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Wide Bay Burnett Minerals Region resources snapshot $1B annual gross regional product* 215 mining tenures** $4.5B in royalties shared across Qld 6692 full-time jobs (total economic contribution to the region) 36 mining projects identified** * Figures are for 2019-20 financial year. Source: Queensland Resources Council **WBBMR Attraction Project Stage 1 Draft Report • • •
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2. Explore our potential 1. Secure investment • Align the investment • Enable easy access to opportunity to the localised geoscience market data • Collaborate with • Showcase minerals trade and investment resource prospects partners • Increase the region's • Participate in trade exploration profile and investment missions 3. Secure a seat at the table 4. Engaement with the community • Align approach to • Inform the government and community about industry group the sector's strategies contribution and • Present a united benefits front • Facilitiate • Gain representation community at key forums engagement • Promote training and employment opportunities
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Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Exploration Projects Aus Tin Mining- Mt Cobalt Project. Mt Cobalt Project: The Wide Bay 132kV and 66 To be considered On a global basis, the Next stage investment Listed (E
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale AEON Metals Ben Hur Project. Ben Hur JORC compliant I Project is within 15 km 19.1 kV and 66 To be considered Copper market is primarily Resource of 190,000 of heavy transport kV power as part of Mining Asian copper reflners. (ASX:AML) (Exploration) tonnes of copper, route, and avallab!e in lease Sliver demand Is increasing 2,700,000 ounces of silver approximately 160 km Immediate development. due to Its use in medical, and 16,66S,OOOlbs of from Gladstone Port. area. battery, PV panels. and as molybdenum. currency hedge. Molybdenum demand is from Asian manufacturers of stainless steel, electronics and renewables 1ndustrles, AEON Metals 7B Project. Numerous mineralised As above. 19.1 kV power To be considered Copper market Is primarily intersectlons of copper is available in as part of Mining Asian copper refiners. (ASX:AML) (E,ploratlon) gold, molybdenite and the immediate Lease Demand for gold has tine, JORC resource to be area, and 66 development. exceeded world mine defined. Intersections kV Is production for many years. range up to 4.92% copper, approximately Given current prices, the 4.79g/t gold 68 g/t silver 10 km distant. future outlook for gold and and 2.47% zinc. thus gold exploration is positive. Molybdenum to Aslan manufacturers of stalnless steel, electronics and renewables. AEON Metals Greater Whitewash. JORC Resource copper, As above. 66kV power is To be considered Molybdenum for Asian molybdenum, as well non available as part of Mining stainless steel, electronlcs (ASX:AML) (Exploratlon) JORC Tungsten of 242 within 10 km Lease and renewables Industries Mt@604ppm (0.06%) of project. development. Copper market Is primarily Molybdenum Equivalent. Asian copper refiners. 138 MIiiion pounds of Silver demand is Increasing Molybdenum, 284,000 due to its use In medlca/, tonnes of copper and 12 battery, PV panels and as a Million ounces of sliver. currency hedge.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale ActlvEX Pty Ltd Barambah Project. Small gold resource of Close to Burnett 11 kV power To be considered Demand for gold has The company Is currently 363Kt@ l.47g/t Au and Highway and heavy within S km as part of Mining exceeded world mine reviewing funding options (ASX:AIV) (Exploration) transport routes to and 66 kV Lease to advance the project with 61.Sg/t As (for 17.2 production for many years. thousand ounces Au and both Brisbane and power within development. Given current prices, the 2020 surflclal geochemical 722 thousand ounces Ag Bundaberg. 25km of the future outlook for gold and and geological mapping of contained metal). project. thus gold exploration ls exploration to be funded positive. internally. Silver for use In medlcal, battery, PV panels, and as currency hedge. ActivEX Pty Ltd Esk Project. Promising intersections Close to heavy 11 kV power To be considered Copper market Is primarily The Company Is currently from White Horse transport routes to wlthln 5km as part of Mining Asian copper refiners. reviewing funding options (ASX:AIV) (Exploration) prospect of. 12m@ 0.9% Brisbane and and 66 kV lease to advance the project with Demand for gold has Cu and 0.lg/t Au from Bundaberg. power within development. exceeded world mine 2020 surflclal geochemlcal 29m at this stage. 