www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck

Page created by Sean Maxwell
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
                www.colbeck.co.uk                               Issue 144 May 2021

                                                                                               Like us on

                 SPECIAL OFFERS      DON’T MISS         DIARY DATE:             WIN!

                 Pop & Juice         National Coeliac   National                     £100 OF
                                     Week               Vegetarian                   NFCD
                                                        Week                         Merch!

                   See pages 6 & 7         See page 9   See pages 10 & 11                See pages 4
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
A very warm welcome to a

              New Year andtoa new
                              our May
              Whats   Hot  Magazine.
              online edition of What’s Hot!
              There’s  so much
               I hope you
                            have going
                                         on in aMay
                                  all enjoyed
                                                      with two break
                                                  well-deserved                  Fry
               over the  Christmas    period,weeks    to showcase
                                               after what  can only              Wherever we can we’ve increased our stockholding,
              your  businesses.
               be described as a rather turbulent 2020 for us all!               Award           Winners
                                                                                 especially in fish, to help to protect our Customers
                                                                                 against disruption in the supply chain. Nevertheless,
               At Henry Colbeck
                • National
                                     we’re Week
                             Vegetarian    all looking  forward
                                                   10-16th May. to
                                                                                 it is unlikely that we’ll be able to avoid it altogether,
                • National Coeliac Week 10-16th May. to feed
                        with   you  in 2021 and   continuing
                                                                                 so I’d like to take this opportunity to re-assure you that
               the Nation.                                                       As sponsors of the Fry Magazine Awards we’d like
                • Plus NATIONAL FISH & CHIP DAY is coming                        we are constantly looking at how we can work with our
              		 on our
               When      livesJune
                     Friday    and businesses
                                    4th!      were disrupted back in             to congratulate every award winner in our area.
                                                                                 Suppliers to minimise the impact on you.
               March, with what was initially a 3 week national lockdown,        IfHere’s
                                                                                    you’d tolike2021!
                                                                                                 to take part, keep your eyes peeled in our
               nobodygot    offersenvisaged
                        could’ve    and competitions      to support
                                             that, at the beginning of 2021
              you  in  the  following   pages.  Join  us on  Facebook            June  issuemonths
                                                                                 The early      whereofwe’ll
                                                                                                         2021 give
                                                                                                              may beyou  full details
                                                                                                                       challenging andofsome
                                                                                                                                          the shortly
               we’d still be in the midst of a global pandemic with
                 Twitter to    hear ourplaced
                                         latestonnews   too.to day activities.   to  be  announced      2022   awards.
                                                                                 events are sadly not going ahead, such as our annual
                           restrictions            our day
               Whilst we all hope we’re over the worst, it seems likely
                                                                                 There    are and
                                                                                 exhibition    sometheexciting
                                                                                                       National changes    coming
                                                                                                                 Fish & Chip Awards.-
              And   remember if there’s ever anything you’d like us              so  watch    this  space!
                                                                                 But it’s great news that National Fish & Chip Day will go
               that tight restrictions will be in place for a number of
              to write about then don’t hesitate to ask –                        ahead THE
                                                                                       on Friday  4th June and as always CATEGORY
                                                                                                                         we’ll be fully
               months to come.                                                   PLUS        10 BEST    RESTAURANT
              just email marketing@colbeck.co.uk!                                supporting that.
               Over the past 9 months almost every household and                 WILL BE BACK IN 2022!
              Here’s  looking
                business        forward
                         has faced          to warmer
                                    significant            weather,
                                                 challenges, with some           I’m incredibly proud of the commitment and flexibility
              the  easing wondering
                            of furtherwhere
                                          restrictions                           50 BEST   FISH   & CHIP     TAKEAWAYS
                businesses                      their nextand
                                                           salean increase
                                                                was coming       shown by my Colleagues at Henry Colbeck and throughout
                  your trade.
                     and  others struggling to keep up with demand.              our   industryAlnwick
                                                                                  • Carlo’s,    during these difficult times and thank you
               We’ve all had to adapt our businesses – and often on              all• for the support and the trust
                                                                                       Croft Street Fisheries,      that you continue to
               a daily (or hourly) basis!                                        place   in us.
                                                                                  • Dhillons Fish Inn, Throckley
               Customer Service is Key!                                          With  very best
                                                                                  • Dunkeld  Fishwishes  from all at Henry Colbeck
                                                                                                  Bar, Dunkeld
               In some ways 2020 was a transformational year, with many          for a Happy,
                                                                                  • East      Healthy
                                                                                         Coast,         and Successful 2021.
               restaurants needing to adapt to takeaways and many                   • Fisherman’s Bay, Whitley Bay
               takeaways embracing online ordering for click & collect and          • Fochabers Fish Bar, Fochabers
               home delivery. We have   also needed
                                     Warmest        to embrace change –
                                                 regards,                           • Frydays of Kendal, Kendal
               but at the core we have always
                                     Douglas.  had our key                          • Land & Sea, Sowerby, York
               objective in mind – giving the very best customer service.
                                                                                    • McLeod’s Fish and Chips, Inverness
               Supply Change Challenges … & Solutions!                              • Priory Plaice Fish and Chips, Ulverston
               From a supply chain perspective we’ve seen ever-changing             • Sea Salt + Sole, Dyce, Aberdeen
               demands on products purchased, longer manufacturer lead              • Shap Chippy, Penrith
               times across a number of product ranges and above average
                                                                                    • Shaw’sDirector
                                                                                 Managing      Fish And Chips, Dodworth
               product substitutions where there have been availability
                                                                                 Paul   Holliday
                                                                                    • Smith’s Chippy, South Shields
               issues. We’ve worked hard to mitigate these challenges by
                                                                                    • The Cafe Royal, Annan
              FREE HOOK & FISH BUNTING!
               filling our warehouses and using offsite storage to increase
               our stockholding wherever possible.                                  • The Esk Cafe, Carlisle
              Decorate your shop for National Fish & Chip Day                       • The Fish   Works,  Largs COLBECK!
               Brexit?                                                             WIN     WITH      HENRY
              with Hook & Fish Bunting!                                             •  The Plaice  to Be, Kilmarnock
                                                                                   Prizes this January include:
               At the time of writing, we’re still awaiting a definitive
              Buy  2 on
              outcome x Hook
                        Brexit but, & Fisha trade deal is struck
                                    whether                                        • 20Tony’s,
                                                                                                 of Sarsons bottles & sachets - page 5.
              2orCompartment        Large   Boxes for the new customs              •• 5Towngate
                                                                                        boxes of Fisheries,
                                                                                                   Rammi oCean
                                                                                                             Idle Premium or
                  not, we’re all bracing ourselves
               clearance requirements and the additional delays and
                                                                                      oCean    Reserve  Cod  or
                                                                                    • Valerio’s Fish And Chips,   Lanark - page 17.
                                                                                   • 5 boxes of Jumbo Smokies - page 22.
              Code   026683expected to bring. If the outcome is a
               costs they’re
               ‘No Deal’
              and get 3m andofa bunting
                                 default to World Trade Organisation             10Congratulations
                                                                                      BEST MOBILE          FISH
                                                                                                        to our    & CHIP Winners
                                                                                                                December’s  UNITS of
                                                                                   Sasha the Save + Select Husky Toy:
               terms, then  undoubtedly
              worth £4.99 (Code 045745)    many products will be impacted           • Shappy Wheels, Shap, Cumbria
                                                                                   Garioch Fish Bar, Inverurie

