WORLDWIDE TRAVEL INSURANCE - A guide to your Platinum travel insurance

Page created by Jerome Green
A guide to your Platinum travel insurance

Summary of your cover                                 2   Section D – Personal accident and travel accident cover    24
Travel Insurance policy                               8   Section E – Baggage and baggage delay                      25
Definitions                                           9   Section F – Personal money and travel documents            27
Your travel policy                                   12   Section G – Personal liability                             27
Upgrades                                             13   Section H – Delayed departure                              28
Useful telephone numbers                             14   Section I – Missed departure                               29
General conditions applicable to the whole policy    14   Sections J, K, L and M – Winter sports                     29
Making a claim                                       15   Section N – Overseas legal expenses and assistance         32
Exclusions                                           16   Section O – Wedding/Civil partnership cover                32
Emergency and medical service                        19   Section P – Business travel                                34
Section A – Cancellation or curtailment                    Section Q – Travel disruption cover                        35
charges and early return                             20   Section R – Disability benefit following road traffic
Section B – Emergency medical, additional                  accident in New Zealand                                    38
accommodation and travelling costs                   22   Section S – Personal assistance services                   39
Section C – Hospital benefit                         24   Complaints procedure                                       40
Your travel insurance policy

You’ll find everything you need to know about your travel insurance cover in these
pages – from what to do in an emergency to the important terms and conditions

This booklet is your policy document           Summary of the main benefits                  To manage your travel cover online go to the
and also your proof of cover. You
                                               • Worldwide travel up to 45 days per trip.    Account Benefits tab in Internet Banking or
can download the latest version at                                                           visit and you                • Family cover or winter sports.
                                                                                             You can manage your cover whenever
should take it with you when you travel.       • No limit on the number of trips each year. it suits you. Online you can:
If you have or have had a medical condition,   • Your business and leisure trips covered.    • See and print your travel
you may not be covered for claims              • New-for-old replacement on lost or stolen     insurance documents.
arising from it. Check page 16 and tell us       baggage under two years old.
straightaway if you need to apply for cover.
                                                                                             • Upgrade your cover.
                                               See page 14 for contact details. Terms and
Also, please note that this insurance does     conditions for your Platinum Account can also
                                                                                             • Complete your medical screening
not cover people aged 80 or over.                                                              questionnaire online.
                                               be found online at /platinum
                                                                                             • Update your personal information.
                                                                                             • Register a claim.

Worldwide Travel Insurance

Demands and needs statement                                    You may have other upgrade options included (for            •   You have in respect of which a medical practitioner
This product meets the demands and needs of                    golf equipment, increased winter sports cover limits,           has advised you not to travel or would have done if
those under 80 years of age travelling abroad in               wedding/civil partnership cover, disability benefit             you had sought advice;
                                                               following road traffic accident in New Zealand,
respect of medical and other similar expenses
                                                               additional adult or child, excess waiver, family travel
                                                                                                                           •   You have and for which you are not taking the
throughout the duration of the policy.                                                                                         recommended treatment;
                                                               or trip extension). Your upgrade schedule will show
                                                               if you selected these options.                              •   For which you travel with the intention of
                                                                                                                               obtaining treatment;
    Policy summary                                             Exclusions relating to your health
                                                               It is essential that you refer to the health exclusions
                                                                                                                           •   For which you travel against any health
    This policy summary does not have the full details                                                                         requirements stipulated by the public
    and conditions of your insurance – you’ll find these       in the policy section as these terms may affect your
                                                                                                                               transport provider.
    from page 8 onwards.                                       cover. You will not be covered for any claims arising
                                                               from a medical condition:                                  Conditions
    AXA Insurance
                                                               •   For which you are taking prescribed medication         If you are travelling to Australia and you require medical
    This policy is underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc.           or for which you have received or are awaiting         treatment you must enrol with a local Medicare office.
    Type of insurance and cover                                    treatment (within six months prior to opening your     Special conditions apply to each section of your policy –
                                                                   Platinum Account or booking your trip, whichever is    please refer to the policy wording for full details.
    Travel insurance for trips taken anywhere in the world
                                                                   later) unless we have agreed in writing to cover you
    whilst your Platinum Account is in force.
    You are automatically eligible for a free family travel
                                                                   or the condition is a No Screen Condition;
                                                                                                                          Significant features and benefits
    upgrade but you can change this to winter sports           •   For which you have received a terminal prognosis;
                                                                                                                          Emergency and medical services
    cover for you and your partner if you prefer – just call   •   Of which you are aware and have sought (but have
                                                                                                                          Medical expertise to arrange medical assistance or
    Platinum Membership Services on 08458 50 53 00.                not received) a diagnosis;
                                                                                                                          transport home following an accident or illness or if you
    Your upgraded cover will last for 12 months and we’ll
    remind you before it’s due for renewal.
                                                               •   For which you are on a waiting list for or have        are informed of a serious illness of a close relative at
                                                                   knowledge of the need for surgery, in-patient          home whilst on holiday.
                                                                   treatment or investigation;

Section A – Cancellation or curtailment                    •   Reasonable additional transport or                          •   Accidental loss, theft or damage to golf equipment
charges and early return                                       accommodation expenses incurred if it is                        (your upgrade schedule will show if cover for golf
•   Unavoidable or necessary cancellation or                   medically necessary for you to stay beyond                      equipment is operative) up to £1,500 with up to
    curtailment of the trip or early return home and (if       your scheduled return date.                                     £175 for the emergency replacement or hiring of
    the situation permits) the costs of transporting you                                                                       golf equipment.
                                                           Section C – Hospital benefit
    back to your resort before completion due to death,
    bodily injury or illness, compulsory quarantine
                                                           •   £50 for every completed 24 hours in patient hospital        Section F – Personal money and travel documents

    or jury service, redundancy, withdrawal of leave
                                                               stay up to a maximum of £1,000.                             •   Accidental loss, theft or damage to personal
                                                                                                                               money and travel documents up to £750 (including
    for members of the armed forces or emergency           Section D – Personal accident and travel
                                                           accident cover                                                      currency up to £300) – please refer to ‘Definitions’
    services, the Police requesting you to return to or
                                                                                                                               in the policy wording for the definition of ‘Personal
    remain at your home due to serious damage to your      •   Up to £15,000 for death, £30,000 for loss of limb or            Money and Travel Documents’.
    home exceeding £1,500 caused by fire, aircraft,            sight and permanent total disablement increased to
    explosion, storm, flood, subsidence, malicious             up to £100,000 for death or disablement caused by           •   Up to £200 for reasonable additional costs for travel
    persons or theft. The maximum we will pay under            an accident involving public transport on which you             and accommodation incurred whilst obtaining a
    this section is £5,000 per person.                         were travelling provided the full cost of the public            replacement passport abroad.

