Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth

Page created by Wesley Rodriguez
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Age of
Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society
towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Table of Contents

Executive Summary                           ..........................................    5

The promise of AI is holistic growth        ..........................................    6

Why now and what is Microsoft doing         ..........................................    8

  Microsoft AI                              ..........................................    9

Leading your organization into the AI era   ..........................................   12

  Every application                         ..........................................   12

  Every business process                    ..........................................   14

  Every employee                            ..........................................   18

AI for India                                ..........................................   20

AI for good                                 ..........................................   22

Responsible AI                              ..........................................   24

Conclusion: Where do we go from here...     ..........................................   27
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Executive Summary

          This is an unprecedented moment                largest population in the world, India has
          in human history. Technologies are             a significant stake in the AI revolution. A
          emerging and affecting our lives in the        whole generation of Indians are coming
          Fourth Industrial Revolution in new and        online for the first time, getting access
          unanticipated ways. This is a new era          to information and services delivered
          that builds and extends the impact of          via smart phones, and participating in
          digitization. Artificial intelligence is not   the ecosystems enabled by Digital India.
          new to us. It’s only in recent years that      The government has outlined priority
          AI has made such impressive progress,          sectors of the economy in the National
          primarily driven by exponential increase       Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and
          in computing power, vast amounts of data       has adopted a three-pronged approach
          and notable breakthroughs in algorithms.       – undertaking exploratory proof-of-
                                                         concept AI projects in specific areas,
          In this paper, we present an industry point    crafting a national strategy for building
          of view on the ‘age of intelligence’ that      a vibrant AI ecosystem and collaborating
          we are embarking upon, wherein we will         with experts and stakeholders. In
          experience intelligence in every facet of      addition, towards social and inclusive
          our lives: in the products and services we     growth, India will need to close the skills
          use, how we communicate and relate to          gap and enhance employability through
          each other, how organizations function         concerted government and industry
          and collaborate, and how society and           partnerships, such as NASSCOM’s Future
          countries evolve.                              Skills initiative.

          We believe that the promise of AI is           As with any transformative technology,
          holistic growth. AI will radically transform   AI comes with challenges and a shared
          industries, enable governments, empower        responsibility. ‘As computers behave
          individuals and address some of society’s      more like humans, how will they impact
          toughest      challenges.     Breakthrough     real people?’ It is critical to address this
          innovations will accelerate the digital        question head on with a set of ethical
          transformation of organizations, result        principles. Microsoft has offered a
          in radically new business models,              framework for Ethics of AI that includes
          and potentially disrupt industries. AI         fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and
          offers the opportunity to increase             accuracy, inclusiveness, transparency
          the functionality of every application,        and accountability. Every individual,
          accelerate application development at          organization and ultimately society will
          scale, create compelling interfaces that       need to engage towards a trusted and
          interact with users in natural ways. Across    principled approach to AI, to realize the
          industry verticals, AI will enable every       technology’s full potential.
          business process to enhance customer
          engagement, optimize operations, and           In Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “The future
          improve products and services. AI will         depends on what we do in the present.” It
          empower every person with knowledge            is upon us to seize this moment in India’s
          and tools to foster innovation and             economic evolution and harness the
          collaboration across the enterprise.           power of Artificial Intelligence to solve our
                                                         most pressing social and environmental
          AI adoption in the country is currently        challenges, empower our people to access
          at an inflection point. As the fastest         resources that offer prosperity and health,
          growing economy with the second                and strengthen our vibrant democracy.

                                                                                  Age of Intelligence | 5
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
The promise of AI is
holistic growth

                          I strongly believe that great technologies      often utilize AI only in limited instances.
                          embed themselves into our lives and             These single-use cases only scratch the
                          disappear into the fabric of society. A         surface of the potential of AI. The real
                          few decades ago, telecommunications             power of AI is in its ability to holistically
                          had us in awe; today it’s indispensable.        transform the enterprise and redefine
                          Artificial intelligence is beginning to shift   business in ways beyond our present
                          the way in which we relate to the world         frames of reference.
                          around us. It is already transforming
                          the way we work and do business. A              Each organization needs to define its
                          recent study by PwC calculated that             “tech intensity” – a simple product of
                          global GDP will increase by 14% by 2030         combining two capabilities: the adoption
                          because of AI adoption, contributing            of technology platforms available at scale
                          an additional $15.7 trillion to the global      and the specific knowledge and assets
                          economy (PwC, 20171). In the next five          that the organization brings to create
                          years, senior executives across the globe       their own distinctive domain advantages.
                          expect AI to have a positive impact on          To make both happen, organizations
                          growth (90%), productivity (86%), and           need a long-term strategy, and a strategic
                          job creation (69%) in their country and         technology partner that goes beyond
                          industry (Economist Intelligence Unit,          providing discrete solutions. As AI
                          20182). And this growth isn’t limited to        implementation continues to expand, this
                          specific industries; any organization in        partnership must be capable of meeting
                          any industry, especially those with very        the needs and concerns of the enterprise,
                          large amounts of data, can use AI for           such as security and scalability. It must also
                          creating business value.                        ensure that everyone in the organization,
                                                                          regardless of technical expertise, is able to
                          With such enormous potential, it is             leverage the power of AI for productivity,
                          no wonder that all enterprises are              collaboration and growth.
                          ramping up their investments on AI.
                          However, there are challenges. Everyone         At Microsoft, our ambition is to help
                          acknowledges that AI has broad                  realize a human-centered approach
                          transformative potential, but enterprises       to AI for every country in which we
                          struggle to translate this potential into       operate, every customer we support
                          tangible advantages. Some of the key            and every community we serve. We are
                          obstacles to organizations’ progress with       establishing Microsoft as the leading AI
                          AI include the requirements to establish        partner to customers, governments and
                          a strategy and goals, justify and secure        communities through constructive policy
                          investments for projects. Without a             advocacy, technology innovation and
                          comprehensive strategy, enterprises             key enabler programs that are critical

6 | Age of Intelligence
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
to economic growth of countries. In           transform society. This is central to our
India, we are laying the foundation for       mission of empowering every person
this ambition by building upon four key       and every organization on the planet to
pillars, namely                               achieve more.

