Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...

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Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...
Women in Public
Sector Leadership
Summit 2021
It’s Time For Change.

July 2021
Hotel Realm, Canberra
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...
It’s time for change!

We’ve discussed gender equality for decades. If the start of 2021 has taught us anything, it’s that
women in Australia are sick of talking and not being listened to. Hundreds of thousands of women
want their voices head by the highest office in the land, but no one is listening.

It’s time for that to change.

What is clear is that women can and do listen to other women. We want true gender equality,
we want to be treated with respect and we want to know how to command that respect in our

Many organisations claim they are more committed to gender equality than ever before, it’s not
translating into action fast enough. We still see a sever lack of women in senior roles, the gender
pay gap still exists, and discrimination still takes place in the workplace.

Back for its fourth year, the Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit cannot deliver real change,
but it does offer the perspectives, advice and knowledge from women that have made it to the top.

Join me at the event that is part inspiration, part education. The focus is to empower you to believe
in yourself, put your hand up for opportunities and take your seat at the leadership table. You will
learn what it took for our most senior women to flourish, how they stumbled, and most importantly,
what they learned along the way so you can put that in your leadership kitbag and thrive.

The summit features inspiring keynotes, career-focused case studies, cutting panel discussions
and interactive workshops from impressive women (and men) from Australia’s Public Sector and

It’s time for change. Time to seize the opportunities that are presented to you, make your own
opportunities when they don’t appear, develop your leadership toolkit, harness your inner resilience,
create safer workplaces and generate more meaningful change for future leaders.

In this forum, everyone is listening.

             Dana Lightbody
             Director | The Leadership Institute
             T: 02 8294 2044 | E: dana@theleadershipintstitute.com.au
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...

                             Physical Attendance.

      Social distancing            Hygiene               Catering & Food             Spaced Seating
     Using Government       Hand sanitiser will be  We’re teaming up with each We’re working with venues
      guidance, we are       provided and we will    venue to ensure food is     to ensure that seating is
  implementing crowd flow ensure each venue adheres safe and served alongside provided with appropriate
    signage measures to     to hygiene standards.   social distancing etiquette.  distance measures in
   ensure distancing rules.                                                               mind.

                                    Other Logistics.                                                                  3

        DATE                    START/FINISH                      VENUE                     ADDRESS
      27th-30th,              9:00AM – 5:30PM                   Hotel Realm,             18 National Circuit,

      July 2021          Australian Eastern Daylight Time        Canberra               Canberra, ACT, 2600

                                            WHAT YOU’LL NEED:

 Computer and stable          Login details will be           Quiet room or office   Interaction with delegates
  internet connection       provided. Compatibility         recommended for best      and speakers throughout
                             with Zoom Meetings                   experience           the event via event app

Almost half the value of these events is meeting the speakers and networking with your peers.
The other half is learning from our inspirational speakers. That’s why your live streaming
                                                                                                                  (02) 8294 2044

pass is 40% off your physical ticket. You can still learn from and be inspired by our amazing
speakers – from the comfort of your office or home.

                         Just select “Livestream Pass” at checkout
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...
Why this event.                                                     About the Program

While the Public Sector is leading the way in many aspects      This is your chance to hear inspiring and practical
of gender equality, it is clear thatmuch remains to be done     stories of leadership success so you can go back to
before we reach true equality.                                  your workplace and enact meaningful change in your

                                                                career and wider organisation.
The Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2020
is part inspiration, part practical education. It will bring    Despite the many obstacles, there are also
together public sector leaders and women (and men) of           opportunities for success. We believe every woman
success and notoriety to share their journeys, both failures    has the right to succeed in her career.
and successes with one aligned goal - To empower women
to believe in themselves, put their hand up for opportunities
and take their seat at the leadership table.

Australia would benefit as a nation if more of the 59% of
women in the Public Service took up a more active role
within the leadership ranks.


                                                                                                                      (02) 8294 2044
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...

