WHY - WHAT - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters

Page created by Maria Lambert
WHY - WHAT - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters

                        PROSPECTUS 2021

  Why study for a
 CILA qualification?

                                         WHAT               Pathway to
                                                         CILA qualifications

 Sitting a CILA exam
Resources and support
WHY - WHAT - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
2 CILA Prospectus 2021                                                                                                                                         CILA Prospectus 2021   3

                         Why choose a                                            WHY STUDY
                                                                                 FOR A PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                                        Why choose CILA
                         career in claims?                                       QUALIFICATION?                         qualifications?
                         Our world can be an unexpected                                                                 Every CILA exam syllabus is developed and
                                                                                                                        reviewed with working loss adjusters and so you
                         place. People and businesses want                            INVESTMENT                        will study subjects that are super relevant and
                         to protect the things that are                               in your own professional          useful to your role as a claims professional.
                         important to them and insurance                              development

                         provides a promise to be there                                                                 Our study materials are produced by experienced
                                                                                                                        loss adjusters and so you will benefit from the
                         when the unexpected happens.                                                                   extensive knowledge and life lessons they have
                         Claims professionals help to make                            KNOWLEDGE                         learnt during their career.
                                                                                      to help you do things correctly
                         insurance promises come to life.                             and excel in your role
                         Choosing a career in claims is an opportunity to help                                          The CILA qualification framework is designed
                         people and businesses recover from unexpected                                                  to advance both your technical knowledge and
                         fires, floods, accidents and much more. It is a                                                how you handle claims in practice.
                         rewarding and super interesting profession that              CONFIDENCE
                         will lead you to meet and work with people from              to make decisions and take        Bournemouth University oversee our qualifications
                         all walks of life. You will sometimes be required to         action independently              to ensure they are fair to candidates and delivered
                         make decisions and take action in an emergency                                                 to a high standard.
                         situation whilst on other days you will need to
                         find creative solutions to very peculiar problems.
                                                                                                                        CILA qualifications are included in Insurance
                         Ethical behaviour and integrity are cornerstones             RECOGNITION                       Apprenticeship standards and are mutually
                         of the profession and so you will be expected to             of your expertise by the
                         observe high standards of conduct in whatever role                                             recognised by other professional bodies, such as
                                                                                      public, your workplace and
                         you choose.                                                                                    the Chartered Insurance Institute.
                                                                                      the wider insurance sector

                         What about the future? Well, the world is always
                                                                                                                        CILA qualifications were established by the
                         evolving and the insurance claims of the future
                                                                                                                        loss adjusting community and continue to
                         are likely to be influenced by climate change and
                         extreme weather, cyber-attacks, Covid-19 and our             READY                             be actively supported by our profession.
                         shifting political landscapes. Talented individuals          to embrace career
                         with new ideas and fresh perspectives will have              opportunities and take the        The specialist knowledge and expertise held by
                         a role in shaping how the claims of the future are           next steps in your career         a Chartered Loss Adjuster is recognised and
                         handled, with a focus on sustainability. There will                                            respected throughout the insurance sector.
                         always be new risks on the horizon and so a
                         career in claims is a lifelong journey of learning
                         and personal growth.

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        WHAT                                                                                                                                           Plot your
                                                                                                                                                       path to
        Your CILA qualification
        journey begins by
        becoming a CILA                               ORDINARY                                     STUDENT
        member. Membership                            Join as an ordinary member if you work       Join as a student member if you want to
                                                      within in a loss adjusting practice, firm    achieve CILA qualifications but do not
        is open to anyone with                        or company.                                  work within a loss adjusting practice,
        a commitment to be                                                                         firm or company. Student members are
                                                                                                   required to attempt a CILA examination
        a claims professional.                                                                     within two years of joining the Institute.

