Zero Overhead Monitoring for Cloud-native Infrastructure using RDMA
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Zero Overhead Monitoring for Cloud-native Infrastructure using RDMA Zhe Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Teng Ma, Alibaba Group; Linghe Kong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Zhenzao Wen, Jingxuan Li, Zhuo Song, Yang Lu, Yong Yang, and Tao Ma, Alibaba Group; Guihai Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Wei Cao, Alibaba Group This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference. July 11–13, 2022 • Carlsbad, CA, USA 978-1-939133-29-8 Open access to the Proceedings of the 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference is sponsored by
Zero Overhead Monitoring for Cloud-native Infrastructure using RDMA Zhe Wang1 , Teng Ma2 , Linghe Kong1 , Zhenzao Wen2 , Jingxuan Li2 , Zhuo Song2 , Yang Lu2 Yong Yang2 , Tao Ma2 , Guihai Chen1 , Wei Cao2 1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2 Alibaba Group Abstract In order to ensure the service level agreement (SLA) [52], Cloud services have recently undergone a major shift from the whole infrastructure is monitored with not only the upper- monolithic designs to microservices running on the cloud- layer application metrics, but also the fundamental system native infrastructure, where monitoring systems are widely metrics [84]. The novel cloud-native infrastructure, however, deployed to ensure the service level agreement (SLA). Nev- brings new challenges/demands to cloud-native monitoring, ertheless, the traditional monitoring system no longer fulfills along with two major issues in commercial deployments. the demands of cloud-native monitoring, which is observed First, traditional monitoring systems [10, 11, 65] occupies from the practical experience in Alibaba cloud. Specifically, host (physical/virtual machine, PM/VM) resources to col- the monitor occupies resources (e.g., CPU) of the monitored lect, process and upload metrics (Figure 1), which inevitably infrastructure, disturbing services running on it. For example, causes resource contentions with cloud services — enabling enabling monitor causes jitters/declines of online services in monitors causes jitters/declines of online services in Alibaba Alibaba’s “double eleven” shopping festival with high loads. “double eleven” shopping festival (Figure 3). To ensure ser- On the other hand, the quality of service (QoS) of monitoring vice SLA with resource constraints, the deployed monitor at itself, which is vital to track and ensure SLA, is not guaran- the host should have no resource occupation. teed with the high loaded system. Second, the quality of service (QoS) of monitoring itself In this paper, we design and implement a novel monitor- is not guaranteed, which fails to support massive metrics ing system, named Z ERO, for cloud-native monitoring. First, with rapid variations in cloud-native monitoring. The la- Z ERO achieves zero overhead to collect raw metrics from the tency/throughput of monitoring jitters severely due to the high monitored hosts using one-sided remote direct memory access system loads or small CPU quota set by the cloud provider (RDMA) operations, thus avoiding any interferences to cloud (Figure 4). However, monitoring system with high QoS is services. Second, Z ERO adopts receiver-driven model to col- vital to track and ensure SLA of monitored services [80, 84]. lect monitoring metrics with high QoS, where credit-based To resolve the limitations of traditional monitoring system flow control and hybrid I/O model are proposed to mitigate and fulfill the demands of cloud-native monitoring, we design network congestion/interference and CPU bottlenecks. Z ERO and implement a novel Z ERO monitoring system in this paper. has been deployed and evaluated in Alibaba cloud. Deploy- Z ERO proposes a receiver-driven model, which collects raw ment results show that Z ERO achieves no CPU occupation at metrics from the monitored host via one-sided RDMA opera- the monitored host and supports 1 ∼ 10k hosts with 0.1 ∼ 1s tions, i.e., RDMA read. Based on the Z ERO framework, the sampling interval using single thread for network I/O. monitoring system is expected to achieve no CPU occupation at the monitored host, low latency and high throughput, finally 1 Introduction avoiding any interferences to services and fulfilling the QoS requirements of large-scale distributed monitoring. Recent shifts in the production cloud environment from mono- However, there still exist several challenges to achieve lithic designs to microservice-based architecture [33,34] have the above goals. As shown in Figure 1, traditional moni- made cloud-native infrastructure the cornerstone of cloud tor collects and processes raw metrics from the monitored computing services. The cloud-native applications consist of processes, then upload metrics to the remote host, which in- thousands of single-concern, loosely-coupled microservices evitably causes CPU occupations. How to manage memory running on containerized platforms [76]. The underlying sys- regions of system/application metrics and expose them to the tems are treated as disposable and immutable, finally enabling remote host, finally achieving zero-overhead monitoring via highly available, flexible and scalable cloud services. RDMA read, is challenging. On the other hand, the remote USENIX Association 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 639
Microservice Microservice Microservice Microservices Microservice Control Register CPU Zero Data Plane Copy Plane Collector Blocking Shared Memory ZERO Collect Agent CPU Running Meta Data Metrics Process Upload Local Agent Host (PM/VM) CPU occupation Network Stac k kernel QP Connection WRITE READ TCP/UDP Linux Kernel IP layer Host (PM/VM) stack Traffic Control Device Driv er ZERO Controller TCP/IP RPC Performance jitter Remote Processing Thread Collecting Thread Proxy/Broker Controller Persistence + Visualization Credit-FC + Hybrid I/O RPC Controller Analyze Display Figure 2: Z ERO monitoring system. Figure 1: Traditional monitoring System. superior to the traditional sender-driven model (i.e., agent ac- tively uploads metrics as per heartbeat): i) collecting metrics monitoring host becomes bottlenecks in the receiver-driven on demand to ensure the QoS of monitoring on latency; ii) model, as a tradeoff of offloading local monitoring overhead limiting the total in-flight data of concurrent flows to avoid net- to the remote host. The remote host performs RDMA read on work congestion/interference. Accordingly, Z ERO proposes many monitored hosts, resulting in incast problem [85] 1 . The Credit-FC to mitigate the incast problem while fulfilling the remote host not only collects metrics, but also processes raw latency/throughput requirements of monitoring. On the other metric for further operations, all of which are CPU intensive. hand, Z ERO introduces hybrid I/O model (a combination of How to enable large-scale monitoring with network/CPU bot- event driven and busy polling mechanisms) and adopts thread tlenecks is challenging as well. dispatching to remedy the CPU bottlenecks of collecting and To access raw metrics with no CPU occupation, Z ERO processing metrics, respectively. proposes the novel control plane and data plane. For the As case studies, we integrate application (Redis [12]) met- ease of clarity, we separate Z ERO into local agent and remote rics, system (kernel/containers [27, 76]) metrics and eBPF [3] controller (Figure 