How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD

Page created by Cathy Shaw
How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD

                      Your Community Energy Partner                 Spring 2018


INSIDE: Anatomy of a Substation | Watt’s the Cost | Loads of Line | How We Roll
  What Happens When a Power Outage is Reported | Proactive Tree Trimming
 What’s that Loud Bang? | Sensational Savings | A Safe & Quality Water Supply
How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD
2 Current ★ Spring 2018                                 How Things Work                                                                                                                        How Things Work                              Current ★ Spring 2018 3

Meet the Commissioners                                                                                                                    Energy Talk                                                                           Contents
President Kathleen Vaughn, who represents District 2, ap-           growth and economic development.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PAGE 4 & 5
plauds the great job that PUD customers have done in con-               As an Arlington resident, Logan has seen recent system im-
serving energy in homes and
                                                                    provements that have benefitted his community.
                                                                        “Tree trimming around power lines and system upgrades,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                From the Source
    “The cheapest electron is                                       including the new Eagle Creek Substation, aim to improve reli-                                                                                               »» Anatomy of a Substation
the one that we never have                                          ability in north Snohomish County,” he says.                            Easy Way to Help the Environment                                                     »» Watt’s the Cost
to generate,” Commissioner                                              The PUD’s online outage map, he notes, now has a report-            PUD customers can now enroll in the PUD’s new Carbon Solutions pro-                  »» Loads of Line
Vaughn says. “Conservation                                          ing form to make it easier for customers to quickly alert the           gram, which supports wind and solar energy projects in Washington, Idaho
saves the utility money, and it                                     utility to outages. While substation automation gives the PUD           and other western states. It’s another                                              PAGE 6 & 7
saves customers money.”                                             better data about outages, customers’ reports are still needed to
                                                                                                                                            way for you to support regional renew-
    She points to a range of
PUD programs that help
residents and businesses save,
                                                                    help pinpoint outages.
                                                                        Logan is passionate about making sure that employees and
                                                                    the public understand that the PUD is publicly owned and it
                                                                                                                                            able energy development. Customers
                                                                                                                                            can participate for as little as $4.50   CARB N                                     Ensuring
including discounts on LED
lights, rebates for weatherization and heat pumps, and incen-
                                                                    needs to be responsive to those we serve.
                                                                                                                                            per month. For more information, visit
                                                                                                                                                 SOLUTIONS                                  »» How We Roll
                                                                    Secretary Toni Olson, who represents District 3, believes                                                                                                    »» What Happens When a
tives that help businesses incorporate efficient equipment and                                                                                                                                                                      Power Outage is Reported?
                                                                    in the values of public power and its many contributions to
measures into their operations.
                                                                    Northwest communities.                                                  New PUD Hydropower Projects Come Online                                              »» Proactive Tree Trimming
    “We also offer an online tool, the Home Energy Profile, that
allows customers to conduct a short assessment of their energy          “At its heart, public power                                                                     This winter, the PUD brought online two new              »» What’s that Loud Bang?
use to learn how they can save on bills,” she says.                 means local control and own-                                                                        hydropower projects on Hancock & Calligan
     As a result of successful energy savings, Vaughn notes, the    ership of the PUD by you, its                                                                       Creeks in the mountains northeast of North              BACK COVER
