WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging

Page created by Clayton Brooks
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
The Essential Guide to
     WITH    QR Codes

 QR Codes are Resurging
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
Looking to provide your customers and prospects with a safe,
  easy way to connect to product or marketing information
 in a mobile environment? To allow a seamless multichannel
      experience from printed piece directly to the web?
                    Think QR Codes.

                  9906 Mesa Rim Road • San Diego, CA 92121
                 858.625.4111 • tpsprinting.com
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
QR Codes (or Quick Response                       or pay for their meals right
Codes) are shortcuts to landing                   from the table.
pages, discount coupons, videos,                • Food containers at movie
and other mobile content straight                 theaters, where QR Codes
from printed (and digital) media. To              encourage theatergoers to
                                                  scan to access promotions and
use them, open the camera on most
                                                  discounts on their next orders.
smartphones, point the camera at
the code, and the camera’s browser              • Posters at public transit
                                                                                           eyeballs by asking people to manually
                                                  locations, where local businesses
will recognize the code and take                                                           input URLs or scribble them down onto a
                                                  capture eyeballs while riders wait.
you directly there. What was once a                                                        piece of paper that might get lost.
                                                • On business cards, where people can         Plus, QR Codes cost little or nothing to
static medium suddenly becomes a
                                                  add someone’s contact information        add to your printed pieces. There is no
dynamic, interactive one.
                                                  simply by scanning the QR Code on        reason not to use them.
                                                  the front or back of the card.              In today’s world of social distancing
                                               The list of uses for QR Codes is endless.   and extra health precautions, QR Codes
                                                                                           also say, “We care about your safety”
                                              Tested, Useful Technology                    by allowing shoppers and other viewers
                                              QR Codes have been around for many           to access information without needing
                                              years, but with the rise of the COVID-19     to have physical contact with the piece.
                                              pandemic, they have started to see a         Buyers gain access to your product,
                                              resurgence. Businesses from retailers and    marketing, or company information in a
                                              events venues to local coffee bars have      safe and touchless way.
                                              increased the use of QR Codes to provide
                                              easy, effective, and touchless ways to
  QR Codes look like checkerboards.           engage with their customers, and those
Sometimes they are in color, but most         benefits will last long after the pandemic
often they are in black-and-white. You        is over.
see them on direct mail pieces, magazine         While most mobile phones can scan
ads, in-store posters, and at the drive-      QR Codes natively, phones with older
through at McDonald’s. They can also be       browsers can access QR Codes by
added to digital channels like email, large   downloading a free QR Code reader.
screens, and e-books.                         However, most phones today have QR
  Here are some ways you might see QR         Code reading capability built in.
Codes used:                                      Whether you are a retailer placing a
                                              magazine ad or a local business doing a
  • Real estate postcards, where they
                                              sales promotion, the benefit of QR Codes
    connect recipients to virtual tours of
                                              is that they capture viewers at the very
    available homes.
                                              moment of interest. As soon as buyers’
  • Table tents, where restaurant patrons     attention is piqued, they can act on the
    can connect to interactive wine lists     information right away. You don’t lose
                                                                                                                                         photos ©istock.com
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
They’re Interactive
QR Codes are powerful from a
                                              For example, one burger restaurant
                                           uses a QR Code to send customers
                                                                                              Used by
marketing standpoint, too, because         to a video about the sourcing of its               Top Brands
they make a printed piece interactive.     ingredients. Its call to action? “Our
Interactivity increases                                      ingredients are hand
engagement and                                                picked from local
makes the information                                         biologic farms. Watch
more likely to be                                              this video to learn
remembered.                                                     more about it.” It’s not
   A good example                                               what you’d expect on
comes from the food                                              burger packaging . . .
industry, where the use                                           and that’s the point.
of QR Codes is exploding.                                         Regardless of your
Here are some of the ways QR Codes         industry, make those static printed
are being used:                            pieces come to life. Add “live” product
   • Provide access to recipes.            demos to sell sheets. Send trade show
                                           attendees right to a landing page               Direct mail.
   • Give buyers more information on
     ingredients.                          created just for them. Let viewers              The real estate company Home
   • Provide access to coupons and         “save the date” for your events right           Finders mails out postcards
     discounts.                            from your promotional mailers to their          promoting homes for sale in buyers’
   • Encourage customers to follow the     phones.
                                                                                           local areas. It has added QR Codes
     brand on social media.                                                                to the mailers so that if home
   • Let shoppers learn more about the     They’re Trackable
                                                                                           buyers like what they see, they can
     company (great for organic and        Wait! It gets better. Because QR Codes
     mission-minded brands).
                                                                                           request a showing right from the
                                           go straight to websites, they are an easy
Increasingly, consumers want               way to track the interest level of many         postcard.
transparency about the companies           of today’s mobile consumers.
from which they buy. For example, they        How many people scanned the code
care about where brands are sourcing       from the brochure you mailed out after
their materials, how they are addressing   the virtual trade show? Were mobile
the issues of sustainability and waste     users more likely to respond to your
reduction, and how they are investing      promotion from the local newspaper or
for social impact. QR Codes are terrific   regional lifestyle magazine? Do people
ways to tell that story and create         really pay attention to window clings?
positive feelings around your brand.          Track these and more with QR Codes!

WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
It is no wonder so many of today’s top brands are using them. These include GMC, Ford,
       Google, Pepsi, Ralph Lauren, The Weather Channel, Best Buy, Chevrolet, Starbucks, Facebook,
       and countless more. Let’s look at a few examples...

                                                                                              Businesses are
                                                                                              awakening to a powerful
                                                                                              but overlooked
                                                                                              marketing channel —
                                                                                              their own windows. By
                                                                                              adding text, images,
                          Food packaging.                                        and QR Codes to their street-facing
                          Spark Cinemas uses QR Codes to                         glass, they can engage shoppers
                          boost a key profit center in its                       before they even enter the store.
                          theaters: concessions. One of the                      Ciao Pizza, for example, added a
                          ways it does this is to add a code                     QR Code to its window art that
                          with the call to action, “Scan the                     encouraged customers to scan the
                          QR Code to Get 50% Off Your                            code to be taken to their social
                          Next Order” right on the popcorn                       media pages. Below the code it says,
                          box.                                                   “Scan the Code to Follow Us for
                                                                                 Deals & Offers!”
       Nonprofit mail.
                                                               Lots of hands touch restaurant
       When Samaritan’s Purse wanted
                                                               menus every day, so The Grand
       to promote Operation Christmas
                                                               Hotel Suites and Resort added a
       Child, which provides Christmas
                                                               QR Code to the front of its menu
       presents to needy children all over
                                                               — using the tagline “From
       the world, it added a QR Code to
                                                               your phone to our
       its direct mail envelopes. The QR
                                                               kitchen”— to
       Code connected to a video clip
                                                               provide a
       showing distribution of the boxes,
                                                               safe and
       beaming faces of the children, and
                                                                                                                        photos ©istock.com

