WhyGive? - Reaching the greatest potential - Epiphany

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WhyGive? - Reaching the greatest potential - Epiphany

Reaching the greatest potential.

                   The Epiphany School Foundation   | Annual Review 2016-2017
WhyGive? - Reaching the greatest potential - Epiphany
    FROM THE CHAIR                   | Kevin Greaney

    Dear Families and Friends,

    Thank you for your support in making Epiphany one of New York
    City’s top Catholic Schools. Established in 1999, The Epiphany School
    Foundation was created to enrich the educational experience of every
    Epiphany student. Through your kindness and generosity, our mission

    remains strong while keeping our tuition at an affordable level.
    Your gifts enhance the academic programs at Epiphany, creating a
    unique, diverse and spiritual learning environment that enables our
    students to reach their full potential.

                                                      Through annual giving and special
                                                      events, we raise approximately one       Why It’s
                                                      million dollars each year for the
                                                      enrichment of technology in our
                                                      classrooms including the use of iPads,

                                                                                               to Give 
                                                      laptops and RealTouch Interactive
                                                      LCD Displays. We also provide
                                                      funding for enhanced language,
                                                      wellness, science, art, and music
                                                      programs, tuition assistance for
                                                      current students, as well as funding
                                                      for teacher assistants in the Lower
                                                      School and supplemental funding for      Support for The Foundation fuels the
                                                      professional development. I extend       mission of the school: to provide an
                                                      my sincere gratitude to our donors       educational environment that inspires
                                                      for making this possible.                academic achievement, fosters spiritual
    I am proud to report that 82% of current families contributed to the                       growth, and celebrates the individual.

    Annual Fund during the 2016-2017 school year, funding our many
    educational programs and services that are not covered by tuition. This
    year, that amounts to over $1,500 per student. It is of great importance
    that we reach our Annual Fund goals so that The Foundation can
    continue to offer Epiphany children what they need to excel in the
                                                                                                         Fill the
    classroom. Please consider making a gift to The Annual Fund this year,                               Gap
    which closes on June 30, 2018. All gifts to The Annual Fund are fully
    tax-deductible and are eligible to be matched by corporations.                             The Annual Fund provides funding for many
                                                                                               programs and services that benefit students and
    We need your help to continue to build upon our success, and it is a
                                                                                               are not covered by tuition. Only 83% of the cost
    very exciting time to get involved with The Foundation. We host many
                                                                                               of educating each Epiphany student every year is
    events throughout the year including our Walk & Fall Festival, Alumni
                                                                                               covered by tuition, which amounts to over $1,500
    Hall of Fame, Christmas Car Raffle, Spring Auction and Golf Outing.
                                                                                               per child. By filling the gap, The Foundation can
    I strongly encourage you to participate in at least one of these activities
                                                                                               continue to offer Epiphany students what they
    and experience for yourself the difference you can make by donating                        need to excel in the classroom.
    your time and giving back to Epiphany.

                                                                                                   83            %
    This year marks 128 years since The Epiphany School opened its doors
    and I thank you for helping us continue our tradition of excellence.
    I wish you and your families a happy and healthy 2018!
    Sincerely,                                                                                      by tuition           $   1,500+
                                                                                                                             per student
                                                                                                                              not covered
                                                                                                                               by tuition

    Kevin G. Greaney, KM
    Chairman, Board of Trustees

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             The                                                                                                  The following Epiphany faculty are
             Epiphany                                                                                             celebrating milestone anniversaries:

             Value                                                                                                40 YEARS

With an average tuition rate of $9,000,
Epiphany offers its families a tremendous value                                                                                         James L. Hayes
when compared to other similar programs
where tuition is now $45,000 per year.

Through your generosity, we are able to
keep the tuition affordable for everyone                                                                          25 YEARS
enrolled at the school.

10 Years of           2 Years of                               Digital                                                                  Liz Emma
Epiphany School
Education Cost
                      Private School
                      Education Cost
                                                  RealTouch Interactive LCD Displays in every
                                                  classroom are just the beginning of digital readiness           20 YEARS
                                                  at Epiphany. We offer a full 1:1 iPad program for
                                                  all students in grades 2–8, a 1:2 iPad program in
                                                  Kindergarten and First grades and iPad Centers                                        Beth Ann Janis

                                                  in Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten. Students have
                                                  access to 60 MacBooks and 30 Chromebooks in
                                                  our Upper School Computer Lab and Lower School
             Enhance                              students have access to 30 Chromebooks. Through
                                                                                                                                        Eileen McLoughlin
                                                  online learning programs such as IXL and Reading
             Programs                             A-Z, teachers are able to assign and monitor unique
                                                  programs that best meet each student’s needs.
Your support enables The Foundation
                                                                                                                  15 YEARS
to enhance our educational programs in
the areas of technology, foreign language,
science, wellness, music and art. We also
                                                                                                                                        Deidre Barry
provide funding for teacher assistants in
the Lower School, supplemental funding
for staff professional development, and
tuition assistance for faculty pursuing
advanced degrees.                                                                                                                       Regina Fitzgerald

