Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar

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Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar
Future Perspectives

                      Women 2020:
                      How women’s actions
                      and expectations are
                      changing the future

                            1                Women 2020
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar
Future Perspectives                        Women 2020
are thought pieces
which take a concise,
future-focused view
of important issues
for business and
marketing strategists.
For more information please visit          Women represent just under half the global
                                           population and are the fastest growing group
                                           of consumers worldwide. Yet analyses of their
                                           role in society are often one-dimensional and
                                           linear. Usually, the examination focuses on how
                                           social and economic conditions exert changes
                                           on women’s roles and identities.

                                           This paper inverts that perspective by exploring
                                           how women act as catalysts for fundamental
                                           changes, which are shaping not just their own
                                           world, but everybody’s world.

                                           We show that understanding women is
                                           important, both because they are potential new
                                           sources of growth, and because the changes in
                                           how women think and act have repercussions
                                           for their wider society and, by implication, for
                                           popular and consumer culture.

      © 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   2
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar
There are four key dimensions    ■■ Decision-making                 This paper will explore these
in which women’s changing        ■■ Workplace
                                                                    four dimensions and point to
                                                 & economy
circumstances, attitudes                                            the new opportunities which
                                 ■■ Communication    & identity
and behaviors are effecting                                         arise from a world where
change:                          ■■ Innovation                      women act as catalytic agents
                                                                    of change.

            DECISION-                                               WORKPLACE &
            MAKING                                                     ECONOMY

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            INNOVATION                                                & IDENTITY

                                                 3                                       Women 2020
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar

Mapping women’s experience
of economic and social change

Acknowledging that                   in terms of their economic        greater social agency.
women effect change (as              contribution to society           These include labor policy,
well as being affected by            and the rate of change in         access to finance, access
change) does not mean                terms of the social and           to education, legal and
that women are always in a           cultural prominence they are      social status of women and
position to make pro-active          permitted.                        business environment. We
empowered decisions about                                              have used a selection of these
their own circumstances.             It is said that change in         factors in our Opportunity
Before exploring the four            attitudes and societal            Tension Framework.
dimensions, is it important          values takes a generation;
to understand that women’s           in the case of the social role    By taking workforce
agency will be different both        of women this change is           participation (a factor often
within and between markets.          happening even more slowly.       taken in isolation as a proxy
In order to make sense of            While greater economic            for progress for women) and
this diversity of experience         participation is positively       charting it against five social
between markets, we have             correlated with social            factors used in the Economist
developed the Opportunity            change, changes in women’s        Opportunity Index, we can
Tension Framework.                   economic role often outpace       see interesting patterns that
                                     changes in their social agency.   suggest different correlations
One of the key tensions that                                           between economic and social
is often overlooked is the           There is a range of factors to    progress of women in different
disparity between the rate at        evaluate the access women         parts of the world.
which women make progress            have to opportunities for

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Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar
The Opportunity Tension Framework
(Economic vs social participation of women in society)


                                         Laos                                                                           Norway
                                                    Thailand                                 Switzerland
                                                  China      Kenya                                                             Sweden
                                      Vietnam                                                        Canada   Australia
                                                                                                          Germany              Finland
                                          United Arab Emirates                                         Japan        United Kingdom
                                Russia                      Peru                                                           United States
                                                  Brazil                                                               Hong Kong, China
                                      Cameroon           Albania             Spain                          Poland
                                  Bangladesh     Philippines     Croatia                                                          Social
                                 Colombia          Greece
                                                Botswana            Singapore Italy
                                                  Malaysia Mexico        Chile

                                                                                                       South Africa
                                                                Sri Lanka

               Morocco                                        Turkey

                                 Saudi Arabia
                         Iran                     Algeria

 Social Axis (X) =
 5 x factors from the
 Economist Opportunity
 Index: primary and
 secondary education,                                                                                                        Sweden
 women; citizenship
 rights; political
 participation; access to                                                        Brazil
 technology and energy;
 gender empowerment                                                                                        ( Italy )             Social

 Economic Axis (Y)
 = 1 x factor from                                              ( India )

 Euromonitor Passport:
 female employment
 rate (as a percentage
 of working age 15–64
 female population)
                                 Country examples (and exceptions) in each of the quadrants are explored on
                                 pages 7 and 8

                                                                      5                                                          Women 2020
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar

  Patterns of change across the
  Opportunity Tension Framework
  The chart on page 5 reveals three distinct groups:

     Below average                       Above average                   Above average
     economic participation              economic participation          economic participation
     Below average rights                Below average rights            Above average rights
     and opportunities                   and opportunities               and opportunities

  Lagging                              Ones to watch                   Closing the gap

  In the bottom left of                In the top left of the          In the top right of the
  the framework, we have               framework, we see               framework, we see
  markets where women                  markets where women             markets where women
  have below average                   have above average              have above average
  economic participation               economic participation and      economic participation
  and below average rights             below average rights and        and above average rights
  and opportunities. Four of           opportunities. These are        and opportunities. Most of
  the six CIVETS countries             markets where women’s           the G8 countries (France,
  (Colombia, Indonesia,                participation in the formal     United States, United
  Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and           economy has rapidly             Kingdom, Russia, Germany,
  South Africa) are found in           grown and outpaced their        Japan, Italy and Canada)
  this part of the framework.          access to social rights and     are found in this part of
  They are furthest behind,            participation – which have      the framework, with the
  but the economic change              not developed at the same       exception of Italy. These are
  curve will be steep when it          fast rate. These markets are    markets with an established
  happens.                             the ones to watch. Three of     balance between economic
                                       the BRICs (Brazil, Russia       and social progress for
                                       and China but not India)        women, where change is
                                       are found in this part of the   slowing.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   6
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar
Selected country examples

          Lagging:                         Ones to watch:                    Closing the gap:
          Yemen                            Brazil                            Sweden

