Page created by Ronald Aguilar

Year-End Highlights   2022

    Mary Kay Inc. &
    Mary Kay Ash Foundation                                                      SM

    2022 Year-End
    Cue the pink fireworks: Mary Kay Inc. is celebrating its annual
    accomplishments. Throughout 2022, the iconic global entrepreneurship
    company has furthered its innovations in skin science, continued its
    sustainability and social impact efforts, and garnered prestigious awards
    for its business and leadership. It’s a thing of beauty and proof that the
    nearly 60-year-old brand continues its leadership position for women
    around the world.

2                                                                                                3
Year-End Highlights   2022

     “There are three types of
       people in this world:
        those who make things
      happen, those who watch
    things happen, and those who
       wonder what happened.
                                   Table of Contents
    We all have a choice.
    You can decide which type of
       person you want to be.      6    2022 Awards & Highlights Snapshot

      I have always                     ETHOS & ECOSYSTEM: Business Excellence

    chosen to be in the
                                        PURPOSE & SOCIAL IMPACT: Catalyst For Change

                                   23   SUSTAINABILITY & ESG: Enriching Lives Today For A Sustainable Tomorrow

       first group.”

4                                                                                                                       5
AWARDS &                                            CORPORATE AWARDS                                           RECOGNITION

                                                    40                                                         6

HIGHLIGHTS                                                                 TOTAL                                                MENTIONS IN
                                                                           AWARDS                                               ANNUAL
SNAPSHOT                                                                                                                       REPORTS
                                                     14            EMPLOYER
                                                      RECOGNIZING MARY KAY AS A GREAT PLACE TO
                                                      WORK AND FOR OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE
                                                                                                               FROM SOCIAL IMPACT AND SUSTAINABILITY PARTNERS

                                                                            11            LEADERSHIP

                                       MILESTONE      FOR MARY KAY’S C-SUITE AND SENIOR LEADERSHIP

                            A RS                      10 AWARDS   SOCIAL IMPACT

                        Y E                            RECOGNIZING MARY KAY AS A PURPOSE-DRIVEN COMPANY

                                                                                 5      COMPANY
                                                      MARY KAY FOR
                                                                                                               TRANSPARENCY & ADVOCACY
               I NESS              MARKET

                                                      EXCELLENCE                                               THROUGH SELF-REPORTING
         B U S
    IN    est.   1963
                                   ANNIVERSARIES    THOUGHT LEADERSHIP                                                                  SELF-RELEASED
                                                    FOR MARY KAY EXECUTIVES AND MANAGEMENT

                                                      13             SPEAKING

                                                                                                                 REINFORCING MARY KAY’S OPERATIONAL AND
                                                                     ENGAGEMENTS                                 PHILANTHROPIC EFFORTS SUPPORTING ITS
                                                                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY COMMITMENTS FOR ITS ENRICHING LIVES
                                                      RAISING AWARENESS FOR WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT                  TODAY FOR A SUSTAINABLE TOMORROW STRATEGY.

                                   NEARLY             AND EQUALITY, SUPPLIER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION,
                                                      WATER CONSERVATION, AND ACCESS TO EDUCATION.             SUSTAINABILITY & ESG

                                                    PURPOSE & SOCIAL IMPACT

                                                    21            RESEARCH GRANTS
                                                                  SUPPORTING GIRLS IN SCIENCE, CANCER
                                                                  RESEARCH AND WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT.                                        FILM

                                        COUNTRIES                RESEARCH STUDIES
                                                                 ABOUT GENDER-RESPONSIVE PROCUREMENT
                                                                 AND GEOGRAPHIC STUDIES ON WOMEN’S
                                                                 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES.

6                                                                                                                                                                           7
Year-End Highlights   2022

    ETHOS &
    Mary Kay was founded nearly 60 years ago with three goals:
    entrepreneurship empowerment for women, offer innovative products,
    and make the world a better place. That dream has blossomed into a
    multibillion-dollar company with 4,500 employees worldwide in nearly
    40 countries. To support its employees and operations, Mary Kay’s global
    headquarters is located in Dallas, Texas, USA. However, its footprint
    includes two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, five regional
    headquarters, five regional distribution centers, 52 beauty centers, and 28
    market satellite offices around the world.

