What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

Page created by Wade Hansen
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget
      What to Expect from the South African
      Medium Term Budget

What to Expect from
the South African
Medium Term Budget

      Project Finance | Private Equity | Corporates | Social Infrastructure | Real Estate
      Financial Risk Advisors

What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget


Executive summary		                                        1

Economic overview 		                                       2

  Government debt is above 50%						2

  2017 recession and low economic growth					              2

  Unemployment remains high						3

Finance Ministers: Gigaba and Gordhan		                    4

  How they compare								4

  Gigaba: his performance so far						5

Medium term budget policy statement		                      6

  What the economy needs							6

  What to expect								7

Conclusions		8
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget
Whitepaper                                                 1
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

Executive summary:
For any successful economy, a spirit of mutual
respect and teamwork between Government and
the private sector must exist. In South Africa,
business confidence is at its lowest level since
2009, which, unsurprisingly, coincides with low

With his upcoming mid-term budget
announcement, the finance minister has an
opportunity to instil confidence in the business
community by demonstrating that Government is
serious about working with them. He will also need
to display his commitment to dealing with State
Capture, stamping out corruption and curtailing
spending excesses at state-owned enterprises.

Furthermore, the minister must convince the
market and the ratings agencies that he has
Government expenditure under control. He has very
few tools available to him to stimulate growth and
needs to pay very careful attention to perceptions
as the market will be watching closely, with little
patience for ambiguity.

This paper provides an economic overview
and addresses the situation Gigaba currently
finds himself in while providing some insight
into the outcomes JCRA expect to see from the
announcement, and what the South African
economy needs to jump-start itself.
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget
2                         Whitepaper
                          What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

The amount of debt the    Economic overview                                                      2017 recession and low economic growth
government builds up                                                                             In the first quarter of 2017, South Africa’s
                          Government debt is above 50%                                           economy entered a technical recession2, a
has direct consequences                                                                          blow for the newly appointed Finance Minister,
                          The ratio of South African government debt to
for business confidence   GDP is growing, and is now above 50%: an all-                          Malusi Gigaba. The news of this recession
and investment levels.    time high. However, the International Monetary                         stimulated the creation of the government’s 14
                          Fund (IMF) has forecast that it will continue                          point Inclusive Growth Action Plan in June3. Upon
                          to grow in the future. The amount of debt the                          the announcement of this plan, which outlines
                          government builds up has direct consequences                           various structural reforms to support both
                          for business confidence and investment levels.                         business and consumer confidence, the Finance
                          Rating agencies have become increasingly                               Minister promised to more comprehensively
                          concerned about the government’s ability to raise                      speak to [the] economic outlook and growth
                          enough tax revenue to cover spending, and this                         prospects in the medium-term budget policy
                          contributed to the sovereign credit rating being                       statement .
                          cut to junk status by two agencies earlier in 20171.
                          While business confidence fell to its lowest level
                          since 2009 in the second quarter of 2017 as a
                          result, it has since picked up.

                          Figure 1: Debt/GDP







                                   2000                       2005                        2010                      2015               2020

                                                                        Debt/GDP                   Debt/GDP forecast
                          Source: IMF

                              A technical recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction
                           		 National Treasury of South Africa: Government’s Inclusive Growth Action Plan (2017)
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget
Whitepaper                                                                                                          3
                          What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

Unemployment              Figure 2: GDP annual growth
reached 27.7% in the          10

second quarter of 2017,       8
its highest point since       6


                                   2000            2002                2005               2008               2010             2013     2016




