Your trades guide - Career choices for you

Page created by Ricardo Harris
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
Skills fo oices for you



                                                                                  Career ch
Competenz – Your trades guide   Skills for life and career choices for you

Your trades guide - Career choices for you
to blow your mind!    Skills fo r l ife
                       Competenz skills for life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
                       Our industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                       Early preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                       How to choose your career. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                       Your future career . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
                       Why choose on-the-job-training? . . . . . . . . . .  11
                       Getting a job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                       Writing your CV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
                       Interview tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
                       Employability skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
                       Getting your driver licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
                       Research confirms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
                       Work experience and Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
                       Learner support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

                     Career ch o ices
                       Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
                       Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
                       Food and Beverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
                       Print, Packaging and Signmaking . . . . . . . . . . 64
                       Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
                       Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
                       Laundry and Drycleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
                       Career development skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
                       Career index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Your trades guide - Career choices for you

                  sk i lls                                                    What is Competenz?
                                                                              Competenz is an industry training organisation (ITO) which
                                                                              means we’re one of a special group of businesses that has
                                                                              government authority to design on-the-job-training for people
                                                                              just like you.
                                                                              We work with more than 3,500 companies and more than 20,000
                                                                              learners in 37 industries all over New Zealand.

                                                                              We work with trainees and apprentices, schools, employers,
                                                                              training providers and assessors around the country to help
                                                                              Kiwis learn while they earn.

                             What is                                                      Why train

                             on-the-job                                                   on-the-job?
                             training?                                                    On-the-job training means you:
                                                                                          » E arn while you learn – no student loan and you’re
                             On-the-job-training allows you to learn skills while
                                                                                             getting paid from day one
                             you’re working and getting paid. First you learn the
                                                                                          » Finish your training with a job instead of needing to
                             basic skills, then as you progress you learn more
                                                                                             look for one
                             advanced skills to do your job even better. The more
                                                                                          » Gain practical skills that employers really want (for
                             you learn, the more career opportunities will come
                                                                                             even more job opportunities)
                             your way, things like promotions, pay rises, new job
                                                                                          » Get a nationally recognised qualification that proves
                             opportunities, new learning opportunities… and all
                                                                                             you’ve got what it takes.
                             these add up to having a great career over your
                             whole lifetime.

2   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                              3
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
What types of                                        Work experience and
                                                     Gateway programmes                                        How does                                           How does
on-the-job training                                  These are work placements for senior school students
                                                     (Year 11 and above). It is a formal arrangement
                                                                                                               on-the-job                                         Competenz help?
are there?                                           between a school, a student, and an employer to give
                                                     you structured learning in a workplace and can count      training work?                                     Competenz is the link between you, your employer,
                                                                                                                                                                  your industry, and the New Zealand Qualifications
                                                     towards your NCEA.
On-the-job training can be done in a few different                                                             Competenz can help you find a job where you        Authority (NZQA). That’s how you get a recognised
                                                                                                                                                                  qualification in the work you do. Our job is to design
ways. What they all have in common is that you                                                                 will be taught skills everyday. You may also
                                                                                                                                                                  the training you do, provide learning materials and
learn while doing the job and get a qualification                                                              attend classes at polytechnics or do some online
that proves what skills you’ve learned.
                                                     Apprenticeships                                           learning. You will be assessed by your bosses
                                                                                                                                                                  check that you’re fairly assessed at each stage of
                                                                                                                                                                  training to prove you have learned the necessary skills.
                                                     These are a formal arrangement between an                 and industry experts, who will sign off that you
                                                     employer, a learner, and an ITO just like Competenz.      have achieved the required standard in your
                                                     Apprenticeships are a three to four-year commitment                                                          We:
                                                                                                               work. The good thing is that you will be
                                                     for everyone involved. Apprenticeships teach you how      assessed on things you have already learned.       » Help you find a job
                                                     to do a whole job and qualify you in a trade.                                                                » Provide you with training materials and eLearning
                                                                                                                                                                  » Visit you at your workplace to check on
                                                                                                                                                                    your progress
                                                                                                                                                                  » Arrange for you to complete any off-job training
                                                     Traineeships                                                                                                   you need (for example, at a polytechnic)
                                                     These are a formal arrangement between an employer,                                                          » Assess (or arrange assessments) to confirm you
                                                     a learner, and an ITO just like Competenz. Traineeships                                                         have built your skills
                                                     are shorter than apprenticeships, between six and                                                            » Moderate assessments to make sure they are fair,
                                                     18 months. You learn important skills to do the job                                                            valid and consistent across the country
                                                     with structured training, and you gain a qualification.                                                      » Log your record of achievement with NZQA so you
                                                     Traineeships can begin at entry-level to learn how to                                                          have a permanent record that everyone recognises
                                                     do a job. Traineeships can also be at advanced levels                                                          proving you have met the required standard.
                                                     to develop additional skills in specific areas of work.

4    Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                                                     5
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
our                                                                              Thinking about
                                                                                 on-the-job training?
                                                                                 On-the-job training can happen at any stage of your working life and
                                                                                 there are lots of options to help you. There are many things you can

                                                                                 do to make yourself more employable to the industry you want to
                                                                                 work in and the employers who can help you get the skills you need.

                                                                                           a rly
                                                                                          E eparation
We work with the following industries.
You’ll find out more about most of them
and the work they do in this guide.                                                        pr                                      At school?
                                                                                                                                   Gaining Level 1 or Level 2 NCEA is useful for many jobs,
                                                                                                                                   but some have no minimum entry requirements. You can
                                                                                                                                   gain credits related to our industries as part of your NCEA.
Engineering and                      Forestry                 Print, Packaging
related trades                       Harvesting               and Signmaking
Fabrication                          Silviculture             Print                                                                Finished school?
Mechanical Engineering                                        Packaging
                                                                                                                                   Pre-trade training is available from polytechs or training
General Engineering                                           Signmaking
                                                                                                                                   companies and can be a good opportunity to learn more
Machining                            Laundry and
                                                                                                                                   about a job and industry. Achievement of 50 credits is a
Fitting and Machining                Drycleaning                                                                                   good sign to a future employer.
Maintenance Engineering
                                     Drycleaning              Maritime
Fire Protection
Mechanical Building Services
                                                              Rail                                                                 Already working?
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning                                                                                                 Talk to your current boss about training opportunities.
Locksmithing                         Manufacturing                                                                                 If they are interested in training you or offering you an
Dairy Systems                        Manufacturing                                                                                 apprenticeship there is government funding available
Protective Coatings                  Steel Manufacturing                                                                           to help, they just need to talk to us.
                                     Wood Manufacturing
                                     Glass Manufacturing
Food and Beverage                    Furniture                                                                                     Experienced worker?
                                     Pulp and Paper
Bakery                                                                                                                             If you’ve been working for a number of years but don’t
                                     Solid Wood
Butchery                                                                                                                           have any formal qualifications, then the Assessment of
                                     Wood Panels
Food and Beverage Manufacturing                                                                                                    Prior Learning programme (APL) is a good way to have your
                                     Plastics and Materials
Winery Cellar Operations                                                                                                           skills assessed against industry standards and recorded
                                                                                                                                   with NZQA.
                                     Paint and Coatings

6    Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                              7
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
How to
Choose your career
Trades and services roles are varied. Even within
one industry, different roles will suit different people.