2). To achieve high scalability in reliable metrics into the Z ERO framework to demonstrate its gen- connection (RC) mode [26, 82], system/application metrics erality and flexibility. We also share our experience about are managed by one agent and share one queue pair (QP) building large-scale monitoring system using RDMA. connection. In the control plane, Z ERO agent provides univer- The major contributions of this paper are summarized as sal interfaces for systems/applications to register the memory follows: regions of their metrics at the RDMA NIC (RNIC). The • We propose the first zero-overhead monitoring system, metadata of these metrics are recorded at the control region. Z ERO, to resolve limitations of traditional monitoring sys- Z ERO controller can thus acquire metadata of metrics from tem in cloud-native monitoring. the control region as the prerequisite to access raw metrics. • We tackle several challenges of zero-overhead monitoring, All metrics only need to register once if the metadata is not including data plane with no CPU involvement, network updated, after which Z ERO agent enters blocking mode. In congestion/interference caused by monitoring traffics, and the data plane, the memory regions of metrics (data region) CPU bottlenecks at the controller. are exposed to the agent process via shared memory, finally to • We have deployed and evaluated Z ERO in Alibaba cloud. the remote controller. The Z ERO controller can thus perform Z ERO achieves no CPU occupation at the monitored host RDMA read on the data region directly without involving and supports 1 ∼ 10k hosts with 0.1 ∼ 1s sampling intervals. memory copies and CPU usages at the monitored host. As We also share our experience with Z ERO. a result, Z ERO achieves disposable overhead in the control The paper is organized as following. Section 2 introduces plane and zero overhead in the data plane. the background and motivation. Section 3 proposes zero- To deal with the network/CPU bottlenecks at the controller, overhead monitoring. Section 4 designs and implements Z ERO proposes credit-based flow control (Credit-FC) and hy- Z ERO framework. Section 5 presents case studies. Section 6 brid I/O model. We observe that the receiver-driven model is evaluates the proposed design. Section 7 introduces the ex- 1 Incast problem happens when multiple senders transfer data to one perience and future work. Section 8 discusses related works receiver simultaneously. and Section 9 concludes this paper. 640 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
1400 Request Latency (ms) Request Latency CPU Utilization (%) 1200 CPU Utilization 1000 100 800 600 50 400 200 0 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 1400 Request Latency (ms) Request Latency CPU Utilization (%) 1200 CPU Utilization 1000 100 800 600 50 400 200 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (s) Figure 3: Monitor interfering with services. Figure 4: Monitoring jitters with high system loads in Netdata (upper) and Prometheus (bottom). 2 Background and Motivation In this section, we further elaborate cloud native monitoring should have no CPU occupation to avoid contentions with and the inherent limitations of traditional monitoring system. cloud services. How to ensure QoS of monitoring? Cloud-native monitor- 2.1 Cloud-Native Monitoring ing needs to support massive metrics with rapid variations. Cloud providers, such as Alibaba, Netflix and Uber, need to Monitoring system deployed at the cloud-native infrastructure, monitor millions of metrics with hundreds to thousands of mi- namely, cloud-native monitoring, is indispensable to ensure croservices [80]. Besides, these application metrics (financial the SLA of cloud services. Monitor collects the bottom-layer transactions, social network and e-commerce [67, 94]) and system metrics, such as the utilization of physical resources system metrics (CPU, memory, network [6, 54]) have rapid (CPU, memory, etc.). Based on system metrics, monitor- variations with a time scale of seconds/milliseconds. To track ing system performs health checks on the underlying system, and ensure SLA of services, monitoring requires high QoS makes early alert and provides suggestions to administra- from the perspective of latency and throughput. tors [18]. Furthermore, by analyzing the historical resource consumption and performance variations, cloud providers improve system utilization and lower operational expenses 2.2 Traditional Monitoring System (OpEx) [27, 28, 41]. On the other hand, the upper-layer ap- plication metrics, e.g., requests per second of key-value ser- We next introduce traditional distributed monitoring sys- vice [12,45], directly reflect user activities and functional state tems [10, 51, 65] and elaborate their limitations as the mo- of applications. The monolithic applications are decoupled to tivation of Z ERO. As shown in Figure 1, multiple collec- thousands of microservices [33], all of which are monitored tors acquire application/system metrics via specific interfaces, to track and ensure the SLA. meanwhile raw metrics are processed as the final outcomes The novel cloud-native applications together with the es- (Section 5). After that, the collected metrics are uploaded to sential infrastructure bring new challenges/demands to cloud- the remote controller for further analysis and visualization. native monitoring, along with two major issues in commercial Each step occupies host CPUs for memory copy, calcula- deployment. tion, network transmission, etc., which inevitably interfer- How to avoid monitor interfering with services? Microser- ing with services running on the host. On the other hand, vices have much stricter requirements of QoS compared with traditional monitor massively relies on the kernel’s TCP/IP typical applications [33]. However, the cloud-native environ- network stack to transmit metrics. However, kernel data pro- ment is highly resource constrained. For example, Alibaba cessing overhead has became the main bottleneck of end- cloud adopts mixed deployment of CPU-intensive online ser- to-end latency/throughput [90]. State-of-the-art works thus vice [42] and I/O-intensive batch jobs [93] at the same host, to offload network functionality from kernel to user-space net- maximize resource utilization [43, 78] and reduce long-term work stack [39, 53, 64] or hardware [35, 44, 70]. capital expenses (CapEx). Microsoft Azure also reports that We next elaborate the limitations of traditional monitors in 80% of VMs only have 1 ∼ 2 vCPU cores [27]. The monitor our real deployment. We consider two representative open- USENIX Association 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 641
