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                              a s u p p l e m ent to Sp ’s Av iat ion

     Volume 7 • issue 1

                                       Years            PAGE 3 onwards

P8                                               P 16                    P 18
Midsize and Super-midsize Jets                   JetHQ Making Aircraft   Gulfstream Leading
Report the Maximum Rebound                       Transactions Easier     on Sustainable Path   + MORE...
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                              A SUP P LEMENT TO SP ’S AVIATION

                                                                                                                                                                      a supplement to Sp’s Aviation 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vo lu m e 7 • i s s u e 1
                                                                                                           On the cover:
     VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 1

                                                                                                           Formed in March 2011 with the
                                                                                                           vision to promote the growth of
                                                                                                           business aviation in India, define
                                                                                                           the standards and achieve the
                                                                                                           highest levels of safety, efficiency
                                                                                                           and reliability, BAOA has come a

                                                                                                           long way during the last 10 years.
                                       YEARS                                                               Cover Photograph
                                                                                                           Illustration: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav
                                                        PAGE 3 ONWARDS

                                                                                                           / SP Guide Pubns
P8                                               P 16                    P 18

3	BAOA 10 Years
   By A
       ir Vice Marshal S.S. Chauhan (Retd), President, BAOA
5	BAOA                       – Nurturing and Guiding the
                          Growth of Business Aviation in India
                          By Rohit Kapur, President, JetHQ Asia
6	BAOA’s Journey from 2011 to 2021
   By G
       roup Captain Rajesh K. Bali (Retd)
      Managing Director, BAOA
7	10                       Years of BA in India and                                                                                                          Gulfstream G280 super-midsize twin jet
                          the BAOA Role                                                                                                                          hit its 200th delivery milestone
                          By Bobby Chadha, Chairman and Managing Director,
                              SRC Aviation Pvt Ltd
                                                                                                                                                  page 18

page 8
                                                                                                                                                  OEM SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                                                                  Gulfstream on a Determined Sustainable Path
COVID-19 RECOVERY                                                                                                                                 By Ayushee chaudhary
Midsize and Super-midsize Jets Report
                                                                                                                                                  page 21
the Maximum Rebound
By Ayushee chaudhary                                                                                                                              OWNERSHIP PRIVATE JET
                                                                                                                                                  Best Structured Practices for Acquiring a
page 12
                                                                                                                                                  Business Aircraft
                                                                                                                                                  By Sudhir S. Rajeshirke
200th Delivery Milestone for G280 Amid
By Ayushee chaudhary                                                                                                                              regular departments
page 15                                                                                                                                           2	from     the editor’s desk
COVID-19 CHALLENGES                                                                                                                               24	NEWS    AT A GLANCE
Sustainability in the Pandemic and Future
By Bobby Chadha, Chairman and Managing Director,
   SRC Aviation Pvt Ltd
page 16
FLYING PRIVATE                                                                                                                                           Awards 2017
Making Aircraft Transactions Easier
Around the Globe
By Rohit Kapur, President, JetHQ Asia
                                                                                                                                                       Contribution to
                                                                                                                                                       Business Aviation                                                                                                                                   BizAvIndia   | ISSUE 1 | 2021         1
from the editor-in-chief

Publisher And Editor-in-Chief
Jayant Baranwal
Principal Correspondent
Ayushee Chaudhary
Advisory Board
Air Vice Marshal S.S. Chauhan (Retd)
President, BAOA
Group Captain R.K. Bali (Retd),                                                                    We at SP Guide Publications join the
Managing Director, BAOA
                                                                                                   BA/GA community in congratulating
Chairman & Managing Director
Jayant Baranwal                                                                                    the Office Bearers, Staff and all
Planning & Business Development                                                                    members of BAOA (Business Aircraft
Executive Vice President: Rohit Goel                                                               Operators Association) on their 10th
design                                                                                             anniversary and convey our best
Designers: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav,
Sonu S. Bisht                                                                                      wishes to them for the next 10 years!
Group Director – Sales & Marketing
Neetu Dhulia
                                                      Dear Reader,
Deputy Director – Sales
                                                      On March 31, 2021, BAOA crossed a major milestone, in its journey, with the completion
Rajeev Chugh
                                                      of 10 years. What started as a small association, formed by the merger of two business
Manager – HR & Admin                                  aviation associations in India, BAOA quickly established itself as the sole body represent-
Bharti Sharma
                                                      ing the interests of the BA/GA community in all fora, primarily in their task of taking
Deputy Manager – Circulation                          up industry related matters with the policy makers in the Government of India. Their
Rimpy Nischal                                         decadal anniversary is a significant landmark in the history of GA/BA in India.
Group Research Associate                                  “Arbitrary customs duty, high duties on aviation turbine fuel (ATF), sales tax, high
Survi Massey                                          charges for ground handling, are deterring the growth of the sector,” said Rohit Kapur,
                                                      the then President, BAOA, while addressing a press meet (in 2011) shortly after BAOA
SP’s websites
Sr Web Developer: Shailendra P. Ashish                was formed. “We will be seeking support and cooperation from the regulatory bodies to
Web Developer: Ugrashen Vishwakarma                   develop adequate infrastructure and facilities for business aviation and help in policies,
                                                      regulations and customs duty amongst other matters.” Since that time, BAOA has come a
© SP Guide Publications, 2021
                                                      long way during the last 10 years.
Advertising                                               In this issue, we have BAOA’s current President AVM S.S. Chauhan, former President                         Rohit Kapur and the BAOA Managing Director, apart from the prominent members, talk-                  ing about the journey so far and the role played by BAOA in developing BA/GA in India.
SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD                             We would like to use this occasion to once again highlight the contribution Business
A-133 Arjun Nagar,                                    Aviation can make in the growth of Indian economy. Business Aviation is not a “Rich per-
(Opposite Defence Colony)                             son’s toy” but an established business productivity and efficiency tool that has been proven
New Delhi 110003, India.                              across the world. Over the last 12-18 months, Business Aviation has yet again proven its
Tel: +91 (11) 24644693,                               usefulness to the world and in India. When the entire commercial aviation sector had
24644763, 24620130
                                                      stopped functioning, Business Aviation provided a safe and Covid-free travel option. It
Fax: +91 (11) 24647093
                                                      was used by entities across the world also to repatriate their citizens stuck in various parts
                                                      of the world; it was used by the mandarins of the business community to keep the wheels
Owned, published and printed by Jayant                of trade and commerce turning when the entire world had shut down and transportation
Baranwal, printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd
                                                      had come to a standstill; and was even used to ferry the vaccines for the pandemic to the
and published at A-133, Arjun Nagar (Opposite
                                                      remotest parts of the country, where access by commercial aviation was a challenge. It is
Defence Colony), New Delhi 110 003, India. All
rights reserved. No part of this publication may
                                                      high-time that BA/GA got it due place in the Indian Aviation sector and the full support of
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,          policy makers in the country.
or transmitted in any form or by any means,               To conclude we at SP Guide Publications are also proud to be the partner of BAOA as
photocopying, recording, electronic, or otherwise     we continue publishing BizAvIndia (since 2015) echoing the voices of BA/GA fraternity. We
without prior written permission of the Publishers.   reiterate our relentless and restless efforts in parallel towards the holistic betterment of the

   MEMBER / PARTNER OF                                   Stay Safe and Happy Flights!

