Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English

Page created by Jordan Keller
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English

Young Learners
7 - 17 years
1 I I +44 1223 275 598

Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
Student Journey
                                                                         What is your learning goal?       5
                                                                         Where would you like to study?    6

                                                                         Winter Explorer                   8
                                                                         Spring Explorer                   9
                                                                         Summer Explorer                  10
                                                                         Junior Explorer                  11
                                                                         Young Cambridge Scholars         12
                                                                         Young Business Leaders           13
                                                                         Intensive Academic English       14
                                                                         Autumn Explorer                  15
                                                                         Electives & Academies            16

                                                                         How to apply                     20

        Our teachers were just awesome.                                  Locations

        They were always there for us                                    Bell St Albans
                                                                         Bell Wellington
        and really managed to see us as                                  Bell The Leys                    18

        individuals and know what we
        needed to succeed.
2        ASTRID, DENMARK I I +44 1223 275 598
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
Not just another                                                                                                         98% of students who took
                                                                                                                         the Trinity GESE successfully
                                                                                                                         passed their exams in 2019

English language school                                                                                                  - 38% with a distinction and
                                                                                                                         41% with a merit

                                                                                                                         In the last year, Bell schools
We are a leading language school and education provider in the UK -                                                      welcomed young learners
delivering unforgettable learning experiences that transform lives.                                                      from 68 different countries
Here are just a few reasons why we are confident that Bell is the right
school for you:

    Track record                     Excellent                      Learn            Diverse
     of success                        care                      The Bell Way    nationality mix

                                                                                                                       I came to Bell to
                                                                                                                       improve my English
      65 years of                      Ideal                         Group        Year-round                           and explore
                                                                                                                       England. Now I
      experience                     locations                     specialists     courses

                                                                                                                       speak more fluently
          Free                       Teaching                       Socially      All-inclusive
                                                                                                                       and sound like a
       insurance                     expertise                    responsible       courses
                                                                                                                       native speaker. It’s
                                                                                                   CLICK ON THE ICON
                                                                                                                       the best course
                                                                                                                       I’ve ever been on!
                                                                                                   TO FIND OUT MORE

3 I I +44 1223 275 598                                                                         LIDIA, POLAND
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
Your programme
                                                                             Students learn faster and more successfully when they
                                                                             use English all the time and in a range of situations.
                                                                             That is why we offer fully-integrated courses with
                                                                             lessons, afternoon and evening activities, and exciting
                                                                             day trips and excursions.

Lessons                              Project-based                                   Activities                              Study tours
Supporting young learners to         learning                                        To really master the English            All our young learner courses have
achieve their potential is at the                                                    language, learning needs to take        study tours included within the
heart of everything we do, whether   Learning through projects                       place inside and outside the            course, so your child can explore
students are improving their         is particularly motivating for                  classroom. Learning everywhere is       the UK and experience British
language capabilities, developing    Young Learners and helps them                   one of our core teaching principles.    culture.
their academic skills or learning    remember the language that
about business.                      they learn. Working in groups,                  At Bell, the educational activities,    Students learn about British life and
                                     students use English to produce                 electives and Academies are             history through exploring places of
Using the six principles of the      something tangible like a short film,           planned just as much as the             interest such as Oxford, Cambridge
Bell Way, each lesson is expertly    a story, a magazine or a business               lessons, with learning outcomes to      or Warwick Castle. Every course
designed to inspire students to      presentation.                                   support what your child has studied     includes a full day trip to London,
reach their full potential.                                                          in class. Students practise their       where students enjoy a walking
                                     Project work guarantees students                English while focused on an activity,   tour, and a trip to a top London
                                     study something new every time. All             which leads to a natural and fluent     museum, in addition to the chance
                                     Explorer projects have a common                 use of the language.                    to visit iconic London landmarks.
                                     theme to give context to the
                                     students' learning, such as 'Global
                                     Lives', 'Nation of Innovation' and
                                     'Natural Wonders'.
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
What is your                                                                                                            QUICK TIP

                                                                                                                        Let us help you!

learning goal?                                                                                                          You may prefer to discuss your needs with one of our education advisors,
                                                                                                                        so that we can consider the specific needs and goals of a student in order
                                                                                                                        to make a recommendation.

Every student is a unique individual to us: it is one of                                                                Contact us online and we can arrange a private appointment.
the core Bell Way principles. We can help you find
the perfect course for your unique young learner.

           Build confidence                                              Academic success                                                            Gain specialist skills
           Our popular Explorer courses - available every                These courses will kickstart the road                                       This practical, subject-focused course is ideal for
           season of the year - will bring English to life               to academic success.                                                        the more career-oriented.
           for students of all ages.
                                                                         Students will take on new challenges, surpass                               Students will expand on their specialist language
           Let’s give your child an all-round experience:                their expectations and experience what life could                           knowledge and feel confident in and motivated
           improved English language skills, new hobbies.                be like at an elite boarding school or university.                          by the next steps in their learning, life and work.