sourced monitors, i.e., Netdata [10] and Prometheus [11]. RDMA support. Z ERO then leverages one-sided RDMA We observed that enabling monitors causes jitters of online operation to read raw metrics/counters, to achieve no service in Alibaba “double eleven” shopping festival with CPU/kernel involvements at the monitored host. RDMA has high loads. We use Netdata to monitor a high-loaded host been widely used in data centers and provides new character- running Redis services with 1s sampling interval. As shown istics of low latency (as low as 1 µs), high bandwidth (more in Figure 3, monitor process causes jitters of Redis service, than 100Gbps) and kernel/CPU bypass. RDMA supports i.e., the throughput declines by 6.25% while tail latency in- both one-sided and two-sided operations. The one-sided op- creases by 2× periodically, due to the CPU occupation in each erations directly operate on the remote memory via read and monitoring cycle. We analyze that reasons for such “interfer- write without involving the remote server’s CPU. To per- ence spikes” are two folds. First, the deployment of service form one-sided RDMA operations, one needs to register the and monitor processes may adopt default CPU scheduling or memory region (MR) at the RNIC of remote host and acquire specific CPU bonding [48], where contentions happen when the generated remote protection key (rkey). The two-sided service/monitor processes are scheduled/bonded to the same operations, i.e., send and recv, communicate via an interface CPU core. Second, the CPU utilization keeps on high water similar to socket. In the following paper, we refer to RDMA level and exhibits burst natures, especially during sales pro- read, write, send and recv as READ, WRITE, SEND and motion with high loads. Thus, the duty-cycled monitoring RECV, respectively. RDMA hosts create queue pairs (QP) process with slight CPU occupation (1 ∼ 5%) already causes consisting of a send queue and a receive queue, then post severe interference (Figure 3). The CPU breakup of monitor RDMA operations on send/receive queue to communicate shows that the uploading phase occupies 5 ∼ 10% of the to- with the remote host. RDMA transport supports reliable or tal CPU utilization while the collecting phase occupies the unreliable connection (RC/UC) and unreliable datagram (UD). majority. On the other hand, the QoS of monitoring is highly One-to-one connections between QPs are required in RC/UC affected by the system load or CPU quota set by the cloud op- mode, whereas one-to-many communication is supported in erator. The latency of monitoring increases by more than 10×, UD mode. Different transport types support different subsets when host CPU is saturated or CPU quota is reached (Fig- of RDMA operations, and READ operation is only supported ure 4). Assigning dedicated cores for monitoring may avoid in RC mode. these problems, however, causes large wastes of resources Challenges. While Z ERO is expected to achieve zero- and high CapEx. Besides, the monitoring process may be overhead monitoring, there still exist two challenges to make blocked to request metrics via service interface (Section 5). the idea practical. First, we observe that most CPU time of traditional monitor are spent on collecting metrics from sys- 3 Zero-overhead Monitoring tem/application processes (Section 2.2). Z ERO also needs to eliminates such overheads in its data plane, besides the trans- To avoid resource contentions with services and ensure QoS of mission overheads offloaded to RNIC. Second, controller is monitoring, we propose the zero-overhead monitoring system, bottlenecked on both network and CPU with large number of namely Z ERO, for cloud-native monitoring. Z ERO exploits monitored hosts, as all monitoring overheads are offloaded features of monitoring metrics and RDMA capability in mod- to the remote controller. With all these challenges, the key ern data center. The basic idea is that most of raw metrics innovation of Zero lies in effectively exploiting one-sided are counters updated at fix memory regions — the remote RDMA and designing the separate control/data plane to re- controller can thus obtain these metrics by performing RDMA alize zero-overhead monitoring. Zero further incorporates read on these memory regions — without any CPU involve- several designs to resolve practical issues (network conges- ment at the monitored side. We next elaborate possibilities tion/interference, scalability) in distributed monitoring. and challenges of realizing Z ERO. Metric features. Z ERO is based on two features of moni- 4 Design and Implementation toring metrics. First, most of the monitoring metrics are counters. Systems/applications update these metrics at fixed In this section, we present the overview of the Z ERO frame- memory region after initialization. For instance, the number work. We then introduce the design and implementation of of stored/evicted key-value pairs in Redis and the number of Z ERO in details. sent/received packets recorded by kernel stack are all counters. Second, processing of raw metrics is simple algebraic calcu- 4.1 Overview lation and can be offloaded to the controller. For example, Redis exports statistic data on the raw metrics and per-CPU As shown in Figure 2, Z ERO proposes the novel control plane counters are summed to get the final kernel metrics. These and data plane to collect raw metrics without CPU involve- features are general to system/application metrics and Z ERO ments at the monitored host. Z ERO adopts receiver-driven can thus support various metrics as an universal framework model to collect metrics from large number of hosts, and deals (Section 5). with the network and CPU bottlenecks at the controller. 642 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
address offset type size rkey address offset structure rkey RNIC and the metadata of MRs (e.g., address, type, size, rkey) are recorded at the control region (Figure 5a). Note offset address address that the MR is pinned after metrics are registered and will Multiple READs Two READs address be released only after metrics expire. Z ERO agent registers address data control the control region at the RNIC and builds a QP connection address region region with the remote controller in advance. The controller can thus address address acquire the metadata of metrics by reading and parsing the address control region, then access raw metrics. The control plane has disposable overhead. Z ERO agent (a) Inefficient READ. (b) Efficient READ. inevitably occupies host resources to deal with registration re- Figure 5: READ w/o (left) or w/ (right) memory management. quests. However, we observe that the control-plane overhead is disposable for most of metrics. We divided metrics into The scalability of RDMA-based system is constrained by three types according to the practice in Alibaba cloud. First, the on-chip memory (SRAM) of RNIC [26, 82]. To achieve metrics of the underlying systems and persistent services, e.g., high scalability at the controller, all metrics at the host are database and storage services [56, 91], are usually immobile managed by one agent and share one QP connection. In the once registered. Second, some services may be dynamically control plane, Z ERO agent provides interface for systems and created/destroyed. For example, e-commerce services are applications to register the memory region of their metrics periodically expanded/shrunk according to the number of (data region) at the RNIC. The metadata of metrics (e.g., users shopping online [60]. Third, some user requests are address, rkey) are written into the control region. Z ERO con- served by ephemeral serverless functions to mitigate the cost troller can thus obtain metadata by reading the control region of long-lived services with intermittent activities [25, 33]. and access to raw metrics via reading the data region. The Generally, Z ERO agent enters into blocking mode with no agent process is blocked unless systems/applications need CPU occupation (Figure 2). When services change, Z ERO to register/update metrics. In the data plane, the memory agent resumes to (de)register metrics and update the corre- region of metrics are exposed to the agent process via shared sponding control region. For the first two cases, Z ERO agent memory, finally to the remote controller. The