                                                         Certificate                                                               Diploma                    Advanced                               Associate                                    Fellow
                                                                                                                                                               Diploma                              or Certified

            CH1             CH2            CH3                                       DP1            DP2             DP3                          AD1    AD2               ACS          CRITICAL                                   5 YEARS
           EXAM            EXAM           EXAM                                      EXAM           EXAM            EXAM                         EXAM   EXAM              EXAM          ANALYSIS                                   OF CPD


          You are able to start at CH2 by obtaining                          You are able to start at DP1 if you hold an appropriate degree                                     In addition to completing the ACS exam
          an exemption from CH1 if you hold the                              or other professional qualification.                                                               and Critical Analysis you must also
          Chartered Insurance Institute’s (CII)                                                                                                                                 demonstrate that you have at least
          Certificate or have passed CII papers IF1                          You are able to start at DP3 by obtaining exemptions from                                          5 years of experience working as a loss
          (Insurance, legal and regulatory), IF2                             DP1 and DP2 if you hold one of the following qualifications:                                       adjuster (reduced to 3 years if you hold
          (General Insurance business) and IF4                               • Chartered Insurance Institute – Diploma in Insurance (Dip CII)                                   a professional qualification approved by
          (Insurance Claims Handling process).                               • Chartered Insurance Institute – Advanced Diploma in                                              the Institute). If this experience is gained
                                                                               Insurance (ACII)                                                                                 whilst working for a Chartered Loss
                                                                                                                                                                                Adjusting firm/s you will be eligible to
                                                                             • Chartered Insurance Institute – Fellowship (FCII)
                                                                                                                                                                                become an Associate of the CILA (ACILA).
                                                                             • Insurance Institute of Ireland – Professional Diploma in                                         If this experience is gained whilst working
                                                                               Insurance (CIP)                                                                                  for a firm/s which is not a Chartered Loss
                                                                             • Malaysian Insurance Institute – Diploma (DMII)                                                   Adjusting firm you will instead be eligible
                                                                             • Singapore College of Insurance – Diploma in General                                              to become a Certified Member of the
                                                                               Insurance and Risk Management (DGIRM)                                                            CILA (MCILA).
                                                                             • Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and
                                                                               Finance – Diploma of General Insurance

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                                                                                              Studying for the CILA Certificate qualification will give you
                                                                                              an essential understanding of the insurance market, the
                                                                                              principles of claims handling and specific claims handling

                                                                                              issues. Attaining the Certificate qualification will provide
                                                                                              you with an excellent foundation in claims handling and will
                                                                                              also allow you to progress to the CILA Diploma exams.

                                                             Benchmarked as a
                                                       level 3 qualification (A-level)

                                                 Entry Requirements                           • have passed CII papers IF1 (Insurance,       the implications of policy conditions and
                                                                                                legal and regulatory), IF2 (General          warranties. You will learn definitions of
                                                 The CILA Certificate is an entry level         Insurance business) and IF4 (Insurance       the insurance perils with supporting case
                                                 qualification which is open to any             Claims Handling process)                     law. You will also gain an insight into
                                                 member of the CILA.                                                                         claims validation and the mitigation of
                                                                                              Credits of equal or higher value than the
                                                                                                                                             losses and learn about terms such as
                                                                                              CII Certificate will not be sufficient as an
                                                 Assessment                                                                                  reasonable care and gradually operating
                                                                                              exemption from CH1.
                                                                                                                                             cause. You will get an introduction to the
                                                 To obtain the CILA Certificate
                                                                                                                                             Fraud Act 2006 and learn how to deal
                                                 qualification you must pass the following    What will I learn?                             with aspects of policy application, such
                                                 multiple choice exams:
                                                                                              CH1 - Introduction to the Insurance            as underinsurance.
                                                 1. CH1                                       Industry                                       CH3 - Advanced Claims Handling
                                                 Introduction to the Insurance Industry
                                                                                              Studying for the Certificate CH1 exam          (Handling Claims for Specific Losses)
                                                    45 questions in 60 minutes
                                                                                              will give you an understanding of risk         Studying for the Certificate CH3 exam
                                                 2. CH2                                       and risk transfer, the different people        will give you an introduction to more
                                                 Claims Handling                              and organisations that operate within the      specialist areas such as business
                                                    45 questions in 60 minutes                insurance industry and how contract law        interruption claims and factors to
                                                                                              applies to insurance policies. You will also   consider when handling alternative
                                                 3. CH3
                                                                                              gain an insight into how a legal liability     accommodation claims. You will learn
                                                 Advanced Claims Handling
                                                                                              might arise and obtain an introduction to      about basic building elements, common
                                                 (Handling Claims for Specific Losses)
                                                                                              the principles of insurable interest, duty     buildings damage and the Construction
                                                    45 questions in 90 minutes
                                                                                              of fair presentation, indemnity, proximate     (Design & Management) Regulations.

