With coming PFS Troilus Gold sees potential to be a cornerstone gold mine for decades to come

Page created by Katherine Mccoy
With coming PFS Troilus Gold sees potential to be a cornerstone gold mine for decades to come
With coming PFS Troilus Gold
sees   potential  to   be  a
cornerstone gold mine for
decades to come
Many small gold mining stocks fail to deliver. This is the
nature of mining, especially gold, given gold is so hard to
find. Today’s company is an exception as it continues to
deliver solid results at their gold-copper project in Quebec

Troilus Gold Corp. (TSX: TLG | OTCQX: CHXMF) (Troilus) is a
junior gold mining success story potentially in the making.
The Company bought the former gold and copper Troilus Mine in
2017 and has successfully grown the resource since then to the
point where Troilus now has one of the largest undeveloped
gold resources in Canada. The Troilus Gold Project now has an
Indicated Resource of 4.96 million ounces of contained AuEq @
0.87g/t AuEq and an Inferred Resource of 3.15 million ounces
of contained AuEq. The Project consists of a 142,000 hectares
(1,420 km²) land package in north central Quebec, Canada and
lies within the prospective Frôtet-Evans Greenstone Belt.

The Troilus Gold Project in Quebec, Canada is a former gold-
copper mine with plans to restart and produce 220-250,000 Au
oz pa
With coming PFS Troilus Gold sees potential to be a cornerstone gold mine for decades to come
Source: Troilus Gold Corp. company presentation

A recap of 2021 for Troilus

Troilus CEO, Justin Reid, summed up 2021 nicely stating: “2021
was an intensive year of work by the Troilus team as it
continued to solidify the foundations and advance our mining
project, which we believe has the potential to be a
cornerstone Canadian mine for decades to come……First and
foremost, we had great success with the drill bit and in the
field… As it turned out, the more we drilled, the more
mineralization we found. Our understanding of the geology at
Troilus continues to improve and evolve. In 2021, we drilled
~100,000 metres, over 50% of which were drilled in the newly
discovered Southwest Zone, where we identified some of the
best grades ever at Troilus. This zone continues to be a
priority growth target, with results suggesting a much broader
system well beyond the existing mineral envelope which remains
open at depth and in all directions. 2021’s drill program also
identified a new hanging wall in the J Zone, demonstrating
mineral continuity over a 700m strike length parallel to the
With coming PFS Troilus Gold sees potential to be a cornerstone gold mine for decades to come
main ore body.”

Note: Bold emphasis by the author.

The Troilus Gold Project showing the various gold discovery
zones as well as the 2020 PEA pit shell designs

Source: Troilus Gold company presentation

Recent success has seen the stock price move higher in 2022

Recent drilling has continued this success with further high
grade results notably at the Southwest zone, but also making a
new discovery at Testard. Troilus has also had some very good
gold (92.9%) and copper (90.4%) recovery results from their
pilot test program.

     May 4, 2022 – “Troilus drills 13.64 g/t AuEq over 3m,
     Incl. 29.81 g/t over 1m, 2.42 g/t AuEq over 6m, 2.11 g/t
     AuEq over 10m in the Southwest Zone; New mineral
     extension identified 300m below PEA pit shell… All the
     results reported today will be included in the mineral
     resource update and Pre-Feasibility Study, expected in
With coming PFS Troilus Gold sees potential to be a cornerstone gold mine for decades to come
     April 21, 2022 – “Troilus drills record high-grade in
     Southwest Zone: 92 g/t and 68 g/t gold over 1m, and 3.07
     g/t AuEq over 15m, Zone extended +200m; Initial gap Zone
     drilling returns 4.2 g/t AuEq over 7m.”
     March 31, 2022 – “Troilus announces new discovery at
     Testard: Drills 4.6 g/t gold over 7.6m, Incl. 20.2 g/t
     over 1.2m; 6.7 g/t gold over 3.2m, 10km from main mine

Regarding the new Testard discovery, Troilus CEO Justin Reid,
stated: “Testard has returned the highest insitu gold and
silver grades identified to date within the entire Frôtet-
Evans Greenstone Belt; these initial drill results are hugely
motivating to our team as we continue to assess results and
further develop our models in preparation for an expanded
drill program.”

Next steps

In mid-2022 Troilus expects to release an updated mineral
resource estimate (will include results from the successful
2021 drill campaign) and a Preliminary Feasibility Study
(PFS). The 2020 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) resulted
in a post-tax NPV5% of US$915 million, post-tax IRR of 32.2%,
based on a US$1,750/oz gold price.

Closing remarks

Troilus continues to grow their resource and potentially move
towards becoming a Canadian mid-tier gold producer.

