Page created by Greg Payne
January 2019



November 2018 newly Elected Members, Councillors David Woodforde, Bruce Schmidt, Brent Walker, Neil Sawley, Peter Oswald;
Front Deputy Mayor Margaret Pope, Councillor Dean Rodda, Mayor Roslyn Talbot, Councillors Tim Love and Cathy Vluggen.

         ll of us have had bad things happen in   Council elected. We have a new Mayor, three        Council it is time for us to focus on looking
         our past that we would like to go back   new Councillors, one Councillor returning          forward. It is time for us to plan and develop a
         and change – some because of outright    from a hiatus and five Councillors re-elected      way forward. It is time for you to have your say.
mistakes that we made (“poor choices”) and        to their position. We have a very balanced            We will be entering into this planning stage
some due to circumstances beyond our              group and we are ready to look forward to help     and we need to know what is important to
control. Regardless of the reasons why, we have   drive the Copper Coast to be the best it can be.   you. This is your opportunity to help us look
a tendency to look back, reflect on these            In February we will be joined by a new          forward and help us shape some of the future
difficult moments and wish that things had        CEO.                                               projects on the Copper Coast because
been different. Sometimes, this “rear view”          Mr Russell Peate will be taking up the role     remember it is your community and what is
thinking can weigh so heavily on our feelings     of CEO and will be joining us from his             important to you is what matters.
that it interferes with our current choices and   current role at Mid Murray Council. We must           Making plans is hard because we are
our ability to effectively move on with our       thank John Coombe OAM for the work he is           constantly faced with the “can we really do
lives.                                            doing as the Acting CEO since Peter Harder         this” or “will this ever work”. Part of looking
   I believe that now is the time on the Copper   left in December and until Russell can join us     into the future is having plans and goals and
Coast for us to look forward.                     in February.                                       things to look forward to.
   November elections have seen the new              As we move into the New Year with our new                                  ■ Continued Page 2
■ From Page 1                                        Have your say, help guide our decision          Help us find the right way forward.
   The future brings so many unknown things       making. Don’t forget we need positive                                     Roslyn Talbot, Mayor
that by starting now we can create the            comments as well as negative. We don’t know
community we want. There isn’t an idea that       if you think it is a good or bad way forward if      We keep moving forward, opening
is right or wrong. Some ideas may seem            you don’t let us know.                             new doors, and doing new things,
unachievable and some ideas possibly are but         Use the opportunity during this planning        because we’re curious and curiosity
remember you never know what we can do            stage to have your say. Don’t be left wondering    keeps leading us down new paths.
unless we ‘dare to dream’.                        what may have been if you had spoken out.                                Walt Disney

    Exciting Time for Council
      I am the Acting CEO for the Council
   until the end of February 2019 when the
   newly appointed CEO, Mr Russell Peate
   will begin his duties. Russell is an
   experienced and highly respected
   professional in Local Government. He is
   currently the CEO for the Mid Murray
      This is an exciting time for the Council
   following the November Council elections
   and will be a time to build on the strategic
   indicators Council has put in place to
   ensure continuing growth with balanced
   and sensitive environmental awareness.
   From a person who has a passion for
   regional communities and appreciates the
   importance they play in the States overall
   wellbeing, I will watch with interest your
   future successes and achievements.
      I take this opportunity to wish everyone
   a safe, happy and prosperous New Year.

                              Kind Regards
                         John Coombe OAM          John Coombe OAM                                   Russell Peate

         2019 COUNCIL CALENDAR
       TBA Audit Committee meeting 9.30 a.m., Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina
       13th Council Assessment Panel meeting, 5.30 p.m., Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina
       13th Council meeting – 7.00 pm, Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina

       6th Council meeting – 7.00 pm, Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina
       13th Council Assessment Panel meeting, 5.30 pm, Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina

       3rd Council meeting – 7.00 pm, Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina
       8th Audit Committee meeting 9.30 a.m., Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina
       10th Council Assessment Panel meeting, 5.30 pm, Council Chambers, Town Hall, Kadina
     Please note that changes to the above meetings will be published on Council’s website along with other meeting dates.
                                        All public are welcome to attend these meetings.
    Special meetings of Council may be called at other times throughout the year and will be added to the website as required.