1. Enabling transformation across
   industries: Leverage AI technologies
   to create breakthrough innovations
   and accelerate digital transformation,
   focusing on industries critical to the
   country’s economic growth.

2. Forging coalitions for innovation:
   Engage with government, industry,
   academic and civil society stakeholders
   to create a collective approach to AI.
   Enable the government to better serve
   the needs of its citizens through AI.           “AI is going to be one of the trends that is going to be the next
3. Building a future-ready workforce:              big shift in technology. It's going to be AI at the edge, AI in
   Empower individuals, across all                 the cloud, AI as part of SaaS applications, AI as part of in fact
   demographics, with the skills for an
   AI-enabled world. Enable economic
                                                   even infrastructure. And to me, to be the leader in it, it's not
   growth and innovation through                   enough just to sort of have AI capability that we can exercise
   development       of   future-ready             - you also need the ability to democratize it so that every
   talent pipelines.
                                                   business can truly benefit from it. That to me is our identity
4. Creating sustained societal impact:             around AI."
   Apply AI technologies to address
   pressing societal challenges, including         Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft3
   environmental            sustainability,
   accessibility, and humanitarian action.

At Microsoft, AI is not a product or a
set of technologies. AI is our vision for     1
empowerment – for every developer to              tion-industries-and-society
innovate, every organization to redefine      3
industries and every individual to                nary-potential-of-ai/#45fe0076162f

                                                                                                                                   Age of Intelligence | 7
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
Why now and what is
Microsoft doing

                                   AI has been a field of research and             About a decade ago, there was an
                                   application for several decades now.            explosion of innovations in the field of
                                   Early on, AI applications were very             neural networks with the advent of what
                                   narrow and limited due to lack of               is termed as ‘deep learning’. Coupled with
                                   large-scale computing power, lack               the availability of vast compute power
                                   of large-scale data, and rudimentary            in the cloud, and web-scale data, deep
                                   tools. This made AI applications very           learning solved many problems that were
                                   expensive, highly customized for every          previously intractable. Very quickly, deep
                                   situation, and not portable. Hence, the         learning has become a rapidly adopted
                                   use of AI was very limited.                     technology to implement AI for a variety
                                                                                   of business applications - in healthcare,
                                   The advent of the Internet allowed the          agriculture, technology, gaming, enter-
                                   collection of large-scale data that enabled     tainment and science.
                                   training of more impactful and general-
                                   purpose machine learning algorithms.            This is a unique time in the history of
                                   Web search is perhaps the first example         technology, and particularly AI, where
                                   of a really large scale AI application that     computational power, ability to collect
                                   enabled advances in the field–including         data, and tools to develop sophisticated
                                   better algorithms, testing of new               AI models are available to anyone, in any
                                   approaches, development of large-scale          application area. In some sense, people
                                   data collection systems, data processing        who have had a history with AI over the
                                   to feed the “build-train-evaluate” loop         past couple of decades are in a “pinch
                                   of developing AI, and more importantly,         me to see if this is not a dream” moment.
                                   the processes and tools to do all these         This availability of “on-tap” capability
                                   in a scalable manner.                           creates the opportunity for a fundamental

                                Microsoft’s Advances in AI

           Object recognition   Speech recognition               Machine reading                  Machine translation
             Human parity         Human parity                   comprehension                      Human parity
                  2016                2017                        Human parity                      March 2018
                                                                 January 2018

8 | Age of Intelligence
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
change in society in just about any field.   a. Empowering        developers      to
                                                innovate: A strong developer
For over 30 years now, Microsoft has            ecosystem is vital to unlocking new
led research in Aritficial Intelligence.        experiences by infusing AI into
The group’s research has culminated             existing applications or creating
in multiple breakthroughs in AI,                altogether new applications.
resulting in computers achieving
human parity4 across domains of              b. Empowering       organizations     to
vision, speech, machine reading,                redefine industries: Organizations
and translation.                                can redefine industries by creating
                                                innovative customer experiences
With advancements in computer vision,           through AI, transforming their
computers can see, understand and               products, optimizing their operations
comprehend the world. This capability           or empowering their employees.
is already helping workers to be more
productive, doctors to diagnose better
or companies to identify defects and
improve safety on the shop floor. Human
like speech recognition capability coupled
with highly advanced translation between
languages are enabling people across
the world to communicate with each
other even when languages are different.
Speech recognition and conversational
technology are enabling better customer
service through automation. Human level
reading comprehension enables search
engines to answer difficult questions that
users have, from complex documents
from the web.

Microsoft AI
Microsoft AI is a vision of empowerment.
It is not a product in a box – it is
fundamentally much more than that, and
encompasses three core aspects:

                                                                                        Age of Intelligence | 9
Age of Intelligence Democratizing AI to empower individuals, organizations and society towards fulfilling the promise of holistic growth
c. Empowering people to transform                release - Bing, Dynamics 365, Office
                              society: AI has tremendous potential          365, SwiftKey, Skype and Cortana.
                              to tackle our societies’ greatest             Microsoft AI is also deeply integrated
                              challenges. Our vision is to empower          in the backend services to protect
                              people to leverage AI to positively           your data and persona in the cloud.
                              transform society.                            Intelligent security graph is a prime
                                                                            example which identifies potential
                           Within the next decade, rapid advances           vulnerabilities across all services using
                           in cloud, data and algorithms will firmly        insights from trillions of signals from
                           find their place in every enterprise.            devices running Windows, Office 365,
                           AI-powered devices, bots and software will       Bing, Xbox, and Azure, globally.
                           likely need minimal human intervention
                           or supervision, with intelligent services     2. Platform: In our mission to empower
                           enabling       seamless        automation.       others, Microsoft is democratizing AI.
                           Intelligence will be ubiquitous and              Microsoft is making the technology
                           available ‘on-demand’ via intuitive user         used in building its own AI applica-
                           interfaces. Microsoft is empowering this         tions available on Azure to empower
                           by infusing intelligence into our Products,      developers and institutions in solv-
                           Platform and Business Solutions:                 ing their most difficult problems. AI
                                                                            platform is a set of tools, services and
                           1. Products: Instilling intelligence into        infrastructure that enable customers
                              our products has been a key priority          and partners to build their own AI
                              for Microsoft. The interfaces already         solutions, even as they infuse intelli-
                              provide insights, suggestions and             gent interfaces and machine learning
                              possible next action based on your            into their existing solutions.
                              usage pattern or your personal
                              design preferences. These solutions           a. Infrastructure: Customers can
                              are embedded in every product we                 take the infinite scale of