            Winter Explorer                                               Intensive Academic English                                                  Young Business Leaders

            Spring Explorer                                               Young Cambridge Scholars

            Summer Explorer

            Autumn Explorer

                                                                                                                                                                                                           CLICK COURSES TO
5 I I +44 1223 275 598                                                                                                                                      FIND OUT MORE
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
Where would you                                                                                                            • Stratford upon-Avon           Bell The Leys

like to study?
                                                                                                                                                                     Bell Cambridge
                                                                                                                                                   Luton                   Stansted

Our schools are historical locations with                                                                                                                        Bell St Albans
contemporary facilities, each set within beautiful                                                                                                            • London
and ideally-located English towns and cities.                                                                                                      Heathrow

                                                                                                                                 Bell Wellington

                                                                             Day school options also available at this                                 Day school options also available at this
                                                                             school – please contact us for more details                               school – please contact us for more details

          Winter Explorer                                                        Junior Explorer                                                           Summer Explorer

          Spring Explorer                                                        Summer Explorer                                                           Intensive Academic English

          Summer Explorer                                                        Young Cambridge Scholars                                                  Young Business Leaders

          Autumn Explorer

     St Albans I I +44 1223 275 598
                                                                       Bell The Leys                                                        Bell Wellington                                          CLICK LOCATION TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                      FIND OUT MORE

page 17                                                                page 18                                                              page 19
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
All our courses
         Tuition, study materials
         and course portfolio

         Residential accommodation
         and all meals

         A full programme of educational
         and social activities

         A full programme of study tours

         Access to sports facilities

         Comprehensive supervision
         by qualified staff

         Transfers to and from designated
         airports/stations on scheduled
         arrival and departure days *
         * For arrival and departures between
         8am and 8pm or advised train times

         Free internet access
                                                                         There is no better place for your
                                                                         child to develop their English
         Free laundry service
                                                                         language skills and flourish as an
         Comprehensive insurance                                         all-round successful student.
7 I I +44 1223 275 598   PAUL, BELARUS (PARENT)
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
                                                                                                                                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION:

                                                                  Our approach

Explorer                                                          English lessons
                                                                  English lessons include projects that are
                                                                  designed around the school’s weekly theme.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                                    student ratio
                                                                  Small groups of students work together
                                                                  on their projects based on the language                                                                           1:6
                                                                  knowledge and skills development needs. .
Course description
Our Winter Explorer course gives students                         Activity programme
the opportunity to discover British culture                       Students at Bell ‘learn by doing’, so the activity
while developing their English language skills,                   programme is an integral part of the course                                                                       Course summary
both inside and outside the classroom.                            and allows young learners to practise and
                                                                  develop what they have learnt in lessons.                                                                         Age                              11 - 17
The courses focuses on developing core
                                                                  Our afternoon activities – electives and                                                                          Min. language
English language skills through project-based                                                                                                                                                                    All levels
                                                                  Academy options – are designed to improve                                                                         level
learning activities and interactive learning
– an effective way to learn language quickly                      communication and confidence while                                                                                Course length                 4 weeks
and successfully.                                                 developing academic, creative and active skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sunday 3 January -
                                                                  All Winter Explorer students will also enjoy a                                                                    Start dates
On this course, your child will:                                                                                                                                                                     Saturday 30 January
                                                                  wide variety of whole-school activities, such as
f Develop their English in all four areas:                        games, competitions,                                                                                              Location                 Bell St Albans
  reading, writing, listening and speaking                        discos and shows.
f Practise new vocabulary, pronunciation                          Academies
  and improve their grammar structures, as                                                           Study Tours
  appropriate to their level                                      f Business &
                                                                                                     Students take part in eight full-day study tours to some of the UK’s most      Course components
f Become confident, independent learners                                                             famous and popular destinations.                                               1 week
  with essential 21st century life skills
  like: communication, critical thinking,                                                                                                                                              Lessons
  collaboration, creativity and cultural                          More information                   f Edinburgh (22 - 24 January)            f Cambridge – tour the city and          15 hours
  awereness                                                       available on page 16.                – experience Scottish culture            university colleges, try punting
                                                                                                                                                                                       Study tours
                                                                                                       at this famous historic capital,         on the river or visit one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                       1 - 2 days
f Experience and learn about British history,                                                          including a tour of Edinburgh            many world-class museums
  life and culture while enjoying study tours                                                                                                                                          Electives / Academy
                                                                                                       castle, ghost walks and Scottish
  - exclusively for Winter Explorer students                                                                                                  f Stratford upon-Avon – visit            9 hours
                                                                                                                                                the home of Shakespeare and
                                                                                                                                                                                       Other activities
f Make friends with students from a diverse                                                          f London and Windsor – see the             see the beautifully restored
                                                                                                                                                                                       9 hours
  mix of countries across the globe                                                                    London Eye, Covent Garden,               Elizabethan houses at one of
                                                                                                       the Houses of Parliament and             England’s prettiest towns
                                                                                                       the historic Windsor Castle
8 I I +44 1223 275 598
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
                                                                                                                                                                                      FOR MORE INFORMATION:

Explorer                                                          Our approach
                                                                  English lessons
                                                                                                                                                                                       Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                                       student ratio
                                                                  English lessons include projects that are
                                                                  designed around the school’s weekly themes:
Course description                                                f London life
Part of The Explorer Series, our Spring                           f Protecting the planet                                                                                              Course summary
Explorer is a perfect getaway for students to
                                                                  f Fantastic festivals
embrace that ‘springtime’ feeling and freshen                                                                                                                                          Age                           11 - 17
up their language at our English countryside                      f Supernatural students
                                                                                                                                                                                       Min. language
school, Bell St Albans.                                                                                                                                                                                           All levels
                                                                  f 21st century citizens                                                                                              level
The courses focuses on developing core                            Small groups of students work together                                                                               Course
English language skills through project-based                     on their projects based on the language                                                                                                        1-5 weeks
learning activities and interactive learning                      knowledge and skills development needs.
– an effective way to learn language quickly                                                                                                                                                             Sunday 28 March -
                                                                                                                                                                                       Start dates
and successfully.                                                 Activity programme                                                                                                                        Saturday 1 May
                                                                  Students at Bell ‘learn by doing’, so the activity
                                                                                                                                                                                       Location              Bell St Albans
On this course, your child will:                                  programme is an integral part of the course
                                                                  and allows young learners to practise and                                                                            Max.
f Develop their English in all four areas:                                                                                                                                                                               14
                                                                  develop what they have learnt in lessons.                                                                            class size
  reading, writing, listening and speaking
f Practise new vocabulary, pronunciation                          Our afternoon activities
  and improve their grammar structures, as                        are designed to
                                                                  improve communication
  appropriate to their level
                                                                                                      Study Tours                                                                      Course components
                                                                  and confidence while
f Become confident, independent learners
                                                                                                                                                                                       1 week
                                                                  developing academic,                Students take part in three full-day study tours every two weeks to UK
  with essential 21st century life skills                         creative and active                 destinations, such as:                                                              Lessons
  like: communication, critical thinking,                         skills.                                                                                                                 15 hours
  collaboration, creativity and cultural
                                                                                                      f London – see the London Eye,          f Cambridge – tour the city and             Study tours
  awereness                                                       All Spring Explorer
                                                                                                        Downing Street, Covent Garden           university colleges, try punting          1 - 2 days
                                                                  students will also enjoy
f Experience and learn about British history,                                                           and the Houses of Parliament.           along the river or visit one of the
                                                                  a wide variety of whole-                                                                                                Electives
  life and culture while enjoying study tours                                                           Visit a famous museum at the            many world-class museums
                                                                  school activities, such                                                                                                 9 hours
                                                                                                        hear of Cambridge, like National
f Make friends with students from a diverse                       as games, competitions,                                                     f Warwick – discover the jaw-               Other activities
                                                                                                        History Museum or London’s
  mix of countries across the globe                               discos and shows.                                                             dropping history of Warwick               9 hours
                                                                                                        Science Museum.
                                                                                                                                                Castle and its myths and tales.

9 I I +44 1223 275 598
Young Learners 7 - 17 years - Bell English
                                                                                                                                                                             FOR MORE INFORMATION:

Explorer                                                         Our approach
                                                                                                                                                                             Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                             student ratio
                                                                 English lessons
                                                                 English lessons include projects that are                                                                   1:6
                                                                 designed around the school’s weekly theme.

