WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay

WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay

WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay
Clearing the way this winter
          63 km                        9 vehicles                      3000 tonnes
          of roads                      in snow fleet                    salt/sand mix

                                           AND PUBLIC WORKS

                                                                 Vehicles & garbage
         Clearly mark any                                        containers must be
           items, such as                                           kept at least
          fences or trees,                                           3 m (10 ft)
         close to the road.                                         from roadside.*

     NEVER push snow
      onto or across the
     road & refrain from
        pushing snow
         into ditches.
    *The three (3) meter rule only applies to vehicles during or after a snowfall event.
    Vehicles not adhering to this rule may be towed or ticketed.
    Damage claims must be made in writing to the Town by April 30 of the snow clearing season.

                      P         On-street parking ban is in effect from
                                December 1–March 31. No parking on any
                                Town street between 1:00AM–7:00AM or
                                during or 24 hrs after a snow event.

    Town of Torbay Snow Clearing Regulations:

                                     Emergency Numbers
                                     Emergency Services: 911
                                     Town Office: 709-437-6532
                                           (available 24 hours)

2 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                WINTER 2022
WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay
Program/Event Registration Process
                                 Register for a community program, buy and print tickets to
                                 community events, check an account balance, reprint a receipt,
                                 or request an address change; these are just some of the features
                                 available through Torbay eServices!

                                 Register for eServices
In order to avail of resident benefits, such as discounts or early registration, residents must sign-up for
eServices using a Signup Key.

Your Signup Key is included at the bottom of your property/business tax invoice. It also can be
obtained by contacting the Torbay Town Hall at 437-6532.

Sign-up for eServices at and follow the steps below:

1. Select the Resident or Business Owner of the (Town of Torbay) option.
2. Enter your Signup Key and Last Name and click Submit Key.
3. Enter your details as prompted.
  Date of birth must be entered accurately, as some events are age-specific.
  Please note that the email and password you enter will be used to log in on a go forward basis.
4. Check the “I am not a Spambot” checkbox.
5. Check the “I agree” to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy checkbox.
6. Click “Register”.
7. A notification should now be displayed to confirm that you have successfully set up your
   eServices account.

You do not need to be a resident of the Town of Torbay to have a Torbay eServices account. As a
guest, you can still register for community programs and buy and print tickets for community events.

Sign-up for eServices at and follow the steps below:

1. Select the Guest option.
2. Enter your details as prompted.
  Date of birth must be entered accurately, as some events are age-specific.
  Please note that the email and password you enter will be used to log in on a go forward basis.
3. Check the “I am not a Spambot” checkbox.
4. Check the “I agree” to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy checkbox.
5. Click “Register”.
6. A notification should now be displayed to confirm that you have successfully set up your
   eServices account.

     WINTER 2022                                                                     COMMUNITY GUIDE 3
WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay
How to check if you are signed up as a resident or as a guest:
1. Sign in to your eServices account.
2. Click the circle icon on the upper far right of the screen.
3. If you are a guest, the word “guest” will appear under your name; if you are a resident, the word
    “citizen” will appear under your name.

If you are currently registered as a guest and would like to have your account converted to a resident
account, please contact the Torbay Town Hall at 437-6532.

Once you have successfully set up your account, you can create sub accounts for any family members
or businesses that you will be registering for events.
1. Click the Manage Sub Account link on your account dashboard.
2. Click the “Create New Sub Account” button.
3. Select the appropriate sub account option, “Register an Individual” or “Register a Business”.
4. Enter details as prompted.
  • If registering as an individual, date of birth must be entered accurately, as some events or ticket
      prices are age-specific.
5. Click “Save”.

for more details on how to manage sub accounts page.

Once logged in, current events can be viewed by clicking the “Program Signup” link on the left main
navigation menu.
1. Click on the appropriate event.
2. Select the Ticket type dropdown box to see which ticket types are available for that event.
  • Ticket types include individual, business, and general.
  • Individual and business tickets can be added to the cart by clicking the “Add to Cart” button next
     to the account holder or sub account holders.
  • General tickets can be purchased by adding the preferred quantity in the Number of Tickets box
     and clicking the “Add to Cart” button.
3. Once you have added all items to your cart, click the “Proceed to Cart” button.
4. Indicate if you Agree to the Terms of the Town by selecting the checkbox next to it.
5. Select the appropriate payment method (Interac or Credit).
6. Click the “Purchase” button. You will be redirected to add your payment details and
   process payment.

Congratulations, you are now successfully registered for an event using eServices.

