YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"

YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
OPPORTUNITIES                                                              Thursday, February 25, 2021


               “We gained our
            reputation by being the
              best in what we do”
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"

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YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


               Pandemic spurs demand for
                     global migration
        ●   Covid-19 has given people the chance to take stock of their circumstances – and for an increasing
                 number this has meant looking at immigration opportunities abroad for a better life
B E  P                                                                                        visa should consider pol-
Special to GN Focus               BY THE NUMBERS: MIGRATION TRENDS                                      icy changes due to travel

         he era of Covid-19
         upended life as
         we know it, with
                                 272 million
                                 The number of international                  3.5%
                                                                                                          Right now, travellers
                                                                                                        arriving to Canada by air
                                                                                                        – aside from a few ex-
         no sector left un-      migrants globally in 2019                     of the world’s           ceptions – are required to
altered.                                                                        population              take a Covid-19 molecular
   In the case of immigra-                                                                              test prior to exiting the
tion, the pandemic gave                                                                                 airport, and another test               Sara Alam
people all over the world                                                                               towards the end of their              Service Manager,
                                                        THE TOP 3 REMITTANCE
the opportunity to pause
for a while and analyse
                                     17.5 m             RECIPIENTS
                                                                                                        14-day quarantine period
                                                                                                        at their own cost. They
                                                                                                                                             Cosmos Immigration
                                India had the largest
their lives — and in many       number of migrants                                                      will also be required to re-
cases this led to wanting           living abroad         India         China          Mexico           serve, prior to their depar-
a better life overseas in a                             $78.6 bn       $67.4 bn       $35.7 bn          ture for Canada, a three-
safe country with bene-                                                                                 night stay at a government
fits such as free healthcare
and education.
                                                                          USA                           authorised hotel at their
                                                                                                        own cost while they await
                                       Mexico                             Top destination
   One interesting side ef-                                               country with 50.7             the results of their test.
fect of the health crisis has        11.8 m                               million international           Yet, despite the pan-                 Karun Luthra
                                                                                                                                             Migration Consultant,
been that countries have                                                  migrants                      demic, Canada is on track
had the chance to shine                                                                                 to shatter its Express En-                Vazir Group
— or not — in the eyes of a
particularly engaged glob-
                                                                          UAE                           try record. The Canadian
                                                                                                        government has taken a          urges those seeking green-
                                                                          Country with the
al audience. Three of the              China                              highest proportion of         welcoming approach to-          er pastures in another land
biggest winners were Aus-
tralia, New Zealand and
                                    10.7 m                                international migrants        wards immigrants during
                                                                                                        these challenging times,
                                                                                                                                        to conduct proper research
                                                                                                                                        and approach experts for
Canada, who all showed                                         Source: UN World Migration Report 2020   which is a positive sign        advice before even starting
great care for their citi-      ceived a massive boost                “Each year thousands              for skilled professionals       the application process for
zens while managing to          last year as it drew global        choose Canada as a dream             considering       relocation    another country.
incur only minimal im-          praise for its handling of         country to seek citizen-             options, says Alam.                “It is essential to be
pact to everyday life.          Covid-19, which resulted           ship,” she says. “It is also           On the other hand, Aus-       well informed and con-
   For New Zealand, mi-         in a very low death rate.          the top destination for              tralia has designed its mi-     sult with someone who
gration has long been the          But it is Canada that re-       young students who are               gration plans to achieve        listens to you and advises
chief driver for the popu-      mains arguably the most            seeking affordable and               a range of economic and         correctly based on your
lation of the isolated island   popular migrant destina-           safe education.”                     social outcomes – mainly        current      circumstances
nation, which increased         tion for expats living in             Alam, however, cau-               to fill skill shortages in the   and future goals – not just
by half a million people        the Middle East, says Sara         tions that students who              labour market.                  someone who urges you
in the past six years alone.    Alam, Service Manager,             are currently preparing to             Karun Luthra, Migration       to choose the supposedly
The country’s profile re-        Cosmos Immigration.                apply for a Canadian study           Consultant at Vazir Group,      easier option.” ■
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


         ●   GN Focus looks at some of the most popular pathways to immigrate to Canada
                                 and secure permanent residence

B C    S                 thrive, but also by starting busi-                                             Through a network of Nominee
Editor                                  nesses themselves. Our plan will                                             Programme (PNP), almost all of

                                        help to address some of our most                                             Canada’s ten provinces and three
           ver the next three years,    acute labour shortages and to grow                                           territories can nominate skilled
           Canada aims to welcome       our population to keep Canada                                                worker candidates for admission
           over one million new         competitive on the world stage.”                                             to Canada with the specific skills
           permanent residents at                                                                                    required by their local economies.
the rate of about one per cent of the   Immigration trends                                                             “Under the PNP, there are about
population of the country, which           Canada has issued 37,986 invita-                                          80 different pathways and the ap-
includes 401,000 immigrants in          tions in the first two months of this      Every PNP targets                  plication and eligibility criteria for
2021, 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000      year, as compared to 14,800 invi-        the specific needs of               each category are different,” says
immigrants in 2023.                     tations last year. “This indicates       the province’s labour               Khan. Many provinces also run
   According to Canada’s leading        now is the best time to apply for                                            their own categories under the
immigration news portal CIC News,       Canadian immigration,” says Clint
                                                                                       market.”                      Canada Express Entry system.
the only time Canada welcomed           Khan, Director, Y-Axis, one of the                 Clint Khan                  “Every PNP targets the specif-
over 400,000 immigrants was in          largest immigration consultants in                  Director,                ic needs of the province’s labour
1913, when it admitted 401,000          the UAE.                                              Y-Axis                 market. So it’s critical to find a
newcomers and it has never come            Economic immigrants are the                                               provincial stream matching your
close to this figure again.              mainstay of the Canada immigra-        PNP and the Quebec Skilled Worker     specific skills. The top provinces
   Now to compensate for the short-     tion levels plan. The category in-     Programme (QSWP).                     for PNP are Alberta, Saskatchewan,
fall of immigration in 2020 due to      cludes federal skilled immigrants        Express Entry is the online ap-     Ontario, Prince Edward Island,
the pandemic as well as to mitigate     welcomed through Express Entry,        plication management system for       Nova Scotia, British Columbia and
its impact on the economy, Canada       as well as business immigrants,        skilled immigrants who want to        New Brunswick,” adds Khan.
has set the most ambitious immi-        Provincial Nominee Programme           settle in Canada permanently.            The Quebec Skilled Worker Pro-
gration level plan in its history.      (PNP) immigrants and Quebec              “The Express Entry was devel-       gramme (QSWP) is another appli-
   The pandemic has also high-          immigrants. The 2021-2023 Im-          oped to facilitate immigration for    cation process for trained foreign
lighted the contribution of immi-       migration Levels Plan aims to ac-      three federal government pro-         nationals who want to become
grants across all sectors of the Ca-    cept about 60 per cent of all im-      grammes — Federal Skilled Worker      permanent residents of Canada
nadian economy.                         migrants under economic class          Programme, Canadian Experience        and live and work in Quebec.
   “Immigration is essential to get-    programmes.                            Class, and Federal Skilled Trades       The province has its own rules
ting us through the pandemic, and                                              Programme. A recent change in-        for choosing immigrants who they
also to our short-term economic         Eligibility requirements               troduced in the Express Entry         think, will adapt well to its com-
recovery and our long-term eco-            “Canada offers various immigra-     programme include an automat-         munities. Prospective immigrants
nomic growth,” said Marco E. L.         tion programmes through which          ic update of the Comprehensive        who apply to the QSWP are eval-
Mendicino, Canada’s Minister of         people can apply for a permanent       Ranking System (CRS) scores of all    uated according to a number of
Immigration, Refugees and Citi-         resident (PR) visa, but each pro-      profiles before the next invitation    factors, and applicants who score
zenship, in a press statement. “As      gramme has its eligibility require-    round, which will take up to two to   enough points are issued a Quebec
we look to recovery, newcomers          ments and application procedure.       three weeks. Moreover, applicants     Selection Certificate (CSQ), which
create jobs not just by giving our      Some popular programmes for get-       can get additional points for their   they can later use to apply for Ca-
businesses the skills they need to      ting the PR visa are Express Entry,    French language skills.”              nadian permanent residency. ■
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


