Wireless power transfer topology analysis for inkjet-printed coil

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Open Engineering 2022; 12: 373–380

Regular Article

Pradeep Kumar Sahu, Satyaranjan Jena*, Subrat Behera, Madan Mohan Sahu,
Soubhagya Ranjan Prusty and Ritesh Dash

Wireless power transfer topology analysis for
inkjet-printed coil
https://doi.org/10.1515/eng-2022-0040                                       presence of parasite resistance in the printed coils. Moreover,
received July 08, 2021; accepted April 11, 2022                             it is required to choose an efficient topology as the efficiency
Abstract: The fabricated inkjet-printed coils (IPCs) are a                  varies from 56% to only 38%.
suitable candidate for near-field wireless power transmis-                   Keywords: wireless power transmission, inkjet printed
sion (WPT) to the next generation of high-performance                       coil, compensation, parasite resistance, power transfer
implantable medical devices with extreme size constraints                   efficiency
that will target intraocular and intracranial spaces. It is a
challenging task for anyone to design an efficient induc-
tive link for power transmission as, the secondary coil
(receiver element) is placed 3 mm under the skin surface.                   1 Introduction
This paper focuses on an analytical comparison among the
basic four topologies of the WPT system in terms of com-                    Wireless power transmission (WPT) of microelectronic
pensation requirement and power efficiency. Hence, designers                  implantable devices has attracted much attention for
can choose the best possible topology depending on the cou-                 clinical application. The primitive method of power supply
pling coefficient, coil design, and load impedance. In this                   for implanted devices was to insert power cables through
work, the printed coil is designed with 10 layers of 10 μm                  skin holes. However, these intrusive methods create a risk
thickness, respectively, in both cases. The effect of IPCs                   of infection through the skin holes. Hence, WPT is suitable
on the secondary side is briefly analyzed by considering                     for implanted devices because it is more robust and rela-
the parasite resistance of the coil for compensation; the                   tively safer. Nowadays, most of the research has been
behavior of the system is not significantly affected by using                 focused on the near-field approach because of the simple
the printed coils for compensation on the primary side. As                  design and easy implementation of an inductive link between
the compensating capacitance does not depend on the                         on-body and in-body transceivers such as Radio-frequency
parasite resistance, the series–series topology is preferable               identification links, stimulation devices, and pacemakers.
for the WPT system. The efficiency decreases due to the                       Many modern implants like cochlear and retinal implants,
                                                                            neutral recording and electrical stimulation of muscle
                                                                            devices, and pacemakers still employ batteries [1,2]. How-
                                                                            ever, power transfer through inductive coupling for battery
* Corresponding author: Satyaranjan Jena, School of Electrical
                                                                            less implantable devices has attracted much attention
Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India,              from the researcher community.
e-mail: srj.kiit@gmail.com                                                       Wireless power transfer from the primary side to the
Pradeep Kumar Sahu: School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT                  secondary side of the inductive link generally uses the
Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India,                                resonant structure [3]. However, due to the presence of
e-mail: pksahu.nitrkl@gmail.com
                                                                            tissues in the body and coil misalignment, the biomedical
Subrat Behera: School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be
University, Bhubaneswar, India, e-mail: sbeherafel@kiit.ac.in               implant uses loosely coupled inductive links with a cou-
Madan Mohan Sahu: Engineering Department, Electrical Division,              pling factor of 0.05 [4]. Hence, there is a limited range of
AIIMS Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India,                                      power transfer efficiency.
e-mail: sahu.mdn@gmail.com                                                       So far, thin wires using sophisticated winding machines
Soubhagya Ranjan Prusty: School of Electrical Engineering, KIIT
                                                                            are used for the fabrication of both the coils in the WPT
Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, India,
e-mail: soubhagya.prustyfel@kiit.ac.ins
                                                                            system [5]. However, the next-generation high-performance
Ritesh Dash: School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, REVA         implantable devices demand a much smaller footprint that
University, Bangalore, India, e-mail: rdasheee@gmail.com                    must have potential on-chip or on package-level integration

  Open Access. © 2022 Pradeep Kumar Sahu et al., published by De Gruyter.           This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
374         Pradeep Kumar Sahu et al.