Page 2                                                    www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                             Copper Post
Resignation of CEO Peter Harder
        here is an old Chinese
        proverb: “An army of a
        thousand is easy to find
but ah how difficult to find a
   Our search for a new Chief
Executive Officer back in 2010
was not dissimilar. Council hadn’t
received a dollar of grant funds
over the previous four years, the
infrastructure backlog was
becoming a huge concern, we had
considerable budget overruns and
our growth was stagnating and
therefore the appointment of the
right person for the task at hand
was crucial.
   Peter Harder’s application
demonstrated enthusiasm, it
portrayed an ability to be
visionary, his private sector
experience was appealing and it
was obvious he was a professional.
   Each candidate interviewed
was required to do a presentation
on how they proposed to move
the Copper Coast forward. As
part of Peter’s presentation, he
explained how he always visits the
public toilets when visiting a
town, explaining that the
community conveniences provide
an insight into the community
interest and pride. The Copper       planning stages for several years     upgraded and beautified. They         to be the Copper Coast Sports
Coast had provided a poor score      prior to his appointment.             are more user friendly, with better   and          Leisure          Centre
card, but he emphasised that he         The issues of waste and effluent   facilities like Splash Town and       redevelopment.           A      huge
could turn that around, and turn     challenged Peter from day one,        Café Mia.                             undertaking that pulled together
that around he did. Along with so    needing to respond on that first         Kadina CBD redevelopment           funding from the community and
many significant infrastructure      day to a Channel 7 television         has been another exciting project     three levels of Government. It
projects, the public toilets have    interview. Today the Copper           that Peter was prepared to            would not be understating the
been upgraded or in the midst of     Coast has updated effluent            champion, engineer a process for      fact, that this project would not
being replaced.                      treatment plants, boasting            change, establish partnerships and    have happened without Peter’s
   Author John Quigley Adams         submerged pumping stations,           soon the final results will be ever   patience and tenacity.
wrote: “If your actions inspire      with      a    completely      new    so evident!                              All of these projects were
others to dream more, learn more,    installation at Moonta, Moonta           Our road infrastructure has        enabled by the successful grant
do more and become more, you         Bay and Port Hughes.                  consumed much of Council’s            applications that Peter, with the
are a leader” and that is exactly       For years, the Port Hughes boat    funding over recent years,            assistance of his staff put together.
what Peter did with our Elected      ramp had been frustrating and         particularly with the resealing and   Hours of effort, pages of words
Members, his Executive Team, his     annoying those who endeavoured        footpath renewals – but the           and illustrations – in excess of
staff and those of the community     to use it. After Peter secured        evident differences do not go         $13 million. The Copper Coast
prepared to listen. Peter was able   funding, Council embarked on          unnoticed.                            the benefactor!
to stimulate vision, empower his     significant upgrades which will          The Paskeville community              Mayor Talbot said of Peter at
staff and provide enthusiasm for     ensure it remains the busiest boat    sporting bodies had been              his last Council meeting that she
our community. During his time       launching facility outside the        investigating for some time the       “wasn’t here when Peter
with the Copper Coast we have        metropolitan area.                    possible opportunities of utilising   commenced, however I’m told he
seen some of the most significant       Owen Terrace in Wallaroo had       storm water from the SA Water         was recruited to get some projects
growth and development, both         been earmarked several years          reservoirs. The partnerships that     moving. I think its safe to say he
public and private.                  before Peter’s appointment for        Peter was able to forge between       did that”.
   During Peter Harder’s tenure as   rejuvenation. Today, the Wallaroo     SA Water and the Paskeville              The Copper Coast because of
Chief Executive Officer, he has      Owen Terrace area has been            Community volunteers has              CEO Peter Harder remains our
delivered many completed             completely revamped and is a hub      enabled a significant and             Lifestyle Location of Choice!
projects, projects completed on      of activity.                          sustaining water reuse project to
time and on budget. Many of             The foreshore areas of Wallaroo    happen.                                               Paul Thomas AM
these projects had been stalled in   and Moonta Bay have been                 Peter Harder’s “ace project” has                     Former Mayor

