2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Page created by Willard Austin
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
2022 Safety Calendar
Risk Engineering Services

Chubb Risk Engineering Services
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
Winter Storms
• Make sure all snow removal
  equipment is ready to go
  before the storm.
• Verify that roof drains/
  downspouts are clear to allow
  melting ice to drain away.
• Place removed snow in areas
  where melting/refreezing won’t
  cause a slip and fall hazard.
• Block off areas during snow
  removal to redirect pedestrian
  and vehicle traffic.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
January                                                                                2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Keep your cool in cold weather!
Sunday                                  Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1 New Year’s Day

2                                       3                                         4                                         5                                         6                                         7                                         8
All stairwell doors should                Clean up broken glass with                Be familiar with your                     Report tripping hazards                   All damaged security                      Exercise helps reduce the                 Floor mats should be
be properly opened and                    a vacuum cleaner, brush,                  Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).               immediately to prevent an                 equipment should be                       potential for illness and                 placed at exterior access
latches closed when                       dustpan, or tongs. Never                  They contain useful                       accident or injury.                       repaired as soon as                       injury.                                   points on rainy days.
released.                                 use a mop, cloth towel,                   information in the event                                                            possible.
                                          sponges, or your hands.                   of an accident.

9                                       10                                        11                                        12                                        13                                        14                                        15
All exit signs should be                  Use the buddy system                      All facility maintenance,                 Remember ladder safety.                   Never lend out your                       Storm coming? Make sure                   Keep cash drawers closed
properly illuminated                      when lifting awkward/                     repairs and inspections                   Never use the top two                     key to a locked area. If                  equipment is ready.                       and locked.
and reflect the correct                   heavy loads.                              should be documented.                     rungs of a ladder.                        necessary, escort the
direction of travel.                                                                                                                                                    individual to the area.

16                                      17 Martin Luther
                                           King Jr. Day                           18                                        19                                        20                                        21                                        22
Know your responsibility                                                            Before operating                          Know how to lift properly.                All electrical rooms                      Inspect equipment before                  All electrical wiring
in a fire emergency.                                                                equipment ensure all                      Lift with your knees to                   should be clear of storage.               each use and replace                      should be enclosed in
                                                                                    safety guards are properly                avoid back strains.                                                                 or repair if worn or                      conduit.
                                                                                    in place.                                                                                                                     damaged.

23/30                                   24/ 31                                    25                                        26                                        27                                        28                                        29
Wear your safety belt                     Check stairwell lighting                  Know where the nearest                    Block off areas during                    There’s a fire alarm! Do                  Wear the proper footwear                  Trip hazards should be
when driving a vehicle.                   to ensure all light fixtures              eyewash station is.                       snow removal to warn                      you know what to do?                      for your job.                             repaired immediately to
                                          are illuminated.                                                                    pedestrians.                                                                                                                  prevent potential injuries.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
Slip and Fall
• If you see a slip and fall hazard,
  don’t just avoid it – report or clean
  it up!
• Make sure walk-off mats are in
  place and properly maintained.
• Once a spill is cleaned up, mark
  with signage until fully dry.
• Mark exterior trip hazards so they
  can be seen and avoided until

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
February                                                                                 2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Keep it clear! Avoid areas of ice/snow/water.
Sunday                                  Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                  1                                         2 Groundhog Day                           3                                         4                                         5
                                                                                    Tripping hazards should                                                             Know your responsibility                  Never wear rings, jewelry                 Store all flammable
                                                                                    be reported immediately                                                             in a fire emergency.                      or loose clothing when                    liquids in closed
                                                                                    to reduce the potential for                                                                                                   operating machinery.                      containers within the
                                                                                    injury.                                                                                                                                                                 Underwriters Laboratory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            flammable safety cabinet.

6                                       7                                         8                                         9                                         10                                        11                                        12
Do not text or use your                   Check compactors to                       Before climbing                           Keep all paths of travel                  See a spill? Clean it up!                 Do not reach into any                     Ask for assistance when
cell phone while driving.                 ensure all safety controls                any ladder check its                      free of trip-and-fall                                                               trash can to empty it out.                lifting heavy and awkward
                                          are in place.                             condition.                                hazards.                                                                                                                      loads.