                                                               GDP growth

                          Source: Statistics South Africa

                          Since the release of the action plan, economic                     Youth unemployment also reached 52% in 2016,
                          growth has picked up again and South Africa                        up from 46% in 2008, showing that South African
                          broke out of its technical recession in the second                 unemployment is concentrated in the country’s
                          quarter of 2017, with GDP rising at an annual rate                 younger population6.
                          of 2.5%. However, Figure 2 shows that GDP has
                                                                                             The World Bank South Africa Economic Update
                          been volatile for the past few years, so another
                                                                                             highlights that South Africa is falling behind
                          bout of negative growth in the coming quarters is
                                                                                             other countries in terms of productivity (which
                          not unlikely.
                                                                                             declined by 2% during the first quarter of 2017)
                          The World Bank revised their South African                         especially in the technology sector. This can be
                          GDP forecasts up to 2019 in September4. They                       attributed to a low level of innovation and a loss
                          now expect GDP to grow 0.6% in 2017, which is                      of skills caused by professionals moving to other
                          low compared to the figure of 1.3% the Treasury                    OECD countries. The World Bank also cited low
                          estimated in the February budget. The World                        productivity as a reason for slashing their 2017
                          Bank expects 1.1% growth in 2018 and 1.7% in 2019                  South African growth outlook from 1.1% to 0.6%.
                          respectively. In contrast, the February budget
                          forecasts were 2.0% and 2.3% for these years.
                          Unemployment remains high
                          Weak GDP growth is underpinned by high levels
                          of unemployment and subdued productivity.
                          Unemployment reached 27.7% in the second
                          quarter of 2017, its highest point since 2003.
                          Only 16 million people5 - or 28% of South Africa’s
                          rapidly growing population - were employed in
                          the second quarter. This low employment figure
                          reflects the fact that the long term unemployed
                          often cease trying to gain employment, and
                          so drop out of the unemployment statistics.
                          If they were included in those statistics, the
                          unemployment rate would increase considerably.

                          		 World Bank: South Africa Economic Update: Innovation for Productivity and Inclusiveness (2017)

                          		 Statistics South Africa

                          		 World Bank, World Development Indicators, youth unemployment
What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget - Whitepaper What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget
4                          Whitepaper
                           What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

Investment in South        Finance Ministers: Gigaba and                                       The dismissal of Gordhan by South Africa’s
African long term bonds    Gordhan                                                             President Jacob Zuma in March resulted in a wave
                                                                                               of credit rating downgrades and a reduction in
has remained healthy                                                                           business confidence. Fitch downgraded both the
                           How they compare
and they are still         Pravin Gordhan was Finance Minister until the                       foreign and local currency rating to junk, while
attractive compared to     end of March 2017. His infrastructure plan and aim                  S&P reduced the foreign-currency rating to non-
those of other emerging    to limit spending won over investors and calmed                     investment grade, keeping the local currency rating
economies. However,        markets. Prior to his appointment in 2015, the rand                 at investment grade. Around 64% of government
                           was at an all-time low, but it gradually recovered                  bonds were owned by domestic investors in 201610,
yields remain high
                           during his appointment as Minister. Gordhan                         meaning that the local-currency rating is more
compared to the time                                                                           significant for the majority of investors. However,
                           prioritised infrastructure spending in his 2017
when Gordhan was           budget, allocating R195.8 billion for infrastructure                the share of foreign investors increased between
minister, reflecting the   and local development in the 2017/2018 financial                    2015 and 2016 from 32.4% to 36.0%11. Moody’s also
higher perceived risk.     year.                                                               downgraded South African government bonds in
                                                                                               June, but both foreign and local currency-ratings
                           Gordhan also had a strong anti-corruption stance                    remained at investment grade.
                           that helped build trust and confidence. There have
                           been corruption charges against the new Finance                     Despite the initial strong response (rating
                           Minister, Malusi Gigaba since his appointment,                      downgrades and bond disinvestment) to the
                           especially relating to his relationship with the                    appointment of Gigaba, bond yields and the
                           Guptas7; however so far none of these have                          rand have stabilised since, and Gigaba quickly
                           resulted in charges8.                                               announced his commitment to Gordhan’s
                                                                                               February budget. Investment in South African
                           In Gordhan’s February budget, he estimated that                     long term bonds has remained healthy and they
                           the spending for this financial year will be R1.56                  are still attractive compared to those of other
                           trillion, and that tax revenue will be R1.41 trillion,              emerging economies. However, yields remain high
                           with a budget deficit of R149 billion9. One of the                  compared to the time when Gordhan was minister,
                           most important tests for the new Finance Minister                   reflecting the higher perceived risk.
                           will be sticking to this budget, especially by
                           keeping spending down.