Yemen is an example of           Brazil is an example of one       Sweden is an example of
one of the countries in          of the countries in the ‘ones     one of the countries in the
the ‘lagging’ quarter of         to watch’ quarter of the          ‘Closing the gap’ quarter
the framework. Yemeni            framework. Change in terms        of the framework. It has
women are not allowed            of economic participation         some of the highest female
by law to leave the home         is happening fast: there has      workforce participation rates
without permission from          been a significant increase       in Europe, alongside the other
a male family member             in workforce participation        Scandinavian countries. The
or an escort. Technically,       from 59% to 64% in five           Global Gender Gap study
women are legally entitled       years. Women’s incomes            found the greatest equality
to bank accounts and             remain low by western             between men and women
financial services without       standards, and compared           in these markets.5 There are
the consent of a male            to men’s incomes; however,        nearly twice as many women
relative, but in practice this   average income for women          as men enrolled in tertiary
is rarely made possible.         has increased by 113% in          education in Sweden. Almost
These restrictions are           the five years from 2005 to       half (47%) of Swedish MPs
often attributed to the          2010. The number of female        are women, one of the highest
observation of sharia law,       students has risen sharply in     proportions of women in a
but as the Economist             last five years, by 36%, to 3.5   national parliament, having
Intelligence Unit (EIU)          million.3 And there has been      introduced voluntary gender
observes, it is in fact “a       a rapid movement into fields      quotas in the 1970s. One
combination of cultural,         long dominated by men (e.g.       of the key factors which
tribal and religious             construction and trades such      differentiates Sweden and
traditions that have been        as plumbing). Research by the     the others in the top right
codified into law.”1 Signs of    Center for Talent Innovation,     hand corner is its high levels
women finding ways to defy       a New York think-tank, found      of affordable childcare
these social conventions         that 59% of college-educated      provision. In Sweden pre-
have started to emerge:          Brazilian women described         school places are available
the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize       themselves as “very               from the age of one, and
winner, Tawakel Karman,          ambitious,” compared with         parents spend on average
“Mother of the Revolution”,      just 36% in the United States.4   no more than three percent
has raised the possibility                                         of their household income
of a more active role for                                          on childcare.
Yemeni women in their

                                                7                                        Women 2020
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar

                                                    Exceptions #1:                Exceptions #2:
                                                    India                         Italy

                                        Despite being one of            Italy is another exception.
                                        the BRIC countries,             Despite being one of the
                                        India appears in the            G8 countries, it is one of a
                                        ‘lagging’ group. Given its      handful of countries where
                                        levels of rapid economic        economic participation lags
                                        development, India has          behind social participation.
                                        an unusually low female         It has one of the lowest
                                        employment rate: in 2010        female labor participation
                                        only 32% of the female          rates (less than 47%) in the
                                        population was formally         developed world. Women
                                        employed. A woman’s             continue to be employed in
                                        estimated annual income         typically female-dominated
                                        in India is less than a third   industries such as
                                        of a man’s income, and          education, healthcare and
                                        the average age of first-       social services, which tend
                                        time mothers is 19 years.       to be lower paid. Although
                                        Despite having had a female     the wage gap is smaller
                                        president, India was recently   in Italy than elsewhere,
                                        branded the worst of all the    women make up 75% of the
                                        G20 nations to be a woman       part-time workforce and
                                        in a poll of 370 gender         rarely reach more senior
                                        specialists from around the     positions. There are few
                                        world.6 However, there are      social policies (such as tax
                                        signs of change, at least       incentives, post-maternity
                                        in terms of economic and        re-entry programs, etc.) to
                                        educational participation.      encourage people to start
                                        Burgeoning service              a family and birth-rates are
                                        industries (call centers,       among the lowest in Europe. 7
                                        travel agencies, airlines
                                        and hotels) are creating
                                        demand for more female
                                        employees. The number
                                        of female students also
                                        increased strongly by 52%,
                                        to 7.1 million between 2005
                                        and 2010. More women
                                        are entering finance and
                                        engineering, but progress
                                        in terms of economic
                                        participation is slow.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.     8
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar
Drivers of Change: factors shaping the social axis

                                                                   increased by 33% since 1979,
                                                                   compared to a 20% increase
                                                                   for male college graduates,10
                                                                   placing greater emphasis on
                                                                   the role of education in earning

                                                                   And as women’s economic
                                                                   participation levels in the
                                                                   developed world increases to
                                                                   64%,11 women are continuing
                                                                   to prove their potential as
                                                                   educated economic producers.

                                                                   2. Developments in science
                                                                   and access to healthcare

                                                                   Over the last 50 years,
                                                                   developments in and
                                                                   access to reproductive and
                                                                   contraceptive technologies
                                                                   (to varying degrees across
                                                                   the globe) have led women to
                                                                   embrace a greater sense of
                                                                   bodily autonomy.

                                                                   Women’s health is a growing
Drivers of change shaping        workplace, at a time when         priority with a number of UN
the factors on the social        male participation has fallen.8   Development Goals focusing
axis of the Opportunity                                            in particular on maternal
Tension Framework can be         Higher or tertiary level          health,12 highlighting
summarized as follows:           education has seen the            increasing knowledge and
                                 highest enrolment of women        understanding of women’s
1. Access to education           across almost all regions9—       physiological needs as well
and increasing workplace         as economic, political and        as sexual and reproductive
participation                    cultural barriers are eased—      rights.
                                 driving towards a future of
Improvements in access to        gender parity.                    In response, contraception is
education on a global scale                                        now back on the global health
have contributed to women’s      In the US, earnings for women     agenda, appealing specifically
increased participation in the   with college degrees have         to unmet family planning

                                                9                                        Women 2020
Women 2020: How women's actions and expectations are changing the future - Future Perspectives - Kantar

needs. A recent summit held          10% of all children set to be      As a consequence, women
by the Bill Gates Foundation         born through IVF in Europe by      are gaining greater political
and the British Government           2020.15                            representation across national
sought to fund access to                                                parliaments, rising to an
contraceptives for women             3. Increasing commercial           average of around 20%, 17
in the poorest countries.13          and political agency               as well as winning positions
Nonetheless contraception,                                              in high office; Thailand18 and
remains controversial, even in       We’re seeing the balance           Malawi19 voted in their first
some of the most developed           of commercial and political        female presidents in 2011 and
markets. The recent health           power begin to shift, as more      2012.
care reform law under the            educated and able women
Obama administration, which          embrace active roles in            Women’s power also extends
stipulates that most health          politics and business across       to being an engine of
insurance plans must cover           the globe.                         business growth. Companies
contraceptives for women                                                with more women on
free of charge, has come             Perhaps because of a tense         their boards of directors
under attack from religious          global political climate,          outperform those with fewer
and conservative groups.             women increasingly view            on a number of measures, as
They denounced it as a               political opinions as a            discussed on page 21. This
threat to religious freedom.14       universal right, with 71%          suggests that strong female
                                     having expressed anger at          representation in corporate
Choice is also increasing as         political systems in the year.16   leadership directly correlates
we see IVF techniques growing                                           with a company’s financial
apace, with an estimated                                                performance.20