13                                      14 Valentine’s Day                        15                                        16                                        17                                        18                                        19
Adhere to manufacturer’s                                                            Inspect all electrical tools              When lifting, bend at your                All facility maintenance,                 Make sure equipment is                    Crack in a sidewalk?
instructions for the                                                                prior to and after use.                   knees, not with your back.                repairs and/or inspections                plugged into grounded                     Report it!
operation of any                                                                    Report any necessary                                                                should be documented.                     circuits.
equipment.                                                                          repairs.

20                                      21 Presidents’ Day                        22                                        23                                        24                                        25                                        26
Rags containing oil                                                                 Report all workplace                      The storage of materials                  Stretching and                            You have two eyes but you                 Wear proper gloves
and solvents should be                                                              incidents to supervisors,                 should not be permitted                   strengthening your back                   need both! Wear your eye                  when handling chemicals
disposed within a self-                                                             department managers, or                   in stairwells.                            can help you reduce your                  protection.                               and other hazardous
closing steel safety can.                                                           Human Resources.                                                                    potential for injury.                                                               materials.

27                                      28
Lighting for all interior                 Keep work areas free
and exterior areas should                 of clutter to prevent
be in proper working                      potential trip-and-fall
order.                                    hazards.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
Eye Protection
• Wear proper eye protection—
  regular glasses are not enough.
• Side shields or goggles may
  be necessary for grinding jobs
  with flying debris.
• Know where your emergency
  eyewash station is located.
• Get prompt attention for
  any eye injury.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
March                                                                               2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

You have two eyes, but you need both! Wear your safety glasses!
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                   1                                         2                                         3                                         4                                         5
                                                                                     Wear the proper footwear                  Smoking should not be                     Shut a machine down                       All damaged security                      Be familiar with your
                                                                                     for your job.                             permitted within 25’                      before trying to correct a                equipment should be                       Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).
                                                                                                                               of the building and/or                    malfunction.                              repaired as soon as                       Know where they are
                                                                                                                               near combustible and                                                                possible.                                 located.
                                                                                                                               flammable materials.

6                                        7                                         8                                         9                                         10                                        11                                        12
 Trip hazards should be                    All exit signs should be                  Be aware of which fire                    Know your evacuation                      Always wear protective                    Your glasses aren’t                       Know how to lift properly.
 repaired immediately to                   properly illuminated                      extinguisher is used for                  plan.                                     gloves when disposing of                  enough. Use protective                    Get help when lifting
 prevent potential injuries.               and reflect the correct                   each type of fire.                                                                  waste materials.                          eyewear.                                  heavy or awkward
                                           direction of travel.                                                                                                                                                                                              objects.

13 Time Begins                           14                                        15                                        16                                        17 St. Patrick’s Day                      18                                        19
      Daylight Saving

                                           All stairwell doors should                Employees should be                       The fire pump should                                                                The roof access door                      Don’t prop open exit
                                           properly open and latch                   trained how to operate                    be tested weekly                                                                    should be locked and                      doors. Require use of key
                                           closed when released.                     equipment before using.                   in accordance with                                                                  the key placed on the                     cards by employees and
                                                                                                                               National Fire Protection                                                            emergency key ring.                       lobby check in by visitors.
                                                                                                                               Association standards.

20                                       21                                        22                                        23                                        24                                        25                                        26
 Before operating                          Fire protection equipment                 Keep at least 36” of                      Don’t have life-long regret.              Rags containing oil                       Floor mats should be                      Report/Replace and
 equipment, ensure all                     should be inspected                       clearance around all                      Use protective eyewear.                   and solvents should be                    placed at exterior access                 missing fire extinguishers.
 safety guards are properly                monthly in accordance with                electrical panels.                                                                  disposed within a self-                   points.
 in place.                                 National Fire Protection                                                                                                      closing steel safety can.
                                           Association standards.

27                                       28                                        29                                        30                                        31
 Don’t leave confidential                  Before operating                          Review your lockout/                      Never wear rings, jewelry                 Never wear rings, jewelry
 information open or                       equipment ensure all                      tagout procedures.                        or loose clothing when                    or loose clothing when
 visible on your                           safety guards are in place.                                                         operating machinery.                      operating machinery.
 computer screen.

