YEAR 10 - Castle Newnham School

Page created by Clara Harmon
YEAR 10 - Castle Newnham School

                                                               Curriculum Newsletter

                                                                                                   Reminders/Key dates:
              ENGLISH                                             MATHS                            Autumn term
                                                                                                   6 September - 17 December

What are we doing this term?                      We would like to use this opportunity to         Training day
                                                  welcome Year 10s back into school and            22 October
Pupils will be preparing for their AQA
                                                  also to thank parents for all the support        Half term
English Literature Paper 2 in the lead up to
                                                  they offered last academic year.                 25 October - 29 October
half term. This unit involves the study of
the first eight poems from the Power and          At the end of last academic year, all pupils
Conflict cluster, and the development of          sat two assessments; the outcome of
the pupils ability to compare poems linked        these assessments have been used to
by theme. The remaining seven poems in            decide their GCSE entry tier; that is
the cluster will be taught later in the year.     Foundation (Grades 1- 5) or Higher
After half term, pupils will move onto the        (Grades 3- 9). Based on pupil’s
study of ‘A Christmas Carol’. They will           performance and improvements
read the full text and complete a range of        throughout the year, there is always
extract-based analyses to replicate the           capacity to change bands.
questions that will come up in the exam.
                                                  Pupils will be issued with a hard copy of
What can you do to support your child?            homework to be completed and returned
                                                  on a specific day of the week. Pupils are
Talk to them about what they are doing.
                                                  also advised to do at least one hour of
Pupils will be provided with a copy of the
                                                  independent learning every week in
poetry anthology but they will require their
                                                  addition to their homework. This must be
own copy of ‘A Christmas Carol’ to allow
                                                  spaced out as 20 minute or 15 minute
them to annotate the text in lessons.
                                                  sessions on any of online platforms or
There will be a letter coming out shortly
                                                  using revision guides or mathematics work
with advice about which copies to
purchase of the set texts. Look out for any
Charles Dickens documentaries on TV,              At the start of every lesson, all pupils are
and you could watch ‘The Man Who                  supposed to complete the starter
Invented Christmas’ on Netflix - this is a        questions from their starter booklet. These
biopic which looks at Dickens’ life at the        are exam style questions which are aimed
time he was writing the Novella.                  at exposing pupils to the nature of the
                                                  short GCSE AO1 questions which usually
Wider reading: Many of Dickens’ novels
                                                  carry a mark or two. It is therefore very
explore the idea of poverty; Oliver Twist
                                                  important that all pupils take them
and Little Dorritt would be an excellent
place to start. Follow this link to a selection
of radio performances of the novella. This        We would like to ask that all pupils come
BBC resource also has links to sets of            into school with their scientific calculators;
study notes that pupils can use to develop        pupils need to start using them regularly
knowledge of the text:        because they have to be used in two out
uk/programmes/b03g64q4 This link will             of their three GCSE mathematics exams,
allow pupils to access a wide range of            and we are unable to provide any for
Dickens’ non fiction writing, which will          pupils in lessons.
support them with their Paper 2 Non-fiction

