YEAR IN REVIEW 2018 - Personal Care Products Council

Page created by Charles Moore
YEAR IN REVIEW 2018 - Personal Care Products Council
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YEAR IN REVIEW 2018 - Personal Care Products Council

       TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                              A MESSAGE FROM THE

                                                                                                                     PRESIDENT & CEO
                                                                                              For the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), 2018      These efforts are a prelude to what will be a very
   FROM                       AT A GLANCE                  FROM                 GOVERNMENT    was a year of significant achievement. It was a year     exciting 2019 as we prepare to celebrate PCPC's 125th
 PRESIDENT                                              BOARD CHAIR               POLICIES    that saw vigorous debate in the public policy arena      anniversary. Our industry contributes to the nations'
   & CEO                                                                                      as our industry worked with leading policymakers         health and well-being and plays a critical role in the
                                                                                              and advocacy groups to modernize state and federal       U.S. economy. We support millions of domestic jobs,
                                                                                              laws while working to ensure a fair and realistic        invest billions in research and development to drive
                                                                                              business environment for cosmetics and personal          innovation, and generate taxes to support services

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                                                                                              care companies.                                          and programs in the communities in which our
                                                                                                                                                       companies operate.
                                                                                              PCPC member companies manufacture, distribute
                                                                                              and supply the vast majority of products marketed in     Looking ahead, our industry remains steadfast in its
                ABOUT THE                     PROMOTING                  DRIVING              the U.S. Product safety, grounded in the best science    commitment to a healthy future, one that continues to
                PERSONAL                    SOUND SCIENCE             GLOBAL ACCESS
              CARE PRODUCTS                                                                   available, remained a top priority for our industry      be grounded in the best science available while also
                 INDUSTRY                                                                     in 2018.                                                 addressing sustainability priorities in all aspects of our
                                                                                                                                                       businesses. Together, with the millions of families who
                                                                                              To drive global access for our members’ products,        depend on our products, we look forward to a shared
                                                                                              PCPC worked to align domestic and international          future that helps to create a more beautiful world in
                                                                                              regulatory practices and eliminate trade barriers for    all its forms.

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                                                                                              cosmetics and personal care products sold worldwide.
                                                                                                                                                       Thank you to our member companies, sister associa-
                                                                                              Understanding that consumers, policymakers, regula-      tions, policymakers, regulators, NGOs, seasoned staff
                                                                                              tors, the news media and others want easily accessible   and other important stakeholders who share in our
MAINTAINING                   LOOK GOOD               LOOKING FORWARD:            BOARD OF    information, we revamped our association website,        commitment to provide consumers with access to
 CONSUMER                     FEEL BETTER               CELEBRATING              DIRECTORS    continued updating our science and safety resource —     safe products and exciting innovations.
CONFIDENCE                    FOUNDATION                  125 YEARS               & SENIOR — and leveraged traditional and
                                                         CREATING A              LEADERSHIP   social media to effectively communicate our industry’s
                                                       MORE BEAUTIFUL
                                                           WORLD                              commitment to safety, quality and innovation.

                                                                                                                                                       LEZLEE WESTINE
                                                                                                                                                       PRESIDENT & CEO
                                                                                                                                                       PE R S ONA L C A R E PR ODUC T S C OU NC I L

YEAR IN REVIEW 2018 - Personal Care Products Council
YEAR IN REVIEW 2018      PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS COUNCIL                                                        PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS COUNCIL   YEAR IN REVIEW 2018