                                                                                                                                J. Baranwal

    2         BizAvIndia         | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                       
Illustration: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav / SP Guide Pubns

                                                                                    By Air Vice Marshal S.S. Chauhan (Retd)
                                                                                      President, BAOA

                                                          On the occasion of this decadal anniversary, it needs to be recapitulated with pride
                                                          that this has been possible only due to the vision, hard work & immense contribution
                                                          of the BAOA ‘Founding Fathers’, the successive ‘Governing Boards’ and other actively
                                                          participating members, as well as by the full-time BAOA Managing Director & his highly
                                                          dedicated staff

                                                                             BizAvIndia   | ISSUE 1 | 2021   3
            usiness Aircraft Operators’ Association itively contribute in progressing, all the overlapping issues faced by
            (BAOA) of India was incorporated on March 31, 2011 the BA/GA community.
            under the ‘Society Registration Act. XXI of 1860’. It was      BAOA, being a ‘Not-for-Profit’ and, so to say, a ‘Democratically
            established for the advancement of both the “Business Governed’ organisation, has today come to be recognised as a collec-
            Aviation & the General Aviation (BA/GA)” business in the tive voice for the BA/GA industry in India. In some quarters, however,
country, while simultaneously striving to promote the highest lev- Business Aviation is still being looked upon as a ‘Rich Man’s Toy’. As
els of safety and efficiency in their operation as per the best global such, advocating the necessity of Business Aviation & its contribu-
practices.                                                             tion towards developing the economy of the country to ‘the Powers
     During the last ten years, BAOA has been working (and strug- that be’ has always remained a challenging task! Nevertheless, BAOA
gling hard!) to promote unity of purpose, of communication and of has been, to an extent, successful in creating amongst the policy
co-operation amongst both the ‘Enrolled BA/GA Members’ as well makers a more realistic understanding of the essential requirements
as the ‘Not-as-Yet Enrolled BA/GA Members’. Simultaneously, BAOA that, unless met, would seriously affect the making of the BA/GA into
has also been actively pursuing it’s acceptance as a representative a robust industry as a contributing partner in the economy of India.
body of the BA/GA community, while identifying & taking up com- In the recent past, regular, positive and very meaningful interactions
mon issues with the concerned arms of the ‘Government’, the ‘Regu- have been taking place not only with the Ministry of Civil Aviation
latory Bodies’, the associated ‘Non- Profit Organisations/Societies’, (MoCA) & the DGCA (the ‘Aviation Regulators’), but also with other
and other components of the larger aviation infrastructure. Over a aviation-related components of the Government, indicative of an
period of time, with sustained efforts by its designated members in evolving ‘Collaborative & Supportive Rule-Making’ approach.
pursuing numerous matters with the Government at appropriate               Presently, rationalisation & resolution of what is considered unan-
level, a large number of common issues affecting the BA/GA industry imously by the BA/GA community to be a ‘Disproportionate & Unfair
have been resolved, even though, the issues taken up were ‘favour- Aeronautical Tariff’ on business aviation, specifically in the areas of
ably’ resolved only when finally considered as ‘valid’ by the Ministry ‘Ground Handling and Maintenance Hangars’, remains a matter of
of Civil Aviation / the DGCA / other con-                                                         primary challenge for BAOA to resolve. A
cerned arms/agencies of the Government                                                            secondary challenge is to persuade more of
with the burden of proof squarely lying on                                                        the ‘Not-as-yet Enrolled BA/GA Members’
the BAOA! As an offset of this effort over                                                        to voluntarily come forward & join BAOA as
the past 10 years of its existence, the BAOA                                                      members, with a view to further strengthen
has also developed a fair and long-term                                                           BAOA as a unified voice, so much needed
understanding of the problems & the genu-            BAOA, being a ‘Not-for-                      to achieve more cohesive results. An out-
ine needs of the BA/GA industry in India.             Profit’ organisation,                       spoken member of BAOA has termed the
     The BAOA commenced it’s journey                                                              present situation as somewhat ‘Parasitical’
in March 2011, with an initial progressive
                                                         has today come to                        in nature, wherein, say, only (about) half of
total membership of just over 40 members                be recognised as a                        the BA/GA community are the formal, con-
in three categories - ‘Corporate Member’,              collective voice for                       tributing & struggling members of BAOA,
‘Associate Member’ and ‘Foreign Associate                                                         whereas the other half, continuing as non-
Member’. Of this, from the initial 20 or so             the BA/GA industry                        members, have more or less adopted a pas-
Corporate Members, the strength over the                          in India                        sive stance! The resultant benefits achieved
years has grown past 40 Corporate Mem-                                                            due to the efforts of the former half are,
bers, with most of the prominent business                                                         however, subsequently distributed equally,
aircraft operators having become a part of                                                        without distinction, to the entire BA/GA
BAOA. As in the year 2020, the total strength of the association in community! It is primarily up to the ‘Aircraft Owners’ & the ‘CEOs’
all categories was countable at over 80 members. On the occasion of of the non-member Business Aviation entities to introspect & take an
this decadal anniversary, it needs to be recapitulated with pride that appropriate conscience-based call on the subject.
this has been possible only due to the vision, hard work & immense         The BA/GA community continues to believe that India, having
contribution of the BAOA ‘Founding Fathers’, the successive ‘Govern- been duly recognised today as one of the major & fast growing econo-
ing Boards’ and other actively participating members, as well as by mies in the world, has an immense un-tapped potential for develop-
the full-time BAOA Managing Director & his meagre but highly dedi- ment of business aviation. With greater focus and emphasis by the
cated office staff placed at his disposal.                             Government on growth of various sectors of economy, the BA/GA
     Presently, the BAOA is also associated & represented at global community could provide a seamless connectivity for business, med-
level as an active member of the Montreal-based ‘International Busi- ical & exploratory travel to remote & not-so-well-connected areas for
ness Aircraft Council (IBAC)’, an umbrella organisation for a number an accelerated development of the country’s basic infrastructure.
of “Business Operators’ Associations” in the world. Sudhir Nayak, a        In the present positively-charged environment, BAOA is firmly
Governing Board member of BAOA, is presently the Treasurer of committed to continue to work with the Government and the Regula-
IBAC. Also, Group Captain R.K. Bali (Retd), the current long-time tory Authorities for their clear and specific directives towards firmly
Managing Director of BAOA, is also a member of the ‘Policy & Opera- establishing an affordable, robust & efficient BA/GA ecosystem in India.
tions Committee (POC)’ of IBAC.                                            On the eve of the ten years of its formation, the BAOA of India is
     On the domestic front, BAOA is an affiliate member of the firmly determined to get the BA/GA industry its rightful place in the
‘Rotary Wing Society of India (RWSI)’, and of the ‘Maintenance, Indian subcontinent. BAI
Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Association of India’. Such affiliations pos-      Jai Hind!