8                                                                                                  9
A Great Place to Work                                     Development Platform Employer” by China           •   Milestone Anniversaries for Mary Kay Markets:     Product Development
•    Ranked #8 on’s list of “The                Business Journal.                                      5th Anniversary: Mary Kay Peru                  •   Received Gold Stevie award for “COVID: Most
     Companies Employees Don’t Want to Leave”.        •   Mary Kay China awarded the “Best Companies                (September 1, 2017)                               Valuable Product” for its hand sanitizer at the
     Other companies included: Virgin Atlantic,           Prime Employers for Women Gold Award from              25th Anniversary: Mary Kay Czech                    20th Annual American Business Awards.
     Merck & Co. and Thomson Reuters.                     sHero                                                     Republic (September 13, 1997)
•    Ranked #10 on Zippia’s Best Retail Companies     •   Mary Kay China awarded the “Excellent Cases            25th Anniversary: Mary Kay Ukraine
     to Work For in Texas list.                           of Business Innovation in China from 2021 to              (November 15, 1997)
•    America’s Best Midsize Employers 2022                2022” at the 9th China Business Innovation             30th Anniversary: Mary Kay Spain
     ranking by Forbes magazine.                          Conference for the Mary Kay Beauty                        (October 5, 1992)
•    Named one of Deloitte’s 2022 US Best Managed         Consultant as a contemporary model of
     Companies, sponsored by Deloitte Private and         flexible earning opportunity.                     Leadership Recognition
     The Wall Street Journal                                                                                •   David Holl, Chief Executive Officer, received
                                                      Company Recognition                                       the Bravo Leadership Award from Direct Selling
                                                      •   Mary Kay Mexico named Mexico’s Most Trusted           News.
                                                          Catalog Sales Brand by Reader’s Digest            •   Julia Simon, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate
                                                      •   Mary Kay China included in the 2022 release of        Secretary, received the Robert H. Dedman
                                                          the “Industry Research Report 2021” published         Award for Ethics & Law from the Texas General
                                                          by the China Direct Marketing Industry                Counsel Forum. Simon also serves as Chief
                                                          Development & Research Center, Peking                 Diversity and Inclusion Officer.
                                                          University. The report finding concluded          •   Sheryl Adkins-Green, Chief Experience Officer,
                                                          that “The advantages of the Mary Kay Beauty           selected as Dallas 500 by D CEO recognizing
•    Received four top employer awards                    Consultant compared with an e-commerce                influential leaders in North Texas.                    In an effort to help slow the spread of the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                       pandemic and support frontline workers, Mary Kay
     throughout Europe and Malaysia from                  platform are connections, professionalism,        •   Melinda Foster Sellers, Chief People Officer,
                                                                                                                                                                       Inc. contributed more than $10 million in monetary
     Kincentric.                                          choice solving, customer conversion, and              selected as an honoree in Ragan’s Top Women            donations, product donations, and distribution
                                                          customer retention”.                                  in Wellness and HR Awards.                             support in the countries where it operates and
       Mary Kay Europe received the “Best                                                                                                                             communities in critical need around the world.
          Employer” designation by the Kincentric                                                           •   Alla Sokolova, GM for Mary Kay Russia,
          Best Employers Program.                     Organizational Effectiveness                              included in the TOP-250 of the best Russian
       Mary Kay Czech Republic / Slovakia            •   Deborah Gibbins, Chief Operating Officer,             Managers of the annual rating “TOP-1000
          received the “Best Employer” designation        expanded her role in operations to support            Russian Managers” and ranked fifth in the         Digital Innovation
          by the Kincentric Best Employers Program.       the company’s digital strategy to be a more           “Trade” category.                                 •   Mary Kay® App named a finalist in the
       Mary Kay Spain received “Best Employer”           technology-enabled business with all IT           •   Edita Szabóová, GM for Mary Kay Czech &               Technology Innovation category by the Direct
          designation by the Kincentric Best              functions now reporting to her.                       Slovak Republic, received TOP CEO Women of            Selling Association.
          Employers Program.                          •   Nathan Moore appointed to the newly-created           the Czech Republic award in the “Health and       •   Mary Kay Germany earned the BDD
       Mary Kay Malaysia received the “Best              role of President, Global Sales and Marketing,        Beauty” category.                                     Innovation Award 2022 for Suite 13. The BDD
          Employer” designation by the Kincentric         and will assume responsibility for all Mary Kay   •   Elke Kopp, GM for Mary Kay Germany/                   (Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland
          Best Employers Program.                         markets around the world supporting Mary              Netherlands/Switzerland, elected to serve             e.V.) is the German Direct Selling Association
•    Mary Kay Belarus received the “Direct Sales          Kay independent beauty consultants.                   as the President of the German Direct Selling         that consists of 55 members of direct selling
     Cosmetic Company Number One Award” from          •   Chaun Harper expanded his role to Chief               Association (Bundesverband Direktvertrieb             companies.
     the “Number One” Belarusian annual national          Supply Chain Officer with additional                  Deutschland e.V.) for a two-year term until the   •   Mary Kay China RC Store featured as a
     awards, whose task is to promote healthy             responsibilities for direct procurement and           end of 2024.                                          business case in the “Bridging the Gender
     competition and to determine the best players        contract manufacturing functions.                 •   Ewa Kudlińska-Pyrz, Mary Kay Poland/                  Divide in the Digital Age” research jointly
     in the Belarusian market.                        •   Dr. Lucy Gildea expanded her role to Chief            Lithuania General Manager, recognized as              initiated by Shanghai Academy of Social
•    Mary Kay Poland named one of Poland’s Best           Innovation Officer, Product and Science.              one of 50 most influential Polish women by            Sciences and the United Nations Industrial
     Employers for 2022 by Financial Magazine.            Her additional duties include new product             Home & Market magazine, won the Pearls of             Development Organization. Mary Kay was
•    Mary Kay China named “Best Employer of the           development, product portfolio strategy               Polish Business award, and recognized in              selected as one of four cases in the research
     Year” by Yidian Zixun.                               and planning, process development &                   “Rzeczpospolita Babska” created by Financial          project and focused on the digital store and
•    Mary Kay China awarded the “Best Career              commercialization (PrD&C), package                    Magazine. Ewa also selected to serve on the           women’s empowerment. The project was pre-
                                                          engineering (PE) and R&D Compliance.                  Seldia Board of Directors 2021-2024.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
released at the World Artificial Intelligence         Research Grants were awarded to four female            As a civil engineer and honors student               STEAM fields with enthusiasm and follow
     Conference in September in Shanghai.                  researchers.                                           at the Monash University in Australia,               their hearts to benefit the world with
•    Glamhive, a fast-growing personal-styling         •   Academy of Marketing Science (May 25-                  Eshita’s final year project focuses on               breakthrough science.
     company and the Mary Kay Global Design                27): Supported the Mary Kay Dissertation               investigating the development of shear              Eizelle Yee, 30 (Philippines) – An
     Studio, held the much-anticipated Glamhive            and Dissertation Proposal Awards at the                bands in triaxially loaded sand bands                environmentalist, architect, and
     LIVE Spring Style & Beauty Summit at the              annual Academy of Marketing Science                    using x-ray computed tomography. Her                 entrepreneur, Yee is a founding member
     ultra-chic Bulgari Hotel in London on April           (AMS) conference where doctoral student                current projects also include engineering            of Pocket Garden, a public space design
     23rd. The summit provided a hybrid physical/          participants showcase their successfully               major road projects in accordance with               collective started by a group of volunteers
     digital experience, with 100% of ticket               defended dissertations and receive a                   Australian standards and development                 who co-create and design shareable
     sales donated to the International Rescue             monetary award and critical peer feedback to           of a landmark sports complex structure               green spaces in the Philippines. She
     Committee for their efforts in supporting the         improve their chances of publishing their work         highlighting excellence in architectural             believes women have a keen eye for
     Ukrainian crisis. The event provided a day of         in academic journals in the future.                    and urban design. Eshita believes being              detail that helps marry art and science in
     inspiration, education, and networking with       •   Six young women from around the world                  a female in a STEAM field offers a variety           an organized fashion. When it comes to
     London’s top image-makers, designers, and             were recipients of Mary Kay’s Young Women              of benefits including the opportunity to             STEAM initiatives, she feels collaborations
     entrepreneurs.                                        in STEAM Grants for their great strides and            gain confidence, improve problem-solving             between diverse cultures and traditions
•    Step & Repeat, launched by Mary Kay Design            remarkable contributions to their respective           abilities, and develop new educational and           can bring inclusive and relatable creations
     Studio and Glamhive, returned for season two          STEAM fields. Grants are awarded to help them          employment prospects.                                in the fields of science, technology,
     on Tik Tok reaching over two million views.           further pursue their STEAM goals and dreams.          Aruna Sherma, 20 (Germany) – Her                     engineering, the arts, and mathematics.
     The style challenge was hosted by Celebrity             Angela Busheska, 20 (Macedonia) – The               project is focused on developing an
     Stylist, Zadrian Smith and included three                  social entrepreneur and research-                 alternative contrasting agent for MRI
     judges and industry favorites: Tara Swennen,               innovator was inspired to pursue STEAM            scans that replace the conventional
     Nicole Chavez, and Larry Sims.                             after joining her 7th grade math Olympiad         agent, gadolinium. As a physics student,
                                                                team where she fell in love with solving          Sherma has worked in four different labs
Science Behind the Beauty                                       problems. As a developer of the EnRoute           to develop the contrast agent, and a series
•    Mary Kay Germany/Netherlands/Switzerland                   app, Busheska helps users live a more             of tests at the University of Hamburg
     earned the Top 100 Innovator seal from                     sustainable lifestyle by utilizing machine        has shown it to be biocompatible with
     Compamedia.                                                learning algorithms to help users abandon         a stronger effect in MRI scans at a lower
•    To mark International Day of Women and Girls               fast fashion. She encourages other young          dosage than conventional contrast.
     in Science, released a statement from Dr. Lucy             women to join STEAM fields and looks              Although STEAM subjects can be daunting
     Gildea , Chief Innovation Officer, Product and             forward to seeing humanity utilize STEAM          to many, she believes diversity is important
     Science, about the importance of STEAM for                 technologies for greater social good.             in all fields and feels women are just as
     young girls.                                            Fengyun Chen,17 (China) – Her projects              capable as men of shaping the future in
                                                                entail physics and the role of clean energy       technology and research.
                                                                in environmental sustainability. In 2017,        Jingyuan Xu, 31 (Germany) – The energy
                                                                Chen founded Yun Energy, an alliance of           conversion technologist and sustainable            As a decades-long leader in women’s empowerment
                                                                science and technology innovation that            energy champion is a research fellow               and innovative science, Mary Kay celebrates
                                                                                                                                                                     young women who are taking charge of their
                                                                serves 20,000 people per year through             at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           futures through leadership, innovation, and
                                                                courses in scientific enlightenment               in Germany. Xu’s research focuses on               determination to excel in STEAM fields.

