Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook - A Program of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon 7501 Church Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202 ...

Page created by Glenn Campbell
Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook - A Program of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon 7501 Church Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202 ...
Wooden Ladder Preschool
        Parent Handbook

A Program of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon
         7501 Church Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202

                      *updated June 2020*
Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook - A Program of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon 7501 Church Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202 ...
Table of Contents
  Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
  A Letter from Pastor Donna .................................................................................................................................................... 2
  Introduction to Wooden Ladder Preschool ............................................................................................................................. 3
     Program Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
     Wooden Ladder 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
     Wooden Ladder 3 ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
     Wooden Ladder 4 ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
     Wooden Ladder Friday ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
  Enrollment and Admission Policies ......................................................................................................................................... 7
     For Immediate Registration During the Current School Year ............................................................................................. 7
     For Currently Enrolled Students Registering for the Following School Year ....................................................................... 7
     For New Students Registering for the Following School Year ............................................................................................. 7
     Requirements for Registration ............................................................................................................................................ 7
  Tuition Schedule and Fees....................................................................................................................................................... 8
  Calendar & School Closure Information ................................................................................................................................ 9
  School Activities & Events..................................................................................................................................................... 10
     Children’s Birthdays .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
     Class Lists .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
     Field Trips .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
     Programs and Parties ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
     Progress Reports and Parent/Teacher Conferences ......................................................................................................... 10
     School Pictures .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
     Show and Share................................................................................................................................................................. 11
     Special Visits ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
     Speech, Language, and Hearing Screenings ...................................................................................................................... 11
     Vision Screenings .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
     Summer Programs ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
     Fundraisers........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
     School Survey .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
  Policies & Procedures........................................................................................................................................................... 12
     Attendance and Arrival/Dismissal Procedures.................................................................................................................. 12
     Clothing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
     Supplies ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
     Health ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
     Snacks................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
     Accident/Incident Reports ................................................................................................................................................ 14
     Discipline ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14
     Trial Period ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
     Clearances ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
     Emergency Action Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
     Key Cards/Fobs.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
     Elevator Use ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
     Parking Lot/Safety Requirements Document ................................................................................................................... 15
     Social Media ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
     Handbook Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................... 16
     Other Needs ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
  The Wooden Ladder Staff ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
  The Wooden Ladder Board of Directors ............................................................................................................................... 18
  Special Thanks....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
  Appendix A – Refunds of Tuition Payments........................................................................................................................... 19
  Appendix B – FBI Fingerprinting Waiver Form ................................................................................................................... 20
  Appendix C – Key Card/Fob Agreement ............................................................................................................................... 21
  Appendix D – Safety Requirements Document ...................................................................................................................... 22
  Appendix E – Acknowledgement of Parent Handbook .......................................................................................................... 23
Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                                                                                   1
A Letter from Pastor Donna

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon, I welcome you to Wooden Ladder. Wooden
Ladder is one of our ministries for which we are grateful and are committed to continuing to support.

My name is Donna Giver-Johnston. I am the Pastor of the church. I am thrilled to read to your children once a
month. Some books I read have a religious or a moral message; other books are just fun to read and talk about
with the kids. I always try to involve them in a discussion or project about the book. I look forward to meeting
your children and you too.

Tracey Mundorf is the Administrative Assistant. You will see her friendly face in the front office. She will get to
know you and your children as you come and go in the entryway.

Community Presbyterian Church is just that—a community church. We believe in opening our doors to people
who come. However, we are also committed to keeping safe those who do come through our doors. We will do
our part in keeping a clean and safe place for your children to be. We ask you to help us to keep your children
safe by holding their hands across the parking lot and street, keeping an eye on them in the building and not letting
them run around unsupervised. A church is a place where people work and worship, and so we ask you to help
model for them respect. Please do let your teachers know if there is a problem in the building somewhere and we
will do our best to correct it in a timely manner, so that all of God’s children can be safe.

If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to become a part of our family of faith. We worship on
Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM, with Sunday school for children of all ages and nursery care during that time. We
also have many other programs for all ages. We hope you will join us!

Joyfully in Christ’s service,
Pastor Donna

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                    2
Introduction to Wooden Ladder Preschool
The Wooden Ladder Preschool is a non-profit outreach program of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben
Avon (CPCBA). The preschool has been serving the Avonworth and North Boroughs communities for more than
40 years. We pride ourselves on our long-standing commitment to children and families in these areas.

The Wooden Ladder Staff have many years of experience, and are cheerful and loving. A volunteer Board of
Directors governs the Wooden Ladder Preschool. As members of our community, our Staff and Board of
Directors take great care in serving local families and their children through this ministry. There is a Christian
emphasis in the Wooden Ladder Preschool programs as well as open communication with the CPCBA Session
and members of the church.

           Wooden Ladder Preschool is located at The Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon:
                                            7501 Church Avenue
                                            Pittsburgh, PA 15202
                                           Phone: (412) 761-9195
                               Website: www.woodenladderpreschool.com
                               Email: woodenladderpreschool@gmail.com

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                  3
Program Overview
Below are the programs that Wooden Ladder offers. Our curriculum focus areas and each specific program
details are described below as well. Tuition information can be found in our “Tuition Cost” section.

