Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning

Page created by Roger Acosta
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
Foreword   1

Your city practice in the networks
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
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Concept and Coordination:
UCLG Learning

Graphic design:
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
               The following document summarises the outcomes of the Third UCLG
               Learning Forum, which took place during the UCLG World Congress in
               Bogotá and which created ad-hoc learning opportunities for UCLG internal
               and external networks and partners.

Page 4

          01   What is learning and why do cities learn?
Page 6

          02   From SEEKING to SENSING
Page 13

               Learning within networks: Where to start?

Page 22
               Unlocking learning capacities:
               sharing learning methodologies
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
4   SEEK SENSE SHARE Your city practice in the networks

                                            We, local and regional leaders, have long          One key tool to foster transformation
                                        been aware of our great responsibility for         is peer-to-peer learning between local and
                                        creating better cities and for improving the       regional governments. Sharing practices and
                                        lives of the people who live in them. The 2030     experiences as part of a network can improve
                                        Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development          our knowledge, capacities and confidence in
                                        Goals (SDGs) are an opportunity for us to          urban management, inclusion, sustainable
                                        demonstrate that it is in towns, cities and        growth, and governance. Learning and the
                                        territories where development must become          transfer of practices between cities can be felt
                                        tangible, and equality, prosperity and             in communities, neighborhoods and regions
                                        environmental sustainability be realized.          in the form of improved services and better-
                                                                                           informed, more responsive civil servants.
                                            The implementation of the SDGs requires
                                        enhanced action in territories based on                Local governments have been learning from
                                        political leadership, improved capacities and      one another internationally for over a hundred
                                        increased resources. The global community          years, but communications technology now
                                        of UCLG will do all we can to play our part in     allows local practices and knowledge to be
                                        our communities, whether they be large or          shared globally across multiple platforms
                                        small, urban or rural. Our will to walk the talk   more easily than ever before.
                                        on sustainable development was expressed in
                                        the Bogotá Commitment, adopted at the UCLG            Of course, UCLG does not work alone on
                                        Congress in October 2016, and the 3rd UCLG         peer-to-peer learning; our networks and
                                        Learning Forum, also held at the Congress.         partners offer opportunities for connecting,
                                                                                           knowledge transfer, insight, policy support
                                                                                           and monitoring. We appreciate the
                                                                                           commitment of United Nations agencies, the
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
Foreword   5

international development community and
the partners that work to build capacities on
the ground.

    The capacity of our administrations
must improve constantly, in real time.
Decentralized learning is a powerful way
to improve capacities, and ideally involves
stakeholder and decision maker around
a practice. National governments and
international institutions must also play their
part in providing adequate resources, dialogue
and connecting training opportunities. With
support from national and international
levels, and mutual exchange between local
institutions across the globe, there is little
doubt that we can become powerful forces for
sustainable development from the bottom up.

Parks Tau
President of UCLG
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
6   SEEK SENSE SHARE Your city practice in the networks
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning

What is learning and
why do cities learn?                                                           01
  – From The New Social Learning by Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner; 2010 (pag.19)
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning

                           The implementation of the Sustainable          other levels of government, adequate financial
                       Development Goals (SDGs) is important for all      resources and, last but not least, improved
                       cities and towns. Cities generate opportunities    capacities.
                       and play an important role as key actors in
                       development, providing services and public             Cities are increasingly being appreciated
                       goods. However, in order to live up to their       as complicated and complex systems made
                       potential, cities need sufficient support from     of diverse groups of people, material and
                                                                          resources. A city works like an organic
                                                                          system, reacting to global challenges, such
                                                                          as climate change, the financial crises,
                                                                          loss of natural resources, disasters or wars.
         THE NETWORK ERA IS BLURRING THE                                  Local governments and local government
         LINES BETWEEN WORKING, LEARNING                                  associations will need to increase their capacity
         AND PLAYING. WORK WILL NO LONGER BE                              to fulfil their roles in implementing SDGs
                                                                          using appropriate methods and knowledge
         DEFINED BY AN EIGHT-HOUR SHIFT AT A                              platforms. Cities and associations who invest
         PARTICULAR LOCATION. NETWORK MEANS                               in learning and sharing of experiences
         LEARNING TO WORK ANEW.”                                          increase their opportunities to advance the
                                                                          2030 agenda for sustainable development
         – Harold Jarche, Expert on Management and Education              without “reinventing the wheel”.

    Introduction of Public Bike System in Hangzhou1
    Due to growing traffic congestion and concerns over        surpassed those of Hangzhou. Two cities foster
    the environment, Hangzhou launched China's first           exchanges on the system for the joint progress.
    public bicycle project in 2008. It initially began with    Also, Beijing, Rio de Janeiro, and Mexico City paid
    2,800 bicycles, and 61 stations. In 2015, it became        attention to this success.
    the largest public bicycle system in the world with
    90,000 bicycles and 3,500 stations. The average rent       Hangzhou public bicycle project was awarded the 2nd
    time was 33.6 minutes, and the average trip distance       Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation
    was 4 km. By 2020, it plans to expand to 175,000           in 2014. The Guangzhou Award aims to recognize
    bicycles.                                                  and spread the innovation in the cities and regions
                                                               in social, economic and environmental aspects and
    The ‘Hangzhou Model’ was adopted to many cities in         to advance the quality of life of their citizens. It is
    China. Taiyuan City in Shanxi Province, for example,       co-sponsored by UCLG, Metropolis and the City of
    installed the model, and its system and performance        Guangzhou.

                                                     2008                     2015                       2020

                                              2,800                 90,000 175,000
                                               bicycles                  bicycles                 bicycles
                                                      61                 3,500                      it plans
                                               stations                  stations                 to expand
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning
What is learning and why do cities learn?     9

Clouds of trust


                            Public                                                      Private
                            Sector                                                      Sector

           Government                                Intitutions                                     Civil Society
            (City Admin.)