 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
Distracted Driving
• Set an automatic text response
  to let the sender know you are
  driving and can’t respond.
• If something falls, either wait
  until you stop or pull over in
  a safe area to retrieve it.
• Keep your hands on the wheel
  and your eyes on the road.
  It only takes a second to ruin
  the rest of your life.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
April                                                                             2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Distracted for a second, a tragedy for life. Keep your eyes on the road!
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 April Fool’s Day                        2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Know the type, location,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and the operation of all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             handicap equipment.

3                                        4                                         5                                         6                                         7                                         8                                         9
 When you note trip and                    Electrical panels that                    Document all facility                     Don’t “hold the door”.                    The storage of materials                  Ask for assistance when                   Before using any
 fall hazards, don’t wait for              could be accessed by the                  maintenance repairs and                   Require everyone to use                   should not be permitted                   lifting heavy and awkward                 equipment make sure the
 someone else to report it.                public should be locked to                inspections.                              their key card to enter the               in stairwells.                            loads.                                    guards are in place.
 Own it!                                   prevent tampering.                                                                  facility.

10 Palm Sunday                           11                                        12                                        13                                        14                                        15 Tax Day                                16
                                           When lifting, bend at your                The generator should                      Don’t text and drive.                     Use a broom and dustpan,                       Passover                             Rags containing oil
                                           knees, not with your back.                be tested monthly                                                                   not your hands, to pick up                     Good Friday                          and solvents should be
                                                                                     in accordance with                                                                   debris.                                                                           disposed within a self-
                                                                                     National Fire Protection                                                                                                                                                closing steel safety can.
                                                                                     Association standards.

17 Easter                                18                                        19                                        20                                        21                                        22 Earth Day                              23
                                           Know where the nearest                    Know your facilities                      Stretching and                            Need to make a call on the                                                          Lighting for all interior
                                           eyewash station is.                       emergency plan.                           strengthening your back                   road? Pullover!                                                                     and exterior areas should
                                                                                                                               can help you reduce your                                                                                                      be in proper working
                                                                                                                               potential for injury.                                                                                                         order.

24                                       25                                        26                                        27                                        28                                        29 Arbor Day                              30
 Keep work areas free                      Keep all cash drawers                     Know what to do if you                    Know your responsibility                  Do not store any materials                                                          Know how to use a fire
 of clutter to prevent                     closed and locked.                        receive a bomb threat.                    in a fire emergency.                      within 36” of electrical                                                            extinguisher.
 potential trip-and-fall                                                                                                                                                 panels.

 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
2022 Safety Calendar Risk Engineering Services - Chubb Risk Engineering Services
Hurricanes and Severe Storms
• Know the difference between
  a severe weather warning and
  a fire alarm.
• Know the plan for your location
  in a weather emergency.
• Know where to go to seek shelter.
• Don’t leave the shelter until the
  “all clear” has been given.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
May                                                                              2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

The life you save may be your own. Plan ahead for severe weather!
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

1                                        2                                         3                                         4                                         5 Cinco de Mayo                           6                                         7
 The roof access door                      Employees should be                       The fire pump should                      When the severe storm                                                               Storage areas should be                   A minimum width of 36”
 should be locked and                      trained how to operate                    be tested weekly                          alarm sounds, seek shelter                                                          regularly inspected for                   must be maintained in all
 the key placed on the                     equipment before using.                   in accordance with                        immediately.                                                                        flammable and hazardous                   exit pathways.
 emergency key ring.                                                                 National Fire Protection                                                                                                      materials.
                                                                                     Association standards.

8 Mother’s Day                           9                                         10                                        11                                        12                                        13                                        14
                                           All exit signs should be                  Smoking should not be                     Know the type, location,                  All damaged security                      Know how to lift properly.                Know your company's
                                           properly illuminated                      permitted within 25’ of                   and the operation of all                  equipment should be                       Get help when lifting                     security policy.
                                           and reflect the correct                   the building.                             handicap equipment.                       repaired as soon as                       heavy or awkward loads.
                                           direction of travel.                                                                                                          possible.

15                                       16                                        17                                        18                                        19                                        20                                        21
 All stairwell doors should                Know where the Safety                     Fire protection equipment                 Report/Repair any                         Don’t know where the                      Inspect tools before each                 Floor mats should be
 properly open and latch                   Data Sheets (SDS) are                     should be inspected                       damaged furniture in                      storm shelter is? Ask!                    use and replace or repair                 placed at exterior access
 closed when released.                     located.                                  monthly in accordance with                common areas.                                                                       if worn or damaged.                       points on rainy days.
                                                                                     National Fire Protection
                                                                                     Association standards.