                                            Student’s                Program
            Program                                                                   Program Times
                                               Age                     Days
      Wooden Ladder 2                     2 and 3 years,              Every      AM Session: 9:00 to 11:30
     (PM Session pending             must be age 2 by Sept 1st       Thursday
     minimum enrollment)                                                         PM Session: 12:30 to 3:00
       Wooden Ladder 3                    3 and 4 years,          Monday,        AM Session: 9:00 to 11:30
                                     must be age 3 by Sept 1st    Tuesday,
                                                                 Wednesday       PM Session: 12:30 to 3:00
       Wooden Ladder 4                    4 and 5 years           Monday,        AM Session: 9:00 to 11:30
                                       (Pre-Kindergarten),        Tuesday,
                                     must be age 4 by Sept 1st   Wednesday,       PM Session: 12:30 to 3:00
    Wooden Ladder Friday               Offered to currently        Every         AM Session: 9:00 to 11:30
     (Pending minimum                 enrolled WL3 & WL4           Friday
        enrollment)                          students                              No PM Session offered

The curriculum for all Wooden Ladder programs encourages the children in their cognitive, social, listening,
language and physical development. In an atmosphere of Christian love and caring, the preschool helps children
develop new skills, social competence and a feeling of self-worth by:

   Providing a nurturing environment where children learn at their own developmental pace
   Stressing the excitement of learning in a challenging and structured environment
   Helping children gain self-confidence and self-control
   Developing age appropriate listening skills
   Encouraging the development of fine and gross motor skills through dance, music, art and manipulatives

The teaching methods used include verbal, visual and experiential.

There are many opportunities to encourage interaction between CPCBA, the children and their families, the Board
of Directors, and the staff of the Wooden Ladder Preschool.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                            4
The table below provides an overview of the five main developmental areas the Wooden Ladder curriculums
focus on:
    Developmental Area                                       Overview of Competencies
   Physical Well-Being and       Movement and Coordination focuses on the competencies that extend and refine
     Motor Development           notions of body image and the body’s capabilities. These competencies also provide
                                 opportunities for enhancing time, space and language concepts as well as social

                                 The basic competencies ask the child to stop and start movement according to a signal,
                                 maintain balance, move through space, with or without obstacles, in a variety of ways,
                                 throw and kick objects, and move cooperatively with others through a variety of tasks
                                 or traditional childhood games. The child uses the body to interpret music and to
                                 perform pantomimes.
     Social and Emotional        These competencies focus on the development of those emotional social skills that
         Development             enable the young child to function independently within the social setting of the class
                                 group. These include developing a sense of who he/she is and his/her capacities,
                                 beginning with a sense of physical body image. The child will also learn those
                                 interpersonal, social skills essential to interacting with others, such as the “give and
                                 take” of being part of a group and the need to sometimes delay or defer his or her own
                                 immediate desires, given the demands of the group.
   Approaches to Learning        The foundation for the manner in which children will later approach academic work in
                                 kindergarten and beyond is established gradually, through the experiences and
                                 expectations that children encounter in play and activities at the preschool level.
                                 These competencies focus on gently guiding children to develop a methodology for
                                 approaching different activities, to develop memory skills, follow directions, persist at
                                 a task, identify the materials and steps needed to carry out an activity, evaluate and
                                 correct their own work and so on.
           Language              The competencies focused on for language development fall into 4 categories: oral
                                 language, nursery rhymes, poems, finger plays and songs, storybook reading and
                                 storytelling and, finally, emerging literacy skills in reading and writing.
   Knowledge Acquisition         In this developmental area, the competencies focused on fall under the categories of
      and Cognitive              mathematical reasoning and number sense, orientation in time and space, scientific
      Development                reasoning and the physical world, music and visual arts.

Wooden Ladder 2
The Wooden Ladder 2 program is for children ages 2 through 3 years; child must be age 2 by September 1 st. The
Wooden Ladder 2 class meets on Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. An additional Thursday afternoon session
12:30 to 3:00 p.m. may be opened pending minimum enrollment. The class is limited to 6 students for every 1
teacher, with a total class size of 18 students.

This introductory class helps children learn social skills, gain self-confidence, and exposes them to beginning
concepts such as colors, shapes and numbers. Each class includes story time, song and dance, simple crafts,
games and free play. The curriculum for the Wooden Ladder 2 program is Christian-based and encourages
kindness, cooperation and sharing. This class reinforces that God loves them.

Wooden Ladder 3
The Wooden Ladder 3 program is for potty trained children ages 3 to 4 years; child must be age 3 by September
1st. The class meets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The morning session meets from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
and the afternoon session meets from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. The class is instructed by a lead teacher and an assistant
teacher. The classes are limited to 18 students.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                        5
The Wooden Ladder 3 curriculum focuses on five developmental areas as noted above. The children learn through
large and small group activities such as circle time, directed centers, reading, writing, math, science, games and
Christian education.

Wooden Ladder 4
The Wooden Ladder 4 program is a Pre-Kindergarten program for children ages 4 to 5 who anticipate a transition
to Kindergarten the following school year; child must be age 4 by September 1st. This four day per week class
meets Monday through Thursday. The morning session meets from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and the afternoon session
meets from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. The class is instructed by a lead teacher and an assistant teacher. The classes are
limited to 20 students.