The PEA mentioned above forecasts Troilus to be a low-cost
producer with cash operating costs of US$719/oz AuEq. Given
the rise in copper prices the past year this is likely to drop
even lower in the upcoming PFS. Combine this with a larger
resource and the potential for a low-cost, long life, mine
only grows further. The 2020 PEA concluded that the “projected
payable gold is 3.8 million ounces, payable copper 265 million
lbs and payable silver 1.5 million ounces over the 22-year
mine life.”

This makes Troilus a potential future mid tier gold producer
in Canada, with gold production forecast at around 220-250,000
oz pa. Certainly, the initial CapEx (net of US$350 million of
existing infrastructure) of US$333 million looks to be
achievable. Sustaining CapEx over the life of the mine is
estimated at an additional US$506 million.

Troilus Gold trades on a market cap of C$160 million. Looking
good, especially if gold prices stay strong. Stay tuned for
the upcoming updated resource estimate and PFS in the coming

Murchison     counting     on
critical materials close to
home with 2 deposits and camp
scale potential
Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine has reinforced the need for
countries around the world to accelerate their efforts to
reduce reliance on fossil fuels and cut greenhouse gas
emissions, leading to clean energy technologies becoming one
of the fastest growing segments of the economy. Some of the
main inputs in these new technologies are critical metals like
copper, cobalt, nickel and zinc. The World Bank forecasts that
production of critical minerals and metals must increase by as
much as 500% to produce the raw inputs necessary to meet
projected demand. Analysts are expecting that over the next
two decades nickel and cobalt will see a 20 fold increase in
demand, with zinc and copper seeing an effective doubling in
demand. That tells me inflation isn’t easing anytime soon but
that can be a discussion for another day. In order for the
world economy to meet this increasing demand in energy metals,
discoveries of deposits will need to be made in the near term
and as we watch sanctions mount against Russia, the location
of those deposits becomes increasingly important.

Domestic supply and processing of these minerals and materials
will become an increasingly crucial component to any nation
looking to have a realistic ability to achieve emissions
targets. That’s why junior mining companies, such as Murchison
Minerals Ltd. (TSXV: MUR | OTCQB: MURMF), play a significant
role in the discovery of the minerals needed for the quickly
evolving clean energy revolution. Murchison is focused on the
exploration and development of the 100% owned HPM (Haut-
Plateau de la Manicouagan) project in Quebec and the
exploration and development of the 100%-owned Brabant-McKenzie
VMS zinc‐copper‐silver deposit located on the Brabant Lake
property in north‐central Saskatchewan. The Company also has
an option to earn 100% interest in the Barraute-Landrienne
zinc-silver-gold project in Quebec. These are two of the best
mining jurisdictions in Canada and arguably the world.
Additionally, these projects are surrounded by excellent,
established infrastructure.

The HPM property is located between Baie-Comeau and Fermont,
Québec, about 20 km from an all-season road connecting the two
communities, 8 km to railroad, and about 225 km to the deep
water Port of Sept Iles. In December, 2021 the Company
acquired the majority land position in the eastern Haut-
Plateau region. With the newly acquired claims, Murchison has
now increased the size of the HPM project area by a factor of
4, from 13,897 hectares to 57,586 hectares. First assay
results from the inaugural drill program at the PYC Target
include Hole PYC21-007 drilled to a depth of 158 m intersected
three broad zones of Ni-Cu-Co-bearing sulphide mineralization
totaling 62.21 m of composite thickness including 25.5 m
grading 0.30% Ni Eq and 27.4 m grading 0.23% Ni Eq while Hole
PYC21-008 drilled to a depth of 182 m intersected five broad
zones totaling 69.9 m of composite thickness including 39.5 m
grading 0.24% Ni Eq and 13.0 m grading 0.27% Ni Eq. Assay
results for the remaining six holes, released two weeks ago,
confirm the presence of broad zones of near surface low-grade
nickel, copper, cobalt mineralization across the drilled
portion of the target.

The PYC Target is only one of multiple Ni-Cu-Co prospects on
the HPM Project where historical work and prospecting
completed at Barre De Fer, located only 1.5 km away, resulted
in the best historic results from HPM-08-03 of 43.15 m at
1.73% Ni, 0.90% Cu, and 0.09% Co. The Company also completed
prospecting at the Syrah Target, located just 350 metres from
the Barre de Fer prospect, during the 2021 fall drill program.
Syrah results confirm Ni-Cu-Co sulphide mineralized outcrops
and sub-crops over approximately a 375-metre strike length,
within the footprint of an approximately 600- metre-long
conductive    geophysical    anomaly.    Newly   discovered
mineralization to the northeast extending the surface strike
length by approximately 200 metres and assaying as high as
0.69% Ni Equivalent. Syrah is considered a high-priority
exploration target, making it a priority for drill testing
during the summer 2022 program.