    It is important to remember that city                   THE VIEWS AND IDEAS OF A MULTITUDE OF
innovation and transformation are not
static. Behind urban transformation, we find
                                                            PEOPLE ARE ESSENTIAL FOR US TO DECIDE
national institutions, the business sector,                 FOR OURSELVES HOW WE MOVE FORWARD.
communities, with public administrations
                                                            – Kasarralal Gunasekera, Deputy Mayor of Dehiwala
leading the way. Many actors influence and
shape the city. When we see the city is under
transformation, we know that it is thanks to
some or all of these actors. So, when a city
is learning from another city, it is important                                                            1
                                                                                                            More information about
                                                                                                          the Guangzhou Award is
to take into account, not only mayors and                                                                 available here: http://www.
technical leaders, but also other stakeholders.                                                 
                                                                                                          content_2191.html More
This point was acknowledged during the First                                                              information about the
UCLG Learning Forum, which responded to                                                                   Hangzhou public bicycle project
                                                                                                          available at: http://gbtimes.
the findings of Tim Campbell as articulated in        Another notable global change is                    com/life/hangzhous-bike-
Beyond Smart Cities (2012).2                      increasing complexity due to the emergence
                                                  of knowledge networks in working and social             2
                                                                                                            Campbell, Tim. Beyond Smart
                                                                                                          Cities. How Cities Network,
    The graphics above represent “clouds of       environments. Thanks to new communications              Learn and Innovate, earthscan,
trust”3 consisting of interconnected networks     and information technologies, actors are                2012.

based on trust among different stakeholders       connected and affected by one another                   3
                                                                                                            The original graphics are
                                                                                                          a result of Tim Campbell’s
from different sectors, who learn and process     regardless of time and space, resulting in              empirical study on how cities
ideas together. The red dots represent            increased decentralization, complexity and              learn. Available at: http://www
stakeholder belonging to local governments        uncertainty. To cope with the network era, we           also in the book How Cities
and, while the blue dots represent stakeholders   need to shift from vertical bureaucracies to            Network, Learn and Innovate,
                                                                                                          earthscan, 2012 by Tim
from other areas within the “cloud of trust”.     horizontal cooperation.                                 Campbell.
Your city practice in the networks - UCLG Learning

                                                                                         innovative approaches to address challenges
                   THE BEST WAY TO BE EFFECTIVE IN AN                                    and meet their goals. Learning by sharing
                   ENVIRONMENT OF CHANGE IS TO LEARN. “                                  good practices and experiences unlocks
                                                                                         opportunities to implement solutions at
                   – Kubeshni Govender, Training Communication Professional SALGA
                                                                                         local level in a more successful way and also
                                                                                         allows cities to identify future challenges and
                                           As complexity grows and challenges
                                       shift, the way we approach work is drastically        Learning is a continuous process that
                                       changing. As Harold Jarche explained in his       allows individuals and societies to acquire and
                                       keynote during the Third UCLG Learning Forum: 4   master knowledge, as well as to expand and
                                       “Modern work is like reading the changing         clarify meanings acquired through experience.
                                       waves and trying not to sink in an ocean of       Learning serves to test ideas relevant to
         The UCLG World Secretariat    information and expanding knowledge. It's         problem solving. In other words, learning
      celebrated the Third Learning
     Forum in the framework of the
                                       a constant effort on a changing sea.” Jarche      is a process, an outcome and a function that
          World Summit of Local and    suggests that, in a networked world, our          enables individuals and societies to make
         Regional Leaders that took
          place in Bogotá in October   relationships get more complex.                   sense of knowledge and skills in order to face
     2016. More information about                                                        future challenges and opportunities.
             the Forum available at:
            As a consequence, the learning
                                       environment becomes crucial, as it allows            It is against this backdrop that, UCLG
                            we-want    cities, regional and local governments to find    has set up a learning mechanism that allows
What is learning and why do cities learn?   11

members and partners in our network to            working in partnerships, enabling a broader
have a deeper look at complex problems and        and more sustainable response to the demand
apply a learning methodology. One of the          for learning by cities.
learning methods is “peer learning”. Peer
learning usually brings practitioners and
politicians together and often creates an ad-
hoc network around the sharing of knowledge       MODERN WORK IS LIKE READING THE CHANGING
and experiences.
                                                  WAVES AND TRYING NOT TO SINK IN AN OCEAN
    Networked learning is changing how UCLG       OF INFORMATION AND EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE.
works. In an action network, as Harold Jarche     IT'S A CONSTANT EFFORT ON A CHANGING SEA.
describes in the following pages, it’s becoming
even more important to collaborate, to work
together: the views and ideas of a multitude
of people are essential for us to decide how
we move forward. In this context, UCLG
actively provides opportunities for dynamic
learning between cities and local government
associations, including peer exchanges and
a wide range of other learning methods and
activities within the network. UCLG promotes
12   SEEK SENSE SHARE Your city practice in the networks

to SENSING        02
Learning within
Where to start?

                                        Step 1: Understanding the                        through peer learning. Connecting knowledge
                                        context - An analytical framework                and ideas to cities, as well as cities to cities,
                                                                                         is key to UCLG learning. We believe that open
                                        for decision making                              sharing in an environment of trust is the best
                                            Cities and local and regional governments    way to generate knowledge in our network.
                                        currently have an unprecedented opportunity
                                        to renew governance models and the                   One of the ways to help cities conceptualise
                                        social contract and to shift the priorities      the sense-making process of learning, is to
                                        of governments at all levels to eradicate        adopt a model. The Cynefin6 model is one
                                        inequalities.5 Their challenge is to address     such analytical framework developed by Dave
                                        a world of increasing complexity. This will      Snowden that can be used to make sense of
                                        require the way we work to be reshaped. In       different scenarios. The implementation of
                                        this complex environment, the best actions       this framework can help local governments
                                        to take will depend on local circumstances       to identify solutions adapted to challenges
                                        and contexts; problem-solving is not a “one-     of today. Each domain requires different
                                        size-fits-all” process. Decisions must be made   actions according to the relationship between
                                        according to changing situations, including      cause and effect. This relationship may
                                        common needs and demands.                        vary from simple to complicated; from an
         The Bogota Commitment and                                                       ordered world, where fact-based decisions
          Action Agenda, UCLG, 2016.
           Available at: https://www.        In order to cope with complexity, cities    are possible, to complex and chaotic contexts