School subjects count in making your career choice.
Other influencing factors include the type of person
you are, the sorts of experience you have and the kind
of workplace that might appeal to you. Below is a list to
                                                                                                                Vocational Pathways
get you thinking about what you are like, what you know                                                         Vocational Pathways help you plan your journey from
and what you like to do.                                                                                        school through to getting a job. Using the colour coded
                                                                                                                pathways, you can easily see how your skills and
                                                                                                                interests relate to the trades and industries supported

Sound like you?
                                                                                                                by Competenz.

Study areas                                                 Helpful experience                                                                                            Pathway key
»  English or Media Studies or History                      »   Administration, planning or organising things
                                                                                                                                                                          Four Vocational Pathways are
»  Maths or Accounting or Economics                         »   Working with facts and figures
                                                                                                                                                                          represented across our jobs and
»  Sciences or Workshop Technology                          »   Customer service or helping people
                                                                                                                                                                          trades. You can spot them on each job
»  Food or Nutrition                                        »   Analysing, researching or problem-solving
                                                                                                                                                                          page with these symbols:
»  Agriculture or Horticulture                              »   Making or fixing things
»  Physical Education or Health                             »   Selling or persuading people
» Creative Arts                                            »   Working with machinery
                                                                                                                                                                               Creative Industries
  (Visual/Textiles/Graphics/Performance/Music)              »   Working with computers
» Computing/ICT/Information Management                      »   Creative work (writing, drawing, styling).
» Geography or Languages.                                                                                                                                                      Manufacturing and Technology

                                                            Preferred work environments
Attributes                                                  »   Inside (retail or shop)
                                                                                                                                                                               Primary Industries
»   Confident communicator                                  »   Inside (office environment)
»   Strong eye for detail                                   »   Inside (workshop or plant)                                                                                     Services Industries
»   Reasonable strength and fitness                         »   Outside (outdoors)
»   Good literacy and numeracy                              »   Outside (marine)
»   Confidence with IT, computers, technology               »   Outside (in vehicles)
»   Good organisational skills                              »   One place every day
»   Good initiative/can-do attitude                         »   Different places from time to time
»   Good work habits/time management                        »   Lots of different places every day.             For more information visit
»   Good at problem-solving/creative.                                                                 

8      Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                                                 9
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
      Future                                                                                                            Why choose
                                                                                                                        on the job
       Career                                                                                                           training?                                                 One of the great things about learning
                                                                                                                                                                                  on-the-job is that you gain real skills
                                                                                                                                                                                  while you’re working. That means no
                                                                                                                                                                                  student loans and you’re paid while
                                                                                                                                                                                  you learn. On-the-job training through
The skills you learn now in a real job will teach you skills for your whole life and
                                                                                                                                                                                  Competenz is funded mostly by your
every job you ever do. Get in. Get amongst it. Start learning and earning now.
                                                                                                                                                                                  employer and the Tertiary Education
                                                                                                                                                                                  Commission (TEC), at minimal or no
                                                                                                                        No student loans                                          cost to you.

Learning for life                                             Exciting career prospects                                 or debt
On-the-job training with Competenz gives you                  Every training pathway we manage includes a clear         When you choose to earn while you learn, it’s
nationally recognised qualifications that you can             view of your future career options, whether that’s        important to consider not just how much money

                                                                                                                                                                                  Business skills
take anywhere. We know our employers are keen                 learning advanced skills in on-the-job specifics or       you’re making but how much you are saving with
to keep their staff, and in many cases, see the               learning to develop key business skills for supervisory   ‘free training’. Avoiding a student loan gives you

                                                                                                                                                                                  and experience
benefit in providing ongoing and advanced training,           or management roles.                                      more financial freedom than your peers.
even after you’ve completed your traineeship or
                                                              All of our industries give you many opportunities to
apprenticeship. That means you will continue to earn,
                                                              build rewarding careers. We use the term ‘strands’

                                                                                                                        Two years
while you advance in your chosen career. Once you’ve                                                                                                                              We Kiwis have nearly 500,000 small businesses.
                                                              to talk about areas you can choose to specialise in
completed your job training, we also offer training in                                                                                                                            That means nearly one person out of every three
                                                              as your on-the-job training progresses so you can
skills like business administration, managing people,                                                                                                                             works in a small business. That’s the single largest

                                                              choose to do more of the things you like the most,
sales, lean manufacturing and all sorts of other skills                                                                                                                           employment sector in the country, and learning a trade
                                                              and want to do in the future.
that will help you and the business you work for                                                                                                                                  or service role can be the perfect base for having your
get ahead.                                                    If you’re interested in starting your career but not                                                                own business down the track.
                                                                                                                        All apprenticeships and targeted traineeships are
                                                              sure about what path to take, head to
                                                                                                                        fees-free between 01 July 2020 to 31 December 2022
                                                     to find ideas and search for
Up-to-date skills                                             learning programmes that’ll help you make your mark.
                                                                                                                        – regardless of whether you’re are already enrolled or

                                                                                                                                                                                  Unlock your
                                                                                                                        enrol after 01 July 2020.

Part of our role is to ensure that your training is fit for                                                             The Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF)
purpose as industries and work specifics change.
We review and update our qualifications in partnership
                                                                                                                        covers all training fees that would otherwise be paid
                                                                                                                        to the transitional industry training organisation for    potential
with industry, so your learning is always relevant to the                                                               training assessment, including night courses, study
job you do. Sometimes the names of a qualification                                                                      group fees, eLearning fees and course related             On-the-job training means you can experience what
will change as we build programmes to meet industry                                                                     text books.                                               a job is really like and you can choose to follow higher
needs. For example, some of our qualifications are                                                                                                                                qualifications in areas that interest you or you’re good
                                                                                                                        All learners enrolling into a Competenz qualification
called New Zealand Certificates and others are called                                                                                                                             at. Often we don’t know what we might excel at until
                                                                                                                        must meet the entry requirements, with the aim of
National Certificates but they all provide a nationally                                                                                                                           we have an opportunity to try. That’s where on-the-job
                                                                                                                        completing the full qualification, and with the support
recognised qualification at the required level within the                                                                                                                         training can unlock your potential.
                                                                                                                        of their employer.
New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).

10    Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                                                                    11
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
Get ting                                 Top tip
                                                Ask your friends and family to connect
                                                you with people who work in the industry

        a job
                                                you’re interested in. Call them or go and
                                                see them and ask lots of questions.
                                                If you’re keen enough, they may be able
                                                to help you find a job.

