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GB TRUCK TOLL IN GERMANY USER INFORMATION Up da 20 te 18 d Ed iti on Commissioned by
Dear customer! The law to expand the truck toll to all federal trunk roads from 1 July 2018 onwards came into force at the end of March 2017. The German government thereby continues to aim to improve the financing of federal motorways and trunk roads and guarantee a modern, safe and efficient traffic infrastructure in Germany. For this reason, the user financing needs to be supported. The German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has contracted Toll Collect to technically implement this expansion. Previously a total of 15,000 kilometres of motorways and selected federal trunk roads were subject to toll. The toll network is now being expanded to roughly 52,000 kilometres of routes subject to toll. A satellite-assisted toll system is the best choice for such a large network of toll roads. In particular, automatic toll collection via the On-Board Unit (OBU) offers customers unequivocal advantages, since it permits the driver to change the route at any time, for example. This provides flexibility and saves transport and logistics companies time and money on a daily basis. Even without an OBU however, Toll Collect offers all customers straightforward and practical log-on options: a free app, straightforward online log-on and modern toll terminals enable uncomplicated and rapid payment. The technical design of the Toll Collect system also means that it supports other toll systems. The TOLL2GO service has been offered in conjunction with ASFINAG, the Austrian toll operator, since 2011. TOLL2GO enables the toll for vehicles of 7.5 tonnes or more to be paid in Austria using the Toll Collect On-Board Unit installed in the truck. This brochure contains everything you need to know about the truck toll in Germany – from registration to log-on options, through to the toll statement. We hope you always have a good journey. Your Toll Collect 1
CONTENTS 1 Summary.................................................................................................................................... 4 5 Toll amount............................................................................................................................... 20 2 Toll requirement..................................................................................................................... 6 6 Payment methods.................................................................................................................. 24 2.1 Vehicles subject to toll.................................................................................................... 6 6.1 Payment methods for registered customers........................................................... 25 2.2 Toll route network............................................................................................................ 7 6.1.1 Toll Collect credit system.................................................................................... 25 2.3 Toll-free and toll-exempt............................................................................................... 7 6.1.2 Other payment methods..................................................................................... 26 2.4 Areas of responsibility.................................................................................................... 9 6.2 Payment methods for unregistered customers/unregistered 2.4.1 Responsibilities of Toll Collect within the framework of the customers with a log-on account................................................................................ 26 public-private partnership................................................................................. 9 6.2.1 Cash........................................................................................................................... 26 2.4.2 Responsibility for enforcement and proceedings to impose a fine: 6.2.2 paysafecard............................................................................................................. 26 Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG)...................................................... 9 6.2.3 Fuel and credit cards............................................................................................ 27 2.4.3 Responsibility for the toll route network: German Federal 7 Invoicing for registered customers................................................................................. 28 Highway Research Institute (BASt)................................................................... 10 7.1 Regular toll statement.................................................................................................... 28 3 Registration.............................................................................................................................. 11 7.2 Exceptional statement.................................................................................................... 29 4 Log-on options........................................................................................................................ 13 7.3 Complaint: toll statement.............................................................................................. 29 4.1 Automatic log-on using an On-Board Unit................................................................ 14 7.4 Toll-related supplementary services.......................................................................... 29 4.1.1 How the On-Board Unit works........................................................................... 14 8 Enforcement............................................................................................................................. 30 4.1.2 On-Board Unit installation.................................................................................. 15 8.1 Automatic enforcement.................................................................................................. 31 4.2 Manual log-on.................................................................................................................... 16 8.2 Stationary enforcement.................................................................................................. 32 4.2.1 Log-on via the app................................................................................................. 17 8.3 Mobile enforcement......................................................................................................... 32 4.2.2 Online log-on.......................................................................................................... 17 8.4 On-site enforcement....................................................................................................... 32 4.2.3 Log-on at a toll terminal...................................................................................... 17 8.5 Consequences of toll violations................................................................................... 33 4.2.4 Cancel and change using the manual log-on procedure............................ 18 9 Data protection....................................................................................................................... 34 4.2.5 Refund requests..................................................................................................... 19 10 Service and contact............................................................................................................... 36 2 3