               by tariffs.                                                          • Tony’s On The Go, Coatbridge
                                                                                   Lanchester Fish Bar, Durham
                                                                                   Pride of Bridlington, Bridlington

                                                                Henry Colbeck
   2                                                           More than just a supplier!
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
The NFFF have appointed Stuart Devine of the                      On his appointment to the NFFF Board, Stuart said:
Ashvale to the Board of Directors, as Regional                    “I’m delighted to join the NFFF Board, I have always
                                                                  been a passionate supporter of the NFFF and the work
Director for Scotland. Congratulations Stuart                     they undertake for our industry. To now be able to play
from everyone at Henry Colbeck!                                   my part in helping to move the industry further forward
                                                                  is exciting. I believe Scotland has some of the best
Stuart started his journey in the fish and chip industry as       Operators and the quality of fish and chips has never
a 16 year old when he joined the Ashvale, working part            been healthier. We have lots of young, enthusiastic
time in between studying to become a PE teacher.                  Operators joining and helping to evolve the trade.
From then Stuart has worked in every role in the                  These newcomers are helping to push the industry
business before becoming a trainee manager aged 18                forward, and we’re no longer just back street shops
and then a Director of the business at 26. The Ashvale            selling traditional fish and chips. We are offering more
operates 7 shops across Aberdeenshire, employing over             healthy options catering for different diets. The changes
150 staff. Stuart was awarded an MBE in the 2014 New              which have been taking place over recent years is great
Year’s honours list for his service to the industry and for       to see and I hope to be able to provide help, experience,
his extensive charitable & fundraising work.                      and guidance to members in Scotland’.

                       Becoming an NFFF member has never been easier, join today at www.NFFF.co.uk
                          or call the NFFF direct on 0113 230 7044 or email membership@nfff.co.uk.