                                        need to develop their own sense-making           where cause and effect are unordered
                          mitment.pdf   process, aggregating sources of information      and determined by emerging patterns. By
            Snowden, D. & Boone, M.     and knowledge, filtering and analyzing, and      analysing the complexity of the challenge,
           “A Leader’s Framework for    connecting ideas. The ideas aggregated,          local governments can also identify what
           Decision Making”, Harvard
              Business Review, 2007.    filtered and connected by cities can be shared   type of learning approach best fits to solve
                                                                                         the problem. Complicated contexts can be
                                                                                         solved with the help of expert knowledge,
                                                                                         but complex and chaotic contexts require
                      AND THERE ARE MANY CITIES THAT HAVE                                emergent practices; approaches based on the
                                                                                         experience of peers become a huge asset to
                      HAD VERY INNOVATIVE EXPERIENCES. WE                                find solutions.
                      USE THEM AS REFERENCES TO SEE WHAT
                      THEY ENCOUNTERED.
                      – Monica Fein, Mayor of Rosario

                      IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU’RE TELLING
                      BECAUSE YOU WILL COME OUT WITH THE
                      TO LEARN.
                      – Giovanni Allegretti, Expert on participatory budgeting
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?   15

Analytical Framework based on the Cynefin Model

           SIMPLE                    COMPLICATED                            COMPLEX                                          CHAOTIC

Sense - categorize - Respond    Sense - analyze - Respond            PROBE - Sense - Respond                           ACT - Sense - Respond
        Best Practice                Good Practice                     EMERGENT Practice                                  NOVEL Practice

    Relation between cause       Relation between cause and            Relation between cause                          No relationship between
      and effect is obvius        effect requires analysis or        and effect only be perceived                         cause and effect
              to all              some form of investigation               in retrospective                                at system level
                                     of expert knowledge

the best practice sphere -
    In simple contexts the relationship               the application of expert knowledge.
between cause and effect is clear. The steps          Challenges in complicated contexts might have
required to solve challenges or problems              more than one “right/correct” answer. To make
are obvious, the outcome predictable, and             decisions in such contexts, local governments
there are processes in place to handle them.          should “Sense-Analyze-Respond”. This means
In simple contexts, local governments need            making an assessment of the situation with
to “Sense-Categorize-Respond”, which means            the help of expert knowledge, and then taking
assessing the situation and then categorizing         a decision on the best possible response using
its type. The subsequent response can be              good practices as guidelines.
inspired by a best practice. These types of
contexts have an established “right/correct”              It is important to find a balance between
answer, based on existing processes or                expert knowledge and creative solutions
procedures.                                           coming from peers and professionals. It is
                                                      also recommendable to assemble a multi-
    It is important to not over-simplify the          stakeholder (and multidisciplinary) team
simple contexts. To avoid oversimplification,         (including opposition voices) and to use tools
clear communication channels between                  to unlock collective knowledge and ideas.
political leaders and professional staff are
crucial. Professionals need to be able to             COMPLEX CONTEXTS -
easily and openly report situations that              the emergent practice sphere -
do not fit in the established categories,                In complex contexts, the relationship
allowing the problem to be better understood.         between cause and effect can only be
Communication channels are also crucial to            understood in retrospect. Many of the
enable the pursuit of innovation.                     challenges and problems cities and local
                                                      governments are facing today fall into this
COMPLICATED CONTEXTS -                                category. Snowden defines this type of
the good practice sphere -                            context as “often unpredictable”. In order to
    In complicated contexts, the relationship         tackle complex contexts, local governments
between cause and effect requires analysis,           need to “Probe-Sense-Respond”, shifting
research and, depending on the circumstances,         their mindset to embrace learning as a crucial

                                        component of decision-making. Cities and              Step 2: Working “out loud”-
                                        local governments should try out possible             changing the way cities work
                                        solutions, inspired by their peers and then
                                        evaluate whether the strategy meets their                 Growing complexity affects many aspects
                                        needs. If it does, the strategy can be widened.       of our lives, including our governing models
                                        If it doesn’t, the city still acquires important      and the ways we can support learning. As
                                        knowledge that can be used to improve future          complexity became the norm in our century,
                                        solutions.                                            local governments will have to get used to on-
                                                                                              the-go learning, also defined as “emergent
                                            It is important to have learning                  practice”.
                                        methodologies and good facilitation to guide
                                        the process. The goals need to be defined                 This approach requires the ability (and
                                        cooperatively. Open communication and trust           political will) to implement new ideas and
                                        are a must for stakeholders in order that they        evaluate whether they work. If they do,
                                        be able to share their experiences and ideas.         this knowledge can be amplified. Even if the
                                                                                              implemented solution does not meet the
                                        CHAOTIC CONTEXTS -                                    challenge, the experience still generates new
                                        the novel practice sphere -                           knowledge. This implies a shift in the working
                                            Chaotic contexts are unpredictable and            methodology for local governments. Harold
             Harold Jarche was the
                                        the relationship between cause and effect             Jarche7 expresses this shift as a movement
             keynote of the plenary     is not identifiable. They usually arise after         towards a network era. Jarche argues that, in
        “Learning Forum: Concepts
     and Trends” where he provided
                                        disasters (natural and man-made). Snowden’s           complex systems, information and knowledge
        a diverse range of points of    suggestion is to stabilize the situation as fast      flows are not linear. This increases the value of
        views on the importance of
         learning for cities. Further   as possible in order to go back to a complex          indirect and loose connections, enhancing the
        information about his work
                    can be found at:
                                        context, in which the flow of the decision-           importance of networks and the integration of
            making process can be managed more easily.            work with learning.

                                        Emergent practice

                                                 ADVICE                                     DECISIONS
                                           (Network of Peers)                              (Politicians)                      SEEK

                                                                                 IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM &
                                                                                   IMPLEMENT EMERGENT                        SENSE
                                                                                     PRACTICE LOCALLY

                                              EVALUATION                                   EVALUATION
                                              (Successfull)                                  (Failed)                        SHARE
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?      17

The network learning model*

   informal &
                                                        t   lou
                                                     ou                                      Diversity of ideas & opinions

                                          o   rk i                                                  weak social ties
                                      W                                  Communities            Prompting Innovation
                                                                          of practice
                                                                       Trusted space to test
                                                                            new ideas

                                                                          mixed social ties


                                                                   Integrating Work & Learning                         M
                             Share complex knowledge,                                                      no
                                                                                                     onal K
 structured &                     strong social ties                                         Per
  hierarchical                   Co-creating Value

                               goal-oriented                                                         opportunity-driven
                               & collaborative                                                       & cooperative

* The original model was developed by Harold Jarche. More information available at:

    In the network learning model8 Jarche                                                        WE NEED TO AVOID MAKING THINGS
defines three different network types – work
teams or productivity networks; communities                                                      SIMPLER THAT ARE AS H.L. MENCKEN
of practice, or alignment networks; and social                                                   STATED “FOR EVERY COMPLEX PROBLEM
networks, or connectivity networks. These                                                        THERE IS AN ANSWER THAT IS CLEAR,
networks should operate under the principle
of working out loud9, that is, by sharing on–                                                    SIMPLE AND WRONG.”
going practices before they are completed.
                                                                                                 – Harold Jarche, Expert on Management and Education
This allows information and knowledge to
flow from productivity networks all the way to
connectivity networks and vice versa, within a
seek-sense-share logic.                                                           enabling understanding of, and coping with,                                       8
                                                                                                                                                                     Jarche H, A Network
                                                                                  changing realities and challenges in complex                                      Perspective, 2016. Available at:
    SEEK: Productivity networks (work teams)                                      environments. In knowledge management,                                            network-perspective/ & Jarche
are goal oriented and collaborative, the                                          to sense is to adopt the information including                                    H, Seek

                             By adopting the seek-sense-share             UCLG Learning Agenda:
                         model, cities extend the border of work to
                         communities of practice and social networks,         Networks such as UCLG are interesting
                         which supports learning. In addition to the      platforms for action. They gather local
                         structured and goal oriented work which still    leaders and professionals from different
                         needs to be done, knowledge sharing and          contexts, motivated to learn beyond their
                         peer learning outside traditional productivity   cities’ realities but also to nurture and benefit
                         networks becomes more important and              from international engagement. UCLG’s
                         acknowledged.                                    strategy to enable the flow of knowledge at
                                                                          the global level is mainly through thematic
                                                                          policy communities (committees and working
                                                                          groups), regional communities (sections)
                                                                          social networks, briefings and peer-to-peer
          OPPORTUNITY DRIVEN COOPERATION IS A                             action learning. As collective learning is
          SIGNIFICANT SHIFT IN HOW WE NEED TO                             based on trust and sharing, it makes sense to
                                                                          connect networks and create partnerships.
          WORLD BASED ON KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS.”                                 Despite the individualization of the
                                                                          world, human beings have an inborn need
          – Harold Jarche, Expert on Management and Education
                                                                          for dialogue, communication and to be part
                                                                          of a group. The UCLG learning network offers
                                                                          a cross-sectorial dimension, multiplying ad-
                                                                          hoc opportunities to identify one’s peers.
      IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, TO SHARE IS                                The UCLG Learning Agenda reflects a wide
                                                                          range of actors and, as such, is used both for
     TO EXCHANGE IDEAS AND EXPERIENCES WITH                               strengthening decentralized cooperation and
                               THE NETWORK.                               for collective learning.

     Participatory Budgeting in Matola, SEEK SENSE SHARE
     As a way to improve the institutional capacities of        In May 2016, Matola hosted the 16th OIDP
     local governments and their associations, 8 cities         Conference, which more than 1,500 people in 200
     in Mozambique and 6 cities in Brazil participated in       cities participated in. Matola held a workshop
     the South-South Decentralized Cooperation project,         on participatory budgeting with speakers from
     coordinated and implemented by UCLG, ANAMM,                Porto Alegre, Caruaru City, Maputo, Mbombela,
     and FNP between 2013 and 2015. In this project,            and Ampasy, to name a few, to share the result of
     the City of Matola wanted to introduce participatory       the implementation and discuss how to improve
     budgeting from Brazilian cities as a tool for the city’s   mechanisms to build trust between government and
     democratic management. Participatory budgeting             citizens.
     involves citizens in budget management through a
     process of debate, public hearings, and consultation       In addition, the Mozambican Participatory Budgeting
     on proposals on the municipal budget process.              Network has been launched. This will serve the
                                                                information and advice on governance to the
     From June 2014, several exchanges were made between        Mozambican cities, which have become interested
     two cities. These included training on participatory       in participatory politics, including participatory
     budgeting, an assessment seminar, and technical            budgeting.
     support for the first cycle of the budget in Matola.
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?   19

UCLG is a network of organizations and a network of people

    Before the Third UCLG Learning Forum
                                                              KNOWLEDGE CHANGES SO QUICKLY, AND
in Bogota, UCLG gathered members on two
other occasions. The First UCLG Learning                      WE NEED TO LEARN FAST BY EXPERIENCING
Forum revealed the opportunity to bring                       THINGS. MANY CITIES ARE ALREADY
city learning to scale by UCLG becoming an
“Apex” organization, connecting up a network
                                                              INVESTING IN LEARNING AT THE NATIONAL
of networks. The outcome of the Second                        LEVEL BUT THE MOST POWERFUL AND
UCLG Learning Forum, whose results were                       INSPIRING FORM OF LEARNING INVOLVES
published in ‘City to City’, provided an insight
on the relationships between development
                                                              DIFFERENT CITIES ACROSS THE WORLD.
cooperation, development projects and city                    – Josep Roig, Secretary General of UCLG
to city learning of a number of UCLG members.
It confirmed the strong linkages between
members and their interest to learn from one
another in the UCLG network.                       investment in 3 dimensions: motivation,
                                                   capacity and access to resources. The UCLG
    The main challenge of the Third UCLG           Learning Agenda supports the member cities
Learning Forum is to acknowledge the value         and partners to connect and learn together.
of learning by member cities and reach out to      The Forum also reached out to other cities
other cities in and beyond the UCLG network.       and networks beyond the UCLG Network to
                                                   unlock knowledge about new and innovative
    The main challenge of the Third UCLG           urban practices, stakeholders and policies
Learning Forum is to acknowledge the value         that are helpful to motivate and build
of learning by member cities that are active       capacity to enable change. Learning doesn’t
in UCLG because they share a global vision         necessarily have tangible results; it is difficult
to bring social change. Change requires            to evaluate the concrete results of a peer

