Page created by Gloria Schwartz

                 YEAR 12 AND 13
               SUBJECT SELECTION
         Subject Information
    Senior Courses Offered in 2018
       Requirements for NCEA
Guidelines for Study at Different Levels
           Course Pathway
     How To Select Your Course
  Entry Requirements For University
         Information On-Line
           Who To Talk To
                                           11 - 37

                                                CODE     Page No.

       Drama                                     DRA       11
       Music                                     MUS       12
       Visual Arts                               ART     13 - 14

       English                                   ENG       15

       Health                                    HEA       16
       Home Economics                            HEC       17
       Sport Science/Physical Education         SPS/PE   18 - 19

       Māori Studies                             TWA       20

       Mathematics                              MAT        21
       Calculus                                 MWC        21
       Statistics                               MWS        22

       Agriculture/Horticulture                  AGH       23
       Applied Science                           ASC       24
       Biology                                   BIO       25
       Chemistry                                 CHE       26
       Physics                                   PHY       27
       Managing Personal Finance                 MPF       28
       History                                   HIS       29
       Geography                                 GEO       30

       Design and Visual Communication           DVC       31
       Digital Technologies                      DTE       32
       Carpentry                                 CRP       33
       Engineering                               EGN     34 - 35

       Gateway                                   GTW       36
       STAR Automotive                           SAU       36
       Employment Skills                         ESK       37
       Agriculture Academy                       AGA       37

                       LEVEL 1               LEVEL 2                 LEVEL 3
Arts                  • Drama               • Drama                  • Drama
                      • Music               • Music                  • Music
                      • Visual Arts         • Visual Arts            • Visual Arts

English                   English           English                  English

Health and Physical   • Health              • Health                 • Health
Education             • Home Economics      • Home Economics         • Home Economics
                      • Sport Science       • Sport Science          • Sport Science
                                            • Physical Education

Māori Studies             Te Reo Māori      Te Reo Māori             Te Reo Māori

Mathematics               Mathematics       Mathematics              • Mathematics with
                                                                     • Mathematics with

Science               • Agriculture /       • Agriculture /          • Agriculture /
                        Horticulture          Horticulture             Horticulture
                      • Science             • Biology                • Biology
                                            • Chemistry              • Chemistry
                                            • Physics                • Physics
                                            • Applied Science

Social Sciences       • Geography           • Geography              • Geography
                      • History             • Managing Personal      • Managing Personal
                                              Finance                  Finance
                                            • History                • History

Technology            • Carpentry           • Carpentry              • Carpentry
                      • Fabric              • Fabric                 • Fabric
                      • Design and Visual   • Design and Visual      • Design and Visual
                        Communication         Communication            Communication
                      • Digital             • Digital Technologies   • Digital Technologies
                        Technologies        • Engineering            • Engineering
                      • Engineering
Vocational Pathways    Agriculture              • Gateway            • Gateway
                       Academy                                       • Employment Skills

NCEA Levels and Certificates
There are three levels of NCEA certificate, depending on the difficulty of the standards achieved. At
each level, students must achieve a certain number of credits to gain an NCEA certificate. Credits can
be gained over more than one year.

NCEA Level              Requirements
                        80 credits are required at any level (level 1, 2 or 3)
Level 1                  including 10 in literacy and 10 in numeracy

                        60 credits at level 2 or above
Level 2                 + 20 credits from any level

                        60 credits at level 3 or above
Level 3                 + 20 credits from level 2 or above

Credits gained at one level can be used for (or count towards) more than one certificate. They may also
be used towards other qualifications. For example, Unit Standards in the domain 'generic computing'
might be used towards a Level 2 NCEA certificate, as well as towards a National Certificate in
Computing (Level 2); or 20 credits gained at Level 1 can also count towards a Level 2 NCEA

Certificates can be 'endorsed' to reflect high achievement in a significant number of standards. Course
endorsements appear on students’ Records of Achievement, and show that students have performed
well in an individual course.

Certificate Endorsement
If a student gains 50 credits at Excellence, their NCEA will be endorsed with Excellence. Likewise, if a
student gains 50 credits at Merit (or Merit and Excellence), their NCEA will be endorsed with Merit.
The Record of Achievement shows endorsement awards.

Credits earned can count towards an endorsement over more than one year and more than one level.
However, they must be gained at the level of the certificate or above. For example, Level 2 credits will
count towards endorsement of a Level 1 NCEA, but Level 1 credits will not count towards
endorsement of a Level 2 NCEA.

Course endorsements are also possible. To gain a course endorsement the credits towards this must be
gained in the same school year.

A course endorsement provides recognition for a student who has performed exceptionally well in an
individual course. The key objective of a course endorsement is to motivate students to achieve their
potential in one or more courses.

Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve:
•   14 or more credits at Merit or Excellence at the lower level that supports the endorsement
•   At least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed
    standards. Note, this does not apply to Physical Education, Religious Studies and level 3 Visual

Other National Certificates
An addition to NCEA, there are numerous other national certificates available for students.

For more information, visit NZQA online at

                 DIFFERENT LEVELS
Year 12
1.     Year 12 students study six subjects, one of which is compulsory, the other five optional.

2.     English is compulsory at Level 2 and some Mathematics (required for numeracy) is strongly

3.     All requests for entry to Year 12 Courses are treated individually, and on their merits.

4.     You should seek advice from your Teachers, Careers and Guidance Staff, and importantly,
       check the Curriculum Flow Chart carefully.

5.     A general requirement for entry to all optional subjects is evidence of strong skills and results at
       Level 1.

Year 13
Year 13 may follow a course:

1.     Of 4 or more subjects from the University Entrance list and another academic subject at Level
       2 or 3. These students have study periods.