        AT A GLANCE
                                                            “ WHEREVER YOU GO, IT IS
        Since 1894, the Personal Care                        EASY TO SEE THE IMPACT
                                                           PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS
        Products Council (PCPC) has
        served as the leading national
        trade association representing the
        most trusted and beloved brands
        in beauty and personal care.                         HAVE IN ENRICHING THE
        Headquartered in Washington,                           LIVES OF CONSUMERS.
                                                              OUR COMPANIES STRIVE
        D.C., PCPC advocates on behalf
        of its 600 member companies to
        promote an effective and
        pragmatic regulatory environment
        that enables companies to                           TO EXCEED THE NEEDS OF
        manufacture, distribute and
        supply safe products to families                    GLOBAL CONSUMERS AND
                                                          HELP THEM FEEL CONFIDENT
        around the world who trust and
        enjoy them every day. Sound
        science is the foundation for
        everything we do.
                                                               IN THE SAFETY OF THE
        We engage with a variety of
        stakeholders —policymakers,
        regulators, nongovernmental
                                                               PRODUCTS THEY USE.”
        organizations (NGOs), retail
        partners and the news media —
                                                                                 G E O R G E C A LV E RT
        to share the industry’s perspective                      CHAIR OF THE BOARD, PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS COUNCIL
        and educate about the complexity                                  A M WAY C H I E F S U P P LY C H A I N O F F I C E R
        and scientific sophistication
        behind our products and the
        importance of harmonizing
        global regulation of our industry.
        As we celebrate our 125th
        anniversary in 2019, we stand
        united and resolute in our
        commitment to safety, quality
        and innovation.

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                       MODERNIZING GOVERNMENT POLICIES                                                                                                                                                    SUN UCATE
                       PCPC represents the industry at          FEDERAL                     CALIFORNIA                 PROTECTED JOBS              VOC RULES:                 CALIFORNIA
                       the federal, state and local levels on   COSMETICS                   ANIMAL TESTING                                         FRAGRANCE                  PROFESSIONAL                PCPC partners with the American Academy
                                                                REFORM                      LAW                                                    EXEMPTION                  PRODUCTS                    of Dermatology (AAD) and the American
                       issues of interest to the cosmetics                                                             PCPC prevented more
                                                                                                                                                                              LABELING BILL
                       and personal care sector.                                                                       than 300 pieces of                                                                 Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association
                                                                Negotiations with the       PCPC worked with                                       PCPC successfully                                      (ASDSA) on the SUNucate program, in
                                                                                                                       legislation in more than
                                                                Senate HELP Committee       a broad coalition to                                   advocated for the Ozone    PCPC supported              collaboration with the National Council on
                       Major federal priorities we continue                                                            30 states that would have
                                                                and other key legislators   build an integrated,                                   Transport Commission       California Assembly Bill    Skin Cancer Prevention. This public health
                       to champion include Congressional                                                               negatively impacted
                                                                to develop a meaningful     multifaceted strategy                                  to amend its Model         2775, which ensures         initiative spreads awareness about the
                       funding for the U.S. Food & Drug                                                                the industry—including
                                                                approach to cosmetics       to reach a compromise                                  VOC Rule to include an     ingredient information      importance of sun-protective behaviors
                       Administration’s (FDA) Office                                                                   more than 50 in New York
                                                                reform continued.           on SB 1249, the                                        exemption for personal     for professional use        and removes barriers that prohibit access to
                       of Cosmetics and Colors and                                                                     alone—and jeopardized
                                                                As part of our ongoing      California Cruelty-Free                                fragrance products. This   cosmetics is readily        important sun-protective measures, such as
                       modernizing FDA's regulatory                                                                    thousands of industry
                                                                commitment toward           Cosmetics Act, which,                                  change helped ensure       available to every salon    sunscreen and sun-protective clothing.
                       authority over cosmetics and                                                                    jobs nationwide.
                                                                modernization, PCPC         beginning January 1,                                   our members’ products      employee and customer
                       personal care products.
                                                                and its member              2020, bans unnecessary     OVER-THE-                   remain compliant with      after July 1, 2020.         The initiative’s centerpiece is the SUNucate
                                                                companies supported         animal testing while       COUNTER (OTC)               VOC restrictions and       This bill is consistent     model legislation, aimed at guaranteeing
                       We advocated for cosmetics                                                                      MONOGRAPH
                                                                a set of principles         continuing to protect                                  align VOC regulations      with our industry’s long-   children have unbarred access to sun
                       regulatory reform legislation,                                                                  REFORM
                                                                to guide bipartisan         human health and                                       in a dozen northeastern    standing commitment to      protection while at school or camp. Also
                       which went before the U.S. Senate
                                                                legislative action.         California jobs.                                       states in the U.S.         transparency and safety,    titled as the Reducing Cancer and Excessive
                       Health, Education, Labor and                                                                    We supported
                                                                We look forward to                                                                                            demonstrated by our         UV Exposure in Children Act, the model
                       Pensions (HELP) Committee.                                           GREEN                      over-the-counter (OTC)
                                                                continuing to work with                                                                                       voluntary program to        legislation allows students and participants
                       We continue to collaborate with                                      CHEMISTRY                  drug monograph reform
                                                                legislators and other                                                                                         proactively provide this    in youth camps to possess and use a
                       a diverse group of interested                                                                   legislation that would
                                                                stakeholders to create                                                                                        information.                topical sunscreen product while on school
                       parties and key stakeholders on                                      In keeping with our        streamline the OTC
                                                                a more modernized                                                                                                                         or camp property or at an event or activity
                       this important legislation.                                          commitment to safety,      approval process while
                                                                regulatory system.                                                                                                                        sponsored by the school or camp without
                                                                                            PCPC successfully          allowing companies
                       State and local governments                                                                     to continue to innovate.                                                           a physician’s note or prescription.
                                                                                            protected consumer
                       increasingly make policy decisions                                   choice by ensuring no
                       that have a global impact, affecting                                                                                                                                               This initiative is in response to reports of
                                                                                            personal care products
                       a wide range of industries, including                                                                                                                                              schools prohibiting students from possessing
                                                                                            were listed in 2018 as
                       the personal care and cosmetics                                                                                                                                                    sunscreen due to its classification as an
                                                                                            a “priority product”
                       sectors. Legislation ranges from                                                                                                                                                   over-the-counter medication. To date,
                                                                                            under California’s Safer
                       product and ingredient bans to                                                                                                                                                     17 states have passed SUNucate-related
                                                                                            Consumer Products Law.
                       intellectual property threats. PCPC                                                                                                                                                measures, with several other states pending
                       advocates, through strategic                                                                                                                                                       action; 49 medical associations, patient
                       partnerships, for policies based                                                                                                                                                   organizations and industry partners have
                       on sound science.                                                                                                                                                                  also signed on in support of these efforts.

