Page created by Jimmy Flynn


                     International & Exchange Student Centre
International Student Handbook

A message from the past:
This message was written by the international student volunteers who
researched, compiled and developed the first draft of this handbook in


So, this is it. You have finally arrived in London, Ontario, Canada where you
will be attending one of the finest universities in North America.

You may be at Western by random choice, sheer luck, or because you wanted to
experience what Western has to offer. The experiences you will have, especially
during the first two weeks, will be similar to what we have experienced. For
example: adjusting to a different lifestyle, experiencing some culture shock, and
feeling excited at times and lost at other times.

This is where we hope this handbook will come in handy for you. It contains
information on questions commonly asked by international students.
Undoubtedly, not every concern that you have will be covered here. If you have
a problem, a good rule of thumb is to start at the International and Exchange
Student Centre. If the staff can’t help you, they will make sure to find someone
who can.

We wish you every success in your studies and hope you will enjoy your years
at Western because we sure enjoyed ours!

Ting Wah Chien, Siew Hooi Lim, Salauddin S.S

                                                                                    Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
Published by
                                                                                    We acknowledge that Western University
International and Exchange Student Centre                                           is located on the traditional lands of the
Western International, Western University                                           Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak and
International and Graduate Affairs Building, 2nd Floor                              Attawandaron peoples, on lands connected with
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7                                                    the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796
                                                                                    and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum.
519-661-2111 ext. 89309
519-661-2111 ext. 85908 (for appointments)                                          With this, we respect the longstanding |                                                       relationships that Indigenous Nations have to
                                                                                    this land, as they are the original caretakers. We
29th Printing: August 20120                                                         acknowledge historical and ongoing injustices
© 2019 International and Exchange Student Centre                                    that Indigenous Peoples (e.g. First Nations, Métis
                                                                                    and Inuit) endure in Canada, and we accept
                                                                                    responsibility as a public institution to contribute
                                                                                    toward revealing and correcting miseducation
                                                                                    as well as renewing respectful relationships with
The information in this handbook is reviewed                                        Indigenous communities through our teaching,
and updated yearly. We welcome your input                                           research and community service
and suggestions.
Table of Contents
                                                              International and Exchange Student Centre............................................2
                                                              Dates and Events...............................................................................................3
                                                              Code of Student Conduct................................................................................5
                                                              Cultural Transitions.............................................................................................5
                                                              Environmental Sustainability...........................................................................6
                                                              Get Involved: Leadership, Experience and Career...............................9
                                                              Health Care..........................................................................................................10
                                                              Indigenous Peoples..........................................................................................12
                                                              Making Friends...................................................................................................14
                                                              Money and Taxes...............................................................................................15
                                                              Photo Identification............................................................................................16
                                                              Religious and Faith Support..........................................................................16
                                                              Safe Campus.......................................................................................................16
                                                              Self-Care and Wellness...................................................................................17
                                                              Sexual Violence and Harassment...............................................................19
                                                              Sports and Recreation...................................................................................20
                                                              Telephone, Internet, Television...................................................................20
                                                              Map......................................................................................................Back Cover

International Student Handbook // Western University Canada                                                                                                                             1
International and Exchange Student Centre                                                                               
Please note that the information provided in this handbook regarding regular campus services and resources are
subject to change based on the need to accommodate safety and comply with health standards as a result of
COVID-19. Information will be updated online to reflect how services are being offered and how you can access them.

About Us                                           Student Advising                                   Other Campus Supports
The International and Exchange Student             Even though COVID-19 is affecting our ability      Digital Student Experience
Centre (IESC) is your first step to success!       to meet you in person, we will continue to
Friendly staff and volunteers will welcome         provide support to you remotely. Choose the        Western Student Experience provides a varitey
you, provide you with orientation activities and   options below to find out more about what we       of supports to undergraduate and graduate
offer you support programs, social events, and     can do to help.                                    students to help you manage your academics
individual assistance throughout your time at                                                         and well-being so you can continue to thrive
                                                   International Student Advising appointments
Western. It is our hope that during your time at                                                      whether you are on campus or studying
                                                   are available by Zoom or by phone Monday
Western, you will build meaningful community                                                          remotely. Visit their website to find information
                                                   to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. For general
and social connections and the IESC can help                                                          about the comprehensive suite of online and
                                                   questions, email us at and
you do just that! Our programs and services                                                           phone supports offered by Western.
                                                   someone within our team will contact you.
are highlighted throughout this handbook.
You can also contact us to get help with           General Inquiries                                  Student Support and Case
finding the right services and resources for                                                          Management
                                                   519-661-2111 ext. 89309
you on campus or in the community, or to                                                    
                                                   Online Assistance is available at
assist with any challenges or questions you                                                           The Office of Student Support & Case
may be facing as an international student.         The International Student Network keeps you        Management helps students who are
*Please note our office is currently operating     informed about the IESC events and activities      experiencing challenges get back to thriving
virtually. Information on virtual programs and     happening throughout the year, through             by facilitating a coordinated response at both
services is available at       regular emails. New students are automatically     the individual and community level. They
                                                   subscribed. If you are not receiving these         support students in navigating resources and
Western International                              updates, please contact               making informed decisions.
The IESC is part of Western International, a
dedicated team responsible for international
student services, international learning,
international relations, international
development and international undergraduate
recruitment. It is a central resource for
the Western community seeking to both
experience and promote international
experiences on campus and abroad.
Western International is currently operating
virtually, but all services are located in the
same space at the IESC on the second floor,
International & Graduate Affairs Building.

Visit to learn more.

2                                                                                                   International Student Handbook // 2020-2021
International Student
Orientation 2020
All fall Orientation activities for
new undergraduate students
and graduate students will be
offered virtually.

Visit the official Fall 2020
International Student Orientation site
to learn more about academics in
Canada, dealing with culture shock,
navigating the Canadian health
care system, and getting settled at
Western and in London.