1 their vehicles subject to toll in the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act Toll Collect customer portal. Each vehicle (BFStrMG). SUMMARY is then equipped with an On-Board Unit at the workshop of one of our service Legal basis for distance-based toll collection partners. Registered customers can pay JJ German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) from 12 the toll with their credit card or fuel card, July 2011 (BGBl. I, p. 1378), most recently modified by transfer funds in advance to their credit article 21 of the law of 14 August 2017 (BGBl. I, p. 3122) account with Toll Collect, or enable re- JJ Truck toll regulations regulating the provision of proof The toll requirement in Germany applies The Toll Collect toll system provides two plenishment with SEPA business-to-busi- of correct toll payment and the refunding of toll charg- to trucks with a gross vehicle weight of log-on options for paying the toll: ness direct debit (direct debit prepaid es (German Truck Toll Regulations - LKW-MautV) of 24 7.5 tonnes or more on motorways and JJ automatically during the journey via service). June 2003 (BGBl. I, p. 1003), most recently modified by federal trunk roads. As of 1 July 2018, the On-Board Unit (OBU) installed in the article 3 of the law of 5 December 2014 (BGBl. I, p. 1980) toll route network will cover all federal vehicle, or With the expansion of the truck toll to all JJ Toll junction regulations regulating toll junctions for trunk roads – which means the toll route JJ manually before the journey begins us- federal trunk roads, Toll Collect has also specific sections of federal trunk roads (Federal trunk network will be expanded to include ing the app, online or at a toll terminal. implemented changes to the manual log- road toll junction regulations - BStrMKnotV) of 9 August around 40,000 kilometres of federal trunk on procedure. Toll Collect now supports 2013 (BGBl. I, p. 3218) roads. Toll Collect further developed its In order to take advantage of automatic modern log-on options with a uniform The currently valid versions of all relevant legal basics are toll system technology for toll collection toll collection with an OBU, new custom- user interface. Log-ons and cancellations available at in this significantly larger network of ers have to register their company and can be done flexibly using the app, online routes. or at a toll terminal. In the future, each customer will be able to use any available manual log-on method without having to register with Toll Collect in advance. Cus- tomers simply pay for their journeys sub- ject to toll in advance using the payment method on file, a credit card or fuel card, cash or a paysafecard. The Toll Collect customer service team will gladly help with any questions on payment methods and about the entire toll system. The truck toll enforcement system was also adapted to the expanded toll route network; in particular, by approximately 600 new enforcement pillars installed along federal trunk roads. The legal framework for collection of the truck toll on the expanded toll route net- work was created in March 2017 by the government with the fourth version of the 4 5
2 A liability to a toll applies if the vehicle or In accordance with Section 1 paragraph 3 vehicle combination falls into one of the no. 1 to 3 of the German Federal Trunk TOLL REQUIREMENT two alternative categories set out in Sec- tion 1 paragraph 1 clause 2 no. 1 German Road Toll Act (BFStrMG), the following sec- tions of motorway have no toll require- Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG). ment: JJ Section of A 6 motorway from the Ger- Vehicles that are intended for transporta- man / French border to the Saarbrück- tion of goods (1st alternative) are subject en-Fechingen junction in both direc- The German Federal Highway Research 2.1 Vehicles subject to toll to toll regardless of whether tions, Institute (BASt) publishes the cur- JJ a journey is for private purposes, JJ Section of A 5 motorway from the Ger- rent toll route network on the Inter- Vehicles or vehicle combinations with JJ goods are actually being transported, man / Swiss border and the German / net. All federal motorways and federal a permissible total weight of at least JJ transportation of goods is for commer- French border to the Müllheim/Neuen- trunk roads subject to toll are listed at 7.5 tonnes and which cial or internal purposes (intercompa- berg junction in both directions, JJ are intended for transportation of ny traffic), or JJ Sections of motorway for use of which a goods (1st alternative), or JJ the affected vehicle is exempt from ve- toll is levied in accordance with the ap- JJ are being used for this purpose (2nd hicle tax. plicable version of Section 2 of the Pri- alternative) are subject to toll. vate Financing of Trunk Roads Act of Where any vehicles or vehicle combina- 30 August 1994 (BGBl. I, p. 2243). tions are used for the transportation of goods subject to payment or for business As of 1 July 2018, the toll route network purposes (commercial goods transporta- will also include roughly 40,000 kilo- tion or intercompany traffic), a toll re- metres of federal trunk roads. The toll quirement exists as defined by the 2nd requirement will then apply to vehicles alternative. and vehicle combinations with a gross vehicle weight of 7.5 tonnes or more on all Regardless of their country of origin, all motorways and federal trunk roads. customers must pay the toll for the dis- tance travelled by their vehicles subject to toll on toll roads. 2.3 Toll-free and toll-exempt In accordance with the German Federal 2.2 Toll route network Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG), certain ve- hicles and vehicle combinations (“vehi- The toll requirement applies on all motor- cles” for short) are not subject to the toll. ways, including fuel stations and service On the one hand, these are vehicles that areas, unless explicitly excluded below, do not fall under the definition criteria of and all federal trunk roads. According to a vehicle subject to toll (toll-free vehi- the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act cles) and, on the other hand, vehicles for (BFStrMG), motorways are all federal trunk which the legislature has created special roads formally designated as motorways. exemptions (toll-exempt vehicles). Whether a vehicle is or is not subject to toll is directly determined by the law in 6 7