Legislation Update;
England: Price increase
for single use carrier bags.
From Friday 21st May 2021.
Parliament has just approved changes to the plastic bag           It is estimated that the extension of the charge will decrease
charge: extending the rule to all businesses, including small     single-use bag usage by a further 70-80%.
businesses & restaurants, and confirming the increase from 5p     A Defra spokesperson said “The UK is a global leader when it
to 10p. The new rules will come into force on Friday 21st May     comes to tackling plastic and our 5p carrier bag charge has cut
2021. All businesses must make the charge, but only businesses    sales by 95% in the main supermarkets. There is more to do
with 250 employees or over need to declare the figures.           though. To take billions more bags out of circulation and
                                                                  step up our war on plastic pollution, we will go further by
What to do with the 10p’s ‘collected’?                            increasing the minimum charge to 10p and extending it to
Get Some Great Pr!                                                all retailers. Our landmark Environment Bill will give us the
By charging 10p for single use plastic bags, you can              powers to take further action to protect our ecosystems from
choose what to do with the surcharge, either retaining            plastic and break our plastic habit for good.”
it or donating it.                                                Defra are planning a big awareness campaign from 7th May
You can choose which charity to donate to – it could be a         to ensure they reach those businesses who may not be aware
local cause or a national one that fits with your business such   of the changes and to ensure the public are also prepared for
as The Fishermen’s Mission or RNLI. You can then let the          the change.
local press and social media know how much you’ve                 For full guidelines visit
been able to donate on behalf of your customers –                 www.colbeck.co.uk/carrierbags2021
that’s great PR!

                                                    Henry Colbeck
                                                   More than just a supplier!                                                         3
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
Win £100 of National Fish & Chip Day Merch!

                  Henry Colbeck Exclusive....

                    Get Ready 4 National
                    Fish & Chip Day:                                                        FRYDAY 4 JUNE 2021
                    Fryday 4th June!
                    The biggest day in the Fish & Chip calendar
                    is back on Friday 4th June – and as always
                    Henry Colbeck is investing in and supporting
                    the event in any way we can!

                    Why? Because...
                     • It supports you – our VIC’s (Very Important Customers!).
                     • It encourages more sales of Fish & Chips by
                    		 more Consumers.
                      • It gets huge media coverage for Brand Fish & Chips.
                      • It brings in the next generation of Fish & Chip lovers.
                      • It reinforces Fish & Chips as the UK’s No. 1.
                      • It helps our business too, so we can support the event 		 Downloadable National Fish & Chip Day Kit:
                    		 next year…and the next!                                       Get access to some great downloadable material

                    WOW!                                                             @ www.neoda.org.uk/national-fish-and-chip-day
                                                                                     A campaign ideas toolkit.
                      50 million people saw, heard or read about Fish & Chips for
                      2020’s National & Chip Day!
                                                                                       • POS: A4 & A3 downloadable posters.
                      Together let’s smash it in 2021!!!                               • A press release you can customise for your business.
                                                                                      • All the logos you need!
                    Win £100 of Merch!
                    Henry Colbeck Exclusive.                                        Ever asked yourself these questions?
                      Want to motivate your team and get them looking 		              • Why was National Fish & Chip Day set up?
                      their best on Insta/Facebook/Twitter?                           • Who runs National Fish & Chip Day?
                      Visit neoda.selz.com to buy your merch or send an email 		      • Why does NEODA run National Fish & Chip Day?
                      to marketing@colbeck.co.uk and you could win merch for
                                                                                      • What do NEODA get out of it?
                      your team. The winner will be drawn on Friday 14th May.
                      GOOD LUCK!                                                      • Why should I get involved and what’s in it for me?
                                                                                      • Do I have to run a competition or give things away?
                                                                                      • How can I decorate my shop?
                                                                                      • Why is it on a Friday?
                                                                                      • Why is National Fish & Chip Day in June when
                                                                                    		 potatoes are often not at their best quality?
                                                                                      • Why is it a day not a week?
                                                                                      • How is NF&CD funded and what is this money
                                                                                    		 spent on?
                                                                                    Find out @ www.neoda.org.uk/national-fish-and-
                                                                                    chip-day - or our Sales Teams have the answers!

                                                           Henry Colbeck
   4                                         Proud Supporters of National Fish & Chip Day!
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
Supporters of
the Quality Award
April 13th 3.25
National Federation of Fish Friers
'It's o-fish-al!
                                                                                                      per bottle!
Huge congratulations to the team
at The Real Food Cafe
who have maintained their high
standards by achieving the NFFF
Quality Accreditation sponsored
by Sarson's.
Why not become accredited yourself,
                                                                    NEW Bag in box
for more visit:

The Real Food Cafe
                                                                    Code 023858   £10.90
'We're off to a promising start!
Our team are getting well and truly back in the swing of things
because we've just passed our 2021 National Federation of Fish                    NEW           NEW
Fryers Quality Accreditation. This is a rigorous assessment which                 Sachets       Bottles
goes through all of our procedures and processes in great depth.
Great work from Colin, Alex Bota and the rest of the team.                                      12 x 300ml
                                                                                  7g x 200
As our customers you can be reassured that we've still got it!                                  Code 023856
                                                                                  Code 023857
And...Its stopped raining!!

                                                                                    £6.90         £8.90
Interested in becoming accredited yourself?
For more information visit qualityfishandchips.co.uk.
Prices from £150 for NFFF members. Non-members welcome to join too!