Events & Progamming                                                                           Important Dates
Embrace your #globalwesternu family!                                                         Western Holiday Schedule 2020-2021
                                                                                         (Offices operating virtually and on campus will be closed)

Whether you are a new or returning student, we are thrilled to             September 7         Labour Day                   December 31          President's Day
welcome you to Western and look forward to connecting with                 October 12          Thanksgiving Day             January 1		          New Year's Day
you soon! Although things may look a little different this fall,           December 24         Designated Day               February 15          Family Day
we are committed to providing you with a positive Western                  December 25         Christmas Day                April 2		            Good Friday
                                                                           December 26         Boxing Day                   May 24		             Victoria Day
experience, whether you are with us on campus or studying                  December 27         Designated Day               July 1		             Canada Day
remotely.                                                                  December 28         Designated Day               August 2 		          Civic Holiday

Although most in-person events and programming are not taking                               #GlobalWesternU New Student Party
place for the fall as a result of the current COVID-19 situation, all
IESC events, programming and support services are currently                                            September 2, 2020
being offered virtually.                                                                                10 am and 6 pm

While we hope to be able to meet in person soon, the safefy of                               Undergraduate Student Orientation
our students, staff, faculty and community members must be our
top priority. For now, please plan to join us remotely for social                       Official Fall 2020 International Orientation site
events and opportunities to network with your peers.                                  Orientation Week or 'O-Week', September 6-13, 2020

For complete and up-to-date event information, please visit our                                  Graduate Student Orientation
IESC Events page:
                                                                                         Official Fall 2020 International Orientation site
                                                                                    Graduate Student Welcome Session, September 10, 2020
You can also explore IESC remote services here:            Watch for emails from for orientation resources and fall programs.

Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to receive event                     Daylight Savings: November 1, 2020 & March 14, 2021
reminders, important updates and fun information about living
in Canada.                                                                  There are two days during the year when the clocks are adjusted to conserve
                                                                        daylight. We either lose or gain an hour on these days. To remember what to do when                                      the clocks change, in the “Spring” season and the “Fall”/Autumn season we either
                                                                                                     “spring” forward or “fall” back.
                                                                                                     Fall Break/Reading Week
       @westernuinternational                                                     Undergraduate students will get a break from classes during
                                                                             Fall Study Break, November 2-8, and Reading Week February 13-21.
Please know that we are here to support you. If you have any               Sessional dates may be impacted by the situation surrounding COVID-19.
questions, please reach out to our IESC team at            Please refer to the Office of the Registrar website and FAQ page for the latest
                                                                                            updates to University services and dates.
Sincerely,                                                                                        Academic Dates and Deadlines
The IESC Team
Western International                                                        Visit and your faculty website.
                                                                                    Go to and install the WesternU app for updates,
                                                                                           exam schedules, campus maps and much more!

International Student Handbook // Western University Canada                                                                                        3
Academic Information                                 Office of the Ombudsperson                          as “Communicating in the Canadian Classroom,”
                                                     Room 3135, Western Student Services                 and “Language of Research Presentations”
You may find yourself wondering about                The Office of the Ombudsperson assists              workshops.
academic expectations and the academic
culture at Western. Knowing what to expect from
                                                     students with academic and non-academic
                                                     university-related concerns and problems,
                                                                                                         Academic Support for
your classes, the term and the year will help        and in reviewing their rights to appeal or          Undergraduate Students
you to keep up with all of the requirements of       petition substantive matters (for example:
your program. It can be challenging at times, but    grades, scholastic offenses, progression            Academic Counselling
know that there are many resources on campus         requirements, fees, fines, etc.).                   Academic counsellors in each Faculty help
to help you achieve your academic goals. Visit                                                           students with any academic questions or
the IESC website for detailed information about:     Writing Support Centre                              concerns they may have such as: course
classroom etiquette, course definitions, degree      4th floor, Western Student Services
                                                                                                         selection, accommodation for missed
structure, professors and teaching assistants        The Writing Support Centre’s goal is to             assignments or exams, special permission,
and resources for undergraduate and graduate         help you develop your skills and realize            progression requirements, appeal procedures
students.                                            your potential as a writer. They offer free         and interpretation of policies. Contact your
                                                     comprehensive writing support to students,          Faculty Dean’s office to make an appointment.
Where To Go For Help                                 faculty, staff and all other members of the
Undergraduate students > Academic Counsellors        Western University community.                       Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Centre
Graduate students > Supervisor or Graduate Chair                                                         4th floor, Western Student Services
Exchange students > International Learning Staff
                                                     Academic Support for                                Before hiring a tutor, get free assistance at the
Visiting students > Supervisor or Program
                                                     Graduate Students                                   PAL Centre. You can discuss general or subject-
                                                                                                         specific learning concerns with a Learning
                                                     Graduate Supervision Handbook                       Peer (senior student volunteer) in a supportive
Academic Support                                                    environment and develop learning strategies to
                                                     supervision.html                                    achieve your academic goals. Help is available
Libraries                                            To better understand your rights and                five days a week in the fall and winter terms.
The Western Libraries system has seven               responsibilities as a graduate student              Leadership and Mentorship Program
locations throughout campus that provide             at Western, please refer to Graduate      
access to physical collections, individual and       Supervision Handbook. This document
                                                                                                         Through the Leadership and Mentorship
group study spaces, printing and copying             defines Western’s expectations for
                                                                                                         Program (LAMP) students can request an
facilities, online library resources and wireless    supervisors as well as for students. It also
                                                                                                         upper year Peer Mentor from their Faculty or
access. Online you will find short videos and        provides guidelines on a variety of topics,
                                                                                                         Program. LAMP Mentors provide academic and
guides that answer questions about library           including how to appropriately resolve
                                                                                                         social support to offer a successful transition to
research, citations, writing, accessing resources,   conflicts with your supervisor.
                                                                                                         university life.
library services and more. In addition, helpful      The School of Graduate and
staff members provide assistance.                    Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS)
SmartStart: Learning                                 1st floor, International and Graduate       Affairs Building
html                                                 If you have concerns that cannot be
Develop your skills using online video               addressed by your program chair or
modules focused on developing your skills in         coordinator, you can contact SGPS. Visit
independent learning, reading in university, for more information about
lecture-style learning, seeking help, and learning   financial support, the Graduate Education
self-assessment.                                     Council, GradPath (an online portal for
                                                     professional development opportunities) and
Learning Development & Success                       The Wire (which includes a list of campus
4th floor, Western Student Services                  events, programs and important deadlines).
Learning counsellors provide information and
support to help Western students achieve             Centre for Teaching & Learning
academic success. They provide services to           Room 122, 1st floor, Weldon Library
undergraduate and graduate students, students        The Centre for Teaching and Learning
experiencing academic setbacks, as well              supports faculty members, graduate students
as students wanting to maintain exceptional          and staff who are teaching at Western.
academic standing.                                   They offer training for international graduate
                                                     students and new teaching assistants, such