One can be excused for focusing solely on the HPM Project with
so much going on and prospect after prospect showing
potential. But we can’t forget about the Brabant McKenzie
deposit that already has an established resource of Inferred:
7.6 million tonnes @ 6.29% ZnEq and Indicated: 2.1 million
tonnes @ 9.98% ZnEq. There are 10 highly prospective VMS
targets, with VMS style mineralization already intersected at
Main Lake and Betty target areas. But for now, the Company is
focused on the HPM project with the recently completed
recompilation and modeling of holes drilled at the Barre de
Fer zone indicating significant potential for expansion of
high-grade nickel-copper-cobalt zones. A VTEM survey covering

all of HPM, commenced on April 21st, 2022 with Murchison moving
forward with preparations for a summer drill program on the
HPM property focusing on Barre de Fer and Syrah.

The completion of an early warrant incentive program has
resulted in the addition of C$1.3 million in cash to go with
the C$1.8 million the Company finished 2021 with. This capital
will go a long way towards funding the 2022 summer program.
With a market cap of only C$18.8 million there is plenty of
leverage for investors looking for exposure to zinc, nickel
and copper in a stable, mining friendly part of the world.

How to Play the Coming Market
Cleanup – Including Five
Names To Watch
Broad markets are down this week in a wide, deep selloff. Or
for optimists out there it’s a general cleanup across the
spectrum, punishing the overly ambitious. Gold is down too, as
I’ll discuss below.

Here’s what’s going on, and towards the end I’ll list five
“mine and minerals” ideas on how to play it all.

First, and obviously, markets have declined based on negative
sentiment. And why? After all, is there any good news out
there? Consider:

      War in Ukraine, rapidly emerging as a new, generational
      East-West struggle.
Structural, built-in inflation across every economy in
     the world.
     High oil and natural gas prices, with production and
     supply issues worldwide that have translated into
     The nat-gas shortages have led to a lack of fertilizer
     which – rolled in with high oil/diesel prices –
     foretells of eventual, widespread food scarcity.
     All of the above, while the global cargo ship economy
     remains mired in clogged ports, amplified by Covid
     shutdowns in China.
     And people have finally caught onto the racket of those
     high flying, profitless tech companies with business
     plans that lose money, seemingly forever.

I could go on, but you get the picture. It’s a mess out there
and getting messier. Not exactly the foundation of a booming
global economy as 2022 unfolds.

So yes, people feel negative, sell out, and go to cash. They
de-risk, so to speak.

Which brings us to gold, which is sliding. And here’s the
quandary: Why sell gold into a de-risking market? Gold ought
to represent long-term security in a time of risk, right?

The sell-side argument is that interest rates are rising, and
rising rates raise the carry cost for holding gold. That is,
physical gold is “just metal” and doesn’t pay a dividend. So,
every ounce in the vault is a missed opportunity to generate
cash. And the imputed loss on gold (i.e., versus holding cash)
is greater when interest rates are high.

It’s not difficult to understand the argument, but I don’t buy
it. Because look at the situation from a different angle.

Per the U.S. government’s own statistics, inflation is running
in the 8.5% range – and the true number might be twice that if
you follow what is called “shadow statistics.” In that
respect, holding cash also has a cost, namely that 8.5%
inflation rate (or more) per year of vanishing purchasing

Here’s the investor choice: hold cash and generate minor
amounts of interest in an environment of rising inflation. Or
hold gold and protect the wealth basis against declining
purchasing power over time.

Indeed, the Fed threatens the world with small interest rate
increases of 0.25% or even 0.5%. Okay, but that’s
insignificant when compared with the 8.5% (or more) declining
value of cash.

So, why have people sold gold down in recent days? Well,
sometimes you don’t sell what you want to sell. You sell what
you have to sell. Like if you need fast cash.

You sell gold because it’s liquid and always catches a bid.
That’s not necessarily the case with many other investment

During market sell-downs the price of gold often drops early,
such as when overstretched people need cash to cover margin
calls. But after that early tumble, gold tends to be among the
first plays to recover on the other side of the selloff and

Along with the declining price of gold, metal miners often
head down too. Good companies drop in value for no good
reason. The list is long and includes names that hold great
assets with serious ore in the ground, coupled with excellent
geologic work, facilities, workforce and management teams.

There’s no saying how long the current selloff will last. Will
the market find a bottom and then head back up? Or will more
downside yet unfurl? Nobody really knows, and things can
change in a matter of hours.
But along these lines, I have five names for you, companies in
the gold and related metals space that have tumbled in recent
days into bargain-hunt land:

One great up-and-running metal miner is Avino Silver & Gold
Mines Ltd. (NYSE American: ASM | TSX: ASM). This company has
operated near Durango, Mexico since 1968. The ore body is a
deep-running series of veins that were first discovered in
1548 by Spanish explorers/conquistadores. There’s a full
package of mineshafts, mills and processing facilities. Much
of the operation was closed during Covid, but it’s all getting
back into production. Ore grades are excellent, with
continuing discovery as mining progresses. Plus, an offtake
agreement with Samsung for all the metals.