YEAR 10 - Castle Newnham School
Year 10

                     SCIENCE                                                     GEOGRAPHY
In Year 10 pupils continue their GCSE courses in                We are following the GCSE Geography (9-1) Edexcel A
science. Pupils have now made the choice to study               specification.
either the ‘triple science’ or ‘combined trilogy science’
course. Both qualifications are administered by and             We begin our GCSE studies with Component 1 – The
assessed by the AQA exam board.                                 Physical Environment, Topic 1 – Changing Landscapes
                                                                of the UK. To start with, we will have an overview of UK
This term, all pupils will start by studying animal and         landscapes, learning about rock types and
plant transport in Biology, structure and bonding in            characteristics and how these, and a range of physical
Chemistry and electricity in Physics.                           processes, form distinctive upland and lowland
Year 10 pupils have been impacted by COVID but the              landscapes of the UK. We will also learn how human
adjustments we made last year have ensured they are             activity changes these landscapes. Following this, we
on course to cover all the content they need for their          will learn about coastal landscapes – the processes
final GCSE examinations. Revisiting key content that            which change them and how human activity interacting
was covered in school as well as remotely will be a key         with the physical environment changes our coasts. This
focus over the next couple of years.                            will include an in-depth study of the coast at Dawlish
                                                                Warren and how this can be managed sustainably. River
Further information about these courses, along with             landscapes will be the last section in this topic and will
supporting documentation can be found online via the            include study of how physical processes change river
AQA website.                                                    landscapes and how interaction between these and
To help pupils throughout their GCSE science course,            human activity causes flooding. We also learn about
there are a variety of excellent resources on YouTube           how we can manage hazards such as flooding. Our
including free science lessons, fuse school and cognito.        in-depth study will be of the River Tees.
                                                                Following this, we move to Topic 2 – Weather Hazards
                                                                and Climate change. This includes learning about
                            PE                                  atmospheric circulation and how this causes global
                                                                weather patterns. We also consider climate change in
                                                                detail – the natural causes of this and how these have
                                                                now been superceded by human causes of global
As we move into Key Stage 4, the class formats change           warming. After learning about global climate patterns,
once again. Year 10 and 11 have an opportunity to               we focus on the causes, impacts and human response
choose the group they would feel most comfortable               to both hurricanes and drought, with a focus on
working in, by being provided with the following options;       Hurricane Sandy and Typhoon Haiyan – tropical storms
male, female, mixed and sports leaders (Year 10 only for        affecting the USA as a developed country and the
the latter option).                                             Philippines as an emerging country. We will consider
The sports leaders qualification, for Year 10, provides         drought in California and compare this with the
pupils with a qualification that is recognised on personal      experience of drought in Ethiopia, a developing country.
statements, giving them that ‘extra something’ to stand         Throughout the course, pupils will have opportunities to
out on college and 6th form applications. Pupils are            learn and practise a wide variety of geographical skills,
taught how to lead a physical education lesson and then         including maths and English skills, and to experience
have the opportunity to lead peers and younger pupils           and practise a variety of GCSE questions.
from within the school, whilst being assessed.                  Homework will be set regularly and will be designed to
Regardless of whichever group a pupil may choose,               help pupils remember information and apply this.
there is a set structure of sports and pupils will not be
able to switch between groups. Both year groups will            The main way that your child can succeed is by
have a mixture of netball, football, basketball, hockey,        consistently working hard during lessons and
badminton, lacrosse, as well as various striking and            homework. They may choose to support themselves
fielding games.                                                 further by using:
                                                                BBC Bitesize – GCSE Geography – Edexcel
Looking towards the theory based side of physical               Seneca – a quiz platform – GCSE Geography Edexcel
education, we have now had two cohorts of GCSE PE               A
pupils go through the school, both with varying
experiences. We have been able to investigate various
home learning opportunities, in order to develop and
build on our pupils’ knowledge, in particular the use of                             HISTORY
Seneca, which is used both inside and outside the
classroom. There is always more that can be done by
our pupils to revise and learn at home and as a                 What is being covered
department we are more than willing to support and
                                                                Our two Year 10 groups will be studying a variety of
advise accordingly. If you have any questions or would
                                                                topics in the Autumn term. One history group is taught
like to generally discuss further, please email
                                                                by two members of staff due to timetabling and so each
                                                                staff member will teach a separate topic. All pupils will
                                                                begin their study with Anglo-Norman England c.1042 -