4                                                                                                     International Student Handbook // 2020-2021
Academic Integrity                                      magazines, newspapers, websites, plays,
                                                          movies, photos, paintings and textbooks
  Cheating, plagiarism and                           • unpublished works such as class
  unauthorized collaboration are                          lectures, class notes, class handouts,
  strictly prohibited.                                    speeches, other students’ papers and
                                                          materials from a research service
  You are responsible for understanding the
  expectations of Canadian Universities and       Ask your professor what citation format they
  the University’s Scholastic Offence Policy.     prefer. For information on different citation styles,
  Your culture may define cheating and            visit For help writing citations, visit the
  plagiarism differently but both intentional     Writing Support Centre.
  and unintentional cheating or plagiarism will   Consequences of Cheating and
  result in an academic penalty. Ignorance of     Plagiarism
  the Policy is not a defense.                    Cheating, plagiarizing and unauthorized
  Examples of Cheating Include:                   collaborating can result in:
    • giving someone answers during a                • receiving a zero on your assignment or
      test                                             test
    • looking at someone else’s test                 • failing your course
    • bringing a ‘cheat sheet’ to a test,            • suspension or expulsion from Western
      even if you do not use it                        (for repeat offenders)
    • submitting an assignment that               Source: Cheating, Plagiarism and Unauthorized
      you have previously submitted for           Collaboration: What Students Need To Know.
      another class                               Office of the Ombudsperson. Western University,
    • using data or references that you           July 2009.
      know to be false in a lab report,
      essay or other assignment                   Accessibility                                             Code of Student Conduct
  What is Plagiarism?                                                         Familiarize yourself with the Code of Student
                                                  Western is committed to achieving barrier-                Conduct at
  Plagiarism is using another person’s work                                                                 experience/studentconduct.html
  without acknowledging that the work is not      free accessibility for persons with disabilities
  yours. Another person’s words must appear       studying, visiting and working at Western. As             The University encourages students to set for
  within quotation marks and you must cite        part of this commitment, there are a variety              themselves the highest standards of behaviour on/
  sources even when you have paraphrased          of services on campus devoted to promoting                off-campus, including behaviour that contributes to
  another person’s ideas into your own words.     accessibility and to ensuring that individuals            a safe, respectful and peaceful community.
                                                  have equitable access to services and facilities.         The Purpose of the Code:
  What is Unauthorized
  Collaboration?                                  Student Accessibility Services (SAS)                         • to define the general standard of conduct
                                                  4th floor, Western Student Services                            expected of students registered at Western
  Unauthorized collaboration happens                                                                             University
  when students work with and/or receive          Student Accessibility Services plays a central
                                                  role in Western’s efforts to ensure its academic             • to provide examples of behaviour that
  help from someone (a friend, classmate,                                                                        constitutes a breach of this standard of
  parent, etc.) without the specific permission   programs are accessible for all students. SAS
  of the instructor on assignments that will      arranges academic accommodation for classes,
                                                  exams, internships and other course or program               • to provide examples of sanctions that may
  be submitted for a grade. Unauthorized                                                                         be imposed
  collaboration applies to in-class and take-     activities. SAS also provides digital and braille
                                                  textbooks, accessible campus transportation,                 • to set out the disciplinary procedures that
  home tests, labs, essays, and assignments.
                                                  learning strategy instruction for students with                the University will follow
  Students may not collaborate without faculty
  permission.                                     learning disabilities, access to computer labs that       Sanctions for non-compliance range from a warning
                                                  are equipped with assistive technology, referrals         or reprimand to expulsion from the university.
  Citations and Sources                           for assessments and other services.                       In addition to disciplinary action taken by the
  All sources must be cited. Sources are:                                                                   University against the student under this Code, a
      • published works such as books,                                                                      student may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

    Cultural Transitions                                                                                     Stage Three: “Cultural Adaptation”
                                                                                                             During this stage you begin to accept your new
    Transitioning to university, a new                    Stage Two: “Culture Shock”                         surroundings and start to feel more comfortable.
    country, culture, social, linguistic                                                                     You start participating in the local culture,
                                                          Culture shock is the emotional and/
    and academic environment can                          or physical discomfort experienced                 learning the language, making friends and
    be very demanding. Adjusting to                       when settling into a new culture.                  enjoying life. The following are a few strategies
    many changes at the same time                         While for some people the process                  to help cope with cultural adjustment:
    can cause stress.                                     may be brief and hardly noticeable,                  • establish a routine and manage your time
                                                          for others it may be associated with                 • keep some contact with home
                                                          disorientation, stress, confusion,                   • evaluate your expectations and be flexible
    Stage One: “Honeymoon Phase”                          a desire to remain withdrawn,                        • pay attention to what your body is telling you
                                                          loneliness, anger, frustration, fear,                • keep an open mind
    When you first enter a new culture                                                                         • find out what is available to you at Western
    everything is new and exciting. You may               homesickness or depression. Some
                                                          may experience physical problems                     • talk to people, join a club or an IESC
    feel happy and excited about your new                                                                        program (see Making Friends on page 14)
    surroundings.                                         (fatigue, illness, upset stomach,
                                                                                                               • keep your sense of humour and try to enjoy
                                                          insomnia, headaches, etc.).