Note: A student who does not meet the criteria for a study period (see point (1) above) may request
      that a study period be granted by applying in writing to the Principal. The student must have
      special grounds for the application to succeed.


                       Year 9                       Year 10                    Year 11                   Year 12                     Year 13
             English                      English                     English   A range          English    A range          English   A range
                                                                                of                          of                         of
                                                                                courses                     courses                    courses
             Mathematics                  Mathematics                 Mathematics    A range     Mathematics     A range     Mathematics &
                                                                                     of                          of          Statistics
                                                                                     courses                     courses     Mathematics & Calculus
             Science                      Science                     Science     A range        Biology                     Biology
COMPULSORY                                                                        of             Chemistry                   Chemistry
                                                                                  courses        Physics                     Physics
CORE                                                                                             Applied Science
             Social Studies               Social Studies              Geography                  Geography                   Geography
             Health/Physical Education    Health/Physical Education   History                    History                     History
             A range of module                                        Sport Science              Sport Science               Sport Science
             subjects that may include:                                                          Physical Education
             Home Economics               Home Economics              Home Economics             Home Economics              Home Economics

                                                                      Health                     Health                      Health
             Design and Visual            Design and Visual           Design and Visual          Design and Visual           Design and Visual
             Communication                Communication               Communication              Communication               Communication
             Technology                   Wood Technology             BCATS - Carpentry          BCATS - Carpentry           BCITO - Carpentry
                                          Metal Technology            Engineering                Engineering                 Engineering

             Music                        Music                       Music                      Music                       Music
             Rural Studies                Rural Studies               Agriculture/Horticulture   Agriculture/Horticulture    Agriculture/Horticulture
             Visual Arts                  Visual Arts                 Visual Arts                Visual Arts                 Visual Arts
                                                                                                 Managing Personal Finance   Managing Personal Finance
OPTIONAL     Digital Technologies         Digital Technologies        Digital Technologies       Digital Technologies        Digital Technologies
             Te Reo Māori                 Te Reo Māori                Māori Studies              Māori Studies               Māori Studies
SUBJECTS                                  Drama                       Drama                      Drama                       Drama
                                                                                                 Gateway                     Gateway
                                                                                                 STAR Auto Engineering
                                                                                                                             Employment Skills
                                                                      Range of VC courses        Range of VC courses
                                                                      Agriculture Academy        Agriculture Academy

  ABILITY            INTEREST                    CAREER            CHOICE

  How good are         What do you                If you know         Investigate
 you at a subject?       enjoy?                 what you would        carefully all
                                                 like to be, ask   subjects you are
                                                   your Tutor        interested in
                                                Teacher or the
                                                Careers Advisor
                                                 what subjects
                                                   you need to

  Assessment         Do you like the                               Make your final
results will help    work or is it just                            choice, keeping
     you to          that you like the                               in mind the
determine your       teacher? Do not             If you do not     formula above
     ability         do a subject just          know what you
                      to be with your             want to be,
                          friends                  leave your
                                                options open by
                                                not specialising
                                                    too soon

To gain University Entrance, students require:

➢ NCEA Level 3
➢ 14 credits at Level 3 or higher in each of three subjects from an approved subject list
  (see below). Note: The approved subject list may change from year to year.
➢ Achieve University Entrance numeracy – 10 credits at Level 1 and above from
  specific Achievement Standards or three specific numeracy Unit Standards.
➢ Achieve University Entrance literacy – 10 credits (5 in reading and 5 in writing) at
  Level 2 and above from specific standards.


     NCEA                 14 credits at          14 credits at          14 credits at
     Level 3               Level 3 or             Level 3 or             Level 3 or
                          higher in an           higher in an           higher in no
                           ‘approved              ‘approved             more than 2
                             subject’            subject’ area          domains or
                   +           area       +                      +       ‘approved
                                                                        subject’ area

➢     10 credits in Mathematics at Level 1 or higher
➢     5 credits at Level 2 or above in Reading
➢     5 credits at Level 2 or above in Writing

University Courses with Limited Entry
Applicants for limited entry courses need to achieve the Common Entry Standard stated
above plus additional requirements specified for the course. It is wise to check with the
university regarding specific course entrance requirements.

Subjects offered at Dannevirke High School that are on the List of University Entrance
Approved Subjects:

                           English                           Mathematics with Statistics
Agriculture/Horticulture   Fabric                            Music
Biology                    Geography                         Sport Science
Chemistry                  Design & Visual Communications    Physics
History                    Health                            Visual Arts
Digital Technologies       Home Economics
Drama                      Mathematics with Calculus

                       INFORMATION ONLINE
For additional advice – the following sites will provide excellent information:



NCEA ON TKI       
study resources)


This chart gives the names of teachers who can provide information about subjects or assist you with

SUBJECT AREA                             TEACHER
Agriculture                               Mrs Menzies
Employment Skills                         Mr Te Huki
English                                   Mr Carr
Food Technology                           Mrs Prasad
Gateway and Trades Academy                Mr Te Huki
Health                                    Ms Goggin
Digital Technologies                      Mrs Lochead
Maori Language                            Whaea Gina Hauiti-Houkamau
Mathematics                               Mr MacKay
Music                                     Ms Scott
NCEA/NZQA Liaison                         Mrs Sandbrook
Physical Education                        Mrs Macpherson
Science                                   Mrs Menzies
Social Sciences                           Mr Melvin
STAR Sports                               Mrs Macpherson
Technology                                Mr Hewald
Visual Arts                               Mrs Walding

                                    OTHER KEY PEOPLE
Deputy Principal                             Mrs Sandbrook
Assistant Principal                          Mr Melvin
Deans                                        Ms Goggin, Ms Miller and Mrs Lochead
Careers Advisor                              Mrs Sandbrook


                             DRAMA LEVEL 2
This course is for students who have interest in the Performing Arts

Topics covered include developing Techniques, Conventions and Elements, Devising
own performances, studying a Theatre Form and performing a scripted piece.
Qualification:                Up to 26 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and performance work.
Recommended Entry             Year 11 Drama would be helpful but not compulsory.
Leads to:                     Level 3 Drama.