4      BizAvIndia     | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                            
BAOA – Nurturing and
                                   Guiding the Growth of
                                   Business Aviation in India
                                                                            The biggest achievement of BAOA, to my
                                                                            mind, is that it has given the industry a
      By Rohit Kapur                                                      sense of belonging and oneness, to unite
                                                                            under one umbrella and present a joint
                                                                            front. That is precious and irreplaceable.

    ndian Business Aviation has come a long way from its were framed with great care to ensure that elections were held every
    modest beginnings. From relative stagnation prior to 2004, the two years, and the President would not be allowed to have more than
    industry saw a double-digit growth till almost 2013. The state of two consecutive terms. The process of elections would be overseen
    the economy and the challenging regulatory framework did bring by an independent process. Today, after having served as President
    the growth down relatively, but business aviation continued to be a of BAOA for three terms (non-consecutive), I can proudly say that we
very critical tool in the hands of the Indian industry leaders. Its inher- managed to achieve what we set out for. The contribution of the suc-
ent flexibility allowed the industry captains to continue their ambi- cessive Presidents, the Managing Director and the Governing Board,
tious growth plans, undeterred, by challenges such as natural calami- in achieving this has been truly outstanding.
ties, pandemics or simply the requirement of moving across borders             Over the years, BAOA has achieved many feathers in its cap. Its
or to poorly connected areas. Only because they had access to their number of achievements has far exceeded the times that the desired
private aircraft, they were able to move around                                                  results could not be achieved due to roadblocks,
freely, securely, and as per their own schedule.                                                 not due to lack of trying. The biggest achieve-
     In order to unlock the true potential, indus-                                               ment, to my mind, is that it has given the indus-
try leaders recognised the need for a strong plat-                                               try a sense of belonging and oneness, to unite
form to nurture and guide the growth, as well as             “I was very clear                   under one umbrella and present a joint front.
to voice the needs and concerns of the sector.                                                   That is precious and irreplaceable.
The Business Aviation Association for India                that BAOA would be                         Going forward, I would like to only pass
(BAAI) was formed in 2005 with these aims                  a truly democratic                    on a word of advice to the present office bear-
and received positive support from the avia-                                                     ers. Organisations need to evolve with time.
tion community. In 2010 another association
                                                          organisation where                     Nothing is forever. We need to make BAOA
- Indraprastha Aircraft Aviation Association                every voice of the                   more inclusive and ensure that all stake hold-
(IAAA) - was formed with similar objectives.               industry would be                     ers have a say in the decision making. There
In order to project a unified voice, the govern-                                                 is a constant need to look inwards and ensure
ing boards of both associations decided to take                       heard”                     that the organisation is keeping up with the
the bold and unprecedented step of merging the                                                   times, else it loses its relevance, I am confident
two bodies. This was completed on March 31,                                                      that the present leadership of BAOA is alive to
2011, and Business Aircraft Operators Association (BAOA) was born.         this and will continue to take this fine organisation from strength to
     Sitting in the Conference Room of the Delhi Flying Club ten years strength!
ago, after a stormy session between the merging associations, and              As for me, I am happy and privileged to have been part of this
having just been elected as Founding President and been entrusted great journey and continue to contribute in my own way. BAI
the challenging task of making BAOA an effective and strong organ-
isation, without any resources, all I can say is that the only thought in Rohit Kapur is the former and Founding President of BAOA
my mind was how to meet the challenge. I was very clear about one (2011-2015 and 2017-2019). Having served in leadership roles
thing; BAOA would be a truly democratic organisation, where every in several business aviation companies, he is presently based
voice of the industry would be heard, and there would be no person- in Dubai and President of Jet HQ Asia, which is a leading global
ality cults, as we find in so many other industry bodies. The bye laws aircraft brokerage and transaction company.                                                               BizAvIndia      | ISSUE 1 | 2021          5
BAOA’s Journey
                                  from 2011 to 2021
                                                                          Acceptance by the ministry and regulators,
      By Group Captain Rajesh K. Bali (Retd)
        Managing Director                                                 as the most credible representative
        Business Aircraft Operators                                       body of the industry, has taken years of
        Association (BAOA)                                                painstaking efforts by BAOA’s team

          usiness Aviation community, whilst witnessing grown further with, leasing companies like Bank of America, and
          tremendous growth during the time from 2005 to 2010, was Ground Handling Agencies/MROs also joining the BAOA family. Dur-
          also facing rough times with the government and the regula- ing the last ten years, BAOA has actively engaged itself with Interna-
          tors. With the tough regulatory environment, cumbersome tional Business Aviation Council, which is an umbrella organisation
          rules, discriminatory taxes/duties, and poor infrastructure, of 17 BA/GA associations around the globe. In the domestic industry,
Business Aviation in India was in need of a common platform for the BAOA has, all along, remained an integral part of ‘national avia-
industry to let its voice be heard by the policy makers of the country. tion committees’ of reputed industry bodies like, FICCI, CII, ASSO-
    At that time, there were two different representative bodies for CHAM, and PHD Chamber. BAOA is also ‘affiliate member’ and col-
the industry - Business Aircraft Association of India (BAAI) formed laborates with ‘Air Charter Association of Europe’ and ‘Rotary Wing
in 2004 and, a new association – Indraprastha Aircraft Aviation Asso- Society of India’.
ciation (IAAA) formed in 2010 with similar objective. With the aim          There have been many crucial and important issues of the ‘Busi-
of projecting a strong unified voice for the whole industry, BAAI and ness Aviation’ industry taken up and progressed with regulatory
IAAA decided to merge and become one single association - a new authorities during these ten years of journey. Some significant regu-
association named - the Business Aircraft                                                       latory issues have been - ‘removing age bar
Operators Association (BAOA), with a total                                                      for import of aircraft for aerial work’, ‘abol-
of 44 members representing most major                                                           ishing of YA number requirement for for-
players involved with Business Aviation in                                                      eign flight of BA/GA aircraft’ and ‘separate
India. It was on March 31, 2011 that the two                                                    and proportionate regulatory framework
association formally merged and BAOA                     we feel determined,                    for smaller aircraft of GA/BA industry’. At
came into existence.                                                                            the level of ministry, issues like – ‘rational-
    The last ten years of journey has been                   more than ever                     ising restrictions on operations of foreign
full of exciting challenges. Acceptance by                 before, to ensure                    GA/BA aircraft in India’, ‘dissolution of air-
the ministry and regulators, as the most                                                        craft acquisition committee of MoCA’ and
credible representative body of the indus-
                                                      optimal        growth    of   GA/         ‘RBI’s unambiguous directive on advance
try, has taken years of painstaking efforts              BA industry in INDIA                   remittance for import of smaller GA/BA air-
by BAOA’s team led by members of the                                                            craft’, have been addressed through BAOA’s
‘governing board’. As being the first Secre-                                                    efforts. BAOA has also been focused on
tary, and now Managing Director, I have to                                                      rationalising aeronautical tariff for NSOP/
mention the unmatched contribution of our first President, Rohit GA industry, along with waiver of unfair and unjustified royalties,
Kapur, for his great vision and leadership qualities to put BAOA on especially on ‘Ground Handling charges’ and ‘maintenance hangar
firm footing from the beginning in 2011 to 2015, when he decided rentals’. Recently, the ‘Fuel Throughput Charges’, charged hither
to step down after two consecutive tenures. The ‘founding’ mem- to as royalty on ATF, has been discontinued due to these ongoing
bers of ‘BAOA’s Governing Board’, too, played very significant roles efforts of BAOA.
in getting BAOA its rightful place in the Indian aviation industry.         On the eve of completing ten years of BAOA’s journey, we feel
The last five years have seen BAOA gaining wider recognition of more determined, than ever before, to ensure optimal growth of GA/
the aviation industry at the global level.                              BA industry in the fast-paced Indian economy to hasten the goal
    Presently, all the big OEMs of GA/BA industry, including Boe- of achieving self-reliance and to help the march towards becoming
ing Business Jets/Airbus Corporate Jets/Bombardier/Embraer/Gulf- a developed nation, having a robust BA/GA industry, like all other
stream, are active members of BAOA. The membership base has developed economies. BAI

