What - Why - How? Setting up a terrarium Useful tips for beginners

Page created by Hugh Ray
What - Why - How? Setting up a terrarium Useful tips for beginners
What – Why – How?

 Setting up a terrarium
Useful tips for beginners
What - Why - How? Setting up a terrarium Useful tips for beginners
Contents                                                                                                Page
1       INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2       FIRST THINGS FIRST: WHERE DO ANIMALS COME FROM? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3       THE TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1     THE SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2     THE LOCATION OF THE TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3     THE CLIMATE OF THE TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4       TYPES OF TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
4.1     THE DESERT TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2     THE RAINFOREST TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3     THE ACQUA-TERRARIUM OR PALUDARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
        SUITABLE FLOOR-COVERING MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5       TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1     LIGHTENING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1.1   THE DESERT TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.1.2   THE RAINFOREST TERRARIUM AND THE AQUA-TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2     HEATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.2.1   HEATING IN A DESERT TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3     PROVIDING HUMIDITY AND WATER CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5.4     VENTILATION IN A TERRARIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6       FEEDING THE TERRARIUM ANIMALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.1     HOW OFTEN TO FEED? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.2     FOOD FOR “ANIMAL EATERS” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.3     FOOD FOR TURTLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.4     FOOD FOR VEGETARIANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.5     VITAMINS AND MINERALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7       TERRARIUM CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7.1     CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7.2     USEFUL TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
8       HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8.1     SELECTING THE ANIMALS . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
8.2     QUARANTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
9       PRODUCT OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

        Published by                         1st edition 2004
        JBL GmbH & Co. KG                    Text: produced on the basis of copy from Uwe Dost
        D-67141 Neuhofen                     Foto’s: Uwe Dost, Heiko Blessin, Dr. Rainer Keppler
In our increasingly hectic world, a little   up and caring for a terrarium.
bit of nature in the home gives many         Particularly when keeping a terrarium,
people the opportunity of relaxing as        it is vital to know the exact require-
they observe their pets in peace at the      ments of the animals you intend to
end of a day's work. For example, by         keep in order to avoid unpleasant sur-
losing themselves in a richly planted        prises later. Your local specialist pet
indoor jungle with a waterfall and var-      shop keeper will be an important
ious inhabitants such as anolis,
Madagascar geckos and small, color-
ful frogs. Observing the fascinating
behavior of all these animals gives
great pleasure. This is made possible
by the enormously wide range of high-
quality technical equipment and
diverse accessories and types of food
as well as a wealth of information on
the needs of these pets which is all
available in well-stocked pet shops.         source of information and support.
                                             Information gathered from books and
This small information brochure is not       the exchange of experiences with
intended as a comprehensive guide to         other terrarium enthusiasts are also
terrarium-keeping, but provides infor-       important.

                                                          We at JBL are also con-
                                                          stantly expanding our
                                                          experience and under-
                                                          standing of the habitats of
                                                          these terrarium animals.
                                                          The knowledge of the nat-
                                                          ural environments of the
                                                          animals which we gain in
                                                          special JBL research
                                                          expeditions is taken as a
                                                          basis for the development
                                                          of useful products on our
                                                          return. After test phases
                                                          conducted by experts in
mation and help for people toying with       the laboratories, the products are later
the idea of taking up this hobby. It         to be found on the JBL shelves of
should point people in the right direc-      specialist retailers.
tion and describe how the numerous
JBL products provide help in setting
     It is worth learning as much as possi-                      live in hot conditions. Anyone who
     ble about the natural habitat of the                        has been to the desert knows how
     animals. The more detailed the infor-                       extremely cold it can get at night there
     mation, the closer the conditions in                        and would also try to apply this expe-
     the terrarium can resemble the natural                      rience to terrarium-keeping. In con-
     environment. As almost all terrarium                        trast, the situation in tropical rain-
     animals are cold-blooded (poikilother-                      forests is quite different. Relatively
     mic) animals, their body temperature                        constant temperatures, high humidity
     depends on the temperature of their                         and no harsh light are the environmen-
     surroundings and the sun's rays, in                         tal conditions under which the animals
     contrast to warm-blooded creatures.                         in the jungle live. However, many tree-
     The animals control their body tem-                         dwelling species have the opportunity
     perature through certain behavior,                          of spending time in sunlit places.
     such as sun-bathing or seeking out                          In the following chapters we would

Dry rock biotope with wide local   Agama sunning themselves in their habitat   A shady stream in the rainforest
temperature variations

     cooler zones, adjusting it to the opti-                     like to present two types of terrariums
     mum range for them. Only then can                           as examples to illustrate setting up a
     digestion and the metabolic process-                        terrarium, the equipment used and
     es work effectively and the animals                         subsequent care. One type is a desert
     display the range of behavior specific                      terrarium and the other a rain-forest
     to their species.                                           environment, representing the "jungle
                                                                 behind glass". As a variation on the
     This behavior must be taken into                            rainforest terrarium, the paludarium or
     account when keeping reptiles. Desert                       aqua-terrarium is mentioned, which
     creatures only appear at first sight to                     can be more or less close in design to
                                                                 an aquarium.
Nowadays specialist retailers offer a     3.1 The size and shape of
wide range of terrariums, mostly                 the terrarium
made of glass panes with sil-
icon adhesive. These usually                        The shape, size and equip-
have sliding doors at the                           ment used depends on the
front. There are also small ter-                    specific requirements of
rariums ones for invertebrates                      the species, the size of the
with folding doors at the front                     animals and the range of
instead of sliding. It is only                      movement required. As a
worth building your                                 general rule, the larger the
own terrari-                                        terrarium, the better. The
um      nowa-                                       equipment should always
days if you                                         be based exactly on the
have a cheap                                    volume of the pool, so that in
supply      of                            the event that the temperature con-
glass panes or                            trol system becomes faulty, there are
you need a particularly large             no immediate losses due to over-
terrarium which is not commercially       heating. Suitable decoration should
available. As a construction material,    be used in the living environment to
wood is only really suitable for dry      provide the animals with seclude