10 | Age of Intelligence
computing        resources      on              – just with a few lines of code. For
   Azure and then incorporate                      instance, a developer can with few
   AI using data platforms like                    lines of code, implement human
   Azure Data Lake or Cosmos DB.                   parity voice recognition using the
   Microsoft is also working on                    Cognitive Services Speech API for
   new-age infrastructure using                    his/her application.
   reprogrammable chips or Field
   Programmable Gateway Arrays,                c. Tools: The Microsoft AI Platform
   (FPGAs),    which     significantly            comprises of tools and solutions
   improve the training and inference             which      developers     or   data
   speeds for deep learning models.               scientists can use for creating new
                                                  interfaces, algorithms or machine
b. Services: Microsoft Cognitive                  learning models. The tools
   Services     offer     the    largest          include developer studios as well
   breadth of AI services in the                  as most of the popular industry
   industry. These are fundamental                frameworks (first party as well
   AI building blocks that enable                 third party).
   applications with the same world-
   class AI capabilities that Microsoft    3. Business Solutions: Microsoft has
   uses for developing its products-          built a host of purpose-built, easy-
   vision,     speech,        language,       to-use solution templates and
   knowledge, and search. Microsoft           accelerators for each industry vertical.
   has over a million developers              The objective is to provide ready
   worldwide that are using our               guidance and solutions for businesses
   cognitive services to infuse AI            to adopt in their journey towards
   into their products and solutions          transformation.

                                  The Microsoft AI platform
                                    Services                                                                     Tools


                                           4   Microsoft’s Advances in AI from

                                                                                                                     Age of Intelligence | 11
Leading your organization
into the AI era

                           Organizations today find the need to             results could mislead. It is imperative
                           harness the power of data within their           that data is primed, cleaned, categorized,
                           organizations to get actionable insights         tagged and detected for anomalies to
                           and solutions which can provide the edge         avoid misleading insights. This process
                           over competition. With the accessibility         by itself is extremely complex and time
                           of cloud computing, the ubiquitous               -consuming but it provides AI its true
                           availability    of    parallel     processing    power and purpose.
                           power, near free data storage, and an
                           exponential increase in digital data, AI is      An organization can achieve far more with
                           finally starting to deliver real-life benefits   a comprehensive AI strategy rather than
                           to early adopting companies. With                incremental changes through isolated use
                           this, AI has moved beyond technology             cases. To make this happen, organizations
                           experimentation to real world business           need a comprehensive solution map
                           scenarios across industries.                     to bring AI in every application, every
                                                                            business process and every employee.
                           Some of the key industry sectors such            It must also ensure that all employees,
                           as Automotive, Financial Services,               regardless of technical expertise, are able
                           Healthcare and Manufacturing have                to benefit.
                           already started adopting AI to tap
                           opportunities they were not seeing               Every Application
                           before. AI is also getting embedded into
                           the fabric of an organization’s functions                   Quickly and easily develop
                           such as human resources, marketing,                         intelligent applications
                           and customer services.                                      to create engaging user
                                                                                       experiences and surface
                           One of the clearest use cases for                           unprecedented insights
                           AI is creating business applications
                           with intelligent capabilities. Most              One of the clearest use cases of AI is
                           organizations     are   changing      their      creating business applications with
                           applications to have better interfaces           intelligent capabilities. Use of AI in
                           with cognitive capabilities or building all      applications is rapidly increasing; by
                           new solutions with predictive analytics          2021, 75% of commercial enterprise
                           and machine learning capabilities. At the        apps will use AI (IDC, 20175). AI offers
                           same time, organizations are spending            tremendous opportunity to increase
                           money and effort in labeling the data            the functionality of existing business
                           and priming it for more accurate analytics       applications and turn them into tools for
                           and insights. Data is the foundation for         more effective customer engagement
                           intelligence. Without clean data, the            and employee productivity. However,

12 | Age of Intelligence
most organizations’ app developers do        enable developers to harness intelligence
not have the AI expertise needed to make     with massive datasets on a platform
this a reality.                              with comprehensive support. And our
                                             enterprise-grade AI infrastructure runs
To help developers integrate AI into every   AI workloads anywhere at scale.
application, Microsoft provides them the
tools needed to build the next generation    To further simplify the creation of
of smart applications where their            AI solutions, Microsoft also offers a
enterprise data lives-in the intelligent     comprehensive set of flexible and
cloud, on-premises, and on the intelligent   trusted AI services. Trusted AI services
edge. By putting the reins of innovation     accelerate the development of AI
in the hands of each developer, they can     solutions - from pre-built APIs, such as
then build intelligent apps that can see,    Cognitive Services and Conversational
hear, speak, understand, and interpret       AI with bot tools, to platforms for
user needs.                                  building custom models such as Azure
                                             Machine Learning Studio.
For developers to build intelligence
across      every      application,      a   With Cognitive Services, developers can
Comprehensive AI platform is required.       make their applications more intelligent
The platform should enable developers        and engaging by infusing them with
and data scientists build intelligent        cognitive capabilities. These services are
apps. This is complimented by software       high quality RESTful intelligent APIs for
services providers in creating tools         Vision, Speech, Language, Knowledge
and services that make AI integration        and Search. With just a few lines of
in an organization faster and easier.        code, developers that are new to AI can
For example, Microsoft has developed         infuse their applications with cognitive
PowerApps for Dynamics 365, a powerful       capabilities to communicate with users       25% of all customer service
tool that enables faster innovation with a   in a natural language, identify relevant     and support operations will
point-and-click approach to app design.      content in images and recognize users
Similarly, Azure AI platform features        by voice.                                    integrate virtual customer
modern AI tools and services designed to                                                  assistant or chatbot tech-
help developers and data scientists create   The platform generally expands itself
AI solutions easily, while maximizing        with specialty environments meant for
                                                                                          nology across engagement
productivity. Users can choose from          data science and deep learning with          channels by 2020, up from
a large selection of templates or start      custom model preconfigured for more
                                                                                          less than 2% in 2017
from a blank canvas to build a custom        elaborate data preparation and data
app based on the Common Data Model.          analytics as required.                       (Gartner, 20186)
Popular deep-learning frameworks