4 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                     WINTER 2022
WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay
Recreation Facilities & Amenities
                    Torbay Common – 8 Kinsmen Place – 709-437-6555
                    Upper Three Corner Pond Park Multi-Purpose Complex
                    547 Bauline Line

                    SPORTS FACILITIES
                    Upper Three Corner Pond Park - 547 Bauline Line
                      • Senior Softball Field
                      • Minor Softball Field
                      • Soccer Field
                      • Multi-Purpose Court

                    Torbay Common Playground – 8 Kinsmen Place
                    Western Island Pond Playground – 84 Western Island Pond Drive
                    Pineridge Playground – 50 Pineridge Cres.
                    Motion Drive Playground – Motion Drive

                    SKATE PARK
                    Torbay Common Skate Park – 8 Kinsmen Place

                    SPLASH PAD
                    Torbay Common Splash Pad – 8 Kinsmen Place

                    DOG PARK
                    Upper Three Corner Pond Park Dog Park – 54 Bauline Line

                    OPEN SPACE
                    Woodbridge Open Space – 40 Woodbridge Lane
                    Whiteways Pond Picnic Area – 31 Whiteway’s Pond Road

                    Father Troy’s Trail – East Coast Trail Association
                    Silver Mine Head Path – East Coast Trail Association
                    Upper Three Corner Pond Park Trail
                    Western Island Pond Trail
                    Woodbridge Park Trail

WINTER 2022                                                          COMMUNITY GUIDE 5
WINTER 2022 COMMUNITY GUIDE - #beautifultorbay - Town of Torbay
The Town of

                             2022 is our 50th Anniversary
              The Town of Torbay was officially incorporated as a municipality
                  in 1972 - making 2022 our golden 50th Anniversary year!
           We look forward to celebrating our community, history, heritage, and
          progress. Throughout 2022, we’ll be hosting various events, programs,
             and initiatives to mark this milestone. We can’t wait to celebrate!

    Follow us
                                                     Stay tuned for more details...

                Starting a New Business in Torbay
                or Currently Operating a Business?
                   A Business License is required, and we are here to help!

      One of the most important legal requirements for starting a business is a Business License. If
     you are starting a new business in Torbay or operating an existing business, you may not know
       that a business license is required to operate within the Town. Even home-based business
                                      owners need a permit to work.

     Contact the Town of Torbay to see which permits might be required for your type of business.
      Our Economic Development Officer is happy to assist you and discuss the various tools the
     Town can provide to help with a smooth opening. If you are an existing business and weren’t
     aware of this requirement, not a problem. Please give us a call to discuss. We are here to help
        simplify the process and ensure that your business meets all requirements to operate.

                Please contact Deanne Lawrence, Economic Development and Tourism Officer:
                           709-437-6532, ext 230

6 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                      WINTER 2022
                                          1 HOUR COURT RENTAL
                                              Please contact Scott Martin, Special Events
                                               Coordinator, at or call
                                                437-6532 extension 310 to book a court.

Council Meetings

Regular Torbay Public Council meetings
are held every second Monday night in the
Council Chambers at 6:30 pm, at the Town
Hall and are live streamed via our CivicWeb
Portal and YouTube (TorbayNL).
For more information visit:

WINTER 2022                                                               COMMUNITY GUIDE 7
Interested in Participating in Our
                                         Community Guide Location Pick-Up?
                                         We invite Torbay organizations and businesses who want to
                                         receive hard copies of our Community Guide and participate
                                         in our multi-location pick-up to help advertise and spread
                                         awareness about the Town’s programs and special events.
                                         Please contact Deanne Lawrence,
                                         Economic Development and Tourism
                                         Officer: Email
                                                                                    COMMUNITY   COMMUNITY   COMMUNITY
                                                                                      GUIDE       GUIDE       GUIDE

                                         or call 709-437-6532, ext 230.

   Interested in Advertising in an Upcoming
   Edition of our Community Guide?

   The Town’s Community Guide is a reference publication highlighting
   Torbay programs, special events, and services. The Guide is published
   four times a year (December, March, June and September.) The
   Community Guide is full of information for residents in the Town of Torbay.
   For inquires about advertising in the in an upcoming edition of our Community
   Guide, please email please email or call Town Hall at 437-6532.

    Want to Receive a Paper Copy
    of Our Community Guide?
    Sign up to be included on our mailing list and have
    our Community Guide delivered to your mailbox!
    This is a one-time sign-up to receive the Community
    Guide three times a year.
    To inquire about getting on our mailing list, please
    email or call Town Hall at 437-6532.


  On the day of collection, all garbage must be out at the curb by 7:00 a.m.
  Garbage must be covered by a garbage net/sheet or placed in a garbage box.
  Garbage is collected every week (maximum of 5 bags).
  Recycling is collected every second week.