terrariums. Since plastic panes are       places to hide, whilst maintaining a
usually just as expensive as glass and    good overview for the owner and the
often become opaque quickly or are        best possible hygiene conditions.
easily scratched, glass remains the       For ground-dwellers, the floor surfa-
ideal building material for terrariums.   ce is of course the most important
                                          area, whilst for tree-dwellers the
                                          height of the terrarium is a crucial
                                          factor. Due to the many different
                                          requirements and adaptations of the
                                          animals, strictly separating terrari-
                                          ums into a few standard types of
terrarium makes little sense particu-       temperatures), the light (duration,
larly as the transition between terra-       intensity and light quality), the relative
rium types is often very fluid.              humidity as well as the ventilation. As
                                             in the wild, the individual climatic ele-
                                             ments interact in the terrarium too,
3.2 The location of the                      and are subject to fluctuations
                                             throughout the day. The relative
                                             humidity will, as a rule, decrease the
                                             longer the lighting and heating are in
Actually, any location within a house is     operation. This should be taken into
suitable, with few exceptions.               consideration when selecting the ter-
However, the position should be cho-         rarium. In small volume containers,
sen so that the animals can be
observed in comfort from your
favourite chair. It is also important that
regular care work can be carried out
without resorting to physical contor-
Care should also be taken that there is
no risk of overheating through direct
sunlight, such as next to a window.
Attic apartments, which scarcely cool
down at night in summer, are not suit-
able for keeping heat-sensitive ani-
mals. And finally, in the case of large
terrariums, the weight-bearing capac-
ity of the location should be taken into
                                             the individual climate levels will fluctu-
                                             ate rapidly. These must then be
3.3 The climate of the                       adjusted using sophisticated control
terrarium                                    systems or constant adjustments in
                                             order to be able to provide the best
The climate in the terrarium is the          conditions once again. On the other
most important factor for the well-          hand, in large volume containers the
being of the animals. Only if the equip-     climatic factors are significantly slow-
ment is carefully chosen to reproduce        er to fluctuate and, furthermore, zones
the typical climate for the direct envi-     with differing micro-climates can be
ronment of the animals as closely as         easily created (zones with varying
possible, will they display their full       temperatures and humidity), enabling
repertoire of behaviour and can live         the pets to seek out places which pro-
healthily. The most important climatic       vide the climatic conditions they
factors in the terrarium are the tem-        require at any particular time.
perature (air and ground temperature
 as well as localised spots with higher
In the following we would like to pre-      air temperature and wind movement.
sent two types of terrariums in detail,     In spring, with cool air temperatures
the desert terrarium and a rainforest       and strong winds, they need to sun
terrarium, as examples of the wide          themselves for long periods in order to
range of types of terrarium which are       reach the preferred temperature. In
possible. As an interesting variation on    contrast, in summer, with 38°C air
the rainforest terrarium, the paludari-     temperature and no wind, they avoid
um or aqua-terrarium is also mentio-        direct sunshine in order not to overhe-
ned. There are, of course, a whole          at above their optimum temperature
range of conceivable combinations of        (for many desert animals this is bet-
climate types, which cannot be dealt        ween 35 - 42°C). An important factor
with in the space available here. Tips      in the heating of a terrarium is therefo-
are given on sources of appropriate         re the variation in heat levels throug-
information.                                hout the terrarium. The animals should
                                            always have the opportunity of finding
                                            cooler places when they have warmed
4.1 The desert terrarium                    up sufficiently. By careful choice of
                                            technical equipment and its use (e.g.
                                            never covering the entire floor of a ter-
The habitat of the desert is generally      rarium with a heating system), the ter-
understood to be a really hot one.          rarium keeper should ensure that diffe-
However, when you look closely, you         rent climate gradients are created in
learn that the environment of reptiles      the terrarium rather than a uniform
in the desert is characterised by extre-    sauna climate. The most important
mes of temperature, depending on            point is the creation of a drop in tem-
where the animals are. At night the         perature in the terrarium. No reptile
temperatures plunge dramatically. In        can survive core temperatures of over
order to reach and maintain the tem-        48°C.
peratures required for metabolic pro-
cesses and typical behaviour (display,      A desert terrarium can be set up as
defending territory etc.) desert animals    follows: any type of sand is suitable as
deliberately move between warm,             a floor covering. JBL offers red, yellow
sunny areas and cooler, shady ones.         and white sand under the name
                                            TerraSand. Red TerraSand is sup-
It should be noted that desert animals      plied damp and can be shaped when
in particular need localised (!!) spots     spread. It hardens slightly as it dries,
where the temperatures should easily        giving burrowing animals the possibili-
reach 50 - 60°C, but they do not            ty to dig caves. According to the requi-
spend all day there. In the natural envi-   rements of the animals, the terrarium
ronment, the length of time spent at        can be designed with stone construc-
the source of heat is influenced by the     tions or with caves.
Corn snake on JBL TerraBark                                 Leopard lizard on red TerraSand

    For the safety of the animals, stone                       A summary of the technical equip-
    constructions should be glued toget-                       ment for a desert terrarium (more
    her using aquarium silicon, for exam-                      details in the chapter "Equipment").
    ple, such as JBL AquaSil. In large                          Heating mat: JBL TerraTemp
    aquariums, the weight of stone con-                         Temperature and humidity
    structions may be a problem. Imitation                       regulator: JBL TerraControl
    stone made of plastic is available from                     Heating stone: JBL ReptilTemp
    specialist retailers and is to be recom-                    Fluorescent tube: JBL SOLAR
    mended here. Dry wood is also suit-                          REPTIL Sun
    able as decoration in desert terrari-                       Heater: JBL ReptilHeat
    ums. Appropriate plants, such as suc-                       Special mounting for heater:
    culents, round off the picture. Cacti                        JBL TempSet
    should only be used in the plastic imi-                     Heat lamp: JBL ReptilRed
    tation form, to avoid the danger of
    injury from the spikes of real cacti. If
    large, active animals are kept, plants
    usually have little chance of surviving
    long. Many suitable imitation plants
    are available from specialist pet sup-

                          Collared lizard (female) on red       Star tortoise on JBL TerraBark
                          JBL TerraSand

