Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region

Page created by Maurice Hamilton
Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
Winter 2022

     Focus Forward
     on the 2022
     WMA Meeting
Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
2022 WMA Annual
                                                    Meeting Information
                                                                            page 4

                                            page      7
                                            A Member's Perspective | Stephanie Mohr

                                                A New Season of
                                               Webinars Begins          page 10
                                          page 15Get to Know Idaho State
                                                        Representative Chelsee Boehm

                                                            pages 19–22
                                                                         State Updates

                                                The California Academy of Sciences masked up
                                                            their T-rex fossil to welcome guests.
                                                                      Photograph by Gayle Laird,
          Since 1979, the RC-WR has                              California Academy of Sciences
     cooperated with the CS-AAM in
    advocating for the profession of
Registrars and Collections Managers
 across the states of Alaska, Arizona,

  California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada,
      Oregon, Utah and Washington,
  and promotes high standards and
        best practices in registration.
Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
ArtWork FAS, Cooke’s Crating,
                                                    Crozier, Gander & White, and U.S. Art.
                                                    And an especially loud round of ap-
                                                    plause for Vice Chair Beth Sanders.
                                                    Her creativity and hustle brought this
                                                    series to fruition and bolstered the
                                                    resources available to the collections
                                                    community, not only in the West, but
                                                    the world! Read about the wrap-up and
                                                    what is coming next, as well as a Mem-
                                                    ber Perspective from Stephanie Mohr.

                                                    Just as the RC-WR Board is mostly
           HELLO RC-WR READERS!                     newly minted officers, we have
                                                    transition amongst our State Reps.
           As the recently elected Chair, this      Welcome to the new State Repre-
           is my first issue of the Registrar's     sentative in Idaho, Chelsee Boehm,

MESSAGE    Quarterly. Advance appreciation for
           forgiving anything amiss!
                                                    Registrar at the Idaho State Historical
                                                    Society. Read about her fresh per-
                                                    spective on the role. We bid a warm
   FROM    As I clumsily stumble into the role of   farewell and a great deal of gratitude
           Chair, I am humbled and impressed        to our Northern California Representa-
     THE   with how robust and energetic RC-WR      tive Linda Waterfield and Hawaii
                                                    Representative Charmaine Wong.
           and the Western collections com-
  CHAIR    munity are. From deftly adjusting to
           new pandemic norms and continuing
                                                    Thank you for your service and
                                                    engagement with RC-WR! If you
           engagement throughout surges, I am       work for an institution in Northern
           so honored to be a part of RC-WR. As     California, Southern California, or
           we continue to navigate professional     Hawaii, please consider becoming a
           engagement going forward, please do      RC-WR State Representative.
           not hesitate to share your thoughts
           and ideas with the RC-WR Board!          Thank you again for your grace while
                                                    the new RC-WR Board gets comfort-
           RCWR concluded a successful run          able in our roles. And do not hesitate
           of our conservation webinar series       to reach out.
           “Hands On! Practical Conservation for
           the Collections Professional”. Reach-    Warmly,
           ing over 1,500 live attendees and now    Lindsay Palaima
           living in perpetuity on our youtube
           channel (        RC-WR Chair |
           channel/UCjDDjTGi3HAwIiw3JhyH            Research Collections Registrar,
           SjQ/videos), we deemed this webinar      California Academy of Sciences,

           programming a great success. Thank       San Francisco, California
           you again to all our fabulous sponsors
           who supported this endeavor:
Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
This Fall, the 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in Portland, Oregon
on October 6th– 9th, in partnership with the Oregon Museums Association.
With the theme of FORWARD, WMA 2022 will focus on the ways museums
            can be adaptable, FORWARD-thinking institutions.

              Request for session proposals will be open in
               March with registration beginning in June.

                     Learn more at
Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
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Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
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Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
“regular" routine, I took some time to

                                                                                                             MEMBER PERSPECTIVE
                                                                   reconsider my work habits and try
                                                                    to find some balance.