Section B – Emergency medical, additional                      transport has been charged to your Lloyds Bank              Section G – Personal liability
                                                               credit or debit card, subject to age – please refer to
accommodation and travelling costs
                                                               policy wording for full details of the cover available.
                                                                                                                           •   Personal liability for any compensation you become
•   Medical, surgical, hospital, ambulance and nursing                                                                         legally liable to pay up to £2,000,000.
    fees and charges up to £10,000,000 incurred            Section E – Baggage and baggage delay
                                                                                                                           Section H – Delayed departure
    outside of your home area.                             •   Accidental loss, theft or damage to baggage
                                                                                                                           •   Delayed departure for at least 12 hours from the
•   Emergency dental treatment for pain relief up to           (excluding golf equipment) up to £2,500. Up to £500
                                                                                                                               scheduled departure time (reduced to six hours
    £1,000 incurred outside of your home area.                 for any one article, pair or set of articles and up to
                                                                                                                               for trips of three nights or less). £30 for the first
•   Reasonable cost of funeral expenses abroad up to           £500 for all valuables – please refer to ‘Definitions’ in
                                                               the policy wording for the definition of ‘Valuables’.
                                                                                                                               complete 12 or six hours delay and £20 for each
    £1,000 plus the reasonable cost of conveying the                                                                           completed 12 hours following, up to a maximum
    ashes or body home.                                    •   Up to £250 for the replacement of essential items if            of £250.
                                                               your baggage is lost or misplaced and not returned
                                                               for more than 12 hours on the outward journey.

•   Up to £5,000 for any irrecoverable travel and other              an alternative site if snow conditions result in total      •   Reasonable additional accommodation and
        pre-paid charges if you choose to cancel your trip               closure of skiing facilities. If no alternative sites are       travelling costs for a colleague to take your place
        once 12 hours has elapsed.                                       available we will pay you compensation of £15 per               in the event of your death, total disablement
                                                                         day up to a maximum of £150.                                    or hospitalisation.
    Section I – Missed departure
    •   Up to £1,000 for additional room only                        Section M – Hire of ski equipment                               Section Q – Travel disruption cover
        accommodation and travel expense to reach                    •   Up to £20 per day, up to a maximum of £300 for              Before you reach your destination:
        your destination if you miss your departure due                  the cost of hiring ski equipment following the loss,        •   Up to £5,000 (including excursions up to £250) for
        to the failure of public transport or an accident                theft of or damage to your own ski equipment –                  cancellation or abandonment of your trip after
        or breakdown of the vehicle you are travelling                   your upgrade schedule will show if you purchased                12 hours delay or additional expenses to reach
        in or strike.                                                    this option.                                                    your destination.
    Sections J, K, L and M – Winter sports – your                    Section N – Overseas legal expenses and assistance              •   Delayed departure compensation up to £250 (£30
    upgrade schedule will show if you purchased
    this option.
                                                                     •   Legal expenses and costs in pursuit of a civil action           after 12 hours reduced to six hours for trips of three
                                                                         up to £25,000 if someone else causes you injury,                nights or less and £20 per 12 hours delay thereafter).
    Section J – Ski equipment                                            illness or death.                                           •   Missed departure expenses up to £1,000.
    •   Up to £300 for the loss, theft of or damage to your          Section O – Wedding/Civil partnership cover – your              While you are at your destination:
        own ski equipment subject to a maximum of £300               upgrade schedule will show if you purchased this                •   Alternative accommodation if your booked
        for any one article, pair or set of articles or up to £200   option                                                              accommodation cannot be used or abandonment of
        for hired ski equipment.                                     •   Accidental loss, theft or damage to certain items               trip up to £5,000 (including up to £250 for excursions
    Section K – Ski pack                                                 forming part of your baggage. Up to £250 for                    and £200 for taxis and hire cars).
                                                                         each wedding ring, up to £1,000 for wedding gifts
    •   Up to £5,000 for the unused portion of your ski pack
                                                                         (including up to £150 for bank notes and currency
                                                                                                                                     On the way home:
        following your bodily injury or illness and up to £150
                                                                         notes), up to £1,500 for wedding attire.
                                                                                                                                     •   Additional expenses to return home or if you have
        for the unused portion of your lift pass if lost. The                                                                            to stay longer abroad up to £5,000 (including up to
        combined total amount payable under Section                  •   Up to £750 for the reasonable cost incurred to                  £200 for taxis and hire cars).
                                                                         reprint/make a copy of or retake the photographs/
        A – Cancellation or curtailment charges and early
                                                                         video recordings.
                                                                                                                                     •   Delayed departure compensation up to £250 (£30
        return, Section K – Ski pack and Section Q – Travel                                                                              after 12 hours reduced to six hours for trips of three
        disruption cover will be no more than £5,000.                Section P – Business travel                                         nights or less and £20 per 12 hours delay thereafter).
    Section L – Piste closure                                        •   Up to £1,000 for accidental loss, theft or damage to        •   Missed departure expenses up to £1,000.
    •    p to £15 per day, up to a maximum of £150 for the
        U                                                                business equipment, subject to a maximum of £300
        cost of transport organised by your tour operator to             for any one article, pair or set of articles.

Section R – Disability benefit following road traffic          •   You are only covered for travel within your home        •   Travel to a country, specific area or event which the
accident in New Zealand – Your upgrade schedule                    area if you have pre-booked at least two consecutive        Foreign and Commonwealth Office has advised
will show if you purchased this option                             nights’ paid accommodation (at least five nights in         against all travel or all but essential travel (except
•   £250 per week for temporary total disablement if               the case of business travel).                               where cover is provided under subsections 1.c) and
    you sustain bodily injury as a result of a road traffic    •   Cover under your policy will cease when you reach           5.c) of What is covered under Section Q – Travel
    accident while travelling in a hire car in New Zealand,        80 years old or when your Platinum Account is               disruption cover).
    subject to age – please refer to policy wording for full       closed or the policy is cancelled, whichever is         Exclusions under Section A – Cancellation
    details of the cover available.                                the earlier.                                            or curtailment charges
Section S – Personal assistance services                       General exclusions                                          •   Redundancy caused by misconduct, resignation,
•   Up to £250 towards administration and delivery             •   War risks, civil commotion, terrorism (except               voluntary redundancy, entering into a compromise
    costs for a range of services, such as transfer of             under Section B – Emergency medical, additional             agreement, or where you received a warning or
    emergency funds and tracing lost baggage – please              accommodation and travelling costs, Section                 notification of redundancy prior to the date you
    refer to the policy wording for full details of the            C – Hospital benefit and Section D – Personal               opened a new Platinum Account or at the time of
    services available.                                            accident and travel accident cover unless caused by         booking any trip.
                                                                   nuclear, chemical or biological attack), sonic bangs,   •   Any circumstances known prior to the date you
Significant or unusual exclusions                                  radioactive contamination.                                  opened a new Platinum Account or at the time of

or limitations (please refer to                                •   There are a number of activities, practices and             booking any trip that could reasonably be expected
                                                                                                                               to give rise to a claim.
                                                                   winter sports that are excluded – please see
‘What is not covered’ under each                                   paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 in the general exclusions         •   Your reluctance to continue travelling unless the
section of the policy wording for                                  section of the policy wording.                              Foreign and Commonwealth Office announces

further details)                                               •   Climbing on or jumping from vehicles, buildings or          travellers should avoid the country or area.
                                                                   balconies regardless of the height.                     Exclusions under Section B – Emergency
• The standard excesses will be shown within your              •   Wilful, self inflicted injury, suicide, drug use or     medical and other expenses
    policy wording. If you have purchased the excess
    waiver upgrade option this will be shown on your
                                                                   solvent abuse.                                          •   Treatment or surgery which in the opinion of
    upgrade schedule.                                          •   You drinking too much alcohol resulting in a claim.         AXA Assistance can wait until your return to your
                                                                                                                               home area.
•   There is no cover for trips over 45 days in duration       •   Unlawful actions and any subsequent legal
    unless you have purchased the trip extension                   proceedings brought against you.                        •   Medication, which prior to departure is known
                                                                                                                               to be required.
    to provide cover for longer trips. Your upgrade
    schedule will show if you purchased this option.