       the benefits of the program.
                                                               way for
                                                               patrons to view
                                                               their dining choices.
9906 Mesa Rim Road • San Diego, CA 92121     858.625.4111 tpsprinting.com
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
Creating QR Codes                              Try Scanning QR Codes Now!
Although there are some common
                                                      Download a reader to your smartphone
applications, you can use QR Codes for
almost anything. The creative possibilities           and scan these QR codes.
are endless, and creating QR Codes
couldn’t be easier. Although there are
proprietary applications, basic QR Codes
are free and easy to create.                           Best Practices for QR Codes:
  Just Google “free QR Code generator,”
and you’ll come up with a myriad
options. Go to the site, input the URL to
which you would like the code to point,                                                 MAKE
                                                                                     THE CODES
and hit “generate code.” You’ll get back a
                                                                                    EASY TO READ
.png or .jpg image that you can insert into
                                                                                   Keep the URLs simple. The
your layouts.                                                              longer the URL, the more dense and
  Yes, it’s that easy.                                                hard to read the code becomes. Make the
  Using more complex software, you                                code easier for phones to read by using a URL
can also create personalized QR Codes                          shortener like TinyURL or Bitly. Also make sure
(say for generating personalized URLs),                      there is enough space in the layout around the
                                                             code so it’s not crowded by text or images.
codes with embedded logos, or codes                           If you’re going to be placing QR Codes
that provide detailed tracking and multi-                          in permanent locations, think about
channel integration. Some QR Codes are                                      things like reflections or
“smart codes” that can customize the                                            shadows that might
content based on the date, location, and                                           impact readability.
model of phone that is reading it.
                                                                                                       OPTIMIZE FOR
                                                                                                        MOBILE SITES
                                                                                                   Because people will be
                                                                                               scanning these codes with
                                                                                              mobile cameras, make sure
                             Is it time to update your marketing                            the content to which you are
                                                                                                driving them is optimized
                             materials by adding QR Codes? Talk
                                                                                                       for mobile viewing.
                             to us about where they can help to
                             accomplish your marketing goals
                             and where they can boost sales,
                             increase audience engagement, and
                             improve your customer experience.
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
This code will take you to our                      This code takes you to our                                    This code will take you to our
 TPS Printing website homepage                       TPS Printing contact form                                     TPS Printing roll label page.
 (Quick access for your home page.)                  (This is a quick way for customers to contact you.)           (QR codes are popular on roll labels.)

                                                    MAKE IT SERVE                                           This code will take you to our
                                                     A PURPOSE                                                       Contact Information
                                                                                                                      (typical business card information)
                                      Not only should the code be worth decoding,
                                      but it should serve a specific marketing goal.
                                      What is the intent on the back end? Gather
                                      information? Conduct a survey? Get buyers to
                                      make a purchase? Know your target audience
                                            and make sure the content is well
                                               matched to their needs
                                                   and interests.            MAKE THE
  Like any marketing                                                         QR CODE
                                                                          WORTH DECODING
     technology or                                          Make the code worth decoding.
application, QR Codes                                       Don’t just send people to your website.
                                                            Provide interesting, relevant content. If you
   work best when
                                                            are selling something, send buyers directly
certain best practices                                      to a product-specific landing page with
are followed. Here are                                      promotions specific to that code,
                                                            for example, or send them to
    a few of them.                                          review sites or fan pages.
                                                                      Make it worth
                                                  INCLUDE             their time.
                                               INSTRUCTIONS                           INCLUDE MULTIPLE
                                            FOR USING THE CODE.                       PATHS TO RESPONSE
                                        Although QR Code use and awareness is                          Although you want people to use
                                        growing, you may want to include short                         the code, include multiple paths to the
                                   instructions for using the code for those who are                   information. Not everyone will scan the
                                         unfamiliar with them. Part of success                         code, so make sure they can access the
                                                    with QR Codes is                                   information other ways. After all, it’s
         TEST, TEST, TEST.                           user education.                                   not about getting prospective
   Test QR Codes before deploying                                                                      buyers to respond to a code.
them and make sure the code points                                                                     It’s about getting them to
to the right site, that your content is                                                                respond period.
 up to date, and that your users will
  have a positive experience on the
               back end.
WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
Contact TPS Today via our contact form!
                                      (scan QR Code below)

                   Don't Miss the Opportunity!

This code will open our                                      This code will take you
   Contact Information                                                 to our Email
(typical business card information)                    customerservice@tpsprinting.com

                          9906 Mesa Rim Road • San Diego, CA 92121
                         858.625.4111 • tpsprinting.com
                                                                                         © 2021 GRCINC.

WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging WITH QR Codes The Essential Guide to - QR Codes are Resurging
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