                                A career within Performing Arts; Acting, Directing,
                                Costume, Makeup, Set Design, Sound and Lighting.

                                Drama is a positive asset to any career.

                                It promotes life-long learners and builds confidence in
                                students to be actively involved in their workplaces and
                                communities, and understanding of others.

                             DRAMA LEVEL 3
This course is for students who have interest in the Performing Arts

Topics covered include working on solo pieces for a Devising, Performing a piece from a
New Zealand Play, and performing as part of a class production.
Qualification:                Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:        ➢ Both theory and performance work.
Recommended Entry             Preferably completion of Level 2 Drama
Leads to:                     A career within Performing Arts; Acting, Directing,
                              Costume, Makeup, Set Design, Sound and Lighting.

                                Drama is a positive asset to any career.

                                It promotes life-long learners and builds confidence in
                                students to be actively involved in their workplaces and
                                communities, and understanding of others.

This course is for students who may continue on to take Year 13 Music subjects and/or
who are aiming for Merit or Excellence endorsements.

Topics covered include: Solo Performance, Group Performance; Composition, Aural
Recall; Score Reading; Musical Knowledge; Second Instrument Studies; Instrumentation;
Research Topic.
Qualification:                 Up to 29 credits available in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Recommended Entry              ➢ Performance Instrument in Year 11 essential.
Leads to:                      Music in Year 13.

                                Careers in the areas of: Education, Radio, Event
                                Manager, Music Therapist, Musician, Entertainer,
                                Conductor, Sound Production: Film/Video/ TV,
                                Teaching Tutor, Composer and many more.

                              MUSIC LEVEL 3
This course is for students who may continue on to take Tertiary Music studies

Topics covered include: Solo Performance, Group Performance; Composition, Aural
Recall; Score Reading; Musical Knowledge; Second Instrument Studies; Arrangement;
Research Study; Compare and Contrast Music Studies.
Qualification:                 Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Recommended Entry             ➢ Performance Instrument in Year 12 Music
Leads to:                      Music in Tertiary Study Level 4.

                                Careers in the areas of: Education, Radio, Event
                                Manager, Music Therapist, Musician, Entertainer,
                                Conductor, Sound Production: Film/Video/ TV,
                                Teaching Tutor, Composer and many more.

Visual Art at Level 2 breaks up into 4 separate subjects. Printmaking, Painting, Photography
and/or Moving Images. (Sculpture is available on request).

Students will work towards creating a series of thematic images for internal and external
assessments. In the format of a 2 panel portfolio.

Please note: There are no NCEA credits for drawing only.
Qualification:                  Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Theory will be learned through practical application.
Opportunities and              ➢ Art Camp ($200.00) optional
Resources available for
Recommended Entry               Successful completion of Year 11 Practical Visual Art.
Leads to:                       Level 3 Visual Art.

                                 Career Opportunities: Studio and Fine Art Practice,
                                 Education, Museum Work, Commercial Advertising Agency,
                                 Letter Press based Graphics Design, Commercial Illustration
                                 and many more.
                                 Tertiary Options: Degree programmes are available at many
                                 Universities around New Zealand. The most specialised and
                                 sort after University in the area of Visual Art & Design and
                                 Fine Art is Massey University in Wellington.

Visual Art at Level 3 breaks up into 4 separate subjects. Printmaking, Painting, Photography
and/or Moving Images. (Sculpture is available on request).

Students will work towards creating a series of thematic images for internal and external

Students will undertake a course involving either:
Digital and Practical Printmaking or Drawing and Painting skills or Design Theory or
Photography or Moving Image.

In the format of 3 panel portfolios.

Please note: There are no NCEA credits for drawing only.
Qualification:                  Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Theory will be learned through practical application.
Opportunities and              ➢ Camp ($200.00) optional
Resources available for
Recommended Entry               Successful completion of Year 12 Practical Visual Art.
Leads to:                       Level 3 Visual Art.

                                       Career Opportunities: Studio and Fine Art Practice,
                                       Education, Museum Work, Commercial Advertising Agency,
                                       Letter Press based Graphics Design, Commercial Illustration
                                       and many more.
                                       Tertiary Options: Degree programmes are available at many
                                       Universities around New Zealand. The most specialised and
                                       sort after University in the area of Visual Art & Design and
                                       Fine Art is Massey University in Wellington. Major areas that
                                       incorporate Visual Art include: Visual Communication Design
                                       (Printmaking), Print based Graphic Design, Printed Media
                                       Advertising, Marketing.


                            ENGLISH LEVEL 2
Students will be placed in the correct class level according to ability and Year 11

Topics covered will include reading independently, making connections and writing
about a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, public speaking and careful listening.

Different classes will select additional topics from formal and creative writing, creating
visual and verbal images and/or close reading of film
Qualification:                   17-29 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:            Satisfactory completion of a Level 1 course at a
                                 corresponding level.
Recommended Entry                Appropriate to each level
Leads to:                        English in Year 13.

                                Any career, no matter what you decide to do or where
                                you may end up requires some degree of English.
                                Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills are at the
                                heart of any English course. These skills will be required
                                wherever you end up.