     learning for each participant. Learning is an          The UCLG Learning Agenda enables cities
     open-ended process, and you cannot predict         to connect in multiple ways with multiple
     how and where it will end up. However, a peer      peers. Its role isn’t to train politicians and
     learning event is an effective way to enrich       professionals but open up the field of new
     your own experience in a way that may be of        possibilities and show what others do. The
     use later in projects or policies. Peer learning   stronger the network becomes, the better
     is very powerful for cities today and can also     cities and local governments can perform in
     be shaped and tested in ad hoc formats.            their own context. The UCLG Learning Agenda
                                                        supports the cities through facilitation,
         After a peer learning event, the word          while the cities focus on collaborative work.
     spreads, people connect in new ways forming        As cities collaborate they create knowledge
     new alliances and networks and things get          and foster innovation, providing inputs
     done. This method has been successfully            to the observatory and advocacy work of
     used by UCLG for a wide variety of purposes        UCLG. The learning agenda helps cities and
     such as: raising awareness on the role of          local governments to develop the necessary
     local governments in public spaces, reflecting     tools and processes to share their passion,
     on the growth and evolution of a province,         initiative and creative solutions, and tacit
     understanding the situation of African’s           knowledge. At the same time, The Learning
     intermediary cities or, more recently,             Agenda relays strongly in the cooperation,
     developing a tool and roadmap to localize the      solidarity and collaboration of partners.
     SDGs. During the Third UCLG Learning Forum         UCLG has very limited operational capacity,
     in the framework of the UCLG Congress in           but can support monitoring, connecting,
     Bogota, the Learning Forum gathered partners       has to be part of partnerships. With this in
     and members to strengthen the network on           mind, the contribution and communication
     important issue such as public space, decent       of partnering networks, associations, United
     work, mobility, participatory budgeting and        Nations agencies and institutions becomes a
     strategic facilitation.                            vital for the learning agenda.
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?   21

    In the network era, cities can benefit
by “Working Out Loud”, in order to prepare       Collaborative work and learning
and face complex, and often unpreceded,
challenges. There are several ways of doing
this.                                                               CITIES, REGIONAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS

• Connecting to trend barometers or
  observatories, or reacting to global impacts
  (i.e. disaster)                                                                CONNECTING
• Making use of technical advice - private                                           &
  or public consultants (i.e. use strategic                                    COMMUNICATING
  consultants recommended by other
  governments)                                           New practices &                                     Tools and processes &
• Engaging in local government associations              News challenges                                     Learning methodologies
  and telling your city’s story (form a
  knowledge community)
• Sharing practices within ad-hoc networks
  and platforms. (Scaling up the knowledge                                  UCLG LEARNING AGENDA
  and experiences gathered at local level)

Learning environment to members and partners

                          Localize the
                         global agenda
  themselves easily
      in global                                Benefit from
       context                              lessons learned of
                                             good and failed
                        Precise their            practices
                       challenges and


                                                                                Open doors
                                                                                 to living
                                                                                                                Insight to
                                                                                                             knowledge based
                                                                                                             on problems and

                     TRUST IS A NECESSARY ELEMENT IN SHARING                                      their needs and expectations clearly, work
                                                                                                  on the localization11 of the Sustainable
                     COMPLEX KNOWLEDGE.”                                                          Development Goals (SDGs), be able to place
                     – Harold Jarche, Expert on Management and Education                          themselves in a global context, and learn
                                                                                                  lessons from good and failed practices.

                                            UCLG and its networks want to provide                      As an intermediary and a provider, UCLG opens
                                         a learning environment to members and                    its doors to a wide range of cities considered
            When talking about loca-
        lization, UCLG refers always     partners to support the working-learning                 “living laboratories”, contributes to political
       to a process of implementing      experience of organizations and people.                  leadership and gives insight to knowledge-based
        local solutions at local level
       in line with the SDGs, as well    As such, UCLG requires a certain degree                  on problems and solutions. UCLG motivates and
       as, the contribution from the
     local level to the international
                                         of involvement and openness from them.                   connects the development of learning programs
                            agendas.     Members and partners must communicate                    with the members of the network.

            Roles and actors in the learning agenda
           Many mayors appreciate learning events in order                             participants. To welcome an international peer
           to share their own successful experiences. It is                            learning event, the host city needs to meet the
           important to clearly define the roles of the actors.                        logistical requirements, and organize an on-site
           Ideally, peer learning involves a wide range of                             visit. The city should also conclude the event with an
           actors from international organizations, national                           evaluation and documentation to share the lessons
           governments and, most importantly, from the local                           learned more widely. The host city should clearly
           level.                                                                      understand its role: to prepare, present and share.
                                                                                       Organizing a peer learning event commits the host
           A host city’s role begins with identifying the topic                        city to time intensive preparation and requires deep
           and the methodology to invite the peers and local                           involvement before, during and after the event.

                The role of the host city in the organization of a peer learning event

                                                                                 Evaluate the
                                                           Communicate            needs for a
                                                            with UCLG            peer learning    Identify and
                                                                                                  invite Local
                                               Choose a
                                             problematic                                                        Define
                                                                                                          the methodology
                                                                                                            (e.g. program
                                                                                                           and activities)
                                               on the peer               THE HOST CITY
                                             learning event                                        Accompany the
                                               (Visibility)                                       on-site activities
                                                                                                  (facilitation and
                                                                 Help with                          organization)
                                                              logistic aspects
                                                                                   the outcomes
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?   23

The role of the network, including UCLG, in organizing          A number of conditions can enhance the effectiveness
peer learning events is to enable peers to build a              of peer learning for participants. First of all,
horizontal environment of trust during Ideally, a               participants should have clear ideas on the subject.
city network is also involved according to the chosen           The co-organizers of the peer learning event should
topic to mobilize capacity around the key questions             communicate the participant list and the detailed
and practices. Working in open partnership to share             programme beforehand to help all participants to
knowledge and lessons learned is recommendable,                 visualize the event. Good communication between
and the result of the event should be monitored                 participants, networks, associations and the host city
and documented. The most important role of the                  is vital to build the event; it helps to build trust and
network, including UCLG, is to actively listen and              respect between each other. As a personal attitude,
use all the information gathered on-site. UCLG world            active listening is very important. The four elements
organization can use this information to feed into              that will help to build an effective peer learning
its global advocacy work and to make lessons and                event are:
experiences also available to others.
                                                                1. openness and flexibility (nothing must be hidden
It is highly recommendable to communicate with                  from view)
professionals and local elected officials in order
to move from knowledge sharing to concrete                      2. mutually shared objective field (participants must
local actions. In terms of leading innovation in                feel they live in the same world)
administrations, politicians support and defend
the decisions, while professionals carry out the                3. similarities among the participants and trust
implementation. Both groups benefit form learning
with their respective peers.                                     1+2+3=4  collaborative action and learning