25km of the production for many years. and geological mapping project. Given current prices, the exploratlon to be funded future outlook for gold and internally, thus gold exploration Is positive. ActlvEX Pty Ltd Coalstoun Lakes. Inferred copper resource Close to Burnett 11 kV power To be considered Copper market, primarily Activex ls currently of 26.9Mt@0.38%Cu (for Highway and heavy within 5km as part of Mining Asian copper refiners. reviewing funding options (A5X:AIV) (Exploration) 102,700tonnes) of transport routes to and 66 kV Lease for the Coalstoun project contained copper, with both Brisbane and power within development, and possible deeper core Identified areas of Bundaberg. 25km of the drilllng of the porphyry potentially higher grade project. system. supergene enrichment.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Roar Resources. 8 Mlle Project. Maiden resources of General access roads llkVpower To be considered Demand for gold has MBK completed fund raising MetalBank (Exploration) 195,000 t at 2.4 g/t gold. nearby, available as part of Mining exceeded world mine activities in early August to (ASX:MBK) within the Lease production for many years. fund the next phase of EPM. development. Given current prices, the drilling targeting the future outlook for gold and locatlon of a potential bulk thus gold exploration Is tonnage intrusion at the 8 positive. Mile project. Drilling Is expected to commence in 03 of 2020. Roar Resources. Eidsvold Gold. Drilling proposed based Heavy transport 66 kVand 11 To be considered Demand for gold has MBK completed fund raising MetalBank (Exploration) on 3D modelling of the routes available In the kVpower as part of Mining exceeded world mlne activities In early August to Intrusion related gold area. nearby. Lease production for many years. fund the next phase of (ASX:MBK) system and promising development. Given current prices, the drllllng targeting the Great scout drilling, future outlook for gold and Eastern Target and Recent Government grant thus gold exploration is periphery target areas. will enable further positive. Drlll!ng Is expected to exploration of copper, MBK targeting Molybdenum commence in Q4 of 2020. silver, molybdenum, lead, for use in engine parts, and tellurium and zinc targets. tellurium, a metal used to improve the strength of lead, copper and stainless steel. Cainnlndah Mt cannlndah. JORC Resource. Adjacent to Gladstone 66kVline Water resources Copper market Is primarily $5 mllllon to complete more Resources (Exploration) S.SMt@ 0.92% Cu, Monto Rd. No heavy within 2 km of part of the mining Asian copper refiners. dt:tailed e,cploratlon of the 0.34g/t Au and 14.9g/t Ag transport route In the site. lease appllcation Demand for gold has gold system and increase vicinity. process. exceeded world mine the current known resource. Significantly more scale with further targeted production for many years. exploration. Given current prices, the future outlook for gold and thus gold exploration is positive. Silver demand ls increasing due to its use in medical, battery, PV panels. It ls also used as currency hedge.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ Including potential logistics avallabllity Readiness scale BK Exploration Maryborough Mount Scotchy Near Bruce Highway, Abundant To be considered Demand for gold has Active team ready to and MAuB Pty Ltd Project. Gold sliver and other North Coast Railway. power as part of Mining exceeded world mine expand drllling on identified sulphides in 16 holes with Infrastructure Lease production for many years. targets. Financial and Private company (Exploration) In the near operating partners sought. best results; development. Given current prices, the • 65.Sm @ 1.2g/tAu, vicinity. future outlook for gold and 17.Bg/tAg, 0.1% Pb, 0.2% gold exploration Is positive. Zn and 0.3%As, Including Sliver demand Is Increasing 1.Bm@ 6.6g/tAu and due to its use in medical, 1.70m@ 6.3g/tAu, battery and particularly PV 3S.9g/tAg (solar) panels. Copper • 0.43m at 9.Sg/t Au market is primarlly Aslan • 0.43m at 452g/tAg copper refiners for • 0.73m at 15.2% Zn industrial applications and • o.71m at 6.9% Pb. Increasing electric vehicle Mt Elizabeth requirements. • 217m at 1000 ppm cu, 43ppm Mo - 202m at 900 ppm Cu, 44ppm Mo • 400m at 800 ppm Cu, S0ppm Mo • 0.3m at 1.95% Cu • 2.0m at 0.35% Cu. Cherry Creek • Sm@ 0.32 g/tAu, 0.61 g/tAg at end of hole with As-Bl-Hg-Se trace element support.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ Including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Black Dragon Red Mountain 13m@ 8.0 g/t Au Incl 6m Red Mountain Is 19.1 kV power To be considered Demand for gold has Zenith Mlnerals Limited is Energy Project. @ 16.7 g/t Au from situated available in as part of Mining exceeded world mine listed on the Australian Zenith Minerals !Exploration) surface. approximately 220 km the area of the Lease production for many years. Securities Exchange, Limited Sm@ 3.5 g/t Au & 54.3g/t from Gladstone. EPM. development. Given current prices, the l11vestors may invest directly Ag incl 2m@ 8.0 g/t Au & future outlook for gold and hito the Company via the (ASX:ZNC) 109.4 g/t Ag from 64 m thus gold exploration Is purchase of publicly traded depth. positive, shares. 