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YEAR IN REVIEW 2018   PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS COUNCIL                                                                                       PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS COUNCIL      YEAR IN REVIEW 2018

                                                                                                                       SENATOR RICARDO LARA,
                                                                                                                       MANDY LEE AND
                                                                                                                       MIKE THOMPSON,
                                                                                                                       CALIFORNIA LOBBY DAY
                                         FLY-IN                         LEZLEE WESTINE,
                                                                        LINDA MARSHALL
                                                                        AND MARK POLLACK,
                                                                        ANNUAL MEETING                                                                            ABOUT THE
                                                                                                                                            ALEX KOWCZ,           PERSONAL
                                                                                                                                            CHIEF SCIENTIST,
                                                                                            LEZLEE WESTINE                                  ADDRESSES

                                                                                            AND SENIOR TEAM,                                SACRAMENTO
                                                                                            WASHINGTON REPORT,                              POLICY MAKERS
                                                                                            ANNUAL MEETING

                                                                                                                                                                  PCPC is the leading national
                                                                                                                                                                  trade association representing
                                                                                                                                                                  cosmetics and personal care
                                                                                                                                                                  products companies and serving
                                                                                                                                                                  as the voice on scientific, legal,
                                                                                                                                                                  regulatory, legislative and
                                                                                                                                                                  international issues for the
                                                                                                                                                                  global industry.

                                                                                                                                                                  PCPC’s 600 member companies
                                                                                                                                                                  represent more than 90 percent
                                                                                                                                                                  of the U.S. industry and are some
                                                                                                                                                                  of the most beloved and trusted
                                                                                                                                                                  brands in beauty and personal
                                                                                                                                                                  care today. As global leaders
                                                                                                                 FRANCINE LAMORIELLO,                             committed to product safety,
                                                                                                                 CAFFCI CHAIRMAN SHAOJUN                          quality and innovation, cosmetics
                                                                                                                 CHEN AND ANNIE WAN,
                                                                                                                 ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                                                                                                                  companies manufacture, distribute
                                                                                                                                                                  and supply the vast majority of
                                                                                                                                                                  products marketed in the U.S.