                         Build your confidence
                                                                                              cause, contribution and subrogation. You       You will also get advice on claims
                                                 Exemptions                                   will also learn about the regulation of the    handling in a catastrophe or surge
                                                 You are able to obtain an exemption          insurance market and data protection.          situation and obtain a basic

                             with a foundation
                                                 from the CH1-Introduction to Insurance       CH2 - Claims Handling                          understanding of how to reserve a
                                                 exam if you:                                                                                personal injury claim, along with an
                                                                                              Studying for the Certificate CH2 exam
                                                 • hold the Chartered Insurance                                                              overview of the Civil Procedure Rules.
                                                                                              will give you knowledge of the various

                          of claims knowledge
                                                   Institute’s (CII) Certificate – Cert CII   elements of an insurance policy including

                                                                                              How will I study & how long                    How much will it cost?
                                                                                              will it take?                                  Each exam entry costs £200 and so the
                                                                                              You will be provided with bespoke              total cost to enter all three Certificate

                                                    40/60h                     £600           learning material to help you study for        exams will be £600. The bespoke
                                                                                                                                             learning material is included in the price
                                                                                              the CILA Certificate exams. We estimate
                                                                                              that if you are starting out in your career    of each exam entry.
                                                                                              CH1 and CH2 will take between 40 to 60         A charge of £60 applies if you wish to
                                                                                              hours of study per exam. CH3 is likely to      obtain an exemption from the CH1–
                                                                                              take 60 hours of study.                        Introduction to Insurance exam.

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                                              The CILA Diploma requires you to develop an in depth
                                              understanding of the principles of insurance, along with
                                              comprehensive knowledge of the insurance market. Your growth

                                              as a claims professional will further be enhanced by studying
                                              the essential subjects of customer service and ethics.                                          and grow
         Benchmarked as a level
                                              Successful attainment of the CILA Diploma will also enable
                                              you to progress to the CILA Advanced Diploma exams.                                             as a claims
 4 qualification (First year of University)

Entry Requirements                            info@cila.co.uk and include full details    What will I learn?
                                              of the qualifications you would like
Entry to the Diploma exams is open to CILA    considered.                                 DP1 – The Principles of Insurance 1
members who hold the CILA Certificate                                                     Studying for the Diploma DP1 exam will
or any of the following:
                                              Assessment                                  develop your understanding of utmost
                                                                                          good faith, duty of fair presentation,
 Recognised qualifications                    To obtain the Diploma qualification you     insurable interest and indemnity. You will
 • Chartered Insurance Institute –            must pass the following exams:              also learn about claim procedures such as
   Diploma in Insurance (Dip CII)                                                         onus of proof, acceptance forms, forms
                                              1. DP1: The Principles of Insurance 1
 • Chartered Insurance Institute –                                                        of discharge, assignment, mandates
   Advanced Diploma in Insurance (ACII)
                                                 2 hour exam comprising 10
                                              compulsory questions which require          and validation of quantum. You will gain
 • Chartered Insurance Institute –                                                        knowledge of the Financial Conduct
   Fellowship (FCII)                          short essay style answers
                                                                                          Authority (FCA) handbook and the role of
 • Insurance Institute of Ireland –           2. DP2: The Principles of Insurance 2       the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB). You will
   Professional Diploma in Insurance (CIP)       2 hour exam comprising 10                also study the law of contract, including
 • Malaysian Insurance Institute –            compulsory questions which require
   Diploma (DMII)                                                                         terms such as contra proferentem rule,
                                              short essay style answers                   offer, acceptance and consideration.
 • Singapore College of Insurance –
   Diploma in General Insurance and           3. DP3: Customer Service & Ethics           You will develop your understanding of
   Risk Management (DGIRM)                       2 hour exam comprising 10                torts including negligence, nuisance
 • Australian and New Zealand                 compulsory questions which require          and trespass. You will also study
   Institute of Insurance and Finance –                                                   legislation relevant to insurance, such as      of how the insurance market operates          DP3 – Customer service & Ethics               complaints. You will gain knowledge of
                                              short essay style answers
   Diploma of General Insurance                                                           the Riot Compensation Act 2016.                 including the functions of loss adjusters,    Studying for the Diploma DP3 exam will        SERVQUAL, the Consumer Rights Act
                                                                                                                                          loss assessors, underwriters, the Financial   give you an understanding of the              2015, the FCA and Fair Treatment of
The Institute will also consider entry
                                              Exemptions                                  DP2 – The Principles of Insurance 2             Ombudsman Service (FOS) and risk                                                            Customers. You will study ethical theories
                                                                                                                                                                                        importance of good customer service and
based on other academic or professional       You are able to obtain an exemption from    Studying for the Diploma DP2 exam will          managers. You will also study legislation     sound business ethics in a loss adjusting     and explore ethical decision making and
qualifications depending on their             two exams, DP1 – The Principles of          develop your understanding of proximate         relevant to insurance, such as the            context. You will study the subject of        ethical dilemmas. You will also learn how
relevance and level of study, including       Insurance 1 and DP2 – The Principles        cause, subrogation and contribution. You        Third Parties (Rights against Insurers)       customer service, when it takes place, its    ethical organisations are built in a diverse
professional qualifications which are         of Insurance 2 if you hold one of           will also learn the legal principles relating   Regulations 2016 and the Fires                benefits and different forms. You will also   and global environment, including aspects
attained outside of the UK. Enquiries         the qualifications listed (see Recognised   to transfer of ownership of property and        Prevention (Metropolis) Act 1774.             learn how to measure and manage               such as corporate governance, corporate
should be submitted by email to               qualifications box in previous column).     goods. You will develop your knowledge                                                        service quality, including response to        social responsibility and whistleblowing.