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   10
Dimension 1:                                                         number of women entering

Decision-making                                                      their forties having never
                                                                     been married has gone up
                                                                     from seven percent in 1980
                                  as a chance to do something        to 12% in 2010; the rate in
                                  more fulfilling.22 Shifting life   Bangkok as high as 20%.
                                  stages and lifestyle choices
                                  are starting to have a marked      The Economist has reported
                                  impact on the shape and size       that in South Korea young
                                  of households.                     men complain that women
                                                                     are on “marriage strike.”25 The
                                  Remaining childfree is an          decision of women to remain
                                  increasingly appealing             single is having a significant
                                  lifestyle choice, chosen by        impact on the growing
                                  43% of Gen X women in the          numbers of single person
From: Consumer                    UK and the US.23 As they           households, a phenomenon
To: Agent of Change               invest in themselves, women        which is gaining visibility
                                  are delaying or forgoing           through publications such as
Understanding women’s             marriage. In Eastern Europe,       Going Solo: The Extraordinary
decision-making—in                co-habitation is becoming          Rise and Surprising Appeal of
life-stages, lifestyles and       a common precursor or              Living Alone.26
purchasing—is becoming            alternative to marriage,
increasingly important, in        which—coupled with                 The tension between tradition
particular due to significant     increasing divorce rates—          and modernity is sharpened
change for women in the           accounts for a reduction in        as emerging markets develop.
area of control and choice.       the number of marriages.           The pursuit of a better life
It is through their decision-     Asians are marrying later, and     is tinged with a desire to
making that their ability is      less, than in the past.24 There    keep the best of the past.27
manifested to act as catalysts    has been a rapid increase          Kavita Ramdas observes that
of change.                        in the number of women in          women in most countries are
                                  Asia who remain unmarried          both “viciously oppressed by
As life expectancy increases,     and have never married or          cultural practices and at the
the traditional life stage        cohabited. In Thailand, the        same time the preservers
trajectory will change. By
2050, global average life
expectancy is predicted               64% of women rate the value of
to be 75 years (up from 65
years in 2000-2005); in
                                      “having the freedom to make my
developed countries, it will be       own choices” as an essential guiding
82 years.21 In North America
and Europe, many people are
                                      principle in life.
choosing—and need—to work             Global MONITOR 2012
past traditional retirement
age. Others see retirement

                                                 11                                      Women 2020
Dimension 1                 Decision-making

 From individual spending            of culture.”28 In Middle        husbands they consider their
 to family budgeting                 Eastern states, the roles of    equals.”30
                                     women are changing with
 In developed markets,               greater opportunities and       There has been a proliferation
 women have for many                 encouragement to work,          of online dating sites catering
 years been considered to            drive and vote but there are    to particular tastes and
 ‘hold the purse strings’.           also cultural and personal      criteria. Sites like Jdate.com
 In the US, women control            expectations to fulfill the     (“The Leading Jewish Singles
 73% of household                    traditional role of being the   Network”) and Shaadi.com
 spending, the equivalent            homemaker.29                    (positioned as “The World’s
 of more than $4 trillion                                            Largest Matrimonial Service”
 in annual discretionary             Education has a large role to   with offerings for those
 spending.33 In emerging             play in women’s expectations    seeking Bengali, Gujarati,
 markets, women are                  about marriage. In Iran,        Hindi partners, among
 beginning to have more              women now account for           others) are increasingly
 earning power, but their            nearly 60% of university        making it possible to play
 spending patterns are               enrolments. A recent New        by the cultural rules and
 very different to men’s and         York Times article notes        expectations, while still
 often more fragmented.              that having raised their        creating some element of
 Where men will spend on             horizons during four years      choice. Some parts of the
 themselves and on                   of university, “many of these   role of the parent in Asian
 recreation, women are               women have trouble finding      cultures in finding a suitable
 more likely to be supporting
 more than one dependant.
 When women and girls
 earn income, they reinvest
 90% of it into their
 families, as compared
 to only 30–40% for
 men.34 As women in
 developing markets gain
 more autonomy and
 freedom, they become
 both decision-makers for
 big-ticket items and also,
 importantly, consumers of
 previously male dominated
 categories. Brands
 designed for women
 increasingly shape the
 mainstream markets for
 categories traditionally
 dominated by men.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   12
match for their child have                                       Dated attitudes to aging
been taken online; allowing         In the US, the
women to cast their nets                                         With shifting life stages,
wider, while still conforming       average social               expectations based on age
to and maintaining tradition.       gamer is a                   start to change, allowing
                                                                 for greater expressions
In our own client work we           43 year-old                  of identity.36 83% of US
have found in Africa further
                                    woman.35                     Baby Boomers “don’t
examples of women using                                          feel constrained by social
technology to maintain                                           expectations about what
social convention, while                                         is or is not appropriate
extending the boundaries                                         for someone of my age
of the limitations imposed       they once did and divorce is    or gender.” 68% say
on them. In Nigeria, women       no longer out of bounds.”31     they will be physically
have started using mobile        Even in markets such as Iran,   and mentally capable of
phones to make one-to-one        there are signs of change.      working into their seventies
business calls with male         In the last decade in Iran      and eighties.37 This is now
colleagues and clients,          divorces have more than         being reflected in attitudes
although it would be deemed      doubled, prompting society      to age and beauty, with
inappropriate for them to        to begin to accept single       campaigns and product
meet in person without           women.32 Change in terms        ranges such as Dove’s
a chaperone. Technology          of social conventions and       Pro-Age, and the increasing
creates precedents where the     opportunities for women is      visibility of older models
rules have not yet been set in   much slower than economic       such as Daphne Selfe.38
terms of social conventions      change, but it is happening.
or gendered behaviors.