                            ENGLISH LEVEL 3
Students will be placed in a Level 3 course according to ability and Year 12 performance.

Topics covered will be selected from reading independently, making connections and
writing about a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, formal and creative writing,
extensive research, public speaking and careful listening, reading for meaning, writing in
plain English, recording minutes from a formal meeting, evaluating movies, evaluating and
presenting static images, public speaking and careful listening.
 Qualification:                   Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:            ➢ Satisfactory completion of a Level 2 course at a
                                     corresponding level.
 Recommended Entry                Appropriate to each level.
 Leads to:                        Any career, no matter what you decide to do or where
                                  you may end up requires some degree of English.
                                  Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills are at the
                                  heart of any English course. These skills will be required
                                  wherever you decide to go.


                             HEALTH LEVEL 2
This course is for students interested in health and social issues.

Topics covered could include people’s ability to manage change, how to enhance peoples
wellbeing (Hauora), interpersonal issues and personal safety, strategies for addressing
issues relating to sexuality and gender.
 Qualification:                    Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
Opportunities and                 ➢ Workbook (approximately $25.00).
Resources available for
 Recommended Entry                 Preferably completion of Level 1 Health. An interest in
 Requirement:                      matters relating to Health and Social issues.
 Leads to:                         Health Level 3.

                                  Nursing, Health Care Assistant, Dietician, Ambulance
                                  Officer, Community Worker, Airforce, Sports Coach,
                                  Physiotherapist,   Customs   Officer,     Psychologist,
                                  Optician, Teacher, Youth Worker, Police Officer, Nurse,
                                  Social Worker.

                             HEALTH LEVEL 3
This course is for students interested in health and social issues.

Topics covered in this course could include research into a major health issue, sexuality
and the media, ethical dilemmas, societal pressure, issues, alcohol and drugs.
 Qualification:                 Up to 25 credits NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:           ➢ Workbook (approximately $25.00).
 Recommended Entry              Satisfactory completion of work at Level 2.
 Leads to:                      Tertiary qualifications (University or Polytechnics).

                                  Nursing, Health Care Assistant, Dietician, Ambulance
                                  Officer, Community Worker, Social Worker, Mid-Wife,
                                  Speech Language Therapist, Airforce, Sports Coach,
                                  Physiotherapist,   Customs    Officer,    Psychologist,
                                  Optician, Teacher, Youth Worker, Police Officer, Nurse.

This course is for students who are interested in continuing on with Year 12 and 13
Home Economics.

It is also for students who want to further develop cooking skills and process.

Topics include, food and nutrition, nutritional issues, food sustainability, determinants of
health and well-being and cooking. Students can choose a Hospitality – Cooking course
worth 10 credits from Unit Standards.
Qualification:                  Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
Opportunities and              ➢ Subject fee of $50.00 which covers all the
Resources available for             consumables used during the teaching and learning
purchase                            process.
                               ➢ If you choose the Hospitality Course an additional
                                    $33.00 is to cover the cost of the book and certificate.
Recommended Entry               Satisfactory completion of Level 1 Home Economics will
Requirement:                    be useful.
Leads to:                       Home Economics at Level 3 and University Entrance.

                                 Careers and/or apprenticeships in the Food Industry.

                  HOME ECONOMICS LEVEL 3
This course is for students who are considering continuing on with Year 13 NCEA
Home Economics.
Qualification:                Up to 19 credits in NCEA Level 3.
Opportunities and            ➢ Subject fee of which covers all the consumables used
Resources available for           during the teaching and learning process ($50.00)
Recommended Entry             Satisfactory completion of Level 1 or 2 Home
Requirement:                  Economics will be useful.
Leads to:                     Tertiary education.

                                 University Entrance.

                                 Jobs in the food industry.

This course is for students interested in the academic study of Sport Science.

Topics to be studied will include: Training, Human Anatomy, Energy Systems, Social
Responsibilities, Motor Learning, Sports Psychology, Leadership, Camp.
Qualification:                 Up to 22 NCEA Level 2 credits (internally assessment
This Course Requires:          ➢ Theory and practical work.
Opportunities and              ➢ Cost for camp (approximately $30.00 - $40.00).
Resources available for
Recommended Entry              Satisfactory completion of Level 1 Sports Science.

Leads to:                       Sports Science Level 3.

                                Can do either Sports Science Level 2 or Physical

                                A career in a variety of areas including: Sport, Medicine,
                                Nutrition, Marketing, Personal Training, Business and
                                much more.

This course is fir students interested in a course based around physical/practical

Topics to be studies will include: Training, Social Responsibility, Motor Learning,
Qualification:               Up to 22 NCEA Level 2 credits (internally assessment
This Course Requires:       ➢ Mostly practical work.
Opportunities and
Resources available for
Recommended Entry            Satisfactory completion of Level 1 Sports Science.
Leads to:                    A career in a variety of areas including: Sport, Medicine,
                             Nutrition, Marketing, Personal Training, Business and
                             much more.

This course is for students interested in the application of theoretical work to practical
situations in the wider field of sport.

Topics to be studied include: training programmes i.e. duathlon, event management,
research, leadership development.
 Qualification:                Up to 21 credits NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:         ➢ Internally assessed assessments only.
Opportunities and             ➢ Cost of event entry $15.00 - $65.00
Resources available for
 Recommended Entry             Satisfactory completion of Sports Science Level 2.
 Leads to:                     Tertiary qualifications (University or Polytechnic).

                                A career in Sport or Sport Related Activities, Events
                                Management, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist,
                                Dietician, Osteopath, Personal Trainer.


