William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund Class R (USD) - William Blair ...

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William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund

                         Class R (USD)

                              Portfolio Review

                                 June 2021

                                                       Todd M. McClone, CFA, Partner
                                                        Casey K. Preyss, CFA, Partner
ISIN: LU1664181861                                                Portfolio Managers

Summary & Outlook                                                                                                  June 2021
                                                                   manager’s index (PMI) which rose to a record high level
                                                                   (63.4) in June.
Market Review
                                                                   Strength within Latin America (+15.56% for the quarter
Global equities continued to advance in the second quarter         and +9.64% year-to-date) was primarily driven by Brazil
(the MSCI ACWI IMI gained +7.18% in the second quarter             (+23.60% for the quarter and +11.89% year-to-date)
and 12.68% year-to-date in USD terms) amid further                 bolstered by stronger commodity prices and currency
success of vaccination rollouts and a healthy rebound in           tailwinds. China underperformed on a relative basis
economic activity, especially in developed markets. The            (+2.35% for the quarter and +2.36% year-to-date) amid
sharp style rotation in the first quarter which favored value      concerns over tightening liquidity and increased regulatory
areas subsided in the second quarter with growth stocks            oversight on large cap technology companies.
outperforming. From a global sector perspective,
Information Technology outperformed (+10.22% for the               Performance
quarter and +12.39% year-to-date) while Utilities
significantly underperformed (-0.09% for the quarter and           Second quarter outperformance versus the MSCI Emerging
+0.86% year-to-date). Energy also continued to rally               Markets IMI (net) was primarily driven by positive stock
(+10.08% for the quarter and +30.51% year-to-date) as              selection across most sectors. The Communication
rising demand drove stronger crude oil prices.                     Services, Health Care and Information Technology sectors
                                                                   were the most significant sources of relative return. Within
US equities advanced (+8.36% for the quarter and +15.05%           Communication Services, Kakao Corp aided relative returns
year-to-date) as investors welcomed news of additional             as the stock rallied on strong operating performance and
federal spending to revive the economy. In addition to the         the favorable growth outlook for its core business and
$1.9 trillion Covid relief plan and $2.3 trillion infrastructure   expanding opportunities. Stock performance was also
plan introduced in the first quarter, the Biden                    boosted by positive sentiment amid the upcoming IPO of its
administration also announced a $1.8 trillion American             fintech businesses, Kakao Bank and Kakao Pay. Wuxi
Families Plan emphasizing strong support for national              Biologics Cayman Inc, a leading contract development and
childcare to ensure an equitable recovery from the                 manufacturing organization (CDMO) in China within the
pandemic, especially for female workers and mothers.               Health Care sector was an additional source of
Significant federal spending drove concerns over rising            outperformance. The company’s strong operating
inflation. In May, headline inflation rose to 5.0% year on         momentum and robust growth outlook continued to drive
year, above expectations.                                          the stock higher as management increased 2021 sales
European equities kept pace with the benchmark (+7.26%             guidance and the longer-term growth outlook remain well
for the quarter and +11.81% year-to-date) as several               supported with an accelerating number of projects in its
European countries gradually relaxed restrictions on travel        pipeline. Within the Information Technology sector, Silergy
and business activity. Economic data was also supportive,          Corp helped relative performance. The Chinese leading
specifically the Eurozone manufacturing purchasing                 analog semiconductor company continues to benefit from
Summary & Outlook                                                                                               June 2021
structural growth demand from automobile, cloud, and 5G        Navin Fluorine International were purchased during the
end markets as well as the localization trend.                 quarter. In our view, UPL, the Indian agrochemical
                                                               company, is well positioned to benefit from a favorable
                                                               agrochemical demand outlook driven by higher crop prices.
Partially offsetting these effects were the underweight
                                                               Moreover, it continues to gain market share amid increased
allocation to the Materials sector and an underweight
                                                               product innovation and strong execution. Navin Fluorine
allocation to Brazil, coupled with below average stock
                                                               International is a pure play fluorochemical company in
selection within the Industrials sector. Within Industrials,
                                                               India with a significant focus on research and development.
the lack of exposure to marine transportation detracted to
                                                               We believe the company has positioned itself for
relative performance as shipping companies’ share prices
                                                               exponential growth on the back of industry tailwinds
soared on the back of favorable supply-demand dynamics.
                                                               including increased usage of the fluorine molecule in the
Positioning                                                    pharmaceutical and agrochemical space.

During the second quarter, Information Technology              Laurus Labs Ltd and Metropolis Healthcare Ltd within the
exposure was reduced through the liquidations of               Health Care sector were purchased during the period.
RichWave Technology Corp, Alchip Technologies Ltd and          Laurus Labs is one of the leading active pharmaceutical
Hua Hong Semiconductor Ltd. RichWave, the fabless              ingredient producers globally, providing ingredients to all
semiconductor design company focused on radio frequency        the global pharmaceutical companies leveraging its scale
(RF) chips, was liquidated amid weaker margins due to a        and low-cost operating structure. The company has
product mix shift and supply chain concerns. Alchip, a         expanded to diversify its revenue streams and now offers a
Taiwanese back-end integrated circuit design services          one-stop-shop approach enabling them to develop strategic
company, was sold after the U.S. Department of Commerce        partnerships. The company’s attractive growth profile is
added new Chinese companies to the entity list, including      underpinned by strong underlying demand, capacity
Phytium, which is Alchip’s largest single customer.            expansion and portfolio expansion.
Consumer Discretionary exposure was also reduced to an
underweight position during the period. Midea Group, the       Metropolis Healthcare is a leading player in the attractive
Chinese home appliance company, was sold in favor of           Indian diagnostic testing market. We believe the company
better near-term growth opportunities as the company           is well-positioned to benefit from increased diagnostic
faces increased profit margin pressure on the back of          market penetration, higher levels of utilization per patient,
soaring raw material prices and a slow uptick in demand.       and ongoing consolidation of the highly fragmented
We exited Offcn Education Technology Co, the vocational        industry. Through its asset-light business model Metropolis
training company, amid weakening near term                     generates very strong returns with a three-year CFROIC
fundamentals.                                                  average of 30%.

