Page created by Paula Bowman


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Friday, May 18, 2012
                                                                                                    MDGLCC’s Support our Cultural Arts Members
                                                                                                    (SOCAM) Event — Miami Beach
                                                                                                    “Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks” at Miami Beach Stage Door Theatre.
                                                                                                    What happens when a Baptist Minister’s widow hires a gay ex-Broadway
                                                                                                    chorus boy to give her private dance lessons at her beachfront condo?
                                                                                                    War! This odd couple transforms their acrimony into a dance of intimacy,
                                                                                                    as they learn to overcome their differences and create a poignant
                                                                                                    connection to each other. Starring Larry Buzzeo and Phyllis Spear and
                                                                                                    directed by Dan Kelley, Richard Alfieri’s writing is sparkling, witty, touching
                                                                                                    and laugh-out loud - all performed against a panorama of ageism and
                                                                                                    bigotry. The play will begin at 8:00pm. Meet & Greet with the cast
                                                                                                    following the performance. Miami Beach Stage Door is located at 500
                                                                                                    71st St. Special rate for MDGLCC, $30 per person. For tickets, call (305)
                                                                                                    397-8977, and use code MDGLCC.

                                                                                                    Wednesday, May 30, 2012
                                                                                                    Women’s Empowerment Luncheon — Downtown
                                                                                                    MDGLCC’s popular Women’s Empowerment Luncheon series continues at
                                                                                                    the Hyatt Regency Miami, 400 SE 2nd Avenue, Miami with special guest
                                                                                                    speaker Hedy Goldsmith, Executive Pastry Chef at Michael’s Genuine
                                                                                                    Food & Drink & James Beard Awards nominee and author of “Baking
                                                                                                    Out Loud: Fun Desserts with Big Flavors” speaking on “Women in the
                                                                                                    Restaurant Industry” 11:30am Registration; 12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch.
                                                                                                    Cost: MDGLCC Members ($35), Potential Members ($45, $10 applied
                                                                                                    to new MDGLCC membership). A full sit-down luncheon with a Q&A to
                                                                                                    follow. RSVP required: 305-673-4440 or RSVP@gaybizmiami.com. Co-
                                                                                                    Sponsored by Aqua Foundation & NCLR.

                                                                                                           ART AT THE VISITOR CENTER
                                                                                                    CURRENTLY SHOWING: “SKIRTS…” A SHOW FEATUR-
                                                                                                          ING SOUTH FLORIDA LESBIAN ARTISTS
                                                                                                                APRIL 30 – JUNE 1, 2012
                                                                                                              EXHIBIT HOURS: 9A.M. – 6P.M.

    LGBT Visitor Center Activities 1130 Washington Avenue • Miami Beach, FL 33139                        THE NEW GOGAYMIAMI.COM
                                                                                                           HAVE YOU SEEN IT YET?
              TRANSYOGA - YOGA CLASS
              Mondays, May 21
                                                                SMART RECOVERY
                                                                Every Tuesday beginning May 29
                                                                                                               Your advertisement can be seen here….
                                                                                                                 Lock in your introductory rates now!
              6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.                            Smart Recovery is the leading
              Sliding scale donation $10 - $15                  self-empowering addiction                   For web banner advertising – please contact
              Space is limited - RSVP to                        recovery support group.                              cindy@gogaymiami.com
              guacci13@gmail.com.                                                                                 limited opportunities available.

     22       PINK FLAMINGO                          For more information on the LGBT Visitor                      Stop by and visit us
              CERTIFICATION TRAINING                Center activities or to reserve the space for
                                                   YOUR event please call 305.397.8914 or email                   THERE’S ALWAYS FREE
              Tuesday May 22, 2012                           cindy@gogaymiami.com                                 WIRELESS ACCESS AT THE
              6:00-8:00 p.m.
              Reservations required                                                                               LGBT VISITOR CENTER

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                             ot too long ago, HIV used to be a death sentence for people
                             who contracted the disease. I vividly remember watching
                             Ryan White and so many other people fight for their lives
                        and lose the battle against a powerful disease for which treat-                             Rafa Carvajal
                        ment seemed such a far-fetched possibility. I also remember hear-
                                                                                                              Publisher/Editor in Chief
                        ing about people I knew that contracted the disease and thinking,
                        “OMG how long will they have to live?”
                                                                                                                 Associate Publisher
                         Fortunately, new HIV medications and treatments have saved mil-                            Jesse Spencer
                         lions of lives and what used to be a death sentence has become a
                         life sentence. Unfortunately, too many people, especially in South                              Editor
                         Florida, are still getting infected with HIV and putting their lives                         James Cubby
and those of others at risk. The specter of HIV, although present in my mind, seemed some-
what distant until about four months ago when a good friend told me that his test results                          Associate Editor
had shown a positive result, but that he thought it had to be a false positive. I could only                       Antwyone Ingram
hope and pray for him that he was right and the test result was wrong. Unfortunately, the
opposite was true. He was in fact HIV positive and the test, not him, was right.                            Design & Production Director
                                                                                                                    Jose Gonzalez
Never before had I had been confronted so closely with the realities of HIV as when I saw
my friend agonize over getting the “mistaken” results and watching him anxiously await                                Columnists
for the results of the new, comprehensive test hoping that the initial quick test was just a                        Alfredo Barrios
false positive. When my friend got the new test results confirming he had HIV I tried to do                           Alyn Darnay
everything I could to help find out as much information as possible regarding treatment,                           Dane Steele Green
organizations, and doctors who could help him turn a potential death sentence into a life                              Ken Hunt
sentence. It was a really scary time for my friend and I wanted to alleviate his pain and                          Dr. Gregg A Pizzi
help him deal with the new reality of living with HIV. Yes, there is treatment, but Richard
                                                                                                                    Michael Sasser
Burton Jr. explains in this week’s cover story that the medications cost him about $75,000
per year. What would you do, if you contracted a disease that will require you to spend
                                                                                                                      Kevin Wynn
that much money every year just for the medication needed to stay alive?
It was during the process of helping my friend that I realized how little he, many of my                            Neil Andrew Frias
other friends, so many of my acquaintances, and I really knew about this deadly disease.
I then set out on my mission to use Wire Magazine as a platform to publish a compelling                          Staff Photographer
cover story that would help everyone in South Florida and, anywhere else the story is                                 Henry Perez
read, wake up to the very scary realities of HIV and the treatments and programs avail-
able to help those who contract the disease. I put a lot of thought into a possible cover                   Official Photography Studio
story and considered what should be included from the perspective of several stakehold-                           Image1stmiami.com
ers, including people at risk of contracting HIV, people living with HIV, people who run
organizations doing prevention and helping those living with the disease, and healthcare                            Photographers
professionals helping patients survive a life sentence by living a healthy and productive                            Javi Giovanni
life.                                                                                                                  Frank Leon
                                                                                                                     Luis Santiago
This week’s Wire Magazine cover story entitled “Living With HIV: Not a Death Sentence,                                 Dale Stine
A Life Sentence,” is my attempt to reach out to so many people who may not be aware
of the dangers they are often encountering and the risks they are really taking with their                        Local Advertising
physical, mental, and financial health. I want everyone to know how high the incidence of                      advertising@wireweekly.com
HIV really is in South Florida. I want young people to wake up and see that HIV is a real
disease that must be respected and feared. I want parents to help educate their children.
And I want people living with the disease to know that there is hope and great treatments
                                                                                                             National Advertising Rep.
for them to conquer their illness and live a life sentence productively and happily by taking               Rivendell Media | 212-242-6863
advantage of the best medications, treatments, and support networks available to them.
                                                                                                                Editorial Submissions
In closing, I want to ask you to please read this story. Take it to heart. Tell anyone you care                 editorial@wireweekly.com
about to also read it and share it with as many people as possible. Together we can save
many lives and we can also prevent many people from getting infected with HIV.                                   Contact Information
                                                                                                       Tel: 305.520.WIRE | Fax: 786.272.0123
Cheers,                                                                                                       Email: info@wireweekly.com
                                                                                                     1541 Brickell Avenue, #2004, Miami, FL 33129
                                                                                                  Wire Magazine is published, produced, and owned by
Publisher & Editor in Chief                                                                             Wire Media Group L.L.C. All Rights Reserved
rafa@wireweekly.com                                                                               Distributed in Miami, The Beaches, and Fort Lauderdale
(soon to be rafa@wiremag.com)