As women become more
economically active and
gain greater independence,
cultural norms gradually
begin to soften. For example,
in India it is reported that
“As the economy has
boomed, the rigid boundaries
governing traditional Indian
life are beginning to fall,
especially among the growing
urban middle class. Dating
among twentysomethings
is growing popular, love
matches (as opposed to
arranged marriages) don’t
provoke the family scandals

                                               13                                   Women 2020
Dimension 1                 Decision-making

                                      education systems that
                                      put rural women seeking
                                      professional urban work at
                                      a serious disadvantage. The
                                      government has implemented
                                      education initiatives to
                                      reduce the cost of education
Women and urbanization                in the countryside and is       Boomerang motherhood
in China                              encouraging skilled urban
                                      teachers to spend a few years   The counter trend to the
China’s cities contain more           working in rural schools.42     growth in single person
than 690 million people,39                                            households is a generation
of whom 40% are rural                 While China’s urban             of Millennials who return
migrants.40 Women who leave           population is expected to       to live at home in their
their agricultural villages           increase by more than 130       twenties and thirties, due
for urban life are typically          million by 2020,43 there is     to high rents, debts and
seeking the wages available           a question as to whether        unemployment. Referred to
in China’s factories. While           the job market will keep up     variously as the ‘boomerang
many succeed in supporting            with this growth. Currently,    generation’, NEETs (not in
the families they left behind,        exports constitute a huge       education, employment,
their departure means rural           part of China’s economy and     or training) or by more
towns are often populated by          are vulnerable to a global      localized names, e.g. in Italy
the old and the young with            slowdown.                       bamboccione. According
few in between. Many women                                            to the Office of National
don’t take their children with        To mitigate the problem         Statistics, in the UK alone
them to the city as China’s           that would result if demand     more than three million
hukou resident classification         for Chinese exports falters,    20-34 year olds are living
system means migrants                 China needs to develop          at home with their parents,
do not have equal access              a domestic consumer             or one in four people in this
to education and health               base. With urban Chinese        age group.45 This pattern
care benefits. However, the           women matching and in           is extending the usual
government is aware of a              many cases surpassing the       timeframe during which
need to redraft these laws in         educational and workplace       women are supporting their
the face of urbanization and          representation of their male    children, and putting greater
social unrest, and plans to           counterparts, many are          financial pressure on 60+
extend social benefits to a           investing in clothes, beauty    parents approaching or in
majority of migrant mothers           products and homeware at        retirement. In developed
by the end of 2012.41                 an unprecented rate.44 This     Asia, postgraduate
                                      increased purchasing power      unemployment means more
Hukou is not the only source          challenges the norm of          NEETs are returning home,
of inequality between                 women as familial caretakers    extending the number of
urban and rural women.                and positions them as the       years parents must support
Rural areas generally have            potential backbone of an        their offspring.46
inconsistent, low quality             emerging consumer market.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   14
the authority to begin shaping          and beyond. With more women
                                  their independent and personal          in employment in Arab countries
                                  destinies.                              than ever before, this is fast
                                                                          becoming a reality.
                                  In a recent survey, 82% of Arab
                                  women believed that the level           Of the 100 most powerful
                                  of participation of women in the        Arab women in 2012, almost
The changing role of              political and socio-economic            half are from diverse cultural
women in the Arab world           agendas of their countries is           backgrounds,42 including
                                  moderately to substantially             film-makers, entertainers and
The role of women within          better than it was five years           businesswomen. The top of the
the Arab world is changing.       ago.40                                  list, UAE’s female first minister,
Many Arab nations have                                                    Sheikha Lubna, combines
traditionally embraced a          This new model for the                  political and diplomatic
sense of high conservatism        participatory role of women             expertise with business acumen.
grounded in dictatorial           in the Arab world is seen at            She leads trade development
politics and strict religious     its starkest during the recent          strategy and has also launched
doctrines. This has helped to     activism in the Arab Spring,            her own perfume range.
shape a number of decade-         which saw women of all ages
long myths of Arab women          take part in political protests         So ultimately, the role of
that are beginning to shatter.    across the Gulf, adopting roles         women within the Arab world is
                                  typically reserved for men,             changing rapidly. Independence
Traditionally, Arab women         which gave them a unique                and equality is on the agenda
have been perceived as            taste of political freedom and          and as a result, traditional
reserved in society, signified    societal change.                        perceptions are increasingly
by religious dress dictated by                                            challenged.
socio-religious codes. Their      Traditionally, political instability,
lack of political and economic    cultural legacy and religious
standing is conducive of          doctrine has precluded women’s
their subordination to male       involvement in political domains.
counterparts. And where           However, this is changing. In
women have begun to               Algeria, 31% of their elected
stand up to political and         parliament are female,41 the
societal injustices, they have    highest in the Arab world and
faced severe gender-based         more than in many European
harassment and punishment.        parliaments.

However, with many Arab           After all, many Arab women
countries facing political        are striving for equality within
instability, there is a growing   society and a voice within
sense that women feel that        political and socio-economic
they can have a deeper and        agendas, and to advance as
more equal role to play in        leaders in business, politics,
modernizing society, and have     media and creative industries

                                                   15                                            Women 2020
Dimension 1                 Decision-making

                What to expect in the future

1. Pushed back life stages           gradual change, rather than     with user reviews to facilitate
Expect less of a correlation         revolutionizing to create       decision-making, will become
between age and life stage,          dramatic, immediate change.     even more popular.
as the classic life stages are       Opportunity                     Opportunity
prolonged to match longer            Identify ways to help resolve   Be the curator and shape
lifespans, later first children      the tension between tradition   the conversation in online
and later retirement.                and modernity.                  spaces. Explore ways to
Opportunity                                                          support automization of
Identify and understand              4. Shifting patterns            certain regular purchases to
segments in a way that isn’t         in male-dominated               enter default buying patterns.
tied to age, but rather to an        categories/new audiences
extended lifestage model             for established categories      6. Gateway spending
and the new mindsets which           Expect categories with a        Expect access to other
emerge from it.                      typically male-dominated        audiences through women.
                                     consumer base, e.g. gaming,     As women’s earning power
2. Living Solo                       automobile, alcohol, to adapt   increases their role as holder
Expect single person                 to the opportunity in the       of the purse strings will
households to continue to            female market.                  become more prominent.
grow, as acceptability of            Opportunity                     Their spending is focused not
women living independently           Find new growth in              only on themselves, but on
grows and as more women              established categories,         the people they support and
chose to remain unmarried.           in emerging as well as in       care for (children, partners,
Opportunity                          established markets.            parents, etc.). This means it
Explore new needs arising                                            will be important to think of
from women choosing to live          5. Where and when               women not only as having
alone (from home decoration,         Expect women’s use of           an increased income, but
trades and social needs) and         technology and media            as redistributors of their
devices which consolidate            to increase, and greater        spending.
functions and purposes.              demand for synergy              Opportunity
                                     and synchronization             Understand that there is
3. Finding ways to play              between online and offline      more than one consumer to
within the rules                     experiences. Automization       be reached through women.
Expect women to continue             of certain regular purchases    Greater understanding
to find ways to preserve             or transactions is likely       of their decision-making
some of the main traditions          to become common, to            patterns and purchase
and cultural conventions of          streamline household            journeys will be required,
their societies, while finding       responsibilities. More          not only to reach them
ways to play within them             efficient aggregator and        as consumers, but other
– doing old things in new            curator sites, which offer      potential audiences in their
ways. Optimizing to achieve          curated choice combined         circle of care.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   16
“When we asked
              women to paint
              a vision of their
              ideal digital
future… they talked about
wanting more synchronicity
between devices, and greater
synergy between online and
offline experiences, especially
with respect to shopping”
Dayna Dion, Cultural
Strategy Director,
Ogilvy & Mather