      Exclusive Keynote Sessions From:

    SAMANTHA ARMYTAGE                             TARA MOSS
Journalist and Television Presenter,   13x Bestselling author, Documentary
Former Co-Host, Sunrise, Podcaster:     Host, Public Speaker and Human           5
   Something To Talk About with                 Rights Advocate
       Samantha Armytage                          Feminist Icon


         KATE JENKINS                     SENATOR HON JANE HUME
        Sex Descrimination                 Minister of Superannuation,
          Commissioner                     Financial, Services and the
                                                Digital Economy
                                                                             (02) 8294 2044
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...

              Our Incredible Speaker Line-Up.

   DEBORAH JENKINS                     CHRISTINE DACEY                     KATHY KLUGMAN                          JOHN BRADLEY
Deputy Commissioner Small           Department of Infrastructure,        Deputy Secretary, Global             Secretary, Department of
Business, Australian Taxation           Transport, Regional             Cooperation, Development            Environment, Land, Water and
                                         Development and                 and Partnerships Group,              Planning (VIC) and Male
                                         Communications                Department of Foreign Affairs            Champion of Change
                                                                               and Trade


      DORINDA COX                  THERESE MCCARTHY HOCKEY                   JACQUI ALLEN                       ANDREW CRISP
   (YAMATJI NOONGAR)                 Executive Director of Banking,      Deputy Secretary Cultural           Emergency Management
         Greens WA                  Australian Prudential Regulation    and Tourism Development,            Commissioner, Emergency
                                                Authority               Department of State Growth            Management Victoria

     STEPHEN GRIFFIN                         TANYA MONRO                       GEORGIA BAMBER                           LIZ TILLEY
     Chief Executive Officer,             Chief Defence Scientist,         Life Coach, Leadership Expert,   Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, President
Victoria State Emergency Service          Department of Defence               Positive Mindset Author           ICF Australasia ACT Branch
                                                                                                                                                     (02) 8294 2044

                                                                                                             The Coach for women who want to
                                                                                                                     change the world
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...
What You Can Expect To Learn At
           Women In Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021

   Develop your executive                Understand your values to drive          Drive greater gender equality
   management toolkit and                  your purpose authentically            and respectful behaviours in the

  Raise your leadership and              Seize opportunities and create             Harness the resilience and
resilience bar in times of crisis         your own to grow your career              strength to achieve desired

    What Our Past Attendees Have To Say

“Very interesting with a diverse selection of speakers”      “Fantastic day. So many good insights and I am taking

                                                            away so much from this. I feel confident walking back to
          - Department of Human Services                                        my workspace.”

                                                              - Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

“Overall a great experience and phenomenal presenters. It     “It was great. A fantastic line up of strong confident
is refreshing to attend a conference with so many varying          successful women that were all engaging.”
                                                                  -Departmend of Foreign Affairs and Trade
               - Sunshine Coast Council

   “Excellent day. Fantastic insights, each speech was      “Very insightful with very different perspectives. A lot to
                   valuable to listen to.”                                         take away.”

               -Department of Defence                                                 -NDIA
                                                                                                                          (02) 8294 2044

         “I have already emailed my boss to say that this is the best conference I have been to. The range
         of speakers and experience is fantastic. I have pages of note and have written down reminders of
                                    where my focus needs to be. Thank you.”
                                                     - SA Health
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...

 Women in Public Sector Leadership 2021
                          Here’s a snapshot of our past audience:


       Secretary                                                    Local

       CEO                                                          State

       Commissioner                                                 Federal

       Director General

       Executive Directors

       Deputy Secretary & Assistant Secretatries

       Managers & Executive Managers

       Line managers & Aspiring Female Leaders

Who Should Attend?