2 TOLL REQUIREMENT all cases. On-demand determination by charitable organisations to transport responsible for the accuracy and com- implemented the toll system and oper- the German Federal Office for Goods emergency aid in serious humanitarian pleteness of the information for registra- ates it. Transport (BAG) or Toll Collect is neither crises, tion of a toll-exempt vehicle (self-decla- provided for nor required. 6. Agricultural vehicles engaged in opera- ration principle). The registration of the In addition, Toll Collect has been appoint- tionally-relevant movement of goods vehicles implies no legal recognition of ed as an entrusted contractor to carry out Vehicles that do not fall under the legal that are designed to have a maximum toll-free or toll-exempt status by the following tasks: definition of a vehicle subject to toll (ac- speed of 40 km/h. Toll Collect or the German Federal Office JJ identification of road usage subject to cording to Section 1 paragraph 1 clause 2 for Goods Transport (BAG). These respon- toll, of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act sible authorities are entitled to verify the JJ verification of correct toll payment, (BFStrMG)), are vehicles that accuracy of the information provided at JJ retrospective collection of a toll in cer- a) are neither structurally intended for any time. For the relevant requirements, tain cases. road haulage (e.g. self-propelled work- refer to Section 1 paragraphs 1 and 2 of ing machines) the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act As a private company, Toll Collect has no b) nor used for commercial road haulage (BFStrMG). influence on the decision as to what vehi- or own-account transport operations cles are subject to toll, which routes are for charged or business-related trans- subject to toll, the level of toll rates and portation of goods (in accordance with 2.4 Areas of responsibility which emission classes are defined. These Section 1 of the German Road Haulage decisions are made by the government. Act (GüKG)). 2.4.1 Responsibilities of Toll Collect The prerequisite for toll exemption, ex- within the framework of the Toll exemption only results if both re- cept for buses and coaches or vehicles public-private partnership 2.4.2. Responsibility for enforce- quirements are fulfilled. used by non-profit or charitable organi- ment and proceedings to im- sations, and agricultural vehicles de- The legal toll regulations set out in de- pose a fine: Federal Office for In addition, as set out in Section 1 para- signed to have a maximum speed of tail the vehicles and routes for which a Goods Transport (BAG) graph 2 of the German Federal Trunk Road 40 km/h, is that the motor vehicles must toll is to be paid, how it is to be collected Toll Act (BFStrMG), the following vehicles be externally identifiable as being in- and how compliance with the toll re- The Federal Office for Goods Transport and vehicle combinations are toll-ex- tended for the relevant purpose. quirement is to be enforced. These toll (BAG) is responsible for punishing vio- empt: requirement regulations set out the lations of the toll requirement. If it is 1. Buses and coaches, Toll Collect offers the opportunity to reg- framework within which Toll Collect op- identified that the toll due for a vehicle 2. Vehicles owned by the military, the ister toll-exempt vehicles. This is not ob- erates as a contractor as part of a pub- subject to toll having driven on a toll police authorities, civil defence and ligatory – registration is voluntary. By lic-private partnership. Toll Collect has road has not been paid, or has been paid disaster control vehicles, fire service registering, unnecessary stops, checks and other emergency vehicles and fed- and investigations are avoided. Registra- eral government vehicles, tion is valid for a maximum of two years. 3. Vehicles used exclusively for road It can then be extended. Any registration maintenance and road operation, that is not extended by the date of expiry including road cleaning and winter automatically lapses. services, 4. Vehicles used exclusively in the show- All information provided on the form for person and circus trade, registration of toll-exempt vehicles must 5. Vehicles used by non-profit-making or be truthful and complete. The applicant is 8 9
2 TOLL REQUIREMENT incorrectly, the toll for the distance trav- details of the toll route network are pub- 3 elled will be collected retrospectively. If lished online at the actual distance travelled subject to toll cannot be determined, the toll will be REGISTRATION levied retrospectively for a standard dis- tance of 500 kilometres. For enforcement purposes the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) records the required information such as the licence plate The first step to ensure convenient toll their user registration on the portal. Cus- number and toll rates. It then initiates payment is quick and straightforward tomers that are already registered with proceedings to impose a fine. Fines can registration of the transport company Toll Collect and who additionally want to be up to 20,000 euros. and its vehicles subject to toll with use the customer portal require two acti- Toll Collect using the customer portal. vation codes to access the portal for the The customer portal is a secure website first time. These codes can be ordered 2.4.3. Responsibility for the toll available for use in German, English, from Toll Collect customer service by route network: German Feder- French and Polish. phone or using the contact form on the al Highway Research Institute website. Your web ac- (BASt) New customers create their access data count can be activated immediately with for the Toll Collect customer portal during both codes. The toll route network is the responsi- bility of the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). For example, the responsibilities of the German Fed- eral Highway Research Institute include measuring the route sections that make up the toll route network. Continuously updating the toll route network (e.g. when new route sections are completed) is also the responsibility of the German Feder- al Highway Research Institute. Updated 10 11
3 REGISTRATION In the portal, customers can see an over- JJ The customer can view journeys that 4 view of their current company and vehicle have not yet been charged as well as data. New vehicles can be registered and existing, saved vehicle data can be outstanding statements. LOG-ON OPTIONS changed with just a few clicks. Vehicle Alternatively to registration using the data can be changed by selecting “Dis- customer portal in the four main lan- playing and changing vehicles”. In addi- guages (German, English, French and tion to the emission class, the number of Polish), guides on completing the German axles and the gross vehicle weight, the li- registration form can also be request- The toll is only due when roads subject to With regard to the inclusion of all federal cence plate number and country code can ed from Toll Collect customer service or toll are used. The Toll Collect system for trunk roads from 1 July 2018, the truck toll also be changed. Once the required downloaded on the Internet in 23 addi- toll collection operates according to this system underwent technical upgrades. changes have been made, the customer tional languages. The documents must principle. The customer simply selects This is because compared to motorways, receives a written confirmation. then be printed, signed and returned to whether they want to pay the toll using federal trunk roads are subject to many Toll Collect by e-mail, fax or post with a the automatic or manual log-on proce- changes more frequently and quicker company stamp. dure. (construction, road closures, bans). This means that the data required for toll col- lection will change at shorter notice than previously. The Toll Collect customer portal offers many advantages: JJ Rapid registration of vehicles subject to toll: Directly after receiving the reg- istration confirmation, customers can make an appointment to have the On- Board Unit installed at a service part- ner workshop. JJ Existing vehicle data can be changed more easily and synchronised to the On-Board Unit via mobile radio. JJ Current customer and vehicle data can be viewed by the customer at any time. JJ The contract information and current payment methods can be changed. JJ Current settlement documents can be viewed and downloaded. 12 13