8 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                                    WINTER 2022
Community Programs
                      Register online at
*Due to COVID-19 regulations; all participants and guardians will be asked to complete the COVID-19 contact
tracing upon arrival for the program. At this time, all programs require pre-registration through e-services.
There will be no drop-in service available. In accordance with the provincial government guidelines as of
October 22nd, 2021 Torbay Common will be required to follow the proof of vaccination guidelines. Please
ensure you review all requirements on the government website prior to visiting. For more information please


                                              Walking Track
                                              January 10th - March 30th (no program March 14th)

                                              Get in from the cold and stop by for a stroll! The Torbay
                                              Common Walking Track will be open to the public to stop
                                              by on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30am-
                                              3:00pm for a walk. Every 10 laps on the track is equal to
                                              1km in length travelled.

                                              When:    9:30am-3:00pm - Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                                              Where:   Torbay Common Walking Track
                                              Ages:    All Ages
                                              Fees:    FREE

                                              Active Start
                                              January 10th – March 30th (no program March 14th)

                                              Getting an active start gives you the confidence and ability
                                              to engage in physical activity and maintain a healthy
                                              active lifestyle throughout life. This program is a self-led
                                              free play environment with access to soft play and active
                                              equipment, the program will promote fun and physical

                                              When:    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-12:30pm
                                              Where:   Torbay Common Gym
                                              Ages:    0-5
                                              Fees:    $2.00 tax included

                                                                          8 KINSMEN PLACE, TORBAY

                     STAY HOME IF           PROOF OF VACCINATION &                     FACE MASKS
                     YOU ARE SICK        GOVERNMENT ISSUED ID REQUIRED                 MANDATORY

                           FOR MORE INFO VISIT: TORBAY.CA/COVID19

     WINTER 2022                                                                        COMMUNITY GUIDE 9
Wellbeing in Wellness
                                       January 10th – March 28th (no program March 14th)

                                       Join us every Monday afternoon for a lesson in keeping
                                       healthy, active, and in shape as you age. Each week
                                       members of the Town of Torbay Recreation team and
                                       guest presenters will offer a variety of healthy living
                                       initiatives and presentations in the areas of Health,
                                       Wellness, Exercise, Nutrition, Mental Health, Safety, and
                                       more to help you establish an overall balance in important
                                       areas as you age!

                                       When:     Mondays
                                       Where:    Torbay Common MPR/Gym
                                       Ages:     Varies Depending on Event
                                       Fees:     Varies Depending on Event

    JANUARY 10TH           JANUARY 17TH               JANUARY 24TH             JANUARY 31ST
    50+ Seniors Dance   Anxieties During Covid             TBA                Community Jam
     Class with Haley   Presentation, Canadian                               Session with Torbay
         Everson            Mental Health                                      Folk Art Council
    2:00pm - 3:00pm           Association                                          2:00pm
        $5 + HST                1:30pm                                          Free - MPR 2-3
  Torbay Common Gym         Free – MPR 2-3

     FEBRUARY 7TH          FEBRUARY 14TH             FEBRUARY 21ST            FEBRUARY 28TH
      Active Games           Memory                     Afternoon                   TBA
    Circuit Challenge     Mapping Session             Snowshoe Hike
    2:00pm - 3:00pm           2:00pm                     1:30pm
     $2 tax included      Free – MPR 2-3               $5.00 +HST
  Torbay Common Gym                                 Upper Three Corner
                                                        Pond Park

      MARCH 7TH             MARCH 21ST                 MARCH 28TH
     Seniors Archery             TBA                    Nutrition and
    2:00pm - 3:00pm                                    Healthy Eating
        $5 + HST                                     2:00pm - 3:00pm
  Torbay Common Gym                                    Free - MPR 2-3
                                                     Presentation with
                                                      Healthy Balance
                                                       Holistic Group

                                       Cardio Drumming
                                       January 10th-March 28th -11 Sessions (no program March

                                       Join instructor Lorie Robbins for what might just be the
                                       most fun and stress relieving workout in the world!
                                       Using an exercise ball and drumsticks participants will
                                       bash, pound, and dance their way through an hour-long
                                       workout session to a variety of up-tempo beats that will
                                       you working on a wide range of muscle groups in a fun
                                       and welcoming environment.

                                       When:     Mondays 7:30-8:30pm
                                       Where:    Torbay Common MPR 1-2
                                       Ages:     18+
                                       Fees:     $110+HST
10 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                              WINTER 2022

              Active Living 50+
              January 11th-March 29th

              Join us for some competitive fun and socializing with
              friends. The Torbay Common Gym will be set up with two
              pickleball courts as well as a large variety of other games
              such as Floor Curling, Bean Bag Toss, Life Size Board
              Games and more in this self-led easy-going program.