  Foreign Language
  Science                                                                                                                               Jean McClesky
  Art                                                          Opportunity                                        10 YEARS
                                                  Gifts to The Foundation make it possible for
                                                  us to establish endowed funds that provide
                                                  long-term support. Our funding allows us to offer                                     Megan Grant
                                                  financial aid to both new and current families
                                                  in need. The unique academic programming
                                                  and intimate school community at Epiphany
                                                  attracts a diverse student population, proudly
                                                                                                                                        Joan Silhan
                                                  representing over 40 different zip codes from
                                                  New York and New Jersey.

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Total Support |              2016-2017

This Annual Review acknowledges                                                 The Wilson Liptrot Family
                                                                                William Maher
                                                                                                                   The Sterling Berger Family
                                                                                                                   The Thomas and Barbara Sullivan
                                                                                                                                                      The School Sisters of Notre Dame
                                                                                                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. O'Dell
all donations made to The Foundation                                            The Male Family                      Foundation                       Suzanne Olson
                                                                                Mrs. Donna Malewich                The Taylor Family                  Orion Diner and Grill
by families, alumni and friends in order                                        Cristina C. and Pedro Mateo        The Transom Family                 The Palumbo Family
                                                                                Candice and Roy McInnis            Paul Vercesi '53                   The Passalacqua Family
to enhance our students’ education at                                           John Mitacek                       The Warshaw Hardware Store         Kate and Peter Patton
The Epiphany School.                                                            Peggy and Helen O'Dea
                                                                                Alissa and John O'Hea
                                                                                                                   The Woodall Family                 Kathleen O'Keefe and James Pharo
                                                                                                                                                      John T. Rafferty
                                                                                The Perrotta Family                Sponsors                           The Ramirez Family
Fellows                                  The Leykam Family                      The Rapillo Family                 $250 and over                      Sara and Todd Ravin
$10,000 and over                         The Mack Family                        Natalie and John Reilly            Anonymous (2)                      The Resta Family
Paul Bowden and Ryan McNally             Kristin and Peter Madden               Gabriel Rivera and Family          The Addison Family                 Julie L. and Thomas G. Rice
The Castle Family                        Kristian Magel and Courtnay Crivits    The Sabados Family                 Peter DeLuca —                     The Riordan Family
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation        Caroline and Edward Maher              The Sullivan Family                  Andrett Funeral Home             The Ryan Family
John P. and Constance A. Curran          The Manna Family                       Felicia and Chris Tanoff           Helen Gomez and Chris Andrews      The Shibata Family
  Charitable Foundation                  The W. McHugh Family                   Christine Tansey                   Eileen and Joe Arcuri              Simons Hardware
Donna and Drew Doscher '83               The Mullen Family                      The Theodos Family                 Drs. Michael and Evelyn Baran      The Thompson Family
Amy Scheibe and Brian Flynn              Lauren Massey and Curt Nadeau          Michael Tierney '65                The Barbosa Family                 Eileen T. Tierney
The Graham Family Charitable             The Oliver Family                      Regina and Laurence Watson         Barrow Street Ale House            The Turetsky Family
  Foundation                             The Rodgers Family                     Christina and Joe White            Janis E. Blakeslee                 Deborah Woodall-Gravens
Kayco Construction Corporation           Jo-Ann Latkowski, M.D. and             The Zazzera Family                 Catie F. Brennan                   Alison Browne and Kwadjo Wordie
The Labbe Family                           Matthew J. Ross                                                         Brennan Family Foundation          The Yang Family
The Muzaurieta Family                    Dr. and Mrs. Marc Sclafani             Benefactors                        Susan Gould and Patrick Brennan
Svitlana and Steven Salvesen             Amy Robach and Andrew Shue             $500 and over                      Dr. and Mrs. John Buonasera        Supporters
The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund        StuyTown Property Services             Anonymous (1)                      Yayun and Tom Cahill               $100 and over
The Walsh Family                                                                The Asaro Family                   Richard '71 and Alva Capuano '72   Anonymous (3)
Walkathon Supporters                     Partners                               The Keller Barsoli Family          The Carey Family                   Alexander Sales, Inc.
                                         $1,000 and over                        Nancy Boyd                         Donna Chen and Family              Janine and Roger Ancona
President's Circle                       Anonymous (3)                          The Brangan Family                 Catherine Cheney                   George Arzt Communications, Inc.
$5,000 and over                          Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Antol              The Browne Supply Company, LLC     Karen Choueiri                     Maureen and Dave Ayres
Anonymous (1)                            Kenneth Beitler and Jyunko Naito       The Campbell Family                Lauraine F. Avallone and           Linda Wayner and Mark Baker
The Annunziata Family                    John and Maria Bettex                  Mr. Pasquale Capuano '47             Stephen Clevett                  Theresa and Robert Barclay
The Banerjee Family                      The Bettigole Family                   Lindsay and John Carr              Rachel and Bill Cook               Rosemary Bell
Barbara and Bob Benya '73                Attila Boydak and Mary Fedor           Margaret Crotty '86                Robert E. Copps and                The Bissell Family