and higher geometrical precision. Keeping in mind the             in Section 3. Section 4 explains the analytical comparison
above-mentioned issues, coils with printing technology are        based on an inductive wireless power transfer system for
suitable for implantable medical devices. Both digital and        biomedical devices by using a combination of closed-form
analog printing technologies are available for printing con-      equations in MATLAB (MathWorks) and verification in finite-
ductive materials on different substrates [6,7]. The well-         element analysis tools in HFSS (Ansoft, Pittsburgh, PA), fol-
developed printing technologies such as offset, gravure,           lowed by concluding remarks.
and flexographic printing use printing patterns like differ-
ences in wetting, surface relief (recesses), and surface relief
(raised) in printing master, respectively. However, master-       2 Characterization of IPCs
less inject-printed coils (IPCs) use droplet-size conductive
materials and the size is decided by the nozzle diameter          In the wireless power system, the concept of an inductive
and waveforms [8,9]. This balanced technology has a high          coupling-based WPT system can be realized by using
resolution on thin layers with automated process control.         near-field coupled inductive coils. Among various avail-
This paper presents the feasibility study of IPC for implan-      able designs, the system includes at least two closely
table device applications.                                        coupled coils with respect to the coil diameters. Even
     The inkjet printing technique has already been used          though three or four coils systems are reported in ref.
in a few biomedical applications. Here, inkjet-printed            [18], the two-coil configuration is suitable for the WPT
electrodes are used for surface electromyography. These           system due to its simplest design, easy control, and
electrodes permit the steps for manufacturing low-impe-           easy positioning.
dance conductive tracks with high-density surface elec-
tromyography [10]. These technologies are also used to
manufacture other biopotential recordings like electrocar-        2.1 Principles of ICPT
diograms and electroencephalograms.
     The design of implantable antennas with compact              In a simple WPT design, two magnetically coupled induc-
size, isolation from, and comfortability to the human             tive coils are placed in close proximity. This concept is
body is a challenging task for WPT systems [11]. Nowa-            demonstrated in Figure 1. Here, two coils are coupled
days, flexible biocompatible coils are also used in some           with each other so that the transmitting coil (primary)
biomedical applications, which may create a revolution            transfers energy to the receiving coil (secondary) through
in the current medical implanted devices. In recent years,        the magnetic field. It consists of a pair of coils of induc-
these printed electronics dominated over the conven-              tances L1 and L2, which are magnetically coupled by a
tional silicon-based technologies due to their low cost,          mutual inductance M. By neglecting the coils’ parasitic
simple design, light weight, and flexible features with            capacitance, it becomes a non-resonant system. Gener-
large surface area [12]. It is estimated that the revenue         ally, non-resonant inductively coupled topologies are not
of the flexible electronics market may reach over 300              suitable for WPT applications due to their poor efficiency
billion USD by 2028 [13].                                         compared to the resonant configuration [17].
     The behavior of the WPT system can be extensively                 The resonant topology, also known as near-field reso-
studied previously and assessed based on the following            nant inductive coupling (NRIC) [19], can be implemented
parameters: (a) compensations required for desirable fre-
quency [14,15] and (b) power transfer efficiency [16,17].
However, few works of literature are available to address                                            Mutual
the above-mentioned factors in wireless power transfer
systems. Therefore, it appeared reasonable to address an                             iin
extensive study on the printed coils and loosely coupled
inductive link of the inductively coupled power transfer             Transmitter                                           Receiver
(ICPT) systems. Various ICPT topologies are briefly ana-
lyzed on the basis of compensation requirements and
power transfer efficiency.                                                                                 Receiver
     The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews                                 Transmitter   Coil
the basic theory of operation for WPT, design, and char-                                        Magnetic field
acterization of inductive links. The detailed methodology
for resonant inductively coupled system analysis is described     Figure 1: Overview of the ICPT system.
Wireless power transfer topology analysis for inkjet-printed coil         375