These reductions were offset primarily by increases to
Materials and Health Care. Within Materials, UPL Ltd and
Summary & Outlook                                                                                             June 2021
From a geographic perspective, notable adjustments were       flipped from dominating in 1Q (typical of recovery periods)
an increase to India, offset by decreases to Taiwan and       to not much of a factor. Quality and Growth re-asserted
China.                                                        themselves positively. All of these characteristics are very
                                                              typical of performance during an economic expansion and
                                                              we believe they are likely to continue.

                                                              Inflation concerns have been a natural topic of debate all
Outlook                                                       year. We continue to foresee reflation back to long-term,
                                                              i.e., manageable, levels. In this unique cycle, we are
The market is experiencing a tug of war between the           experiencing price increases driven by the re-opening of
impressive acceleration of economic growth due to global      supply not keeping up with demand fast enough. While in
re-openings, and fears of a resurgence of COVID virus case    some cases we are already seeing a few industrial
counts. We believe economic growth will win out. While        commodity prices reverting, we expect that it will take
concerning, the positive view is that the vaccines are        another 3-6 months for the supply catch up to occur across
working, and the delta variant is proving not as harmful.     most industries.

As for recent economic activity, it has been more of the      The global market is up close to 40% over the last twelve
same, with both consumption and production activity           months. While market valuations receive a lot of attention,
strong – in some cases above 2019 levels. While we expect     perhaps unnoticed is that this market appreciation has
a sequential peak in GDP growth likely occurred in 2Q, the    been driven entirely by earnings growth. The market has
remainder of the year should continue to be quite strong.     actually de-rated a bit during this period.
We believe that corporate earnings growth, which has been
impressive thus far in 2021, remains underestimated. In       More economically sensitive sectors of the market (e.g.,
fact, projected bottom-up corporate profit growth lags top-   cyclicals and financials) have re-rated along with a
down GDP estimates by a wider margin than we saw              resurgence of their growth. In contrast, companies with
coming out of the global financial crisis of 2008 (GFC).      stronger structural long-term growth have lagged on a
Thus, we are confident profit growth will continue to         relative basis, and in some cases have seen their stock
surprise to the upside.                                       multiples compress. We view this is a classic period of
                                                              structural winners “growing into” their multiples.
As is the case in almost every economic expansion period,
earnings growth has been the key market driver. We are        Consistent with our growth outlook we believe most of this
now clearly in expansion mode, with the corporate profit      experience is likely behind us but may occur off and on
picture and market leadership following the script.           during the balance of the year while the market digests the
                                                              economic and profit picture. Ultimately as economic
During the second quarter, we saw earnings revisions and      growth reverts to the long-term mean and the market
momentum lead market performance, while valuation
Summary & Outlook                                                                                                June 2021
begins to discount peak cyclical earnings, the structural      Companies have spent decades rationalizing their supply
growers will again have their day.                             chains with the goal of maximum operational efficiency.
                                                               Such extreme efficiency comes with high potential fragility.
Corporate Capital Expenditures                                 And this fragility was fully exposed by COVID-related
                                                               lockdowns and associated export restrictions. Companies
Corporate profit margins and cash flows have been              are looking to shore up their supply chains, in some
impressive, and we believe we are entering an era where        instances by reducing or duplicating some parts of the
more of that cash flow is likely to be directed to capital     chain. Some of this was starting to happen in response to
investment and research and development.                       chilling economic relations between the U.S. and China
                                                               prior to the pandemic. COVID has only added more reasons
We see two reasons for rapidly ramping capital spending        to accelerate the buildout.
by corporates: 1) digitalization of businesses is now a
survival imperative; and 2) shortening supply chains has       Shifts in the geopolitical environment in which corporates
become necessary to improve operational resilience.            operate also support investment rather than cash
                                                               preservation. Since the early 1980s everything from
We are witnessing it already: After the GFC, it took US        taxation to antitrust to regulatory and labor policies was
private sector non-residential investment nearly four years    geared to improving corporate profitability. Today, there is
to recover to pre-crisis levels. By contrast, capex spending   growing recognition that these policies may have gone too
in Q1 2021 already surpassed the Q4 2019 peak.                 far. The operating environment is changing on the margin:
Intellectual property and software investment recovered        pressure for stronger wage growth, especially at the
by Q4 2020, compared to six quarters post-GFC.                 bottom of the income distribution is rising.

The COVID pandemic has elevated operational efficiencies       The G7 agreeing on a minimum corporate tax rate suggests
of digital business models into a survival imperative for      that the race to the bottom is over. Antitrust authorities in
virtually all companies. Digital businesses were able to       China, Europe and the US are openly exploring ways to
operate relatively unscathed during the pandemic               bring competition standards to industries and businesses
lockdowns, while more traditional, high physical contact       that have been able to behave as monopolies or quasi
businesses were forced to shut down. Within industries,        monopolies. These changes incentivize corporate
those companies who had proactively employed more data         investment, which in turn will likely expand supply and
and digitally- enabled business practices pressed their        enable stronger economic growth without higher inflation.
competitive advantage. We are seeing companies of all          We will have more to say on this topic in the coming
sizes accelerate their investment into cloud-based systems,    months and quarters.
remote work, digitally driven customer service solutions,
and the requisite software applications required to make it
all work.
Summary & Outlook                                                                                                June 2021
                                                               investors tend to underestimate, and where the market is
Spotlight: Industrials                                         less efficient.