The Borrelli Family                      Jennifer and Martin Breslin            Jane and Michael Darcy               Sharon E. Sieber                 Ellen and Charles Bock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brennan          The Carter Family                      Deirdre M. Davis                   The D'Aiuto Family                 Mr. Scott Bondi
Christine and Con Gallagher              Joe Edward Cecala                      Bridget Austin and Raj Denhoy      Lena and Kishin J. Datwani         Jeffrey Boodoo and Michelle Natarajan
Jessica and Kevin Greaney                Jane Campbell and John Connor          Marianne and Richard Dorado        Maureen and Raymond Dee            Marissa and Matt Boss
The Sheila Aimette and                   The Contessa Family                    Expedia Cruise Centers             The Di Bari Family                 Jeremy Brandrick and Adam Morris
  Markus Hoecherl Family                 Lynnette and William Cooke             Pamela and Scott Felenstein        Sandra Dunn                        Faune and Jeffrey Brooks
The Ivanac Family                        Karen and William Cooney               The Fitzsimmons Family             The Erismann Family                The Brooks Family
Catherine Coluzzi and                    Catherine and John Crotty '82          Colleen and John Flores            The Ferronato Gentile Family       Daniel P. Butler
  Robert Jacob, Jr.                      Jane and Paul Crotty                   Catherine Galvin-Muti              The Fleischer Family               The Byrne Family
Vidhya and Robert Kelly                  Franciscus Diaba and Family            Frank Gargiulo and Son, Inc.       The Galichon Family                The Cabuang Family
The Kim Family                           Sandy and Bob DiChiara                 The Gramling Family                Mr. and Mrs. James J. Galleshaw    Ann and John Caggiano
The McCartin Family                      Joe and Stella D'Orio                  Rosemary Nurse and Kyle Harris     Gannon Funeral Home                Lorraine and Alannah Callan
Kate and Brian McMahon                   East Side Endoscopy, LLC               The Hawkes Family                  Andrea Duggan and Paul Gardner     The Capellino-Bozzo Family
Stephen Paluszek                         The Church of The Epiphany             Mary Jane '80 and Tim Higgins      Joan and Richard Gargiulo          The Caradonna Family
Donna Pylyp and David Petrie             The Ettin Family                       Nisa and Jonathan Hsu              Gilbert Giannini '67               The Cariaso Family
The Pezeu Family                         Alison Sturm '88 and Paul Favale '88   Ameya Satish Joshi                 Chloe Collie Giles and Family      John Ciongoli
The Family of Dylan Phillips             Lynn Krohm and Fritz Favorule          The Keane Family                   The Honorable Saliann Scarpulla    Juin and James Cohen
AJ Pino, Jr. '82                         Sonaly Aditya and Raul Ferrer          The LaGuardia Family                 and Mr. Paul Gillow              Charles S. Craig
Sejal and Joe Redington                  Maureen and Christopher Flynn          Wayne and Elizabeth Landau '79     Eileen and Patrick Grasso          Tracy and Ray Curley
Donna McCabe and Michael Regan           Paul and Kristina Fox                  Gina and Michael Liotti            The Greenwood Family               The Curran Family
Aleona and Felix Sencion                 The French Family                      The Litton Family                  The Grillo Family                  Peter Deering
                                         The Ganatra Family                     Tara and Robert N. Lynn            The Hanna Family                   Mr. and Mrs. Dingli
Patrons                                  Kristi and Jim Gannon                  Donna Jones and Nicholas Marfino   The Incitti Family                 The Downey Family
$2,500 and over                          Dr. Eileen McAleer and                 The Marsh Family                   Michelle and Gilbert Ines          Adria A. Elskus
Anonymous (1)                              Mr. Arthur Gorman                    McAdam Buy Rite                    Lois Jackson, DDS                  Virginia and Joseph Engels
Christiane and Chad Anderson             The Grayson Family                     The McAnaney Family                Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones         Epiphany Family Association
The Audit Family                         Kathy and Michael Gregg                Jay McAvoy                         Maggie Kelly                       Ryan Ericson and
Catherine Canino                         The Heidbreder Family                  The Munshi Family                  Mr. and Mrs. Loreto Kudera           Cristina Moreno de los Rios
Nicole and Michael Capella               iN DEMAND                              The Naughton Family                Clarence Kwei                      Katherine Fallon
Joanna Griner and James Cawley           Rica and Jay Javellana                 Janny and Michael Nealy '69        The Lai Family                     Denise Favorule
The Codd Family                          The Joye Family                        Noreen Clark-Necina                The Lam Family                     Marianne and David Feldman
The Dowd Family                          The Keefe Family                       The O'Reilly Family                Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lane          Mrs. Alice Ferrara
Agnes Gund                               Margaret and Alfred Kelly              The Pagano Family                  The Larucci Family                 Mary Jean and Hank Fitzpatrick
Anne Duffell and James L. Hayes          The Kinsella Family                    The Parniawski Family              Kendra Stensven and                Michael Ford '59
Courtney and Lung Huang                  The Larson Family                      Kristin G. Shea '78 and              Jeff MacDonagh                   The Frechette Family
The Kartholl Family                      Timothy and Mary Anne Leahy              Edward M. Pinter                 Eileen and John McCarthy           Mary and Danny Fried
                                                                                The Puchert Family                 The McCormack Family               Denise and Matthew Fulham '68
                                                                                Pushcart Coffee                    Carol and Jim McEvoy               Chris and Patti Gallagher
    MATCHING GIFTS                                                              Stan Raffa                         Peter '93 and Kate McHugh '93      Catherine and Michael Garvey
                                                                                Bharti and Kamal Ramani            Pierre Michel Salon                Fran and Joe Garvin
    Check with Human Resources at your company to
                                                                                Vivian Young and Mark Rasimas      The Callan/Milian Family           Louise and Michael Geddes
    see if they have a Matching Gift Program. It can often                      The Rathbone Family                The Minardo Family                 The Gillespie Family
    double or triple your donation. Matching Gifts can                          The Roache Family                  Lisa and Shane Molloy              Noreen and Marc Gillespie
    go a long way in helping to increase your support of                        The Rousseau Family                Matthew Morningstar and            Katie Glover
    The Epiphany School.                                                        Crystal A. Simpson                   Alan van Capelle                 Beth and Bill Goetz
                                                                                The Spector Family                 Notre Dame School of Manhattan     Kristen and Eric Greaser