12m@ l.0 g/t Au from 42m depth lncludlng 4m @ 2.1 g/t Au from 50 m depth. Black Dragon Flanagans Project, Strong gold rock chips Red Mountain is 19.l kV power To be considered Demand for gold has Zenith Minerals Limited is Energy (Exploration) results Including: 20 g/t situated available in as part of Mining exceeded world mine 11,;ted on the Australian Zenith Minerals Au, 12.0 g/t Au, 11.5 g/t approximately 220 km the area of the Lease production for many years. 5ecurltles Exchange, Limited Au, 5.25 g/t Au, 3.3 g/t Au, fromGladstone. EPM. development. Given current prices, the investors may invest directly 3.2 g/t Au, 2.6 g/t Au and future outlook for gold and Into the Company via the (ASX:ZNC) silver to 70 g/t Ag. thus gold exploration is purchase of publicly traded positive. shares. Sliver demand Is Increasing due to its use in medical, battery, PV panels (It is most reflective material on earth). It ls also used as currency hedge. OGRGlobal Shamrock Tailings Indicated; 770,000 tonnes Gold does not requlre 66 kV power Tallings Dam may Demand for gold has Project. @ 0.58 g/t Au for 450,000 significant transport available provide necessary exceeded world mine (Exploration) grams (14,000 ounces) options for product, within 10 km water. production for many years. gold;and however for inputs, it of site. In addition, since early Inferred: 770,000 tonnes is usefully located 11 kV power 2010, central banks have @ 11 g/t Ag for 8,242,400 10km near the Wide available at become net purchasers of grams (265,000 ounces) Bay Highway (B site. gold to augment their silver. double route), reserves. Given current prices, the future outlook for gold and thus gold exploration is positive.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Iron Ridge Monogorllby JORC resource 54.9 Mt of Site is within 10 km of 19.1 kV power To be considered Notwithstanding Investment sought, (JV, Resources Project. bauxite with total Heavy transport (8 available near as part of Mining competition from Farm In/out, Outright sale) (LSE:IRR) (Exploration) aluminium content of 37.5 Double) route. site. Lease substitutes for aluminium and future offtake. "Al and 8.5% tol81 SIiica. Approximately 280 km development. such as carbon fibre In many to Port of Bundaberg. products, the medium term future demand for aluminlum is positive after 2021.36 Development Projects High ntanium Wateranga Project. Ilmenite -150,000 tpa Road via Biggenden to Diesel gen or Yes (BOOMI p/a). Almost all Ilmenite and Seeking up to $30 million Limited - private (Development) increasing to 600,000 tpa Bunda berg Port 66kV line 6.25 rutlle Is processed Into non� further investment In this company JORC resource of 204 (227km one way). km away. toxic white titanium dio.lllde advanced project. Mining Lease in million tonnes, with a pigment for use in the place, Initial 15 year recovered grade of 5'4 manufacture of paints, mine life; total Ilmenite, 20% High plastics, paper, Ink, rubber, project life up to 40 Alumina Feldspar, 0.8% textiles, cosmetics, leather years Apatite and 30 parts per and ceramics. million Scandium. Australlan Bln)our Project. 8aU)cite - 300,000 tonnes Blnjour- Road (B Blnjour • 66kV Burnett River Blnjour - Direct shlpping Funding Is secured subject Bauxite - listed ln year! Increasing to l Double route) via llne 5km away, within 10 km. bauxite suitable for to the economic Impact (Development) ASX:ABX Mtpa In year 5. Gayndah and Project will be River water Is not Tianshin's new low from the COVID-19 JORC resource 22.8 Blggenden to off-grid. required. temperature refinery due pandemic on the demand Mt Indicated and Bundaberg Port (200 for completion In 2021. for bau>dte. 14.2 Mt Inferred Toondoon- 66 km one way). kV line Toondoon - bauxite suitable Project has been delayed by Toondoon Project. Toondoon • Road 1B approximately for metallurglcal, cement, travel restrlctlons In 2020 (Development) Double route) via and fertiliser markets. and economic impacts from 18km away at Mining Lease In Munduberra, BlnJour, Munduberra. delayed bauxite sales. place but may be a Gayndah and Investment from an end- swing-producer. Slggenden to user customer is sought to JORC Resource 3.4 Bundaberg Port (256 increase confidence of sales Mt Inferred, km one way). continuity. l6 A temporary slowdown due to COVID may reduce Chinese demand for �lumlnlum In the short run as China accounts for S� of global alumlnlum consumption.