4 LOG-ON OPTIONS 4.1 Automatic log-on using an On-Board Unit. If the gross vehicle weight The driver’s obligations to cooperate re- voiced journeys” section within 48 hours – On-Board Unit changes due to a trailer being attached/ main the same. usually sooner. detached, the gross vehicle weight must After registering the transport company be adjusted on the OBU before starting a The German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act and the vehicles subject to toll with journey. (BFStrMG) will be adapted as quickly as 4.1.2 On-Board Unit installation Toll Collect, any customer who wishes to possible based on the new report on infra- can have an On-Board Unit installed in The current number of axles still needs to structure costs. This will result in new toll The customer makes an appointment with their vehicle by a service partner work- be entered if it deviates from the number rates and obligations to cooperate. Ac- a service partner workshop authorised shop. Collection and payment of the toll of axles personalised on the OBU. Addi- cording to the report on infrastructure by Toll Collect for installation of the On- via the On-Board Unit is the simplest and tionally, the driver can also indicate a cost costs, the introduction of new weight Board Unit. These workshops are specially most convenient way for the transport centre. classes is possible and intended by the selected and trained by Toll Collect and company to pay the toll. government. The valid rates can be found can be found throughout Germany and The OBU sends the vehicle-specific char- at and apply on mo- in other European countries. To search acteristics to the computing centre in a torways and federal trunk roads. for local service partners, simply go to 4.1.1 How the On-Board Unit works time-delayed and encrypted manner. The Just enter data is allocated to the toll route network The number of axles, the country that the the street, town or post code to display the The On-Board Unit switches on automati- when it arrives at the Toll Collect comput- truck subject to toll is travelling in (DE, AT) closest service partner workshops. cally when the ignition is started. The driv- ing centre. Afterwards, the toll for the and the weight class will appear on the er must check the data entered (number roads subject to toll is calculated in the display during the journey. The green LED of axles, gross vehicle weight and emission computing centre based on the vehi- will still indicate correct toll collection for class) before every journey and must edit cle-specific features. the driver. it if necessary. As part of the further development of the truck toll system, technical measures were implemented to enable differentiation of the toll according to additional weight classes. Since 1 June 2018, the new weight classes have been visible on the On-Board Units: < 7.5 tonnes The On-Board Unit is available free of ≥ 7.5 tonnes – 11.99 tonnes charge to customers and remains the ≥ 12 tonnes – 18 tonnes The toll to be paid is assigned to the cus- property of Toll Collect when installed. > 18 tonnes tomer based on the vehicle’s licence plate The installation costs and other expenses number; the transport company then re- involved are paid by the customer. The The gross vehicle weight specified by the The incorrect selection and setting of one ceives a toll statement on a monthly basis maximum installation time is four hours keeper at the time the vehicle was regis- of the weight classes between 7.5 tonnes if a toll is due. per vehicle. For a new vehicle, this time can tered is usually saved permanently in the and > 18 tonnes will not be prosecuted. be significantly reduced if the customer Information on journeys that haven’t been requests that the truck be factory-fitted No toll requirement Weight class I Weight class II Weight class III calculated yet can be found on the cus- with a cable set and an antenna for the On- tomer portal. The information about the Board Unit installation. 7,5 t 12 t >18 t individual journeys and associated toll amounts are accessible in the “Non-in- 14 15
4 LOG-ON OPTIONS As well as fitting of the On-Board Unit, in- After entering the journey start time, the JJ For example, with the manual log-on stallation involves the following steps: driver enters all relevant vehicle data, procedure, it is even possible to log on JJ Personalisation of the On-Board Unit such as the licence plate number, number a journey online and cancel it on the on site by the service partner workshop of axles, emission class and weight class, road via the app. (loading of vehicle and customer data), then plots the origin, via and destination JJ Routing of the antenna cable and in- points of the journey by entering the ad- In addition, manual log-on offers another stallation of the antenna, dress, selecting points of interests (PoIs) service to non-registered customers: When JJ Connection to a suitable speed signal, or by clicking on the map (address-based, setting up a log-on account, it is possible JJ Connection to the vehicle electrical vehicle-specific route planning for the to save information regarding the vehicles system, entire German road network). The toll is that are frequently logged on manually, JJ OBU installation, test drive and custom- then calculated for the selected route frequently travelled routes and up to three er briefing, within the toll route network. Based on payment methods. This makes the log-on smartphone or tablet), stationary or mo- JJ Confirmation of proper installation of the data entered by the driver, the route process more efficient and saves the cus- bile. The application is supported by the the On-Board Unit on an installation calculation takes vehicle-specific traffic tomer time. The customer can manage and most popular Internet browsers. certificate both by the customer and by restrictions such as closures or weight delete the data saved by them in the app the service partner workshop. restrictions into consideration. or in the online log-on system at any time. Customers can access the start page of the new online log-on at The manual log-on procedure offers many by selecting “Book a route”. Here as well, 4.2 Manual log-on advantages to every customer: 4.2.1 Log-on via the app customers can log on in German, English, JJ Each customer can use any available French and Polish. No special software is Manual log-on for toll payment offers manual log-on method without having Toll Collect introduced a log-on app for required for this. every customer the right type of access to register with Toll Collect in advance. smartphones and tablets as part of its for their needs. JJ The address and vehicle-specific route technical upgrades. The app gives cus- Registered customers use their access planning service for the entire German tomers the most flexible option for ac- data for the Toll Collect customer portal These log-on options include: road network with selection of origin, cessing the new manual log-on system. for online log-on. Data saved in the cus- JJ Log-on via the Toll Collect app, destination and via points allows for Log-ons can be done from anywhere, at tomer portal, such as vehicle data, is rap- JJ online log-on, which can be used on custom route planning by entering an any time using a smartphone or tablet – idly available for manual log-on. Payment stationary PCs as well as on mobile address, selecting PoIs or clicking on even directly from a parked vehicle. The is made using the saved payment meth- devices such as tablets and smart- the map, and also includes non-toll app supports operation in German, Eng- od. Unregistered customers can log on phones, routes. lish, French and Polish. either using the log-on account they cre- JJ as well as log-on at roughly 1,100 new JJ The route calculation takes vehi- ated or simply online without advance toll terminals at some 675 locations in cle-specific traffic restrictions such as The Toll Collect app can be downloaded registration. Germany and abroad. closures or weight restrictions into free of charge from the respective stores consideration. of major operating systems (Android, iOS, The technical implementation and design JJ At the end of the log-on procedure, the Windows Phone). 