controller per- handles registration requests and updates control regions in- forming READ on the data region to acquires metrics, which frequently with negligible overhead. Z ERO controller also achieves zero copy and no CPU involvement at the monitored only reads control regions once in a long period. In the server- host. In the real deployment, the control-plane overhead is less case, Z ERO agent may frequently (de)register metrics usually disposable — the metrics only need to register once — of serverless functions. Z ERO agent further uses WRITE to then keeps in use or updates after a long time. The data plane write the updated metadata into the remote control region has no CPU occupation as expected. (Figure 2). Z ERO controller can thus obtain raw metrics by Z ERO supports large-scale monitoring via single controller. only reading the data region with one RTT. Note that the over- Z ERO adopts thread dispatching, where only 1 ∼ 2 threads head of Z ERO using WRITE or SEND/RECV is still much are used to collect metrics and the rest cores are used to lower than that of the traditional monitor (Section 6.2). process metrics in parallel for further operations, e.g., visual- Data plane. To eliminate the overhead of collecting metrics ization and persistence. Z ERO controller uses receiver-driven from multiple processes and avoid frequent memory copies, model, i.e., issuing READ requests on the monitored hosts Z ERO exclusively adopts shared memory in its data plane. to collect raw metrics, which is superior to the traditional Specifically, Z ERO agent uses mmap operations, which are sender-driven model. Z ERO achieves high monitoring QoS invoked when registering metrics, to expose MRs of metrics by posting READ requests on demand and avoids network (data region) to the agent process, finally to the remote con- congestion/interference by controlling the total in-flight data. troller. The mmap operation takes 4KB page as the basic unit. Accordingly, credit-based flow control (Credit-FC) and hy- However, metrics are not necessarily locating at the page brid I/O model are proposed to remedy the incast problem header (Figure 5). Z ERO agent calculates the page header of and CPU bottleneck, respectively. metrics to mmap their pages. As shown in Figure 5, Z ERO agent records the page address and page offset in the control region. To protect data region from being modified by local 4.2 Z ERO Control Plane and Data plane agent or malicious remote host, Z ERO sets read-only access We introduce the Z ERO control plane and data plane, together to the data region via mmap flags and uses the rkey mechanism with Z ERO framework usage and interface in this subsection. inherently supported by RDMA. Z ERO controller obtains raw Control plane. Z ERO agent deals with registration requests metrics by performing READ on the data region. from systems/applications, which uses UNIX domain socket The data plane has zero overhead. The data plane achieves for inter-process communications (IPC). To handle the re- zero CPU occupation, zero copy, and no extra memory foot- quest, the MRs of monitoring metrics are registered at the print at the monitored host, via the shared memory design. USENIX Association 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 643
// type one, specifying attributes of variables Framework usage and interface. Z ERO can be easily de- struct disk my_disk{ ployed at hosts (PM/VM) with RDMA support. Z ERO agent .disk = "sda", and controller need to be initiated at the local and remote host .hash = 0x000f3456, ... respectively. Systems/applications then invoke agent API } __attribute__((section(".zero_init")); to manage and (de)register their metrics. The agent accom- //type two, using allocator plishes all control-plane operations, e.g., mmap, updates of struct disk *my_disk = zero_malloc(sizeof(struct disk)); control region, when handling (de)register requests. Figure 6: Management interface for two types of metrics. 4.3 Scaling-out Monitoring We next present how to support large-scale monitoring with An alternative solution of copying metrics when updating single Z ERO controller. Z ERO proposes credit-based flow causes frequent CPU occupations for memory copies, and control (Credit-FC) and hybrid I/O model, to avoid network extra memory footprints. Besides, Z ERO data plane ensures congestion/interference and remedy CPU bottlenecks respec- the read-write consistency between remote and local mem- tively. Z ERO controller needs to collect and process metrics ory. Most of application/system metrics are defined as atomic from large number of hosts, while fulfilling the monitoring variables, which are updated atomically in the shared mem- QoS in latency and throughput. To achieve this goal, the ory. The atomic update only needs 1∼3ns in Intel Haswell controller adopts thread dispatching to collect and process architecture [74] — three orders of magnitude lower than that metrics in parallel with individual threads. of RDMA operations (1µs) — the memory consistency is Collecting metrics. The controller only assigns 1 ∼ 2 threads guaranteed between update and READ. For non-atomic vari- to collect metrics. Z ERO achieves high efficient network I/O ables, Z ERO uses bit flags to indicate the states of updating. with single thread by posting READ requests then polling FaRM [31] and Pilaf [68] use a similar method to ensure data completions on multiple QPs in batch. This is feasible be- consistency with READ. Z ERO controller will check whether cause both post_send and poll_cq are fast non-block op- metrics are read correctly via bit flags and retry in the next erations. According to our experiment, the batch operations cycle. We eliminate all synchronous locks for zero overhead, only add negligible latency (tens of µs). which may cause inconsistency under rare race conditions Receiver-driven model is superior to send-driven model. while ensuring accuracy for most cases. Issuing READ on data region turns out a receiver-driven Memory management is indispensable. While local host model to collect metrics from multiple hosts. The receiver- achieves zero overhead in Z ERO data plane, we observe that driven model has two benefits compared with the traditional simply performing READ on massive metrics cannot achieve sender-driven model. The controller posts READ requests desirable performance. Because metrics are distributed across on demand to meet the target latency or updating frequency the process/kernel space with discrete memory addresses, in monitoring. Besides, it also facilitates to avoid network Z ERO controller needs to read large number of entries in congestion/interference by limiting the total in-flight data of control region as well as metrics in data region (Figure 5a). concurrent flows. We next intuitively formulate the scale-out However, the bandwidth of READ falls rapidly and the la- ability of such receiver-driven model. The monitored hosts tency is nearly doubled when the number of MRs increases have different requirements in terms of updating interval U from 100 to 10k, due to evictions in the RNIC SRAM [26,82]. and data size S, i.e., controller needs to collect S bytes in Z ERO introduces memory management to reduce the number every U seconds for a specific host. Assuming the bandwidth of MRs and READ requests required to collect massive met- B of the receiver is fully utilized, the maximum number of rics. Specifically, Z ERO proposes two memory-management supported hosts n = B × U/S. Our deployment shows