  The organization of a peer learning event: the role of networks and UCLG

                                                           Define the
                                      Identify the                          Help to define
                                     thematic with                         the profile of the
                                      the host city                          participants
                     Provide                                                                          Identify
                  the expertise                                                                      and invite
                   on the tool                                                                     international

               UCLG                                                                                      Help to define
             advocacy                                                                                  the methodology
                                                                                                         (e.g. program
                                                                                                        and activities)
                         Communicate                                                 Accompany
                          on the peer                                                and support
                        learning event                             Provide             on-site
                          (Visibility)        Document          technical and         activities
                                            the outcomes          financial

     THERE HAS BEEN A HUGE CHANGE AND                                the establishment of networks of cities.
     EVOLUTION IN WHAT LEARNING IS TODAY;                            An environment conducive to connections
     STREAMING AND SOCIAL NETWORKS                                   between cities introduces the opportunity
                                                                     for cities with different approaches towards
     ENABLE INCREASED SHARING, CITIES ARE                            a common problem to dialogue and share
     LABS. THERE IS AN UNQUESTIONABLE                                experiences and knowledge. The process of
     ENERGY WHEN PEOPLE START WORKING                                sharing experiences triggers the identification
                                                                     of new alternatives to approach and solve
     AND SHARING COLLECTIVELY TO BRING                               common challenges. This city-to-city relation,
     THEIR MOST DESIRABLE FUTURE INTO                                based on different points of view, helps the
     EXISTENCE.”                                                     cities to find effective solutions. The process
                                                                     of dialogue, interaction, and the sharing of
     – Josep Roig, Secretary General UCLG                            experiences is part of the peer to peer learning

                   An interview with Cezar Busatto                   How do you connect to other cities?
                                                                         For us, in Porto Alegre, the peer learning
                   Why does a city commit to learning?               dynamic, like any city-to-city relation, has to
                       Learning is very important because each       be horizontal, based on dialogue and mutual
                   city has a unique experience in the way it        respect towards the differences between the
                   addresses its problems. The uniqueness and        cities. This collaborative methodology enables
                   richness of each approach is why cities develop   local governments to hear what others have
                   ways to connect with each other through           to tell and is an effective basis to build a
                   decentralized cooperation, which fosters          common learning ground based on different
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?   25

     perceptions and realities. I believe this is            Porto Alegre started to share its experience
     a very important point. It is not about the         of participatory budgeting with other cities
     drive to tell an experience or simply listen to     interested in implementing this tool at
     others talk, without any interaction, without a     the local level. In this way, Porto Alegre’s
     spirit of dialogue, nor the disposition to share    experience became a reference. Our experience
     honestly. It is within the logic of sharing and     with a participatory budget stimulated the
     the spirit of collaboration, that we will find a    implementation of the tool in different
     joint way to learn from each other. And this        contexts, which boosted the confirmation of
     enables us to find new means to advance             networks around this topic in Brazil, Latin
     in our strategies, activities and actions to        America and later Europe, Africa and Asia.
     improve our cities and the quality of life of all
     our citizens.                                       Do you think sharing is a win-win
     What has been the focus of your                         We established relationships based on
     cooperation?                                        dialogue and a joint search for knowledge. In
         For us, this translates into a                  our experience, other cities incorporated parts
     methodology of local solidarity-based               of our experience, always innovating, making
     governance. Porto Alegre started to build           each new interaction unique, even though all
     this tendency towards a collaborative               resulted from the interaction between cities
     work within networks of cities with the             and local governments. While we shared our
     emergence of participatory democracy.               experience, Porto Alegre incorporated many
     Our oldest experience is the development            innovations in its own process of participation,
     of knowledge and development of a joint             as a result of learning generated through
     methodology for participatory budgeting,            interaction and open discussion with other
     which began in Porto Alegre. Participatory          cities and within networks of cities. There are
     budgeting created significant progress in           several examples illustrating our improvement
     and for the city, still appreciable today.          on strategies and capacities: we created a new
     However, over time, the strategy proved to          capacity building system CapaciPoa by working
     be restricted and too dependent on public           together with the Urbal Network – European
     money, which led to the implementation of           Community; we also explored alternative ways
     people’s councils and, more recently, to our        to access financial resources through the global
     policies towards a collaborative democracy          fund for development of cities and UCLG, just to
     through local solidarity-based governance.          name a few.
From SEEKING to SENSING Learning within Networks: Where to start?   27

What are the current and future
    Initially, Porto Alegre interacted with
cities and city networks on participatory             What if you want to include the
budgeting tools and strategies. Then, we              local population in your peer
started city-to-city learning experiences on
different topics. One, ongoing collaboration is       learning event?
around the policy promotion and collaborative
management of public spaces with the cities of
Durban and Bogotá as co-leaders of the UCLG           There are different levels of peer learning with different
Committee on Urban Strategic Planning.                scopes. Including the local population in a peer learning
                                                      can be a very interesting idea as it will bring an additional
    We are very proud to have a city full of          perspective to the issue or challenge under discussion.
public spaces. We have an average of 43               However, to include citizens in a peer learning means
square meters per inhabitant of green open            more work, more preparation and more organization,
areas. Our challenge is precisely to ensure           especially during the event. You also have to consider who
the preservation and management of these              will attend the event because there may not be capacity
social, economic and environment assets. We           for all local citizens to participate and selection might
are presently unifying the responsibilities and       be controversial. The civil society has a lot to ask but
management agencies to take care of public            mostly to give and this needs time to listen to them. The
spaces in a cross-sectional and integrated            participation of the local population could be very fruitful
way. Bogotá has created a department for the          in the sense that it directly confronts the local elected
defense of public spaces, which is a relevant         officials with the voters and the ones shaping and creating
example for us. We are additionally creating a        the city.
financial public fund to ensure the appropriate
allocation of resources dedicated to public
space management and planning. Recently,
we have developed, in a collaborative way with
citizens, local communities and government        legally recognized. Porto Alegre benefited
staff, a New Democratic Coexistence Code          from this democratic change and got financial
(Código Democrático de Convivencia) which         capacity to introduce the participatory
will become a law on public space policies for    budgeting process, based on its own fiscal
the city.                                         resources, in 1990. We developed the Local
                                                  Solidarity-based Governance methodology in
    Our extensive experience of participatory     2005 to bring all the stakeholders together
practices in the areas of public space            in collaborative networks to work for the
development allows us to testify to the value     local development of their communities. But
of promoting democratic interactions in our       each city has its own and unique experience
city. Transparency is a key principle in the      in dealing with basically the same urban
Porto Alegre management model, accounting         challenges. The sharing of these diversified
for the strategic and transversal role of         practices produces leadership and co-
public spaces in urban policies and our recent    creation of better ways of dealing with old
strategy around city resilience. Our streets      problems. And this doesn’t cost anything
have been gradually changing over time from       but a strong connection and interaction with
spaces dedicated to mobility to areas used for    others. The fact that we are all different makes
people to gather and interact. Communities        us all at the same time living laboratories of
organize markets, fairs, and activities such as   ways to deal with urban challenges. Cities
cycling events, to name a few.                    learn from each other when they establish
                                                  cooperative relationships through their
    The decentralization process in Brazil        different stakeholders, based in the sharing
effectively began with the new democratic         of their diverse ways of living and working
constitution in 1989, when the municipalities     together.importance of networks and the
got their political and administrative autonomy   integration of work with learning.
28   SEEK SENSE SHARE Your city practice in the networks