                                                               A terrarium for sun-loving tortoises
                                                               can be set up, in principle, in the same
                                                               way as a desert terrarium. However,
                                                               sand should not be used a floor-cove-
                                                               ring material. JBL TerraBark is ideal in
                                                               this case. Further details can be found
                                                               in specialist literature or by consulting
                                                               your specialist retailer.
4.2 The rainforest terrarium                JBL TerraBasis or JBL TerraBark is
                                            excellently suited for use as ground-
                                            covering material in rainforest terrari-
When they hear the term "rainforest         ums. Plants play a key role when set-
terrarium" most people think of a           ting up a rainforest terrarium. A wide
jungle behind glass and automatically       variety of suitable plants are available
associate this with high humidity and       from specialist pet shops or well-stok-
more or less constant "tropical" tem-       ked garden centers. In principle, any
peratures. This is not as far from reali-   plant which is suitable for a window-
ty as for desert terrariums. It is a fact   sill can be used in a rainforest terrari-

that the characteristic climatic factors    um. The size should, of course, be
for rainforest terrariums are relative      governed by the space available.
constant temperatures of around 25 -        Plants with large, smooth leaves are
30°C with slight cooling during the         suitable for reptiles with adhesive fin-
night and relatively high humidity. The     gers, e.g. geckos, as they would
temperature and humidity levels requi-      otherwise spend their most of their
red vary according to the species of        time on the panes.
animals. Appropriate information is
vital for successful care.
All kinds of damp-resistant branches                And finally plastic plants have to be
or cork bark are suitable as structural             mentioned as a design element.
elements in a rainforest terrarium.                 These are always used when relative-
Roots of wood available for use in                  ly heavy animals, such as tree
aquariums are excellent as they have                pythons, are kept as these will flatten
no humidity problems. Many artificial               most living plants in time. JBL offers a
branches or liana-type decorations                  wide range of such plants under the
made of non-rotting materials are                   name TerraPlanta.
offered for sale. Branches decorated
with plants such as
bromeliads provide a
focal point in any
rainforest terrarium.
The side and rear
walls can also be
incorporated into the
design of the land-
scape, whether by
attaching flat stones
to them, or plant ele-
ments made of coir,
or painted polystyre-
ne shapes with a
sturdy covering layer.
There are almost no
boundaries to the
                          Waterfall in rainforest                Juvenile tree python changing colour
design ideas for rain
forest terrariums.
However, the needs of the animals
and the limitations posed by cleaning               A summary of the technical equip-
must always be taken into considera-                ment for a rainforest terrarium (more
tion.                                               details in the chapter "Technical
Moving water in the form of waterfalls               Heating mat: JBL TerraTemp
in conjunction with more or less large               Temperature and humidity
water containers are a further inter-                 regulator: JBL TerraControl
esting design element. Many animals,                 Ultrasound mist generator:
such as chameleons, prefer drinking                   JBL Foggy
from water which is moving. When                     Fluorescent tube: JBL SOLAR
installing water containers or water-                 REPTIL Jungle
falls it is important to remember to                 Heater: JBL ReptilRed
provide a way for any animal to climb                Water pump for waterfall:
out of the water if it falls in, either deli-         JBL ProFlow mini
berately or inadvertently.                           Inner filter for water:
                                                      JBL Pro Cristal
4.2 The aqua-terrarium or                   A summary of the technical equip-
    paludarium                                  ment for an aqua-terrarium (more
                                                details in the chapter " Technical
                                                Equipment"): in addition to the points
    The aqua-terrarium or paludarium            listed for rainforest terrariums:
    (Latin palus = marsh) is in principle a
    rainforest terrarium combined with an        Aquarium heater: JBL ProTemp
    aquarium. Breath-taking tropical land-       External filter for the aquarium:
    scapes with waterfalls and streams or             JBL CristalProfi
    lakes can be designed in large aqua-

Turtles sunbathing at a pond
                                              Turtles in an aqua-terrarium

    terrariums. The typical care routine of     imals
    aquariums apply to the water section,
    including the same decorations and
    technical equipment. More details can
    be found in the JBL "What - Why-
    How?" series of advice brochures.
    Aqua-terrariums with particularly large
    waterfalls or even an island as the
    land element are best suited for the
    care of turtles. Many of these creatu-
    res can also be kept in garden ponds
    in summer. A suitably secure enclosu-
    re is vital as these animals are real
    escape artists.
Suitable floor-covering material
        for terrarium animals

Indian python/regal python, corn snake, pilot black
snake, Arizona king snake, water agama, mountain
dragon, anolis, common iguana, garter snake, tortoise,
tree frog, toad, dart frog, red-bellied toad, hairy
mygalomorph, emperor scorpion, Madagascar gecko,

TerraCoco compact
Dry as for TerraCoco,
wet as for TerraBasis

TerraCoco humus
Indian python/regal python, corn snake, pilot black
snake, Arizona king snake, water agama, mountain
dragon, anolis, common iguana, garter snake, tortoise,
tree frog, toad, dart frog, red-bellied toad, hairy
mygalomorph, emperor scorpion, Madagascar gecko,

Extra-giant boa and python species, large monitor
species, large water agama, large common iguana

Extra-giant boa and python species, large monitor
species, large teju, large water agama, large common
TerraSand white
          Bearded dragon, leopard lizard, rubber
          snake and turkish sand boa, horned toad,
          common agama, desert iguana, spiny lizard,
          ridge-tailed monitor, mastigure, rainbow
          curly-tailed lizard, desert scorpion

          TerraSand yellow; red
          Bearded dragon, leopard lizard, rubber snake and
          turkish sand boa, horned toad, common agama,
          desert iguana, spiny lizard, ridge-tailed monitor,
          mastigure, rainbow curly-tailed lizard, desert

TerraBark 0-5 mm
Indian python/regal python, corn snake, pilot black snake, Arizona
king snake, water agama, mountain dragon, anolis, common i
guana, garter snake, tortoise, tree frog, toad, dart frog, red-bellied
toad, hairy mygalomorph, emperor scorpion, Madagascar gecko,

TerraBark 5-10 mm
Indian python/regal python, corn snake, pilot black snake,
Arizona king snake, water agama, mountain dragon,
anolis, common iguana, garter snake, tortoise, tree frog,
toad, dart frog, red-bellied toad, hairy mygalomorph,
emperor scorpion, Madagascar gecko, chameleon

TerraBark 10-25 mm
As for TerraBasis, but only for large animals such as
boas, pythons, water agamas, monitors, common
iguanas and large tortoises
5.1 Lighting                                   the energy taken up to warmth and
                                               only a small portion to light.