Copper Post                                               www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                                         Page 3
    STAGE 2
       The Kadina CBD project
    works have been systematically
    progressing through the town
    giving us a fantastic visual of
    what the end of the project will
    look like throughout the CBD.
       Works have included asphalt
    sealing, stormwater, lighting,
    electrical, new street trees,
    concrete crossovers (including
    laneways) and footpath paving.             LINK ROAD
     There has been plenty of          • 10 year + commercial lease
  activity in the Wallaroo               payments to Council for the
  Holiday Park with the new              Kiosk to fund ongoing local
  foreshore cabins, new amenity          work in our community and
  building and kiosk completed           offset future rate increases
  and ready for the busy               • Ongoing use of local
  summer period.                         suppliers for the Kiosk
     Some of the highlights of         • Helps meet the SA
  the new buildings are;                 Government’s          tourism
  • We’ve managed to create the          growth targets for the Yorke
    North Beach Kiosk by                 Peninsula
    relocating and upgrading           • The new cabins are expected
    the old Wheal Hughes Mine            to increase the parks annual
    building.                            income by some $350K to
  • Local trades doing most of           $450K per year.
    the work

                                                                                  The realignment of the
                    COPPER COAST                                                Copper Coast Highway has now
                                                                                been completed linking the

                HIGHWAY REALIGNMENT                                             Highway to Frances Terrace
                                                                                carpark through “Station Road”.

Page 4                                                    www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                               Copper Post

                                                                                                  A temporary facility has
                                                                                               now been installed to ensure
                                                                                               that our community has some
                                                                                               level of activities within the
                                                                                               safe swimming enclosure.
                                                                                                  At no cost to Council
                                                                                               Seaslip continue to work on
                                                                                               the long-term solution.
                                                                                                  Please like the Wateroo
                                                                                               Copper Coast Facebook page
                                                                                               to     keep     updated     as
                                        The Wallaroo Shores Link Road connecting the           information           becomes
                                       Wallaroo CBD through to Heritage Drive and the          available.
                                       Marina Precinct is nearing completion.
                                        Asphalt scheduled for early 2019.                      ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖

                 You can find the full list of roads   during the resealing program:
              to be resealed on Council’s website.     • Drive slowly – watch out for
              Other key road projects include a          workers and loose road covering
              multi-million dollar, upgrade of         • Where possible avoid driving,
              Bay Road in Moonta Bay an                  walking or riding on resealed
              expanded rural road resheeting             areas for at least 24 hours
              program and a number of smaller          • Remove footwear before going
              road reconstruction projects.              indoors – tar sticks to
                 We offer these tips to residents        everything!

                               Port Hughes Boat Ramp
                                   The redevelopment of the Port Hughes       and building consent and after much
                               Boat Ramp was first contemplated in 2008       deliberation with the EPA, Coastal
                               when a community working party was             Protection, SABFAC and DAC we were
                               established. The initial ideas were wide and   able to gain approval for the current
                               varied, but due to many environmental          design. To remove the ongoing dredging
                               factors at that location, the design was       was part of the brief, but it quickly became
                               ultimately reduced to maximising the           apparent that it was impossible to do so at
                               current footprint. Council engaged             that location and therefore the approach
                               consultants to undertake the design work       changed to making the dredging as
                               and public consultation. This process gave     efficient as possible. The layout of the
                               members of the community who had               carpark was also undertaken by the
                               ‘solutions’ to share them and to have          engineers in accordance with the State
                               experts provide reasons why they could or      Governments Guidelines for Planning,
                               couldn’t work. For example many in the         Design and Construction of Boat
                               community thought that large pipes under       Launching Facilities. However, it appeared
                               the breakwaters would help flush the basin.    that those guidelines did not adequately
                               The coastal engineers were able to explain     cater for our community’s needs and to
                               why the coastal processes at that location     finish the project, staff completed changes
                               would mean that the pipes would quickly        to the carpark layout prior to Christmas.
                               fill with sand and be very ineffective.           Staff obtained a grant of $1.04m to
                                   The engineers completed the planning       support this project.