6      BizAvIndia     | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                            
10 Years of BA
                                    in India and the BAOA Role
      By Bobby Chadha,                                                       BAOA of India has played a major role in
         Chairman and Managing Director                                        representing the interests of the business
         SRC Aviation Pvt Ltd                                                  aviation industry.

          n important but often overlooked component of                           With restrictions on movement being gradually lifted, the economy
          a country’s economy is the role connectivity plays in its          is rebounding and business travel will likely grow rapidly. And India is
          growth. Air, land, voice, data connectivity are all essential      strategically placed to take advantage of this growth in business avia-
          to improving productivity in a modern economy.                     tion. Attracted by a growing economy and the largest consumer market
              Aviation has rapidly emerged as a leading connector            in the world, an ever increasing number of global companies are flying
especially in fast growing countries like India. In India more than          into India to be part of this exciting market. That means more execu-
200 greenfield airport projects are being developed, which points to         tives flying into India and with that a bigger role for business aviation.
the importance of this industry to the Indian economy.                            India’s business aviation industry will need to be ready to provide the
    There are two strands in the aviation industry: commercial and           support required by these executives. This industry is an integral part
business. Once a small niche area, the latter is quickly gaining ground as   of India’s economic growth and the “mission $5 trillion”. Foreign invest-
more and more business executives use private aircraft for connectivity.     ment is vital for the growth of the Indian economy and the government
    Over the last ten years business aviation has grown twice as fast        needs to support all the industries that help attract this investment.
as commercial aviation---an annual growth rate of almost 35 per cent              Business aviation is a vital cog in India’s economic growth and its
compared to 18 per cent in commercial aviation.                              growth needs to be nurtured to make it easier for global business to con-
    The restrictions on connectivity during the pandemic caused              nect with India. The BAOA (Business Aircraft Operators Association)
almost $14 trillion of economic losses globally. India too had a major       of India has played a major role in representing the interests of the
national lockdown for about six months which caused major economic           business aviation industry. They actively lobby policy makers on issues
disruption. Travel ground to a halt as did business-related travel.          that are important to the growth of the industry in the country. BAI

                                                   on BAOA’s 10th Anniversary

                              “Congratulations to each and every member of BAOA on the anniversary! We have
                              come a very long way from our first day at the Delhi Flying Club meeting. Let us
                              all strive relentlessly to solve the industry issues amicably with the relevant
                              stakeholders and work towards growing this industry wider & deeper. Cheers!”
                              — Sudhir Nayak, Senior Vice President & Head - Aviation, Reliance Commercial Dealers

                              “Congrats to all the members of BAOA. Thanks to the founding members and the
                              President for all the hard work they have put in. BAOA has come a long way since
                              its humble origins. On this occasion let us appeal to the entire GA/BA industry to
                              unite and strengthen the industry body. I would like to call all GA/BA Owners and
                              operators for supporting the organization in its journey into the next decade.”
                              — Wing Commander Julian D’Souza (Retd), Vice President - Aviation, Jupiter Capital                                                                   BizAvIndia      | ISSUE 1 | 2021            7

                           Midsize and Super-midsize Jets
                                     Report the
                                 Maximum Rebound
                                                                                            In the US, the midsize jet segment
                            By Ayushee chaudhary                                          was up over 40 per cent year-on-year
                                                                                            compared to the pre-pandemic period

                               The new Praetor 500, is claimed to be the world’s most disruptive and technologically advanced midsize business jet
Photograph: Embraer

                      8     BizAvIndia   | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                         

                                                                                   (Left) Bombardier Confirms Order for 10 Challenger 350 Aircraft
                                                                               (Right) Cessna Citation Latitude remained the ‘most-delivered’ midsize jet

                                                         ccording to WINGX’s weekly Global Market Bombardier Challenger 350
                                                         Tracker released this month, the midsize jet segment Produced first in 2014, the super-midsize Bombardier Challenger
                                                         is up more than 40 per cent year-on-year in the United 350 bagged an order for 10 aircraft just this month by VistaJet, a
                                                         States. Last month in March 2021, WINGX had also noted global business aviation firm.
                                                         that in comparison to March 2020, the biggest rebound in       The manufacturer boasts that the Challenger 350 aircraft has the
                                            the United States (US) was in super-midsize and midsize jets that lowest direct operating cost in its class owing to its affordable mainte-
                                            were flying 20 per cent more. This was a further rise compared to nance programmes and longer maintenance intervals than the com-
                                            the first two months of this year when the midsize and super mid- petition. The Challenger 350 aircraft also offers the industry’s most
                                            size jet flight hours were up close to 10 per cent compared to the pre- extensive baseline feature set including synthetic vision and Multi-
                                            pandemic period.                                                        Scan weather radar systems and with its superior sound suppressing
                                                 The midsize jets have often remained as an optimum choice design, it includes a standard entry door acoustic curtain and galley
                                            especially for passengers looking for longer-range travel and addi- pocket door, featuring the quietest cabin in its class. Offering a maxi-
                                            tional luggage space. Compared to light                                                          mum range of 3200nm and 0.80 Mach
                                            jet options, the midsize jets provide a                                                          speed, the aircraft comes with the capacity
                                            typical cabin for up to 5 to 7 passengers                                                        of 10 passengers including the crew.
                                            which allows them to be small enough
                                            to be cost efficient, but large enough to                                                        Bombardier Learjet 75 Liberty
                                            carry a group and offering a great combi-                                                        Canadian multinational manufacturer
                                            nation of performance and comfort. Mid-                  Embraer Executive                       of business jets, Bombardier’s Learjet 75
                                            size jets are also known to offer fuel effi-
                                                                                                      Jets continues to                      Liberty entered service in the beginning
                                            ciency, aerodynamics and performance                                                             of October 2020. Claimed to be the most
                                            capabilities.                                           make improvements                        accessible business jet and the world’s best
                                                 Despite the pandemic restrictions, cor-           upon the model with                       light jet by the company, the Learjet 75 Lib-
                                            porations have found a resilient solution to                                                     erty’s six-seat configuration features the
                                            travel with business jets, providing a safer            its transformation                       segment’s only Executive Suite. This versa-
                                            way to do business, and the mid-size as well          programme that lifts                       tile light jet is also available in the popular
Photographs: Bombardier, Textron Aviation

