Page created by Marie Hodges
Presenting Sponsor

                                                                                                Media Sponsor

      See how others are strengthening
      families in our community.

                                            Organizing Sponsors

April, national Child Abuse Prevention Month             - IT’S A MOVEMENT
(CAPM), is a time for organizations and individuals
                                                         In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America® (PCAA)
to take collective action to raise awareness
                                                         launched the Pinwheels for Prevention®
for the prevention of child maltreatment.
                                                         campaign as a grassroots effort for individuals
                                                         and organizations across the U.S. to take
This time of year, for more than ten years now,          action. Every year, PCAA developes a toolkit
you may have seen gardens of pinwheels                   for you and your partners in order to:
planted in the community, at school,
                                                         • Unite communication activities of state chapters,
day care or a local hospital or nonprofit
                                                         coalition networks and national partners.
organization, and wondered, why?
                                                         • Motivate the prevention of child abuse and
                                                         neglect in April 2022 and throughout the year.
             It’s because the pinwheels national
                                                         • Drive collective action – online and offline – around
             symbol for child abuse prevention.
                                                         stopping child abuse and neglect before it starts.
             What our research showed, and what
             our experiences since then have borne
             out, is that people respond to the          GET LOCAL
             pinwheel.                                   As the Colorado Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse
                                                         America, Illuminate Colorado, brings together
             By its very nature, the pinwheel            national, state and local partners and families to
             connotes whimsy and childlike               work together to draw attention to the prevention
             notions. In essence, it has come to         of child maltreatment here in Colorado.
             serve as the physical embodiment,
             or reminder, of the bright childhoods          This guide offers nonprofits, community groups,
             we want for all children.                      local public health and human services agencies,
                                                            businesses and families suggestions for ways
                                                            you can inspire others to grow a better tomorrow
                                                            for all of our children, together, this April.

Frame the Topic
People hold a lot of preconceived notions related to child maltreatment.
It is hard to overcome these beliefs to have a conversation about
effective solutions if we don’t start the conversation thoughtfully.
Key messages in this guide help you start a conversation.

Emphasize the Positive
Pinwheels help start a conversation that few people tend to want to have. We hope
campaign partners will call out the positives in your community—for instance, the number
of births last year, number of children enrolled in an early childhood program, or number of
local volunteers and professionals dedicating their time and talent to helping children and

Please do not use campaign materials or pinwheels to represent negative statistics
or messages to drive action. Positive messages and images have been show to more
effectively engage people no matter if you are trying to increase donations, shift attitudes
toward policies or recruit volunteers.

Scream the Solution and Whisper the Problem
Highlight the effectiveness of solutions, over the prevalence of the problem. Public opinion
research in Colorado has shown people are very aware child maltreatment exists and agree
it is very tragic, but they are unaware of how to prevent it.

•   Ask yourself, are you spending more time convincing people a problem exists than
    proactively educating them on solutions that work (ie. Protective Factors)? If so, you
    may need to refine your messages.
•   Avoid Toxic Positivity. While you may no longer be screaming the problem in
    your messsages, be prepared to answer questions about trends related to child
    maltreatment and the entire contiuum of prevention in your community.


It is up to each of us to                          We Sing a Louder
                                                   Song Together
grow a better tomorrow for
all of our children, together.

Every one of the more than 1.2 million children in Colorado today deserve to be
valued, healthy and thriving, including the children in our community.

And, every day, we help positive childhood experiences take root. Just like a
plant is more likely to thrive in a garden with good soil and plenty of sunlight
and water, families are more likely to thrive in nurturing communities.

Conditions in our community where people live, learn, work and play affect a wide range of health risks
and outcomes - including child abuse and neglect - a serious problem affecting every segment of our

All parents and caregivers need support sometimes, we can all help by ensuring children
have positive experiences, and families have the resources they need, when they need them.
Some families, more than others, experience social, economic and environmental inequities
and this explains why children of color experience significant disparities in child well-being.

But, adversity is not destiny. While childhood trauma can have long-term psychological, emotional,
and physical effects that have lasting consequences for victims of abuse. Our amazing bodies and
brains are ready to respond to positive experiences and reshape our futures, from the inside out.