22                                       23                                        24                                        25                                        26                                        27                                        28
 All doors should close and                Wear your safety belt                     Electrical panels that                    Be familiar with your                     Inspect trash compactors                  Report all workplace                      Equipment should be
 latch securely.                           when driving a vehicle.                   could be accessed by the                  Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).               to ensure the double                      incidents to supervisors,                 de-energized and locked
                                                                                     public should be locked to                They contain useful                       interlock is in proper                    department managers or                    out prior to maintenance
                                                                                     prevent tampering.                        information in the event                  working order.                            Human Resources.                          work beginning.
                                                                                                                               of an accident.

29                                       30 Memorial Day                           31
 Wear your safety belt                                                               Report suspicious activity
 when driving a vehicle.                                                             to security.

 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
National Safety Month
• Know the safety procedures
  for your facility and tasks.
• If you don’t know how to do a task
  safely, don’t guess—Ask!
• If a task requires assistance,
  such as lifting or parking, don’t
  attempt until help is available.
• Getting injured doesn’t just
  hurt you—think of your
  family and friends.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
June                                                                             2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Safety isn’t just for one month. Practice Safety Year Round.
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                             1                                         2                                         3                                         4
                                                                                                                               Keep 36” of clearance                     Know which fire                           Know what to do in case                   Store all flammable
                                                                                                                               around all electrical                     extinguisher to use and                   of a power loss.                          liquids in closed
                                                                                                                               panels.                                   how to use it.                                                                      containers within the UL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             flammable safety cabinet.

5                                        6                                         7                                         8                                         9                                         10                                        11
 Do not text or use a cell                 All contractors should                    Before climbing any                       Document all facility                     Do not give out employee                  The storage of materials                  Ask for assistance when
 phone while driving.                      have appropriate                          ladder, check its                         maintenance, repairs and                  information.                              should not be permitted                   lifting heavy and awkward
                                           identification and                        condition.                                inspections.                                                                        in stairwells.                            loads.
                                           guarding of their work

12                                       13                                        14 Flag Day                               15                                        16                                        17                                        18
 Don’t “hold the door”.                    Make sure all emergency                                                             Know your evacuation                      Make sure equipment is                    If you see a spill, you                   Wear hearing protection
 Require everyone to use                   exits are clear of                                                                  procedures.                               grounded and plugged                      “own” it.                                 whenever the noise level
 their key card to enter the               obstructions.                                                                                                                 into grounded circuits.                                                             is high.

19 Juneteenth                            20                                        21                                        22                                        23                                        24                                        25
      Father’s Day                         Floor mats should be                      Floor mats should be                      Know your company’s                       Flammable liquids                         Stretching and                            Wear proper gloves
                                           placed at exterior access                 placed at exterior access                 safety procedures for your                should not be stored near                 strengthening your back                   when handling chemicals
                                           points on rainy days.                     points on rainy days.                     job tasks.                                electrical panels.                        can help you reduce your                  and other hazardous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   potential for injury.                     materials.

26                                       27                                        28                                        29                                        30
 Lighting for all interior                 Keep work areas free                      Report curbs not marked                   Ensure the eyewash                        Don’t use machinery or
 and exterior areas should                 of clutter to prevent                     with visible, slip-resistant              station is well maintained                equipment that is missing
 be in proper working                      potential trip-and-fall                   paint.                                    and protective caps are in                guards or electrical
 order.                                    hazards.                                                                            place.                                    covers.

 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
Safe Material Handling
• Size up the load before you
  lift—get help if needed.
• A lifting device, such as a cart
  or dolly, is the preferred
  method of moving materials.
• If the task requires lifting,
  plan ahead—bring the proper
  lifting equipment and enough
  help to get the job done safely.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
July                                                                            2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chubb Risk Engineering Services

If it looks too heavy, it probably is. Get help when lifting!
Sunday                                  Monday                                     Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1                                         2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Report potholes and other                 Report any broken locks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   parking lot damage to help                and fill out a work order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   prevent trips and falls.                  for repair.