                                                Show you're interested                                   Be a team player
                                                Employers want to know you're interested in their        Employers are looking for people who fit in.
                                                industry and their business. Take the time to learn      Show them you're friendly, helpful and reliable.
                                                about the company before you approach them.

                                                                                                         Volunteer for work experience
                                                Be willing to learn                                      It's a great way to show you're interested in an
                                                 how employers you've mastered new skills in
                                                S                                                         employer's business and motivated to get ahead.

The first step for
                                                the past – and you're keen to keep learning.              You may even get a job offer.

on-the-job training                             Show a great work ethic
                                                Your employer wants to be able to rely on you.
                                                                                                         Make a plan
                                                                                                          nd stick with it! It can take a while to find the right

is to get a job
                                                Turn up on time, follow instructions and work hard!      job. Persevering will pay off!

The main things employers are looking for
are a good attitude and a driver licence.
                                                                                          Start your job search today
                                                                                          Search for ‘apprenticeships’ on New Zealand job search
                                                                                          websites like Trade Me and Seek, and check out the
                                                                                          Competenz job board at

12   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                13
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
writing                                                               Writing your CV
                                                                       and covering letter
                                                                                                                                    Job-specific skills

   your CV...
                                                                                                                                    When you’re applying for jobs, look closely at the job
                                                                                                                                    description. It will tell you the things an employer is
                                                                       Your CV and covering letter are important tools.             looking for. Be honest. If you don’t have a skill, tell
                                                                       They show what you’ve done, the skills you already           them what you have done that’s similar or tell them
                                                                       have, and why an employer should choose you.                 how keen you are to learn that skill. Don’t be shy to tell
                                                                       There are plenty of templates available to help you.         them about your nearest matched skills.
                                                                       What’s most important is you write it for an employer’s
                                                                       point of view. Think about the skills they will be looking   For example:
                                                                       for and make them the top things you include.                What the job description says…
                                                                       Employers in different industries are often looking          ‘Ideally you have commercial crewing experience.’
                                                                       for similar skills. These are called transferable skills

                              Top tip
                              Don’t just use one CV for all the jobs
                                                                       (that means they can be transferred from one type
                                                                       of work to another). These are really useful skills to
                                                                       concentrate on when you’re starting out. Everybody
                                                                       has at least some of them.
                                                                                                                                    What you can say is…
                                                                                                                                    “While I don’t have commercial crewing
                                                                                                                                      experience, I have crewed on private
                                                                                                                                      boats for family and friends and done
                              you apply for; write a CV for each and                                                                  lifesaving, first aid and boatmasters
                              every job. Order your information to     Skills employers want                                          training and I am very keen to learn.”
                              match the skills and experience they     » Communication skills
                              listed in the job description.           » C
                                                                          ustomer service skills –
                                                                         in person, on the phone, and online
                                                                       » Ability to work well in a team
                                                                       » Literacy and numeracy skills
                                                                       » Using computers and technology
                                                                       » Planning and organisational skills
                                                                       » Initiative and a can-do attitude
                                                                       » Problem-solving skills
                                                                       » Good work habits and independence
                                                                       » Health and safety skills.

14   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                        15
Your trades guide - Career choices for you
Inte r v i e w t i p s                                                                                                   Employability skills
First impressions count!
» D
   ress smart – get a haircut if needed and wear
                                                            Before the interview
                                                            » Research the organisation
                                                                                                                         Get ready for work
  clean, conservative clothing                              » Prepare questions about the role
» Be positive, smile and show enthusiasm                                                                                 Employability skills are personal qualities or attitudes that make you ready for work.
                                                            » Practice your interview skills with friends and family
» B
   ody language – be open and expressive,                                                                               Below are the top skills New Zealand employers say are essential for the workplace*.
                                                            » Familiarise yourself with the role and job application
  sit up and speak clearly
                                                            » W
                                                               rite down all your skills and be confident with your
» Arrive early for your interview                             ability to do the job
» Ensure your mobile phone is on silent or switched off     » P
                                                               lan your journey, allow for extra travel time, and
» T
   idy up your social media accounts – your new boss         know where you are going to park.
                                                                                                                         Positive attitude                                        Self-management
  might look you up online.                                                                                              Having a positive attitude is like showing up to your    When you manage yourself, you are in control of what
                                                                                                                         team’s game ready to give it your best, excited and      you do and say in a way that doesn’t harm yourself or
                                                            At the interview                                             ready to go – even if the chances of winning are low     others. You turn up to school or work on time, in the
                                                                                                                         and it’s going to be hard work.                          right clothes and ready to start, and people can rely
                                                            » S
                                                               mile and shake hands with your interviewer and                                                                    on you.
                                                              maintain eye contact
                                                            » T
                                                               ake time to think about your answer to every
                                                                                                                                                                                  Willingness to learn
Sample                                                      » If you misunderstand a question, don’t be afraid to       You have good communication skills if you can listen

interview questions                                            ask the interviewer to repeat it                          well, you don’t swear at work or have a bad attitude,
                                                                                                                         you can ask for what you want clearly, and you’re not
                                                                                                                                                                                  Willingness to learn is showing that you’re happy to
                                                                                                                                                                                  learn new things to do your job well. It also means that
                                                            » A
                                                               lways ask questions – this is your chance to ask
                                                                                                                         afraid to ask if you don’t understand something.         when, for example, your coach says that you need to
                                                              the employer anything you want to know about their
» Can you tell us about yourself?                                                                                                                                                work on your passes, or your kapa haka teacher says
                                                              workplace and the job you are applying for
                                                                                                                                                                                  you need to improve your actions, you don’t get too
                                                            » A
                                                               t the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for                                                             upset, but take it calmly and try hard to do better.
» W
   hy do you want to work for
                                                              their time. You could ask the next steps in the            Teamwork
  this organisation?                                          recruitment process.
                                                                                                                         Teamwork is just like when you’re playing sport or
» W
   hat made you apply for this                                                                                          performing in a band. You help each other to get
                                                                                                                         what you want, you make sure you do your part, you
                                                                                                                                                                                  Thinking skills
  particular job?
                                                            After the interview                                          get on with everyone, and you respect your coach or      Using thinking skills means to use your initiative –
» H
   ave you done this kind of                                                                                            manager.                                                 if you see a problem, don’t wait for someone else
                                                            » If possible, email the interviewer and thank them
                                                                                                                                                                                  to fix it, find a way to do it yourself. When you make
  work before?                                                 for taking the time to see you. This shows you are
                                                                                                                                                                                  a decision, such as what to do when you leave school,
                                                               interested in the role and are professional

                                                                                                                                                                                  you think carefully about all your choices and ask
» H
   ow will we benefit from taking                          » It may take several weeks before you hear back            Resilience                                               for advice.
  you on?                                                      about your interview – if you haven’t, you can politely
                                                                                                                         Maybe you’ve worked really hard on that NCEA project
                                                               call or email the company
                                                                                                                         and got a Not Achieved and feel like giving up. Or
» W
   hat are your strengths and                              » Y
                                                               ou may be asked to come back for a second or             your family moves to a new town, away from your          *Source: Careers NZ
  weaknesses?                                                 third interview. This is quite normal as recruiting can    friends. Resilience is accepting that life does can be
                                                              be a lengthy process.                                      challenging at times. It’s about being able to adapt,
» T
   ell me about a time when you had
                                                                                                                         ask for help and keep going.
  to deal with conflict/experienced
  failure/resolved a problem/
  achieved a goal/took a leadership
  role within a group.