                                                                     Last summer, we took on our first
                                                                     intern in over two years. From the
                                                                     beginning, I wanted to ensure that
                                                                    I provided her with the most hon-
                                                                    est experience I could manage. This
                                                                   meant sharing both the messiness
                                                                  of collections work and the joys of
                                                                 working within our community. It also
                                                               included professional development. We
                                                             talked about how engaging with the wider
                                                             museum field can help you feel more con-
                                                             nected when you work by yourself; and
                                                             how much you can learn about your own
                                                             collection by hearing about the trials and
                                                             tribulations faced by your colleagues.

Making Time
                                                             Once a month, on a Thursday morn-
                                                             ing, my intern and I would have a coffee
                                                             and join in on a Hands On! Webinar. We
                                                             learned techniques for preventing rust,
—by Stephanie Mohr, Collections Manager,                     how to identify some common molds, and
Eastside Heritage Center,                                    how composite objects require just a little
Bellevue, Washington                                         more thought when going into storage.
                                                             We spent an hour with other museum
In a small museum, everyone wears many hats                  folks, asking questions and thinking of
and there is never quite enough help. In 2019 I had          ways to apply what we had learned. After
no time. My schedule was packed and when I did               each webinar, the two of us would chat
find a spare minute, I spent it tackling the catalog         about the challenges of collections work
backlog. I certainly didn’t have time for workshops,         and what the future of the field might
lectures, or conferences.                                    hold. Above all, this experience proved to
                                                             me that while I still didn’t “have time”,
Then the world shut down. Suddenly I didn’t have             I could make time, and it was worth it.
any programs to prepare for or volunteers to
manage. I had the time to work on things I had               Preparing for this new year with its own
always put in the “someday” file—like rewriting our          unique challenges, I’ve decided to incor-
volunteer handbook and cleaning up our collec-               porate more of this connection into my
tions database. I even attended a few webinars               work life. Setting aside a little time to tap
and virtual happy hours. In so many massive ways,            into the larger conversation, the larger

things were falling apart, but in this small section         community of like-minded folks. And who
of my life I felt like I could finally take a breath. This   knows, maybe I’ll learn a little something
past year, as we prepared to get back into our               along the way.
Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
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Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
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Winter 2022 - Focus Forward on the 2022 WMA Meeting - Registrars Committee Western Region
tunity to do something collaboratively with your
                                                         colleagues, to learn a new skill (or fourteen), or to
                                                         get that pressing question answered by an expert?
                                                         For me, it was all of the above! I’m so grateful for
                                                         the time and expertise of our speakers, but now…
                                                         we’re getting back to the basics!

                                                         Over the next year, we will be starting on a journey
                                                         to explore the basics of our skills, touching on
                                                         collecting ethics, pest management, and our col-
                                                         lections management policies. Whether you have
                                                         been at it for thirty years, or you are just starting
                                                         out in the museum field, we all need to think about
                                                         what is behind our routines and the goals of those
                                                         long to-do lists. So watch your inbox—because
   Hands On! webinar on the care of taxidermy,
                                                         these events are limited capacity [and free!]—
presented by Fran Ritchie, objects conservator for the   and join us to dive deep as is only possible over a
National Park Service (NPS) Harpers Ferry Center         beer or two.

—By Beth Sanders                                         Our next series begins in February!
RC-WR Vice Chair, Collections Manager,
U.S. Naval Undersea Museum                               Back to Basics:
Hands On? That’s a wrap! Well, as a group of
                                                         Collections and a Cocktail
registrars and collections professionals, we will
never be done with the hands-on aspects of our
jobs (how large is your to-do list these days?),         If you missed any of our prior webinars
but we’re thrilled to have brought 14 amazing            or need to reference back, just visit our
webinars to our community on subjects ranging
from this past month’s discussion of the care of         YouTube channel
taxidermy, to mold remediation, and managing
a condition survey.                            
                                                         nel/UCjDDjTGi 3HAwIiw3Jhy
I’d like to invite you all to consider what the high-
light of this series was for you. Was it an oppor-
Hands On!
Check Out These
Webinars Available
on YouTube


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What is your role?