                MĀORI STUDIES LEVELS 2 and 3
This course is for students who desire to gain credits in Māori studies

Qualification:                  Up to 29 in Level 2 and Up to 20 in Level 3
This Course Requires:           ➢ Theory, practical, independent and differentiated
Opportunities and               Marae visit
Resources available for
Recommended Entry                Successful completion of Year 11 Māori Studies
                                 A genuine passion and love of Te Reo Māori and
                                 Tikanga Māori
Leads to:                        Careers in the areas of: Teaching – Early Childhood,
                                 Kōhanga Reo, Childcare, Performance, Primary and
                                 Secondary Education.

                      MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2
Level 2 Mathematics is not compulsory but is highly recommended to ensure greatest
opportunities for jobs or further study.

A variety of topics are offered in each class and may include: Algebra, Trigonometry,
Statistics, Calculus, Probability, Geometry and Time Management.

Students who select Level 2 Mathematics will be placed in classes according to ability and
Qualification:                 Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 1
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and             ➢ Purchase of Workbooks (approximately $25.00).
Resources available for       ➢ Calculator (Graphics at Top Level).
Recommended Entry              Level 1 NCEA to Merit or Excellence level for 201,
Requirement:                   Achieved for 202.
Leads to:                      Gaining NCEA Level 2 qualification.

                                 Mathematics to NCEA Level 2 is often considered as an
                                 important qualification for employment in many areas.

                                 Careers in the areas of Science, Accounting, Economics,
                                 Financial, Business, Engineering, Medicine, Aviation, etc.

                           CALCULUS LEVEL 3
This course is for students who have an interest in Calculus and who wish to gain credits to
contribute towards University Entrance.

Topics covered include trigonometric graphs and modelling, algebra and complex numbers,
differentiation and integration.
Qualification:                   Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 3.
Opportunities and
Resources available for
Recommended Entry                Satisfactory completion of Level 2 Mathematics.    In
Requirement:                     particular, algebra and calculus.
Leads to:                        Tertiary study in Mathematics or related fields.

                                 Careers in the areas of Science, Engineering, Medicine,
                                 Economics Aviation, etc.

This course is for students who have an interest in Statistics and who wish to gain credits
to contribute towards University Entrance.

Topics included are Time Series, Bivariate Data, Probability, Distributions and Formal

There are 14 Internal and 8 External credits.
Qualification:                  Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 3.
Opportunities and              ➢ Workbooks (approximately $45.00).
Resources available for        ➢ Graphics calculator.
Recommended Entry               Satisfactory completion of Level 2 Mathematics including
Requirement:                    Algebra.
Leads to:                       Tertiary study in Mathematics or related fields.

                                Careers in the areas of Science, Accounting, Economics,
                                Financial, Business etc.


                     AGRICULTURE LEVEL 2
This course is for students who have an interest in any aspect of Agriculture and who
may continue on to take Year 13 Agriculture.

Topics covered include: Animal welfare, behaviour, reproduction and management.
Farm safety. Plant growth and soils.
Qualification:                Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:        ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and            ➢ Internal or school based course available
Resources available for
Recommended Entry             Satisfactory completion of Year 11 Agriculture.
Leads to:                     Agriculture in Year 13.

                              Careers in the areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Earth
                              and the Environment, Agricultural Engineering, Farm
                              Management, Food Technology, Plant Based Industries,
                              Rural Banking, Stock Agent, Marketing and many more.

                     AGRICULTURE LEVEL 3
This course is for students who have an interest in any aspect of Agriculture and who
may continue on to take Agriculture at Tertiary Level.

Topics covered include: Pasture growth and plant response to fertilizers. The
profitability of primary production. The production process and marketing of primary
products. Reproductive management.
Qualification:                  Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and              ➢ Students can choose an internal or external based
Resources available for             course.
Recommended Entry               Satisfactory completion of Year 12 Agriculture.
Leads to:                       Tertiary study, employment.

                              Careers in the areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Earth
                              and the Environment, Agricultural Engineering, Farm
                              Management, Food Technology, Plant Based Industries,
                              Rural Banking, Stock Agent, Marketing and many more.

This course is for students who have an interest in or requirement to take Science at
Level 2 for Tertiary Studies. This course leads to Biology and Agriculture at Level 3.

Topics covered include: The Biology of cells and the use of microscopes, current
Chemistry used in everyday life and the geology of the Tararua region.
Qualification:                  Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and              ➢ Field work (approximately one day ($25.00).
Resources available for
Recommended Entry               Satisfactory completion of Year 11 Science.
Leads to:                       Agriculture and Biology in Year 13.

                              Careers in the areas of Health and Animal Science,
                              Nursing, Agriculture, Horticulture, Earth and the
                              Environment, Food Technology, Plant Based Industries,
                              and many more.

This course is for students who are interested in all things living within the topic of

Topics covered include, Cell Structure and Function Microscope Studies, Genetics, Gene
Expression and Ecology.
Qualification:                  Up to 26 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and              ➢ Field work (1 day, approximate cost $25.00).
Resources available for        ➢ Purchase of a write-on manual ($25.00).
Recommended Entry               Satisfactory completion of Year 11 Science.
Leads to:                       Biology Level 3.

                               Careers involving Animals, Conservation, Farming,
                               Health Care, Education, the Environment, Sports,
                               Forensics, Pharmacy, Food Technology, The Forces,
                               Plant Based Industries and many more.

                          BIOLOGY LEVEL 3
This course is for students who are interested in all things living within the topic of

Topics covered include DNA studies, Speciation, Human Evolution, Biotechnology,
Genetics, Animal and Plant Behaviour, Homeostasis.
Qualification:                Up to 24 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and             ➢ Field work (approximate cost $110.00).
Resources available for       ➢ Purchase of a write-on manual ($25.00).
Recommended Entry             Satisfactory completion of Year 11 Science or level 2
Requirement:                  Biology.
Leads to:                     Tertiary studies.