16    Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                                                                    17
Getting your
   driver licence                                                                                              Did you k n o w ?
                                                                                                              Research confirms apprentices
                                                                                                              earn more than university
                                                     Having a New Zealand Driver Licence
                                                     could increase your chances of

                                                     getting a job, depending on the
                                                     career you choose.
                                                                                                              graduates by age   *

You can get your Learner Licence when you turn 16,   When you have had your Restricted Licence for at least   Two separate sets of research* confirm that trainees and apprentices are earning
which means you can drive an automatic or manual     18 months, you can apply for your Full Licence which
                                                                                                              and learning their way to financial success.
vehicle while you learn to drive, supervised by      means you can drive an automatic or manual vehicle,
someone who holds a Full Driver Licence.             without supervision, with passengers,and at any time.
                                                                                                              By avoiding student debt, apprentices and trainees earn            Net assets at age 40
Once you have had your Learner Licence for six       For more information about the process,                  significantly more in the early stages of their career and
months, you can apply for your Restricted Licence,   see                                     get a financial head start.                                        » Apprentice $489,827
which means you can drive on your own between                                                                                                                                    » Bachelors $229,806
                                                                                                              They buy a home earlier and for most of their careers,             » No further qualifications $399,501.
5am – 10pm.
                                                                                                              have a higher net financial position than graduates with
                                                                                                              a bachelors degree and above.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Net assets at age 64

                                                                                                              » B
                                                                                                                 y the age of 28 an apprentice has earned $165,000
                                                                                                                more than BA, BCom and BSc graduates
                                                                                                                                                                                 » Apprentice $1.85 million
The roadmap for your car licence                                                                              » B
                                                                                                                 y the age of 30 a mechanical engineer has earned
                                                                                                                $185,998 more than an accountant.

                                                                                                                     y the age of 28 an apprentice
                                                                                                                    has earned $165,000 more than
                                                                                                                    BA, BCom and BSc graduates*
                                                                                                                                                                                 » Bachelors $1.85 million
                                                                                                                                                                                 » No further qualifications $1.65 million.

                                                                                                                                                                                         y the age of 30 a mechanical
                                                                                                                                                                                        engineer has earned $185,998
                                                                                                                                                                                        more than an accountant*
                                                                                                              *Scarlatti research 2018 ‘Income outcomes’ and BERL research 2017 ‘An apprenticeship or studying for a degree –
                                                                                                                which is the better choice for young people?’

18   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                                                                        19
W o r k                                                                                                               Learner
 ex p e r i e n ce                                                                                                      support
 an d                                                                                         Literacy and numeracy                                      In some industries, the following support options
                                                                                                                                                         are also available to our learners:

                                                                                              If you sometimes feel like you struggle with reading,
                                                                                              writing, adding numbers or measuring correctly,
                                                                                              it might also affect your workplace learning.              Study groups
                                                                                              If it’s something you are concerned about, don’t let

                                                                                                                                                         Our study groups provide an opportunity for group

                                                                                              it stop you! We are here to help. Talk to your training

                                                                                                                                                         discussion with peers, in addition to receiving one-on-

  gat  e
                                                                                              advisor and they will figure out the type of support
                                                                                                                                                         one support with assessment material.
                                                                                              you need. We have a network of people all over
                                                                                              New Zealand to help you with language, literacy
                                                                                              and numeracy.
                                                                                                                                                         Apprentice inductions
                                                                                              Dyslexia support                                           An induction equips you with the skills, knowledge,
                                                                                                                                                         and confidence to kick-start your apprenticeship while
                                                                                              Did you know that one in ten Kiwis in the workforce is     providing an opportunity to discuss and implement
                                                                                              dyslexic? Dyslexia does not affect general intelligence,   good study practices.
                                                                                              but can cause difficulties when learning to read or
                                                                                              interpret words, letters, and other symbols.

                              Work experience and Gateway offer a fantastic opportunity       If you have suspected or diagnosed dyslexia,               Mentoring
                                                                                              Competenz can assist you to access funding for
                              to experience what it’s like to work in a trade and gain NCEA   tools and equipment through government agency,             Our mentoring programme is a valuable opportunity
                              credits where relevant.                                         Workbridge.                                                to get guidance and support over and above your
                                                                                                                                                         quarterly visit from a training advisor.
                              Work placement is unpaid, but you can think of it as a job
                              interview. If you make a good impression, it could lead to an
                              apprenticeship job.
                                                                                                                                                               To find out more or discuss your
                              Talk to Competenz to find out more.
                                                                                                                                                               options, talk to your training
                                                                                                                                                               advisor or visit

20   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                                                           21
Car e e r
                              Cho i ces
                               ah e a d
22   Competenz Trades Guide    23
What is it really like?

What do engineers do?
Engineers keep New Zealand’s             Types of engineering roles
industries running with a broad range    There are many types of engineers doing amazing work
                                         all over the country:
of skills like welding, manufacturing
machined and formed parts, plus          Role				                                                          Page
repairs and maintenance of all kinds     General Engineer .............................................. 26
of machinery and equipment. You’ll       Engineering Machinist ..................................... 28
learn on-the-job and through training.
                                         Engineering Fitter and Machinist ................... 30
New Zealand needs many more
                                         Fabricator .......................................................... 32
trades-qualified engineers and there
are loads of opportunities!              Maintenance Engineer ..................................... 34
                                         Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineer . 36
                                         Mechanical Building Services Engineer ........ 38
                                         Dairy Systems Technician .............................. 40
                                         Toolmaker ......................................................... 42
                                         Locksmith ......................................................... 44
                                         Fire Protection Engineer ................................. 46

                                         Competenz connections
                                         We work with more than 1,000 engineering
                                         companies across New Zealand that employ and
                                         train trades engineers, including Apprentice Training
                                         New Zealand (ATNZ).

24   Competenz Trades Guide                                                     Career pathways –   25
General                                                                                                                                  Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                      check our we
                                                                                                                                       for job vacanc

Engineer                                                                                                                              competenz.o


                                   How to become                             A typical day                               Sound like you?
                                   a general engineer                        Normally an eight-hour day;
                                                                             sometimes working longer may                Study areas
                                   You train through an on-the-job
                                   apprenticeship to become a                be required.                                » English or Media or History
                                   general engineer and you will learn                                                   » Maths or Accounting or
                                                                             Each day can be quite different;
                                   a whole range of skills.                                                                 Economics
                                                                             engineering work is varied, and
                                                                                                                         » Sciences or Workshop
                                                                             can involve fitting, machining,
                                                                             welding, maintenance, repair,
                                                                                                                         » Computing/ICT/Information
                                                                             hydraulics, pneumatics and/or
                                   On-the-job training                                                                      Management.
                                   Apprenticeship                            Generally, your training will               Attributes
                                   4 years                                   be tailored to the type of work             »   Reasonable strength and fitness
                                                                             you do.                                     »    Good literacy and numeracy
                                   Your training will depend on your                                                     »    Good organisational skills
                                   employer, the job you do, and your                                                    »   Good work habits/time
                                   current skill level at every stage.                                                        management.