                                                                                                                       ● St. Kitts and Nevis offers
                                                                                                                       a number of pre-approved
                                                                                                                       real estate projects for

    Invest in
    your future                                                                                                                             Shutterstock

● The Covid era has made the wealthy look more urgently at acquiring new passports to
access business opportunities and ensure safety and stability for their family
B E  P                                 ing proper residency or citizenship in the          terms of CBI programme requirements, but
Special to GN Focus                              country where you want to reside as a per-          common to all are a minimum investment in

                                                 manent citizen, so you can enjoy certain ex-        one of the government-approved options —
         global crisis has a way of putting      clusive rights and remove uncertainty.”             usually real estate — the purchase of govern-
         things into perspective, while oblit-      As an industry, CBI began in 1984 in the         ment bonds or a donation to a national eco-
         erating the status quo.                 Caribbean islands of St. Kitts and Nevis,           nomic fund, and the ability to show the legal
            Before Covid-19, for some people     which offered a passport to foreigners who          source of the investment money.
having good connections and money to burn        invested substantially in their economy.               There are numerous benefits to being the
could buy them the right to live pretty much        Today, a long list of countries trade citizen-   owner of the second passport, including free-
anywhere.                                        ship or residency for cash. According to a top      dom of movement, tax reduction, visa-free
   Then the pandemic happened and for the        industry expert, Henley & Partners, it’s now        access to coveted foreign markets, and a bet-
first time in modern history, nations around      a global industry worth $25 billion (Dh91.8         ter quality of life. Right now, there are other
the world began restricting entry exclusively    billion) a year.                                    more pressing motivations. Rich people are
to their own citizens and residents. Travel-        There are some country differences in            seeking the assurance of mobility in a world
lers who consistently enjoyed unrestricted
mobility now find themselves locked out of
countries they had previously entered at will
— all because of their limited citizenship.
   This global phenomenon has generated in-
tense interest in Citizenship and Residency        Many people are applying
by Investment (CBI and RBI) programmes,            for programmes in Portugal,
which greatly expand travel opportunities.         Spain and Greece to be a
                                                   resident of Schengen, so in
Covid-19: An eye-opener
  “The unprecedented trend of bans and sus-        the future they will be able
pension of temporary visas and work permits        to move more easily when
by several countries during the pandemic has       required.”
exposed the vulnerability of such statuses of
residency,” explains Deepanshu Choudhry,           Pej Mohyeddin,
Legal Manager, Step Global.                        Managing Director, Bayat Legal Services
  “It has stressed the importance of acquir-
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES - "We gained our reputation by being the best in what we do"
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


where the health crisis, tense international            rector, Pej Mohyeddin, is in regular contact
politics, and climate change are all making
people nervous.
                                                        with many of the Caribbean programme
                                                        managers, who confirm business during
                                                                                                             5 point checklist
Property for sale
                                                        the pandemic is far from down.
                                                           “The numbers have been consistent to
                                                                                                             in choosing an
   For many people, investing in property is            pre-pandemic, so that means their ability            immigration and a
the best route.                                         to process and the interest of customers has
   “Purchasing citizenship through real es-             not diminished,” he says.                            citizenship consultant
tate remains an excellent source of value for              “A lot of people are optimistic about the
those looking to invest in something tangible           future and they believe having second                ● There are many things to keep in mind
that also has growth potential,” says Mahdi             passports is definitely going to be a plus in         before selecting a consultant
Mohammed, CEO of Guide Consultants.                     their lives, whether for business, personal
   He says that the current economic citi-              or family.”                                                  THEY MUST BE REGISTERED
zenship market is exploding throughout                     When it comes to CBI programmes in                            The first point to check is
the Caribbean, where properties are being               the EU, Mohyeddin says the market is also                     if the company is properly
snapped up by risk-averse yet savvy inves-              buoyant. “Programmes in the EU are doing             registered. For example, for a Canada
tors. “In Dominica, which has one of the                very well because people realise they need           application, they must be registered
fastest growing regional CBI programmes,                to have access, and a Schengen residency             with the Immigration Consultants of
the funds generated have dramatically                   opens the door tremendously because trav-            Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC), the
transformed the country’s housing mar-                  el restrictions are quite harsh for non-EU           national regulatory body that oversees
ket,” he adds.                                          citizens during pandemic lockdowns,” he              Canadian immigration professionals.
   With nearly 30 years in the industry, Bay-           explains. “Therefore, many people are ap-            Many consultants in the UAE work
at Legal Services always has its finger on the           plying for programmes in Portugal, Spain,            in partnership with other external
pulse of immigration trends. Managing Di-               and Greece to be a resident of Schengen, so          consultants, so they are not directly
                                                        in the future they will be able to move more         liable and responsible for a client who
                                                        easily when required.”                               pays them. Carefully read the retainer
                                                           When it comes to the best way for en-             agreement before you pay any fees.
                                                        suring you choose the right immigration
                                                        or second citizenship pathway, Tony Ebra-
                                                        heem, Founder of 111 Immigration, says no                    DO THEY OFFER GOOD
                                                        two cases are the same.                                      SUPPORT SERVICES?
                                                           “However, balancing three things will                        “Find out if they take escrow
  Deepanshu             Mahdi        Tony Ebraheem      guide you to select the best programme,” he                   account-accepted payments,
   Choudhry          Mohammed          Founder and      advises. “How fast you want it, what ben-            offer flexible payment terms as well
 Legal Manager,          CEO,             Lawyer,       efits you are looking for, and how much it            as refunds in case something doesn’t
  Step Global      Guide Consultants 111 Immigration    will cost.” ■                                        happen as planned,” advises Karun
                                                                                                             Luthra, Migration Consultant, Vazir Group.
                                                                                                             “Also, look for personalised support
                                                                                                             services like a dedicated customer

     AVOID LEGAL TROUBLE WHILE                                                                               manager, free IELTS tests and training,
                                                                                                             real estate solutions, guidance in choosing

                                                                                                             schools for kids and so on.”

