Year 9 French Summer project booklet - Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to - Rastrick High School

Page created by Ida Reynolds
Year 9 French Summer project booklet - Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to - Rastrick High School
Year 9 French
         Summer project booklet

  Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to
complete as well as links to websites & apps to practise key
                     grammar points.

Year 9 French Summer project booklet - Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to - Rastrick High School
Guidance for pupils and parents: ..................................................................................................... 3
The British Council’s ‘Great Language Challenge’ ........................................................................ 4
Extended project 1............................................................................................................................. 5
Extended project 2 ............................................................................................................................ 7
Extended project 3 ............................................................................................................................ 8
Extended project 4 ............................................................................................................................ 9
Films ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Key links to support your learning: ............................................................................................... 13

Year 9 French Summer project booklet - Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to - Rastrick High School
Guidance for pupils and parents:
This booklet contains several projects through which you can develop your
cultural knowledge and understanding of the French speaking world. The

principal is to enrich your knowledge of foreign cultures, particularly of the
language you are currently studying.

There is no specific order in which to complete them and you can spend as long
as you like on each task. We suggest a minimum of 2 hours per project but we
also suggest breaking this up into small 15-minute blocks. This will mean you can
take regular breaks and retain your focus.

You can use any website and/or search engines you see fit to help you with your
work. At the end of each project and the end of the booklet, we have included a
list of key websites and apps that we know will best support your learning of
grammar, vocabulary and culture.

You may also want to develop your own task or project about French culture or
about a different language/culture that interest you. We would encourage and
support you in doing this too using the helpful links provided in the booklet.

Remember - you do not need to print out the work - you could just read it on
screen and work in an exercise book or on lined paper. There are also printed
copies of the booklets available to pick up from school if you cannot access
them on a screen.

Once you have completed the work, we’d love to see what you have produced!
For any feedback please feel free to either email your work to your teacher or
to share it with us on Twitter: @RastrickMFL

If you have any questions about the work, please don't hesitate to get in touch
via the Contact page on the school website.

Year 9 French Summer project booklet - Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to - Rastrick High School
The British Council’s ‘Great Language Challenge’

Year 9 French Summer project booklet - Inside this booklet are several project-based tasks to - Rastrick High School
Extended project 1
                                 On va cuisiner!

Why not spend some of your time doing something creative? Below is a simple
French recipe for crêpes (pancakes), can you complete the tasks to get you to
the finished product?

   1) Using a dictionary or, translate the easy recipe into
      English onto a separate piece of paper or card. (You’ll need to be accurate
      otherwise you won’t know which ingredients to include in your crêpes.

   2) Can you now try to make your recipe card as colourful/decorative as
      possible – how ‘French’ can you make it look?

   3) With the help of an adult, could you now try out your crêpe recipe? See
      how many you can make and which toppings you prefer?

   -   When we return to school, there will be prizes for the best design recipe
       and the best-looking crêpes, so please try to take photos of your
       progress as you go along. (Why not share these with us on Twitter
       @RastrickMFL so we can see your progress?)

Bonne dégustation!

Les ingrédients pour la pâte à crêpe pour enfant :

- 250 g de farine

- 50 cl de lait

- 3 œufs

- 1 pincée de sel

- un saladier, une cuillère en bois, une poêle et une louche

              Les étapes pour faire la pâte à crêpe pour enfant ?

1. Verser la farine et le sel dans le saladier.

2. Casser les œufs dans le saladier puis mélanger avec la cuillère en bois et
ajouter le lait progressivement sans cesser de mélanger.

3. Laisser reposer la pâte pendant 1 heure.

4. Faire chauffer la poêle puis verser une louche de pâte, bien répartir en
bougeant la poêle.

5. Laisser cuire et retourner la crêpe.

Il ne reste plus qu'à déguster les crêpes avec toute la famille !

Extended project 2

Complete units 1-24 of the BBC course Ma France on YouTube. Ma France has
24 interactive video units, each with three videos that are 2-3 minutes long.
They come with a vocabulary list; an explanation of some key grammar points;
activities and games to help you practise the vocabulary and grammar.

Before you watch each episode:

       •    Go to website and
            click on 'Start Ma France'.
       •    Listen to the introduction (you can 'skip' this after you have heard it
            the first time) and choose a unit (or 'destination') from the map.
       •    Click on the 'Vocabulary' button and learn any new words or phrases.

Whilst you are watching each video:

       •    Choose to do the interactive quiz for each video. Watch each clip again
            if you did not get the answer the first time around.
       •    If you are struggling to understand, you can click to add French or
            English subtitles.

After you watch each set of videos:

       •    Read through the grammar information for the unit
       •    Use the activities section to practise the grammar and vocabulary from
            the unit.