All adults in our community need to take greater responsibility to educate themselves on how
to create safer environments where everyone is actively thinking about how to protect children
from the trauma of human trafficking, neglect and physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Effective child abuse prevention activities succeed because of the partnerships created between
early childhood and child welfare professionals, education, health, community- and faith-based
organizations and schools, businesses, law enforcement agencies and every member of our community.

                               When parents, caregivers, family, friends, neighbors, employers
                               and elected leaders work together to increase five critical protective
                               factors in families’ lives that is when we can prevent child abuse,
                               strengthen families and build brighter childhoods.

                               We are asking EVERYONE to get involved. Promote programs and
                               activities that create strong and thriving children and families.

                               Pledge to Grow a Better Tomorrow at COPinwheelsForPrevention.org

                               Look for Pinwheels for Prevention® in our community
                               to see how others are strengthening families in our
                               community and PLEDGE TO JOIN TOGETHER.

                               There is something for everyone to during child abuse prevention month,
                               and all year-long. to do to grow a better tomorrow for
                               all of our children, together.

                                  Be Strong in the Face of Stress
                                  Resilience is managing stress and dealing with
                                  your life even when things get difficult.
                                  • Take care of yourself and ask for support when
                                    you need it. Self-care is a critical tool in the
                                    prevention of child abuse.
                                  • Stop stress from getting in the way of providing
                                    loving care for your child.
                                  • Enjoy time with your child and celebrate what
                                    you like about being a parent.
Grow Your Knowledge                                                                                                              Help Your Child Manage
of Parenting and Child                                                                                                           Feelings and Relationships
Development                                                                                                                      Help children develop skills so
There is no perfect parent, but                          Parental                                                                they can manage their emotions
knowing what to expect does                              Resilience
                                                                                                                                 and build healthy relationships
make the job easier.                   Knowledge                                                                                 with their peers and adults.
                                       of Parenting
•D  iscover what to expect as                                                                                    Social and     • Respond warmly and
                                       and Child
  your child grows.                                                                                               Emotional
                                       Development          OUR                                                   Skills
                                                                                                                                   consistently to your child.
• T ry new skills and tips to                           COMMUNITY                                                               • Allow your child to express
  help your child progress and                                                                                                     their emotions.
  thrive.                                     Concrete                                                                           • Model how to be kind and
•R  espond in a positive way                                                                            Social                    interact positively with others.
                                              in Times
  when your child misbehaves.                 of Need
                                                          THERE ARE FIVE PROVEN WAYS TO STRENGTHEN FAMILIES

Every Parent Needs Support Sometimes                                                                           Connecting With Other People Matters
Some problems are too big to solve alone.                                                                      Having a network of friends and family makes a
Knowing where to get help in the community                                                                     BIG difference.
can make life easier.                                                                                          • Accept help from others and look for
•K now what help is available. Make a plan for                                                                  opportunities to give back.
                                                          AND PREVENT CHILD ABUSE.

  what programs you might need if you were                                                                     • Reach out to others, talk about what is going
  faced with unemployment or severe illness.                                                                     on in your life. You’ll be amazed at how much
•R each out and ask for support when needed.                                                                    better you feel.
•S hare information with others about                                                                         • Focus on nuturing relationships where you feel
  programs and resources that have helped                                                                        respected and appreciated.

                 Look for Pinwheels for Prevention® to see how others
                    are strengthening families in our community.
              Pledge to TAKE ACTION at COPinwheelsForPrevention.org
2                                                  Take Collective
There are many ways to use

pinwheels to show support for
growing a better tomorrow for
all of our children, together.

Encourage friends, parents,
caregivers and coworkers to
order their FREE 10 Pinwheels at

•   Identify locations in your community    •    Give your pinwheels to a child you care
    to display pinwheels to help parents,        about along with the coloring sheet.
    caregivers and your local media spot
    locations that strengthen families.
                                            •    Give your pinwheels to an elected offical
                                                 and talk to them about policies and
•   Display pinwheels in the                     programs that strengthen families.
    background of video calls and
    take 1 min. to encourage others
    to order their free pinwheels.          •    Leave a one pinwheel on the doorstep of 10 of
    (Don’t forget to chat in the link to         your neighbor’s houses to build the movement.