 Secretary                          Deputy Secretary & Assistant Secretaries
                                                                                                                 (02) 8294 2044

 Commissioner                       Executive Directors, Middle & Line Managers

 Director General                   Aspiring female leaders of all levels of government and the public service

Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...
Conference Agenda.
                       D A Y 1 - W E D N E S D A Y, 2 8 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

9:00AM: Opening remarks from the Chair.
             Dana Lightbody                 Dana Lightbody is the CEO of The Leadership Institute. She

             Executive Director,            is a staunch advocate of equality for women in business and
             The Leadership                 believes women should be helping other women every chance
             Institute                      they get. Dana established Konnect Learning in 2013 and the
                                            Leadership Institute in 2017. Since then she has advocated
                                            for equality for women in all aspects of her entrepreneurial
                                            and professional life – in particular by chairing and assisting
                                            the production team in the development of TLI’s Women in
                                            Leadership line of events.

Session 1- 9:10AM:
The double edged sword of women in the media: Lessons learned from 20 years in front of the camera

             Samantha Armytage              Samantha Armytage started her media career in 1999 before
             Journalist and Television
                                            she gained notice for her ability to connect with audiences. Fast
             Presenter, Former Co-
                                            forward to 2013, she became co-host of the country’s top rated
             Host, Sunrise, Podcaster:
                                            breakfast television show, Sunrise. For over 15 years Sam has               9
             Something To Talk About
             with Samantha Armytage         been waking Australians up for breakfast before announcing
                                            her time away from television earlier this year. A favourite of
                                            audiences all over the country, Sam is not afraid to speak her
                                            mind when it comes to her rights, and the rights and treatment
                                            of other women. In this session she will take us on a journey

         OPENING KEYNOTE                    into what her life has been like in the spotlight, how she has
                                            gone about achieving her success and what she has learned
                                            from her extraordinary 20-year career.

Session 2- 10:00AM:
Banking, Boards and Parliament – Cross Sector Lessons Learned and Leadership Tips

               Sen. Hon Jane Hume            The Hon Senator Jane Hume had a successful corporate
               Minister for                  career in banking before running for parliament in 2016 and
               Superannuation                was appointed the Minister for Superannuation and Digital
               Financial Services, and       Economy in December 2020. Combining the leadership skills
               the Digital Economy
                                             she gained in her corporate career and the skills gained in her
                                             five years as a public figure, Minister Hume talks us through
                                             what it is like to transition from private to public life and shares
                                             the tips she’s learned along the way.

                                                                                                                    (02) 8294 2044

                                         10:50 AM : MORNING TEA
Women in Public Sector Leadership Summit 2021 - It's Time For Change. July 2021 - The Leadership ...
Conference Agenda.
                        D A Y 1 - W E D N E S D A Y, 2 8 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

Session 3 - 11:20AM:
What changes can men bring about from the top

              John Bradley                True equality requires the support and advocacy of men,
              Secretary                   as men hold a majority on positions of power. It takes a

              Department of               strong man to be an advocate of women. It would be easier
              Environment, Land,          to sit back and bask in the status quo because, for gender
              Water and Planning.
                                          equality to happen, room has to be made for women at
                                          the top. Supporting, training and promoting women has to
                                          be done by men which is why champions of change are so
                                          important. In this session, a true champion of change, John
                                          Bradley highlights what changes men can make to change
                                          the career trajectory of women and why it is so important

Session 4 - 12:10PM:
Gender equality and behaviour in the Public Sector

              Kate Jenkins                In 2020, the Sex Discrimination Commissioner released a              10
              Sexual Discrimination       report into the state of sexual harassment in the country
              Commissioner                and a series of recommendations to the Government. Fast-
                                          forward to 2021 and we see a firestorm of controversy
                                          around this very issue. In this key session, Kate will talk us
                                          through what she learned and what needs to happen before

                                          we can be discrimination and harassment free in Australia.