The Wooden Ladder 4 curriculum focuses on the five developmental areas as noted above. Children learn in small
and large groups through directed centers. Activities include reading, writing, language arts, math and science.
The teachers work to ensure that the children who complete the Wooden Ladder 4 program have all of the skills
needed to enter kindergarten.

Wooden Ladder Friday
The Friday session is open to WL3 and WL4 students. A combination of small group work time and whole group
activities extends upon the skills, activities, and concepts of the week. Additional activities may include
educational games, art, science activities, sand table, play dough, and crafts. This program allows children more
time to explore, discover and expand upon the skills they are learning in their weekly classes, as well as to have
fun learning and playing with friends.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                               6
Enrollment and Admission Policies
For Immediate Registration During the Current School Year
As spots are available, we are able to accept completed registration packets for enrollment. Registration packets
can be picked up from a staff member or are available on our website. To register, families may submit a
completed registration packet, including registration fee, and the child’s first month’s full tuition payment to the
address below.

For Currently Enrolled Students Registering for the Following School Year
We will hold a Closed Registration event for currently enrolled students; specific event details are announced
mid-year by our Lead Teachers. Currently enrolled students whose completed registration packets are received
during the Closed Registration Event are guaranteed a space in the next year’s program, however class sessions
(AM or PM) are not guaranteed. During the Event, parent/guardian will request desired class session and submit
a completed registration packet for each currently enrolled student. Tuition Accounts must be in good financial
standing. Completed registration packets received outside of the Closed Registration Event will be considered in
the Open Enrollment Period; spaces are not guaranteed. A confirmation letter will be sent with information
regarding class enrollment, tuition payments, Open House, and the first day of school.

For New Students Registering for the Following School Year
All other students who are not currently enrolled in our program may for the register following school year by
mailing or returning completed registration packets to the address below beginning January 1 st.

During the Open Enrollment Period, completed registration packets for new students will be processed after the
Closed Registration Event and placement of current students attending our Closed Registration Event is
completed. Any available class spaces will be offered by student status; siblings of current students, CPCBA
members, and members of the community, and in the order in which registrations were received. Class sessions
(AM or PM) are not guaranteed. Class waiting lists are available. Registration Fees will be deposited upon
child’s placement. A confirmation letter will be sent with information regarding class enrollment, tuition
payments, Open House, and the first day of school.

Requirements for Registration
A completed Registration Packet that includes the following:
 A Registration Fee of $40.00 for one child or $60.00 for 2 or more children
 Emergency Medical Consent form
 Permission Form(s) for Health Screenings, Field Trips, Photographs/Social Media, etc.
 Child’s Current Health Report (due by first day of school if physical does not occur prior to registration)

A child must be the class’s required age by September 1st in order to enroll in the desired Wooden Ladder class. A
child wishing to enroll in our Wooden Ladder 3 and Wooden Ladder 4 programs must be potty trained. Wooden
Ladder Preschool is a private/non-public preschool and open to all children regardless of race, color, national or
ethnic origin, or religious affiliation.

Registration packets can be picked up from a staff member or are available on our website. For more information,
email your request to Wooden Ladder Preschool at woodenladderpreschool@gmail.com. Completed forms can be
mailed to:
                                           Wooden Ladder Preschool
                                             Attention: Registration
                                              7501 Church Avenue
                                              Pittsburgh, PA 15202

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                  7
Tuition Schedule and Fees
    Tuition for Wooden Ladder Preschool is a full year commitment and shall be paid with the following options:
     One payment by check for the full year’s tuition
     Nine (9) monthly payments: invoice received monthly from our Financial Administrator; payments are due
        the first day of each month September through April and are paid one month in advance.
     The initial tuition payment is due by May 1st, preceding the school year; this payment is non-refundable
        and secures the child’s placement in the Wooden Ladder Preschool Program beginning in September.
     Make checks payable to Wooden Ladder Preschool and note child’s name in the memo section. Cash
        payments are not preferred; however, if a cash payment is necessary it is your responsibility to get a receipt as
        proof of payment from our Financial Administrator at the time of payment. Deposit checks in the box outside
        the Wooden Ladder classrooms or mail checks to the address below:
                                                  Wooden Ladder Preschool
                                                    7501 Church Avenue
                                                    Pittsburgh, PA 15202

         Program                      Tuition               When to Pay
                                                                                   to Pay
                                                                                                      Where to Pay
                                   $80.00/month       1st day of each month and    Check       Mail or deposit check in box
    Wooden Ladder 2                     or              one month in advance                    outside Wooden Ladder
                                   $720.00/year                                                         classrooms
                                  $150.00/month       1st day of each month and     Check      Mail or deposit check in box
    Wooden Ladder 3                     or              one month in advance                    outside Wooden Ladder
                                  $1,350.00/year                                                        classrooms
                                  $200.00/month       1st day of each month and     Check      Mail or deposit check in box
    Wooden Ladder 4                     or              one month in advance                    outside Wooden Ladder
                                  $1,800.00/year                                                        classrooms
   Wooden Ladder Friday            $50.00/month       1st day of each month and     Check      Mail or deposit check in box
(for currently enrolled WL3             or              one month in advance                    outside Wooden Ladder
   & WL4 students only)            $450.00/year                                                         classrooms

    A $5.00 late fee will be assessed for any payments received after the 1st of each month. An additional $5.00 late
    fee assessed for each monthly payment after payment is late thereafter. Should a student become behind in
    payments for two months or more, Wooden Ladder Preschool reserves the right to ask that the student not attend
    class until the payment is made in full. In order for a student and/or sibling to continue in the program from year
    to year, all previous years’ tuition payments must be made in full.