•   Display a small bouquet of pinwheels               Each pinwheel          Every day, we help positive childhood experiences take
                                                                              root. Thank you for planting the seeds of a better tomorrow for

    at your front desk to let customers           comes with a small
                                                                              children and families in our community.

                                                                              I am inspiring other people in our community to learn more

    know you are a campaign partner.                                          about how we can strengthen families, right now, by sharing

                                                greeting card to give
                                                                              Pinwheels for Prevention®. All families and children in every
                                                                              community need support at some point in their lives.

                                                     to someone else
•   Display your pinwheels in a pot
    in your frontyard or window                     or display to help
    to show your support.                        inspire other people
                                                   in our community
                                                        to learn more
                                                                              When parents, family, friends, neighbors and employers increase

•   Order pinwheels for the people
                                                                              five critical protective factors in families’ lives, that is when
                                                                              we strengthen families. That is when we prevent child abuse and
                                                                              build brighter childhoods for all the kids in our neighborhood.

    and organizations in your life that            about how we can           YOU may not know it, but you are a protective factor in my life.
                                                                              Thank you.

    have helped keep your family                 strengthen families,
    strong throughout this pandemic.
                                                            right now.        P.S. Join me! This is one way I’m taking action this month as part of a
                                                                              statewide campaign to raise awareness for the prevention of child abuse.

                                                                                              Visit COPinwheelsForPrevention.org

•   Organize a pinwheel parade in your
                                                                              Earn points for the actions you take to strengthen families! Win an opportunity
                                                                              to select a Colorado nonprofit, school or child care provider to receive a

                                                     (Inside shown here)      $2,500 grant. Help organizations in our neighborhood continue their work to
                                                                              grow a better tomorrow for all children.

    neighboorhood or child care center.

         M NTH YOUR OWN
Here are a few more ways schools, nonprofits, local coaltions have used the national Child Abuse
Prevention Month campaign to make an impact on a state, local and community level.

Friday, April 1, is Wear Blue Day.
Start the month-long campaign strong together!
                                                             CALL ON YOUR ADVOCATES

                                                             Highly visible advocates can amplify
                                                             your message all month long.
• Don’t wait until April. Start promoting Wear Blue              •Secure a proclamation from your
  Day on social media as early as the first day of               governor or mayor about the importance
  spring (March 20) #GrowingBetterTogether.                      of #GrowingBetterTogether.
                                                                 •Share templates for emails to help people
• Join together on April 1 on the West Steps at the              advocate for programs promoting healthy families.
  Colorado State Capitol to launch the month-long                •Host a letter-writing campaign advocating
  campaign with campaign partners, parents and                   for healthy family programs.
  community members. Live Stream the event on
  your Facebook page to let your supporters know
  you are a partner in the campaign.                         BE YOUR BEST SOCIAL PRESENCE

                                                                 • Stream for success. Stream events on live
• Get your partners involved. What community can                 social media via Facebook or Snapchat, or
  post the most pics with #GrowingBetterTogether?                create a story on Instagram. Don’t forget your
                                                                 #GrowingBetterTogether hashtags!
• Leverage local businesses. Bakeries, cafés, and                • Customize images in toolkit. Add your own name
  restaurants can create special desserts (with                  and logo to the creative toolkit images we provide!
  blue icing, right?), and music venues can host                 Email info@illuminatecolorado.org if you would
  “blues” concerts. The proceeds can boost your                  like design files. Your Community knows and trust
  organization’s programs.
                                                                 • Share stories bringing the protective
• Host a friendly sports tournament. Parents                     factors to life. If you know people with
  coach, kids play, and volunteers share CAP Month               amazing stories, encourage them to join in!
  information.                                                   #GrowingBetterTogether
• Fill the streets with blue. Partner with local utility
  who donated blue light bulbs for residential
  porches and commercial buildings.                          GET CREATIVE