Copper Post                               www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                                          Page 5
Strategic Plan 2019-2022
                Be Part of
                the BIG
                  Picture                                                    Previous ideas you
                                                                             may like to support:
                                                                             • Upgraded Skate Parks
                                                                             • Pedestrian Footbridge –
                                                                               Wallaroo Marina
              Have your say on                                               • Zebra Crossing in Moonta
                                                                             • Changes to Waste Services
              the future of the                                              • Moonta to Wallaroo Cycleway
                                                                             • Upgraded Parks, Street Trees

               Copper Coast                                                    or Green Spaces
                                                                             • More Events

                                                     Age group: (please circle)              File No.
                                                     10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+

                                                        I would like to support:
     Strategic Plan Consultation
     Council is planning for the future of              1 _____________________________________
     the Copper Coast and would like our                2 _____________________________________
     community to have a say in the                     3 _____________________________________
                                                        I don’t want to support:
     Tell us your ideas for the future of the           1 _____________________________________
     Copper Coast, what you love, would like
     created or improved. Let us know three             2 _____________________________________
     things you would like done and three               3 _____________________________________
     things you don’t want us to do.
                                                       You can remain anonymous or to be in
         Please deliver to the Council Office by      the draw for two nights accommodation
         the end of February and remember               (up to value of $400) at the Wallaroo
         that the surveys can also be                  Holiday Park please include your name,
         completed on the Council’s website at           address, phone and/or email below
         www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au or your
         ideas emailed to us on                       ___________________________________________
         info@coppercoast.sa.gov.au                   ___________________________________________

Page 6                                   www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                     Copper Post
Have yo ur s a y..
                     .WASTE SURVEY
      Firstly some facts about our current          for all the waste delivered to the         and industrial properties) to cover the
   waste services.                                  Resource Recovery Centre, even the         current services, so any new services may
      In the early 2000’s the State                 waste collected in your wheelie bins, we   come at an additional cost.
   Government changed some of their                 pay them a levy of $50 per tonne.            Before we begin the survey a quick
   legislation and that has a long term impact      The new costs (hundreds of thousands       summary of the current services.
   on the way our community now manages          of dollars each year) put a huge strain on    • Two bin kerb side collection service for
   its waste. The two key impacts were:          the community’s finances. This happened         properties within the 50km limit of the
   • With the new rules, it was no longer        at the same time we were trying to find         residential zone
      viable to operate our local landfills,     additional funds to put into our roads        • A user pays (about 30% subsidised
      meaning all our waste had to be            program. Anyway, long story short, we           through general rates) Resource
      transported out of the community,          have ended up with a budget two bin             Recovery Centre that accepts most waste
      substantially increasing the cost and      collection system and now it’s time for a       (except asbestos)
      meant we had to invest $2m in a new        review and your chance to tell us about       • Public litter bins
      transfer facility.                         any improvements or additional services       • Business Collections x 2 per week
   • They introduced a Waste Levy that has       you may want. Please remember that we         • Optional – green bin service and
      increased over the years and recently      only collect enough income (as part of the      additional garbage bins
      reached $50 per tonne. This means that     fixed charge for residential, commercial      • Coordination of a free giveaway day

   Do you use additional waste service e.g. additional bins?                               From Council            YES            NO

                                                                           From a Private Contractor               YES            NO

   Would you prefer to have six vouchers (prepaid for in your rates, probably an extra $20) to use at the Resource
   Recovery Centre for any six standard loads of waste (green, rubbish, timber, etc) each year rather than having
   to pay for it at the gate?
                                                                                                 YES         NO