                                                                                                                                                                  Four strategic priorities guide
                                                                                                                                                                  the association’s work on behalf
                                                                                                                                                                  of its members:

                       GEORGE CALVERT,                                                                                                                            • Modernizing government
                       BOARD CHAIR                                                                                                                                  policies
                                                                                                                                                                  • Promoting sound science
                                                       THIA BREEN, GEORGE CALVERT,                                                                                • Driving global access
                                                       ALEX KEITH AND LISA POWERS,
                                                                                                                                                                  • Maintaining consumer
                                                       BEAUTY EDITORS BRIEFING,
                                                       ANNUAL MEETING                                                                                               confidence

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PROMOTING SOUND SCIENCE                                                                                                                                  COSMETIC
                                                                                                                                                         REVIEW EXPERT
PCPC provides critical support                                                                GMP WORKSHOP
to the industry through a number
                                                                                                                            NEW METHODS
                                                                                                                            IN SAFETY                    PANEL
                                   SAFETY                                                                                   ASSESSMENT
of efforts and resources that                                                                 PCPC conducted a
support cosmetics and personal                                  PCPC Science                  Good Manufacturing
                                   PCPC launched a              Committees completed                                        PCPC science staff,
care products safety and build                                                                Practices (GMP) work-                                      The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR)            In 2018, the CIR Expert Panel issued 17 final
                                   multipronged global          two new Guidelines:                                         FDA officials and other
consumer confidence in our                                                                    shop in Los Angeles,                                       Expert Panel is an independent, nonprofit       reports on 278 ingredients, concluding 68
                                   environmental initiative     Investigating Microbial                                     cosmetics regulators met
companies’ products.                                                                          co-facilitated by                                          scientific body that was established in 1976    were safe as used, 180 ingredients were
                                   examining the                Data Deviations and                                         to advance acceptance
                                                                                              industry leaders, FDA's                                    to assess the safety of cosmetics ingredients   safe with qualifications and 30 ingredients
                                   environmental risk           Process Verification,                                       of non-animal methods
                                                                                              Director of the Office of                                  used in the U.S. PCPC initiated the CIR         had insufficient data to determine safety.
                                   assessment of cosmetics      which support                                               to assess cosmetics
                                                                                              Pharmaceutical Quality                                     program at the suggestion and with the          Since its inception in 1976, CIR has reviewed
                                   ingredients. Beginning       the industry’s goal                                         safety. Working within the
                                                                                              Operations and several                                     support of the Food and Drug Administration     5,556 ingredients for safety.
                                   with the development of      for excellence in                                           International Cooperation
                                                                                              compliance officers.                                       (FDA) and Consumer Federation of America
                                   a computational model        manufacturing.                                              on Cosmetics Regulations
                                                                                              The workshop provided                                      (CFA). The Expert Panel is comprised of
                                   for risk screening, the                                                                  (ICCR) framework,
                                                                                              educational outreach                                       world-renowned scientists and physicians
                                   Global Environmental         FDA QUALITY                                                 the meeting resulted
                                                                                              and promoted PCPC’s                                        who have been publicly nominated by
                                   Safety Science Project       METRICS                                                     in the 2018 publication
                                                                REPORTING                     partnership on science                                     consumer, scientific and medical groups;
                                   Team also funded                                                                         of principles under-
                                                                                              and regulatory issues.                                     government agencies; and industry.
                                   research examining the                                                                   pinning the use of new
                                                                PCPC, the Consumer
                                   potential effects of UV                                    VOLUNTARY                     methodologies in risk
                                                                Health Products                                                                          Representatives from FDA, CFA and PCPC
                                   filters on the environment                                 FRAGRANCE                     assessment. These
                                                                Association (CHPA) and        ALLERGEN
                                                                                                                                                         serve as non-voting liaisons to the Panel
                                   and prepared a review                                                                    principles have been
                                                                FDA conducted a joint         DISCLOSURE                                                 and are actively involved in the comment
                                   paper concluding                                                                         the subject of several
                                                                webinar about FDA’s                                                                      and discussion process. Panel members
                                   microplastics do not                                                                     workshops advancing
                                                                Quality Metrics initiative,   PCPC developed                                             must meet the same conflict of interest
                                   pose an unacceptable                                                                     their adoption by
                                                                providing an important        and submitted to FDA                                       requirements regarding financial interests as
                                   environmental risk.                                                                      international regulatory
                                                                update on the status of       a commitment to                                            special non-government advisory experts
                                                                FDA’s metrics reporting       voluntarily disclose                                       to FDA.
                                                                program, which impacts        allergens, which is
                                                                OTC products manufac-         aligned with the industry’s                                For more than 40 years, CIR has examined
                                                                turers. The recent FDA        global principles and                                      and evaluated worldwide published and
                                                                initiative provides an        provides consumers                                         unpublished scientific safety data for a
                                                                opportunity to educate        with accurate, credible                                    majority of ingredients used in cosmetics
                                                                FDA about challenges          and reliable information.                                  and personal care products. Meeting four
                                                                and opportunities                                                                        times a year in Washington, D.C., the Panel
                                                                companies face                                                                           conducts those evaluations in an open and
                                                                implementing quality                                                                     expert manner.
                                                                metrics reporting.