         ● In conversation with Dr Sadir Al Kherdaji, Managing Director,                                             CHECK IF THEY ARE REPUTED
                                                                                                                       It’s a good idea to see if the
                          Al Kherdaji International Legal Consultants                                                consultancy is endorsed by
                                                                                                             any major companies or government
  What are the common legal                                              compliance with the laws of         authorities, embassies and consulates.
  hurdles an investor may face                                           the country of naturalisation       Ask around, look online, if the company
  while applying for a citizenship                                       without prejudice to the            has a great reputation — you should find
  or residency by investment                                             necessity to have a creative        plenty of evidence to support it.
  programme?                                                             tax structuring.
     The applicant must check
  the legalities of acquiring dual                                       After acquiring the citizenship,            THEY SHOULD BE WELL
  citizenship in the laws and                                            what legal matters should an                ESTABLISHED
  constitution of their home                                             investor be aware of?                          Go for a consultant that has
  country. Many countries,                                                  Citizenship is the               been in business for a long time as they
  especially in Asia, prohibit                                           relationship between an             will have a high level of experience in
  dual citizenship and travelling     never lived in that country or     individual and a sovereign          processing different types of cases and
  with multiple passports.            obtained its citizenship.          state, defined by the laws          profiles. This will increase your chances of
  Applications for a second                                              of that state, along with           a successful application.
  passport in such cases come         What can be done to limit          corresponding duties
  under many challenges.              an investor’s tax risks while      and rights. Therefore, the
     Another common                   opting for a programme?            naturalised person should                   FIND OUT IF THEY ARE
  difficulty could be related            In general, tax regimes are     save no effort to be aware of               FOLLOWING INDUSTRY NORMS
  to arranging for all due            residence-based or territorial.    their new duties and rights                 “In order to avoid scams or any
  diligence and background            Therefore, a careful prior         under the law in force in the       type of fraud and misrepresentation
  check details for application,      study should be made about         country in which they have          by dubious agents, ensure that the
  which can sometimes be              the tax laws in place of           obtained citizenship. This          consultants and lawyers follow the
  simply unobtainable. For            residence of the applicant and     includes, but is not limited        standard immigration procedure to the
  example, getting a police           the tax laws of their country      to the basic laws related to        best of their ability as per the established
  clearance certificate from an       of origin, while considering       civil and financial affairs, such   industry standards,” says Deepanshu
  applicant’s country of birth        the tax laws in force in the       as serving the mandatory            Choudhry, Legal Manager, Step Global.
  can sometimes be really hard,       country in which they intend       national service.                                               — GN Focus report
  especially if the applicant has     to naturalise. This is to ensure                 — GN Focus report
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


         ealising the dream

                                    Why a higher IELTS score
         of living abroad
         as a highly skilled
         worker or student
can come down to how

                                   can improve your chances
many points you score on
immigration        checklists.
While factors such as age
are impossible to change,

                                    of immigration success
you can enhance your ap-
plication in other ways.
   A little practice and
some personalised coach-
ing, for example, can raise
your score on English-lan-                  ●    The British Council has launched a unique counselling
guage assessment tests and
correspondingly improve                            service to help candidates ace the IELTS exam
your overall chances.
   Canada, Australia, New
Zealand and the UK accept
the International English
Language Testing System
(IELTS) exam as evidence
of English language profi-
ciency for study, work and
migration. The four-part
test evaluates your ability
to read, write, listen and
speak, and a high score
on all fronts can make the
difference between a suc-
cessful visa application or
not receiving an immigra-
tion permit at all.
   As the world’s most
popular test, IELTS can
also improve your chanc-
es of finding a job in your
target country — more
than 10,000 organisations
accept its results.
   “The aim is to achieve
a high score to enhance
the overall points on your
application. Scoring well                                                                                                             guide and advise on how to
in each component of the                                                                                                              best prepare for the IELTS
IELTS test can cause quite                                                                                                            test to achieve the desired
a difference in the points                                                                                                            score,” Adhikari says.
you achieve,” says Deep                                                                                                                  For a package of Dh310,
Adhikari, Director Exams            With IELTS Counselling service,                                                                   test candidates get the on-
Gulf South Cluster at the           our customers get personalised                                                                    line assessment and per-
British Council.                    support from IELTS experts who                                                                    sonalised learning plan,
   He offers some examples          guide and advise on how to best                                                                   as well as regular check-
of how a high score affects                                                                                                           in calls with a dedicated
individual cases. The mini-         prepare for the IELTS test to                                                                     counsellor and guidance
mum IELTS score required            achieve the desired score.”                                                                       on the exam and results
to immigrate to Canada is                                                                                                             process. For those who
                                    Deep Adhikari
6, while it is 7 for Australia.                                                                                                       book an IELTS test with
                                    Director Exams Gulf South Cluster,
“However, this minimum                                                                                                                the British Council, the
                                    British Council
score will not contribute                                                                                                             IELTS Plus package of-
effectively to your overall                                                                                                           fers the same benefits for
Comprehensive Ranking                                                                                                                 Dh160 in addition to an
Score (CRS). Applicants           test in advance and get                can award you up to 20         cal and personalised ap-      advance test booking and
must aim anywhere be-             training to obtain the ideal           points and can easily help     proach that helps exam        a free test date transfer
tween the Canadian Level          IELTS score on your first               increase your score. So,       candidates improve their      worth Dh315.
Benchmark score of 7-9.           attempt.”                              applicants have to work on     IELTS score. The pro-            The British Council also
While 7 is easily achiev-           Similarly, 65 points                 enhancing their chances        gramme first assesses          offers several free resourc-
able and 9 is more difficult,      is the minimum overall                 in order to succeed in their   each candidate’s current      es for anyone who wants
with constant practice we         qualifying score for immi-             application.”                  English level and provides    to do the IELTS exam,
believe anyone can secure         gration to Australia. How-                                            customised feedback and       including practice tests,
the CLB Level 8 at least,”        ever, Adhikari explains,               Counselling                    resources to focus on areas   a massive online open
Adhikari says.                    invitations are being is-              effectiveness                  of improvement.               course, preparation vid-
   “To     increase       your    sued to candidates who                   At the start of Febru-          “With IELTS Counsel-       eos, a webinar, and mobile
chances at receiving an           score between 70 and 80                ary, the British Council       ling service, our customers   apps.
invitation, it is crucial that    points on the assessment               launched the IELTS Coun-       get personalised support         While many students
you practice for your IELTS       grid. “High IELTS scores               selling Service, a practi-     from IELTS experts who        worry about the IELTS
Gulf News | Thursday, February 25, 2021