              When: Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm &
                     Fridays 2:00-4:00pm
              Where: Torbay Common Gym
              Ages: 50+
              Fees: $2.00 tax included

              Torbay Together Preschool Program
              January 11th-March 29th (no program March 15th)

              Prepare your little learners for Kindergarten with our
              Torbay Together program. Each week instructors will help
              participants and guardians build confidence in their ability
              to play, interact, and grow skills essential to their learning
              through song, dance, crafts, play and much more. Each
              participant in attendance must have a parent/guardian in
              attendance during the session.

              When: Tuesdays 10:00am-12:00pm
              Where: Torbay Common MPR 1-3
              Ages: 3-5 (Must be born in 2018 or 2019)
                     Please note parental guardians must attend
              Fees: $110 +HST

              Merchandise Bingo
              January 11th-March 29th

              Join us on Tuesday afternoons for merchandise bingo,
              where you’re guaranteed to have a great time and you
              might just take home a prize! You will get up to two cards
              per game and types of game play include: straight line, 4
              corners, full card, and more!
              *Please note that pre-registration through eservices is the only way to
              confirm you seat for this program. Remaining seats will be filled on a first
              come, first serve basis*

              When:     Tuesdays 2:00-3:00pm (No Bingo on March 15th)
              Where:    MPR 2-3
              Ages:     18+
              Fees:     Free

WINTER 2022                                                   COMMUNITY GUIDE 11
Grades 10-12 Drop-in Sports
                     January 11th-March 29th

                     Take a break from hitting the books and stop by the Torbay
                     Common for an afternoon of sports. Each week the Torbay
                     Common Gym will be open for youth in grades 10-12 to
                     stop by and participate in some friendly competition in
                     sports like basketball, ball hockey, soccer, dodgeball, and

                     When:    Tuesdays 2:30-4:00pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common Half Gym B
                     Ages:    15-18
                     Fees:    $2.00 tax included

                     Kids Jazz Class
                     January 11th – March 29th

                     Join national certified instructor Haley Everson as she leads
                     a fun and active community Jazz class designed for kids
                     ages 5-10. The class is open to participants of all skill level.

                     When:    Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common MPR 1-3
                     Ages:    5-10
                     Fees:    $72.00 +HST

                     Kids Modern Dance Class
                     January 11th – March 29th

                     Join national certified instructor Haley Everson as she leads
                     a fun and active community Modern class designed for
                     kids ages 8-10. The class is open to participants of all skill

                     When:    Tuesdays 7:00-8:00pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common MPR 1-3
                     Ages:    8-10
                     Fees:    $72.00 +HST

                     Adult Line Dancing
                     January 11th – March 29th

                     Join Haley Everson as she leads a fun and lively Line
                     Dancing class for ages 18+. All skill levels welcome.

                     When:    Tuesdays 8:00-9:00pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common MPR 1-3
                     Ages:    18+
                     Fees:    $72.00 +HST

12 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                               WINTER 2022
Skills and Drills Rock Climbing
              January 11th – 25th

              Sharpen up on your skills and learn something new.
              Staff will lead participants through skills and drills with
              importance placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development.
              This class is open to participants of all skill levels and will
              concentrate on a variety of different components each
              week such as; trust exercises, route configuration, distance
              climbing, speed climbing, and more

              When:    Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
              Where:   Torbay Common Gym
              Ages:    10-14
              Fees:    $18.00 +HST

              Skills and Drills Basketball
              February 1st – 22nd

              Sharpen up on your skills and learn something new.
              Staff will lead participants through skills and drills with
              importance placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development.
              This program is designed for and will concentrate a wide
              variety of skills such as drippling, defensive play, shooting,
              positioning, and more.

              When:    Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
              Where:   Torbay Common Gym
              Ages:    8-12
              Fees:    $24.00 +HST

              Skills and Drills Lacrosse
              March 1st – 29th

              Sharpen up on your skills and learn something new.
              Staff will lead participants through skills and drills with
              importance placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development.
              This program is designed for and will concentrate a
              wide variety of skills such as passing, shooting, cradling,
              positioning, and more.

              When:    Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
              Where:   Torbay Common Gym
              Ages:    8-12
              Fees:    $30.00 +HST

                   Register for a community program, buy and
                        print tickets to community events


WINTER 2022                                          COMMUNITY GUIDE 13

                      BABY & ME YOGA PROGRAM
                      In partnership with Canadian Parks and Recreation
                      Association join in for this new program.

                      When:    Wednesdays 9:30-10:00am
                      Where:   Torbay Common Multi-purpose Room
                      Ages:    2-4
                      Fees:    $5 per class HST included

                      GENTLE YOGA
                      January 12th – March 30th

                      Stay healthy, mobile, and connected by joining instructor;
                      Jane Bantleman for a gentle yoga class. Participants must
                      bring their own mat, block, and water bottle

                      When:    Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am
                      Where:   Torbay Common MPR 1-3
                      Ages:    18+
                      Fees:    $120.00 +HST

                      Grade 7-9 Drop-in Sports
                      January 12th – March 30th

                      Take a break from hitting the books and stop by the Torbay
                      Common for an afternoon of sports. Each week the Torbay
                      Common Gym will be open for youth in grades 7-9 to stop
                      by and participate in some friendly competition in sports like
                      basketball, ball hockey, soccer, dodgeball, and more!