                                                                                                        STATE REPRESENTATIVE HIGHLIGHT
                                                          I am a museum registrar at the Idaho
                                                          State Museum in Boise, Idaho. I am one
                                                          of several staff responsible for caring for
                                                          collections, working with potential donors,
                                                          coordinating loans, and keeping collec-
                                                          tions records. In addition, our team
                                                          creates, installs, and maintains all the
                                                          museum’s exhibits.

                                                          What makes your museum unique?
                                                          If you asked our visitors, they would
                                                          probably tell you the two-headed calf,
                                                          ‘Deja-Moo’, is what makes Idaho’s state
                                                          museum unique. But, I think what makes
                                                          our museum unique is the people who
                                                          work here. There is a positive and sup-
                                                          portive vibe between the staff, and to
                                                          me that shows through our successful
                                                          programming and exhibits—like our
                                                          History Happy Hour virtual event, and our
                                                          big Trailblazing Women of Idaho exhibit.
                                                          We’re not perfect, but we’re pretty cool.

                                                          Can you share a
Chelsee Boehm / Idaho                                     collections conundrum?
                                                          I would prefer to avoid conundrums! But
                                                          I’ve had some interesting experiences
                                                          trying to prove or debunk long-accepted
                                                          stories about certain objects. For example,
Why museums?                                              a colleague and I recently worked to figure
Originally, I just wanted to study history. But           out the provenance of a cannon on the
through some public history classes and then              Idaho State Capitol lawn.
internships at archives and museums, I found
that I was most inspired by working with historical
collections. I have had a few undeniably visceral         Though we could not piece
moments with historic pieces, like when I found a         together the whole history, we
letter signed by Frank Lloyd Wright, or the first time    found little bits of information in
I saw a bound foot shoe in person. I realized that
                                                          primary sources that help us to
in museums, I can introduce other people to that
experience. Hopefully, even if it’s in the tiniest way,   get closer to the truth.

that can make some changes for the better.
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                                                                                   The California Association of
                                                                                   Museums (CAM) is hosting:

                                                                                     Registration, program
                                                                                     schedules, and details can
                                                                                     be found on the website
                                               Blacksmith tool art on display at
                                            Tubac Presidio by A. Frey
                —by Lindsey Vogel-Teeter
                                                                                     March 10–11: San Diego
                The Arizona State
                                                                                     San Diego Natural
                                            The Tubac Presidio State
                University Center for                                                History Museum
                                            Historic Park has teamed up with
                Archaeology and             the Arizona Artist Blacksmith
                Society Repository          Association (AABA) for an out-           March 24: San Francisco
                (CASR) was selected         door sculptural exhibit, which will      California Academy of Sciences
                for the Foundation for      run through the end of March.
                Advancement in Con-         The exhibit features 12 artists and      April 4: Redding
                servation’s Collection      over 40 pieces of outdoor ironwork       Turtle Bay Exploration Park
                Assessment for Preserva-    including whimsical and thought-
                tion (CAP) program. Ad-     provoking sculpture, botanical art,
                ditionally, CASR recently   and functional pieces such as
                                                                                     April 11: Fresno
                hired a Curatorial Spe-     garden benches, birdbaths, and           Fresno Art Museum
                cialist and an Anthropol-   even a sundial.
                ogy Collections Archivist                                            April 25: Los Angeles

                in addition to multiple                                              Japanese American
                grant-funded positions.
                                                                                     National Museum
northern                                 idaho
california                               —by Chelsee Boehm
RC-WR is seeking a State Repre-
sentative for Northern California.       After years of work and a few
The Region is the area north of and      moves (including the literal move
includes Santa Cruz, Santa Clara,        of their 1938 repurposed Chapel
Merced, Mariposa, Tuolumne, and          building), the Eagle Museum of
Alpine Counties. The State Repre-        History and Preservation re-                Over his lifetime, Fred Kepner

sentative is the direct line of commu-   opened in October 2021. They are         quietly amassed a collection of 14
                                                                                  steam locomotives, 12 of them stored
nication from the Northern Califor-      now located near Eagle City Hall.
                                                                                  at Merrill, Oregon
nia members to the RC-WR Board.
If you are interested, please contact
RC-WR Secretary Nicole Inghilterra
                                         The Museum of Idaho in Idaho
                                         Falls announced their 2022               oregon
at              exhibitions. Opening January 22,         —by Meg Glazier-Anderson
                                         is “Genghis Khan Conquest and

