Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress

Page created by Edwin Estrada
Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
We empower
sustainable progress
Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
Zero Emissions Ambition
We empower sustainable progress

      01                           02           03
     Let’s get                      What’s      What are
      started                      affecting    we doing
                                  the planet?   about it?

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
04           05           06
 What is     How do      How are we
Net-Zero?    we reach    impacting
               zero       people?

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
Zero Emissions Ambition
We empower sustainable progress

Let’s get
Executive summary

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
The planet needs renewable energy                         We are building the path
for a sustainable future.                                 to zero emissions.
We are leading the fight against climate change           There is no doubt that the sustainability paradigm
through our commitment to total decarbonization.          will disrupt global social, political and economic
By eliminating our direct and indirect greenhouse         landscapes. However, in times of upheaval, there is
gas emissions and moving towards a sustainable            also great opportunity to reimagine and reshape
electrification powered by renewable energy. We help      the future. Through innovative problem-solving and
ensure that our planet does not warm by more than         bold actions, Enel’s climate strategy supports the
1.5°C, the maximum temperature increase to avoid a        planet and its people in a just transition1 to a more
climate crisis as defined by the Paris Agreement.         sustainable future.

By 2040 we aim to reach zero emissions - much             This report frames our strategy towards zero
earlier and ambitious than the global net zero goal       emissions within the context of the global energy
for 2050. We are committed to eliminating emissions       transition to renewable sources and as a part of
across all our direct operations, while also indirectly   Enel’s decades-long fight against climate change.
through our suppliers and customers. We will also         We outline key aspects of our strategy in the short,
exit the natural gas business so that all the energy we   medium and long-term, supporting our future goals
provide to our customers is renewable electricity.        with our current actions to promote the energy
                                                              See page 30 for more information.

Zero emissions roadmap

                       Zero emissions ambition

                                Renewable energy
                            production and sales, and
                            exit from gas value chain

                                 2040                                  2050

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
Zero Emissions Ambition
We empower sustainable progress

What’s affecting
the planet?
Climate change and the solutions
to address it

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
The increase in atmospheric CO2 levels

in the past                  in the previous

250 years             =      200,000 years

36.3                    1 Gt                   +1.1ºC                     250x
gigatons (GT)           of CO2                 increase of average        faster
                                               global temperature
the energy-             the equivalent                                    the rate of increase
                                               since the pre-industrial
related CO2             weight of 200                                     in CO2 levels from
                                               era (1850-1900).
emissions in 2021       million elephants                                 human activities vs
                                                                          natural activities

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
Zero Emissions Ambition
    We empower sustainable progress

    Climate change is accelerating…

    Since the beginning of                 breaking temperatures form the            The future of climate change
    industrialization, human activity      basis for what is likely to become        is unpredictable, but one
    has caused harmful CO2 emissions       a global humanitarian crisis.
                                                                                     thing is certain:
    to skyrocket. Every year, we           Furthermore, scientific data and
    increasingly feel the impacts of our   projections reveal that our current       it will not stop on its own.
    actions; rising sea levels, extreme    climate reality is just a taste of an     This is a human problem that
    weather events and record-             unprecedented future.                     needs a human solution.

    Milestones in climate change policy

       2015                                    2015                                       2021
       Paris                                   Sustainable                                COP26 Glasgow
       Agreement                               Development Goals                          Climate Pact
       The first legally binding               A series of 17                             Global agreement for
       international treaty aimed              interconnected global                      sustained reductions in
       at reducing greenhouse                  goals developed by the                     global greenhouse gas
       gas emissions to ensure                 United Nations to reduce                   emissions to meet the
       that the average global                 inequality, spur economic                  objectives of the Paris
       temperature does not                    growth and tackle                          Agreement, with the
       increase by more                        climate change.                            ultimate goal of Net-Zero
       than 1.5°C.                                                                        by mid-century.

                                                                                    …so we need to be faster.