                               Careers involving Animals, Conservation, Farming,
                               Health Care, Education, The Environment, Sports,
                               Forensics, Pharmacy, Food Technology, The Forces,
                               Plant Based Industries and many more.

This course is for students who are interested in the Sciences and/or have career goals
that require Level 3 Chemistry.

Topics covered include understanding bonding, structure and properties, properties of
organic compounds, chemical reactivity, and practical and research based topics.
Qualification:                Credits at NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:        ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and             Purchase of write on workbook $25.00.
Resources available for
Recommended Entry             Successful completion of Chemistry component at
Requirement:                  NCEA Level 1.
Leads to:                     Level 3 Chemistry.

                                Careers in the areas of Health, Education, Earth and the
                                Environment,      Engineering,    Agriculture,    Sports,
                                Forensics, Pharmacy, Food Technology, The Forces,
                                Plant Based Industries and many more.

                         CHEMISTRY LEVEL 3
This course is for students who are interested in a specialist knowledge of Chemistry.

Topics covered include spectroscopy, chemical process, properties of particles and the
chemistry properties of organic compounds, quantitative Chemistry.
 Qualification:                  Credits at NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:           ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and                Purchase of write on workbook $25.00.
Resources available for
 Recommended Entry               Successful completion of Year 12 Chemistry.
 Leads to:                       Careers in the areas of Health, Education, Earth and the
                                 Environment,      Engineering,    Agriculture,    Sports,
                                 Forensics, Pharmacy, Food Technology, The Forces,
                                 Plant Based Industries and many more.

This course is for students who have an interest in Physics.

Topics covered include Mechanics, Atomic and Modern Nuclear Physics and
Electromagnetism and Electricity, Application of Physics in real life context.
Qualification:                 Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and             ➢ Purchase of a write-on manual ($25.00).
Resources available for
Recommended Entry              Satisfactory completion of Year 11 Science.
Leads to:                      Level 3 Physics.

                                 Careers in the areas of Engineering, Architecture,
                                 Aviation, Medicine, Science, Mathematics, Meteorology,
                                 Teaching and many more.

                             PHYSICS LEVEL 3
This course is for students who require physics credits for further study and/or wish to
follow on from Year 12 Physics.

Topics covered include Mechanics, Atomic and Modern Nuclear Physics and
Electromagnetism and Electricity, Application of Physics in real life context.
Qualification:                 Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Opportunities and             ➢ Purchase of a write-on manual ($27.00).
Resources available for
Recommended Entry              Satisfactory completion of Year 12 Physics.
Leads to:                      University study.

                                 Careers in the areas of Engineering, Architecture,
                                 Aviation, Medicine, Science, Mathematics, Meteorology,
                                 Teaching and many more.

The Managing Personal Finance course teaches important life skills, in particular how to
understand and make decisions relating to managing money in today’s world.

Topics include: Setting financial goals, budgeting, understanding taxes, learning ways to avoid and
reduce debt, how to make good investment decisions, and understanding insurance.

Qualification:                     A minimum of 18 credits
This Course Requires:              Internally assessed standards only
Opportunities and                  A Laptop or Chromebook is desirable
Resources available for
Recommended Entry                  Reasonable Mathematics and English writing skills.
Leads to:                          Careers in insurance, business management, administration
                                   and more.

The Managing Personal Finance course teaches important life skills, in particular how to
understand and make decisions relating to managing money in today’s world.

Topics include: Setting financial goals, budgeting, understanding taxes, learning ways to avoid and
reduce debt, how to make good investment decisions, and understanding insurance.

Qualification:                     A minimum of 18 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:             ➢ Internally assessed standards only
Opportunities and                 Laptop or Chromebook desirable.
Resources available for
Recommended Entry                  Reasonable Mathematics and English writing skills.
Leads to:                          Tertiary study; Employment.
                                   Careers, not only as an Accountant, but in Administration,
                                   Agriculture, Arts, Business Management, Business Ownership,
                                   Education, Finance, Forestry, Horticulture, Hospitality,
                                   Human Resources, Insurance, Marketing, Media and
                                   communication, Mining, Seafood, Social Sciences, Sports and
                                   Recreation, and Tourism.

History offers an understanding of human activities in the past, in the context of change
through time. Entering into other times and place challenges students to think about
continuity and change, similarities and differences, cause and effect. History enables
students to understand their heritage and that of their community, society and nation.
This course involves in-depth study of a number of topics from the twentieth century.
Qualification:                  20 – 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
Opportunities and
Resources available for
Recommended Entry              ➢ Satisfactory results in Level 1 History.
Leads to:                       Level 3 History.

                           HISTORY LEVEL 3
Level 3 History continues to build on the historical skills developed at NCEA History
Level 1 and 2. You will gain an understanding of your heritage and that of your
community, society and nation. It will lead you to enter into other times and places to
see how the past appeared to the people living then. Throughout New Zealand’s history
individuals and groups have been impelled to seek change and achieve social justice. The
approach taken by this course is to focus on historical case studies where individuals
and/or groups have gained a social awareness which led them to undertake protest
Qualification:                 20 – 24 credits in NCEA Level 2.
Opportunities and
Resources available for
Recommended Entry             ➢ Satisfactory results in Level 1 History.
Leads to:                      Possible career pathways for students who complete
                               NCEA History Level 1 – 3 include further tertiary
                               education in the fields of Law, Communications, Politics,
                               Journalism, Business, Teaching and the Arts.

This course is for students who care about the earth and environment and the people
who live here.