                                                 Henry Colbeck
                                                More than just a supplier!                                           5
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
                                                                                                 Zodiac Drinks
                                                                                                 All 6 x 2L
                                                                                                 Dandelion & Burdock Code 021511
                                                                                                 Orangeade Code 021509
                                                                                                 Cherryade Code 021512
                                                                                                 Cola Code 021510

                                                                                        Only               ONLY
                                                                                       per 2L

                                     Flavoured Waters                                                               45p
                                                                                                                  per bottle!
                                     All 12 x 270ml
                                     Funky Monkey Orange Water
                                     Code 021564
                                     Perky Penguin Mixed Fruit Water
                                     Code 021565
                                     Ellie Elephant Blackcurrant Water
                                     Code 021566
                                     Happy Hippo Strawberry Water
                                     Code 021567
                                     Yummy Unicorn Raspberry Water           ONLY

                                     Code 025194

                                                                         per bottle!

                                                                                Pure Scottish spring waters
                                                                                bursting with natural fruit flavours.
                                                                                All 12 x 500ml
                                                                                Cranberry & Raspberry Water Code 021168
                                                                                Strawberry & Kiwi Code 021170
                                                                                Apple & Blackcurrant Water Code 021171
                                                                                Peach Water Code 021172
                                                                                Lemon & Lime Water Code 021174

                                                                                Glasgow Depot only

      6                   Call today and ask about our extensive drinks range!
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
DRINKS DRINKS DRINKS           Vimto Cans
                                     Collect 1 Save & Select Point!
                                                                       per can!

                               Code 021086                                        Diet Vimto
                                      ONLY                                        Cans
                                  £7.30                                                    Collect 1 Save & Select Point!

                                                                                  Code 021194

                                     Red Bull
                                     Code 021040                                          San Benedetto
                                                                                          Code 021258



                                                                      San Benedetto
                               Oasis Summer                           Clementina
                               Fruits Bottles                         24x330ml
                                                                      Code 021259
                               Code 021157

                                                                        Oasis Citrus
                                                                        Punch Bottles
                                                                        Code 021153


                       Buy your Summertime drinks at Henry Colbeck
                           and juice up your Save + Select points!                                                               7
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck

                                                                                                    CheesOs Cheese & Onion Rings
                                                                                                              Collect 1 Save & Select Point!

                                               Q Gravy Mix                                          Monterey jack and cheddar cheese with chopped red onion
                                                                                                    in a light herby crumb. Deep fry from frozen at 180 degrees
                                                         Collect 1 Save & Select Point!             for 2 mins.

                                               A ready blended mix producing a dark                 1kg
                                               brown, savoury gravy. Just add water, bring
                                                                                                    Code 810051
                                               to the boil and simmer for a few minutes.

                                               Code 014154                                        FROM BUDGET TO LUXURY
                                                                                                   we’ve got an onion ring

                                                                     £10.60                         to suit your business.
                     Q Curry With Fruit                                                           Onion Rings
                              Collect 2 Save & Select Points!                                     Chopped Battered
                     A ready blended paste that makes                                             450g
                     a yellow curry sauce with visible                                            Code 900058
                     sultanas, when cooked.
                     Simply add water, bring to the boil
                     and simmer for a few minutes.                                                                   £0.84
                     4.54kg (10lb)              ONLY
                                                                                                                                        Whole Onion
                     Code 019034
                                         £13.80                                                                                         Rings Battered
                                                                                                                                        Code 900067

                                                     Q Curry No Sultanas
                                                                Collect 2 Save & Select Points!
                                                     A ready blended mix (minus Sultanas)
                                                     cooking to a mid-yellow coloured
                                                     curry sauce.
                                                                                                  Onion Rings
                                                     Not too hot, but with plenty of flavour.     Diced Battered
                                                     Just add water, bring to the boil and                 Collect 0.5 Save & Select Points!
                                                     simmer for a few minutes.
                                                     4.54kg (10lb)                                Code 900066
                                                                                    ONLY                                  ONLY
                                                     Code 019044
                                                                             £13.80                                 £1.90
                                                                                Henry Colbeck
        8                                                                     More than just a supplier!
www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck
National Coeliac Week

                                                                                                                                    SPECIAL OFFERS 144
                        10th - 16th May 2021
  Coeliac disease affects at least 1 in 100 people in the UK. There is no cure for the condition; the only treatment is
  a strict gluten free diet for life. Coeliac disease is not a food allergy or an intolerance but an autoimmune disease
   caused by a reaction to gluten. Damage to the gut lining occurs when someone with coeliac disease eats gluten.
     Providing a Gluten Free offering to your Customers is a way to increase your sales and
                            keep all members of the family happy –
                   and there are some great Gluten Free products available….