                                           Sustainability is not a passing trend,    and value chain to guide the
    We know where we                       and ad-hoc actions are not enough         energy transition. By continually
    need to go, and now                    to solve the problem of climate           collaborating with government,
    we must act quickly to                 change. That’s why at Enel, we            corporate partners and
    get there.                             believe in a fundamental paradigm         consumers, we are empowering
                                           shift to achieve a sustainable            sustainable progress through
                                           future. This mindset is built into        innovative technologies and new
                                           everything we do and has led us           methods of electrification and
                                           to redesign our business model            decarbonization.

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
                                                                 What’s affecting the planet?
                                                                Climate change, electrification
                                                                         and decarbonization

The decade of electrification

The transition to renewable energy sources is already          The process of replacing technologies that
underway, propelled by changing consumer habits                use fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and natural
and cutting-edge technologies. Global electricity              gas) with technologies that run
consumption is due to triple in the coming decade,             on electricity.
and as such, the energy sector is poised to lead the
paradigm shift towards a sustainable future.                   The benefits of electrification include cutting
                                                               greenhouse gas emissions, increasing
Increased electrification is coupled with increasing           energy efficiency and security, ensuring
eco-consciousness, as consumers are more aware of              affordability through renewables, improving
the energy consumption associated with the products            urban air quality, creating new jobs and, of
they buy. At the same time, electrification efforts are        course, helping to fight climate change.
supported by digitalization, improved infrastructure
and advancements in renewable energy storage.


             Francesco Starace                                           The process of removing or
             Chief Executive Officer and
                                                                         reducing carbon emissions from
             General Manager of Enel
                                                                         the energy supply system, leading
   “We will see electricity taking on a                                  to fewer greenhouse gas emissions
   leading role, even in sectors where                                   and a greener planet.
   it had never previously been present”.

Sustainable energy:
the key to decarbonization
Decarbonization and sustainable energy go hand-in-hand.
Renewable energy will fuel the carbon-free future. That’s

why the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable
sources like solar, wind and hydropower is a cornerstone in
the fight against climate change.

The shift to sustainable energy, however, is more complex
than simply abandoning fossil fuels all at once – which                               2
may also result in premature interruption of vital services.

The decarbonization process requires management that
guarantees grid stability, resilience and efficiency to
                                                                            Less greenhouse
ensure clean, affordable energy for all and a more efficient
                                                                             gas emissions
use of energy.

Enel is leading the fight against climate change through a
comprehensive strategy that prioritizes both people and                               4
                                                                             Greener, more
the planet.                                                                sustainable planet

Zero Emissions Ambition - We empower sustainable progress
Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

   What is Enel
doing about it?
Our sustainability journey

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 Enel’s milestones on climate action
 Our 2040 ambition towards zero emissions is the natural next step in
 our decades-long fight against climate change. Over the years we have
 positioned ourselves as leaders in the energy transition, collaborating with
 international organizations and advocacy groups to promote sustainability.

     2008                                                              Enel X
                                                                       Creates a global business line
     Enel Green Power                                                  to accelerate innovation and
                                                                       drive the energy transition
     Incorporates all of Enel’s                                        using advanced solutions
     activities in the wind, solar,                                    like energy management and
     geothermal, run-of-the-river                                      financial services, technological
     hydroelectric and biomass                                         innovations for decarbonization
     fields in Europe, North, Central                                  and electrification and
     and South America into a                                          alternative, sustainable business
     single company to promote                                         models for people, communities,
     the development of                                                institutions and companies.
     renewable energy.

                                        2015                                                               2018
                                        2050                                                               100 TWh of renewable
                                        Decarbonization                                                    output per year
                                        Pledge                                                             Celebrates its tenth anniversary
                                        Pledges to decarbonize                                             as a renewable company with
                                        Enel’s energy mix by 2050,                                         groundbreaking results: 100
                                        coinciding with the launch                                         TWh of power generation,
                                        of the United Nations SDGs                                         a growth rate of 3 GW of
                                        and the Paris Agreement.                                           capacity per year and over 1,200
                                        Announces its first science-                                       operating plants in 30 countries.
                                        based target to limit direct
                                        greenhouse gas emissions
                                        by 25% by 2020, as
                                        compared to 2007.