Unlocking learning
sharing learning

                        Learning sessions can unfold differently      the Third UCLG Learning Forum within
                    depending on their context, content and           the framework of the UCLG Congress held
                    participants. Regardless of the many              in Bogota in October 2016. Whilst there
                    variables that make every event unique,           are numerous facilitation technics that
                    there are a series of active learning             are employed by learning practitioners
                    methodologies and key aspects (e.g.               throughout the network, four techniques
                    strategic facilitation) that should be taken      that were shared are presented here. To
                    into consideration when organizing a              conclude, the importance of strategic
                    learning event. These methodologies allow         facilitation is presented, within the context
                    active horizontal participation and unlock        of the SEEK-SENSE-SHARE model.
                    learning capacities among peers. There are
                    many different methodologies that demand              Strategic facilitation helps in the
                    a diverse range of active participation           articulation of ‘seek’ and ‘sense’ because
                    during a learning event, and also different       a good facilitation enables participants to
                    requirements in terms of preparation time         discover problems and possible solutions
                    and technical support. The key aspects            by reflecting on concrete practices and
                    and methodologies presented below have            experiences. It also allows them to channel
                    been tested with successful results in the        shared experiences into reflections and
                    different learning events organized by the        thereby enables the translation of learning
                    UCLG learning agenda. These have included         into practice.

     – Harold Jarche, Expert on Management and Education

     – Kubeshni Govender, Training Communication Professional SALGA

     – Sogen Moodley, MILE eThekwini

     – Jeanette Velez, Colombian lawyer
     and professor at the University of Rosario
Unlocking learning capacities: sharing learning methodologieS      31

The world café12
    The world café methodology is an            move to another table and start a new
innovative and flexible way of producing mass   conversation, going into deeper detail as the
knowledge about a defined subject. It mainly    round progresses. The table host/leader will
focuses on conversations and dialogue.          then welcome the next group and briefly fill in
This methodology seeks to encourage the         on the previous conversations. After the last                12
                                                                                                               More information about this
sharing of experiences and ideas. It requires   round of conversations, individuals are invited              method and some insights on
                                                                                                             its history and key strengths is
an appropriate space and the creation of a      to share results and reflections in a large                  available at:
comfortable atmosphere that is favorable        group. All the presentations are gathered                    com//key-concepts-resources/
to exchange. The host begins with a warm        together as the result of the session.                       world-cafe-method/

welcome and introduces the methodology,
process and main goals, setting the context
and sharing the ground rules. During the
session, the participants are invited to sit
around a table and hold a series of rounds of   THE WORLD CAFÉ METHODOLOGY IS AN
conversation lasting from 20 to 45 minutes      EXCELLENT TOOL TO SENSE AND SHARE PRACTICES,
about one or more questions that are defined    AS IT CONDUCTS FEEDBACK TOWARDS SEVERAL
at the beginning of the session. At the end
of each round, one person remains at each       KEY QUESTIONS OR PRACTICES WITHOUT AN
table, as the host/leader, while the others     ESTABLISHED HIERARCHY.

     Learning on public space
     Using the methodology of the world café, the UCLG                 and, as such, needs to be a strategic driving force
     CUSP conducted a learning event to crystallize                    for the development of the city. The city has to be
     thinking around the need for learning exchanges                   seen as a holistic system for planning, development
     between municipal practitioners within local                      and maintenance. All three aspects have to work in
     governments. It then went beyond this in order to                 synergy in order to ensure the effective development
     begin a debate about re-thinking and re-energizing                of public space. To achieve more synergistic public
     and about how best to implement a public space policy             spaces, there are 3 key role-players which can be best
     based on the framework collectively developed by the              described with the help of the diagram below:
     UCLG CUSP team: “Public Space Policy Framework:
     by and for local governments”. The intention of                   Development Partners, such as UN Habitat or the NGO
     the session was to explore the issue of Public Space              Avina can play a fundamental role in the development
     Governance and Policy Development, particularly                   of public spaces by facilitating engagements and
     focusing on how to implement such policy.                         networking with other organizations to further the
                                                                       public space agenda. How can they achieve this?
     After the four rounds of debate, each table moderator             They can facilitate public space learning exchanges
     reflected on the results obtained based on what all               and set up communities for promoting good
     the participants had produced during the session.                 practices. In order to foster this work, there is a need
     This was the harvest of the world café on public space            to develop a platform for like-minded development
     policy:                                                           partners working in the field of promoting public
                                                                       space. Development partners can assist with the
     Local governments must work with communities to                   development of participatory research tools and
     develop opportunities that will help to promote a                 methodology. Cities and development partners can
     more flexible use of public space. Public spaces are              actively work together to lobby for financial resources
     spaces that are created for everyone and should                   to support the promotion of public space and develop
     be developed with the intention of creating more                  guidelines to foster the introduction of new projects
     inclusive cities. The development process for public              and policies related to public space. Advocacy and
     space must consider how communities can take                      raising awareness of the need for public space is just
     effective ownership of public spaces. Here, we                    one of the key areas in which development partners
     refer to promoting the collective ownership of this               can engage at a global level.
     space rather than allowing exclusivity in its use
     or amongst its users. Public space defines the city               Civil Society, including private developers and
                                                                       cultural actors, has to be more actively involved in
                                                                       the development of public spaces. Local government
                                                                       needs to foster an enabling environment in which
                               use                                     to help citizens to actively participate in the design
                                                                       phase and to promote a stronger community
                                                                       spirit. When developing public space policy, local
                                      Community                        governments should ensure that they have credible
                                                                       public participation methodologies that encourage
                                                                       public input to be taken in consideration when
                                                                       contracting design and construction. Civil society