3                                       4 Independence Day                         5                                         6                                         7                                         8                                         9
Trip hazards should be                                                              Employees should be                        The fire pump should                      Remember ladder safety.                   Use knives with                           Wear hearing protection
repaired immediately to                                                             trained how to operate                     be tested weekly                          Never use the top two                     retractable blades, and be                when operating loud
reduce the potential for                                                            equipment before using.                    in accordance with                        rungs of a ladder. If you                 sure to retract the blade                 machinery and hand
injury.                                                                                                                        National Fire Protection                  need to then you need a                   when not in use.                          tools.
                                                                                                                               Association standards.                    taller ladder.

10                                      11                                         12                                        13                                        14                                        15                                        16
Keep at least 36” of                      All exit signs should be                  Be aware of which fire                     Make sure all interior                    Always wear protective                    Push rather than pull                     Know how to lift properly.
clearance around all                      properly illuminated                      extinguisher is used for                   stairwell locks are                       gloves when working in                    work carts or other                       Get help when lifting
electrical panels.                        and reflect the correct                   each type of fire.                         working properly.                         guestroom bathrooms.                      equipment.                                heavy or awkward
                                          direction of travel.                                                                                                                                                                                               objects.

17                                      18                                         19                                        20                                        21                                        22                                        23
Know how to use a fire                    All stairwell doors should                Before operating                           Fire protection equipment                 Wear the proper footwear                  Never lend out your                       Inspect equipment before
extinguisher.                             properly open and latch                   equipment, ensure all                      should be inspected                       for your job.                             key to a locked area. If                  each use and replace
                                          closed when released.                     safety guards are properly                 monthly in accordance with                                                          necessary, escort the                     or repair if worn or
                                                                                    in place.                                  National Fire Protection                                                            individual to the area.                   damaged.
                                                                                                                               Association standards.

24/31 Parents’ Day 25                                                              26                                        27                                        28                                        29                                        30
                                          When lifting, bend at your                Report any suspicious                      All storage must be at least              Be familiar with your                     Inspect trash compactors                  Make sure all emergency
                                          knees, not with your back.                individuals to security.                   18” below the sprinkler                   Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).               to ensure the double                      exits are clear of
                                                                                                                               heads.                                    They contain useful                       interlock is in proper                    obstructions.
                                                                                                                                                                         information in the event                  working order.
                                                                                                                                                                         of an accident.
This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
Heat Stress/Safety
• Limit your time working in the
  heat – take frequent breaks in
  shaded areas.
• Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the
  best—avoid sugar and caffeine.
• Know the signs of heat stress—
  profuse sweating, confusion,
  nausea, cramps.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
August                                                                               2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Can you handle the heat? Work Smart and you can!
Sunday                                  Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                        1                                         2                                         3                                         4                                         5                                         6
                                          Clean up broken glass with                Know your responsibility                  Do not store any materials                Know how to use a fire                    Know where the first aid                  Store all flammable
                                          a vacuum cleaner, brush                   in a fire emergency.                      within 36” of electrical                  extinguisher. If a small fire             kit is and know how to                    liquids in closed
                                          and dustpan, or tongs.                                                              panels.                                   is identified, first report               use it.                                   containers within the
                                          Never use a mop, cloth,                                                                                                       the fire to a supervisor.                                                           Underwriters Laboratory
                                          sponge or your hands.                                                                                                                                                                                             flammable safety cabinet.

7                                       8                                         9                                         10                                        11                                        12                                        13
Do not text while driving.                Keep all walking paths                    Before climbing any                       When working in the heat,                 If a weather emergency                    Storage of materials                      Ask for assistance when
If texting, you are eight                 clear of obstructions.                    ladder, check its                         take regular breaks.                      begins during off hours,                  should not be permitted                   lifting heavy and awkward
times more likely to be in                                                          condition.                                                                          know what to do.                          in stairwells.                            loads.
an auto accident.