YEAR 10 - Castle Newnham School
Year 10

             HISTORY (cont….)                                       HOSPITALITY and CATERING
c.1088. This topic focuses on life in England before the
Norman Conquest and how the Normans adapted,
changed or continued aspects of English life. As well as       learning ‘The structure of the Hospitality and Catering
‘big events’ such as the Battle of Hastings, the rebellions    Industry’, which is one of the four units for the exam.
against William I’s rule and succession crises, we also        Pupils will be making notes during lessons and
explore the impact on the lives of everyday people.            completing activities which will prepare them for the final
                                                               theory exam in Year 11. We will also be completing
Some pupils will also begin learning the Weimar and            practical cooking lessons, to build up the essential
Nazi Germany (1918 - 1939) topic. This is a hugely             practical skills that pupils need to master this year.
influential period of time and focuses on the                  Some of the skills we will cover are fresh pasta, enriched
challenges faced by Germany following World War 1              breads, choux pastry and roux sauces.
and how these challenges allowed extremist political
groups such as the Nazi`s to flourish. We also                 During this term, pupils will be participating in The
investigate how and why the Nazi Party grew in                 Rotary Club’s Young Chef award,
popularity, gained power and then everyday life under          where there cooking will be judged
the Nazi`s before the start of World War 2. This topic is a    by Phil Fanning- head chef at
source-based topic drawing upon the skills developed           Paris House in Woburn.
over Key Stage 3 in critical thinking of evidence and          It is vital that this year, pupils remember their ingredients
source analysis.                                               every week. Ingredients list will be posted on Satchel
How, when and what pupils will be assessed on                  One. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require
                                                               support with this.
As well as mock exams in later terms, assessments will
be based on homework tasks (see below) and practice            Revision book that you may like to purchase online
questions completed in class once per half-term. To            to support pupils over the next two years.
support pupils with these assessments we encourage
regular revision (see below) and there are learning
videos with a guide on how to approach each type of
question and what the examiner is looking for.                             Design Technology
How home learning (homework) supports learning in
class                                                          Pupils in Year 10 will be learning the following over the
Homework is set weekly through Satchel One and takes           Autumn term:-
either the form of a multiple-choice quiz or a practice         Materials types and their properties: Paper and
exam question. This is based on either work they have            board, Metals, Polymers, Textiles
covered in class or subject key terms. The intent behind
this is that the pupils attempt the quiz three times with an    Specialist area of focus – Timber and Timber based
aim of either improving their score or achieving 100%.           materials
Between each attempt, we encourage the pupils to
review which questions they got wrong so that they can          Manufacturing Processes – Application in school and
improve on their next try. This supports pupils by               industry
building up their knowledge and understanding of both           Measurement and Production Aids
the topic and subject-specific skills as well as supporting
their development of revision skills.                           Ensuring accuracy linked to designing and making a
                                                                 timber based product
The practice exam question is based on the one of the
questions found in the exam for the topic they are
studying. As mentioned above, the Google Classroom
that all pupils have signed up to includes both specific                                 ART
lesson resources and revision videos for all exam
questions to support the pupils in achieving their best.
The most important homework is revision preparation.
There is a lot of content and the most successful pupils       Year 10 pupils will begin their course with a two week
prepare their revision material after each lesson. We          drawing workshop of reflective items such as bottles.
discuss, and encourage, pupils to keep up to date with         They will be experimenting with different drawing
this as well as offer ideas and suggestions how to             materials and working to a variety of scales. Pupils will
organise this material. This information is also shared on     then move on to look at the artist Kate Brinkworth and
the Google Classroom for GCSE history.                         create a piece of work from primary sources in the style
                                                               of the artist. Pupils will also be asked to look at the work
                                                               of M.C Escher and Samantha French as well as finding
   HOSPITALITY and CATERING                                    artists that interest them.
                                                               Pupils will record their understanding of the theme
                                                               ‘Reflections’ in a mood board and will be expected to
Pupils will begin the Hospitality & Catering course,           take photographs to inform their work; of physical