Additional task:

Research two tourist sites you could visit in France that are not in the Paris
region. Create a bilingual leaflet for tourists visiting each site, with information
in French and English.

Suggested resources:

   • and
   • and
   • - online French-English dictionary

Extended project 3
Watch episodes 1-13 of the TV series Extr@ on YouTube. Extr@ follows the
lives of four 19-22 year-olds living in Paris (in a similar style to the TV show
Friends). One of the four, Sam, has recently arrived from the USA and only has
a very basic grasp of French. The episodes show Sam's adventures in Paris and
his attempts to get to grips with the language.

Before you watch each episode:

       •    Go to website
            and read the short introduction to the episode.
       •    Click the link for the episode and learn the new vocabulary in the centre

Whilst you are watching each episode:

       •    Use the subtitles to help you understand the French being spoken. (Make
            sure the subtitles selected are in French! Click the 'settings' button on
            the video if you need to change them.) Listen carefully for words from
            the vocabulary list and other words you already know. Use these words,
            the acting and the context to help you understand what is going on.
       •    Make notes about what is happening in the story, with key words.

After you watch each episode:

       •    Create a storyboard or summary of the episode, using the French
            vocabulary you have learned.

Additional task:

Research two tourist sites you could visit on a trip to Paris. Create a bilingual
leaflet for tourists visiting each site, with information in French and English.

Suggested resources:

   • - information
           about each episode and links to the YouTube videos
   • and
   • and
   • - online French-English dictionary

Extended project 4
Task 1:

Look at the map of Lyon and answer the 'treasure hunt'-style questions in

1. Où est-ce qu'on peut apprendre de la deuxième guerre mondiale?
2. Comment s'appelle les deux rivières au centre de Lyon?
3. Pourquoi le parc est célèbre?
4. Où est-ce qu'on peut voir la statue de l'homme à roulettes?
5. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a au centre-ville?
6. Où est-ce qu'on peut voir quelle heure est-il?


                                                                              Le Parc de la Tête d'Or
                                                                                - le plus grand parc
                                                                                   urbain français

    Au centre-ville, il y a une
  grande fontaine et 69 petites

                    Dans la cathédrale
                    Saint Jean-Baptiste il
                    y a une horloge                                           Le patineur, statue en face de
                    astronomique.                                                    l'opéra de Lyon

                                             La musée au confluence
     Le Centre de la                         de la Rhône et la Saône
Résistance - musée de la                     est un musée de science,
 résistance contre les                       anthropologie et architecture.

Translate the questions into French and answer them (in French). You can look
for the information on the internet.

1. What can you see in Lyon?                 4. Describe two of the main
2. Where is the Roman Theatre?                  attractions in the park.
3. What is the zone between the              5. Why is the city important for the
   two rivers called?                           history of the cinema?

Task 2:

Now create your own virtual 'treasure hunt' for one of the locations below.

       Toulouse                      La Réunion                   Martinique
1. Choose a location.                           •   You could write instructions
2. Find a map of the location and                   telling the players something
   start your research.                             they need to do at each
3. Decide on the locations of your                  location of the treasure hunt.
   treasure hunt and think about the               (Il faut chercher/ dessiner/
   questions that you could ask about              découvrir...)
   them.                                     5. Check your information is correct
4. Now create the questions and                 and your French is accurate.
   instructions for your treasure
   • First, set the scene: tell the
      players that you are going to
       do a virtual treasure hunt in
       your chosen city. (Vous allez
       faire une chasse au trésor
       virtuelle à...)
   •   Choose at least six places and
       write a question about each of
       them. (Où est-ce qu'on peut

How are you going to present your treasure hunt? You could:

   •   Write a script, as if you are a treasure hunt guide
   •   Design an interactive leaflet, in which you can click on locations on the
       map to find out more about the locations you have chosen
   •   Produce a film, with pictures of the locations you have chosen and a
       voiceover giving information in Spanish

Suggested resources:

   • - Wikipedia in French
   • - online French-English dictionary

French films to watch for KS3:

Key links to support your learning:

Please see below a list of useful websites to aid your MFL learning whilst at home. You
will just need to select/input that you want French resources


   • (some resources you need to pay for but the
       majority are free)


   • (some resources you need to pay for but the
       majority are free)


         - Search this website - the news section is particularly useful as it has
            country profiles and recent news stories. There are also video clips of
            news items which could be used in presentations.

         - Has basic information and links and is a great place to start.

         - Go to the World Factbook for lots of useful information from the USA
             intelligence agency!


   •   -Useful website, but remember this is updated by other internet users so may
       not always be correct, and is certainly biased!

         - Lots of useful information.


         - Lots of information about countries, with both their English and French

You can also read