                           Figure 3: Government bond credit rating relative to junk (August 2017)

                               Level relative to junk


                                                                 Fitch                   Standard & Poor's                             Moody's
                                                             Foreign-Currency Rating     Domestic-Currency Rating

                           Source: Bloomberg, Fitch, S&P, Moody’s

                            		 A wealthy business family in South Africa whose strong ties to President Jacob Zuma have led to claims of corruption, undue
                                influence and of state capture
                             		 South Africa National Treasury: Budget Review 2017
                                South Africa National Treasury: Budget Review 2017
                                South Africa National Treasury: Budget Review 2017
Whitepaper                                                                                                                        5
                          What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

Eskom poses a             Gigaba: his performance so far                                       Reports also speculate that the Treasury might sell
particular risk to the    The biggest challenge for current Minister                           its 39% stake in landline provider Telkom to fund
                          of Finance, Gigaba so far has been limiting                          the SAA bailout. Gigaba told parliament in early
economy, with             government expenditure and preventing fiscal                         August that they would not be selling the Telkom
requirements for R413     slippage (deviations from what was promised in                       stake to fund bailouts. Therefore, if he chooses
billion in interest and   the 2017 budget). If the level of spending exceeds                   to go back on his word on this matter market
debt payments over the    tax revenues by too much, then the risk of public                    confidence in Gigaba is likely to weaken.
next five years.          debt distress will increase, which is likely to fuel
                                                                                               Since his appointment, Gigaba has also spoken
                          further rating downgrades.
                                                                                               about the importance of raising employment
                          In July, the South African government paid R2.3                      in South Africa, which at present creates a large
                          billion to South African Airlines (SAA) in order for                 restraint on economic growth. The 14 point
                          them to settle a loan from Standard Chartered.                       Inclusive Growth Action Plan released in July aims
                          On 29 September, they were permitted another                         to create complementary government funds
                          R3 billion to repay a Citibank loan. In addition,                    aimed at financing SMMEs (small, medium and
                          SAA have asked the government for R13 billion in                     micro enterprises) in their start-up phase which
                          order to recapitalise12, which Gigaba is expected to                 may aid employment increases.
                          address in the upcoming medium term budget.
                          However, he is facing increasing pressure to come
                          up with the funds that have already been given
                          to SAA and so further spending on SAA is likely to
                          prove unpopular.
                          Gigaba also has to manage the government’s
                          contingent liabilities (commitments to take
                          responsibility for state owned enterprise (SOE)
                          loans in the event of a default), of which Eskom,
                          independent power producers and the Road
                          Accident Fund make up the majority. Eskom
                          poses a particular risk to the economy, with
                          requirements for R413 billion in interest and debt
                          payments over the next five years13. They also face
                          corruption allegations relating to the Gupta family.
                          Gigaba has given limited information to the
                          public so far in describing how he will raise the
                          funds for the government to cover the pay-outs to
                          SOEs. There have been reports that the Treasury
                          may request the Public Investment Corporation
                          (PIC, manager of the Government Employees
                          Pension Fund) to buy the government’s R12
                          billion stake in Telkom (a wireline and wireless
                          telecommunications provider) to fund some of
                          the SAA bailout. PIC has about R1.86 trillion in
                          assets, and is one of the country’s best performing
                          companies. However, Gigaba has stressed that no
                          formal or informal request has been made to PIC.
                          Gordhan has also criticised the idea of using PIC
                          funds to bail out SOEs, suggesting that they need
                          to correct the cause of the financial distress before
                          handing over more money14.