And here are a couple of names for companies well-along in the
exploration side, with superb results to date and great
prospects ahead:

Take a look at American Pacific Mining Corp. (CSE: USGD |
OTCQX: USGDF). This company controls a major copper
exploration play in Madison, Montana and is partnered-up with
giant Rio Tinto to explore a skarn-porphyry, mineral-bearing
body. Progress – meaning mineralization uncovered – has been
excellent over the past 18 months, with numerous unreleased
drill results still to come. Meanwhile, Am-Pac holds 100% of
two other outstanding, high-grade, near-surface gold plays in
hard-rock mining country in Nevada.

And look at Group Ten Metals, Inc. (TSXV: PGE | OTCQB: PGEZF).
This is another company that works in the nickel-platinum belt
of Montana, adjacent to property controlled by Sibanye-
Stillwater. Group Ten controls a vast land package and has had
remarkable success identifying high-grade zones of copper-
nickel, along with platinum group metals, gold, silver and
even chrome. Indeed, it’s a “battery metals” play from
numerous angles.
For early-stage gold exploration, look at TRU Precious Metals
Corp. (TSXV: TRU | OTCQB: TRUIF). The company works in
Newfoundland, in a highly prospective gold-copper belt. Its
neighbors include two well-known names, Marathon Gold and
Newfound Gold Corp., and TRU is directly on the geologic trend
that connects these other two plays. Early sampling, mapping
and geophysics are promising, with drill results offering
strong promise.

And finally, another early-stage explorer, Romios Gold
Resources Inc. (TSXV: RG | OTCQB: RMIOF). This is what
geologists call a “hip pocket” play, an intriguing collection
of historically explored and mined projects across Canada and
in Nevada. Right now, the focus is on two high-grade works
that were picked in the olden days, but abandoned to the mists
of time due to low-priced gold. Modern geophysics and drilling
reveal significant new mineralized zones. Romios is a small-
cap play, but with the ability to move on news from the drill

That’s all for now…   Thank you for reading.

Geologically Newfoundland has
it all, and York Harbour
Metals is looking to join the
fun with their copper-zinc-
silver project
I quite enjoy the opportunity to write for InvestorIntel as it
allows me to look at some interesting stories that wouldn’t
otherwise be on my radar. There are thousands of publicly
traded stocks out there and I certainly don’t have the focus
or the drive to actively try and review all of them. And with
being more or less locked down for the last two years one
could also safely travel the world from their armchair while
reviewing the plethora of small cap stocks listed on Canadian
exchanges. I’ve explored parts of Fiji, Columbia, Indonesia
and Chile to name a few but it seems I’m heading back to
Newfoundland & Labrador fairly regularly. Ironically, I’ve
actually visited “The Rock” numerous times and would highly
recommend it to anyone interested in spectacular, rugged
scenery, icebergs and super friendly people. But it’s the
wonderful geology that the region is blessed with that has me
returning time and again on behalf of InvestorIntel.

You’ve probably guessed by now that I’m having a look at
junior miner with a prospect located on the western shores of
Newfoundland. The company is so fond of this prospect they
recently changed their name to reflect this becoming their
primary focus. York Harbour Metals Inc. (TSXV: YORK) rebranded
from Phoenix Gold Resources Corp. (TSXV: PXA) in February of
this year. York Harbour Metals is an exploration and
development company focused on the York Harbour Copper-Zinc-
Silver Project, a mineral property located approximately 27 km
from Corner Brook, Newfoundland. The area is known to be
prospective for copper-zinc-silver-gold-cobalt volcanogenic
massive sulphide (VMS) deposits. The known mineralization
exhibits characteristics consistent with classic mafic-type
flow dominated (Cyprus-type) VMS deposits. You’ll have to go
to their website to better understand the previous two
sentences but they do a decent job explaining it in terms I
can understand with links to additional resources if you
really want to nerd out.

There are a couple of things about this particular company
that I find interesting. The first is the history of this
property. This is a classic story of revisiting an old,
existing mine site with very little modern exploration having
been carried out on the sizeable claim holdings. Copper and
zinc massive sulphides were first discovered at York Harbour
in 1893 where shaft sinking began in 1897 and mining continued
to 1918. Activity resumed in the early 1950’s through to
1970’s where previous owners began a Sea Level Adit to enhance
exploration and to become a main haulage level but it was
never completed due to lack of funding. A total of 2,134
metres of underground drifting and development have been
completed for which documentation is available. Drill core
logs and sampling data are available for a total of 19,323
metres of historical drilling that tested eleven lenses or
zones of copper-zinc-silver-gold-cobalt-bearing sulphide
mineralization. I’m always attracted to companies that have a
lot of historical workings they can review to preserve and
optimize exploration capital.