                                                             •    Host a T-shirt making contest. Get your local
 ENGAGE THE MEDIA AND FAMILIES                                    community involved in creating something
• A community pinwheel garden is still a great way                special to commemorate the month.
  to get the public engaged. Host a small ceremony
  so people know what the garden represents and              •    Create a Scavenger hunt encouraing your
  share your pictures #GrowingBetterTogether                      community to look for clues connected to
                                                                  locations associated with strengthening families.
• Have weekly pinwheel parties and fun family                     HINT: LOOK for pinwheels in your commuity.
  events with your neighborhood community
  association - sharing campaign flyers
• Help kids make their own pinwheels (and make
  sure you shoot plenty of adorable, shareable video)        •    Brag about yourself. Share what you
  or pinwheel coloring contest.                                   are planning with the campaign
• Host your event at a well-known                                 so we can promote you. Follow
  location or popular park if you                                 #GrowingBetterTogether to connect
  don’t have a suitable                                           with others.
  space of your own.
                                              FIND MORE INSPIRATION
                                              VISIT COPINWHEELSFORPREVENTION.ORG
4                                                      It all adds up!
   WIN A $2,500 MINI GRANT
  Strengthening families can be fun!                        Complete actions throughout the month of April and
  As they say, many hands make light work.                  you could win an opportunity to select a Colorado
  This year’s campaign is ideal for school service          nonprofit, school or child care provider to receive a
  projects, student assignments, club get-togethers,        $2,500 grant.
  Greek philanthropy, and special volunteer days.
                                                            A winner will be selected at random on May 1st.
                                                            No Purchase Necessary to Enter this Online Contest.

           PLEDGE TO GROW
  There are more than 1.2 million children in Colorado      Everyday, we help positive childhood experiences
  today and everyone of them deserve to be valued,          take root. Just like a plant is more likely to thrive in
  healthy and thriving, including the children in our       a garden with good soil and plenty of sunlight and
  community.                                                water, families are more likely to thrive in nurturing
Pledge to strengthen families before May 1.
Earn 25 Entry Points