4.2.3 Log-on at a toll terminal are uniform across all of the options by customer receives both the log-on re- which the manual log-on procedure can be ceipt as well as the navigation direc- All customers, whether registered or not, accessed. Regardless of which option the tions, if desired. 4.2.2 Online log-on can log on manually at a toll terminal, customer uses to pay the toll manually, the JJ The customer can print, download or which bear a “Toll Collect” label. user interface remains consistent, enabling e-mail all receipts or have the log-on Online log-on now works regardless of rapid and straightforward log-on. It is pos- number sent to a mobile device via the type of customer (registered or not) Roughly 1,100 modern toll terminals (in- sible to log on up to 24 hours in advance. SMS. on any Internet-capable device (e.g. PC, door and outdoor terminals) are available 16 17
4 LOG-ON OPTIONS for log-on at major petrol stations, truck Customers can locate toll stations and a cash payment was used to log on, it is The refund procedure at the Federal Of- stops and rest areas in Germany as well service partners on the go simply by per- necessary to file a “Refund application fice for Goods Transport (BAG) is subject as along the border in neighbouring forming a location search on the website due to cancellation”. to charges. countries. All you have to do is enter the street, town or There is a charge for changes and cancel- Registered customers also use their ac- postcode to display the closest toll sta- lations. Immediate cancellations within cess data for the Toll Collect customer tion. 15 minutes of log-on are excepted, pro- portal to log on at the terminals. This vided the period of validity has not yet means all registered vehicles and pay- It is much easier if the tracking feature on begun at the time of cancellation. For all ment methods stored on the customer the smartphone or tablet is activated. In other cancellations, a fee of 3 euros is portal can be used for manual log-on. this case, the nearest toll terminal will be charged. Cancellation is not possible if displayed automatically. the amount to be refunded or the availa- ble credit is less than or equal to the can- The mobile online search is optimised for cellation fee of 3 euros. iOS and Android operating systems and Chrome and Firefox browsers. The search Journeys can no longer be cancelled with function can of course also be used on a Toll Collect once the log-on receipt period PC by going to of validity has elapsed. 4.2.4 Cancel and change using the 4.2.5 Refund requests manual log-on procedure After expiry of the period of validity for The log-on procedure is similar to that for Routes subject to toll can be cancelled if the log-on, the customer can request a buying a train ticket. It involves using a the total logged-on route has not yet refund of the toll paid from the Federal touch screen and a PIN keypad. been travelled and the time of cancella- Office for Goods Transport (BAG). Evi- tion is before expiry of the period of va- dence must be provided that there are In addition to printing out the documents lidity for the logged-on route. To change genuine reasons why a prior claim could (incl. log-on receipt, directions), custom- the logged-on route, simply cancel the not have been made. This must be done ers can also use a toll terminal to e-mail route, then log on the new route. within two months of the end of the log- themselves all of the documents. on receipt period of validity. The corre- In the manual log-on, the customer can sponding form can be downloaded from Cash payment is possible at up to 800 toll use any desired log-on option for the the Internet at or re- terminals; the payment must be made di- cancellation, regardless of the original quested from the following address: rectly to the leaseholder of the toll sta- log-on option used. For example, if the tion, in the locally accepted currency. customer logged on at a toll terminal, he/ Bundesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG) Moreover, cashless payment with an ac- she can cancel/change the route via on- Werderstraße 34 cepted credit card or fuel card, or paysaf- line log-on or by using the app. 50672 Cologne ecard (a cash alternative), is possible at Germany all terminals. Registered customers pay The amount to be refunded to the cus- using the saved payment method. tomer is refunded to the originally used payment method after the cancellation. If 18 19
5 in emission class S2 the rates for category Determination of the emission class E. Vehicles in emission class S3 fall under for a vehicle subject to toll TOLL AMOUNT category D. Vehicles in emission class S2 with a particulate reduction system from For domestic vehicles registered in Germa- particulate reduction class* 1, 2, 3 or 4 use ny using standard EU vehicle documents, the lower toll rates for category D. For ve- the emission class can be determined by hicles in emission class S4 and S3 com- the text in section 14 or the key number for The toll is determined by the distance determined according to the emission bined with particulate reduction class* 2, 14.1. Further information about the indi- travelled by the vehicle on the route sub- class. Every vehicle is assigned to one of 3 or 4 the rates for category C apply. For vidual emission classes is provided in the ject to a toll and a toll rate per kilometre, six categories A, B, C, D, E and F according vehicles in emission classes S5 and EEV “Guide for determining emissions classes” which takes into account infrastructure to its emission class. Specifying the emis- class 1 the category B rates are applicable online at costs and the costs of air pollution sion class is the responsibility of the cus- and for vehicles in emission class S6 the caused. tomer who, according to the self-declara- rates for category A. tion principle, is obliged to provide cor- The share of infrastructure costs in the rect data relevant for the toll. toll rate differs according to whether a Emission classes according to the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) truck has two axles, three axles, four axles For vehicles that do not belong to any Category A Category B Category C Category D Category E Category F and five or more axles. The share of costs emission class or emission class S1 the in the toll rate for air pollution costs is toll rates for category F apply, for vehicles S1, EEV class 1, S4, S3, Emission class S6 S2 no emission S5 S3 with PRC 2* S2 with PRC 1* class Euro emission EEV 1, Euro 4, Euro 3, Euro 1, Euro 6 Euro 2 class Euro 5 Euro 3 + PRC 2* Euro 2 + PRC 1* Euro 0 * Particulate reduction classes are retrofitting standards to lower particulate emissions.For category D, particulate reduction class 1 or higher is required; for category C, particulate reduction class 2 or higher is required. 20 21