Course description                                                                     Students at Bell The Leys                                                             Course summary
                                                                                       and Bell Wellington also
Our Summer Explorer course gives your child                                            have the opportunity                                                                  Age                               11-17
the opportunity to discover British culture                                            to demonstrate their
while developing their English language skills,                  language skills by preparing for and taking the                                                             Min. language
                                                                                                                                                                                                          All levels
through project-based learning activities and                    Trinity College London Speaking Exam (GESE).                                                                level
interactive learning - both inside and outside
                                                                                                                                                                             Course length          Up to 12 weeks
the classroom.                                                   Activity programme
                                                                 Students at Bell ‘learn by doing’, which is why                                                                                    Bell St Albans:
On this course, your child will:                                 our students have a full selection of electives                                                                                Weekly, starting any
                                                                 to choose that can be integrated as part of                                                                                          Sunday from
f Develop their English in all four areas:
                                                                 their course.                                                                                                                 30 May to 21 August
  reading, writing, listening and speaking
f Practise new vocabulary, pronunciation                         Students at Bell The Leys and Bell Wellington,                                                              Start dates            Bell The Leys:
  and improve their grammar structures, as                       also have the opportunity to specialise their                                                               & locations           30 June, 14 July,
  appropriate to their level                                     skills with a qualified instructor on one our                                                                                              28 July
f Become confident, independent learners                                                                                                                                                           Bell Wellington:
  with essential 21st century life skills                        f Horse riding                                                                                                                      7 July, 21 July,
  like: communication, critical thinking,                                                                                                                                                                 4 August
                                                                 f Football
  collaboration, creativity and cultural
  awereness                                                      f Performing arts
                                                                                                Study Tours                                                                  Max. class size                      14
                                                                                                Students take part in three full-day study tours every two weeks to UK
f Make friends with students from a diverse                      f Robotics
                                                                                                destinations, such as:
  mix of countries across the globe
                                                                 f Tennis                                                                                                    Course components
                                                                                                f London – see the London Eye,          f Stratford – visit the home
                                                                                                                                                                             2 weeks
                                                                                                  Downing Street, Covent Garden           of Shakespeare and see the
                                                                                                  and the Houses of Parliament            beautifully restored Elizabethan
                                                                                                                                                                                30 hours
                                                                                                                                          houses. Students can take a
                                                                                                f Cambridge– tour the city and                                                  Study tours
                                                                                                                                          bus or boat tour to see all the
                                                                                                  university colleges, try punting                                              3 days
                                                                                                                                          sights of one of England’s
                                                                                                  along the river or visit one of the
                                                                                                                                          prettiest towns                       Electives / Academy
                                                                                                  many world-class museums
                                                                                                                                                                                18 hours
                                                                                                                                                                                Other activities
10 I I +44 1223 275 598
                                                                                                                                                                                25.5 hours
                                                                                                                                                                         FOR MORE INFORMATION:

Explorer                                                           Junior activities
                                                                                                                                                                          Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                          student ratio
                                                                   9 hours of Junior-friendly activities on
                                                                   each one-week course                                                                                   1:5
Course description                                                 On our Junior Explorer course, students
                                                                   can choose from a wide range of activities
Our course for Juniors at Bell The Leys has all
the elements of an Explorer series course, but
                                                                   designed for younger students and led by                                                               Course summary
                                                                   specialist Junior staff.
is adjusted to meet the needs and abilities of                                                                                                                            Age                                    7-10
students aged 7-10 with topics and content                         These include sporting activities such as
tailored for this younger age group.                               football, volleyball and dodgeball, as well as                                                         Min. language
                                                                                                                                                                                                         All levels
                                                                   creative and academic activities such as                                                               level
The focus is on encouraging the children to                        drama, music, cooking and book club. Students                                                          Course
build their confidence, use their language                         are encouraged to try new things, learn new                                                                                         1-6 weeks
learning, try new things and make new friends!                     phrases and build their confidence when using
                                                                   English outside the classroom.                                                                                          Start any Wednesday
Extra support for Juniors                                                                                                                                                 Start dates            from 30 June to
f Students aged 7-10 are supervised                                Activity programme                                                                                                                  10 August
  at all times
                                                                   Sample activities for Juniors include:                                                                 Location                 Bell The Leys
f Their lessons, activities and study tours
                                                                   f British school games                                                                                 Max.
  are tailored for a younger age group, with                                                                                                                                                                       14
                                                                                                                                                                          class size
  shorter lessons and more frequent breaks                         f Cooking
f The focus is on variety and trying                               f Dodgeball
  new things
                                                                   f Mask making                                                                                          Course components
f Juniors have an earlier bedtime                                                                                                                                         1 week
                                                                   f Nature walk
                                                                   f Rounders                                                                                                Lessons
                                                                                                                                                                             15 hours
                                                                   f T-shirt painting
                                                                                                   Study Tours                                                               Study tours
                                                                                                                                                                             1 day*
                                                                                                   Junior students enjoy study tours to exciting attractions such as:
                                                                                                                                                                             Junior activities
                                                                                                   • Museum of Zoology, Cambridge           • London Eye                     9 hours
                                                                                                   • Roald Dahl Museum and Story            • Kidzania, London               Other activities    * 3 days over
                                                                                                     Centre, Buckinghamshire                • Warwick Castle                 9 hours              2 weeks
                                                                                                   • Paradise Wildlife Park, Broxbourne     • Cambridge Science Centre