•   Expenses incurred as a result of any medical            Exclusions under Section F – Personal money                  •   Any claims arising from a trip solely within your
        condition where you have not had the                    and travel documents                                             home area. (Cover is however available under
        recommended inoculations and/or taken the               •   Personal money left unattended at any time                   Section Q – Travel disruption cover provided that
        recommended medication to prevent that condition.           unless in a hotel safe, safety deposit box or in your        you have pre-booked at least two consecutive
    •   Treatment for cosmetic purposes.                            locked accommodation.                                        nights paid accommodation on a holiday or
                                                                                                                                 pleasure trip, or at least five consecutive nights
    Exclusions under Section C – Hospital benefit               •   Loss or theft of traveller’s cheques where you have
                                                                                                                                 paid accommodation on a business trip).
                                                                    not complied with the issuing agent’s conditions.
    •   Expenses incurred as a result of any medical
                                                                                                                             Exclusions under Sections J, K, L and M
        condition where you have not had the                    Exclusions under Section G – Personal liability              – Winter sports
        recommended inoculations and/or taken                   •   Pursuit of any trade, business or profession, or
                                                                                                                             •   Ski equipment contained in an unattended vehicle
        the recommended medication to prevent                       the ownership, possession or use of any vehicles,
        that condition.                                                                                                          unless locked out of sight in a secure baggage area
                                                                    aircraft or mechanically operated watercraft.
                                                                                                                                 (please refer to ‘Definitions’ in the policy wording
    Exclusions under Section E – Baggage                        Exclusions under Section H – Delayed departure                   for the definition of ‘Secure Baggage Area’) and
    and baggage delay                                                                                                            evidence of entry into the vehicle by forcible and
                                                                •   Strike or industrial action publicly known at the time
    •   Valuables or your passport left unattended at any           you made travel arrangements for the trip.
                                                                                                                                 violent means is available.
        time unless in a hotel safe, safety deposit box or in
        your locked accommodation.                              •   Any claims arising from a trip solely within your        Exclusions under Section N – Overseas legal
                                                                    home area. (Cover is however available under             expenses and assistance
    •   Baggage contained in an unattended vehicle unless           Section Q – Travel disruption cover provided that        •   Expenses incurred in pursuit of any claim against a
        locked out of sight in a secure baggage area (please        you have pre-booked at least two consecutive                 travel agent, tour operator, carrier, AXA Insurance or
        refer to ‘Definitions’ in the policy wording for the        nights paid accommodation on a holiday or                    AXA Assistance.
        definition of ‘Secure Baggage Area’) and evidence
        of entry into the vehicle by forcible and violent
                                                                    pleasure trip, or at least five consecutive nights
                                                                                                                             •   Claims for compensation amounts of less than
                                                                    paid accommodation on a business trip).                      £1,000 per insured person.
        means is available.
                                                                •   Volcanic eruptions and/or volcanic ash clouds.
    •   Contact or corneal lenses, hearing aids, dental or                                                                       Claims occurring within the United Kingdom.
        medical fittings, ski equipment and other items are     Exclusions under Section I – Missed departure                Exclusions under Section O – Wedding/Civil
        excluded – see your policy wording for the full list.   •   Strike or industrial action publicly known at the time   partnership cover
    •   Business goods, samples or tools used in connection         you made travel arrangements for the trip.               •   Valuables, bank notes and currency notes left
        with your occupation.                                   •   Volcanic eruptions and/or volcanic ash clouds                unattended unless deposited in a hotel safe, safety
                                                                    (except claims under subsection 1 of What                    deposit box or your locked accommodation.
                                                                    is covered).

•   Baggage contained in an unattended vehicle unless       •   Any claims arising whilst you are on a day-trip.       Claim notification
    locked out of sight in a secure baggage area (please    •   The cost of Air Passenger Duty (APD) whether           To make a claim please call the Platinum Membership
    refer to ‘Definitions’ in the policy wording for the        irrecoverable or not.                                  Services on 08458 50 53 00.
    definition of ‘Secure Baggage Area’) and evidence
    of entry into the vehicle by forcible and violent       •   Any lost or additional transport and accommodation
    means is available.
                                                                cost if you are going on a package holiday except      Making yourself heard
                                                                lost pre-paid charges (such as airport parking)
•   Contact or corneal lenses, hearing aids, dental or          where these were arranged separately from your
                                                                                                                       Any complaint you may have should in the first
    medical fittings, ski equipment and other items are                                                                instance be addressed to the claims office or helpline
                                                                package holiday.                                       as applicable.
    excluded – see your policy wording for the full list.
                                                            •   Any expenses which could be claimed back from          If the complaint is still not resolved, you can approach
•   Business goods, samples or tools used in connection         another source (for example, from your package         the Financial Ombudsman Service. Referral to the
    with your occupation.                                       tour operator, travel agent, airline, credit card      Financial Ombudsman will not affect your right to take
Exclusions under Section P – Business travel                    provider etc).                                         legal action.

•   Business equipment left unattended at any               •   Any alternative travel or accommodation expenses       Full details of addresses and contact numbers can be
                                                                where your tour operator has offered you a             found within the ‘Complaints procedure’ section of the
    time unless deposited in a hotel safe, locked
                                                                reasonable alternative.                                policy wording.
    accommodation or in the locked boot or covered
    luggage area of a motor vehicle.
•   Loss, theft or damage of films, tapes, cassettes,       Duration                                                   Financial Services
    cartridges, CDs, DVDs or discs other than the           This policy provides travel insurance for trips taken      Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
    market value.                                           while you are up to and including 79 years of age and      AXA Insurance UK plc are covered by the
•   Any loss or damage arising from manual work.            whilst your Platinum Account is in force.                  Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
                                                                                                                       You may be entitled to compensation from the
Exclusions under Section Q – Travel disruption cover
                                                            Cancellation period                                        scheme in the unlikely event we cannot meet our
•   Any event that was already known about when you
                                                            You are free to cancel this policy at anytime by closing
                                                                                                                       obligations to you. This depends upon the type
    opened your account or booked your trip (whichever                                                                 of insurance and the circumstances of the claim.
                                                            your Platinum Account or changing it to a standard
    is the later).                                                                                                     Further information about the compensation
                                                            cheque account. Please refer to page 14 of the
                                                                                                                       scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS.
•   Any claim that occurs within the first seven days       policy wording for full details.
                                                                                                                       Contact them at or call them on
    of opening your account or booking your trip
                                                                                                                       020 7741 4100.
    (whichever is the later) which relate to an event
    which was occurring or you were aware could occur
    at the time you opened your account or booked the
    trip (whichever is the later).