by including capacitors either in series or parallel with the             Table 1: Nature of coil
inductive coils. This topology has more efficiency in con-
trast to the non-resonant system. The NRIC of the two-coil                Name             Coils            Substrate       Materials
configuration has four possible arrangements, which are                    Model – 1        Subtractive      FR4             Copper
shown in Figure 2. In each arrangement, the coil is con-                  [6] (M–1)        etching          (0.8 mm)
nected with a capacitor so that both sides of the magnetic                Model – 2        Inkjet printed   Kapton          Silver ink
link constitute a resonant circuit. Each arrangement shown                [21] (M–2)                        (127 μm)        (10 μm–10
in Figure 2 is treated as a two-port network.
     The parameters like impedance and the gain of the
magnetic link can be measured by using circuit analysis
for any topologies shown in Figure 2, which are reported                       From the table, it is seen that all four topologies have
in ref. [20]. Depending on the driver, the link gain can be               the same inductance value whereas both input resistance
expressed either as a trans-impedance (vo/iin) or as a                    and thus quality factor have a significant change in
voltage gain (vo/vin). Here, vin, vo, and iin are the input               value for all arrangements. This is because the conduc-
voltage, output voltage, and input current of the ICPT                    tive track of the coil has different thicknesses and con-
system, respectively. This analysis is further investigated               ductivities. Table 2 presents the selected conductivities
in ref. [18]. Here, the optimization schemes and link effi-                 for four topologies.
ciency expressions are derived for the WPT system. The                         From the table, it is observed that the printed coil has
elementary analysis such as circuit parameters, extracting                lower conductivity than the subtractive etching design.
parameters like power transfer efficiency, and the power                    Hence, the printed design coil has relatively higher resis-
transfer capability for an inductive link can be carried                  tance. Unlike the subtractive etching design, the conduc-
out by combining these analyses. The detailed design                      tivity of the printed coil can be adjusted by modifying the
procedures of the WPT system are briefly analyzed in                       sintering process. By using the printed coil technique, the
the next section.                                                         thickness of the printed layers can be varied by 1 μm in
                                                                          resolution. Changing the track thickness will affect both
                                                                          the quality factor and input resistance of the coil, as the
2.2 Characterization                                                      coil thickness is inside the skin depth. Both the Q-factor
                                                                          and input resistance cannot be adjusted for the coil thick-
The four different ICPT topologies can be characterized by                 ness deeper than the depth of the skin [20].
comparing simulation and analytical results. The detailed                      By maintaining the same coil inductance value for all
characterization procedures are reported in ref. [20]. The                four topologies, a coil antenna can be designed via a
design coil parameters are given in Table 1. Here, Model                  printed coil with a small quality factor of 10.3 [20]. The
1 and Model 2 are the two different materials of subtractive               printed coil is designed with 10 layers, each having a
etching and IPCs, respectively.                                           thickness of 10 μm. Again the compensating capacitance
                                                                          does not depend on the parasite resistance of the coils.

                                                                          3 Methodology
                                                                          The WPT system consists of four possible topologies
               (a)                                (b)                     (shown in Figure 2) and is used to transmit power from
                                                                          the transmitting coil (primary) to receiving coils. These
                                                                          topologies are interpreted as SS/SP/PS/PP, where the
                                                                          type of compensation for the primary or transmitter coil
                                                                          is represented by the first letter and that for the secondary
                                                                          or receiver side is represented by the second letter.
              (c)                                 (d)
                                                                          Here, S and P stand for series and parallel topologies,
Figure 2: Comparison of near-field coupling topologies:                    respectively. The primary- and secondary-side parameters
(a) series–series (SS), (b) series–parallel (SP), (c) parallel–parallel   are denoted by sub-indexes 1 and 2, respectively. Here, the
(PP), and (d) parallel–series (PS).                                       mutual inductance and the coupling factor are represented
376          Pradeep Kumar Sahu et al.

Table 2: Parameter of coil

Name                            Coil resistance (Ω)            Coil inductance (μH)         Q-factor                       Conductivity (S/m)

Model – 1 [6] (M–1)             2                              2.8                          119.2                          59.6 × 106
Model – 2 [21] (M–2)            23                             2.8                          10.3                           8 × 106