5 TOLL AMOUNT TOLL-EasyChange Method for non-registered vehicles Toll rates per kilometre from 01 October 2015 Proportion of toll rate (in Proportion of toll rate (in Category cents) Number of cents) Toll rate TOLL-EasyChange is available to custom- If the toll is exclusively paid using the axles** (in cents) Costs for air pollution Costs for infrastructure ers for changing the vehicle data for a manual log-on options, the customer en- 2 8.1 8.1 truck with an On-Board Unit. Once the ters the cheaper class when prompted for A 0 3 11.3 11.3 change request has been issued, the the emission class. If the truck is assigned 4 11.7 11.7 changed vehicle data is simply trans- to class S2 or S3 and has one of the re- 5 or higher 13.5 13.5 ferred to the On-Board Unit via mobile quired particulate reduction classes: For 2 8.1 10.2 B 2.1 radio. In addition to the vehicle data vehicles assigned to emission class S2 in 3 11.3 13.4 (emission class, number of axles and combination with particulate reduction 4 11.7 13.8 gross vehicle weight), TOLL-EasyChange class* 1, 2, 3 or 4, emission class 3 must be 5 or higher 13.5 15.6 can also be used to change the licence entered. Customers with vehicles in emis- 2 8.1 11.3 C 3.2 plate number and the country code. This sion class S3 in combination with particu- 3 11.3 14.5 4 11.7 14.9 prevents workshop costs and downtimes. late reduction class* 2, 3 or 4, must enter 5 or higher 13.5 16.7 emission class 4. 2 8.1 14.4 Changes to the vehicle data can be made D 6.3 conveniently in the Toll Collect customer * Particulate reduction classes are retrofitting standards to 3 11.3 17.6 4 11.7 18.0 portal. The next time the On-Board Unit is lower particulate emissions. 5 or higher 13.5 19.8 started up, the change request in the cus- 2 8.1 15.4 tomer portal is then indicated by “NEW E 7.3 3 11.3 18.6 VEHICLE DATA REQUESTED” appearing for 4 11.7 19.0 a short time in the On-Board Unit display. 5 or higher 13.5 20.8 The message “VEHICLE DATA UPDATE” 2 8.1 16.4 does not appear until after the next igni- F 8.3 3 11.3 19.6 tion cycle, and the changed data is dis- 4 11.7 20.0 played for a few seconds. Once the 5 or higher 13.5 21.8 change has been made in the Toll Collect ** The tandem axle counts as two axes, the tridem axle counts as three axes. Lift and retractable axles are always taken into ac- systems, the customer receives a written count, regardless of whether a vehicle axle is being used or is lifted during transportation, in other words has no road contact. confirmation. As soon as the new data is The road user subject to toll must prove the accuracy of all relevant data for toll collection when requested by the German Fed- loaded in the On-Board Unit, the kilo- eral Office for Goods Transport (BAG) by showing appropriate documents (Section 5 of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act metres travelled are invoiced at the po- (BFStrMG) in conjunction with Section 7 of the German Truck Toll Regulations (LKW-MautV)). For domestic vehicles registered in tentially different rates. Germany using standard EU vehicle documents, the emission class can be identified based on the text in section 14 or the key number for 14.1 (Section 8 German Truck Toll Regulations). Until the change request is completed, For vehicles registered outside of Germany, time-based presumptions apply if the emission class cannot be proven in another the customer should pay the toll via one way, in particular with documents attesting the fulfilment of certain environmental requirements in ECMT transport (European of the manual log-on options. Conference of Ministers of Transport), (Section 9 of the German Truck Toll Regulations). The road user subject to toll is responsible for demonstrating and proving all data relevant for toll collection. Failure to provide proof will be penalised with a fine. 22 23
6 6.1 Payment methods for registered tomer service; please note that the actual customers credit balance can differ at the time of the PAYMENT METHODS Customers who register with Toll Collect request due to technical circumstances. can take advantage of various methods for paying their toll. Direct debit prepaid service (SEPA business-to-business direct debit) The following payment methods are Registered customers available for payment of the toll: 6.1.1 Toll Collect credit system With this method, Toll Collect ensures Toll Collect credit system that the credit account is always promptly S ettlement by credit account If the customer wants to pay the toll di- topped up – conveniently via SEPA busi- Unregistered customers / (advance bank transfer) rectly to Toll Collect, they select from the ness-to-business direct debit. Toll Collect unregistered customers with a log-on D irect debit prepaid service following options: adjusts the customer’s credit in their account (SEPA business-to-business direct debit) credit account daily according to their Cash Other payment methods current distance travelled. Before the paysafecard Credit cards Settlement by credit account credit is used up, Toll Collect requests a (advance bank transfer) direct debit payment from the customer’s Credit cards Fuel cards bank account. The customer chooses Fuel cards LogPay The customer transfers the projected toll whether they want to top up their credit amount in advance to their Toll Collect account for the next 14 or 30 days. credit account. The transfer is made to the following bank account, specifying Advantages: the user ID as the “Reference”: JJ no security deposits, JJ no credit check as is the case with oth- Recipient: Toll Collect GmbH er payment methods, Bank: Helaba JJ no OBU blocks due to insufficient cred- IBAN: DE88 3005 0000 0001 6401 19 it balance, BIC/Swift code: WELADEDD JJ OBU unlocking not necessary so no re- lated fees, If you need it to go quicker JJ direct toll payment with Toll Collect, JJ advance information on amount and When loading the credit account, the usu- time of debits by e-mail, al bank processing times, which can differ JJ direct debit payment in advance for 14 by bank and country, have to be observed. or 30 days. If you need it to go quicker, the toll credit can always be topped up via Paytoll Further information is available at ( using a credit card; the or di- amount is credited the same day. rectly from Toll Collect customer service. The credit balance can be obtained by phone at any time from Toll Collect cus- 24 25
6 PAYMENT METHODS 6.1.2 Other payment methods with LogPay Financial Services. The cus- tomer then pays the toll to Toll Collect via Moreover, it is possible to pay the toll LogPay Financial Services. through a payment services provider who guarantees to Toll Collect that the toll Further information is available on the payments due will be settled up to the provider’s website. agreed credit limit. 