                      When:    Wednesdays 4:00-5:30pm
                      Where:   Torbay Common Half Gym B
                      Ages:    12-15
                      Fees:    $2.00 tax included

                      Skills and Drills Beginner Ball Hockey
                      January 12th – March 30th

                      Sharpen up on your skills and learn something new. Staff
                      will lead participants through skills and drills with importance
                      placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development. This class is
                      designed for participants who are a beginner or fairly new to
                      the sport of hockey and will help participants develop skills
                      such as shooting, passing, and stick handling.

                      Helmets with a full-face cage and indoor shoes are
                      mandatory. All other required equipment will be provided.
                      You can bring your own equipment but you must use the
                      hockey sticks provided. This program is for both boys and

                      When:    Wednesdays 6:00-7:00pm
                      Where:   Torbay Common Gym
                      Ages:    8-12
                      Fees:    $72.00 +HST

14 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                WINTER 2022
Skills and Drills Soccer
              January 12th – March 30th

              Sharpen up on your skills and learn something new.
              Staff will lead participants through skills and drills with
              importance placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development.
              This program is designed for and will concentrate a wide
              variety of skills such as ball control, passing, and more.

              When:    Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm
              Where:   Torbay Common Gym
              Ages:    8-12
              Fees:    $72.00 +HST

              Skills and Drills Intermediate Ball Hockey
              January 12th – March 30th

              Sharpen up on your skills and learn something new.
              Staff will lead participants through skills and drills with
              importance placed on fun, fair-play, and skill development.
              This class is designed for participants who have good
              knowledge/experience with the game of hockey and
              will concentrate a wide variety of skills such as speed,
              defensive play, shooting, and more.

              Helmets and indoor shoes are mandatory. All other
              required equipment will be provided. You can bring your
              own equipment but you must use the hockey sticks
              provided. This program is for both boys and girls.

              When:    Wednesdays 8:00-9:00pm
              Where:   Torbay Common Gym
              Ages:    10-13
              Fees:    $72.00 +HST

WINTER 2022                                        COMMUNITY GUIDE 15
                     Pick-up Basketball
                     January 13th – March 31st

                     Whether your looking to practice your shot or interested
                     in some friendly competition, stop by the Torbay Common
                     on Thursday mornings for a game of pick-up basketball.
                     Nets will be set up and balls will be available for use.
                     Participants are asked to bring along a pair of indoor shoes
                     to use while participating.

                     When:    Thursdays 10:30am-12:00pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common Gym
                     Ages:    16+
                     Fees:    $2.00 tax included

                     January 13th – March 31st

                     Drop by the Torbay Common for a friendly or competitive
                     game of Pickleball. Courts will be set up for singles or
                     doubles play and all necessary equipment will be provided.
                     All skill levels are welcome. Limited tickets available.

                     When:    Thursdays 1:30-3:30pm & Sundays 9:00-11:00am
                     Where:   Torbay Common Gym
                     Ages:    16+
                     Fees:    $2.00 tax included

                     Grades 5-6 Drop-in Sports
                     January 13th – March 31st

                     Take a break from hitting the books and stop by the Torbay
                     Common for an afternoon of sports. Each week the Torbay
                     Common Gym will be open for youth in grades 5-6 to stop
                     by and participate in some friendly competition in sports
                     like basketball, ball hockey, soccer, dodgeball, and more!

                     When:    Thursdays 4:00-5:30pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common Gym
                     Ages:    9-12
                     Fees:    $2.00 tax included

                     Intermediate Yoga 2 (Thursdays)
                     January 13th – March 31st

                     Join Pam Senior for a yoga class that will help you stay
                     healthy, mobile, and connected. Some knowledge of yoga
                     is recommended. Participants must bring their own mat,
                     block, and water bottle.

                     When:    Thursdays 7:00-8:00pm
                     Where:   Torbay Common MPR 1-3
                     Ages:    18+
                     Fees:    $120.00 +HST

16 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                            WINTER 2022
              Nerf Night
              Gear up for an all-out Nerf Battle. Game types include:
              Team Battles, Capture the Flag, Knockdown Challenges,
              and more! Participants must bring their own eye
              protection but all other equipment will be provided.

              When: Friday, January 28th – 7:00-8:30pm
                     Friday, February 25th – 7:00-8:30pm
                     Friday, March 25th – 7:00-8:30pm
              Where: Torbay Common MPR 1-3
              Ages: 9-12
              Fees: $4.00 tax included

              January 15th – March 26v

              Learn the basic skills and techniques of shooting a bow
              and arrow in a fun and safe environment. You will have
              the opportunity to practice shooting as well as play a
              variety of games and activities. No experience is needed
              and equipment will be provided.