                                                                and physics. She conducted a 30-day               sustainable energy technologies to
                                                                investigation with her father that also led       provide economical solutions in cooling,
                                                                to the invention of the Water Distribution        heating, and power. She is passionate
                                                                Device of Power Generated by Geothermal           about applying her knowledge and
                                                                Energy and Air 3.0. She believes STEAM            expertise to minimize global-primary
•    European Society for Dermatological                        education allows students to explore              energy use and reduce CO2 emissions. In
     Research (Sept. 28 - Oct. 1): Attended the 51st            practical ideas through hands-on                  her view, women in STEAM boost team
     Annual ESDR Meeting, where the first-ever                  experimentation that stimulates creativity        spirit, and the diversity that comes with
     Mary Kay-European Society for Investigative                and imagination.                                  inclusivity produces better science.
     Dermatology Skin Health/Skin Disease                    Farzana Alam Eshita, 23 (Australia) –               She encourages young girls to pursue

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                     13
Year-End Highlights   2022

     & SOCIAL
     Catalyst For
     Since the onset, Mary Kay has stood out for being a socially responsible company.
     Our company culture is curious, empowered, and inclusive. We strive to have a
     positive impact on women that extends to their families and communities.

14                                                                                                 15
Women’s Empowerment & Equality                                Entrepreneurship Certificate Programme.             #HerVoice. Other supporters included P&G,                   •   Supported its second annual Network for
•    The Women’s Entrepreneurship                             Workshops were held in Mexico, Brazil, Chile,       The Coca-Cola Company, Cargill, and UPS.                        Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) World
     Accelerator (WEA), established by Mary                   Colombia, & Argentina.                                                                                              Series of Innovation (WSI) for the 2021-22
     Kay in collaboration with six United Nations         •   In celebration of International Women’s Day,                                                                        school year. Twenty-one teams of emerging
     agencies, announced the launch of the first-             released statements from female Executives.                                                                         social entrepreneurs won a total of $16,800
     ever free online Entrepreneurship Certificate                                                                                                                                for their proposed solutions to WSI’s seven
     Programme developed by International Trade                                                                                                                                   challenges, each of which focuses on
     Centre (ITC) SheTrades. Powered by Mary Kay,                                                                                                                                 advancing an SDG. Supporters of the seven
     the 27 module-digital curriculum covers the                                                                                                                                  innovation challenges included: Bank of the
     7 key stages of the entrepreneurial journey.                                                                                                                                 West, Citi Foundation, Mary Kay, Saint-Gobain
     Free, with no barrier to entry, it is available in                                                                                                                           North America, Ernst & Young, LLP (EY), Maxar
     English, Spanish, French—and soon Arabic—                                                                                                                                    Technologies, and PIMCO.
     and is enriched with 200 videos. In May, the                                                                                                                             •   International Labour Organization (ILO) and
     International Trade Centre SheTrades Annual                                                                                                                                  WEA released a Women’s Entrepreneurship
     Activity report recognizes MKI’s funding of the                                                          •   Erin Duncan, Senior Director of Product                         Development (WED) Assessment in Mexico
     WEA first ever free online Entrepreneurship                                                                  Portfolio Strategy and Planning, delivered                      powered by Mary Kay, titled “Evaluación de
     Certificate Programme.                                                                                       opening remarks to the Glamhive Live Spring                     las condiciones marco para el desarrollo
                                                                                                                  Style & Beauty Summit panel: “Unstoppable:                      empresarial de la mujer, Sectores de comercio
                                                                                                                  Ladies Who Launch.”                                             e industria en la Ciudad de México.”
                                                                                                              •   During its annual Cornerstone conference in
                                                                                                                  Chile, International Women’s Forum (IWF)
                                                                                                                  recognized Mary Kay as the supporter of
                                                                                                                  groundbreaking research on Latin American
                                                                                                                  Women in 18 countries over the past 25
                                                                                                                  years: “Democracy & Society from a Gender
                                                                                                                  Perspective,” commissioned by IWF and
                                                                                                                  conducted by the LatinBarometro.

                                                                                                                                                                              •   Supported by Mary Kay, International
•    ITC SheTrades, Mary Kay, and WEA hosted                                                                                                                                      Telecommunication Union held an open
     the “Entrepreneurship: Where to Start?”                                                                                                                                      innovation competition where an expert
     virtual event to celebrate the launch of the                                                                                                                                 jury selected 10 digital best practices and
     Entrepreneurship Certificate Programme.                                                                                                                                      digital solutions to create a more gender-
     Deborah Gibbins, Chief Operating Officer,                                                                                                                                    inclusive eco-system for start-ups and
     spoke at the event.                                                                                                                                                          scale-ups to address the many obstacles
•    Mary Kay and WEA welcome International                                                                        For the first time ever, IWF commissioned                      women entrepreneurs face in developing
                                                                                                                   groundbreaking research as part of its annual
     Telecommunication Union (ITU) the newest             •   Julia Simon, Chief Legal Officer and Chief           conference programming with funding by Mary Kay.               technologies.
     UN partner in bridging the digital gender                Diversity & Inclusion Officer, interviewed           Conducted by the Latinobarómetro founded by Marta          •   Mary Kay China initiated the “Pearl Retrieval
                                                                                                                   Lagos, this research, titled “Latin American Women:
     divide.                                                  Everjoy Mahuku, an accomplished leader from          Democracy & Society from a Gender Perspective,” is
                                                                                                                                                                                  Project” which is dedicated to helping girls
•    ITC and WEA, in partnership with Mercado                 Zimbabwe, for CARE’s International Women’s           the first-ever analysis of a quarter of a century (1995-       from disadvantaged backgrounds complete
                                                                                                                   2020) of public opinion and attitudes towards and
     Libre, hosted a virtual workshop series                  Day (IWD) 2022 Campaign.                                                                                            their high school education by receiving
                                                                                                                   by women on gender equality issues in 18 Latin
     in support of the launch of the online               •   Recognized by CARE as one of the five                American countries.                                            quality and equal educational opportunities.
                                                              supporters of its IWD22 campaign titled                                                                         •   Mary Kay China Independent Beauty