                                  17   Women 2020
Dimension 2:
The workplace and the economy
                                     figures have grown steadily         than 90% of the average
                                     across the globe. While in          male wage. In some markets
                                     some markets women’s                the gap is even wider, with
                                     workforce participation is          women in Japan and South
                                     starting to reach a plateau, in     Korea earning less than 70%
                                     others women represented            of the average male wage.54
                                     an untapped source of
                                     economic growth.                    Even in markets where the
                                                                         pay gap is closing and pay
                                     But workforce participation         parity (equal pay for equal
                                     figures obscure some                work) is being achieved, this
From: Employee                       important nuances. Women            changes dramatically after
To: Economic                         are more likely to be               a woman has a child, when
Powerhouse                           employed in the informal            the pay gap opens up again.
                                     economy, and are less likely        Research shows that women
Big shifts in women’s                to occupy senior positions.52       who had previously never
relationship with and role in        Just twelve Fortune 500             felt disadvantaged by their
the workplace are having an          companies are run by                gender in the workplace,
impact on everything from            women.53 Women are also—            suddenly find themselves
national GDP, to family life.        across all markets—paid less        feeling side-tracked (or more
How employers adapt to               than men for the same work.         accurately ‘slow-tracked’) in
these changes will be central        According to the OECD, in           terms of pay and access to
to their ability to make the         most countries the average          promotions.
most of the workforce.               female wage is still less

Women are the world’s                  The shape of women’s career pathways
greatest underdeveloped
source of labor, with nearly           It seems likely that the ideal shape of a woman’s career path
one half of working-age                will need to be revisited. Historically the career trajectory has
women not currently                    been about consistent progress up the career ladder, which is
active in the formal global            often irreparably interrupted at the first child. An alternative
economy.50 In the US alone,            model proposed by Benko and Weisberg is that of irregular
the additional productive              ‘stairstepping’ whereby women make gradual progress until
power of women entering                their first child, maybe go part-time or try an alternative form
the workforce since 1970 to            of employment while their children are young, and then reach
the present day accounted              the peak of their career in their forties when their children
for about a quarter of the             leave for college. Such a redefinition of the pathway of a
economy in 2011.51 For                 successful career would also start to shift life stages, creating
the past century female                a new phase of life, with distinctive characteristics during a
workforce participation                woman’s forties.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   18
“The point at    In the corporate sector,
                                  women at the top, C level
                                                                     “In a post-
                 which the
                 pay gap          jobs and board seats, tops         industrial
                 starts to open   out at 15, 16%... Even in the
  [in the UK] is the point        non-profit world... women
                                                                     society where
  at which a woman has            at the top are only 20%.”56        women are
  children… That to me is         Change is slow: McKinsey
  a very powerful point           estimates that at current
                                                                     educated, if you
  when you start to feel          rates of change, women will        really force that
  your gender. You might          still account for under 20% of
  not have felt                   seats on Europe’s executive        choice [between
  disadvantaged before            committees in 2022.57              career and
  then, but after that you
  will feel it.”                  In a recent article in             motherhood],
  Dr Tracey Jensen,               The Atlantic, Anne-Marie           you’ll end up
  Lecturer in Media               Slaughter made the case for
  and Cultural Studies,           “why women still can’t have        with a lot of
  University of Newcastle
                                  it all”. She pointed towards a
                                  change of expectations for
                                                                     women who
Women in many developed           women in developed markets,        choose the
countries are more                which distinguishes the
educated than their male          current generation of young
                                                                     career, and birth
counterparts. In fact, women      women from the generation          rates of 1.2 to
now outnumber men in              before them. Women born in
higher education everywhere       the late 1950s and 1960s who
                                                                     1.4 children
except sub-Saharan Africa         entered the workforce in the       per woman.
and China.55 But this is not      late 1970s and 1980s believed
translating into more women       that they could have it all. For   Long-term GDP
in leadership positions.          them, that meant that “women       growth flatlines,
                                  should be able to have both
As Sheryl Sandberg, COO           careers and families in the        pension
of Facebook, reminded             same measure and to the            schemes become
her audience at a TED             same degree that men do.”58
conference, a non-profit          However, the younger women         unaffordable,
series of conferences devoted     of the Millennial generation
to “ideas worth spreading” in     (Gen Y) are increasingly
                                                                     and a lot of
Technology, Entertainment         accepting that there are likely    things start to
and Design, women still           to be trade-offs when it comes
have a long way to go to gain     to starting a family. That is
                                                                     go wrong.”
representation in leadership      to say, many women feel            Gender Norms, Democracy in
roles: “Of the 190 heads of       they face an either/or choice      America, The Economist59
state, nine are women. Of all     between family and career—
the people in parliament in       that in practice the two are
the world, 13% are women.         mutually exclusive.

