Sentences and Documents in Native Language Identification

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Sentences and Documents in Native Language Identification
Sentences and Documents in Native Language Identification

          Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell’Orletta, Dominique Brunato, Giulia Venturi
           Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” (ILC–CNR)
                                ItaliaNLP Lab -

                     Abstract                         TOEFL11 corpus (Blanchard et al., 2013), NLI
                                                      has been recently gaining attention also in the
    English. Starting from a wide set of lin-         NLP community where it is mainly addressed as
    guistic features, we present the first in         a multi-class supervised classification task. This
    depth feature analysis in two different Na-       is the approach followed by the more recent sys-
    tive Language Identification (NLI) scenar-        tems taking part to the last editions of the NLI
    ios. We compare the results obtained in           Shared Tasks held in 2013 (Tetreault et al., 2013)
    a traditional NLI document classification         and 2017 (Malmasi et al., 2017). Typically, these
    task and in a newly introduced sentence           systems exploit a variety of features encoding the
    classification task, investigating the differ-    linguistic structure of L2 text in terms of e.g. n-
    ent role played by the considered features.       grams of characters, words, POS tags, syntactic
    Finally, we study the impact of a set of se-      constructions. Such features are used as input for
    lected features extracted from the sentence       machine learning algorithms, mostly based on tra-
    classifier in document classification.            ditional Support Vector Machine (SVM) models.
    Italiano. Partendo da un ampio insieme di         In addition, rather than using the output of a sin-
    caratteristiche linguistiche, presentiamo         gle classifier, the most effective approach relies
    la prima analisi approfondita del ruolo           on ensemble methods based on multiple classifiers
    delle caratteristiche linguistiche nel com-       (Malmasi and Dras, 2017).
    pito di identificazione della lingua nativa          In this paper we want to further contribute to
    (NLI) in due differenti scenari. Confron-         NLI research by focusing the attention on the role
    tiamo i risultati ottenuti nel tradizionale       played by different types of linguistic features in
    task di NLI ed in un nuovo compito di             predicting the native language of L2 writers. Start-
    classificazione di frasi, studiando il ruolo      ing from the approach devised by (Cimino and
    differente che svolgono le caratteristiche        Dell’Orletta, 2017), which obtained the first po-
    considerate. Infine, studiamo l’impatto di        sition in the essay track of the 2017 NLI Shared
    un insieme di caratteristiche estratte dal        Task, we carry out a systematic feature selection
    classificatore di frasi nel task di classifi-     analysis to identify which features are more effec-
    cazione di documenti.                             tive to capture traces of the native language in L2
                                                      writings at sentence and document level.
                                                      Our Contributions (i) We introduce for the first
1   Introduction                                      time a NLI sentence classification scenario, report-
Native Language Identification (NLI) is the re-       ing the classification results; (ii) We study which
search topic aimed at identifying the native lan-     features among a wide set of features contribute
guage (L1) of a speaker or a writer based on          more to the sentence and to the document classifi-
his/her language production in a non-native lan-      cation task; (iii) We investigate the contribution of
guage (L2). The leading assumption of NLI re-         features extracted from the sentence classifier in a
search is that speakers with the same L1 exhibit      stacked sentence-document system.
similar linguistic patterns in their L2 productions
                                                      2   The Classifier and Features
which can be viewed as traces of the L1 inter-
ference phenomena. Thanks to the availability         In this work, we built a classifier based on SVM
of large-scale benchmark corpora, such as the         using LIBLINEAR (Rong-En et al., 2008) as ma-
Raw text features
    TOEFL11 essay prompt*
    Text length (n. of tokens)
    Word length (avg. n. of characters)
    Average sentence length and standard deviation*
    Character n-grams (up to 8)
    Word n-grams (up to 4)
    Functional word n-grams (up to 3)
    Lemma n-grams (up to 4)
    Lexical features
    Type/token ratio of the first 100, 200, 300, 400 tokens*
    Etymological WordNet features (De Melo, 2014)
    etymological n-grams (up-to 4)
    Morpho–syntactic features
    Coarse Part-Of-Speech n-grams (up to 4)
    Coarse Part-Of-Speech+Lemma of the following token         Figure 1: Sentence classification performance
    n-grams (up to 4)
                                                               across bins of sentences of the same lengths.
    Syntactic features
    Dependency type n-grams (sentence linear order) (up to
    Dependency type n-grams (syntactic hierarchical order)     are influenced by the number of words but with
    (up to 4)
    Dependency subtrees (dependency of a word + the de-
                                                               a different impact. Figure 1 shows that the aver-
    pendencies to its siblings in the sentence linear order)   age performance on sentences is reached for sen-
                                                               tences ∼21–token long, which corresponds to the
Table 1: Features used for document and sentence               average sentence length for this dataset. As the
classification (* only for document).                          sentence length increases, the accuracy increases
                                                               as well. Due to the smaller amount of linguistic
chine learning library. The set of documents de-               evidence, the classification of short sentences is
scribed in Section 3 was automatically POS tagged              a more complex task. The performance of docu-
by the part–of–speech tagger described in (Cimino              ment classification is more stable: the best f–score
and Dell’Orletta, 2016) and dependency–parsed                  is already reached for documents of ∼200–tokens,
by DeSR (Attardi et al., 2009). A wide set of fea-             which corresponds to a very short document com-
tures was considered in the classification of both             pared to the average size of TOEFL11 documents
sentences and documents. As shown in Table 1,                  (330 tokens).
they span across multiple levels of linguistic anal-              Figures 2(a) and 2(b) report the confusion ma-
ysis. These features and the classifier were chosen            trices of the two experiments1 . As it can be seen,
since they were used by the 1st ranked classifica-             both for sentences and documents the best clas-
tion system (Cimino and Dell’Orletta, 2017) in the             sification performance is obtained for German,
2017 NLI shared task.                                          Japanese and Chinese, even though with some dif-
