Page created by Timothy Riley

              LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?
                        Why the era of cheap flights may be over

                                    JUSTIN WASTNAGE | APRIL 2020

Introduction                                           There are, of course, forecasts that are far more
                                                       pessimistic than President Trump’s initial hopes
The novel coronavirus is first and foremost an         for a resurrection by Easter weekend. There
international health disaster. A quarter of the        are many epidemiologists and virologists who
world is under restricted conditions, if not total     recognise this as the devastating pandemic they
lockdown. Yet, sadly, this pandemic will be meas-      have warned about for decades.4 Both health
ured almost equally in the economic damage it          professionals and economists recognise this as a
wreaks as in the tragic loss of life that it will no   pandemic that could shutter the global economy
doubt provoke in its months-long reign of terror.      for years and lead to another great depression.
COVID-19 will destroy the travel and tourism           This pandemic was caused, in part, by air trans-
industry. The World Travel and Tourism Council         port. Just as the (erroneously named) Spanish
estimates a decline of 13 per cent of economic         influenza pandemic of 1918-19 was spread by
input from the sector globally within a month. In      the global transport of returning troops from the
February, inbound flights to some Asian cities fell    Great War, so too, COVID-19 was spread to all
by more than 75 per cent.1 The same happened           four corners of the globe by rapid travel. The
globally in March.2 By April, ghost flights within     most effective method was by air; infected trav-
the United States were flying with sole passen-        ellers from the epicentre in the Chinese city of
gers on board.3 The United States Transporta-          Wuhan on work trips to Singapore and Tehran,
tion Security Administration screened fewer than       among other transit hubs. Of course, some of
130,000 air travellers on 3 April 2020, compared       the most effective vessels of transmissions have
with 2.5 million on the same day in 2019.              proved to be cruise liners, whose capacity to
                                                       incubate disease has long been known.
Commercial air travel is the leading                   In Australia, Rex Regional Express has entered a
edge of COVID-19 industrial impact                     trading halt and Virgin Australia has announced
                                                       mass redundancies. Qantas Airways, with
Commercial air transport is at the forefront           slightly more time up its sleeves, has been
of COVID-19. No industry has been hit harder           redeploying staff and grounding flights while
or more rapidly. In February 2020, more than           taking up its case with government, hoping
20,000 cities were connected by commercial             the extent of its workforce, the reliance by
flights. In late March 2020, this had fallen to just   government on its services and its national
6,500.5                                                carrier and challenger status will hold it in good
Travel bans have descended not just between
countries, but in many federal countries, along
state lines too.6 By early April 2020, commercial
air transport had ceased to exist as a frequent
means of travel in most developed countries.
Domestic, as well as international flights are
unviable as physical distancing measures
mean no movement outside personal homes
is permitted.

In a matter of weeks, the airline industry
worldwide has been brought to its knees by
this new coronavirus, with carriers slashing
schedules, thousands of aircraft grounded,
employees put on indefinite leave, and airports
devoid of passengers.
                                                       A Boeing employee rides a lift in front of a Boeing 777 passenger plane
                                                       engine on one of the assembly lines in Everett, Washington state (Getty)
Aerospace, the industry of making aircraft has
been hit hard as well. Although there is a usually
a four- to six-month lag between dips in airline
                                                       The United States commercial
fortunes and those of the airframers, Boeing and
                                                       air industry is already
Airbus have both been eyeing up government
bailouts since mid-March. Their teams of
                                                       teetering on the edge
economists know just how catastrophic this             Looking at the United States, the highly interwo-
pandemic will be, even if some are still talking       ven air transport industry already appears to be
of 15-day crises and temporary blips.                  fraying at the seams. In the week to 18 March
                                                       2020, US airlines said they needed US$50 billion
Australia’s dramatically smaller aerospace
                                                       to survive, United Airlines grounded half its fleet,
industry has seen subcontracts dry up as
                                                       WestJet suspended its international opera-
backlogs disappeared overnight following the
                                                       tions. US regional carriers Compass Airlines and
scramble by global airlines to cancel aircraft
                                                       Trans States Airlines were the first US carriers
orders planned into 2024.
                                                       to announce plans to cease operations in early
                                                       April. Transat and Porter Air all followed suit,
                                                       while dozens of air traffic control towers are now
                                                       closed due to staff testing positive for the virus.7