                                                 19                                    Women 2020
Dimension 2                 The workplace and the economy

                                     Some encouraging changes          in their company treats
                                     are happening: globally,          men and women equally,
                                     81% of large companies now        only 30% of women agree.64
                                     offer flex-work options in the    Characteristics which
                                     recognition that this helps       are typically associated
                                     employees manage work/life        with women include being
                                     balance and saves money.62        ‘friendly, emotional, and
                                     However, statistics such as       unselfish’, however, as Robin
                                     these don’t acknowledge           Ely identifies, these are
                                     the distinction between           traits which are at odds with
The secret to resolving              companies offering flex-          widely held beliefs about
this tension seems to lie,           work options and workplace        what a leader should be:
overwhelmingly, in access            culture making it acceptable      ‘assertive, self-confident, and
to affordable childcare. In          to take up the option             entrepreneurial’, typically
the UK, the cost of childcare        without being judged by           considered male traits.
for two pre-school children          management or peers. One          What’s more, she adds,
represents a third of average        proposed solution to this lies    when women exhibit these
household income.60 For              in the behavioral economics       characteristics they run the
many women staying at                principle of the ‘default         risk of being seen as “abrasive
home is more affordable              option’, whereby people           instead of assertive, arrogant
than paying for childcare            are more likely to select         instead of self-confident, and
from income earned at                options that are considered       self-promoting instead of
work. An analysis of the             mainstream, rather than           entrepreneurial.”65 However,
EIU Women’s Economic                 being seen to go against the      there is a shift happening.
Opportunity Index shows that         grain. In her Atlantic article,   In a world of project-based
the countries which score            Slaughter proposes the            work, flatter teams, and
highest in terms of economic         ‘normalization’ of face-to-       matrix-based organizations,
opportunity for women are            face meetings during school       traditional ideas about what
also those which have strong         hours and dial-ins outside of     makes an effective manager
public policy which creates          school hours.63                   are becoming less ‘male’.
provision of childcare for all
women. In Sweden, top of             Aside from the practical          While deeply engrained
the EIU Women’s Economic             barrier of childcare provision,   socially-conditioned norms
Opportunity Index, local             other workplace biases that       are likely to change only
municipalities are obliged to        have impeded women’s              slowly there are some
provide day care to children         progress are starting to          organizational changes that
under 12 whose parents are           change. In the past the           will become increasingly
working or studying, and             qualities rewarded with           prevalent in employers’
high quality private day care        promotions and higher pay         attempts to address
is also available, costing           have been gendered-male           diversity in the workplace.
between one percent and              qualities. A recent McKinsey      A quantifiable case for
three percent of household           survey in Europe found that       the value of retaining and
income.61                            while 65% of men believe          developing women to board
                                     that the evaluation system        level is beginning to emerge.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   20
A recent report                  Women as the key to            countries, especially in
demonstrated that                reducing poverty               remoter rural areas.
companies with the most
women on their boards of         Women create economic          One example of a brand
directors outperform those       growth and play a critical     demonstrating leadership in
with the fewest women on         role in the elimination        this space and investing in
their boards, with return        of poverty, and their          women as agents of change
on invested capital at 66%       contribution is fundamental    is Coca-Cola’s ‘Five by
higher in firms with strong      to a number of aid             Twenty’ campaign,67 which
female representation.           associations’ strategies       aims to enable the economic
Fortune 500 firms with the       to target health, nutrition,   empowerment of five million
best record of promoting         education and poverty          women across its global
women to senior positions,       in developing countries.       value chain by 2020.
including their board of         Micro-finance schemes are
directors, are more profitable   more successful when run
than their peers.66              through women, who are
                                 more likely to reinvest in
                                 their communities. A more      Opportunities also exist to
              “There’s been      recent model that has been     partner with aid agencies
              this light-        developed which is also        who work closely with
              bulb moment        yielding results with women    women in developing
              with aid and       is micro-consignment.          markets. For example, Tilda’s
              international                                     partnership with the UN
 development agencies            The MCM (Micro                 World Food Programme
 that actually, if you don’t     Consignment Model),            through an initiative called
 push women into a more
                                 developed by the Ashoka        ‘Mums Helping Mums’.68
 prominent position
 you’re not going to get         Fellow, Greg Van Kirk, acts    Tilda donates the cost of
 the results. It’s through       as an initial distribution     a nutritious meal to the
 women that we’re making         channel to provide             World Food Programme for
 progress.”                      access to basic products:      every 1kg pack sold, thereby
                                 eyeglasses, water filtration   connecting mothers in the
 Caroline Hurford, Public
 Information Officer,            buckets, stoves and solar      UK with their counterparts in
 UN World Food                   lamps, for rural villagers     the developing world.
 Programme                       in ‘base of the pyramid’

                                 It creates opportunities
                                 for villagers to act as
                                 arming individuals with
                                 the education, training
                                 and products necessary to
                                 market and sell essential
                                 products in developing

                                              21                                     Women 2020
Dimension 2                 The workplace and the economy

 Culturally conditioned careers: the STEM story
 Traditionally there have            in the gendering of certain     women in STEM would
 been some industries that           industries. In China women      mean long-term job security
 have been dominated by              are often encouraged to         and prospects for women.
 men, and others by women.           become secretaries, tour        What’s more, the pay gap is
 This is down to two main            guides and hostesses, rather    significantly smaller in STEM
 factors. The first is that          than lawyers, managers and      fields than in other sectors in
 when work was largely               executives.71 These gender      the US. Women in non-STEM
 agricultural or manual, there       biases in industries lead to    careers face a 21% gap, while
 was a bias towards physical         an even greater disparity in    women in STEM fields face
 strength which put men              pay and social status and in    a pay gap of around 14% to
 at an advantage. In fact,           how valued those roles are in   their male counterparts.75
 there are still countries in        society as a whole.
 which women are actively                                            In the UK, a man is six
 excluded from work which                                            times more likely to work
 involves lifting or heavy                                           in a science, engineering or
 physical labor.69 The second            Gender bias in              technology occupation than
 is that certain career paths                                        a woman.76 Much of this is
 are socially conditioned to
                                         industries leads            down to decisions about
 be gendered, for example                to even greater             subject choice at school and
 in industries concentrated                                          university. For example, the
 around ‘the five cs’: Caring,
                                         disparities in              number of female students
 Cashiering, Catering,                   pay and status              graduating in STEM subjects
 Cleaning and Clerical. In                                           is in decline. In 2005 women
 the UK, for example, this                                           made up 24% of computer
 ‘gendering’ of industries is                                        science students in higher
 very visible, with 60% of                                           education; by 2010 they
 female workers employed in          Nowhere is this more visible    made up just 19%.77
 the ‘five Cs’ sectors, where        than in the STEM (Science,
 pay tends to be lower.70            Technology, Engineering, and    Ceri Goddard, chief executive
                                     Mathematics) disciplines.       of the Fawcett Society,
 A report by the Women               A report by the US              argues that this is down
 and Work Commission                 Department of Commerce          to a lack of understanding
 calls this ‘occupational            found that women are vastly     of the distinction between
 segregation’, and blames            underrepresented in STEM        economic and social/cultural
 it on gender stereotypes            jobs and among STEM degree      progress: “We assumed
 established in school, where        holders despite making          that because women were
 girls are still encouraged to       up nearly half of the US        moving into economic life
 enter traditionally female-         workforce and half of the       all of our social and cultural
 gendered roles.63 There are         college-educated workforce.73   stereotypes would just
 market-specific cultural            Why is it important? STEM       disappear, the truth is that
 factors at play here too            is a growth sector,74 so more   we have only just started to