   I have the need for a green waste kerbside collection service                                                   YES            NO

   If YES, would prefer a 240L bin collected              weekly           fortnightly                          monthly
   (please acknowledge that the cost of the service would directly relate to frequency)

   Would you like increased transparency of your community’s waste costs, by having them removed from the
   fixed charge and having them itemised on your rates notice?
                                                                                          YES       NO

   Would you like a two bin recycling system, where one fortnight your cardboard bin is collected and the next
   fortnight we collect your other recycling bin?
                                                                                             YES         NO

   I would be willing to pay more for increased services                                                           YES            NO

   I would be willing to participate in community clean up events                                                  YES            NO

   It may come at an additional cost, but it is probably getting overdue for this community to have a more
   sophisticated and environmentally friendly approach to our waste management. Any other thoughts, tell us below.

   Please deliver to the Council Office by the end of February and remember that the
   surveys can also be completed on the Council’s website at www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au
   or your ideas emailed to us on info@coppercoast.sa.gov.au                      File No. 5.20.2

Copper Post                                            www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                                     Page 7
SA's public libraries are proud to            Free access to thousands of lynda.com
                                                         announce the launch of the new                  courses covering topics like design,
                                                         Libraries SA app. Our app is free to            business, animation, photography,
                                                         download and puts your public library in        digital and technology
                                                         your pocket.                                 • Scan any book, DVD or CD
                                                           The app allows you to conveniently            barcode to see if it’s in our libraries
  recsport.sa.gov.au/starclub                            • Use your phone as a library card              You could be at a friend’s house or
  Ph 0429 081 144                                          Store your 'X0' and 'D0' number and           even out shopping when you see an
  E starclub@lnypsports.com.au                             barcode on your phone                         interesting book, DVD or CD…just
                                                         • Search the Catalogue                          scan its barcode to see if you can
     A massive year for the STARCLUB                       Locate items on the catalogue and             borrow it from your library
  Program! There has been some great outcomes              place holds with just a few clicks         • What’s On
  recently highlighted by the success of Kadina          • eBooks & Audiobooks                           See which events are happening at a
  Hockey Club with their application for a large           Read our massive range of titles on           library near you
  grant. They will now be able to fund a high              your tablet or phone                       • My Account
  quality synthetic pitch for the Yorke Peninsula.       • Digital Magazines                             Manage your holds and loans (e.g.
  It will be a great asset that encourages the YP          Free access to more than 400 big name         extend loan) with a few clicks
  Hockey Association to grow and thrive. It’s a            magazine titles like Women's Weekly,          For further information or assistance
  great result for a passionate club led by a great        Top Gear, Men's Fitness, Elle, Vogue       please visit a Copper Coast Library –
  committee.                                               and Better Homes & Gardens                 Kadina, Moonta or Wallaroo where
     Another great result for clubs, Sports              • Online Learning                            friendly staff are available to help you.
  Vouchers now give a $100 discount sports
  subscription and can be used for dancing and
  several other new sports. Ask your club if they
  provide Sports Vouchers to get the discount!!           Council Rate Payment Schedule                             Rates will be overdue if payment
                                                                                                                      has not been received at the
     Like the page - ‘Sports News Lower North                                                                        Council office by the due date.
                                                                                                    Due by            A fine of 2% and Interest will
  and Yorke Peninsula’ to stay up to date with all                                                                  apply to the balance outstanding.
  things STARCLUB and sport on the                          3rd Quarter – Rate Notice
                                                                                             1st March, 2019            NB: Please allow up to
                                                            posted 16th January 2019
  Peninsula.                                                                                                            3-4 business days for
                                                             4th Quarter – Rate Notice                                 BPay and other electronic
                                                                                              1st June, 2019             banking transactions
                                                              Posted 17th April 2019

  Council Trainees and Apprentices
     Council’s 2018 traineeship program
  consisted of the following training
  opportunities for our local youth in the
  following Certificates;
     Cert III Local Government – 12
     Cert III Horticulture – 24 months
     Cert III Water Industries – 36 months
     Cert IV Digital Media Technologies –
  24 months
     Cert III Civil Construction – 36
     Our Apprentice Carpenter continues
  in his studies and has now completed 2
  years of the 4-year apprenticeship.
     Council has also engaged an
  Apprentice Diesel Mechanic to join our
  workshop and studies will commence
  early 2019.
     In 2019, a new trainee will commence
  to undertake the annual 12 month
  traineeship in Cert III Local
  Government.                                   Copper Coast Council Trainees and Apprentices.