    Wooden Ladder Preschool is solely reliant on tuition payments to cover the cost of staffing and programming.
    Therefore, there are no discounts or refunds for illness, holidays, school vacations, personal vacations, leave of
    absence, or school cancellations. Any refund requests will be evaluated at the discretion of the Board of Directors,
    see Appendix A.

    In appropriate circumstances, Tuition Assistance may be available depending upon individual need and the
    availability of funds. Tuition must be paid in full until assistance is awarded. To obtain a Tuition Assistance
    application or discuss any financial questions or concerns, such as a family emergency or financial crisis that may
    affect your tuition payment, our Financial Administrator can be contacted by either phone or email found below:
                                          Susan Thornton, Financial Administrator
                                               Phone: 412-761-9195, ext. 28
                                     Email: woodenladderfinancialadmin@cpcba.org
    Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                 8
Calendar & School Closure Information
The Wooden Ladder Preschool follows the Avonworth School District calendar for holidays, vacations, and
teacher in-service days, as well as decisions on weather cancellations.

The Wooden Ladder Preschool starts the Tuesday after Labor Day and ends the last full week in May prior to
Memorial Day. There will be an Open House for students & a caregiver to visit the classroom and meet the
teachers prior to the first day of school.

Your child’s teacher will provide a detailed calendar on the first day of school, as well as a monthly
calendar/newsletter via email. For our current calendar of events utilize our website:

We typically observe the following holidays:
 Columbus Day                                                   Martin Luther King Jr. Day
 Veterans’ Day                                                  Presidents’ Day
 Thanksgiving Vacation                                          Spring Vacation
 Winter Vacation

For non-weather-related emergencies, parents/guardians will be notified as soon as possible via email and the
closure will be posted online. Wooden Ladder Preschool does not make up snow days and refunds will not be
given for days that cannot be rescheduled. The table below illustrates what the Wooden Ladder Preschool does
when the Avonworth School District delays or cancels classes.

                 If Avonworth…                          Then the preschool                     Will…
                                                            class of…
Closes due to Weather                                      All Classes                          Close
Delays by 1 or 2 hours due to Weather                        All Classes           Start and end at regular times
Declares delay/closure due to non-weather-                   All Classes           Start and end at regular times
related reason that does not affect the Wooden
Ladder Preschool (i.e. power outage)

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                  9
School Activities & Events
Children’s Birthdays
The preschool staff wants to make each child’s birthday special. Classroom teachers will notify parents as to
when birthday celebrations will occur. Special treats (nut-free snacks, party favor bags, etc.) may be sent in for
the child’s birthday celebration. Teachers will schedule a celebration during the school year for those children
with summer birthdays. Please refer to our “Snacks” section for more information regarding food-related treats.

Should you choose to celebrate your child’s birthday outside of the classroom with others from their class, please
refrain from passing out invitations if you will not be including the entire class.

Class Lists
At the beginning of the school year, class lists are distributed to the parents/guardians of each class. The class list
includes student name, parent names, address, and email address. If you do not want your child’s information on
the list, or certain information omitted from the list, please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible.

Field Trips
Field trips may be scheduled for Wooden Ladder 3 and 4. Parents/Guardians will be given at least 24 hours
notice for any activity where students will leave the Church property.
Child field trip costs are paid for by Wooden Ladder Preschool. Parents/Guardians may be asked to chaperone
the field trip at an additional cost per chaperone. Teachers will request chaperones via a sign-up sheet prior to the
event. Chaperones are limited to adults only. Siblings may not attend the field trips for liability reasons.
Clearances are required for all parent chaperones.

Programs and Parties
For the Wooden Ladder 3 and Wooden Ladder 4 classes there will be a Christmas Program and a Graduation
Ceremony. The children and teachers work hard to prepare special songs and finger plays for these events.
Families and siblings are encouraged to attend. Dates will be announced at the beginning of the school year.

In addition, there are holiday parties in each class celebrating Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Easter/Spring.
Party dates will be announced at the beginning of each school year. Other than the party snack, edible treats are
highly discouraged. If you wish to send something in for all of the children to take home, please choose items
such as pencils, stickers, or other novelty items, rather than food items. Please include all children in your child’s
class. Volunteer opportunities are available for parties for Wooden Ladder 3 and Wooden Ladder 4 only and
teachers will request party volunteers via a sign-up sheet prior to the party date. Siblings may not attend
classroom parties for liability reasons. Clearances are required for all volunteers.

Progress Reports and Parent/Teacher Conferences
Progress reports will be issued during the school year; one during the fall term and one during the spring term, for
Wooden Ladder 3 and 4 students. There will be a Parent/Teacher conference offered for WL 3 and WL 4 students
during the fall term. Additional Parent/Teacher conferences may be requested by parents or teachers as needed
throughout the year.