              January – 15th
              February – 12th, 26th
              March – 12th, 26th

              When: Saturdays (Bi-Weekly) 9:00am-10:30am
                      (No session on January 29th)
              Where: Torbay Common Gym
              Ages: 	8+ (All participants under the age of 12 must have
                      one parent/guardian in attendance)
              Fees:	$7.50 +HST (No charge for parent/guardian if not

WINTER 2022                                        COMMUNITY GUIDE 17
Climbing Wall (8+)
                     January 22nd – March 19th

                     Stop by the Torbay Common and give the fun and intense
                     sport of rock climbing a try. Staff will be on site to provide
                     tips, enforce safety practices, and help guide participants
                     throughout the session. Each session will provide you
                     with a 5 minute safety practice rundown and 40 minutes
                     of climbing time on 4 various leveled climbing lanes.
                     During session all participants must wear a mask provided
                     by session instructors and must sanitize throughout
                     the session. All participants must be over the age of 10
                     (Participants are asked to bring along a piece of ID)

                     January – 22nd
                     February – 5th
                     March – 5th, 19th

                     When: Saturdays (Bi-Weekly) 9:00am-10:30am
                             (No Session on Feb.19th)
                     Where: Torbay Common Climbing Wall
                     Ages: 	8+ (All participants under the age of 12 must have
                             one parent/guardian in attendance)
                     Fees: $5.00 +HST

                     Saturday Inclusion Program (SIP)
                     January 22nd – March 19th

                     Take part in a variety of activities within an inclusive
                     environment, designed for persons with a disability and/or
                     individuals who require additional support to participate in
                     community programs. Each session will be broken down
                     into an hour of gym activities, followed by an hour of
                     instructional activities such as; science experiments, crafts,
                     and more.

                     January – 22nd
                     February – 5th
                     March – 5th, 19th

                     When: Saturdays (Bi-Weekly) 11:30am-1:30pm
                             (No Session on Feb.19th)
                     Where: Torbay Common Gym/MPR
                     Ages: All Ages
                     Fees: 	$5.00 +HST per participant (1 parent/guardian/
                             support staff – does not need to pay – just the

18 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                              WINTER 2022

                                                 Junior Adventures Club
                                                 January 15th - March 26th

                                                 Join us on Saturdays for a morning of active games and
                                                 activities that’ll keep you on you toes! Each week, Torbay
                                                 Common staff will lead participants in Games, Crafts,
                                                 Activities, and more will focus on a variety of gross motor
                                                 and fundamental movement skills. Each session will consist
                                                 an hour of gym activity, followed by an hour of activities
                                                 and games in the multipurpose rooms.

                                                 January – 15th
                                                 February – 12th, 26th
                                                 March – 12th, 26th

                                                 When: Saturdays (Bi-Weekly) 11:30am-1:30pm
                                                        (No session on January 29th)
                                                 Where: Torbay Common Gym/MPR
                                                 Ages: 6-10
                                                 Fees: $5.00 +HST

                                                 Intermediate Yoga 1
                                                 January 16th – March 27th

                                                 Join Pam Senior for a yoga class that will help you stay
                                                 healthy, mobile, and connected. Some knowledge of yoga
                                                 is recommended. Participants must bring their own mat,
                                                 block, and water bottle.

                                                 When:     Sundays 4:30-5:30pm
                                                 Where:    Torbay Common MPR 1-3
                                                 Ages:     18+
                                                 Fees:     $110.00 +HST

                                       DAYTIME GYM AVAILABILITY
Whether you’re looking to get your friends together for a run, wanting to get some extra practice on your
pickleball shots, or looking to book some extra instruction time for your sports group; the Torbay Common has
available daytime gym rental slots. The Torbay Common has the following day-time Gym Rental slots available
from January – March 2022. If you are interested in booking gym time during one of these slots, please
contact Scott Martin – for more details.
Please note, availability will vary as booking are received on a first come, first serve basis.
             Tuesdays                               Wednesdays                               Thursdays
Full Gym:                               Full Gym:                               Full Gym:
  1:00-2:00pm                             1:30-3:00pm                             9:00-10:30am
Half Gym:                               Half Gym:                               Half Gym:
  1:00-3:00pm & 4:30-6:00pm               1:30-3:00pm                             9:00-10:30am
Pickleball & Badminton Courts:          Pickleball & Badminton Courts:          Pickleball & Badminton Courts:
  (4) 1:00-2:00,                          (2) 1:30-3:00pm                         (4) 9:00-10:30am
  (2) 2:00-3:00 & 4:30-6:00pm           *Please note that walking track
                                        space not available during this day*

     WINTER 2022                                                                             COMMUNITY GUIDE 19
Special Events
                      Register online at
*Due to COVID-19 regulations; all participants and guardians will be asked to complete the COVID-19 contact
tracing upon arrival for the program. At this time, all programs require pre-registration through e-services.
There will be no drop-in service available. In accordance with the provincial government guidelines as of
October 22nd, 2021 Torbay Common will be required to follow the proof of vaccination guidelines. Please
ensure you review all requirements on the government website prior to visiting. For more information please

                                              Breastfeeding Club
                                              The Town of Torbay has partnered with Eastern Health to
                                              offer this new support program to residents.