6.2 Payment methods for unregis- Credit cards tered customers/unregistered customers with a log-on account To pay the toll using a credit card, the customer must first set up a contract with For the manual log-on using the app, on- 6.2.3 Fuel and credit cards a credit card provider accepted by line log-on or at the toll terminal, unreg- Toll Collect. The customer then pays the istered customers and customers with a Similarly, a fuel or credit card can be used toll to Toll Collect as part of the existing log-on account can use different pay- for cashless payments with all manual credit card contract with the provider. De- ment methods. log-on options. The cards accepted by pending on the provider, prepaid and Toll Collect can be checked online at any post-paid options are available, i.e. the time at or requested toll is either paid before or after using the 6.2.1 Cash from customer service. routes subject to toll. Customers can pay the toll in cash in the currency accepted by the leaseholder at Fuel cards 800 of the approximately 1,100 toll termi- nals. To pay the toll using a fuel card, the customer must first set up a contract with a fuel card issuer accepted by 6.2.2 paysafecard Toll Collect. The customer then pays the toll to Toll Collect as part of the existing Toll Collect offers an electronic prepaid fuel card contract with the provider. payment method for the manual log-on procedure with which customers can pay The credit cards and fuel cards accepted for log-on via PC, smartphone, tablet, at by Toll Collect can be checked online at the terminal and using the app. The cus- any time at or re- tomer pays cash to purchase a paysafe- quested from customer service. card at paysafecard sales points, such as petrol stations, post offices and kiosks. The toll due is simply paid online by enter- LogPay plan ing the 16-digit paysafecard PIN. For more information visit To pay the toll using a LogPay plan, cus- tomers must first enter into a contract 26 27
7 and journey details are available online customer service. The data is deleted at once the complaint has been processed. INVOICING FOR REGIS- 7.2 Exceptional statement 7.4 Toll-related supplementary TERED CUSTOMERS services In addition to the regular toll statement, it is possible that exceptional statements Toll-related supplementary services are 7.1 Regular toll statement request, the customer can also receive a will be issued. all Toll Collect services used in the invoic- free itemised journey list, which is also ing period, e.g. duplicates of toll state- Every registered customer receives a toll accessed on the customer portal or sent There are currently three reasons for issu- ments or of itemised journey lists. Any statement on a regular basis, currently by post. The itemised journey list is a de- ing an exceptional toll statement: claims for compensation, e.g. for the loss once a month. This shows the total toll tailed list of the toll-liable journeys made, JJ If the credit account reaches a nega- of an On-Board Unit, are also invoiced as amount incurred in an invoicing period, enabling the individual toll amounts to tive balance: The statement is marked toll-related supplementary services. Fur- including the share paid for the exter- be precisely tracked. The journey details “Sonderaufstellung” (Exceptional ther information on supplementary ser- nal costs for air pollution. Under some enable customers to call up individual statement). vices and the associated prices can be circumstances, a toll statement can also log-on numbers and view the associated JJ If the payment method is changed: The found in the service description and price include toll charges due from a previous individual costs based on a detailed list statement is marked “Sonderaufstel- list, both of which are available at invoicing period but not yet paid. of journey sections. These journey details lung nach Zahlwegwechsel” (Excep- can only be accessed through the Toll tional statement after change of pay- You can receive the toll statement in the Collect customer portal. Explanations of ment method). The statement for toll-related supple- Toll Collect customer portal or by post. On the toll statement, itemised journey list JJ Upon reaching a monthly limit agreed mentary services is issued separately with the payment services provider: from the toll statement; i.e. the customer The statement is marked “Sonderauf- receives an additional invoice. It will be stellung” (Exceptional statement). issued via the same contact method as is selected for the toll statement. Payment In all three cases, the exceptional state- is normally made using the payment ment contains the same information as method agreed with the customer. Settle- the regular toll statement. ment by credit account is an exception to this. In this case, the amount must be transferred to a separate account that 7.3 Complaint: toll statement differs from the actual credit account for the toll. If there are any queries relating to the toll statement, customers can contact Toll Collect customer service in writing or by telephone. Complaints must be made within two months of receipt of the toll statement and must be in writing. Toll Collect provides a form for this purpose. It can be downloaded from or requested from 28 29
8 case of toll non-payment or incorrect toll contains strict provisions for detection of payment. This official task was entrusted vehicles at the enforcement pillars. Only ENFORCEMENT to Toll Collect by the federal government. Toll enforcement is carried out round the data from vehicles subject to toll suspect- ed of breaching the cooperation obliga- clock on all sections of the toll route net- tion will be transmitted to the control work. centre. All other data will be immediately deleted. Enforcement of the toll requirement is addition, the Federal Office for Goods 8.1 Automatic enforcement If there is suspicion of a toll offence, split between Toll Collect and the Federal Transport (BAG) can also carry out opera- Toll Collect conducts the necessary inves- Office for Goods Transport (BAG). The Fed- tional inspections of the transport com- Automatic enforcement is performed on tigations and any retrospective toll col- eral Office for Goods Transport (BAG) im- panies at their sites. All offence proceed- motorways via 300 enforcement gantries lection. Toll Collect forwards any informa- plements enforcement of vehicles in road ings are initiated and carried out by the and on federal trunk roads via approxi- tion relevant to the proceedings to the traffic both on motorways and on federal Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG). mately 600 enforcement pillars. Both en- Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG). trunk roads. Federal Office for Goods forcement facilities function according to Transport (BAG) agents can also select Toll Collect is responsible for automatic a similar principle. They monitor traffic The enforcement pillars on federal trunk and perform stationary enforcement on enforcement via enforcement gantries flow to check whether the vehicle data roads are stationary facilities set up next vehicles subject to toll in parking lots lo- and enforcement pillars. This responsibil- has been correctly declared for vehicles to the lane. When a vehicle drives past, cated past the enforcement gantries. In ity also includes recovery of toll in the subject to toll (driver’s cooperation obli- the pillars check whether it is subject to gation). toll and whether the vehicle data relevant for the toll has been correctly declared. The enforcement pillars will feature simi- lar technological capabilities as the en- forcement gantries installed on motor- ways. If a vehicle passes an enforcement pillar, an overview, side view and licence plate image are generated. With the auto- matic method, the On-Board Unit sends the set data and the data saved on the On-Board Unit to the enforcement pillar. The transport company and the driver are responsible for the accuracy of the data If the vehicle is equipped with an OBU to be transferred. If all data is correct, the that is switched on, a check is performed image data is deleted. to ascertain whether the OBU is working and whether the vehicle data is correctly The detection of vehicles by the enforce- set. For vehicles subject to toll without an ment pillars is subject to the same strict OBU, the licence plate is used by the provisions according to the German Fed- Toll Collect computing centre to deter- eral Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) that mine whether a valid log-on exists. Just as apply to enforcement gantries. Section 7 with the enforcement gantries, the Ger- paragraph 2 of the German Federal Trunk man Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) specifies the data 30 31