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5 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
ON THE GO TRAVEL: BELGIUM                                                              SHOPPING BAG
                                                                                             STAYING HEALTHY

THE POWER OF                                                                                                   MEN’S GUMMY MULTIVITAMIN BY VITAFUSION

PROPAGANDA                                                                                                    Critical but sometimes excessive, taking a plethora of medica-
                                                                                                              tions can be both tiresome and bothersome. Staying on top of
                                                                                                              your health should always be a priority. Many may recall being
                                                                                                              lured to take vitamins as a child via gummy bear or Flintstones
                                                                                                              chewable vitamins. Put the fun back in nutrition by taking adult
                                                                                                              gummy vitamins. Vitafusion has created gummy vitamins specifi-
                                                                                                              cally for men that supports bone health and energy production,
                                                                                             helps support prostate health and the immune system, and received the ChefsBest
                                                                                             Award for Best Tasting. The multivitamin is inexpensive, priced at around $11.99
                                                                                             and can be found at your local grocery or nutrition store.

                                                                                             AIRBORNE CHEWABLE TABLETS

                                                                                             Whether a short getaway, or an international vacation, we
                                                                                             have all picked up a basic cold in the process of commuting
                                                                                             that progressed into an antagonizing flu or worse. Airborne
                                                                                             has created chewable tablets that help support your immune
                                                                                             system by providing your body with 1,000mg of Vitamin C
                                                                                             in addition to 13 vitamins, minerals, and herbs to keep your
                                                            BY DANE STEELE GREEN             immune system at its highest defense or to tackle a minor
                                                                                             cold you many have picked up during your travels. One bottle contains 32 chew-
                                                                                             able tablets and comes in Berry and Citrus, both of which taste great in comparison
    hat whirring sound you hear is Lenin spinning in his grave. Back in the day, the         to other immune support tablets on the market. One bottle runs around $5.
    hammer and sickle, the very symbol of “godless Russia,” struck fear in the hearts
    of men. That it is now the logo of Propaganda, one of the largest, hardest, gayest
techno-circuit events in the world…well, let’s just say that today, of all of the parts of
a man’s body, his heart probably won’t be the one you’ll be striking.                                                    V-FUSION SMOOTHIES

When thinking of Belgium, the two lone subjects that usually come up are chocolate                                        Not everyone has ample time to chop up fruits and
and waffles. Antwerp, in the north of the country, is painfully aware of this; it isn’t                                   vegetables to prepare a nutritious smoothie, and some
exactly the first place that comes to mind when people think of European party                                            people are simply not fans of consuming vegetables at
towns, despite the fact that Euro-techno was practically born here. In response, the                                      all. V-Fusion smoothies provides you a healthy and tasty
supposedly demure city purposefully overcompensated. Hard.                                                                alternative with its new fruit & vegetable smoothies.
                                                                                                                          Containing one full serving of vegetables and one full
You gotta love hard overcompensation. Antwerp’s party scene today is so infamous,            serving of fruit, the smoothies are a great source of Vitamin A, C, and E and come
so anything-goes, so spectacularly out of this world, it makes London and Paris look         in an assortment of flavors such as Strawberry Banana, Wild Berry, and Mango.
like nap-time at an Ambien beta test. In the words of Propaganda, “where porn                Furthermore, the smoothies contain no added sugars, preservatives, or artificial
meets humor, sexual freedom can be found.” Obey the freedom.                                 flavors and run for about $25 for a pack of eight 48-ounce bottles. More compact,
                                                                                             individual bottles may also be purchased for around $5 each.
Obey, in fact, for three full days. Falling in mid-June, the 72-hour Propaganda Week-
end/orgy nails Antwerp to the world circuit party calendar, with no less than five
bacchanals occurring all over the city, some simultaneously. Like its neighbor, the
Netherlands, Belgium has the rep of being a nation of horn-dogs. That rep is hard-           EGG PROTEIN
won and defended at every opportunity. No baby steps here; things take off with the
two parties on June 15, the free “Carnivale: Dance on the Fair” party (it’s free!) at        Many patients living with HIV/AIDS have a difficult time grow-
Antwerp’s Gedempte Zuiderdokken neighborhood, and the Bear-Necessity blow-out                ing accustomed to their medication regime and the correlating
at the legendary Red & Blue club. On June 16, the party either goes sky-high with            diet. Many patient’s favorite foods and drinks may be difficult
the Rooftop Party at the city’s uber-stylish Linder Hotel or into the dark with Lovechild,   to consume depending on how their medication interacts with
again at the Red & Blue and DJed by London power-players Tony English and Rob                their diet. Dairy products in particular seem to pose a problem
Harris. Things officially end on June 17 with the BOATPARTY, a techno-infused cruise         for many who are new to antiretroviral medications. This can
on the Scheldt River hosted by spinners Elof de Neve and Jimmy Stokes, but several           present a problem for those who work out regularly or want to
officially-sanctioned after-parties keep things going around the clock.                      consume protein shakes to stay fit. Trying lactose and dairy free
                                                                                             alternative proteins may be your best bet. Soy protein, as well as egg protein, pro-
One way or another, you’re going to be walking funny by the end of it all.                   vides the same nutritional benefits of any other protein, if not better. Optimum has
                                                                                             an egg protein available that provides 25g of protein while supplying you with 8 es-
Go to www.propagandabelgium.com/weekend for more information.                                sential amino acids, as well as a digestive enzyme system that will aid in the already
                                                                                             easily digested and absorbed egg protein (making it easy on your stomach). One
Contact Steele Luxury Travel to help you get to Belgium in style at 646.688.2274 or          2lb jug, complete with 27 servings, cost about $25 and comes in both chocolate
visit us at www.SteeleTravel.com!                                                            and vanilla flavors.

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DINING                                                     BY RAFA CARVAJAL

                   QUATTRO: SCRUMPTIOUS
                  ITALIAN ON LINCOLN ROAD

                                                                                                                   say “bravo” to our weekend

                                     taly is one of my favorite countries in the world.
                                     A few years ago I took my mom to Italy on vaca-
                                     tion and rented a car so we could drive throughout
                                  many parts of the country, visit small towns, and truly
                                  enjoy all the wonderful things it has to offer, including
                                  its delicious cuisine. Mamma mia! – what a wonder-
                                  ful experience it was to visit many of Italy’s different
                                  regions and sample their culinary delights and wines.
                                  Our journeys from Florence, to the hills of Tuscany, to
                                  ancient Rome, to the Amalfi Coast, and to every large
                                  city and small town in between afforded us the op-
                                  portunity to dine on delicious food that was as unique
                                  as the places we visited.