                                                                                                         Age of Intelligence | 13
Every business process                         efficiency in their internal processes
                                                                          in pursuit of “improving customer
                                      Enhance every business              experience”. All business processes and
                                      process with intelligence           their efficiency can be categorized in one
                                      to expand customer                  of the three stages of journey namely
                                      engagement, optimize                “reporting to prediction”, “prediction to
                                      operations, and improve             decision” or “decision to action”.
                                      products and services
                                                                          To take a few examples, the following
                           Over the last several decades, the             functions, across industry verticals,
                           advent of the internet has completely          are innovating with AI on specific
                           redefined business processes. From sales       workloads to improve their efficiency
                           and marketing to customer support,             and effectiveness:
                           the way customers do business today
                           would be nearly unrecognizable to              Marketing
                           the enterprises of a few decades past
                           - and the result has been dramatic             Artificial Intelligence and machine
                           increases in productivity and output.          learning is increasing emphasis on the
                           To say that AI will have a similar impact      entire customer journey. It can provide
                           is no overstatement.                           marketeers a more comprehensive
                                                                          view of their customers by connecting
                           AI enables organizations to take better-       the dots across all their devices and
                           informed decisions by making it easy to        revealing how their needs are changing.
                           derive insights from data, helping them        AI can also quickly identify patterns
                           expand customer engagement, optimize           among customers to provide insights
                           operations, and improve offerings.             into the best way to approach them at
                           Reimagining business processes with AI         each stage of the customer journey. So
                           also makes work more efficient, saving         here are a few areas where AI can help
                           employees time so they can focus on            bring immediate change:
                           higher priorities.
                                                                          Elevating the customer experience: By
                           Customers continue to move away from           making marketing more personalized,
                           the priority of “cutting costs” to improving   Artificial Intelligence is transforming

                             INSIGHTS IS A JOURNEY

14 | Age of Intelligence
marketing into something that people          simplify menial tasks and help buyers to
truly enjoy.                                  work fast and work smart in the future.

Powering customer decisions: AI can           Some scenarios which are worked upon
help make better recommendations              are as below:
for customers whenever or whichever
way they touch or interface with              Automation of error-prone menial
the organization by whatever we know          procurement tasks: AI adoption will lead
and specifically they allowed us to know.     to greater automation of menial tasks,
                                              making them actionable quicker than
Talent and Human Resources                    multiple days. It could be automation
                                              of invoices processing or comparison of
Managers and HR have a difficult              purchase orders or supplier contracts.
task to identify the pulse of the             With     Computer      Vision,  invoice
organization and the employees.               processing has become more accurate
Bad attrition rates affect an organization    and helps reduce the administrative
negatively and it doesn’t help to find out    burden on employees.
an employee is unhappy only at the time
of resigning. Most of these signals are       Contract lifecycle solutions: Renewals,
already available in the organization and     expiring contracts, and scope of
are generally missed.                         engagements in an organization are
                                              extremely sensitive and very difficult to
Here are few areas AI is helping in HR:       keep track of. With Computer Vision and
                                              Search, a large part of documentation is
Employee retention and prediction: With       digitized, cross referenced and potential
all signals available from employee           pitfalls can be flagged.
interactions across internal systems,
feedback from various sources, appraisal      Artificial Intelligence is currently being
systems and market analysis, it is possible   discussed in nearly every domain of
to detect employee needs. Such analysis       science, engineering and business.
gives room to HR professionals to be          Currently, the most vibrant part of AI,
proactive and resolve the root cause of       machine learning, is tightly coupled to
the issues instead of responding to issues    the availability of relevant data sets within
as they occur.                                industries. It is critical to partner with
                                              technology innovators within industries         Narayana Health is looking
Smarter talent acquisition: Candidate         to create AI solutions that meet vertical-      at new avenues to optimize
screening is another task that can be         specific needs. Here, we will look at a few     its operations and augment
easily automated using AI. Through            of the most powerful scenarios where
machine learning, more online data can        AI has already made an impact across            patient care with technology.
be collected and parsed such as from          specific industries:                            One of the ongoing projects
social media, previous online job records,                                                    being piloted internally is
and educational qualifications that will      Healthcare
then enhance the ranking system of                                                            to use Artificial Intelligence
candidates for recruiters to pick from.       In the health domains, there is an              to decipher X-Rays to point
                                              abundance of data in a variety of               out any irregularities from a
Procurement                                   formats. However, the quality of and
                                              accessibility to these data resources           normal X-Ray, which would
AI could change procur-ement models,          remains      a  significant challenge           help doctors save time.

                                                                                                              Age of Intelligence | 15
worldwide. Health data has privacy             Financial Services
                               requirements associated with it, making
                               its collection, sharing, aggregating, or       This is a time of transformation for
                               analyzing particularly cumbersome              the financial services industry. With
                               compared to other types of data. In            technological advances, cultural shifts,
                               addition, health data is expensive to          cybersecurity threats, and regulatory
                               collect initially, so it tends to be tightly   changes, there’s a pressing need for banks
                               guarded once it is collected. Further,         to rethink the way they work. Banks are
                               the lack of interoperability of electronic     now competing with a growing number
                               health record systems impedes even the         of cloud-native industry disruptors and
                               simplest of computational methods,             as a result, customer expectations are
                               and the inability to capture relevant          shifting. Today only 24% of customers
                               social and environmental information           report that they believe their bank
                               in existing systems leaves a key set           understands their current goals (NIIT,
                               of variables out of data streams for           20177). This is compounded by the
                               individual health. Due to the sensitive        risk of financial crime: in the last 24
                               nature and special legal protection of         months, 56% of financial institutions
                               health data, countries are still evaluating    have experienced consumer fraud and
                               how to balance multiple fundamental            41% have experienced cybercrime (PwC,
                               rights    simultaneously,       like   data    20188). Innovative new capabilities,
                               protection and healthy living.                 enabled by the financial services-ready
                                                                              cloud, are helping banks to meet these
                               Here are some ways we are integrating AI       challenges and transform their business
                               into healthcare:                               for the better. Such capabilities include:

                               Personalized medicine: Analytics-driven        Next Best Action (NBA): AI-powered
                               individualized treatment plans based on a      NBA solutions use sophisticated rules,
                               patient’s genetic makeup, medical history,     analytics, and algorithms to better
                               lifestyle, and more - made possible            predict customer needs and in turn
                               through advances in genomics and               offer more relevant actions and
                               intelligent analysis of massive amounts of     promotions, leading to improved wallet
                               healthcare data.                               share and loyalty.