The confluence of the strong economic cycle and what we        Industrial processes are often complex and have been
expect will be a step up in capital investment spending        optimized over many years. Combined with a high risk of
suggests a portfolio focus on industrials. In fact, many of    failure, this results in strong inertia and risk aversion that
our portfolios, especially those that include developed        slows adoption of new technologies. In contrast, consumer
markets, have had significant overweight exposure to           technology is fast moving as consumers adopt new
industrial industries for the last several years.              technologies rapidly in their daily lives. While growth rates
                                                               are slower for industrial companies, predictability and
The key attribute for any of our company investments is a      durability of growth allows companies to exploit
strong and durable competitive advantage, and industrials      opportunities for years if not decades.
have several advantages in this regard, even compared to
the technology and consumer sectors, which may seem            Once a company has built an installed base it typically
counter intuitive.                                             provides an attractive aftermarket opportunity that results
                                                               from demanding operating conditions, safety, and quality
Many industrial applications are characterized by hard-to-     considerations. Jet engines are a classic example where the
develop products that require domain knowledge, scale,         installed base often provides decades of lucrative services
and manufacturing expertise. Route-to-market, capital          and parts revenue for manufacturers. Strong competitive
allocation, and installed bases are other often powerful and   advantages, high switching costs, and customer risk
durable advantages.                                            aversion allow for pricing power in many cases.

High entry barriers and consolidated markets are also          The increasing focus on environmental and social
powerful attributes. Industry structure is important as it     considerations has strengthened the role of efficiency in the
influences how industrial value creation is distributed and    customer value proposition. For many industrial
the risk of value destruction. Favorable market structures     companies, energy efficiency and safety have been
exist in areas as diverse as North American rails, aircraft    cornerstones of their value proposition from the beginning.
production, airlines, HVAC manufacturing, and other niche      These companies enable the reduction of emissions and
markets.                                                       waste through new, more efficient products and
                                                               engineering-driven solutions. For example, Spirax-Sarco
Long duration growth                                           recently implemented solutions at a Nestle factory that
                                                               reduced energy use by 45%, emissions by 43%, and water
Although industrial company growth rates may be more           use by 48%.
modest compared to the fast-moving technology sector,
growth is often more durable and exploitable over long         Potential for strong cash generation and value creating
periods of time. This persistence of growth is what            capital allocation
Summary & Outlook                                                                                                June 2021
                                                                 Stock specific drivers
Industrial companies often generate strong cash flow that
can be used to fund value-creating organic and inorganic         Many industrial companies are cyclical and can be volatile
growth.                                                          stocks. While we are long term investors, we believe that
                                                                 the market tends to overreact to the economic cycles
Domain knowledge and customer intimacy provides                  influencing the best-managed industrial companies. This
opportunities to develop innovative new products and             creates opportunities for active managers to deploy capital
solutions. These products add value for customers and long       into mispriced value creators and protect value when the
competitive advantage periods may allow for the                  market is too enthusiastic near term.
realization of strong returns on capital from the investment
to develop these products.

Industrial companies often complement organic growth
opportunities with value creating M&A. The rationale for
acquisitions may include scale, new technologies, and
attractive assets in a multi-industry portfolio of businesses.

The top industrial companies have demonstrated discipline
by returning cash to shareholders after exhausting organic
and inorganic investment opportunities. For example, Atlas
Copco has paid $9 billion in regular dividends over the past
10 years, and on three occasions has paid special dividends
worth a cumulative $3.3 billion.

Strategic use of financial leverage

Long lived assets and strong competitive advantages allows
for the comfortable use of modest leverage to boost
returns. Re-leveraging with debt to maintain a constant
capital structure is often used to enhance cash flows and
returns to equity holders. The strength of business models
and competitive advantages can also provide firepower to
flex debt levels higher to seek to capitalize on inorganic
opportunities. For example, DSV has used leverage to make
highly accretive acquisitions the past several years.
Market Performance                                                                                                                                                  June 2021
                                                                QTD                         YTD                         2020                         2019
                        AC World (DM+EM)                                7.2                         12.7                        16.3                        26.4
                          Developed Markets (DM)                        7.4                         13.3                        15.9                         27.5
                               Japan                                    -0.4                        1.5                         13.1                         19.6
                               Europe ex UK                             7.8                         11.6                        12.1                         25.0
                               UK                                       5.7                         12.4                        -9.0                         23.2
                               USA                                      8.4                         15.1                        20.5                         30.4
                          Emerging Markets (EM)                         5.7                         8.7                         18.4                         17.6
                               Asia                                     4.5                         7.5                         28.5                         17.8

                                    China                               2.4                         2.4                         29.4                         22.7
                                    India                               8.0                         15.5                        16.1                         5.3
                                    Korea                               6.2                         8.1                         46.0                         9.6
                                    Taiwan                              8.3                         19.9                        39.1                         35.2
                               EMEA                                     7.6                         16.4                        -5.6                         15.8
                                    Russia                             13.6                         20.4                        -11.6                        50.1
                                    South Africa                        0.1                         12.5                        -4.9                         11.2
                               Latin America                           15.6                         9.6                         -14.1                        19.4
                                    Brazil                             23.6                         11.9                        -19.1                        29.3
                                    Mexico                              9.5                         13.5                        -1.6                         12.9
                          Frontier Markets (FM)                        14.1                         16.1                         2.1                         13.8

                          Large Cap                                     4.3                         6.5                         19.6                         19.3

                          Small Cap                                    11.3                         19.8                        19.3                         11.5