                                            as the super midsize jets have especially                                                        eight-seat configuration.
                                            found traction for a lot of customer’s suit-
                                                                                                   previously delivered                           The jet also comes with the Bombar-
                                            ability recently.                                     Legacy 450s and turns                      dier Vision flight deck featuring the latest
                                                 The list of these jets is an extensive one
                                                                                                       them effectively                      navigation and the Honeywell TFE731-
                                            based on their range, speed, cabin size, cost                                                    40BR engines, offering a takeoff thrust
                                            passenger capacity, etc. So here we have                 into the latest of                      of 3,850 lbf. It also has a more stringent
                                            listed (alphabetically) some of the best                Embraer’s model in                       safety Part 25 certification rating from the
                                            mid-size and super midsize jets that have                                                        Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),
                                            made news during the last few months to                   the category, the                      which differentiates it from the rest of the
                                            present some fine features of this group of                   Praetor 500                        light-jet fleet. With a maximum range of
                                            business jets.                                                                                   2,080 nm and the capacity of up to nine

                                                                                               BizAvIndia     | ISSUE 1 | 2021          9

                                                                                                            Bombardier Challenger 350
                                                                                                    Speed (Mach)
                                                                                                    Top speed                                                  0.83
                                                                                                    High-speed cruise                                          0.82
                                                                                                    Typical cruise speed                                       0.80
                                                                                                    Airfield Performance
                                                                                                    Takeoff distance (SL, ISA, MTOW)                          4,835 ft
                                                                                                    Landing distance (SL, ISA, typical)                       2,364 ft
                                                                                                    Operating Altitude
                                                                                                    Maximum operating altitude                               45,000 ft
                                                                                                    Initial cruise altitude (MTOW)                           43,000 ft
                                                                                                    Honeywell HTF7350 turbofans; Thrust: 7,323 lbf (33 kN)
                                                                                                    Flat rated to ISA + 15°C

                      Embraer Phenom 300E boosts of a range to more than 2,100 nautical
                                      miles at long range cruise speed                                   Bombardier Learjet 75 Liberty
                                                                                                    Speed (Mach)
                      passengers, the Learjet 75 Liberty comes with the Garmin G5000                Top speed                                                  0.81
                      avionics suite.                                                               High-speed cruise                                          0.79

                      Cessna Citation Latitude                                                      Typical cruise speed                                       0.76
                      In 2020, Textron Aviation delivered nearly 560 aircraft to customers          Airfield Performance
                      around the globe, leading the General Aviation Manufacturers Asso-            Takeoff distance (SL, ISA, MTOW)                         4,440 ft
                      ciation (GAMA) annual shipments and billings report published
                                                                                                    Landing distance (SL, ISA, typical)                      2,296 ft
                      last month. Textron Aviation was the leading business jet manufac-
                      turer in terms of deliveries in 2020, with the Cessna Citation Lati-          Operating Altitude
                      tude remaining the ‘most-delivered’ midsize jet for the fifth consecu-        Maximum operating altitude                               51,000 ft
                      tive year, according to the GAMA report.
                                                                                                    Initial cruise altitude (MTOW)                        45,000 ft
                          Surpassing a massive 3,20,000 hours of fleet service since its
                      introduction five years ago, the Cessna Citation Latitude has been a          Engines
                      true success with private jet travelers.                                      Honeywell TFE731-40BR
                          The jet offers a wide, flat-floor with a 6-foot stand-up cabin at         Thrust: 3,850 lbf (17 kN)
                      a midsize price coupled with a range of 2,700 nm. Equipped with
                                                                                                    Flat rated to ISA + 23°C, SL
                      NextGen-capable, touch-screen GARMIN G5000 avionics, the Cita-
                      tion Latitude aircraft also offers a large cockpit. This aircraft features
                      a Partial Recirculation System to keep cabin air clean. Textron Avia-                     Cessna Citation Latitude
                      tion is celebrating five years since the first customer delivery of its       Performance
                      Cessna Citation Latitude aircraft, with nearly 240 delivered to date
                                                                                                    Maximum Cruise Speed                     446 ktas (826 km/h)
                      that makes the aircraft constitute more than 40 per cent of all mid-
                      size business jet deliveries since 2015.                                      4 Passenger Range                        2,700 nm (5,000 km)
                                                                                                    Takeoff Field Length                     3,580 ft (1,091 m)
                      Embraer Phenom 300E                                                           Landing Distance                         2,480 ft (756 m)
                      Phenom 300E is the most advanced version of the Phenom 300
                      series and has constantly been adding milestones. Phenom 300 has              Maximum Operating Altitude               45,000 ft (13,716 m)
                      been a bestselling light jet for the past seven years, with more than         Maximum Climb Rate                       3,800 fpm (1,158 mpm)
                      540 entering service since the first delivery in 2009.                        Maximum Limit Speed                      0.80 Mach (0.80 Mach)
                          The Phenom 300E jet was unveiled at the National Business
                                                                                                    Cabin Interior
                      Aviation Association’s Business Aviation Conference and Exhibition
                                                                                                    Height                                   72 in (1.8 m)
Photograph: Embraer

                      (NBAA-BACE) in October 2017 and entered service in March 2018. A
                      further enhanced version of the Phenom 300E with a speed of Mach              Width                                    77 in (1.96 m)
                      0.80 was announced in January 2020. The business jet received                 Length                                   21 ft 9 in (6.6 m)
                      triple certification from the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil
                      (ANAC), European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the                  Maximum Passengers                       9
                      Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in March 2020 and in Sep-              Source: Bombardier; Textron Aviation

                      10      BizAvIndia      | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                                

                                                                                                               Embraer Phenom 300E
                                                                                                   Engine Model                      PW535E1
                                                                                                   Manufacturer                      Pratt & Whitney Canada
                                                                                                   Engine Thrust                     3,478 lbf
                                                                                                   Total Baggage Capacity            84 cu ft
                                                                                                   Maximum Passengers                6-10
                                                                                                   Cabin Length                      17 ft 2 in
                                                                                                   Avionics Suite                    Prodigy Touch Flight Deck