Page 8                                                  www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                                 Copper Post
The privilege of Australian Citizenship
   Probably most Australian’s take for granted
the privilege they enjoy as a citizen of this
country and our community. Similarly, the
privilege of presiding over a Citizenship
Ceremony is rewarding, witnessing people
who have decided that they want to be
identified with this nation and have a say in
our future, take on a new allegiance of their
own free will.
   Predominantly a child born in Australia and
who is not otherwise an Australian Citizen
may be automatically entitled to citizenship by
birth if they are a descendent of at least one
parent who was an Australian Citizen or a
permanent resident at the time of their birth.
Otherwise a person who is a permanent
resident and since 1 July 2007, has been
lawfully residing in Australia for a period of
four years may apply for citizenship.
   On the 17th September this year, National           membership of the community of the                   Then as a new Australian, our newest
Citizenship Day, Kadina Memorial School                Commonwealth of Australia, and                    citizens take on a new Status, here and
teacher Helen Skinner became an Australian         •   Australian citizenship is a common bond,          wherever they travel in the world. As
Citizen. In preparation for her ceremony her           involving reciprocal rights and obligations,      Australian’s we are undoubtedly bias or should
school class had researched and prepared               uniting all Australians while respecting their    be, but it is a status that those who have taken
various projects about the importance of               diversity, and                                    up citizenship become extremely proud, proud
citizenship and national pride. The students       •   Persons granted Australian citizenship enjoy      by choice – proud of a nation that is vigorous,
shared with Helen and her family for her               these rights and undertake to accept these        independent and has lots to offer.
Citizenship Ceremony at the Council                    obligations. By pledging loyalty to Australia        Unlike our Kadina Memorial School
Chambers, with several students sharing with           and its people, and                               students, many of us don’t think about our
the gathering the results of their research.       •   By sharing their democratic beliefs, and          national pride and what our nation offers,
   At each Citizenship Ceremony the                •   By respecting their rights and liberties, and     other than Australia Day. The pride of
preamble to Australian Citizenship is read:        •   By upholding and obeying the laws of              citizenship should not only be exciting for
• Australian Citizenship represents formal             Australia.                                        “new Australians” but all of us every day!

       Copper Coast Council has been working
    collaboratively with Yorke Peninsula
    Community Transport (YPCT) throughout
    2018 to support them in applying for a
    round of the Commonwealth funded
    Community Visitor Scheme (CVS), as we
    believed it would be an expansion of the
    great community services that YPCT
    currently offer and as they currently manage
    other volunteer programs. YPCT has been
    successful in the tender process so the
    transition begins with Copper Coast                volunteers without any disruption to                 With this new funding, Yorke Peninsula
    Council ceasing services at 31 December            existing service. In order to transition         Community Transport will also be
    2018, and YPCT commencing services                 smoothly, and create continuity of service       expanding the CVS to include visits in
    from 1 January 2019.                               for clients and volunteers alike, YPCT has       clients’ own homes in addition to those in
       YPCT has over twenty years’ experience          offered a position to the current CVS            residential care.
    in community services, working both with           Coordinator, Fiona McAllister so that she           For more information about visits or
    older people and volunteers expecting to           can continue the great work she has been         becoming a volunteer, contact YPCT on
    transition existing CVS clients and                doing into the future.                           1300 132 932.