14                                      15                                        16                                        17                                        18                                        19                                        20
Extension cords are for                   You are four times more                   When lifting, bend at your                Drink plenty of fluids                    Make sure equipment is                    Use a broom and a                         Wear hearing protection
temporary use, not a                      likely to be in an auto                   knees not with your back.                 when working in the heat.                 grounded and plugged                      dustpan, not your hands,                  when directed to do so.
permanent fix.                            accident while on the                                                                                                         into grounded circuits.                   to clean up debris.
                                          phone. Don’t talk and

21                                      22                                        23                                        24                                        25                                        26                                        27
Report any damaged                        Electrical panels that                    Know where the nearest                    Flammable liquids should                  Stretching and                            Never use the top rung of                 Wear proper gloves
property or furniture for                 could be accessed by the                  eyewash station is. Ensure                not be stored near open                   strengthening your back                   any ladder. Get the right                 when handling chemicals
repair.                                   public should be locked to                they are well-maintained                  flames, boiler room or the                can help you reduce your                  ladder for the task.                      and other hazardous
                                          prevent tampering.                        and the protective caps                   electrical room.                          potential for injury.                                                               materials.
                                                                                    are in place.

28                                      29                                        30                                        31
Lighting for all interior                 Keep work areas free                      Report all workplace                      Check stairwell lighting
and exterior areas should                 of clutter to prevent                     incidents to supervisors                  to ensure all light fixtures
be in proper working                      potential trip-and-fall                   managers or Human                         are illuminated.
order.                                    hazards.                                  Resources.

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
National Preparedness Month
• Make a Plan – What would
  you do during a disaster?
• Build a Kit – Food, supplies,
• Prepare – What documents do
  you need, where will you go?
• Inform – Let your family and
  friends know your plan.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
September                                                                                   2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Prepare for Emergencies!
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                       1                                         2                                         3
                                                                                                                                                                         Report any suspicious                     Trip hazards should be                    All doors should close and
                                                                                                                                                                         individuals to security.                  repaired immediately to                   latch automatically. Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   reduce the potential for                  any door that does not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   injury.                                   fully or properly close.

4                                        5 Labor Day                               6                                         7                                         8                                         9                                         10
 Store heavy items on the                                                            Check compactors to                       Floor mats should be                      What will you do if disaster              Remember ladder safety.                   Curbs are a trip and fall
 lower shelf rack or on the                                                          ensure all safety controls                placed at exterior access                 strikes? Have a plan!                     Never use the top two                     hazard. Make sure they
 floor.                                                                              are in place.                             points on rainy days.                                                               rungs of a ladder.                        are clearly marked.

11 Patriot Day                           12                                        13                                        14                                        15                                        16                                        17
     Grandparents Day                      Floor mats should be                      All exit signs should be                  Report all workplace                      Smoking should not be                     Document all facility                     All damaged security
                                           placed at exterior access                 properly illuminated                      incidents to supervisors,                 permitted within 25’ of                   maintenance, repairs and                  equipment should be
                                           points on rainy days.                     and reflect the correct                   department managers or                    the building.                             inspections.                              repaired as soon as
                                                                                     direction of travel.                      Human Resources.                                                                                                              possible.

18                                       19                                        20                                        21                                        22                                        23                                        24
 Know how to lift properly.                All electrical wiring                     All stairwell doors should                Before operating                          Prevent falls! If you see a               No matter how small the                   Never lend out your
 Get help when lifting                     should be enclosed in a                   properly open and latch                   equipment ensure all                      spill, clean it up!                       job, wear all the required                key to a locked area. If
 heavy or awkward                          conduit.                                  closed when released.                     safety guards are properly                                                          protective clothing.                      necessary, escort the
 objects.                                                                                                                      in place.                                                                                                                     individual to the area.

25                                       26 Rosh Hashanah                          27                                        28                                        29                                        30
 Inspect equipment before                                                            All laundry chute doors                   Know how to react to a                    Adhere to manufacturer’s                  Don’t “hold the door.”
 each use and replace                                                                should close and latch                    bomb threat.                              safety suggestions when                   Require everyone to key
 or repair if worn or                                                                securely.                                                                           operating any equipment.                  card into the facility.

 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
Fire Safety
• Keep flammables in the
  proper containers and
  keep away from heat.
• Store used solvent rags in a
  proper fire-safe container.
• Don’t use gasoline or flammable
  solvents as a clean-up solvent.
• If a fire or hot work is necessary,
  maintain a proper fire watch and
  keep extinguishers nearby.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
October                                                                                2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Fire tragedies can be prevented. Practice fire safety!
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Store all flammable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             liquids in closed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             containers within the UL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             flammable safety cabinet.