                                                                                                                Embraer Praetor 500
                                                                                                   Engine Model                      HTF7500E
                                                                                                   Manufacturer                      Honeywell
                                                                                                   Engine Thrust                     6,540 lbf
                                                                                                   Total Baggage Capacity            150 cu ft
                          Gulfstream G280, the Super-midsize jet has set City-Pair Record On
                                                  Renewable Fuel                                   Maximum Passengers                7-9
                                                                                                   Cabin Length                      24 ft
                         tember 2020 it was again in news for a further upgrade in its interior    Avionics Suite                    Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion
                         and avionics.                                                            Source: Embraer
                              The most significant change in the new Phenom 300E is its power-
                         ful Pratt & Whitney PW535E1 engines with 3,478 pounds of thrust, up  launched in 2008, entered service in 2012 and comes with a range of
                         by 118 pounds per engine. Embraer engineers were have also carved out3,600 nm, and a long-range cruise speed of Mach 0.80. Gulfstream’s
                         extra fuel volume, and the 300E carries another 50 pounds, boosting  entry-level product features the Collins Pro Line Fusion-based Plan-
                         range to more than 2,100 nautical miles at long-range cruise speed.  eView280 flight deck, and the company believes that their enhanced
                                                                                              flight vision system (EFVS) allows authorised pilots to land without
                         Embraer Praetor 500                                                  natural vision in low-visibility conditions, increasing access to air-
                         The first conversion of a Legacy 450 to a Praetor 500 was received ports and reducing go-arounds. The strong performance of the G280,
                         by AirSprint Private Aviation and is scheduled for another Legacy especially the ability to fly coast-to-coast in the US at Mach 0.84
                         450-Praetor 500 conversion this year, Embraer recently announced. (3,000 nm/5,556 km NBAA IFR range with four passengers) or even
                              So far, the Brazilian manufacturer has completed 16 Legacy farther at Mach 0.80 (3,600 nm/6,667 km, also with four passengers),
                         450-Praetor conversions in Europe and North America, with the first has been much appreciated by pilots. The G280 also has racked up
                         finished in June 2020. The conversion option was announced when some 80 city-pair records, including involving operations using sus-
                         Embraer unveiled the Praetor 500 and its larger sibling, the Praetor tainable alternative fuel, an area of emphasis for manufacturer.
                         600, an upgrade of the Legacy 500, at NBAA-BACE 2018. Embraer             The G280 is certified in 19 countries and as of December, there
                         Executive Jets continues to make improvements upon the model with were 210 G280s in service with the fleet having accrued 2,56,200 flight
                         its transformation programme that lifts previously delivered Legacy hours and completed 1,59,000 landings.
                         450s and turns them effectively into the lat-                                                        Midsize jets are generally known to
                         est of Embraer’s model in the category, the                                                      have enough space for two pilots, a flight
                         Praetor 500. The transition from a 450 to a                                                      attendant, a service galley and an on-board
                         500 takes the Legacy’s upgraded range and                                                        lavatory, while some can even be outfitted
                         extends it even further to 3,340 nm (with                                                        with an enclosed shower and fold-out divans
                         four passengers and NBAA IFR reserves).                                                          along with Wi-Fi and phone capabilities
                              The Legacy 450 led the midsize jet mar-         Midsize private jets                        which makes them all the more preferable
                         ket with its fly-by-wire flight control system       can utilise smaller                         amongst customers. Additionally, midsize
                         when it debuted back in December 2015. The                                                       private jets can utilise smaller airports and
                         new Praetor 500, as claimed by Embraer, is              airports and are                         are more cost-efficient to operate especially
                         the world's most disruptive and technologi-          more cost-efficient                         in comparison with heavy jets. While above
                         cally advanced midsize business jet with its                                                     few are only some of the best options from
                                                                            to operate especially
Photograph: Gulfstream

                         remarkable range and incredible speed.                                                           a growing list of midsize jets (like Cessna
                                                                              in comparison with                          Citation Longitude, Beechcraft Hawker
                         Gulfstream G280
                         The year 2020 was also significant for the
                                                                             heavy      jets, adding       to             4000, Dassault Falcon 2000S, Gulfstream
                                                                                                                          G200, Sabreliner Sabre 60) the segment is
                         Gulfstream G280 as it hit its 200th deliv-              their efficiency.                        certainly a favourite among existing as well
                         ery milestone. The super-midsize twin jet,                                                       as new business aviation players. BAI

                                                                           BizAvIndia        | ISSUE 1 | 2021        11

                                        200th Delivery Milestone
                                        for G280 Amid Pandemic
                                                                                     Created to reimagine super-midsize
                                                                                     performance, the G280 makes nimble
                                By Ayushee chaudhary                               work of short runways, high-altitude
                                                                                     airports and low-visibility conditions