6                          Whitepaper
                           What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

Competition is low in      Medium term budget policy statement
South Africa which
means that demand for      What the economy needs
                           Although the economy has emerged from
capital and labour are
                           recession, the annual growth rate for 2017 is
below their potential,     expected to be low, due to weak productivity
and living costs for the   and employment as well as drought, electricity
poor are higher than       shortages and logistical constraints and Gigaba
necessary, perpetuating    needs to address these concerns, while keeping in
the poverty problem.       mind that possible spending is constrained by the
                           size of the economy’s debt.
                           The World Bank have published a report15 outlining
                           ways for the South African government to improve
                           the economic outlook. The report highlights that
                           productivity needs to increase, which can be
                           done through innovation. This can create new
                           opportunities for employment and economic
                           growth. Policy uncertainty, red tape (excessive
                           regulation) and limited competition in key product
                           markets restrain the entry and growth of small
                           firms. Therefore, if Gigaba addresses these issues
                           by engaging with businesses and reducing
                           bureaucracy as well as promoting research
                           and development, he can create more potential
                           for economic growth. South Africa already has
                           clusters of innovation in a few of the largest cities,
                           but these advancements need to be spread to
                           other regions.
                           Another issue Gigaba needs to address is
                           economic competition. Competition is low in
                           South Africa which means that demand for capital
                           and labour are below their potential, and living
                           costs for the poor are higher than necessary,
                           perpetuating the poverty problem. Competition
                           can also stimulate innovation, and thus further
                           create economic growth.
                           The National Development Plan16, says that
                           infrastructure investment as a fraction of GDP
                           needs to grow to 30% by 2030 in order to reach
                           a sustained and inclusive growth path. In the
                           February 2017 budget, Gordhan proposed a new
                           facility to finance large infrastructure projects
                           which requires funding or other state support,
                           such as sovereign guarantees. Although this may
                           require significant government investment, if
                           Gigaba implements this plan, it will stimulate
                           productivity and growth increases which will
                           benefit the economy.

                                World Bank: South Africa Economic Update: Innovation for Productivity and Inclusiveness (2017)
                                Republic of South Africa: National Development Plan 2030 (2012)
Whitepaper                                                                                                             7
                           What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

If the budget              What to expect                                                    In February, President Zuma announced his plan
announcement does not      In terms of spending, Gigaba is in a difficult                    for a radical economic transformation. Some of
                           position. If he raises too little tax revenue, there is           his main concerns are the persistent economic
satisfy rating agencies,
                           likely to be another round of rating downgrades,                  inequality and the underrepresentation of black
we can expect further      since rating agencies are concerned by the risk                   South Africans at top management levels. Gigaba
downgrades of domestic     of public debt distress. This is a likely scenario                is likely to address the ongoing high level of
and foreign-currency       since revenue collection is already substantially                 inequality in the medium term budget, and will
bonds. This is likely to   below budget, with some economists suggesting                     feel pressure to allocate funds towards achieving
cause the rand to          a shortfall for the year of as much as R50 billion17.             higher equality, due to Zuma’s promise to "utilise
                           Another credit rating downgrade could result in a                 to the maximum, the strategic levers that are
depreciate against the     reduction in investors’ appetite for South African                available to the state"19.
dollar, as was the case    government bonds. A reduction in investment will
after previous rating                                                                        In light of the World Bank’s growth outlook
                           slow economic growth, which makes it harder
                                                                                             reduction for 2017 to 0.6%, there is a strong
downgrades.                for the government to raise tax revenue (because
                                                                                             likelihood that Gigaba will cut his forecast to
                           people are earning and spending less). Therefore,
                                                                                             a similar level. Indeed, at the Tax Indaba on 11
                           a vicious circle may emerge, and Gigaba should do
                                                                                             September, he said that the 1.3% growth forecast
                           his best to avoid it.
                                                                                             provided in the February budget was unlikely to be
                           Gigaba needs to reassure investors that                           realised in 2017. It would be best to accompany a
                           government spending is being limited to a                         reduction of growth expectations with an update
                           minimum in order to avoid a downgrade. Although,                  on methods of increasing growth in the future, but
                           the large SOE contingent liabilities make this                    this will be difficult to do given the importance of
                           difficult.                                                        keeping spending low.
                           In the medium term budget policy statement he
                           will also have to address questions on how he will
                           cover the cost of the SAA bailout and which assets
                           he has identified for sale. If he decides to sell
                           Telkom shares then he will have to provide strong
                           reasoning for this, since he has previously stated
                           that he wouldn’t do so.
                           Many are expecting rating downgrades to come.
                           Despite strong expectations that the central bank
                           would reduce the base rate to stimulate growth on
                           21 September, they chose to keep rates steady. The
                           South African Reserve Bank cited the possibility
                           of rating downgrades in the near term as a cause
                           of concern, since they could pose a danger to the
                           If the budget announcement does not satisfy
                           rating agencies, we can expect further downgrades
                           of domestic and foreign-currency bonds. This
                           is likely to cause the rand to depreciate against
                           the dollar, as was the case after previous rating
                           downgrades. Furthermore, the central bank may
                           feel the need to raise interest rates again, since
                           a depreciation means that imports will be more
                           expensive, and so could trigger inflation. However,
                           increasing the base rate again may limit economic