International Student Handbook // Western University Canada                                                                                          5
Peer Support Centre
                                                                                                         The Peer Support Centre encompasses seven
                                                                                                         student-led support services that are available
                                                                                                         to all students on Western’s campus. The goal of
                                                                                                         each support service is to provide the campus
                                                                                                         community with awareness of social issues,
                                                                                                         support for marginalized groups, advocacy
                                                                                                         initiatives to improve the lives of undergraduate
                                                                                                         students at Western and volunteer opportunities
                                                                                                         for interested students.
                                                                                                         Gender Equality Network
                                                                                                         The Gender Equality Network (GEN) provides
                                                                                                         resources and safe space, and advocates on
                                                                                                         gender issues. GEN also educates Western
                                                                                                         University’s campus on issues of gender equality
                                                                                                         and gender diversity by providing comprehensive
                                                                                                         and diverse educational programming through
                                                                                                         events, speaker series, conferences, and
                                                                                                         collaborative initiatives with various on-campus
                                                                                                         groups and community partners.
                                                                                                         Office of the Ombudsperson
Environmental Sustainability                       humour. Dealing with experiences of racism or
                                                   microaggressions (intentional or unintentional
                                                                                                         Room 3135, Western Student Services
                                                                                                         The Office of the Ombudsperson assists students
EnviroWestern                                      derogatory remarks or behaviour) can cause
                                                                                                         with academic and nonacademic problems and                        psychological or physical stress. If you feel
                                                                                                         in reviewing their rights. The office can suggest
EnviroWestern seeks to promote                     you have been discriminated against, you
                                                                                                         various strategies for managing conflicts and
environmentally sustainable initiatives and        can discuss the situation with Equity & Human
behaviours within Western campus. All students     Rights Services. Alternatively, you might
                                                   find it helpful to talk to an advisor, a peer         (See also LGBTQ2+ Services on page 13)
are encouraged to get involved in small or
big ways through their various programs and        mentor, friends or residence staff about your
events.                                            experience.

Sustainability at Western                          Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
A sustainable campus is one that promotes          Western is committed to fostering Equity,
the smallest possible ecological footprint by      Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) within the campus
promoting a healthy ecosystem and supporting       community and has welcomed an EDI
the values of conservation. There are many         Education Coordinator as part of the Student
sustainability initiatives that students can get   Experience team.
involved in, including competitions, projects,
clubs and tours.                                   Equity Support Services
Equity                                             Allyship Network USC
Equity & Human Rights Services                     Allyship Network USC strives to create a
Rooms 2319, Somerville House                       safe and inclusive campus by providing free
                                                   educational workshops on various diversity
Equity and Human Rights Services (EHRS)
provides information on the university’s
discrimination and harassment (e.g., racial        Ethnocultural Support Service
and sexual harassment) policies, employment
equity and diversity and other human rights        Ethnocultural Support Service (ESS) supports
related issues. In a confidential manner,          students who experience issues related to
they can assist students, faculty and staff by     culture or ethnicity that limit their educational
providing advice to those who feel they have       experience at Western. ESS also organizes
been harassed or discriminated against, as well    events to promote multiculturalism and
as receiving and mediating complaints.             knowledge of different cultures.
Race Relations                                     Peer Support Centre
All persons who are visitors to or residents       Room 256, University Community Centre
of Canada are protected by both Federal            The Peer Support Centre is a resource centre
and Provincial laws from discrimination and/       and safe space for all students. By fostering a
or harassment on the basis of race, colour         spirit of openness and understanding through
or ethnic ancestry. Unfortunately, racism          peer-based support, the goal of the centre
does exist in Canada and it is important that      is to provide students with an accessible,
each person be aware of their rights. Racism       welcoming and accommodating service.
can be very subtle and often disguised as