Please do not try to discuss concerns with a teacher during arrival and dismissal time. The teacher will not be
able to focus on your conversation because of the increased activity demanding the teacher’s attention. Instead,
you may email the teacher or call the school for an appointment to discuss your concerns.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                   10
School Pictures
Individual and class pictures for all Wooden Ladder Preschool classes will be taken in the fall. The pictures will
be available before the Christmas vacation. Information and costs will be sent home with your child prior to
picture day. Make-up days for pictures are not scheduled.

Show and Share
The Wooden Ladder 3 and 4 teachers will inform you of when Show and Share days occur. This is the only time
a child may bring a toy from home. Please know that parts of a multi-pieced toy can be lost. Other children may
handle the toy. Also, do not allow the child to bring anything that is fragile, dangerous, or valuable.

Special Visits
Throughout the school year, various special programs and classroom visits may be offered for the enrichment of
the preschool’s students. We always welcome new group visits; please feel free to share with the Lead Teachers
or Board Members any ideas of other possible visits.

In the past, the following groups have come to the preschool and have been well received:
 Mystery Reader Program                                      Musicians
 Local Police and Fire Department                            Puppeteers
 Dentists                                                    National Aviary
 Veterinarians                                               Symphony Members
 Gymnastic Instructor                                        Librarians

Speech, Language, and Hearing Screenings
A local agency will provide speech, language and hearing screenings to students enrolled in Wooden Ladder 3 as
well as any Wooden Ladder 4 students who have not been previously screened. Child participation is optional; a
parent/guardian may be required to sign an ‘opt-out’ form prior to the screening date if you wish not to
participate. Notice of this event will be sent home with your child. Make-up screenings are not offered.

Vision Screenings
Vision Screenings are offered to Wooden Ladder 3 and Wooden Ladder 4 students to assess the need for referral
to an eye care professional. There is no charge for this service and child participation is optional; a
parent/guardian may be required to sign an ‘opt-out’ form prior to the screening date if you wish not to
participate. Notice of this event will be sent home with your child. Make-up screenings will not be offered.

Summer Programs
The Wooden Ladder Preschool may offer summer camps, taught by a Wooden Ladder Preschool lead teacher and
assistant. Camps may be theme-based or designed to offer academic skills maintenance and enrichment over the
summer. Information will be available in the spring.

The Wooden Ladder Preschool may sponsor fundraiser(s) during the school year. The fundraiser is voluntary, but
families are encouraged to participate. Past fundraisers have been very successful because of great participation.
Please note that the Preschool staff and Board take great care in selecting the fundraiser and choose fundraisers
that are inexpensive and easy to manage.

School Survey
During the school year, surveys may be given to each family. The surveys are used to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of Wooden Ladder’s preschool programs. The surveys are very important to the success of the
preschool. Parents can remain anonymous when completing the survey.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                11
Policies & Procedures
Attendance and Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
     Ensure that your child attends school regularly and arrives on time.
     Stay with your child until the classroom door is opened and your child has entered the classroom.
     Parents/Guardians are to wait in the hallway until the teacher brings the child to the doorway for dismissal.
     If you will be late picking up your child please notify the preschool as soon as possible. The Wooden Ladder
      Preschool reserves the right to charge a late fee of $5.00 for every 10 minutes past the latest pick up time.
     Please refrain from arriving more than 5 minutes prior to the start or end of class as it can be disruptive to
      other activities happening at CPCBA or in the classrooms. The table below lists the times at which you may
      arrive with and pick up your child:

                                          Arrival Times                            Pick Up Times
           Program                 Earliest           Latest              Earliest                 Latest
    All AM Class Sessions          8:55 a.m.         9:05 a.m.           11:25 a.m.              11:35 a.m.
    All PM Class Sessions         12:25 p.m.        12:35 p.m.           2:55 p.m.               3:05 p.m.

Children will not be released into the custody of anyone other than those listed on the Registration Form. If your
child needs to be released to a person whose name is not on the Registration Form, a written notice signed and
dated by the parent must be sent to the preschool. An email or phone call listing this information is also
acceptable. Proof of that person’s identification may be required when picking up the child.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to supervise his/her child(ren) at arrival and pick-up time.
Do not let your child(ren) wander the hallways, stairways or bathrooms unattended.

Children’s clothing should be casual since preschool activities are sometimes very active. Your potty-trained child
should be able to manage his/her clothing when going to the bathroom. Shoes should be comfortable, sturdy and
appropriate for active play; flip-flops are discouraged. If your child wears rain or snow boots, please send
appropriate shoes for indoor wear. Shoes must be worn at all times in the classroom. Clearly label all outer
clothing and backpack with child’s name.

Though careful care is taken when children are using paint or other supplies, please have a set of seasonally
appropriate clothes available at the school in the event of an accident or other reason that may require a change of
clothing. Place extra clothing in a 1-gallon Ziplock bag clearly marked with the child’s name and class session
(3/4 AM/PM) on the front of the bag; be sure to include shirt, pants, underwear, and socks. These items will be
returned to you at the end of the school year.

For Wooden Ladder 2 students who are not yet potty trained, please have the child in clothing that allows for easy
access to diapering. Additionally, the parents must provide diapers and wipes.