                                                                                                                         Helpful experience
                                                                                                                         » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                         » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                         » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                         Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                         » Inside (workshop or plant)
What do they do?                                                                                                         » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                                                                         » Different places from time
General engineers have good                                                                                                to time.

broad skills and knowledge
of welding, fabrication,
machining, and fitting.            Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology
Their work includes fitting
and assembly work, machine            School                        Entry level jobs                Advanced jobs                      Senior jobs
shop work, service and repair         Unit standards in schools     Apprenticeship                  Higher learning                    Higher learning

work, manufacturing and
                                    Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:        » General Engineer             » Specialist Engineer              » Foreman
general fabrication of all kinds                                                                    » Engineering Supervisor          » Site Supervisor
                                     » Maths
of machines and equipment            » Science (physics)                                            » Leading Hand                     » Business Manager
including hydraulics and             » Technology (metal work)                                      » Workshop Supervisor             » Business Owner
                                                                                                    » Welding Supervisor
pneumatics.                          » English

                                   Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

26   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                        27
Machining                                                                                                                          Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                check our we
                                                                                                                                 for job vacanc

Engineer                                                                                                                        competenz.o

Kaiūhanga Pūrere

                              How to become                            A typical day                               Sound like you?
                              a engineering machinist                  Normally an eight-hour day;
                              You train through an on-the-job          sometimes working longer may                Study areas
                              apprenticeship to become an              be required.                                » English or Media or History
                              engineering machinist and you will       Each day can be quite different;            » Maths or Accounting or
                              learn a whole range of skills.           machining work is varied and can               Economics
                                                                       include making and assembling               » Sciences or Workshop
                                                                       metal parts.                                   Technologies
                                                                                                                   » Computing/ICT/Information
                              On-the-job training                      Using Computer Numerical                       Management.
                                                                       Controlled (CNC) machines, you
                              Apprenticeship                           could be making componentry in              Attributes
                              4 years                                  bulk or making small quantities of          »    Strong eye for detail
                                                                       unique or special parts.                    »    Good literacy and numeracy
                              Your training will depend on your                                                    »    Good organisational skills
                              employer, the job you do and your                                                    »   Good work habits/time
                              skill level at every stage.                                                               management.

                                                                                                                   Helpful experience
                                                                                                                   » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                   » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                   » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                   Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                   » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                   » Different places from time
                                                                                                                     to time.

What do they do?
Machinists manufacture        Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

precision components from
                                   School                      Entry level jobs               Advanced jobs                      Senior jobs
a selection of metals and          Unit standards in schools   Apprenticeship                 Higher learning                    Higher learning
materials using a range of
traditional manual machines    Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:        » Engineering Machinist        » Specialist Engineer              » Foreman
and techniques, through to         » Maths                     » Fitting and Assembly Work   » Engineering Supervisor          » Site Supervisor
                                                               » Machine Shop                 » Leading Hand                     » Business Manager
high-tech, computerised            » Science (physics)
                                                               » Fitter and Turner            » Workshop Supervisor             » Business Owner
                                   » Technology (metal work)
machines requiring                 » English                   » CNC Programmer/Operator     » Welding Supervisor
programming skills.            
                                                               » Manufacturing Engineer

                              Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

28   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                  29
Engineering Fitter                                                                                                                          Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                         check our we
                                                                                                                                          for job vacanc

and Machinist                                                                                                                            competenz.o

Kaipūhanga Whakarawe Pūrere

                              How to become                                  A typical day                                  Sound like you?
What do they do?              a engineering fitter                           Normally an eight-hour day;
                              and machinist                                  sometimes working longer may be                Study areas
Fitter and machinists         You train through an on-the-job
                                                                             required. Each day can be quite                » English or Media or History
                                                                             different; fitting and machining               » Maths or Accounting or
manufacture and assemble      apprenticeship to become an
                                                                             work is varied and can include                    Economics
components for all types of   engineering fitter and machinist and
                                                                             the assembly, alignment and                    » Sciences or Workshop
                              you will learn a whole range of skills.
machinery and equipment.                                                     machining of components, plus                     Technologies
They use traditional and                                                     installation of machines, hydraulic            » Computing/ICT/Information
                                                                             or pneumatic control systems.                     Management.
modern processes and
                              On-the-job training
machinery.                                                                   Basic Computer Numerical
                                                                             Controlled (CNC) machinery
                              Apprenticeship                                                                                »    Strong eye for detail
                                                                             operations are often used, and
                              4 years                                                                                       »    Good literacy and numeracy
                                                                             you could be involved in making
                                                                             prototypes for testing purposes.               »    Good organisational skills
                              Your training will depend on your                                                             »   Good work habits/time
                              employer, the job you do and your                                                                  management.
                              skill level at every stage.
                                                                                                                            Helpful experience
                                                                                                                            » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                            » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                            » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                            Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                            » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                            » Different places from time
                                                                                                                              to time.

                              Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

                                  School                            Entry level jobs                      Advanced jobs                   Senior jobs
                                  Unit standards in schools         Apprenticeship                        Higher learning                 Higher learning

                               Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:             » Engineering fitter and machinist   » Specialist engineer           » Foreman
                                 » Maths                            » Fitter and turner                   » Engineering supervisor       » Site supervisor
                                 » Science (physics)                » CNC programmer/operator            » Leading hand                  » Business manager
                                 » Technology (metal work)          » Manufacturing engineer             » Workshop supervisor          » Business owner
                                 » English                                                                » Welding supervisor

                              Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

30   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                           31
Fabricator                                                                                                                                   Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                          check our we
                                                                                                                                           for job vacanc
Kaimani Konganuku

                                     How to become                               A typical day                               Sound like you?
What do they do?                     a fabricator                                Normally an eight-hour day;
                                     You train through an on-the-job             sometimes working longer may                Study areas
Fabricators work with metals.        apprenticeship to become a                  be required.                                » English or Media or History
They make steel parts and            fabricator and you will learn               Fabrication work is varied and can          » Maths or Accounting or
                                     a whole range of skills.                                                                   Economics
structures, from kitchen sinks                                                   include working with metals to
                                                                                                                             » Sciences or Workshop
                                                                                 create specific products, working
(light fabrication) to steel tanks                                               from design engineers’ drawings,               Technologies
(heavy fabrication) or even a                                                    measuring, cutting, bending and             » Computing/ICT/Information
                                     On-the-job training                                                                        Management.
skyscrapers (steel construction                                                  welding metals, and testing the
fabrication). They are also          Apprenticeship                              finished products.
called sheet metal workers,          4 years                                     Training is tailored to the type of         » Reasonable strength and fitness
steel construction workers,                                                      work you do; heavy fabrication,             » Confidence with IT, computers,
                                     Your training will depend on your           light fabrication or steel
boilermakers and fitter-             employer, the job you do and your           construction.
                                                                                                                             » Good organisational skills
welders.                             skill level at every stage.                                                             » Good work habits/time

                                                                                                                             Helpful experience
                                                                                                                             » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                             » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                             » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                             Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                             » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                             » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                                                                             » Different places from time
                                                                                                                               to time.