that mechanisms for two types of metrics (Figure 6). First, many Z ERO supports at least 1k hosts with 128KB metrics and metrics are global variables or data structures. One can mark 100ms sampling interval. these metrics by specifying attributes of variables [13]. The Credit-based flow control. Concurrent READ requests gen- compiler will distribute these metrics to the same data seg- erate burst network traffics, which are transmitted from multi- ment. Second, metrics are defined as pointers to variables. ple hosts to the controller simultaneously, resulting in severe Z ERO provides a memory allocator for these metrics. Specifi- incast problems. Z ERO introduces Credit-FC to remedy the cally, the MRs of metrics are allocated with continuous space incast problem, which works as follows. via the allocation API. The core idea of both methods is con- Large-sized READ requests are segmented into fix-sized catenating metrics to the same MR to support massive metrics. fragments with 4KB page size. Z ERO chooses such moderate Besides, data region is aligned as struct and recorded at the size due to three considerations: i) page is the basic unit of control region for the ease of memory parsing at the controller. shared memory, which can accommodate 1k 32-bit metrics As shown in Figure 5b, Z ERO controller only needs to post and fulfill the demands of most services; ii) the number of one READ request on the same MR to get a list of metrics. READ requests is bounded as the total size of metrics in 644 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
single host is general hundreds of KBs; iii) the small size Redis [12], Linux kernel [81] and eBPF [3]. facilitates congestion control in severe incast. Redis Case. Redis [14] has been widely deployed in Alibaba Subsequently, credits are used to limit the total in-flight cloud as database, cache, and message broker, providing low- data of concurrent flows (identified by a QP). Posting READ latency in-memory data structure storage services. Traditional requests or polling completion events will consume or regain monitor acquires Redis metrics by requesting INFO interface credits for the target flow. The state-of-the-art works [44, 70] of Redis server. Traditional monitor thus occupies the re- adopt bandwidth-delay product based flow control (BDP-FC), source of Redis server and the host to obtain metrics. As a which bounds the in-flight data per flow by the BDP of the comparison, Z ERO only needs to register metrics and requires network. However, BDP is large enough to cause congestion no resource occupation for collecting metrics. There exist and trigger explicit congestion notification (ECN) packets or more than two hundred metrics in each Redis service instance. priority-based flow control (PFC) pause frames [95], with The naive implementation is performing READ on these met- large number of concurrent flows (Figure 11c). Z ERO pro- rics one-by-one (see Figure 5a), resulting in high latency and poses Credit-FC to limit the total in-flight data. Specifically, CPU utilization. To resolve this problem, we use allocation the credit of each flow C f is set to T /n, where T is the total API (type two) to allocate and structuralize Redis metrics credit and n is the number of concurrent flows. Finally, Credit- with continuous memory. As shown in Figure 5b, Z ERO only FC effectively avoids triggering ECN/PFC (Section 6.3) and needs to register and perform READ once for each Redis network interference with service traffics (Section 7). instance in our implementation. Z ERO controller then parses Hybrid I/O model. To avoid the thread performing network metrics as struct according to the memory structure. I/O being saturated, Z ERO proposes the hybrid I/O model incorporating event driven and polling mechanisms, which Linux Kernel Case. Linux kernel exports system metrics is similar to NAPI in Linux [73]. The event-driven I/O can to user space via proc interface, which creates files under effectively avoid CPU occupation for busy polling. Each QP /proc directory and bonds corresponding kernel functions. is associated with an event channel to notify a new (first) com- Traditional monitor usually needs to read hundreds of proc pletion event. The I/O multiplexing interface, e.g., epoll, is files to get all system metrics, which incurs extra overhead used to listen the fds of multiple event channels. The collect- for user/kernel-space processing. With Z ERO framework, ing thread blocks until completion events are notified from kernel metrics are registered at the Z ERO agent then exported one or multiple QPs, then polling the in-flight requests of to the Z ERO controller directly. We use Z ERO to monitor the corresponding QPs. We observe that the event-driven metrics managed by container namespace for the container- model effectively reduces CPU utilization with large number based services [1]. Kernel metrics are usually implemented of in-flight requests (Figure 12b). However, when the mon- as lock-free per-CPU counters to avoid locking overhead. itored data size is too small with only several requests after Z ERO controller needs to READ all replications of metrics segmentation, the epoll syscall and thread blocking incur in each CPU core, locating at separate pages. Production high variations in READ latency (Figure 12a). The controller cloud environment adopts fine-grained resource assignment thus uses busy polling for hosts with small number of re- and isolation, in which more than 90% hosts only have 1 ∼ 4 quests. In the hybrid I/O model, Z ERO assigns two threads to CPU cores [27]. Z ERO only needs 1 ∼ 4 requests to obtain perform event-driven polling and busy polling, respectively. kernel metrics. Note that both threads share Credit-FC. eBPF Case. The extend Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) [3,66] Processing metrics. The controller dispatches multiple is an evolving technology, which can dynamically attach pro- threads to processing raw metrics in parallel. Specifically, the gram to running kernel for tracing, instructing, and even con- MRs of the collected metrics are placed into the appropriate trolling the kernel code path. eBPF has been widely used in queue where each MR can be handled by one of multiple pro- cloud computing for monitoring [6, 54], networking [38, 83], cessing threads. Each MR concatenated by a list of metrics is virtualization [21, 22] and security [29, 30]. We use eBPF to parsed as struct directly according to the metadata recorded monitor traffics and retransmissions of large number of TCP at the control region. The parsed metrics are then processed connections in MaxCompute [32, 93] service. eBPF provides by reproducing the same calculations which are originally in-kernel data structure, called map, to enable control and performed by the monitored host. Finally, the controller im- data messages delivery within kernel or between kernel and ports processed metrics into InfluxDB [7] for persistence and user space. eBPF attaches probes to kernel/application func- uses Grafana [5] for visualization. tions at runtime and exports metrics, events and histograms to eBPF map. User process reads the entry of eBPF map via syscall. However, reading large number of entries incurs 5 Case Study large overhead due to frequent syscalls. To integrate eBPF into Z ERO framework, eBPF array map is adopted, which In this section, we present how to integrate application/system supports mmap operations (from Linux kernel 5.5+) and can metrics into the Z ERO framework using three typical cases of thus export its memory to Z ERO agent directly. USENIX Association 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 645