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Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Rodriguez     The Incitti Family                     Honorarium Gifts
   THE 1888 SOCIETY                                                     Irene Rodriguez                      The Janis Family                       Catherine Canino
                                                                        Martha and Valentine Rosa            Caitlin Wheeler Kauke '97              In Honor of Luca Canino Bagliani
     Leave a legacy and love The Epiphany School forever                Nadine and Michael Rosenberg         Linda and William Krouslis
     with a bequest. When you create or revise your estate              Jonathan and Maureen Rozanski '98    Louise and Don Murray                  Matt Warshaw
     plan, consider including The Foundation among your                 Joseph Samet                         Christina and George Pelletier         In Honor of Bob Benya '73
     beneficiaries. Please call The Foundation Office for                 The Sandri Family                    Kathleen O'Keefe and James Pharo
     more information.                                                  The Sauer Family                     Jason C. Sanchez                       Cornelia McCreery
                                                                        Henry Schaeffer '12                  Solomon Schecter School                In Honor of David Butler
                                                                        Angela and Michael Sclafani            of Manhattan
Michael Gregg, III '18              Jackie Baker '18                    Kilian Scott '18                     Elizabeth Shamahs                      Lorraine and Alannah Callan
Josh Grotstein                      Ms. Kaitlin Barry                   Elizabeth Shamahs                    Robert D. Shumaker                     In Honor of Maureen Callan
The Hapij Family                    Jared and Lesley Bennici            Robert D. Shumaker                   Rose Soroka
Katie Hennessy                      Susan Bilotta                       Peggy Boulos and Alex Smith          Diane Facinelli and Robert Vaccaro     Anonymous
The Hilaire Family                  Lina Mati and Patrick Bolececk      Solomon Schecter School              Deborah Woodall-Gravens                In Honor of Ms. Danielle Cappolla
The Janis Family                    Colleen Morrissey and Stephen Broer   of Manhattan                       Maria and Chris Zanelli
Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings       The Cain Family                     The Stuebe Family                                                           Deirdre M. Davis
Arnold N. Kriss                     Dana Capuano                        Regina and Michael Sydor             In Memory of Scott Fleischer           In Honor of Lindsay Davis Carr
Deborah and Michael Larson          The Carroll Family                  Frances E. Trachter                  The Fleischer Family
Christine and Jerry Letter          Kerry Chesterton                    The Tracy Family                                                            Joanna Griner and James Cawley
The Lipani Family                   Sena and Kristine Chin              Vincent J. Truncali '57              In Memory of Patricia Ford
                                                                                                                                                    In Honor of the Class of 2017
The Marcell Family                  Mrs. Albernaz Cioglia               The Vella Family                     Michael Ford '59
The Martynov Family                 Abby Cohn                           Barbara and Michael Walsh                                                   The Sabados Family
                                                                                                             In Memory of Bobby Fulham
The Mattiello Family                Sumi and Jeffrey Collins            Jessica and Chris Wood                                                      In Honor of John Emanuel,
                                                                                                             Tracy and Ray Curley
Brenda and Michael Maxworthy        The Conlon Family                                                                                                 Kiernan LaGuardia and Kate McHugh
                                                                                                             Marianne and David Feldman
Cornelia McCreery                   Gerald Crotty                       Grants
                                                                                                             Janny and Michael Nealy '69
Bridgett and Phil McManus           Viktoria Dallendorfer               Credit Suisse Americas Foundation                                           Eileen and Patrick Grasso
                                                                                                             Barbara and Michael Walsh
The Medic Family                    Joan and Ben Daly                   John P. and Constance A. Curran                                             In Honor of Fritz Favorule
Richard Melesky                     The DaSilva Family                    Charitable Foundation              In Memory of Harry and Josie Lynch
Edwin Mendez-Santiago               Denise Dee                          The Graham Family Charitable         Mr. and Mrs. James J. Galleshaw        The Leykam Family
Jim and Kanako Mirenda              Caroline and Joseph Diaco             Foundation                                                                In Honor of Evelyn Phair Finn
Tori and Stephen Mondelli           Nancy J. Duncan                     The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund    In Memory of Jeanne R. Maher           In Honor of Elizabeth Fredericks
Pamela Morrisroe                    Thomas Dwyer                                                             William Maher
Samantha Mule´                      Sofia Elder '18                     Corporations/Matching Gifts                                                 Amy Scheibe and Brian Flynn
Elizabeth Mulholland                The Ermelindo Family                Alliance Bernstein Foundation Fund   In Memory of William Necina            In Honor of JP Flynn
Kim and Jerry Mullaney              The Espinosa Family                 Bank of New York                     Jean and Jerry Ambrose
Regan Murphy '99                    The Folan Family                    Barclays Capital                     Ellen and Charles Bock                 The Brennan Family Foundation
Christine and Michael Murray        Yolanda and Daryl Fordham           Benjamin Moore & Company             Nancy Boyd                             In Honor of Erin Brennan Gutelius