                                                                      YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES                                             11

    The computer-
 delivered IELTS test is
 an innovative multi-
 level English language
 test for anyone who
 wishes to demonstrate
 their language and
 communication skills.
 IELTS provides an
 accurate assessment of
 English skills according to
 the Common European
 Framework of Reference
 for Languages (CEFR).
 The IELTS score is
 accepted by over 10,000
 organisations in more
 than 140 countries giving
 test takers the choice of
 more opportunities and

exam, Adhikari says it’s
easier than most people
think. “The questions in
the IELTS test are straight-
forward and designed to
assess how well you can
use your English. As with
any test, IELTS requires
thorough preparation.”
  As a final tip, he suggests
that IELTS candidates use
English daily. “To improve
your English, you need to                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION ON:
use it in everyday contexts,                                                                ■ The British Council’s learning support, visit
whether it’s speaking with                                                        
your friends in English,                                                                    ■ Booking an IELTS test, visit
writing notes and emails,                                                                   ielts/book-test
reading newspapers or lis-                                                                  ■ Preparation resources for the IELTS tests, visit
tening to the radio. If you                                                       
feel you need help with                                                                     ■ Couselling service for the IELTS tests, visit
your English, you can also     ● The British Council test venues across the UAE follow
consider taking an English     all Covid-19 regulations to ensure the health and safety
course.” ■                     of test takers

IELTS SUCCESS STORIES                                                      With less than                         The pre-test
How the British Council’s newly launched                                   two weeks of                           evaluation helped
counselling service has helped UAE                                 preparation, I was able                me better understand the
students improve their IELTS scores                                to achieve my required                 layout of the IELTS exam.”
                                                                   score.”                                Mahmoud Magdy
                                                                   Hashmi Salan Shameer                                     The evaluation
              The British Council provides great
                                                                                     I am extremely                         programme before
              resources and practice tests.”                                                                                the exam at the
              Dr B Neethu                                                            happy with
                                                                                     the British                            British Council
                    The British Council’s online                                     Council’s                              was excellent and
                    assessments and services helped                                  IELTS                                  well coordinated
                    me achieve an overall band 8 in                                  counselling                            to fit my busy
                    the IELTS test.                                                  service.             schedule. It helped me better
                    Ms. Howaida Mohamed Osman,                     I was hesitant to book a test          understand the layout of the exam
                    an IELTS Counsellor at the British             date until I received a call           and how it would be conducted, as
                    Council, arranged for my language              from the counselling service.          well as motivated me to improve
 assessment and also provided me all the resources                 The diagnostic test clearly            my language skills. I truly commend
 and guidance I needed. The assessment feedback                    explained to me my strengths           the IELTS staff at the British
 that I received from her also helped me identify                  and weaknesses. With less              Council and hope the pre-test
 my mistakes and improve my language skills.                       than two weeks of preparation,         evaluation programme continues to
 The British Council provides great resources and                  I was able to achieve my               stay and help all test candidates in
 practice tests that helped me plan and study well.                required score.                        the future.
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


                                                                                                     ● Outstanding industry leaders reveal
                                                                                                      their thoughts on the sector as well
                                                                                                       as how they can help prospective

                                                                                                    immigrants to navigate the challenges
                                                                                                    of moving abroad or securing a second
                                                                                                          passport in the Covid-19 era
                                                                                                                           G N F  

“We have set up a pro bono service                                                              “This is the right time to explore
to give back to the community”                                                                  opportunities to immigrate”
                                             many people to re-evaluate their                                                            is a need for new skill sets with the
                                             migration plans and now they                                                                rise of new industries. So, this is the
                                             want to start the process. Canada,                                                          right time to explore opportunities
                                             Australia and New Zealand are the                                                           to immigrate. Countries like Canada
                                             most sought after destinations for                                                          have increased the number of
                                             expats living in this region, followed                                                      invitations for immigration as
                                             by the European Union’s passive                                                             compared to past years.
                                             residency programmes or the Golden
                                             Visa or RBI and second citizenships                                                         ■ How could you help people
                                             programmes.                                                                                 deal with the common
                                                                                                                                         challenges associated with
                                             ■ Could you share some details                                                              migration during the pandemic?
                                             on Bayat Group’s pro bono                                                                       With countries imposing
                                             service?                                                                                    travel restrictions and changing
                                               With the intention to serve and                                                           immigration rules in order to cope
                                             truly give back to the community,                                                           with the pandemic, the immigration
                                             we have set up a pro bono service                                                           process can be daunting for those
                                             to help individuals interested in                                                           planning to move to other countries.
                                             migrating to Canada as a skilled                                                            We can help prospective immigrants
                                             worker. With prior reservation and                                                          understand the new rules and
                                             subject to certain criteria, people                                                         requirements and help them comply
                                             can visit our office, utilise our                                                           with them. We keep them up to date
 SAM BAYAT                                   infrastructure, and take support                                                            on information that may impact the
 FOUNDER AND OWNER, BAYAT                    to fill up the forms and get any                                                            processing of their visas. For those
 LEGAL SERVICES                              questions answered.                                                                         who are unable to make their first
                                                                                                                                         entry due to the restrictions, we can
                                             ■ What are the key benefits                                                                 file separate applications for them to
■ Is buying property for                     that clients get from Bayat                                                                 extend the deadlines.
citizenship of good value?                   Group’s citizenship and
  I have always promoted buying              residency by investment                                                                     ■ What kind of career support
a property or a share as a good              programmes?                                          CLINT KHAN                             can you offer at the moment to
investment option since this can be             While Bayat group represents                      DIRECTOR, Y-AXIS                       help people migrate successfully
sold in the future. Today, an applicant      some citizenship and residency                                                              as well as settle abroad?
can find lots of secure and good value       by investment programmes as                                                                     As an overseas career consultant,
investments to obtain a residency or         an official government agent or                    ■ Covid-19 has created                   we provide the expertise and
citizenship. Caribbean nations and           authorised promoter, we work for all               enormous uncertainties in the            guidance to help clients connect with
Turkey are good markets to buy a             the programmes, either directly or                 lives of people. Why do you              the right people, and register them
property and apply for citizenship.          through our partners.                              think this is the time to explore        in Canada so that they can connect
                                               Some of the key benefits in hiring               opportunities for immigration?           with as many employers as they
■ Are there any new focus                    us include detailed knowledge of the                  Every crisis is an opportunity, and   want. We keep a tab on in-demand
countries that investors are                 programmes; unmatched ability to                   the Covid-19 crisis is no exception.     jobs and skills in some of the most
showing interest in to migrate               offer advice and guiding a client to               Lockdowns and travel restrictions        popular destinations for immigration
since the outbreak of Covid-19?              choose the right programme; ability                imposed by nations across the world      and constantly share our know-how
  We have seen a big increase in             to operate within the confines of                  to control the spread of the virus saw   with our clients to help them plan
enquires for all programmes —                the law in a creative, lateral and                 an exodus of immigrant employees.        their move once they get the visa.
citizenship by investment (CBI),             innovative manner in order to                      Now, with the pandemic under             We help our clients choose the right
residency by investment (RBI)                achieve the client’s objectives;                   control in many countries, they are      opportunities in the country they
and migration. Travel restrictions           and practical experience of three                  looking to immigration to fuel post-     wish to migrate to, based on their
during the pandemic have pushed              decades.                                           pandemic economic recovery. There        profile and work experience.