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
Consultants awarded the “Women’s Power”                skills for women entrepreneurs in the textiles       school year asking global youth to address
     award by the Chinese internet company,                 and apparel sector, and management skills for        SDG 14: Life Below Water. Youth participating                                              women entrepreneurs in technology. These             in WSI can focus on WSI’s seven challenges,
•    Deborah Gibbins delivered remarks                      learning modules provide broad professional          each of which focuses on advancing an SDG.
     at an event organized by the Women’s                   training for any woman entrepreneur                  The 2022 NFTE World Series of Innovation is
     Entrepreneurship Accelerator (WEA)                     regardless of her location or business focus.        presented by Citi Foundation and features
     in Geneva (Switzerland), titled “Gender            •   Announced the outcomes of the SDG Pilot              challenges sponsored by Mary Kay Inc.,
     Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems.” She                  Village Project in China (2017-2021) with            MetLife Foundation, Mastercard, Bank of the
     spoke alongside Doreen Bogdan-Martin,                  the release of an Impact Report on Phase I,          West, Link, Maxar, Ernst & Young, LLP (EY),
     Director of International Telecommunication            a video and blog post. The SDG Pilot Village         ServiceNow and Zuora. The top three winners
     Union (ITU), Vic Van Vuuren, Assistant                 Project was established in Waipula, China, by        for each challenge will be announced in early
     Director for Jobs and Social Protection                Mary Kay, the United Nations Development             2023.
     and Director of Enterprises Department of              Programme , the China International Center       •   Deborah Gibbins attended meetings and
     International Labour Organization (ILO),               for Economic and Technical Exchanges, the            events in the sidelines of the UN General
     Pamela CokeHamilton, Executive Director,               China Women’s Development Foundation and             Assembly (UNGA77) including the HeForShe
     International Trade Centre (ITC), Agi Veres,           local partners.                                      2022 Summit and a UN Women event co-
     Director of UNDP Representation Office in                                                                   hosted with and Women Political
     United Nations Development Programme                                                                        Leaders titled “Pushing for collective reform:
     Geneva, Sanda Ojiambo, Executive Director                                                                   the private sector’s role in addressing legislative   •   Welcomed International Women
     and CEO of United Nations Global Compact                                                                    barriers to Gender Equality and Women’s                   Entrepreneurship Day celebrated on
     and Sima Sami Bahous, Executive Director and                                                                Empowerment.” The event convened private                  November 19th by highlighting its efforts
     Assistant Secretary-General, UN Women.                                                                      sector representatives and civil society                  to advance women entrepreneurship
•    Julia Simon served as a judge during the We                                                                 organizations.                                            development around the world through
     Empower UN SDG Challenge Pitch Night –                                                                  •   Supported the second live Women’s                         impact partnerships in a global media release.
     hosted by Diane von Furstenberg at her New                                                                  Entrepreneurship EXPO (November 16-17)
     York studio in September. Co-led by Vital                                                                   organized in the Europe and Central Asia              Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
     Voices and the Global Futures Laboratory                                                                    region by UN Women in partnership with                •   Through its partnership with the Equal Rights
     at Arizona State University, the competition                                                                PricewaterhouseCoopers, the European                      Trust, helped jumpstart the “Algorithmic
     recognizes five women entrepreneurs                                                                         Bank for Reconstruction and Development                   Discrimination Initiative”, a new research
     advancing the SDGs in their communities and                                                                 and Yildiz Holding as part of the Women’s                 and advocacy program which aims to gather
     provides awardees with capacity building                                                                    Entrepreneurship Accelerator (WEA). The                   evidence on patterns of discrimination arising
     training sessions and connections with             •   The SDG Pilot Village Project named a Finalist       regional Expo brought women entrepreneurs                 from the use of artificial intelligence and
     business experts from around the world. The            for Reuters Events Responsible Business              and business partners together to mobilize                algorithmic decision-making systems and
     2022 winner was Yetunde Ayo-Oyalowo, the               Awards under the “SDG Pioneer Award”                 and take forward specific action to advance               make the case for a proactive, preemptory and
     founder of Market Doctors, an organization             category.                                            the landscape for women’s entrepreneurship                precautionary approach to addressing the
     which provides healthcare to over 120,000          •   Mary Kay China and the Mary Kay Women’s              development in the Europe and Central Asia                discriminatory impacts of these technologies.
     people across 12 states in Nigeria.                    Entrepreneurship Program’s donation of               region. Deborah Gibbins delivered remarks                 The Equal Rights Trust undertook analysis
•    Supported by Mary Kay, International                   10 million RMB has provided loans to over            during the EXPO opening event alongside                   of existing and proposed international
     Telecommunication Union developed a                    46,157 women entrepreneurs in 23 provinces           Anita Bhatia, Deputy Executive Director, UN               law frameworks in this area; launched a
     project to address the gender digital skills           in China to support their businesses and             Women, Ali Ulker, Chair of the Board, Yildiz              “Call for Evidence on AI and Algorithmic
     gap by providing women and girls access to             increase the income of over 84,000 women.            Holding, Alia El-Yassir, Regional Director, UN            Discrimination” through a gender based lens;
     free, high-quality learning modules required           The program will transition into the Mulan           Women Europe and Central Asia and Barbara                 started the development of a new standard-
     to advance in the digital economy. Rolled              Acceleration Plan and incorporate capability         Rambousek, Director, Gender & Economic                    setting document, the Principles on Equality
     out over the course of 2023, the initiative will       building in addition to traditional business         Inclusion, EBRD.                                          by Design in Algorithmic Decision Making; and
     be translated into several languages. The              loans.                                                                                                         began building a coalition of support for these
     project includes 17 online modules such as         •   Supported its third annual Network for                                                                         Principles.
     general digital skills training for aspiring and       Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) World
     experienced women entrepreneurs, digital               Series of Innovation (WSI) for the 2022-2023