                                  My dining experience at Quattro Gastronomia Itali-
ana on Lincoln Road brought back some great memories of dining throughout Italy.                                                      featuring
This romantic 170-seat indoor/outdoor restaurant has become a Miami Beach staple
                                                                                                                 Botomless Bloody Marys, Nutella
for anyone who loves Italian food and dining on Lincoln Road – two of my favorite
                                                                                                                  Pancakes & Signature Benedicts
pastimes. Alessandria born and raised identical twin chefs Nicola and Fabrizio Carro,
                                                                                                                             Saturday & Sunday 11am — 4 pm
transported the luscious flavors of Northern Italy to South Beach by creating an Italian
trattoria that also reminded me of some of the best Italian restaurants I have dined at
in New York. Quattro’s stunning inside design and décor include custom Murano glass
chandeliers suspended from antique mirrored coffers in a beautiful setting where Old
World meets New World through the use of imported Italian materials and weathered
original terrazzo floors. The piece de resistance of the room is a gorgeous Calacatta                  Please call for reservations and information 305.534.9600
marble bar with a brick-shaped mirrored back-drop flanked by floor-to-ceiling wine
towers that showcase Quattro’s award-winning collection.
                                                                                              Mediterraneo su Tortino di Patate Prezzemolate (Mediterranean octopus with lemon
From their mouth-watering pastas to so many other regional dishes, Chefs Carro’s              dressing, served over potato and parsley salad). Their Primi Piatti ($18-$24), pastas
                                                                                              made in-house daily in an imported La Monferrina™ machine rarely used in the United
delightful creations are inspired by their homeland and infused with ingredients from         States, are definitely a must-try. Chicche Tre Colori Con Salsa Di Burrata Pugliese (tri-
Alessandria in the Piemonte region, which is known for its fine cheeses such as Robi-         color gnocchi with creamy burrata cheese sauce), and Ravioli Di mozzarella Di Bufala
ola, Caprini and Tumin, porcini and exotic white truffle mushrooms, hearty local game         Con Pomodoro Fresco, Basilico E Pinoli (Buffalo mozzarella ravioli with fresh tomato,
dishes, and famous Asti and Barolo wines. They also have an award-winning all-Italian         basil and pine nuts) are two of many yummy dishes. Quattro’s imported Mediterranean
wine list that is hand-selected by partner Nicola Schon, who is also the owner and            seafood is the centerpiece of secondi ($25-$42) plates with delicious choices, such as
vintner of Colle Manora vineyard in the countryside of Monferrato in the north-western        Branzino Intero In Crosta Di Sale Marino (Mediterranean sea bass, baked in salt crust,
corner of Italy, between the Alps and the Riviera. The wine list features the region’s        with sautéed vegetables), and the Orata Al Cartoccio (Mediterranean sea bream filet,
most famous wines for you to pair with Quattro’s flavorful dishes. The Fonduta Tartufata      cooked in parchment paper with white wine, taggiasche olives and capers), to name
con Crostini is a perfect example of such a dish: a rich and comforting fontina cheese        a couple. You can also enjoy great meat selections that include Ossobuco Di Vitello In
                                                                                              Gremolata Con Risotto Alla Milanese (braised veal ossobuco gremolata with saffron
fondue with poached egg, shaved truffles and perfectly toasted Biova croutons. Other          risotto), and Saltimbocca Di Vitello Alla Romana Con Pisellini Novelli (seared veal
dishes on Quattro’s regular menu that pay homage to the Carro’s former home region            scaloppini, topped with prosciutto and sage with green peas). Plus, Quattro’s dessert
include: Preparazione Casalinga Dei Ravioli Di Casa Savoia Tartufati (fontina ravioli         selection is heavenly!
drizzled with white truffle oil), and the Agnolotti Piemontesi Allo Stufato (braised beef
ravioli with Piedmontese sauce).                                                      Quattro will expand internationally with an opening at the J.W. Marriott in Mexico City
                                                                                      on May 18, 2012 and is located at 1014 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach. Open for lunch
Chefs Carro’s menu also pays homage to several regional styles of Italian cuisine. and dinner daily. 305.531.4833
Their sophisticated yet earthy menu starts with over ten different types of antipasti
($13-$19). Two examples include Parmigiana di Melanzane in Forma (baked organic          Visit www.wireweekly.com/dining for more information about great
eggplant layered with tomato sauce, melted mozzarella and basil), and Polipo Del         Wired Dining destinations.

                                                       Tagliolini Alla Puttanesca

   Parmigiana Di Melanzane In Forma                                                    Della Casa                                  Steak Tartare with Truffles

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                    FLORIDA RANKS FIRST                                    in the country in the number of people diagnosed with HIV (6,120
                    in 2009). Florida ranks first in the country in the rate of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000 (2009). Florida ranks third
                    in the country in the rate of new AIDS diagnoses per 100,000 (2009). Florida ranks second in the country in the rate
                    of HIV prevalence (2008). Florida ranks fourth in the country in the rate of AIDS prevalence (2008). Miami ranks first
                    in the country in the rate of new HIV diagnoses per 100,000. (2010) Miami ranks second in the country in the rate of
                    new AIDS diagnoses per 100,000 (2010) Florida has the third longest ADAP (AIDS drug assistance program) waiting
                                                          list in the country. (Facts from Care Resource)

           r Winte Pioneer Winter
    Pionee       rt e sy of
           C o u

                                                                                           WITH HIV:
                                                                                           NOT A DEATH SENTENCE, A LIFE SENTENCE
                                                                                           By James Cubby

                           he facts are shockingly clear, HIV and AIDS are still infect-   At one time a HIV positive diagnosis was considered a death
                           ing and killing thousands of people a day, but the good         sentence, leading to AIDS. Today, it’s not a death sentence but
                           news is that it’s now a manageable disease. “It’s sad that      it’s still not welcome news. “I’m scared to tell people, but you
                           people believe that it’s a death sentence,” says Dr. Steven     have to accept it,” said Quilvio Rodriquez a 26-year-old Miami
                    Santiago, Medical Director for Care Resource, a nonprofit, mul-        dancer who has been HIV positive for just over a year. Ro-
                    ticultural, community based AIDS service organization. “Today          driquez, at first reluctant to go public with his news offered to
                    it’s a manageable disease. In some ways its easier to manage           share his story. “I thought I was doing the right thing by protect-
                    than diabetes.” With the reports of a new drug that will pre-          ing myself. I was in a relationship and had unprotected sex.”
                    vent HIV infection in healthy people there is hope, however,           Not realizing that his partner had HIV, Rodriquez contracted
                    according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention            the virus and it has changed his life. His relationship ended
                    there are approximately 1.2 million people in the United States        and he was hesitant to share the news with friends. “It’s scary
                    living with HIV infection and 1 in 5 are unaware of their infec-       to tell people but you find out who your real friends are and
                    tion. In fact, Care Resource has shared a report that states that      friendships grow stronger.” Part of the stigma of an HIV posi-
                    every 9.5 minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV.           tive diagnosis is being shunned by friends, family and work. “It
                    The war against AIDS is a battle that has not been won yet             took me a long time to be able to talk about it without being
                    and there have been many casualties. An estimated 717,025              emotional,” says Rodriquez. Still healthy, Rodriquez does not
                    people with AIDS have died in the U.S. since the beginning             take any medications. Working as a waiter and a dancer, his
                    of the epidemic (according to Advert-international HIV &AIDS           financial history prevents him from qualifying for support from
                    Charity).                                                              programs like Ryan White and AHF and without insurance he
                                                                                           can’t get a case worker. Rodriquez, who recently performed
                    In 1981 when the first cases of AIDS were reported in the U.S.         with Dance NOW! Miami, remains hopeful and tries to keep
                    the cases rapidly increased, as did AIDS deaths. The numbers           healthy. “I’m trying to stay positive about being positive.”
                    continued to grow dramatically until 1996 with the widespread
                    use of combination antiretroviral therapy. While people with           Pioneer Winter, dancer/choreographer who choreographed
                    AIDS are surviving longer and the numbers of those living with         Reaching the Surface, a performance piece mixing contempo-
                    AIDS are steadily increasing, the disease is still out there. Re-      rary dance, spoken word and live music, offered to share his
                    ports say that an estimated 21% of people living with HIV in           views on HIV/AIDS. Winter, who holds a Masters Degree in
                    the U.S. are undiagnosed. Prevention has always been a major           Public Health and Epidemiology, has worked with several artists
                    weapon in the battle, acknowledging the infection and control-         who have been infected and affected by HIV/AIDS – including
                    ling it is one of the utmost concerns of health organizations          Rodriquez who performed in Reaching the Surface and worked
                    today. The infected continue to spread the disease, unknowing          with health care programs like Alert Health and Care Resource.
                    that they have it, and many who are infected are in denial, not        Winter has become an activist hoping to “serve the community
                    taking responsibility for their own life or the lives of others.       by demonstrating that one cannot live in the shadow of unde-