southern                                 Culture.” Described as the Museum’s
                                         “first-ever Asian-focused exhibit,” it
                                                                                  The Fred M. Kepner collection of 14
                                                                                  steam locomotives and other railroad
california                               features thirteenth century artifacts
                                         and interactives that allow visitors
                                                                                  equipment was purchased by the
                                                                                  Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad in
RC-WR is seeking a State Repre-          to experience Mongolian culture, in      Garibaldi. They will retain some of
sentative for Southern California.       addition to learning about Genghis       the collection at their facilities in
The Region is the area south of and      Kahn. In addition, visitors will be      Tillamook County, while the rest
includes Monterrey, San Benito,          treated to live, daily performances of   will be sold to other appropriate
Fresno, Madera, and Mono Coun-           traditional Mongolian music.             preservation organizations.
ties. The State Representative is the
direct line of communication from
                                           The Lewis and Clark                    Mr. Kepner spent his life collecting
the Southern California members
                                                                                  steam locomotives, starting in the
to the RC-WR Board. If you are             Junior Ranger program,
                                                                                  1970s. This collection is perhaps the
interested, please contact RC-WR           available at 30 sites along            single largest private collection of
Secretary Nicole Inghilterra at            the Lewis and Clark                    steam locomotives.
                                           National Historic Trail,
                                           won the first place 2021               The Queen Nefertari’s Egypt
                                           National Association                   exhibition arrived at the Portland

hawaii                                     for Interpretation (NAI)
                                           Award. Among the many
                                                                                  Art Museum this fall. The exhibit
                                                                                  gives visitors a window into the lives
RC-WR is seeking a State Rep-                                                     and roles that Egyptian royal women
resentative for Hawaii. The State          organizations celebrating              played between 1292 and 1189 B.C.
Representative is the direct line of       this achievement is the                On display are Queen Nefertari’s
communication from the Hawaii              Nez Perce National His-                burial chamber, items from her
members to the RC-WR Board. If             torical Park in Lapwai and             tomb, large sculptures, sarcophagi,
you are interested, please contact                                                jewelry, sandals made of woven palm
                                           the Sacajawea Interpretive,
RC-WR Secretary Nicole Inghilterra                                                leaves, musical instruments, bronze
                                           Cultural, and Educational

at                                                       mirrors and boxes and
                                           Center in Salmon, Idaho.               jars for cosmetic pow-
                                           Way to go!                             ders and ointments.
New original exhibit at the
                                           High Desert Museum,
                                           Carrying Messages: Native
                                           Runners, Ancestral Home-
                                           lands and Awakening,
                                           highlights the historical
                                           significance of running
                                           in Native cultures in the
   Sculpture from Queen Nefertari’s        Western United States.
Egypt at the Portland Art Museum           Through individual stories,
                                                                                         A Mockup of the Veterans’ Legacies
                                           the exhibit features different ways        World Headquarters in the Evergreen
                                           that some Native people today are          Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville,
With changing seasons, the Oregon          drawing on running as a means of           Oregon. A first-time, designated, physical
                                                                                      space for people to gather and share stories
Historical Society invited visitors        empowerment, sovereignty, and
to discover the magic, awe, thrill,        cultural revitalization.
and camaraderie Oregonians have
enjoyed for generations in its newest
original exhibition, Freeze the Day! A
                                             Veterans’ Legacies, a nonprofit
                                             organization documenting the lives
History of Winter Sports in                  of Oregon military is opening its        —by Hannah Barrett
Oregon, on exhibit December 3,               world headquarters in the Evergreen
2021 through July 17, 2022.                  Aviation & Space Museum in               In Q4 of 2021, the registrars at the
                                             McMinnville. Their goal is to pre-       Church History Museum partici-
                                                                      serve the       pated in inventories and collection
                                                                      histories of    care work at historic sites in north-
                                                                      all of those    ern Utah. The 12th International
                                                                      who served,     Art Competition is underway, and a
                                                                      and the         jury selected finalists out of almost
                                                                      museum          900 entries. We are looking forward
                                                                      is a perfect    to the exhibition opening in March
                                                                      partner for     2022. CHM registrars presented and
                                                                      this orga-      participated in the Utah Museums
                                                                      nization’s      Association Annual Meeting and
                                                                      center of       also attended ARCS virtually. We
                                                                      operation.      enjoyed some time off to celebrate
                                                                      Their           the holidays, and are ready to jump
                                                                      database        into 2022!
                                                                      stories of      Springville Museum of Art sent four
                                                                      more than       representatives to the Utah Museums
                                                                      9 million       Association Conference; the Educa-
                                                                      WWII vet-       tion team led a label-writing work-
   Jordan Marie Brings Three White Horses Daniel is a professional    erans as        shop and SMA’s registrar discussed
runner featured in an exhibit at Bend's High Desert Museum.           well as those   her involvement with the Utah Black