                                           01:00 PM : LUNCH

Session 5 - 02:00 PM:
Raising the bar in times of crisis – leading through COVID and beyond to recovery

               Christine Dacey               It takes a true leader to mobilise an extremely large workforce
               Deputy Secretary              in days into a working from home taskforce braced to
               Department of                 approach the ‘new normal’ of work. Christine Dacey runs
               Infrastracture                one of the country’s largest government departments. In
                                             this session she shares her key leadership learnings from
                                             managing the ever developing situation of COVID – 19
                                             throughout her department, and what it took to guide her
                                             people through the crisis.
                                                                                                               (02) 8294 2044
Session 6 - 02:50 PM:
Driving organisational respect for female leaders and differing management styles

               Deborah Jenkins                It’s one thing to be appointed as a leader or a manager but
               Deputy Commissioner            it’s another thing to ensure you have the respect of your
               Small Business                 boss, peers and subordinates. One challenge women face
               Australian Taxation            is being seen as weaker for taking an alternative leadership

                                              approach. Deborah will take us through the obstacles she
                                              has faced in getting respect for her leadership style and how
                                              an open and collegiate leadership style can actually be more
                                              effective in getting results.

                                      03:30 PM : AFTERNOON TEA

Session 7 - 03:50 PM:
How to seize opportunities as a female employee

               Jacqui Allen                   Sometimes being a great leader isn’t just about ability but also
               Deputy Secretary               opportunity. If no one ever opens the door, it’s very hard to
               Cultural and Tourism           walk through it. Sometimes the difference between success          11
               Development                    and stagnation is opportunity. In this key session, Jacqui will
               Department of State
                                              highlight how to take even the smallest opportunities and
                                              harness them to your advantage and the tips and tricks she’s
                                              learned along the way.

Session 8 - 4:30 PM:
Mentoring, sponsorship and fostering talent within your organisation

Doing hard work at the job you are paid to do won’t get you noticed, that is literally your job. What gets
you noticed is the other things, the collaboration, thesupport of colleagues, your ability to direct and
lead others. But if no one is showing your skill or putting you forward to meet the people that can shape
and influence your career, nobody will realise who you are and what your potential is.Mentoring and
sponsorship are key to career success and they happen a lot less with Women. In this key session we look
at what true mentorship and sponsorship looks like and the impact it can have on your career.

                            05:20 PM : NETWORKING DRINKS & GALA DINNER
                                                                                                                 (02) 8294 2044
Networking Drinks + Gala Dinner
                          D A Y O N E : W E D N E S D A Y, 2 8 T H J U LY
                                   5:30 PM – 10:30 PM

               It’s time to gather – In a socially distant manner, of course!

      It’s now been over 12 months since we’ve been able to gather in large groups. To network. To
make actual person-to-person connections. We are all over the endless zoom meetings in pyjama
bottoms - with a toddler and two dogs in the background. We’ve got cabin fever. We want out!

        The overwhelming feedback we’ve received is that people want to physically meet, mingle and
make connections with other people. We are, after all, a social species. That’s why, as well as bringing
you all together for the most impressive line-up of government leaders the country has seen, our gala
dinner is back! Be ready to swap LinkedIn profiles, hand out old-school business cards and have a
few genteel sips of sparkling as you mingle with your fellow leaders of tomorrow.

        The gala dinner is not an excuse to get rowdy, it’s a great way for you to get to know potential
new colleagues and bosses in a low key social environment. It willbe fun, there will be networking
activities and only one thing is guaranteed; you will leave with a bunch of new friends and contacts
that will support and guide you throughout your career.                                                    12

                                                                                                           (02) 8294 2044
Conference Agenda.
                          D A Y 2 - T H U R S D A Y, 2 9 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

8:55 AM: Opening remarks from the Chair.

              Dana Lightbody               Dana Lightbody is the CEO of The Leadership Institute. She
              Executive Director,          is a staunch advocate of equality for women in business and
              The Leadership
                                           believes women should be helping other women every chance
                                           they get. Dana established Konnect Learning in 2013 and the
                                           Leadership Institute in 2017. Since then she has advocated
                                           for equality for women in all aspects of her entrepreneurial
                                           and professional life – in particular by chairing and assisting
                                           the production team in the development of TLI’s Women in
                                           Leadership line of events.