                                                                                                         What are we doing about it?
                                                                                                          Enel’s sustainability journey

2019                                                                 2021
Sustainability                                                       Gridspertise
Linked Bonds                                                         Launches a company dedicated
                                                                     to the digital transformation
Launches the world’s first general                                   of power grids to become a
purpose SDG-linked bonds in                                          trusted partner for all types of
US markets for $1.5 billion and in                                   Distribution System Operators
European markets for €2.5 billion,                                   (DSOs). Rolls out integrated
embedding its climate strategy                                       smart grid solutions, the primary
into its sustainable finance model.                                  facilitator of decarbonization
                                                                     and electrification targets.
Business Ambition
for 1.5°C                                                            2040 Zero emissions
Becomes the first Italian                                            Commitment
company to join the United                                           Brings forward its
Nations business campaign                                            decarbonization commitment
to limit the maximum global                                          from 2050 to 2040. In
temperature increase to 1.5°C                                        addition, Enel sets a new
from pre-industrial levels and                                       record with more than 5 GW
achieve Net-Zero emissions                                           of global renewable capacity,
by 2050.                                                             while Enel Grids reaches one
                                                                     million prosumers (producer +
                                                                     consumers) connected to
                                                                     its network.

                                      2020                                                                  2022
                                      ESG and Climate                                                      Enel X Way
                                      Leaders                                                              Launch a new company
                                                                                                           dedicated to simplifying the
                                      Included in the MSCI ESG
                                                                                                           world of electric transport
                                      Leaders index after receiving
                                                                                                           and making e-mobility easily
                                      its first AAA rating by
                                                                                                           accessible to everyone,
                                      leading ESG provider MSCI
                                                                                                           leveraging the Group
                                      ESG Research, due to an
                                                                                                           longstanding expertise in
                                      accelerated ambition for its
                                                                                                           the field.
                                      decarbonization roadmap. Was
                                      also featured in the prestigious
                                      ‘A List’ for climate change
                                      released by CDP.                                                     commitment:
                                                                                                           Launches new mid and long
                                                                                                           term targets to mitigate its
                                                                                                           direct and indirect emissions
                                                                                                           across its entire value
                                                                                                           chain, validated by SBTi in
                                                                                                           coherence with limiting global
                                                                                                           warming to 1.5ºC.

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 What is

Residual emissions
-++carbon REMOVALS


Zero Emissions Ambition
We empower sustainable progress

Net-Zero is the point at which global warming stops

To put it simply, Net-Zero refers to the balance                            Net-Zero is a cornerstone of the sustainability
between residual and inevitable global greenhouse                           paradigm. It is crucial to averting an irreparable
gas emissions produced by human activities and the                          climate and humanitarian crisis and promoting
removal of such emissions to ensure net zero overall                        sustainable development.
                                                                            As such, international organizations and experts
                                                                            have agreed that the world must be Net-Zero by
To limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C, as compared              2050. However, there are sectors that can progress
to the pre-industrial era (1850-1900), the world needs to:                  even faster and further. This is the case of the
                                                                            power sector, which can be fully decarbonized - as
      1    Reduce the greenhouse               This is our priority! We     technology is already available - while maintaining
           gas emissions that people           will mitigate all our        reliability and affordability. Actually, many States are
           generate.                           direct greenhouse gas
                                                                            pursuing ambitious decarbonization goals for the
                                               emissions, while reduce
           Neutralize the impact of any        our indirect emissions       power sector.
           residual emissions by permanently   as much as possible
  -        removing the equivalent volume,     given current global         Enel is ten years ahead of the global standard,
           as a very last resort mechanism
           and much limited.
                                               technological constraints.   showing an ambition that moves beyond: we aim to
                                                                            achieve zero emissions by 2040.