10 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

served stigma, as well as the shadow of ignorance.”                                                                                                    before
Winter, who has since left health care behind to focus
more on dance, emphasizes the importance of educa-                                                                                                                         KEY STEPS TO GETTING
tion, not just with those at risk but the whole world.
“People don’t realize how hard it is to get. You can’t                                                                                                                     PROPER HIV TREATMENT
                                                                                                                                                                           IN MIAMI:
get HIV from someone by casual contact.” As some-
one who has worked in the health care system, Winter
knows how difficult it can be to work the system but he
also stresses the importance of getting help. “Don’t do
it by yourself. You need a case manager. Check out                                                                                                                        Contact Care Resource and request that they assign you a
the programs like AHF (AIDS Healthcare Foundation),                                                                                                                       case manager to assist you with treatment 3510 Biscayne
Care Resource and Borinquen (Health Care Center).”                                                                                                                        Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137
Winter acknowledges the fact that medications are ex-                                                                          after                                      305.576.1234
pensive and without insurance or a program like the
Ryan White Foundation it is difficult.                                                                                                                                    If Care Resource is not able to assist you with treatment
                                                                                                                                                                          contact the Ryan White Foundation and request they assign
Diagnosed with HIV 22 years ago, Richard Burton Jr.,                                                                                                                      you a case manager to assist you with treatment Office of
a Miami Beach resident, actor and AIDS activist, vol-                                                                                                                     Grants Coordination Ryan White Program
unteered to share his story with the hopes that it might                                                                                                                  111 NW 1st Street, 19th Floor Miami, Florida 33128
benefit someone. Burton, who is quite active in the                                                                                                                       305.375.4742
Miami Beach community, proudly shares the fact of his
medical condition and the fact that he’s healthy. Bur-                                                                                                                    Walgreens also has a special program to assist you with
ton wasn’t always the picture of health as he is today,                                                                                                                   treatment.
he was very sick in the late nineties. “I was wheelchair
bound with a nurse pushing me down Lincoln Road.”                                                                                                                         Doctor’s Office That Provides Very Good Treatment at Rea-
Burton attests the new medications for his turnaround.                                                                                                                    sonable Prices in Miami Beach: Wohlfeiler, Piperato & As-
“After my body acclimated to the new medications I                                        Richard Burton Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                          sociates www.wpamedical.com
was invited to a study at the University of Miami.”                                                                                                                       305.538.1400 1613 Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Burton has struggled with many health problems during the years, including liver failure, but has survived
and considers himself lucky. “I feel like a soldier that has walked through a battlefield, scared and bruised
yet stronger. I have contributed to the care and attention of an ongoing life.” Like many who first were diag-                                                               The following centers offer services to
nosed in the early years, Burton thought it was a death sentence. “It was the concern that I wouldn’t be there                                                                  people with HIV/AIDS who live
for my family,” says Burton as the reason why he chose to fight for his life. “I started taking medications 21                                                                       in Miami-Dade County:
years ago. It made me feel worse. I’ve been on a brutal regime since ’94.” Offering Wire Magazine before
and after photos, Burton wants the world to know that you can’t give up. “HIV is not a death sentence,
but a life sentence. You have to make a life plan to take care of yourself every day.” Burton volunteers for                                                                              Acción: 305.672.1704
several AIDS health organizations and is a member of the Miami Beach Community Health Center Support
                                                                                                                                                                                     Body Positive: 305.576.1111
Group. Burton is adamantHIV/AIDSabout       being vocal on the subject. “You have to toughen up and get rid of your
                                     IN FLORIDA
silly habits.” Burton also considers
                                  2010        himself lucky because insurance takes care of his medications that cost                                                                Cure Aids Now: 305.375.0400
approximately $75,000 a year. Burton has taken control of his life and has a positive attitude about fighting
the   the Federal“It’s
                       about investment in treatment
                               saving our            and research
                                             own lives            is helping
                                                            and our   buddies beside us.”                                                                                                   HRS: 305.377.5022
people with HIV/AIDS live longer and more productive lives, HIV continues to
spread at a staggering national rate. The latest incidence data from the Centers for
While      prevention
Disease Control             is at(CDC)
                  and Prevention   the estimates
                                         top of nationally
                                                    the list there
                                                                in the
                                                                                    new     HIV/AIDS, the facts are all too obvious that                                        Health Crisis Network: 305.751.7751
HIV infections in 2009. The Florida Department of Health Division of Disease
Controlinfection     continues.
         projected that             Education
                        nearly 10% or 5,500 of thoseis  so important.
                                                     infections                Doctors
                                                                 were in Florida. i The  and health care workers report new cases daily                                                  HAPMO: 305.374.8422
and    it’s shocking
graph below               to learnepidemic
              depicts the HIV/AIDS    that more       than
                                               in Florida     50%theofyear-end
                                                          through           new infections
                                                                                   2010        are among the under 25 set. Many people
according to figures calculated using the latest Division of Disease Control data.
still feelthethere’s
Note that      followingaHIV/AIDS
                                     to being      tested aand
                                             only represent         are
                                                               portion      afraid
                                                                        of the        of getting their results. “Many patients still feel that
                                                                               epidemic                                                                                              HOPWA (OCS): 305.795.1562
in the U.S.—those cases that have been both confirmed through testing and                 HIV is a death sentence,” says Sami Shafig,
reported.                                                                                                                                                                     Legal Services of Miami: 305.576.0080
                                                                                                                      Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Prac-
Reported AIDS Casesii                                                                                                 tice and Lead HIV/AIDS Clinical Pharmacist
                                                                                                                      at Walgreens, one of the many places where           Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Center: 305.531.3666
           Number Currently Living with HIV (not AIDS)
           Number Currently Living with HIV/AIDS
                                                                Number Currently Living with AIDS
                                                                Cumulative AIDS Cases                                 free AIDS tests are administered. “As a clinical           Lock Towns (moving): 305.623.0590
 140,000                                                                                                              pharmacist, I have the opportunity to educate
                                                                                                        121,161       them and provide them assurance that HIV is no        Miami Heart Institute (Spec. Imm. Unit):
                                                     114,057                  118,283
                                                                                                                      longer a death sentence. If a patient follows the                  305.674.3147
                                                                                                97,978                instructions provided by their healthcare provid-
                                             92,738                    96,241
                                                                                                                      er, there should be no reason why they can-                     P.E.T. Center: 305.538.0525
  80,000                                                                                                              not live to their normal life expectancy. I have                    PWAC: 305.573.6010
                                                                                                                      several patients who acquired HIV via perinatal
               46,996                     48,924                   50,644
                                                                                        46,795                        transmission, and now they are 25 years and                Planned Parenthood: 305.441.2022
                                                                                                                      older. Patients are living longer and therefore
                                                                                                                      it is imperative that they adhere to their regi-        S.H.E. Center for Women: 305.895.5555
                                                                                                                      men to achieve a continuous viral suppression.
                                                                                                                                                                          Veterans Administration (Spec. Imm. Clinic):
                                                                                                                      Maximal viral suppression results in lowering                      305.324.3267
                    2007                      2008                     2009                      2010                 of the transmission and therefore an important
                                                                                                                      public health concern.”                                        Village South: 305.573.3784
11   | wireJuly
Last Updated: magazine
                19, 2011 | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

