Will Seinfeld Shed A Tear? - In this issue - Harwood Financial Group

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Will Seinfeld Shed A Tear? - In this issue - Harwood Financial Group
In this issue

Will Seinfeld Shed A Tear?
Wild trading stories are all over the news. Stocks of bankrupt companies are
surging higher, and others with no product to sell are worth as much as
established institutions. What’s going on?

June 19, 2020

Keeping The Reservation                           This is really strange because companies
                                                  file for bankruptcy when they can no longer
Having been a frequent flyer for over two
                                                  service their debts. The courts then assist
decades, the best advice I can offer is to
                                                  with the liquidation of assets to pay back
never rent a car unless you absolutely must.
                                                  creditors. There is rarely anything left after
The added time, hidden fees, and near
                                                  bond holders get paid back, so equity
certainty that the vehicle selected will not be
                                                  almost always goes to zero.
there upon arrival make the entire process
infuriating (the immortal genius of Seinfeld      The story officially turned ridiculous last
is the only supporting evidence needed:           week when Hertz announced plans to sell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T2G              more of its stock to the public (since their
mGSNvaM).                                         stock surged) and use the proceeds to pay
                                                  back creditors. In my entire career, I’ve
Therefore, when Hertz Rental Car filed for
                                                  never seen a move this bold from a
bankruptcy protection on May 22nd, it’s
                                                  company in this much distress.
hard to say that I was surprised. Hertz also
had around $19 billion in debt (that’s a lot)     The amount of cash that could have been
and roughly 700,000 cars (that’s insane).         raised from this stock offering was nowhere
Those cars were the collateral for the debt,      close to enough to get them out of the hole.
so when used car prices began to plummet          Meaning, anyone buying the new stock
in April, the company had to post more            would most likely see their investment go to
collateral (cash). But they didn’t have it        zero. Hertz even admitted in its prospectus
because people stopped traveling.                 that the investors could get wiped out in the
So far, nothing too weird here. A company
in an industry disliked almost as much as         The publicity and subsequent inquiry from
phone    and    cable   back    in   the   day    the Securities and Exchange Commission
(https://vimeo.com/355556831) took on             (SEC) convinced management to scrap the
too much debt, and an exogenous force             plan a week later. But the fact that it got as
drove it into bankruptcy (pun intended). This     far as it did is truly spectacular.
happens a lot during economic downturns.
                                                  This was not an isolated event either.
The story starts to get interesting four days     Chesapeake Energy and J.C. Penny are
later. Between May 26 and June 8, Hertz’s         both on the brink of bankruptcy, yet their
stock exploded in price from 56 cents per         stocks also surged periodically over the last
share to $5.53 per share - a jaw dropping         two weeks. The obvious question then is
rise of nearly 10 times1.                         who has been buying stocks that have
                                                  virtually no shot of rebounding.
What’s In A Name?                                Ford. That’s pretty amazing, but what
                                                 transforms    this   story   into   borderline
Nikola Tesla was a brilliant engineer and
                                                 unbelievable is that they have yet to
scientist     known    for   designing     the
                                                 produce a vehicle. This paradox also begs
alternating-current (AC) electric system,
                                                 the question of who is buying.
which is the predominant electrical system
used across the world today. Tesla, now the      Who’s buying?
most valuable car company in the     world2,
                                                 For all intents and purposes, there are two
is named after him.
                                                 classifications for investors. The first is
There is a lesser-known electric vehicle         professionals. They go to school to study
company called Nikola (also named after          finance and economics, and they have
Nikola Tesla). This company focuses on           spent years understanding the intricacies of
battery and hydrogen powered commercial          financial markets and asset pricing. They
trucks, and they recently went public on         tend to manage significant assets and are
June   3rd   (through an unusual manner that     often referred to as “institutional investors.”
is out of the scope of this discussion).
                                                 The second group of investors is everyone
Despite being publicly traded for less than      else. This cohort is a blend of experience
three weeks, the chart below shows that          and skill, but the one commonality is that
Nikola is now worth almost as much as            they do not manage money for a living. The