As cold-blooded animals, terrarium             The question of which light quality is
animals are far more dependent on              most suitable for a terrarium is easy to
light, i.e. its quality and intensity, than    answer if you look at nature: in a long
warm-blooded or homiothermic ver-              process of evolution over millions of
tebrates. Activity, taking in nourish-         years, plants and animals have adap-
ment, digestion and resting phases             ted to what the sun sends to earth.
are all influenced by the change from          Looking at the spectrum of sunlight
day to night and above all by the              (meaning the part of the sun's rays
intensity of the light. Added to this is       which are visible to us), you recognise
the fact that many terrarium animals           a very even distribution of all the
also associate light with warmth and           spectral colours. For this reason,
seek out light places in the terrarium         lighting for the terrarium should have
to "sunbathe". This should be taken            as balanced a spectrum as possible
into account, particularly in the hea-         without gaps. At the same time, all
ting of desert terrariums. Depending           plants and animals appear in their full
on the source of light used, there are         naturally glorious colours. In the case
differences in the yield and quality of        of fluorescent tubes, these are the
the light. Fluorescent tubes, for exam-        full-spectrum tubes which JBL offers
ple provide a lot of light with little heat,   in two versions for terrariums: JBL
whereas bulbs convert the majority of          SOLAR Reptile Sun and JBL SOLAR
                                               Reptile Jungle. HQI lamps also sup-
              Daylight spectrum                ply a very balanced spectrum and
                                               provide excellent lighting for larger
                                               terrariums. Bulbs have a very strong
                                               red element in the spectrum which
                                               can, however, be more or less com-
                                               pensated for by colouring the glass

                                               A significant factor in the lighting of
                                               terrariums is UV light, in the UV-A and
                                               UV-B ranges. Depending on their ori-
                                               gins, terrarium animals need more or
                                               less UV light for their well-being. UV-B
                                               stimulates vitamin D3 synthesis from
                                               the pre-stage of vitamin D2. UV-A sti-
                                               mulates pigmentation.
Spectrum JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun                                            Spectrum JBL SOLAR Reptil Jungle

     Tip: The use of high-quality reflectors,
     such as JBL SOLAR Reflect, can
     significantly increase the light yield of
     all the lighting recommended here.
     For example, the JBL SOLAR Reflect
     shield made of robust, non-corroding,
     mirror-finish aluminium can be simply
     attached to all commercially available
     26 mm fluorescent tubes by means of

The animals show the full brilliance of their colours under full-spectrum lamps e.g. JBL SOLAR Reptile Jungle
5.1.1 The desert terrarium                           Reptile Sun tubes and 2-3 JBL
                                                     SOLAR Reptile Jungle tubes.

Characteristic of the desert environ-
ment is its extreme brightness. The
                                                                            3 x JBL SOLAR Reptil Jungle
UV light of the sun can shine on the
ground unhindered. Therefore desert
animals need very bright lighting with
a high proportion of UV light. The JBL
                                                       2 x JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun with reflector
SOLAR Reptile Sun fluorescent
tubes with 36% UV-A and 8% UV-B
provide the right intensity of light for a
desert terrarium. Since fluorescent

                                                     In order that the animals can also use
                                                     the UV light, it is important that the
                                                     JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun tubes are
                                                     positioned inside the terrarium, wit-
                                                     hout any glass pane between the ani-
                                                     mals and the tubes. Protective wire
                                                     mesh may be used to prevent the ani-
                                                     mals coming into contact with the
                                                     Note that invertebrates, such as spi-
                                                     ders and scorpions, do not need UV
                                                     light - it may even be harmful to them.

                                                Invertebrate animals, e.g. bird spiders (hairy mygalomorph),
                                                do not need UV light

tubes with high UV section give off
relatively little light in the visible range,
a combination with full spectrum
tubes with a high proportion of visible
light is strongly recommended. The
JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun is the best
choice here, providing ample light in
full-spectrum quality in the visible
range with a low section of UV, i.e. 2%
UV-A and 0.5% UV-B. A desert terra-
rium with a depth of about 50 cm can
be easily lit with 1-2 JBL SOLAR
5.1.2 The rainforest                              For animals which live in more open
terrarium and the                                 areas of the rainforest or by the water,
                                                  for example turtles, or tree-dwellers
aqua-terrarium                                    which actively seek sunlight when
                                                  required, we recommend the additio-
                                                  nal use of JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun.
Sufficient light, particularly full-spec-
trum quality, is necessary for the

many plants in a rain-
forest terrarium to                         1 x JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun
flourish. This can be                                                  3 x JBL SOLAR Reptil Jungle
ideally created using
the      corresponding
number       of    JBL
SOLAR Reptil Jungle
tubes. Animals from
the rainforest, howe-
ver, particularly am-
phibians, need relati-
vely little UV-light as
they are shaded from
the sun's rays by the
lush vegetation in their
natural habitat. The
                                   1 x JBL SOLAR Reptil Sun
low UV-sector of JBL
SOLAR Reptil Jungle
is ideally suited for

The lighting in a rainforest
5.2 Heating                                         ting mat is used. If an external floor
                                                                         heating mat is used, the instructions
                                                                         with the mat should be carefully
                     Heating in a terrarium should always                observed to ensure adequate ventila-
                     be planned such that, if the control                tion of the heating mat.
                     system should fail, the animals will not

                                                                         5.2.1. Heating in a desert

                                              Insulating material        As already mentioned, desert animals
                                              against heat loss
                                                                         combine heat with light and automati-
Insulatingmaterial                                                       cally seek out light areas to warm
against heat loss                                                        themselves. At the same time, cooler
                                                                         places should be provided in the ter-
                                                                         rarium in order to offer the animals
                                                                         places to withdraw to when they have
                                                                         warmed up sufficiently. This is easier
                                                                         to achieve in larger terrariums than in
                                                                         small ones, which are relatively quick
                                                                         to warm up completely. A heater can

                     be "cooked", i.e. a small terrarium
                     should not be equipped with an over-
                     sized 100 W heating cable with regu-
                     lator, but with a small floor heater with
                     only 15 or 7.5 W, for example.

                     In addition, the heating effect of the
                     lighting should be taken into account.
                     When the heating is turned off at
                     night, the temperature will also drop.