PUD determined it did not need to pursue a final federal li-        customers,” Commissioner Ol-                                                                        Bend, Wash. The projects are located above
                                                                    son says. “As a not-for-profit                                                                                                                               »» Sensational Savings
cense at this time for a hydropower project on the South Fork                                                                                                           Snoqualmie Falls, an impassable barrier, so
Skykomish River.                                                    utility, the PUD charges only                                                                       there are no issues related to migrating salmon.         »» A Safe & Quality Water
    “We have several other local hydropower projects that are       what it costs to provide service.”                                                                  Together the projects provide enough power for
meeting our customers’ needs, including two new facilities              Public utilities in the North-
                                                                                                                                                                        up to 10,000 homes.
above Snoqualmie Falls,” Vaughn says. “We’ve had considerable       west, she notes, were granted                                                                                                                             
success operating these sites with input from the community,        “public preference” by Congress                                                                                                                           
state and federal agencies, and local tribes.”                      in the 1930s to receive low-cost                                        You Can Now Report Outages Online!                                                
    The utility’s focus, she states, is first and foremost on its   power from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), ben-
                                                                    efitting local communities, including many rural agricultural ar-       We’ve made changes to the PUD’s online outage map, including a new form to
                                                                    eas. Through their electricity rates, public utility customers have     easily report outages from a computer, tablet or smartphone. Customers will
Vice President Sid Logan, who represents District 1, ap-            paid the costs to operate and maintain the federal hydroelectric        just need their name, phone number
preciates the commitment by                                         facilities on the Columbia and Snake Rivers.                            and address of the outage. You’ll also
PUD employees to provide the                                            “Our region’s commitment to clean, local hydroelectric              notice improvements to the look and                                                         Customer Service
best possible service to custom-                                    power has meant lower rates for all our residents and given our         feel of the map, along with better data                                                     (M-F, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
ers.                                                                businesses a competitive edge,” Olson says.                             displays. Check it out at                                                       425-783-1000
     “As a public utility, we’re                                        Olson warns that federal budget proposals to privatize BPA          outagemap – or with a smartphone by                                                         Energy Hotline
frequently in the community                                         and sell off the regional transmission system would strip local         visiting                                                                      Your source for energy-
interacting with customers,                                         control from the region and put historically low-cost electricity                                                                                                   efficiency information
whether performing mainte-                                          rates at risk.                                                          Also watch for improvements to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
nance in the field, participat-                                         “We’ve seen utilities and the Northwest Congressional del-          PUD’s online SnoPAY bill pay-
ing in an Arbor Day event, or                                       egation strongly oppose these proposals, which would under-             ment tool, coming soon!
holding an open house to share                                      mine reliable and affordable energy,” she says.
information about a new proj-                                           It’s customers’ long-standing support of public power, Ol-
ect,” says Commissioner Logan. “We also work with local cities,     son emphasizes, now and into the future, that protects the sys-
the county and businesses to address a range of issues such as      tem we’ve invested in for decades.                                    Editor: Neil Neroutsos | Design: Wendy Parris
                                                                                                                                          Photography: Krysta Rasmussen
                                                                                                                                          Email your comments to:                                       Vol. 30. Number 1 | Published May 2018
How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD
4 Current ★ Spring 2018                              How Things Work                                                                                                            How Things Work                                 Current ★ Spring 2018 5