                               Healthcare Bot service:        A cloud-        Risk analytics and fraud prevention:
                               based solution that enables healthcare         Machine learning makes more accurate
  Future Generali India Life   organizations to build and deploy              risk, fraud, and customer models
                               compliant, virtual health assistants that      possible, enabling financial services
  Insurance Co. Ltd.’s REVA    can provide users with conversational          institutions to spot hidden risks and
  chatbot caters to most       and engaging access to the most relevant       decrease operating costs.
  customer requests on its     and accurate healthcare services and
                               information.                                   Manufacturing
  website. The chatbot has
  improved its customer        Inner eye: A Microsoft research project        The rise of digital technology and IoT has
  relationship score while     that is exploring state-of-the-art machine     provided manufacturers with vast stores
                               learning technology to build innovative        of data that reflect operational efficiency
  reducing calls and time to   tools that automatically analyze 3-D           and business performance. More than
  settle claims.               radiological images.                           half the manufacturers with revenues

16 | Age of Intelligence
exceeding $1 billion have invested over        Governments                                    Piramal Glass implemented
$100m toward smart factories, and they                                                        Real Time Manufacturing
are seeing an average productivity gain of     Governments are under pressure to              Insights (RTMI) using
nearly 20% (Capgemini, 20179). Gleaning        create more effective citizen services.
useful insights from this data is essential    In particular, there is a lot of room for      Azure IoT Hub to make its
for manufacturers who often operate on         growth in providing citizens with digital      production lines paperless
thin margins and are increasingly looking      government        services.    Increasingly,   with dashboards accessible
for    value-added      services-especially    citizens want to use mobile devices to
field service-to differentiate themselves.     access government services. At the same        on smartphones, laptops
AI is empowering manufacturers to              time, governments are fighting to control      and even large displays
create more with their data, leading to        costs and ensure security and privacy.         on the factory floor. With
advancements in:                               As a result, AI tools enable governments
                                               to connect with their citizens more            real-time alerts, RTMI has
Predictive maintenance: Estimate the           effectively, eliminate waste, and protect      reduced cost of ownership
remaining useful life for machines and         sensitive information. Two key areas for       by 70%, improved employee
their components, enabling maintenance         these innovative AI initiatives are:
technicians to be proactive about repairs                                                     productivity by 25% and
and reduce costly downtime.                    Smart cities: Intelligent technology           decreased defects by 5%.
                                               designed to tackle common challenges
Performance improvements: Anticipate           such as fee and toll management, traffic
the risk of production disruptions,            optimization, and sustainability.
bottlenecks, and safety risks in real-time,
highlighting problems before they occur.       Citizen services: Tools designed to provide
                                                                                              Andhra Pradesh govern-
                                               citizens with easier access to consolidated
Retail                                         government services through tracking,          ment had piloted a project
                                               search, and conversational bots.               using AI and ML for analyz-
In retail, customers have an increasing                                                       ing school drop-out rates,
expectation for personalized experiences       Education                                      predicting future drop-outs
that demonstrate an understanding of the
customer as an individual. A large percent     Technology is creating unprecedented           and enabling preventive
of consumers expect brands to provide          opportunities to connect students to           action. Powered by Azure
personalized service to customers. AI is       the world around them and help them            machine learning and the
enabling retailers to tailor their offerings   realize their full potential. Teachers,
                                                                                              cloud, a new app is predict-
more precisely to customer demand with         administrators,     and      technology
services such as                               innovators are collaborating to solve          ing which students are most
                                               some of the most pressing challenges           likely to drop out of school.
Sales personalization: Intelligence applied    in education through AI. These                 The scalable tool process-
to customer history enables retailers to       collaborations have produced:
                                                                                              es complex data sets that
deliver customized experiences, offerings,
pricing, and planning-modernizing the          Accessibility in the classroom: AI-powered     include details about enrol-
online and physical buying experience.         tools-such as real-time lesson translation     ment, student performance,
                                               for students that speak a different            gender and socio-economic
Dynamic pricing & planning: Forecasting        language and narration of surroundings
                                                                                              demographics, school infra-
models predict demand for different            for students who are blind-enable teachers
products, providing greater confidence for     to make the classroom more accessible.         structure and teacher skills to
pricing and stocking decisions and reducing                                                   find predictive patterns.
losses from overstocks and out-of-stock.       School-wide AI insights: Deep analytic

                                                                                                               Age of Intelligence | 17
insights into student success and risk           and PDFs, or may even be redundant, or
                                  across entire schools or school districts        obsolete. Without usable data across the
                                  help educators make informed decisions           enterprise, most organizations are limited
                                  on how to improve student outcomes.              to employing AI on specific siloes of
                                                                                   structured information.
                                  Every employee
                                                                                   Instead of developing AI applications that
                                              Foster innovation and                can only perform niche tasks, technology
                                              collaboration across the             today is helping enterprises organize
                                              enterprise by placing AI in the      their structured and unstructured data
                                              hands of every employee              into a single, searchable knowledge
                                                                                   base enriched with relevant external
                                  AI has the capacity to empower all               data. AI capabilities run on top of
                                  employees to achieve more, not just              data to understand the content and
                                  highly skilled technical workers. Apart          infer relationships, turning data into
                                  from generating higher business value,           knowledge and ensuring that the user
                                  AI augmentation is expected to recover           receives the most relevant information.
                                  billions of hours of worker productivity.        Serving as a strategic foundation for
                                  This human-AI partnership combines the           current and future AI initiatives, this
                                  strengths of both computers and humans           knowledge base is also understandable,
                                  to drive this unprecedented value across         consumable, and searchable by AI
                                  every industry. Enabling every employee          models and can enable enterprises to
                                  to become a 'citizen data scientist' is          integrate AI in every aspect of their
                                  crucial to realize the full potential of         business. From this centralized resource,
                                  Artificial Intelligence. Only then can the       employees can search and explore
                                  whole organization glean new insights,           previously     unavailable     enterprise
                                  make better decisions, and perform               information, enabling them to be more
                                  complex analysis using AI.                       efficient and impactful.