James Nguyen                        Rose and John Gallagher             BlackRock                            John Ciongoli
Lucas Nguyen                        The Gillooly Family                 Coach, Inc.                          Juin and James Cohen                   Jane Campbell and John Connor
Kathleen O'Connell                  The Glover Family                   Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation    Abby Cohn                              In Honor of Alana Jones
The Osowiecki Family                Rachel Goddard '02                  Goldman Sachs                        Robert E. Copps and Sharon E. Sieber
The Pesola Family                   Sarah Gudis                         Home Box Office                      Viktoria Dallendorfer                  Margaret Tate
Anna Petrosyan                      Alicia Hinojosa                     Moody's Foundation                   Nancy J. Duncan                        In Honor of Mairead & Nolan LaGuardia
Eileen Pino                         The Isleib Family                   New York Life Foundation             The Ferronato Gentile Family
Alison and Carl Ravin               Caitlyn Flynn Israel '18            One Beacon Charitable Trust          Agnes Gund                             Anonymous
The Keane Richardson Family         Sofia Jackson                       The Pfizer Foundation                The Hapij Family                       In Honor of Rosemary Nurse
Ashleigh Roscishewska               Ann Jacob '15                       SMBC Global Foundation, Inc.         The Male Family
Jason C. Sanchez                    Liza Jacob                          SunTrust Foundation                  Lindsay M. Maas                        Lucas Nguyen
Aileen and Peter Schruth            Kelly Janis '06                     TE Connectivity                      Pierre Michel Salon                    In Honor of "Pete" Peterson
Shirley Lee and Michael Scott       The Kalbacher Family                Thomson Reuters                      Pamela Morrisroe
The Serrano Family                  Caitlin Wheeler Kauke '97           Tullet Prebon Holdings, Inc.         The Ramirez Family                     Virginia and Joseph Engels
The Setounski Family                Molly Evans and Emre Kavlakoglu     UBS                                  Julie L. and Thomas G. Rice            Beth and Bill Goetz
The Shimaitis Family                The Tusa/Kilarjian Family                                                Nadine and Michael Rosenberg           Dawn and John Well
JL Simms                            Nuala Mellett and Richard Kingston Memorial Gifts                        Joseph Samet                           In Honor of Gilbert Santaliz '67
Jane and Barry Smith                Thomas James Knauss                 In Memory of Ezekiel Micah Cabuang   Regina and Michael Sydor
Rose Soroka                         Linda and William Krouslis          The Cabuang Family                   Frances E. Trachter                    Jane and Barry Smith
Margaret Tate                       Daniele Campbell and Spencer Lamb                                                                               In Honor of Madeline '09 &
Kelly Farrell and Richard Toledo    Marta and Riccardo Lattanzi         In Memory of James Capuano '73       In Memory of John Petrasch               Christopher Smith '12
Tanya and Patrick Travers           Lindsay M. Maas                     Catie F. Brennan '14                 Joan and Ben Daly
Sarah Turner                        The Marino Family                   Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brennan
Diane Facinelli and Robert Vaccaro  The McCoy Family
The Vaina Family                    Owen McManamon '18                  In Memory of Angelo Di Bari
The Van Ness Family                 Kathleen and Bob McVeety            The Di Bari Family
The Villagomez Family               Mary Clare McVeety '10                                                                                          Epiphany’s first
Matt Warshaw                        The Mirto Family                    In Memory of Joe Falzon                                                     DAY OF GIVING on
Dawn and John Well                  The Molina Family                   The Addison Family
Li Hsin Wu                          The Morales Family                  The Alexopoulos Family                                              November 29, 2016
The Yeh Family                      Joan Murphy                         Ivelisse Arias                                                      was a great success!
Maria and Chris Zanelli             Monica and John Murphy              Maureen and Dave Ayres
Michael Zeigler                     Melissa Murphy                      The Barbosa Family                         Over $59,000 was raised for the Annual Fund
                                    Louise and Don Murray               Ms. Kaitlin Barry                          through 213 gifts. The day was made possible
Friends                             The O'Brien Family                  Jeffrey Boodoo and
$1 and over                         The Kevin O'Keefe Family              Michelle Natarajan
                                                                                                                   through the talents of former Epiphany Parent,
Anonymous (6)                       Renee Olivier                       Richard '71 and Alva Capuano '72           Amy Scheibe, who beautifully showcased our
The Acevedo Family                  Ricardo Otazo                       Lauraine F. Avallone and
The Alexopoulos Family              Christina and George Pelletier        Stephen Clevett
                                                                                                                   wonderful school and the work of The Foundation
Jean and Jerry Ambrose              Emma Pichl '07                      Mary Jean and Hank Fitzpatrick             through a short film. Please save the date for our
Ivelisse Arias                      Cynthia and Dennis Raptis           Chris and Patti Gallagher
                                                                                                                   upcoming Day of Giving: January 30, 2018.
Flavio and Ilaria Arzilla           Ann Reilly '18                      Rose and John Gallagher
David Ayres '01                     The Richardson Family               Mary Jane '80 and Tim Higgins
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Special Events |              2016-2017
                                                                                                                                          2017-2018 EVENTS