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   22
STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

challenge the notion that         There is evidence of            lab, which turns into a
women are good at the             developed markets taking        runway (or catwalk) on
caring professions while men      action to try and rectify       which they interact with
are good at logic, science        this underrepresentation,       various glamorized pieces
and industry. This divide is      largely because it is seen as   of scientific equipment.
fuelling the gender pay gap.”78   an investment in economic       The campaign was
                                                                  heavily criticized for its
                                                                  communication approach
                                                                  (“it has lipsticks but no lab
                                                                  coats”).80 Nonetheless, it
                                                                  demonstrated investment
                                                                  in redressing the balance.
                                                                  Other non-government
                                                                  examples include Little Miss
                                                                  Geek, a campaigning agency
                                                                  working to inspire women
                                                                  to consider a career in

                                                                  In contrast, in developed
                                                                  markets, there is also a
                                                                  counter pattern emerging
                                                                  with increasing numbers
                                                                  of men moving into
However, there are signs that     competitiveness. In the         typically female dominated
some cultures, particularly       US, President Obama’s           professions. In 2010, the
in Asia, are bucking the          administration has developed    number of men applying
gendered-industries               “Educate to Innovate”           to become teachers in UK
stereotype. This is largely       strategies, which aim to        grew by almost 50%.81 In
due to emerging markets           increase participation by       the US, the New York Times
having more students              women and girls in STEM.        reported that between 2000
overall graduating in those                                       and 2010 occupations that
disciplines. A third of all       Similarly efforts are being     are more than 70% female
Bachelor’s degrees in the US      made in Europe. Recently        accounted for almost a third
are in STEM fields, compared      the European Commission         of all job growth for men.82
to 53% of first degrees in        released an advert as part      These changes signal a
China and 63% in Japan.           of their campaign ‘Science:     shift that could undermine
Each year, India produces         It’s a girl thing’ to try and   the dynamics dominating
about twice as many               encourage more girls to         culturally-conditioned
engineering and computing         study science. The advert       gendered careers.
graduates as America.79           shows three girls in a

                                                23                                    Women 2020
Dimension 2                The workplace and the economy

                What to expect in the future

1. Economic growth will              Change here is likely to be        Opportunity
outpace social progress​             slow, and will come into force     Smart employers will attract
Rapid economic development           sooner in more established         and keep the best women
will continue to happen in           markets, following suit of         employees by supporting
markets where workforce              the Scandinavian markets.          accessible childcare provision
participation in the formal          There is the possibility of        for all parents and make
economy hasn’t yet reached           this affecting school hours        flexible working a genuine or
capacity (e.g. Japan and             and terms to mirror working        default option.
South Korea). However,               patterns, and adapt to
tensions will arise in these         growing number of dual             4. Forties is the new
markets from the disparity           income families.                   thirties
in the pace of change                Opportunity                        With the pushing back
between earning potential/           Play a leadership role in          of life stages, women
contribution to the economy          rolling out initiatives which      experiencing a ‘pause’
and social change in women’s         facilitate real choice for new     in their progress in their
opportunities to act with            parents, and retain female         thirties, there will be a new
greater autonomy.                    talent. The business case          interest in women’s forties.
Opportunity                          for retaining talent will be       Expect a re-evaluation of
Acknowledge and resolve the          championed by leading              the current model of a steep
cultural tension emerging            businesses.                        climb to being ‘established’
from this disparity in pace of                                          before first child, to what
change and the new needs             3. ‘Trade-off’ lifestyle           has been called, by Benko
and positioning territories          choices                            and Weisberg, irregular
that this tension might bring.       In the shorter term, there is      stairstepping, meaning that
                                     a reversal of the Gen X-ers’       women reach a career peak
2. Childcare is everyone’s           belief that women can ‘have        in their forties when their kids
business                             it all’, to a generation of Gen    leave for college. Brands will
Expect increasing                    Y women, who feel they are         start to take an interest in
politicization of childcare,         likely to have to weigh up         this opportunity.
especially in markets                the ‘trade-off’ with the goal      Opportunity
where women are highly               of achieving wellbeing and         Focus on new audiences
economically and socially            balance, rather than rapidly       and play a role in shaping
active (‘closing the gap’            climbing the career ladder.        a changing space where
markets). Governments will           This will persist until greater    new identities may emerge.
be obliged to take a longer          progress is made with              Innovate for new ‘life stage-
term view of the impact of           childcare provision to take        based’ needs.
making cuts in children’s            the ‘either/or’ out of the ‘work
services, particularly if this       vs starting a family’ equation
means fewer women are able           for women.
to return to the workforce.

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   24
5. Business case                evaluation and remuneration,    professions. In markets
not feminist cause              which often contribute          such as China and India with
Organizations will need to      to gender imbalances in         growing tech and engineering
examine which skills and        leadership positions.           industries, this is likely to
competencies are valuable                                       mean a faster elimination
in their workplace and lead     6. Counter-currents in          of the longstanding gender
to business growth. This is     career choices                  imbalance in the STEM
likely to affect policies to    Decisions regarding career      (Science, Technology,
evaluate a broader set of       paths will be based more        Engineering and Math)
skills and contributions, and   on growth areas in industry     sectors.
promotion models in order to    and long-term employment        Opportunity
remove socially conditioned     prospects than socially-        Support the transition into
biases around behavioral        conditioned gendered            and out of typically male- or
characteristics of success.     skills and paths. In markets    female-dominated industries
Opportunity                     like the US with an aging       and seek ways to take
Articulate the business         population, this will mean      advantage of the influx of new
case for initiatives which      men moving into traditionally   skills.
redress the gender biases in    female-dominated caring