Name Nodes Hosts OS kernel Intel Xeon CPU code Mellanox NIC Protocol ECN PFC Cluster1 65 × PMs 1024 × VMs Linux 5.5 E5-2682 (64 cores) 2 × 25GbE ConnectX-4 Lx RoCEv1/2 7 3 Cluster2 9 × PMs 1024 × Containers Linux 3.10 Platinum 8369B (64 cores) 200GbE ConnectX-6 Dx RoCEv1/2 3 3 Table 1: Deployment environment. 6 Evaluation Metric Monitor Redis Kernel eBPF Total Baseline 0.7 ∼ 19.3 0.5 ∼ 1.6 0.8 ∼ 12.5 Latency Z ERO RPC 0.08 ∼ 0.18 0.14 ∼ 0.36 0.10 ∼ 1.02 6.1 Evaluation Setup (ms) Z ERO 0.05 ∼ 0.14 0.07 ∼ 0.23 0.08 ∼ 0.87 Baseline 0.5 ∼ 45 0.01 ∼ 4 0.08 ∼ 6 In our evaluation, we adopt a multi-phase deployment with Agent Z ERO RPC 0.01 ∼ 0.55 0.08 ∼ 0.9 0.05 ∼ 0.68 two typical clusters, as summarized in Table 1. Initially, we CPU Control deploy Zero in a test environment (Cluster1) with a rational Utilization plane 0.05 ∼ 0.07 0.8 ∼ 1.5 0.04 ∼ 0.05 (%) Data scale that mimics the production environment for demon- plane 0 0 0 stration. We next deployed Z ERO in a public-cloud envi- ronment (Cluster2), which covers common cloud services Table 2: Summary of Z ERO overhead. in production. The deployment scale has continued to grow according to the feedback of canary testing and the actual demands of services. In Cluster1, services operates in guest of TCP connections varies from 1k to 16k, with a default VMs with 4 vCPU cores. The RNICs are virtualized and value of 1k. The number of work requests varies from 8 to assigned to VMs via passthrough [87]. In Cluster2, services 128 for a host, with a default value of 32. are deployed in containers running on bare-metal servers [92]. • Number of Hosts: One Z ERO controller is deployed to mon- Each VM/container is monitored independently to evaluate itor multiple hosts running Z ERO agent. We increase the the scalability of Z ERO. Note that both configurations are number of hosts (from 64 to 1024) to evaluate the scalability typical in Alibaba cloud-native platform [15]. We use Z ERO of Z ERO framework. to monitor typical services, e.g., Redis [14], container [1] and We use the state-of-the-art monitoring system named Net- MaxCompute [32, 93]. data [10], existing NX monitor in Alibaba cloud, and Z ERO We evaluate Z ERO performance from three aspects: RPC as comparison benchmarks: • CPU Utilization: The CPU utilization is defined as occu- • Netdata: Netdata is widely used by cloud providers, e.g., pied CPU time per second. We use perf tool to measure Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure [8]. the CPU utilization of both Z ERO agent and controller. We Netdata integrates application/system metrics in one agent verify the CPU involvement of monitor in control plane by requesting application interface or reading proc files and data plane. We also need to concern about the CPU respectively. The agent uploads metrics to the controller as utilization of Z ERO controller for scalability. per heartbeat or the controller acquires metrics via sending • Latency: The latency of Z ERO is the time used to READ all RPC requests to the agent. metrics from the monitored host. For traditional monitor, • NX: NX is a network monitoring tool deployed in Alibaba the latency consists of time used to collect/process all met- cloud. NX exports network metrics as logs, e.g., info of rics and time used to upload all metrics. We verify whether TCP connections, then uploads the collected metrics via monitor can meet up the updating frequency of metrics by log service. We have integrated Z ERO framework into the latency. NX monitor to improve its performance. • Throughput: The throughput is the collected bytes per sec- • Z ERO RPC: Z ERO RPC adopts the same data plane to ond during each monitoring period. We verify whether access raw metrics. However, Z ERO RPC is implemented monitor can support massive metrics by throughput. via SEND/RECV instead of READ. The controller issues We test the impact of the following parameters on monitor- RPC requests to the agent, after which agent returns metrics ing performance: as response. We explore design alternations of two-sided • Sampling Interval: The required sampling interval is de- RDMA via Z ERO RPC. termined by the updating frequency of metrics. We eval- uate Z ERO with 10 ∼ 1000ms sampling intervals and use 1000ms by default. 6.2 Z ERO Overhead • Number of Instances/Connections/Requests: All of three We evaluate the CPU utilization and latency of Z ERO in parameters impact the CPU utilization and data size of monitoring Redis, container and MaxCompute services. We monitoring. The number of service/container instances present overall performance and summarize two key observa- varies from 10 to 40, with a default value of 10. The number tions, followed by detailed micro-benchmarks for each case. 646 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
(a) Agent CPU vs. Instances. (b) Latency vs. Instances. (c) Agent CPU vs. Intervals. (d) Latency vs. Intervals. Figure 7: Monitor performance with 10 − 40 Redis instances and 10 − 1000ms sampling interval. (a) Agent CPU vs. Instances. (b) Latency vs. Instances. (c) Agent CPU vs. Intervals. (d) Latency vs. Intervals. Figure 8: Monitor performance with 10 − 40 container instances and 10 − 1000ms sampling interval. (a) Agent CPU vs. Entries. (b) Latency vs. Entries. (c) Agent CPU vs. Intervals. (d) Latency vs. Intervals. Figure 9: Monitor performance with 1 − 16k TCP connections and 10 − 1000ms sampling interval. Overall. Table 2 summaries the overhead of Z ERO monitor. the CPU utilization of baselines reaches very high values with We focus on the monitoring latency and the CPU utilization lower sampling intervals. Z ERO RPC eliminates the over- of Z ERO agent. Both Netdata or NX are referred as baselines. head of collecting metrics, however, the CPU utilization for First, Z ERO monitor reduces latency by one/two order of mag- posting SEND/RECV requests and polling completions still nitudes compared with baselines. Our following breakdown increases with lower sampling intervals. In summary, the of total latency reveals that baseline methods spend most of benefit of Z ERO to cloud services is enabling higher SLA of time to collect metrics from system/application processes. infrastructure, which effectively avoids performance jitters The TCP-based baselines actively upload metrics and achieve caused by CPU interference. Zero also improves monitor- similar latency in uploading phase as Z ERO READ. Z ERO ing performance, which reduces latency by 1∼2 orders of RPC has higher latency than Z ERO READ because each RPC magnitude and increases throughput by 3∼6× (Section 6.3). requires at least two RTTs [45, 68]. Second, Z ERO agent achieves disposable overhead in control plane and zero over- Redis Case. The monitoring performance of Redis case is head in data plane. The CPU utilization of Z ERO control plane shown in Figure 7. Netdata uses single or multiple threads to only increases slightly when registering more MRs, which is collect metrics from multiple Redis instances. With the incre- not affected by the sampling interval. The CPU utilization of ment of service instances, the CPU utilization of single- and Z ERO data plane is always zero as expected. On the contrast, multi-thread Netdata increase from 0.4 ∼ 0.5% to 1.5 ∼ 2%, which already severely interferes Redis services (Figure 3). USENIX Association 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 647