                          Communication Svcs                            2.1                         7.8                         27.1                         10.9
                          Discretionary                                 4.2                         1.9                         33.1                         31.6
                          Staples                                       4.9                         2.9                         10.8                         9.6
                          Energy                                       11.7                         15.0                        -14.9                        19.4

                          Financials                                    4.4                         8.4                         -7.9                         12.0
                          Healthcare                                   14.4                         8.6                         55.5                         2.9
                          Industrials                                  14.9                         20.6                         7.7                         6.3
                          IT                                            4.1                         9.6                         58.5                         40.8
                          Materials                                     9.5                         20.0                        26.2                         7.7
                          Real Estate                                   -3.5                        0.9                         -15.6                        22.2
                          Utilities                                     3.7                         7.2                         -4.9                         9.7

                          Quality                                       -2.5                        -2.4                        -6.8                         13.7
                          Valuation                                     -0.9                        9.6                         -12.4                        4.5

                          Etrend                                        9.5                         15.7                        14.5                         12.5
                          Momentum                                      8.7                         13.0                         9.7                         16.1
                          Growth                                        -0.2                        -3.6                        12.9                         6.1
                          Composite                                     2.3                         11.0                        -5.3                         16.8
Source: FactSet
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Regional performance is based on IMI region/country indexes. Sector and style values are based on the
MSCI EM IMI Index. Size values are based on the MSCI EM IMI Index. Style values reflect the Quintile 1 minus Quintile 5 spread of William Blair’s proprietary quantitative
models. Sectors are based on Global Industry Classification (GICS) sectors. Large Cap and Small Cap based on MSCI Global Investable Market Index Methodology. Data in blue
reflects the top 20% (highest) values by region, country, sector, and style. Data in red reflects the bottom 20% (lowest) values by region, country, sector, and style. All index
returns are net of dividends. A direct investment in an unmanaged index is not possible. . Please refer to the ‘Important Disclosures’ section at the end of this document for
further information on investment risks and returns. Name change from Telecommunication Services to Communication Services effective after close of business on 28/9/18;
industry and subindustry reclassifications effective 1/10/18.
Performance                                                                                                                                      June 2021

                Periods ended 30/06/2021                                                  Quarter        YTD          1 Year       Inception*
                William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund (Class R)               9.79%       10.22%        48.17%          25.70%
                MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)                                            5.73%        8.75%        43.21%          14.61%

*Inception 04/10/2018

The MSCI Emerging Markets IMI Index (net) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization index that is designed to measure equity market performance in
the global emerging markets. The series approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment.

Periods greater than one year are annualized. All charges and fees have been included within the performance figures. For the most current month-end
performance information, please visit our the SICAV website at sicav.williamblair.com. Please refer to the ‘Important Disclosures’ section at the end of this
document for further information on investment risks and returns.
Performance Analysis (by sector)                                                                                                                                   June 2021
The table below shows the calculated sector attribution of the William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund portfolio vs. its

                                    William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund vs. MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)
                                                                        01/04/2021 to 30/06/2021

                                        William Blair SICAV - Emerging
                                                                                      MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)                           Attribution Analysis
                                             Markets Growth Fund
                                       Average           Total       Contrib to       Average           Total        Contrib to      Allocation       Selection           Total
GICS Sector                            Weight           Return        Return          Weight           Return         Return           Effect           Effect            Effect
Communication Services                   15.5%          12.8%            1.9%           10.7%           2.1%            0.2%            -0.2%            1.7%             1.5%
Consumer Discretionary                   15.3%           7.5%            1.2%           16.6%           4.2%            0.7%            0.0%             0.5%             0.5%
Consumer Staples                         6.0%            6.7%            0.4%            5.7%           4.9%            0.3%            0.0%             0.1%             0.1%
Energy                                   1.7%            4.0%            0.1%            4.6%           11.7%           0.5%            -0.2%            -0.1%            -0.3%
Financials                               9.8%            7.9%            0.8%           17.3%           4.5%            0.8%            0.1%             0.4%             0.5%
Health Care                              6.5%           32.2%            1.9%            5.3%           14.4%           0.7%            0.1%             1.0%             1.1%
Industrials                              7.6%           12.2%            0.9%            5.7%           14.9%           0.8%            0.2%             -0.2%            0.0%
Information Technology                   31.3%           7.1%            2.2%           20.3%           4.1%            0.9%            -0.2%            0.9%             0.7%
Materials                                4.8%           15.5%            0.7%            9.0%           9.5%            0.8%            -0.2%            0.3%             0.1%
Real Estate                              0.0%            0.0%            0.0%            2.6%           -3.5%           -0.1%           0.3%             0.0%             0.3%
Utilities                                0.2%            7.1%            0.0%            2.2%           3.7%            0.1%            0.0%             0.0%             0.0%
Cash                                     1.3%               -            0.0%            0.0%           0.0%            0.0%            -0.1%            0.0%             -0.1%
Total                                   100.0%          10.1%           10.1%          100.0%           5.7%            5.7%            -0.3%            4.6%             4.3%

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Performance cited represents past performance and current performance may be lower or higher than the
data quoted. Gross investment performance assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, is gross of investment management fees and net of transaction costs.
Attribution by segment is based on estimated returns of equities held within the segments listed. All stocks held during a measurement period, including purchases and sales,
are included. Cash is not allocated among segments. Calculations are for attribution analysis only and are not intended to represent simulated performance history. The
actual returns may be higher or lower. We calculate attribution using our proprietary attribution system. Our proprietary attribution system runs transactions-based
attribution, taking into account all trading activity. Interaction effect is reallocated into Selection effect. Sectors are based on Global Industry Classification (GICS) Sectors.
Performance Analysis (by region)                                                                                                                              June 2021
The table below shows the calculated regional attribution of the William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund portfolio vs. its