                     Tip: In order to reduce the heat loss          Floor heating (heating mat)
                     from the terrarium and save energy
                     costs, the side panes may be insula-                be set up in a desert terrarium as fol-
                     ted on the outside with insulating                  lows: one half of the floor is fitted with
                     material. Foam underlays, such as                   a JBL TerraTemp heating mat.
                     JBL AquaPad, reduce heat loss from
                     the floor of the terrarium and prevent
                     the floor pane cracking due to une-
                     venness of the supporting surface in
                     the event that no external floor hea-
The heating mat should never be fitted                     rected glass also provide a very natu-
     in the middle of the terrarium floor in                    ral-looking light with good colour-
     order that the animals can still retreat                   reproduction properties (JBL product
                                                                in development). Using this method, a
                                                                range of temperature zones can be
                                                                created, from hot, to temperate, to
                                                                unheated floor space. This allows the
                                                                pets to seek out different temperature
                                                                zones according to need, as they
                                                                would in the wild.

                                                                Twilight or night-active species, such
                                                                as leopard lizards, should be provided
                                                                with warm areas using the JBL
                                                                ReptiTemp heating stone made of a
                                                                special material which ensures even
                                                                heat distribution in the stone. The sur-
Agama sunbathing in their habitat
                                                                face of the stone warms up to a
                                                                moderate 30 - 45 °C. The JBL
     to the other half of the floor when                        ReptiHeat, in the appropriate watta-
     necessary. Sun-worshippers which                           ge, is an excellent source of radiant
                                                                heat and can be safely installed using
                                                                the JBL TempSet (ceramic fitting with
                                                                cable and switch). The red lamps, JBL
                                                                ReptilRed, provide moderate heating
                                                                and, at the same time, lighting for
                                                                night observation. Smaller terrariums
                                                                can be lit and heated during the day
                                                                using JBL ReptilBlue, a bulb with
                                                                colour-corrected spectrum. The glass
                                                                bulbs of ReptiBlue and ReptiRed are
                                                                not painted, but made of coloured
                                                                glass and therefore do not fade
Bearded dragons sunbathing under a spotlight in the terrarium
                                                                after long use.

     like to burrow are still able to avoid the
     heat by burrowing.

     A spotlight (bulb with reflector) is fitted
     as a heat source on the side with the
     heating mat, towards the side pane,
     rather than in the middle. A spotlight
     provides the brightness which the ani-
     mals need. Spotlights with colour-cor
5.2.2 Heating in a rainforest                           5.3 Providing humidity and
terrarium and a desert terra-                           water care
                                                        In addition to light and warmth, a sup-
The relatively even temperatures in a                   ply of drinking water, relative air humi-
rainforest terrarium can be ideally                     dity and the right dampness of the
created using "gentle" floor heating,                   substrate are important factors in the
such as JBL TerraTemp. The tropical                     care of these pets. Not only reptiles,
plants then have "warm feet" which                      but also to a far greater extent the
encourages growth. The lighting also                    thin-skinned amphibians constantly
contributes to the heating of the rain-                 lose water during respiration and
forest terrarium from above.                            above all through their skin.
                                                        Amphibians, in particular, absorb
                                                        water almost exclusively through the
                                                        skin and, in contrast to other terrarium
                                                        animals, hardly drink at all. Therefore
                                                        the terrarium should be misted regu-
                                                        larly, preferably at least once every
             Heating mat                                morning, even desert terrariums. In
                                                        regions with high daytime temperatu-
                                                        res and drastic cooling at night, fog or
                                  Aquarium heater       dew often occurs in the early morning.
                                                        For many animals, this moisture on

             Floor heating (heating mat)

In larger terrariums, heating mats can
also be fitted to the outside surfaces
of the sides, providing these are not
covered with decorations. This provi-
des additional heating to bring the ter-
rarium up to the required temperature.
If larger areas of water are integrated,
with or without a waterfall, an aquari-                 their bodies or condensed moisture
um heating rod in the water is recom-               Water droplets on a tree python
mended. If terrapins or other tropical
sun-worshippers are kept, a spotlight
should also be installed as a bright                    on objects is sufficient to meet their
source of heat for "sun-bathing" on                     daily need for water.
the land section.                                       Some species of animal, e.g. chame-
                                                        leons, prefer moving water. The drops
                                                        of water which collect on leaves or
                                                        decorative objects after misting are
sufficient for young animals, but often    ple. They should be washed and re-
not enough for fully-grown animals.        filled daily. Larger areas of water in the
We recommend installing a drip             terrarium, also those connected to a
system which provides water over a
longer period of time. The
animals then have the possi-
bility to take as much water
as they need and vitamins
can be added to the water
from time to time (e.g. JBL
TerraVit fluid). Installing a
waterfall (JBL product in
development) or indoor foun-
tain driven by JBL ProFlow
Mini water pumps or instal-
ling a larger waterfall on the
back wall, driven by JBL ProFlow
Maxi water pumps, complete with
water reservoir is another option to       waterfall, require similar
provide moving water for the animals.      treatment to an aquari-
Finally,      ultra-                       um. More details on
sound mist gene-                           water care in the aquari-
rators e.g.                                um are given in the JBL brochure
                                           "What - Why -How", books 1 and 2.
                                           The following steps should be briefly
                                           mentioned: after the water area has
                                           been filled with tap water, a water con-
                                           ditioner should be added (e.g.
                                           JBL Biotopol T), which renders
                                           any chlorine harmless and binds
                                           pollutants such as heavy metals.
                         JBL Foggy         An appliance should be installed
                         can be used       to filter the water. For smaller
                         to increase       volumes of up to approx. 50 l, an
humidity. By the way, the operating life   internal filter for aquariums such
of a mist generator can be significant-    as JBL ProCristal is sufficient.
ly prolonged by using soft water           For larger volumes, an external fil-
(lower lime content).                      ter for aquariums should be con-
                                           sidered. Professional external fil-
                                           ters in the JBL CristalProfi range
Certain care measures must be follo-
                                           are available in specialist pet
wed when providing water in a terrari-
um to prevent it turning into a cloudy,
germ-laden soup, which is harmful to
the health of your pets. In the case of
drinking containers, care is fairly sim-
Regular changes of about 30% of the          Fitting a ventilation grid under the
water every 2 weeks should also be           front pane has the advantage that the
carried out, as for aquariums, and the       view remains "unclouded". The air in a
fresh water conditioned with JBL             terrarium heats up from the heating in
Biotopol T.                                  the floor, the lighting and the heat
                                                      radiators and subsequently
When keeping terrapins                                rises. Some of the warm air
and turtles, the installati-                          escapes through the ventilati-
on of an efficient exter-                             on grids, usually in the top of
nal filter is recommen-                               the terrarium, causing fresh
ded (JBL CristalProfi)                                air to flow in through the grid
on account of the enor-                               fitted under the front pane.
mous metabolic rate of                                The air circulation helps to dry
these animals. When                                   the glass panes and the
selecting the model, a                                objects in the terrarium.
size larger than that                                 Without any ventilation in the
recommended for a cor-                                bottom third of a terrarium,
responding      aquarium                              moisture-saturated air
should be chosen. JBL´s                               quickly builds up in a
       EasyTurtle is a                                humid
       product which effectively acce-       terrarium,
       lerates the breakdown of the          leading        to
       large quantities of excreta pro-      steamed        up
       duced by turtles, and therefore       side        glass
       prevents unpleasant odours.           panes. This is
       This contains specially bred          the reason why
       cleansing bacteria which are          aquariums are
       absorbed in a mineral granula-        not suitable for
       te. The granulate is simply           keeping terrari-
       strewn on the floor of the area       um animals.
       of water or mixed into the
       ground-covering material.