Copper Post                                                  www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au                                                         Page 9
Award winning Splash Town is a free entry          bucket ensuring fun for children and families
                                       water park for the young and young at heart          of all ages. The 2018/19 season opened on
                                       provided by Copper Coast Council.                    29th September 2018 and will finish on
                                         Situated on the foreshore at Moonta Bay            Sunday 28th April 2019.
                                       the attraction is adjacent to the beautiful            Opening hours this season are – S.A. School
                                       Moonta Bay beach.         Splash Town was            holidays, weekends and public holidays
                                       awarded winner of the Tourist Attraction             12noon to 6pm daily and S.A. School terms
                                       category in the 2018 Yorke Peninsula Tourism         Wednesday to Friday 2pm to 6pm.
                                       Awards recognizing this popular water park.            Check the Facebook page for up-to-date
                                         Splash Town features racer slides, water           information or contact the Copper Coast
                                       mushrooms, wading pools and a tipping                Visitor Information Centre 1800 654 991.

     2019 COPPER COAST                                                                                                                   COPPER
       VISITORS’ GUIDE                                                                                                                   COAST
                                                                                                                                         20 19 VI SI TO
                                                                                                                                                        RS ’ G U ID E
                                                                                                                                         YO R KE PE NIN
                                                                                                                                                        SU LA – SO U
                                                                                                                                                                     th AU StR ALI
     The new Copper Coast Visitors’ Guide is          up-dated maps also incorporated.
  available now and is full of information to help       The guide will encourage you to explore our
  you discover all of what the region has to offer.   regions rich agriculture, history and heritage, arts
  The guide provides a comprehensive overview of      and culture, and family friendly activities. You
  everything you need to know about visiting the      can learn about the many treats in store in the
  Copper Coast and information on the services        Copper Coast region including great eateries,
  both tourists and locals require.                   events, accommodation, must see attractions,
     Inside you will find new and up-to-date          local produce and much, much more.
  information on each town: Kadina, Moonta and           Drop in to collect your free guide or even
  Wallaroo as well as the surrounding townships:      some further guidance from the welcoming staff               1800 654 991

  Bute, Port Broughton, and Fisherman Bay.            at the Copper Coast Visitor Information Centre
  Navigation around the region is made easy with      today.

                                             DISPOSING OF BATTERIES
                                                Recently Council implemented battery                Since these bins have been in place we have
                                             recycling bins in the Copper Coast area to           saved many batteries going to landfill and with
                                             dispose of batteries correctly and reduce the        the continuation of these bins, we’ll save plenty
                                             impact they have on the environment. Five bins       more! See below how many batteries the Copper
                                             were introduced to Kadina, Wallaroo and              Coast community has disposed of using the
                                             Moonta being situated at the following               battery recycling bins:
                                             locations:                                           • AA – 2809
                                             • Kadina Council office                              • AAA – 3642
                                             • Kadina Library                                     • D – 133
                                             • Wallaroo Library                                   • C - 151
                                             • Moonta Tourism Centre                              • 3V, 6V, 9V, 12V – 191
                                             • Moonta Community Library                           • Hearing aid batteries – 1886