                             Public               Private              can actively advocate people-centered public spaces
                                                                       and complement the actions of local government
           go                                                          organizations by taking ownership of what is public.
                r   na
                      nc                                               An organized civil society can lobby local government
                                                                       to create regulated spaces that promote a better
                                                                       quality living environment.
Unlocking learning capacities: sharing learning methodologieS   33

    Academia can help local governments to make the             could be one of the key advocates for public space,
    connection between theory, research and practice.           but they currently tend to be excluded from the public
    This is important because during the discussion             space agenda. They can help to break down tensions
    sessions, students reported that they tend to see           in public space by facilitating dialogue between the
    universities as being disconnected from the political       various stakeholders involved in the development
    sphere. Through active engagement between                   of public space, due to their multidisciplinary
    academia and local governments, universities should         approaches. Academics should not only be seen as
    be able to take part in and influence integrated urban      trainers of professionals and researchers, but also as
    projects that are being put into practice. Universities     actors within society.

Gallery of good practices
    The gallery of good practices forms part       the facilitator must ask all of the participants
of a participatory methodology that requires       to listen to the presentations and to reflect
intense preparation before the event. Instead      on one or two key questions (e.g. What are
of the usual speeches using lengthy power-         the success factors associated with the good
point presentations, this methodology focuses      practices presented? and What are the main
on visual displays through an exhibition of        recommendations required to transfer the
posters.                                           practice?).

    The first step is to select a topic and to         After the poster presentations made by
identify the partners and the good practices       the speakers, in groups, the participants will
that you find interesting for the topic. Prior     share their views and reflections in line with
to the session, partners are asked to prepare      the questions asked by the facilitator at the
a poster following a very specific structure       beginning of the session. Working in small
established by the organizers: 1) The starting     groups helps participants to feel closer to
point, 2) The institutional setting, 3) The        the speakers and crates a more comfortable
approach, 4) The outcome, 5) The lessons           atmosphere in which to ask questions and
learnt, and 6) The transfer opportunities for      make comments. The Gallery of Good Practices
good practices. The organizers need to be          fosters collective learning and creates a good
aware of the fact that this methodology is time    working atmosphere.
intensive and requires strong commitment
and involvement, especially during the
preparation phase. Besides the elaboration of
the posters, there is an additional preparation
phase for the on-site practical session. The
setup for the posters needs to be carefully
considered and should be in line with the
setting of the room.

    After a short initial plenary session
describing the objectives of the session,
the participants split into small groups.
                                                   THE GALLERY OF GOOD PRACTICES IS AN
Each group selects two of the best practices       EXCELLENT TOOL WITH WHICH TO SHARE PRACTICES
that will be presented. Facilitation is key        WITHIN A PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN
to moderating between the presentations
and guiding the participants. To ensure the
                                                   WHICH THE SYSTEMATIZATION OF PRACTICES IS
active participation of everyone involved,         HIGHLY APPRECIATED.

     Learning on mobility

     Connective Cities is an international city platform       recommendations about how to transfer these
     organized as a joint venture by three German              practices. Mostly, the successful factors were related
     organizations (GIZ, German Association of Cities          to:
     and Engagement Global) and supported by the
     German Government. Its mission is to facilitate           • Putting the user at the center of policies by
     exchanges and learning among city practitioners at          connecting with the local communities
     the global level. Together with the UCLG Learning         • Adapting solutions to the local context
     Agenda, Connective Cities hosted a learning event         • Being open to learn from other cities
     on mobility using the methodology of the gallery of       • Gathering and using data
     best practices with 8 good practices from 7 different     • Promoting intermodality
     cities (Barcelona, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Bonn, Belo       • Establishing public-private partnerships to
     Horizonte, Guatemala City and Seoul).                       develop the transport network
                                                               • Having the leadership of government
     Common objectives were defined at the beginning of
     the exercise:                                             In the case of recommendations for the transfer of
                                                               good practices in other contexts, the participants
     • Learn about good practices relating to sustainable      highlighted the following elements:
       urban transport
     • Analyze the factors that have made these practices      • The need for political support and cooperation
       a success                                                 between the national/regional and local levels of
     • Share opinions on how to transfer good practices          government
                                                               • Having a transparent system
     The main outcomes of the session                          • Using data to improve or plan infrastructure
     During the wrap up, each speaker or moderator             • Exchanging good practices and experiences
     summarized the success factors and made                   • Understanding the local context

                        Peer review                                       preparing the basic information required for
                            The peer review methodology allows in-        a clear comprehension of the case presented.
                        depth discussions about several challenges
                        and helps us to find practical solutions for          During the presentation of the case study
                        practical challenges and problems. The            to peers (responders), the moderator needs
                        preparation and the peer review session is        to be able to guide the presenter using clear
                        divided into 6 phases. Prior to the event, many   questions that help to clearly define the main
                        elements have to be defined and organized.        challenges. The responders must pay particular
                        This approach requires an important amount        attention to the explanation given in the case
                        of preparation both by the organizers and by      study. At the end of the session, they are then
                        the presenter of the case study. The very first   allowed to ask one or two questions in order to
                        step is to agree on a subject. The following      clarify issues and improve their understanding
                        step is to decide who will present a case study   of the case or of particular facts of the situation
                        on this very specific theme. This phase is        presented. The questions cannot include
                        called the “casting” and the work to be done      solutions or recommendations. After the
                        involves appointing a presenter, a moderator      presentation of the case study, the moderator
                        and a consultant. The second phase is the         guides the presenter towards the presentation
                        preparation of the case study. This includes      of one key question. This key question will
You can also read