                                              How will I study &                          from the recommended text books                 How much will it cost?                        be purchased at a discounted price of
                                              how long will it take?                      Property Insurance Law and Claims and
                                                                                                                                          Each exam entry costs £200 and so the
                                                                                                                                                                                        £30 if you entered to sit a CILA exam.
                                                                                          Law Made Simple and other useful
                                              You will be provided with bespoke                                                           total cost to enter all three Diploma         A charge of £120 applies if you wish to
                                                                                          reference sources.
                                              learning guides for the DP1 and                                                             exams is £600. The study guides for the       obtain an exemption from the DP1 –
   50/60h                    £600             DP2 exams and learning material             We recommend that you allow                     DP1 and DP2 exams and the learning            The Principles of Insurance 1 and DP2 –
                                              for the DP3 exam. The DP1 and               between 50 to 60 hours of study for             material for the DP3 exam are included in     The Principles of Insurance 2 exams.
                                              DP2 learning guides include advice          each Diploma exam.                              the price of the relevant exam entry.
                                              and direction on additional reading
                                                                                                                                          One of the recommended text books,
                                                                                                                                          Property Insurance Law and Claims, can

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                                             The CILA Advanced Diploma requires you to have a thorough
                                             understanding of the principles of insurance and how these may
           Advanced                          be applied in the handling of claims. It also provides you with the
                                             opportunity to specialise in a type of claim, from a choice of:
            Diploma                          Property (Domestic), Property (Commercial), Liability, Business
                                             Interruption or Subsidence. The Advanced Diploma is perfect for
                                             those who wish to handle more complex claims as part of their
               Benchmarked as a              career progression.
      level 6 qualification (Degree level)

Entry Requirements                           an AD2 exam from a choice of: Property       research cyber insurance cover and learn
                                             (Domestic), Property (Commercial),           about policies such as First Loss. You will
Entry to the Advanced Diploma exams is       Liability, Business Interruption or          also gain an understanding of dispute
open to CILA members who hold the            Subsidence.                                  resolution and study the principles of
CILA Diploma, or to any member who                                                        ethics and Fair Treatment of Customers.
has passed one of the former Advanced
Diploma exams (C1, C2 and C3) in the
                                             Exemptions                                   AD2 – Adjustment of Claims
previous 6 years.                            There are no exemptions available for        Studying for the AD2 exam will further
                                             the Advanced Diploma exams.                  develop your understanding of how to
Assessment                                                                                manage and settle claims in a just and