by symbols M and k, respectively. L1, C1, R1 and L2, C2, R2                                                          1
                                                                                        Z2 = jωL2 + RL +                .                  (2)
are the self-inductance, capacitance and internal resis-                                                           jωC2
tance of the primary side and secondary side, respectively.           (2) Secondary side with parallel compensation:
Ω and RL are the angular frequency and load resistance,
respectively.                                                                                                 1
    The phasor model of a typical magnetically coupled                                 Z2 = jωL2 +                 1
                                                                                                                           .               (3)
                                                                                                       jωC2 +      RL
WPT system is illustrated in Figure 3. Assuming the
steady-state condition and sinusoidal supply voltage,                     The equivalent impedance, as referred to the primary
the phasor model of the system can be developed by                    side is represented by Z1, and its value depends on the
considering its equivalent impedance. The total impe-                 type of the primary-side topology.
dance of the system is characterized by the reflected                  (1) Primary side with series compensation:
impedance Zr, as shown in Figure 3(c):
                                                                                         Z1 = jωL1 + zr +              .                   (4)
                          M2ω 2     M2ω 2                                                                         jωC1
                   Zr =           =       ,                     (1)
                        jL2ω + RL    Z2
                                                                      (2) Primary side with parallel compensation:
     Here, Z1, Z2, and Zr are the primary-side, secondary-
side and reflected impedances, respectively. Similarly,                                                 1
                                                                                        Z1 =                           .                   (5)
the primary- and secondary-side current are represented                                        jωC1 +
                                                                                                           jωL1 + Zr
by I1 and I2, respectively. The secondaryside equivalent
impedance (Z2), as referred to the secondary voltage gen-                  The behavior of each topology can be briefly studied
erator (jMωI1), is the denominator of the reflected impe-              by analyzing the impedance expressions of Zr and Z1. In
dance, as shown in Figure 3(b). Assuming the secondary                this section, the performance of the WPT system can be
circuit with the resonance condition, different reflected impe-         evaluated on the basis of four main parameters such as
dances are observed for different types of compensation.               compensation, bifurcation phenomenon, maximum power
(1) Secondary side with series compensation:                          transfer efficiency, and power transfer capability.

                                                                      3.1 Compensation

                                                                      Both primary and secondary sides of the WPT system
                                                                      should be operated at the same resonating frequency in
                                                                      order to provide efficient power transfer. Since the pri-
                   (a)                            (c)
                                                                      mary side is affected by the secondary side, the reactance
                                                                      component of reflected impedance Zr should be compen-
                                                                      sated by the primary side. The size of the primary side
                                                                      capacitor can be determined by using the conditions as
                                                                                          Im{Z1}|ω = ω0 = 0,                               (6)

                                                                      where ω0 represents the secondary-side resonance
                                (b)                                   frequency:
Figure 3: ICPT system phasor model: (a) inductive coupling circuit,                                     1
(b) equivalent circuit, and (c) reflected impedance referred to the
                                                                                            ω0 =            .                              (7)
primary side.
Wireless power transfer topology analysis for inkjet-printed coil                377

3.2 Power transfer efficiency                                     cannot be neglected. Therefore, the analysis is carried
                                                                out by taking parasite resistance into account. The influ-
The performance of an inductive link can be quantified by        ence of designing secondary coil through printed tech-
a crucial parameter; the power transfer efficiency [16,17]        nology is briefly discussed. In all topologies, the design
is expressed as the ratio of the energy available across the    of the primary coil is fixed and the capacitors are designed
load to the total supply voltage in one cycle. Due to the       to operate at a resonant frequency of 13.56 MHz.
presence of parasite resistance in the coils, the induc-
tively coupled circuit suffered from the energy losses,
which are briefly discussed in the next section.
     The overall efficiency of the WPT system is not affected      4 Compensation analysis
by the primary-side compensation, which is reported pre-
viously in ref. [16]. Hence, only two topologies; SS and SP     For efficient power transfer, both sides of the coupled
are studied briefly in this paper as these topologies are        circuit should be operated in a single resonant frequency,
equivalent to PS and PP, respectively. The detailed proce-      and the total reactance referring to the primary sides
dure for developing the related equations for SP topology       needs to be compensated by adjusting the primary-side
as a case study is briefly studied in this section. Similarly,   capacitance (C1) [14,15]. This capacitance is calculated by
for the SS topology, the same procedure may be followed         using the following formula:
which is not discussed here. The efficiency of the WPT
                                                                                             Im{Z1}|ω = ω0 = 0.
system can be determined by developing its phasor model,
which is shown in Figure 3.
     The determination of the overall efficiency of the
WPT system is carried out in two steps. The primary-
                                                                4.1 Ignoring the parasite resistances of IPCs
side efficiency (η1) is calculated first by taking the ratio
between the power delivered to the reflected impedance
                                                                    (R1 = 0, R2 = 0)
and the supply power from the source:
                                                                Neglecting coil resistances, the calculations of primary
                             Re {VZrIZ⁎r }                      side capacitance are given below for different topologies.
                      η1 =                   ,           (8)
                             Re {VinIin⁎}                       (1) SS topology:

where VZr and IZr are voltage and current through the                                                       1
                                                                                                  C1 =          .                      (11)
reflected impedance, whereas Vin and Iin are the input                                                     ω02L1
voltage and current through the primary coil, respectively.
                                                                (2) SP topology:
    Then, the secondary-side efficiency (η2) is calculated
using the following equation:                                                                               1
                                                                                             C1 =                     .