                                              When: Starting January 10th 10:30am-11:30am
                                              Where: Torbay Common Multi-purpose Room

                                              Evening Snowshoe Hike
                                              Join staff as we lead a beautiful hike. Please contact
                                     if you need snowshoes, walking poles
                                              or head lamps.

                                              When: Tuesday, January 25th 6:30pm
                                                     Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:30pm
                                              Where: Park at the parking lot by Whiteways Pond
                                              Ages: 6+
                                              Fees: $5 +HST

                                              When:    Sunday, February 27th 6:30pm
                                              Where:   Robins Pond Hill (Parking at end of Robins Pond Hill)
                                              Ages:    6+
                                              Fees:    $5 +HST

                                              Kids Play Day
                                              Join staff as we offer kids 12 and under a fun morning of
                                              play. There will be soft play equipment, bouncy castle,
                                              jumbo games, crafts, and outdoor play if the weather

                                              When:    Saturday, January 29th 9:00am – 12:00pm
                                              Where:   Torbay Common
                                              Ages:    0-12
                                              Fees:    $2 per child tax included

                                              Babysitting Course
                                              Develop self-assurance, knowledge, and skills required
                                              for babysitting and caring for yourself alone through this
                                              nationally recognized program.

                                              When:    Sunday, January 30th 9:00am – 5:00pm
                                              Where:   Torbay Common
                                              Ages:    11+
                                              Fees:    $60 + HST

20 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                                         WINTER 2022
Chocolate Bar Making at NL Chocolate Company
              Join town staff and NL Chocolate Company as we make
              delicious bars in time for Valentines Day. Meet at Torbay
              Common and a school bus will drop us off and pick us up.

              When: Tuesday, February 8th 5:30pm
              Where: 	Torbay Common and a bus will take us to NL
                      Chocolate Factory
              Ages: 6+
              Fees: $10 + HST

              Daytime Snowshoe Hike for 50+
              Join staff as we hike around the trails at Upper Tree Corner
              Pond Park.
              When: Wednesday, February 9th 1:30pm
                       Monday, February 21st 1:30pm
                       Thursday, March 3rd 1:30pm
                       Wednesday, March 16th 1:30pm
              Where: Multipurpose Building
              Ages: 50+
              Fees: $5 + HST

              Paint and Wine
              Join Lesley from Brush Strokes as she leads an art glass
              while you enjoy a glass of wine. All skill levels are

              When:    Friday, February 11th 7:30pm – 9:30pm
              Where:   Torbay Common Multipurpose Room
              Ages:    19+
              Fees:    $20 +HST

              Family Art Class
              Join Lesley from Brush Strokes as she leads an interactive
              art class that whole family will enjoy. All skill levels are

              When: Sunday, February 13th 2:00pm
                     Sunday, March 20th 2:00pm
              Where: Torbay Common Multipurpose Room
              Ages: 5+
              Fees: $8 + HST

              Teen Night at The Common
              Join staff as we offer rock wall climbing, Nerf Battles,
              Virtual Reality Gaming, tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

              When:    Friday, February 18th 7:00pm – 9:00pm
              Where:   Torbay Common
              Ages:    13 – 18
              Fees:    $5 +HST

WINTER 2022                                          COMMUNITY GUIDE 21
Winter Family Fun Day
                                      Join staff as we have floor curling, soft play equipment,
                                      bouncy castle, ball hockey and soccer in the gym. There
                                      will be a couple of crafts, coloring sheets and a slime
                                      station. Outside there will be snowshoeing around the
                                      green space at Torbay Common.

                                      When: Saturday, February 19th 9:00am – 12:00pm
                                      Where: Torbay Common
                                      Ages: All ages
                                      Fees: $5 +HST per family

                                      Seniors Bowling Outing
                                      Join Staff as we head to Holiday Lanes for an enjoyable
                                      morning of bowling.Meet at Torbay Common at 9:30am
                                      and a bus will take us to Holiday Lanes.