To obtain the CILA Advanced Diploma
                                             What will I learn?                           fair manner. You will hone your ability
                                                                                          to explain and support your rationale
qualification you must pass the following    AD1 – Application of the Principles          for settlement proposals. You will
exams:                                       of Insurance                                 thoroughly understand typical policy
1. AD1                                       Studying for the AD1 exam will give          wordings for elements such as the
Application of the Principles of             you a thorough understanding of the          reinstatement memorandum and public
Insurance                                    appropriate processes to investigate,        authorities’ clauses. You will also gain an
   3½ hour essay style exam                  manage, quantify, validate and resolve       understanding of business interruption
comprising 5 questions from a                claims, whilst applying the principles of    (BI) cover and the components of BI
choice of 6.                                 insurance including insurable interest,      claim calculations. You will research
                                             indemnity, proximate cause, contribution     building construction and obtain
2. AD2                                       and subrogation. You will investigate the    knowledge of CDM regulations, party
Adjustment of Claims                         cover that is provided by typical domestic   wall legislation, asbestos management
   3½ hour essay style exam                  and commercial Perils based and All Risks    and the engagement of Contractor
comprising 5 questions from a                policies. You will learn about warranties,   Networks. You will also explore how
choice of 6.                                 policy extensions and the application        cyber cover operates. In addition, you will
The AD2 exam includes questions              of average. You will examine how to          study the policy coverage and claims
which are relevant to particular types of    validate a loss and address issues such      handling issues associated with your
claims. In advance of the exam sitting,      as diminution in market value. You will      choice of exam.
candidates are therefore asked to select

                                             How will I study &                           How much will it cost?
                                             how long will it take?                       Each exam entry costs £200 and so the
                                             The CILA Advanced Diploma qualification      total cost to enter the two Advanced

                                                                                                                                        Make complex decisions
                                             requires you to undertake your own           Diploma exams is £400.
                                             reading and research in preparation for
 100/120h                      £400          the exams. There is a syllabus for each
                                                                                          One of the recommended text books,
                                                                                          Property Insurance Law and Claims, can

                                                                                                                                          using comprehensive
                                             paper and we recommend that you use
                                                                                          be purchased at a discounted price of
                                             this as the framework for your study.
                                                                                          £30 if you entered to sit a CILA exam.
                                             To help get you started the Institute
                                             provides a recommended reading list.
                                             We recommend that you allow between
                                             100 to 120 hours of study for each exam.                                                        claims knowledge
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                                             The CILA Associate qualification is the gold standard in
                                             claims. It demonstrates that you have depth and breadth of
                                             knowledge and proven experience in the successful handling

                                             of claims. Becoming an Associate of the CILA is a significant
                                             achievement and enables you to describe yourself as a
                                             Chartered Loss Adjuster.

              Benchmarked as a
     level 7 qualification (Masters level)

Entry Requirements                           The assessment criteria includes           gained whilst working for a Chartered
                                             technical knowledge, informed decision     Loss Adjusting firm/s you will be eligible
Entry to the Associate assessment            making, effective claim management         to become an Associate of the CILA
process is open to CILA members who          and effective communication. In advance    (ACILA). If this experience is gained
hold the CILA Advanced Diploma.              of the exam sitting, candidates are        whilst working for a firm/s which is not
                                             asked to select an ACS exam from a         a Chartered Loss Adjusting firm you will
Assessment                                   choice of: Property (Domestic), Property   instead be eligible to become a Certified
                                             (Commercial), Liability, Business          Member of the CILA (MCILA).
To become an Associate of the CILA you
                                             Interruption or Subsidence.
must pass an assessment process called
Accreditation for Chartered Status (ACS)     The Critical Analysis and ACS exam may     Exemptions
which includes:                              be attempted/completed in any order.       There are no exemptions available for
1. Critical Analysis                         In addition to completing the ACS          any part of the ACS assessment process.
3000 word Critical Analysis of a claim       assessment process you must also
                                             demonstrate that you have at least
2. ACS Exam
                                             5 years of experience working as a loss
   3½ hour essay style exam based
                                             adjuster (reduced to 3 years if you hold
on a claim scenario and comprising
                                             a professional qualification approved
4 compulsory questions.
                                             by the Institute). If this experience is

                                             How will I study &                         review your communication skills and
                                             how long will it take?                     identify techniques or approaches that
                                                                                        work well in different claim scenarios.