The next thing that puts York Harbour Metals on my radar is
the stock price action over the last 6 months. Junior mining
stocks haven’t exactly been setting the world on fire. They
tend to perform even worse when the macro market is looking
weak as nervous investors have a habit of dumping their

riskier investments first. Since November 2nd, YORK/PXA is up
161% posting higher highs and higher lows along the way,
forming a great up trending channel. It also seems to be
finding great support at the 50 day moving average. Not to say
this is the only junior mining stock doing well, but I can’t
say there are many (if any) that are down 25% or more over
that same period that I have on my watch list.
Source: StockCharts.com

Lastly, I always like a      steady stream of drill results,
although I probably didn’t   need to remind readers of this fact
given how many times I’ve    brought it up. York Harbour Metals
have been pumping out the    numbers over the last 4 months and
there are plenty more to     come. Phase 1 drill results were

released Jan 17th and led to a decent spike in the share price.
Highlights from that press release include YH21-06 with 52.2
metres of 0.85% copper, 91.8 g/t cobalt, 0.53% zinc and 1.75
g/t silver and YH21-09 with 11.6 m of 1.41% copper, 202.94 g/t
cobalt, 0.10% zinc and 2.41 g/t silver. Results from the Phase

2 program released March 17 th and March 26 th also saw decent
jumps in the share price with the latter resulting in a nice
gap up. Highlights include YH21-18 with 25.00 metres of 2.70%
copper, 9.04% zinc, 17.78 g/t silver, and 163.6 g/t cobalt and
YH21-24, grading 5.25% copper, 436.5 g/t cobalt, 8.97 g/t
silver, and 0.801% zinc over a drilling length of 29.0 metres.

The latest price spike on April 18th came on an update on the
Phase 3 diamond drilling program where the Company confirmed
completion of 28 NQ-size diamond drill holes totaling 4,980
metres with visual pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite of
varying degrees in almost all of the drill intercepts.
If the assay results are anywhere near as good as the market’s
interpretation of the visual estimates of the copper
(chalcopyrite) and zinc (sphalerite) indicators we could be in
for more good times at York Harbour. The last thing that I
like is that it has a relatively tight share structure, with
only 48.8 million shares outstanding. That makes the market
cap C$62.5 million, which seems a little high to me for a
junior miner without a resource estimate. However, the stock
action would suggest that those a lot more knowledgeable about
geology think this could be the real deal.

Robert Vallis talks about
Signature Resources’ imminent
NI 43-101 report and future
expansion plans
In this InvestorIntel interview with host Chris Thompson,
Signature Resources Ltd. (TSXV: SGU | OTCQB: SGGTF) President,
CEO, and Director Robert Vallis provides an update on the
progress of a NI 43-101 resource estimate and highlights from
the 2021 drill program for the Lingman Lake Gold Project in
Ontario, Canada.

In the interview, which can also be viewed in full on the
InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here), Robert Vallis
talks about the results from their 2021 drill program which
showed mineralization open at depth, and the re-evaluation of
historic exploration data at Lingman Lake leading to the
decision to accelerate the publication of an initial NI 43-101
resource estimate now expected in May, 2022. He also provides
an update on Signature Resources’ recently closed
oversubscribed $2.4M financing and how the funds will be

Don’t miss other InvestorIntel interviews. Subscribe to the
InvestorIntel YouTube channel by clicking here.

About Signature Resources Ltd.

The Lingman Lake gold property consists of 1,434 staked
claims, four freehold fully patented claims and 14 mineral
rights patented claims totaling approximately 27,113 hectares.
The property includes what has historically been referred to
as the Lingman Lake Gold Mine, an underground substructure
consisting of a 126.5-metre shaft, and 3-levels at 46-metres,
84-metres and 122-metres depths. There has been over 28,000
metres (177 drill holes) of historical drilling done on the

To learn more about Signature Resources Ltd., click here

Disclaimer: Signature Resources Ltd. is an advertorial member
of InvestorIntel Corp.

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This presentation may contain “forward-looking statements”
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Any projections given are principally intended for use as
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Company. The assumptions used may not prove to be accurate and
a potential decline in the Company’s financial condition or
results of operations may negatively impact the value of its
securities. Prospective investors are urged to review the
Company’s profile on Sedar.com and to carry out independent
investigations in order to determine their interest in
investing in the Company.

If you have any questions surrounding the content of this
interview, please contact us at +1 416 792 8228 and/or email
us direct at info@investorintel.com.

Fjordland Exploration looks
to ride nickel surge with 4
projects in Canada
The nickel market has been red hot in 2022 as Russian supply
chain risks intensified. Russia is a major nickel exporter.
The huge spike in the chart was caused by a short-seller
squeeze that resulted in the London Metals Exchange having to
halt nickel trading.