            A GULF NEWS PUBLICATION                                                                                                           Dubai P. O. Box 6519
                                                                                                                                              Editorial: 04 406 7688
            EDITOR Chiranti Sengupta | HEAD OF CONTENT — SUPPLEMENTS AND CONTRACT PUBLISHING Sankar Sri Pillai                                Advertising Sales: 04 406 7455
            SENIOR ART EDITORS John Catherall, Nicholas D’Souza | ASSISTANT ART EDITOR Pranith Ratheesan                                      Email:
            BUSINESS SUPPORT EXECUTIVE Fermel Fuentes                                                                                         Abu Dhabi P. O. Box 7441
            HEAD OF SALES — SUPPLEMENTS AND CONTRACT PUBLISHING Sundar Ghosh | SENIOR ACCOUNT GROUP MANAGER Tina Bhakthavalsalan              Tel: 02 634 5144
            PRE-PRESS SUPERINTENDENT Shaji Varughese | PRE-PRESS OPERATORS Yousaf Naeem, Atul Paradkar
                                                                                                                                              Printed and published by Al Nisr Publishing LLC
            CEO AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Abdul Hamid Ahmad | DIRECTOR — SALES AND PUBLISHING Anshuman Joshi
                                                                                                                                              Distributed by Al Nisr Distribution LLC
            PUBLISHER David George | DESIGN DIRECTOR S.M. Arshad | PRODUCTION EDITOR Floyd Gonsalves
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


                                      “We provide tailored immigration pathways with
                                      unparalleled confidentiality standards”
                                       ■ As a leading consultant in the        ■ How could you help prospective            screening to understand the needs of
                                      field of immigration in the UAE,         immigrants choose the right                 the candidate and then recommend a
                                      what makes your services truly           immigration programme?                      suitable pathway for immigration.
                                      unique?                                     For skilled professionals and
                                         Our tagline says it all — ‘Cosmos     entrepreneurs, there are multiple           ■ Could you share a few tips on
                                      Immigration - Deliver What We            pathways available to immigrate.            how to increase scores for Express
                                      Promise.’ We have a long-standing        Understanding the programme is,             Entry in Canada?
                                      reputation in the market. With a         however, the key to success. With a            We first identify the weaknesses
                                      multilingual team of professionals,      growing demand for talent on the            of an applicant’s profile and then
                                      we provide tailored immigration          move, thousands of skilled workers are      represent an application with utmost
                                      pathways with unparalleled               opting to migrate to countries such as      accuracy. After lodging the application,
                                      confidentiality standards. Being an      Canada, Australia and New Zealand.          we work closely with the applicant
                                      authorised consultant, we have end       Investors are increasingly looking for      and help them enhance their profiles.
                                      to end services for all age brackets,    citizenship by investment progarmmes        Partnering with IDP Global, Cosmos
                                      including students, skilled working      in the Caribbean countries.                 has its own IELTS test centre at the
                                      professionals, entrepreneurs and         Furthermore, for many entrepreneurs,        premises, which enables our clients
 SYED JAFAR SADIQ                     investors. A formal screening of         Canada is the logical choice to embark      to improve their scores in English.
 GENERAL MANAGER,                     each applicant prior to starting the     on a new business venture or expand         Adding appropriate education to your
 COSMOS IMMIGRATION                   application process has bagged us a      their operations. We, as an authorised      application can also be a major boost
                                      lot of success stories.                  consultant, conduct a thorough              to an applicant’s profile.

“The popular US EB-5 programme                                                  “We don’t give hope, we provide
is set to expire on June 30 due to a                                            solutions”
sunset provision”                                                                                                          ■ How do you differentiate from
                                                                                                                           the competition?
                                       in that particular country, and                                                        When it comes to legal experience,
                                       documentation required.                                                             we guarantee the legality of the
                                                                                                                           process. Applications of our clients
                                       ■ How could you help                                                                are handled by professional lawyers
                                       prospective immigrants to                                                           specialised in second citizenship and
                                       choose the right immigration or                                                     residency by investment programmes.
                                       second citizenship programme?                                                       We are well recognised by several
                                          When working with clients it is                                                  governments and have officials with
                                       important to consider their future                                                  good reputation and professionalism.
                                       goals, their reasons for immigration                                                We utilise all our strengths to help
                                       as well as the dependants who                                                       our clients make the right decision for
                                       will be included in the application.                                                their future.
                                       By understanding these points, it          DR SADIR AL KHERDAJI                        We have a human-centric approach
                                       becomes easier to assess and advice        MANAGING DIRECTOR,                       to consultancy — our advices are
                                       a client on a programme that may           AL KHERDAJI INTERNATIONAL                based on transparency and honesty.
                                       be best for them. For example, those       LEGAL CONSULTANTS                        We don’t give hope, we provide
                                       who are looking for citizenship for                                                 solutions, considering the client’s
                                       their children for the purposes of       ■ How unique are Al Kherdaji               needs, qualification assessment,
                                       future job prospects and schooling       International’s portfolio of               know-your-customer (KYC) details,
                                       often choose Canada or the US over       services for citizenship and               and security background check.
                                       other programmes, while those who        residency programmes and                      We have successfully processed
                                       are looking for a retirement plan may    business migration?                        over 100 investment migration,
                                       choose somewhere else.                      All investment migration providers      citizenship and residency by
 PREEYA MALIK                                                                   are quite similar in what they offer       investment and corporate immigration
 MANAGING DIRECTOR,                    ■ What are the new changes               to their clients. We are also similar to   cases with 100 per cent success rate
 STEP GLOBAL                           that our readers should be aware         other service providers but not the        so far.
                                       of regarding the popular US EB-5         same.
■ A number of new citizenship          immigrant investor programme?               We are an investment-related            ■ It can be overwhelming to
by investment programmes was               The EB-5 programme has been          international legal consultancy            decide on the appropriate
launched in 2020. Is it advisable      under scrutiny for many years. This      firm, affiliated with a distinguished      investment programme. How
to opt for a new programme or go       year the programme is set to expire      investment migration consultancy           does your company help investors
with the ones with longer track        on June 30 due to a sunset provision.    service provider — Cham Consulting,        make the right choice?
records?                               Legislature must vote on and approve     specialised in advising corporates and        We recognise that no two clients
   Governments generally do a lot      the EB-5 programme as a standalone       individuals with investment migration      are alike. Therefore, we design
of research prior to launching a       bill in order for it to continue         services.                                  individual strategies according to the
citizenship by investment programme    unchanged.                                  Drawing upon the depth                  client’s profile and needs. We strive
in their countries. Instead of             With many other pressing issues      of practical experience and                to operate within the confines of the
looking at the length of time the      currently in Congress, it is possible    knowledge accumulated over more            investment in a creative, lateral and,
programme has been around, it’s        that this bill will be overlooked,       than two decades, we can offer             when appropriate, innovative manner
important to look at factors such      causing the programme to lapse.          meaningful advice and benefits to          to achieve the client’s objectives. We
as eligibility criteria, safety and    If this happens, it could mean that      businesspersons far beyond those           believe in producing optimum results,
types of investments, ease of          the programme will cease to exist        available from traditional immigration     rather than settling for acceptable
approvals, benefits of citizenship     altogether.                              providers.                                 solutions.
Gulf News | Thursday, February 25, 2021