                                                         Walk & Fall Festival / October 16, 2016                                          Walk & Fall Festival
                                                                                                                                          Sunday, October 15, 2017
                                                         It was a beautiful day for the 7th annual Walk & Fall Festival. Families and     Chairs —
                                                         friends walked their way down the East River Promenade to benefit The            Eileen Pino and Alex Vaina
                                                         Epiphany School before returning to the lively festivities at our 22nd Street
                                                         Campus. The Foundation partnered with NY Catholic Charities once again
                                                         to execute the Feeding Our Neighbors Food Drive, providing a record high
                                                         10,000 meals to those in need. Walk Chairs, Christina White and Eileen
                                                         Pino, worked together with Fall Festival Chairs, Agnes Teng and Sonaly
                                                         Aditya, on this special community tradition, which raised over $90,000.

                                                         Hall of Fame and Reception / November 5, 2016                                    Hall of Fame & Reception
                                                                                                                                          Saturday, November 4, 2017
                                                         Over 200 guests came together at The Yale Club for the 4th Annual Hall of        The Yale Club
                                                         Fame Induction and Cocktail Reception. Honorees included alumnus and             Chair —
                                                         trustee, Bob Benya ’73, founding trustee, Jane Crotty, Rose and Joe Falzon,      Regan Murphy ’99
                                                         former Epiphany parents and staff, as well as Fritz Favorule, former
                                                         Chairman of The Epiphany School Foundation. Alumna speaker, Alycia
                                                         Foti ’03, shared heartfelt words with the guests about the importance of
                                                         sponsoring Epiphany students. The event, chaired by Regan Murphy ‘99,
                                                         raised over $24,000 for the children of The Epiphany School.