2                                        3                                         4                                         5 Yom Kippur                              6                                         7                                         8
 Do not text while driving.                Check compactors to                       Before climbing any                                                                 Know how to use a fire                    The storage of materials                  Ask for assistance when
 If texting, you are eight                 ensure all safety controls                ladder, check its condition.                                                        extinguisher. If a small fire             should not be permitted                   lifting heavy and awkward
 times more likely to be in                are in place.                                                                                                                 is identified, first report               in stairwells.                            loads.
 an auto accident.                                                                                                                                                       the fire to a supervisor.

9                                        10                                        11                                        12                                        13                                        14                                        15
                                                  Peoples’ Day
 All pool and spa drain                                                              Ensure eye protection                     The generator should                      Make sure equipment is                    Know where extinguishers                  Use “wet floor” signs
 covers should be in place                                                           is located near the pool                  be tested monthly                         grounded and plugged                      are and how to use them.                  appropriately. Clean up
 and properly secured.                                                               chemicals.                                in accordance with                        into grounded circuits.                                                             spills immediately and
                                                                                                                               National Fire Protection                                                                                                      remove the signage.
                                                                                                                               Association standards.

16 Boss’ Day                             17                                        18                                        19                                        20                                        21                                        22
                                           Electrical panels that                    Know where the nearest                    Flammable liquids should                  Stretching and                            All fitness and                           Wear proper gloves
                                           could be accessed by the                  eyewash station is.                       not be stored near open                   strengthening your back                   recreational pool                         when handling chemicals
                                           public should be locked to                                                          flames or in a boiler room                can help you reduce your                  equipment should be                       and other hazardous
                                           prevent tampering.                                                                  or electrical room.                       potential for injury.                     inspected daily.                          materials.

23/30                                    24/31 Diwali /                            25                                        26                                        27                                        28                                        29
 Lighting for all interior                               Halloween                   Report/Clear leaves from                  Report any suspicious                     Know your responsibility                  Keep 36” of clearance                     Handle sharps containers
 and exterior areas should                                                           walkways. They are a                      individuals to security.                  in a fire emergency.                      around all electrical                     with caution and proper
 be in proper working                                                                slipping hazard!                                                                    Be aware of which fire                    panels.                                   protection.
 order.                                                                                                                                                                  extinguisher is used for
                                                                                                                                                                         each type of fire.
 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
Winter Weather Preparedness
• Don’t wait! Get what you need now
  to clear ice and snow.
• Inspect and service heating
  systems before you need them.
• Clear drains and downspouts.
• Are you driving to visit family?
  Service your vehicle and inspect
  your emergency kit.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
November                                                                                   2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Snow and ice? Not Nice. Prepare Now!
Sunday                                 Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                  Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                 1                                         2                                          3                                         4                                         5
                                                                                   Be familiar with your                     Employees should be                       Floor mats should be                       Inspect mats for                          Be ready for snow and
                                                                                   Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).               trained how to operate                    placed at exterior access                  cleanliness and straight                  ice with a removal and
                                                                                   They contain useful                       equipment before using.                   points on rainy days.                      edges. If a mat is lifting or             treatment plan.
                                                                                   information in the event                                                                                                       curling, please report.
                                                                                   of an accident.

6     Daylight Saving
      Time Ends                        7                                         8 Election Day                            9                                          10                                        11 Veterans Day                           12
                                         The roof access door                                                                Fire protection equipment                 Winter’s coming! Is your                                                             Wear hearing protection
                                         should be locked and                                                                should be inspected                       car ready?                                                                           when operating loud
                                         the key placed on the                                                               monthly in accordance with                                                                                                     machinery and hand
                                         emergency key ring.                                                                 National Fire Protection                                                                                                       tools.
                                                                                                                             Association standards.

13                                     14                                        15                                        16                                         17                                        18                                        19
A minimum width of 36”                   All exit signs should be                  Be aware of which fire                    Smoking should not be                     Always wear protective                     Report any suspicious                     Know how to lift properly.
must be maintained in all                properly illuminated                      extinguisher is used for                  permitted within 25’                      gloves when working in                     people or packages. If                    Get help when lifting
exit pathways.                           and reflect the correct                   each type of fire.                        of the building and/or                    guestroom bathrooms.                       you see something, say                    heavy or awkward loads.
                                         direction of travel.                                                                near combustible and                                                                 something.
                                                                                                                             flammable materials.