Session 1- 9:00AM:
Labels, Leadership and Why We Need More Women’s Voices: Women’s representation in media, fiction,
politics, and public life
             Tara Moss                       Tara Moss is an author, documentary maker and presenter,
             13x Bestselling author,
                                             journalist, feminist, former model and UNICEF national
             Documentary Host,
             Public Speaker and
                                             ambassador. Her books are published in 18 countries in
             Human Rights Advocate           13 languages and include the internationally best-selling
                                             and critically acclaimed series of six crime novels: Fetish,

             Feminist Icon
                                             Split, Covet, Hit, Siren and Assassin. In her first non-fiction
                                             book, The Fictional Woman, she blends memoir and social
                                             analysis to examine the common fictions about women
         OPENING KEYNOTE                     and became a #1 bestselling non-fiction book and is
          Live Via Video Link
                                             listed by The Sydney Morning Herald as a “must-read”.
                                             In this exclusive session, Tara examines on women’s
                                             representationin media, fiction, politics and public life and
                                             why it matters.

Session 2- 10:00AM:
How diversity in diplomacy is helping fight COVID-19

             Kathy Klugman                   We all know that diversity of thought, and that includes not
             Deputy Secretary,
                                             just women, but women of different ethnicity, background
             Global Cooperation,
             Development and
                                             and (dis)ability, creates a more streamlined organisation.
             Partnerships Group              There are few places in the Australian Public Service where
             Department of Foreign           diversity is more important than the Department of Foreign
             Affairs and Trade               Affairs. In this key session, Kathy takes us through the
                                             diversity that assisted her department get through COVID19
                                                                                                               (02) 8294 2044


                                       10:50 AM : MORNING TEA
Conference Agenda.
                           D A Y 2 - T H U R S D A Y, 2 9 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

Session 3 - 11:10 AM : Panel Discussion
“The behaviour you walk past” What can be done to increase women’s safety and belonging in


Explore the issues that effect women’s safety and therefore her ability to effectively contribute to her
workplace. What is happening? What is and isn’t being done? Most importantly; how can we improve?


              Tanya Monro                         Stephen Griffin                     Andrew Crisp
              Chief Defence                       Chief Executive                     Emergency
              Scientist,                          Officer,                            Management
              Department of                       Victoria State                      Commissioner
              Defence                             Emergency                           Emergency
                                                  Service                             Management Victoria


Session 4 - 12:00PM:
Leadership Toolbox: Skills you need to succeed – especially in low gender diversity environments

              Therese McCarthy Hockey,           A leader needs a few key tips and tricks for those situations

              Executive Director of Banking,     they encounter every day and a few for those they don’t.
              Australian Prudential              In this key session, Therese shares what she keeps in
              Regulation Authority               her toolkit, including key tips on mentoring and coaching,
                                                 keeping teams together and focused and driving culture for
                                                 performance and employee satisfaction.

                                               12:50 PM : LUNCH

Session 5- 01:50 PM:
Leading through difficult times: Harnessing resilience and strength to come out on top

              Caroline Edwards                   Being a leader is difficult through the best of times, but
              Associate Secretary                2020 was a trying year for even the most seasoned
              Department of Health
                                                 executives. New ways of working needed to be examined
                                                 and new issues arose constantly. Working from home had
                                                 not only logistic challenges but put a mental health toll on
                                                 the workforce like never
                                                 before, with fewer resources and a lack of human contact.
                                                 Never was this strain felt more than in the Department of
                                                 Health, the coal face of the pandemic. In thiskey session
                                                                                                                 (02) 8294 2044

                                                 Caroline will speak honestly about the difficulties she faced
                                                 in 2020 and how she lead her Department through the
                                                 worst of it.

Session 6 - 03:50 PM:
Diversity of voice: Ensuring that all women are heard and seen in leadership

             Dorinda Cox (Yamatju            Diversity matters. Not only so we normalise “different”
                                             but so that a younger generation are inspired to believe
             Greens WA
                                             that they “can”. If you cannot be what you cannot see then
                                             we have a lot of work to do in the diversity space. Anyone
                                             who is not from a Caucasian background is an unusual
                                             sight in the upper echelon of management and people of
                                             Indigenous backgrounds are even rarer. In this key session,
                                             Dorinda talks through the practical aspects of being a
                                             minority voice andwhy being heard is her mission.