                                  We believe there are three imperatives to        Enrich employee experiences with
                                  provide any employee with the ability to         searchable      knowledge:     With      a
                                  explore, derive insights, and create new         comprehensive AI platform, enterprises
                                  knowledge from vast amounts of data:             can build rich experiences on top of
                                  turning disparate data into knowledge,           their enterprise knowledge, either by
  Partnering with Microsoft,      enriching employee experiences with              infusing it into existing productivity and
  UST Global was able to          searchable knowledge, and driving                business applications or by creating
                                  innovation with democratized AI.                 new applications powered by AI, like
  combine their disparate data
                                                                                   conversational agents. For example, the
  into searchable knowledge,      Turn disparate data into knowledge:              next generation of conversational agents
  helping them improve            First, we need to convert an enterprise’s        can pull information from knowledge
                                  siloed and chaotic data into information         corpus to answer specific business
  customer experiences, provide
                                  employees can easily access. AI is only as       questions, such as “Which customers are
  their employees with more       powerful as the data it’s built on. While        within a 10-mile radius of the airport?”
  actionable customer insights,   most enterprises have amassed huge               Access to knowledge democratizes AI
                                  quantities of data, it often resides in          experiences and provides powerful new
  and expand the capabilities
                                  siloed systems, like marketing and finance       connections to employees.
  of their AI-powered digital     systems. Moreover, most of this data is
  assistant.                      either unstructured, like video files, images,   Consider the following illustration of the

18 | Age of Intelligence
searchable knowledge base in action: Lisa,    AI capabilities, not only can they ask the
a marketer, needs to find an advertising      important questions, they can also very
agency to use for an upcoming campaign.       quickly extract relevant insights applicable
Typically, identifying an agency with the     to the task they are trying to complete.
right capabilities would require relying      From highly technical employees to non-
on colleagues for recommendations and         technical business users, we are placing AI
spending hours reviewing past records,        in the hands of every employee and giving
agency websites, web results, and the         them the power to transform how they
agency’s previous work. Lisa would            work and think in more innovative ways
have struggled to piece together this         than ever before.
information, manually combing through
countless sources of data, never certain if   In word processors and presentation
she had all the right information.            tools, employees are able to develop
                                              documents and presentations in less time
With an AI-infused knowledge base, Lisa       with automated design capabilities, which
can search “Find me advertising agencies”     provide design tips and writing assistance.
and a ranked list of agencies her company     Employees are able to streamline emails
used in the past will populate. Curious       and calendars with features that help filter
about her colleagues’ experiences, she        out the noise and surface the most relevant
selects two agencies that her company         information, so they don’t miss what’s
has previously used and types a new           important. In spreadsheets, intelligent
query into the search bar: “Find me Teams     capabilities have been a part of the
threads that mention these agencies.” Her     experience for years. Features like advanced
search yields dozens of Teams threads.        data transformation and flash fill have
Keen to quickly identify which agency her     helped users perform and derive value from
colleagues have had the most positive         their data. With continued advancements                AI platforms help employees
sentiment about, she applies a sentiment      in AI technology, spreadsheets are                     connect with each other, find
analysis AI model. She can now use            introducing more advanced AI features                  examples of great work, and
more advanced queries like “Show me           that help employees unlock new insights
Teams threads with negative sentiment         from raw data sets in just a few clicks by             spark new ways to innovate
for Agency A” or “Show me the trend of        highlighting relevant patterns.                        and boost creativity.
sentiment for Agency B.”

Instead of searching for hours with
potentially less informed results, users
like Lisa can now easily perform complex
analysis with AI tools and quickly find the
information that matters most to them.
Creating knowledge bases is just one way
we are revolutionizing how employees
search, find, and explore information.
Drive innovation with democratized AI: To     6
truly enable employees to become citizen          service-operations-will-use-virtual-customer-assistants-by-2020
data scientists, technology is enabling       7
them with an easy way to run AI models
on top of enterprise knowledge. When          9
employees are empowered with these                ize_the_potential_of_digital_industrial_revolution.pdf

                                                                                                                              Age of Intelligence | 19
AI for India

                           India offers every indication of becoming      The AI strategy for India published by NITI
                           “digitally ready,” with new technology         Aayog is comprehensive and addresses the
                           enablers developing at a rapid pace            scale, challenges, needs and aspirations
                           in the market. Cell phone penetration,         unique to India. The strategy outlines
                           reduced data costs, and the focus on           sectors of the economy where AI can play
                           making India a digital economy are             a significant role in bringing India to the
                           combining to extend connectivity and           forefront of the AI revolution. The report
                           services to underserved segments of the        has also defined the role of different
                           population10. The opportunity for top          stakeholders and the government in
                           line growth is enormous with growing           this journey. The technology industry
                           internet penetration in the country. The       needs to actively engage to realize India’s
                           rapidly declining cost of data services has    aspirations in AI, given that many of the
                           also resulted in significant increase in use   initiatives outlined need technology as
                           of the internet.                               the backbone to achieve scale, efficiency
                                                                          and sustainability. Cloud infrastructure
                           With a focus on digital inclusion, the         and rapid deployment of intelligent cloud
                           government is aggressively pursuing a          services will play a key role in driving AI
                           Digital India program that includes a set      adoption in the country.
                           of APIs that address identity, payment
                           and consent, collectively known as India       One of the challenges involved in
                           Stack11. India Stack’s vision is to drive      implementing Artificial Intelligence in
                           presence-less, paper-less, cash-less and       India is that AI-ready talent is in short
                           consent-based service delivery that can be     supply. Industry, policy-making bodies,
                           leveraged by an ecosystem of businesses,       and the government must therefore
                           startups as well as the government to          work closely with academia to create
                           deliver innovative services for citizens.      opportunities that will engage the
                                                                          next generation of AI professionals.
                           Nearly 1.2 billion Indians are now enrolled    Additionally, it is predicted (by NASSCOM,
                           under Aadhaar, the country’s bio-metric        201712) that a startling 46% of the Indian
                           based digital identity program. Aadhaar        workforce will be engaged in entirely new
                           serves as the basic building block for         jobs that do not exist today or jobs that
                           access to government services. Building        have radically changed skill sets. With
                           on Aadhaar are a set of public utilities and   this, the need for data analysts, machine
                           software standards likee-signature (eSign),    learning and AI specialists is also expected
                           electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC),          to increase along with the demand for
                           digital locker, and a consent layer (through   new-age jobs across all sectors. Hence
                           which individuals can control who has          re-skilling will have to become an
                           access to their data and information).         integral part of the overall AI for India