20                                     21                                        22                                        23                                         24 Thanksgiving Day 25                                                              26
Know how to use a fire                   All stairwell doors should                Before operating                          Don’t wait! Get what you                                                             All keys should be signed                 Inspect equipment before
extinguisher.                            properly open and latch                   equipment ensure all                      need now to clear ice and                                                            out and back in with your                 each use and replace
                                         closed when released.                     safety guards are properly                snow.                                                                                supervisor.                               or repair if worn or
                                                                                   in place.                                                                                                                                                                damaged.

27                                     28                                        29                                        30
Wear the proper footwear                 If you see a spill, “own” it.             Wear your safety belt                     All storage must be at least
for your job.                                                                      when driving a vehicle.                   18” below the sprinkler

This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
engineering or other professional advice.
Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
Holiday Safety
• Cover that cough, and
  wash/disinfect hands
  and surfaces frequently.
• Use open flame cautiously
  or, better yet, not at all.
• Never drink and drive.
• Keep hot food hot and
  cold food cold.

  Please visit www.chubb.com/engineering to learn
  more about Chubb Risk Engineering Services.
December                                                                                   2022 Safety Calendar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chubb Risk Engineering Services

Keep your holidays happy by being safe!
Sunday                                   Monday                                    Tuesday                                   Wednesday                                 Thursday                                  Friday                                    Saturday

                                                                                                                                                                       1                                         2                                         3
                                                                                                                                                                         Unplug equipment                          Never wear rings, jewelry                 Store all flammable
                                                                                                                                                                         before trying to correct a                or loose clothing when                    liquids in closed
                                                                                                                                                                         malfunction.                              operating machinery.                      containers within the UL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             flammable safety cabinet.

4                                        5                                         6                                         7                                         8                                         9                                         10
 Do not text or talk on the                Check compactors to                       Come back from the                        All facility maintenance,                 Have a master key                         The storage of materials                  Ask for assistance when
 phone while driving.                      ensure all safety controls                holidays! Never drink and                 repairs and/or inspections                available for fire                        should not be permitted                   lifting heavy and awkward
                                           are in place.                             drive.                                    should be documented.                     department use.                           in stairwells.                            loads.

11                                       12                                        13                                        14                                        15                                        16                                        17
 Make sure the position of                 Be careful of distracted                  When lifting, bend at your                Wash your hands                           Make sure equipment is                    Use a broom and a                         Know the type, location,
 a computer workstation                    driving. Eating, drinking,                knees, not with your back.                frequently to prevent the                 grounded and plugged                      dustpan, not your hands,                  and operation of all safety
 and height of the chair is                texting and talking on the                                                          spread of germs.                          into grounded circuits.                   to pick up debris.                        equipment.
 ergonomically correct.                    cell phone can distract
                                           you from the road.

18                                       19 Hanukkah                               20                                        21                                        22                                        23                                        24
 Water on restroom floors                                                            Know where your nearest                   Be familiar with your                     Stretching and                            Do not store any materials                Wear hearing protection
 should be cleaned up                                                                eyewash station is. Ensure                Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s).               strengthening your back                   within 36” electrical                     whenever noise level is
 immediately to prevent a                                                            they are well maintained                  They contain useful                       can help you reduce your                  panels.                                   high.
 serious slip and fall injury.                                                       and the protective caps                   information in the event                  potential for injury.
                                                                                     are in place.                             of an accident.

25 Christmas Day                         26 Kwanzaa                                27                                        28                                        29                                        30                                        31 New Year’s Eve
                                                                                     Keep work areas free                      Report any suspicious                     Know the procedures for                   All forklift equipment
                                                                                     of clutter to prevent                     individuals to security.                  a property evacuation.                    should be inspected daily.
                                                                                     potential trip-and-fall

 This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. It is an overview only, and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with your insurance broker, or for legal,
 engineering or other professional advice.
 Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services. For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at http://www.chubb.com. Insurance provided by ACE American Insurance Company and its U.S.
 based Chubb underwriting company affiliates. This document is advisory in nature and is offered as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. No liabilities or warranties are assumed or provided by the
 information contained in this document. Chubb, 202 Hall’s Mill Road, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-1600.
Form 09-01-0184 (Rev. 11/21)
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