                                      When:    Thursday, February 24th 10:00am – 11:30am
                                      Where:   Holiday Lanes
                                      Ages:    50+
                                      Fees:    $5 + HST

                                      Seniors St. Patrick’s Day Concert
                                      The Town of Torbay is please to offer Seniors a live St.
                                      Patrick’s Day Concert. Live, local entertainment, tea,
                                      coffee and sweet treats will be provided.

                                      When:    Tuesday, March 15th 1:30pm
                                      Where:   Torbay Common
                                      Ages:    50+
                                      Fees:    Free

                                      Paint and Wine
                                      Join Lesley from Brush Strokes as she leads an art glass
                                      while you enjoy a glass of wine. All skill levels are

                                      When:    Friday, March 18th 7:30pm
                                      Where:   Torbay Common Multipurpose Room
                                      Ages:    19+
                                      Fees:    $20 +HST

                Scott Martin                                     Danny Lowe
         Special Events Coordinator                           Facilities Supervisor

              Kirk Combden                                       Jen Martin
        Youth & Seniors Coordinator             Director of Recreation & Community Services

22 COMMUNITY GUIDE                                                               WINTER 2022
2022 Waste                                                                                    ROUTE 1: TUESDAY
                                                              Management                                                                                    ROUTE 2: WEDNESDAY
                                                              Collection Schedule                                                                           ROUTE 3: THURSDAY
                 JANUARY 2022                                             FEBRUARY 2022                                               MARCH 2022                                                 APRIL 2022
    S       M       T         W       T       F       S       S       M       T       W       T       F       S       S       M       T         W       T       F       S       S       M       T       W       T       F       S
                                                  1                       1       2       3       4       5                       1         2       3       4       5                                               1       2

2       3       4         5       6       7       8       6       7       8       9       10      11      12      6       7       8         9       10      11      12      3       4       5       6       7       8       9

9       10      11        12      13      14      15      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      13      14      15        16      17      18      19      10      11      12      13      14      15      16

16      17      18        19      20      21      22      20      21      22      23      24      25      26      20      21      22        23      24      25      26      17      18      19      20      21      22      23

23      24      25        26      27      28      29      27      28                                              27      28      29        30      31                      24      25      26      27      28      29      30

30      31

                        MAY 2022                                               JUNE 2022                                                  JULY 2022                                             AUGUST 2022
    S       M       T         W       T       F       S       S       M       T       W       T       F       S       S       M       T         W       T       F       S       S       M       T       W       T       F       S
1       2       3         4       5       6       7                               1       2       3       4                                                 1       2               1       2       3       4       5       6

8       9       10        11      12      13      14      5       6       7       8       9       10      11      3       4       5         6       7       8       9       7       8       9       10      11      12      13

15      16      17        18      19      20      21      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      10      11      12        13      14      15      16      14      15      16      17      18      19      20

22      23      24        25      26      27      28      19      20      21      22      23      24      25      17      18      19        20      21      22      23      21      22      23      24      25      26      27

29      30      31                                        26      27      28      29      30                      24      25      26        27      28      29      30      28      29      30      31


                SEPTEMBER 2022                                            OCTOBER 2022                                            NOVEMBER 2022                                             DECEMBER 2022
    S       M       T         W       T       F       S       S       M       T       W       T       F       S       S       M       T         W       T       F       S       S       M       T       W       T       F       S
                                  1       2       3                                                       1                       1         2       3       4       5                                       1       2       3

4       5       6         7       8       9       10      2       3       4       5       6       7       8       6       7       8         9       10      11      12      4       5       6       7       8       9       10

11      12      13        14      15      16      17      9       10      11      12      13      14      15      13      14      15        16      17      18      19      11      12      13      14      15      16      17

18      19      20        21      22      23      24      16      17      18      19      20      21      22      20      21      22        23      24      25      26      18      19      20      21      22      23      24

25      26      27        28      29      30              23      24      25      26      27      28      29      27      28      29        30                              25      26      27      28      29      30      31

                                                          30      31

Regatta Day August 3 – no change
Boxing Day December 27 – garbage and recycling all moved one day ahead (holiday collection schedule)

NOTE: On the day of collection, all garbage must be out at the curb by 7:00 a.m.                                                                                                          
NOTE: Garbage must be covered by a garbage net or sheet or placed in a garbage box/receptacle.                                                                                                           1288 Torbay Road
NOTE: Garbage is collected every week (maximum of 5 bags).                                                                                                                                                    P.O. Box 1160
NOTE: Recycling is collected every second week (noted by recycling symbol on schedule).                                                                                                                  t: (709) 437-6532
NOTE: Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the Town’s website,                                                                                                   f: (709) 437-1309

                Find everything you need to know about garbage collection in the Town of Torbay


        WINTER 2022                                                                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY GUIDE 23


1288 Torbay Road | Torbay, NL | A1K 1K4 | P: (709) 437-6532 | F: (709) 437-1309
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