6                                                                                                      International Student Handbook // 2020-2021
                                                                                                        It’s never too late to start cooking healthy
                                                                                                        meals. Recipes can be found online (allrecipes.
                                                                                                        com) with detailed instructions on how to
                                                                                                        prepare food.
                                                                                                        Cooking tips:
                                                                                                        Make 2-3 dinner portions so you can eat
                                                                                                        leftovers the next day. When shopping, be sure
  Family                                             Tea and Information Session for
                                                                                                        to stock up on foods that:
                                                     Spouses/Partners of International
  The IESC provides the following                    Students                                               • Don’t expire quickly such as eggs,
  resources and support for international                                                                      cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, dried
                                                     These sessions provide the opportunity to                 beans, seeds, nuts, pasta and rice;
  students and their families.                       meet and to get to know other spouses or
                                                                                                            • Can be frozen, such as meat, bagged
                                                     partners (and our staff), practice your English
  Events                                                                                                       milk and bread;
                                                     skills, learn about Canadian culture, share
                                                     knowledge, culture and skills as well as               • Are frozen, such as fruit and
  A number of the IESC's trips and events are                                                                  vegetables.
  open to the families of international students     discuss topics related to international families
                                                     and living in Canada. The IESC hosts this          This way you always have something to cook
  (spouses/ partners and children). Visit the                                                           and you won’t have to go shopping as often.
  IESC’s online calendar for full details, sign-up   drop-in event on Fridays from 1:30 p.m. to
                                                     2:30 p.m. throughout the year. For full event
  for our weekly International Student Network
                                                     details visit the IESC website.
                                                                                                        Food Support
  emails and/or follow us on Facebook and
  Twitter.                                           Provincial Health Insurance                        Food Support Service (FSS)
  Individual Assistance                              Open Work Permit holders (including spouses        services/
  Confidential appointments are available with       of international students) may be eligible for     The University Students' Council (USC)'s FSS
  an International Student Advisor for individual    free Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)          provides an anonymous food support service
  consultations on all issues related to living in   coverage, provided they are employed               (an on-campus food bank) to assist students
  Canada and adjusting to Canadian culture. To       full-time with an employer in Ontario for          who may be experiencing challenges.
  book an appointment, call or visit the IESC.       a minimum of six months. Having OHIP               Students can request a food hamper online.
                                                     coverage would eliminate the need for UHIP         Hampers are placed in the lockers across from
  Job Search Help                                    coverage. For more details about eligibility,      Student Health Services, then an email is sent
                                                     visit the IESC website.                            to the student with the locker combination.
  Assistance is available to help spouses or
  common-law partners with issues regarding          Work Permit for your                               PSAC Local 610 Food Support
  Canadian work regulations and the job search       Spouse or Partner                        
  process. To book an appointment, call or visit                                                        Graduate student teaching assistants (T.A.s)
  the IESC. The following websites provide           A spouse or common-law partner of a full-time      can apply through the Public Service Alliance
  information about the Canadian job search          international student holding a valid study        of Canada's Local 610 Union to access this
  process:                                           permit may apply for a work permit if they         service if they are experiencing long- or short-
  •                                    wish to work in Canada during their stay. The      term financial need. The program provides
                                                     work permit will be valid for the same duration    grocery store gift cards.
  • London Economic Development Corporation:
                                                     as the study permit of the student spouse at                                                                                            Healthy Eating Questions?
                                                     Western. The work permit will be an “open”
  •                                   work permit, meaning there are no restrictions     IESC hosts "Healthy Eating While in Canada"
  • WIL Employment Connections:               in terms of place of employment, location of       sessions in Fall and Winter terms as part of the
  • Working in London:                               employment, or type of employment (aside           "Canada, Eh?! Transitioning to Canada Series."                    from standard restrictions that are issued on      At each session, students prepare a meal with
                                                     open work permits). Your spouse or common-         a nutritionist and student leaders and learn
  Programs                                           law partner does not need a job offer in order     more about shopping and preparing healthy
                                                     to apply. For further information on family        meals. Visit for details
  English Conversation Program (ECP)                 members working in Canada, please visit: cic.      Nutritional Information Services                                
  The goal of the ECP program is to help             Visit the IESC Website for                         Hospitality Services at Western provides
  participants improve their conversational                                                             nutrition services to all students. Visit their
  English. The program provides eight sessions       Helpful Information About:
                                                                                                        website for information on ways to maintain
  per term with a trained English Conversation       • immigration information                          a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating
  Facilitator. Registration takes place in               • inviting your family to Canada               while living in residence. You can also submit
  September, January and May.                                                                           nutrition-related questions to through the
                                                         • spouses volunteering in Canada
  Global Café                                            • spouses and children studying in             online system called “Ask Anne."                    Canada                                       Registered Dietitian
  Global Café is a weekly drop-in gathering          • registering your children in school    
  where you can connect with International           • child care options                               Through USC, the dietitians offer free
  and Canadian students and meet friends in a        • parenting groups, resources and support          individual counselling, group presentations,
  casual and relaxed setting. Sessions are held      • recreation programs                              grocery store tours, recipe analysis, sample
  on Thursday afternoons 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.      • health insurance for dependents                  menus, recipes and cooking classes.
  Refreshments are provided.                           (see page 10 also)