                                                                200TH GULFSTREAM G280 ENTERS SERVICE
Photograph: Gulfstream

                         12     BizAvIndia   | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                

“         eeing our accomplishments during such a stream G280 has also been configured as a command and control
          turbulent year gives us confidence in what we can achieve (C2) aircraft for the Philippine Air Force, handed over to them in
          in the coming years,” said Derek Zimmerman, President, 2020.
          Gulfstream Customer Support while reflecting back on the         Said to have been created to reimagine super-midsize perfor-
          challenging 2020 year and the notable work that the cus- mance, the G280 excels at blazing difficult trails. Certified for steep-
tomer support team of the aircraft company has done. One of the approach operations, it makes nimble work of short runways, high-
important highlights that the company pointed out from the last altitude airports and low-visibility conditions. Its revolutionary wing
year was the continuation of Gulfstream’s commitment to enhance design and engine technology result in prime fuel-efficiency—reduc-
productivity by equipping the Gulfstream G280 with high-speed, ing operating costs and supporting environmental sustainability, the
high-capacity Ka-band connectivity with Viasat’s in-flight connec- company states.
tivity system (IFC). Supplied through Viasat’s Global Aero Terminal        The G280 comes with a range of 3,600nm, and a long-range
5510 system, the IFC is available as a retrofit to current G280 opera- cruise speed of Mach 0.80. Gulfstream’s entry-level product features
tors, with service covering the contiguous US, the North Atlantic the Collins Pro Line Fusion-based PlaneView280 flightdeck, cer-
and Europe, and enables videoconferencing; TV, music and movie tificated for steep-approach operations, including the 5.5° approach
streaming; VPN connectivity; web browsing; and the ability to email angle and the ability to land on small runway like the short runway
large files, stated Gulfstream.                                        at London City airport in the UK. The aircraft also features an effi-
     The year was also significant for the                                                      cient aerodynamic design with a tip-to-tip
G280 as it hit its 200th delivery milestone                                                     wing, T-tail and high-thrust engines for
around mid-2020, described as “a tre-                                                           improved range and speed. Brake-by-wire
mendous milestone” in the history of the                                                        with auto braking, an anti-ice wing with no
Savannah, Georgia-based manufacturer by                                                         slats, and fly-by-wire spoilers and rudder
the company President Mark Burns. The                                                           are some of its other features.
super-midsize twin jet, Gulfstream G280                                                             The enhanced flight vision system
was launched in 2008 and entered service                                                        (EFVS) allows the pilot to land in low-
in 2012.                                                                                        visibility conditions, while the synthetic
     “Every Gulfstream model is distinctive                                                     vision-primary flight display offers the
and unique in its own way, and the G280 is                                                      three-dimensional graphics of terrain and
no different. As when it entered the mar-                                                       runways, which are displayed on the head-
ketplace in 2012, the G280’s combination                                                        up display (HUD) for enhanced situational
of superior performance, comfort, safety                                                        awareness.The company believes that
and efficiency puts it atop the mid-cabin                                                       their EFVS allows authorised pilots to land
class,”Burns had remarked.                                                                      without natural vision in low-visibility con-
     Gulfstream also announced last                                                             ditions, increasing access to airports and
month that the Federal Aviation Admin-                                                          reducing go-arounds. A Synthetic Vision-
istration (FAA) has confirmed that the                                                          Primary Flight Display, featuring 3D
super-midsize Gulfstream G280 meets the                                                         graphics of terrain and runways, further
certifying organisation’s recently inten-                                                       boosts pilots’ situational awareness.
sified noise standards. Known as Stage                   “Every Gulfstream                          There is also an attitude and heading
5, the standard lowers the noise limit for                                                      reference system (AHRS) which provides
subsonic aircraft. The G280’s noise emis-
                                                        model is distinctive                    heading and attitude data of the aircraft to
sions have always fallen below the levels              and unique in its own                    be used by the cockpit display system, the
now classified as Stage 5. Official approval              way, and the G280                     autopilot and the flight management sys-
to the Stage 5 noise standard ensures con-                                                      tem. The avionics is also integrated with
tinued operational flexibility at noise-sen-             is no different. As                    terrain awareness and warning system
sitive airports and those with time-of-day              when it entered the                     (TAWS) capability.
entry restrictions.
     “The Gulfstream team continues its                 marketplace in 2012,                    Cabin
commitment to the future of the G280 pro-             the G280’s combination                    The total interior length of the aircraft is
gramme, ensuring adherence to the most                                                          9.82m, featuring large panoramic windows
stringent standards, whether for safety,
                                                              of superior                       and a 120ft³ baggage compartment which
performance or noise emissions. Aircraft              performance, comfort,                     is considered to be among the largest in
noise abatement goals are vital to ensur-              safety and efficiency                    the industry in this segment. The tempera-
ing the livelihood of the aviation and aero-                                                    ture, entertainment, monitors, and light-
space industries and demonstrating our                  puts it atop the mid-                   ing through fingertip control is managed
efforts to be good neighbors to those who                     cabin class”                      by the cabin management system.
live or work near airfields, airports or flight                                                     Gulfstream highlights that each con-
paths,” said Burns.                                          — Gulfstream                       figuration supports a fully equipped galley,
     Demonstrating impressive agility in              President Mark Burns                      a generous baggage compartment and an
short-field takeoff and landing, the Gulf-                                                      airy lavatory featuring two windows and                                                           BizAvIndia     | ISSUE 1 | 2021       13

a full-size closet. With 100 per cent fresh air, natural light from 19
large oval windows and a low cabin altitude and comfortable seating                               Measurements
for up to 10 passengers in the customer’s choice of cabin configura-       Finished Cabin Height                                      1.85 m
tions are G280’s highlights.                                               Finished Cabin Width                                        2.11 m

Engines                                                                    Cabin Length (excluding baggage)                            7.87 m
The Gulfstream G280 comes with two Honeywell HTF7250G                      Total Interior Length                                      9.83 m
engines, each of which generate 7,445lb of take-off thrust, flat-
                                                                           Cabin Volume                                             26.48 cu m
rated to ISA +15 degrees C. The engines are built with dual-channel
Fadec, nacelles, and thrust reversers all in an integrated propulsion      Baggage Compartment Volume                                3.40 cu m
package.                                                                   Exterior Height                                            6.50 m
     With a wide-chord damperless fan measuring 34.2 inches (86.9
                                                                           Exterior Length                                            20.37 m
cm) in diameter, the HTF7000 series has a 4.4 bypass ratio. The
engine is part of the HTF7000 family with a dispatch reliability of        Overall Wingspan                                           19.20 m
99.96 per cent. It incorporates low emissions single annular combus-
tor for emissions reduction (SABER) technology to reduce carbon
and NOx emissions.
     The HTF7250G propulsion system, environmental and cabin               Maximum Range1                                                6,667 km
pressurisation control systems, aircraft lighting, SAHRS, aux-             High-Speed Cruise                                            Mach 0.84
iliary power unit (APU), and TAWS are provided by Honeywell
                                                                           Long-Range Cruise                                            Mach 0.80
                                                                           Maximum Operating Mach Number (Mmo)                          Mach 0.85
Flight Deck                                                                Takeoff Distance (SL, ISA, MTOW)                               1,448 m
The Gulfstream G280 features state-of-the-art Gulfstream Plan-
                                                                           Initial Cruise Altitude                                       13,106 m
eView 280 flight deck that comes with Collins Pro Line Fusion
integrated avionics system for improved situational awareness              Maximum Cruise Altitude                                       13,716 m
and decreased workload on the pilot. The PlaneViewG280 avi-                1
                                                                            NBAA IFR theoretical range at Mach 0.80 with 4 passengers, 2 crew and NBAA
onics are a big improvement over the Pro Line 21 avionics in the           IFR reserves. Actual range will be affected by ATC routing, operating speed,
G200, with three 15-inch (38-cm) displays providing much more              weather, outfitting options and other factors.
screen real estate.
    Believed to the industry-leading technology, the PlaneView280™
flight deck, is designed to augment situational awareness, reduce
workload and boost pilot efficiency. Similar to the large-cabin jets,      Maximum Take0ff                                               17,962 kg
the G280 is equipped with auto throttles and the same head-up dis-         Maximum Landing                                               14,832 kg
play and Kollsman enhanced vision system as the G650. The G280             Maximum Zero Fuel                                             12,791 kg
also provides synthetic vision is an option.                                                                       2
    The standby multifunctional controllers (SMCs) have many               Basic Operating (including 2 crew)                            10,954 kg
functions, including the ability to manage single-point refueling          Maximum Payload2                                               1,837 kg
from the cockpit, instead of having to access the refuel/defuel panel                                       2
                                                                           Maximum Payload/Full Fuel                                       454 kg
mounted aft of the fueling port. Other functions include PFD set-
tings, weather radar, chart selection, checklists, avionics configura-     Maximum Fuel                                                   6,622 kg
tions for each phase of flight, and more.                                  2
                                                                           Stated weights are based on theoretical standard outfiting configurations. Actual
    Overall, the G280 flight deck is thoroughly modern, uncluttered        weights will be affected by outfiting options and other factors.
and without too many switches and knobs.                                   Source: Gulfstream