                                     Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

                                        School                         Entry level jobs                  Advanced jobs                     Senior jobs
                                        Unit standards in schools      Apprenticeship                    Higher learning                   Higher learning

                                      Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:         » Fabricator (light, heavy       » Specialist Fabricator           » Foreman
                                                                         or steel construction)          » Supervisor                      » Site Supervisor
                                       » Maths
                                       » Science (physics)                                               » Leading Hand                    » Business Manager
                                       » Technology (metal work)                                         » Workshop Supervisor            » Business Owner
                                       » English                                                         » Welding Supervisor

                                     Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

32   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                            33
Maintenance Engineer                                                                                                                 Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                  check our we
                                                                                                                                   for job vacanc
Kaipūhanga Whakatikatika

                              How to become                             A typical day                              Attributes
                              a maintenance engineer                    Normally an eight-hour day;
                                                                                                                   » Reasonable strength and fitness
                                                                                                                   » Confidence with IT, computers,
                              You train through an on-the-job           sometimes working longer may
                              apprenticeship to become a                be required.
                                                                                                                   » Good organisational skills
                              maintenance engineer and you              Work can include installing and            » Good work habits/time
                              will learn a whole range                  maintaining machinery, shutting               management
                              of skills.                                down maintenance work (e.g.                » Good literacy and numeracy
                                                                        within engineering, manufacturing             skills
                                                                        and mining industries), making             » Strong eye for detail.
                                                                        adjustments to meet production
                              On-the-job training
                                                                        requirements, monitoring                   Helpful experience
                              Apprenticeship                            equipment condition, diagnosis             »     Making or fixing things
                              4 years                                   and fault finding. You will usually        »      Working with machinery
                                                                        be working onsite at a production/         »      Working with computers
                                                                        manufacturing business.                    »     Analysing, researching and
                              Your training will depend on your
                              employer, the job you do and your                                                           problem-solving.
                              skill level at every stage.
                                                                                                                   Preferred work environments
                                                                        Sound like you?
                                                                                                                   » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                   » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                        Study areas                                » Different places from time
                                                                        » English or Media or History                to time.
                                                                        » Maths or Accounting or
                                                                        » Sciences or Workshop
                                                                        » Computing/ICT/Information

What do they do?
                              Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology
Maintenance engineers are
responsible for making sure      School                         Entry level jobs               Advanced jobs                        Senior jobs
equipment and machines are       Unit standards in schools      Apprenticeship                 Higher learning                      Higher learning

reliable and run smoothly.
                               Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:         » Maintenance Engineer         » Specialist Fabricator              » Foreman
They use systems to plan                                        » Machine Building and        » Supervisor                         » Site Supervisor
                                » Maths
and oversee scheduled           » Science (physics)
                                                                   Installation Engineer       » Leading Hand                       » Business Manager
maintenance to reduce           » Technology (metal work)
                                                                » Fluid Power Technician       » Workshop Supervisor               » Business Owner
                                                                                               » Welding Supervisor
breakdowns.                     » English

                              Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

34   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                     35
Refrigeration and                                                                                                                                             Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                                           check our we
                                                                                                                                                            for job vacanc

Air Conditioning Engineer                                                                                                                                  competenz.o

Kaipūhangaa Pouaka Makariri and Pūrere Whāhauhau

                                                   How to become                               A typical day                                Sound like you?
                                                   a refrigeration and air                     Normally an eight-hour day;
                                                   conditioning engineer                       sometimes working longer may                 Study areas
                                                                                               be required.                                 » English or Media or History
                                                   You train through an on-the-job
                                                   apprenticeship to become a                  Work can include installing                  » Maths or Accounting or
                                                   refrigeration and air conditioning          and maintaining refrigeration                   Economics
                                                   engineer and you will learn a               and air conditioning systems in              » Sciences or Workshop
                                                   whole range of skills.                      office buildings, hospitals and                 Technologies
                                                                                               factories, through to refrigeration          » Computing/ICT/Information
                                                                                               engineering in warehouses, ships,               Management.
                                                                                               containers and trucks.
                                                   On-the-job training                                                                      Attributes
                                                                                               You are likely to work in many               »    Strong eye for detail
                                                   Apprenticeship                              different locations each day.                »    Good literacy and numeracy
                                                   4 years                                                                                  »    Good organisational skills
                                                                                                                                            »   Good work habits/time
                                                   Your training will depend on your                                                             management.
                                                   employer, the job you do and your
                                                   skill level at every stage.                                                              Helpful experience
                                                                                                                                            » Analysing, researching
                                                                                                                                               or problem-solving
                                                                                                                                            » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                                            » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                                            » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                                            Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                                            » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                                            » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                                                                                            » Different places from time
What do they do?                                                                                                                              to time.

Refrigeration and air                              Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

conditioning engineers
                                                      School                       Entry level jobs                                Advanced jobs                Senior jobs
manufacture, install and                              Unit standards in schools    Apprenticeship                                  Higher learning              Higher learning
maintain the systems used to
provide heating or cooling to                       Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:       » Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineer   » Specialist Engineer        » Foreman
buildings, and refrigeration to                       » Maths                      » Air Conditioning Systems Designer             » Supervisor                 » Site Supervisor
                                                                                   » Industrial Refrigeration Engineer                                          » Business
store and transport perishable                        » Science (physics)
                                                                                   » Commercial Refrigeration Engineer                                             Manager
                                                      » Technology (metal work)
items such as food and                                » English                    » Transport Refrigeration Engineer                                           » Business Owner
                                                   Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

36   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                             37
Mechanical Building                                                                                                                            Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                            check our we
                                                                                                                                             for job vacanc

Services Engineer                                                                                                                           competenz.o

Ratonga Hanga Pūkaha

                                    How to become                               A typical day                                  Sound like you?
What do they do?                    a mechanical building                       Normally an eight-hour day;
                                    services engineer                           sometimes working longer may                   Study areas
Mechanical building                 You train through an on-the-
                                                                                be required.                                   » English or Media or History
services engineers install          job apprenticeship to become                Work can include installing and                » Maths or Accounting or
and maintain the heating,           a mechanical building services              maintaining air conditioning
                                                                                                                               » Sciences or Workshop
                                    engineer and you will learn a               and heating systems in office
ventilation, air conditioning and                                               buildings, hospitals and factories.               Technologies
                                    whole range of skills.
environmental control systems                                                                                                  » Computing/ICT/Information
                                                                                You are likely to work in a variety               Management.
used in offices, hospitals,                                                     of locations.
supermarkets and other              On-the-job training                                                                        Attributes
businesses.                                                                                                                    »    Strong eye for detail
                                    Apprenticeship                                                                             »    Good literacy and numeracy
                                    4 years                                                                                    »    Good organisational skills
                                                                                                                               »   Good work habits/time
                                    Your training will depend on your                                                               management.
                                    employer, the job you do and your
                                    skill level at every stage.                                                                Helpful experience
                                                                                                                               » Analysing, researching
                                                                                                                                  or problem-solving
                                                                                                                               » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                               » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                               » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                               Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                               » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                               » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                                                                               » Different places from time
                                                                                                                                 to time.