20 | Age of Intelligence
story. Today, the Indian Government,           in the language of their choice. Today,
private enterprises, learning platforms,       Microsoft has voice recognition and                        Presenceless layer
                                                                                                          Where a universal biometric
and universities are readying initiatives      translation services for key Indian
                                                                                                          digital identity allows people to
to train people at scale in AI and ML to       languages available on Azure, and is                       participate in all services from
address this looming skill gap.                working to bring these services to all                     anywhere in the country
                                               major Indian languages.
Another challenge in India relates to
inclusion. India’s linguistic diversity and    There are various examples where these
literacy results in a “digital language        initiatives have already begun and policy
barrier”, with services not being easily       think tanks and research organizations                     Cashless layer
                                                                                                          Where a single interface to all
accessible to all citizens. AI is expected     such as NITI Aayog13 (National Institute
                                                                                                          the country’s bank accounts
to play a key role in removing this barrier,   for Transforming India), iSPIRT, and                       and wallets helps democratize
by enabling voice recognition, text to         iCRISAT are very emphatic in creating                      payments
speech and translation for all key Indian      and adopting frameworks which could
languages. Once that is available, all         accelerate AI-led digital transformation
services can be offered to all citizens,       across sectors.

                                                                                                          Paperless layer
                                                                                                          Where digital records move with
                                                                                                          an individual’s digital identity,
                                                                                                          eliminating the need for massive
                                                                                                          amount of paper collection and

                                                                                                          Consent layer
                                                                                                          Which allows data to move
                                                                                                          freely and securely to democra-
                                                                                                          tize the market for data

                                                                                           12   Future of Jobs in India: A 2022 Perspective, 2017

                                                                                                                         Age of Intelligence | 21
AI for good

                           AI can be a powerful tool for increasing      breakthroughs that make the workplace
                           access to information, education,             more inclusive, providing equal access
                           employment, government services, as           to information through innovations in
                           well as social and economic opportunities.    vision, speech, and machine reading, and
                           There are no limits to what people            helping people with disabilities gain more
                           can achieve when technology reflects          independence to perform daily tasks
                           the diversity of everyone who uses it.
                           Enterprises should play an active role to     AI for Humanitarian Action
                           ensure that these new technologies are
                           applied responsibly and inclusively. Over     Persistent humanitarian crises caused
                           the past 18 months, Microsoft has been        by natural and man-made disasters,
                           investing in AI for Good programs that        oppression and other emergencies have
                           lower the barriers of entry to cloud and AI   plagued our world for as long as time
                           technologies through grants, education,       itself. And while global relief organizations
                           research, and strategic partnerships.         scramble to respond to these events,
                                                                         their work is often reactive and difficult
                           AI for Accessibility                          to scale. We believe that technology,
                                                                         like Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined
                           Microsoft’s     AI    for     accessibility   with cloud technology, can be a game
                           program promotes inclusion through            changer, helping save more lives, alleviate
                           intelligent technology. We are focused        suffering and restore human dignity
                           on empowering organizations and               by changing the way frontline relief
                           developers to harness AI to amplify human     organizations anticipate, predict and
                           capabilities for people with disabilities.    better target response efforts. In 2018,
                           The program focuses on driving                in conjunction with the United Nations

                                A new way of seeing
                                Seeing AI is a free app designed to help the low vision
                                community better see the world around them. This ongoing
                                research project harnesses the power of AI to describe people,
                                text, and objects.
                                Learn about Seeing AI

22 | Age of Intelligence
General Assembly meeting, Microsoft           AI for Earth
announced AI for Humanitarian Action14,
a new $40 million, five-year program.         AI for Earth puts Microsoft cloud and AI
The initiative will harness the power of AI   tools in the hands of those working to
to focus on four priorities – helping the     solve global environmental challenges.
world recover from disasters, addressing      Through grants that provide access
the needs of children, protecting refugees    to cloud and AI tools, opportunities
and displaced people, and promoting           for education and training on AI, and
respect for human rights. Our AI for          investments in innovative, scalable
Humanitarian Action program is part of        solutions, AI for Earth works to advance
Microsoft’s AI for Good suite – a growing     sustainability across the globe. The
$115 million, five-year commitment to         program focuses on four key areas vital to
work to unlock solutions to some of           creating a sustainable future – agriculture,
society’s biggest challenges.                 water, biodiversity, and climate change.

     Gramener wins ‘Data Science for Social Good Award’ and
     Microsoft AI for societal impact award
     Gramener and Microsoft AI for Earth help Nisqually River
     Foundation automate identification of fish species.