                                                                             YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES                                                          15

“Many countries have introduced plenty of positive changes during the pandemic”
                                    ■ Which countries in            main parameters. Countries          and their programmes are           during the pandemic.
                                    your opinion are the rising     offering citizenship by             faring better than others.            I also hope several other
                                    destinations for citizenship    investment programmes, must                                            countries, who are yet to
                                    and residency by                have a track record of providing    ■ How do you see the               launch citizenship or residence
                                    investment programmes           all required documents,             industry evolving during           programmes, will consider
                                    and why?                        conducting necessary security       the pandemic?                      invest-for-citizenship options
                                       Demand for citizenship       checks, and establishing the           From lowering the               to drive economic growth.
                                    and residency by investment     sources of funds invested           investment requirement
                                    programmes are determined       in the nation. From the             and initiating new options         ■ Could you share some
                                    by several factors such as      applicant’s perspective,            dedicated to Covid-19 to           details on millennial
                                    the application process,        the programme must offer            accepting scanned certified        preferences for investment
                                    convenience, safety of          significant benefits and have       documents from immigration         migration?
                                    the nation and its medical      competitive processing cost         consultants and allowing              Millennials are primarily
 TONY EBRAHEEM                      infrastructure. I, however,     and reasonable time frame for       investors to virtually take        looking for three things before
 FOUNDER AND LAWYER,                always say that the             completing the application          the oath of citizenship, many      investing in a programme:
 111 IMMIGRATION                    relationship between the        process. These are the keys         countries have introduced          mobility, lifestyle improvement
                                    country and applicant has two   that decide which countries         plenty of positive changes         and future security.

“Apply for special         “No one should be limited by their citizenship”
programmes for skill-based                 the market. How does Guide   ■ Please share a brief
                                           Consultants help its clients history of the brand,
immigration to Canada”                     make the journey seamless?   highlighting the group ethos
                                                                                                     The crowded nature of the          that drives its staff.
                                   ■ The immigration                                              economic citizenship market can          More than a decade ago,
                                   process can be a                                               potentially overwhelm clients         I witnessed first-hand the
                                   bit intimidating for                                           who don’t know where to start.        challenges generated by
                                   many. How does                                                 The key for us is to simplify the     mobility limitations. In 2016, I
                                   Vazir Group help its                                           process by understanding the          established Guide Consultants
                                   clients make the                                               client’s needs. At Guide, there       to respond to these global
                                   journey seamless?                                              is no one-size-fits-all approach      challenges and safeguard the
                                      With immigration                                            to second citizenship. We are         futures of families. At Guide
                                   specialists in our                                             keenly aware that each client is      Consultants, we believe that no
                                   offices in Canada,                                             unique. What is consistent is our     one should be limited by their
                                   Dubai, and India,                                              approach, which is grounded in        citizenship.
                                   we can assist every                                            transparency.                            On a personal level, it is
                                   individual in achieving                                                                              deeply fulfilling to help people
                                   their relocation goals     MAHDI MOHAMMED                      ■ What are Guide’s key                expand their horizons while
                                   with personalised          CEO, GUIDE CONSULTANTS              programmes for residency              advancing the economies of
  BRAND CUSTODIAN,                 end to end services,                                           and citizenship by                    participating Caribbean nations.
  VAZIR GROUP                      professional advice,      ■ Deciding on the right              investment?                           As a leading regional CBI agent,
                                   and complete support      citizenship programme can               There are no key programmes.       my team is motivated by our
throughout the immigration process for them and their        be a bit tricky with so many         It all depends on the individual’s    commitment to uphold the
family. We provide highly professional services, as well     options currently available in       future goals and circumstances.       highest industry standards.
as options for payment in instalments, the possibility to
pay using an escrow account and a refund.