                            Amity Fish Co.
                            Peeled Jumbo
                            Scampi                                                              JOIN THE COELIAC
                            Superb quality. Sweet &
                                                                                                 UK CHALLENGE
                            succulent - perfect for frying,                                      Let’s hit 50k with ‘50’ ideas!
                            grilling, marinating, breading
                            or battering.
                                                              42nd Street Gluten                 Join our charity cook-along with
                                                              Free Sausages                               Jane Devonshire

     £31.50                 Gluten Free
                                                                                               Share the spotlight with friends and
                                                                                                family by throwing a virtual event,

                                                                                                  like a quiz or gluten free coffee
                            Code 900080                       Code 900015                            morning or host your own
                                                                                                             pizza party.

                                                                       Goldensheaf                 Coeliac UK provides the vital
                                                                                                 information and support to help.
                                                                       Gluten Free                    SIGN UP TODAY!
                                                                       Batter Flour              at coeliac.org.uk/get-involved/
                                                                       2 x 2.5kg                   When you sign up you'll get:
                                                                       Code 012871
                                                                                     ONLY        A pack, printed or digital to suit
Smoked Haddock
Gluten Free
                                                                             £13.80                       your budget.

                                                                                                    The option to create your
Fishcakes                                                                                          fundraising page when you
                                                                                               		 This provides a fuss free way
Code 890193   £15.50                                                                                to collect donations, show
                                                                                                 supporters your progress, set up
                                                                                                team pages for you and your team
                   Dinaclass                                                                            mates, and see how
                                                                                               		 others taking on the challenge
                   Gluten Free                                                                               are doing.
                   Curry                                                                              A certificate and medal
                   4.54kg                                     Pulse Gluten Free                   printed or digital depending on
                                                                                                   your ticket upon completion
                   Code 019048
                                                              Batter                                       of your event.

                             £15.40                           10kg
                                                              Code 010605   £18.40

www.colbeck.co.uk WHAT'S HOT! - DON'T MISS National Coeliac Week - Henry Colbeck

                         With more people becoming
                         vegetarian, vegan or flexitarian,
                         it’s never been more important to
                         make sure you’re offering
                         veggie or ‘plant based’ eating
                         choices for your customers.
                         Only                                      98p
                         42p                                                                                May brings us National Vegetarian Week
                                                                per burger!
                         each!                                                                              and it’s a great time to get involved to
                                                                                                            demonstrate that you serve Vegetarian
                                                                                                            & Vegan menu options. Why not take
                                                                                                            the Veggie Challenge and get involved
                                                                                                            on Social Media – and get your
                                                                                                            customers involved too?
                                                                                                            IT’S AS EASY AS 1-2-3!
                     Fribo Veggie                               Naked Glory
                     Super Burger                               Vegan Burgers
                                                                                                                                   Go veggie
                              Collect 2 Save & Select Points!   Seasoned Meat-Free Burgers made with
                                                                Rehydrated Textured Soya and Wheat
                                                                                                                                   for one week
                     Made with selected veggies (carrots,       Protein. High in protein & a great source
                     onions & beans), rice, potato and          of fibre.
                     Deep Fry for 4 mins at 180oC or Griddle
                                                                Suitable for Vegetarians AND Vegans                               Nominate two
                     at 180oC for 6 mins turning once.
                     Suitable for Vegetarians (not Vegans)
                                                                36 x 113g/40z (2 packs of 18)
                                                                Code 890083
                     30 x 113g/4oz
                     Code 900018
                                            ONLY                                    £35.45                                                Donate £ 3
                                                                                                             Get your FREE challenge kit
                                                                                                            @ nationalvegetarianweek.org/

                                                                Vegan’s don’t eat fish, meat,
                     Definition:                                chicken, eggs, honey, dairy
                                                                products – or any product                                     123 challenge!
                     Vegetarians don’t eat                                                                  Take the Veggie
                                                                                                                    It’s as easy as...
                                                                derived from animals.                                                                                          Congratulat
                                                                                                                                                                                          ions on com

                     fish, meat or chicken
                                                                                                                                                                                                     pleting the Veg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    gie          123 challeng
                                                                                                                                                    £3 to the
                                                                All Vegetarians can eat Vegan                 Go veggie                            Vegetarian

                     (but do eat eggs, honey
                                                                                                                           Nominate                  Society
                                                                                                               for one
                                                                                                                week      two people

                                                                foods, but not all Vegetarian                              to do it too

                     and dairy products)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Registered Charity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Registered Company No. 259358
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        No. 00959115

                                                                foods are also suitable for                  Join in at nationa

                                                                Vegans.                                                                   Registered Charity
                                                                                                                                          Registered Company
                                                                                                                                                             No. 259358
                                                                                                                                                                No. 00959115

                              Ask about our range of Veggie Friendly products today!
 10                                               #easyas1-2-3!