Topics are all about how people live in our world, including how our volcanic landscape
is formed and used, why there is wealth and poverty in the world, issues like Malaria and
its spread globally, consumerism, crime in inner cities e.g. Chicago.

Education for sustainability standards will be available to students who want to accelerate
their learning in 2016.
 Qualification:                  Up to 26 credits in NCEA Level 2.
 This course requires            ➢ Mapping, graphing, research, writing skills.
Opportunities and                ➢ Field trip to Tongariro National Park or similar (cost
Resources available for             $250.00).
 Recommended Entry               Open.
 Leads to:                       Geography in Year 13 and University study.

                                Careers in studying and managing the Environment,
                                Town and Regional Planning, Tourism, Weather
                                Forecasting, CIS Systems, Volcanologist, working for
                                DOC and Quantity Surveying.

                        GEOGRAPHY LEVEL 3
This course is for students who care about current issues facing earth and humanity
survival. .

Topics are all about how people live in our world, including how our landscape is formed,
how we measure and map it using space age technology, how tourism operates and how
we deal with issues like Blood Diamonds and Human Trafficking, that challenge us.

Education for sustainability standards will be available to students who want to accelerate
their learning in 2016.
 Qualification:                  Up to 26 credits in NCEA Level 3.
Opportunities and               ➢ Rotorua field trip ($230.00).
Resources available for
 Recommended Entry               Open.
 Leads to:                       University study.

                                Careers in studying and managing the Environment,
                                Town and Regional Planning, Tourism, Weather
                                Forecasting, CIS Systems, Volcanologist, working for
                                DOC and Quantity Surveying.


                   LEVEL 2
This course is for students who are considering continuing on with Year 13 DVC.

Topics covered include Freehand Sketching and Rendering Techniques, learning to
problem solve by using Visual Communication Techniques and undertaking Technical
Drawing skills with the opportunity to learning how to use computer software
programmes such as 3D modelling and CAD work.
Qualification:                Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:
Recommended Entry             Satisfactory completion of Level 1 DVC.
Leads to:                     Design and Visual Communication at Level 3.

                               Careers and/or apprenticeships in the areas of
                               Environmental and Civil Engineering, Engineering and
                               Associated Trades, Building and Associated Trades,
                               Agriculture, the Armed Forces, Design in both Interior
                               Design and Architectural and many more.

                   LEVEL 3
This course is for students who are considering to continue on into Apprenticeships or
Poly Tech or University course.

Topics covered include Freehand Sketching and Rendering Techniques, learning to
problem solve by using Visual Communication Techniques and undertaking Technical
Drawing skills with the opportunity to learning how to use computer software
programmes such as 3D modelling and CAD work.
Qualification:                Up to 22 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:
Recommended Entry             Satisfactory completion of Level 2 DVC.
Leads to:                     Careers and/or apprenticeships in the areas of
                              Environmental and Civil Engineering, Engineering and
                              Associated Trades, Building and Associated Trades,
                              Agriculture, the Armed Forces, Design in both Interior
                              Design and Architectural and many more.

This course is for students who are interested in to continuing on with Year 12 or 13
Digital Technologies.

Topics covered may include: file management, creating a digital media product, planning
for a project, creating desktop published documents, creating conceptual designs.
 Qualification:                  Up to 20 credits in NCEA Level 2.
Opportunities and                ➢ Students must supply their own headphones.
Resources available for
 Recommended Entry               Satisfactory completion of Level 1 Digital Technologies
 Requirement:                    is strongly recommended.
 Leads to:                       Digital Technologies at Level 3.

                               Careers and/or apprenticeships in the areas of Pre-press,
                               Copy and Digital Centres, Print Centres, Design Studios,
                               Advertising,   Desktop      Publishing,     Newspapers,
                               Education, Digital Production, Support Technician, and
                               Computer Sales, Data Entry, Design and many more.

This course is for students who are interested in continuing on into Apprenticeships or
Poly Tech or University course and who are aiming for high standards that can lead to
Achievement in this subject.

Topics covered may include Desktop Publishing, Creation of an Electronic Package,
Website creation, Word Processing, Film Making, and Technology Processes.
Qualification:                 Up to 20 credits in NCEA Level 3.
Opportunities and             ➢ Students must supply their own headphones.
Resources available for
Recommended Entry              Satisfactory completion of Level 2 Digital Technologies
Requirement:                   is strongly recommended.
Leads to:                      Careers and/or apprenticeships in the areas of Pre-press,
                               Copy and Digital Centres, Print Centres, design Studios,
                               Advertising,     Desktop    Publishing,     Newspapers,
                               Education, Digital Production, Support Technician,
                               Computer Sales, Data Entry, Design and many more
                               through Poly Technics and Universities.

This course is for students who wish to achieve the National Certificate in BCATS Level 2.

Topics covered include Health and Safety in the Workshop, practical project work, theory
paperwork relating to knowledge required in construction processes, the safe and correct use
of restricted machinery and to further develop individual skills to use in projects undertaken.
Qualification:                    Up to 30 credits in NCEA Level 2.
                                  Further credits are available towards achieving the
                                  National Certificate BCATS Level 2.
This Course Requires:            ➢ Theory and Practical work.
                                 ➢ Subject fee for consumables e.g. screws, glue,
                                      sandpaper etc. ($50.00).
                                 ➢ Purchase of material, special fittings and finishing.
                                      products used in their own project.
Recommended Entry                 Satisfactory completion of Carpentry Level 1.
Leads to:                         Year 13 BCITO Carpentry (once National Certificate in
                                  BCATS Level 2 has been achieved).
                                  Leads to entry into the Building Apprentice Courses at
                                  some Technical Institutions and further to a career in the
                                  areas of building, construction and associated trades.