■ Could you share some information on Canada’s
                                                             “Securing the family’s future is the top
immigration by investment programme,
highlighting how they can benefit prospective
                                                             priority for applicants”
applicants?                                                                                       securing their future is the          services for non-regulated
   We offer two immigration by investment programmes                                              top priority for applicants.          occupations, and assist in
for Canada. For example, the Entrepreneur PR                                                      Citizenship by investment             obtaining required licences
Programme is based on providing an innovative business                                            programmes for Grenada, which         for regulated professions. We
idea according to the applicant’s experience and                                                  provides visa-free travel to more     also help clients in getting
background. We support the applicant with a business                                              than 140 destinations and E2          transitional jobs until they
plan, if required, and of course with all the immigration                                         visa access to the US, along with     become eligible to work in their
process. For any investor, running a business that                                                St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and      regulated professions.
generates income, no tax on global income, the right to                                           Barbuda, Dominica, St. Lucia,
reside, work anywhere in Canada, and the possibility for                                          Vanuatu and Montenegro, are in        ■ Does WWICS offer any
a Canadian passport, are attractive benefits.                                                     demand.                               post landing services?
                                                                                                                                           Global Placement Services
■ Could you share a few tips on how immigrants                                                    ■ Is it difficult to get a job in     (GPS) is our associate company,
can succeed in Canada’s job market?                           ANWAR KARIM                         Canada after immigration?             which exclusively deals with
   Finding a job in Canada can be really challenging.         VICE PRESIDENT, GLOBAL                 You first need to understand       placement and settlement of
The best way to immigrate to Canada using your skills         OPERATION, WWICS                    the Canadian recruitment              our clients. It provides complete
is by applying for one of the special programmes. For                                             structure as well the work            assistance in settling our clients
example, all the skilled programmes at Vazir Group are       ■ In the era of Covid-19,            culture, as these are markedly        in a new country, grooming them
based on a secured job in Canada. That means that we         what destinations have been          different from other countries        for the job market, and finding
are the one finding the right job for the candidate and      most in demand from Middle           in the world. This requires           suitable job opportunities for
taking care of all the immigration process until they get    East clients?                        professional help, guidance and       them after they land in the
the work permit or PR.                                         Family comes first and             support. We provide placement         country.
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News                    Gulf News | Thursday, February 25, 2021

  16                 YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                                                                                                                            YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITIES                                                  17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ADVERTISER’S CONTENT

                                    INVESTMENT MIGRATION PROGRAMMES
15               COUNTRY
                                    ● UAE’s top immigration law firm Bayat Legal Services looks at some of the best
                                    options for citizenship and residency by investment programmes

                              ANTIGUA & BARBUDA                      DOMINICA                                GRENADA                                 MONTENEGRO                            SAINT LUCIA                           SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS                  NORTH MACEDONIA                       TURKEY

                 Benefits     ● An independent Commonwealth          ● Known as the Nature Isle of the       ● Known as the Isle of Spice, the       ● A country in southeast Europe,      ● A picturesque island country        ● This beautiful Caribbean dual-is-    ● Located in southeast Europe,        ● Located between Europe, Asia

                              state in the eastern Caribbean,        Caribbean, this island nation is        nation of Grenada, measuring 344        Montenegro is known for its stun-     in the West Indies in the eastern     land nation pioneered the concept      North Macedonia offers citizenship    and the Middle East, Turkey is a
                              these lush tropical islands have 365   located between Martinique and          square kilometres, is composed          ning landscapes.                      Caribbean Sea, St Lucia started       of citizenship by investment, offer-   through investments in nominated      popular investment migration
                              beaches of clean turquoise waters.     Guadeloupe.                             of three key islands — Grenada          ● The Montenegro Economic             offering economic citizenship to      ing economic second passports to       government approved funds.            destination for UAE residents.
                              ● A second passport from Anti-         ● Dominica’s citizenship by invest-     and its sister islands Carriacou and    Citizenship Programme (MECP),         foreigners investing in the country   foreign investors since 1984.          ● No minimum stay required            ● No interview or travel is required

                              gua and Barbuda grants visa-free       ment programme was introduced           Petite Martinique.                      also known as Special Investment      under certain criteria since 2015.    ● It grants visa-free access to the    ● This gives investors the opportu-   during the application process.
                              access to the Schengen area, the       in 1993 and is one of the world’s       ● Grenadian economic citizens are       Scheme, offers foreign and non-EU     ● Its programme offers government     European Schengen area, the UK,        nity to become a citizen of a coun-   ● Investors can expect to get Re-

                              UK and Ireland, Brazil, Russia,        longest-running economic citizen-       also eligible to apply for the United   nationals citizenship by admission    bond investment option, which is      Russia and Hong Kong.                  try in Europe in just four months     turn on Investment (ROI) through
                              Ukraine, Hong Kong, and CARICOM        ship schemes.                           States’ E-2 visa, as Grenada has the    through a designated investment.      not available in other Caribbean      ● Applicants do not need to travel     ● Easy to set up companies and        renting out their real estate.
                              countries.                             ● It grants visa-free access to the     investor visa treaty with the USA.      ● Its citizenship programme grants    CBI programmes.                       to the Caribbean nation during the     businesses                            ● No mandatory wealth declaration

                              ● No need to travel during the         entire European Union, the UK and       ● It offers lifetime citizenship✎       visa-free access to EU Schengen       ● Favourable taxation with no         application process.                   ● A growing European country with

                              application process and minimal        Brazil.                                                                         states, Russia, the UAE, Turkey and   capital gains tax, no taxation on     ● No wealth or income tax              a strong economy
                              residency requirement                  ● It offers life-time citizenship                                               Singapore.                            worldwide income, and no estate       ● No mandatory residency in the

                                                                                                                                                     ● Application can be processed        or inheritance taxes                  country
                                                                                                                                                     between three and six months.

                              $100,000                               $100,000                                $150,000                                €100,000                              $100,000                              $150,000                               €200,000                              $250,000

                 Dependent    Investors can include their spouse,    Investors can include children          Investors can include dependents        Investors can include family,         Investors can include family,         Family, including children under       Investors can include family mem-     The programme offers lifetime
                 visa         children below the age of 28 and       below 30 years old and parents or       in their application, including         spouse and children in their appli-   spouse, children and parents, in      the age of 30 and parents above 55     bers                                  citizenship to investor’s dependent
                              parents or grandparents above 58       grandparents above the age of 55        spouse, children, single siblings       cations.                              their applications.                   years old, can be included.                                                  family members.
                              years old                              years                                   and parents without any age

                              150                                    135                                     140                                     122                                   146                                   150                                    125                                   110

                 COUNTRY      PORTUGAL                               GREECE                                  BULGARIA                                SPAIN                                 USA                                   UK                                     CANADA

                 Benefits     ● It is a member of the United         ● Greece launched its Golden Visa       ● The Republic of Bulgaria, an          ● This European nation launched its   ● Freedom to live, study, work and    ● UK’s Tier 1 Immigration              ● Entrepreneur visa is a good way

                              Nations, the European Union, the       programme in 2013, allowing             EU member state, launched               Golden Visa programme in 2013.        travel anywhere within the country    programme offers investors and         to immigrate to Canada.
                              Schengen area and the Council of       foreign nationals a permanent           its investment programme for            ● Investors can get permanent         ● EB–5 Immigrant Investor Visa        entrepreneurs the right to live,       ● Canada welcomes entrepreneurs

                              Europe (CoE).                          residency status in exchange of         residence and citizenship in 2009.      residency after residing in the       programme is one of the most          work and study in the UK.              and innovative ideas.
                              ● The Golden Visa programme            investments in real estate.             ● Investors get the chance to           country for five years and after      efficient way to obtain permanent     ● An investor can qualify for          ● Immigrate to Canada by

                              provides a sure route to               ● Since 2019, Greek government          become permanent residents in EU        10 years, they can attain full        residency in the US.                  citizenship after six years.           starting a business and creating
                              Portuguese and EU citizenship          has started allowing other forms        and become eligible to apply for        citizenship.                          ● This programme grants investors     ● Free medical care                    jobs or supporting innovative
                              after five years.                      of investments to qualify for           the citizenship after five years.       ● No mandatory stay is required in    the opportunity to obtain the         ● Right to travel within the           entrepreneurship.