Parents/Guardians will be asked to provide some supplies for the school year. Teachers will send an email with
the list of requested supplies with their Welcome Letter prior to the start of the school year.
Additionally, throughout the year, Lead Teachers may occasionally send a “wish list” of school supplies needed
in their class. If you have any items that may be great for a project, such as spare ceramic tiles, fabric, or yarn,
please check with the teachers to see if they can use the materials in a creative way.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                  12
Child’s current health report is required by the first day of school. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires
that all children have a physical exam prior to the start of preschool and are properly immunized for their own

If your child shows any signs of illness, including but not limited to the list below, please keep your child at
home. A child who is unwell does not enjoy school. Typically, a 24-hour period of rest after symptoms subside
prevents the illness from becoming more serious.

   Fever                                                         Rash
   Diarrhea                                                      Nasal, eye or ear discharge
   Vomiting
If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible
via email or phone message. If your child has been exposed to any contagious viruses or diseases, report them to
the preschool as soon as possible. Examples of contagious viruses or diseases are COVID, strep throat,
ringworm, flu, pink eye, ear infections, measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, scarlet fever, head lice,
and “hand, foot and mouth.”

Medications, prescribed or otherwise, will not be administered to children by staff. However, in the event daily or
emergency medication is required please provide a signed statement from your doctor with diagnosis,
preventative measures and explicit instructions about giving your child medication, as well as permission to do so.
In the event of an emergency, our staff will call 911.

Please report any allergies your child may have. As daily snacks will be served at the preschool it is important
our staff is aware of food-related allergies. Wooden Ladder Preschool is a nut-free facility. Refer to our
“Snacks” section for more information.

Parents are asked to supply snacks for their child’s class on rotation. The child’s snack day will be indicated on
the monthly class calendar sent via email from our Lead Teachers. Please provide snacks that are healthy and
appropriate for preschool children. Wooden Ladder provides cups and napkins.

Please inform your child’s teacher if there is any allergies and/or medical conditions affected by food. Severely
allergic children and children with medical conditions may be asked to provide their own daily snack as a matter
of precaution.

Wooden Ladder Preschool is a Peanut/Tree Nut Free Zone. We may have children that attend the church and
the preschool that have severe allergies to anything that contains peanuts and/or tree nuts. That does include
peanut butter as well as products cooked in peanut oil; e.g., potato chips. Please look at the food ingredient label
for warnings about peanut/tree nut ingredients and/or possible exposure to peanut/tree nut products.

Special birthday treats are permitted, but not required, please adhere to the policies listed above when sending in
birthday treats.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                  13
Accident/Incident Reports
Accident/Incident Reports are completed by teachers and given to parents/guardians whenever an injury or
problem behavior occurs during school hours. Please review these reports when received. Address any questions
or concerns with your child’s teacher as soon as possible.

Please feel free to discuss with the teachers what works best for your child. Wooden Ladder wishes to provide a
fun and safe environment for all of the children. However, when disciplining a child, the Wooden Ladder
Preschool teachers follow the procedure below:

1. The teacher will first attempt to use redirection/distraction to stop the undesired behavior.
2. If a child does not respond to the redirection/distraction, then the child will be asked to sit next to the teacher.
3. If the undesired behavior continues, the child will be given a warning to stop the undesired behavior.
4. If the child does not stop the behavior after the warning, the child will be asked to sit in a chair for an age-
   appropriate time; i.e., one minute for each year of the child’s age.
5. If the child continues the undesired behavior, the parent will be notified by Accident/Incident Report or phone
   call (if behavior is particularly disruptive).
6. In the event that a student is demonstrating excessively aggressive behavior the parent/guardian will be called
   and asked to immediately pick up their child from school. The child will then be required to miss the next
   day of school as a cooling off period.
7. If another incident occurs resulting in the parent/guardian being asked to pick up the student from preschool,
   the student will then be required to miss one week of school. A parent/teacher conference will be required
   and a board member will be in attendance at the conference. If an action plan cannot be agreed on, the
   student may be asked to leave the preschool.

Trial Period
All students are accepted on a six-week trial basis. If it is felt that a child is not adjusting to the program, the
preschool may ask you to withdraw the child.

Effective January 1, 2015 volunteers are required to submit background checks and clearances to participate in
classroom activities where direct contact with children may occur. This includes, but is not limited to, field trips
and classroom holiday parties. Wooden Ladder will keep a copy of your clearances on file throughout the
duration of your child’s tenure. *Volunteers must submit updated clearances every 60 months (5 years)*

     1. Act 34 – Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record Information. Go to:
        https://epatch.state.pa.us/ and select new record check and follow directions for volunteers. This is free
        for volunteers.
     2. Act 151 – Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance. Go to:
        https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home and follow the instructions for creating an account if
        you do not already have a login. This is free for volunteers.
     3. Act 114 – Federal FBI Criminal History Background Check, with submission of fingerprints. Go to:
        https://www.identogo.com/ to register and find the closest fingerprinting location. There is a fee
        associated with the fingerprinting service. If you have been a resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10
        years, you may use the waiver in lieu of the fingerprinting service. Waiver forms can be obtained from
        your child’s Lead Teacher (also found in Appendix B).

More detailed information on how to obtain clearances, including cost and acceptable forms of payment, is
available on the Pennsylvania Department of Human services website at:
Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                     14
Emergency Action Plan
The Wooden Ladder Preschool, in conjunction with CPCBA, has developed an Emergency Action Plan. The plan
will be followed in the event of an emergency. Fire Drills are practiced throughout the school year.