Photograph: Devin Whetstone / Courtesy of High Desert Museum          who served      History Museum. We
                                                                      during          also attended ARCS
                                                                      peace time.     virtually, and
completed a matting and framing
course from the Northern States
Conservation Center. Our annual
vault tour for members was held—
this ultimately led to full funding for
a major conservation project, restor-
ing the first collection item, a plaster
of Paul Revere donated in 1903.

                                                The artists of Roots Art Kollective and their completed mural at the UMFA.
                                             Photo by Adelaide Ryder, courtesy of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts

                                             • Handstitched Worlds: The Cartogra-        Kelly became the Director of Collec-
                                             phy of Quilts, an exhibition from the       tions and continues her role as the
                                             American Folk Art Museum in New             museum's Conservator.
                                             York, opening February 19th.
                                             • Salt 15: Horacio Rodriguez, opened        The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum
                                             January 22nd. Rodriguez is a local art-     of Art is preparing to celebrate its
                                             ist who considers ancient ceramics in       40th anniversary in 2022, by install-
                                             the Museum’s Mesoamerican collec-           ing an exhibition of forty works of
                                             tion as he investigates the immigration     art from the collection. In an ef-
    Springville Museum of Art’s first        of people and things—past and pres-         fort to describe the evolution of its
collection item, a Cyrus Dallin plaster of                                               growth, one work of art will repre-
                                             ent—across the U.S.-Mexico border.
Paul Revere
                                             • Installation of Tightrope: Noiseless 1    sent each year of the past forty years
                                             by the artist Elias Sime, a large sculp-    of the collection acquisitions.
The Utah Museum of Fine Arts                 ture consisting of 132 panels covered
(UMFA) collaborated with Roots Art           in reclaimed electrical components          Utah’s Museum Services Program
Kollective (comprised of local artists       and wires.                                  announced 10 members of its new
Miguel Galaz, Luis Novoa, and Alan                                                       Collections Preservation Team, rep-
Ochoa) to conceive of a museum-              The UMFA has several outgoing               resenting the Springville Museum of
based mural exhibition titled 2020:          loans appearing in museums across           Art, Kanab Museum, Moab Museum,
From Here on Out. This exhibit in-           the country, including: Boise Mu-           Brigham City Museum of Art and
cludes four murals in the museum's           seum of Art, Frye Art Museum,               History, Layton Heritage Museum,
Great Hall (one by RAK and three             Delaware Art Museum, Phoenix Art            St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site,
by other local artist groups) and is         Museum, Museum of Contemporary              Uintah County Heritage Museum,
building on numerous mural proj-             Art Chicago, Georgia Museum of              John Wesley Powell River History
ects across Salt Lake City in response       Art, Whatcom Museum, Hammer                 Museum, Cache Valley Daughters of
to the global pandemic and racial            Museum at UCLA, Jordan Schnitzer            Utah Pioneers Museum, and Fre-
injustice. The murals will remain in         Museum of Art, and Smithsonian              mont Indian State Park and Museum.
the museum for at least two years.           American Art Museum.                        Members will receive two years of

                                                                                         specialized collections
The collections department is busy pre-      Nicole Sandberg began a new posi-           training in rural areas
paring for upcoming exhibits, including:     tion as UMFA’s Registrar; Stacey            across the state.
You can also read