                                    Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

                                       School                        Entry level jobs                                 Advanced jobs           Senior jobs
                                       Unit standards in schools     Apprenticeship                                   Higher learning         Higher learning

                                     Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:        » Mechanical Building Services Engineer          » Supervisor            » Foreman
                                      » Maths                        » System Designer                                                        » Site Supervisor
                                      » Science (physics)            » Commercial Engineer                                                    » Business Manager
                                      » Technology (metal work)      » Industrial Engineer                                                    » Business Owner
                                      » English

                                    Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

38   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                              39
Dairy Systems                                                                                                                                    Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                              check our we
                                                                                                                                               for job vacanc

Technician                                                                                                                                    competenz.o

Kaipūhanga Pūnaha Miraka Kau

                                    How to become                             A typical day                                      Sound like you?
                                    a dairy technician                        Normally an eight-hour day;
                                    You train through an on-the-job           sometimes outside normal hours                     Study areas
                                    apprenticeship to become a dairy          if there is a breakdown.                           » English or Media or History
                                    systems technician and you will           Each day can be quite different;                   » Maths or Accounting or
                                    learn a whole range of skills.            working in a workshop one day                         Economics
                                                                              and on a farm the next.                            » Sciences or Workshop
                                                                              You will install, maintain, test,                  » Agriculture or Horticulture
                                    On-the-job training                       diagnose faults and make
                                                                              recommendations for milking                        Attributes
                                    Apprenticeship                            systems, farm water and/or                         » Good literacy and numeracy
                                    3 years                                   farm dairy effluent systems to                     » Good work habits/time
                                                                              keep them running smoothly.                           management
                                    Your training will depend on your                                                            » Good at problem-solving/
                                    employer, the job you do and your                                                               creative.
                                    skill level at every stage.
                                                                                                                                 Helpful experience
                                                                                                                                 » Customer service
                                                                                                                                    or helping people
                                                                                                                                 » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                                 » Working with machinery.

                                                                                                                                 Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                                 » Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                                 » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                                                                                 » Different places from time
                                                                                                                                   to time.

                                    Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology
What do they do?
                                       School                      Entry level jobs                               Advanced jobs                 Senior jobs
Dairy systems technicians install      Unit standards in schools   Apprenticeship                                 Higher learning               Higher learning
and maintain milking systems,
farm water or effluent systems.      Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:      » Dairy Systems Engineer                       » Supervisor                  » Foreman
                                      » Maths                      » Milking Machine System Technician                                          » Site Supervisor
They play an essential role                                        » Pump Technician                                                            » Business Manager
                                      » Science (physics)
in supporting New Zealand’s           » Technology (metal work)    » Farm Water System Technician                                               » Business Owner
biggest industry.                     » English                    » Dairy Effluent System Technician

                                    Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

40   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                                41
Toolmaker                                                                                                                                  Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                        check our we
                                                                                                                                         for job vacanc
Kaimahi Taputapu

                                       How to become                             A typical day                             Sound like you?
                                       a toolmaker                               Normally an eight-hour day;
                                       You train through an on-the-job           sometimes working longer may              Study areas
                                       apprenticeship to become a                be required.                              » English or Media or History
                                       toolmaker and you will learn a            Work can include designing and            » Maths or Accounting or
                                       whole range of skills.                    manufacturing moulds, dies or                Economics
                                                                                 casts for mass-produced product           » Sciences or Workshop
                                                                                 containers (for example, paint and           Technologies
                                                                                 aerosol cans) as well as designing        » Computing/ICT/Information
                                       On-the-job training                                                                    Management.
                                                                                 and manufacturing one-off tools
                                       Apprenticeship                            needed within an industry.
                                       4 years                                   You’ll learn computer-aided               » Strong eye for detail
                                                                                 design/computer-aided                     » Good literacy and numeracy
                                       Your training will depend on your         manufacturing (CAD/CAM)                   » Confidence with IT, computers,
                                       employer, the job you do and your         programmes and also computer                 technology
                                       skill level at every stage.               numerical control (CNC) or                » Good work habits/time
                                                                                 electrical discharge machining               management.
                                                                                 (EDM) using computers.
                                                                                                                           Helpful experience
                                                                                                                           » Making or fixing things
                                                                                                                           » Working with machinery
                                                                                                                           » Working with computers.

                                                                                                                           Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                           » Inside (workshop or plant).
What do they do?
Toolmakers use precision engineering
skills to make specialist tooling
such as moulds, and dies, for use in
                                       Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology
the manufacture of many common
household items such as aerosol           School                         Entry level jobs              Advanced jobs                     Senior jobs
cans and plastic bottles. They use        Unit standards in schools      Apprenticeship                Higher learning                   Higher learning
manually operated machines through
                                        Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:         » Toolmaker                   » Specialist Toolmaker            » Foreman
to high-tech computerised machines
                                         » Maths                         » Machine Shop                » Supervisor                      » Site Supervisor
that require advanced software to                                        » CNC Programmer/Operator                                      » Business Manager
                                         » Science (physics)
programme them for 3D machining.         » Technology (metal work)       » Research and Development                                     » Business Owner
                                         » English

                                       Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

42   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                          43
Locksmith                                                                                                                                  Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                        check our we
                                                                                                                                         for job vacanc
Kaimahi Raka

                                     How to become                              A typical day                              Sound like you?
What do they do?                     a locksmith                                Sometimes an eight-hour day;
                                     You train through an on-the-job            sometimes on shift work rosters            Study areas
Locksmiths provide security          apprenticeship to become a                 or on call.                                » English or Media or History
for homes, businesses and            locksmith and you will learn               Work can include discussing                » Maths or Accounting or
                                     a whole range of skills with                                                             Economics
other assets.                                                                   clients’ security needs through to
                                                                                                                           » Sciences or Workshop
                                     different electives available in           replacing lost keys or cracking a
They can                             your final year.                           safe. Typically, you travel to the            Technologies
                                                                                client’s location so you’re often on       » Computing/ICT/Information
» Secure premises                                                                                                             Management.
                                                                                the move. Your clients could be
» Provide security advice            On-the-job training                        private owners or law enforcement
                                                                                agencies, depending on the
» Open jammed or broken locks                                                  company.                                   » Strong eye for detail
                                                                                                                           » Confidence with IT, computers,
» Make replacement keys              4 years                                    You may also be involved in                   technology
» Unlock vehicles, buildings                                                   providing security advice, for             » Good work habits/time
                                     Your training will depend on your          example, alarm systems.
   or safes                          employer, the job you do and your
                                                                                                                           » Good at problem-solving/
» Assist law enforcement            skill level at every stage.                                                              creative.
   agencies with:
                                                                                                                           Helpful experience
        - Evictions
                                                                                                                           » Customer service
        - Repossessions                                                                                                       or helping people
                                                                                                                           » Making or fixing things.
        - Search warrants
        - Forensic investigations.                                                                                         Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                           » Inside (retail or shop)
                                                                                                                           » Lots of different places
                                                                                                                              every day.