                                                                                                UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                                     WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?
The knock-on effect is that despite Boeing’s            The United States, responsible for some 37 per
request for a US$60 billion bailout for the entire      cent of all air traffic across the globe, is in lock-
aerospace industry (which led to former US              down in most states.8 Pandemic is not covered
Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley            by most insurance policies for businesses, leav-
resigning from the Boeing board in protest at           ing many employers to push the envelope,
state aid), aerospace manufacturers have already        potentially exposing many more to the virus.9 The
started hitting the wall. Boeing, which has major       United States is not alone in its slow response,
operations in one of the COVID-19 hotspots of           other countries like Australia and the UK have
Seattle, Washington, has closed its assembly            lagged behind economies such as Taiwan and
lines until further notice. Smaller US firms, like      Singapore in flattening the infection curve.
Longview Aerospace have also announced they
                                                        Many of the world’s southern states, especially
will suspend production of Bombardier Dash-8
                                                        those in South America — on whose economy
Q400s and de Havilland DC-8 Twin Otters.
                                                        the United States is interlinked — have neither
So what does this mean for the future of air            the resolve (in the case of Brazil) nor the fiscal
travel? The plain answer is that its future is in       space to invoke the massive public intervention
grave doubt.                                            required to halt the spread.

Figure 1. Change in the number of flights tracked compared to the same day a year earlier

        Global           United States               China           Europe               Middle East

                   January 23      January 31                                    January 31
                    Wuhan is       United States partially                  United States bans
                 locked down       bans flights from China                  flights from Europe






           January 2020                          February                               March

Source: Reuters; flightaware.com

                                                                                                UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                                     WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?
What’s next?
The current estimate as to how much the airline
industry will lose this year has been published
by the International Air Transport Association.10
It points to around US$250 billion in lost
income for the year. This would see 2020 some
45 per cent down on 2019, assuming the travel
restrictions ease by the middle of the year.

In Europe, most low-cost airlines are grounded
until May, with airports also closed. In the
United States, meanwhile, some US$40 billion
of the US$2 trillion federal government bailout is
earmarked for airlines, to cover their operations
                                                      Flight routes may move back to the hub and spoke model, putting a pause
just until the end of April.                          on the more recent move towards secondary cities (Getty)

That assumes the peak is in April.

But if, as some epidemiologists suggest, that the     1. How the air industry may respond
peak is more likely to be July, August or October     ›   Onboard social distancing once business
in the United States, then a far different scenario       resumes. For commercial flights, this
will emerge. The World Trade Organization                 may mean leaving the middle seat free
rules on state aid to airlines will come under            in economy. For those with access to
test, as more and more comprehensive bailouts             business jets, there will likely be a boost in
and nationalisation programs take hold.                   private aviation as the super-rich exercise
For now, airlines will focus on flying in medical         social distancing via executive jets whisking
supplies and aerospace manufacturers can                  them and their families between meetings,
convert some of their facilities to produce               with little risk of exposure to COVID-19.
ventilators. This will provide short-term                 Although private aviation is currently
meaning to their employees and communities.               down some 75 per cent, due to movement
But longer term, things look dire for the global          bans, the National Business Aviation
air transport industry.                                   Association predicts an upswing from
                                                          those needing to access remote airports.11

Likely trends and potential scenarios                 ›   A rise in cargo operations from all
                                                          commercial airlines offsetting lost
Should border shutdowns proliferate and                   passenger traffic, leading to a price war
air travel effectively be banned until the end            that could undercut sea freight. Coupled
of 2020, the global air transport system will             with the boost in home delivery, express
collapse. This is clearly the worst-case scenario         package couriers like DHL, FedEx and
and there are other, less severe potential                UPS will face competition from postal
endgames for the air industry, governments                services using national carrier’s belly
and passengers.                                           freight holds. The Australian Government,
                                                          for example, released a A$110 million
                                                          International Freight Assistance Mechanism
                                                          to assist Australia’s agricultural and
                                                          fisheries export by subsidising flights.12