                               William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund vs. MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)
                                                                     01/04/2021 to 30/06/2021

                                William Blair SICAV - Emerging
                                                                               MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)                           Attribution Analysis
                                     Markets Growth Fund
                              Average           Total       Contrib to       Average           Total         Contrib to       Allocation        Selection          Total
Region                        Weight           Return        Return          Weight           Return          Return            Effect            Effect           Effect

   EM Asia                      85.8%           9.9%            8.4%           78.9%            4.5%             3.6%            -0.1%            4.6%              4.5%
   EMEA                         6.5%           12.6%            0.8%           13.1%            7.6%             1.0%            -0.1%            0.4%              0.2%
   Latin America                6.4%           12.4%            0.8%           7.9%            15.6%             1.2%            -0.2%            -0.1%            -0.3%
   Cash                         1.3%              -             0.0%           0.0%             0.0%             0.0%            -0.1%            0.0%             -0.1%
Total                          100.0%          10.1%           10.1%          100.0%            5.7%             5.7%            -0.5%            4.8%              4.3%

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Performance cited represents past performance and current performance may be lower or higher than the
data quoted. Gross investment performance assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, is gross of investment management fees and net of transaction costs.
Attribution by segment is based on estimated returns of equities held within the segments listed. All stocks held during a measurement period, including purchases and sales,
are included. Cash is not allocated among segments. Calculations are for attribution analysis only and are not intended to represent simulated performance history. The
actual returns may be higher or lower. We calculate attribution using our proprietary attribution system. Our proprietary attribution system runs transactions-based
attribution, taking into account all trading activity. Interaction effect is reallocated into Selection effect. International investing involves special risk considerations,
including currency fluctuations, lower liquidity, economic and political risk.
Top Contributors/Detractors                                                                                                                                June 2021
The tables below show the top contributors and detractors for the William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund portfolio vs. its

Top Five Contributors (%) for the Period: 01/04/2021 to 30/06/2021
Issuer                                                                   Sector                                   Country                            Contribution To
                                                                                                                                                     Relative Return
Kakao Corp                                                               Communication Services                   South Korea                              1.09
Silergy Corp                                                             Information Technology                   China                                    0.61
Li Ning Co Ltd                                                           Consumer Discretionary                   China                                    0.44
TCS Group Holding PLC                                                    Financials                               Russia                                   0.42
momo.com Inc                                                             Consumer Discretionary                   Taiwan                                   0.30

Top Five Detractors (%) for the Period:                     01/04/2021 to 30/06/2021
Issuer                                                                   Sector                                   Country                            Contribution To
                                                                                                                                                     Relative Return
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu                                           Information Technology                   Taiwan                                  -0.21
Alchip Technologies Ltd                                                  Information Technology                   Taiwan                                  -0.16
Kumho Petrochemical Co Ltd                                               Materials                                South Korea                             -0.14
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd                                               Information Technology                   South Korea                             -0.14
MediaTek Inc                                                             Information Technology                   Taiwan                                  -0.12

Index: MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Performance cited represents past performance and current performance may be lower or higher
than the data quoted. Gross investment performance assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, is gross of investment management fees and net of
transaction costs. Attribution is based on estimated returns of all equities held during a measurement period, including purchases and sales. Calculations are for
attribution analysis only and are not intended to represent simulated performance history. The actual returns may be higher or lower. We calculate attribution
using our proprietary attribution system. Our proprietary attribution system runs transactions-based attribution, taking into account all trading activity. Sectors
are based on Global Industry Classification (GICS) Sectors. International investing involves special risk considerations, including currency fluctuations, lower
liquidity, economic and political risk. Individual securities listed in this report are for informational purposes only. Holdings are subject to change at any time. This
information does not constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice or recommendations with respect to the securities listed.
Portfolio Positioning                                                                                                                                                                June 2021
   The chart below shows the region and sector positioning of the William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund vs. its benchmark.

                                              Regional Exposure                                                                            Sectoral Exposure

                                                         84.8             -1.1                                                            14.7                   -1.0
     EM Asia Total                                                                              Communication Services                                            -0.2
                                                       78.8                          0.3                                                10.4
                                      29.1                               -2.0                                                               15.0                -2.2
             China                                                                              Consumer Discretionary                                      -5.7
                                       34.4                      -9.2                                                                        16.9
                                                                                                                                    6.2                                   0.4
                                 17.9                                                  2.8             Consumer Staples                                        -2.3
              India                                                                                                                 5.7
                               10.8                                                       6.1
                                                                                                                                1.7                               -0.1
                               14.3                                                  0.0                           Energy                                        -0.9
       South Korea                                                                                                                4.7
                               13.8                                                   1.3                                                                                  1.1
                                                                                                               Financials                                                        4.3
                                 20.1                                   -2.2                                                              16.9
                                14.7                                                  1.4                                            7.5                                    1.7
                                                                                                             Health Care                                                   1.0
                           7.0                                                       0.6                                            5.6
       EMEA Total
                             13.0                                                    1.1                                             7.8                                  0.4
                                                                                                              Industrials                                                 0.3
                         3.2                                                         0.7                                            6.1
            Russia                                                                                                                                             -2.1
                         3.0                                                         1.2                                                             29.8
                                                                                                Information Technology                                                    0.2
                         2.2                                                         0.1
       South Africa                                                                                                                 5.7                                     2.0
                         3.5                                                         0.4                        Materials
                                                                                                                                      8.9                                    3.0
                           6.8                                                       0.6                                                                                  0.0
Latin America Total                                                                                                            --
                           8.1                                           -1.4                                 Real Estate                                                 0.0
                          4.4                                                        0.6                                       0.2                                 0.0
             Brazil                                                                                               Utilities
                          5.4                                             -0.5                                                  2.2                                       0.2
                        0.5                                                          0.1                                       --                                         0.0
            Mexico                                                                                                  Other                                                 0.0
                        1.7                                                          0.1                                       --
                         1.4                                              -0.2                                                  1.4                               -0.2
Cash & Equivalents                                                                                   Cash & Equivalents                                                   0.1
                        --                                                           0.1                                       --