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                     19
•    At the SCC75 Annual meeting for the Society of       Sitting on the sidelines and waiting 132 years is                                                                    and plans to a jury of businesspeople and
     Cosmetic Chemists (SCC), Ms. A’Lelia Bundles,        simply not an option.” Simon also joined the                                                                         an investor panel. In her opening address at
     the great-great-granddaughter of Madam CJ            Sustainable Development Impact Meeting                                                                               the “Investors Pitch Finale” event, Deborah
     Walker, and Michelle Hines, Ph.D., Director of       focused on “Advancing Gender Equality” to                                                                            Gibbins stressed the significance of working
     Product Formulation at Mary Kay, presented           discuss the findings of the Global Gender Gap                                                                        together to bridge the gender gap in financing.
     the Madam C.J. Walker Scholarships for               Report 2022 and closing the gender gap.                                                                              A quote from her speech was also featured on
     underrepresented minority students pursuing      •   Mary Kay’s Legal Department awarded the                                                                              the UN WOMEN EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA
     higher education in STEM disciplines related         Magna Stella Award for its DEI efforts by the                                                                        social channels following the event.
     to cosmetics and personal care industry. The         Texas General Counsel Forum.
     award is supported by the Society of Cosmetic    •   Mary Kay China received the Driving DEI
     Chemists and partnered and funded by Mary            China Best Practices Award at the 2022 sHero
     Kay. The winning recipients included: Joy            Awards Ceremony.                                         Developed by UN Women and funded by Mary Kay
     Rutherford, fifth-year PhD student and NIH       •   Mary Kay China featured as a DEI practice                Inc. in support of WEA, the Advocacy Brief highlights
                                                                                                                   the rollback on progress in achieving gender equality
     Research Fellow who works on synthesizing            case in “Driving DEI, Best Practices Guide 2022”         as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as
     important compounds found in medicine and            compiled by Page Group in collaboration with             how increasing levels of economic insecurity,
     nature using the power of photochemistry and         sHero                                                    supply chain interruptions and unprecedented
                                                                                                                   climate and environmental shocks have a
     radical mediated pathways; and Imani Elaine                                                                   disproportionate impact on women given
     Porter, Hampton University (second year          Gender-Responsive Procurement &                              their unequal position in society.

     undergraduate/biochemistry).                     Supplier Diversity
•    Joined the UN Global Compact Target              •   Deborah Gibbins, Chief Operating Officer,           •   Named 2022 Silver Champion for Supplier
     Gender Equality Accelerator as a follow              signed the forward to UN Women’s Gender-                Diversity & Inclusion for its commitment
     up to the June 2021 UN Global Compact                responsive Procurement Advocacy Brief,                  to global supplier diversity and inclusion
     Gender Equality Strategy Consultation to             titled: “Procurement’s Strategic Value. Why             regarding growing inclusive spend, policies
     deepen implementation of the Women’s                 gender-responsive procurement makes                     and procedures—alongside Bayer, Eaton
     Empowerment Principles and to strengthen             business sense.” To inform the Advocacy                 Corporation, Goldman Sachs and Marriott
     the company’s contribution to SDG 5.5 which          Brief, UN Women engaged over 350                        International.
     calls for women’s full participation and equal       stakeholders in 2021, of which over 150 private     •   Julia Simon, Chief Legal Officer and Chief
     opportunities for leadership by 2030.                sector companies were represented, and                  Diversity & Inclusion Officer, spoke at the
•    Welcomed Global Diversity Month with the             incorporated 7 case studies on companies’               UN Women Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
     release of the company DEI statement and a           procurement journeys.                                   and KAGIDER event presenting the findings                •   At its Target Gender Equality meeting, UN
     DEI Summit held in conjunction with World                                                                    of a GRP survey conducted by IPSOS in                        Global Compact released a GRP Advocacy
     Inclusion Day.                                                                                               Turkey with the support of Mary Kay to                       video produced with the support of the
                                                                                                                  better understand the barriers women                         Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator and
                                                                                                                  entrepreneurs face. Simon called on the                      powered by Mary Kay.
                                                                                                                  private and public sectors to adopt gender-              •   Shared with transparency its gender-
                                                                                                                  sensitive procurement strategies. KAGIDER                    responsive procurement (GRP) global journey
                                                                                                                  is the Women Entrepreneurs Association of                    at the Diversity Summit in Prague, Czech
                                                                                                                  Turkey.                                                      Republic. Hosted by Startup Disrupt on
                                                                                                              •   Virginie Naigeon-Malek, Global Head of Social                September 13, 2022, at the newly renovated
                                                                                                                  Impact and Sustainability, gave the opening                  Clam-Gallas Palace, the summit was the largest
                                                                                                                  remarks at the virtual GRP & Investment                      European hybrid conference on Diversity,
                                                                                                                  Pilot (GRPI) launch event coordinated by UN                  Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), bringing together
                                                                                                                  Women ECA and KAGIDER in Turkey. The                         more than 50 keynote speakers from the non-
                                                                                                                  innovative training is powered by Mary Kay.                  profit, government, and business sector. At the
•    Julia A Simon, Chief Legal and Chief Diversity                                                           •   During the “Investors Pitch Finale” event                    event, Virginie Naigeon-Malek advocated for
     & Inclusion Officer, shared a statement                                                                      organized jointly by UN Women and KAGİDER                    Gender-responsive Procurement (GRP) as a
     following up on the release of the 2022 Global                                                               as part of the WEA initiative, 25 women from                 powerful tool to accelerate women’s economic
     Gender Gap Report: “The time to act is now.                                                                  8 countries pitched their business blueprints                inclusion.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21
Cancer Research                                                                                                                                                         inequalities and discriminatory social
•    Mary Kay Ash Foundation℠ awarded $1                                                                                                                                structures that preserve unequal gender
     million in innovative cancer research grants                                                                                                                       relations, as well as activities that give back to
     to top universities seeking cures for cancers                                                                                                                      communities in need. The UN Action against
     affecting women. Over 50 applications from                                                                                                                         Sexual Violence in Conflict Network (UN
     top accredited research universities and                                                                                                                           Action), a coordinated body of 21 UN entities
     institutes were reviewed by the Mary Kay Ash                                                                                                                       working to prevent and respond to conflict
     Foundation Research Review Committee,                                                                                                                              related sexual violence (CRSV). Released
     comprised of previous years’ grant recipients.                                                                                                                     during UNGA 77, the White paper showcases
     After thoughtful consideration, 10 cancer                                                                                                                          the Entrepreneurship Certificate Programme
     researchers were selected to receive $100,000                                                                                                                      developed by ITC SheTrades and powered
                                                           The global postdoctoral grant will allow Parrado the
     grants each for their novel research proposals.       opportunity to conduct cutting-edge cancer research
                                                                                                                                                                        by Mary Kay as part as its commitment to the
•    Mary Kay Ash Foundation℠ continued its                at both UT Southwestern Simmons Cancer Center and      •   Supported the development of CARE’s Gender-       Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator as
                                                           in her home country Spain with a return grant. Her
     decades-long partnership with CancerCare                                                                         Based Violence Guidance for Development           a CSR best practice for private sector. Titled
                                                           work will focus on breast cancer molecular biology,
     with a gift of $150,000 to support the Touching       treatment response prediction and identification of        Programs, a practical tool for implementing       “Develop Inclusive Economic Empowerment
                                                           molecular alterations during treatment. She will be        high-quality GBV interventions. Launched          Initiatives.” the case study is included in the
     Hearts program, which provides financial              mentored by Carlos Arteaga, M.D., Director of the
     assistance to underrepresented minority               Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center and                    in July 2022, the tool is geared towards both     Response Step Four section of the paper also
                                                           Associate Dean of Oncology Programs at UT                  GBV specialists and non-specialists across all    featuring the Coca-Cola Company, Bèkske,
     women in low-income communities to seek               Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.
     cancer treatment and resources without                                                                           CARE’s impact areas (Climate Justice; Gender      and Committed to Good. The UN Action is a
     financial strain.                                                                                                Equality; Right to Food, Water Nutrition; Right   coordinated body of 23 UN entities working to
•    Dr. Lucy Gildea, Chief Innovation Officer,        Gender-based Violence (GBV) & Domestic                         to Health; Women’s Economic Justice; and          prevent and respond to conflict-related sexual
     Product and Science, accepted the                 Violence (DV)                                                  Humanitarian). Over 50 CARE staff from 40         violence (CRSV).
     Cancer Support Community North Texas              •    Mary Kay Ash Foundation℠ announced that                   countries contributed to its development,
     Thrive Award on behalf of Mary Kay Ash                 50 domestic violence shelters have each been              laying the foundation for CARE’s approaches
     Foundation℠.                                           awarded $20,000 grants, totaling $1 million.              to GBV risk mitigation, prevention, response
•    Mary Kay Ash Foundation℠, in collaboration        •    Instituto Mary Kay recognized by the                      and advocacy.
     with the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive               Associação Brasileira de Venda Direta
     Cancer Center at UT Southwestern Medical               (ABEVD) for their 2021 campaign bringing
     Center in Dallas, announced another recipient          awareness to gender-based violence, “Sinal
     of the International Postdoctoral Scholars             Vermelho.”
     in Cancer Research Fellowship Dr. Maria del       •    At the Commission on the Status of Women
     Rosario Chica Parrado, a post-doctoral student         (CSW66), the UN Trust Fund to End Violence
     biologist from Málaga, Spain.                          Against Women’s 2022 Annual Report on
                                                            its 2021 activities recognized Mary Kay Ash
                                                            Foundation℠ and Mary Kay Inc.’s efforts to
                                                            eliminate violence against women and girls—
                                                            alongside the governments of 15 countries and
                                                            nine UN Women National Committees. In June,
                                                            UN Trust Fund published the full report on its
                                                            website.                                              •   Featured as a case study in the White
                                                                                                                      Paper “Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual
                                                                                                                      Violence: Private Sector Opportunities for
                                                                                                                      Engagement” published by UN Action against
                                                                                                                      Sexual Violence in Conflict Network (UN
                                                                                                                      Action) and the organization, Committed to
                                                                                                                      Good, on how the private sector can engage
                                                                                                                      in conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV)
                                                                                                                      efforts. Efforts include addressing gender