                                     Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

                                        School                          Entry level jobs               Advanced jobs                     Senior jobs
                                        Unit standards in schools       Apprenticeship                 Higher learning                   Higher learning

                                      Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:          » Locksmith                    » Specialist Locksmith            » Business Manager
                                       » Maths                                                         » Team Leader                     » Business Owner
                                       » Science (physics)                                             » Supervisor
                                       » Technology (metal work)
                                       » English

                                     Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

44   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                          45
Fire Protection                                                                                                                        Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                    check our we
                                                                                                                                     for job vacanc

Engineer                                                                                                                            competenz.o

Kaipūhanga Papare Ahi

                                 How to become                                A typical day                            Sound like you?
What do they do?                 a fire protection                            Sometimes an eight-hour day;
                                 engineer                                     sometimes on shift work rosters          Study areas
Fire protection engineers deal   You train through an on-the-job
                                                                              or on call.                              » English or Media or History
with fire safety equipment       traineeship or apprenticeship to             Work can include discussing              » Maths or Accounting or
used in commerical buildings.    become a fire protection engineer            clients’ fire protection needs and
                                                                                                                       » Sciences or Workshop
                                 and you will learn a whole range             surveying their fire risk as well
They survey, select, install,                                                 as selecting, commissioning and             Technologies
                                 of skills.
commission and maintain                                                       maintaining firefighting and fire        » Computing/ICT/Information
hand-operated firefighting                                                    safety equipment (from hand-                Management.

equipment and protection         On-the-job training
                                                                              operated tools to entire protection
                                                                              and/or detection systems).
and detection systems.                                                                                                 » Strong eye for detail
                                 Traineeship                                                                           » Confidence with IT, computers,
                                 2 - 4 years                                                                              technology
                                                                                                                       » Good work habits/time
                                 Apprenticeship                                                                           management
                                 3 - 4 years                                                                           » Good at problem-solving/
                                 Your training will depend on your
                                                                                                                       Helpful experience
                                 employer, the job you do and your
                                 skill level at every stage.                                                           » Customer service
                                                                                                                          or helping people
                                                                                                                       » Making or fixing things.

                                                                                                                       Preferred work environments
                                                                                                                       »    Inside (retail or shop)
                                                                                                                       »   Inside (office environment)
                                                                                                                       »    Inside (workshop or plant)
                                                                                                                       »   Lots of different places
                                                                                                                            every day.

                                 Pathway         Manufacturing and Technology

                                    School                           Entry level jobs                Advanced jobs                    Senior jobs
                                    Unit standards in schools        Apprenticeship                  Higher learning                  Higher learning

                                  Ideally NCEA Level 2 in:           » Fire Protection Engineer      » Team Leader                    » Business Manager
                                   » Maths                                                           » Supervisor                     » Business Owner
                                   » Science (physics)
                                   » Technology (metal work)
                                   » English

                                 Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

46   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                       47
What is it really like?

What do forestry workers do?
                                           Types of forestry workers
Forestry workers produce 98 per            There are many people working in forestry doing great
cent of all the wood New Zealand           jobs all over the country. Some of these people work
uses. Most of the work is outdoors in      in the forest growing and harvesting the trees:

forests, but there are also engineering,   Role				                                                 Page
research, planning and management          Forestry and Logging Worker .......................... 50
jobs available. There are roles you can
do straight from school or you might
choose to gain higher qualifications.      Competenz connections
Forestry work is varied and there are      We work with forestry companies across New Zealand
loads of opportunities.                    that employ and train forestry workers. That means we
                                           can guide you through every step of the process and
                                           give you all the help you need.

48   Competenz Trades Guide                                              Career pathways –   49
Forestry and                                                                                                                             Jobseekers,
                                                                                                                                      check our we
                                                                                                                                       for job vacanc

Logging Worker                                                                                                                        competenz.o

Kaimahi Ngahere

                                  How to become a                                A typical day                           Sound like you?
What do they do?                  forestry and logging                           Often a ten-hour working day;
                                  worker                                         sometimes weekend work is               Study areas
Forestry and logging workers      You train on-the-job gaining
                                                                                 required. There is a variety of jobs    » S
                                                                                                                            ciences or Workshop
                                                                                 to do from preparing the ground,          Technologies
plant, prune, measure, cut and    specific forestry skills as well as
                                                                                 planting, pruning, measuring tree       » Agriculture or Horticulture
clear trees from forests. They    related skills such as first aid,
                                                                                 growth, selecting and cutting           » Physical Education or Health.
                                  chainsaw and equipment skills,
have good knowledge of trees                                                     down trees, through to using
                                  heavy machinery handling and
and timber types, tree pruning,   firefighting, depending on where
                                                                                 harvesting machinery, operating         Attributes
                                                                                 loaders, cutting and grading logs       » Reasonable strength and fitness
felling, cutting and trimming     you complete your training.
                                                                                 and maintaining equipment.              » Good initiative/can-do attitude
methods, good mechanical
                                                                                 You’ll need to be safety conscious,     » Good work habits/time
operations skills (from                                                          practical and work well in a team.         management.
chainsaws to heavy machinery)     On-the-job training
along with firefighting, and                                                                                             Helpful experience
health and safety skills.                                                                                                » Making or fixing things
                                  1 - 4 years                                                                            » Working with machinery.

                                  Apprenticeship                                                                         Preferred work environments
                                  2.5 - 3.5 years                                                                        » Outside (outdoors)
                                                                                                                         » Different places from time
                                  Your training will depend on your                                                        to time.
                                  employer, the job you do and your
                                  skill level at every stage.

                                  Pathway        Primary Industries

                                                                        Entry level jobs
                                     School                                                            Advanced jobs              Senior jobs
                                                                        Traineeship or
                                     Unit standards in schools                                         Higher learning            Higher learning

                                   Good NCEA Level 1 passes in:         » Forestry Worker              » Crew Manager             » Forest Manager
                                     » Maths                            » Logging Worker               » Contractor               » Business Owner
                                     » English

                                  Interested? Visit to look at the specific qualification options that are right for you.

50   Competenz Trades Guide                                                                                                        51
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