         William Blair Sicav - Emerging Markets Growth Fund                                      William Blair Sicav - Emerging Markets Growth Fund               Portfolio Diff Previous QTR
                                                                Portfolio Diff Previous QTR
         MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)                                                         MSCI Emerging Markets IMI (net)                                  Portfolio Diff YTD
                                                                Portfolio Diff YTD

   Source: William Blair.
   As of Date: 30/06/2021
   Cash & Equivalents includes: cash and dividend accruals.
Top Holdings by Market Cap                                                                                                                                        June 2021
The table below shows the William Blair SICAV - Emerging Markets Growth Fund portfolio’s largest holdings as of 30/06/2021 by market
cap as well as the sub-totals by market cap for the portfolio and index. The stocks are listed by country and by the sector that defines each
one’s role in the portfolio.

                                                                                                                           % of Total           % of Total
                                                                                                                          Net Assets in        Net Assets in
                                                                   Country                        Sector                   Portfolio              Index*
                 Large Cap(>$20b)                                                                                            54.6%                45.5%
                 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactu                    Taiwan              Information Technology                 7.9%                 5.4%
                 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd                      South Korea           Information Technology                 5.8%                 4.1%
                 Tencent Holdings Ltd                               China              Communication Services                 4.6%                 4.4%
                 MediaTek Inc                                      Taiwan              Information Technology                 3.3%                 0.5%
                 Kakao Corp                                      South Korea           Communication Services                 3.1%                 0.5%

                 Mid Cap($5-20b)                                                                                              22.1%                25.3%
                 Silergy Corp                                       China               Information Technology                 1.6%                 0.1%
                 TCS Group Holding PLC                             Russia                     Financials                       1.4%                 0.1%
                 Country Garden Services Holdin                     China                     Industrials                      1.0%                 0.2%
                 Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd                       South Africa                 Financials                       0.9%                 0.1%
                 WuXi AppTec Co Ltd                                 China                     Health Care                      0.9%                 0.1%

                 Small Cap(
Top Portfolio Holdings                                                                                                                                   June 2021
                                         Top Portfolio Changes During the Period: 01/04/2021 to 30/06/2021

                              Security Name                       Country                            Sector
                              Anta Sports Products Ltd            China                              Consumer Discretionary

                              Shenzhou International Group        China                              Consumer Discretionary

                              Kumho Petrochemical Co Ltd          South Korea                        Materials
                              Upl Ltd                             India                              Materials
                              Raia Drogasil Sa                    Brazil                             Consumer Staples
                              Midea Group Co Ltd-A                China                              Consumer Discretionary

                              Kumho Petrochemical Co Ltd          South Korea                        Materials
                              Alibaba Health Information T        China                              Health Care
                              Richwave Technology Corp            Taiwan                             Information Technology
                              Hua Hong Semiconductor Ltd          China                              Information Technology

Individual securities listed in this report are for informational purposes only. Holdings are subject to change at any time. This information does not constitute, and
should not be construed as, investment advice or recommendations with respect to the securities listed. Sectors are based on Global Industry Classification (GICS)
Portfolio Characteristics                                                                                                                         June 2021

                                                                      William Blair SICAV - Emerging                MSCI Emerging Markets IMI
                                                                           Markets Growth Fund                               (net)              Difference
    WB Quality Model (Percentile)                                                       31                                        40
    Return on Equity (%)                                                               20.9                                      15.5              35%
    Cash Flow ROIC (%)                                                                 22.7                                      19.0              20%
    Debt/Equity (%)                                                                    41.3                                      70.7             -42%
    WB Growth Model (Percentile)                                                        34                                        45
    Long-Term Growth (%)                                                               25.4                                      21.5             18%
    5-Year Historic EPS Growth (%)                                                     17.3                                      11.6             49%
    Reinvestment Rate (%)                                                              16.2                                      11.9             36%
    Earnings Trend
    WB Earnings Trend Model (Percentile)                                                50                                       56
    EPS Revision Breadth (%)                                                            2.8                                      2.2               0.6
    WB Valuation Model (Percentile)                                                     76                                        53
    P/E (next 12 months)                                                               27.2                                      14.1             93%
    Dividend Yield (%)                                                                  1.0                                      2.0              -51%
    WB Composite Model (Percentile)                                                     52                                        48
    Float Adjusted Weighted Average Market Cap ($m)                                  109,532                                    96,291            14%
    Number of Holdings                                                                 143                                      3,234
    Active Share (%)                                                                   69                                         --

Characteristics have been calculated by William Blair.