Getting to Zero emissions isn’t as easy as it seems

The world is entering an unprecedented landscape
and must adapt to new environmental, social and
political realities. While it is impossible to predict the
future, we have identified key risks and opportunities                             Physical                     Transitional
                                                                                   Changes in                   Social, economic
to guide our stratagem.
                                                                                   the environment.             and political shifts
                                                                                                                related to the energy
Current and future challenges are related to                                                                    transition.
two phenomena:

                Physical phenomenon                                            Transition phenomenon
                Changes in the environment directly affect                     The transition to renewable energy will cause
      electricity demand & renewable energy generation.                        complexities throughout the value chain.

                               Chronic physical changes                       Socioeconomic changes
                                Average global temperature                    Lack of coordination
                                        Sea levels                            in carbon pricing policies
                       Solar radiation                                                                Ineffective incentives
                                                                                                      or regulatory systems
Acute physical changes
                                                                                                              Volatile market
              Heat waves                                                                                      dynamics
              Flooding                                                                                              Slowdowns and
                   Hail                                                                                             interruptions to
                                                                                                                    the raw materials
 16                                                                                                                 in the supply chain
                                                                                                          What is Net-Zero?

Greenhouse gas emissions scopes
How do you measure greenhouse gas emissions?
The following three scopes are internationally recognized categories for measuring
the different kinds of greenhouse gas emissions a company produces in its
operations and value chain. It includes the following gases, measured as carbon
dioxide equivalent (CO2eq): CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6.

Scope 1                         Scope 2                      Scope 3
Direct emissions                Indirect emissions           Other indirect
                                from electricity             emissions
The greenhouse gas              The emissions that are       This is the most comprehensive
emissions a company             produced from the energy     scope, as it involves all indirect
produces directly by running    that a company uses in its   emissions produced across a
its facilities, machinery and   operations.                  company’s value chain. This
vehicles. In the case of                                     ranges from the emissions
Enel, this is related to the                                 by suppliers to the use of its
energy we produce for our                                    products by end consumers.

Company                         Purchased                    Capital                   Leased                 Fuel and
facilities                      electricity, steam,          goods                     assets                 energy related
                                heating & cooling                                                             activities
                                for own use

Company                                                      Processing                Transportation         Use of sold
vehicles                                                     of sold                   and distribution       products

                                                             Waste                     Employee               Business
                                                             generated in              commuting              travel

                                                             Franchises                Investments            End-of-life
                                                                                                              treatment of
                                                                                                              sold products

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 How do we reach
 Zero emissions?
 Our strategy for a
 carbon-free future

Do all roads lead to a
carbon-free future?
While Net-Zero is the widely agreed-upon goal, there
are different ideas on how to get there and progress
even further.

Governments, industries and consumers want to
decarbonize while also ensuring fair practices and
prices. As such, we need a clear strategy that takes
into account both people and the planet.

Enel’s comprehensive and ambitious strategy guides
the pathway to go even faster and beyond: to be zero
emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

Zero emissions
Roadmap                                                                                                            Simply put,
                                                                                                                   by 2040 we aim to no
                                                                                                                   longer produce CO2
 We have accelerated our targets
                                                                                                                    We will be
 We have brought forward our zero emissions
 commitment both for direct and indirect emissions                                                                  ZERO EMISSIONS
 by 10 years, from 2050 to 2040, through a complete
 shift to 100% renewable sources.

                                                        1 gigawatt (GW) = 1 billion watts of energy

                                                                            is enough
                                                             1 GW            to power        750,000
                                                            of power                         homes in the
                                                                                        United States for a year

                       75 GW
                       of renewable

                       capacity, including
                       Battery storage                   The grams CO2 equivalent per kilowatt-hour indicates how
                                                         much greenhouse gasses are emitted for a given energy
                                                         source. The higher the number, the more carbon is produced.