                                                         Christmas Car Raffle / December 15, 2016                                          Christmas Car Raffle
                                                                                                                                          Thursday, December 14, 2017
                                                         A total of 779 Mercedes-Benz Car Raffle tickets were sold for the exciting       Chairs —
                                                         drawing held during The Epiphany School Foundation Christmas party.              Donna Doscher and
                                                         The success of the Car Raffle is largely attributed to Epiphany parents and      Allison Hemming
                                                         The Foundation Board of Trustees. Board members accounted for 31% of
                                                         sales, selling a total of 245 tickets. The winning ticket was sold to Epiphany
                                                         friend, Monica Graham. The Foundation extends sincere thanks and
                                                         gratitude to former Car Raffle winner and parent, Joe Castle, for selling
                                                         144 tickets in 2016 and continuing to promote this holiday tradition.

                                                         Annual Spring Auction / March 16, 2017                                           Spring Auction
                                                                                                                                          Wednesday, March 21, 2018
                                                         More than 300 guests joined us at Tribeca Rooftop for our greatest               Guastavino's
                                                         fundraiser of the year, Epiphany’s annual Spring Auction. Co-chairs Jessica      Chairs —
                                                         Annunziata and Jennifer Dowd worked with Foundation staff and over               Jennifer Dowd and
                                                         50 volunteers to make the evening a great success, raising over $160,000         Jennifer Turetsky

                                                         to benefit our students. Donations for the 2017 Special Appeal, the
                                                         Wellness In The Schools Coach for Kids program, totaled over $60,000.
                                                         Thanks to the generosity of our parents and friends, 275 items were
                                                         donated and over 1,200 bids were placed.

                                                         23rd Annual Golf Outing / May 15, 2017                                           Annual Golf Outing
                                                                                                                                          Monday, May 14, 2018
                                                         The annual Epiphany Golf Outing is the school’s longest running                  Scarsdale Golf Club
                                                         fundraiser. Over 85 golfers came out to Wykagyl Country Club in New              Chairs —
                                                         Rochelle, NY to support The Epiphany School Foundation. For the                  Neal Cain, Michael Parniawski,
                                                         first time, a ladies tennis clinic was introduced to the event, chaired by       and Agnes Teng

                                                         parent, Gina Liotti. Parents, alumni and friends enjoyed an afternoon of
                                                         golf and tennis, as well as a live raffle and auction, hosted by Epiphany
                                                         School President, Mr. James L. Hayes. The Outing, headed by Foundation
                                                         Chairman, Kevin Greaney, and parent, Neal Cain, raised $27,000.

6   T H E E P I P H A N Y S C H O O L FO U N DAT I O N
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    [ WITS ]
                                                                                                                             Board of Trustees
                                                                                       COOK FOR KIDS
                                                                                                                             1    Kevin Greaney
                                                                                                                             2    Arun Banerjee

    Wellness In The Schools                                                                                                  3
                                                                                                                                  Bob Benya ’73
                                                                                                                                  Joanna Cawley
    Programs for the well being of Epiphany                                                                                  5    Donna Doscher
                                                                                                                             6    Jennifer Dowd
    students beyond the classroom.
                                                                                                                             7    Pamela Felenstein
                                                                                                                             8    Thomas Hanna
    The Epiphany School first welcomed WELLNESS                                                                              9    Allison Hemming
    IN THE SCHOOLS (WITS), a national non-profit                                      COACH FOR KIDS
                                                                                                                             10   Courtney Huang
    organization that teaches kids healthy habits to                                                                         11   John Ivanac
    learn and live better, by implementing their Cook                                                                        12   Jennifer Monreal-Walsh
    for Kids program in 2016. Our culinary trained                                                                           13   Albert Muzaurieta
    WITS chef, Gisselle Madariaga, works with our                                                                            14   AJ Pino, Jr. ‘82
    students and staff daily to transform our cafeteria                                                                      15   Felix Sencion
    menu while providing nutrition education.                                                                                16   Christopher Tanoff
              Students also enjoy the benefits of
                       WITS labs, nutritional culinary
                           education classes, which         With the success of COOK FOR KIDS, Epiphany
                              celebrate seasonal recipes    initiated WITS’ COACH FOR KIDS program
                              and ingredients.              in 2017, which enables children to reach the
                                                                                                                             Financial Highlights
                                                            recommended 60 minutes of activity during
    Throughout the year, WITS offers Café Days,             the school day. Our WITS Coach, Sarah Merck,                     Total Revenue
    where local chef partners interact with students and    reinvents recess, trains school staff and provides               $841,580
    prepare meals during lunch. Through these special       fitness education. In the spring, students and                   Total Donations
    visits, our community had the unique opportunity        their families will be invited to participate in a               + Special Events (less expenses)
                                                                                                                             + Interest Income
    to meet celebrity chefs, Rocco DiSpirito                Family Fitness Fun Night, which offers athletic                  = Total Revenue
    and Bill Telepan, and have also                         classes and activities for all ages and skill levels.
    had the experience to learn                                                                                              Total Donations
    from Chefs Elliott Prag and                             After working with our WITS chef and coaches,                    $620,990
    Olivia Roszkoswki of the                                students return to class after lunch and recess                  Total Annual Fund
                                                            ready to focus and learn, and develop healthy                    + Grant Income
    Natural Gourmet                                                                                                          + Event Donations
    Institute.                                              habits that will last a lifetime. The continued                  = Total Donations
                                                            success of the Wellness In The Schools program
                                                            is ensured by the Epiphany Wellness Committee,                   Special Events
                                                            a parent volunteer committee                                     $346,218
                                                                                                                             All Special Events are Less Expenses
                                                            that promotes good health at
,                                                           school throughout the year,
                                                                                                                             Total Annual Fund
                                                            currently led by Epiphany                                        & Grant Income
                                                            parent, Felicia Tanoff.