Travel                                                        Policy excess                                                 Data Protection Act Notice

insurance policy
                                                              Under most sections of the policy, claims will be subject     To set up and administer Your policy We will hold
                                                              to an excess. This means that You will be responsible for     and use information about You supplied by You and
                                                              paying the first part of each and every claim per incident,   by medical providers. We may send it in confidence
This is Your travel insurance policy. It contains details     unless the additional premium has been paid to waive          for processing to other companies acting on Our
of cover, conditions and exclusions relating to each          the excess as shown in Your Upgrade schedule.                 instructions including those located outside the
Insured Person and is the basis on which all claims will                                                                    European Economic Area.
be settled. If You have purchased Upgrades these will         Helplines                                                     Please note insurers exchange information with various
be validated by the issue of Your Upgrade schedule                                                                          databases to help check the information provided and
which must be attached to the policy.                         Please carry this policy with You in case of
                                                              an emergency.                                                 prevent fraudulent claims.
We will in the event of Bodily Injury, death, illness,
disease, loss, theft, damage, legal liability or other
                                                              Policy information or advice                                  Fraud prevention
specified events happening within the Period of                                                                             To keep premiums low We do participate in a number of
Insurance provide insurance in accordance with the            If You would like more information or if You feel the         industry initiatives to prevent and detect fraud. To help
sections of Your policy.                                      insurance may not meet Your needs, telephone                  prevent crime We may:
Any Upgrade schedule or endorsements issued to You            Platinum Membership Services on 08458 50 53 00.
                                                                                                                            1. Share information about You with other
are all part of the policy.                                                                                                    organisations and public bodies including the police.
Your policy is evidence of the contract of insurance.         AXA Insurance                                                 2. Share information about You within the AXA Group
                                                              Benefits under this policy are underwritten by AXA               and with other insurers.
Premiums, fees and charges                                    Insurance UK plc. Registered in England No. 78950.
                                                                                                                            3. Pass Your details to recognised centralised
                                                              Registered Office: 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD.
Lloyds Bank collects Your premiums on behalf of AXA                                                                            insurance industry applications and claims review
                                                              AXA Insurance UK plc is authorised by the Prudential
Insurance which include Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) at                                                                         systems (for example the Travel Claims Database)
                                                              Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
the current rate. There are no additional fees or charges                                                                      where Your details may be checked and updated.
                                                              Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation
in respect of this insurance or insurance related services.                                                                 4. Check Your details with fraud prevention agencies
                                                              Authority under registration number 202312. This can
                                                              be checked on the Financial Services Register by visiting        and databases. If You give Us false or inaccurate
United Kingdom residents                                      the FCA’s website at or by contacting             information and We suspect fraud, We may record
                                                              them on 0800 111 6768.                                           this with fraud prevention agencies.
This policy only covers losses suffered whilst You are
a United Kingdom resident and are registered with a                                                                         5. Search records held by fraud prevention and credit
Medical Practitioner in the United Kingdom.                                                                                    agencies to:
                                                                                                                               a. Help make decisions about credit services for You
                                                                                                                                  and members of Your household.

b. Help make decisions on insurance policies and         Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this        We/Us/Our
       claims for You and members of Your household.         policy they will always have these meanings:
                                                                                                                            •   means AXA Insurance UK plc., (Registered Office)
    c. Trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud and to     You/Your/Yourself/Insured Person                                   5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD. Registered
       manage Your insurance policies.                                                                                          in England No. 78950, authorised by the Prudential
    d. Check Your identity to prevent money laundering.
                                                             •   means each person travelling on a Trip who is;
                                                                                                                                Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
                                                                 a. In the case of a Joint Account; the holders of              Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation
6. Undertake credit searches and additional
                                                                    the Platinum Current Account (plus each of their            Authority under registration number 202312.
   fraud searches.
                                                                    children aged under 12 months when travelling
                                                                    with them or a responsible adult) and:                  Baggage
Your travel insurance checklist                                     –– Each Account holder’s spouse, civil partner or
                                                                                                                            •   means luggage, clothing, personal effects,
Before You travel, You should ask yourself the following:                                                                       Valuables, Golf Equipment and other articles
                                                                       partner (who are covered to travel on their own);
                                                                                                                                which belong to You (or for which You are legally
•   Will Your Trip last more than 45 days?                          –– or (where there is no spouse, civil partner or           responsible) which are worn, used or carried by You
You need to tell Us about any Medical Condition before                 partner) one of that Account holder’s unmarried          during any Trip.
You book Your Trip.                                                    financially dependent children under the age of
                                                                                                                            Bodily Injury
In order to travel You must be:                                        18 in full-time education and travelling with them
                                                                       or a responsible adult; or                           •   means an identifiable physical injury sustained by
•   Healthy, fit to travel and to undertake Your
                                                                 b. In the case of a Single Account; the Platinum
                                                                                                                                You caused by sudden, unexpected, external and
    planned Trip.                                                                                                               visible means. Injury as a result of Your unavoidable
                                                                    Current Account holder (plus each of their
•   NOT travelling against medical advice or with the               children aged under 12 months when travelling
                                                                                                                                exposure to the elements shall be deemed to have
    intention of obtaining medical treatment abroad.                                                                            been caused by bodily injury.
                                                                    with them or a responsible adult) and one of the
    Upgrades are available, please refer to Your Travel             following persons:                                      Business Equipment
    Policy section of this document. Upgrades must be
    purchased before You travel.                                    –– The Account holder’s spouse, civil partner or        •   means items used by You and which belong to You
                                                                       partner (who are covered to travel on their own);        in support of Your business activity including office
Please refer to the ‘Exclusions’ section of this policy on                                                                      equipment which is portable by design including, but
pages 16–19.                                                        –– or (where there is no spouse, civil partner or           not restricted to, personal computers, telephones
                                                                       partner) one of the Account holder’s unmarried           and calculators.
                                                                       financially dependent children under the age of
Definitions                                                            18 in full-time education and travelling with them   Business Trip
Any word or expression to which a specific meaning has                 or a responsible adult.                              •   means a Trip taken wholly or in part for business
been attached will bear the same meaning throughout                                                                             purposes but excluding manual work.
this policy. For ease of reading the definitions are
highlighted by the use of bold print and will start with a
capital letter.

Close Business Associate                                     Curtailment claims under paragraph b. will only be              Home Area
•   means any person whose absence from business             paid for the ill/injured/quarantined/confined Insured
                                                             Person, but where We or AXA Assistance agree for
                                                                                                                             For residents of United Kingdom excluding Channel
    for one or more complete days at the same time as                                                                        Islands and Isle of Man Your Home Area means United
    Your absence prevents the proper continuation of         another Insured Person (including any children
                                                                                                                             Kingdom excluding Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
    that business.                                           travelling with them) to stay with You, We will also
                                                                                                                             For residents of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man,
                                                             pay for that Insured Person’s proportion of any travel
                                                                                                                             Your Home Area means either the particular Channel
Close Relative                                               and accommodation costs and expenses (including
                                                                                                                             Island on which You live or the Isle of Man depending on
•   means mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law,      excursions up to £250) they have incurred, but not used,
                                                                                                                             where Your Home is.
    sister, sister-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, wife,    by remaining with You.
    husband, civil partner, daughter, daughter-in-law,                                                                       Home
                                                             Early Return
    son, son-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, step parent,
                                                             •   means Your need to make an unscheduled early                •   means Your normal place of residence in the
    step child, step sister, step brother, foster child,                                                                         United Kingdom.
    partner or fiancé/fiancée an Insured Person.                 return journey Home during Your Trip.