                                     04:40 PM : CLOSE OF DAY TWO

                                                                                                           (02) 8294 2044
Pre-Conference Workshop 1:
     Goal setting, positive mindset & steps to leadership success for women

               9 : 0 0 A M – 1 2 : 3 0 P M , T U E S D A Y, 2 7 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

The ability to reach goals and make lasting positive changes is something that almost everyone
struggles with. Generating the momentum and enthusiasm to keep taking the necessary action
and see things through can be difficult. In the past year, with thesignificant turbulence and
uncertainty that the world has been going through, this has never been more true.

There is a secret to achieving success and reaching your goals. There is a key to making positive
change happen. The best news is; it’s simple to learn and works for everyone.

This course is a half-day master class designed to give you the tools, skills and insightsto make
solid progress toward any goal. You will learn a simple, step-by step process and walk away with
a blueprint to reach your goals. Along with this action plan you will also learn the skills to fine
tune your mindset for success which will enable you to better conquer fears, doubts and any other
blocks that have been getting in your way.
Key Course Takeaways :

•   Take away the 5 step process to immediately achieve your goals and create change that lasts
•   Create change and achieve anything you want
•   Why people fail to reach goals, and what to do about it

•   How you need to tap into motivation to create momentum
•   Uncover blocks and build strategies to overcome them
•   Understand what a success mindset is and how to achieve it
•   Prevent sabotaging thoughts and return your mindset to positivity
•   Take away the 4 essential mindset steps to reaching your goals

Your Expert Facilitator
              GEORGIA BAMBER                     Georgia Bamber is a success coach, speaker and author. Using
              Life Coach | Leadership Expert |   evidence-based tools and mindset strategies, she teaches people
              Positive Mindset Author            the skills needed to reach goals and make positive changes.

                                                 Her mission is to help people live the most successful, healthy,
                                                 vibrant lives they can. She does this in three main ways, by guiding
                                                 people to:

                                                 1)Find clarity: discovery, outline and target specific goals and
                                                 2)Better master time, to create the space and energy to reach these
                                                                                                                        (02) 8294 2044

                                                 3)Create positive habits that will make goals and changes easier to
Pre-Conference Workshop 2:
     Communicate with confidence and get your voice heard
                   1 : 3 0 P M – 5 : 0 0 P M , T U E S D A Y, 2 7 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

We’ve all been there. Sitting silently as your co-worker speaks for 45 of the allotted 50-minute
meeting. Or suggested an idea that someone else takes the credit for. Or suggest the idea only to
have someone else restate it and act like it was their new idea. Like you hadn’t even spoken.

It’s frustrating and disheartening when your voice isn’t heard throughout your career. Not being
heard can make you feel like you’re not leadership material. When you are.

Women face more challenges when trying to communicate ideas, getting their voices heard and
generally making sure that stakeholders buy-in to their ideas.

No matter your role, it’s important that you speak your truth and learn how to communicate so that
your voice is heard. This full day masterclass will give you the opportunity to build your gravitas in
all contexts, communicate with confidence and clarity, and make the practical mindset changes
needed to move your career to the next level.                                                                                         17

Key Learning Outcomes Include:

     •   Limit inner conflicts which might limit workplace performance
     •   Project more authority and communicate with gravity

     •   Master sustainable control of stress and stressors in the work environment
     •   Improve positive-attitude maintenance in challenging situations
     •   Assess personal leadership style quickly, accurately and privately
     •   Evoke the level of respect and trust that gets you noticed, listened to and heard
     •   Lead through ‘empowerment’ not power
     •   Gain respect and appreciation from those with whom you interact

By the end of the day you will have a personalised plan to build your gravitas that will have you seen
as a serious contender for major role advancement/promotion/project lead/overseas secondment/
board appointments. This is a collaborative and highly interactive experience for women, in a safe
environment free from judgement, censure, politics or organisational power plays.