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Financial Summary
   The table to the right is a summary      raises some funds in user fees and
of the audited financial results of         charges, however about 78% of
Council for the past two years and the      revenue came from the Council Rates
adopted budget for 2018-19. The             in 2017/18.
operating surplus in 2017-18 was               The pie chart (below) outlines the
primarily due to a separate rate that was   areas in which Council receives funds in
raised for the Wallaroo Shores              a typical year.
Development which was raised against
the developer’s property. This separate              How is the
rate was for $7M and the Council is                 money spent?
overseeing the construction of the road        Council provides many services to
and the implementation of an                the community, some of which are
Economic         Development          and   legislated and others which are
Marketing Strategy for the Copper           provided by choice.
Coast, including the subject site. The         Council’s expenses represent the cost
Economic         Development          and   of providing these service to the
Marketing Strategy includes, but is not     community. Materials, contracts and
limited to;
                                            other expenses made up 43% of the
• Attracting new businesses to the
                                            total operating expenditure of Council.
  Copper Coast including the subject
                                            Council Employees are its most
                                            valuable asset and provide the
• A marketing campaign to
                                            numerous services listed for the
  reintroduce the Copper Coast to a
  broader audience. While the rate has      community at a consistent operating
  been applied in a single year             cost of 22% of expenditure.
  (2017/18), allowances have been           Depreciation makes up 30% of the
  made for it to be paid at the time        total operating expenditure.
  individual allotments created from           In addition to the Operating
  the Land are sold.                        Revenue Council received other
   Work has commenced on both               Government Grants and Subsidies in
components of this separate rate            the order of $5.07M to assist in the
however the expenditure to the 30th         purchase of new or upgraded assets,                                                                                 '     '
June 2018 on the infrastructure is only     being the Copper Coast Sport &
$1.787M. The variance of $5.213M is         Leisure Centre, Port Hughes Boat      This includes money that is owed               What liabilities does
reflected in the operating surplus for      Ramp, Kadina CBD Upgrade, North    to Council in the form of Rates and                 Council own?
the 2017/18 year.                           Beach Caravan Park etc.            other services (Trade and other                 Council’s liabilities include loans,
   The remaining expenditure of this           Whether a service is a legislative
                                                                               receivables), stock on hand                  amounts owing to suppliers, amounts
project will be expended in future years    requirement of Councils, or is provided
                                                                               (inventories) and for the large              owing to employees for leave
(2018/19) and will impact on the            by local choice, the Local Government
                                                                               proportion Infrastructure, Property,         entitlements and amounts owing to
operating surplus going forward as the      Act requires that a •Council is  • Plant & Equipment.                           residents of our retirement villages
revenue will not be matched under           "responsive to the needs, interests and
                                                                                  Council’s non current assets              should they no longer occupy one of
accounting principles.                      aspirations of individuals and groups
                                                                               (Roads & Footpaths, CWMS &                   our units in Moonta or Wallaroo.
   There is also reported expenditure       within its community..." and that it
                                                                               Stormwater) were revalued by JLL             Council borrowed to build the
on the Copper Coast Highway                 must "...seek to ensure that Council
                                                                               Infrastructure Advisory Pty Ltd in           CWMS infrastructure and the Copper
realignment project ($1.385M) of            resources are used fairly..." (Section 8,
                                                                               2017 at fair value. Additions to these       Coast Sport & Leisure Centre
which income has not yet been               (b) and (h)).                      assets from this date have been              upgrade. Council’s borrowings as
received.                                                                      measured at cost.                            reported in the Annual Financial
   Thirdly, the Commonwealth                      What assets does                One of the challenges facing Local        Statements are currently $33.6 million
Government during June 2018                          Council own?    !       ! Government today is finding the              however it is important to note that
forwarded to Councils their funding            When looking at the Council revenue required to maintain the large           this also includes $4.031 million for
under the Financial Assistance Grants       Balance Sheet the Council assets amount of community infrastructure             the retirement villages licences in
Scheme 50% ($924,996) of their              totalled $309.1 million.           under its care and control.                  Moonta and Wallaroo.
2018/19 allocation. Under the
Accounting Standards this income is to
be reported in the year of receipt and
therefore inflates the Grants, Subsidies,
Contributions received for the
2017/18 financial year and also will
impact on the 2018/19 year.
   If these funds listed above had been
received and matched against the
expenditure in the correct financial year
the 2017/18 operating result would
have been a small surplus of $151,491.
    Where do the funds
      come from?
   Council receives some funding in
grants from other Governments and

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           Council Contacts...
           All Correspondence:                Moonta Office:
           PO Box 396, Kadina SA 5554         (Volunteer Resource Centre)
           51 Taylor Street, Kadina SA 5554   Moonta Tourist Office
           Phone: (08) 8828 1200              Blanche Terrace, Moonta SA 5558
           Fax: (08) 8821 2736
           E-mail:                            Wallaroo Office:
                info@coppercoast.sa.gov.au    5 John Terrace, Wallaroo SA 5556
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