                              ● Only seven days of stay is           Golden Visas, including purchase        ● Process to complete residency         the country.                          US citizenship after five years of    Schengen area
                              required every year to maintain the    of securities and bonds, bank           takes between six and nine              ● Process is very straightforward     permanent residency.
                              residence.                             deposits or direct capital transfers.   months.                                 and government fees are low.                                                                                                                             Pej Mohyeddin
                              ● The programme offers the             ● It gives opportunities to study,      ● Bulgaria has a free trade             ● The applicant does not need to                                                                                                                         Managing Director
                              opportunity to live, study and work    live and run business in EU             environment and the lowest tax          become a tax resident in Spain                                                                                                                           Bayat Legal Services
                              in EU member states.                   member states.                          rates in EU.
                                                                     ● Investor is eligible for Greek        ● Citizenship can be transferred by

                                                                     citizenship after seven years.          descent regardless of age.

                 investment   €280,000                               €250,000                                BGN 1million                            €500,000                              $900,000                              £2 million                             CAD 250,000                            To find out more on citizenship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and residency by investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               programmes, contact Bayat Legal
                 Dependent    The programme offers full family       The main applicant can include          Investors can include family            Golden visa will be issued for        The programme includes the main       Investors can sponsor family           The programme includes spouse          Services.
                 visa         residency.                             their family members in the             members in the application              family members of the investor,       applicant and family members,         members, including spouse and          and children under the age of 21.      Contact details
                                                                     application, including spouse,          process                                 including children up to 18 years     including spouse and all unmarried    children under the age of 18.
                                                                     children and parents                                                            old                                   children under 21 years old.                                                                                          04 355 4646
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 050 624 4646
                 countries    142                                    130                                     169                                     175                                   184                                   184                                    184                          
Thursday, February 25, 2021 | Gulf News


  STUDY          ABROAD
   A route to permanent residency
             Many countries, including Canada and Australia, offer international
        students the options to stay and gain work experience after their studies and
                            later apply for permanent residency
B C   S                culture, expanding their net-        including the UAE, opting for
Editor                                works, enhancing future career       overseas education. Apart from
                                                                                                                       TAKE YOUR

                                      prospects, and most importantly,     quality teaching, Canada offers
          ovid-19 has turned the
          higher education sector
                                      exploring opportunities for per-
                                      manent residencies.
                                                                           a healthy standard of living and
                                                                           opportunities to work and study.
                                                                                                                    IELTS TEST FOR
          upside down, yet a sig-       “When choosing a study                “Canada offers international            OVERSEAS
          nificant number of in-
ternational students is still will-
                                      abroad destination, most stu-
                                      dents look for countries that
                                                                           students the options to stay af-
                                                                           ter their courses and gain some
ing to pursue degrees abroad.         give them a pathway and the op-      work experience. The IRCC
   A recent study by IDP Con-         portunity to stay back and work      provides a Post-Graduate Work
nect — a division of global edu-      there and ultimately settle down     Permit programme. Under this
cation specialists IDP Education      in the country,” says Clint Khan,    programme, international grad-
— highlighted the demand for          Director, Y-Axis, a leading ca-      uates can get an open work
international education in 2020       reer consultant and immigration      permit, valid for three years.
remained strong. More than 77         firm in the UAE. “Based on these      They can work for any employ-
per cent of international stu-        criteria, top countries for inter-   er during this period. This also
dents surveyed for the study          national education are Canada,       gives students the chance to
expressed their willingness to        Australia, the UK, Germany and       gain skilled work experience,                    Deep Adhikari
continue with their interna-          Ireland.”                            which is crucial to the success of               British Council
tional education goals, despite                                            their PR visa application,” ex-
prolonged travel bans and global      Get PR in Canada and                 plains Khan.                            The International English
lockdowns due to Covid-19.            Australia                               Australia also offers the Grad-      Language Testing System (IELTS)
   Higher education institutes           Offering an education of in-      uate Temporary Visa (Subclass           is the world’s most popular
globally have also noticed a sus-     ternational excellence yet at a      485) for migrant students who           English-language test for higher
tained rise in the number of in-      competitive cost, Canada is one      have studied for two years in           education and global migration.
ternational enrolment for various     of the most favoured destina-        Australia. “They can live and           This measures the language
degrees and courses in the past 12    tions for students worldwide,        work here between 18 months             proficiency of people who want
months.                                                                    and four years. There are two           to study or work where English
   There are many reasons why                                              streams for the Subclass 485 visa       is used as the language of
study abroad programmes are in                                             — graduate work and post-study          communication.
high demand. For most students,                                            work,” Khan says.                           “IELTS is the test of choice
the appeal for overseas educa-                                                “With this visa, graduates can       for students planning to pursue
tion is likely to be a combination                                         decide to stay and work in Aus-         higher education abroad and
of gaining a globally-recognised                                           tralia and apply for job opportu-       within the UAE for many reasons.
qualification, experiencing a new                                             nities. Students can later apply      IELTS scores are accepted in
                                                                                for a permanent resident           more than 10,000 institutions
                                                                                 visa provided they meet           across the world for admissions
                                                                                   the points requirements         and it is accepted in more
                                                                                   and eligibility criteria.”      countries than any other English
                                                                                  Syed Jafar Sadiq, General        language proficiency test,” says
                                                                            Manager, Cosmos Immigration,           Deep Adhikari, Director Exams
                                                                           advises students to consider var-       Gulf South Cluster at the British
                                                                           ious factors before deciding on a       Council, which administers
                                                                           country to complete their higher        the test in the UAE and offers
                                                                           studies.                                courses in the English language
                                                                              “Counselling session with the        that are designed to improve
                                                                           right education specialist is an        communication skills and
                                                                           important aspect to consider as         develop intercultural fluency.
                                                                           it helps students to understand             “The British Council has tests
                                                                           the courses and streams that are        almost daily, giving test takers
                                                                           in demand for future employ-            the choice of convenient dates,
                                                                           ment opportunities. One should          time and locations to take their
                                                                           also look for the standard of liv-      IELTS test. The British Council
                                                                           ing of the country where they           also provides test takers with
                                                                           wish to study, along with pos-          a plethora of resources to help
                                                                           sible job opportunities during          them achieve their goals.”
                                                                           and after the completion of the
                                                                           programmes.” ■
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