                                                               ferences in the relative ranking positions, e.g. Ger-
3     Experiments and Results                                  man is the top ranked one in the sentence clas-
                                                               sification scenario and the 2nd ranked one in the
We carried out two experiments devoted to clas-                document classification one, while Japanese is the
sify L2 documents and sentences. The training                  best classified L1 in the document experiment and
and development set distributed in the 2017 NLI                the 4th ranked one in the sentence classification
shared task, i.e. the TOEFL11 corpus (Blanchard                scenario. Conversely, we observe differences with
et al., 2013), was used as training data. It in-               respect to the worst recognized L1s, which are
cludes 12,100 documents, corresponding to a to-                Turkish, Hindi and Korean in the document classi-
tal of 198,334 sentences. The experiments were                 fication task and Arabic, Spanish and Turkish in
tested on the 2017 test set, including 1,100 docu-             the sentence classification one. The two confu-
ments (18,261 sentences).                                      sion matrices also reveal a peculiar error distribu-
   The obtained macro average F1-scores were:                  tion trend: the confusion matrix of the sentence
0.8747 in the document classification task and                 classification model is much more sparse than the
0.4035 in the sentence one. As it was expected, the
identification of the L1 of the sentences turned out                Since the number of documents and sentences in the two
                                                               experiments is different, in order to make comparable the val-
as a more complex task than L1 document classifi-              ues of the two confusion matrices, the sentence classification
cation. Both document and sentence classification              values were normalized to 100.
document classification one. This means that for         and sentence classification. In the second step, we
each considered L1, the errors made by the sen-          ranked the extracted features through the Recur-
tence classifier are quite similarly distributed over    sive Feature Elimination (RFE) algorithm imple-
all possible L1s; instead, errors in the document        mented in the Scikit-learn library (Pedregosa et al.,
classification scenario are much more prototypi-         2011) using Linear SVM as estimator algorithm.
cal, i.e. the wrong predicted label is assigned to       We dropped 1% of features in each iteration. At
only one or two L1 candidates, which change ac-          the end of this step we selected the top ranked fea-
cording to the specific L1. This is shown e.g.           tures corresponding to ∼ 40,000 features both for
by languages belonging to same language fam-             the sentence and document tasks. These features
ily such as Japanese and Korean which belong to          were further re-ranked using the RFE algorithm
the same Altaic family. Specifically, in the docu-       (dropping 100 features at each iteration) to allow
ment classification scenario Korean is mainly con-       a more fine grained analysis.
fused with Japanese (10% of errors). This trend             Figure 3(a) compares the percentage of differ-
holds also in the sentence classification experi-        ent types of features used in the classification of
ment where 17.8% of errors were due to the con-          documents and sentences. As it can be noted,
fusion of Korean with Japanese and vice versa            the document classifier uses more words n-grams,
(18.2% of errors). Interestingly enough, the most        especially n-grams characters. Instead, morpho–
prototypical errors were also made when contact          syntactic and syntactic features are more effec-
languages were concerned. This is for example the        tive for sentence classification, and the n-grams
case of Hindi and Telugu: Hindi documents were           of lemmas even more than 4 times. Figures 3(b),
mainly confused with Telugu ones (16% of errors)         3(c) and 3(d) show the variation of relevance of
and Telugu documents with Hindi ones (13% of             the 40k raw text, morpho-syntactic and syntactic
errors). Similarly, in the sentence classification       features grouped in bins of 100 features. The lines
scenario, Hindi sentences were wrongly classified        in the charts correspond to the differences between
as Telugu sentences in about 20% of cases and            document and sentence in terms of percentage of
vice versa. As previously shown by Cimino et             a single type of feature in the bin with respect to
al. (2013), even if these two languages do not be-       its total distribution in the whole 40k selected fea-
long to the same family, such classification errors      tures2 . Negative values mean that this distribution
might originate from a similar linguistic profile        in the bin is higher for sentence classification.
due to language contact phenomena: for instance,            Among the raw text features (Figure 3(b)), n-
both Hindi and Telugu L1 essays are character-           grams of words occur more in the 1st bins of doc-
ized by sentences and words of similar length, or        ument classification, while n-grams of characters
they share similar syntactic structures such e.g.        and lemma are more relevant in the 1st bins of sen-
parse trees of similar depth and embedded comple-        tence classification. The n-grams of coarse parts–
ment chains governed by a nominal head of similar        of-speech are equally distributed in the two rank-
length.                                                  ings, instead both the n-grams of coarse parts–of-
   The behavior of the two classifiers may suggest       speech followed by a lemma and the n-grams of
that i) some features could play a different role in     functional words occur more in the 1st bins of sen-
the classification of sentences with respect to doc-     tence classification (Figure 3(c)). This confirms
uments and ii) the document classifier can be im-        the key role played by lemma in sentence classifi-
proved using features extracted from the output of       cation.
a sentence classifier in a stacked configuration. To        For what concerns syntactic information (Fig-
investigate these hypotheses, we carried out an ex-      ure 3(d)), the features that properly capture sen-
tensive feature selection analysis to study the role     tence structure (dependency subtree and the hier-
of the features in the two classification scenarios.     archical syntactic dependencies) are all contained
                                                         in the first bins of document classification even if
3.1   Feature Selection                                  their total distribution is lower than in the sen-
                                                         tence. This shows that syntactic information is
In the first step of the feature selection process, we   very relevant also when longer texts are classified
extracted all the features from the training set and     and that this kind of information is not captured by
pruned those occurring less than 4 times, obtaining
∼ 4,000,000 distinct features both for document             2
                                                                Spline interpolation applied for readability purpose.
(a)                                                (b)