Every healthcare worker, pharmacist or doctor interviewed stressed the importance of seeking
immediate medical care. “First and most important, always seek medical care from an HIV
specialist,” stated Shafig. “You can go on the American Academy of HIV Medicine’s website
and locate an expert in your area. The second key person in your care is a medical case
manager. You must have a case manager to help you apply for various State and Federal
funding available. There is no reason for a patient to be HIV-infected in the United States of
America and be without HIV therapy. Depending on their income, they can qualify for straight                         Austin Head
Medicaid, Medicare part B, ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program), PAP (manufacture’s pa-
tient Assistance Programs), or co-payment assistance programs. Please always make sure
you have a case manager so you can benefit from all of these services.” Michael Kahane,
Southern Region Bureau chief for AIDS Healthcare Foundation stressed that the most important
step after discovering that you are HIV positive is “to get into care as soon as possible with a
competent doctor they like and trust. The doctor and the patient need to have a “partner in
care” attitude.” Of course treatment is necessary but Kahane also stresses the importance of
“getting tested” in the fight against HIV/AIDS. “HIV is at epidemic levels throughout the South
and this is an area where there is significant stigma attached to the disease and a lack of
providers. The most important strategy is to test as many people as possible for HIV, identify
those who are positive and get them into care. 20% of people living with HIV do not know
they are positive and that 20% is responsible for 75% of the new infections. The only way to
manage this disease is to expand testing programs and link those who are positive into care.
This year AHF plans to test 50,000 people in Florida.”
                                                                                                     Charlie David
With a disease that has been around since 1981 the public should be more informed and
educated with the facts about HIV/AIDS. When asked what was the reason that South Florida
numbers were higher than anywhere else in the country, the doctors were mostly at a loss for
answers. “A lot has to do with continued denial,” said Dr. Santiago. “There are lots of minori-
ties engaging in unprotected sex. Bi-sexuals still engage in lots of unprotected sex. There are
a lot of young people with STDs. My patients admit to having unprotected sex. People don’t
realize that getting an STD increases your chances of getting HIV.” Florida ranks first in the
country in the number of people diagnosed with HIV and first in the country in the rate of new
HIV diagnoses per 100,000. Dr. Santiago believes the reason for this is denial, bi-sexuals who
engage in unprotected sex and minorities with a lack of education and denial. “Many minori-

         “HIV is not a death sentence,
        but a life sentence. You have to
        make a life plan to take care of
         yourself every day.” - Richard Burton, Jr.
 ties are diagnosed and already have AIDS.” The majority of doctors and healthcare workers
 agreed that education is key to stopping the HIV virus.

 Filmmaker Charlie David hopes his new documentary Positive Youth will help educate the
 masses. “Positive Youth features four young people who bravely share their personal stories
 in living with HIV,” says David. “They offer a raw, uncensored look into their daily lives: the
 shock of receiving an HIV positive diagnosis, what it’s like on the dating scene, battling stigma
 within their work, social and family life, and coming to the realization that life is not over –
 there is a future for them.” One of the purposes of making Positive Youth was to help change
 the perception of how the world views HIV. “HIV transmission is rapidly rising among our
 youth,” adds David. “There seems to be an apathy towards it and a safe sex fatigue going on
 that’s simply dangerous. The challenge is of course multifaceted and different socioeconomic,
 racial and sexual orientations are riddled with their own unique complexities and potential
 triggers. I don’t pretend to know the answers, but what I think is paramount is that the discus-
 sion is started and perhaps spearheaded by our youth.” When asked why he thought the
 youth of today were so uninformed about HIV, David replied, “I think we live in a society that’s
 terrified to tell the truth or to cause unease or to potentially offend. So we place the blame on
 schools, we place the blame on parents; we place the blame on rock ‘n’ roll. We’ve strayed
 so far from an inclusive and supportive place for the human mind, body and spirit to thrive
 and are immersed in our individuality. The problem is that the youth infection rate is rapidly

12 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

                                                                                                                        DEALING WITH HIV-RELATED
                                                                                                                          EXCESS ABDOMINAL FAT
    “Because of                                                                                                       EGRIFTA® is a new medication approved to help HIV-
     the lack of                                                                                                      infect ed patients reduce their excess abdominal fat from
                                                                                                                      the disease.
    education on                                                                                                      1) What are the benefits of EGRIFTA®?
   AIDS, discrimi-                                                                                                    EGRIFTA® (tesamorelin for injection) is an injectable pre-
                                                                                                                      scription medicine to reduce the excess abdominal fat in
    nation, fear,                                                                                                     HIV-infected patients with lipodystrophy. It was approved
                                                                                                                      by the FDA in November 2010 and was made available to
   panic, and lies                                                                                                    patients in January 2011.

     surrounded                                                                                                       2) Is EGRIFTA® the only medication on the
                                                                                                                      market that reduces HIV-related excess bel-
        me.”                                                                                                          ly fat?
                                                                                                                      Yes, EGRIFTA® is the first and only treatment indicated to
                           - Ryan White
                                                                                                                      reduce excess abdominal fat in HIV-infected patients with