Nickel one year price chart showing nickel’s steady rise on
strong demand and constrained supply, particularly with
concerns over Russian supply
Source: Trading Economics

Nickel miners have naturally benefited from higher nickel
prices over the past year. The nickel miners that tend to do
best are those with growing nickel sulphide projects in safe
jurisdictions. Today’s company has 4 projects (nickel sulfide
and copper-gold) in the safe jurisdiction of Canada.

Fjordland Exploration Inc. (TSXV: FEX) (Fjordland) is an
exploration stage miner with a focus on nickel, copper, and
gold in Canada.

Fjordland’s four projects in Canada include:

     South Voisey’s Bay Project (currently owns 75% with an
     option to earn-in to a 100% interest). 29,400 hectares
     (29.4 Sq.Km) prospective for nickel, copper and cobalt.
     Note: Ivanhoe Electric is a private company led by
     Robert Friedland, which has the right to earn 65% of the
     project from Fjordland once Ivanhoe Electric has spent
     $5 million.
     Renzy Nickel-Copper Project (option to earn-in to a 100%
interest). 86 km2 property with the past producing Renzy
     Mine and a Historical NI-43-101 Resource estimate
     (indicated 51,000 tonnes 0.79% Ni and 0.72% Cu) not yet
     to be relied upon. Past drilling included 10.8 m of 1.3%
     nickel and 1.8% copper.
     Milligan West Project (43% JV partner with Northwest
     Copper Corp). Copper-gold porphyry potential. The
     Project lies immediately west of Centerra’s Mt. Milligan
     Witch Project (100% interest) – 100 km2 property about
     35kms from the Milligan West Project. Copper-gold
     porphyry potential.

A summary and location map showing         Fjordland’s    four
exploration projects in Canada

Source: Fjordland Exploration Inc. company presentation

Next steps for Fjordland

In 2022 Fjordland will be reviewing data from their Witch
Project acquisition. They also expect to receive project
funding from Ivanhoe Electric as part of their agreement at
the South Voisey’s Bay Project. Fjordland is also currently
drilling at their Renzy Nickel Copper Project with a $1
million fully funded program which is expected to be completed
by the end of Q2 2022. Results to follow.

Closing remarks

For investors, key attractions of Fjordland are the current
low market cap of just C$7 million and the potential
exploration upside in some of the best land positions in
Canada. Voisey’s Bay is world renowned for nickel with the
world’s largest nickel producer Vale operating there.
Fjordland has four well-located Canadian projects with
potential for nickel, copper, cobalt, and gold.

As of March 2022, management and insider ownership (includes
Friedland’s Ivanhoe Electric) is an impressive 45%.

Due to the early stage investors will need plenty of patience
while we wait to see what exploration success Fjordland has.
Drill results from the Renzy Nickel Copper Project are a key
potential stock catalyst in the coming months. Risk is
therefore higher due to the early stage, however so is the
potential reward. Stay tuned.

Industry experts Jack Lifton
and Byron W. King talk about
the coming economy based on
gold and energy.
In this video, long-time mining and metals analysts Jack
Lifton and Byron W. King discuss gold, inflation, and global
economic trends driven by rising energy prices. Gold prices
will bounce around, to be sure. But energy-driven inflation is
now structural and embedded in both the U.S. and global
economy. Meanwhile, U.S. sanctions against Russia are
backfiring, undermining the credibility of the dollar. Over
time, we will see a new international financial standard based
on hard commodities and energy.

To access the complete episode of this Critical Materials
Corner discussion, click here

Peter Clausi on Silver Bullet
Mines   assay   results   and
oversubscribed financing
In this InvestorIntel interview with host Chris Thompson,
Silver Bullet Mines Corp.’s (TSXV: SBMI) VP Capital Markets
and Director Peter Clausi provides an update on the recent
assay results from Silver Bullet Mines’ Buckeye Mine in
Arizona which returned values as high as 24,226 g/t silver.

In the interview, which can also be viewed in full on the
InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here), Peter Clausi talks
about the production timeline for the Buckeye Silver Mine with
pilot silver production anticipated within 2 months. Peter
also talks about Silver Bullet Mines’ recently closed
financing which was significantly oversubscribed, and provides
an update on Silver Bullet Mines’ high-grade past-producing
Washington gold-silver mine in Idaho.

Don’t miss other InvestorIntel interviews. Subscribe to the
InvestorIntel YouTube channel by clicking here.

About Silver Bullet Mines Corp.