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                                                       ANNUAL MEETING

                                                                        DRIVING GLOBAL ACCESS

                                                                        PCPC’s Global Strategies program      US-MEXICO-CANADA             CHINA                         TARIFFS                      cosmetics products
                                                                        focuses on harmonizing interna-       AGREEMENT                                                                               and inputs, and testified
                                                                        tional cosmetics regulations and                                   Following several years       PCPC mounted a strong        at a public hearing to
                                                                        eliminating trade barriers that                                    of industry advocacy,         advocacy campaign to         highlight the importance
                                                                                                              PCPC’s advocacy
                                                                        hinder our industry’s access to                                    the Chinese government        oppose the use of tariffs    of U.S.-China trade to
                                                                                                              resulted in a highly
                                                                        consumers abroad. Working with                                     made significant              as a means of addressing     our industry.
                                                                                                              successful Cosmetics
                                                                        international sister associations                                  progress in finalizing its    international trade
                                                                                                              Annex in the update
                                                                        and regulators globally, PCPC                                      cosmetics regulatory          concerns. In response to     We expect that advocating
                                                                                                              to NAFTA. Commitments
                                                                        promotes best practices in                                         reform framework. The         the U.S. administration’s    free trade and open
                                                                                                              by all three governments
                                                                        cosmetics regulations and assists                                  most recent draft of the      announcement in May of       markets will continue to
                                                                                                              go further than what
                                                                        member companies entering                                          law confirmed PCPC’s          increased tariffs on steel   be a priority for PCPC
                                                                                                              was achieved in the
                                                                        foreign markets. The Global                                        objectives for a more         and aluminum products,       in 2019 and beyond.
                                                                                                              Trans-Pacific Partnership
                                                                        Strategies team manages a                                          modern approach to            PCPC met with U.S.
                                                                                                              (TPP) and will result in
                                                                        number of programs to engage                                       cosmetics regulation that     policymakers in the
                                                                                                              immediate, significant
                                                                        international regulators and assist                                will simplify notification    executive branch and
                                                                                                              commercial benefit for
                                                                        our members in complying with                                      and registration require-     Congress; coordinated
                                                                                                              U.S. exports of OTC-like
                                                                        international laws.                                                ments, facilitate the use     action with sister
                                                                                                              products to Canada.
                                                                                                                                           of new ingredients, and       associations in Europe,
                                                                                                              In particular, Canada
                                                                                                                                           address discriminatory        Canada and elsewhere
                                                                                                              committed to eliminate
                                                                                                                                           requirements for imported     to oppose retaliatory
                                                                                                              current requirements
                                                                                                                                           non-special use products.     tariffs on U.S. cosmetics
                                                                                                              for quarantine and
                                                                                                                                           It is expected the frame-     and personal care
                                                                                                              retesting of OTC products
                                                                                                                                           work law will be finalized    products; and joined
                                                                                                              at the border – the most
                                                                                                                                           and ratified by China’s       a broad business
                                                                                                              significant barrier to
                                                                                                                                           State Council early in        coalition effort aimed
                                                                                                              trade for U.S. exporters.
                                                                                                                                           2019. We will continue        at overturning the tariff
                                                                                                              This requirement adds
                                                                                                                                           advocacy to improve           measures. PCPC also
                                                                                                              approximately $100,000
                                                                                                                                           several specific areas of     strongly opposed
                                                                                                              per SKU per year to the
                                                                                                                                           the draft law and engage      separate U.S. measures
                                                                                                              cost of placing affected
                                                                                                                                           with Chinese regulators       that increased tariffs on
                                                                                                              products on the Canadian
                                                                                                                                           on critical implementing      imports from China. In
                                                                                                              market. Eliminating this
                                                                                                                                           regulations that will be      August, PCPC submitted
                                                                                                              barrier would result in an
                                                                                                                                           necessary to realizing        formal comments to the
                                                                                                              approximate savings of
                                                                                                                                           the benefits of the reform.   U.S. Trade Representative
                                                                                                              more than $102 million
                                                                                                                                                                         highlighting the negative
                                                                                                                                                                         impact of proposed U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                         measures on trade in