                                                             Geographical Limits                                             Joint Account
Curtailment /Curtail/Curtailed
                                                             •                                                               •   means an account held with Lloyds Bank by a
•   means either:                                                means anywhere in the world.
                                                                                                                                 maximum of two adults.
a. You abandoning or cutting short the Trip after You        Golf Equipment
                                                                                                                             Medical Condition
   leave Your Home (or for a Business Trip Your place of     •   means golf clubs, golf balls, golf bag, golf trolley, and
   business) by direct early return to Your Home or place        golf shoes forming part of Your Baggage.                    •   means any disease, illness or injury.
   of business, in which case claims will be calculated
   from the day You returned to Your Home or place of        Health Check Date                                               Medical Practitioner
   business (whichever is the earlier) and based on the      •   means                                                       •   means a registered practising member of the medical
   number of complete days of Your Trip You have not                                                                             profession recognised by the law of the country
                                                             a. Annually upon receipt of Our reminder.
   used, or                                                                                                                      where they are practising, who is not related to You or
                                                             b. Before booking a Trip if Your health has changed                 any person with whom You are travelling.
b. You attending a hospital outside Your Home
                                                                (Your Medical Condition has deteriorated, Your
   Area as an in-patient or being confined to your                                                                           Pair or Set
                                                                dosage or number of prescribed medications
   accommodation abroad due to compulsory
   quarantine or on the orders of a Medical
                                                                has increased or You have developed a new                    •   means a number of items of personal Baggage
                                                                Medical Condition).                                              associated as being similar or complementary or
   Practitioner, in either case for a period in excess
   of 48 hours. Claims will be calculated from the                                                                               used together.
   day You were admitted to hospital or confined to
   Your accommodation and based on the number
   of complete days for which You were hospitalised,
   quarantined or confined to Your accommodation.

Period of Insurance                                         cycling (not racing)                                        squash
•   means the period commencing on the date when            deep sea fishing
                                                            dinghy sailing
    You opened a new Platinum Current Account, and
    ending when Your Platinum Current Account is            fishing                                                     swimming with dolphins
    closed, the policy is cancelled or You reach 80 years   flying (as a fare paying passenger in a                     table tennis
    of age, whichever is the earlier.                       fully licensed passenger carrying aircraft)                 team sports (if not the main purpose of the Trip)
                                                            go karting                                                  tennis
Cover for cancellation starts from the commencement         golf                                                        trampolining
of the period of insurance or when You book each Trip,      hiking                                                      trekking up to 2,500 metres altitude
whichever is the later and ends on commencement of          horseriding                                                 volleyball
any Trip.                                                   (excluding competitions, racing, jumping and                wake boarding
Cover for all other sections applies for the length of      hunting)                                                    walking
each Trip. Legal advice and the Homewatch assistance        hot air ballooning (organised pleasure rides only)          war games (wearing eye protection)
service continue to apply for up to a week after You        jet skiing (no racing)                                      water polo
return Home.                                                kayaking (up to grade 2 rivers)                             water skiing
                                                            netball                                                     wind surfing
Permitted Sports and Activities                             orienteering                                                yachting (if qualified and excluding racing)
•   means the following activities which We cover as        quad biking                                                 zorbing
    standard under the policy:                              ringos                                                  To upgrade Your existing cover call Platinum
    administrative or clerical occupations                  roller skating and blading (wearing pads and helmets)   Membership Services team between 8am and 8pm –
    aerobics                                                rounders                                                seven days a week on: 08458 50 53 00.
    archery                                                 rowing (except racing)
    badminton                                               running (non-competitive and not marathons)             Personal Money and Travel Documents
    banana boating                                          safari trekking (must be organised tour)                •   means bank notes, currency notes and coins in
    baseball                                                scuba diving up to a depth of 30 metres (if You             current use, travellers and other cheques, postal or
    basketball                                              have the relevant qualifications for the depth at           money orders, pre-paid coupons or vouchers, travel
    body boarding (boogie boarding)                         which You are diving, such as PADI: Advanced Open           tickets, passport, event and entertainment tickets,
    bowls                                                   Water, BSAC: Sports Diver or equivalent, and You are        money cards and credit/Visa debit or charge cards all
    camel riding                                            accompanied by a qualified dive marshal, diving             held for private purposes.
    canoeing (up to grade 2 rivers)                         instructor or guide)
                                                            shooting/small bore target shooting (within             Public Transport
    clay pigeon shooting
    climbing (on climbing wall only)                        organisers’ guidelines)                                 •   means any publicly licensed aircraft, sea vessel, train
    cricket                                                 skateboarding (wearing pads and helmets)                    or coach on which You are booked to travel.
    croquet                                                 snorkelling
    curling                                                 softball

Secure Baggage Area
•   means any of the following, as and where appropriate:
                                                              •   means any extra benefit or different level of cover
                                                                                                                             Your travel policy
a. The locked dashboard, boot or luggage compartment              You have purchased as detailed on Your upgrade             Your cover available under this policy is only provided:
   of a motor vehicle.                                            schedule. See the ‘Your Travel Policy’ section of          a. For Trips You take:
                                                                  this document for details of Upgrades available. No
b. The locked luggage compartment of a hatchback                  additional cover will apply unless You have paid the          i. outside Your Home Area; or
   vehicle fitted with a lid closing off the luggage area,        appropriate supplementary premium.
   or of an estate car with a fitted and engaged tray or                                                                        ii. solely within Your Home Area provided that You
   roller blind cover behind the rear seats.                  Unattended                                                            have pre-booked at least two consecutive nights
                                                                                                                                    paid accommodation on a holiday or pleasure Trip,
c. The fixed storage units of a locked motorised or           •   means when You are not in full view of and not in a               or at least five consecutive nights pre-booked paid
   towed caravan.                                                 position to prevent unauthorised interference with                accommodation on a Business Trip.
d. A locked luggage box, locked to a roof rack which is           Your property or vehicle.
                                                                                                                             b. For losses arising out of incidents which take
   itself locked to the vehicle roof.                         United Kingdom                                                    place after the start of the Period of Insurance
Ski Equipment                                                 •   means England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,             during a Trip;