5.4 Ventilation in a terrarium
                                                                      Ventilating a terrarium

The amount of fresh air needed               The optimum humidity can be created
depends, like all other climatic requi-      in a terrarium by increasing or decrea-
rements, on the natural habitat of the       sing the size of the ventilation gaps
animals and varies widely from spe-          and the heat does not escape as fast
cies to species. Ventilation of a terrari-   as from an open aquarium.
um is usually provided by 2 ventilation
grids on different sides of the terrari-
um, which prevent stuffy air collecting.
In order to keep terrarium pets healthy      the animals their favourite food, (he
it is vital that they are fed the correct    just loves to eat it), just for conveni-
food for the particular species. This is     ence or out of excessive care is the
the only way to avoid deficiencies e.g.      wrong way.
rickets or illnesses caused by nutrition
(fatty liver, renal gout). It is important
to know the natural eating habits of         6.1 How often to feed?
the animals in order to provide a
balanced diet. In a terrarium, many
animals eat types of food which they         There is not just one simple answer to
would rarely find in the wild, or only at    this question. The amount of food to
certain times of the year. Some herbi-       give per meal and the intervals bet-
vores will also eat live food insects. If    ween feeds vary widely according to
terrarium pets are given completely          the species. Of course, in the first few
untypical food, for example, bread           weeks, young animals usually need
soaked in milk, cooked pasta, minced         feeding daily, whereas adults only
meat or cat food, a surprising number        have to be fed 2-3 times a week.
will greedily devour this.                   Depending on their age, snakes only
                                             need food at long intervals, whereas
                                             the small, colourful tree-climbing frogs
                                             (Dendrobatiden) develop serious pro-
                                             blems after only a few days without
                                             food. The amount of food given
                                             should also be suitable for the pet.
                                             Many animals eat reserves of food
                                             due to the annual dry season in their
                                             natural habitat when little food is avai-
                                             lable. Of course, they do not know
                                             that there is no danger of a food shor-
These types of food are
unsuitable for terrarium animals.            tage in the terrarium and therefore do
                                             not stop eating reserves of food when
However, not everything which the            their owner continually gives them
terrarium animals voluntarily eat is         over-rich food. This is why desert ani-
good for their health. The reason why        mals are far more likely to suffer from
large common iguana do not eat cat           excess fat than rainforest animals.
food in the rainforest is not that the       Overfed animals become sluggish,
tins are hard to open, but simply            their sex organs may become fatty
because there is none there. Giving          leading to sterility, or they die from
                                             organ failure, e.g. when their liver
stops functioning because too much                In order to avoid deficiency sym-
       fat has been stored.                              ptoms, the type of food should be
                                                         changed frequently, for example, not
                                                         always crickets. Finally the live food
       6.2 Food for "animal eaters"                      animals should be further refined by
                                                         fed high-quality food themselves. To
                                                         this end they are fed a special mixture
       Most terrarium animals are "animal
       eaters", so-called because they eat
       whole, live animals. As they are "pro-
       grammed" to particular stimuli, such
       as the movement of the prey or, in the
       case of snakes, the warmth of the
       small mammal or bird which is the vic-
       tim, they can rarely be trained to
       accept substitute food, with few
       exceptions. Snakes can often be suc-
       cessfully trained to accept dead prey
       if these are warmed to 37 - 40 °C
       before being offered as food.
                                                    Green tree python eating a rat

                                                         of food for about two weeks e.g. JBL
                                                         TerraCrick, clover, herbs, fruit, vege-
                                                         tables and minerals, to "feed them up"

Egg snake eating a quail egg

       Nowadays specialist pet shops offer a
       wide range of live food e.g. grasshop-
       pers, cockroaches, crickets, house
       crickets, flies, fruit flies, springtails,   Bearded dragon eating meadow herbs

       worms, mosquito larvae, wax worms
       or crustacea. Nevertheless, compared              and significantly improve
       with the vast range available in the              their nutrient value.
       wild, this is still a moderate selection.
The herbs, minerals and roughage         fore be easily fed on industrially pro-
which a cricket eats shortly before      duced food. The fact that they seem
being devoured itself, are then indi-    to stuff themselves with any food offe-
rectly eaten in the form of the "stuf-   red should not be seen as a reason to
fed" insect by an "animal eater" which   feed them on cat-food, as sometimes
would normally not give vegetable        recommended.
food a second glance.

                                         JBL has a wide range of food for turt-
In summer, the menu offered to insect    les, all carefully balanced to meet their
eaters can be improved and broad-        nutritional needs. The main ingre-
ened to include meadow plankton          dients are fish, crustacea and algae.
which you can gather yourself. Of        The classic amongst
course, these should not be picked       the food pro-
from areas cultivated under intensive    ducts
farming methods using herbicides or
similar. Protected species should also
not be caught. Getting permission
from the owner of the meadow may
be advisable.