8 ENFORCEMENT that is allowed to be collected within the This guarantees comprehensive and flexi- enforcement entails checking whether scope of enforcement. As is the case to- ble enforcement over the entire toll route the toll has been correctly paid in the day, only data regarding vehicles subject network. The mobile teams drive in en- past, based on shipping documents and to toll for which there is suspicion of a forcement vehicles that function accord- fuel receipts, for example. toll infringement is forwarded to a con- ing to similar principles as do the en- trol centre, and it will be deleted after the forcement gantries and pillars. They also process has concluded. If the customer receive data from vehicles for which the 8.5 Consequences of toll violations has paid the toll, the data will be deleted automatic enforcement indicated doubts immediately in the enforcement pillar. as to whether the cooperation obligation If correct payment of the toll cannot be was performed properly. verified, the toll for the route subject to The enforcement pillars check exclusively toll actually travelled is retrospectively whether vehicles subject to toll have collected. Where the actual distance can- properly entered the toll-related vehicle not be established, the toll is collected data. Enforcement pillars are painted retrospectively for a distance of 500 kilo- blue and are just under four metres in metres per journey. height. The Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) evaluates information relevant for 8.2 Stationary enforcement enforcement, and initiates proceedings to impose a fine when appropriate. Fines of Enforcement teams composed of Federal up to 20,000 euros can be imposed. Office for Goods Transport (BAG) agents can approach vehicles for which the toll If doubts exist, the vehicle is pulled over. has potentially not been paid or not paid If the suspicion of a toll offence is con- correctly in parking lots located past en- firmed, the Federal Office for Goods forcement gantries. These vehicles are Transport (BAG) enforcement teams col- selected based on the data collected dur- lect the toll retrospectively on the spot ing automatic enforcement when this and initiate civil offence proceedings. Be- data raises doubts as to whether the toll fore continuing their journey, drivers of was correctly paid. The Federal Office for foreign vehicles must pay the unpaid toll, Goods Transport (BAG) agents stop these plus a security deposit amounting to the vehicles, clarify the circumstances imme- expected fine, plus additional costs. diately on the spot, conduct subsequent investigations and charge fines, if appli- cable. 8.4 On-site enforcement Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) 8.3 Mobile enforcement agents also carry out on-site enforcement across Germany in the form of spot Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) checks. The companies selected for on- mobile enforcement teams enforce cor- site enforcement are selected randomly rect payment of the toll around the clock. or based on a specific suspicion. On-site 32 33
9 Toll Collect will continue to rely on the under data protection law when first principles of data avoidance and data logging into the manual log-on system to DATA PROTECTION economy during the upgrading of the toll system. To do this, engineers and soft- the effect that addresses and/or sections outside of the route subject to toll will be ware developers work closely with data stored until expiry of the log-on. protection experts. The government has provided for com- The expansion of the truck toll to almost When logging on as a non-registered prehensive data protection since 2004. 40,000 kilometres of federal trunk roads With automatic toll collection, the toll customer, they have the option for every Strict legal provisions ensure a very high enacted by the government requires that amounts are calculated centrally in the log-on to agree to the storage of address- level of data protection with regard to the the satellite-supported toll system be up- Toll Collect computing centre. In this re- es not subject to toll. Otherwise, only the truck toll. dated and improved. Just like today, the gard, the On-Board Unit sends the jour- components of the log-on subject to toll strict provisions of the amended German ney information to the computing centre are stored. However, this can mean that The fundamental principles are that Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) several times daily in a time-delayed and when the log-on is called up again during collected data is only used for a specific will continue to be complied with in the encrypted manner. This information is the validity period, a continuous route purpose, the data is deleted according future. Even following the amendment processed via preset technical settings cannot be displayed. Furthermore, the to the strict requirements of the German of the Act, toll data is only allowed to be for route sections subject to toll. The selected origin and destination points Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG) and used for the purposes specified therein, routes subject to toll are then assigned are displayed as the first point of entry it is prohibited to forward data to third i.e. toll collection and enforcement. Pass- to the vehicle. The respective toll amount into the toll network, and the last point parties, except for the Federal Office for ing this data on to third parties is strictly is calculated based on the parameters before exiting it. In this case, via points Goods Transport (BAG). prohibited. provided by the customer, such as the are only displayed if they fall within the emission class and number of axles. toll network. Traceability of the entire route consisting of route sections subject Following processing into route sections to toll and those not subject to toll may subject to toll, all data is immediately no longer be possible in some circum- deleted. stances. To ensure continuous operation of the Toll Collect has a robust data protection On-Board Unit, a status message is addi- organisation. Over and above this, howev- tionally sent once daily regarding the sta- er, the Federal Office for Goods Transport tus of the On-Board Unit. This data is not (BAG) also monitors the toll operator’s stored for processing in the computing compliance with statutory provisions centre, so any access to it is impossible within the scope of operator monitoring, by definition. Only the administrators re- as does the Federal Data Protection and sponsible for operation of the computing Freedom of Information Officer (BfDI). centre have access to the system that processes the data. Strict authorisation More information on data protection is management ensures that the data is available at the Toll Collect website at safeguarded against outside access. If the customer is registered with Toll Collect or they want to create a log- on account, they must provide consent 34 35
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