International Student Handbook // Western University Canada                                                                                      7
European                                                             Vietnamese
                                                                    A Taste of Britain                                                   Ben Thanh
                                                                    2115 Aldersbrook Road.....................519-488-1590               655 Fanshawe Park Road West..........519-433-6346
                                                                    Budapest                                                             Quynh Nhi
                                                                    348 Dundas Street...............................519-439-3431         55 Wharncliffe Road Noth.....................519-850-8878
                                                                    Hot Oven                                                             Tamarine by Quynh Nhi
                                                                    Covent Garden Market......................519-679-1620               118 Dundas Street.......................................519-601-8276
                                                                    Marienbad Restaurant                                                 Thuan Kieu
                                                                    122 Carling Street...............................519-679-9940        1275 Highbury Avenue North...............519-455-7704
                                                                                                                                         Vietnam Taste
                                                                    Greek                                                                666 Wonderland Road North.............. 519-471-0068
                                                                    Four Seasons                                                         Vietnam Restaurant
                                                                    1455 Fanshawe Park Road West....519-471-7570                         1074 Dundas Street...................................519-457-0762
                                                                    Mykonos Restaurant
                                                                    572 Adelaide Street...........................519-434-6736           Vegan & Vegetarian
                                                                    Mythic Grill                                                         Copper Branch
                                                                    179 Albert Street..................................519-433-0230      660 Richmond Street.................................519-204-5111
                                                                                                                                         Plant Matter Kitchen
Restaurants                                                         Italian                                                              162 Wortley Road......................................519-660-3663
                                                                    Fellini Koolini’s                                                    Zen Gardens
Listed below are some restaurants that are
                                                                    155 Albert Street.................................519-642-2300       344 Dundas Street....................................519-433-6688
unique to London.
                                                                    La Casa Ristorante                                                   Freshii
African                                                             117 King Street.......................................519-434-2272   1680 Richmond Street................................519-252-1161
Enat                                                                Japanese                                                             Globally Local
379 Horton Street East........................519-432-8113                                                                               252 Dundas Street.....................................226-781-2410
                                                                    Heart Sushi
Addis Ababa
465 Dundas Street.............................519-433-4222          530 Oxford Street West...................519-601-6868
                                                                    168 Sushi
Canadian                                                            660 Oxford Street West...................519-657-0303
Billy’s Downtown Deli                                               Nov 8 Sushi Galore
113 Dundas Street.................................519-679-1970      1422 Fanshawe Park Road West......519-471-1108
Broughdale Pub                                                      Tanakaya
1131 Richmond Street..........................519-660-8778          130 King Street.....................................519-850-8838
Crossing's Hyde Park
1269 Hyde Park Road.......................519-472-3020              Korean
The Morrissey House                                                 Kimchi House
361 Dundas Street..............................519-204-9220         500 Oxford Street West....................519-601-6733
Prince Albert’s Diner                                               Ozen
565 Richmond Street........................519-432-2835             607 Richmond Street........................519-642-2558
Richie’s Family Restaurant                                          Latin American
1673 Richmond Street......................519-660-0650
The Works – Gourmet Burger Bistro                                   Casa Cubana
145 King Street......................................519-601-5464   411 Hamilton Road...............................519-204-8061
                                                                    Che Resto Bar
Caribbean/West Indian                                               225 Dundas Street..............................519-601-7999
Irie Bites Café                                                     Under the Volcano
91 Wellington Street............................519-858-4743        30 Wharncliffe Road.............................519-435-1197
Reggae’s Caribbean Restaurant                                       Middle Eastern
1050 Kipps Lane................................226-927-3604
Triniman Kitchen                                                    Barakat Restaurant
700 Richmond Street..........................519-601-2361           1149 Western Road............................519-850-8080
                                                                    Nate’s Shawarma
Chinese                                                             Covent Garden Market......................519-667-0041
Kambie                                                              Paramount Fine Foods
375 Horton Street East......................519-434-8787            769 Southdale Road East................519-668-1800
Congee Chan                                                         Tehran Karoon
735 Wonderland Road......................519-641-5686               500 Oxford Street West..................519-472-9292
                                                                    Shawarma Pita Palace
South Asian                                                         104-1103 Adelaide Street North....519-667-0000
118 Wellington Road...........................519-645-3226          Portuguese
Jewel of India                                                      Imperio Dos Frangos
390 Richmond Street........................519-434-9268             741 Hamilton Road..............................519-453-7952
Raja Fine Indian Cuisine                                            King of the Pigs
428 Clarence Street...........................519-601-7252          301 Oxford Street West....................519-204-8978
Aroma of India                                                      Rei Dos Leitos                                                       DID YOU KNOW?
350 Dundas Street..............................519-601-5353         706 Hamilton Road..............................519-452-1310
                                                                                                                                         Upset stomach: new foods can cause problems,
Massey’s Fine Indian Cuisine                                        Thai                                                                 especially those high in fat or dairy (cow’s milk).
174 King Street.....................................519-672-2989                                                                         Many Canadian “fast foods” are high in fat and
                                                                    Bangkok Pad Thai
                                                                    735 Richmond Street.........................519-433-6634             can produce digestive upset. Consult the Canada
                                                                                                                                         Food Guide at to help
                                                                    Thaifoon Restaurant                                                  balance your diet.
                                                                    120 Dundas Street...............................519-850-1222
                                                                    Thai Express
8                                                                   1680 Richmond Street North..........519-645-0754 International Student Handbook // 2020-2021
Where to Buy Food                                                        Western Farmers’ Market
                                                                           On Campus - Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00
                                                                                                                            Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to get
  Groceries on Campus                                                      p.m. (June to October)                           involved, to be active and get to know people
  Grocery Checkout......................Lower level, UCC                   Masonville Farmers’ and Artisan’s Market         in your community. It is also a chance for you to
  Grocery Stores in London                                                 In the Masonville Place parking lot - Fridays    enhance your skills, gain Canadian career-related
                                                                           from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (May to October)     experience and learn about different aspects
  Most grocery stores have an International
  food section with Kosher, Halal and a variety of                         Western Fair Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market       of the Canadian culture. In some situations,
  ethnic foods.                                                            900 King Street - Saturdays from 8:00 a.m.       volunteering in Canada requires a work permit.
                                                                           to 3:00 p.m. Select vendors are available on     There are many volunteer opportunities available
  Food Basics......................1299 Oxford Street East                                                                  at Western and within the London community
  ...................................1225 Wonderland Road North                                                             through the following organizations and many
  Fresh Co.....................1080 Adelaide Street North                  Get Involved:                                    more:
  Metro............................1030 Adelaide Street North              Leadership, Experience and                           • Western International (IESC, International
  ................................................301 Oxford Street West   Career Preparation                                     Learning, International Week, etc.)
  Loblaws......................1740 Richmond Street North                                                                       • Volunteers In Progress Faculty Students
  No Frills...............599 Fanshawe Park Road West                      Getting involved in your community promotes            Councils and Associations
                                                                           a sense of connection and wellbeing.                 • The Gazette (campus newspaper)
  Superstore..........................825 Oxford Street East               Involvement could include large or small
  ..............................................1205 Oxford Street West                                                         • CHRW – Radio Western
                                                                           volunteer commitments, taking on a leadership
  Sobey’s........................1595 Adelaide Street North                role or participating in alternative learning        • Student Emergency Response Team (SERT)
  ......................................661 Wonderland Road North          opportunities.                                       • Western Foot Patrol (safety program)
  Valu-Mart.............................234 Oxford Street East                                                                  • Intramurals at Western
                                                                           International Learning
                                                                                                                                • Leadership and Mentorship Program (LAMP)
  Ethnic Food Stores                                             
                                                                           International Learning connects students with        • Pillar Nonprofit Network (off-campus)
  Food Island.......................530 Oxford Street West                 a world of opportunities through exchange,           • London’s Cross-Cultural Learner Centre
  United..........................1062 Adelaide Street North               study abroad, research, internships and                (off-campus)
  SuperKing...............785 Wonderland Road South                        course-based experiences. With more than
                                                                           170 university and community partnerships in     Graduate Student Involvement
  Caribbean/West Indian                                                                                                     PSAC Local 610
  Festival Food-Mart.....456 Southdale Road East                           over 40 countries, students can benefit from
                                                                           many different types of international learning   Room 1313, Somerville House
  East Indian                                                              experiences, including:                          The PSAC Local 610 is a union for Graduate
  Indo-Asian.........................689 Oxford Street West                                                                 Teaching Assistants and Postdoctoral Associates
                                                                              • Exchange and Study Abroad
  European                                                                                                                  at Western. The elected officers of the PSAC
  Euro Best.............................1295 Highbury Avenue                  • Internships
                                                                                                                            Local 610 are responsible for negotiating the
  European Delight...735 Wonderland Road North                                • Research Opportunities                      terms of the Collective Agreement on behalf of
  A Taste of Britain..............2115 Aldersbrook Road                       • Faculty-Led Experiences                     its members. To become a member you can visit
  Halal                                                                    Careers & Experience                             their office and sign-up. Membership gives you
  Jazeara Store..............574 Adelaide Street North                                               the right to participate in elections and general
  Aladdin’s Foods......611 Wonderland Road North                                                 meetings.
  Latin American                                                           Western offers a wide range of experiential
  Latino Market.............................470 Dundas Street              and service learning opportunities. Programs
  Farmers' Markets                                                         include: internships, community engaged
                                                                           learning, the Impact Experience (formerly
  Farmers’ markets typically sell locally grown                            Alternative Spring Break) and more. They
  fruits and vegetables. Some markets will also                            also offer employment opportunities online
  sell cooked food, pastries, meat, honey, arts/                           through Western Connect (connect.uwo.
  crafts and other specialty items.                                        ca) where students can view on-campus
  Covent Garden Market                                                     recruiting, summer, volunteer and off-campus
  130 King Street - Open daily                                             job postings. Students can access the
  Gibraltar Weekend Market                                                 Employment Help and Resource Centre, make
  1712 Dundas Street - Open Saturday and                                   an appointment with a Career Counsellor or
  Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                       attend one of their workshops or career fairs.