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
Emergency Response                                     •   Since March 2022, the Mary Kay China Charity
•    In conjunction with a statement of support,           Program has allocated 1,049,800 yuan to
     announced a donation to the Ukraine                   provide protective materials and living
     Humanitarian Crisis Appeal of the Red Cross.          supplies to 73 communities in 15 cities as a
                                                           result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

                                                       Global Social Impact & Local Community
                                                       •   Ranked #91 on the Purpose Power Index. This
                                                           is the third iteration of the largest study ever
                                                           measuring perceptions of brand purpose,
                                                           based on more than 20,500+ individual ratings
                                                           amongst more than 5,500 U.S. consumers and
                                                           employees, encompassing more than 200
                                                           different brands.

•    Received the American Red Cross Corporate
     Partner Award for its Emergency Response to
     the conflict in Ukraine.
•    Mary Kay Ash Foundation℠ received a Bronze
     Stevie award for its COVID-19 relief efforts at
     the 20th Annual American Business Awards.

24                                                                                                            25
Year-End Highlights   2022

     & ESG:
     Enriching Lives
     Today For A
     Enriching Lives Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow is our commitment to conduct
     our business in a way that will continue to earn trust, becoming even more
     accountable to our economic, environmental, and social decision-making. The
     program was developed with our key stakeholders and is aligned with the United
     Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, making Mary Kay a key part of a global
     coalition to ensure a better future.