                      η2 =
                             Re {VRLIR⁎L}
                                          .              (9)
                                                                                                    ω02   (L − )

                              Re {V2I2⁎}                        (3) PS topology:
    Here, V2 and I2⁎ are the induced secondary-side vol-                                                L1RL2
tage and current, whereas VRL and IR⁎L are the voltage and                               C1 =                          .               (13)
                                                                                                ω02 (M 4ω02 + L12RL2 )
current available at load, respectively.
    The overall efficiency of the ICPT system can be              (4) PP topology:
derived by multiplying the efficiencies of both the pri-
mary and secondary sides as shown in equations (8)                                              (L1L2 − M2 )L23
                                                                         C1 =                                                      .   (14)
and (9).                                                                        M 4RL2   +   ω0 L2 (L12L22 + M 4
                                                                                              2 2
                                                                                                                     − 2L1L2M2 )
                         η = η1η2 .                    (10)
                                                                     From the above expressions it is clearly observed that
    The detailed methodology of the topology analysis is        for all topologies except the SS topology, the capacitance
briefly discussed in the next section. This analysis is car-     depends on both primary and secondary parameters, i.e.,
ried out on the basis of primary side compensation issues,      the presence of the coupling coefficient. This coupling
power transfer efficiency, bifurcation analysis, and power        coefficient may vary by changing the distance, medium,
transfer capability. Unlike etched copper antennas, the         etc. Also, the coupling coefficient (k) is very poor, which
printed one has considerable parasite resistance which          decreases the efficiency. The primary-side capacitors
378                 Pradeep Kumar Sahu et al.

required to compensate on the secondary side without                                                                   B = C2L22 (2L12RLR2 + L12R22 + L22R12
considering the parasite resistance for different coils are                                                                  + 2M2RLR1 + 2M2R2 R1) .
shown in Figure 4.
                                                                                                          C = M 4C2RL2 + L12L22 − 2L12L23 − 2L1L22M2 + L2M 4. (21)

                                                                                               The primary-side capacitors are required to compen-
                                                                                          sate on the secondary side with considering the parasite
4.2 Considering the parasite resistances                                                  resistance for different coils are shown in Figure 4. In the
    of IPCs                                                                               SS topology, the capacitor only depends on the primary-
                                                                                          side inductance and does not depend on the secondary-
By considering the coil internal resistances, the primary                                 side parameter or internal resistance of the coils. So, the
side capacitance is as follows;                                                           SS topology is suitable for the printed coils. On the other
(1) SS topology:                                                                          hand, the coefficient of coupling k is very small, and the
                                                     1                                    effect of change on the secondary side is negligible on the
                                            C1 =         .                         (15)   primary side. So, other topologies are also considered for
                                                                                          printed coils for a very less value of k. Otherwise, varia-
(2) SP topology:                                                                          tions of the primary-side capacitor are required for the
                               L2C2 (C2R2 RL + L2 )2 + L2C2R22                            compensation [14,15].
                   C1 =                                          .                 (16)
                           L1(C2R2 RL + L2 )2 + C2L2L1R22 − L2M2

(3) PS topology:
                                                                                          5 Power transfer efficiency analysis
                    C1 = L1(RL + R2 )2 / (R12 (RL + R2 )2
                           + ω02L12 (RL + R2 )2 (C2R2 RL + L2 )2                   (17)   The final efficiency only depends on the secondary-side
                           +    2ω02M2R1      + (RL + R2 ) + (ω0        M )4 ) .          compensation and does not depend on the primary-side
                                                                                          compensation [21]. The final efficiencies of SS/PS and
(4) PP topology:
                                                                                          SP/PP topologies are given as follows:

          C1 = ((C22L1RL2 R22 + 2C2L1L2R2 RL                                                                           ηSS = (1 + R2 / RL + R1 / (k 2RLL1)
                                                                                   (18)                                                                                          (22)
                  × L1L22 + C2L1L2R22 − L2M2 )C2L22 ) / (A + B + C ) ,                                                           ⋅ (L2 + 1/ ω 2 ((R2 + RL)2 / L2
                                                                                                                                 − 2/ C2 ) +      1 / (ω 4 L           −1
                                                                                                                                                               2 C2 ))) ,
                                                                                          ηSP = (1 + R2 / RL + ω 2RLR2 C22 + R2 / (k 2L 2 L1RL)
                   A = C22L2R2 (C2L2RL2 R12 R2 + L12RL2 R2                                                                                                                       (23)
                                                                                   (19)                   × (((1 − ω 2L 2 C2 )RL + R2 ) / ω)2 + (L 2 + RLC2R2 )2 ))−1 .
                           +   2L22R12 RL   +   C22R12 R2   +   2M2RL2 R1) ,
                                                                                              Figure 5 shows the variation of efficiency by varying
                                                                                          the receiving-side resistance (R2) with different load