Your Expert Facilitator
                LIZ TILLEY                               Liz is a warm, engaging and intuitive coach. Her broad range of
                Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, President   experiencein executive leadership, power dynamics, non-verbal
                ICF Australasia ACT Branch
                The Coach for women who want to          communication,emotional intelligence, conflict management and
                change the world                         communications gives her the ability to tailor her approach to meet the
                                                         unique individual needs of each client.

                                                         Liz’s coaching style is informed by a process-oriented approach to human
                                                         development and change. While Liz enjoys working with a range of
                                                                                                                                      (02) 8294 2044

                                                         clients,she specialises in women in leadership - helping women play bigger
                                                         so they can step into their personal power and do the work they are called
                                                         todo in the world.
Post-Conference Workshop:
                 Adaptive Leadership for the Public Sector
                                                F R I D A Y, 3 0 T H J U LY 2 0 2 1

Having an adaptive mindset is essential for not only dealing with change but thriving through it.
It’s the superpower that drives your actions with purpose and potency in an otherwise ambiguous
and changing landscape. Can you think of a more important leadership skillset in a post-covid

The Adaptive Leadership masterclass will change the way women think and lead. You will emerge
with a deeper understanding of your leadership capabilities, take stock and make meaning of
events in your career and life that make you the person that you are today. The course is sharp,
focused and impactful, aiming to change your behaviour to grow your capabilities in the future. You
will work collaboratively with colleagues and coaches who will become a tight, trusted community.

Key Learning Outcomes Include:

          Build your adaptive quotient (AQ)                                                                                            18

          Contact and be anchored to your values

          Understand your strengths and how others view your strengths

          Lead in uncertain times and through uncertain situations

          Extend your frames of reference

          Harness creative thinking and continuous learning to drive your career forward

Your Expert Facilitator
             ANDREA CLARKE                              Andrea Clarke is the award-winning author of ‘Future Fit: How to Stay
             Author, ‘Future Fit: How to Stay           Relevant’. The book was awarded the 2019 Business Book of the Year
             Relevant’ & CEO, Future Fit Co             award. Andrea is now a globally recognised leadership trainer and expert
                                                        in the future of work and how to stay relevant in the 21st century. She runs
                                                        her company FutureFitCo teaching and coaching some of the most senior
                                                        C-Level executives in the country. Her client list is a who’s who of the ASX
                                                        Top 200. Andrea’s approach is built on the basis that we should all be in
                                                        the business of building trust with our customers, consumers and our

                                                        A former television news journalist, Andrea was based in Washington D.C
                                                                                                                                       (02) 8294 2044

                                                        for almost a decade, covering The White House, State Department & Iraq
                                                        for Thomson Reuters and Al Jazeera English. In that time, she studied
                                                        leadership and its application and is dedicated to imparting what she
                                                        learned on her clients and mentees.

                                                Price List.
                                    Please Note: Pricing Does Not Include GST

                                                   First In Rates              Early Bird Rates              Standard Rates
PHYSICAL PRICING                                Before 30th April 2021       Before 30th June 2021          After 30th June 2021

Pre-Conference Wokshop Only                            $999                          $999                         $999

Post Conference Wokshop Only                           $999                          $999                         $999

Conference Only                                        $1599                         $1799                        $1999

Conference + Pre Workshop                              $2299                         $2499                        $2699

Conference + Post Workshop                             $2299                         $2499                        $2699

All Four Days                                          $2699                         $2999                        $3199

Gala Dinner                                            $250

Corporate Table of 8 - Conference Only                 $9999

Corporate Table of 8 - All 4 days                     $14999

                                                   First In Rates              Early Bird Rates              Standard Rates
ONLINE PRICING                                  Before 30th April 021        Before 30th June 2021         Before 30th June 2021

Conference Only                                       $1,199

Corporate Table of 8 - Conference Only              $5,999.40

                                        CLICK HERE TO BOOK NOW!