(a) Average latency vs. Hosts. (b) Total latency vs. Hosts. (c) Throughput vs. Hosts. (d) Controller CPU vs. Hosts. Figure 10: Monitor performance with 64 − 1024 hosts × 128KB data in Cluster1. (a) Average latency vs. Hosts. (b) Throughput vs. Hosts. (c) Single run with 256 Hosts. (d) Controller CPU vs. Hosts. Figure 11: Monitor performance with 64 − 1024 hosts × 128KB data in Cluster2. With 10× lower sampling interval, the Netdata CPU increases (16 ∼ 250ms), due to its outdated implementation, which 10×, while the gap of CPU utilization between single- and traverses all TCP connections using the kernel tcp_diag in- multi-thread becomes larger. However, the multi-thread Net- terface. NX-eBPF introduces eBPF to low the overhead of data achieves 0.7 ∼ 1ms latency (Figures 7b and 7d). Netdata getting TCP info, while Z ERO further eliminates the syscall thus trades off CPU utilization with latency. On the contrary, and memory copy overhead of reading eBPF map. As shown Z ERO has negligible CPU utilization (< 0.1%) in its control in Figures 9b and 9d, Z ERO performs 40%∼80% lower la- plane, which is a one-off expense independent of sampling tency than that of NX. Similar with Redis and Linux kernel intervals as shown in Figure 7c. Z ERO data plane has zero case, the CPU utilization of Z ERO data plane is still zero. CPU overhead denoted by the tiny pillar in Figures 7a and 7c. Z ERO reduces latency by one/two order of magnitudes com- 6.3 Z ERO Scalability pared with Netdata, as shown in Figures 7b and 7d. We then evaluate the scalability of Z ERO. The controller Linux kernel case. Figure 8 illustrates the performance of adopts receiver-driven model to obtain raw metrics, which Linux kernel case, where Z ERO monitors multiple container issues TCP-based RPC or READ requests to the agent. The instances. As shown in Figures 8a and 8c, the CPU utilization collecting phase at the monitored host is omitted to compare of the Z ERO data plane is zero. The CPU utilization of Z ERO the raw performance. The controller adopts busy polling control plane is high, because of the frequent invocations of by default. The ideal result is obtained via ib_read_bw [16]. mmap when registering per-CPU kernel metrics. However, the Our three key observations are summarized as follows. total CPU time of Z ERO control plane is fixed, i.e., 3.4 ∼ 14.7 READ achieves better performance. The TCP-based base- ms to register 10 ∼ 40 instances. As shown in Fig 8c, the line achieves much higher average latency compared with overhead of Z ERO control plane is only 0.8% independent Z ERO (Figure 10). The total elapsed time of collecting met- of sampling intervals, while the Netdata CPU increase to 4% rics from all hosts is usually 2 ∼ 3× the average latency in with 10ms sampling interval. Z ERO achieves 0.07 ∼ 0.1ms TCP, resulting in low throughput. We analyze that TCP suffers latency, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of from low efficient congestion control (CC) [20, 37] and the Netdata (0.5 ∼ 1.6ms). Z ERO may have higher READ latency processing overhead of kernel stack [24]. Both factors incur than the uploading latency of Netdata. Because kernel metrics large delay to concurrent RPC requests, resulting in variations are per-CPU counters, Z ERO controller needs n requests to of starting/ending time. On the contrary, Z ERO eliminates obtain n copies of counters in each CPU. the overhead of kernel stack via RDMA. The average latency eBPF case. Figure 9 shows the performance of monitoring and elapsed time of Z ERO are nearly equivalent (Figures 10a TCP connections of with NX, NX-eBPF and Z ERO. NX mon- and 10b). Z ERO also achieves lower CPU compared with the itor has the highest CPU utilization (1.6 ∼ 59%) and latency baseline as shown in Figure 10d. 648 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
Hybrid-I/O model is highly CPU efficient. We then evalu- ate the hybrid-I/O model in Cluster1. We post all requests in the beginning as the maximum outstanding READ requests is bounded to 16 by RNIC. As shown in Figure 12b, the CPU utilization of both epoll and polling increases with large data size, while epoll achieves lower CPU utilization. To high- light the gap, we set lower sampling interval to monitor 128 hosts with 256KB data. Results show that the CPU utilization of epoll and polling are 13.5/40.9% and 20.2/72.6 respec- (a) Average latency vs. Hosts. (b) Controller CPU vs. Hosts. tively with 100/10ms interval. However, the event-driven Figure 12: Monitor performance with 8 − 128 WRs × 4KB. polling has high performance variations with small number of requests (Figure 12a), due to epoll syscall and thread block- ing. With large-sized data, such overhead is averaged across Credit-FC avoids triggering ECN/PFC. In Cluster1, we many in-flight requests. We thus adopt epoll for general cases evaluate the Z ERO performance w/ Credit-FC and BDP-FC, (32 ∼ 128 requests) and polling for hosts with small-sized and w/o any flow control (FC). For tests w/o FC, the controller data (< 32 requests). posts all requests in the beginning. The BDP-FC adopts a fixed credit of BDP (16KB with 25GbE bandwidth and 5 ∼ 6µs RTT). Interestingly, PFC pause is not triggered until 7 Experience and Future Work 256 QPs for Z ERO w/o FC, due to the large dynamic buffer of switches [17] and the high threshold of PFC pause action In this section, we share our experience of building large-scale (XOFF) [95]. Besides, the RNIC limits the maximum of monitoring system using RDMA. outstanding READ requests to 16. Accordingly, the total Achieving high scalability and availability. The scalability credit is set to 8MB = 128 × 64KB. As shown in Figure 10a, of RDMA-based distributed systems is limited by the number both Credit-FC and BDP-FC effectively avoid PFC. The gap of QPs [26, 62, 82], which are cached in the limited SRAM of between Z ERO and ideal is origin from the extra overhead RNIC. Even several works [46, 47] adopt UD to reduce the in monitoring (Figure 10c), e.g., virtualization, initializing number of QPs, Z ERO uses READ to bypass the monitored and posting work requests (WRs) for each VM. The 25GbE host, which is only supported in RC mode. Z ERO adopts QP bandwidth is still saturated with the C f ≥ BDP. sharing and grouping to remedy the QP constraints. First, In Cluster2, the network has much higher BDP (96KB with Z ERO agent manages all system/application metrics in a host 200GbE bandwidth and 4µs RTT) and the ECN is enabled by sharing one QP connection. Second, Z ERO controller moni- default. We observe a large fraction of ECN marked packets tors a group of QPs/hosts in each period, e.g., 64 hosts with and high latency in BDP-FC (Figure 11a), because the ECN 1 ∼ 10ms period, then switches to another group of QPs/hosts minimum threshold [95] is set to ∼ 1000KB. Credit-FC still to avoid frequent QP evictions. To achieve high availabil- works with 512/1024 QPs due to the posting and arrival delay ity, each agent will build QP connections with at least three of READ requests with single thread (Section 4.3), where the controllers in the practical deployment. Similar to most dis- build-up buffer should reach 2/4MB with the smallest quota tributed systems, all these controllers run a consensus-based of 4KB. We observe similar phenomenon with 1024 QPs in coordination service [40] to detect failures, and Z ERO can Cluster1. As shown in Figure 11b, Credit-FC only utilizes switch to a standby controller seamlessly when the active half of