                                                                                                      SPECIAL OFFERS 144
                               Wrights Vegan
                               Red Thai Slice
                               A juicy pocket of puff pastry.
                               Packed with butternut squash,
                               green beans, carrots & onions in
                               a red thai sauce.
                               It’s not just for Vegans!
                               36 x 175g
                               Code 900133



                                                                 Naked Glory Vegan
                                                                 Roast Tenderstrips
                                                                 Serve like chicken strips –
                                                                 kebabs, wraps & stir frys.
                                                                 Approx. 70-80 per pack.
                                                                 Code 890084                   ONLY

Naked Glory Vegan
Southern Fried                 Naked Glory
Goujons                        Vegan Sausages
Serve like chicken goujons –
                               Great for sausage & chip meals,
wraps, dips & sides.           sandwiches & breakfasts.
760g                           Can be battered and fried!
Approx. 20 per pack.
                               48 x 40g
Code 890086
                               Code 890082
             ONLY                               ONLY

        £6.90                            £14.60

               Promote your Veggie Menu on Social Media -
                     Join the Easyas1-2-3 Challenge!                                                  11

                                     Trust Just!
                                          If you’re looking for a
                                                                                                                    Multi-Buy Offer

                                               range of sauces that deliver
                                                    on taste and consistency –
                                                                   Trust Just!

                                                                                                                    Tomato Ketchup
                                          £2.00                                                      ONLY
                                                                                                                          Collect 1 Save & Select Point!

                      Tomato Ketchup
                                                                                              £2.00                 4.54kg
                                                                                                                    Code 023662

                               Collect 0.5 Save & Select Points!       Just Mayonnaise
                                                                                Collect 0.5 Save & Select Points!
                                                                                                                             Buy 5
                      A thick and tasty ketchup – a great
                      all-rounder.                                     A thick and creamy mayo in an                       get 1 Extra
                      Code 023975
                                                                       easy squeeze bottle.
                                                                       Code 023976

                                                  ONLY                                              ONLY                                          ONLY

                                             £2.10                                            £2.30                                         £2.50
                     Just Garlic Mayonnaise Just Barbecue Sauce                                                         Just Burger Sauce
                              Collect 0.5 Save & Select Points!                 Collect 0.5 Save & Select Points!               Collect 0.5 Save & Select Points!
                     A thick and creamy mayo with a moreish             A smoky BBQ sauce - ideal on ribs,              A rich, creamy smooth sauce –
                     garlic flavour.                                    kebabs or chicken.                              a must have on burgers.
                     1L                                                 1L                                              1L
                     Code 023977                                        Code 023981                                     Code 023980

                                                                         Henry Colbeck
     12                                                               More than just a supplier!
It Has To Be Henry’s!
Whether you call them buns, baps rolls, our Henry’s bread is special.                       Henry's Fish Butty
Made from the finest ingredients by a local family craft bakery business
                  who have been operating since 1950.                                       Baps/Rolls
Perfect for outside eating – you can ‘sandwich’ everything from chips to                    Specially created to fit a piece of fish in.
                burgers, kebabs, fishcakes and even a fish!                                 Makes a mighty fish sandwich!
Having freshly frozen bread on hand is so convenient, simply place on a                     Ideal for Jumbo Sausages, Fish Fingers
work surface and allow to defrost for 2 – 3 hours at room temperature.                      and Fish Goujons too.
                     Use within 1 day of defrosting.                                        Wrapped in packs of 4 – easy to take
                                                                                            out of the freezer what you need.
                                                                                            40 x 8.5" x 3’’               ONLY

                              Henry's Chip
                              Butty Bap/Roll
                                                                                            Code 900203
                              A frozen round soft white
                              bread bun ideal for making
                                                                                                        Henry's Sliced
                              chip butties.                                                             Baps/Rolls
                              A chip shop staple.                                                       Soft white buns – a great
                              Unsliced. In packs of 4.                                                  all rounder.
                                                                                                        Perfect for burgers or bacon &
                              40 x 5.5"
                                                                                                        sausage rolls.
                              Code 900300          ONLY
                                                                                                        Frozen in packs of 4.

                                                                                                        48 x 4"
                                                                                                        Code 900299              £9.50

Juicy Scampi - A Menu Must Have!                                                                                                   Only
                                                                                                                                 per 450g

Whitby Wholetail                                Whitby Extra Large                                Ocean Sound
Scampi                                          Scampi                                            Wholetail Scampi
        Collect 1 Save & Select Point!                     Collect 1 Save & Select Point!         (Box)
450g                                            450g
Code 900029              ONLY                   Code 900031          ONLY                                                     ONLY
                                                                                                  Code 900030

                   £6.90                                      £6.90                                                    £35.10
                          Looking for a bargain? Check out our
                              Clearance deals on Page 20!                                                                                   13

                     Hook & Fish                                           Hook & Fish
                     Wood Chipfork & Dispenser.                            Printed
                             Collect 1 Save & Select Point!                Greaseproof
                     Prong wooden chipforks.
                     Approximately 3” long.
                     Handy cardboard dispenser.
                                                                           1000 sheets
                                                                           Code 037119
                     1,000                                    ONLY                  ONLY

                                                         £4.30                 £10.50
                     Code 027005

                                                   Henry Colbeck
    14                                            More than just a supplier!
Kara is a leading wholesale bakery