          49.35                                                                                          60
                      M1                                                           M2
                                                                                                                  M1                                                             M2
                                                                                          % Efficiency

                                      SP topology
C1 (pF)

                                      PS topology                                                                              SS Topology
                                      PP topology
                                                                                                                               SP Topology

           49.2                                                                                          20

                               5             10              15          20         25
                                             Rs(in ohm)                                                       0            5                 10            15               20    25
                                                                                                                                             Rs in ohm
Figure 4: Primary compensation capacitance with the effect of sec-
ondary coil resistance R2. RL = 50 Ω (no mark) and RL = 200 Ω (with                       Figure 5: Efficiency vs effect of resistance R2 at different load:
point marked).                                                                            RL = 50 Ω and RL = 200 Ω.
Wireless power transfer topology analysis for inkjet-printed coil                        379

impedances. This figure clearly shows that the efficiency                                                           2.5
of the SP/PP topology is very less compared to that of the
PS/SS topology, with low value of secondary side coil                                                             2

                                                                                            Output Power in mw
resistance. For a higher value of the secondary-side coil
resistance, the efficiency decreases for both topologies. In                                                       1.5

either case, the SS topology gives higher efficiency than
the SP topology.
     Considering load resistance RL, series compensation
                                                                                                                 0.5                                                 M1
gives higher efficiency in low loads and better efficiency
in lower loads with lower values of secondary-side coil
internal resistance. However, in the case of parallel com-                                                        0.2   0.3       0.4     0.5       0.6      0.7         0.8
pensation, the efficiency will be less in low value of loads                                                                    Co-efficient of coupling (k)
and comparatively high efficiency in high loads.
     From expressions (22) and (23), it is observed that the                                                100
efficiency also depends on the operating frequency and
                                                                                                                 80                                                 M2
coupling coefficient.
     Comparing the above two expressions, for the parallel

                                                                                          % Efficiency
secondary-side compensated topology, the efficiency depends                                                        60
on the higher value of the coupling coefficient “k. As the
coupling coefficient is very small and varies due to the                                                           40

                                                                              M1                                  0.2   0.3       0.4         0.5   0.6       0.7         0.8
                       15                                                                                                     Co-efficient of coupling (k)
% Efficiency


                       10                                                                 Figure 7: SS/PS topology: (a) change in efficiency with respect to the
                                                                                          coefficient of coupling and (b) change in output power with respect
                                                                                          to the coefficient of coupling.

                                                                                          variation in distance, angle and person to person, the effi-
                        0.2       0.3       0.4      0.5        0.6     0.7        0.8    ciency will vary in a wide range.
                                         Co-efficient of coupling (k)                          The variation of efficiency and output power (in mW)
                                                    (a)                                   by varying the coupling coefficient for the SP/PP topology
                            1                                                             is shown in Figure 6(a) and (b). For a large value of k, the
                                                                                          efficiency will remain constant and maintain a high value.
                       0.8                                                                     Similarly, the variation of efficiency and output power
  Output Power in mw

                                                                                          (in mW) by varying the coupling coefficient for the SS/PS
                       0.6                                                                topology is shown in Figure 7(a) and (b). In the case of series
                                                                                          secondary-side compensated topologies, the efficiency for
                       0.4                                                                power transfer is better for even small values of k. Efficiency
                                                                                          variation is also very less with the multifrequency operation
                       0.2                                                M1
                                                                                          and the variation of the coupling coefficient.
                            0.2    0.3       0.4          0.5   0.6     0.7        0.8
                                         Co-efficient of coupling (k)
                                                                                          6 Conclusion
Figure 6: SP/PP topology: (a) change in efficiency with respect to the
coefficient of coupling and (b) change in output power with respect                         This paper has provided a detailed review of analytic
to the coefficient of coupling.                                                             comparisons among the various WPT topologies using a
380           Pradeep Kumar Sahu et al.

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