International Student Handbook // Western University Canada                                                                                                           9
Society of Graduate Students (SOGS)
                                                  student's transcript upon graduation.                 Telephone Support
                                                  University Students’ Council (USC)
SOGS is a student organization that serves        Room 340, University Community Centre                 Middlesex London Health Unit
graduate students at Western. The SOGS                                                                  519-663-5317
                                                  The USC is the largest and most
website provides useful information, including                                                          The health unit’s website has a wide range
                                                  comprehensive student government in
details about how to get involved on SOGS                                                               of health and wellness-related information for
                                                  Canada. As a leading undergraduate
committees. For example, the International                                                              you and your family, such as: information about
                                                  organization on campus, their focus is to
Graduate Student Issues Committee (IGSIC)                                                               frost-bite, prenatal support, parenting programs,
                                                  provide social programming, to lead political
explores and addresses the concerns of                                                                  diseases, domestic violence, food safety and
                                                  advocacy and to offer a vast array of services
incoming and returning international graduate                                                           immunizations. They also have helpful videos on
                                                  and operations important to undergraduate
students. International graduate students can                                                           various topics. Visit or phone to
                                                  students at Western.
voice their issues and concerns through the                                                             speak to a public health nurse.
                                                  Visit clubs week in September or go to
IGSIC by contacting the committee or joining for ways to get involved.         Telehealth Ontario Phone Line
as a committee member. IGSIC, in partnership      With over 200 clubs, various support services,        1-866-797-0000
with SGPS and the IESC, recently created          programs, operations, advocacy and more, the
an International Graduate Student Guide to                                                              This free and confidential telephone service
                                                  USC has something for everyone.                       connects you over the phone with a Registered
Western University, which is hosted on the
                                                                                                        Nurse for health advice and consultations 24
SOGS website.                                     Health and Wellness                                   hours a day, 7 days a week. The nurse will ask
Undergraduate Student                                                            you to describe your symptoms and recommend
Involvement                                                                                             whether you should care for yourself at home, go
                                                  In London, there are various hospitals, walk-in
Co-Curricular Record Program                      clinics, family doctors and women’s health/           to a walk-in clinic or a hospital emergency room.
The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) complements
                                                  pregnancy support. On campus, we have                 Health Insurance
                                                  Student Health Care, which provides medical
your academic transcript by helping you           care and mental health counselling. Dental            Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
to record your out-of-classroom learning          treatment is available to the public at the           OHIP is available to Canadian citizens and
experiences. Having a CCR is a great addition     Schulich Dentistry Clinic at Western University.      permanent residents (landed immigrants). Open
to your resume for job interviews or graduate     The dental treatment is not free but the clinic       Work Permit holders (including spouses of
school applications. The deadline to add          fees are less expensive than the amount               international students) may be eligible for OHIP
activities to your record is in April.            charged at private dental clinics. Visit the IESC     coverage provided they are employed full-time
Global and Intercultural                          website for a list of health care providers in        with an employer in Ontario for a minimum of
Engagement Honour                                 London.                                               six months. Offered by the province, this plan                                                                       covers the cost of services such as: physicians’
Western's Global and Intercultural Engagement       DID YOU KNOW?                                       services, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses,
Honor will recognize and reward students'                                                               surgery, X-rays, hospital services and emergency
                                                    On-campus health services include a
experience and engagement in international                                                              dental care in a hospital. (OHIP does not cover
                                                    Chiropractic Clinic, Optometrist, Pharmacy
activities both curricular and extracurricular.                                                         eye examinations unless you are under 19 or over
                                                    and Dental Services (located in the
Once achieved, the Honour appears on the                                                                65 years old). Services not covered by the plan
                                                    University Community Centre). In addition,
                                                                                                        include: charges for dental care not approved by
                                                    the Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic
                                                                                                        the plan, eyeglasses and prescription medication
                                                    is located in the 3M Centre.
                                                                                                        (for those over age 25). For more details about
                                                                                                        eligibility, visit the IESC website.
                                                                                                        University Health Insurance Plan
                                                                                                        UHIP offers many of the same benefits for
                                                                                                        international students as OHIP. UHIP fees are
                                                                                                        included in the tuition bill for graduate and
                                                                                                        undergraduate students. Exchange students are
                                                                                                        also automatically enrolled in UHIP and must pay
                                                                                                        the fee to Western. The cost of UHIP is $720
                                                                                                        for full year undergraduate students and $240
                                                                                                        per term for graduate students and exchange
                                                                                                        Any of your dependents (i.e., spouses/partner