•   means skis (including bindings), ski boots, ski poles         Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.                       c. For Trips within the Geographical Limits with
                                                                                                                                a maximum duration of 45 days;
    and snowboards.                                           Valuables
                                                                                                                             d. For persons below the age of 80 years and whilst
Terrorism                                                     •   means jewellery, gold, silver, precious metal or              You are a United Kingdom resident and are
•   means an act, including but not limited to the use            precious or semiprecious stone articles, watches,
                                                                  furs, cameras, camcorders, portable satellite
                                                                                                                                registered with a Medical Practitioner in the
    of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of                                                                          United Kingdom; and
    any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting             navigation systems, photographic, audio, video,
                                                                  computer, television and telecommunications                e. Subject to the limits of cover and all other terms,
    alone or on behalf of or in connection with any                                                                             conditions and exclusions contained in this policy.
    organisation(s) or governments, committed for                 equipment and other electronic entertainment
    political, religious, ideological or similar purposes         devices (including but not limited to mobile phones,
    including the intention to influence any government           MP3 or 4 players, tablets, ebooks, CD’s, DVD’s,
                                                                  tapes, films, cassettes, cartridges and headphones),
                                                                                                                             The law applicable to this policy
    and/or to put the public, or any section of the public,
                                                                  computer games and associated equipment,                   You are free to choose the law applicable to this policy.
    in fear.
                                                                  telescopes and binoculars.                                 Your policy will be governed by the law of England and
Trip                                                                                                                         Wales unless You and We have agreed otherwise.
                                                              Winter Sports
•   means any holiday, business or pleasure trip or
    journey within the Geographical Limits, during            •   means the following activities: on and off-piste skiing;
    the Period of Insurance, commencing and ending                on and off-piste snowboarding; glacier walking/skiing
    in Your Home Area, with a maximum duration of                 and outdoor ice skating.
    45 consecutive days.

Upgrades                                                   Excess Waiver
                                                           The policy excess will be reduced to nil.
                                                                                                                         Wedding/Civil Partnership Cover
                                                                                                                         This covers specific Baggage items related to Your
There are different levels of cover within this policy,                                                                  wedding and also provides reasonable additional costs
some of which won’t apply unless You have paid the         Family Travel                                                 incurred to reprint or retake Your photographs should they
appropriate Upgrade premium. Upgrades must be              This includes, as an Insured Person, each unmarried,          be lost, stolen or damaged or if the photographer is unable
purchased before You travel. Any extra benefit You         financially dependent, child under 18 and in full-time        to fulfil his/her obligations. See Section O – Wedding/
have purchased is detailed on Your Upgrade schedule.       education when travelling with You or a responsible           Civil partnership cover for full details of cover available.
Please read the wording and ensure the cover reflects      adult. When You have paid this Family Travel
                                                           supplement, by special extension each of Your children        Winter Sports
Your requirements. You may Upgrade Your travel
insurance coverage to include any of the following:        in full-time education, less than 24-years of age, are also   Winter Sports may be covered for a maximum of 31
                                                           insured, when travelling with You or a responsible adult,     days in each annual Period of Insurance. Please refer to
Free Upgrade                                               or with the account holder’s spouse, partner or civil         Sections J, K and L – Winter sports for full details.
You are automatically eligible for a free family travel    partner when he/she is an Insured Person.                     Sections J, K and L can also be upgraded to provide
Upgrade but You can change this to Winter Sports                                                                         higher cover limits, with the inclusion of Section M – Hire
cover for You and Your partner if You prefer. If You       Golf Equipment
                                                                                                                         of Ski Equipment.
decide You want to opt for the Winter Sports upgrade       This is an extension of the Cancellation or Curtailment
                                                                                                                         In addition if You wish to participate in any activities not
instead of family cover, just call Platinum Membership     charges and Early Return, Baggage and baggage delay
                                                                                                                         listed in the Winter Sports definition (and not included
Services on 08458 50 53 00. Your upgraded cover will       and Personal liability sections to include cover for Golf
                                                                                                                         in the list of activities not covered in the General
last for 12 months and We will send You a reminder         Equipment. Please refer to Section A – Cancellation or
                                                                                                                         exclusions relating to all sections of the policy
before it is due for renewal.                              Curtailment and early return, Section E – Baggage and
                                                                                                                         paragraph 5., then please call Us as We can extend Your
                                                           baggage delay and Section G – Personal liability for full
Additional Adult or Child                                                                                                cover to include any of the following activities: Cross
                                                           details of cover.
You may nominate a named additional adult or child,                                                                      Country Skiing, Ski-dooing (no liability cover), Nordic
relative or friend, as an Insured Person, when the adult   Sports and Activities                                         Skiing, Snow Biking, Snow Bobbing, Snow Mobiling (no
or child is travelling with the Platinum Current Account                                                                 liability cover) or Snow Scooting (no liability cover).
                                                           The sports and activities which are covered as standard
holder, or with the account holder’s spouse, partner or    are listed under the Permitted Sports and Activities          To upgrade your existing cover call the Platinum
civil partner when he/she is the Insured Person.           definition, if You wish to participate in any activity not    Membership Services team between 8am and 8pm,
                                                           mentioned under this definition then please call Us and       seven days a week on: 08458 50 53 00.
Disability Benefit following Road Traffic Accident in
New Zealand                                                We may be able to extend Your cover.

This provides a weekly benefit payable if You sustain      Trip Extension
a Bodily Injury as the result of a road traffic accident   The Trip limit may be extended to cover You for either
whilst You are travelling in a hire car in New Zealand.    62, 93, 186 or 279 consecutive days in each annual
Please refer to Section R – Disability benefit following   Period of Insurance. Travelling in excess of the Trip
road traffic accident in New Zealand for full details      limits will invalidate the whole policy.
of cover.

Automatic Renewal
By purchasing an optional Upgrade(s) You provide                 Useful telephone numbers
                                                                                                                         General conditions
consent to set up a continuous payment authority.
This means We are authorised to automatically renew
                                                                 For customer service and claims assistance within the
                                                                 UK, please call:                                        applicable to the
                                                                                                                         whole policy
Your Upgrade(s) and apply for renewal payments from              Platinum Membership Services helpline: 08458 50 53 00
Your account every year, even if Your card has expired,          Opening hours
until You instruct Us to stop.                                   Customer service lines:
We will contact You at least 21 days before the expiry           8am to 8pm Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm Sunday.        You must comply with the following conditions to have
date. If You still meet Our eligibility criteria, We will seek   Upgrade your cover call                                 the full protection of Your policy.
to automatically renew Your Upgrade(s) by using the              8am to 8pm seven days a week.
latest details You provided to Us. You will also be provided                                                             If You do not comply We may at Our option cancel the
                                                                 Claim lines                                             policy or refuse to deal with Your claim or reduce the
with a renewal invitation which You should check to
                                                                 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm Saturday.        amount of any claim payment.
ensure all Your details are still correct and relevant.
If any changes are required or You do not wish to renew          24 hour overseas assistance helpline
Your Policy You should let Us know by contacting Us on           +44 1633 815 819                                        1. Dual insurance
08458 50 53 00 before Your renewal date.                         Fax: +44 1633 815 866
                                                                                                                         If at the time of any incident which results in a claim
If You no longer meet Our eligibility criteria, We will not be   Pre-travel advice/Homewatch/Legal assistance:           under this policy, there is another insurance covering
able to renew Your Upgrade. In all cases We will contact You     08458 50 53 00                                          the same loss, damage, expense or liability We will not
prior to Your renewal date to advise You what to do next.        UK fax numbers                                          pay more than Our proportional share (not applicable to
                                                                 Customer Service: 0845 603 1659                         Section D – Personal accident and travel accident cover).
Renewals which include a Medical Condition
                                                                 Claims: 0845 603 1660
If You have contacted Us about a Medical Condition and We
have agreed in writing to cover You, it will not automatically                                                           2. Reasonable precautions
renew. If You have purchased any Upgrade(s) in addition to                                                               At all times You must take all reasonable precautions to
a Medical Condition the Upgrade(s) will not automatically                                                                avoid injury, illness, disease, loss, theft or damage and
renew either. In both cases We will contact You at least                                                                 take all reasonable steps to safeguard Your property
21 days before the expiry date to advise what to do next,                                                                from loss or damage and to recover property lost
but You will have to contact Us if You wish to renew.                                                                    or stolen.