                                                                                              UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                                   WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?
›   An end to thinner routes and a return to        ›   The proliferation of novel start-ups               President Donald
                                                                                                           Trump holds
    hub-and-spoke operations. During the                beginning in 2021. The availability of             up a picture of
    early 21st century, airlines globally used          low-interest credit, combined with a               a Boeing 747
    300-seater aircraft such as the Boeing              glut in pre-owned aircraft becoming                during a
    787 Dreamliner and the Airbus A350 to               available at discounted costs will allow           briefing on the
    open up new city pairs, linking secondary           for a third wave of budget carriers.               pandemic
                                                                                                           briefing (Getty).
    cities with secondary city, bypassing
    the hubs. After COVID-19, however, with
                                                    2. How the government may respond
    a severe curtailment to international
    routes, only the thickest (also known as        ›   The government takeover of privately-
    trunk routes) will survive. The Boeing 787          owned national carriers, reversing
    Dreamliner and the Airbus A350, while               40 years of liberalisation. While less
    essential in a few years’ time, will be             likely in the United States, the national
    furloughed as the far larger Boeing 747             ownership provisions of the Chicago
    jumbo jet and Airbus A380 superjumbo                Convention seem comforting right now.
    continue to ply the long-distance, high-            The ability of national governments to
    capacity air routes that remain.                    protect air routes into their territories,
                                                        while loosened over decades, provided
›   The focus on synthetic fuels and alternate
                                                        some cover after 9/11, with bankruptcies
    propulsion to ease as airlines scramble
                                                        limited to Belgian national carrier Sabena
    for survival. With biofuel costing at least
                                                        and Swissair in Europe. US carriers were
    five times more that of traditional ‘jet A
                                                        able to enter bankruptcy protection.
    fuel’, airlines will be asking for extensions
    in their environmental pledges.                 ›   Increased state intervention in airline
                                                        activities. This may be operational,
›   The tumbling of airline CEOs’ salaries.
                                                        but more likely to be in the form of tied
    The US aviation assistance package, some
                                                        bailouts or conditional restructuring loans.
    US$78 billion of the US$2 trillion, is for
                                                        Either way, expect government around
    loans and payroll support for airlines and
                                                        the world, even the United States, to start
    aviation industry workers. However, in
                                                        specifying what they expect to extract for
    a portent of a correction, executive pay,
                                                        their interventions. These conditions may
    stock buybacks and dividend restrictions
                                                        be counter to what an unchained business
    are all in place to ensure the money
                                                        community would ordinarily want, but a
    flows to maintain employee levels, rather
                                                        necessity in these unchartered times.
    than reward the highly paid C-suite.

                                                                                              UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                                   WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?
›   A government intervention of filling              3. How airline customers may respond
    planes with government employees in
    order to restore connectivity between             ›   Corporates become reluctant bookers
    cities as part of recovery efforts. More              of air travel even once routes re-open.
    likely are generous bailout packages that             The duty of care provisions will bar most
    expand airline route subsidies like the               employers from allowing staff to travel to
    US Essential Air Services scheme, or the              COVID-19 affected territories. This will have
    Regulated Routes program in Australia.                knock-on effects for high-value forward
    These schemes are funded by federal or                bookings for airlines. For example, if a
    state governments to underwrite air routes            company’s health insurance provision
    that in theory would not be economically              prohibits placing that employee in danger
    viable without government support, in                 for health reasons, that is likely to include
    order to provide economic linkages. The               unsanitised hotels, certain destinations
    US scheme, designed in the 1970s, is often            and even airlines that do not comply.
    regarded as part of the pork barrelling               The compliance industry conversely
    armoury of senators and congressmen,                  will be bolstered as corporates will seek
    who deliver cheaper air travel subsidies              assurance from an accreditation body
    to their communities. The Australian                  that the accommodation and transport
    schemes, largely delivered by the states,             options chosen by their employees are
    are also useful in supporting regional                safe and clean. In the United States, with
    communities, albeit less overtly politically.         health insurance provided by employers,
                                                          the last thing they want is employees
›   A new virology status is demanded                     exposed to new COVID-19 infections.
    between countries. Akin to yellow
    fever certificates — a certificate proving        ›   Premium economy seating spaces
    that an individual has received a yellow              become the norm, albeit at a higher
    fever vaccination — travel will only be               cost. As physical spacing rules become
    possible between countries declared                   commonplace, passengers will request
    COVID-free for at least 40 days. Once air             greater seat pitch once they resume
    travel resumes, it will be only between               flying. More legroom, even if the
    those territories declared virus-free.                tradeoff is less frequent flying, could be
                                                          a feature of mid-2020’s air transport.
›   More checkpoints at many more points
    in the journey. As with previous epidemics,
    such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
    (SARS), heat sensors will be a part of
    airport protocol. More onerous will be
    itinerary disclosures that will allow local and
    national health authorities to track arrivals’
    movements. This may not be Chinese-style
    electronic tracking, but rather a handing
    over of travel agency data to authorities.

›   The waiving of departure taxes, fuel taxes
    and visa fees — all designed to recoup costs
    borne by government for air travel — waived
    in an attempt to stimulate growth. For those
    able to fly, there will likely be some very
    attractive fares in the market for 2021.

                                                                                              UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                                   WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?