10                                                                                                    International Student Handbook // 2020-2021
and/or children) who accompany you to           exams and glasses/contact lenses, travel
  Canada will also require UHIP coverage          insurance, as well as other services not
  while they are here. Dependents are NOT         included in your UHIP coverage. All full-time
  automatically registered. To register your      graduate students registered with the School of
  family, please visit Human Resources. There     Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS), with
  is a $500 LATE FEE if you do not register       the exception of Ivey students, are covered
  your dependents within 30 days of arriving in   by this plan. The cost is included in your
  Canada.                                         activity fee. Part-time students, postdoctoral
                                                  fellows and their dependents may opt into the
  When Does My UHIP Coverage                      program by submitting an application to the
  Begin and End?                                  SOGS office.
  An international student is covered by UHIP
                                                  PSAC Local 610
  on the day of their arrival in Canada, but
  not earlier than the 10th day of the month
  before their university term begins. Students   Members of the PSAC Local 610 at Western
  will receive an email to their Western email    are covered by the union’s Extended Health
  account once their UHIP card is available for   Plan (EHP). Members receive health and dental
  printing online. International students may     benefits that are not offered through UHIP and
  extend their UHIP coverage for a maximum        the SOGS health plans including medical tests,
  of 60 days after the last period of academic    the remaining percentage not covered by the
  study for travel or graduation purposes only.   SOGS health plan, prescription sunglasses,             application for a new Temporary Resident Visa
  Apply for this at the end of term and pay at    over-the-counter medication for colds/flus for         (if needed), since processing times can take
  Human Resources. The monthly cost of UHIP       children, etc. For a full list, visit their website.   anywhere from 20 to 75 or more days.
  is $53 for students and $53 for dependents.     Housing                                                If Your Study Permit Expires
  Additional Health Care                          Western offers on-campus residences, on-               If your study permit expires before Immigration,
  Coverage and Dental                             campus apartments and townhouses for                   Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) receives
                                                                                                         your application for an extension, you will be
  Insurance                                       students with families. If you prefer to live
                                                                                                         “out of status”, which means you will lose your
                                                  off-campus, housing is readily available in
                                                  London. Visit the IESC website for information         legal status in Canada. “In some cases, you may
  Undergraduate Students,                                                                                apply to restore your status as a student. To
                                                  about apartments, leasing information, buying
  Ivey MBA Students, & Western                                                                           apply, you must: submit your application within
                                                  furniture, paying your utilities and your legal
  English Language students                       rights as a tenant. If you encounter any               90 days of losing your status, keep meeting
  USC Student Health, Dental and Travel           difficulties with your landlords or roommates,         the requirements for your stay, have met all the
  Insurance                                       connect with the friendly staff at the Housing         conditions listed on your permit, and pay your                                   Mediation Service                    fees…On your application, you must clearly and
  This insurance plan covers a wide range of      mediation. Staff can let you know about your           completely explain how you lost your status.
  medical expenses (up to 80% of prescription     rights in any situation involving your off-campus      There is no guarantee that we will accept your
  drug costs and ambulance fees, accidental       housing.                                               application. If your family members have also
  and preventative dental, bi-annual eye exams,                                                          lost their status, each must apply (and pay) to get
  massage therapy and other health practitioner   Immigration                                            it restored. You may stay in Canada while IRCC
  fees, medical equipment, vaccines, etc.).                                                              make a decision on your application. But, you
                                                  The IESC offers drop-in help, workshops and            aren’t allowed to study until your status has been
  Students can add their family (spouse and/      immigration appointments.
  or dependents) to the plan. The plan is                                                                restored”
  effective from September 1 to August 31         Know When Your Study Permit                            citizenship/services/study-canada/extend-study-
  each year. Students with proof of equivalent    Expires!                                               permit
  health coverage can opt-out of the plan in      All international students must have a valid           If you are “out of status” because your study
  September.                                      Study Permit while studying at Western (unless         permit has expired and you have not applied
                                                  your program of study has a duration of 6              for an extension, see an International Student
  Graduate Students                                                                                      Advisor immediately.
                                                  months or less). If your studies require you
  Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) Student
                                                  to remain in Canada beyond the expiry date             Requirement to Actively Pursue
  Health, Vision, Dental and Travel Plan
                                                  of your Study Permit, you must obtain an               Studies
                                                  extension before it expires. Typically, students       If you hold a study permit, "you must remain
  SOGS offers a student health plan that          apply for study permit extensions 2-3 months
  covers up to 80% of prescription costs and                                                             enrolled... and make reasonable and timely
                                                  in advance, in order to have time to obtain            progress towards completing your program.
  vaccinations, some basic dental costs, eye      the study permit extension and to submit an            Failing to do so may lead to your removal from
                                                                                                         Taking a leave of absence or becoming a part-
                                                                                                         time student will affect your legal ability to work
                                                                                                         in Canada while studying and may make you
                                                                                                         ineligible for a postgraduate work permit (PGWP)
                                                                                                         when you complete your program of study
                                                                                                         in Canada. Please meet with an International
                                                                                                         Student Advisor, an Academic Counsellor or your
                                                                                                         supervisor and SGPS to discuss your options and
                                                                                                         immigration implications.

International Student Handbook // Western University Canada                                                                                         11
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