11 I I +44 1223 275 598
Young Cambridge
                                                                                                                                                                                    FOR MORE INFORMATION:

Scholars                                                                                                                                                                                          Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  student ratio
Course description                                                 Our Approach
Take the next step towards your child’s academic                   Subject study: 32 Hours                                                                                                        Course summary
success. This course gives students advanced                       Get a real insight into university level study in
university-level learning through a combination of                 some of the most popular topics at the University                                                                              Age                            14 - 17
subject study, an inspiring lecture programme and                  of Cambridge, including Mathematics, British
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Min. language
educational study tours and activities.                            Literature, Science and International Relations.                                                                                                     Intermediate B1
On this course, your child will:                                   Academic skills: 10 hours                                                                                                      Course
                                                                   Develop essential academic skills, including critical                                                                                                       2 weeks
f Improve their confidence, fluency and range of                                                                                                                                                  length
                                                                   thinking and effective independent study.
  vocabulary when communicating English in an                                                                                                                                                                      Wednesday 30 June
  academic context                                                 They will learn essential techniques for exams                                                                                 Start dates       Wednesday 14 July
f Develop their subject-level knowledge and                        - particularly the IELTS exam - an internationally-                                                                                              Wednesday 28 July
  academic skills, such as writing an essay, note                  recognised language level test and entry
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Location                Bell The Leys
  taking and paraphrasing                                          requirement for British universities.
f Learn to effectively communicate and present                     Lecture programme: 12 hours                                                                                                                                       14
                                                                                                                                                                                                  class size
  their opinions in discussion with new people or                  Delivered by speakers from the University of
  when facing new situations                                       Cambridge, students will have lectures and
                                                                   develop their knowledge in classic Cambridge
f Enhance their ability to work with others
                                                                   subjects from physics to philosophy. One of the
  effectively, as a leader or team member, and to
                                                                   lectures will focus on the critical qualities needed to                                                                        Course components
  continue studies independently                                                                                                                                                                  2 weeks
                                                                   become a University of Cambridge student.
f Develop useful techniques and strategies when
                                                                   Activities                                                                                                                        Lessons
  learning and preparing for exams
                                                                   Students will participate                                                                                                         42 hours
f Be more informed about future university study                   in a variety of whole-
                                                                                                       Study Tours                                                                                   Study tours
  options                                                          school activities, like                                                                                                           3 days
                                                                                                       Students take part in three full-day study tours to destinations, such as:
                                                                   sports, creative arts,                                                                                                            Other activities
                                                                   games and competitions,             f Cambridge – a walking tour             f London – a river cruise along                      12 hours
                                                                   to make friends and                   of the city with a visit to King’s       the River Thames and a chance                      Lectures
                                                                   practise language skills.             College and the Fitzwilliam              to visit a top London museum                       12 hours

12 I I +44 1223 275 598
Young Business
                                                                                                                                                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION:

Leaders                                                                                                                                                                                    Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                                           student ratio
Course description                                                 Our approach
This course will support your child to develop                     Alongside the development of key business                                                                               Course summary
their general and specialist language skills and                   language skills, students will also learn about
                                                                   establishing a business in today’s competitive                                                                          Age                            14 - 17
enjoy business-themed study tours - inspiring
them to become business leaders of the                             environment.                                                                                                            Min. language
future.                                                                                                                                                                                                          Intermediate B1
                                                                   Bell Business Challenge
On this course, your child will:                                   Working in teams, students will create and                                                                              Course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3 weeks
                                                                   deliver a profitable product or service:                                                                                length
f Improve their confidence, fluency and
                                                                   f Week 1: Planning                                                                                                                         Wednesday 7 July
  accuracy when communicating in English                                                                                                                                                   Start dates
                                                                     Develop a business concept by conducting                                                                                                Wednesday 28 July
f Develop their business-specific knowledge,
                                                                     market research, allocating finances and                                                                              Location              Bell Wellington
  language and vocabulary as well as
                                                                     creating an advertising campaign
  grammar and pronunciation skills                                                                                                                                                         Max.
                                                                   f Week 2: Implementing and evaluating                                                                                                                      14
f Become young entrepreneurs gaining                                                                                                                                                       class size
                                                                     Launch the business, evaluate progress and
  experience in running their own business
                                                                     reinvest profits
f Be inspired and get useful insights and
                                                                   f Week 3: Presentation
  feedback from real-life business managers
                                                                     Teams present their                                                                                                   Course components
  and business entrepreneurs
                                                                     project and discuss
                                                                                                       Business-themed study tours
                                                                                                                                                                                           3 weeks
f Enjoy an unforgettable opportunity to make                         successes and areas               Students visit local businesses and topical destinations such as:
  lots of international friends                                      for development                                                                                                          Lessons
                                                                   The team that develops              f Mercedes-Benz World                   f Having question and answer                   40.5 hours
                                                                   the best product or                                                           sessions with business
                                                                                                       f Museum of Brands, Packaging                                                          Study tours
                                                                   service wins a once-in-a-                                                     managers and experts
                                                                                                         and Advertising in London                                                            5.5 days
                                                                   lifetime experience.                                                        f Conducting interviews and                    Business Challenge
                                                                                                       f Bank of England Museum
                                                                                                                                                 market research                              36.5 hours
                                                                                                           On the study tour they develop      f Taking part in fact finding                  Other activities
                                                                                                           their language skills and             challenges                                   39 hours
                                                                                                           business understanding by:
                                                                                                                                               f Completing activity sheets
13 I I +44 1223 275 598
                                                                                                                                                                                 FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                                                   Our approach                                                                                        
                                                                   Study skills
                                                                   Alongside the development of key academic