                        Exit                                                Enel’s 2030 goal

                        coal                                            -                              +

                                                              Windpower                                     Coal
                        power                                11 gCO2eq/kWh                            820 gCO2eq/kWh

                        Reduce direct
                        emissions to
                                                       -55%                                     85%                of installed
                                                       reduction of                             from
                        72 gCO2eq/kWh                  indirect emissions                       renewable
     2030                     1
                              10 the CO2 emissions
                                  than that of coal!
                                                       from Gas Retail
                                                       business (vs 2017)

                        100%                            0                                        Exit from
                        of the electricity
                        produced and sold               MtCO2eq                                  natural gas
                                                                                                 value chain
                        by Enel
                                                       No more CO2 emissions from
                        from renewable
                        sources                        power generation and retail!

                                                                            The metric tons of CO2 equivalent are the total
                                                                            amount of greenhouse gasses produced.

                                                                                                       1 ton
                                                                                                        of CO 2

                                                                                                      How do we reach Zero Emissions?

We define all our targets in line with the Science                        They enable private organizations to set science-
Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which establishes                        based emissions reduction targets to reduce the
scientific goals, criteria and recommendations to                         impacts of climate change.
achieve Net-Zero.
                                                                          Our mid and long-term decarbonization targets
The SBTi is a partnership between the Carbon                              embedded into our business strategy and covering
Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global                       our direct and indirect emissions have been certified
Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the                          by the SBTi per their methodologies and standards.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

 Key characteristics of our strategy

 Frameworks for                    Awareness and                Positive impacts                 Scalability and           Measurements
 risk identification,              flexibility for              on both people                   adaptability to           over the short,
 analysis and                      different future             and the planet                   economic and              medium and
 mitigation                        climate scenarios                                             environmental             long-term

How are we going to achieve zero
Becoming zero emissions by 2040 requires a strong                         We have adopted an integrated approach by reducing
acceleration in the development of renewables and                         both direct and indirect emissions to decarbonize our
energy efficiency, acccompanied by a complete                             value chain.
overhaul of our investment planning and
economic models.

                      The greenhouse                                    The greenhouse gasses that
How will              gasses Enel produces   How will                   our supply chain produces
we reduce                                    we reduce
direct emissions?                            indirect emissions?

Producing electricity                        Increasing sales of                Switching customers from           Purchasing renewable
exclusively from renewable                   renewable electricity to           natural gas to electricity         electricity for Enel’s
sources                                      end customers                                                         consumption

Electrifying fleets                          Reducing electricity               Engaging suppliers to              Promoting a circular
and buildings                                technical losses of the            decarbonize their products         economy for new assets
                                             grids                              and services                       and manufactured


Replacing and installing                     Creating standards for             Digitalizing assets and            Promoting teleworking and
SF6-free components                          sustainable construction           processes                          remote operations

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 Our unique approach
 What makes our strategy different?
 Our plan for mitigating carbon emissions
 encompasses high-impact elements that create
 value. Some of the core elements of our strategy
 Cutting out, not compensating
 Instead of aiming to offset our carbon emissions
 through carbon removal technology or nature-
 based solutions, our strategy gets to the root of the
 problem. We will transition entirely to renewable
 energy throughout our value chain and for our end-
 consumer, thereby exiting from the coal and natural
 gas value chains.

 Ambitious and pragmatic
 Our business model is in line with the maximum
 ambition of Paris Agreement objectives to limit the
 global average temperature increase to 1.5°C. In fact,
 we are ten years ahead of global standards. To define
 this strategy, we have conducted risk mitigation
 analysis across different climate scenarios to ensure
 that our approach takes into account foreseen
 eventualities, while maintaining the flexibility needed
 for resilience during unpredictable circumstances.

 Consumers benefit
 Our business strategy is customer centric. By
 increasing electrification, efficiency and availability of
 renewable energy, we will provide clean, inexpensive
 and reliable electricity supply and services. Looking
 ahead to 2030, our consumers will see a 40% drop in
 their energy bills, and up to an 80% reduction in their
 carbon footprint.

 Comprehensive impact
 Our holistic strategy spans 3 scopes of direct and
 indirect emissions, as a way of categorizing the
 different kinds of carbon emissions we produce (see
 page 23 for more information).