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                                                                                                                                                                                    PERSONAL CARE
                                                                                                                                                                                    PRODUCTS COUNCIL'S
                                                                                                                                                                                    NEW WEBSITE


PCPC remains a trusted, respected        WEBSITE                      TRADITIONAL                   More than 1.5 million       INTEGRATED
voice and advocate for the personal      REDESIGN                     MEDIA AND DIGITAL             sessions were generated     CAMPAIGNS
care products industry. Staff informs,                                                              by 1.1 million users
                                         More and more,                                                                         PCPC combined internal
engages and acts as a credible                                                                      on our science and
                                         consumers look for           We continued to engage                                    resources – including
source of information for key                                                                       safety resource—
                                         reliable information about   on social media to                                        Communications &
stakeholders including consumers,                                                         
                                         the products they use.       promote the industry’s                                    Public Affairs, State
regulators, policy makers, media                                                                    This comprehensive
                                         Our newly redesigned         scientific rigor and                                      Government Affairs,
and non-governmental organiza-                                                                      database provides
                                         website provides easily      commitment to product                                     Legal, Science and
tions (NGOs). In 2018, we made                                                                      information on cosmetics
                                         accessible, accurate         safety and help educate                                   Global Strategies –
important strides educating                                                                         and personal care
                                         and credible information     about our member                                          to develop, drive and
about the industry’s commitment                                                                     products – how they
                                         about the industry’s         companies' Corporate                                      execute integrated
to safe and innovative products                                                                     work, data to corroborate
                                         innovation and scientific    Social Responsibility (CSR)                               strategies to support
and PCPC’s contributions to our                                                                     safety and science
                                         sophistication, featuring    and philanthropic efforts.                                legislative efforts. These
nation’s economic and social                                                                        behind commonly used
                                         a modern design and                                                                    campaigns included
well-being.                                                                                         ingredients. Developed
                                         improved user experience.    We responded to complex                                   extensive coalition
                                                                                                    and maintained by
                                         The new site officially      media inquiries on                                        building, message and
                                                                                                    scientists and subject-
                                         launched in January 2019.    a variety of topics,                                      materials development,
                                                                                                    matter experts,
                                                                      engaging with national                                    and earned and paid
                                                                                           is a
                                                                      and international media                                   media strategies.
                                                                                                    trusted resource visited
                                                                      outlets to inform coverage
                                                                                                    by millions of women,
                                                                      about our products and
                                                                                                    men and families around
                                                                      our industry. The result
                                                                                                    the world each year.
                                                                      reflected industry's
                                                                      perspective and
                                                                      positioned PCPC as a
                                                                      credible source and
                                                                      resource. Most notable is
                                                                      a comprehensive article
                                                                      in USA Today addressing
                                                                      product and ingredient
                                                                      safety and giving
                                                                      significant opportunity for
                                                                      PCPC and CIR experts to
                                                                      provide comment.