Please refer to the ‘Important Disclosures’ section of this document for further information on investment risks and returns.
Holdings                                                                                                                                          June 2021
                                           Portfolio                                           Portfolio                                           Portfolio
                                             Weight                                             Weight                                               Weight
   EM Asia                                    84.82 EM Asia (continued)                                  EM Asia (continued)
    China                                     29.14  China (continued)                                    India (continued)
      Tencent Holdings Ltd                     4.50    Topchoice Medical Corporat-A                 0.35    Balkrishna Industries Ltd                   0.33
      Alibaba Group Holding Ltd                2.10    Chongqing Zhifei Biologica-A                 0.31    Coforge Limited                             0.32
      Silergy Corp                             1.61    China Education Group Holdin                 0.27    Dr Lal Pathlabs Ltd                         0.31
      Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc                1.59    Beigene Ltd                                  0.25    Apl Apollo Tubes Ltd                        0.31
      China Merchants Bank-H                   1.44    By-Health Co Ltd-A                           0.24    Astral Ltd                                  0.31
      Netease Inc                              1.35    Kingdee International Sftwr                  0.19    Nestle India Ltd                            0.26
      Li Ning Co Ltd                           1.27  India                                         17.87    Navin Fluorine International                0.26
      Country Garden Services Hold             0.97    Reliance Industries Ltd                      1.55    Varun Beverages Ltd                         0.25
      Wuxi Apptec Co Ltd-H                     0.86    Hdfc Bank Limited                            1.45    Indraprastha Gas Ltd                        0.24
      Meituan-Class B                          0.86    Housing Development Finance                  1.12    Metropolis Healthcare Ltd                   0.24
      Contemporary Amperex Techn-A             0.85    Tata Consultancy Svcs Ltd                    0.98    Kajaria Ceramics Ltd                        0.24
      Anta Sports Products Ltd                 0.81    Asian Paints Ltd                             0.62    Voltas Ltd                                  0.24
      Jd.Com Inc - Cl A                        0.81    Srf Ltd                                      0.52    Atul Ltd                                    0.24
      Zhangzhou Pientzehuang Pha-A             0.76    Pidilite Industries Ltd                      0.50    Aarti Industries Limited                    0.23
      Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd-A                 0.75    Bajaj Finance Ltd                            0.47    Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd                0.22
      Shenzhou International Group             0.72    Upl Ltd                                      0.45    Amber Enterprises India Ltd                 0.22
      Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd-A                 0.72    Divi's Laboratories Ltd                      0.45    Jk Cement Ltd                               0.21
      Zhongsheng Group Holdings                0.65    Info Edge India Ltd                          0.44    Indiamart Intermesh Ltd                     0.21
      Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medic-A             0.64    Apollo Hospitals Enterprise                  0.42    Hdfc Life Insurance Co Ltd                  0.20
      China Tourism Group Duty F-A             0.63    Pi Industries Ltd                            0.41    Escorts Ltd                                 0.20
      Shenzhen Inovance Technolo-A             0.60    Dixon Technologies India Ltd                 0.41    Makemytrip Ltd                              0.19
      Hangzhou Tigermed Consulti-A             0.52    Tata Elxsi Ltd                               0.40    Affle India Ltd                             0.18
      China Meidong Auto Holdings              0.47    Havells India Ltd                            0.38    Reliance Industries-Partly P                0.11
      Centre Testing Intl Group-A              0.46    Laurus Labs Ltd                              0.37  Indonesia                                     1.07
      Jiumaojiu International Hold             0.43    Tata Consumer Products Ltd                   0.37    Bank Central Asia Tbk Pt                    0.69
      Aier Eye Hospital Group Co-A             0.42    Crompton Greaves Consumer El                 0.36    Bank Rakyat Indonesia Perser                0.38
      Beijing Oriental Yuhong-A                0.39    Hindustan Unilever Ltd                       0.34  South Korea                                  14.35
      Foshan Haitian Flavouring -A             0.36    Dabur India Ltd                              0.33    Samsung Electronics Co Ltd                  5.77

As of Date: 30/06/2021
Information about the Fund’s holdings should not be considered investment advice. There is no guarantee that the Fund will continue to hold any one
particular security or stay invested in any one particular sector. Holdings are subject to change at any time. Please refer to the ‘Important Disclosures’
section at the end of this document for further information on investment risks and returns.
Holdings                                                                                                                                          June 2021

                                           Portfolio                                           Portfolio                                           Portfolio
                                             Weight                                             Weight                                               Weight
   EM Asia (continued)                               EM Asia (continued)                                   Latin America                               6.84
    South Korea (continued)                           Taiwan (continued)                                    Argentina                                  1.60
      Kakao Corp                                3.10    Accton Technology Corp                      0.34      Mercadolibre Inc                         1.09
      Naver Corp                                1.67    Advantech Co Ltd                            0.32      Globant SA                               0.51
      Lg Household & Health Care                0.75    E.Sun Financial Holding Co                  0.32    Brazil                                     4.44
      Samsung Sdi Co Ltd                        0.65    Elite Material Co Ltd                       0.31      Totvs SA                                 0.55
      Ncsoft Corp                               0.41    Chroma Ate Inc                              0.29      Magazine Luiza SA                        0.54
      Hansol Chemical Co Ltd                    0.41    Hiwin Technologies Corp                     0.25      Weg SA                                   0.54
      Leeno Industrial Inc                      0.39    Asmedia Technology Inc                      0.23      Stoneco Ltd-A                            0.51
      Pi Advanced Materials Co Ltd              0.29    Poya International Co Ltd                   0.16      B3 Sa-Brasil Bolsa Balcao                0.49
      Wonik Ips Co Ltd                          0.29  Thailand                                      1.46      Raia Drogasil SA                         0.45
      Nice Information Service Co               0.24    Sea Ltd-Adr                                 1.19      Localiza Rent A Car                      0.44
      Koh Young Technology Inc                  0.21    Com7 Pcl-F                                  0.27      Locaweb Servicos De Internet             0.37
      Jyp Entertainment Corp                    0.18  Vietnam                                       0.86      Patria Investments Ltd-A                 0.29
    Taiwan                                     20.06    Hoa Phat Group Jsc                          0.86      Vinci Partners Investments-A             0.27
      Taiwan Semiconductor-Sp Adr               6.04 EMEA                                           6.99    Mexico                                     0.48
      Mediatek Inc                              3.23  Kenya                                         0.27      Walmart De Mexico Sab De Cv              0.48
      Taiwan Semiconductor Manufac              1.80    Safaricom PLC                               0.27    Uruguay                                    0.32
      Airtac International Group                1.10  Poland                                        1.33      Dlocal Ltd/Uruguay                       0.32
      Chailease Holding Co Ltd                  0.72    Dino Polska SA                              0.54   Cash                                        1.36
      Realtek Semiconductor Corp                0.69    Allegro.Eu SA                               0.48   Total                                     100.00
      Aspeed Technology Inc                     0.68    Inpost SA                                   0.31
      Parade Technologies Ltd                   0.59  Russia                                        3.16
      Momo.Com Inc                              0.56    Yandex Nv-A                                 1.44
      Voltronic Power Technology                0.47    Tcs Group Holding-Gdr Reg S                 1.38
      Ememory Technology Inc                    0.45    Ozon Holdings Plc - Adr                     0.34
      Sinbon Electronics Co Ltd                 0.43  South Africa                                  2.23
      Wiwynn Corp                               0.38    Naspers Ltd-N Shs                           0.99
      Globalwafers Co Ltd                       0.35    Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd                   0.92
      Lotes Co Ltd                              0.35    Clicks Group Ltd                            0.31