 Worldwide recognition
 Sustainability has been built into our business model
 since our founding, which is why we collaborate with
 international organizations like the United Nations
 to not only shape our goals, but also to help set
 international industry standards.

                                                                                                     How do we reach Zero Emissions?
                                                                                                   Our strategy for a carbon-free future

Electrifying our way to Zero Emissions
Electrification is a cornerstone                                           Enel X and Enel X Way
of Enel’s Zero emissions ambition
                                                                           New sustainable business solutions for everyday use
To tackle the challenges posed by climate change, we                       Spurred by artificial intelligence and data analysis,
must…                                                                      the new ways we use energy opens up countless
                                                                           opportunities. Enel X and Enel X Way enable people
Generate more and       Transfer the benefits    Transform today’s power   to live and move smarter and more sustainably. By
more electricity from   of a decarbonized        grids into smart grids
renewable sources.      electricity carrier to   to manage increasingly
                                                                           responding to ever-changing needs through simple,
                        other sectors, such      decentralized             innovative and scalable solutions, we generate radical
                        as transportation and    generation, two-way       improvements in everyday life for people, businesses,
                        construction.            energy flows and a
                                                 growing demand for
                                                                           and cities.

Electrification’s benefits go beyond
decarbonization.                                                           People                    Businesses                Cities
                                                                           Transforming homes        Unlocking new value       Transforming urban
In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions,                          to make them smarter,     through simple,           environments to
electrification also:                                                      more comfortable          scalable and innovative   improve quality of
                                                                           and sustainable,          solutions, with new       life by developing
    Enhances energy efficiency and circularity through                     putting people in         opportunities and         solutions for smart
                                                                           control of their home     lower costs.              lighting and energy
    increased flexibility of the energy system.
                                                                           environments.                                       use, connectivity
                                                                                                                               and mobility.
    Empowers customers.

    Maximizes affordability and security of supply                         Enel Grids
    through highly resilient power grids.
                                                                           Innovative infrastructure for sustainable
    Improves air quality, particularly in cities.                          development
                                                                           Guided by our Grid Futurability® strategy, we have
    Creates quality jobs emerging from a well-planned                      adopted a customer-oriented industrial approach
    just transition.                                                       to renew, reinforce and expand our grids over the
                                                                           coming years. By strategically deploying technologies,
                                                                           we will make better use of existing power networks
                                                                           and build fully digital smart grids. We will also combine
This evolution requires flexible and open systems                          robust infrastructure with advanced technological
in which customers, retailers, aggregators, energy                         solutions to increase grid resilience, participation and
generators and new stakeholders can operate and                            sustainability, both in urban and rural areas.
collaborate to accelerate the energy transition.
                                                                           How can we ensure these grids will be sustainable?
Our global, customer-oriented industrial approach                          Fundamental components of the distribution network
to electrification is being led by three core business                     such as transformers, panels, switches and cables
lines: Enel X, Enel X Way and Enel Grids.                                  will be constructed with circular economy models,
                                                                           thereby maximizing the use of recycled material along
                                                                           the supply chain. This harmony of short-term and
                                                                           long-term strategic priorities boosts benefits and
                                                                           stakeholder satisfaction, while lowering the carbon
                                                                           footprint of our network assets.

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to zero
 In 2022, Enel drew up a new decarbonization                                          Current targets foresee an overall 99% reduction,
 roadmap that envisages reducing all its direct and                                   beyond the 90% threshold expected by global
 indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its                                   standards such as SBTi, as several exogenous factors
 entire value chain. Indeed, the Group aims to achieve                                shall be overcome in the short to medium term to
 a 100% reduction across all its GHG emissions by                                     reach such ambitious milestone. These factors include
 2040 compared to 2017.                                                               the development of new carbon-free technology
                                                                                      solutions in the supply chain at large-scale, while also
                                                                                      the change of certain market conditions and policies
                                                                                      to enable zero emissions business models.