YEAR 10 - Castle Newnham School
Year 10

                  ART (cont….)                                             DRAMA (cont….)
reflections like water, mirrors and eyes etc, and also       responsibilities in the theatre; as well as an overview of
reflecting of their own life and on their childhood.         the production elements to a theatre (lighting, costume,
                                                             set design and sound). This knowledge will then be
Throughout the year pupils will be building a portfolio of
                                                             applied to a written critical review of the West End hit
experimental work both regarding media and techniques
                                                             musical ‘& Juliet’ which we will be seeing in November
and processes; culminating in a final piece.
                                                             2021. We will continue to explore the production and the
This portfolio of work will begin in                         social, political and historical contexts in lessons over
September and finish at Easter.                              the year.
After the Easter break pupils will
                                                             Pupils will also begin refreshing knowledge of the
begin work on the new topic
                                                             theatre practitioners: Stanislavski, Brecht, Boal and
‘Cultures’ (India, Africa,
                                                             Artaud (plus more) which were studied in Year 9.
Great Britain, America,
                                                             Year 10 pupils will also be introduced to new
China, Japan).
                                                             practitioners: Berkoff, Grotowski and Meyerhold.
                                                             In order to extend their learning further, we would
                        MUSIC                                recommend pupils to research a performance based on
                                                             one of the practitioners and form a case study on it - this
                                                             will help pupils to see how the practitioner style is
Pupils will start Year 10 by creating a safe performance     evident in performance.
space for each other to explore their individual             In addition to this, pupils will also be exploring a range of
instruments and be able to work together collaboratively     stimuli to create devised drama next half term which is in
in a performance aspect. We want to make sure that           preparation for Component 2 of the GCSE course.
each individual knows what they would like from              Another recommendation to support learning would be
themselves when it comes to performance and how we           to book the studio theatre space at lunchtimes or after
can help them realise that. They will also recap the         school to enhance rehearsal opportunities. Engage in
elements of music through theory work, performance           the research topics set for home learning and partake in
and composition in the new iMac suite to put them in         the quizzes to refresh and retain key knowledge.
good standing for the rest of the GCSE year.
Pupils will then move on to recapping the reading and
writing of music that they will have looked at in Key
Stage 3 and learning about additional types of notation.
They will also start looking at the Area of Study
‘Rhythms of the world’ where they get to explore Indian
                                                             In BTEC Dance, pupils will begin to explore the world of
classical music, Bhangra, Eastern Mediterranean music,
                                                             professional repertoire in the Component 1: Exploring
African drumming, Arabic Folk, Calypso, Steel band and       the Performing Arts unit. Pupils will explore and analyse
                                                             the choreographic intent and constituent features of
With the introduction of a Music Technology suite in         three professional works, as well as the roles and
Studio 3 which has been fitted with the latest music tech    responsibilities that are needed to make professional
resources, including Apple iMacs, iPads and MIDI key-        work successful. This unit is a formal part of their BTEC
boards - we are pleased to be able to offer your child       qualification and is conducted through coursework over
this provision in music lessons.                             the course of the term.
Pupils are encouraged to further their musical               Practically, pupils will also be involved in technique
experiences by being part of one of the extra curricular     classes and workshops to further their technical ability.
groups such as Band or choir. They are also                  This will be in a range of dance styles and genres. This
encouraged to book some time in practice rooms to            will also help pupils to understand performance practice,
either further their individual instrumental skills or       and the skills that these workshops and classes will help
ensemble performance skills. We also actively                to form a good basis for the Component 2: Developing
encourage pupils to get involved with the 4SIXTEEN           Skills and Techniques. This term, to also further skills
performance in any way that they can. Pupils are also        within this unit, pupils will be a part of an in-house dance
invited to attend the Key Stage 4 Performing Arts trip to    company and replicate professional repertoire in an end
see ‘& Juliet’ in London.                                    of term performance assessment. This performance will
                                                             also be showcased in the Dance Show. Pupils are
                                                             invited to attend our theatre trip to see ‘& Juliet’ to see
                                                             how professional work cohesively comes together on
                       DRAMA                                 stage.
                                                             To help further their knowledge, pupils are encouraged
In GCSE Drama, pupils will explore the theatre sector in     to conduct individual research on the practitioners
line with Component 1 of the GCSE course. Pupils will        studied throughout both components. Engaging in this
be learning about: pace, rhythm, atmosphere and              research will help to consolidate their knowledge of
themes within a performance; the different roles and         research skills and practitioners for Component 1.