                                             The ACS process requires you to reflect
                                                                                        We recommend that you allow between
      50/75h                  £250           on the technical knowledge and practical
                                             experience you have acquired. You will     50 to 75 hours of preparation for the
                                                                                        Critical Analysis and 50 to 70 hours of

                                                                                                                                     critical thinking
                                             consider your development as a claims
                                             professional, in particular, the lessons   study for the ACS exam.
                                             you have learnt and the skills you
                                             have honed.                                How much will it cost?
                                             You will revisit the technical knowledge
                                             you gained whilst studying for the
                                             Advanced Diploma. You will examine
                                                                                        The entry fee for the ACS exam is £200
                                                                                        and the submission fee for the Critical
                                                                                        Analysis is £50 and so the total cost for
                                                                                                                                     and exceptional
                                                                                                                                     expertise in
                                             how you make decisions and identify        the ACS assessment process is £250.
                                             what is required to make informed
                                             decisions in the handling of claims.

                                             You will also reflect on how to manage
                                             claims effectively and study the CILA’s
                                             Guide to Professional Conduct. You will

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                              Ready when
                              you are
                                            SITTING A CILA EXAM
                                           All CILA exams are sat using a computer
                                           and you simply book your exam sitting for
                                           a date and time that suits you.                                      Inclusive access
                                           Our exams are delivered in partnership with
                                                                                                                to exams
                                           the exam facilitator, Pearson Vue, and they                             Comfort aids such as
                                           offer 2 options for sitting a CILA exam:                                medicine, medical devices and
                                                                                                                   mobility devices are allowed
                                                                                                                   in Pearson Vue test centres.
                                                    AT A PEARSON                                                   A full list of approved comfort
                                                    VUE TEST CENTRE                                                aids can be found on the
                                                                                                                   Pearson Vue website.
                                           Pearson Vue test centres are located throughout the world and
                                           you can find your nearest test centre by visiting the Pearson Vue
                                           website at: http://www.pearsonvue.com/cila/                             Test accommodations, such as
                                           If a test centre is not available in your country, please contact       extra testing time or a separate
                                           the Institute at info@cila.co.uk for assistance.                        testing room, can also be
                                                                                                                   pre-arranged with Pearson Vue.
                                                                                                                   Test accommodations are
                                                                                                                   based on a documented need
                                                    AT HOME OR                                                     and are considered on a case-
                                                                                                                   by-case basis.
                                                    IN YOUR OFFICE
                                           Pearson Vue also offer the option to sit a CILA exam at home or
                                                                                                                   Nursing mothers are able to
                                           in your office using an online invigilation service called OnVUE.
                                           An online invigilator will observe and monitor your exam                request a test accommodation
                                           through specialist software and the webcam and microphone               in order to breastfeed, express,
                                           on your computer.                                                       or pump breast milk during
                                           We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the OnVUE
                                                                                                                   their exam.
                                           system requirements, policies and procedures before selecting this
                                           method of examination. Detailed information can be found on             Further information about test
                                           the Pearson Vue website at: http://www.pearsonvue.com/cila/             accommodations can be found
                                                                                                                   on the Pearson Vue website.

                                           NOTE: Purchasing an exam voucher is part of the process to sit
                                           a CILA exam and each voucher is typically valid for 12 months
                                           from the date of purchase. You must sit your exam before the
                                           expiry date on your exam voucher.

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                              AND SUPPORT