               Figure 2: Confusion matrix of document (a) and sentence classification (b).

n-grams of words. Feature types with low num-           sifier assigned a confidence score for each L1 to
ber of instances are not reported in these charts.      each sentence of the documents. Based on the con-
Among these, etymological n-grams appears in the        fidence score, we defined the following features:
first bins both for sentence and document, con-         for each L1 i) the mean sentence confidence (avg),
firming the relevance of the etymological infor-        ii) the standard deviation of confidences (stddev),
mation already proven for NLI document clas-            iii) the product of the confidences (prod), iv) the
sification (Nastase and Strapparava, 2017). For         top–3 highest and lowest confidence values (top–3
sentence classification, it is also relevant sentence   max-min). The last two features were introduced
length and word length. Instead, for document,          to mitigate the effect of spike values that may be
type/token ratio plays a very important role. In-       introduced by considering the max-min L1 confi-
terestingly, the average sentence length does not       dences used in (Cimino and Dell’Orletta, 2017).
appear in the 40k features; we found instead the        The first row of Table 2 reports the result obtained
sentence length standard deviation, showing that        by (Cimino and Dell’Orletta, 2017) by the stacked
what counts more is the variation in length rather      classifier on the same test set. The second row
than the average value. Even though not contained       reports the results of our document system which
in the first bins, also word and document lengths       does not use features extracted from the sentence
and the TOEFL11 essay prompt are in the top 40k         classifier. The third row reports the result of a clas-
features.                                               sifier that uses only the features extracted from the
                                                        predictions of the L1 sentence classifier. The fol-
4   Stacked Classifier                                  lowing rows report the contribution of each sen-
                                                        tence classifier feature in the stacked architecture
The different role of the features in the two L1        showing an improvement (with the exception of
classification tasks suggests that we may improve       the product) with respect to the base classifier.
the traditional NLI document classification by          The top–3 highest and lowest confidence values
combining sentence and document classifiers. We         are the most helpful features in a stacked architec-
thus evaluated and extended the stacked sentence-       ture. The best result is obtained when using all the
document architecture proposed by (Cimino and           sentence classifier features in the base classifier,
Dell’Orletta, 2017). In addition to the linguistic      which is the state-of-the-art on the 2017 NLI test
features, they proposed a stacked system using the      set.
L1 predictions of a pre–trained sentence classifier
to train a document classifier. Thus we run several     5   Conclusions
experiments on the NLI Shared Task 2017 test set
to assess i) the importance of the sentence clas-       We introduced a new NLI scenario focused on sen-
sifier in a stacked sentence-document architecture      tence classification. Compared to document clas-
and ii) which features extracted from the predic-       sification we obtained different results in terms
tions of the L1 sentence classifier maximize the        of accuracy and distribution of errors across the
accuracy of the stacked system. The sentence clas-      L1s. We showed the different role played by a
(a)                                              (b)

                             (c)                                            (d)

 Figure 3: Distribution of the first top ranked 40k features in the document and sentence classification.

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