Tip: If, despite careful
handling, a food crik-
ket should escape,
any       free-roaming
"creepy crawlies" can
be simply caught in a
non-toxic trap (JBL

6.3 Food for                             offered by JBL is
turtles                                  JBL Turtle Food, a mixture
                                         of dried water fleas, other
                                         crustacea and insects. JBL
Most turtles are omnivorous, usually     Agil, a food in the form of
with a preference for anything "ani-     floating sticks and JBL Tortil,
mal". The favourite prey are fish and    food tablets which sink in
any kind of aquatic creature. Now and    water, add variety to the diet.
again a dead fish is devoured. Turtles   JBL Energil was specially
also like to eat some aquatic plants     developed for large, fully-
and other "greenery". In contrast to     grown turtles. This food
most other terrarium animals, turtles    encourages natural move-
also eat "dead food" and can there-      ments in the animals, as it
contains whole,                               shelves. As a rule, animals which
dried fish and                                are distinctly plant eating need low-
crustacea, which                              protein, fibre-rich, high-roughage
the animals are                               food to remain healthy.
unable to swal-
low in one piece.
And finally for                               6.5
smaller turtles
and baby turtles,
there is JBL                                  and
    Rugil     and                             minerals
    JBL ProBaby.

                                               Due to their
   6.4 Food for                                often      one-
                                               sided       diet
        vegeta-                                 during bree-
        rians                                   ding, animals
                                            bought as food usu-
                                            ally contain insufficient
          Pets in a terrarium which are     vitamins and minerals.
          solely or primarily vegetari-     TerraVit P, a vitamin
          an, e.g. common iguana,           preparation in powder
          chuckwalla or European tor-       form with trace ele-
          toises, can be fed with mea-      ments and MicroCalcium, a pure cal-
          dow plants (such as dande-        cium preparation, are two products
lion, clover, ribwort), various salad       from JBL which give owners the pos-
plants and sprouting seeds, chopped         sibility to supplement the vitamin and
vegetables or dried herbs, straw and        calcium content of the food with extra
lucern pellets. JBL offers two ready-       doses. The differing calcium require-
made foods for vegetarian terrarium         ments of meat-eaters and vegetarians
pets, IGUVERT for iguana and AGI-           can be catered for. The JBL Feeding
VERT for tortoises. These foods spe-        Rock is an interesting method of fee-
                     cifically contain      ding which is designed to suit the
                         only vegetable     natural behaviour of reptiles. The rock
                         ingredients                        is a "feeding rock"
                         with a high                        which can be opened at
                         fibre content                      the top to place live
                        and little pro-                     food inside it. The food
                       tein. Mastigure                      animals      are     first
                         may also be                        "coated" with JBL
                            o f f e r e d                   TerraVit P and / or JBL
                              various                       Micro-Calcium in the
                                seeds,                      JBL CrickBox.
                              e.g. from
                            the bird food
Finally the food rock is                   rock, where the terrarium inhabitants
turned upside down                         are soon greedily waiting.
and placed on top of                       The liquid vitamin preparation, JBL
the CrickBox, so that                      TerraVit fluid, can be used to add vit-
the two openings meet                      amins to drinking water as required. If
exactly. Then invert the                   some animals, e.g. snakes, are fed
food rock with the                         only on thawed food animals, we
CrickBox, the animals fall into the        recommend supplementing the vit-
food rock, remove the CrickBox, put        amin content of the food with vitamin
the lid on the food rock and place it in   drops (JBL TerraVit fluid), as vitamins
the terrarium. When the small "plug"       are destroyed when food is kept at
on the side is removed, the food ani-      low temperatures for a long period of
mals make for the only opening in the      time. With Tortoise Terra and
                                           Tortoise Sun, JBL also offers a vit-
                                           amin preparation which is specially
                                           designed to meet the needs of tortoi-
                                           ses and turtles.
                                           When giving any vitamin supplement,
                                           it is important that the dosage instruc-
                                           tions are carefully followed, as over-
                                           dosing (hypervitaminosis) leads to
                                                          organ damage.
7.1Cleaning                                   guarantee clean, hygienic conditions
                                              for your pets. If cleaning is put off too
                                              long, the terrarium may have to be
The time needed to clean a terrarium          emptied completely and re-filled,
each day depends mainly on the type           and pets may even die unneces-
and number of animals kept. Snakes            sarily.
which are only fed every two to three
weeks or single animals usually pro-          The usual cleaning procedure
duce far less dirt than animals which         for aquariums (see JBL brochu-
have to be fed every day, or large            res "What - Why -How 1 and 2")
groups of animals such as the hun-            should be followed for larger
dreds of young frogs which are reared         containers of water, both with
when breeding frogs.                          and without a waterfall, in a
In order to be able to keep a terrarium       rainforest terrarium.
clean, it is important that it is not over-
loaded with decorative objects and
that all the fittings and decorations are     7.2      Useful tools
removable. In dry terrariums, the dried
food remains and excrement can be             Pincers, such as JBL AquaTerra Tool
collected easily e.g. with pincers such       P1 and P2 or tongs such as JBL
as JBL AquaTerra Tool P or tongs              CombiFix can be used to remove
(JBL CombiFix). In humid terrariums,          excrement, dead prey or other things
the waste usually has to be "shovel-          which you do not wish to touch with
led" out with some of the surrounding         your bare hands.
substrate. Any excrement sticking to          Nets, such as the JBL Fishing Net,
decorative objects can be cleaned off         are useful to catch agile inhabitants of
under hot water using a brush. The            the aquarium, both in the water (aqua-
glass panes should not be cleaned             tile) and on land as well as escapees
          with aggressive chemicals, as       in the room without causing the ani-
          the residues may be poiso-          mals any harm.
          nous. A brush, sponge,                         Escaped prey can be easily
          blade cleaner (JBL Aqua-T                      re-captured with the JBL
          Handy or JBL Aqua-T                            LimCollect slug trap.
          Triumph) and luke-warm
          water are sufficient to
remove any suborn dirt. Unsightly
limescale rings should be removed
with gentle "biological" cleaners
such as JBL BioClean T glass
cleaner. Only a few minutes
cleaning each day are adequate to
Objects can be disinfected using 70           Terrarium locks, i.e. JBL TerraSafe,
% alcohol. The object to be cleaned           can be positioned between the sliding
should be completely immersed in the          panes to prevent any unauthorised
alcohol for at least 5 minutes. Nets          persons, such as small children or
can also be soaked in a bucket con-           even animals, gaining access to the
taining JBL Desinfect.                        terrarium.