                                             25                                     Women 2020
Dimension 3:
Communication & Identity

                                     Women are faced with more
                                     choices than ever – and
                                     while the types of choices           chores and
                                     and their breadth varies
                                     dramatically from market to
                                                                          preparing kids’
                                     market, choice (expectation          meals cause
                                     and reality of it) are a central
                                     dynamic in women’s lives.            pressure for
                                     As they have moved into              around 12%
                                     the workplace and become
From: Single Role                    more socially independent,           more women
To: Multiple Roles                   their repertoire of roles            than men,
                                     has become increasingly
As the decisions women               broad. Understanding this            suggesting that
make and the role they play in       multidimensionality of
                                                                          the homemaker
society changes, so too does         women’s lives is key for
the way they consider and            brands.                              is still a role
express their identities. The
evolution of communications          As the choices women are
                                                                          that women
to, from and among women             able to make increase, so            are expected to
depends on how these shifts          too does the pressure of
are understood and reflected         decision-making, in terms of
                                                                          Global MONITOR 2012
in popular and consumer              what to prioritize day to day
culture.                             and how best to sequence the
                                     stages of their lives.
                                                                        Much of this pressure is
                                                                        rooted in the tension between
  Multiple roles need good energy management                            professional life (career) and
  In emerging markets where new members of the global                   home life (family).
  middle class are adjusting to the pace and opportunities
  in the marketplace, time continues to be the biggest                  With working mothers no
  pressure. Women are under particular pressure as they are             longer exceptional, there is
  expected to excel in a growing number of roles. Women                 starting to be a convergence
  are increasingly looking to brands to provide convenience             of roles in the home,
  and time-saving solutions in their busy lives. But at the             supported by both cultural
  same time, convenience is not enough and women look for               and public policy change in
  solutions to help them manage their energy levels, to pick            developed markets. In the
  up pace and relax as the occasion demands.                            UK, new paternity leave rules
                                                                        came into effect last year

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   26
meaning that parents will be     Recent data suggests
legally entitled to share time   that urban American                Being the main
off work during their baby’s     20-something women are
                                                                    earner in the
first year.83 In Iceland and     making more money than
Germany, paternity leave         men of the same age.88             household
entitlement is closer to that    Similar data are seen in
for maternity leave, allowing    Western Europe. The threat
                                                                    is almost as
both parents to contribute to    to the traditional male role       important for
their child’s first months.84    and erosion of men’s sense of
                                 purpose as main breadwinner
                                                                    women as it is
Men are becoming more            has led to concerns about          for men – with
visible in new roles: the        men’s mental health. Men
number of stay-at-home           are losing out in terms of         64% of women
fathers in the UK has risen      education, relationships           compared to 73%
tenfold in the last decade.85    and work, as captured in
There is starting to be some     Kay Hymowitz’s 2011 book           of men citing it
acknowledgement, at least in     Manning Up.89 According to         as a signifier of
the language of public policy    a 2011 study, the number of
in western markets, of the       men with depression will rise      success.
more equal weight between        because of socio-economic          Global MONITOR 2012
the role of mother and father.   change and shifting gender
Last year, the US State          roles.90 Yet men remain
Department decided to make       less likely than women to
US passport application          seek professional advice for     the type of woman which
forms more “gender neutral”      mental health issues.            appeared in an advert for a
by removing references to                                         diet drink: “You understand
mother and father.86             With such dramatic changes       how this works… men want
                                 in the roles women have in       her [therefore] women want
Nonetheless, some                society, there are also shifts   to be her.”91 In contrast, we
characteristics of socially      occurring in how women           are now starting to observe
conditioned roles/gender         think of themselves and          an ideal of femininity which
norms for household              define their own identity.       takes more of the attitude
responsibilities persist.                                         that “Women want to be her
According to a recent survey     Historically, ideals of          because other women
by the Institute for Public      femininity were expressed        admire her.”
Policy Research in the UK,       as a male ideal of beauty
married women still shoulder     and sexual attractiveness.
the larger share of domestic     This male-directed ideal of
chores; 80% of married           female identity has been
women do more household          perpetuated for many
chores, and just one in 10       years, and is captured in TV
married men do an equal          drama series Mad Men by
amount of cleaning and           advertising executive Don
washing as their wives.87        Draper’s remark to explain

                                               27                                         Women 2020
Dimension 3                 Communication & Identity

  Ideals of Female Identity

   Male-directed Ideal                    Real Beauty                       Real Femininity

   Female identity defined                Female identity explored          Female identity defined
   relative to women’s role               through the lens of               by ideal qualities —
   in men’s lives                         authenticity and natural          internal and external —
                                          physical attributes               that are admired in
                                                                            women by other women

There is recognition of the          these emerging identities.
importance of focusing on            But some leader brands
inner-directed goals, rather         have captured a female
than seeking validation              aspiration based on female                      “There’s
outside, evidenced by the            strength and on succeeding                      definitely a
success of magazines such            on your own terms. A recent                     movement
as Psychologies in the UK,           campaign for Sure Maximum
                                                                                     towards this
which aim to enrich readers’         Protection runs with the idea
                                                                        mentality of: she’s the
emotional life. This new             of unapologetic feminine           woman that women
feminine identity is in a state      strength: “Women are strong.       want to be because she’s
of flux and both popular             Not strong ‘with an asterisk’,     a leader, because she’s
culture and communications           not strong ‘but’, strong ‘full     confident in who she
are still exploring what             stop.’”92 Nike takes a similarly   is and grounded in her
femininity is when it isn’t          powerful stance on women           identity.
defined by male-directed             defying social convention          I really believe that the
ideals. Pop artists such as          and being unabashedly              new benchmark for
                                                                        women is ‘are other
Adele, Lady Gaga and Nicki           motivated, competitive and
                                                                        women inspired by her?’”
Minaj channel these new,             driven. Its recent Voices
more powerful visions of             commercial captures the new        Dayna Dion,
                                                                        Cultural Strategy Director,
femininity, capturing young          desire of women to be seen
                                                                        Ogilvy & Mather
women’s imaginations and             as competent and successful,
desire for self-expression.          in the context of sport, but in
                                     a way that could be applied
The communications industry          more widely to the emerging
has been slow to adapt its           zeitgeist of femininity.93
portrayal of women to reflect

© 2013 The Futures Company. Some rights reserved.   28
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