                   BCITO CARPENTRY LEVEL 3
This course is for students who progress from the BCATS Level 2 to the BCATS Level 3

Topics covered include Health and Safety in the Workshop, practical project work with
supporting theory paperwork relating to knowledge required in construction processes, the
safe and correct use of restricted machinery and further develop skills to use in projects
 Qualification:                  20 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:           ➢ Theory work.
                                ➢ Individual project or a group project with a
                                     community emphasis.
                                ➢ Subject fee for consumables e.g. screws, glue,
                                     sandpaper etc ($50.00).
                                ➢ Purchase of material, special fittings and finishing
                                     products used in their own project.
 Recommended Entry               Have completed some of the Unit Standards from the
 Requirement:                    National Certificate in BCATS Level 2.
 Leads to:                       BCITO Carpentry in Year 13 is a step towards the
                                 BCITO pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship in the
                                 building Industry.
                                  Leads to entry into the Building Apprentice Courses at
                                  Technical Institutions and further to a career in the areas
                                  of Building, Construction and associated trades.
This course is for students who wish to achieve elements towards the National Certificate
in Mechanical Engineering Level 2.

Topics covered include Health and Safety in the Workshop, practical project work, theory
paperwork relating to knowledge required in Engineering processes, the safe and correct
use of machinery and further develops individual skills to use in projects undertaken.
Qualification:                 18 credits (over 2 years) in NCEA Level 2.
                               National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Level 2.
This Course Requires:          ➢ Theory and Practical work.
                               ➢ Subject fee for consumables e.g. oxy-acetylene Gas,
                                   MIG Welding and Arc Welding consumables,
                                   grinding discs etc. ($50.00).
                               ➢ Purchase of material, special fittings and finishing
                                   products used in their own project is an additional
Recommended Entry              Satisfactory completion of Design Tech Metal Level 1.
Leads to:                      Engineering in Year 13 is Level 3 Technology
                               Achievement Standards which can be attempted once the
                               elements towards the National Certificate in Mechanical
                               Engineering Level 2 have been achieved.

                                Leads to entry into the Engineering.

This course is for students who wish to continue working towards elements of the
National Certificate Mechanical Engineering Level 2 and then progress to the Level 3
Technology Unit Standards.

Topics covered include Health and Safety in the Workshop, oractical project work,
theory paperwork relating to knowledge required in Engineering processes, the safe and
correct use of a range of Engineering workshop and welding equipment and further
develop skills to use in projects undertaken.
Qualification:                    Up to 19 credits in NCEA Level 3.
This Course Requires:            ➢ Theory work.
                                 ➢ Individual project.
                                 ➢ Subject fee for consumables e.g. oxy-acetylene Gas,
                                      MIG and Arc welding consumables, grinding discs
                                      etc. ($50.00).
                                 ➢ Purchase of material, special fittings and finishing
                                      products used in their own project is an additional
Recommended Entry                 Satisfactory Level 1 & 2 Engineering
Leads to:                         Leads to entry into the Engineering Apprentice Course
                                  where the National Certificate will be completed through
                                  Technical Institutions and further to a career in the areas
                                  of Engineering and associated trades.


This course is for students who are looking at leaving school the following year. It suits
students that are looking at getting into industry based work such as building, engineering,
 Qualification:                   Credit range between 15 and 30. A minimum of 15
                                  credits to be achieved over the year.
This Course Requires:            ➢ Both theory and practical work.
                                 ➢ One day a week work experience.
 Recommended Entry                Open.
 Leads to:                        Can lead to full time work or an apprenticeship.
                                  Valuable in determining if the career option you have
                                  chosen is what you really want to do.

                  STAR AUTOMOTIVE LEVEL 2
This course is for students who wish to achieve Level 2 credits in the Automotive
Engineering Industry using MITO Level 2 standards.

Topics covered include Health and Safety in the Workshop, practical work on motor
vehicles, theory paperwork relating to knowledge required in the Automotive Industry,
individual skills to use in identifying parts of a vehicle, being able to disassemble, clean
and service then reassemble parts back into motor vehicle.
 Qualification:                   Up to 34 credits (over 2 years ) in NCEA Level 2.
This Course Requires:            ➢ Theory and Practical work.
                                 ➢ Subject fee for consumables, e.g. petrol, oil and
                                      cleaning fluids ($20.00).
 Recommended Entry                Open.
 Leads to:                        Apprenticeship’s in the Automotive Industry and
                                  associated trades and also to Polytechnics and/or
                                  University in Automotive Engineering Design and
                                  associated trades.

This course is for students who are planning a career in Agriculture, Horticulture or
another area of Primary Industry in New Zealand.

Areas covered are: Primary Production in New Zealand, Farm Safety, and Livestock
Management Practices or Propagation of Plants. Students will choose either Agriculture
or Horticulture for their New Zealand Certificate.

Qualification:                46 credits in NCEA: 3 at Level One and 43 at Level Two
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
                              ➢ Course costs covered by Primary ITO
Opportunities to              ➢ Students will have some field trips and the
experience Primary                opportunity to work within the Primary Industry e.g.
Production in New                 Dairy Farm, Sheep and Beef Farm, Forestry.
Recommended Entry              Successful completion of Year 11 Agriculture Academy.
Leads to:                      New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Level 2) or
                               New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (Level 2)

                               Further Tertiary Training.

                               Full time employment in New Zealand’s Primary

This course is for students who have interests in undertaking specific industry based
standards and qualifications.
Qualification:                Up to 24 credits across Level 2 and 3
This Course Requires:         ➢ Both theory and practical work.
Recommended Entry             Open
Leads to:                     Qualifications and experience leading to specific career
                              areas and work readiness

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