Silver Bullet Mines Corp. is a silver and copper exploration
and development company with projects in the western USA.
Their flagship project is the Black Diamond, close to 5,000
acres in the Miami-Globe copper camp and centered on the
Richmond Basin. The basin is the site of the original 1870s
native silver discoveries that brought prospectors to the now
significant Globe copper camp. The story goes that a scouting
party was fired upon by Apache Indians using bullets made of
hammered native silver. Thus inspiring the company name –
Silver Bullet Mines. The Richmond Basin is the location of
several historic high grade silver-copper mines including:
McMorris, La Plata, Helena, Silver Sevens, Buckeye and
numerous associated prospects. Little work or extraction came
from this area since the early 20th century as the camp
focused on big copper mines. But these mine anchor this
section of what is called the Arizona Silver Belt that extends
from the famous Silver King near Superior, AZ and parallels
the trend of the major copper deposits including the Magma
mine. They believe the high grade silver is still there
waiting for discovery.

To know more about Silver Bullet Mines Corp., click here

Disclaimer: Silver Bullet Mines Corp. is an advertorial member
of InvestorIntel Corp.

This interview, which was produced by InvestorIntel Corp.,
(IIC), does not contain, nor does it purport to contain, a
summary of all the material information concerning the
“Company” being interviewed. IIC offers no representations or
warranties that any of the information contained in this
interview is accurate or complete.

This presentation may contain “forward-looking statements”
within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
legislation. Forward-looking statements are based on the
opinions and assumptions of the management of the Company as
of the date made. They are inherently susceptible to
uncertainty and other factors that could cause actual
events/results to differ materially from these forward-looking
statements. Additional risks and uncertainties, including
those that the Company does not know about now or that it
currently deems immaterial, may also adversely affect the
Company’s business or any investment therein.

Any projections given are principally intended for use as
objectives and are not intended, and should not be taken, as
assurances that the projected results will be obtained by the
Company. The assumptions used may not prove to be accurate and
a potential decline in the Company’s financial condition or
results of operations may negatively impact the value of its
securities. Prospective investors are urged to review the
Company’s profile on Sedar.com and to carry out independent
investigations in order to determine their interest in
investing in the Company.

If you have any questions surrounding the content of this
interview, please contact us at +1 416 792 8228 and/or email
us direct at info@investorintel.com.

Jim       Engdahl            on      MAS        Gold’s
Saskatchewan advantage
In this InvestorIntel interview with host Tracy Weslosky, MAS
Gold Corp.’s (TSXV: MAS) CEO and Director Jim Engdahl talks
about the competitive advantages of Saskatchewan for gold

In the interview, which can also be viewed on the
InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here to subscribe), Jim
talks about MAS Gold’s significant land position in
Saskatchewan’s highly prospective La Ronge Gold Belt. Ranked
as one of the best mining jurisdictions in the world, Jim says
that Saskatchewan has well-developed infrastructure and still
remains underexplored for gold. Touching upon the prevailing
market uncertainties and higher gold prices, Jim explains why
junior gold miners have become “exceptionally attractive,”
especially those in good jurisdictions.

To watch the full interview, click here

About MAS Gold Corp.

MAS Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company
focused on gold exploration projects in the prospective La
Ronge Gold Belt of Saskatchewan.      MAS Gold operates four
properties in the belt, including the Preview-North, Greywacke
Lake, Elizabeth Lake and Henry Lake Properties that extend
along segments totaling roughly 60 kilometres of the
geologically prospective La Ronge, Kisseynew and Glennie
Domains that make up the La Ronge Gold Belt.

MAS Gold’s current projects include the North Lake, Greywacke
North, Bakos (Contact Lake) and Point gold deposits and the
historically defined Elizabeth Lake copper-gold volcanic-
hosted massive sulphide deposit within four        properties
totalling 34,703.4 hectares (85,753.8 acres).

The North Lake deposit located at the Preview-North Property
is estimated to contain an Inferred Mineral Resource of
18,100,000 t grading 0.85 g/t Au, hence 494,000 contained
ounces of gold (Godden, S, Thomas, D. Tupper, D. Technical
Report on the Mineral Resource Updates, North Lake and
Greywacke     North   Gold   Projects,     La  Ronge    Gold
Belt, Saskatchewan, Canada.; effective date December 1,
2021)*.   The Technical Report about the updated Mineral
Resource estimate was filed on SEDAR January, 12, 2022.

The Greywacke North deposit, which hosts multiple known
stratabound, high-grade gold-bearing zones, has an updated,
combined open pit and underground Indicated Mineral Resource
of 645,000 t averaging 4.90 g/t Au for 101,000 insitu ounces
of gold (600,000 t at 4.89 g/t Au, and 45,000t at 5.03 g/t Au,
respectively), plus a combined open pit and underground
Inferred Mineral Resource of 410,000 t averaging 4.12 g/t Au
for 55,000 insitu ounces of gold (35,000 t at 1.97 g/t Au, and
375,000 t at 4.33 g/t Au, respectively). The Indicated and
Inferred Mineral Resources were estimated using open pit and
underground cut-off grades of 0.65 g/t Au and 1.75 g/t Au,
respectively (Godden, S, Thomas, D. Tupper, D. Technical
Report on the Mineral Resource Updates, North Lake and
Greywacke     North   Gold    Projects,     La   Ronge   Gold
Belt, Saskatchewan, Canada.; effective date December 1, 2021).
The Technical Report about the updated Mineral Resource
estimate was filed on SEDAR January 12, 2022.