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ Including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Abercorn Kaolin Abercorn Project. Kaolin. The project Road. The Cynthia 66 kV line Possible water Target markets are under Abercorn Project (mineral): Pty Ltd (Development) development is underway. project Is close to the approximately sources In the east lnvestigatlon and may Metalsearch ls currently Metalsearch The maiden JORC which Burnett Highway 8 25km away at from Burnett River Include for example, e'laluating the development Total Maiden ASX:MSE represents less than 10% Double approved Eidsvold and west from suitable kaolin based of the Abercorn Project for a Resource for the Abercorn Project of the total tenement route. The distance to substation. Nogo River and Industrial mlneral products high-grade kaolin mineral holdings Includes A high- Bundaberg Port via llkV is Wuruna Dam. and oso potential. exporting operation. area is 39.06Mt grade section within the approved heavv available In addition, In addition, kaolln mineral Opportunities exist for joint yielding 36.8" Project area called the vehicle routes ls 290 locally at Potential ground resources presents as high venture project and/or 20µm gn,dlng 28.6% AbOJ & 1.18% K,O, Rallcut Prospect contains km. Abercorn. water source. quality feedstocks for HPA, potential off-take partners, using a cut-off grade 14Mt yielding 38" -20µm and synthetic zeollte. Zeolite (mineral processing of 26% Al10,. fraction grading 30.26% technology): A' 2O1 & 0.89" K 2O, using a Technical collaboration, co- cut--off grade of +29" investment and AbOl, partnerships with specialist industry groups or Investment Funds. Innovative mining companies open to downstream integration of commercial remediation solution that consumes suitable mine tails/residues to produce high value zeolltes - potentially Improving project margins, whilst reducing er1vlronmental footprint. Alternatlvely, Funds wanting to co-Invest In a novel and p1oprietary zeolite mineral processing technology that offers an innovative environmental edge and delivers improved commercial outcomes to the mining sector.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Terrequlp Goodger mine Small to medium scale Close to heavy llkV Sufficient water Kaolln clays for the Environmental under rehabllitation. kaoltn mining. transport routes. Connected. available for production of ceramics, Pty Ltd Nyora and Winters leases. bricks and pavers, fillings Private company available for and coatings for the paper production. Industry. (Development) Fox Coal Pty Ltd. Bundaberg Project Indicated Resource 64.3 Adjacent to North High voltage To be considered Demand for metallurgical Investment opportunity Parent Fox (Development) Mt coking coal Inferred Coast Railway, and power readily as part of Mining coal has Increased strongly available, Resources Pty Resource of 83Mt coking Bruce Highway available. lease since the early 2000s, dr\ven Ltd (ASX:FXR) coal. E,cploratlon target 5- providing road access development. by the rapid increase in 35Mt. to Bundaberg Port and steel production In China. rail access to Gladstone Port, Eidsvold Lochaber Creek Large EPM27461 The mine Is located at 11 kV and 66 Water for High quality white bricks, Eidsvold SIitstone seeks Siltstone Pty Ltd project. encompassing the mining Lochaber Creek kV available In operational use Is tiles, pavers, garden stone, assistance to develop an - private leases recently sranted to adjacent to the the area. currently in place crushed rock, met.akaolln. Australian market for (Development) company further develop resources. Burnett Highway for the existing Due to grade of the Metakaolin. Mining leases Another Exploration heavy vehicle route operation at kaolinite, it could potentially granted and worked Permit Application has south of Eidsvold Eidsvold also be used to produce plus wider exploration permit been lodged near Langley providing B Double Siltstone's commercial kaolin, Creek some 30 kms to the access north and processing faclllty metakaolln, zeollte. Uses granted. north of Eidsvold bringing south. In the Industrial would include the total resource estimations Area of Eidsvold strengthening of traditional township. Portland Cement, to around 20 million tonnes. Geopolymer Cement or Porcelanic applications. Eastern Stone Hawkwood Granite Proven reserves are Road access. 370 km llkVpower Sufficient water Premium black and green Project ls for Sale: and Minerals Project. 371,250 m 1 and Probable to Brisbane, 250 km to connected, for operations polished granite market. Machinery, Sheds, Private (Development) reserves of an additional Port of Bundaberg via available. Generators, Drills, Diamond 283,000 mJ of black general access roads. wire saws all Included. Company granite. Initial 35 km Is unmade but all weather.
Company Project and Status Mineral Resource Transport and Power Water Target markets Investment Required/ including potential logistics availability Readiness scale Maldenwell Maldenwell Project. 1.3Mbcm mined at so:ooo General access roads Connected to Sufficient water Agricultural markets Oiatomlte- (Development) tpa of d!atomite. avallable. Heavy Ergon 11 kV available on site including for high 'plant private company Potential for volcanic ash transport (B Double) network. for current available' silica. overburden to be route within 20 km of operations. commercialised. project.
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