As of Date: 30/06/2021
Information about the Fund’s holdings should not be considered investment advice. There is no guarantee that the Fund will continue to hold any one
particular security or stay invested in any one particular sector. Holdings are subject to change at any time. Please refer to the ‘Important Disclosures’
section at the end of this document for further information on investment risks and returns.
Important Disclosures


Recipients of this document should be aware of the risks detailed in this paragraph. Please be advised that any return estimates or
indications of past performance on this document are for information purposes only. Both past performance and yield may not be a
reliable guide to future performance. The value of investments and income from them may fall as well as rise and investors may not get
back the full amount invested. The value of shares and any income from them can increase or decrease. An investor may not get back the
amount originally invested. Where investment is made in currencies other than the investor's base currency, the value of those
investments, and any income from them, will be affected by movements in exchange rates. This effect could be unfavourable as well as
favourable. Levels and bases for taxation may change.

Specific securities identified and described to do not represent all of the securities purchased or sold and you should not assume that
investments in the securities identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Holdings are subject to change at any time. References to
specific securities and their issuers are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended and should not be interpreted as investment
advice, offer or a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security or product.

Any discussion of particular topics is not meant to be complete, accurate, comprehensive or up-to-date and may be subject to change.
Factual information has been taken from sources we believe to be reliable, but its accuracy, completeness or interpretation cannot be
guaranteed. Information and opinions expressed are those of the author and may not reflect the opinions of other investment teams
within William Blair. Information is current as of the date appearing in this material only and subject to change without notice.

Further specific risks may arise in relation to specific investments and you should review the risk factors very carefully before investing.
Intended risk profile of the Fund may change overtime. The Fund is designed for long-term investors. The most current month-end
performance information is available on sicav.williamblair.com.


The SICAV has appointed FUNDROCK MANAGEMENT COMPANY S.A., a "société anonyme" incorporated under the laws of the Grand
Duchy of Luxembourg and having its registered office at 33, rue de Gasperich, L-5826 Hesperange as its management company (the
"Management Company").The Management Company is authorised and regulated by the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority of the
Financial Sector (the "CSSF") as the management company of UCITS (defined below) under the EU directive 2009/65/EC, as amended.
Important Disclosures
The Management Company has been appointed as the management company of WILLIAM BLAIR SICAV, a "société d'investissement á
capital variable", incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg having its registered office at 31, Z.A.I. Bourmicht,
Bertrange, registered in the R.C.S. Luxembourg under n° 98806 and approved by the CSSF as an undertaking for collective investment in
transferable securities (UCITS) in accordance with the EU directive 2009/65/EC, as amended (the "Fund").

The Management Company has appointed WILLIAM BLAIR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC, having its registered office at 150 North
Riverside Plaza Chicago, IL 60606-1598, USA ("William Blair Group") as the investment manager for the Fund (the "Investment

The Articles of Incorporation, the Prospectus, the Key Investor Information Documents (KIID), the Annual and Half-yearly Reports of the
Fund and the Subscription Form are available free of charge in English and German from our website SICAV.williamblair.com or at the
registered office of the Management Company (33, rue de Gasperich, L-5826 Hesperange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg), at the registered
office of the Fund (William Blair SICAV, 31, Z.A. Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) or from the Swiss
representative, First Independent Fund Services Limited, Klausstrasse 33, CH-8008 Zurich, and in German language at Marcard, Stein &
Co., Ballindamm 36, 20095 Hamburg, Germany, and at Bank of Austria Creditanstalt AG, Am Hof 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria.

This is a marketing document and does not contain personalized recommendations or investment advice. Recipients of this document
should make their own investment decisions based upon the Fund Documents listed above (which can be obtained free of charge) and in
accordance with their own financial objectives and financial resources and, if in any doubt, should seek advice from independent
professional advice as to risks and consequences of any investment.

William Blair makes no representations that this document or any contents contained on it are appropriate or available for use in any
jurisdiction. This information is not intended to be published or made available to any person in any jurisdiction where doing so would
result in contravention of any laws or regulations applicable to the user. The SICAV Fund is currently registered for marketing in: Austria,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. Therefore the
SICAV Fund is either not registered to be marketed in your jurisdiction or may only be marketed or offered to professional investors in
your jurisdiction.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, William Blair will accept no liability for any direct or consequential loss, damages, costs or
prejudices whatsoever arising from the use of this document or its contents.

Copyright © 2021 William Blair. "William Blair" refers to William Blair & Company, L.L.C., William Blair Investment Management, LLC,
and affiliates. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written
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