26                                                                                               27
Climate Change                                                                                                       •   In late June, the Sustainable Future                 Water Stewardship
•    Forest of Hope, a documentary sponsored by                                                                          International Conference, supported by               •   Joined the UN Global Compact’s Ocean
     the company to shed light on the fight to save                                                                      Mary Kay Inc., took place at the historic                Stewardship Coalition—an effort to bring
     forests and tell the story of conservation and                                                                      Martinic Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage                 together the private sector alongside UN
     women’s empowerment, officially selected                                                                            site. Thought leaders, experts, businesses, and          agencies, academia, governments and
     for four film festivals. Forest of Hope follows                                                                     non-profit executives from several industries            nongovernmental organizations to address
     Doña Angelica, a 71-year-old ecosystem                                                                              descended on the historical grounds to share,            biodiversity and climate change through a
     warrior and her all-female team, from Mujeres                                                                       network, and educate audiences on innovative             focus on ocean health. As a current signatory
     Unidas Para La Conservacion De Laguna                                                                               and sustainable standards to successfully                of the UN Sustainable Ocean Principles, the
     Sanchez, one of The Nature Conservancy’s                                                                            implement in the fight to preserve the world’s           Ocean Stewardship Coalition furthers Mary
                                                            The Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator is                  precious resources for current and future
     partner organizations in Mexico. The short                                                                                                                                   Kay’s commitment to securing a healthy and
                                                            reaching out to private sector partners, inviting them
     film, produced by Mary Kay in partnership              to jumpstart change for women around the world by            generations.                                             productive ocean.
     with The Nature Conservancy, was written,              joining the Accelerator and growing the initiative           Arbor Day Foundation Collaboration                   •   Highlighted its Global Sustainable Strategy
                                                            over the next decade.
     directed, and produced by an all-female team                                                                        Projects                                                 at the Sustainable Future International
     and screened at La Femme International Film                                                                          Announced the completion of a 69-acre                  Conference in Prague, Czech Republic.
     Festival, a premiere film festival celebrating,                                                                         reforestation project to revitalize Florida’s    •   Participated in an event organized by The
     supporting, and advancing content creation                                                                              Econfina Creek Wildlife Management                   Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs,
     by women producers, writers, and directors                                                                              Area in partnership with the Arbor Day               Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF)
     from around the world. It was also selected for                                                                         Foundation. Working alongside the                    Regional Secretariat in collaboration with
     the North Dakota Environmental Rights Film                                                                              Northwest Florida Water Management                   the Coral Triangle Center and The Nature
     Festival, Hot Springs International Women’s                                                                             District, the Arbor Day Foundation and               Conservancy. The virtual learning exchange,
     Film Festival, and the Green Film Festival.                                                                             Mary Kay partnered to plant 43,000                   “Coral Triangle Women Leaders Kickstarting
                                                                                                                             longleaf pine that will help protect critical        Climate Action and Ocean Protection Towards
                                                                                                                             water resources in Bay County Florida. Key           the 30 x 30 Goal,” took place during the UN
                                                                                                                             project environmental and biodiversity               Climate Change Conference, or COP27, held
                                                                                                                             benefits included: restoring and                     from November 6-18, 2022, in Sharm El Sheikh,
                                                                                                                             preserving the primary source of drinking            Egypt.
                                                                                                                             water for Bay County, Florida; replanting        •   Participated in a consultation with the
                                                                                                                             native tree species to return this area to its       governments of the Netherlands and Tajikistan
                                                                                                                             natural state; and improving the habitat             to help define the role of the private sector
                                                                                                                             for area wildlife including deer, bobwhite           in the Water Action Agenda and the 2023 UN
                                                        •   Participated at an event organized by The                        quail, Sherman’s fox squirrels, and gopher           Water Conference. The Water Action Agenda
                                                            Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs,                        tortoises.                                           is a non-negotiated outcome document
•    At the Commission on the Status of Women               Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF)                        Announced completion of reforestation                  where Member States, stakeholders, private
     (CSW66), the Women’s Entrepreneurship                  Regional Secretariat. Titled “Women Leaders                      project in Madagascar in partnership                 sector etc. can submit commitments which
     Accelerator (WEA) hosted a panel titled                Protecting the Coral Triangle’s Threatened                       with the Arbor Day Foundation, Omaha’s               will be presented during the 2023 UN Water
     “Investing in Women Entrepreneurs to Tackle            Biodiversity and Endangered Species,” the                        Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, and the               Conference.
     Climate Change.” Moderated by Elizabeth                discussion spotlighted innovations and                           Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership. The         •   Served on a panel, “Making Waves: Women in
     Vazquez (WEConnect International), the panel           actions undertaken by women leaders across                       42,000-tree project focused on reversing             Water Conservation” in collaboration with The
     featured guest speakers from the leadership            the Coral Triangle in protecting marine                          the destruction of forest habitat that is            Nature Conservancy. The virtual conversation
     of six UN agencies. Deborah Gibbins, Chief             biodiversity. Virginie Naigeon-Malek, Global                     home to critically endangered lemurs and             focused on women leaders from all over the
     Operating Officer, gave opening remarks and            Head of Social Impact and Sustainability,                        other wildlife species found nowhere else            world who are rising to the challenge and
     called on the private and public sectors to join       shared highlights on successful women-led                        on earth. Tree planting efforts were also            leading efforts to restore the health of our
     WEA and catalyze women’s entrepreneurship.             initiatives in sustainable marine resource                       intended to improve resiliency for the               oceans.
                                                            management and ocean protection, supported                       forest and neighboring communities.
                                                            by Mary Kay.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                          29
continental Europe.                               impact and sustainability over the last      Sustainability & ESG: Enriching Lives
                                                                   The Nature Conservancy, UNEP, and other           three years.                                 Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow
                                                                    global partners (including the Government                                                       Released its 2020-2022 Global
                                                                    of Ecuador, the Jocotoco Foundation,                                                              Sustainability & Social Impact Report,
                                                                    the Charles Darwin Foundation for the                                                             detailing the progress made so far and
                                                                    Galapagos Islands, Re:wild, and the Marine                                                        outlines how we will continue to advance
                                                                    Conservation Institute) held a session at                                                         our sustainability strategy. Also released
                                                                    the United Nations Ocean Conference in                                                            its 2020-2022 Sustainability & Social
                                                                    Lisbon, Portugal on improving Protected                                                           Impact Executive Summary and 2020-2022
                                                                    Marine Areas at UN Oceans Conference                                                              Sustainability & Social Impact Decade of
                                                                    with support from Mary Kay.                                                                       Action Progress Report for Commitments
     Mary Kay understands any threat to the health of our
     oceans is an existential threat to us all and we are          Recognized in The Nature Conservancy’s         Purpose & Social Impact: Catalyst for              (All Decades of Action).
     committed to working with other leaders in                     2022 Global Reefs Impact Report. The           Change
     this space to make a difference.
                                                                    Nature Conservancy’s report highlights          Released report on Pink Changing Lives—
                                                                    their recent achievements and how the             Pink Changing Lives℠ (PCL) is our global
                                                                    organization has partnered with the               commitment to recognize women and
•    Engaged in key ocean forum, Economist                          private sector to successfully implement          girls who are changing the world for the
     Impact’s World Ocean Tech & Innovation                         innovative marine conservation programs           better, and support organizations around
     Summit, hosted by Canada’s Ocean                               that protect and preserve life in our             the world that tirelessly work to improve
     Supercluster in collaboration with the                         oceans. The report showcased a newly              the lives of women and their families. The
     Province of Nova Scotia and the Halifax                        launched project focused on “Super                cause empowerment program is entirely
     Partnership, where innovators, business                        Reefs.” Super Reefs are highly resilient and      funded by a portion of the sales from
     leaders, thought leaders and investors                         can survive in a warming ocean.                   Pink Changing Lives products. Since 2008,
     convened to learn about and engage with                                                                          the program has impacted more than
     the latest “blue economy” innovators and                                                                         six million women and their families by
     technologies, and identify solutions that will                                                                   partnering with over 3,250 organizations
     form the roadmap to a sustainable, thriving                                                                      and donating over $17 million.
     ocean economy.                                                                                                 Re-released report on Global Response
•    A Mary Kay-supported sustainability                                                                              COVID-19 Relief Efforts—In an effort to
     project focused on women and conservation                                                                        help slow the spread of the COVID-19
     (Mangoro Market Meri) was featured at the                                                                        pandemic and support frontline workers,
     Economist Impact’s World Ocean Summit Asia                                                                       Mary Kay Inc. contributed more than $10
     Pacific in Singapore in the panel “Innovation                                                                    million in monetary donations, product          Mary Kay China released its 2021
     and adaptation—coastal solutions to climate                                                                      donations, and distribution support              Sustainability Report which described
     change.” The panel covered the effect climate                                                                    in the countries where it operates and           and summarized Mary Kay China’s
     change is having on Asia-Pacific’s coastal                                                                       communities in critical need around the          progress in creating value in for China’s
     ecosystems as well as on the global ocean and                                                                    world.                                           economy, society, and environment,
     featured case studies on how the region is             Transparency & Advocacy (Self-Reporting                                                                    following the strategy of Enriching Lives
     preparing for and adapting to climate change.          & Updates)                                                                                                 Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow.
      The Nature Conservancy (TNC)                          •   Throughout the year, released updates or                                                              Released report in celebration of
     Collaboration Projects                                     additional information about its continued                                                             International Day of Forests and World
      In celebration of World Endangered                       journey to be a purpose-driven brand and a                                                             Tree Day—released a report detailing
         Species Day and International Day                      sustainably-focused company committed to                                                               Mary Kay’s long-standing partnership
         for Biological Diversity, announced its                the future of our planet and generations to                                                            with the Arbor Day Foundation.
         expanded partnership with The Nature                   come:                                                                                                 Released report in celebration of
         Conservancy (TNC) and European                         Ethos & Ecosystem: Business Excellence                                                                 World Wildlife Day—Through our
         partners to support native oyster                       Released 2020-2022 Year-End Highlights                                                               global partnerships with The Nature
         restoration projects in the UK and                         Reports highlighting its efforts in social                                                         Conservancy and Arbor Day Foundation,