                                                                                                                                                    SPECIAL OFFERS 144
                                                                             supplier that produces a range of high
                                                                            quality frozen sweet and savoury bakery.
                                                                                Kara is committed to innovation and investing in
                                                                              market research to develop leading bakery products
                                                                             that are freshly frozen straight from the oven, locking
                                                                              in the freshness. They offer a full and dynamic range
                                                                              and strive for premium, consistent quality and pride
                                                                                   themelves on being the best in the market.
                                                                                Their products are specifically developed for the
                                                                            Foodservice market and they analyse trends to identify
                                                                             gaps in the market and launch bakery products which
                                                                             will satisfy your customers. We stock Kara bestsellers,
                                                                                     from plain, to floured, seeded or glazed!

                                      Kara Plain Baps                                                           Kara Gourmet
                                      Soft white plain buns ready sliced
                                      for quick and easy use. Ideal for
                                                                                                                Glazed Bun
                                      beefburgers and sandwiches.                                               The Gourmet Range of Burger
                                      An everyday classic!                                                      Buns from Kara have a rich and
                                                                                                                very soft texture with a light, sweet,
                                      48 x 5"                                                                   buttery note.
                                      Code 905800
                                                                                                                48 x 4.5"
                                                                                                                Code 905752
Kara                                                                       Kara
Floured Baps                                                               Floured Baps
A classic soft white bap topped                                            A classic soft white bap topped
with a dusting of flour. Pre-sliced                                        with a dusting of flour.
for added convenience.                                                     Pre-sliced for added convenience.
Can be filled with hot filling for                                         Can be filled with hot filling for
a breakfast bap/roll.                                                      a breakfast bap/roll.

48 x 4"                                                                    48 x 5"
Code 905808                                                                Code 905810

                                      Kara Floured                                                              Kara Mighty
                                      Bap Premium                                                               Floured Baps
                                      A classic with a twist; a premium,                                        An extra large soft floured white
                                      pre-sliced, double watersplit                                             bun, ready sliced for quick and
                                      floured bap, with a smooth                                                easy use.
                                      texture and a delicate taste,                                             They’re extremely versatile
                                      achieved by upgrading the                                                 and are ideal for beefburgers
                                      traditional Kara floured bap                                              and sandwiches.
                                      recipe to add a gourmet touch.
                                                                                                                24 x 6"
                                      48 x 5"                                                                   Code 905812
                                      Code 905750

Kara                                                                       Kara
Seeded Buns                                                                Seeded Buns
A pre-sliced white burger                                                  A pre-sliced white burger bun with
bun with a golden brown crust                                              a golden brown crust and topped
and topped with sesame seeds.                                              with sesame seeds.
The ideal carrier for chicken                                              The ideal carrier for burgers
burgers, topped with                                                       and fillings.
seasonal salads
                                                                           48 x 5"
48 x 4"                                                                    Code 905813
Code 905811

                    To discuss Kara products and prices call us today,
                                  we're happy to help!                                                                                               15

                         Fun in the Bun!
                       Meals in buns are ideal for food
                        on the go or portable snacks
                            when eating outside.
                          What will you offer your
                      Buy 6
                     get 50p off
                      each pack
                     SAVE £3!

                 Q Chicken Breast                            Fribo Chopsteak                               Blakeman’s Premium
                 Steaks                                                 Collect 2 Save & Select PointS!    Pork Pattie
                          Collect 1 Save & Select Point!     20x5oz                                              Collect 2 Save & Select PointS!

                                                             Code 900098
                 12x85g                                                                             ONLY   30x65g                            ONLY
                 Code 900078
                                                                                               £11.50      Code 900023

                                                             Image for illustration purposes only

                Cod Fish Fingers                             BAG Sliced                                    NEW!
                          Collect 1 Save & Select Point!
                                                             Kebab Meat                                    Plain Brown
                                                                                                           Burger Boxes
                                                      ONLY                                          ONLY                                     ONLY
                Code 900028
                                               £6.80                                          £12.00                                  £10.50
                                                             Code 819003                                   100
                                                                                                           Code 026300

                                                                      Henry Colbeck
  16                                                                More than just a supplier!
Hot ‘N’ Kickin’
Make your menu sizzle with the fiery heat
of the Hot ‘n’ Kickin’ Chicken Range.

Hot’ n’ Kickin’
Chicken Wings
         Collect 1 Save & Select Point!

Fully cooked chicken wings in a fiery coating.                                              Hot 'n' Kickin’
Ideal for starters or sharing platters served
with dips.                                                                                  Chicken Strips
Deep fry from frozen for 4-5 mins at 180oC.                                                          Collect 1 Save & Select Point!
Can be shallow fried for 10 mins or oven                                                    Goujons with a real spicy attitude!
baked for 15 mins.                                                                          These 100% whole chicken breast fillets
2.27kg                                            Hot ‘n’ Kickin’                           really pack a punch!
Code 900082                                                                                 Covered in a crispy coating with a
                             ONLY                 Chicken Fillet                            hot chilli “kick”.