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As part of the industry's philanthropic efforts, PCPC established   THE LOOK GOOD                accessibility and broaden   BENEFIT'S BOLD
the Look Good Feel Better Foundation (the Foundation) in 1989,      FEEL BETTER                  reach beyond hospitals      IS BEAUTIFUL
which pioneered the Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) program.                                        and cancer centers.
This groundbreaking public service initiative improves the                                                                   In May, the Foundation
                                                                    Introduced in October
quality of life, self-esteem and confidence of people with                                       WALGREENS                   partnered once again
                                                                    to provide the framework     PARTNERSHIP
cancer by helping them manage the appearance-related side                                                                    with Benefit Cosmetics
                                                                    for the program’s new
effects of cancer treatment. LGFB has served 1 million women                                                                 and their Bold Is Beautiful
                                                                    delivery structure and       The Foundation
in the United States alone since its founding. In addition to                                                                campaign. The month-
                                                                    broadened delivery           collaborated with
providing financial support, the cosmetics industry donates                                                                  long campaign donates
                                                                    channels, the Alliance       Walgreens and the
millions of dollars in products used by participants in the                                                                  the proceeds of brow
                                                                    is a nationwide network      Cancer Support
program each year.                                                                                                           waxing services at Benefit
                                                                    of diverse organizations     Community to pilot and
                                                                                                                             boutiques and their
                                                                    and individuals united       launch Walgreens’ Feel
The program is offered in collaboration with the Professional                                                                retail partner locations
                                                                    through a common             More Like You initiative,
Beauty Association. In addition to the U.S. LGFB program, the                                                                (Sephora, Sephora
                                                                    mission to support           which offers support
Foundation oversees a global network of 26 licensed affiliates                                                               inside JCPenney, ULTA
                                                                    women in cancer              to cancer patients who
that deliver LGFB programs in countries across the globe.                                                                    and Macy's) across the
                                                                    treatment through the        visit their pharmacies
Collectively, the 27-country network has served 2 million                                                                    country to six charitable
                                                                    delivery of the LGFB         during treatment, based
people living with cancer on six continents.                                                                                 partners, including LGFB.
                                                                    program. The Alliance        on proprietary content
                                                                    creates an enhanced          developed by the            LORD & TAYLOR
                                                                    relationship with hospital   Foundation.                 CHARITY DAY
                                                                    delivery partners at the
                                                                                                 LGFB LIVE!
                                                                    community level.                                         For the third year, LGFB
                                                                                                 WORKSHOP                    was selected as the
                                                                    A modern and efficient       PILOT                       charitable recipient of
                                                                    software infrastructure                                  Lord & Taylor’s January
                                                                    is being developed to        The Foundation piloted      all-store Charity Day.
                                                                    support many of the          Look Good Feel Better       This shopping event
                                                                    program’s previously         Live! Virtual Workshops,    raised significant funds
                                                                    manual processes and         which provide valuable      for LGFB and educated
                                                                    moves all volunteer and      LGFB information to         sales associates in all
                                                                    delivery partner training    women who may have          Lord & Taylor stores
                                                                    online for on-demand         difficulty getting to a     about the program’s
                                                                    access, allowing for         group workshop, don’t       charitable work.
                                                                                                                                                           LORD & TAYLOR
                                                                    automation of many           have one close by or                                      CHARITY DAY
                                                                    program processes.           prefer to have more
                                                                    The Alliance structure       scheduling flexibility.
                                                                    also includes expanding
                                                                    delivery to improve
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
YEAR IN REVIEW 2018 - Personal Care Products Council

                                                                                                              BOARD OF DIRECTORS & SENIOR LEADERSHIP
                  LOOKING FORWARD
                                         CELEBRATING 125 YEARS CREATING                                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                                       EX OFFICIO DIRECTORS
                                            A MORE BEAUTIFUL WORLD
                                                                                                              ALVARO ALONSO                CHRIS GOOD                    BART PRINS                    SEAN BRODERICK
                                                                                                              BEIERSDORF N.A.              THE ESTÉE LAUDER COMPANIES    CHURCH & DWIGHT CO, INC.      PROCTER & GAMBLE

                                                                                                                                                                                                       JOHN HUMPHREYS
                              The Personal Care Products Council will honor the past and celebrate            SCOTT BEATTIE 		DAVID GREENBERG                            CHRIS SAYNER
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PROCTER & GAMBLE
                                                                                                              REVLON                       L'ORÉAL USA                   CRODA, INC.
                              our future as we recognize our 125th anniversary in 2019. Our industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                       JACK LINARD
                              was built by entrepreneurs with very different backgrounds, skills, means       SHAWN BLYTHE                 JOHN HAZLIN                   GEORGE SCHAEFFER
                                                                                                              INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS &      COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY     ALOXXI INTERNAIONAL
                              and countries of origin. They included icons like Elizabeth Arden, a            FRAGRANCES INC.                                            CORPORATION
                              nurse whose red lipstick became a trademark of the women’s suffrage                                          DAVID HOLL 		                                               LAUREN PAIGE
                                                                                                              DANYELLE BOILARD-PAUL        MARY KAY INC.                 JEFF SMITH                    L’ORÉAL USA
                              movement, and Estée Lauder, who started her own company after learning          CLARINS GROUP USA, INC.                                    JOHNSON & JOHNSON
                              to make beauty products from her chemist uncle. Annie Turnbo Malone,                                         JANE IREDALE
                                                                                                                                                                         CONSUMER PRODUCTS             ANTHONY SANTINI
                                                                                                              ESI EGGLESTON BRACEY                                                                     COMBE INCORPORATED
                              an orphan, and Madam C.J. Walker, a child of slaves, both built successful                                   IREDALE MINERAL
                                                                                                              UNILEVER N.A.                COSMETICS LTD.                ANDREW STANLEICK
                              beauty companies making products for African-American women and                                                                            COTY INC.