YEAR 10 - Castle Newnham School
Year 10

               DANCE (cont….)                                                     RS (cont….)
Pupils are also encouraged to be active in Performing           prophethood. Again, pupils will complete a mini
Arts extracurricular. Dancers are expected to attend            assessment on this around Christmas time. Neither mini
4SIXTEEN Dance Company and be involved in the                   assessment counts towards actual GCSE results (which
4SXITEEN Theatre production.                                    is all completed at the end of Year 11) but past paper
                                                                questions will be used to give pupils the opportunity to
                                                                practise important skills.
                 FILM STUDIES                                   Pupils will be set homework weekly and it is very
                                                                important that this is completed to a satisfactory
                                                                standard. Homework tasks often include learning
Film Studies is new to the GCSE options this year.              keywords (vital for accessing the exam papers), practice
Throughout the term, pupils will begin by exploring the         questions and research. All homework will be set on
key elements of film form; technical elements including         Satchel One and Google Classroom. To further develop
cinematography, editing and sound as well as visual             a wider understanding of the subject pupils will be given
elements including mise-en-scene and aesthetics. Pu-            a list of books, tv programmes and films that they can
pils will also be introduced to Component 2: Global Film        engage with.
in readiness for their theory paper. In this component,
pupils will look at British Cinema and the impact it has
had on the film industry.                                                                MFL
With the introduction of Apple iMacs and iPads to
support the filmmaking process, pupils will also explore
the key elements of film and present their knowledge            What are we doing this term?
through a film or screenplay. This is an externally set         French
brief from the exam board (Eduqas). Pupils will create
                                                                Pupils will begin by talking about where they live: the
an extract of a film based on a genre of their choosing.        geographical features and discussing what there is to do
These films will be showcased in a Film Premiere                and to see in the area. They will describe their town or
evening with an invited audience. To further support            village, giving both positive and negative opinions, and
this, pupils are encouraged to continually practice and
                                                                they will also learn key facts about some of the regions
explore film elements such as camera angles and                 of France. Leading up to half term, pupils will be
editing techniques outside of lesson time.                      introduced to the simple future tense (saying what you
Pupils are also actively encouraged to participate in           ‘will’ do): they will learn how to discuss the weather
extracurricular activities. We encourage that they are          forecast and make plans referring to the future. After half
involved in school shows as a ‘behind the scenes’ stage         term, pupils will move on to the topic of holidays. As well
hand, helping with elements such as lighting, props and         as describing past holidays, they will also learn how to
sound.                                                          describe their dream holiday using the conditional tense
                                                                (saying what you ‘would’ do). Finally, pupils will prepare
                                                                role play scenarios for ordering food in a restaurant and
                            RS                                  booking a room in a hotel.
                                                                This year the Modern Languages team welcomes
                                                                Mr Godber. We are sure that he will be impressed by
Year 10 CORE - All Pupils:                                      Year 10s effort in French, so keep up the good work
This half term pupils will be studying the Holocaust.           everyone!
They will be examining what took place during the               German
Holocaust and considering how survivors adapted to life
afterwards. Pupils could look at the Holocaust Memorial         Pupils will begin by talking about role models and how
                                                                they inspire us. They will then move on to describing
Day website ( or Yad Vashem website
                                                                their home and talking about a typical day, using
( for further information. They
could also read books e.g. Anne Frank’s Diary.                  separable verbs and reflexive verbs. Leading up to half
After this pupils will be looking at a topic on extremism.      term, pupils will be revising food and discussing
                                                                traditional German meals; they will also talk about a
Year 10 GCSE Option:                                            meal and give opinions using the past tense. After half
Pupils will start their GCSE focusing on Paper 1 which          term, pupils will move on to the topic of social media and
                                                                technology, discussing both how they use them and the
examines beliefs and teachings in two major world
religions. Pupils will be studying Christianity for the first   related advantages and disadvantages.
half term; in particular they will be examining beliefs         We are looking forward to the arrival of our exchange
about the Trinity, life after death, and the role of Jesus      teacher from Bamberg, Bedford’s twin town in Germany.
for Christians in salvation. Pupils will have a mini            Miss Gürtler will work alongside Mr Godber in
assessment on this around half term once the topic has          German lessons and run a lunchtime German club for
been completed. After this pupils will move onto                those pupils who are keen to deepen their knowledge of
examining beliefs in Islam, focusing specifically on the        German-speaking culture and the German language.
importance on belief in one God (tawhid) and

Year 10

                                               MFL (cont….)
What can you do to support your child?
Helping your child does not mean having to know how to speak French or German. Similar to the advice in
English, encourage them to become ‘word detectives’; making links with English and other languages that they know
helps learners to guess what words mean.
Please encourage your child to learn French and German at home. Homework will be set on Satchel One, so you
will able to monitor the work being set and completed. In order to achieve a ‘good’ pass and the higher grades at
GCSE level (that is, Grades 5-9), it is essential that pupils have an understanding of verb usage, and of the past,
present and future tenses. The most effective way to learn verbs and items of vocabulary is by practising, little and
often. Some pupils prefer to use a vocabulary sheet, whilst others prefer to use free language learning websites
such as Memrise. Most pupils already have a Memrise account but we will be reminding pupils how to log on and
access courses directly linked to what they are learning in school. To support with reading and listening skills, Castle
Newnham also subscribes to Pearson Active Learn resources and we will be setting tasks via their website.

                                                 MUSIC HUB
We are proud to be the host site of the Bedford Music Hub - check out some of their current offer to further
enrich our pupils at Castle Newnham and beyond. If you have any questions, please email or use the contact details on the posters.

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