Key Cards/Fobs
Key cards/fobs are required to enter CPCBA. Key cards/fobs will be issued at the start of each school year to new
families. Returning families will have the ability to retain their key cards/fobs throughout their tenure at Wooden
Ladder Preschool.

       There is a $20 per card/fob deposit. If additional cards/fobs are needed, they can be obtained for an
        additional $20 per card/fob deposit. The key card/fob agreement form will need to be completed and
        signed at the time deposit is collected (Appendix C).
       Key cards/fobs will only be active Monday - Friday from 8:50 AM to 3:15 PM. If you should arrive after
        3:15 PM, or if you do not have your key card/fob with you, please press the Call button located to the
        right of the church entrance door.
       If your card/fob is lost/stolen at any time throughout the school year, please notify the church
        immediately. There will be a $20 charge for any lost/stolen card/fob to be deactivated and a new one
       At the end of each school year, deposits will be returned for each returned key card/fob. If a card/fob is
        not returned, the $20 deposit will not be returned.

For additional questions or information, please see Tracey Mundorf, Administrative Assistant, in the church office
or call 412-761-1233.

Elevator Use
The elevator is intended for use by individuals that cannot use the stairs; e.g., mothers with small children,
pregnant moms and individuals with disabilities. Preschool children are not permitted on the elevator unless
supervised by an adult.

Parking Lot/Safety Requirements Document
Each year, parents/guardians will be required to review and sign our Safety Requirements document (Appendix
D) regarding parking lot safety when entering and exiting CPCBA. A copy will be provided by your child’s Lead
Teacher to be returned the by the end of the first week of school. Below is a list of our standard rules.

   Please use the parking lot across the street from the side entrance of the church.
   Do not park on the street near the side entrance of the church as this is a no parking zone needs to be clear for
    emergency vehicles.
   Only utilize Handicapped parking spaces if hangtag or plate is visible.
   Other children should not be left unattended in any vehicle during drop-off or pick-up.
   Vehicles should be turned off and keys removed while in the parking lot.
   Please monitor children in the parking lot and crosswalk, hold hands, and do not let children climb on the bell
    next to the sidewalk.
   Utilize Key Card/Fob and do not hold the door open for those you do not recognize.
   Do not allow children to enter/exit the building alone.

**To ensure the safety of all individuals entering and exiting the building please observe A 5MPH SPEED
LIMIT in the parking lot and along Rostrevor Place**

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                 15
Social Media
While most communications between parents/guardians and teachers is sent via email, Wooden Ladder Preschool
utilizes a closed Facebook group for interactions with students and their families. This group is open to current
students’ families only; our Lead Teachers and a few Board Members serve as Moderators of the group.
Occasionally, photographs may be utilized for marketing or promotions online for our website or our public
Facebook page. Parents/guardians are asked to sign a photography permission form as part of our Registration

Handbook Acknowledgement
As our policies may change from year to year, Wooden Ladder Preschool requests that you read and acknowledge
receipt of the Parent Handbook every school year. Our Parent Handbook will be emailed to parents/guardians at
the start of each school year and can be found in each Wooden Ladder Classroom as well as on our website
www.woodenladderpreschool.com. A copy of the acknowledgement sign-off will be provided by your child’s
Lead Teacher to be returned the by the end of the first week of school (Appendix E).

Other Needs
 Arrive on time

 Encourage your child to listen to the teachers

 Ensure that your Wooden Ladder 3 and 4 students are toilet trained

 Ensure that your child attends school regularly

 Discuss what your child brings home from school; e.g., artwork, Accident/Incident
  Report, Progress Reports, etc.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                              16
The Wooden Ladder Staff
We welcome your visits, participation, and comments; staff contact information is found below.

Anne Blaser – Anne, originally from Ireland, has lived in the Avonworth community for 16 years. She is very
active in her church and in the community. She teaches CCD and is a member of The Ladies Auxiliary where she
has served as secretary. Anne is also involved in the Avonworth school district as a member of both the PTA and
Parent Network. Anne and her husband Beau have three children who are graduates of Wooden Ladder: Michael,
Jack and Conor.

Tamela Carmichael – Tamela, graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Graphic Design from La Roche University.
Originally from Crafton PA, Tamela and her husband Hermie have made Emsworth their home since 2004.
Tamela and Hermie have 5 boys all who graduated from Wooden Ladder Preschool.

Jolanta Doherty – Jolanta has a BA degree in Music and classical singing from Klaipeda University, Lithuania,
and is a member of multiple professional choral ensembles in Pittsburgh. Since 2013 she has lived in Emsworth
with her husband and two daughters, the youngest of whom is a graduate of Wooden Ladder.

Brigid McDonagh – Brigid has a degree in Elementary Education from Grove City College, MEd in Reading
Education and is certified as a Reading Specialist from the University of Pittsburgh. She and her family reside in
Emsworth. Brigid has worked as a preschool teacher for the North Boroughs YMCA in their Y-Tots and School
Aged Child Care programs. She also has worked for the Avonworth school district as a Kindergarten and 1 st
grade Special Education Aide, 2nd grade long-term substitute and Pre-Kindergarten teacher in the Summer Studies
program. Brigid and her husband Joe have three children, Deirdre, Mairead and Joseph.