the 200 GbE bandwidth — because the credit is much controller is down. smaller than the BDP of network to avoid congestion/ECN Avoiding network interference. In the practical deployment, (4 ∼ 16KB vs. 96KB) — the bottleneck lies in the switch monitoring traffics co-exist with service traffics and inevitably buffer/threshold instead of end host. The throughput also impacts the network performance of services, due to the con- degrades rapidly because large number of QPs share RNICs tentions at both agent and switches. Note that the controller at both agent and controller. has no such concerns with dedicated server for monitoring. We next zoom into the difference between Cluster1 and Before Z ERO, existing deployment adopts several mecha- Cluster2. Cluster1 set much higher PFC threshold than the nisms for traffic isolation, which inevitably brings other side ECN threshold in Cluster2, resulting in larger credit to satu- effects. For example, a thorough solution is physically iso- rate the bandwidth. However, the tradeoff is that the pause lating traffics of services and monitoring with independent duration occupies ∼ 99% (Figure 10b) when PFC is triggered. NICs and links [2]. However, physical isolation incurs large As a comparison, ECN reacts to congestion and recovers CapEx and is only suitable to high-priority services neces- traffic rapidly (Figure 11c). Another benefit of Credit-FC is sitating high SLA. Another solution is assigning a separate reducing the CPU utilization for busy polling via avoiding and lower-priority queue for monitoring traffics [35]. The network congestion as shown in Figures 10d and 11d. persistent high loads of services may cause starvation of mon- USENIX Association 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 649
itoring traffics and losses of data in consecutive monitoring As pioneering works, Pilaf [68] enables the clients to directly periods. Besides, Z ERO built on RDMA is sensitive to such read data from the server memory via RDMA read. Clients timeouts, which may cause QP state machine errors [72]. We use CRC64 to search for the inconsistency of data caused thus abandon the traditional method of traffic isolation and by the possible read-write races on the server. RFP [79, 86] resort to receiver-driven CC to avoid network interference. explores one-sided RDMA to provide another alternative so- Z ERO provides a new perspective to mitigate network in- lution for RPC, which uses RDMA read to fetch the response terference, i.e., limiting the credit of monitoring traffics when result. On the other hand, several works [46, 61, 86] explore co-existing. Specifically, the controller adopts group switch- how to optimize the raw performance of one-sided RDMA. To ing with 64 QPs/hosts in each group. The QPs of next group the best of our knowledge, Z ERO is the first work to leverage will be pre-fetched to RNIC SRAM for warming up. The one-sided RDMA for distributed monitoring. total credit T in Credit-FC is set to 256KB, which maximally Monitoring system. There are plenty of works targeting for adds ∼ 20/10µs queuing delay with 100/200GbE bandwidth. the design of monitoring system [65]. Yet, all these works Note that the maximum build-up queue is much less than focus on data analytic [51, 80], tracing bugs [59, 63] and vi- 256KB due to the posting and arrival delay (Section 6.3). As sualization [71]. Distinct from these works, where monitors a comparison, the traditional send-driven model easily causes are tightly coupled with the monitored applications and hosts, network jitters with burst traffics. Besides, such settings have Z ERO decouples the monitor from the monitored infrastruc- a negligible impact on monitoring QoS and single controller ture and eliminates the monitoring overhead completely. supports 1 ∼ 10k hosts with 0.1 ∼ 1s intervals. The agent Cloud-native monitoring. Netdata [10] enables users to only occupies 0.01 ∼ 0.1% bandwidth of the monitored host. quickly identify and troubleshoot issues, and make data- Receiver-driven CC. Compared with existing sender-driven driven decisions according to the pre-built visible dashboards. CC, the receiver-driven CC achieves several benefits in mon- Prometheus [11] is an open-sourced monitoring system with itoring. Existing CC mechanisms, e.g., DCQCN [95] and complete ecosystem to extract time series data from the cloud- TIMELY [69], react to congestion after switch buffer/queue native applications, and it focuses on collecting metrics via a reach threshold. Besides, they aim to achieve equal bandwidth powerful query language called PromQL. Stackdriver [4] is sharing across multiple flows, and cannot avoid interference the logging and monitoring solution of Google, which is inte- between service traffics and monitoring traffics. As a compar- grated tightly into Google Cloud. Likewise, Z ERO is deeply ison, the receiver-driven CC avoids network congestion and used in the cloud-native ecosystem of Alibaba cloud. interference in advance by limiting the total in-flight data of monitoring. On the other hand, existing CC mechanisms, e.g., DCQCN and HPCC [57], are complex in deployment and 9 Conclusion requires ECN or in-network telemetry (INT) supports from We propose the Z ERO monitoring system framework, ex- switches. However, ECN or INT capability are not always ploiting one-sided RDMA read for remote monitoring. Z ERO supported, e.g., in Cluster1. The Credit-FC in our deployment achieves zero-overhead monitoring via the novel control plane is simple and effective to avoid triggering PFC/ECN. and data plane. Z ERO supports large-scale distributed moni- We also observe several limitations of current Credit-FC. toring via credit-based FC and hybrid I/O model. Z ERO thus It only adopts credit without pacing [50] and cannot support paves the way for integrating RDMA into the monitoring massive concurrent flows with a 4KB transmission fragment. systems, which desires to benefit from the high performance Besides, it is not a universal CC mechanism for data-center of RDMA while avoiding poor scalability. We deploy Z ERO traffics, which dedicates to avoid network congestion and in Alibaba cloud-native platform to evaluate its performance. interference caused by monitoring traffics in the Z ERO frame- The deployment results show that Z ERO resolves interference work. In our future work, we will try to resolve these limi- problem of traditional monitor and easily fulfills both latency tations from two aspects. First, we will consider both host and throughput requirements in cloud-native monitoring. bandwidth and ECN threshold [88] with a combination of credit- and pacing-based CC, to achieve full bandwidth uti- lization while avoiding network congestion. Second, we will 10 Acknowledgment explore the universal receiver-driven model in cloud networks, which has the benefits of CPU offloading via RDMA and more We sincerely thank the anonymous shepherd and review- convenient CC [77]. ers for their insightful comments and feedback. This work was supported in part by NSFC grant 62141220, 61972253, U1908212, 72061127001, 62172276, 61972254, the Program 8 Related Work for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning, Alibaba Innova- One-sided RDMA. In the system area, it is a trend to lever- tive Research (AIR) Program. Corresponding author: Linghe age one-sided RDMA operations to bypass the server CPUs. Kong ( 650 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association
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