food and nutrition issues, documentating and reporting of relevant multi-sectoral activities that address food and nutrition insecurity Do you work with the media to amplify key messages, raise awareness and demand action on nutrition? 3. Yes If yes, how does this work take form and with whom do you work? National media Regional/community-based media Thematic campaigns Capacity-strengthening of journalists 4. Other: Media tours were conducted with national and regional (provincial) media to facilitate reporting of key food and nutrition interventions and community responses. Media engagement also catalysed the dissemination of findings from national food and nutrition surveys. Below are some links for the media reports: h t t p s : / / w w w . h e r a l d . c o . z w / g ovt-leads-support-for- thevulnerable/https://www.cite.org.zw/school-attendance-improves-majority-turnedaway-for-non-payment-of-fees-zim vac/ https://allafrica.com/stories/201907170150.html; Zimbabwe: Half of Zimbabweans Facing Starvation – Zimvac https://www.chronicle.co.zw/matabeleland-north-worst-affected-by-food-insecurity/ https://ztn.co.zw/stream/2019/07/5-million-zimbabweans-in-need-of-food-aid-report/ https://bulawayo24.com/index-id-news-sc-national-byo-166305.html- More than half of households in Matabeleland using bush toilet http://www.newsdzezimbabwe.co.uk/2019/07/ed-to-declare-drought-nationaldisaster. html Do parliamentarians work with the multi-stakeholder platform? 5. Yes Has a parliamentary network for nutrition been established? Yes/No 6. No Has the multi-stakeholder platform nominated nutrition champions? 7. Yes 49
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Advocacy and communication Have you produced any communication materials or products related to the SUN approach and/or country-level SUN achievements? 8. Yes Do you use any SUN Movement communications materials to support in-country advocacy? 9. Yes If yes, which products do you normally use: Annual progress reports Newsletters 10. General brochures or presentations Website or social media materials Other: In Practice, Have high-level nutrition events been organised during the last 12 months? 11. Yes If yes, please explain: 12. Advocacy meetings with Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Portfolio Committees were conducted and presentations were made. mulitstakeholder inter-district learning event which was chaired by the Principal Directors in the Office of the President and Cabinet MSP...FNSAG Are any high-level events planned for the next 12 months? 13. Yes If yes, please explain: 14. Meetings for Parliamentarians have been scheduled to share findings from recent food and nutrition surveys and deliberate on policy implications. Planned high level launch of the National Food and Nutrition Security Strategy 50
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Zimbabwe Advocacy and communication Would you like to scale up your communication and advocacy in the next 12 months? 15. Yes 51
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