                                                                                                                         3. Cancellation
                                                                                                                         Once You have upgraded to, or opened, a Platinum
                                                                                                                         Current Account You have a 30 day cooling off period,
                                                                                                                         so if You change Your mind and have not used the
                                                                                                                         benefits or don’t have a claim pending, Lloyds Bank

will not charge You the monthly current account fee. If         The claims contact numbers are as follows:                  1. Claims
You do not cancel Your account within 30 days of the            All claims except Legal expenses and Personal               You must notify Us preferably by phone at the address
start date, Your policy will remain in force and may then       assistance services only                                    given above, depending on the type of claim.
only be cancelled by You closing Your account or by
Lloyds Bank giving 30 days’ notice in writing. If You have      AXA Travel Claims                                           The notification must be made within 31 days or as
purchased an Upgrade and within 14 days of receipt of           Civic Drive                                                 soon as possible thereafter following any Bodily Injury,
the Upgrade schedule, You find that it does not meet            Ipswich                                                     illness, disease, incident, event, redundancy or the
Your requirements You may cancel Your Upgrade by                IP1 2AN                                                     discovery of any loss, theft or damage which may give
returning the Upgrade schedule to Us. We will refund            Tel: 08458 50 53 00                                         rise to a claim under this policy. You must also inform Us
any premium You have paid for Upgrades or to obtain                                                                         if You are aware of any court claim form, summons or
                                                                Legal expenses and Personal assistance services only
cover for Medical Conditions in full provided You have                                                                      impending prosecution. Every communication relating
                                                                AXA Assistance                                              to a claim must be sent to Us without delay. You or
not travelled.
                                                                The Quadrangle                                              anyone acting on Your behalf must not negotiate, admit
For cancellations occurring after 14 days of receipt of the     106/118 Station Road                                        or repudiate any claim without Our written consent.
Upgrade schedule no refund of premium will be made.             Redhill
                                                                                                                            You or Your legal representatives must comply with
We reserve the right to cancel cover for Upgrades or            Surrey RH1 1PX
                                                                                                                            the conditions and supply the relevant information
Medical Conditions immediately in the event of non-             Tel: 08458 50 53 00
                                                                                                                            detailed under the heading ‘Special conditions relating
payment of the appropriate premium for them.                    To help Us deal with Your query quickly when making         to claims’ for the section under which You are claiming.
We may also cancel the policy by sending 30 days’               contact please have to hand Your account details and        Please refer to each section of this wording for a
notice to You at Your last known address without a              any travel documents You may be in receipt of. Please       complete list. We reserve the right to require You to
refund of premium.                                              note that calls are recorded and monitored.                 undergo an independent medical examination at Our
                                                                                                                            expense. We may also request and will pay for a post
Making a claim                                                  Claims conditions                                           mortem examination.
                                                                                                                            You must retain any property which is damaged, and,
We’ve made making a claim as simple as possible. Just           You must comply with the following claims conditions
                                                                                                                            if requested, send it to Us at Your own expense. If We
telephone the dedicated claims team between 8am and             to have the full protection of Your policy. If You do not
                                                                                                                            pay a claim for the full value of the property and it is
8pm Monday to Friday or 8am and 4pm Saturday for a              comply We may at Our option cancel the policy or refuse
                                                                                                                            subsequently recovered or there is any salvage then it
fast, efficient service. The claims team will take details of   to deal with Your claim or reduce the amount of any
                                                                                                                            will become Our property. We may refuse to reimburse
Your claim and advise You of the next steps.                    claim payment.
                                                                                                                            You for any expenses for which You cannot provide
If You are abroad and in need of assistance then please                                                                     receipts or bills.
contact Our 24 hour assistance helpline.
                                                                                                                            2. Transferring of Rights
                                                                                                                            We are entitled to take over any rights in the defence or
                                                                                                                            settlement of any claim and to take proceedings in Your
                                                                                                                            name for Our benefit against any other party.