Academic                                                           skills, your child will learn useful study skills,
                                                                   such as: methods for recording new vocabulary,
                                                                   using the Internet to do research and avoiding                                                                              Minimum staff to
                                                                                                                                                                                               student ratio


                                                                   At the end of the course, students bring their
                                                                   skills together by researching, planning and
                                                                   performing a short presentation on an academic
                                                                   topic of their choice.

Course description                                                 Exam skills
                                                                                                                                                                                               Course summary
                                                                   Afternoon lessons focus specifically on exam
Our Intensive Academic English (IAE) course                                                                                                                                                    Age                          12 - 17
                                                                   preparation. We offer an introduction to popular
gives your child the opportunity to develop their                                                                                                                                              Min. language
                                                                   exams such as Cambridge English and IELTS
academic English language skills, and gain useful                                                                                                                                                              Pre-intermediate A2
                                                                   and how to tackle these exams.                                                                                              level
tools and techniques to tackle international exams
and for general study.                                             Students will also have the opportunity to                                                                                  Course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2 or 4 weeks
                                                                   demonstrate their language skills by preparing                                                                              length
On this course, your child will:
                                                                   for and taking the Trinity College London                                                                                                           7 July 2021
f Develop their academic English across all four                   Speaking Exam (GESE).                                                                                                       Start dates            21 July 2021
  areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking                                                                                                                                                                   4 August 2021
                                                                   Activity programme
f Learn new techniques to effectively approach                     Students have lots of opportunities to learn                                                                                Location            Bell Wellington
  different types of exam questions                                outside the classroom, including:
f Gain useful tools and models to become                           f Sports ranging from football and basketball                                                                               class size
  confident, independent and successful learners,                    to tennis and cricket
  like learning vocabulary, active listening, note
  taking and time management                                       f Creative arts ranging from T-shirt painting
                                                                     to photography
f Practise new vocabulary, pronunciation and
  improve their grammar structures                                 f Evening activities                                                                                                        Course components
                                                                     ranging from discos,           Study Tours                                                                                2 weeks
f Make friends with students from a diverse mix of                   fashion shows and                                                                                                            Lessons
  countries across the globe                                         quiz nights                    f Warwick – discover the historic    f London – see the London Eye,                           48 hours
                                                                                                      Warwick Castle and its beautiful     Downing Street, Covent Garden
Who is this for?                                                                                      surroundings, and explore the        and the Houses of Parliament
                                                                                                                                                                                                  3 days
Young Learners who want a challenging and more                                                        independent boutique shops in
                                                                                                                                         f Oxford – tour the city and                             Activities
intensive course to improve their academic English                                                    Leamington Spa
                                                                                                                                           university colleges, try punting                       25.5 hours
skills or prepare for academic study in English
                                                                                                                                           along the river or visit one of the
                                                                                                                                           many world-class museums
14 I I +44 1223 275 598
                                                                                                                                                                                  FOR MORE INFORMATION:

                                                                   Who is this for?
                                                                                                                                                                                   Minimum staff to
                                                                   Young learners who want to combine English
                                                                   language study, activities and cultural visits.
                                                                                                                                                                                   student ratio