                                                                                                                      3) Are there any major side effects associ-
                                                                                                                      ated with EGRIFTA®?
 rising. The education and message driven campaigns are either absent or largely not effective. There are             For full-prescribing information including side effects, you
 many individuals and organizations doing incredible work and we need to continue to support them. It’s               should visit www.egrifta.com/Patients/AboutEgrifta.aspx
 also time we give youth the voice they deserve and listen to the remedies they suggest.”
                                                                                                                      4) What’s been the success rate of patients
 Austin Head, a DJ/entertainer/musician appearing in Positive Youth, says he was prompted to participate
                                                                                                                      taking EGRIFTA®?
 in the documentary because of the world’s ignorance on the subject of HIV, especially young people. “The
                                                                                                                      In two separate clinical trials, at six months, EGRIFTA® re-
 director of a local youth group told me that they have 16 year-olds coming in and testing positive. Their
                                                                                                                      duced HIV-related excess belly fat by an average of 18%
 youngest so far was 15, and when he found out his reply was, “Was it something I ate?” Head, who was
                                                                                                                      in the first trial, and by an average of 14% in the second.
 less open about his HIV status before Positive Youth now seems to be on a soapbox and is using his vis-
                                                                                                                      This reduction in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) showed an
 ibility to help get the word out. He has created a website called PositivelyFrisky.com, a social network for
                                                                                                                      approximately 1-inch reduction in waist size. On average,
 people that are HIV positive. “It’s a place on the web where they can find a safe, stigma free community,
                                                                                                                      patients on EGRIFTA® did not lose weight. Like HIV, HIV-re-
 stay updated on HIV advancements and meet others with shared life experiences.” While Head hopes
 that Positive Youth will help educate the youth his campaign doesn’t stop there. “My hope and mission                lated excess belly fat is a chronic condition, so people who
 is stopping this severe oversight and injustice in the education of our youths. We must bring to light the           used EGRIFTA® continuously for 1 year maintained their
 advances we have made with HIV, show that life does not end when diagnosed and update all those who                  results over this time period. People who stopped using EG-
 may still live in fear or ignorance of this affliction - that this is not something to be afraid of or ignore, but   RIFTA® after 6 months had VAT come back. In clinical tri-
 to conquer! I was not even born when HIV was discovered and yet, today, many people under 30 are                     als of EGRIFTA®, a greater percentage of people who took
 wholly uninformed about HIV.”                                                                                        EGRIFTA® reported an improvement in belly appearance
                                                                                                                      distress than people who did not take EGRIFTA®.
 When those interviewed were asked for advice to share, the unanimous answer was prevention. “Use
 protection to prevent all diseases,” stated Dr. Santiago. “Hep C can be transmitted sexually. HIV and Hep            5) Is there any assistance avail-
 C – together are the number one cause of liver failure.” HIV/AIDS is still here and the issue should not be          able for patients who would
 ignored. The miracle drug is still a myth even though symptoms are controlled with fewer pills today. While          like to take EGRIFTA®?
 Richard Burton Jr. admitted to taking 17 pills a day, Dr. Santiago revealed that some of his patients take           With the availability of EGRIFTA®, EMD
 only one pill a day but that pill is expensive. “The one pill costs $2,500 per day,” says Dr. Santiago. While        Serono launched both a co-pay and
 medical breakthroughs are improving HIV/AIDS medications, there still is no cure. BBC News reported this             patient assistance program, in addition
 week that a panel of US health experts is now backing a drug called Truvada, which will prevent HIV infec-           to the AXIS Center which provides dedi-
 tion in healthy people. This pill, which will also be expensive, is not yet on the market. Austin Head, whose        cated reimbursement, teaching and
 documentary Positive Youth makes its television broadcast premiere on LogoTV on May 19 at 8 p.m., had                adherence support for patients on
 the best advice to share. Both Positive Youth and PositivelyFrisky.com are small steps toward the change             EGRIFTA®. If you have been pre-
 we need to make in the HIV education and prevention efforts. We have the tools to turn HIV around and                scribed EGRIFTA® and have ques-
 stop it dead in its tracks. Unfortunately, with the estimated 1 million people in the US who have HIV, 20%           tions about product support, you
 don’t even know. And, by the way, 30% of those million are heterosexual. This affliction affects everyone            can call the AXIS Center toll-
 - not just the gay community.” Austin went on to share advice from his friend Mitch. “Know your status, but          free at 877.714.2947.
 also act as though everyone is positive by engaging in responsible sexual activity, and you will drastically
 reduce your risk of contracting any STD, let alone HIV.”

13 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
LOOKING GOOD                                                      BY KEN HUNT

                                                 Image Credit: © Artaniss8 / StockFreeImages.com

                                                                                                                          Retro Riot
                                                                                                                @ Queen Lounge
                                                                                                           photos by Henry Perez, Wire Magazine

                                                                                                     Thursday night, Edison Farrow hosted his new-
                                                                                                   est weekly party, RETRO RIOT at Queen Lounge!
                                                                                                       Guests got glammed up and decked out with
                                                                                                    fabulous attire for this retro bash, that also cele-
                                                                                                   brated Rob Davidson’s birthday with outrageous
                                                                                                    guests and a fashion show. DJ Troy Landon was
                                                                                                     spinning the best tracks mixing up the decades
                                                                                                            with music from the ‘70s, ‘80s, & ‘90s.

   or years, health promoters have been racking their brains trying to come up
   with persuasive reasons for Americans to be more physically active. Well here’s
   a new one that’s sure to get some attention: Men who exercise are less likely to
experience sexual dysfunction as they get older.

Analyzing data from surveys of nearly 32,000 men ages 53 to 90, researchers
concluded that men who were the most physically active were least likely to be-
come impotent. According to Eric B. Rimm, (no kidding) an associate professor at
the Harvard School of Public Health, men who ran at least three hours per week
appeared to have the sexual functioning of men two to five years younger. But
even moderate activity proved beneficial: Men who briskly walked for 30 minutes,
most days of the week, had a 15 to 20 percent reduction in the risk of erectile

Fewer than 25 percent of Americans get enough exercise, so it is not surprising
that sexual dysfunction is a common complaint, particularly among older men.
However, some doctors believe that impotence could be considered an early warn-
ing sign of what could happen to the heart. Exercise appears to benefit the small
arteries that control erections, which is the same reason that exercise is good for
the heart – it benefits the arteries that feed the heart. And while many men appear
unconcerned about heart health, chances are they may be more motivated to do
something about the health of their sex lives.

Ken Hunt is an AFI-certified trainer and fitness expert who owns New York and
Miami’s Steel Gym. Steel Gym has been named the No. 1 gym in New York two
years in a row by the American Fitness Institute. In Miami, Steel Gym is located at                                   TO VIEW ADDITIONAL PHOTOS
5556 NE 4th Ct. 305.751.7591. www.SteelGym.com                                                                      FROM THIS & OTHER EVENTS VISIT:

14 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
15 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
FLIX                                                       BY KEVIN WYNN


                                               Directed by:
                                               Bess Kargman
                                                                                                Friday Night Fun
                                                                                                                             @ TWIST
                                               Aran Bell                                            photos by Henry Perez, Wire Magazine
                                               Gaya Bommer Yemini
                                               Michaela Deprince                                A night out in South Beach would not be com-
                                               Jules Jarvis Fogarty                              plete without TWIST, and Friday nights have
                                               Miko Fogarty                                     no shortage of fun, scandals, and outrageous
                                               Rebecca Houseknecht                           surprises. Guests of all kinds couldn’t wait to get
                                               Joan Sebastian Zamora                        some late night fun with great beats, hot dancers,
                                                                                              and a variety of bars for their choosing. “Never
      t feels -- good to be worked that hard and to be in that sort of mindset and then                        A Cover… Always A Groove.”
      have everything hurting when you come home,” says Aran Bell, a stoic, imper-
      turbable eleven year old, reflecting on his ballet training.

If Aran, one of a handful of top-flight young dancers profiled in Bess Kargman’s
documentary First Position, is feeling any pain, it doesn’t show as he hops on his
skateboard and glides through a crowded corridor after class.

But then ballet dancers live with pain, dance though pain, do the impossible and
never stop smiling. And Kargman isn’t about to start tearing off the bandages that
hide the scuffs and sores – a gentle, soothing backrub is more her style.

First Position follows about half a dozen young dancers – they’d be in middle school
and high school if they went to school – as they work toward the finals of the Youth
America Grand Prix, a make-or-break international dance competition.

Kargman’s film is the real-world opposite of the bizarro-world TV reality shows about
dancers; it’s warm and admiring where reality TV is distanced and depraved. First
Position’s dancers are dancing because they want to; their parents are portrayed not
as monstrous stage moms and dads but as harried enablers of their children’s dreams,
bending their lives, careers and finances like their kids bend their infinitely flexible

The dancers themselves are almost too good to be true. Joan Sebastian Zamora,
16, from a village near Cali, Colombia, lives a life of saintly sacrifice in New York,
focused on winning a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School in London. Michaela De-
Prince, orphaned by the brutal civil war in Sierra Leone and adopted by an American
family, dances past obstacles that would stop most people in their tracks and provides
First Position’s only real suspense when she injures her foot during the finals. Rebecca
Houseknecht, a high school senior, has the most ordinary life – she was even, briefly,
a cheerleader! But there’s nothing ordinary about her dancing.