Terrarium pets can also become ill.
Newly acquired pets may carry germs
or parasites. Diseases often only
break out some time after the animals
have been purchased, as a change of
habitat is stressful for the animals. If
climatic conditions in a new terrarium
are not optimum, this may also wea-
ken the immune system and cause a
shift in balance between the host and
the germs, leading to an outbreak of
disease. If the pets show any external
signs of change, or any noticeable
changes in behaviour, a vet with expe-     Leopard lizard shedding its skin
rience in herpetology should be con-
sulted without delay. Clear diagnosis
of the cause of the disease can only
be made after precise tests have been
carried out, different germs or parasi-       8.1 Selecting the animals
tes can produce similar symptoms.
Tests also indicate the resistance of
the germs, so that the most effective         Pets should be carefully examined
medicine can be prescribed for the            before purchase, in order to keep the
treatment. In general, the sooner             risk of disease to an absolute mini-
treatment is started, the better the          mum. The following points should be
chances of a cure. If a pet's reserves        kept in mind:
have been exhausted or its physical            Checking the mouth: the mouth
decline has reached an advanced               should be closed and free of foam or
stage, even major efforts to build up         slimy coatings.
the strength of the animal will no lon-        Checking the eyes: skin should
ger help.                                     be cleanly shed, the eyes should not
                                              be too deep in the sockets.
                                               Checking the skin: look for
wounds, bumps and any other not              8.2 Quarantine
ce-able irregularities.
 Checking the feet: check the
toes and feet of saurians for unshed         New pets should first be kept in a qua-
skin which can cause constrictions.          rantine terrarium and carefully obser-
 Checking the shell of turtles:             ved, whilst maintaining the best possi-
soft shells should only be found on          ble nutritional and climatic conditions.
young turtles.                               During this quarantine period, sam-
 Nutritional condition: the skin            ples of excrement should be taken (at
should not have too many folds and           intervals of several days). The sam-
the ribs and spine not be too promi-         ples should be submitted to a vet or a
nent.                                        veterinary institute for examination, as
 Spider check: all 8 legs should            it is better to take precautions than to
be in place. Any white, fungus-like          treat sick animals, particularly if seve-
areas on the body are suspicious,            ral terrarium pets are kept. If germs or
whereas a "bald patch" on the rear           parasites are found in the excrement,
presents no problems.                        the doses prescribed by the vet and
                                             the duration of the treatment should
                                             be exactly followed. The motto "more
                                             is better" often leads to the loss of the
                                             pets as a result of organ failure, whe-
                                             reas under-dosing and breaking off
                                             the treatment prematurely causes the
                                             germs to become resistant.

Turtle range
JBL ProBaby                        special food for young turtles
JBL Rugil                          food sticks for small turtles
JBL Turtle Food                    for turtles
JBL Gammarus                       clean Gammarus crustaceans
JBL Gammarus Refill Pack           for the 1000 ml tub
JBL Tortil                         food tablets for turtles
JBL Energil                        treats containing fish and shrimp
JBL Agil                           food sticks for tortoises
JBL Calcil                         mineral food sticks for turtles
JBL Mampfi                         pellets for tortoises
JBL Agivert                        pure vegetable food sticks for tortoises
JBL Tortoise Sun Aqua              multivitamin preparation for turtles
JBL Tortoise Sun Terra             multivitamin preparation for tortoises
JBL Tortoise Shine                 for the care of tortoise shell
Reptile care
JBL TerraVit fluid                        liquid multivitamins for terrarium animals
JBL TerraVit powder                       multivitamins and trace elements in powder form for
                                          terrarium animals
JBL   MicroCalcium                        calcium powder for dusting food insects
JBL   CrickBox                            shaker for dusting food insects
JBL   LimCollect                          trap for crickets
JBL   Biotopol T                          water conditioner for the terrarium
JBL   Easy Turtle                         removes unpleasant odours in turtle terrariums
JBL   BioClean T                          biological glass cleaner for terrarium panes
JBL   Iguvert                             staple food for iguana and other plant-eating reptiles
JBL   Ant Eggs
JBL   TerraCrick                          food for crickets and other food insects

Terrarium accessories
JBL AquaTerra Tool S                      scissors
JBL AquaTerra Tool P1                     straight pincers
JBL AquaTerra Tool P2                     angled pincers
JBL AquaTerra Tool SP                     gravel trowel and decoration tool
JBL CombiFix                              plant tongs

Terrarium technical equipment
JBL Repti-Temp                            heat stone for the terrarium
JBL TerraTemp                             heater mat for the terrarium
JBL Premium Thermometer                   slim precision thermometer exact to 0.5 °C
JBL Digital Thermometer
JBL Foggy                                 mini-ultrasound mister in cave
JBL Foggy Spare Parts Set                 replacement membrane and special key
JBL TerraSafe                             lock for terrarium panes

Terrarium lighting
JBL SOLAR Reptile Jungle                  special terrarium fluorescent tube for rainforest animals
JBL SOLAR Reptile Sun                     special terrarium fluorescent tube for desert animals
JBL SOLAR REFLECT                         reflector for fluorescent tubes
JBL ReptiBlue                             daylight bulb for the terrarium
JBL ReptiRed                              heat lamp / night lighting for the terrarium
JBL ReptiHeat                             ceramic heater (dim heater) for the terrarium
JBL TempSet                               special fitting for ceramic heaters

Terrarium floor covering
JBL TerrraBasis                           substrate
JBL TerrraCoco                            coconut chippings, natural floor-covering material for
                                          the terrarium
JBL   TerraCoco Compact                   natural coconut chippings, compressed
JBL   TerraWood                           beech chippings, natural floor-covering material
JBL   TerraSand                           floor-covering material for desert terrariums
JBL   TerraBark                           pine bark floor-covering material
JBL   TerraCocoHumus                      natural coconut humus, compressed

Terrarium decoration
JBL stocks a wide range of different decorative articles for your terrarium, from caves made
from coconut shells to mangrove roots, to deceptively real-looking artificial decorative plants
of various types.

More information on terrarium products can be obtained from your specialist terrarium retailer
or at http:/www.JBL.de on the Internet
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