To learn more about MAS Gold Corp., click here

Disclaimer: MAS Gold Corp. is an advertorial member of
InvestorIntel Corp.

This interview, which was produced by InvestorIntel Corp.,
(IIC), does not contain, nor does it purport to contain, a
summary of all the material information concerning the
“Company” being interviewed. IIC offers no representations or
warranties that any of the information contained in this
interview is accurate or complete.
This presentation may contain “forward-looking statements”
within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
legislation. Forward-looking statements are based on the
opinions and assumptions of the management of the Company as
of the date made. They are inherently susceptible to
uncertainty and other factors that could cause actual
events/results to differ materially from these forward-looking
statements. Additional risks and uncertainties, including
those that the Company does not know about now or that it
currently deems immaterial, may also adversely affect the
Company’s business or any investment therein.

Any projections given are principally intended for use as
objectives and are not intended, and should not be taken, as
assurances that the projected results will be obtained by the
Company. The assumptions used may not prove to be accurate and
a potential decline in the Company’s financial condition or
results of operations may negatively impact the value of its
securities. Prospective investors are urged to review the
Company’s profile on Sedar.com and to carry out independent
investigations in order to determine their interest in
investing in the Company.

If you have any questions surrounding the content of this
interview, please contact us at +1 416 792 8228 and/or email
us direct at info@investorintel.com.

Troilus Gold’s Justin Reid
talks about restarting and
expanding a proven gold mine
In this InvestorIntel interview with host Tracy Weslosky,
Troilus Gold Corp.’s (TSX: TLG | OTCQX: CHXMF) CEO and
Director Justin Reid provides an update on the drill results
from Troilus Gold’s high-grade gold-copper-silver Testard

In   the   interview,   which   may   also   be   viewed   on   the
InvestorIntel YouTube channel (click here to subscribe),
Justin follows up on Dean Bristow’s recent InvestorIntel
article on Troilus Gold: “Is Troilus Gold undervalued? Yes.”
Justin highlights the competitive advantages of Troilus Gold
that have earned them strong shareholder and institutional
support, and have positioned them to potentially “rank among
the top 10 largest gold producers in Canada.” Talking about
the potential mine restart of past-producing Troilus Mine,
Justin says that the Testard target has returned the highest
in situ gold and silver grades identified in the entire
Frôtet-Evans Greenstone Belt to date.

To watch the full interview, click here

About Troilus Gold Corp.

Troilus Gold Corp. is a Canadian-based junior mining company
focused on the systematic advancement and de-risking of the
former gold and copper Troilus Mine towards production. From
1996 to 2010, the Troilus Mine produced +2 million ounces of
gold and nearly 70,000 tonnes of copper. Troilus is located in
the top-rated mining jurisdiction of Quebec, Canada, where is
holds a strategic land position of 1,420 km² in the Frôtet-
Evans Greenstone Belt. Since acquiring the project in 2017,
ongoing exploration success has demonstrated the tremendous
scale potential of the gold system on the property with
significant mineral resource growth. The Company is advancing
engineering studies following the completion of a robust PEA
in 2020, which demonstrated the potential for the Troilus
project to become a top-ranked gold and copper producing asset
in Canada. Led by an experienced team with a track-record of
successful mine development, Troilus is positioned to become a
cornerstone project in North America.

To know more about Troilus Gold Corp., click here

Disclaimer: Troilus Gold Corp. is an advertorial member of
InvestorIntel Corp.

This interview, which was produced by InvestorIntel Corp.,
(IIC), does not contain, nor does it purport to contain, a
summary of all the material information concerning the
“Company” being interviewed. IIC offers no representations or
warranties that any of the information contained in this
interview is accurate or complete.

This presentation may contain “forward-looking statements”
within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
legislation. Forward-looking statements are based on the
opinions and assumptions of the management of the Company as
of the date made. They are inherently susceptible to
uncertainty and other factors that could cause actual
events/results to differ materially from these forward-looking
statements. Additional risks and uncertainties, including
those that the Company does not know about now or that it
currently deems immaterial, may also adversely affect the
Company’s business or any investment therein.

Any projections given are principally intended for use as
objectives and are not intended, and should not be taken, as
assurances that the projected results will be obtained by the
Company. The assumptions used may not prove to be accurate and
a potential decline in the Company’s financial condition or
results of operations may negatively impact the value of its
securities. Prospective investors are urged to review the
Company’s profile on Sedar.com and to carry out independent
investigations in order to determine their interest in
investing in the Company.

If you have any questions surrounding the content of this
interview, please contact us at +1 416 792 8228 and/or email
us direct at info@investorintel.com.
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