                                MPC Statement September 21, 2017
8                         Whitepaper
                          What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

In a volatile and         Conclusion
uncertain economic        A poor mid-term budget carries the potential for
environment, hedging      increased volatility in respect of the Rand and the
can help to mitigate      forward rates curve. It will almost certainly set the
market risk and provide   scene for further downgrades in ratings and may
confidence in the         result in substantial portfolio outflows, putting the
                          Rand under pressure and negatively influencing
budgetary process by      the trajectory of JIBAR and swap rates.
ensuring that future
                          These risks together with the Fed balance sheet
cash flows are not
                          unwind, ECB tapering, rating agency decisions,
subject to wild           and Nersa’s opining on Eskom’s request for ever
fluctuations.             higher tariffs, resulted in the MPC, against market
                          expectations, deciding to hold off on the next rate
                          cut pending more clarity. Eskom’s balance sheet
                          and refinancing needs are also posing significant
                          negative risks to the economy, as is the ANC
                          elective conference.
                          In light of all this, it would be prudent to
                          consider hedging for both currency and interest
                          rate exposure and explore the services of an
                          independent hedging advisor to assist you in
                          choosing a strategy that works for you at the
                          best possible price. In a volatile and uncertain
                          economic environment, hedging can help to
                          mitigate market risk and provide confidence in the
                          budgetary process by ensuring that future cash
                          flows are not subject to wild fluctuations.
                          JCRA has over 28 years of experience advising on
                          market risks to corporates, project companies,
                          funds and the property sector. We are a global
                          business with significant experience in markets
                          around the world including South Africa where
                          we, together with key staff, have been involved
                          in driving bespoke hedging solutions to large
                          corporate and infrastructure deals since 2004.
                          Please get in touch if you would like to learn more
                          about services we provide and what we can do to
                          help keep your organisation one step ahead.
Whitepaper                                                                                                9
                 What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

About JCRA                                                              About Cebr
JCRA are independent financial risk advisors with                       Centre for Economics and Business research
over 25 years’ experience in providing tailored                         (Cebr) is an independent consultancy with a
hedging solutions for large-scale infrastructure                        reputation for sound business advice based on
projects. We create transparency by                                     thorough and insightful research. Since 1992,
benchmarking pricing and managing the hedge                             Cebr has been at the forefront of business and
execution process so that our clients understand                        public interest research. They provide analysis,
the true cost of their project.                                         forecasts and strategic advice to major UK and
                                                                        multinational companies, financial institutions,
Carrying a number of mandates for infrastructure
                                                                        government departments and agencies and
and renewable energy clients in South Africa and
                                                                        trade bodies.
sub-Saharan Africa, our current projects total
ZAR 18 billion, and we are now targeting a further                      For further information about Cebr please visit
ZAR 24 billion. With a global reach and experience                      www.cebr.com
advising on projects across the UK, Europe, North
America, Australasia and Africa, the JCRA team
have the expertise to help you and your project
stay one-step ahead.
For more information, or to discuss this
whitepaper, please contact:

Lionel Kruger,                     Ian MacFarlane,
Director, sub-Saharan Africa       Director, Project Finance
T: +44 (0)207 493 3310             T: +44 (0)207 493 3310
E: lionel.kruger@jcrauk.com        E: ian.macfarlane@jcrauk.com

This whitepaper is fifth in a series,
previous whitepapers can be downloaded @ jcragroup.com

Issue 1          Issue 2           Issue 3           Issue 4            Issue 5
10                                            Whitepaper
                                              What to Expect from the South African Medium Term Budget

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