30                                                                                                                                                                                                            31
Mary Kay Inc. supports critical ecosystem         Released report in celebration of National
         conservation and restoration projects              Love A Tree Day Report—Highlighted
         that help protect land and marine wildlife         our “favorite tree” located at Richard R.
         health around the world.                           Rogers (R3) Manufacturing facility. The
        Released report in celebration of                  ceremonial tree was planted
         Solar Appreciation Day/World Energy                at the grand opening of R3 facility in
         Efficiency Day—highlighted our use of              Lewisville, Texas, (U.S.A.) celebrating the
         solar energy in the 80s; and since 2014, the       achievement of planting its one-millionth
         Mary Kay world headquarters and global             tree.
         manufacturing facility are powered by             Released report in celebration of World
         100 percent renewable energy.                      Endangered Species Day—Highlighted
        Released report in celebration of                  our projects supporting critical ecosystem
         International Day of Action for Rivers—            conservation and restoration projects that
         Through our global partnership with                help protect endangered species around
         the Arbor Day Foundation, Mary Kay Inc.            the world around the world.
         supports critical watershed restoration           Released report in celebration of World
         projects that help protect the biodiversity        Fish Migration—Celebrated the theme
         health of our riparian ecosystems.                 for the day, “Connecting Fish, Rivers, and
        Released report in celebration of                  People” highlighting projects and raising
         Global Recycling Day—Highlighted our               awareness about the impact migratory
         commitment to reduce the amount of                 fish have in creating healthy river systems.
         waste we generate and to reuse or recycle         Released report in celebration of
         materials through strategic alignments             International Day for Biological Diversity/
         and historical actions.                            World Biodiversity Day—Celebrated the
        Released report in celebration of World            theme for the day, “Building a shared
         Water Day—Water is an essential element            future for all life” aimed at increasing
         in our manufacturing activities, as well           understanding of the importance of
         as in our entire value chain. Reinforced           biodiversity.
         our sustainability commitment to                  Released report in celebration of World
         making efficient use of this increasingly          Turtle Day—The theme for World Turtle
         precious natural resource and to limit             Day was “Shellebrate” and aimed to raise
         the environmental impact of the way we             awareness about their endangered status.
         consume and discharge water.                       Through our global partnership with
        Released report in celebration of the              The Nature Conservancy, Mary Kay Inc.
         Arbor Day Foundation 50th Anniversary—             supports sea turtle conservation projects
         Mary Kay and the Arbor Day Foundation              in the Solomon Islands that help protect
         are committed to revitalizing forests              hawksbill turtles, a critically endangered
         to ensure improved quality of natural              species, through local female led
         resources and local environments for               ecotourism.
         human and all other forms of life. Our            Released report in celebration of World
         tree planting projects contribute to the 1         Reef Day—Highlighted our work with
         trillion trees campaign in support of the          The Nature Conservancy supporting the
         UN’s Decade of Ecosystem Restoration,              restoration of reefs in Australia, Hong
         which aims to restore, protect, or plant           Kong, China the Coral Triangle and the
         1 trillion trees by 2030. Mary Kay was an          Cakaulevu Reef.
         early supporter of the campaign, pledging         Released report in celebration of World
         1,130,000 trees on Day 1.                          Environment Day—Celebrated under the
                                                            theme “Only One Earth” raising awareness

32                                                                                                         33
about environmental threats and actions          committed to supporting women living
        needed to restore our planet. Highlighted        with cancer through the Look Good
        our projects with The Nature Conservancy         Feel Better program and to helping end
        and Arbor Day Foundation.                        violence against women by providing
      Released report in celebration of World           grants to women’s shelters and community
        Oceans Day—Supported the theme                   outreach programs.
        “Revitalization: collection action for the      Released report about Mary Kay
        ocean” about the impact of human actions         China Sponsored Programs and Funds
        and mobilizing people behind the work            (China)— Through sponsored programs
        for sustainable management of the world’s        and funds, Mary Kay China established      Global Commitments & Mandate
        oceans. Highlighted our global oceans            its philanthropic efforts to span the      Reporting
        and ocean protection projects supporting         urgent needs of women and children.         Completed the Women’s
        The Nature Conservancy focused on                Launching its core program, the Mary          Empowerment Principles’ Gender Gap
        improving ocean health for nature and            Kay Women’s Entrepreneurship Program          Analysis Tool and shared findings
        people.                                          is in association with China Women’s          with BSR, a specialist organization
      Released report in celebration of Coral           Development Foundation; and includes          in corporate responsibility, on how
        Triangle Day—The theme “Sustaining               four additional funds: Mary Kay China         experts can take forward the results.
        the Coral Triangle Ecosystem through             Charity Program is in cooperation with        Based on an analysis of Mary Kay’s
        Blue Economy” focused on marine                  China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Mary       policies and practices across different
        environment to the livelihoods and               Kay Spring Bud Fund is in cooperation         business functions Mary Kay’s score
        economies of the Coral Triangle.                 with China Children and Teenagers’            fell in the “Achiever” category. The next
        Highlighted our work in Indonesia and            Fund, Young Women’s Future Fund is in         steps are to address the remaining
        working with indigenous communities              cooperation with Adream Foundation, and       gaps in implementation of the
        to protect their traditions and economic         Pink Changing Lives Community Fund is         Women’s Empowerment Principles
        security through protecting marine               set up by Pink Changing Lives Volunteer       (WEPs).
        habitats.                                        Club and Jing’an Branch of Shanghai         Submitted progress on its
      Released report in celebration of World           Charity Foundation.                           commitments to the 5 Generation
        Day to Combat Desertification and               Released report about Mary Kay Ash            Equality Action Coalitions. Mary Kay
        Drought - Celebrated under the theme             Foundation℠ (United States of America)—       signed up to these Action Coalitions at
        “Rising up from drought together”. The           Since 1996, guided by Mary Kay Ash’s          the Generation Equality Action Forum
        celebrations sought to bring attention to        dream to enrich the lives of women            in July 2021.
        the threats posed by droughts and the            everywhere, Mary Kay Ash Foundation℠        Submitted its UN Global Compact
        need for early action to avoid disastrous        has invested millions of dollars in           Communication on Progress Report,
        consequences. Highlighted out work               breakthrough cancer research, clinical        which looks at the following categories:
        with TNC to safeguard water sources              trials and cancer support programs and        Governance, Human Rights, Labor,
        and secure fresh water for communities           services, and programs and services           Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
        around the world.                                helping to end gender-based violence and
     Company-Sponsored Foundations                       violence against women.
      Released report about Instituto Mary
       Kay (Brazil)— Instituto Mary Kay aims
       to promote the wellness of women and
       their families in all phases of life, and
       it develops projects focused on health,
       education, family, and professional and
       social development.
      Released report about Mary Kay Ash
       Charitable Foundation (Canada)— The
       Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation is

34                                                                                                                                           35
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