                                                                   Our approach                                                                                                    1:6
                                                                   English lessons
Course description                                                 English lessons include projects that are
Part of The Explorer Series, our Autumn                            designed around the school’s weekly theme.                                                                      Course summary
Explorer is the perfect change to kickstart
                                                                   Small groups of students work together                                                                          Age                             11 - 17
your language learning while experiencing
                                                                   on their projects focusing on your child’s
the UK in Autumn.                                                                                                                                                                  Min. language
                                                                   language knowledge and skills development.                                                                                                  All levels
This course gives your child the opportunity
                                                                   Activity programme
to discover British culture while developing                                                                                                                                       Course
                                                                   Students at Bell ‘learn by doing’, so the activity                                                                                        1 - 3 weeks
their English language skills, through project-                                                                                                                                    length
                                                                   programme is an integral part of the course
based learning activities and interactive
                                                                   and allows young learners to practise and                                                                       Start dates      10 - 30 October 2021
learning - both inside and outside the
                                                                   develop what they have learnt in lessons.
classroom.                                                                                                                                                                         Location                Bell St Albans
                                                                   Our afternoon activities are designed to
On this course, your child will:                                   improve communication and confidence while                                                                      Max.
                                                                   developing academic, creative and active skills.                                                                                                    14
                                                                                                                                                                                   class size
f Develop their English in all four areas:
  reading, writing, listening and speaking                         All Autumn Explorer students also enjoy a wide
                                                                   variety of whole-school activities, such as:
f Practise new vocabulary, pronunciation
  and improve their grammar structures, as                         f games                                                                                                         Course components
  appropriate to their level                                                                                                                                                       1 week
                                                                   f competitions
f Become confident, independent learners                                                                                                                                              Lessons
  with essential 21st century life skills
                                                                   f discos                         Study Tours
                                                                                                                                                                                      15 hours
  like: communication, critical thinking,                          f shows                          Students enjoy study tours to exciting attractions such as:                       Study tours
  collaboration, creativity and cultural                                                                                                                                              1 - 2 days
  awereness                                                                                         f London – see the London Eye,           f Stratford – visit the home
f Make friends with students from a diverse                                                           Downing Street, Covent Garden            of Shakespeare and see the
                                                                                                                                                                                      9 hours
  mix of countries across the globe                                                                   and the Houses of Parliament             beautifully restored Elizabethan
                                                                                                                                               houses. Students can take a            Other activities
                                                                                                    f Cambridge– tour the city and                                                    9 hours
                                                                                                                                               bus or boat tour to see all the
                                                                                                      university colleges, try punting
                                                                                                                                               sights of one of England’s
                                                                                                      along the river or visit one of the
                                                                                                                                               prettiest towns
                                                                                                      many world-class museums

15 I I +44 1223 275 598
Electives &                                                               Bell Wellington
                                                                                                       British sports

                                                                                                  Contemporary art
                                                                          Electives             Event management
                                                                                          Presentations and debates
Available on Explorer programmes                                          Academies                      Horse Riding      Football Academy                       Horse Riding Academy
                                                                                                       Performing Arts     Bell Wellington                        Bell Wellington

Electives                                                                 Bell The Leys                                                              CLICK ACADEMY TO
                                                                                                                                                      FIND OUT MORE

Electives give students an opportunity to take part in a wide
range of activities, with a choice of active, creative and academic
                                                                          Electives                         Football
options available at each school. Students have multiple sessions
in each chosen elective, allowing them to build confidence and
                                                                                          Photography in Cambridge
practise elective-specific language. Electives are delivered by
experienced activity leaders with a variety of backgrounds, from                                               Robotics
keen sportspeople to professional actors.                                                                        Tennis

6 hours x 3 electives (total 18 hours) on a two-week course or
4.5 hours x 2 electives (total 9 hours) on a one-week course
                                                                          Bell St Albans
                                                                                                                           Performing Arts Academy                Robotics Academy
Academies*                                                                                              Arts and crafts
                                                                                                          British sports
                                                                                                                           Bell Wellington                        Bell The Leys
                                                                          Electives                             Football
Bell Academies give students the chance to specialise in one                                                Journalism
particular area of interest. Delivered by professionals with many                                    Health and fitness
years of industry experience, students practise their English while       Academies †              Business Leadership
focused on learning or developing their chosen skill. Academy
options are booked in advance and are available at Bell The Leys
and Bell Wellington.
                                                                          * Academies are an additional cost
18 hours of 1 focused activity on each two-week course
                                                                          † Winter Explorer only

                                                                                                                           Tennis Academy                         Business Leadership Academy
16 I I +44 1223 275 598                                                    Bell The Leys                          Bell St Albans
Stratford-                          Cambridge
Year-round                                                                                                                                                                Stansted
centre with                                                                                                                                                  Luton
weekly start                                                                                                                                Oxford
dates                                                                                                                                                                   St Albans
                                                                                                                                                         Heathrow          St Pancras


                                                                                                                different                                   Gatwick
                                                                                                                 in 2019