                              went on to become America’s first female, self-made millionaires. Mary          GEORGE CALVERT               PAUL IRELAND
                                                                                                              (BOARD CHAIR)                TAKASAGO INTERNATIONAL        JAMES MILLER THORNTON
                              Kay Ash started her company to create a more beautiful life for women           AMWAY                        CORPORATION (USA)             BAYER CONSUMER HEALTH         SENIOR LEADERSHIP
                              and provide them the opportunity for personal and financial success.
                                                                                                              MARIA CHICLANA               INGRID JACKEL                 RICHARD TOLIN
                              As an industry created by women for women, our member companies                 SHISEIDO AMERICAS CORP.      YES TO, INC.                  LUBRIZOL PERSONAL CARE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LEZLEE WESTINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PRESIDENT & CEO
                              continue to empower and promote female leadership, including efforts
                                                                                                              KEECH COMBE SHETTY           ALEX KEITH                    HERVE TOUTAIN
                              to ensure a more inclusive workplace.                                           COMBE INCORPORATED           PROCTER & GAMBLE              L'ORÉAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                       KRISTEN BOGENRIEF
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EVP, FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION

                                                                                                              ANDREA D’AVACK               LINDA R. MARSHALL             JERRY VITTORIA
                              During the next 125 years and well beyond, our industry will remain             CHANEL, INC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       JOHN HURSON
                                                                                                                                           ELYSÉE SCIENTIFIC COSMETICS   FIRMENICH INTERNATIONAL SA
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EVP, GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS
                              steadfast in its commitment to a healthy future, one that is grounded in
                              the best science available and addresses sustainability priorities in all       TERRY DARLAND                FELIX MAYR-HARTING            HEATHER B. WALLACE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ALEXANDRA KOWCZ
                                                                                                              PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR       GIVAUDAN FRAGRANCES           HENKEL CONSUMER GOODS, INC.
                              aspects of our businesses. Consumer demand for trust, transparency,                                          CORPORATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EVP, SCIENCE & CHIEF SCIENTIST

                              authenticity and generosity has never been greater. Over the next year,         ROBERT J. EDMONDS                                          JOSEPH WORKMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                       FRANCINE LAMORIELLO
                                                                                                              KOLMAR LABORATORIES, INC.    ADEL MEKHAIL                  KAO USA, INC.
                              PCPC will embark on a sustainability initiative that engages key stakeholders                                EDGEWELL PERSONAL CARE, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EVP, GLOBAL STRATEGIES

                              and reaffirms our commitment to making our communities better.                  LYNN EMMOLO
                                                                                                                                                                                                       TOM MYERS
                                                                                                              RODAN + FIELDS               JACK NETHERCUTT
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EVP, GENERAL COUNSEL
                                                                                                                                           MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS
                              Together, with the millions of consumers worldwide who trust and depend         MICHELLE FREYRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       MARK POLLAK
                              on our products every day, we look forward to a shared future grounded in       JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER   GREGORY POLCER
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SR. EVP & CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER
                                                                                                              PRODUCTS                     THE ESTÉE LAUDER COMPANIES
                              safety, quality and innovation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LISA POWERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EVP, PUBLIC AFFAIRS &

                                                                                                                                                                                                       LOUANNE ROARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, LOOK GOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                                       FEEL BETTER FOUNDATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                       *AS OF 12/31/18

T 202.331.1770
F 202.331.1969
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