Susan Thornton – Susan graduated from Bloomsburg University with a degree in Business Administration/
Marketing. She has recently worked for The Antiquarian Shop and Bailey & Bailey in Sewickley as their office
manager. Susan and her husband Jim, have resided in Ben Avon for 26 years and have twins named Lily and Jed.
Susan is also an active member of the Avon Club Foundation.

           Program                    Staff Member/Lead Teacher                      Assistant Teacher
                                           Susan Thornton
   Financial Administrator               412.761.9195 ext. 28
                                              Anne Blaser
                                                                                     Tamela Carmichael
      Wooden Ladder 2                     412.761.9195 ext.31
                                              Anne Blaser
      Wooden Ladder 3                     412.761.9195 ext.31                        Tamela Carmichael
                                           Brigid McDonagh
      Wooden Ladder 4
                                          412.761.9195 ext. 30                         Jolanta Doherty
                                           Brigid McDonagh
   Wooden Ladder Friday                   412.761.9195 ext. 30                         Jolanta Doherty

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                               17
The Wooden Ladder Board of Directors
Listed below are the members of the Wooden Ladder Board of Directors. The Board consists of educators with
many years of teaching experience, parents of current students, parents of former students, members of CPCBA,
and members of the community.

The Wooden Ladder Board of Directors meets virtually or at CPCBA every third Monday of the month at 7:00
p.m. Our Lead Teachers and Financial Administrator also participate in these monthly meetings. If you have an
issue that you would like to bring before the Wooden Ladder Board please advise any Board member or email

                  Teresa Beshai      Mary Jo Buffo      Casey Calland         Susan Geist
                            Allen Johnston     Jennifer Waters    Lindsay Wolff

                                           Special Thanks
The Wooden Ladder Preschool wishes to thank the staff and the congregation members of the Community
Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon for providing a first-class preschool facility as well as an annual scholarship
that provides funds to assist preschool families in need of support. We extend a special thank you to Pastor
Donna Giver-Johnston and all the church staff who are instrumental in the operation of the Preschool.

We also extend a very special thank you to the Avon Club Foundation for providing grants in support of our
Tuition Assistance program at the Preschool and to Emsworth Borough for the use of Marmo (Emsworth) Park
and facilities for Wooden Ladder 3 graduation ceremonies.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                             18
Appendix A – Refunds of Tuition Payments
Wooden Ladder Preschool is solely reliant on tuition payments to cover the cost of staffing and programming.
Therefore, there are no discounts or refunds for illness, holidays, school vacations, personal vacations, leave of
absence, or school cancellations.

However, there may be instances when refunds occur. Specific requests for refunds should be sent in writing to
the Board of Directors via email at woodenladderpreschoolboard@gmail.com. Requests will be evaluated at the
next board meeting following the request.

Refunds of tuition payments may occur when, but not limited to:

    1. A child moves away from the area.
    2. Suggested removal by a teacher of a child for discipline related issues and approval of the Wooden
       Ladder Board.
    3. Suggested removal of a child for health-related issues by recommendation of a teacher and approval of
       the Wooden Ladder Board.
    4. Lack of adjustment by a child during the six-week trial period and recommended removal from the
       program by a teacher and approval of the Wooden Ladder Board.
    5. Extended Closure of the Community Presbyterian Church of Ben Avon.
    6. A public health crisis.

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                  19
Appendix B – FBI Fingerprinting Waiver Form

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                    20
Appendix C – Key Card/Fob Agreement

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                  21
Appendix D – Safety Requirements Document

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Community Presbyterian Church Staff have expressed safety concerns regarding
the Wooden Ladder Preschool.

Please be attentive to your children at all times while on church property including the
parking lot. When possible please hold your child’s hand.

Special Note: To ensure the safety of students, parents, guardians, church staff and members entering and exiting
the building please observe a 5 MPH speed limit along Rostrevor Place and in the parking lot.

   Please use the parking lot across the street from the side entrance of the church; do not park on the street or
    sidewalk near the side entrance of the church (no parking zone).
    This area needs to remain clear for emergency vehicles and traffic flow.

   Please use the handicapped parking area only if you have a handicapped hang tag or plate.

   Other children should never be left unattended in any vehicle during drop off or pick up.

   Vehicles should be turned off and keys removed while in the parking lot.

   Please do not allow your children to climb on the bell next to the sidewalk.

   Please remember your key fob to gain entrance to the school building, and do not hold the door open for those
    that you do not recognize to be Wooden Ladder families.

   When possible please hold your child’s hand while on church (school) property.

   Please only arrive five minutes before the start and end of your child’s class.

   Please do not permit your children to run through the building, go downstairs or upstairs alone, turn on
    and off the lights and play on or near the elevator.

It is the desire of the Community Presbyterian Church Staff along with the Wooden Ladder Preschool Staff to
maintain the safest environment for everyone. Thank you for your compliance with these safety requirements.

Please sign and date this form stating that you have read and understand these safety requirements and return to
your child’s teacher by the end of the first week of school.

Wooden Ladder Preschool

Child’s Name (please print) __________________________ Parent’s Signature __________________________

Child’s Class (please circle) WL2 WL3AM           WL3PM       WL4AM        WL4PM

Wooden Ladder Preschool Parent Handbook                                                                 22
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