3. Fraudulent claims                                    Exclusions                                                 b. At any subsequent Health Check Date, these being:
Throughout Your dealings with Us We expect You to act   Exclusions relating to Your health.                           i. annually upon receipt of Our reminder
honestly. If You or anyone acting for You:
                                                        You will not be covered under:                                ii. before booking a Trip if Your health has changed
a. knowingly provides information to Us as part of
   Your application for Your policy that is not true    •   Section A – Cancellation or Curtailment charges and           (Your Medical Condition has deteriorated, Your
   and complete to the best of Your knowledge and           early return                                                  dosage or number of prescribed medications has
                                                                                                                          increased or You have developed a new Medical
   belief; or                                           •   Section B – Emergency medical, additional
b. knowingly makes a fraudulent or exaggerated claim        accommodation and travelling costs
   undert Your policy; or                                                                                          If You have any Medical Conditions and they all appear
c. knowingly makes a false statement in support of a
                                                        •   Section C – Hospital benefit
                                                                                                                   in the list of No Screen Conditions on the following
   claim; or                                            •   Section D – Personal accident and travel               pages, then these will all be covered under the policy
d. submits a knowingly false or forged document in          accident cover                                         without the need to contact Us. If, however, You have
   support of a claim; or                               •   Section P – Business travel                            any Medical Condition that is not in the list of No
e. makes a claim for any loss or damage caused by                                                                  Screen Conditions, then You must tell Us about all the
                                                        For any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
   Your wilful act or caused with Your agreement,                                                                  Medical Conditions that You have, including those on
   knowledge or collusion.                              1. Any Medical Condition You have, or have had, for        the list of No Screen Conditions.
Then                                                       which You are taking prescribed medication or
                                                                                                                   Cover for any Medical Condition may be subject to an
                                                           are waiting to receive, or have received treatment
a. We may prosecute fraudulent claimants;                                                                          additional premium. This will be confirmed when You
                                                           (including surgery, tests or investigations) within
b. We may make the policy void from the date of the                                                                contact Us.
                                                           the six months prior to opening Your Platinum
   fraudulent act;                                                                                                 2. Any Medical Condition You have at a Health
                                                           Current Account or within the six months prior to
c. We will not pay any fraudulent claims;                                                                             Check Date for which You have received a
                                                           booking any Trip, whichever is later, unless You have
d. We will be entitled to recover from You the amount                                                                 terminal prognosis.
                                                           contacted Us and We have agreed, in writing to
   of any fraudulent claim already paid under Your
                                                           cover You.                                              3. Any Medical Condition You have at a Health Check
   policy since the start date;
                                                        If You wish to apply for cover for such Medical               Date of which You are aware and have sought, but
e. We shall not return any premium paid by You for
                                                        Conditions, You need to contact Us on 08458 50 53 00          not received, a diagnosis.
   the policy;
f. We may inform the Police of the circumstances.       at the following times:                                    4. Any Medical Condition You have at a Health
                                                        a. Upon opening Your Platinum Current Account if              Check Date for which You are on a waiting list or
                                                           You already have a Trip booked, or before You book         have knowledge of the need for surgery, in-patient
                                                           Your first Trip after opening Your Platinum Current        treatment or investigation at a hospital, clinic or
                                                           Account, and                                               nursing home.
                                                                                                                   5. Any Medical Condition You have in respect of
                                                                                                                      which a Medical Practitioner has advised You not
                                                                                                                      to travel or would have done so had You sought his/
                                                                                                                      her advice.
6. Any Medical Condition You have and for which              Crohn’s disease                                              Menopause/HRT
   You are not taking the recommended treatment              Cuts and abrasions (non self-inflicted)                      Menorrhagia
   or prescribed medication as directed by a                 Cyst – breast                                                Migraine (confirmed diagnosis, no ongoing investigations)
   Medical Practitioner.                                     Cyst – testicular                                            Nasal polyps
7. Any Medical Condition You have and for which              Cystitis                                                     Neuralgia
   You are travelling with the intention of obtaining        Deafness                                                     Neuritis
   treatment outside Your Home Area.                         Diabetes                                                     Nut allergy
                                                             Diarrhoea and/or vomiting                                    Osteochondritis
8. Your travel against any health requirements               Dislocated hip (not replacement hip)                         Osteoporosis
   stipulated by the carrier, their handling agents or any   Diverticulitis                                               Parkinson’s
   other Public Transport provider.                          Dyspepsia                                                    Pelvic inflammatory disease
No Screen Conditions (for which You do not need to           Eczema                                                       PMT (Pre-menstrual tension)
contact Us if all the Medical Conditions that You have       Epididymitis                                                 Pregnancy (no complications)
are included on the list below)                              Epilepsy                                                     Psoriasis
Achilles tendon injury                                       Essential tremor                                             Reflux oesophagitis
Acid excess                                                  Fungal nail infection                                        Retinal detachment
Acid reflux                                                  Gastric reflux                                               Rheumatism
Acne                                                         Glandular fever (not within 3 months of the planned trip)    Rhinitis
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)              Glaucoma                                                     RSI (Repetitive strain injury/Tendinitis)
Allergy (requiring no prescriptive                           Gout                                                         Shingles
treatment only)                                              Haemorrhoids                                                 Shoulder injury
Allergy (with Epipen if prescribed)                          Hayfever                                                     Sinusitis
Anal fissure/fistula                                         Hernia                                                       Sleep apnoea
Arthritis                                                    High blood pressure                                          Tendon injury
Asthma                                                       High cholesterol                                             Tendonitis
Benign prostatic enlargement                                 Hip replacement                                              Tinnitus
Blindness                                                    Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)                         Tonsillitis
Broken bone (not head or spine)                              Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)                         Urticaria
Carpal tunnel syndrome                                       Hysterectomy (provided carried out more than                 Varicose veins – legs only (if GP has confirmed fitness
Cataracts                                                    6 months ago)                                                to travel)
Chicken pox                                                  IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)                               Vertigo
Colitis (no hospital admissions in the last 12 months)       Impetigo
                                                             Macular degeneration
                                                                                                                          To declare a Medical Condition or a change in Your
Common cold/influenza                                                                                                     state of health or prescribed medication, You should
Corneal graft                                                ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, if only symptom is fatigue)
                                                             Meniere’s disease
                                                                                                                          contact us on: 08458 50 53 00.
Cosmetic surgery

General exclusions relating                                   4. The failure or fear of failure or inability of any          7. Your engagement in any sport or activity that is not
                                                                 equipment or any computer programme, whether or                in the list of Permitted Sports and Activities unless
to all sections of the policy                                    not You own it, to recognise or to interpret correctly         You have received Our prior agreement in writing.
We will not pay for claims arising directly or indirectly        or process any date as its true calendar date, or to        8. Your wilfully, self-inflicted injury or illness, suicide or
from:                                                            continue to function correctly beyond that date.               attempted suicide, sexually transmitted diseases,
1. War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities        5. Your pursuit of Winter Sports unless Sections J, K, L          solvent abuse, drug use (other than drugs taken in
   or warlike operations (whether war be declared                and M – Winter Sports are shown as operative in Your           accordance with treatment prescribed and directed
   or not), civil war, rebellion, Terrorism, revolution,         Upgrade schedule. However, even if Winter Sports               by a Medical Practitioner, but not for the treatment
   insurrection, civil commotion assuming the                    cover is included You are still not covered for the            of drug addiction), and putting Yourself at needless
   proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military          following activities: off-piste skiing without a guide,        risk (except in an attempt to save human life).
   or usurped power but this exclusion shall not apply to        skiing against local authoritative warning or advice,       9. You drinking too much alcohol or alcohol abuse
   losses under:                                                 ski stunting, free-style skiing, ice hockey, bobbing,          where it is reasonably foreseeable that such
                                                                 tobogganing, heli skiing, ski acrobatics, ski flying, ski
     •   Section B – Emergency medical, additional
                                                                 jumping, ski mountaineering, snowcat skiing, snow
                                                                                                                                consumption could result in an impairment of Your
         accommodation and travelling costs                                                                                     faculties and/or judgement resulting in a claim. We
                                                                 carting or the use of bob sleighs, luges or skeletons.         do not expect You to avoid alcohol on Your trips or
     •   Section C – Hospital benefit                            If You wish to participate in a winter sports activity         holidays, but We will not cover any claims arising
     •   Section D – Personal accident and travel                not mentioned in the list above or in the Winter               because You have drunk so much alcohol that Your
         accident cover                                          Sports definition, please refer to the Winter Sports           judgement is seriously affected and You need to
     unless such losses are caused by nuclear, chemical          Upgrade as We may be able to extend Your cover.                make a claim as a result.
     or biological attack, or the disturbances were already   6. Your engagement in or practice of the following,            10. You climbing on top of, or jumping from a vehicle
     taking place at the beginning of any Trip.                  unless You have received Our prior agreement in                 or jumping from a building or balcony, or climbing
2. Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity          writing: manual work in connection with a profession            or moving from any external part of any building
   from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste,              business or trade, professional entertainment, flying           to another part of the building or another building
   from combustion of nuclear fuel, the radioactive,             except as a fare paying passenger in a fully-licensed           (apart from stairs, ramps or walkways) and falling
   toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of             passenger carrying aircraft, the use of a moped,                regardless of the height, unless Your life is in danger
   any nuclear assembly or nuclear component of                  motorcycle, car, van, lorry or similar motorised                or You are attempting to save human life.
   such assembly.                                                vehicle unless a full United Kingdom driving licence        11. Your own unlawful action or any criminal
                                                                 is held permitting the use of such vehicles in the              proceedings against You.
3. Loss, destruction or damage directly occasioned by            United Kingdom and in the case of a moped or
   pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial            motorcycle, You and Your passenger are wearing
   devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.             a helmet.

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