     Group Discounts                                                     Industry Packages
Looking to send more than 1 team member? Interested               We appreciate that it’s not always easy to get approval
in bringing a colleague along?                                    to attend training courses and events, so we have put to-
Learning is always better when done in teams (and your            gether a variety of packages to assist. Take advantage
company gains more value too!)                                    of these savings:
 Take advantage of our group discounts:
      • Register 3 attendees and get a 5% discount                  Local government                                  10% Off
      • Register 4-5 attendees and get a 10% discount               Non-for-Profit                                    20% Off
                                                                                                                                   (02) 8294 2044

      • Register 6 or more and get a 15% discount
                                                                  * Discounts do not apply to livestream passes

Please contact The Leadership Institute on (02) 8294 2044 if you have any issues.

                                  Terms and Conditions.
> Live Streaming + COVID – 19
There is a lot of confusion around corporate learning events and COVID – 19. We understand. We’re all going through it.
Given this, we want to make the following assurances:
 • If you have booked onto a physical pass and can no longer attend an event, you will either be refunded the difference

     in your registration ticket, or be given access to an additional live streaming ticket for anyone within your organisation
 • Should your circumstances change, we are happy to offer a full credit note for yourself or anyone within your
     organization to attend any one of our other excellent events
 • Now that our events will be live streamed, they will also be recorded. If you cannot attend the event, whether it be live
     streamed or a physical pass, we are working hard to ensure everyone receives a recording of the event so you can
     have the same experience for all time

> Changes to Events (COVID – 19 & Beyond)
Many events this year have inevitably been postponed or cancelled due to State and Federal Government mandated
shutdowns. We are doing our best to ensure that these events will go ahead on postponed dates and via livestreaming
mechanisms. In the event that your registration or participation in an event has been postponed, The Leadership Institute
offers flexible tickets and credit notes to all clients that have been impacted. Given the financial and economic impact of
COVID – 19, TLI is unable to offer a financial refund for events that have been affected by COVID – 19.

A tremendous amount of effort is spent to ensure all of TLI events proceed as originally marketed. It is with regret that
circumstances beyond TLI control can prevent this from happening. As such, TLI reserves the right to change the speaker
and/or agenda details at any time throughout the marketing lifecycle of an event. TLI will diligently minimise the risks of
changes to any event and will always ensure events deliver the content that is advertised. TLI will notify all participants of
any changes in a timely manner leading up to an event.

> Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend an event, TLI accepts substituted attendees in your place at no additional cost. Please advise
us of any substitutions as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may transfer your registration to another event run by TLI.

Cancelled registrations must be emailed to info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au as soon as possible. A credit note will
be issued valid for use towards any future event within the following 12 months following date of issuance. Cancellation
notifications received less than 14 days from the event running will receive a credit note to the value of the registration fee
less a service fee of $300.

The Leadership Institute does not provide refunds for cancellation.

It is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different
person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. Please call or email us to arrange the details.

If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, TLI will ensure all stakeholders are contacted. If an event is cancelled or you are
unable to attend the rescheduled event, you will be issued with a credit note valid for use towards any future TLI event held
in the twelve months following date of issuance.

> Credit Notes
In the event of issuance of credit notes, holders are entitled to use this credit towards ANY TLI event which can accommodate
additional delegates. Credit notes must be used within 12 months from the date of issue to avoid expiry.

> Customer Privacy
TLI takes diligent action to ensure all client details are protected. Furthermore, we respect our customer’s right to ‘opt out’
of our various promotional activities for relevant, upcoming events. If you do not want to receive further information about
our upcoming conferences, training courses and learning experiences, please email us at info@theleadershipinstitute.

> Once You Are Registered, What Is The Next Step?
                                                                                                                                         (02) 8294 2044

When you have registered for an event, and that registration has been received by TLI, you will be sent a confirmation email.
This will include your invoice and any relevant information regarding the event you are registered for. TLI will regularly keep
you updated regarding the events for which you have registered. If you require any further information visit our website at:
info@theleadershipinstitute.com.au or call us on (02) 8294 2044.
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