First Position could use a few reality-show rough edges; its stupefied admiration of its
subjects gets monotonous. Then again, there might not be much backstage scandal
to exploit. The stars of First Position are young, their personalities still forming. And
their schedules are full to bursting – they hardly have time for youthful indiscretions.
That said, Kargman’s craft is formidable. First Position is almost as focused as the
dancers it documents. It’s sharply shot, perfectly paced and features plenty of perfor-
mance footage. Unlike the dancers in First Position’s spotlight, the film’s audience is
never in danger of feeling any pain.
                                                                                                               TO VIEW ADDITIONAL PHOTOS
                                                                                                             FROM THIS & OTHER EVENTS VISIT:
Coral Gables Art Cinema, 260 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables. 786.385.9689.                                          WWW.WIREWEEKLY.COM

16 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
WIRED ON THE ARTS                                            BY JAMES CUBBY

                                                                                                                                              MAY 17 - 23

                                                                                 Lang Lang, international renowned pia-       Arsht Center’s “Theater Up Close” se-
                                                                                 nist, returns for another solo recital at    ries continues with Death and Harry
                                                                                 the Arsht Center on May 17.                  Houdini, a play with magic about the
                                                                                                                              life of Harry Houdini, at the Arsht Cen-
                                                                                 Jane’s Addiction, the ‘90s alternative       ter thru May 20.
                                                                                 rock band, brings their Theatre of the
                                                                                 Escapists Tour to the Fillmore Miami         Actors’ Playhouse presents Becky’s
                                                                                 Beach on May 18.                             New Car, a comedy about the perils of
                                                                                                                              middle age, at the Miracle Theatre thru
                                                                                                                              June 3.

                                                                                                                              Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks, a com-
                                                                                                                              edy about a Baptist minister’s widow
                                                                                                                              who hires a gay ex-chorus boy to teach
                                                                                                                              her to dance, continues at Miami Beach
                                                                                                                              Stage Door thru May 20.

                                                                                                                              Miami Dance Festival continues with
                                                                                 Willy Chirino, with special guests The       performances at venues throughout Mi-
                                                                                 Celia Cruz All Stars plays at the Magic      ami and Miami Beach. Visit www.mo-
                                                                                 City Amphitheatre on May 19.                 mentumdance.com for schedule.

                                                                                 Rusko, the English dubstep record pro-       David Zambrano presents The Soul
                                                                                 ducer and DJ, brings his music to the        Project, a dance piece with an interna-
                                                                                 stage of Fillmore Miami Beach on May         tional cast, at The Light Box at Goldman
                                                                                 19.                                          Warehouse May 17 – 19.

                                                                                 Miami Civic Music Association presents       Miami City Ballet’s Annual Student
                                                                                 a series of duos and trios with violinists   Showcase will run at the Miami City Bal-
                                                                                 Bela Horvath and David Lisker, with pia-     let Studio Theater from May 18 – 20.
                                                                                 nist YinJia Lin at Gusman Concert Hall
                                                                                 on May 20.                                   COMEDY
                                                                                                                              The infamous Joan Rivers brings her
                                                                                 THEATRE                                      acerbic comedy to the stage of Hard
                                                                                 Stage Door Theatre presents All Night        Rock Live on May 17 at 8 p.m.
                                                                                 Strut, a musical celebration of the ‘30s
                                                                                 and ‘40s, at the Byron Carlyle Theatre
                                                                                 thru June 10.

                                                                                 Time Stands Still, hailed as one of the
                                                                                 best new plays on Broadway, plays at
                                                                                 the GableStage at the Biltmore thru June

                                                                                 Spring Awakening, winner of ten 2007
                                                                                 Tony Awards including Best Musical,
                                                                                 plays at Area Stage from May 18 –
                                                                                 June 3.

                                                                                 Disney’s long running Broadway hit,
                                                                                 The Lion King, runs at the Arsht Center
                                                                                 thru June 10.

                                                                                  Visit www.wiredonthearts.com                  Submissions for Wired on the Arts
                                                                                    to view the contact information for         should be sent to:
                                                 TO VIEW ADDITIONAL PHOTOS
                                               FROM THIS & OTHER EVENTS VISIT:       all our Wired on the Arts venues.          cubby@wireweekly.com

17 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter

                                                              by Antwyone Ingram

     he lifespan of any great gay reoccurring party in this day and age is usually short-
     lived. Edison Farrow, a local legend with over a decade in the party promoting
     industry, has produced a plethora of parties and events that have certainly stood
the test of time. HYPE was born two years ago, and while many competitors fell flat
with their delivery of a weekly party that in fact lived up to “the hype,” this Edison cre-
ation is still here and living up to those expectations. Two years, and a venue closing
later, HYPE is still pumping the beats, and giving partygoers exactly what it did upon
its birth two years ago – a great time. Unbothered by mild roadblocks that could have
ultimately been the demise of one impeccable Friday night party, HYPE Fridays have
stood their ground. In recognition of HYPE’s 2nd year anniversary, Wire Magazine
spoke to Edison about the growth and future of HYPE, as well as his thoughts on the
evident evolution of Miami’s gay scene.

Are you surprised with the success of HYPE? Did it meet your expecta-
tions or surpass them?
This has been a fun night since the launch two years ago at Bar 721. It took off as soon
as we launched it. We had to remove the furniture from Bar 721 every week due to the
overwhelming attendance. Now, at MOVA, we are still going strong!

What do you hope to accomplish with HYPE in the near and distant
We will be adding more performances on Fridays, Pussila is our host every week and
it would be fun if she performed. Plus, many local singers are interested in performing.

Edison, you’ve been around for some time and have a reputation
for throwing amazing parties. Do you think the scene has drastically
evolved, and if yes -- how so?
Absolutely. The scene has changed EVERYWHERE. First big clubs went away, not just
in Miami, but in most cities. The small venues and lounges became more popular. Then,
when the recession hit, people stopped going out as often.

What suggestions can you give to young and new promoters seeking to
accomplish the amount of success you have with your parties?
People do not realize the work and expense that it takes to get an event going when
done properly. It’s not just a matter of making a Facebook invitation! You really need to
put a lot of work and publicity into starting an event - especially these days.

Your parties present a very fun and laid-back atmosphere, with very
little attitude and judgments. Do you feel some clubs/promoters take
themselves too seriously – ultimately resulting in the demise of their
Absolutely. I have always treated the events as if I am hosting a party in my home and
welcoming people. If you are not nice to people, they will not want to go to your event.

Visit www.wireweekly.com to read an extended version of this feature article.

 18 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
19 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
                                                                                     THURSDAY, MAY 17                                             her gaggle of guest entertainers! Get ready
                                                                                                                                                  for the biggest show on South Beach at 6 p.m.
                                                                                     ANGLERS: Tonight don’t miss LOCO 4 Locals
                                                                                     Thursdays at the Anglers. Enjoy 2-4-1 Well                   SCORE: Tonight the Penny Back Boyz host
                                                                                     Drinks and $15 Beer Bucket specials. Sit back                one of the hottest parties in South Beach, Filthy
                                                                                     with a live DJ and enjoy 20% off the menu                    Gorgeous Fridays celebrating the premier of
                                                                                     tonight from 5 – 8 p.m. 660 Washington Ave.                  the new film Battleship. Doors open at 10 p.m.