                              Studying for a professional qualification   Easy to read learning                      Preparation guide for                         Discounted text book,
                              is a wonderful opportunity to enrich        material for all                           Accreditation for Chartered                   Property Insurance
                                                                          Certificate exams                          Status (ACS) assessment                       Law and Claims
                              your knowledge and enjoy the
                                                                          FREE: Our Certificate learning material    FREE: The ACS assessment process              £30: The main recommended text book
                              experience of continued learning.           covers all aspects of the Certificate      includes an exam and submission               to support you in your study for the
                                                                          syllabus and uses simple, everyday         of a 3,000 word Critical Analysis.            Diploma and Advanced Diploma exams
                              We understand that you are likely to        examples to explain principles and         The Institute has produced a top tips         is called Property Insurance Law and
                              have other commitments alongside your       introduce you to relevant case law.
                                                                          The learning material will be provided
                                                                                                                     guide to help you prepare for your
                                                                                                                     ACS exam and successfully complete
                                                                                                                                                                   Claims. The recommended retail price
                                                                                                                                                                   is £125 but CILA exam candidates can
                              studies and so you will want the time       to you in a downloadable pdf for           your Critical Analysis. You are also able     purchase this for a discounted price of
                              spent on achieving a CILA qualification     each exam.                                 to access a sample Critical Analysis          £30. This book will not only help you in
                                                                                                                     with examiner commentary.                     your CILA exam preparation but will
                              to be focused, rewarding and successful.    Bespoke learning guides and                                                              assist you in your day to day handling
                                                                          material for Diploma exams                 CILA Technical Library                        of claims.
                              With this in mind and with the help         FREE: We have created bespoke learning     FREE: The CILA Technical Library is an
                                                                                                                                                                   Introductory text book
                              of our Chartered members, we have           guides for the Diploma DP1 & DP2 exams     online library that is only available to
                                                                                                                                                                   on business interruption,
                              created a range of resources to direct      and learning material for the DP3 exam.
                                                                          The DP1 and DP2 exams require you to
                                                                                                                     CILA members. It contains technical
                                                                                                                     papers and webinar recordings on a            The Basic Business
                              and guide you in your studies.              undertake some supplementary reading       diverse range of subjects, including topics   Interruption Book
                                                                          and research but the learning guides       which relate to the various exam syllabi.     FREE: You are required to understand
                                                                          clearly explain what you need to                                                         business interruption insurance as part
                                                                          understand and where to find useful        Qualification events                          of the Advanced Diploma qualification.
                                                                          information. The learning guides and                                                     The Basic Business Interruption Book is a
                                                                                                                     FREE: Throughout the year we host
                                                                          learning material are provided to you in                                                 short, easy to read book which will guide
                                                                                                                     seminars, workshops and webinars
                                                                          downloadable pdfs.                                                                       you through the principles of business
                                                                                                                     to support our members in their
                                                                                                                     qualification studies. Our live events        interruption insurance and what is
                                                                          Recommended reading list                                                                 commonly covered by policies. Simply
                                                                                                                     typically include the opportunity to
                                                                          for Advanced Diploma exams                 ask questions and seek advice from            download a copy from the CILA website.
                                                                          FREE: The Advanced Diploma                 expert speakers.

                              Let’s get you
                                                                          qualification requires you to undertake                                                  Sample exam questions
                                                                          your own research using the subjects on                                                  FREE: Sample exam questions for all
                                                                          the exam syllabus as the framework for                                                   levels of qualification are available on
                                                                          your study. To help get you started the

                                                                                                                                                                   the CILA website.
                                                                          Institute has produced a recommended
                                                                          reading list, with suggested sources
                                                                          for where you might find relevant
                                                                          information for each exam, including
                                                                          the different specialist exams.

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WHY - WHAT - Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters
18 CILA Prospectus 2021

 Further professional                                                   Ready to start your CILA
 development                                                            qualification journey?
 Fellow                                                                 The first step is to become a member of the CILA and
                                                                        you can apply for membership online through the CILA
 Associate members are able to apply to become a Fellow                 website at: www.cila.co.uk/cila/become-a-member
 of the CILA when they have successfully completed and
 recorded 5 years of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)          A member of the Institute team will review and process
 in a role where their predominant activity is the investigation,       your membership application and then contact you,
 management, quantification, validation and resolution of               typically by email, with advice on how to progress your
 Property, Casualty or any other losses. The fee for elevation          CILA qualification journey.
 to Fellow is £30.                                                      Entry level membership has an annual subscription fee
                                                                        of £55. The subscription year runs from 1st January to
 Master of Research (MRes)                                              the 31st December. You may join the Institute at any
 Associates and Fellows of the CILA are eligible to undertake a         time during the year but please note your next annual
 Masters by Research course through Bournemouth University.             subscription will be due on 1st January the following year.
 The MRes course is an opportunity to grow your research skills
 whilst also acquiring a deep understanding of a subject that
 particularly interests you.

 Assessment is by submission of a thesis (approximately 30,000
 words) and a viva voce (viva). The course can be completed in a
 year on a full time basis or over two years on a part time basis.
 Contact Dr Parisa Gilani, Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth
 University for further information – pgilani@bournemouth.ac.uk

          Got a question?
          Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like some advice about CILA qualifications.
          The Institute team are available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday and can be contacted at:

                 +44 (0) 20 381 5720            info@cila.co.uk           20 Ironmonger Lane,            www.cila.co.uk
                                                                           London, EC2V 8EP

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