industry refers to these investors as “retail,”                              bubble. Stories of companies with no
due to the smaller size of capital they invest.                              revenue and stratospheric valuations don’t
                                                                             often end well.
The irony of investing is that being a
professional does not guarantee better                                       Furthermore, most institutions have strict
returns     over       time.     I’ve     met      countless                 guidelines around buying stock of a firm in
individuals that patiently invested in index                                 bankruptcy and/or a newly issued stock
funds that have outperformed professionals                                   with no product on the market. If these big
with Ivy League degrees. Hence, the term                                     money managers break their risk controls,
“retail” is by no means a derogatory one.                                    they could be held liable for losses, so
It’s just meant to delineate the large                                       these rules are rarely broken.
institutions from everyone else.
                                                                             Since professionals are probably not the
But professionals do tend to be more skilled                                 ones trading these stocks, let’s look to
at     assessing             risk.       For        example,                 some of the recent trends on the retail side.
professionals probably were not buying
                                                                             Robinhood is a trading app for smart
Hertz after it filed for bankruptcy. The chart
                                                                             phones that targets younger traders. They
below depicts what most professionals
                                                                             were the first to offer free trading, and they
already      know        –     stocks       of    distressed
                                                                             are closely watched in the industry because
companies (based on their bond price)
                                                                             they offer unique insight into retail trading.
almost never recover.
                                                                             They had a staggering 3 million new
Professional investors also likely remember                                  accounts open in the first quarter of 2020.
or have read extensively about the dot-com                                   That’s nearly double the 1.58 million new

Source: Verdad bond database. Data for USD corporate high-yield and investment-grade bonds 12/31/96 – 5/30/20. Uses average bond price for
unsecured bonds, secured bonds if no unsecured bonds, and subordinated bonds if no secured or unsecured bonds.

account openings for Charles Schwab, TD            stock market since, and the Pavlovian
Ameritrade, and E-Trade combined3.                 response to “buy the dip” is engrained in
                                                   their psyche. They are afraid of missing out
Add up all of these accounts, and it appears
                                                   on the next Tesla because they feel they
that several new retail traders entered the
                                                   missed out on Tesla. It’s only human nature.
stock market this year. But why now?
                                                   Another theory that has gained some
The Bottom Line                                    traction is that it’s a pivot from sports betting.
Blaise Pascal was a brilliant seventeenth          Apparently,     the    demographics        of   a
century   mathematician     and     philosopher    Robinhood customer are similar to that of a
who famously once said:                            sports bettor (men aged 25-34)4. Since live
                                                   sports aren’t happening right now, the
    “All of human unhappiness comes
                                                   demand to gamble may have moved to the
    from a single thing - Not knowing how
                                                   stock market.
    to remain at rest in a room.”
                                                   If any of these explanations are correct, then
In my opinion, Pascal nailed this one.
                                                   Godspeed. All the best to those who have
People are just bored. They haven’t been
                                                   the courage to throw caution to the wind
able to go out to eat, travel, or socialize.
                                                   and treat the stock market like a casino. Just
That was mostly illegal until recently, so
                                                   remember that when a venue gets treated
many have been sitting at home with an
                                                   like a casino, the outcome tends to look like
empty Netflix queue and no sports to watch
                                                   a casino too (play long enough and you’ll
(more on this shortly). Those that crave
                                                   most likely lose).
action haven’t had it for some time, and
boredom can lead to destructive behavior.          Lastly, don’t confuse any of this with what’s
                                                   behind the broader stock market rally.
The stock market is perfect to scratch this
                                                   These stories represent a microcosm of
itch. It’s fast-paced, there are dedicated
                                                   overall trading, and while retail investors do
news channels that follow its every move,
                                                   have a collective impact, there is simply no
and best of all, it’s easy to play. Thanks to
                                                   way the $20 trillion U.S. stock market could
companies like Robinhood, all you need is
                                                   rise the way it has since late March without
a cell phone and a bank account.
                                                   the support of institutional investors.
There are other theories floating around that
                                                   The bottom line is that we are just now
try to explain this surge in retail trading. One
                                                   beginning       to    see    the     unintended
is the fear of missing out (FOMO). So many
                                                   consequences of forcing people to stay
people remember what happened after the
                                                   home for months. It’s likely that all of these
financial crisis and every correction in the

factors are fueling this most recent surge in                  expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the
                                                               authors as of the date of publication and are subject
retail trading.
                                                               to change. Securities investing involves risk, including
Sincerely,                                                     the potential for loss of principal. There is no
                                                               guarantee that any investment plan or strategy will be
                                                               successful.   The   foregoing   content   reflects   the
                                                               opinions of Harwood Financial Group and is subject
                                                               to change at any time without notice. Content
                                                               provided herein is for informational purposes only and
                                                               should not be used or construed as investment
Mike Sorrentino, CFA                                           advice or a recommendation regarding the purchase
                                                               or sale of any security. There is no guarantee that the
Chief Investment Officer                                       statements, opinions or forecasts provided herein will
                                                               prove to be correct. Past performance may not be
                                                               indicative of future results. Indices are not available
                                                               for direct investment. Any investor who attempts to
                                                               mimic the performance of an index would incur fees
1 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/06/bankrupt-hertz-      and expenses which would reduce returns.

2 https://www.visualcapitalist.com/tesla-is-now-the-worlds-

3 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/12/young-investors-pile-

4 https://netinterest.substack.com/p/the-stock-market-as-

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