                                                                                                                        Age of Intelligence | 23
Responsible AI

                           As we look to a future powered by a             makes policymakers, industry, academia,
                           partnership between computers and               and the public-at-large uneasy.
                           humans, it’s important that we address
                           the underlying ethical challenges head-         An important reason why human
                           on. Designing trustworthy AI requires           beings operate in the physical world
                           creating solutions that reflect ethical         with confidence and trust is because
                           principles deeply rooted in important           there is a broad consensus about
                           and timeless human values. It's quite           what kinds of behavior are considered
                           easy to get swayed by technological             responsible and acceptable. In general,
                           advancements and immediate returns              this consensus grows out of norms that
                           in business. However, few ethical values        are implicitly understood, consistently
                           need to be embedded in every activity           applied in everyday social interactions,
                           or decision-making process while using          and reinforced in laws. As we get more
                           Artificial Intelligence.                        into the digital world, there is reason
                                                                           enough to see that the same level of
                           At Microsoft, we have defined a framework       trust and confidence needs to be built.
                           for Ethics of AI that includes six values -     Given below are what we believe to be
                           fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and   fundamental principles that need to
                           accuracy, inclusiveness, transparency, and      guide the development of AI:
                           accountability. This framework is meant to
                           guide the cross-disciplinary development        Fairness: It is essential that AI does not
                           and use of Artificial Intelligence.             limit opportunities for anyone-fairness
                                                                           is the foundation for treating people
                           We have seen that AI has the capacity to        with dignity and respect. If AI systems
                           impact human life in a multitude of ways,       provide guidance on medical treatment,
                           by driving efficiency and effectiveness,        loan applications or employment, for
                           or through automation. AI systems are           example, they should make the same
                           also increasingly being used to make            recommendations to everyone with
                           consequential decisions that affect             similar symptoms, financial circumstances
                           people-decisions that humans would              or professional qualifications. When
                           have made in the past. For example, an          developing these systems, developers
                           AI system might largely replace a loan          should be sensitive to situations
                           officer in deciding whether a person is         where societal or other biases may get
                           creditworthy, or it may screen a group of       incorporated into either the training data
                           job applications to determine the most          or the algorithms. We thus need to ensure
                           qualified candidate. The automated              that AI is fair and not programmed to
                           nature of these important considerations        make biases or discriminatory decisions

24 | Age of Intelligence
The ethics of AI

          Fairness                      Reliability & Safety                Privacy & Security   Inclusiveness



that we have prohibited human beings           will be stored securely, used safely, and to
from making.                                   a good end. It is essential that AI systems
                                               comply with applicable privacy laws, on
Reliability & Safety: AI systems should        the collection, use, and storage of data.
perform reliably and safely. The               The systems must be designed to protect
complexity of AI technologies has fueled       personal data from bad actors who may
fears that AI systems may cause harm in        steal private information or inflict harm
the face of unforeseen circumstances,          otherwise.
or that they can be manipulated to act
in harmful ways. Trust in AI systems           Inclusiveness: AI systems should benefit
will depend on whether they can be             everyone and address a broad range of
operated reliably, safely and consistently     human needs and experience, inclusively.
even under unexpected conditions,              These technologies can be a powerful
especially for applications in fields          tool for people who are disabled (e.g.,
such as transportation, healthcare, and        visual, hearing, mobility, speech, or
financial services – where consequential       cognitively impaired), enabling them to
decisions are involved.                        gain access to opportunities that they
                                               may not have had before, in education,
These systems need to demonstrate              employment, government services,
that they can be depended upon to              thereby improving their overall health,
make appropriate recommendations               socioeconomic situation, and quality of
in as many circumstances as possible.          life. However, if the process of building
Designing appropriate AI behavior in a         these tools and/or solutions excludes
very broad set of circumstances raises         people and/or data from diverse
many challenging issues that are actively      backgrounds and abilities, there is an
being researched.                              inherent risk of bias creeping in.

Privacy & Security: AI systems need a lot      Underlying the four preceding values are
of data for training, including data that      two foundational principles: transparency
concerns people. For example, we can’t         and accountability.
predict who is at a higher risk for cardiac
related diseases unless we have a large        Transparency: As AI systems are
amount of data about a wide variety of         increasingly involved in decisions that
people who have had prior cardiac related      influence people’s lives, enabling people
diseases and information that includes         to understand how these systems
their age, gender, etc. People will not want   operate and providing a mechanism for
to share their data if they don’t believe it   accountability are essential to building

                                                                                                   Age of Intelligence | 25
trust. Many of the advanced machine           review boards can provide oversight
                           learning techniques such as deep neural       and guidance on which practices should
                           networks function essentially as “black       be adopted during development and
                           box” systems that even data scientists        deployment of AI systems. Additionally,
                           can’t fully understand. We believe that       while designing systems, there are
                           a meaningful approach to enabling             possibly four key questions that we
                           transparency is to explain everything         should ask to ensure that inconsequential
                           that we can about the system end-to-          harm does not occur:
                           end. For example:
                                                                         In the end, as any other technology, AI
                           •   Description of the data that was used     holds great opportunities, but at the
                               to train and test the system              same time throws up several concerns.
                                                                         Governments, society, academia and the
                           •   What procedures were used to verify       industry-at-large need to come together
                               data quality and completeness?            to build regulations, which ensure
                                                                         that AI is used responsibly. Making
                           •   What types of data will continue to be    AI trustworthy can be realized only if
                               used once the system is deployed?         we work closely with the government
                                                                         policymakers to help structure the
                           •   What are the criteria used in algorithm   narrative and regulations of what is right
                               selection?                                and what is wrong. This cannot be done
                                                                         in isolation because over-regulation may
                           •   How are the outcomes verified and         impinge on the innovation and value
                               tested for potential bias?                that AI can bring to society. Thus, in India,
                                                                         we need to work closely with bodies
                           Accountability: People who design and         such as NITI Aayog, MeITY, Department
                           deploy AI systems must be accountable         of Science and Technology as well as
                           for how their systems operate. To establish   academic institutions to help frame the
                           norms and best practices, we can draw         guard rails of where and how AI should
                           upon experience in other sectors such         be used to instill trust and responsibility
                           as healthcare and privacy. Internal           in AI-based systems.

                           Question                      Description
                           System Purpose                Will the technology be used to augment the abilities of
                                                         individuals and result in a positive impact on people and
                           Technology Capability         Are the AI technology and people capable of performing
                                                         the tasks that the AI system should do?
                           Quality & Reliability         Will the technology be effectively designed, operated
                                                         and maintained by a responsible party? Will it continue
                                                         to perform the way it is supposed to over time under
                                                         different situations?
                           Sensitive Uses                Is the system in a sensitive category which may have a
                                                         broad impact on people and society? Will it inadvertently
                                                         deny people services, cause harm and/or risk their
                                                         personal freedom?

26 | Age of Intelligence
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