   Create A Strong Start                                 Order Your FREE Pinwheels
   Show support for promoting positive                   Leave a one pinwheel on the doorstep of 10 of
   childhood experiences and preventing                  your neighbors houses to build the movement.
   adversity by wearing blue on                          + Add 5 Extra Entry Points
   April 1 – National Wear Blue Day.
                                                         Attend an Event or Training
   •   Share your picture online with the                Countless events and trainings are available in your
       #GrowingBetterTogether                            community or online. Take time to educate yourself
       + Add 5 Extra Entry Points                        to help prevent child maltreatment and strengthen
                                                         families. + Add 25 Extra Entry Points
   •   Watch the video of the Colorado
       Campaign Launch Event on April 1 to               Upload a Video to Lift up Colorado
       learn more about why this campaign is             Parents & Caregivers
       so important.                                     The early years of parenthood in particularly can be
       + Add 5 Extra Entry Points                        stressful. Share your favorite inspirational or humorous
                                                         quote to help build parental resilience
   Share On Social                                       + Add 25 Extra Entry Points
   Click & share #GrowingBetterTogether on
   your social networks.                                 - VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE Add 10 Extra Entry
   + Add 5 Extra Entry Points                            Points if Your Video the Most Inspirational!
                                                         Create a Family Emergency
   Enter the Pinwheels                                   Preparedness Plan
   Photo Contest                                         Identify the protective factors in your community.
   Upload a picture of you and your pinwheels!           Complete the Family Emergency Preparedness Plan
   Let others know how you are getting                   Template to prepare you or your neighbors in crisis.
   involved! + Add 10 Extra Entry Points
                                                         Upload your plan to earn 50 Extra Entry Points and get
   VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE!                               know your community in the process.
   + Add 10 Extra Entry Points if Your Photo
   Wins the Contest!                                     HINT: LOOK for the Pinwheels in your community.
•   Offer to baby-sit so parents can get a little break
 WHAT WILL           •   Listen to someone who needs to talk about what is going on in their life
  YOU DO TO          •   Coordinate a meal sign-up calendar for new parents or a neighborhood family in need
STRENGTHEN           •   Start or participate in a carpool to help families
   FAMILIES?         •   Organize a neighborhood party so families can meet each other
                     •   Increase social connections by introducing yourself to a new neighbor or parent at pick up
                     •   Get to know the children in your neighborhood and ask them how they are doing
         Parents     •   Ask a family if they need something picked up the next time you run to the store
                     •   Schedule time for an activity that can help you decompress, relax and recharge
                     •   Join or start a Circle of Parents group to find other parents like you
           Teens     •                  Neigh-
                         Run an errand, shovel snow, or do yard work for a parent in your neighborhood
                     •                  bors
                         Donate children’s used clothing, furniture and toys for use by another family
        Relatives    •   Share positive stories about people and businesses helping families
          Friends    •   Share information about parenting and child development on your social media
                     •   Raise awareness of child safety issues and helpful childproofing information
      Caregivers     •   Organize a moms’ or dads’ night out
  Neighborhood       •   Put children’s books and information about programs that support families in your lobby and waiting areas
   Associations      •   Schedule family events at different times of the day and on different days of the week so more families can participate
                     •   Add information about family-friendly resources on neighborhood websites like Nextdoor and help reduce stigma by
Local Businesses         letting others know you received support
                     •   Remind people it’s okay to ask and accept for help
 Elected Officials   •   Recognize a child or family in distress and offer support
       Civic and     •   Host a play group at a local recreation or community center
     Community       •   Connect parents to one another and to important resources for support
         Groups      •   Collaborate with childcare centers and schools by joining PTOs, volunteering in classrooms and participating in fundraising
                     •   Check in with mothers and fathers to see how they are doing
                     •   Promote a culture where it is okay for employees to reach out and ask for support
Community Hots       •   Participate in an employee assistance program or maintain a list of available resources to support families
         Spots       •   Learn where your public officials stand on issues impacting children and families and vote
                     •   Work with employees to manage workload in times of added stress and allow for flexibility
                     •   Create a community brag board so employees can show off kids, pets, homes and hobbies
    Chambers of      •   Offer “lunch and learns” for employees or host a speaker to learn more about child development and child abuse
     Commerce            prevention
                     •   Support paid maternity/paternity leave for new parents (including adoptive and foster parents)
  Parent Groups      •   Involve your organization in community events or sponsor a day of service for employees
                     •   Smile and lend a hand to customers who are having a tough time with their children
   Communities       •   Make family-friendly spaces or activities available at your establishment. Pinwheels are the national symbol for child
                         abuse prevention. Having them on display let’s others know your space is family-friendly and you support strengthening
                         families in your community.
                     •   Offer to load groceries or other packages into the car for a parent with kids
   Pediatricians,    •   Learn about services for children and families in your community and make an emergency preparedness plan in case
    Doctors and          your family needs support
       Hospitals     •   Be kind to one another, especially on social media.
                     •   Mentor for a young mother or father
Law Enforcement      •   Learn the signs for postpartum depression and how to help
 Human Services      •   Share this flyer with members of your community to inspire others and learn more at www.copinwheelsforprevention.org
                     •   Share articles, tips and/or resources in your newsletter about navigating parenting challenges
                     •   Train staff and volunteers to create safe environments for children
                     •   Offer space and time for parenting classes or support groups at your organization
                     •   Host a townhall or community cafe to listen to the needs of parents in your community
  PLEDGE TO          •   Get involved in developing or supporting a child maltreatment prevention plan in your community to strengthen families
TAKE ACTION          •   Volunteer to support young people involved in the foster care system
                     •   Conduct a parenting book drive for the local library
                     •   Call, text or chat a hotline or support line if you or someone you know needs help.
                     •   Offer to take the shopping cart back when you see someone with a child unloading groceries.
                     •   Give a supportive smile to the parent who just had to discipline their kid in public.
                     •   Compliment a parent you know is having one of those weeks.
                     •   Remind parents that it’s okay not to know how to do everything
You can also read