Bell St Albans                                    Sample Electives                             Facilities                                            Accommodation
                                                     Art and crafts       Handball                  Bright, spacious classrooms,                           Twin rooms and dormitories
Discover the English language through active,                                                       many with interactive whiteboards
academic and creative activities in a beautiful      British literature   Health and fitness                                                               Separate accommodation
and friendly school - all year round.                                                               Free wireless internet                                 blocks for boys and girls
                                                     Cricket              Journalism
This elegant Victorian building, with its                                                           Dining room                                            A dedicated houseparent
traditional courtyard garden, is set within 60       Dance                Music                                                                            in every boarding house
acres of English countryside, providing a safe                                                      Art room
and peaceful environment.                            Dodgeball            Orienteering
                                                                                                    Disabled access/facilities                       Travel
                                                     Drama                Rounders
 Winter Explorer                                                                                                                                     FREE transfers* on scheduled
                                                                                                    On-site sports
                                                                                                                                                     arrival and departure days from:
                                                     Film and             Volleyball                fields
 Spring Explorer                                     photography                                                                                           London Heathrow        47 km
                                                                          Board games               Peaceful, countryside setting
 Summer Explorer                                     Football                                                                                              London Stansted        60 km
                                                                                                   * For flight arrival/departures between 10am
                                                                                                  and 6pm or specific trains. Custom transfers             Ebbsfleet Eurostar     48 km
17Autumn Explorer                                                                                            can be arranged – ask us for details.
142 year                                                                                                                                                    The Leys
old school in
the heart of                                                                                                                                                               Stansted
Cambridge                                                                                                                                        Oxford



                                                                                                                                   in 2019

Bell The Leys                                                             Sample electives              Facilities                                Accommodation
                                                                             Basketball                      Bright, spacious classrooms                 Single, twin rooms and dormitories
Follow in the footsteps of great Cambridge                                                                   with interactive whiteboards
scholars with an inspiring academic and cultural                             Drama                                                                       Separate accommodation blocks for
experience in this famous university city.                                                                   Free wireless internet                      boys and girls
This prestigious school is set in the centre of                                                              Computer study centre                       A dedicated houseparent in every
Cambridge, close to the Fitzwilliam Museum and                               Journalism                                                                  boarding house
several of the University of Cambridge Colleges.                                                             Dining room
                                                                             Photography in Cambridge
                                                                                                             Student common rooms                 Travel
 Junior Explorer
                                                                                                                                                  FREE transfers* on scheduled
                                                                          Academies                          Cookery room
                                                                                                                                                  arrival and departure days from:
 Summer Explorer
                                                                              Tennis                         Art room                                    London Stansted             44 km
 Young Cambridge Scholars
                                                                              Robotics                        n-site sports facilities
                                                                                                             O                                           London Heathrow             89 km
                                                                                                             including tennis courts and
                                                                                                             a synthetic football pitch           * For flight arrival/departures between 10am and 6pm.
18 I I +44 1223 275 598
                                                                                                                                                  Custom transfers can be arranged – ask us for details.
                                                                                                                                                   upon-avon              Oxford
One of the
UK’s most                                                                                                                                      Bristol                                                     London
schools                                                                                                                                                  Bath                                       Heathrow

                                                                                                                                                                                Wellington                    Gatwick

                                                                                                                                    in 2019

Bell Wellington                                                           Sample electives               Facilities                                      Accommodation
                                                                             British sports                  Bright, spacious classrooms with                   Single, twin rooms and dormitories
Join the English elite for academic and sporting                                                             interactive whiteboards
success at one of the UK’s most prestigious                                  Contemporary art                                                                   Separate accomodation blocks for
boarding schools.                                                                                            Free wireless internet                             boys and girls
                                                                             Event management
The college was founded by Queen Victoria                                                                    Computer study centres                             A dedicated houseparent in every
in 1859 and has over 400 acres of beautifully                                Presentations and debates                                                          boarding house
landscaped grounds and exceptional facilities.                                                               Dining room

 Summer Explorer
                                                                                                             Student common rooms                        Travel
                                                                          Academies                          Art room
                                                                                                                                                         FREE transfers* on scheduled
 Intensive Academic English                                                                                                                              arrival and departure days from:
                                                                                                             Peaceful, countryside setting                     London Gatwick             75 km
 Young Business Leaders                                                      Horse Riding
                                                                                                             On-site sports facilities                          London Heathrow            34 km
                                                                             Performing Arts                 including, including indoor and
                                                                                                             outdoor swimming pools                      * For flight arrival/departures between 10am and 6pm.
19 I I +44 1223 275 598
                                                                                                                                                         Custom transfers also available for other dates or arrival
                                                                                                                                                         points – ask us for more details.
How to
             On our website

             By Phone
             Call +44 (0)1223 275598

             In your own country
             through a local Bell representative

20 I I +44 1223 275 598
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