                                                                                                                             Total Grants
                                                                                                                             From The Foundation to The School

                                                                                                                    T H E E P I P H A N Y S C H O O L FO U N DAT I O N   7
WhyGive? - Reaching the greatest potential - Epiphany
High Schools
                                                                                                                             & Colleges
                234 East 22nd Street, New York, NY 10010
                                                                                                                             attended by the Epiphany
                                                                                                                             graduates reflects a wide
                                                                                                                             range of interests and overall
                                                                                                                             academic excellence.

                                                                                                                             HIGH SCHOOL CHOICES
                                                                                                                             Class of 2017

                                                                                                                             Brooklyn Technical High School
                                                                                                                             Convent of the Sacred Heart (3)
                                                                                                                             Dominican Academy (7)
                                                                                                                             Eleanor Roosevelt High School
                                                                                                                             Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School (3)
                                                                                                                             Fordham Preparatory (3)
                                                                                                                             High School of Art and Design
                                                                                                                             Loyola School (6)
                                                                                                                             Marymount School of New York
                                                                                                                             Phillips Academy
                                                                                                                             Poly Prep Country Day School (2)
                                                                                                                             Regis High School (2)
                                                                                                                             Sacred Heart Academy
                                                                                                                             St. Vincent Ferrer High School (5)
Lower Campus                    Upper Campus                 Early Childhood Center                                          Xavier High School (18)
234 East 22nd Street            141 East 28th Street         152 East 29th Street

                                                                                                                             COLLEGE CHOICES

A Proud History
                                                                                                                             Class of 2013

                                                                                                                             Academy of Art University, San Francisco

of Working Together!
                                                                                                                             Boston College
                                                                                                                             Carnegie Mellon University
                                                                                                                             College of Charleston
                                                                                                                             Cornell University
                                                                                                                             CUNY Baruch
The Epiphany School                                                                                                          Fordham University
                                                                                                                             Georgetown University
The Epiphany School was founded in 1888 to provide the highest quality education to
                                                                                                                             Gettysburg College
the school-age children of The Epiphany Parish. Today, the school educates approximately                                     Indiana University
560 students, serving a diverse socio-economic population, who live in all areas of Manhattan                                Iona College
and the outer boroughs. We remain committed to education of the highest quality and                                          Loyola University Maryland (2)
                                                                                                                             Loyola University New Orleans
are guided by our mission: to educate the whole child spiritually, intellectually, socially,
                                                                                                                             Marquette University
emotionally and physically. Fundamental to this mission is developing children with a                                        Miami University Ohio
strong moral and ethical character who will contribute to society in meaningful ways.                                        Rochester Institute of Technology
                                                                                                                             SUNY Albany
                                                                                                                             SUNY Binghamton
The Epiphany School Foundation                                                                                               SUNY Geneseo
                                                                                                                             SUNY New Paltz (2)
The Epiphany School Foundation was established in 1999 to raise funds for the school.                                        Syracuse University
This tax-exempt, charitable foundation was founded to enhance the children’s educational                                     The College of William and Mary
experience and the faculty’s teaching environment. These goals have been achieved over                                       The United States Military Academy at West Point
                                                                                                                             University of Delaware
the years by funding programs that the school cannot cover through tuition alone.
                                                                                                                             University of Maryland
                                                                                            Designed by EPO Creative, Inc.

The Foundation remains dedicated to promoting growth and innovation through                                                  University of Michigan
these programs.                                                                                                              University of Notre Dame
                                                                                                                             University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
WhyGive? - Reaching the greatest potential - Epiphany WhyGive? - Reaching the greatest potential - Epiphany
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