From the Source
    The bulk of the PUD’s energy comes from the giant generators                                                        Voltage is reduced to 230,000 volts at a                At PUD substations, voltage is
                                                                             From hydroelectric facilities,             Snohomish County BPA substation in                      reduced to 12,500 volts and
    at Chief Joseph, Grand Coulee and other hydroelectric dams
                                                                             electricity is transported on              Monroe and relayed to BPA’s Murray,                     distributed on primary and secondary
    feeding the Bonneville Power Administration’s Northwest
                                                                             500,000-volt transmission lines.           Snohomish or SnoKing substations.                       lines to homes and businesses.
    grid. Electric power has a long journey to get to the homes and
    businesses served by your PUD.                                                                                                       At the BPA substation, the voltage is reduced                          Nearing journey’s end, power is
                                                                                                                                         again to 115,000 volts, then sent over                                 stepped down to 120/240 volts and
                                                                                                                                         transmission lines to PUD substations.                                 delivered to PUD customers.

                                                                                                                                                                     To figure energy costs for an item in your home, first identify the wattage.
  Anatomy of a Substation                                                                                                                                            Next determine the monthly kilowatt-hour (kWh) usage by multiplying
                                                                                                                                                                     wattage by the hours per month it’s used, and then dividing by 1,000 to
                                                                      Bushings are insulated fittings for carrying                                                   convert it to kWh. Finally, multiply the kWh number by the kilowatt rate.
                                    Insulators are support            conductors through the enclosure of electrical                                                 For example, if you used a 600-watt fan for 40 hours per month, you would:
                                    devices to insulate wires from    equipment, such as a transformer.
                                    each other and from the tower.                                                                                                   Figure kWh usage:
                                                                                                                                                                     (600 watts x 40 hours) ÷ 1,000 = 24 kWh per month
                                    Incoming 115,000-volt                      Transformer steps down
                                    transmission lines
                                                                               voltage from 115,000 volts to                Watt’s the Cost?                         Multiply by rate:
                                                                                                                                                                     24 kWh x 10.4 ¢ = $2.50/month
                                                                               12,500 volts.
                                    entering substation.
                                                                                         Control building                                                 Looking for tips to help trim your energy costs? Check out
                                    Circuit switcher                                     houses circuit breakers,
                                    interrupts current as needed                         relays, metering and other
                                    to protect transformer.                              controls.
                                                                                                                                             Loads of Line
                                                                                                                                             The PUD maintains more than 6,400 miles of electrical line within our service territory
                                                                                                                                             – enough to stretch from Everett to Boston and back!

                                        Underground 12,500-                     Underground fiber-optic lines
                                        volt distribution lines                 for communications between substation
                                        for delivery to customers.              and PUD energy control center.
How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD
6 Current ★ Spring 2018                              How Things Work                                                                                                                            How Things Work                             Current ★ Spring 2018 7

Ensuring Reliability                                                                                                                      Proactive Tree Trimming
                                                                                                                                          • One of the most cost-effective reliability efforts
How We Roll                                                                                                                               • Crews trim brush along up to 500 circuit miles of
PUD bucket trucks are used by four-person crews to handle the bulk of repairs.                                                              lines annually
Buckets can rise 55 feet in the air, with lift control                                                                                    • The entire system is trimmed on a cycle of seven
allowing easy up-and-down and side-to-side pivoting.                                             Halogen spotlight                          years or less
                                                         Tool buckets keep essential
                                                         items within easy reach.
handler on
driver’s side of                                                                                                                                                                                                  What’s that Loud Bang I
bucket allows
for easy lifting                                                                                                                                                                                                  Heard From My Neighborhood
of supplies                                                                                                                                                                                                       Power Pole?
from the                                                                                                                                                       Hood painted black to reduce
ground.                                                                                                                                                        glare and increase visibility.

     Safety items are                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cutout/Fuse
     kept in readily                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Open when there’s
     accessible                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a problem with the
     locations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               line or section of it,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              breaking the circuit.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Wire spool used                  Many people assume it’s a blown transformer.
                                                                                                                                                                                 with winches to pull
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  However, what sounds like a gunshot or bang
                            Bin for climbing gear,       Bins for tools, parts   Spools hold      Heated bin to keep                       Outrigger extends                     and coil wire.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is more often a blown fuse, often caused by an
                            ropes and supplies.          and supplies.           spare wire.      jackets, gloves and other                to help stabilize truck.                                               animal or a falling branch.
                                                                                                  items warm and dry.

What Happens When a Power Outage is Reported?

1                       !                  2                                       3                                                 4                                    5                                                  6
        Customer calls the                                                                  Service crew investigates and
     PUD or visits the utility’s                Outage is recorded at PUD             makes a repair if possible. If it’s a larger      Once completed, field crew                    ECC gives the final OK               Throughout the process, the ECC’s
    website to report an outage.              Energy Control Center (ECC),            job –Œfor example, new pole installation       reports back to the PUD ECC that                  to re-energize lines.            number one priority is ensuring the safety
        (425-783-1001 or                       reflected on the outage map               or transformer replacements –Œa                      the job is done.                                                               of customers and PUD crews.                         and work is assigned.                   four-person team is called out.
How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD
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Sensational Savings
             1,000                                                                                    75
                                                                                        Dollars offered to customers who
   Home weatherization projects
                                                                                         purchase and install a qualified
completed by customers in 2017 for
                                                                                         smart thermostat in their home.
 better comfort and energy savings.

                                                    11 Million
                                            Energy-efficient light bulbs used in
                                                 local homes since 2001.
                                       H                                            H
                                           Businesses that the PUD helped with
                                           energy efficiency projects last year –
                                            from schools and manufacturers to
                                               hospitals and local retailers.
How Things WORK - Snohomish County PUD
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