1.   “As Western flights shut down, Chinese routes        7.    Pilar Wolfsteller, “Week of 16 March in
     are opening again,” The Economist, 21 March                review: North American carriers reel
     2020. Accessed online: https://www.economist.              from coronavirus fallout,” Flight Global, 21
     com/graphic-detail/2020/03/21/as-western-flights-          March 2020. Accessed online: https://www.
     shut-down-chinese-routes-are-opening-again                 flightglobal.com/air-transport/week-of-16-
2.   Jamie Freed and Tracy Rucinski, “Airlines                  march-in-review-north-american-carriers-
     and governments put the brakes on travel                   reel-from-coronavirus-fallout/137452.article
     as coronavirus continues to spread,”                 8.    Elena Mazareanu, “Available seats in aviation -
     World Economic Forum, 13 March                             ranking of countries 2019,” Statistica, 9 October
     2020. Accessed online: https://www.                        2019. Accessed online: https://www.statista.
     weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/travel-                         com/statistics/270191/ranking-of-the-countries-
     industry-coronavirus-contagion                             with-most-available-airline-seat-kilometers/
3.   Tracy Rucinski, “Single passenger flights:           9.    Todd C. Frankel, “Insurers knew the damage a
     The daily woes of airlines, and the crew still             viral pandemic could wreak on businesses. So
     working,” Reuters, 5 April 2020. Accessed                  they excluded coverage,” The Washington Post,
     online: https://www.reuters.com/article/                   3 April 2020. Accessed online: https://www.
     us-health-coronavirus-airlines-usa/single-                 washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/02/
     passenger-flights-the-daily-woes-of-airlines-              insurers-knew-damage-viral-pandemic-could-
     and-the-crew-still-working-idUSKBN21M0TW                   wreak-businesses-so-they-excluded-coverage/
4.   Peter Daszak, “We Knew Disease X Was                 10.   Mark Caswell, “New IATA estimate shows
     Coming. It’s Here Now. We need to stop                     coronavirus could cost airlines $250 billion,”
     what drives mass epidemics rather than just                Business Traveller, 25 March 2020. Accessed
     respond to individual diseases,” The New                   online: https://www.businesstraveller.
     York Times, 27 February 2020. Accessed                     com/business-travel/2020/03/25/
     online: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/                new-iata-estimate-shows-coronavirus-
     opinion/coronavirus-pandemics.html                         could-cost-airlines-250-billion/
5.   Imam Ghosh, “This chart shows how                    11.   “Point of Impact: COVID-19 Impacting General
     airlines are being grounded by COVID-19,”                  Aviation Airports,” National Business Aviation
     World Economic Forum, 21 March 2020.                       Association, April 2020. Accessed online: https://
     Accessed online: https://www.weforum.org/                  nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/safety/coronavirus/
     agenda/2020/03/this-chart-shows-how-                       covid-19-point-of-impact/point-of-impact-
     airlines-are-being-grounded-by-covid-19/                   covid-19-impacting-general-aviation-airports/
6.   “Some American states are curbing travel to fight    12.   “COVID-19: Support for Australian businesses,”
     the coronavirus. More restrictions are likely to           Austrade, 6 April 2020. Accessed online:
     follow. So are lawsuits,” The Economist, 5 April           https://www.austrade.gov.au/news/
     2020. Accessed online: https://www.economist.              news/novel-coronavirus#heading0

                                                                                                    UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                                         WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?

            Non-Resident Fellow
            Justin Wastnage is a Non-Resident Fellow at the United States
            Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. He is the principal at
            aviation and tourism policy consultancy Message Shapers. In this
            position he has led research projects into cruise ship access options
            for Sydney Harbour, air transport access to New Caledonia and
            work around privatisation of council-owned airports in New South

            Justin currently sits on the board of Aviation/Aerospace Australia,
            the country’s peak body for the aviation and aerospace industries.

            Previously, Justin was the director of aviation policy at the Austral-
            ian industry group Tourism & Transport Forum. In this role he led
            several successful research projects around issues including the
            Australian-New Zealand air transport market, the impact of visa
            facilitation on air transport demand to Australia, and the integration
            of public transport to airport precincts.

            Prior to this, Justin worked for more than ten years in aviation and
            travel journalism.

            Cover photo: Travellers arrive at a nearly-deserted O’Hare International Airport
            on April 2, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois (Getty)

            This publication may be cited as:
            Justin Wastnage, “What will the airline industry look like post
            COVID-19? Why the era of cheap flights may be over,” United
            States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, April 2020.

                                                                           UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTRE
                                                WHAT WILL THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY LOOK LIKE POST COVID-19?
The United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney is a university-based research centre,
dedicated to the rigorous analysis of American foreign policy, economics, politics and culture. The
Centre is a national resource, that builds Australia’s awareness of the dynamics shaping America —
and critically — their implications for Australia.

The Centre’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program is a research initiative focused on under-
standing the United States as an innovation leader with a view to developing insight for the benefit of

Research areas include business, technology and policy trends in the United States in the areas
of innovation and entrepreneurship, including in AgTech, venture capital, industry clusters and
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