                     £10.00                               Collect 2 Save & Select PointS!

                                                  100% Chicken breast in a crunchy hot
                                                                                            Deep fry from frozen for 4-5 minutes
                                                                                            at 180oC.
                                                  and spicy coating, fully-cooked and       Being a natural fillet the weight varies
                                                  individually quick-frozen.                from 15-30g per goujon.
                                                  The ultimate fiery burger!                3kg
                                                  Serve in a bun with cooling mayo!         Code 900054
                                                  Pre-heat oil to 180oC. Deep fry from
                                                  frozen for 4-5 minutes.
                                                  30 x 90g
                                                                          ONLY                                    £19.00
                                                  Code 900071

                                                 Henry Colbeck
                                                 More than just a supplier!                                                            17

                       POLY PACKAGING PRICE DEALS
                                We’ve got a huge variety of
                             packaging, including polystyrene
                               solutions, to suit every need.
                     We’ve got a huge variety of packaging, including polystyrene solutions to suit
                                                     every need.

                     Polystyrene Space                         ONLY
                                                                               Linpac Medium                              ONLY

                     Saver Chippy Tray                       £10.70            C2 Chip Tray                             £15.00
                           Collect 1 Save & Select Point!                             Collect 2 Save & Select Points!

                     500                                                       500
                     Code 026647                                               Code 026543

                     Linpac Large                              ONLY
                                                                               Polystyrene                                ONLY

                     C3 Chip Tray                            £17.30            White Chipcone                           £18.00
                           Collect 2 Save & Select Points!                            Collect 2 Save & Select Points!

                     500                                                       500
                     Code 026544                                               Code 025186

                                                                Henry Colbeck
  18                                                           More than just a supplier!

                                                                                                    SPECIAL OFFERS 144
SPECIAL                                                   Salad Cream

 OFFERS                                                   Code 024067

                                                             £8.50          Brown 'Errol'
                                                                            Chip Boxes
                                 Garlic & Parsley                           x 100

                                                                            Code 026856   £6.30
                                 Code 905500      ONLY

Lemon Hand
Code 050099                                              Mayonnaise         KMC Salt & Pepper
     ONLY                                                10L                Seasoning Mix Tub
                                                         Code 024076        Gluten & Wheat free.
                                                               ONLY                          ONLY

                                                          £19.90            5kg
                                                                            Code 014070   £27.00

       Non Brewed Condiment!
      NB Plastic Condiment                                       BUY 4
              Collect 1 Save & Select Point!
                                                                 GET 1
      Code 023852                                                 FREE


                                               Henry Colbeck
                                               More than just a supplier!                                19
While Stocks Last!


                                                                                                ONLY                                                    1910 Steak & Surf
                                                                                                A HANDFUL LEFT!                                         Greaseproof Paper
                                                                                                SP1 StayWhite                                           20.5cm x 20.5cm/8"x8"
                                                                                                Potato Whitener                                         Code 037633                  ONLY

                     Squeezy Hand Gel
                     Sanitizer   ONLY
                                                                                                from Peeltech
                                                                                                For full usage guidelines visit peeltech.co.uk/
                     300ml                                                                                                    ONLY
                                                                                                                                                          WE KNOW YOU LOVE TO BUY
                                                                                                5kg                                                       PIGS IN BLANKETS FOR XMAS…
                                             NEW LOW PRICE
                     Code 049196
                                                                                                Code 013459
                                                                                                                                                          ...so once these stocks are gone,
                                                                                                                                                          they’re gone for the Summer…
                                                                                                * £10 Cheaper than buying direct                          Don’t worry, they’ll be back
                                                                                                  from the manufacturer!!!                                in November!

                    Greaseproof Paper                                                           Xmas                                                      Blakemans
                    34gsm weight.
                                                                                                Kids Meal Boxes                                           Pigs in Blankets
                    300 x 200mm size.                                                                                                                            Collect 2 Save & Select Points!
                    Code 034901                                                                 x 250
                                                       ONLY                                                                ONLY                                                      ONLY
                                                                                                Code 026725                                               1kg
                                            £7.90                                                                   £19.00                                Code 891001
                                                                                            Henry Colbeck Limited
                                   Seventh Avenue, Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE11 0HG Tel: 0191 482 4242 E-mail: sales@colbeck.co.uk
                              South Caldeen Road, Calder Street Business Park, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire ML5 4EG Tel: 01236 425 656 E-mail:coatbridgesales@colbeck.co.uk
                                                                           We proudly support
                                          Henry Colbeck is MSC Certified

                                        All products and promotions subject to availability. All prices plus VAT where applicable. Errors & Omissions excluded.
                                                                                           Colbeck Stock Statement:
                     The paper What’s Hot is printed on is the first volume coated product to achieve Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certification in the UK and is ISO14001 certified.
                                                                             It only uses celluloses with an ECF bleaching process.

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