                                                                                     EROS LOUNGE: Presenting Latin Fuego                          TWIST: Enjoy a fabulous night at TWIST. Get
                                                                                     Thursday nights! Get ready for an outrageous                 in for the free Happy Hour BBQ at 6 p.m.
                                                                                     night hosted by Teresita La Caliente with                    Tonight get in the house for some delicious
                                                                                     shows starting at 11 p.m. Free parking and                   beats by DJ Scott Mann and a crowd that’s
                                                                                     $6 Cuba Libres all night long. 8201 Biscayne                 sure to please. Enjoy seven different bars, stiff
                                                                                     Blvd.                                                        drinks, beautiful dancers, and, of course, the
                                                                                                                                                  only place where there’s “Never a cover...
                                                                                     MOVA: Stop by for happy hour from 3
                   Filthy Gorgeous Fridays
                                                                                                                                                  Always a groove.”
                                                                                     to 9 p.m., followed by Vanity Girl. Vanity
                                                                                     Girl Thursdays gives you gorgeous girls,                     SATURDAY, MAY 19
                                                              @ SCORE                great music by DJ Zehno, $4 Miller Lites,
                                                                                     $6 Finlandia cocktails, and a free Miller Lite               DISCOTEKKA: Downtown’s only gay dance
                                        photos by Henry Perez, Wire Magazine         when you buy the shot of the week. 1625                      party brings you “We Love Brazilians,” with
                                                                                     Michigan Ave.                                                sounds by DJ/Producer Just Oliver. Enjoy
                                                                                                                                                  shows by TP Lords and Gina DiAngelo, hosted
                                  Absolut stopped by Filthy Gorgeous Fridays at      PALACE: Palace hosts Stiletto Nights with                    by Athena Dion & Vegas Dion. $5 OR-G shots
                                    SCORE to bring partygoers “Go-Go Fantasy         fierce drag shows by host Missy Meiyakie                     all night long! 950 NE 2nd Ave.
                                   Night,” complete with sexy dancers, little BIG    and special diva cast members. Show starts at
                                 men, aerialist and a night filled with many spec-   6 p.m. Enjoy weekly drink specials all night.                MOVA: Stop by for happy hour from 3 to 9
                                                                                     1200 Ocean Drive.                                            p.m., followed by FLASH Saturdays with the
                                                   tacles and invigorating beats.                                                                 hottest music videos and visual entertainment
                                                                                     QUEEN LOUNGE: Edison Farrow hosts                            by VJ Chris Racine till 3 a.m. with $9 Grey
                                                                                     RETRO RIOT tonight at Queen Lounge! Don’t                    Goose cocktails all night.
                                                                                     hesitate to get glammed up and throw on your
                                                                                     most fabulous attire for this retro bash with DJ             PALACE: Enjoy a special day of drag shows,
                                                                                     Troy Landon spinning the best tracks mixing                  great food, and stiff cocktails, as The Palace
                                                                                     up the decades with music from the ‘70s,                     Bar hosts Drag Gone Wild with Tiffany
                                                                                     ‘80s, & ‘90s. The party starts at 10 p.m. 841                Fantasia and her gaggle of performers! Heels
                                                                                     Washington Ave.                                              hit the pavement at 6 p.m. sharp!

                                                                                     SCORE: Enjoy cocktails out on the patio and                  SCORE: Don’t miss Score’s BIGGER Saturdays
                                                                                     watch the famous Lincoln Road traffic pass                   party tonight – PLAY Men featuring the sounds
                                                                                     by. Later in the evening Score hosts Pop Fever               of Mexican DJ/Producer Isaac Escalante,
                                                                                     Thursdays, celebrating the release of Adam                   with opening set by DJ Alex Infiniti! Expect
                                                                                     Lambert’s new album Trespassing, with fab                    the hottest men and most hypnotic beats that
                                                                                     beats by DJ Daisy D & AJ Reddy paired with                   will keep you moving at Saturday’s largest
                                                                                     an incredible crowd of delicious partygoers.                 gay dance party on the Beach. Enjoy $6
                                                                                     Take advantage of $6 Long Islands all night.                 Chambord vodka all night. Hosted by Alex
                                                                                     727 Lincoln Road.                                            Prieto.

                                                                                     TWIST: Don’t miss out on a fabulous night at                 TWIST: Happy Hour 2-4-1 with Tommy and
                                                                                     TWIST with seven different bars, DJ Sushiman,                the locals from 1 to 9 p.m. on everything.
                                                                                     stiff drinks, and beautiful dancers. And if                  Come tonight for MUSCLE BOY Saturdays
                                                                                     you’re looking for some hot papis, DJ Adora                  and enjoy a full house of hot men and
                                                                                     will be hosting Sabroso in Bar 5! Don’t miss                 some incredible beats by DJ Mika. “Never a
                                                                                     the 2-4-1 Special on everything till 2 a.m.                  cover...Always a groove.”
                                                                                     “Never a cover... Always a groove.” 1057
                                                                                     Washington Ave.                                              SUNDAY, MAY 20

                                                                                     FRIDAY, MAY 18                                               ANGLERS: If you are looking to nurse that
                                                                                                                                                  hangover with some unlimited mimosas and
                                                                                     JOHNNY’S MIAMI: Get in tonight for Towel                     Bloody Marys, look no further than 660 at
                                                                                     Night Fridays! Snag your taste of locker room                the Anglers. Enjoy great food and delicious
                                                                                     fun tonight with 30 dancers in nothing but tow-              libations in one of the most beautiful bou-
                                                                                     els. Steamy live shows all night, and private                tique resorts Miami Beach has to offer. 660
                                                                                     VIP rooms available. Hosted by Josie Love. 46                Washington Ave.
                                                                                     NE 14th Street.
                                                                                                                                                  CHALK LOUNGE: Get out of the house with
                                                                                      MOVA: Edison
                                                                                     MOVA:        Edison Farrow
                                                                                                           Farrow presents
                                                                                                                    presents HYPE
                                                                                                                                HYPE Fridays
                                                                                                                                      Fridays     Edison Farrow at SMASH Sundays. Hop on a
                                                                                      2nd Anniversary
                                                                                     2nd     Anniversary Party
                                                                                                             Party atat MOVA.
                                                                                                                         MOVA. EnjoyEnjoy an an   Ping-Pong table, shoot some billiards, or chill
                                                                                      outrageous show
                                                                                     outrageous      show byby Pussila
                                                                                                                Pussila with
                                                                                                                         with sounds
                                                                                                                                sounds byby DJ
                                                                                                                                             DJ   out as DJ Smeejay works the turntables. The
                                                                                      Bryan Zero.
                                                                                     Bryan     Zero. This
                                                                                                      This will
                                                                                                           will also
                                                                                                                 also be
                                                                                                                       be an
                                                                                                                          an album
                                                                                                                              album release
                                                                                                                                      release     party kicks off at 8 p.m. with no cover and
                                                                                      party for
                                                                                     party    forPOPular
                                                                                                   POPular7 featuring
                                                                                                              7 featuring     DJ Grind;
                                                                                                                          DJ Grind;         the
                                                                                                                                      the first   vodka drink specials all night.
                                                                                      first 100
                                                                                     100    guestsguests    will receive
                                                                                                     will receive           an album
                                                                                                                     an album             give-
                                                                                     Enjoy     Enjoy   $7 Finlandia
                                                                                                  Finlandia    and $8and     $8vodka
                                                                                                                          Stoli   Stoli vodka
                                                                                                                                         cock-    MOVA: MOVA hosts the most scandalous
                                                                                     tails         all long.
                                                                                            all night   night Snag
                                                                                                                long.a Snag
                                                                                                                        bottle ofa Finlandia
                                                                                                                                    bottle of     party in South Beach, Out-n-Ugly Sundays
                                                                                     for  $100 to  forparty
                                                                                                       $100 in to  party in style.
                                                                                                                style.                            with DJ Latrice. Beginning at 9 p.m. with drag
                                                   TO VIEW ADDITIONAL PHOTOS                                                                      shows 11 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. Enjoy $4 Miller
                                                 FROM THIS & OTHER EVENTS VISIT:     PALACE: Tonight is Drag Madness with fierce                  Lites, $5 Herradura Shots, and $6 Finlandia.
                                                     WWW.WIREWEEKLY.COM              shows by the hot-n-heavy Latrice Royale and                  No cover.

20 | wire magazine | issue #20, 2012 | www.wireweekly.com | facebook | twitter
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