       Enel’s carbon footprint reduction roadmap, including all absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions (MtCO2eq)1





                                                                                   How do we reach Zero Emissions?
                                                                                 Our strategy for a carbon-free future

Decarbonizing across our business lines
We have defined four concrete targets to
decarbonize our business activities, all them certified
by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and in
line with keeping global warming within 1.5 ºC.

                                                           2017*                    2030                    2040

       Power generation
       Scope 1
                                                               365                       72                ZERO0
             Greenhouse gas emissions from the
             thermoelectric power plants that we use      gCO2eq/kWh               gCO2eq/kWh              ZERO
                                                                                                           gCO  /KWh

             to produce energy.
                                                                                         -80%              ZERO
                  We will produce 100% renewable
                  energy by 2040.
       Integrated power                                                                                    ZERO
       Scopes 1 and 3
                                                               332                       73
             Greenhouse gas emissions from the
                                                          gCO2eq/kWh               gCO2eq/kWh              ZERO
                                                                                                           gCO  /KWh
             combination of the energy we produce
             (Scope 1) and from the energy we
                                                                                                           ZERO  2eq

             purchase to other producers to be sold                                                        ZERO
             to our customers to satisfy their energy
             demand (Scope 3).                                                                             ZERO
                  We will sell 100% renewable                                                              ZERO
                  energy by 2040.
       Gas retail                                                                                          ZERO
       Scope 3                                                                                             ZERO
             Greenhouse gas emissions from the                25.3                      11.4               ZERO0
             use of the natural gas we sell to end-          MtCO2eq                  MtCO2eq
                                                                                                             MtCO      2eq

                                                                                         -55%              ZERO
                  We will exit the gas retail business                                                     ZERO
                  by 2040 and convert all our sales
                  to electricity.
       Additional emission sources
       Scopes 1, 2 and 3
             Greenhouse gas emissions from supply             23.1                      10.4
Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 Working together
                                                                                            Carbon pricing
                                                                                            A policy tool to lower CO2
 Global challenges            We are dedicated to promoting sustainability                  emissions by shifting the costs of
 need global                  within and outside of our company through                     the emissions to producers. This
                              national and international advocacy. Our advocacy             can take the form of a carbon
 solutions                    objectives to support the energy transition and               tax (a price per ton of emissions)
                                                                                            or a cap-and-trade system (an
                              decarbonization include:                                      auction of emission permits).

                              Promoting more         Collaborating          Public carbon
                              ambitious climate      with suppliers         pricing policies
                              policies               to support their

                              Accelerating the       Developing             Electrification
                              use of renewable       and upgrading          as a means for
                              technologies           infrastructure         decarbonizing
                                                     through smart grid     energy end-uses

 To achieve these objectives, we collaborate with over     By engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, we
 20 international associations, including the United       work to promote decarbonization, drive forward
 Nations Global Compact (UNGC), World Business             the clean energy sector and create a long-lasting
 Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and           sustainable and inclusive energy transition.
 The European Association for Storage of Energy
 (EASE), among others.

                                                                          Environmental organizations

                                                                                  Labor institutions

                                                                                     Youth associations

                                                                                      Private sector

                                                                                      European think tanks

                                                               How do we reach Zero Emissions?
                                                             Our strategy for a carbon-free future

Results that matter                                       We are well on our
                                                          way towards zero
In 2022, we took great strides towards                    emissions
decarbonization by developing key aspects of
renewable energy and energy efficiency, including:
Renewable energy generation                               2023-2025
In 2022 energy produced from renewable sources            we will invest
accounted for 49.4% of total consolidated generation.

2022    49.4%
                                                          ~17 billion
2025    70%
                                                          euros in renewables
2040     100%

Direct emissions reductions
Our direct greenhouse gas emissions from power            Our investments for 2023-2025
generation (measured in gCO2eq/kWh) decreased by
37% in 2022 compared to 2017.