Performance                                                               tifunction spoilers (the middle and outboard spoiler panels), and
The strong performance of the G280, especially the ability to fly         either flight control is sufficient for full lateral control. Elevators are
coast-to-coast in the United States at Mach 0.84 (3,000-nm/5,556-         hydraulically controlled via dual hydro-mechanical servo actuators,
km NBAA IFR range with four passengers) or even farther at Mach           one for each elevator, and each with dual push rods.
0.80 (3,600 nm/6,667 km, also with four passengers), has been much            The fly-by-wire rudder incorporates a thrust-compensation
appreciated by pilots.                                                    mode in case of engine failure, and this removes 80 per cent of the
    The G280 can climb directly to FL430 after taking off at its          rudder pedal force needed to maintain the proper trajectory on
39,600-pound mtow. Chief demo pilot Brett Rundle said he has              one engine.
climbed to FL430 in just 20 minutes at maximum weight.                        Weight-and-balance capabilities are generous on the G280. Even
    The G280 has a fuel-jettison system, something not found on any       with the large aft baggage compartment filled to its nearly 2,000-
other business jets (those that aren’t derived from airline airframes).   pound (907-kg) capacity, the G280 will stay within its CG limits with
This system can also be used for defueling via a special adapter that     no passengers onboard.
attaches to the jettison port mounted between the flaps and ailerons.         The G280 cabin door is electro-hydraulically actuated, an upgrade
    Ailerons are mechanically driven and supported by the mul-            from the G200’s electrically driven cable and reel system. BAI

14     BizAvIndia      | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                               

                                                                                                        Sustainability in
                                                                                                        the Pandemic
                                                                                                        and Future
                                                                                                           Business Aviation will have to adjust their
                                                                                                           business models to meet the increased
                                                                                                           needs for safety and the increased
                                                                                                           uncertainty in their revenue models

                                                                                                         By Bobby Chadha,
                                                                                                           Chairman and Managing Director
                                                                                                           SRC Aviation Pvt Ltd

                                    his past year 2020 has been a significant challenge for             Goa etc. have benefited from a rapid increase in charter flights.
                                    General Aviation industry. The Business Aviation sector usu-        It is our belief that as global companies ratchet up production to
                                    ally benefits from times of disruption because business trav-       meet a rapidly increasing demand for goods and services, busi-
                                    ellers turn to private charters to fill the gaps left by restric-   ness aviation will expand rapidly and could potentially have its
                                    tions on commercial aviation. But this time the Industry has        best year in 2021.
                           been severely affected because countries have completely locked                   I also feel that with the need for physical distancing new fly-
                           down international travel. Overall global business, year-on-year is          ers will enter the private aviation market. Corporate executives are
                           down around 70 per cent.                                                     more likely to shun commercial aviation and crowded airports for
                               As a result, many small companies have shut down operations.             the safety of private aviation. This has the potential to significantly
                           Those who ran a lean operation with low fixed overheads to revenue,          expand the overall market size.
                           and companies that were able to adjust business plans to alternative              Service companies related to Business Aviation will have to
                           verticals, have managed to adjust their business model and survive.          adjust their business models to meet the increased needs for safety
                           And while it is hard to predict the decisions of governments in differ-      and the increased uncertainty in their revenue models. New and sud-

                           ent countries, we now have a better understanding of the risks asso-         den lockdowns should be anticipated and therefore there is need for
                           ciated with this virus, and given the widespread and deep economic           service companies to manage their fixed expenses related to work-
                           hardship caused by the lockdown it does appear that countries are            force. Also, contingency plans must be put in place to allow employ-
                           beginning to open up.                                                        ees to work from home on tasks that do not involve direct customer
                               November and December have seen large increases in char-                 dealing. Companies will also have to brain storm new vertical lines of
                           ter traffic as demand grows for holiday travelling to exotic resort          revenue and diversify their business offerings. The ones that are able
                           locations. In South Central Asia, places like Maldives, Seychelles,          to best do that will survive. BAI

                                                                                  BizAvIndia     | ISSUE 1 | 2021        15

                                                                                                      The process of aircraft ownership is
                                                                                                      complex and JetHQ team of experts
                                                                                                      provide personalised service to help clients
                                                                                                      navigate this by bringing extensive aviation
                                                                                                      experience and real-time industry insight
                                                                                                      and analysis to each complex transaction

                                                                                                    By ROHIT KAPUR
                                                                                                       President, JetHQ Asia

                                     Making Aircraft Transactions
                                      Easier Around the Globe
                                     hen purchasing aircraft directly from a
                                     manufacturer, customers are used to a high level of ser-
                                     vice and the most information possible. Why shouldn’t
                                     buyers and sellers in the preowned market enjoy those
                                     same high standards?
                          That was the conclusion lifelong aviation professional Garett
                     Jerde came to, as well. So, he founded JetHQ (,
                     bringing together industry veterans and a team of aviation experts
                     and brokers, to make aircraft transactions easier for buyers and sell-
                     ers. To be the dedicated partner looking out for clients’ interests,
                     every step of the way.
                          Jerde began as a demonstration and ferry pilot, flying planes from
                     the middle of the United States to Singapore and Scotland to South
                     Africa. After he traded ferrying for the sales side of the business, he saw
                     first hand how unique the needs of clients were from one part of the
                     globe to another. Customers rely on experts who know the local culture,       Private Jets help achieving the business goals faster and better
                     can speak the language and successfully navigate complex regulations.
                          Chairman Ted Farid’s 50-year career in aviation combined all             jeev Choudhary, Vice President of Sales, who brings in decades of
                     of those attributes, having served in leadership positions for iconic         experience of aircraft sales; having formerly represented Eurocop-
                     manufacturers including Cessna, Bombardier Learjet and Hawker                 ter, Beechcraft and HondaJet in South Asia.
                     Beechcraft. In his decades of work, he built international relation-               Bringing a level of trust and acumen in aircraft transactions is
                     ships and broke barriers with new markets in Asia.                            what separates JetHQ from other brokers. Because the company has
                          Together, Jerde and Farid assembled sales experts who are lead-          sales specialists all over the globe, JetHQ is able to find the right aircraft
                     ers in their fields, and positioned exactly where they can be of great-       for clients to buy and open up entire market places of qualified buyers

                     est service to clients. That includes Rohit Kapur, President JetHQ            for those wishing to sell. JetHQ, a member of the International Aircraft
                     Asia, who is familiar in India as the Founder and former President            Dealers Association, has ramped up its presence throughout the world
                     of Business Aviation Operators Association (BAOA). He flew heli-              – including Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and the Americas – to
                     copters in the Indian Army for almost 20 years before founding and            meet its business growth. JetHQ’s unique selling proposition for air-
                     leading his own aircraft sales company. Rohit is ably assisted by San-        craft sales in India is the fact it is well versed with the local conditions,

                     16      BizAvIndia      | ISSUE 1 | 2021                                                 
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