2022     37%
                                                          ~94% >80%
                                                          are aligned with      are aligned with the
                                                          the United Nations    European taxonomy
2030     80%                                              Sustainable
                                                          Development Goals
2040     100%

Sustainable construction sites
We achieved 100% renewable construction sites.

Demand Response Capacity
We increased our demand response capacity in 2022
up to 9 GW.

Through our efforts to digitalize the electricity grid,
the total number of end users with active smart
meters has reached 45.8 million.

Electric mobility
Our network of publicly owned charging points for
electric vehicles has expanded to 22.6 thousand.

    Further information on our climate and
    sustainability strategy and performance is
    available in our 2022 Sustainability Report

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 How are we
 A human-centric

Zero Emissions Ambition
 We empower sustainable progress

 We empower people to thrive in the
 energy transition                                              Just transition
 Decarbonizing economy is a monumental step in                  In order to tackle pressing environmental challenges like
 promoting the well-being of both the planet and its            climate change, pollution and plummeting biodiversity,
 people. As such, the challenges posed by the social            nations and businesses need to transition to greener,
 and economic impacts of decarbonization shall by               resilient and climate-neutral economies and societies.
 resolved by practices that promote inclusion and
 equality.                                                      A just transition means “greening” the economy in
                                                                a way that is fair and inclusive by creating decent
                                                                work opportunities for all. To do so, we must maximize
                                                                the social and economic opportunities of climate action,
                                                                while minimizing challenges by cultivating effective
                                                                social dialogue and respecting fundamental labor
                                                                principles and rights.

                                                                These principles are not exclusive to specific sectors,
                                                                development levels or regions, but rather, transverse all
                                                                aspects of the transition.

 Change means challenge, and also opportunity

 Significant social, economic and political transitions   At Enel, we have created programs to develop the
 are inherently disruptive. However, within a state of    new skills and workforce competencies needed in
 flux there is also the chance to redesign antiquated     the shift to a decarbonized economy. These include
 systems and anticipate the needs of tomorrow.            both enhancing existing skills to improve one’s current
                                                          role performance (upskilling) and learning new skills
 Innovation and sustainability are integral to our        (reskilling). While some jobs may be lost, others will be
 strategy, as is the spirit of service and care for our   created in their place. It is our responsibility to ensure
 communities. Enel’s zero emission ambition strategy      everyone is prepared.
 supports a just transition to ensure that no one
 gets left behind. This reflects the Group’s broader      These programs also involve our suppliers in
 commitment to respecting human rights across the         confronting the challenges of the energy transition.
 entire value chain.                                      By sharing ideas and innovations, we help them
                                                          integrate resilience into their path of change and
 The transition to a decarbonized economy has the         growth.
 potential to accelerate growth and technological
 advancement within the energy sector. In order to        Empowering customers to gradually convert
 take full advantage of these opportunities, we need      their energy consumption to electricity – while
 pioneering policies that balance the right to a safe,    simultaneously improving spending, efficiency,
 clean, healthy and sustainable environment with the      emissions and price stability – will be crucial in
 rights of relevant stakeholders.                         the upcoming decade. This entails improving
                                                          and maintaining access to electricity in the most
                                                          disadvantaged areas and among
                                                          low-income populations.

                                                                               How are we impacting people?
                                                                                  A human-centric approach

We have a responsibility to the people, businesses      internal stakeholders in order to raise awareness,
and society in the areas in which we operate.           develop a constructive dialogue and co-create
Understanding their priorities and helping to           development opportunities for the region and
fulfill their needs is essential to innovation and      its people.
the development of competitive, inclusive and
sustainable business models that benefit society.       We are reducing carbon emissions to give the planet
                                                        and its people a more sustainable future. We have
All our actions are based on the principles of social   embarked on our zero emissions ambition roadmap,
and environmental sustainability. Every investment      taking bold steps guided by a clear and robust
decision is made by engaging the main external and      strategy to support us now and for the years to come.

                The future is innovative. The future is sustainable.

                    The future is
                   Zero Emissions.

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